Stories about smart fools and quick-witted. "The Tale of the Silly Mouse": the history of creation, plot and film adaptation


Pavel Bazhov

Golden Hair

It was in the old days. There were no traces of our Russians in these places then. The Bashkirs also did not live close. You see, they need freedom for livestock, where there are elanki and steppes. On Nyazakh there, according to Uraim, but where is it? Now the forest is a hole in the sky, and at that time there was no way to pass or drive at all. Only those who hunted the beast went to the forest.

And there was, they say, one hunter in the Bashkirs, called Ailyp. There was no further. He beat the bear with one arrow, grabbed the elk by the horns and threw it over himself - then the beast was finished. There is no need to talk about wolves and protcha. Not a single one will leave, if only Ailyp sees him.

Once this Aylyp rides on his horse through an open place and sees a fox running. For such a hunter, the fox is a small prey. Well, all the same, he thinks: "Let me have some fun, I'll beat you with a whip." Ailyp let the horse go, but he could not catch up with the fox. I got used to shooting an arrow, and chanterelles - it used to be. Well? She left so she left - her happiness. I just thought, and the fox, there she is sitting behind a stump and even yapping, as if laughing: “Where are you!”

Ailyp got used to shooting an arrow - again there was no fox. He lowered the arrow - the fox in front of his eyes and barks: “Where are you!”

Ailyp entered the enthusiasm: “Wait a minute, redhead!”

The elanki ran out, a thick, dense forest began to grow. Only this did not stop Ailyp. He got off his horse and followed the fox on foot, but still no luck. Here she is, close, but she cannot shoot an arrow. It's also hard to give up. Well, how - a sort of hunter, but he failed to score a fox! And so Ailyp went into an unknown place. And the fox was gone. Searched, searched - no.

“Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll look around, where at least I am.”

I chose a taller listvyanka, and climbed onto the very tent. He looks - not far from that Listvyanka river runs from the mountain. A small river, cheerful, talks to pebbles, and in one place it shines so much that the eyes can not stand it. “What,” he thinks, “is this?” She looks, and behind a bush, on a white pebble, a girl sits of an unprecedented, unheard-of beauty, threw her scythe over her shoulder and let the end float through the water. And her scythe is golden and ten sazhens long. The river from that spit burns so much that the eyes can not stand it.

Ailyp looked at the girl, and she raised her head and said:

- Hello, Aylyp! For a long time I have heard about you from my fox nanny. As if you are more and more beautiful than everyone, stronger and more successful than everyone. Won't you marry me?

- And what, - he asks, - to pay money for you?

- What, - answers, - kalym, if my aunt is the owner of all the gold. Yes, and he will not give me good. You need to run away if you have the courage and the mind.

Aylyp rad-radekhonek. He jumped off the listvyanka, ran to the place where the girl was sitting, and said:

- If this is your desire, then there are no words about me. I'll take it in my arms, I won't let anyone take it back.

At this time, the fox yelped at the very stone, poked its nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

- Hey, Aylyp, Aylyp, you are talking empty words! You boast of strength and luck. But he couldn't shoot an arrow at me.

“Your truth,” he replies. “This is the first time this has happened to me.

- That's what it is! And this is where things get trickier. This girl is Polozov's daughter, she is called Golden Hair. Her hair is pure gold. She is chained to the place with them. He sits and rinses his braid, but the weight does not decrease. Try here, raise her scarf, and you will find out if it is right for you to take it down.

Aylyp - well, he is one of the best people - pulled out a scythe and let's wind it around ourselves. He wound a few rows, and he says to that girl:

“Now, my dear sister-in-law Golden Hair, we are firmly bound by your scythe. No one can separate us!

With these words, he picked up the girl in his arms, and went. The old woman thrusts scissors into his hand.

“Take this, quick-witted one, at least.

- What do I need? Don't I have a knife?

Ailyp would not have taken it, but his bride Golden Hair says:

- Take it - it will come in handy, not for you, but for me.

Here Aylyp went through the forest. From Listvyanka, he understood a little where to go. At first he walked briskly, only it was hard for him, even though he had strength - you can’t compare with people. The bride sees that Ailyp is tired, and says:

- Let me go myself, and you will carry the scythe. It will still be easier. Then we'll leave, otherwise my aunt will miss me, she will quickly attract me.

- How, - he asks, - will he attract?

“Strength,” he answers, “is given to him like this: gold, whatever he wants, to attract to his ground. He wants to take my hair, and then no one can resist.

- We'll see it again! - Ailyp answers, and his bride Golden Hair only grinned.

They talk like that, but they go and go. Golden Hair also hurries:

They walked and walked, it became unbearable.

“Let's rest a little,” says Aylyp. And as soon as they sat down on the grass, they were pulled into the ground. Zolotoy Volos managed to do it, grabbed the scissors, and cut her hair, which Ailyp wrapped around herself. That alone saved him. The hair went into the ground, but he remained on top. All the same, he was pressed, but the bride was gone. It did not and did not become, as if it did not exist at all. Ailyp got out of the pit and thinks: “What is this? The bride was taken from the hands and no one knows who! After all, this is a shame to my head! That will never happen! I won't be alive, but I'll find her."

And let him in the place where the girl was sitting, dig the ground. He digs for a day, digs for two, but there is little sense. You see, Ailyp has a lot of strength, and the tool is a knife and a hat. Do you do a lot with them?

“It is necessary,” he thinks, “to put a note and go home, drag a shovel and drag it.”

I just thought, and the fox that brought him to those places is right there. She stuck her nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

- Oh, you quick-witted, quick-witted! Are you going to mine gold or what?

