The secret of the Iranian Princess with the mustache is revealed, it turned out to be a man? Queen, princess, doctor: three women revered by feminists in the Muslim world Iranian princess zahra.


(b. 1879) - Iranian politician and diplomat, brother Vosuga ed-Dole(see), owner of large estates in Gilan (Lahijan). Before the coup of 1921, he was governor-general of Khorasan. K. opposed the coup and was arrested on orders Seyid Zia ed-Dina(cm.). After the flight of Zia ed-Din from Iran, K. was twice prime minister - from June 1921 to January 1922 and from June 1922 to January 1923. During his first premiership, revolutionary movements in Gilan and Khorasan were crushed. In 1921, Kirk tried to grant the American company Standard Oil a concession to exploit oil in five northern provinces of Iran (Azerbaijan, Gilan, Mazanderan, Astrabad, and Khorasan), which contradicted the terms of the Soviet-Iranian treaty of 1921. The deal did not take place. Nevertheless, K. during his second premiership again tried, but also to no avail, to provide a concession for the exploitation of northern Iranian oil to another American company - Sinclair. In 1922 K. invited the American financial mission Milspaugh to Iran. In December 1923, K. was expelled from Iran by Reza Khan, but in 1930, with the permission of Reza Shah, he returned to his homeland. During the Second World War, from 9. VIII 1942 to 13. II 1943, K. was again prime minister. During this period, he invited the second mission of Milspo to Iran and prepared an opinion Iranian-American Treaty of 1943(cm.). In January 1946, K. again headed the government, promising to promote the democratization of Iran and the establishment of friendly relations with the USSR. On 4. IV 1946, he signed an agreement with the USSR (in the form of an exchange of letters) on the creation of a Mixed Soviet-Iranian Society for the Exploration and Exploitation of Oil Fields in Northern Iran. However, K. delayed the ratification of the agreement. Reactionary tendencies prevailed in China's domestic and foreign policy. Government troops crushed the democratic movement in Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and other regions of Iran, democratic figures were severely repressed, many of them were executed, the democratic press, trade unions and leftist parties were deprived of freedom of speech and action. At the same time, broad opportunities were provided for the activities of reactionary groups seeking to subjugate Iran to foreign, mainly American, capital.

  • - Ahmed - Mrs. and political leader of Iran, brother of Vosug-ed-Dole. Large Gilyansky landowner. In 1910-11 - military. min., in 1911 - min. internal cases, participated in the suppression of the Iranian revolution of 1905-11 ...
  • - 2nd Anglo-Afghan war Place of the battle 1880, when the English. troops under the command of Gen. Stewart during the transition to Ghazni were attacked by a 15,000-strong detachment of Ghilzais ...

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  • Egyptian playwright and writer A native of Saudi Arabia. Printed since 1934...
  • - beat Tunis. Supporter of the "Europeanization" of Tunisia. Under A., ​​transformations were begun: slavery was abolished, reorganization was carried out in Europe. the model of the army and the military. fleet, opened the first account in Tunisia. European establishments...

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  • - the last shah of the Qajar dynasty. Means. roles in politics Iran's life did not play. Military Minister Reza Khan was actually removed from the state. cases and b. hours of time spent in Zap. Europe. Deposed Oct. 1925...

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  • - sat down. Takhtinsky section, Kars district of the Kars region, inhabited by Armenians ...

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  • - Egyptian historian and philologist. Educated at the Muslim University al-Azhar. Author of a series of multi-volume works on the history and history of social thought in the Caliphate...

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  • - I Ahmed ruler of Tunisia since 1837; from the Hussein dynasty...

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  • - Central Asian Sufi poet and preacher. He wrote in the Chagatai language. Author of the collection of mystical spiritual poems "Hikmat" ...

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  • - Ahmed, statesman and politician of Iran. Large Gilyansky landowner. In 1921-22, 1922-23, 1942-43, 1946-47, July 18-21, 1952 - Prime Minister ...

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  • - statesman and political figure of Iran. Large Gilyansky landowner. In 1921-22, 1922-23, 1942-43, 1946-47, July 18-21, 1952 - Prime Minister ...

