The story of the picture of the vision of the youth Bartholomew. Essay-description based on Nesterov's painting "Vision to the youth Bartholomew"


Everything is in a melting haze - hills, copses,
Here the colors are dim and the sounds are unsharp,
Here the rivers are slow, the lakes are foggy,
And everything eludes a cursory glance ...

N. Rylenkov "Everything is in a melting haze"

About the painting by Nesterov "Vision to the youth Bartholomew"

Most of the paintings created by M. V. Nesterov in the 1890s are dedicated to the life of Sergius of Radonezh.

For Nesterov, the image of Sergius was the embodiment of the ideal of a correct, pure and ascetic life, but in his eyes it also had social significance.

The first work of this cycle was the painting "Vision to the youth Bartholomew", which appeared at the eighteenth traveling exhibition. M. V. Nesterov began to work on it in 1889.

The plot was based on a religious tradition. One day my father sent Bartholomew to look for a horse. In a field under an oak tree, the lad saw an old man praying diligently. Bartholomew approached him, and he, having finished the prayer, blessed him and asked what he was looking for, what he wanted. Bartholomew answered that most of all he would like to receive a mind for teaching. The elder prayed for him, and then, taking out a part of the prosphora, he gave it to the youth, commanded him to taste it, saying that along with this, he would be given a mind for teaching.

In his picture, Nesterov is far from a detailed description of the action. No wonder it is difficult to understand which particular moment of the legend is depicted. The artist, rather, was interested not so much in the miraculous event itself, but in the definition of its inner character, its reflection in the soul of the boy.

Nesterov depicts the moment when the youth Bartholomew stopped in front of the elder, waiting for the end of the prayer. The thin figure of the boy, which the artist placed almost in the center of the picture, merges with the landscape, it seems to be an organic part of the fields, meadows, thin, quivering trees, green copses, this pure Russian landscape with its wooden church, village roofs, Christmas trees and a winding river.

Nature is depicted by Nesterov with deep understanding - this is not just a background for action, but the embodiment of a poetic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bRussian nature, its delicate beauty and amazing harmony. And at the same time, the artist depicts nature simply and artlessly: village houses, sheds, and a slightly reddish roof of a village chapel with silver-blue cupolas, echoing the blue stripe of a bright cloudy sky. Everything is permeated with a living, real feeling of human life, cleansed of everyday fuss, peaceful, beautiful in its purity.

But the boy is sad - there is so much unchildish sad attentiveness in him, some kind of quiet spiritual expectation. A sad motif sounds in this landscape, there are no bright colors in it. The gentle tones of early autumn accurately paint the whole picture with a pale golden color. But nature is quivering, it is beautiful in its quiet, slightly sad silence. Nesterov achieved in this work - and from now on it becomes one of the main features of his work - an amazing emotionality of the landscape, fusion with the mood of a person. Despite the implausibility of the plot, there is no feeling of its falsity and far-fetchedness.

The novelty of the picture is largely contained not only in the image of nature. Nesterov faced an ethical problem - to show the spiritual frequency of the boy, to show the ideal of a pure, sublime, harmonious life associated with ideas about the spiritual ideals of the Russian people.

The boy is not surprised by the appearance of the old man, he seemed to be waiting for him and is now immersed in contemplation. Nesterov affirms the reality of a miracle, the possibility and naturalness of this miracle in the spiritual life of the lad Bartholomew.

Nesterov's painting "Vision to the youth Bartholomew" was a new phenomenon in Russian art. A supernatural plot, a combination in the picture of the real (nature and man) with a vision (the figure of an old man with a wonderful radiance around his head), an elevated, almost ideal in its supernatural emotional characteristics of the hero, the fusion of his mood with the mood reigning in the surrounding nature, painted with the golden radiance of autumn , - all these were new moments in the painting of the Wanderers.