- No, - he answers, - I want to find my bride.

- Your bride, - she says, - has been sitting in the old place for a long time, sheds tears and wets her scythe in the river. And her scythe became twenty fathoms. Now you will not be able to lift that scythe either.

- How about it, auntie? Aylyp asked.

“It would be a long time ago,” he says, “so. First ask and find out, then get down to business. And your business will be like this. Go home, and live the way you lived before. If you don’t forget your Golden Hair bride at the age of three, I’ll come for you again. You run to look for one, then you won’t see her at all.

Ailyp was not used to waiting like that, he would have grabbed it right away, but there was nothing to be done - it was necessary. Furious and went home.

Oh, these three years just dragged on! Spring will come, and he is not happy - it would rather pass. People began to notice - something happened to our Aylyp. Doesn't look like himself. Relatives, she directly proceeds:

– Are you healthy?

Aylyp will grab five people on one arm, lift it up, twist it and say:

- Ask about your health again - I’ll throw everyone over that hill.

Golden Hair does not let his bride out of his head. And so she sits before his eyes. Hunt even from a distance to look at her, but the order of that old woman remembers, does not dare.

Only when the third year went, Aylyp saw a girl alone. A young girl, dark and cheerful, just like a titmouse bird. Everything would be jumping and waving her tail. This girl thought Ailyp and broke it. He thought:

“Everything, they say, people in my age started families a long time ago, and I found a bride, and I missed that one too. It's good that no one knows about it: they would laugh! Should I marry this little black one? It will either come out there or not, but then you paid the bride price and take your wife. Her father and mother will be glad to give her away, and she, apparently, will not cry.

If he thinks so, then Golden Hair will remember his bride again, only not in the old way. Not so sorry for her, how insulting - they pulled her out of her hands. You can't let that go!

As the third year ended, Ailyp saw that fox. I didn’t prepare an arrow about her, but went where that fox led, only he began to notice the road: where he would make a forest, where he would knock out his tamga on a stone, where he would put some other sign. We came to the same river. A girl is sitting here, and her braid has become twice as large. Ailyp came up and bowed:

- Hello, my dear bride Golden Hair!

- Hello, - answers, - Aylyp! Do not worry that my braid has become larger. She eased up a lot. Apparently, he remembered me well. Every day I felt it was easier and easier to melt. Finally, only a hitch came out. Have you forgotten? And then, maybe someone else interfered?

She asks, but she grins, like she knows. At first, Ailyp was ashamed to say something, then he decided, laid everything out frankly - he began to look at the dark-haired girl, he thought about getting married.

Golden Hair says to this:

“It’s good that you honestly said everything. Believe you. Let's go quickly. Maybe this time we will be able to escape, where Tyatenka's strength will not take.

Ailyp pulled the scythe out of the river, wrapped it around himself, took the scissors from the fox nurse, and they went home through the forest. The path at Ailyp is marked. They're walking. They went until night. As it became completely dark, Ailyp said:

Let's climb a tree. Maybe your father's strength won't get us out of the tree.

Bazhov "Golden Hair"

It was in the old days. There were no traces of our Russians in these places then. The Bashkirs also did not live close. They, you see, for livestock need freedom, where there are elanki (grassy glades in the forest. - Ed.) and steppes. On the Nyazakh (Nyaz, a tributary of Ufa. - Ed.) There, along the Uraim (a basin along the Nyaz River. - Ed.), But where is it? Now the forest is a hole in the sky, and at that time there was no way to pass or drive at all. Only those who hunted the beast went to the forest.

And there was, they say, one hunter in the Bashkirs, called Ailyp. There was no further. He beat the bear with one arrow, grabbed the elk by the horns and threw it over himself - then the beast was finished. There is no need to talk about wolves and protcha. Not a single one will leave - if only Ailyp sees him.

Once this Aylyp rides on his horse through an open place and sees a fox running.
For such a hunter, the fox is a small prey.
Well, he still thinks: "Let me have some fun, I'll beat you with a whip."
Ailyp let the horse go, but he could not catch up with the fox.
I got used to shooting an arrow, but there were chanterelles.
Well? She left so she left - her happiness.
I just thought, and the fox is over there, standing behind the stump, and even yapping, as if laughing: "Where are you!"

Ailyp got used to shooting an arrow - again there was no fox. He lowered the arrow - the fox yelps in front of his eyes: "Where are you!"

Ailyp entered into enthusiasm: "Wait a minute, redhead!".

The elanki ran out, a thick, dense forest began to grow. Only this did not stop Ailyp. He got off his horse and followed the fox on foot, but still no luck. Here she is, close, but she cannot shoot an arrow. It's also hard to give up. Well, how - a sort of hunter, but he failed to score a fox! And so Ailyp went into an unknown place. And the fox was gone. Searched, searched - no. "Give me, - he thinks, - I'll look around, where at least I am." I chose a taller listvyanka and climbed onto the very tent. He looks, not far from that Listvyanka, a river runs from the mountain. A small river, cheerful, talks with pebbles and in one place it shines so much that the eyes can not stand it. "What," he thinks, "is this?"

She looks, and behind a bush, on a white pebble, a girl sits of an unprecedented, unheard-of beauty, threw her scythe over her shoulder and let the end float on the water. And her scythe is golden and ten sazhens long. The river from this spit burns so much that the eyes can not stand it.

Ailyp looked at the girl, and she raised her head and said:

Hello Aylyp! For a long time I have heard about you from my fox nanny. As if you are more and more beautiful than everyone, stronger and more successful than everyone. Won't you marry me?

And what, - he asks, - to pay for you kalym?

