The story of the bitter how the song of lace fairy tales was composed. "How did you put the song together

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Maksim Gorky
How did you put the song together

This is how two women put together a song, to the sad ringing of the monastery bells, on a summer day. It was in a quiet street in Arzamas, before evening, on a bench at the gate of the house where I lived. The city dozed in the hot silence of June weekdays. I, sitting at the window with a book in my hands, listened to my cook, stout, pockmarked Ustinya, quietly talking with the maid of my shabr, the zemstvo chief.

- What else do they write? she asks in a masculine but very flexible voice.

“Nothing else,” the maid replies thoughtfully and quietly, a thin girl with a dark face and small, frightened, motionless eyes.

- So, - get bows and get some money, - right?

- And who lives like - guess for yourself ... ehe-he ...

In the pond, behind the garden of our street, the frogs croak with a strange glassy sound; the ringing of bells importunately splashes in the hot silence; somewhere in the backyard a saw is snoring, but it seems that it is snoring, falling asleep and suffocating in the heat, the neighbor's old house.

“Relatives,” Ustinya says sadly and angrily, “but move three miles away from them and you’re gone, and broke off like a twig!” I, too, when I lived in the city for the first year, was inconsolably longing. It’s as if you don’t live all of it - not all of it together - but half of your soul remains in the village, and you keep thinking day and night: how is it, what’s there? ..

Her words seem to echo the ringing of bells, as if she deliberately speaks in tune with them. The maid, holding on to her sharp knees, shakes her head in a white kerchief and, biting her lips, sadly listens to something. Ustinya's thick voice sounds mocking and angry, soft and sad.

- It used to be - you become deaf, you go blind in an evil longing for your own side; and I don’t have anyone there: the priest burned down drunk in a fire, my uncle died of cholera, there were brothers - one remained in the soldiers, they made an underder, the other is a bricklayer, lives in Boygorod. Everyone seemed to be washed away from the earth by a flood ...

Leaning to the west, a reddish sun hangs on golden rays in a cloudy sky. The quiet voice of a woman, the copper splash of bells and the glassy croaking of frogs are all the sounds that the city is alive with at these moments. Sounds float low above the earth, like swallows before rain. Above them, around them - silence, absorbing everything, like death.

An absurd comparison is born: it is as if the city is planted in a large bottle lying on its side, plugged with a fiery cork, and someone lazily, quietly beats its heated glass from the outside.

Suddenly Ustimya says briskly, but businesslike:

- Well, Mashutka, tell me ...

– What is it?

Let's make a song...

And, sighing noisily, Ustinya quickly sings:

Oh, yes, on a white day, in a clear sun,
Bright night, with a month ...

Hesitantly groping for a melody, the maid sings timidly, in an undertone:

I'm restless, young girl ...

And Ustimya confidently and very touchingly brings the melody to the end:

All the sadness of the heart toils ...

She finished and immediately spoke cheerfully, a little boastfully:

- So it began, the song! I, my dear, will teach you how to fold songs, how to twist a thread ... Well, well ...

After a pause, as if listening to the mournful groans of frogs, the lazy ringing of bells, she again deftly began to play with words and sounds:

Oh, yes, no fierce blizzards in winter,
Not spring streams cheerful ...

The maid, moving close to her, resting her white head on her round shoulder, closed her eyes and, already bolder, in a thin trembling voice, continues:

Do not report from the native side
Heart-warming news...

- So here it is! Ustinha said, slapping her knee with her hand. - And I was younger - I composed songs better! Sometimes, girlfriends pester: “Ustyusha, teach me a song!” Oh, and I'll flood! .. Well, how will it be further?

“I don't know,” the maid said, opening her eyes, smiling.

I look at them through the flowers in the window; the singers don’t notice me, but I can clearly see Ustinya’s deeply pitted smallpox, Ustinya’s rough cheek, her small ear, not covered by a yellow handkerchief, her quick gray eye, her straight nose, like a magpie’s, and the man’s blunt chin. This woman is cunning, talkative; she loves to drink and listen to the reading of holy lives. She is a gossip all over the street, and more than that: it seems that all the secrets of the city are in her pocket. Next to her, strong and well-fed, a bony, angular maid is a teenager. And the maid's mouth is childlike: small, plump lips are pouted, as if she was offended, afraid that now they will offend even more, and she is about to cry.

