A story about burying talent in the ground. "Bury talent in the ground" - the meaning and origin of a phraseological unit with examples? The meaning of phraseologism "bury talent in the ground"


Bury talent in the ground

Bury talent in the ground
From the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew (ch. 25, verses 15-30), where this expression originates, it is about money. Talent is the name of an ancient Roman silver coin (from ancient Greek talanton - a coin of great denomination).
The gospel parable tells how a certain man, leaving, instructed his slaves to protect property. To one servant he gave five talents, to another two, and to a third one. The first two slaves put the money "into business", that is, they gave it in growth, and the one who received one talent simply buried it in the ground in order to save it in the best possible way.
When the master returned home, he demanded a report from the slaves. The first slave returned to him ten talents instead of five, the second - four instead of two, and the third gave the master the same one talent. And he explained to the owner that he saved the money by burying it. Master of the first two slaves
praised, and to the third he said: “Cunning slave and lazy! ... you should have given my silver to the merchants, and if I came I would have received mine with a profit.
Subsequently, the word "talent" began to mean abilities, talents, and the biblical phrase "bury talent in the ground" received a different, allegorical meaning - to neglect one's abilities, not to develop them, etc.
The same passage from the Bible gave birth to another winged expression, now little known, but used in Russia in the 19th century: one talent, one two - according to the above phrase in the Church Slavonic language (Gospel of Matthew, ch. 25, art. 15): "And to him I gave five talents, to him two, to him one."
This expression usually served as a commentary on the social (property) inequality of people or (which is closer to the modern interpretation of the biblical text) on the versatility, versatility of someone's talent, talent.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

Bury talent in the ground

The expression arose from the gospel parable about how a certain person, leaving, instructed the slaves to guard his estate; to one servant he gave five talents, to another two, and to a third one. (Talent is an ancient monetary unit.) The slaves who received five and two talents "used them for business", that is, they loaned them at interest, and the one who received one talent buried it in the ground. When the departing master returned, he demanded a report from the slaves. Those who gave money on interest returned to him instead of the five talents they had received - ten, instead of two - four. And the master praised them. But the one who received one talent said that he buried it in the ground. And the owner answered him: "Cunning slave and lazy. You should have given my money to the traders, and I would have received it with a profit" (Matt., 25, 15-30). The expression "bury talent in the ground" is used in the sense: do not care about the development of talent, let it die out.

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004

See what "Bury talent in the ground" is in other dictionaries:

    TALENT, a, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Bury talent in the ground

    Bury talent in the ground- wing. sl. The expression arose from the gospel parable about how a certain person, leaving, instructed the slaves to guard his estate; to one servant he gave five talents, to another two, and to a third one. (Talent is an ancient monetary unit.) Slaves who received ... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky


    BURY YOUR TALENT IN THE GROUND- who is whose Not to use, to destroy abilities, a natural gift. This means that the person (X) suppresses or does not allow to develop, to reveal his talents. Speaks with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X buries talent in the ground. Nominal part invariable. vb… Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    BURY TALENT- who is whose Not to use, to destroy abilities, a natural gift. This means that the person (X) suppresses or does not allow to develop, to reveal his talents. Speaks with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X buries talent in the ground. Nominal part invariable. vb… Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    Bury talent in the ground- BURY TALENT IN THE GROUND. BURY TALENT INTO THE EARTH. Express. Do not show, destroy, waste your abilities in vain. But it is a heavy guilt before the court of society and history to lazily bury your talent in the ground, correcting your dignity (Dobrolyubov. ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    BURY TALENT IN THE GROUND- who is whose Not to use, to destroy abilities, a natural gift. This means that the person (X) suppresses or does not allow to develop, to reveal his talents. Speaks with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X buries talent in the ground. Nominal part invariable. vb… Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    BURY YOUR TALENT IN THE GROUND- who is whose Not to use, to destroy abilities, a natural gift. This means that the person (X) suppresses or does not allow to develop, to reveal his talents. Speaks with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X buries talent in the ground. Nominal part invariable. vb… Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    Razg. Unapproved To destroy your abilities without using them. FSRYA, 471; BMS 1998, 564; Yanin 2003, 113; SHZF 2001, 81; BTS, 1304 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings


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I really like this phraseology. It has been in existence for more than a century. And I'm sure it will be relevant until the end of the world.

IN in ancient times, talent was a monetary unit of measurement which has been in circulation for a long time. A parable has survived to this day about how the owner left home for a long time. He left money for his household, in particular three slaves, so that they could live in his absence. To each he gave one talent - one coin. The two slaves were very enterprising. They invested in the business and increased capital. The third slave, so that nothing bad happened to the money, simply dropped it into the ground. Upon the return of the master, the slaves returned the talents to him. Two slaves gave even more money than it was originally, and the third - all the same coin, the talent that he dug out of the ground.

