Stories of Russian writers about the beauty of winter. Ivan Bunin easy breathing


colorvocabularyin the stories of I. A. Bunin.

The article is devoted to the consideration of the question of the color features of the stories of I. A. Bunin. The characteristic features of Bunin's color painting as an expressive artistic technique are analyzed. It is proved that a number of colors chosen by the writer perform certain functions in sentences, help to create a complete image, evoke a certain association.

One of the strongest human sensations is seeing the world in color. All artists and writers, to one degree or another, use this feature of the human perception of the environment. I. A. Bunin said: “If I didn’t have arms and legs and I could only sit on a bench and look at the setting sun, then I would be happy with this. One need only - to see and breathe. Nothing gives such pleasure as paints.

Bunin is one of the writers who has the art of noticing and recreating the smallest details, the finest nuances, trifles that are insignificant at first glance. It is they who, turning into an artistic detail, give an imaginary picture of the world, filled with many tones and halftones.In his opinion, the beauty of the world, spiritualized and comprehending human life, reveals itself in multicolor. He writes about it this way:

“I ... stood idle for hours, looking at that marvelous, turning into purple, blue of the sky, which shines through on a hot day against the sun in the tops of trees, as if bathed in this blue, - and was forever imbued with a sense of the truly divine meaning and significance of earthly and heavenly colors. Summing up what life has given me, I see that this is one of the most important results. This lilac blue, showing through in the branches and foliage, I will remember even dying ... ”(“ Arseniev’s Life ”).

In Bunin's work, the music of color sounds with incomparable power. The landscapes in his works are multicolored and multicolored. Nature plays and shimmers with all colors, the images are picturesque, as if painted in watercolor.The description of a winter morning sounds like a hymn to eternal, undying life. (The story "Pines") What a riot of colors and sensations is embodied in this small landscape:

"Morning. I look out a piece of the window, not fluffy
frost, and I do not recognize the forest. What splendor and tranquility!

Above the deep, fresh snows that have filled up the thickets of fir trees, there is a blue, huge and surprisingly tender sky. We have such bright, joyful colors only formornings in Afanasiev frosts. and especially goodthey are today, over fresh snow and green forest. The sun is still behind the forest, a clearing in the blue shade. In the ruts of the toboggan track, cut in a bold and clear semicircle from the road to the house, the shadow is completely blue. And on the tops of the pines, on their lush green crowns, a golden sunlight».

We see a blue shadow in a rut, a blue sky, the sparkling whiteness of fresh snow, the blue shadow of a clearing, the dark, lush green of pines, the gold of sunlight. This is the triumph of life over death. The landscape was created mainly with the help of epithets, each of which carries a life-affirming emotional charge.

The most attractive for Bunin is the contrast between white and deep dark: “The visitor ... slept well in ... a compartment, behind which allnight ... walkedblack-green, in white sugar spruce forests ... "(" Fungus "); “In the yard, the zgi is not visible inwhite blizzarddarkness..." ("Oaks");“In ... window glass ...blackened night and nearturned white paws of branches in the front garden, burdened with snow layers” (“Ballad”); “... flickered illuminated by the trainwhite snow slopes andblack thickets of pine forest". The antonymy of color helps to see in his works the contrast, the variability of the state of nature, the complex range of perception of the surrounding world, which Bunin can metaphorically generalize, expressively and effectively “present” to the reader with the help of various original comparisons.

The adjective red, which has a very branched synonymy (the dictionary of synonyms fixes 12 members of the synonymic series), in Bunin's texts, you can pick up no more than seven. Adjectives such as red, bloody, red, scarlet, red, deep crimson, dark fiery can convey not only the attribute of the object, but also the state of the hero. Red color, especially in combination with black, most often conveys sensuality. The former passion of the heroine of “Dark Alleys” still smolders in her: “Full, with large breasts under a red blouse, with a triangular belly, like a goose’s, under a black woolen skirt ...” [Red color in men's clothing often directly or indirectly indicates some aggressiveness its owner. “Towards him there was a tenth, long, in a red shirt” (The story “Weekdays”).