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  • - The ruler of Tunisia since 1837, from the Husseinid dynasty. He reorganized the army and navy according to the European model, built factories, opened the first secular educational institutions in Tunisia. In foreign policy, he was guided by France ...

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  • - Central Asian Sufi poet and preacher. The collection of mystical spiritual poems "Secret", attributed to Ahmed Yasawi, influenced the development of Turkic-language poetry...

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"KABAM, Ahmed, Kavam es Saltane" in books

Khan Ahmed

From the book Stories author Listengarten Vladimir Abramovich

Khan-Ahmed The head of one of the field geological parties in the Department of Geology of Azerbaijan was a middle-aged man named Khan-Ahmed. He said that he was the first son born to his very wealthy father, and he was so happy that he fell asleep in his cradle

The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess (A.S. Pushkin)

From the book Dances with Wolves. Symbolism of fairy tales and myths of the world by Benu Anna

The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess (A.S. Pushkin) The tale begins with a conversation between three girls during spinning. Three girls are three emotional and sensual beginnings. Spin - lower a thread from the sky

The tale of the gift of Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty bogatyr Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful princess of the Swan A.S. Pushkin

From the book Symbolism of fairy tales and myths of the peoples of the world. Man is a myth, a fairy tale is you by Benu Anna

The tale of the gift of Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty bogatyr Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful princess of the Swan A.S. Pushkin's Tale begins with a conversation between three girls while spinning. Three girls are three emotional and sensual beginnings. Spin - lower a thread from the sky


From the book of 50 famous terrorists author Vagman Ilya Yakovlevich

YASIN AHMED (b. 1936 - d. 2004) Organizer and spiritual leader of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, one of the most prominent and influential Palestinian political figures. Not a prophet or creator of a new religion - he founded and headed one of the largest

Ahmed Sukarno

From the book Adultery author Ivanova Natalya Vladimirovna

Ahmed Sukarno Ahmed Sukarno Ahmed Sukarno (1901–1970), President of Indonesia, was imprisoned twice as a political prisoner between 1945–1967. He initiated the convening of the Bandung Conference in 1955, which discussed issues of racism and colonialism in

Ahmed ibn Fadlan

From the book of 100 great travelers author Muromov Igor

Ahmed ibn Fadlan Arab traveler of the 10th century. As part of the embassy of the Baghdad caliph, he traveled through Bukhara and Khorezm to the Volga Bulgaria. Upon his return, he compiled "Risale" ("Note") - one of the most important sources on the medieval history of the Volga, Trans-Volga regions and From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AH) of the author TSB

Qavam es Saltane Ahmed

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KA) of the author TSB

Javad Ahmed


Jamil Ahmed

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (J) of the author TSB

The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious and mighty son, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Swan Princess

From the book Universal reader. 1 class author Team of authors

Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful princess


From the book USSR-Iran: The Azerbaijan Crisis and the Beginning of the Cold War (1941-1946) author Hasanly Jamil P.

CHAPTER XI MOSCOW VOYAGE KAVAMA ES-SALTANE The discussion of the Azerbaijani crisis at the London session of the UN General Assembly, the publication in the press of alarming reports from Tabriz and Tehran, especially the large article by F. Price published in the Manchester Guardian in January,

14:37 25.04.2017

Princess Zahra Aga Khan arrived in Tajikistan on a three-day working visit on April 24, during which a number of meetings are planned with officials of the republic and the heads of the Aga Khan Foundation in Tajikistan.

Today Zahra Aga Khan flew to the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region. At the airport in the city of Khorog, the princess was met by the head of GBAO, Shodikhon Jamshedov, and the leadership of the Aga Khan Foundation in Tajikistan.

Zahra Aga Khan plans to visit the Ikashim, Rushan, Roshtkala districts of GBAO, where a number of Foundation projects are being implemented, including the construction of a hospital and the Aga Khan University.

The visit of Princess Zahra to Tajikistan is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Imamate of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, which is celebrated on July 11.

Princess Zahra is the eldest child of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, the spiritual leader of the Shiite Nizari Ismaili Muslim community. She is actively involved in the activities of the Aga Khan Foundation around the world.