L. Voronikhina, T. Mikhailova

Landscape plays an important role in Nesterov's painting. He is very emotional, in tune with the mood of the characters. In the background, a faded, even white-yellow sky is depicted. It is light but not blue. In this picture, the main color is yellow, which means that the season is early autumn. The blue domes of a poor wooden church are striking. These two domes appear bright blue, standing out against the yellowish sky. In color and shape, they are similar to cornflowers growing in a meadow. The sun is felt in the picture, although it is not visible. In the background is a small village. Behind the village stretches an endless expanse. Gardens are located near the church. Dark green crops look like cabbage. On the sides of the picture, dense forests are drawn, which, as it were, frame it, give depth. On the left in the picture, a small river flows in bends.

In the foreground are the youth Bartholomew and the elder. The boy's quivering face is sad, he looks at the abbot with admiration and unchildish attention. The lad is very thin: he has an emaciated face, and there are bruises under his eyes. His hair is light brown, the color of straw. The color of the child's hair is in harmony with the colors of the field and trees. The boy prayerfully folded his thin and thin hands. The boy's back is slightly bent, his knees are also slightly bent, as if he is going to bow before the elder. The boy is dressed simply - he is wearing ordinary peasant clothes. Nesterov depicted a youth in white to show the purity of the child's soul. To the left of the boy grows a small birch. She is weak and white. Next to the boy is a miniature pine tree. These two trees are a symbol of youth and defenselessness. They are so weak that they resemble a thin and weak boy.

An old man is standing in front of the boy. The elder's face is not visible, because it is hidden by a hood. The hood covers the entire head of the old man, but part of the gray beard is visible. A gray beard indicates that an old sage is standing in front of the lad. The elder, feeling the great destiny of Bartholomew, seemed to lean towards the boy. Around the abbot's head is a halo, which almost dissolves in the yellow color of the trees. The old man's hands are large, but emaciated, holding a small chest with prosphora. It can be seen that these are the hands of a man who worked and fasted all his life. The elder is dressed in a black cloak and a cape with red crosses. The color and shape of the hood are similar to the domes of a church. The abbot stands next to the oak, which personifies strength, wisdom and old age. The old man has all these qualities.

When you look at the picture, you feel the space. The landscape of the picture is realistic, but there is a fabulous motif in the figures. Everything seems to freeze in the picture, silence. When I look at the picture, I have a feeling of calm and sadness. This painting depicts the purity and beauty of Russian nature.

1889-90 211 x 160 cm. Oil on canvas.
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

Description of the painting by Nesterov M.V. "Vision to the youth Bartholomew"

An important role in the picture of Nesterov M.V. plays a landscape that is quite emotional, corresponds to the mood of the characters. In the background we see a pale white-yellow sky. The main color in the picture is yellow, so it can be assumed that this is early autumn.

A wooden church is depicted in the distance, the two blue domes of which look like cornflowers growing on a green meadow. Behind it you can see a small village, and beyond the village - an endless expanse. Gardens are located near the church. Dark green crops are somewhat reminiscent of cabbage. Dense forests are depicted on the sides, they seem to frame the picture, give it depth. To the left, a small river flows.

In the foreground, the author depicted the youth Bartholomew and the elder. The boy looks at the abbot with admiration and great attention. The thinness of the boy is visible: an emaciated face, bruises under his eyes. His light brown hair blends harmoniously with the colors of the trees and the field. The child prayerfully folded his skinny and thin hands. His back and knees are slightly bent, as if he intends to bow before the old man. The boy is wearing simple white peasant clothes. The author wanted to show the purity of the child's soul.

An old man is standing in front of the youth. The hood hides his face, as well as his entire head, only part of the old man's gray beard is visible. She says that the old sage is standing in front of the boy. Around his head is a halo, which has practically disappeared into the yellow color of the trees. In his hands, the elder holds a chest with prosphora. He wears a black cloak and a cape with red crosses.

The landscape in the picture is realistic, but the motif of fabulousness is visible in the depicted figures. The work evokes a feeling of sadness and calmness. The author showed the purity and beauty of Russian nature.