Swallows flicker over the pavement, their curved wings almost touching the ground: it means that the midges have sank low - a sign that it will rain by night. On the fence, opposite my window, a crow sits motionless, as if carved from wood, and with its black eyes follows the flashing of the swallows. They stopped ringing, and the moans of the frogs were even louder, and the silence was thicker, hotter.

The lark sings over the fields.
Cornflower flowers bloomed in the fields,

- Ustinya sings thoughtfully, folding her arms over her chest, looking at the sky, and the maid echoes smoothly and boldly:

Look at the native fields!

And Ustinya, skillfully maintaining a high, swaying voice, spreads spiritual words with velvet:

Take a walk, with a dear friend, through the forests! ..

Having finished singing, they are silent for a long time, closely clinging to each other; then the woman says quietly, thoughtfully:

Did Ali put the song together badly? It's good at all...

"Look," the maid stopped her quietly.

They look to the right side, obliquely away from them: there, generously bathed in the sun, importantly steps a large priest in a purple cassock, measuredly rearranging a long staff; the silver knob glitters, the gilded cross on the broad chest sparkles.

The crow squinted at him with its black beady eye, and, lazily flapping its heavy wings, flew up onto a tuft of mountain ash, and from there fell into the garden in a gray lump.

The women stood up, silently, to the waist, bowed to the priest. He didn't notice them. Without sitting down, they followed him with their eyes until he turned into an alley.

“Oh, ho, girl,” said Ustinya, straightening the scarf on her head, “would I be younger and with a different face ...

- Marya! .. Masha! ..

- Oh, my name is...

The maid frightenedly ran away, and Ustinya, sitting down again on the bench, fell into thought, smoothing the motley chintz of her dress on her knees.

The frogs are moaning. The stuffy air is motionless, like the water of a forest lake. The day is burning brightly. In the fields, beyond the poisoned river Tesha, there is an angry rumble - distant thunder growls like a bear.

Lesson #2

4th grade

Lesson topic: « How did you put the song together. Sound pictures. Where did you, Russian, originate, music?

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson: generalize students' knowledge.

Planned results:


repetition and generalization of the knowledge gained in previous lessons about the genres of Russian folk songs;

Formation of a sustainable interest in music and various types of musical and creative activities;

development of creative abilities.


Raising a sense of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity based on the study of the best examples of folklore;

Development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning; mastering the skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers;

Formation of the need for self-expression and self-realization, motives for achieving results.

Metasubject UUD :

cognitive :

navigate in their system of knowledge and skills, observe and independently draw the simplest generalizations and conclusions;

the ability to build a speech statement;

perform a logical analysis of objects in order to highlight features; choose the most effective ways to complete the task

Regulatory :

- determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher and independently;

To learn together with the teacher to identify and formulate a learning problem;

Evaluation and awareness of what has already been learned.

Communicative :

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Express your thoughts, enter into a conversation, draw upb your idea in oral speech - to convey your position to others:

Proactive cooperation in the search and selection of information;

Planning educational cooperation with peers, defining goals, functions of participants, ways of interaction.

Forms of student organization : individual-collective

Methods and technologies : discussion, research method, creation of a problem situation.

Necessary equipment and materials: computer, projector, noise instruments.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizing time. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson;

2. Actualization of knowledge.

3. Acquaintance with new material;

4. Listening to fragments of Russian folk songs of various genres;

5. Learning and performing the Russian folk song “I planted lenok”;

6. Summing up the lesson. Homework assignment.

Music material:

"Lullaby" - arranged by A. Lyadov;

"Soldiers, brave kids" - Russian folk song

"My dear round dance"; “And we sowed millet” - Russian folk songs, processed by M. Balakirev, N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

"Let's go to the garden by raspberry" - Russian folk song

Equipment: tape recorder, cassettes, CD - records.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Message about the purpose of the lesson.

Creating a friendly working atmosphere

in class;

Set to work.

The lesson starts

He will go to the guys for future use.

Try to understand everything

Learn to unlock secrets

Give complete answers

To get a job

Only the mark "five"!

Musical greeting "Well, hello guys!"

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Teacher : In the previous lesson, we met with songs without words. Let's remember what these songs are called?

Children: They are called vocalizations.

Teacher: Guys, what musical instrument do you all have?

Children: Voice.

Teacher: In what musical genre do we meet poetry and music together?

