We tell and show VSU applicants how to enter one of the best universities in the country. Faculty of Economics of the Voronezh State University: Introduction to the Department and Passing Points


In the midst of the 2017 Admissions Campaign, we decided to remind applicants of Voronezh State University the most important and necessary information regarding admission to a university.

Documents to bring with you:

– Passport and its photocopy;
- the original or a copy of the certificate with the application;
– four photographs (can be taken at the university);
- a medical certificate for applicants for the specialty "Pharmacy" in the areas of "Pedagogical Education" and "Psychological and Pedagogical Education".

The rest of the documents are issued in the Main Academic Building of the university (Universitetskaya Square, 1).

Step #1: on the basement floor, you need to find an audience with the inscription: “Accepting Applications”, where operators will help you fill out an application electronically.

Step #2: then you need to go up to the third floor to office No. 333. Here, applicants submit a referral and draw up an agreement. If there is no contract (you enter the budget), this step can be omitted.

Voronezh State University (VSU) - Voronezh State University- the largest university in the Chernozem region, whose graduates work in 90 countries of the world.

Scientific achievements of Voronezh State University

  • VSU has 5 research institutes, 10 educational, research and production centers.
  • The educational institution has 14 research laboratories, organized jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Scientific activities are carried out by 70 academicians and corresponding members of various academies, 292 doctors of sciences, graduate students and students.
  • An antimicrobial drug against staphylococcus was created here.
  • The university has developed a new technology for thermo-mechanical processing of tool steels.
  • The project of university scientists dedicated to the death of human immunocytes received support in the amount of 60 million rubles in 2014.
  • Young university scientists have created nanotechnology for photodynamic cancer therapy.

Why choose Voronezh State University?

  • VSU has one of the largest scientific libraries in Russia, which includes about three million books and other publications in forty ancient and modern languages.
  • On the territory of the educational institution there are seven museums and the reserve "Galichya Gora" on 234 hectares. The reserve has laboratories of mycology, flora and vegetation, entomology, vertebrate zoology, a herbarium, a rich collection of invertebrates. Here is the meteorological observation post.
  • VSU has a business school.
  • VSU implements a unique model of interaction with industrial enterprises: a corporate master's program operates here.
  • The Voronezh State University has opened a Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment, a technopark with a laser facility, a spectrometer and other equipment.
  • Among the graduates of the university is the 1958 Nobel Prize winner physicist Pavel Cherenkov. Mikhail Tsvet, the founder of the chromatography separation method, taught here.
  • The youngest graduate student in Russia is studying at Voronezh State University. 13-year-old Dmitry Voevudsky entered the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology of Voronezh State University in 2007, and in 2010 he entered graduate school. The oldest student in Russia also studied here: 68-year-old Nadezhda Korotysheva graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil in 2007.
Code Name of direction, specialty List of scientific areas within which scientific (research) activities are carried out Number of faculty members participating in scientific (research) activities Number of students participating in scientific (research) activities The number of published monographs of NDP OO in all scientific areas over the past year The number of articles published and accepted for publication in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission/foreign over the past year Number of patents received for developments over the past year: Russian / foreign Number of certificates of registration of an intellectual property object issued for developments over the past year: Russian / foreign The average annual amount of funding for scientific research per one scientific and pedagogical employee of the organization (in rates reduced to integer values)
01.03.01 Mathematics
35 30 0 99/30 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
2. Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control
3. Mathematical physics
4. System analysis, management and information processing
5. Theoretical foundations of computer science
65 195 2 69/5 9 /0 9 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
2. Mathematical physics
11 18 1 4/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
01.03.04 Applied Mathematics Mathematical modeling, software and information support, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in the natural sciences 20 10 0 41/10 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
02.03.01 1.Analytic, geometric and numerical methods for studying differential equations
2. Mathematical modeling, software and information support, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in the natural sciences
62 48 0 89/31 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
02.03.02 Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology Theoretical foundations of computer science 12 19 0 16/1 1 /0 1 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
02.03.03 12 41 0 8/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
03.03.02 Physics 1. Nuclear physics
2. Optics and spectrography
3. Physics of solid state and nanostructures
4. Physics of metals
5. Mathematical physics
6. Theoretical physics
7. Experimental physics
80 17 100/86 6/0 197.2 thousand rubles
03.03.03 Radiophysics 1. Physics of information systems
2. Computer technologies for information transfer
3. Computer electronics
4. Information systems and technologies
5. Microelectronics and semiconductor devices
6. Physics of semiconductors and microelectronics
7. Electronics
38 23 68/36 12/0 197.2 thousand rubles
04.03.01 Chemistry