Last week, Prince Karim paid a working visit to Moscow, during which he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Prince Karim Aga Khan IV is the 49th Imam of the Shia Nizari Ismaili Muslim community. He is considered a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima and son-in-law Ali. He headed the imamat in 1957 at the age of 20, 10 years later he founded the Aga Khan Foundation, headquartered in Paris. For 60 years, the Aga Khan IV has taken care of the well-being of the Ismailis, who number about 20 million people in the world.

Aga Khan IV twice visited the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan (in 1995 and 1998), where almost all the indigenous people are Ismailis.

Last time we talked about the three main favorites of the Shah, in this issue we will continue to get acquainted with the family of the ruler of Iran. Nasser ad-Din Shah had more than a dozen daughters, I will tell you about the life of four princesses.

Princess Esmat al-Dawla

Her mother was also of royal blood, Esmat had a strong and independent character, she became the first Iranian woman to learn to play the piano. She loved literature and tried herself in this field.

Very young Esmat (left) next to her older sister and father (find the shah)

Esmat in his youth

Esmat often wore European-style clothing. Take a look, Esmat in a white dress is leaning on the balustrade, a gazebo can be seen in the distance, and a dog is crouching at her feet - a direct example of European painting.

Princess Esmat al-Dawla

Esmat had two sons and two daughters.

Esmat with his mother* and little daughter Fakhr al-Taj (Shah's granddaughter)

Esmat al-Dawla with his daughter (Shah's granddaughter) Fakhr al-Taj

Esmat is engaged in literature

Princess Esmat al-Dawla

She died of malaria in 1905

Mourning for Esmat

Turan Agha Fakhr al-Daula and Mist Agha Forug al-Daula - Shah's daughters

The youngest of the princesses (they are sisters, from the same mother **), Fakhr (1862 - 1892), was interested in art, read a lot, wrote poetry and wrote down for us her father's favorite story Amir Arsalan, which they told the Shah before going to bed. Fakhr adored the Shah and often accompanied him on trips around the country, and being apart, she maintained constant correspondence with her father.

Turan Agha Fakhr (left) and Mist Agha Forug (right)

Turan Agha Fakhr died at a very young age from tuberculosis. Contemporaries noted the refined and refined beauty of the Shah's daughter.

Turan Agha Fakhr

The eldest - Forug (1850-1937) also wrote poetry, she gave birth to three sons and four daughters. At the beginning of the 20th century, she became actively interested in politics and participated in constitutional activities.

Forug al-Dawla

Laila Khanum (Shah's wife, left), Fakhr al-Daula (left) and Forug al-Daula (center)
(Laila Khanum is not the mother of the sisters, their mother** had already died by that time)

Forug al-Dawla (center) dressed as a dervish

hilarious moment - one of the shah's daughters and his grandson

Anis-al-Daula (first from the left in the bottom row), Forug (third from the left in the bottom row) hugs one of the Shah's wives Laila Khanum, Fakhr (third from the left in the second row)

Taj al-Saltana or Zahra Khanom Taj es-Saltane (1884 - 25 January 1936)
- the most famous daughter of Nasser ad-Din Shah from his wife Turan es-Saltane.

Zahra Khanom Taj es Saltane

Taj es-Saltane is a beauty, a feminist, a writer who left memories of life at the court of her father and after his murder.
The memoirs have come down to us in an incomplete copy, and this is the only evidence of this kind authored by a woman from the royal family of Iran at that time.

Taj's early childhood memories are full of bitterness. She was brought up by nannies, governesses and mentors, was separated from her mother, whom she saw only twice a day. If her father was in Tehran, then once a day, usually around noon, she was brought to see him for a short time. In his memoirs, Taj mentions the need for close contact with the mother and the benefits of breastfeeding.

At the age of seven, the girl receives her primary education at the royal school, but in 1893 she is forced to leave school and study with private tutors, some of whom she mentions in detail in her book. The style and content of the memoirs betrays her familiarity with Persian and European literature and history. She was also taught how to play the piano and tar, painting and the art of embroidery.