It is truly difficult to list the shades of blue, blue, green, yellow colors found by the artist. Bunin follows the traditions of Russian painting here, constantly looking for bright strokes, bold comparisons, and it is in them that he draws a new view of the world:"lilac blue" ("Arseniev's Life"), "bluish darkness" at dawn ("Village"); “... the vines were covered with ... yellowish greens ...” (“Mitya's love”).

Quite often, Ivan Alekseevich uses the adjectives red (as well as dark red, red-red, curly-red), rusty (and rusty red), brick.

Bunin has a special predilection for composite colorful definitions: “golden-blue air”; "golden-turquoise depth of the sky"; "golden-saffron Arabian morning"; "pink-gold flame" ("Village"); "pink-golden sky" in a night thunderstorm ("Dry Valley"); "pink-silvery Venus";"black-purple cloud" ("Dry Valley"); "black and purple mud" ("Village"); "gray-violet ash" ("Sukhodol"); foothills - "gray-brown, in golden-redspots on the slopes, where the grass burned out from the sun”; "yellow-gray ... sands"; "grey-red clouds". ("Village")

It seems to the master of the word that it is not always possible to achieve completeness in the image of coloring with a two-color combination, and then Bunin adds: “The gray, with a pink tint, the opposite hillock was white in the shallow black forest.”

And sometimes he has to “invent” new colors. So, we meet wet-green, white-curly colors, as well as seemingly incompatible white-gray, red-black. For the most accurate description of objects, Bunin deploys three-part color definitions: “golden-green-gray rods” (“Merry Yard”), which cannot but arouse admiration for the finest natural instinct of the colorist.

Bunin's light verbs and verb forms are varied:

“...she... went out... into... the dining room, pinkilluminated morning winter sun ... "(" Arseniev's Life "); "Light of dawn...overflowed around the yard"; “By the clock he watched every light thatflickered and disappeared in the cloudy milky fog of distant hollows...”;". "sparkles the light of the west...”; “It was getting dark in the village too, - some windows of the huts on the pasture are stillshone copper shine,

“... saw ... a lonely green star,flickering impassively ... "(" Late hour "); "Cold and brightshone in the north, over heavy lead clouds, a liquid blue sky ... ”(“ Antonov apples ”).

Bunin's colors glow, burn and move: "The spots of light on the snow in the twilight of the front garden burned green"; “... the yard was spaciously white, and the fresh track cut through itsled ... sparkled pink"; “All the windows are green andthe icy bottom panes sparkled sharply” (“Ignat”).

From Bunin's multi-colored landscapes, the reader does not ripple in the eyes, because each color is not inscribed in nature, but peeped from her.And summing up the most important results of his life, Bunin will remember “that marvelous, turning into purple, blue of the sky, which shows through on a hot day against the sun in the tops of trees, as if bathed in this blue ...” - and will say: “This purple blue, showing through in branches and foliage, even when I die, I will remember ... ”(“ The Life of Arseniev ”).


Nikolina N.A. Figurative word I.A. Bunina // Russian language at school. - 1990. - No. 4. - pp. 31-34

Zimina - Dyrda T.Yu. Functions of color images in portraits of characters (on the example of Bunin's prose) // Questions of Linguistics and Literary Studies. - 2009. - No. 3 (7). - pp. 18-22

Kolobaeva L.A. I. Bunin's prose: To help teachers, high school students and applicants. - M., 1998. - 157 p.

V. I. Kuleshov - Peaks: A book about outstanding works of Russian literature / M .: Det.lit., 1983.

Sokolov-Mikitov I.