In our time, the monetary unit - talent - has long since gone out of circulation. This word has acquired a completely different meaning - the special abilities of a person in some area of ​​​​science, culture, sports, etc.

Phraseologism "bury talent in the ground" means:

Nowadays, the word talent is used exclusively as a degree of giftedness of a person, usually in art, science or craft. Where did the expression come from bury talent in the ground?

The origin of this expression is a fairly well-known and instructive old (biblical) parable.

talent the ancient Jews called a measure of weight, which measured precious and other metals, and also weighed coins. Hence the word talent had meaning as a unit of measure for something of value. So, according to legend, one man, leaving for a while, gave three of his servants a talent of gold with permission to use these talents and return the money to him with a profit. Two put the received talents into circulation, and the third, afraid to take risks, buried his talent in the ground. When the master returned, one of the servants could not return his talent, as he squandered it as a result of inept actions. The second multiplied his talent and returned ten talents to the owner instead of one. Well, the third dug up and returned to the owner all the same one talent.

Since then, they say about a person who failed to take advantage of the opportunities presented - he buried his talent in the ground. It is said of an inept person that he has wasted his talent in vain. And they say about the skillful and successful - he multiplied his talent.

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It came into our language thanks to a parable that Christ once told to His disciples.

A certain rich man, going to a distant country, entrusted his fortune to the slaves. He gave one five talents, another two, and the third one. The first two slaves put the received silver into circulation and made a profit, and the third slave buried the received talent in the ground. When the master returned, he demanded a report from the slaves. The first slave returned to the master ten talents instead of the five he received, the second four instead of two. And both of them heard praise: "You have been faithful in little, I will set you over much." The third slave returned what he received, justifying himself by the fact that he was afraid to lose the received talent, and therefore buried it in the ground. To this he heard menacing words: “Cunning slave and lazy! You should have given my silver to the merchants, and I would have received it at a profit. The master ordered that his talent be taken away from the slave and that the money be given to someone who was not afraid to work hard and increase what was given to him.

From the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew (ch. 25, verses 15-30), where this expression originates, it is about money. Talent is the name of an ancient Roman silver coin (from ancient Greek talanton - a coin of great denomination).

The gospel parable tells how a certain man, leaving, instructed his slaves to protect property. To one servant he gave five talents, to another two, and to a third one. The first two slaves put the money "into business", that is, they gave it in growth, and the one who received one talent simply buried it in the ground in order to save it in the best possible way.

When the master returned home, he demanded a report from the slaves. The first slave returned to him ten talents instead of five, the second - four instead of two, and the third gave the master the same one talent. And he explained to the owner that he saved the money by burying it. The master praised the first two slaves, and said to the third: “Cunning and lazy slave! ... it was proper for you A to give my silver to the merchants, and I would have come and received mine with a profit.

Subsequently, the word "talent" began to mean abilities, talents, and the biblical phrase "bury talent in the ground" received a different, allegorical meaning - "neglect your abilities, do not develop them", etc.

Canonized (textbook) logoepistems. The concept of "canonical" is interpreted in dictionaries as 1. Corresponding to the canon. 2. Taken as a sample, firmly installed. The sources of logoepistems are classical (textbook) works of science, literature and art, which are introduced in the process of special education (school and higher education, etc.).

Almost always, the source of replenishment of canonized PFs is classical literature: works F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov, W. Shakespeare, Dante etc. In the post-Soviet space, the first place in the series of works of art that have become a source of precedent statements, of course, belongs to A. With Pushkin. It is enough to remember: “All ages are submissive to love”, “Genius and villainy - two things are incompatible”, “The service of the muses does not tolerate fuss”, “Stay with a broken trough”, “There is a Russian spirit, there smells of Russia”, “Yes, the one in whom conscience is not clear" and a huge number of others.

"Winged" expressions have long been quotations from the works of A.S. Griboyedov ( I would be glad to serve - sickening to serve), N.V. Gogol ( And what Russian does not like to drive fast?), A.N. Ostrovsky ( So don't give it to anyone!), V.V. Mayakovsky ( I get out of the wide trousers ...), I. Ilf and E. Petrova ( I will lead the parade!), M.A. Bulgakov ( Manuscripts do not burn. They will offer everything themselves, they will give everything themselves) and some others

In addition, quotations from the works of the classics of Western European literature became logoepistems, for example, "Appetite comes with eating"(F. Rabelais), "To be or not to be, that is the question", "Everything is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark"(W. Shakespeare).

