Listen to audiobook stories online. Listen to romance novels online Distinctive features of the genre


Books enlighten the soul, uplift and strengthen a person, awaken the best aspirations in him, sharpen his mind and soften his heart.

William Thackeray, English satirist

The book is a great power.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

Without books, we now can neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently move towards that reasonable and wonderful future in which we unshakably believe.

Many thousands of years ago, in the hands of the best representatives of mankind, the book became one of the main weapons of their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this weapon that gave these people terrible strength.

Nikolai Rubakin, Russian bibliologist, bibliographer.

The book is a tool. But not only. It introduces people to the life and struggle of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

Stanislav Strumilin, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

There is no better remedy for refreshing the mind than reading the ancient classics; as soon as you take one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, uplifted and strengthened, as if refreshed by bathing in a pure spring.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

Those who were not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

No failures of history and deaf spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, fixed in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.

Konstantin Paustovsky, Russian Soviet writer

The book is magical. The book changed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

Nikolai Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are the spiritual testament of one generation to another, the advice of a dying old man to a young man who begins to live, an order transmitted by sentries going on vacation to sentries who take his place.

Without books, human life is empty. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

The book is a powerful tool of communication, labor, struggle. It equips man with the experience of the life and struggle of mankind, expands his horizon, gives him knowledge with which he can make the forces of nature serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet teacher and innovator.

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexei Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Don't forget that the most colossal tool of all-round education is reading.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading there is no real education, there is not and cannot be any taste, or a word, or a multilateral breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to the whole university. Reading man survives centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Here you will find audiobooks by Russian, Soviet, Russian and foreign writers on various topics! We have collected for you masterpieces of literature from and. Also on the site there are audio books with poems and poets, lovers of detectives and action movies, audio books will find interesting audio books for themselves. We can offer women, and for women, we will periodically offer fairy tales and audio books from the school curriculum. Children will also be interested in audio books about. We also have something to offer for lovers: audiobooks of the Stalker, Metro 2033 ... series, and much more from. Who wants to tickle his nerves: go to the section

"The Man on the Clock" by Leskov is a short story written in 1887. The event of the story is touching and terrible in its significance for the main heroic face of the play, and the denouement of the case is so original that something like it is hardly even possible anywhere except in Russia...


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The ability to listen online for free audio stories of different genres for children: an invaluable gift in the material world and a wonderful pastime for the whole family.

Miniature perfection

The format of a small literary work is optimally suited for a short meeting with the beautiful. We offer in this section of the site to listen online for free stories for children. However, for adults, a short return to carefree times, along with the heroes they loved a long time ago, will become a truly priceless rest in a series of everyday worries.

Distinctive features of the genre

The narrative construction of the work is typical for this direction of literature. The story (sometimes you can find the name of a short story, essay, essay) can be conducted in the first person, adding emotionality to the plot, or a little detached from the author. The problem that the protagonist faces is usually local. This is a description of a particular situation, which can be compared with a photograph. The past of the characters is most often spoken briefly, schematically, and the future is unknown.

Our site offers to listen to audiobook stories for free of absolutely different genres. Among them are dramatic plots, like those of A.P. Chekhov. An indomitable avalanche of humor, skillfully extracted from the most banal life situations that happen to children on the street, at home and at school, is contained in the works of N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, M. Zoshchenko.

Most children's writers wrote miniatures originally for their little ones. They and their friends were often the prototype characters. Largely due to sincere parental love, listening to online audio stories from the classics of literature is pleasant even now. Unobtrusively, they demonstrate care, show a model of different behavior in the event of various everyday problems. Small miniatures sometimes contain a deep meaning, they call to value and cherish friendship, to take care of nature. This is, in addition to entertaining, an instructive function of stories.
Service features

The target audience, which is most interested in listening to stories for children, is clear from the very definition of this section of our site. Unlike cinema, it is books, including in audio format, that contribute to the development of fantasy in the younger generation.

A brief description of each work will help you easily make a choice of the required genre. High quality sound will turn listening into an exciting excursion.

Deciding to listen to audio stories with your kids is a great way out for busy parents who have a lot to do. In fact, just the function of voicing the content of the pages of literary works is transferred to the site. Adults at this time can deal with everyday issues, and at the same time explain some incomprehensible points, unobtrusively place semantic accents. After listening, you can discuss the plot of the story, fantasize about the future of the characters, and, why not, even come up with a sequel yourself. Such joint creativity brings together, and there are no costs for it.

There is not always a chance to relax and enjoy a good rest while reading an interesting book. But there is a solution - audio books that you can listen to absolutely anywhere. How convenient is this, plus what caused the great popularity of this type of vacation?