Vision to the youth Bartholomew

Nesterov Mikhail Vasilyevich is one of the most famous religious artists of that time. Thanks to his family and the upbringing in which he grew up and received, he managed to create many masterpieces on religious themes. Thanks to his work, he gained wide popularity.

One of the most famous paintings dedicated to religion is the painting "Vision to the youth Bartholomew." He devoted all his works to the artist to people. This work was dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh. This excellent canvas is like a pioneer, like a new page in painting. After it came a wave of paintings on this subject.

The artist studied the life of the saint with great interest. Saint Sergius of Radonezh carried the hope that the spirit of monastic life would soon be reborn in Rus'. Everyone tried to take an example from the saint. In large monasteries, the construction of a temple began, icons were painted. The artist, when he painted the canvas, lived near the saint himself. And I could, in more detail, get acquainted with his life and work.

The picture shows two people. This is one of the days of the saint's life in early childhood. He, on the orders of his father, was in search of cattle that had disappeared somewhere. The guy wandered through the valley and met a strange old man. He stopped to ask him if he had seen any sheep. He stood mysteriously under a tree, his face is not visible, only a gray beard is visible. And an unfamiliar elder gave him the gift of comprehending the meaning of the Holy Scriptures and wisdom.

We see how a young boy, dressed in Russian national clothes, a white belted shirt, blue trousers, red boots, with a whip on his belt, is facing an old man who is dressed in a black hoodie, his head glows like a halo. We do not see faces. You can only see how he is holding something in his hands. Meanwhile, the guy, crossing his arms, listens carefully. They stand under a mighty tree, tall green grass at their feet. Just the height of summer. Behind high green hills. Small thatched houses with vegetable gardens, and a tall temple behind the houses. You can see a small blue river that stretches along the entire ravine. The light blue sky is calm.

There is some mystery and mystery in the canvas. Since at this moment the gift of comprehending the meaning of the Holy Scriptures and wisdom is transmitted.

Option 2

One of my favorite Russian artists is Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov, visiting exhibitions where his paintings are located, I always had a huge amount of vivid emotions and an inspired feeling. This man really deserved the title of artist of the RSFSR (1942). The artist was born on May 19, 1862 in the city of Ufa, he was lucky to become the son of intelligent parents who gave the child a good upbringing, education and surrounded him with love.

From a very young age, Mikhail Vasilyevich began to admire nature, and landscapes were the main genre of his paintings. So in the painting “Visions of the youth Volfolomew”, the acting figures appear in the foreground, which are the focus of the work, but as soon as you look behind the backs of the main characters, a landscape of extraordinary beauty rises in front of you. Only a truly talented master could paint such a nature, but not only a masterfully executed work can leave an impression, but the plot itself, because this is the first painting dedicated to Sergei Radonezhsky.

Looking at the picture, one feels all the purity, holiness of the protagonist, and personally, after getting to know this canvas, I want to believe in something truly bright, kind and disinterested.

School essay for grades 8, 9

  • Composition based on the painting by Petrov-Vodkin Morning still life Grade 6 (description)
  • Composition based on the painting by Semenov How beautiful this world is Grade 5

    The action of the picture takes place in the summer, as there is green grass in the background and the sun's rays are clearly depicted, if you look closely at the girl's legs, you can see that there are no socks under the sandals.

  • Composition based on the painting by Mavrina Cat scientist (description)

    Artist T.A. Mavrina made a whole series of paintings called "Scientist Cat". In her works, she depicted a cat that was not habitually bright. In this way, T.A. Mavrina emphasized the peculiarity of the animal.

  • Vereshchagin V.V.