Zahra Khanom Taj es-Saltane as a child

When Taj was eight years old, negotiations began for her marriage. At the beginning of 1893, at the age of nine, Taj es-Saltana was engaged to Amir Hussein Khan Shodzha-al-Saltane, in December of the same year a wedding contract was signed. The groom, too, was still a child "probably about eleven or twelve." But the marriage was not consummated, the couple celebrated the wedding only in 1897, a year after the assassination of Nasser ad-Din Shah, when the Taj was thirteen years old.

Unknown artist, Zahra Khanom Taj es-Saltane in European dress

All marriages of women from the royal family were for reasons of profit, there was no talk of love. However, Taj was looking forward to the conclusion of the marriage, hoping to gain the relative independence of a married woman. After the murder of her father, all the royal wives with children were transported to one of the residences of Sarvestan, where Taj es-Saltana felt almost like a prisoner.

Taj advocates marriage for love, criticizing contractual unions that do not take into account the welfare of the couple at all. In the first years of their married life, she and her husband were teenagers still playing children's games, and the young wife was offended by her husband's neglect, which began almost immediately after the wedding night. Like most men from noble Qajar families, Hussein Khan had many lovers - men and women; and Taj justifies her own flirting and affairs as revenge for her husband's neglect and infidelity. Aref Qazvini, Iranian poet, composer and musician is the most famous of the men mentioned in the memoirs. He dedicated his famous poem "Ey Taj" to the Shah's beautiful daughter.

Taj gave birth to four children - two sons and two daughters, but one boy died in infancy.

Zahra Khanom Taj es-Saltan with children

Taj also mentions a dangerous abortion undertaken after she found out about her husband's venereal disease. Ironically, the physical and emotional consequences of the abortion were considered manifestations of hysteria - a diagnosis that granted her the freedom to leave her home: "Doctors ordered to go outside in order to unwind ... due to illness, I was provided with some mitigation of the usual domestic confinement."

She spoke about the interest of her contemporaries in Europe and wrote in her memoirs: "I madly wanted to go to Europe." But, unlike her older sister Akhtar, she never managed to go there. While writing her memoirs in 1914, she tried to commit suicide three times.

Taj es-Saltan

A troubled first marriage eventually ended in divorce in December 1907. Taj does not discuss any subsequent marriages in his memoirs, but as mentioned, the manuscript is incomplete. Her free association with men and her romantic (or even sexual) relationships with them, created her reputation as a "free woman" (she was considered a prostitute).

Taj es-Saltan

In March 1908, Taj remarries, the marriage lasted only a few months, and in July 1908 a divorce followed. In later years, Taj es-Saltane became actively involved in constitutional and feminist activities. Along with some other women of the royal family of Iran, she was a member of the Women's Association during the Constitutional Revolution in Persia 1905-1911. and fought for women's rights.

In 1909, she marries for the third time, it is not known how this marriage ended, but in 1921 Taj describes herself as a single, unmarried woman.

Memories paint us a deeply unhappy life, and a series of letters written by Taj to various prime ministers in the early 1920s in order to restore her pension testify to her financial difficulties.

Taj es-Saltan

In 1922, Taj accompanied one of her daughters to Baghdad, where her son-in-law, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was appointed. She died in obscurity, probably in Tehran in 1936.

to be continued

* - Princess Khojasteh Khanom Qajar "Tadj al-Dowla," aghdi
** - Khazen al-Dowla, sigheh


Women in Iran from 1800 to the Islamic Republic, Lois Beck, Guity Nashat, University of Illinois Press, 2004

Liminalities of Gender and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Iranian Photography: Desirous Bodies by Staci Gem Scheiwiller, Routledge, 2016

Sexual Politics in Modern Iran by Janet Afary, Cambridge University Press, 2009

Veils and Words: The Emerging Voices of Iranian Women Writers, Farzaneh Milani, I.B.Tauris, 1992

Pivot of the Universe: Nasir Al-Din Shah Qajar and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831-1896, Abbas Amanat, I.B.Tauris, 1997

The Encyclopaedia Iranica

The Shah of Iran, who ruled the country for 47 years, was the most educated person in Iran, who knew several languages, loved geography, drawing, poetry, and the author of books about his travels. At the age of seventeen, he inherited the throne, but he could only take power with the help of weapons. He was an extraordinary person who managed to carry out small, from the point of view of our time, but significant for his time, reforms in the country.