The source of precedent statements is ancient culture, which, together with the biblical one, constitutes the international core of the logosphere of European culture: “pour oil on the fire”, “make an elephant out of a fly”, “catch a fish in troubled waters”, “cross the Rubicon”, “sing praises”, “Sisyphean labor” and many others.

3. Non-canonized logoepistems the sample does not match. They are not included in the educational canon of educational institutions, they are not textbooks, but they have firmly entered our consciousness. The sources of non-canonized logoepistems are either widely known works of art or literature, or any other objects of culture (jokes, parodies, advertising texts, speeches by humorists and satirists, popular television and radio programs, etc.) that are not traditionally classified as classical works of art. or literature. They act as precedent statements for a short time (from 3 to 7 years). Their list is always open, they have varying degrees of stability. The source is often unknown.

It seems possible to identify several sources of replenishment of the speech of contemporaries with non-canonized precedent statements:

1) mass media, incl. television, such as program titles Our Russia, SpotlightParisHilton, Evening Urgant, Big Races etc.;

2)movie: East is a delicate matter…; Gulchatay! Show your face!("White Sun of the Desert"); It's only you who are smart, and I just went out for a walk. I don't deliver on Fridays. Stubbornness is the first sign of stupidity(Zheglov's words from the film "The meeting place cannot be changed");

3) stage: from the songs of Viktor Tsoi (Kino group): Those who have nothing to look forward to go on their way. The worst thing is to be a target in a shooting range with bad shooters. Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for... If there is a flock, there is a shepherd; if there is a body, there must be a spirit. I don't like being lied to, but I'm tired of the truth too. We were waiting for tomorrow, every day we were waiting for tomorrow ... Remember that there is no prison worse than in your head ... I am a free person because I have always done what I like and did not do what I do not want. You could be a hero, but there was no reason to be. You could die if you knew what to die for;

4) Internet: Smart people are not offended, but immediately begin to plan revenge. Courage, honor and bravery are the three signs of alcohol intoxication. The most influential person after the holiday is the one with the pictures...

Phraseological units (PU), including logoepistems, have ample opportunities to create a stylistic effect. For stylistic purposes, phraseological units can be used both unchanged and in a transformed form, with a different meaning and structure, or with new expressive and stylistic properties. Transformation is understood as any deviation from the generally accepted norm, enshrined in linguistic literature, as well as an impromptu change for expressive and stylistic purposes. Transformation expands the boundaries of the author's thought, helps the writer to show creative abilities, helps to express the thought more vividly and convexly.

As already mentioned, phraseology has the integrity of a figurative meaning and an unchanged structure. Satirists violate all these requirements.

One of the most common methods of transformation of phraseological units in their works is semantic, which does not affect the lexical and grammatical structure (external form) of phraseological units, but destroys the semantic integrity. There is a "literalization" of the phraseological unit, the "realization of the metaphor", i.e., the phraseological unity is used as an ordinary phrase. An example from the works of M. Zadornov: Peter I opened a window to Europe, although it was necessary to cut through the window, peep and throw out the trash(M. Zadornov): “Cut a window into Europe” - a catchphrase from A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman", characterizing the foundation of the city of St. Petersburg by Peter I as the first seaport of the Moscow state. The metaphor "to cut through a window", that is, to go beyond the state, is used as a free phrase against the background of "cut through a window".

Examples from the works of M.M. Zhvanetsky. (1) If the listeners do not laugh, I get upset, I go into myself and I'm sitting there("How do I write?"). Phraseologism "go to<самого>myself; go to<самого>"self" has two meanings: 1. To be absorbed in one's thoughts; delve into your thoughts without noticing the surroundings. 2. Become withdrawn, stop communicating with people, avoid them. MM. Zhvanetsky uses it in the literal sense, realizing the meaning of the verb leave‘going away’. (2) At airports smelled fried- people stay for a long time("Autumn"). “It smells of fried” - “about impending danger”. The reader at first thinks that passengers are in danger (according to phraseological units), but then he realizes that we are talking about products - the direct meaning of the word fried.

Comic effect can result from an encounter in the context of antonymous elements: (1) He got into bed and fell asleep with all his might ( M. Zhvanetsky) . “With all my might” – ‘With the utmost strength, very strongly. = To the best of my ability (in 1 value). Usually with a verb. owls. type: hit, hit, shout ... how? with all my strength.’ verb fall asleep is associated with the state of rest and contradicts the semantics of the phraseological unit.