Children: In song.

Teacher: Right. Now let's remember what the song consists of.

Children: From music, poetry.

Teacher: It also consists of a verse and a chorus.

What do you think is the difference between a verse and a chorus?

Children: The verses of the song are different, but the chorus is the same.

3. Acquaintance with new material.

Teacher: And now we will read the story of M. Gorky and the secret of the birth of the song will be revealed to us. (Reading the story)

Teacher: In the Russian village, guys, the song accompanied a person all his life. Songs lulled babies in unsteadiness.

Older children sang counting rhymes, teasers, nursery rhymes.

Boys and girls sang when they danced in the meadow.

They sang for needlework, on the road and at home, at work and on vacation.

Without songs, there was no wedding ceremony. And a man left life to the sounds of a funeral parable - a lamenting song.

Where are you from, Russian?

Originated, music?

Whether in a clean zero,

Is it in a hazy forest?

Is it in joy? In pain?

Or bird whistle?

You tell me where

Sadness in you and prowess?

In whose heart did you beat

From the very beginning?

How did you come?

How did you sound?

Ducks flew by

They dropped the pipes.

Geese flew by

They dropped the harp.

They are sometimes spring

Found, not surprised.

Well, what about the song? With a song

Born in Rus'.

Teacher: Guys, where did Russian music come from?

Today we will talk about the genres of folk songs. We will learn to move correctly, beautifully to the music of a different nature. Let's get to know the new games.

But today's lesson will be different. Let's imagine that we are in the old days...

Teacher: And now we will listen to fragments of Russian folk songs of various genres.

The Russian folk dance song "Kamarinskaya" sounds.

Teacher: And to cheer each other up,

They always sing...(chastushki)

What ditties do you know?

In the meadow or on the edge

Friends gathered together.

People are surprised:

What is this round dance?

And now unfashionable


The Russian folk song “There was a birch in the field” sounds.

Teacher: Evening is coming - it's time to rest. And the image of this song helps to gain new strength from the "Dark Night" and "clear stars".

Listening to the song "At the dawn, at the dawn."

What is the character and mood of this song? Such songs are called lyrical.

Teacher: About love in them and about friendship

About the war in them and about the service,

Pressing the machines

They are always sung….

And life goes on as usual, and the time has come for Ivan to serve in the army. And Maryushka is waiting for him and sings a song ...

And why did the soldiers need a song?

"Soldiers, brave kids" - Russian folk song

Teacher: Here is a reproduction from a painting by a Russian artist of the 20th century K.S. Petrov-Vodkin "Noon".

Consider carefully what events of a person's life the artist depicted?

We see different situations here, both joyful and sad and ordinary. And all this is human life. What songs could be played here?

"Lullaby" - arranged by A. Lyadov

"And we sowed millet" - Russian folk song

Teacher: Guys, so we listened to Russian folk songs with you, and now answer my question: what genres of folk songs have we learned?

Children: Lullabies, soldier's, lyrical, labor, round dance, wedding,funeral,

Teacher: What characteristic intonations distinguish a lullaby from a dance song?

Children: Mom sings a lullaby softly, gently, and a dance song is cheerful, sonorous.

Teacher: How is a soldier's song different from a labor song?

Children: A soldier's song can be distinguished by the marching nature of the music, soldiers are marching to it, and a labor song is cheerful, so that it works well.

Teacher: What is the difference between a lyrical song and a dance song?

Children: The lyrical song is sincere, it is sung when it is sad, when a person loves another person, dreams of something, and the round dance is cheerful, boys and girls dance in a round dance.

Teacher: Well, guys, we came up with you to the main question: What is the difference between a folk song and a composer song?

Children: A folk song differs from a composer's song in that it is inseparable from the action (dance, play, work, procession, etc.), while composer songs are composed to poems by poets.

Teacher: Right. Do you guys know what folk songs are called?

Folklore, and translated from English it means "folk wisdom"

And where did the old folk songs come from? They were passed down from one singer or storyteller to another, from generation to generation, from your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. And many composers used folk songs in their operas and symphonies.

4. Learning and performing the Russian folk song "Let's go through the raspberry garden."

Teacher: And now we will participate in the round dance ourselves and sing the Russian folk song “Let's go to the garden for raspberries”

Teacher: Well done boys! Sit down!