What, - answers, - kalym, if my tyatenko is the owner of all the gold! Yes, and he will not give me good. You need to run away if you have the courage and the mind.

Aylyp rad-radekhonek. He jumped off the listvyanka, ran to the place where the girl was sitting, and said:

If your desire is such, then there are no words about me. I'll take it in my arms, I won't let anyone take it back.

At this time, the fox yelped at the very stone, Poked her nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

Hey, Aylyp, Aylyp, you are talking empty words! You boast of strength and luck, but you couldn’t shoot an arrow at me!

You are right, he replies. “This is the first time such a mistake has happened to me.

That's what it is. And this is where things get tricky. This girl is Polozov's daughter, she is called Golden Hair. Her hair is pure gold. She is chained to the place with them. He sits and rinses his braid, but the weight does not decrease. Try here, raise her scarf - you will find out if it is right for you to take it down.

Ailyp - well, he is one of the best people - pull out the scythe and let's wind it around yourself. He wound a few rows and says to that girl:

Now, my dear daughter-in-law Golden Hair, we are firmly bound by your scythe. No one can separate us!

With these words, he picked up the girl in his arms and went.

The old woman thrusts scissors into his hands:

Take this, quick-witted one, at least.

What do I need? Don't I have a knife?

Ailyp would not have taken it, but his bride Golden Hair says:

Take it - it will come in handy: not for you, but for me.

Here Aylyp went through the forest. From Listvyanka, he understood a little where to go. At first he walked briskly, only it was hard for him, even though he had strength - you can’t compare with people. The bride sees - Ailyp is tired, and says:

Let me go myself, and you will carry the scythe. It will be easier all the same, we will leave further. And then my aunt will be enough for me - she will quickly attract me.

How, - he asks, - will he attract?

Strength, - he answers, - is given to him like this: gold, whatever he wants, to attract to his ground. He wants to take my hair, and then no one can resist.

We'll see that again! - Ailyp answers, and the bride of his Golden Hair only grinned.

They talk like that, but they go and go. Golden Hair also hurries:

They walked, they walked - it became unbearable.

Let's rest a little, - says Aylyp.

And as soon as they sat down on the grass, they were pulled into the ground. Zolotoy Volos managed to do it, grabbed the scissors and cut her hair, which Ailyp wrapped around herself. That alone saved him. The hair went into the ground, but he remained on top.

All the same, he was pressed, but the bride was gone. It did not and did not become, as if it did not exist at all.

Ailyp got out of the pit and thinks: “What is this? The bride was taken from the hands and no one knows who! After all, this is a shame to my head. It will never happen! I won’t be alive, but I will find her.”

And let him in the place where the girl was sitting, dig the ground. He digs for a day, digs for two, but there is little sense. You see, Ailyp has a lot of strength, and a tool - a knife and a hat. Can you do a lot for them?

"It is necessary, - he thinks, - to put a note, but go home, drag a shovel."

I just thought, and the fox that brought him to those places is right there. She stuck her nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

Oh, you quick-witted, quick-witted! Are you going to mine gold or what?

No, - he answers, - I want to find my bride.

Your bride, - she says, - has been sitting in the old place for a long time, sheds tears and wets her scythe in the river. And her scythe became twenty fathoms. Now you will not be able to lift that scythe either.

How about it, auntie? Aylyp asked.

Long time ago, he says. First ask and find out, then get down to business. And your business will be like this. Go home and live the way you lived before. If you don’t forget your Golden Hair bride at the age of three, I’ll come for you again. If you run to look for one, then you won’t see her at all.

Ailyp was not used to waiting like that, he would have grabbed it right away, but there was nothing to be done - it was necessary. Furious and went home.

Oh, these three years just dragged on! Spring will come, and he is not happy - if only it would pass. People began to notice: something had gone wrong with our Ailyp, he didn’t look like himself. Relatives, she directly proceeds:

Are you healthy?

Aylyp will grab five people on one arm, lift it up, twist it and say:

Ask more about health - I’ll throw everyone over that hill!

Golden Hair does not let his bride out of his head. And so she sits before his eyes. Hunt even from a distance to look at her, but the order of that old woman remembers, does not dare.

Only when the third year went, Aylyp saw a girl alone. A young girl, dark and cheerful, just like a titmouse bird. Everything would be jumping and waving her tail. This girl thought Ailyp and broke it.

He thought:
“Everything, they say, people in my years started families a long time ago, but I found a bride and let her out of my hands. It’s good that no one knows about this: they would laugh! then it will either come out or not, and then you paid the bride price - and take your wife. Father and mother will be happy to give her away, and she, apparently, will not cry. "

If he thinks so, then Golden Hair will remember his bride again, only not in the old way.

Not so sorry for her, how insulting - they pulled her out of her hands. You can’t let that go (retreat. - Ed.)!

As the third year ended, Ailyp saw that fox. I didn’t prepare an arrow about her, but went where that little fox led, only he began to notice the road: where he would make a forest, where he would knock out his tamga (stamp. - Ed.) on a stone, where else he would put a sign. We came to the same river.

A girl is sitting here, and her braid has become twice as large. Ailyp came up and bowed:

Hello, my dear bride, Golden Hair!

Hello, - answers, - Aylyp! Do not worry that my braid has become larger. She eased up a lot. Apparently, he remembered me well. Every day I felt - it's easier and easier to melt. Finally, only a hitch came out. Have you forgotten? And then, maybe someone else interfered?

She asks, but she grins, like she knows. Ailyp was ashamed at first to say something, then he decided, laid everything out frankly - he began to look at the dark-haired girl, he thought about getting married.