Among the structural-semantic transformations, the most common are: 1) replacement of one or more lexical components of a phraseological unit; 2) expansion of the phraseological unit due to the introduction of additional components; 3) truncation of a phraseological unit; 4) contamination of phraseological units is a combination of parts of two or more phraseological units.

Consider one of the structural-semantic transformations - replacement of one of the components of a phraseological unit (occasional variant), while the semantics may remain unchanged: (1) M. Zhvanetsky Learning is light, and ignorance is pleasant twilight (instead of "darkness"). (2) All mixed up in our earthly home: the best rapper is white, the best golfer is black. France accuses America of arrogance. Germany and Russia do not want to fight. Ukraine sends humanitarian aid to Iraq to American soldiers. And China has put into practice a new social formation. Developed capitalism under the leadership of the communist party.Everything interfered in the Oblonsky house a popular expression from the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". The ironic meaning of the winged saying - 'confusion, disorder, confusion, etc.' Instead of the Oblonskys - in our earthly home. (3) that our life : if you don't get used to it, you'll die, if you don't die, you'll get used to it(M. Zhvanetsky) . (4) - Of two evils I I choose the one that I have not tried before ... (Compare: Of two evils, I choose the lesser). (5) Don't wake up the Zverev in me(M. Zadornov) - cf. “Do not wake the beast in me” (paronomaz was used). (6) Born to crawl crawl everywhere (Cf .: Born to crawl - cannot fly. Maxim Gorky. "Song of the Falcon"). (6) Share your smile and you will be reminded of her more than once (Compare: Share your smile / and it will return to you more than once - Shainsky's song). (2) Until you measure seven times, others will already cut (cf .: Measure seven times, cut once. - Proverb).

Merlot is a French industrial grape variety used for the production of red wines.

Another way of transformation is the expansion of the component composition of PU. The expansion can occur both at the expense of individual lexical units ( What a pity that you finally go away...), as well as phrases and predicative constructions - the latter in the works of M.M. Zhvanetsky prevail: (1) You can't forbid living beautifully. But you can interfere... (see You can't forbid living beautifully: 1) about unnecessary waste; 2) an expression of envy. (2) There is always room for achievement in life. You just need to stay away from this place. (introduction of a new predicative part. Source - Maxim Gorky, story "Old Woman Izergil").

Inversion - reverse word order: Do not wish your neighbor a wife(Changing the order of words in the biblical catchphrase led to a change in the meaning of the statement).

While you measure seven times, others will already cut(Zhv.) Compare: Measure seven times, cut once. In addition to lexical transformation, here the imperative mood of verbs is replaced by the indicative.

Cases of contamination of set expressions, i.e. combining parts that are completely different in meaning, but with a common component: (1) All people are brothers, but not all of the mind(cf.: “All people are brothers” and “brothers in mind”). The common component is "brothers". M. Zhvanetsky(2) He has no time for personal life(M. Zhvanetsky "Cholera in Odessa") . 2 phraseological units ‘no time’ and ‘no personal life’ merge based on the common component “no”. M. Zadornov: It is considered a terrible omen if a black cat will break a mirror with an empty bucket!

Reduction of the composition of the phraseological unit: - Tell me, uncle ... - I won’t tell(cf .: Tell me, uncle, it’s not without reason that Moscow, burned down by fire, was given to the Frenchman - M. Lermontov. Borodino) .

In addition to structural and semantic transformations, dephraseologisation is possible - such a degree of transformation in which there is no traditional structure in the context, a constant lexical composition, the usual forms of phraseological units (researchers often call such a destruction of phraseological units " phraseological fragments»). Microbes slowly crawled over Lefty's body, dragging horseshoes behind them with difficulty...(shoe a flea – ‘skillfully perform the most intricate, especially delicate work’.).

Compare: If the mountain does not go to Magomed, then Magomed goes to the mountain.


1. Gabidullina A.R. Phraseological units as a means of creating an ironic effect in works from modern satirists / A.R. Gabidullina. - // Pushkin Readings-2012: "Living" traditions in literature: genre, author, hero, text: materials of the XVII international conference. - St. Petersburg: Leningrad State University im. A.S. Pushkin, 2012. - S. 340-347

2. Shansky N.M. Phraseology of the modern Russian language [Text] / N.M. Shansky. - 3rd ed. - M .: Higher. school, 1985. - 160 p.

3. Huseynova T. S. Transformation of phraseological units as a way to implement newspaper expression [Text]: diss. ... cand. philol. Sciences / T.S. Huseynov. - Makhachkala, 1997. - 200 p.

4. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov.- M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1984.- 846 p.

5. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. A.I. Molotkov. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1986. - 543 p.

6. Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions // Access mode: site phraseologiya.academic.ru. . - Title. from the screen.

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