Pros of choosing specific audio books

The most important of the key advantages in favor of choosing not classical, but audio books is versatility. Audiobooks can be listened to while traveling, in low light, or while performing some mechanical functions. Putting things in order will definitely become much more pleasant if you brighten up this procedure with a fascinating book - and time will fly by quickly.

By the way, in favor of audiobooks, it is possible to single out a wide range of advantages:
Hours spent with benefit - going to work, you can learn a significant amount of new knowledge, self-improvement and opening up promising horizons;
A huge choice - when you are going to rest or on the road, you can take a couple of classical publications with you, but online voice books open up a truly unlimited number of options for every taste;
Reading that does not occupy attention - an audio book will help you not to fall asleep on the road and not to oversleep your stop, being present in public transport.

An audiobook is a real theatrical performance, a performance performed by professional actors. Professional sound will not only not worsen the overall impression, but on the contrary, it will improve it, form a special emotional coloring and make the familiar edition sparkle with new facets.

Listen to audiobooks of the genre Stories mp3

Audiobooks - every minute on the case

It is simply impossible to list all the advantages of audiobooks. All book lovers enjoy listening to books that are voiced by actors - perhaps this cannot be compared with reading an ordinary book, but such a format of leisure is optimal if there is no free time.

Who are audio books for?
People who sit at the computer for many hours - after a difficult day at work, it is worth giving the pupils a rest, enjoying the excellent sound;
For young parents - long trips with a stroller will no longer be an uninteresting and exhausting task;
People who travel a lot - on a trip it is not often possible to read even from the phone, but it is enough to download your favorite work, and it is possible to move away from the annoying noise by listening to an audiobook;
Citizens with vision problems - an audiobook will allow you to enjoy literature again without experiencing any inconvenience.

Another significant advantage of voice literature is that an audiobook will help to get children addicted to reading. And instead of a banal night story, children's voice books should be included - this will help the child tune in to a restful sleep and give parents free time that they can use for business.

Copyright © 2009-2019 Books are presented on the site for informational purposes only. Copyrights to books belong to their authors. All copyrights on the books belong to their authors.

The section contains 174 audiobooks

The second part of the main bestseller of recent years, the novel "Fifty Shades Darker" is now available to listen to online! He continues the story of the relationship between handsome businessman Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele, a recent university graduate. Special glory to this work of the American writer E.L. James brought the erotic side of the novel: there are a lot of sex scenes in the book, including BDS...

The main bestseller of recent years, the novel "50 Shades of Grey" is now available to listen to online! He talks about the relationship between handsome businessman Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele, a recent university graduate. Special glory to this work of the American writer E.L. James brought the erotic side of the novel: the book has a lot of sex scenes, including BDSM. This fact caused a storm...

The third part of the main bestseller of recent years, the novel "50 Shades Freed" is now available to listen to online! He completes the story about the relationship between the handsome businessman Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele, a completely simple girl at first glance. Special glory to this work of the American writer E.L. James brought the erotic side of the novel: the book has a lot of sex scenes, including...

Fans of the E.D. Leonard "Fifty Shades of Grey" finally waited: we present to your attention the audio novel "Gray". In it, the author of the sensational trilogy tells the events of the first part from the point of view of the mysterious and alluring Christian Grey. Readers will have to learn all the secrets of his wounded soul and see those experiences that were hidden from us in Fifty Shades of Grey....

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not be touched by the monumental novel of the American writer Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind". The narrative, full of unexpected twists and turns, makes you listen to this novel online with bated breath. The plot takes place against the backdrop of the American Civil War in the second half of the 19th century. The title of the novel contains a line from a poem about the transience of life, and...

New Moon is the second novel in the Twilight Saga series by American writer Stephenie Meyer. The saga became extremely popular, all of her books were filmed, and her films were huge box office successes. At the center of the saga is a young girl, Isabella Swan, who prefers to be called simply Bella. She moves to a quiet American town and almost...

The most filmed novel by the English writer Jane Austen can now be listened to online. "Pride and Prejudice" plunges us into the world of the English village at the end of the century before last. The ball here is ruled by manners and traditions, and the only way to self-realization for a woman is a successful marriage. For the Bennet family, marriage is more than a hot topic, because they have five daughters growing up. At the center of the story...

Breaking Dawn is the fourth and final novel in the Twilight Saga series by American author Stephenie Meyer. The saga became extremely popular, all of her books were filmed, and her films were huge box office successes. At the center of the saga is a young girl, Isabella Swan, who prefers to be called simply Bella. She moves to a quiet American city...

Twilight is the first novel in a series of books by American author Stephenie Meyer called The Twilight Saga. The saga became extremely popular, all of her books were filmed, and her films were huge box office successes. At the center of the saga is a young girl, Isabella Swan, who prefers to be called simply Bella. She moves to a quiet American town and almost...