As a literate person, he understood that only an educated and developed Iran would be able to exist on an equal footing with other countries in this world. He was a fan of European culture, but he realized that the religious fanaticism that raged in the country would not allow him to turn his dreams into reality.

Nevertheless, much was accomplished during his lifetime. A telegraph appeared in Iran, schools began to open, the army was reformed, a French school was opened, a prototype of the future university, where they studied medicine, chemistry, and geography.

Nasser Qajar Theater

Nasser Qajar knew French perfectly, was familiar with French culture, in particular with the theater, but he was, first of all, the Shah of Iran, a Muslim. Therefore, his dream of a full-fledged theater could not come true. But he, together with Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, creates a state theater, the troupe of which consisted of men. In the photos of the actors, you can see the famous "Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah." Yes, this is a princess, but not a real one, but performed by a male actor.

The Iranian theater did not play productions from the life of the people. His satirical repertoire consisted entirely of plays describing court and social life. All roles were played by men. This is not an isolated case. Think of Japanese kabuki theater where only men play. True, the Japanese actors played in masks, and it was hardly possible to see their fused eyebrows and mustaches. By the way, thick, fused eyebrows among the inhabitants of Arab and Central Asian countries have always been considered a sign of beauty, both for women and men.

Founder of Iranian theater

Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, a well-known person in Iran, who is considered the founder of the Iranian theater, was the head of the first state theater. All roles were played by men, only after 1917 were women allowed to be actresses and participate in performances.

Old photos

Nasser ad-Din was fond of photography from his youth. He had his own laboratory, where he personally printed pictures. He photographed himself, he had a French photographer who took pictures of him. In the late sixties of the XIX century, the Sevryugins brothers open their studio in Tehran, one of them - Anton - becomes a court photographer.

He removed everything, Sevryugin helped him in this. He kept photos of his wives, close associates, theater artists, his trips, solemn meetings, military operations in the palace safe. After the Iranian revolution, all his archives were declassified, and the pictures fell into the hands of journalists. Who is depicted in these photographs is now difficult to say. Do not rely on the Internet. Signatures for the same photos on different sites differ dramatically. Their reliability is highly questionable.

On one German site, an interesting commentary came across to an article about Nasser al-Din, which was sent by a resident of Iran. He writes that the khan did not like women, therefore, in order to look like men and thus please the shah, they painted on mustaches. It is difficult to say how true this is, but it partially explains the clearly male faces in women's clothes and the fact that an outsider (photographer) takes pictures of the khan in a circle of masculine women.

Who is Iranian Princess Anis

Anis al Dolyakh is, most likely, the name of the heroine of a play that was played out with the same acting characters in various situations (accidents from life). Something like modern TV series. Each actor played one role for many years.

Shah Nasser Qajar had an official wife, Munir Al-Khan, who bore him children, including his heir, Mozafereddin Shah. She was from a noble and influential family with considerable power. There is no doubt that the Shah had a harem. But who lived in his harem, it is impossible to say for sure now.

Photos of the Shah's concubines

Photos of the Iranian princess al Dolyah and the Shah's concubines, posted on the Internet, are most likely pictures of theater artists or excerpts from plays. Coming to any theater, we see in its foyer the composition of the troupe in photographs, where you can often see actors made up, that is, excerpts from their roles.

Let's not forget that the shah was a supporter of everything European, but remained a Muslim dictator who did not tolerate any dissent. Deviating from the norms of the Koran (in this case, photographing women with open faces) would alienate thousands of his devoted subjects from him. This would not fail to take advantage of his enemies, of whom he had plenty. He was assassinated more than once.

Shah visited many European countries, including Russia. He was fascinated by Russian ballet. He could not stage something like this in his country, so he creates a play about it, dressing the Iranian princess Anis (photo below) and other alleged women in ballet tutus. By the way, the shah wrote books about his travels, which were published in Europe and Russia. Perhaps he also wrote plays for his theatre.