The hot summer flew by, the golden autumn passed, snow fell - winter came. Cold winds blew. Bare trees stood in the forest - waiting for winter clothes. Spruces and pines have become even greener. Many times the snow began to fall in large flakes, and, waking up, people did not recognize the fields, such an unusual light shone through the window. At the first powder, the hunters went hunting. And all day long the barking of dogs could be heard through the forest.

Stretched across the road and disappeared into the spruce forest accelerating hare trail. Foxy, scribbled, paw by paw, winds along the road. The squirrel ran across the road and, raising its fluffy tail, waved at the Christmas tree. On the tops of the trees are clusters of dark purple cones. Jumping on the bumps lively birds - crossbills. And below, on the mountain ash, busty red-throated bullfinches scattered.

The couch potato bear is the best in the forest. Since autumn, the thrifty Mishka has prepared a lair. He broke soft spruce twigs-paws, kicked the odorous resinous bark. Warm and cozy in a bear forest apartment. Mishka is lying, turning from side to side. He does not hear how a cautious hunter approached the lair.

Winter night

Sokolov-Mikitov I.

Night has come in the forest. Frost taps on the trunks and branches of thick trees, light silver hoarfrost falls in flakes. In the dark high sky, bright winter stars visibly scattered. Quietly, silently in the winter forest and in the forest snowy glades.

But even on frosty winter nights, the hidden life in the forest continues. Here a frozen branch crunched and broke - it ran under the trees, gently bouncing, a white hare. Then something hooted and suddenly terribly laughed: somewhere an owl screamed. The wolves howled and fell silent.

On the diamond tablecloth of snow, leaving patterns of traces, light caresses run, ferrets hunt mice, owls silently fly over snowdrifts.

Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare bough. In the darkness of the night, he alone hears and sees life hidden from people walking in the winter forest.

New Year

Wagner N.P.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! And everyone is cheerful and happy about his birth.

He was born exactly at midnight! When the old year - a gray-haired, decrepit old man - goes to bed in the dark archive of history, then the New Year just, just opens its infant eyes and looks at the whole world with a smile.

And everyone is happy, cheerful, happy and satisfied with him. Everyone congratulates each other, everyone says:

He will be born in the thunder of music, in the bright light of lamps and candelabra. The corks are popping! Wine is poured into glasses, and everyone is having fun, everyone clinks their glasses and says:
- Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

And in the morning, when the ruddy frosty sun of the New Year sparkles with millions of diamond sparks on the sidewalks, houses, horses, signs, trees; when pink elegant smoke flies from all the chimneys, and pink steam from all muzzles and mouths - then the whole city will fuss, run in. Carriages will creak, roll in all directions, sledges will fly, runners will screech on the polished snow. Everyone will go, run to each other to congratulate on the birth of the New Year.

Here is a big wide street! People are moving back and forth along the sidewalks. Slowly, importantly, warm fur coats with beaver collars pass. Overcoats and patched coats run. Measured, fast pace - in the foot: one, two, one, two - running, marching brave soldiers ...


Wagner N.P.

Do you know how a slanting bunny jumps in snowdrifts in winter?

The breeze in the winter is wickedly wicked. He will penetrate you so thoroughly, pinch your nose, and ears, and cheeks, that you just cry. The wind is blowing, sweeping, and such snowdrifts will cause everywhere that neither pass nor pass. He will do wonders and calm down, calm down, happy and contented, sleeping and lying down. And the sun will shine like diamonds on the snow. And now, in this quietest, sunny time, the oblique will jump up and start jumping and running - he will be delighted with the sun and calm weather. He jumps into a snowdrift and falls, jumps out, rubs his muzzle, ears, shakes his paws, moves his mustache and again fills up: he runs head over heels, a wheel. Jumping gallop! jumping gallop! That is expanse!

Freezing. (From the story "Pines")

Bunin I.A.