English literature of the mid-19th century gave the world a number of brilliant women writers, and Charlotte Bronte is rightfully considered one of the brightest. Her most famous novel is Jane Eyre, a book about a strong and determined woman. The fate of Jane Eyre, which is described in the work, is complex and tragic in many ways, but the strength of the character of the main character allows her to overcome everything on the way to her...

Eclipse is the third book in the Twilight Saga series by American writer Stephenie Meyer. The saga became extremely popular, all of her books were filmed, and her films were huge box office successes. At the center of the saga is a young girl, Isabella Swan, who prefers to be called simply Bella. She moves to a quiet American town and almost...

Fans of the Twilight saga, which tells about the complex relationship between a simple girl Bellie Swan, the vampire Edward Cullen and the werewolf Jacob Black, have been eagerly awaiting the release of Stephenie Meyer's new novel Midnight Sun. It was supposed that in it the writer will tell about the events of the first part of the saga from the point of view of Edward, which was extremely intriguing to the fans. Unfortunately, the novel was left unfinished...

Elena Zvezdnaya is a relatively new, but already gaining significant popularity, figure in the horizon of Russian fantasy. Her work first saw the light of day in 2009 as self-published books. Until now, Elena has written several series of fantasy novels, one of the most popular being the Damnation Academy series. This series successfully combines magic, detective and...

There are a huge number of romance novels written in the world, so the status of a bestseller can be considered as a certain sign of quality. One study suggests that The Thorn Birds, released in 1977, still sells at two copies a minute. Isn't this the best proof that a book is worth listening to online? The author of this bestseller is an Australian...

"Love Story" by Eric Segal tells a simple but timeless story about high feelings that bloom, no matter what, and overcome any obstacles. He is a wealthy Harvard honors student, heir to a prosperous dynasty, and a brilliant hockey player. She is a simple college student, a grocer's daughter, and her only weapon is wit. Their meeting in the library is pure chance...

The romantic story "The Fault in Our Stars" tells the tragic fate of a young couple in love, Hazel and Augustus. They met in the sad circumstances of a support group for the terminally ill, as both of them were diagnosed with cancer. Hazel and Augustus are still very young, they are sixteen and seventeen years old, and, of course, they think about love, not about death. American writer John Green raised...

Many readers are dismissive of the sentimental novel genre, but we suggest you listen online to something special - the novel by Judith McNaught "The Taming of Love, or Whitney". This work turned the public's idea of ​​a Regency romance novel by bursting fresh air into this genre of literature. Judith McNaught managed to create bright and voluminous characters with...

One of the best novels by Francis Scott Fitzgerald "Tender is the Night" will impress any fan of classical American literature. If you are a lover of American realism, but are not yet familiar with this work, you can listen to "Tender is the Night" right now. In the center of the novel is the life story of American psychiatrist Dick Diver. Fate put Dick in a very unpleasant...

Passion, struggle, hatred and, of course, love are essential components of a good historical romance novel. For the attention of fans of this genre, we offer the audiobook “Taming. Conquest" by American writer Devereux Jude. 15th century Three generations of Peregrines and Howards are waging an irreconcilable war for the right to inherit the heroic title. Peregrine Castle is ruined, except for hatred and feelings...

Audiobooks romance novels - pass the time listening online for free

Love, love - how much in this word! First love and mature feelings, oaths of allegiance and treacherous betrayals, high spiritual impulses and pleasures of the flesh, these topics have been devoted to poetry and prose by writers since the dawn of literary art. In the 21st century, you can experience the excitement of romance novels in a modern format by listening to them online.

Listen online romance novels we recommend primarily to an adult audience, since many of the books in this section contain quite spicy scenes. The most striking example is the main bestseller of recent years - "Fifty Shades of Grey". This work captivated readers around the world with its frankness and sensuality, and everyone was waiting for the continuation of the story from the point of view of the protagonist, Christian Grey, with incredible impatience. By the way, on our portal the novel "Gray" can be listened to online for free without registration.

It would be a mistake to assume that romance novels appeared only in modern literature. Works in which the central theme was love adventures appeared in antiquity, especially in ancient Greek culture. But French love prose began to serve as a standard, which surprisingly combined sensuality and innocence. To taste the fruits of French belles lettres, try the audiobooks "Dangerous Liaisons" or "Manon Lescaut", which are posted in good quality on our website.

However, there is a certain kind of love literature that really appeared only in the 20th century and continues to develop rapidly in the 21st. This is a romantic fantasy that combines elements of romance novels and magical worlds. The most striking example is the Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer, which conquered the world not only with the love experiences of the main character, but also with epic battles between werewolves and vampires.

Whatever romance novels are closer to you, classic or modern, you can be sure that the audiobooks in this section of our library will stir up your most romantic feelings.

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