Golden Hair says to this:

It's good that you honestly said everything. Believe you. Let's go quickly. Maybe this time we will be able to escape to where Tyatenka's strength will not take.

Ailyp pulled the scythe out of the river, wound it around himself, took the scissors from the fox nurse, and they went home through the forest. The path at Ailyp is marked: they go quickly. They went until night. As it became completely dark, Ailyp said:

Let's climb a tree. Maybe your father's strength won't get us out of the tree.

And that's true, - answers the Golden Hair. Well, how can two people climb a tree, if they are tied with a scythe, like a rope.

Golden Hair and says:

Need to cut off. In vain we carry a burden on ourselves. Enough, if to toe at least leave. Well, I feel sorry for Aylyp.

Here Ailyp unwound his braid. First she climbed the Golden Hair tree. Well, a woman is an unusual thing: she can't. Ailyp helps her in such a way, that way - she slammed herself to the knots. Ailyp followed her alive and lifted her entire scythe from the ground.

Here we’ll wait until light, ”says Ailyp, and let’s tie your bride with a scythe to the knots - she wouldn’t fall down if she happens to doze off. Tied well, and even boasted: - Ai-ay, strong! Now sip a little, and I'll watch. Like light, I will wake you up.

Golden Hair, and it is true, quickly fell asleep, and Ailyp himself dozed off. Such, listen, a dream has fallen, it can’t drive it away in any way. He will rub his eyes, turn his head, so, so, he turns around - no, he cannot overcome that dream. So he bows his head. The eagle owl bird curls near the tree itself, screaming restlessly - fubu! fubu! - exactly preempts: beware, they say.

Only Ailypu, at least something - sleeps for himself, snores and sees a dream, as if he is driving up to his kosh, and his wife Golden Hair comes out of the kosh to meet him. And she is more beautiful and dearer than all of them, and her braid is like a golden snake and runs as if alive.

At midnight, suddenly, the branches crackled - they caught fire. Aylyp was burned and thrown to the ground. He only saw that a large fiery ring sparkled from the earth and the bride of his Golden Hair became like a cloud of small, small golden sparks. Sparks flew up to that ring and went out. Ailyp ran up - nothing, nothing, and darkness again, at least gouge out his eye. He fumbles with his hands on the ground ... Well, grass, and pebbles, and forest rubbish. In one place I found the end of the braid. Two sazhens, or even more. Ailyp cheered up a little: "I left a memo and gave a sign. It is possible, apparently, to achieve that my father's strength will not take her scythe."

I thought so, and the fox is already barking under my feet.

She stuck her nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

Oh, you quick-witted Ailyp! What do you want: a braid or a bride?

I, - answers, - need my bride with a golden scythe for twenty fathoms.

He was late, - he says, - the scythe has now become thirty fathoms.

This, - Aylyp answers, - is the second matter. I would like to get my dear bride.

That's what I would say! Here's my last word for you. Go home and wait three years. I won’t come for you anymore, look for the way yourself. Come see hour by hour, not earlier and not later. Bow down to Grandfather Owl, if it will add your mind.

She said and no. As it became light, Ailyp went home, and he himself thinks: "What kind of owl was she talking about? Are there not enough of them in the forest! Whom to bow to?"

I thought and thought and remembered. As if he was sitting on a tree, so he curled up alone at the very nose and kept shouting - fubu! fubu! - as if he was warning: beware, they say.

“I certainly talked about this,” Ailyp decided and returned to that place. I sat until the evening and let's shout:

Grandfather Owl! Teach your mind! Show me the way.

He shouted and shouted, no one answered. Only Ailyp became patient. He waited another day - and again he screams. And this time no one answered. Aylyp waited the third day. In the evening he only shouted:

Grandfather Owl!

And from the tree now:

Fubu! Here I am. Who needs?

Ailyp told about his bad luck, asks for help, if possible, and Filin says:

Fubu! It's hard, son, it's hard!

This, - Aylyp answers, - is not grief, which is difficult. How much strength and patience is enough, I will lay down everything, if only I could get my bride.

Fubu! I'll tell you the way. Listen...

And then Filin told in order:

A great strength was given to the snake in these places. He is the complete owner of all the gold here: he will take away from whomever you want. And Poloz can take the whole place where gold is born into his ring. Ride on a horse for three days, and then you will not leave this ring. Only there is still one place in our area where Polozov's strength does not take. If with skill, you can get away with gold from Poloz. Well, it's not cheap - there will be no going back.

Aylyp and let's ask:

Do me a favor, show me this place.

To show something, - he answers, - I can’t, because my eyes parted with you: during the day I don’t see, and at night you can’t see where I’m going to fly.

How, - asks, - to be?

Dedko Filin then says:

I'll tell you a reliable note. Run around, look around the lakes and you will see - in one middle a stone stands like a hill with a poke. On one side there are pine trees, and on three sides they are bare, like walls are lined. This is where this place is. Whoever gets to this stone with gold, the passage will open down, under the lake. Here you can’t take Poloza.

Ailyp translated all this in his head and realized that he had to go to Lake Itkul. Rejoiced, shouting:

I know this place!

Owl pushes his own:

And you run all the same, look, so that the mistake does not happen.

Okay, he says, I'll take a look.

Fubu! Don't forget about that: you will leave Poloz, there will be no going back.

Ailyp thanked grandfather Filin and went home. Soon he found that lake with a stone in the middle and immediately realized: "You can't reach this place in a day, you definitely need to fix the horse road."

So Ailyp began to cut the road. Is it an easy matter - alone, but through a dense forest for a hundred miles or more! When and at all from forces will get out. Then he will pull out the scythe - he got the end - he will look, admire, stroke his hand and even gain strength, but again to work. So he had three years imperceptibly and flashed by, he just had time to prepare everything.