Morning. I look out of a piece of the window, not sketched with frost, and do not recognize the forest. What splendor and tranquility!
Above the deep, fresh and fluffy snows that have filled up the thickets of fir trees, there is a blue, huge and surprisingly tender sky ... The sun is still behind the forest, a clearing in the blue shade. In the ruts of the toboggan track, cut in a bold and clear semicircle from the road to the house, the shadow is completely blue. And on the tops of the pines, on their lush green crowns, golden sunlight is already playing ... Two jackdaws said something loudly and joyfully to each other. One of them landed on the topmost branch of a densely green, slender spruce, swayed, almost losing its balance, and rained down thickly and slowly began to fall rainbow snow dust. The jackdaw laughed with pleasure, but immediately fell silent ... The sun rises, and it becomes quieter in the clearing ...

It is snowing.

Voronkova L.

Chilly winds blew, and winter hummed into the chimney: "I'm going-u-u ... I am wandering-u-u ...!"

The dirt on the road hardened, became hard as a stone. The puddles froze to the bottom. The whole village became dark, boring - and the road, and the huts, and the garden. Tanya sat at home, played with dolls and did not look out into the street. But the grandmother came from the well and said:
- Here comes the snow!

Tanya ran to the window:
Where did the snow go?

Outside the window, snowflakes were falling and swirling thickly, so thickly that even the neighboring yard could not be seen through them. Tanya grabbed a handkerchief and ran out onto the porch:
- It is snowing!

All the sky and all the air were full of snowflakes. Snowflakes flew, fell, swirled and fell again. They lay down on the stale dirt on the road. And on all the village roofs. And on the trees. And on the steps of the porch. And on Tanya's green flannelette scarf ... Tanya held out her palm - they fell on her palm. When snowflakes fly, they are like fluff. And when you look closer, you will see the stars, and they are all different. One has jagged rays, the other has sharp, like arrows. But I didn’t have to look at them for a long time - the snowflakes melted on a warm palm.

After dinner, Tanya went out for a walk and did not recognize her village. It became all white - and the roofs are white, and the road is white, and the garden is white, and the meadow is white ... And then the sun came out, and the snow shone. And Tanya felt so much fun, as if the holiday had come.

She ran to Alyonka and knocked on the window:
- Alenka, come out soon - winter has come to us!

Winter oak (excerpts)

Nagibin Yury Markovich

As soon as they entered the forest, they immediately found themselves in a world of calm and special silence.

All around it was white, the trees were all covered with snow to the smallest knot. Only in the heights the tops of birches, blown by the wind, blackened, and their thin twigs seemed to be drawn in ink on the blue surface of the sky.

The path ran along the stream. Sometimes the trees parted, revealing sunny, cheerful glades crossed out by the hare's trail. There were also large footprints of some large animal. The tracks went into the very thicket, into the wind-blown forest.

- The elk has passed! - as if about a good friend, the boy said, seeing that Anna Vasilyevna was interested in the tracks. - Just don't be afraid, - he added, seeing how the teacher peered into the depths of the forest, - the elk - he is meek.

— Did you see him? the teacher asked.

- Himself? .. Alive? .. - Savushkin sighed. - No, I didn’t see it, - he said with some hidden sadness.

The path ran down to the stream again. In some places the stream was covered with a thick blanket of snow, in some places it was powdered with snow, through which ice could be seen, and sometimes dark living water could be seen among the snow and ice.

Why didn't he freeze? asked Anna Vasilievna.

- Warm springs beat in it. Do you see a trickle?

Anna Vasilievna, leaning over the opening, looked at the thin stream that rose from the bottom and, before reaching the surface of the stream, burst into small bubbles.

There are so many of these springs, - Savushkin said with enthusiasm, as if he had counted them all. - The stream under the snow is alive ...

He swept the snow with his felt boots, and tar-black, but so transparent, water appeared.