5. Summing up the lesson. Homework assignment.

Do you remember the main question of our lesson: “Where did you, Russian, originate, music?”

Where does she get her images and themes from?

Of course, life itself provides images and sounds for the song:

Will she give joy

Will it give sorrow and torment,

Will the day give a luxurious

Is darkness without dawn

That will be reflected in the song of the poet.

Life is the source of images of music.

Do music and songs influence a person's life? How?

In turn, music influences people's lives and shapes their attitude to life. Music originates from life and returns to people - to life.

Homework: Compose a melody or song based on the verses of your favorite poet

The students leave the classroom to the music.

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Slides captions:

How did you put the song together?

Leaning to the west, a reddish sun hangs on golden rays in a cloudy sky. The quiet voice of a woman, the copper splash of bells and the glassy croaking of frogs - all the sounds that the city is alive with at these moments. Sounds float low above the earth, like swallows before rain. Above us, around them - silence, absorbing everything like death ... Suddenly Ustinya says smartly, but businesslike: - Well, mow, Mashutka, tell me ... - What is it? - Let's put the song together... And, sighing noisily, Ustinya sings in a patter: - Oh, yes, in the broad daylight, in the clear sun, In the bright night, in the moonlight... How did you put the song together?

Hesitantly groping for the melody, the maid sings timidly, in an undertone: - I'm restless, a young girl ... And Ustinya confidently and very touchingly brings the melody to the end: - All the longing of the heart toils ... She finished and immediately spoke cheerfully, a little boastfully: - Here she is and the song began! I’ll teach those, my dear, to fold songs, how to twist a thread ... Well ... After a pause, as if listening to the mournful moans of frogs, the lazy ringing of bells, she again deftly began to play with words and sounds: - Oh, yes, no fierce blizzards in winter The maid, moving close to her, resting her white head on her round shoulder, closing her eyes, already more boldly, in a thin trembling voice, continues:

They don't bring comforting news to the Heart from the native side... ...They stopped ringing, and the moans of the frogs are even louder, and the silence is thicker, hotter. - The lark sings over the fields. Cornflower flowers bloomed in the fields. Ustinya sings thoughtfully, arms folded across her chest, looking at the sky, and the maid echoes smoothly and boldly: - Look at your native fields! And Ustinya, skillfully maintaining a high, swaying voice, spreads spiritual words with velvet: - Take a walk, with a dear friend, through the forests! .. Having finished singing, they are silent for a long time, closely clinging to each other; then the woman says quietly, thoughtfully: - Did Ali put the song together badly? It's good at all...

A. K. Lyadov "Lullaby"

You are a river, or my river"

At the dawn - then, at the dawn"

Soldiers, brave kids"

"My dear round dance"

“And we sowed millet”

Genres of folk songs Lullabies Soldiers Labor Wedding Funeral Dance

Folklore Translated from English. "folk wisdom"

With loach I walk With loach I walk, with gold I walk. I don't know where to put the loach I don't know where to put the loach

I will put the loach, I will put the loach, I will put the loach on my right shoulder, I will put the loach on my right shoulder. And from the right, but from the right, And from the right to the left I will put, And from the right to the left I will put.

How did you put the song together Maksim Gorky

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Title: How the Song Was Made

About the book "How the song was composed" Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky wrote works of amazing depth - always vital and exciting. His story “How the song was put together” is the focus of emotions and emotional experiences. The writer noted that he personally observed the fact that he described in the book.

“How the song was put together” is a dialogue between two women - Gorky's cook Ustinya and the maid Marya of one local boss. At first, they talk quietly, revealing each other's souls - how they miss the village and are waiting for news from their relatives. The conversation is filled with heart-wrenching notes, and Ustinha offers to compose a song. Marya agrees, and they take turns humming, continuing each other's lines.

In the improvised song of the main characters, love and longing for their native places are clearly traced. Maxim Gorky seems to say: this cannot be conveyed in words, only in song. Starting to read the book “How the song was put together”, you immediately fall into the captivity of strong emotions and imperceptibly join the melody. The writer, observing this picture, noted that everything around contributed to the appearance of this marvelous song - the ringing of bells, the singing of a nightingale, the light croaking of frogs, ringing silence.