One hour Ailyp came for his bride. He pulled her scythe out of the river, wound it around himself, and they ran running through the forest. We ran to the cut path, and there six horses were ready. Ailyp sat on a horse, put his bride on another, took a four on reins, and they let off as much horsepower as was enough.

A couple gets tired - they will transfer to another and drive again. And the fox is ahead. And so it lays, and so it lays, it will inflame the horses - it’s impossible to catch up. By evening, we managed to reach the lake. Ailyp immediately took the shuttle and transported his bride with the fox to the lake stone. Just swam up - a passage opened in the stone; they go there, and just at that time the sun went down.

Oh, what only here, they say, it was! What just happened!

As the sun set, Poloz girded the whole lake in three rows with fiery rings.

Golden sparks ran across the water in all directions. I still couldn't get my daughter out. Eagle owl hurt Poloza. He sat down on a lake stone and set up one thing:

Fubu! fubu! fubu!

He will shout that way three times, the fiery rings will grow dim a little, as if they will begin to cool down. And as soon as they flare up again and golden sparks run like hell through the water, Owl will scream again.

Not one night Poloz tried here. Well, he couldn't. Strength did not take.

Since then, gold has appeared on the splashes of the lake. And that's all, listen, with a scale and a thread, but there is no bug or a large nugget at all. Where does he come from here, gold, to be? So they say that from the golden braid of Polozova's daughter pulled. And a lot of gold. Then, in my memory, how many quarrels the Bashkirs had with the Kasli breeders over these outbursts!

And that Ailyp with his wife Zolotoy Volos remained under the lake. They have meadows there, herds of horses and sheep. In a word, indulgence.

It turns out, they say, Golden Hair on a stone. People saw. At dawn, she seems to come out and sit, and her scythe winds like a golden snake over stone. Like beauty! Oh, and beauty!

Well, I didn't. Did not happen. I won't lie.

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P.P. Bazhov

golden hair

it was in the old days. There were no traces of our Russians in these places then. The Bashkirs also did not live close. They, you see, need freedom for livestock, where there are elanki and steppes. On Nyazakh there, according to Uraim, but where is it? Now the forest is a hole in the sky, and at that time there was no way to pass or drive at all. Only those who hunted the beast went to the forest.

And there was, they say, one hunter in the Bashkirs, called Ailyp. There was no further. He beat the bear with one arrow, grabbed the elk by the horns and threw it over himself - then the beast was finished. There is no need to talk about wolves and protcha. Not a single one will leave - if only Ailyp sees him.

Once this Aylyp rides on his horse through an open place and sees a fox running. For such a hunter, the fox is a small prey. Well, he still thinks: "Let me have some fun, I'll beat you with a whip." Ailyp let the horse go, but he could not catch up with the fox. I got used to shooting an arrow, and a fox - it used to be. Well? She left so she left - her happiness. I just thought, and the fox is over there, standing behind the stump, and even yapping, as if laughing: "Where are you!"

Ailyp got used to shooting an arrow - again there was no fox. He lowered the arrow - the fox yelps in front of his eyes: "Where are you!"

Ailyp entered the ardor: "Wait a minute, redhead!"

The elanki ran out, a thick, dense forest began to grow. Only this did not stop Ailyp. He got off his horse and followed the fox on foot, but still no luck. Here she is, close, but she cannot shoot an arrow. It's also hard to give up. Well, how - a sort of hunter, but he failed to score a fox! And so Ailyp went into an unknown place. And the fox was gone. Searched, searched - no.

"Give me, - he thinks, - I'll look around, where at least I am."

I chose a taller listvyanka and climbed onto the very tent. He looks, not far from that Listvyanka, a river runs from the mountain. A small river, cheerful, talks with pebbles and in one place it shines so much that the eyes can not stand it. "What," he thinks, "is this?" She looks, and behind a bush, on a white pebble, a girl sits of an unprecedented, unheard-of beauty, threw her scythe over her shoulder and let the end float through the water. And her scythe is golden and ten sazhens long. The river from this spit burns so much that the eyes can not stand it.

Ailyp looked at the girl, and she raised her head and said:

Hello Aylyp! For a long time I have heard about you from my fox nanny. As if you are more and more beautiful than everyone, stronger and more successful than everyone. Won't you marry me?

And what, - he asks, - to pay for you kalym?

What, - answers, - kalym, if my tyatenko is the owner of all the gold! Yes, and he will not give me good. You need to run away if you have the courage and the mind.

Aylyp rad-radekhonek. He jumped off the listvyanka, ran to the place where the girl was sitting, and said:

If your desire is such, then there are no words about me. I'll take it in my arms, I won't let anyone take it back.

At that moment, the little fox yelped at the very stone, poked its nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

Eh, Aylyp, Aylyp, you speak empty words! You boast of strength and luck, but you couldn’t shoot an arrow at me!

You are right, he replies. “This is the first time such a mistake has happened to me.

That's what it is. And this is where things get tricky. This girl is Polozov's daughter, she is called Golden Hair. Her hair is pure gold. She is chained to the place with them. He sits and rinses his braid, but the weight does not decrease. Try here, raise her scarf - you will find out if it is right for you to take it down.

Ailyp - well, he is one of the best people - pulled out a scythe and let's wind it around ourselves. He wound a few rows and says to that girl:

Now, my dear daughter-in-law Golden Hair, we are firmly bound by your scythe. No one can separate us! With these words, he picked up the girl in his arms and went. The old woman thrusts scissors into his hands:

Take this, quick-witted one, at least.