Anna Vasilievna threw snow into the water. The snow did not melt, but hung in the water in a gelatinous mass. She liked it so much that she began to throw snow into the stream with the toe of her boat, rejoicing at how the stream murmurs, like a living one, and carries away lumps of snow. During this occupation, she did not notice how Savushkin went ahead and, sitting on a bough hanging over the stream, was waiting for her.

“Look how thin the ice is, you can even see the current!”

— No, Anna Vasilievna! This is not a current, but a shadow, I shook the bough, and here the shadow walks. And it seems to be a flow.

Anna Vasilievna bit her tongue. Perhaps, here, in the forest, it is better for her to keep quiet. And they continued to walk along a barely noticeable path. The path rounded a hawthorn bush, and the forest immediately resounded to the sides: in the middle of the clearing, in white, sparkling clothes, stood an oak tree, huge and majestic, like a cathedral. The trees seemed to part respectfully to let him unfold with all his might. Its lower branches spread over the clearing. The snow was packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed to be stitched with silver threads in the sun. The foliage, having dried up in the fall, almost did not fly around. The oak was covered to the very top with dry brown leaves sprinkled with snow.

So here it is, winter oak! burst out Anna Vasilievna.

It shone all over with myriads of tiny stars, iridescent, sparkling in the leaves, on the trunk, and shone with an unusual light. He seemed to her in his winter dream fabulous, living some kind of special, fabulous life of his own.

Not at all knowing what was going on in the teacher's soul, Savushkin fussed at the foot of the oak, easily treating him like his old acquaintance.

Anna Vasilievna, look!

With an effort, he rolled off a block of snow, stuck to the bottom of the earth with the remnants of last year's grasses. There, in the hole, lay a ball wrapped in cobweb-thin, stale leaves. Sharp needles stuck through the leaves.

- It's a hedgehog! Anna Vasilievna exclaimed in surprise.

- Wow, how wrapped up! - said Savushkin and carefully covered the hedgehog with old foliage.

Then he dug up the snow at another root. A small grotto with a fringe of icicles on the vault opened. In it sat a brown frog, as if made of cardboard; her boned skin looked like patent leather. Savushkin touched the frog, but it did not move.

She pretends, he laughed, as if she were dead. And let the sun warm up, and oh-oh how it will jump!

Savushkin continued to lead Anna Vasilievna around his little world. The foot of the oak sheltered many more guests: beetles, lizards, some boogers. Some were buried under the roots, others hid in cracks in the bark; emaciated, as if empty inside, they overcame the winter in a deep sleep. A strong tree, overflowing with life, accumulated so much living warmth around itself that the poor animal and tiny, weightless insects could not find a better home for the winter.

... Going not far away, Anna Vasilievna looked back for the last time at the oak tree, white and pink in the setting rays of the sun, and saw at its foot a small dark figure: Savushkin did not leave, he guarded his teacher from afar. And with all the warmth of her heart, Anna Vasilievna realized that the most amazing thing in this forest was not a winter oak, but a little man in worn-out felt boots, mended poor clothes, the son of a soldier who died for the Motherland and a “shower nanny”, a wonderful and mysterious person of the future.

She waved her hand to him and quietly moved along the winding path... What thoughts were hidden in her and the boy who remained near the winter oak, what did each of them feel?.. Yes, much can be discovered on a deaf path...

To find adjectives in a text and underline them according to their secondary role in a sentence, you need to know the rules for adjectives.

Definition of an adjective

The adjective name denotes a sign of an object (describes it) and answers the questions: what, what, what, what and their case forms.

  • The adjective is a minor part of the sentence.
  • Adjectives in the text are most often definitions.
  • Definitions are highlighted graphically in the text by dotted lines.
  • It is important not to confuse participles and adjectives, although in the text they are both definitions.