What does the name Anis mean?

Why does an Iranian princess have such a strange name Anis? This is no coincidence, it was during the reign of Shah Nasser ad-Din that two religious rebels who dared to recognize the Koran as obsolete were shot. This is the founder of a new religion, called Babism, Baba Sayyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi, as well as his ardent follower and assistant Mirza Muhammad Ali Zunuzi (Anis). There is a legend that during the execution, carried out by a detachment of 750 Christians, Baba, in a strange way, ended up in his cell, and Anis was not touched by bullets.

It is the name Anis that the satirical Iranian princess bears. Each time it caused laughter and bullying. By dressing his opponent in women's clothing, which in itself is a shame for a Muslim, the shah took revenge on those who went against the Koran. We do not know the names of other "inhabitants" of the Shah's harem, maybe they can also tell a lot. Of course, these are only assumptions, what really happened, we will never know.

Soraya went down in history as the woman who caused the king of Afghanistan to lose his throne. Although in fact, of course, the opponents of the king used Soraya as a pretext: she allegedly disgraced the country by removing the hijab in public, and leads women astray.

Soraya really actively “knocked down” women, moreover, with the full support of her husband. In her famous “You Afghan Women…” speech, the Queen stated that women make up the majority of Afghanistan's population and are completely out of the spotlight. She encouraged them to learn to read and write and to participate in community life.

In 1921, Soraya created an organization for the protection of women and opened a school for girls near the royal palace itself. At the same time, the queen's mother began to publish the first women's magazine in Afghanistan, dedicated to a very wide range of issues, from everyday life and raising children to politics. A couple of years later, a second women's school had to be opened - there were enough students, as well as hospitals for women and children. Soraya's husband, Padishah Amanullah, issued a decree obliging government officials to educate their daughters.

A woman of such progressive views grew up, of course, not in the most traditional family.

Soraya was the granddaughter of a famous Pashtun poet, the daughter of an equally famous Afghan writer, and her mother, Asma Rasia, was a feminist by conviction. True, this did not prevent her from blessing her daughter's marriage at the age of fourteen: it was at that age that Soraya married Prince Amanullah. On the other hand, the prince could not have waited otherwise, and the king-husband is a wonderful chance to improve the position of women in the country.

Contrary to all customs, Soraya became the only wife of Amanullah. When he ascended the throne, she was only twenty years old, and both spouses were full of strength, energy and, most importantly, desire to lead the country along the path of progress. But first, foreign policy problems had to be dealt with. Soraya accompanied her husband to the rebellious, seceding provinces, risking her life; during the Revolutionary War she visited hospitals to cheer up wounded soldiers.

At the same time, her husband began to actively introduce Soraya into social and political life. For the first time in the history of Afghanistan, the queen was present at receptions and military parades, but, most importantly, ministerial meetings could no longer do without her. Sometimes Amanullah joked that, of course, he was a king, but it would be more correct to say that he was a minister to his queen. He respected and adored the wife of the padishah immensely.

In 1928, he publicly removed the hijab from his queen and invited all the women of the country to do the same.

It was this act that enabled the clerical circles (and, as many believe, the British, who did not like the communication of the royal family with the Soviet government) to incite the Afghan tribes to revolt. As a result, Amanullah was forced to abdicate and leave the country with his family.

The path ran through India. Wherever Amanullah left the train or car with his family, the royal family was greeted with stormy applause and shouts: “Soraya! Soraya!" The young queen managed to become a legend. There, in India, Soraya gave birth to one of the daughters and named after this country. The former king and queen spent the rest of their lives in Italy.

Zahra Khanum Taj es-Saltane: with a crown of sorrow

Princess Zahra of the Qajar Dynasty is the only Iranian princess of the nineteenth century who left behind a written memoir (titled Crown of Sorrow: Memoirs of a Persian Princess). Her father was the same Nasreddin Shah, who unrestrainedly photographed the inhabitants of his palace, her mother was a woman named Turan es-Saltane. Zahra was taken away from her mother early and handed over to nannies. She saw her mother twice a day; if her father was in Tehran, she also visited him once for a short time.