What do I need? Don't I have a knife? Ailyp would not have taken it, but his bride Golden Hair says:

Take it - it will come in handy: not for you, but for me. Here Aylyp went through the forest. From Listvyanka, he understood a little where to go. At first he walked briskly, only it was hard for him, even though he had strength - you can’t compare with people. The bride sees - Ailyp is tired, and says:

Let me go myself, and you will carry the scythe. It will be easier all the same, we will leave further. And then my aunt will be enough for me - she will quickly attract me.

How, - he asks, - will he attract?

Strength, - he answers, - is given to him like this: gold, whatever he wants, to attract to his ground. He wants to take my hair, and then no one can resist.

We'll see that again! - Ailyp answers, and the bride of his Golden Hair only grinned.

They talk like that, but they go and go. Golden Hair also hurries:

They walked, they walked - it became unbearable.

Let's rest a little, - says Aylyp.

And as soon as they sat down on the grass, they were pulled into the ground. Zolotoy Volos managed to do it, grabbed the scissors and cut her hair, which Ailyp wrapped around herself. That alone saved him. The hair went into the ground, but he remained on top.

All the same, he was pressed, but the bride was gone. It did not and did not become, as if it did not exist at all.

Ailyp got out of the pit and thinks: “What is this? The bride was taken from the hands and no one knows who! After all, this is a shame to my head. It will never happen! I won’t be alive, but I will find her.”

And let him in the place where the girl was sitting, dig the ground. He digs for a day, digs for two, but there is little sense. You see, Ailyp has a lot of strength, and a tool - a knife and a hat. Can you do a lot for them?

"It is necessary, - he thinks, - to put a note and go home, drag a shovel."

I just thought, and the fox that brought him to those places is right there. She stuck her nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

Oh, you quick-witted, quick-witted! Are you going to mine gold or what?

No, - he answers, - I want to find my bride.

Your bride, - she says, - has been sitting in the old place for a long time, sheds tears and wets her scythe in the river. And her scythe became twenty fathoms. Now you will not be able to lift that scythe either.

How about it, auntie? Aylyp asked.

Long time ago, he says. First ask and find out, then get down to business. And your business will be like this. Go home and live the way you lived before. If you don’t forget your Golden Hair bride at the age of three, I’ll come for you again. If you run to look for one, then you won’t see her at all.

Ailyp was not used to waiting like that, he would have grabbed it right away, but there was nothing to be done - it was necessary. Furious and went home.

Oh, these three years just dragged on! Spring will come, and he is not happy - if only it would pass. People began to notice: something had gone wrong with our Ailyp, he didn’t look like himself. Relatives, she directly proceeds:

Are you healthy?

Aylyp will grab five people on one arm, lift it up, twist it and say:

Ask more about health - I’ll throw everyone over that hill!

Golden Hair does not let his bride out of his head. And so she sits before his eyes. Hunt even from a distance to look at her, but the order of that old woman remembers, does not dare.

Only when the third year went, Aylyp saw a girl alone. A young girl, dark and cheerful, just like a titmouse bird. Everything would be jumping and waving her tail. This girl thought Ailyp and broke it. He thought: “Everything, they say, people in my years got families a long time ago, but I found a bride and let her out of my hands. It’s good that no one knows about this: they would laugh! "It will either come out there or not, but then you paid the bride price - and take your wife. Father and mother will be happy to give her away, and she, apparently, will not cry."

If he thinks so, then Golden Hair will remember his bride again, only not in the old way. Not so sorry for her, how insulting - they pulled her out of her hands. You can't let that go!

As the third year ended, Ailyp saw that fox. I didn’t prepare an arrow about her, but went where that fox led, only he began to notice the road: where he would make a forest, where he would knock out his tamga on a stone, where he would put some other sign. We came to the same river. A girl is sitting here, and her braid has become twice as large. Ailyp came up and bowed:

Hello, my dear bride Golden Hair!

Hello, - answers, - Aylyp! Do not worry that my braid has become larger. She eased up a lot. Apparently, he remembered me well. Every day I felt - it's easier and easier to melt. Finally, only a hitch came out. Have you forgotten? And then, maybe someone else interfered?

She asks, but she grins, like she knows. Ailyp was ashamed at first to say something, then he decided, laid everything out frankly - he began to look at the dark-haired girl, he thought about getting married.

Golden Hair says to this:

It's good that you honestly said everything. Believe you. Let's go quickly. Maybe this time we will be able to escape to where Tyatenka's strength will not take.

Ailyp pulled the scythe out of the river, wound it around himself, took the scissors from the fox nurse, and they went home through the forest. The path at Ailyp is marked: they go quickly. They went until night. As it became completely dark, Ailyp said:

Let's climb a tree. Maybe your father's strength won't get us out of the tree.

And that's true, - answers the Golden Hair. Well, how can two people climb a tree, if they are tied with a scythe, like a rope. Golden Hair and says:

Need to cut off. In vain we carry a burden on ourselves. Enough, if to toe at least leave. Well, I feel sorry for Aylyp.

Here Ailyp unwound his braid. First she climbed the Golden Hair tree. Well, a woman is an unusual thing: she can't. Ailyp helps her in such a way, that way - she slammed herself to the knots. Ailyp followed her alive and lifted her entire scythe from the ground.

Here we’ll wait until light, ”says Ailyp, and let’s tie your bride with a scythe to the knots - she wouldn’t fall down if she happens to doze off. Tied well, and even boasted: - Ai-ay, strong! Now sip a little, and I'll watch. Like light, I will wake you up.

Golden Hair, and it is true, quickly fell asleep, and Ailyp himself dozed off. Such, listen, a dream has fallen, it can’t drive it away in any way. He will rub his eyes, turn his head, so, so, he turns around - no, he cannot overcome that dream.