The song unites and erases all boundaries. This was fully proved by Maxim Gorky in his book, describing the images of the heroines. The cook is a strong and self-confident woman, one of those who “stop a galloping horse”, the maid is a fragile and thin, young girl, outwardly resembling a teenager. Embracing, they began to sing, and the world around was transformed. Maxim Gorky, looking out of the window, noted all the changes: as the crow froze motionless on the fence, the nightingale stopped singing - as if all nature focused on the soulful singing of two women.

Having finished the song, Ustinya and Marya saw a priest who was passing not far from them. This is a logical addition to the picture that the writer observed. At this moment, the whole environment was spiritualized, as if the main characters consecrated it with their pure and sincere song. By his presence, the priest seems to have fixed the sanctity of this atmosphere.

“How the song was put together” is a very short story, but every word here is weighty and complements the whole picture of human and natural longing. Reading this work is necessary for those who want to dive into the depths of the writer's experiences and once again enjoy his skill and penetrating style.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book “How the Song Was Made” by Maxim Gorky in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "How the Song Was Made" by Maxim Gorky

We sing glory to the madness of the brave!
The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life! O brave Falcon! In a battle with enemies, you bled to death ... But there will be time - and drops of your hot blood, like sparks, will flare up in the darkness of life and ignite many brave hearts with an insane thirst for freedom, light!
Let you die! .. But in the song of the brave and strong in spirit, you will always be a living example, a proud call to freedom, to light!
To the madness of the brave we sing a song!..

You know, sometimes this lives in the heart - amazing! It seems that everywhere you go, comrades, everyone burns with one fire, everyone is cheerful, kind, glorious. They understand each other without words... Everyone lives in unison, and each heart sings its own song. All songs, like streams, run - pour into one river, and the river flows wide and free in the sea of ​​​​bright joys of a new life ... And you wake up, - said the Little Russian, shaking his head, - look around - cold and dirty! Everyone is tired, angry ... It's a shame - but one must not believe a person, one must be afraid of him and even hate him! The person doubles. You would only want to love, but how is this possible? How to forgive a person if he attacks you like a wild beast, does not recognize you as a living soul and kicks your human face? You can't forgive! It’s impossible not for myself - I’ll bear all insults for myself - but I don’t want to indulge rapists, I don’t want others to learn to beat others on my back. I must not forgive anything harmful, even if it does not harm me. I am not alone on earth! Today I will allow myself to be offended and, perhaps, I will only laugh at the insult, it will not prick me, and tomorrow, having tested its strength on me, the offender will go to skin another. And you have to look at people differently, you have to keep your heart strict, sort people out: these are your own, these are strangers. Fair - but not comforting!