Adjectives as members of a sentence in a text

Morning. I look out the window and do not recognize (I recognize - a verb, "not" is written separately with verbs) of the forest. What splendor and tranquility! Above the deep (definition), fresh (definition, spelling for case endings of adjectives) snows that covered the thickets (the end of the plural noun) fir trees - blue (definition, case ending of the adjective), huge (definition) and surprisingly tender (definition, case ending of the adjective) sky. Such bright (definition, case ending of the adjective), joyful (definition, case ending of the adjective) colors we have only in the mornings in January (definition) frosts. And they are especially good (short adjective, definition) today over fresh (definition, case ending of the adjective) snow and green (definition, case ending of the adjective) boron. The sun is still behind the forest, a clearing in deep (definition) shade. In the ruts of the toboggan (definition) track, the shadow is completely blue (definition, case ending of the adjective). And on the tops of the pines, on their lush (definition) green (definition) crowns, (the first conjugation of the verb) golden (definition, case ending of the adjective), sunny (definition, case ending of the adjective) light is already playing. And the pines froze (alternating vowel in the roots mer-world) under the deep (definition) sky.

Control test on the topic: "One-part sentences."

Option 2

Level A

1. Indicate an incorrect statement.

A. In a one-part sentence, the second main member is not needed to understand the meaning of the sentence.

B. In definitely personal sentences, the predicate is only in the form of the 2nd person.

B. Nominative sentences have one main member - the subject.

D. In incomplete sentences, any member of the sentence can be omitted.

2. Find one-part sentences.

A. They run around the door.

B. Sister is a doctor.

B. The night is dark.

G. I miss your tenderness.

D. His name was Grigor.

3. Specify specific-personal offers.

A. I'm walking along a smart street.

B. Wolves howling is not heard.

Q. The air smells of pine resin.

D. Let's serve together.

D. about six o'clock in the meadows carried breakfast.

4. Find vaguely personal offers.

A. All of a sudden, everything was lit up by the sun's rays.

B. Grass is cut early in the morning.

B. Children were taught to draw.

D. Choose a book to your liking.

D. They judge not by words, but by deeds.

5. Specify impersonal sentences.

A. It's already quite light.

B. And the lanes smell like the sea.

Q. I hear the noise of falling leaves.

G. I'll tell you a story.

6. Specify nominal sentences.

A. It's getting dark.

B. Talk to me, mom.

B. Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth.

D. December 3rd, 1900.

7. Find examples that have incomplete sentences.

A. Must be at home.

B. Would you like lemon or jam?

V. February.

D. Stay at home.

D. "Do you see the smoke?" - "Now I see."

8. In what examples are punctuation marks incorrectly placed?

A. It dawns early in summer, and late in winter.

B. She was in her eighth year.

V. The storm was severe, and thundered from everywhere.

Level B

9. Write out one-part sentences from the text.

10. Define the types of one-part sentences, indicate the form of the main member of the sentence.

….Morning. I look out of a piece of the window, not covered with frost, and I recognize the forests. What splendor and tranquility!

Above the deep fresh snows that have filled up the bowls of fir trees, there is a blue, huge and surprisingly tender sky. We have such joyful colors only in the mornings. And they are especially good today over fresh snow and green forest. The sun is still behind the forest, a clearing in deep shade. In the ruts of the toboggan track, cut in a bold and clear semicircle from the road to the house, the shadow is completely blue. And on the tops of the pines, on their lush green crowns, golden sunlight is already playing ..

Level C

Write 10-15 sentences on the topic: “Me and my actions. Is it always good?” using one-part sentences.

  1. Work program in the Russian language Grade 8 Teacher: Somova S. A

    Working programm

    ... - "3" less than 8 points - "2" Annex No. 5 Control test By topic « One-piece offers» I option 1. Find among the data proposals one-component. a) Don't cry...

  2. Order No. Work program in the Russian language for grades 5-9 for the 2013-2014 academic year

    Working programm

    Material 2 quarter 50 Test By topic"Word formation". Knowledge control lesson... offers and incomplete two-part offers; parse syntax and punctuation proposals. 48 Control Job By topic « One-piece offers ...