So he bows his head. The eagle owl bird curls near the tree itself, screaming restlessly - fubu! fubu! - exactly preempts: beware, they say.

Only Ailypu, at least something - sleeps, snores and sees a dream, as if he is driving up to his kosh, and his wife Golden Hair comes out of the kosh to meet him. And she is more beautiful and dearer than all of them, and her braid is like a golden snake and runs as if alive.

At midnight, suddenly, the branches crackled - they caught fire. Aylyp was burned and thrown to the ground. He only saw that a large fiery ring sparkled from the earth and the bride of his Golden Hair became like a cloud of small, small golden sparks. Sparks flew up to that ring and went out.

Ailyp ran up - nothing, nothing, and darkness again, at least gouge out his eye. He fumbles with his hands on the ground ... Well, grass, and pebbles, and forest rubbish. In one place I found the end of the braid. Two sazhens, or even more. Ailyp cheered up a little: "I left a memo and gave a sign. It is possible, apparently, to achieve that my father's strength will not take her scythe."

I thought so, and the fox is already barking under my feet.

She stuck her nose into the ground, got up like a dry old woman, and said:

Oh, you quick-witted Ailyp! What do you want: a braid or a bride?

I, - answers, - need my bride with a golden scythe for twenty fathoms.

He was late, - he says, - the scythe has now become thirty fathoms.

This, - Aylyp answers, - is the second matter. I would like to get my dear bride.

That's what I would say! Here's my last word for you. Go home and wait three years. I won’t come for you anymore, look for the way yourself. Come see hour by hour, not earlier and not later. Bow down to Grandfather Owl, if it will add your mind.

She said - and there is none. As it became light, Ailyp went home, and he himself thinks: "What kind of owl was she talking about? Are there not enough of them in the forest! Whom to bow to?"

I thought and thought and remembered. As if he was sitting on a tree, so he curled up alone at the very nose and kept shouting - fubu! fubu! - as if he was warning: beware, they say.

“I certainly talked about this,” Ailyp decided and returned to that place. I sat until the evening and let's shout:

Grandfather Owl! Teach your mind! Show me the way. He shouted and shouted, no one answered. Only Ailyp became patient. He waited another day - and again he screams. And this time no one answered. Aylyp waited the third day. In the evening he only shouted:

Grandfather Owl!

And from the tree now:

Fubu! Here I am. Who needs?

Ailyp told about his bad luck, asks for help, if possible, and Filin says:

Fubu! It's hard, son, it's hard!

This, - Aylyp answers, - is not grief, which is difficult. How much strength and patience is enough, I will lay down everything, if only I could get my bride.

Fubu! I'll tell you the way. Listen ... And then Owl told in order:

A great strength was given to the snake in these places. He is the complete owner of all the gold here: he will take away from whomever you want. And Poloz can take the whole place where gold is born into his ring. Ride on a horse for three days, and then you will not leave this ring. Only there is still one place in our area where Polozov's strength does not take. If with skill, you can get away with gold from Poloz. Well, it's not cheap - there will be no going back.

Aylyp and let's ask:

Do me a favor, show me this place.

To show something, - he answers, - I can’t, because my eyes parted with you: during the day I don’t see, and at night you can’t see where I’m going to fly.

How, - asks, - to be?

Dedko Filin then says:

I'll tell you a reliable note. Run around, look around the lakes and you will see - in one middle a stone stands like a hill with a poke. On one side there are pine trees, and on three sides they are bare, like walls are lined. This is where this place is. Whoever gets to this stone with gold, the passage will open down, under the lake. Here you can’t take Poloza.

Ailyp translated all this in his head and realized that he had to go to Lake Itkul. Rejoiced, shouting:

I know this place! Owl pushes his own:

And you run all the same, look, so that the mistake does not happen.

Fubu! Don't forget about that: you will leave Poloz, there will be no going back.

Ailyp thanked grandfather Filin and went home. Soon he found that lake with a stone in the middle and immediately realized: "You can't reach this place in a day, you definitely need to fix the horse road."

So Ailyp began to cut the road. Is it an easy matter - alone, but through a dense forest for a hundred miles or more! When and at all from forces will get out. Then he will pull out the scythe - he got the end - he will look, admire, stroke his hand and even gain strength, but again to work. So he had three years imperceptibly and flashed by, he just had time to prepare everything.

One hour Ailyp came for his bride. He pulled her scythe out of the river, wound it around himself, and they ran running through the forest. We ran to the cut path, and there six horses were ready. Ailyp sat on a horse, put his bride on another, took a four on reins, and they let off as much horsepower as was enough. A couple gets tired - they will transfer to another and drive again. And the fox is ahead. And so it lays, and so it lays, it will inflame the horses - it’s impossible to catch up. By evening, we managed to reach the lake. Ailyp immediately took the shuttle and transported his bride with the fox to the lake stone. Just swam up - a passage opened in the stone; they go there, and at that time the sun had just set.

Oh, what only here, they say, it was! What just happened!

How the sun has set. The snake girded the entire lake in three rows with fiery rings. Golden sparks ran across the water in all directions. I still couldn't get my daughter out. Eagle owl hurt Poloza. He sat down on a lake stone and set up one thing:

Fubu! fubu! fubu!

He will shout that way three times, the fiery rings will grow dim a little, as if they will begin to cool down. And as soon as they flare up again and golden sparks run like hell through the water, Owl will scream again.

Not one night Poloz tried here. Well, he couldn't. Strength did not take.