How did you put the song together

"Collected works in thirty volumes": State publishing house of fiction; Moscow; 1949 Volume 11. In Rus'. Stories 1912-1917 This is how two women put together a song, to the sad ringing of the monastery bells, on a summer day. It was in a quiet street in Arzamas, before evening, on a bench at the gate of the house where I lived. The city dozed in the hot silence of June weekdays. I, sitting at the window with a book in my hands, listened to my cook, stout, pockmarked Ustinya, quietly talking with the maid of my shabr, the zemstvo chief. - What else do they write? she asks in a masculine but very flexible voice. “Nothing else,” the maid replies thoughtfully and quietly, a thin girl with a dark face and small, frightened, motionless eyes. - So, - get bows and send some money, - right? - Here ... - And who lives like - guess for yourself ... ehe-he ... In the pond, behind the garden of our street, frogs croak with a strange glassy sound; the ringing of bells importunately splashes in the hot silence; somewhere in the backyard a saw is snoring, but it seems that it is snoring, falling asleep and suffocating in the heat, the neighbor's old house. “Natives,” says Ustinya sadly and angrily, “but move three miles away from them, and you’re gone, and broke off like a twig!” I, too, when I lived in the city for the first year, was inconsolably longing. It’s as if you don’t all live - not all together - but half of your soul remained in the village, and you keep thinking day and night: how is it, what’s there? .. Her words seem to echo the ringing of bells, as if she deliberately speaks in their tone. The maid, holding on to her sharp knees, shakes her head in a white kerchief and, biting her lips, sadly listens to something. Ustinya's thick voice sounds mocking and angry, soft and sad. - It used to be - you become deaf, you go blind in an evil longing for your own side; but I don’t have anyone there: the priest burned down drunk in a fire, my uncle died of cholera, there were brothers - one remained in the soldiers, they made him an underder, the other is a bricklayer, lives in Boygorod. Everyone seemed to have been washed away from the earth by a flood ... Leaning to the west, in a cloudy sky, a reddish salt hangs on golden rays. The quiet voice of a woman, the copper splash of bells and the glassy croaking of frogs - all the sounds that the city is alive with at these moments. Sounds float low above the earth, like swallows before rain. Above them, around them - silence, absorbing everything like death. An absurd comparison is born: it is as if the city is planted in a large bottle lying on its side, plugged with a fiery cork, and someone lazily, quietly beats its heated glass from the outside. Suddenly Ustinya speaks briskly, but in a business-like manner: - Well, mow, Mashutka, tell me. .. - What is it? “Let’s put together a song... And, sighing noisily, Ustinya sings in a patter: Oh, yes, on a white day, with a clear sun, On a bright night, with a moon... Hesitantly groping for a melody, the maid sings timidly, in an undertone: Restless to me, a young girl. .. And Ustinya confidently and very touchingly brings the melody to the end: All the longing of the heart toils ... She finished and immediately spoke cheerfully, a little boastfully: - So it began, the song! I, my dear, will teach you how to fold the penis, how to twist a thread ... Well, then ... After a pause, as if listening to the mournful moans of frogs, the lazy ringing of bells, she again deftly began to play with words and sounds: Oh, yes, no fierce blizzards in winter, The merry streams are not spring... The maid, moving close to her, laying her white head on her round shoulder, closed her eyes and, already bolder, in a thin, quivering voice, continues: ! said Ustinha, slapping her knee with her hand. - And I was younger - I composed songs better! Sometimes, girlfriends pester: "Ustyusha, teach me a song!" Oh, and I'll flood! .. Well, how will it be further? "I don't know," said the maid, opening her eyes and smiling. I look at them through the flowers in the window; the singers don’t notice me, but I can clearly see Ustinya’s deeply pitted smallpox, Ustinya’s rough cheek, her small ear, not covered by a yellow scarf, her gray quick eye, her nose straight, like a magpie’s, and the man’s blunt chin. This woman is cunning, talkative; she loves to drink and listen to the reading of holy lives. She is a gossip all over the street, and more than that: it seems that all the secrets of the city are in her pocket. Next to her, strong and well-fed, a bony, angular maid is a teenager. Yes, and the maid's mouth is childish; her small, plump lips are pouted, as if she were offended, afraid that now they would offend even more, and she was about to cry. Swallows flicker over the pavement, their curved wings almost touching the ground: it means that the midges have sank low - a sign that it will rain by night. On the fence, opposite my window, a crow sits motionless, as if carved from wood, and with its black eyes follows the flashing of the swallows. They stopped ringing, and the moans of the frogs were even louder, and the silence was thicker, hotter. The lark sings over the fields, the cornflowers bloomed in the fields, - Ustinya sings thoughtfully, arms folded on her chest, looking at the sky, and the maid echoes smoothly and boldly: I would like to look at my native fields! And Ustinya, skillfully maintaining a high, swaying voice, spreads spiritual words with velvet: I would like to take a walk, with a dear friend, through the forests! .. Having finished singing, they are silent for a long time, closely clinging to each other; then the woman says softly, thoughtfully: "Did Ali put the song together badly?" It's all right, after all... "Look," the maid stopped her quietly. They look to the right side, obliquely from themselves: there, generously bathed in the sun, a large priest in a purple cassock strides importantly, rearranging a long staff at regular intervals; the silver knob glitters, the gilded cross on the broad chest sparkles. The crow squinted at him with its black beady eye, and, lazily flapping its heavy wings, flew up onto a tuft of mountain ash, and from there fell into the garden in a gray lump. The women stood up, silently, to the waist, bowed to the priest. He didn't notice them. Without sitting down, they followed him with their eyes until he turned into an alley. “Oh, ho, girl,” said Ustinya, straightening the scarf on her head, “if I were younger and with a different face ... Someone shouted angrily, in a sleepy voice: “Marya! .. Mashka! .. “Oh, my name is...” The maid frightened away, and Ustinya, sitting down on the bench again, fell into thought, smoothing the motley chintz of her dress on her knees. The frogs are moaning. The stuffy air is motionless, like the water of a forest lake, The day burns flowery. In the fields, beyond the poisoned river Tyosha, there is an angry rumble—the distant thunder growls like a bear.

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