    Battle painter, nobleman by birth. For three years he studied at the Academy of Arts. The whole life of V.V. Vereshchagin travels - France,

  • Composition based on the painting Lilac in Konchalovsky's basket Grade 5 (description)

    The artist managed to capture an amazing moment, thereby allowing other people to enjoy the still life for decades and peer into it. After all, few people stop to see what colors the sky is painted in.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov is a famous religious artist. He is called religious both because he was born in such a family, and because it was thanks to paintings on religious themes that he became famous. One of the most significant paintings of the author is the canvas "Vision to the youth Bartholomew." The artist dedicated it to St. Sergius of Radonezh. This picture opened a whole cycle of works dedicated to the Russian religious ideal.

Mikhail Nesterov was very interested in the life of St. Sergius. He was very revered in his family and not only. St. Sergius was the hope of Rus' for the spiritual revival of monastic life. Many followed him. Temples were erected in monasteries, icons were created, chronicles were copied. The author, while working on the work, lived within the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to visit the places of activity of St. Sergius.

The plot of the picture is an episode from the life of a saint. At the request of his father, he was looking for the missing herd, and there he had a vision. An unfamiliar and mysterious elder gave him the gift of comprehending the meaning of the Holy Scriptures and wisdom.

But in order to admire the picture, it is not necessary to know the history, because the work itself is wonderfully done. Mikhail Nesterov paid a lot of attention to details. How beautifully he depicted the hills and plains, how he painted every blade of grass and leaves on the trees, how wonderfully the clothes of the boy and the old man are presented. In all these details you can see the meaning of the work. It is very kind, bright, pure and emotional. In addition to the most important moment of the picture - this is a boy and an old man, there is something else to admire and look at. Perhaps that is why the picture gained immortality, which the author did not even hope for.

A teaching essay-description based on Nesterov's painting "Vision to the lad Bartholomew" is held in the 8th grade in two lessons after studying the topic "The Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh". These are teacher materials. If you want to find a finished essay, then you will not find it here!

Word of the teacher: We got acquainted with the life of Sergius of Radonezh, we know the main events of his holy life, we understand why he was canonized. Today we will get acquainted with the paintings of the artist Nesterov, in which he depicted the life of St. Sergius. Nesterov studied at the Moscow School of Sculpture and Architecture, then at the Academy of Arts. He became interested in the religious direction in painting. All his paintings depicted saints, Jesus Christ, religious people, religious rites. Together with Vasnetsov, he painted the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, created frescoes and icons. In Moscow, he painted the Intercession Church in the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent.

Nesterov deeply understood the image of a “peaceful person”. Looking at his creations, we are amazed at how faithfully to himself the artist recreated his world, which cannot be called otherwise than the world of the soul. He was interested in the spiritual life of a person, such traits as humility, peace, self-absorption.

Nesterov created a whole series of paintings depicting the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Demo slide

The primary perception of the canvas to be described.

Today we will write an essay-description on one of these paintings “Vision to the youth Bartholomew”.

Painting conversation

  • What event from the life of the lad Bartholomew, the future Saint Sergius, is depicted on this canvas?

This slide is aimed at preventing speech errors. The children recall the previously acquired skills of working with an essay based on a picture.

But first of all, we must remember how to work on an essay-description based on a picture.

PC (answers to questions)

  • masterpiece, work of art, canvas
  • Master, Nesterov, author of the canvas, painter
  • portrayed, created

At this stage of the lesson, the guys remember the information about the difference between a drawing and a picture. This is necessary to distinguish between concepts and prevent lexical errors. The guys should not use the words “drawing”, “drawn” in the composition based on the picture.

This slide is aimed at repeating knowledge on the technology of writing an essay. Also, in the course of the slide demonstration, the guys begin to collectively draw up a plan.

Introducing this review of Paustovsky about the canvas, the teacher demonstrates the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. It is this idea that must be carried out in the composition by all means: both compositional and linguistic. These words can be used as the thesis of an essay. The teacher asks the children to write an introduction.