Since then, gold has appeared on the splashes of the lake. And that's all, listen, with a scale and a thread, but there is no bug or a large nugget at all. Where does he come from here, gold, to be? So they say that from the golden braid of Polozova's daughter pulled. And a lot of gold. Then, in my memory, how many quarrels the Bashkirs had with the Kasli breeders over these outbursts!

And that Ailyp with his wife Zolotoy Volos remained under the lake. They have meadows there, herds of horses and sheep. In a word, indulgence.

It turns out, they say, Golden Hair on a stone. People saw. At dawn, she seems to come out and sit, and her scythe winds like a golden snake over stone. Like beauty! Oh, and beauty!

Well, I didn't. Did not happen. I won't lie.

A young worker named Stepan once saw

summary of the story of Bazhov's golden hair

"Pavel Petrovich Bazhov" - Fairy Tale Stone Flower

"fairy tales"

Fairy tale

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Not only marbles were famous for stone work. Also in our factories, they say, they had this skill. The only difference is that ours burned more with malachite, how it was enough, and the grade is not higher. It was from this that malachite was suitably made. Such, listen, little things that you wonder how it helped him.

Only Prokopyich, whether it was a pity for him to part with his skill, or something else, taught very badly. He has everything with a jerk and with a poke. He planted bumps all over the boy's head, almost cut off his ears, and said to the clerk:

The children have heard about this science ... Early in the morning they roar, as if not to get to Prokopych. It is also not sweet for fathers and mothers to give their own children to wasteful flour - they began to shield their own, whoever could. And then to say, this skill is unhealthy, with malachite. The poison is pure. This is where people are protected.

The clerk still remembers the master's order - he puts Prokopych students. He will wash the boy in his own way and hand him back to the clerk.

And so the clerk and Prokopych went over a lot of children, but there was only one sense: there were bumps on the head, and in the head - how to run away. They spoiled them on purpose so that Prokopyich would drive them away. And so it came to Danilka Nedokormysh. This boy was an orphan round. Years, go, then twelve, or even more. He is tall on his feet, and thin, thin, in which the soul rests. Well, with a clean face. Curly hair, dove eyes. First they took him to the Cossacks at the master's house: a snuffbox, a handkerchief, run where and so on. Only this orphan had no talent for such a thing. Other boys on

The cat took the mouse away
And sings: - Do not be afraid, baby.
Let's play for an hour
Cat and mouse, dear!

frightened little mouse
Answers her awake:
- In cat and mouse our mother
She didn't tell us to play.

Well, what do I care
What didn't she tell you?
Play with me my light! -
And the mouse answered her:

I would play a little
Only - mind! - I'll be a cat.
You, cat, even for an hour
Be a mouse this time!

The cat Murka laughed:
- Oh, you, smoky skin,
Whatever you call
A mouse cannot be a cat!

Mouse Murka says:
- Well then, let's play blind man's blind man!
Blindfold your eyes with a handkerchief
And catch me later.

The cat is blindfolded
But he looks out from under the bandage.
Let the mouse run away
And again, the poor thing - grab it!

A cat - laughter, a mouse - grief ...
He found a gap in the fence.
He doesn't know how he got through.
There was a mouse - but disappeared.

He rolled down the hill
Sees: a small mink.
An animal lived in this mink -
Long, narrow ferret.

sharp-toothed, sharp-eyed,
He was a thief and a creep
And it used to be every day
Stole chickens from the villages.

Here comes the ferret from hunting.
The guest asks: - Who are you?
Kohl fell into my hole,
Play my game!

In cat and mouse or blind man's blind man? -
The little mouse says nimble.

No, not in blindfolds. We ferrets
We love corners.

Well, let's play, but first
Consider, perhaps.

I am an animal
And you are an animal
I am a mouse
You are a ferret
You are cunning
And I'm smart
Who is smart
He got out!

Stop! - the ferret shouts to the mouse
And he runs after him.

And the mouse - right into the forest
And climbed under the old stump.
The squirrels began to call the mouse:
- Come out to play burners!

I have, he says,
Without a game, the back is on fire!

At this time along the path
There was an animal worse than a cat.
It looked like a brush.
It was, of course, a hedgehog.

And a hedgehog was walking towards
All in needles, like a dressmaker.

The hedgehog shouted to the mouse:
- You won't get away from hedgehogs!

Here comes my mistress
Play tag with her,
And with me in leapfrog.
Come out soon - I'm waiting!

And the mouse heard it,
Yes, I thought and did not come out.
- I do not want to leapfrog:
I'm on pins and needles!

Long waited for a hedgehog with a hedgehog,
And the mouse is quiet
On the path between the bushes
Slipped - and was like that!

He ran to the edge.
Hear the frogs croaking:
- Guard! Trouble! Qua-qua!
An owl is flying towards us!

Looked, mouse: rushing
Whether it's a cat or a bird
All pockmarked, crochet beak,
Feathers are variegated upright.
And the eyes are burning like bowls,
Twice as much as a cat.

The mouse lost its spirit.
He huddled under the burdock.

And the owl is getting closer, closer,
And the owl is lower and lower
And screams in the silence of the night:
- Play, my friend, with me!

The mouse squeaked: -
Hide-and-seek? -
And set off without looking back
Hiding in the cut grass.
Do not find his owl.

The owl searched until morning.
I couldn't see in the morning.
The old woman sat down on the oak
And the eyes of loops and loops.

And the mouse washed the stigma
Carried water and no soap
And went to look for his home,
Where were mother and father.

He walked, walked, climbed the hill
And below I saw a mink.

That's a happy mouse-mother!
Well, a little mouse to hug.
And sisters and brothers
They play mouse-mouse about him.

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