  3. Explanatory note. Document status This Russian language program for grade VIII was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for basic general education and the program "Russian Language"

    Explanatory note

    ... ; select Material Exercises, tests Ex. 168 52 Repetition By topic"Two-part offers» 1 Lesson of repetition ... parts of the text, drawing up a plan) 42 Control dictation By topic « One-piece offers» with grammar task 1 Control lesson ...

Russian language lesson in 8th grade.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Bekirova Z.I.

Subject: One-part and incomplete sentences.

Lesson type: Repetition and generalization.


Educational: repetition and generalization of what has been studied on the topic, consolidating the skill of using one-part sentences, the ability to determine their type, distinguish one-part sentences from incomplete ones; repetition of spelling rules;

Educational: development of logical thinking, figurative thinking and speech;

Educational: education of culture of speech, love for the native language.

1. Organizing time.

Greetings. The topic of the lesson.

During the classes.

2. Checking homework.

Writing prefixes pre-; at- ; soft sign in different parts of speech.

3. Updating of basic knowledge.

Blitz poll.

Which sentences are called one-part, which two-part?

Name the types of one-part sentences.

How do one-part sentences differ from incomplete sentences? etc.

Consolidation of what has been learned.Work with text.

Exercise 1.

Write off the text, determine the structure of sentences, find out the functions of one-component sentences in the text , insert missing letters , draw diagrams .

Morning. I look out of a piece of the window, not covered with frost, and do not recognize the forest. What splendor and tranquility!

Above deep snowy snows - blue sky. We have such joyful colors in the morning. And they are especially good today over fresh snow and green forest.

(1pr. one-part, denominative; 2pr. one-part, definitely personal, complicated by a separate definition, a pronounced participial turnover, etc.) We demand clear answers from students with proof.

Task 2 . (auditory dictation)

Listen to the sentences, write down only its type in a notebook (1 student works at the blackboard). After completing the task -mutual verification .

1. Two-part.

2. One-part: a) nominal; b) definitely personal;

c) indefinitely personal; d) generalized-personal; e) impersonal .

1 Do not cry in vain. 5. The light of the moon in all directions.

2. About two o'clock a thunderstorm began. 6. Bad weather and slush.

3. Good in the winter forest. 7. It's good to run through the forest.

4. Newspapers are brought in the morning. 8. Do not be sad, my friend.

4. Physical Minute

(a game with the ball "Name the parts of speech")

5. Text editing. (text is projected onto the screen).

Winter came. Frost has frozen rivers and lakes. Fluffy snow covered everything around. The street beckons us. We take skis and sleds and rush to the forest, to the ice hills. We go and can not breathe fresh frosty air.


1) read the text;

2) describe the proposals for the presence of main members, name the grammatical foundations;

3) insert the missing letters, explain the spelling;

4) convert two-part sentences into one-part sentences;

5) write down the received text;

How has the text changed?

What style of speech is characterized by one-part sentences?

(Example text: Winter. Frost. Fluffy snow around. The street beckons ...)

(Students conclude: the use of short simple sentences is a feature of colloquial speech, incomplete sentences make speech more economical without compromising meaning, more expressive. Incomplete sentences, incomplete grammatical structure, incomplete composition, absence of one or more members.

1.contextually - incomplete. The member of the sentence named before is missing. It's in a compound sentence in part 2

2 situationally incomplete: I will be in red. (It is clear that the dress)

3. dialogically incomplete: replicas, there may be no members at all,

4.elliptical: the absence of motion verbs is the norm. Firewood in the yard.)

6. Differentiated homework.

Write out 4 sentences from the book you are reading (single-component as part of a complex one).

Level 1 - determine the type of one-part sentences.

Level 2 - highlight the grammatical foundations.

Level 3 - Perform full parsing.

7. Reflection.

Summary of the lesson. The work of students is evaluated.

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