Intro example

M. V. Nesterov is a wonderful Russian artist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who was interested in religious subjects. On his canvases, he depicted wanderers, God's people, saints. The artist created icons and frescoes, painted churches in Kyiv and Moscow. In his work, he created the image of a peaceful person. Looking at his creations, we are amazed at how faithfully to himself the artist recreated his world, which cannot be called otherwise than the world of the soul. He was interested in the spiritual life of a person, such traits as humility, peace, self-absorption. The painter was attracted by extraordinary people, holy martyrs, so he created a whole cycle of canvases depicting the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh. One of these paintings is called "Vision to the youth Bartholomew." On it we see that episode from the life of the saint, when he met a holy elder in the field, who listened to the grief of the boy that it was difficult for him to read, and answered the boy that the understanding of the holy scripture would be given to him not from people, but from God. This meeting was significant for Bartholomew, because she predicted that he was God's chosen one.

The guys not only make a plan, but also prevent logical errors by inventing “bridge” transitions from part to part.

  • Paustovsky called this masterpiece ... (quote further)
  • With Bartholomew
  • Humble
  • In the eyes, in prayerfully folded hands

This slide draws students' attention to the compositional center of the canvas - the figure of a boy. We select materials for the description of the youth.

  • From a pose, from the hands
  • Hands clasped in prayer, blue eyes inquiring
  • Oat head, white kosovorotka, colorful bloomers, painted onuchi

This slide trains students' ability to express thoughts in a logical sequence.

We shift attention to the background of the canvas

  • What do we see in the background of the canvas?
  • The road that runs away into the distance, which leads to the temple, compressed fields, thin birch and aspen trees, hillsides covered with forest.

Let's consider it in detail.

  • A simple Russian landscape
  • Its purity, silence, dimness. Such a nature awakens not jubilation and joy, but humble contemplation, immersion in oneself.

In conclusion, it is necessary to make some kind of high chord, because the picture is really imbued with the spirit of holiness and silence of autumn Rus'.

  • What will we write about in conclusion?
  • About my attitude to this picture, about the feelings and thoughts that it awakens, about the significance of this masterpiece in the culture of Russia.

Conclusion Example

This Nesterovsky masterpiece hits the heart of everyone who has a heart. It awakens in us thoughts about the purity and dove-like holiness of Rus', the hope that the Russian spirit will not be born forever, that no force will overcome our force. This picture is a crystal lamp lit by the artist for the glory of his country. Our roads will not stop leading to the temple, the crimson bell will not stop ringing over Russia, Russian artists and poets will not stop glorifying the beauty of the national character.

A sample description of Bartholomew is shown. It is possible to do this in classes with weak motivation. In stronger classes, this slide can be hidden and an assignment can be offered for independent work.

Bridge-transition: A pious, not childishly humble gaze is fixed on the old man-Chernoriz.

This slide also shows a sample description of the elder.

A bridge-transition from the elder to the landscape: The monk's black cassock stands out brightly against the background of the golden compressed fields and the pastel tones of the entire landscape.

The guys describe the landscape on their own.

The landscape presents us with Russia in all its simple, unpretentious beauty. The road running away into the distance leads to an old wooden temple, saturated with legends and fairy tales. The crimson ringing of bells resounds throughout the district: over white thin birches, and over trembling aspens, and over blue-eyed rivers. In the air as pure as spring water, every leaf, every modest corolla of a wild flower, every blade of grass is visible. This spectacle reveals in ourselves such depths of love for our native land that it takes a lot of work even for the calmest person to hold back involuntary tears.

So, we have finished collecting materials for the essay. Now you can put the "mosaic" together. Let's move on to the next slide.

Handout for the lesson of working on mistakes

After composing, we will definitely work on the mistakes together, because if the guys somehow still can work on spelling and punctuation errors, then they do not understand speech, logical and grammatical errors. So I either make a presentation, or give everyone a sheet of errors like this, and we work on them together.