For his time, the shah was a progressive man and tried to see his children. But, of course, such attention was not enough for children.

From the age of seven to nine, Zahra studied at the royal school, but after the engagement it became indecent, and the girl continued her studies already in the palace, with mentors. Yes, her father arranged her engagement at the age of nine, and just six months later he signed a marriage contract for her. The groom-husband was eleven, he was the son of a military leader, an alliance with which was important to the shah. Fortunately, the parents did not insist that the children begin married life immediately. Both Zahra and her little husband lived almost the same way as before marriage.

When Zahra was thirteen, her father was killed, and her husband took her to his house and consummated the marriage. The princess was very disappointed with her marriage. A teenage husband made endless lovers and lovers, and his wife barely made time even just for conversations at the dinner table. the princess felt neither his love nor her own, and decided that she owed him nothing. Moreover, she was considered a beauty and many men dreamed of her love.

It is known that the famous Iranian poet Aref Qazvini dedicated his poem to the beauty of Zahra.

From her husband, Zahra gave birth to four children - two daughters and two sons. One of the boys died in infancy. When Zahra was pregnant for the fifth time, she learned that her husband had a sexually transmitted disease that could seriously affect the development of the fetus. She decided to have an abortion - at that time a very dangerous procedure, both physically and in terms of possible consequences. After the abortion, she was so ill that the doctors decided that she had hysteria, and ordered her to leave the house more often for walks. It was on these walks that it is believed that she began to have novels. At the same time, Zahra sought a divorce from her unloved husband.

After the divorce, she was married twice more, but unsuccessfully. Men in Iran at that time did not differ much from each other: they could court flowery, but, having got a woman, they simply began to court another. Given the fact that Zahra also defiantly refused to wear a hijab, she had a terrible reputation in Iranian high society.

Behind the eyes (and sometimes in the eyes) she was called a whore.

Frustrated with trying to dissolve into family life, Zahra began to participate in public life. During the Constitutional Revolution in Iran, she joined, along with some other princesses, the Women's Association, whose goals included universal education for women and normal access to medicine. Alas, in the end, she died in poverty and obscurity, and no one can even name the exact place of her death.

Farruhru Parsa: Nurtured her killers

One of the first female doctors in Iran, the first and last female minister in the country, Parsa was shot after the Islamic Revolution. Ironically, the leaders of the revolution received their education at the universities opened in Iran by Parsa, and studied at the expense of her department. Whether they understood it or not, there is not a penny of gratitude in their actions.

Farrukhru's mother, Fakhre-Afag, was the editor of Iran's first women's magazine and fought for women's right to education. She was punished for her activity: she was exiled with her husband, Farrukhdin Parsa, to the city of Qom under house arrest. There, in exile, the future minister was born. She was named after her father.

After the change of prime minister, the Pars family was allowed to return to Tehran, and Farrukhr was able to receive a normal education. She trained as a doctor, but worked as a biology teacher at the Jeanne d'Arc School (for girls, of course). Farrukhru actively continued her mother's work and became a well-known person in Iran. In less than forty years, she was elected to parliament.

Her husband, Ahmad Shirin Sohan, was as surprised as he was proud.

As a member of Parliament, she won the right to vote for women, and soon, becoming Minister of Education, she was able to build up the country with schools and universities, giving girls and boys from poor families the opportunity to study. The Ministry of Pars also subsidized theological schools.

Thanks to the activity of Pars and other feminists, the law “On the Protection of the Family” was in force in the country, which regulated the procedure for divorce and raised the age of marriage to eighteen years. Following Farrukhru, many women decided on a career as an official. After the revolution, the age of marriage dropped back to thirteen, and the age of criminal responsibility for girls to nine (for boys it starts at fourteen).

Before the execution, the deposed minister wrote a letter to the children saying: “I am a doctor, therefore I am not afraid of death. Death is just a moment and nothing more. I am more ready to meet death with open arms than to live in disgrace, being forcibly covered "I will not bow the knee to those who expect me to feel remorse for half a century of my struggle for equality between men and women."

Another sad story of a woman of the East:

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