Errors in the composition "Vision to the youth Bartholomew"

Logic (no connection)

  • Nesterov was a friend of Savva Mamontov, so he often visited Abramtsevo. The nature near Moscow, proximity to the holy places of Radonezh inspired him to create (what?) canvas.
  • The artist dedicated his canvases to saints, people in need of help. One of them was St. Sergius of Radonezh. (So ​​Sergius needed help?)
  • A nimbus glows above the head of the black-bearer, which means that the lad is talking with the Saint.

It is necessary to change the fragment so that the connection appears.


  1. Unjustified word repetitions
  • Before him, under a large tree, appeared a strange old man in a long black robe. In the hands of the old man is a prosphora.
  • A close-up depicts a village boy and an old man dressed in a chasuble. The boy folded his hands in prayer...
  • The old man is a saint. In his hands, the elder holds the ark.

Use pronominal substitution, synonyms.

  1. Lexical errors (stamps)
  • Nesterov is a great Russian artist;
  • beautiful autumn landscape;
  1. Lexical error (ignorance of the meaning of the word) simple-bearer (old-bearer)
  2. Lexical incompatibility
  • the raspberry ringing, emitted from the domes, scatters,
  • bells create crimson ringing;
  • quiet autumn the palette echoes the characters;
  • a blouse tied with a sash;
  • pious look;
  • his figure expressed against the background of compressed fields;
  • painted portraits;
  • It is part of a plant (i.e. oak)
  1. Incorrectly chosen word from a number of synonyms
  • The picture evokes strong feelings: peace, tranquility, tenderness.
  • colorful paintings


  1. 6. The text is not divided into sentences. One item - one offer!
  • He has an oatmeal head, he is dressed in a white blouse, belted with a sash ...
  • Prayerfully folded hands on the chest, questioning eyes looking straight ahead.
  • Oat head symbolizing Russia.
  • White kosovorotka, belted with a sash.
  • Colorful bloomers tucked into onuchi.
  • He has blond hair, he is dressed in a snow-white blouse, which is tightened with a sash, he is wearing colorful trousers, he has painted onuchs on his feet ...

Divide into sentences with dots, add a predicate to each sentence or replace the participle with a verb or a short participle.

  1. 7. No agreement

... in colorful trousers, tucked into painted onuchi

He painted many pictures, which he dedicated to clerics;

an ark from which he takes out prosphora ...;

in clean, like spring water, air ...;

a kosovorotka tied with a sash;

a glance fixed on an old man;

on the holy old man who helped the boy;

Black robe merging with the tree

  1. The proposal has no basis Even the event itself is like a prediction.
  2. From this picture you can not remain indifferent (The picture will not leave anyone indifferent)
  3. No predicate His hands folded in prayer (His hands folded in prayer)
  4. Word omissions
  • This spectacle reveals in us such deep ____ love for our native land ...;
  • Above his head is a ____ golden halo.
  1. Syntactic errors in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover.
  • Looking at this canvas, the soul becomes calm and calm. Replace SPP
  • Looking at this work of art, harmony reigned in my soul. Replace SPP
  1. Disruption of control His face is not visible
  2. Nesterov, writing this picture ...


  • Leading the youth Bartholomew, oat head
  • His colorful trousers are tucked into painted onuchi.
  • The road running away into the distance
  • Not a tricky Russian landscape
  • Iss Kus Tvo
  • About the life of St. Sergius
  • Warfa la mei
  • Bud something
  • future
  • We also see a high hill
  • So, …


  1. Participial turnover Looking at such a nature x)

    Thanks for the help. Descriptive essays are still difficult for me: most likely, I am worried and cannot concentrate. Words disappear somewhere, I do simple spelling. misspelled words (even though I know how to spell them). I want to look at the pictures when they were also told something about them. It’s still difficult for ourselves: slang gets in the way, there is usually hubbub in the lessons, we don’t know anything about religion, etc. Thank you again.

  2. #2

    Thank you, very helpful, I read the article, corrected my mistakes.

  3. #3

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you.

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