3. Catalysis, phase equilibrium, physical and chemical processes in solutions, melts, solids; Surface phenomena, colloidal and nanoparticles, clusters
4. Directed synthesis and isolation of chemical compounds with physiologically active properties and special-purpose substances. Biologically active synthetic and natural compounds and low molecular weight bioregulators


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05.03.01 Geology 10 3 3/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
05.03.02 Geography
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0 /0
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles

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0 /0
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering 38 7 41/21 10/0 197.2 thousand rubles
09.03.02 1. Information systems in telecommunications
2. Information systems and network technologies
3. Protection of information in computer systems
4. Information systems and technologies in enterprise management
25 62 1 16/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
09.03.03 Applied Informatics Information technology in management 8 5 0 16/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
09.03.04 Software engineering Information systems and network technologies 10 20 0 5/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
10.03.01 Information Security Computer systems security 17 18 0 7/5 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
11.03.04 1. Integrated electronics and nanoelectronics
2. Microelectronics and solid state electronics
3. Physical electronics
4. Nanotechnology in electronics
21 9 32/19 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
12.03.03 Photonics and optoinformatics Photonics and optoinformatics 26 3 38/42 2/0 197.2 thousand rubles
14.03.02 Nuclear Physics and Technology Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles 28 2 21/18 1/0 197.2 thousand rubles
37.04.01 Psychology

12 58 2 11/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.03.01 Economy

30 313 5 31/5 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.03.02 Management 16 157 0 22/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.03.03 Personnel Management 2 38 1 1/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.03.04 4 18 1 8/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.03.01 Economy Problems of development of the world economy and international economic relations 14 97 2 7/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.03.05 Business Informatics Management in social and economic systems 12 8 0 0/0 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
39.03.01 Sociology 1. 14 9 12 3/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
2. Man as a subject of social changes: social, humanitarian and psychological problems 7 16 12 4/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
40.03.01 Jurisprudence

1. Russian state and legal system: modern development, problems and prospects
2. Problems of modern private law and public law regulation
3. State power: the main problems of formation, implementation and development
4. Modern concepts of state and legal development of the Russian Federation
5. Modernization of state-legal institutions
6. Modernization of the legal system and legislation of the Russian Federation
7. The effectiveness of the functioning of the Russian state
8. Civil society and the state in Russia
9. Study of the problems of state and law of ancient Eastern and ancient civilizations
10. Single legal space of Russia: content, structure, legal means of ensuring, developing and protecting
11. Modernization of legal policy
12. The principle of federalism in Russian law
13. Problems of development of information law
14. "Electronic state", "electronic state activity", "electronic government", "state and municipal services in electronic form", "electronic municipality", "electronic justice"
15. Ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local governments in the Russian Federation
16. Interaction between citizens and public authorities in the information society
17. Competence of local government: problems of theory and legal regulation
18. Anti-corruption: goals, objectives, forms, methods, legislation
19. Problems of modern development of financial, budgetary and tax law

Within the framework of the priority area of ​​fundamental research “Legal and judicial reforms in Russia and the international legal order in the 21st century”, scientific work is being carried out on the following topics:

1. Legal reform in the Russian Federation: main directions, problems and results of the implementation
2. Compliance of legal reforms in the Russian Federation with the standards of a modern legal state
3. Administrative reform in Russia: political, legal and managerial dimension
4. Civil service reform in the Russian Federation
5. Reforming the state management of the economy
6. Reform of state control and administrative supervision in the Russian Federation
7. Legal protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;
8. Customs regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union
9. Norms of international law and judicial practice in Russia: problems of application
10. Judicial reform in the Russian Federation: main directions of implementation, achievements and problems
11. Study of the problems of the institute of justices of the peace in Russia in historical and modern aspects and development of proposals for optimizing the activities of justice of the peace
12. Study of the problems of organization and functioning of administrative proceedings, judicial practice in administrative cases, development of proposals for improving the administrative procedural legislation
13. Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Russian Federation
14. Study of the problems of judicial reform, including problems of the judiciary, problems of civil, criminal, administrative and constitutional justice
15. Modern problems of the development of Russian procedural law
16. Improvement of Russian civil procedural and arbitration procedural legislation in the light of the concept of developing a unified civil procedural code
17. Actual problems of criminal law, penitentiary law and criminology
18. Actual problems of criminology and criminal procedure
19. Inspection of the scene in the investigation of crimes in the field of high technologies
20. Forensic ontology as the next stage in the development of ideas about forensic characteristics
21. Actual problems of the psychology of law, methodological and methodological foundations of psychological forensic examination
22. Psychological and psychiatric commentary on the legislation of the Russian Federation
23. Legal innovations in the field of ensuring the right of citizens to access information in criminal proceedings
24. Digital forensics; use of features of telecommunication technologies in criminalistics
25. Forensic systematics
26. Evidence and evidence in criminal proceedings

91 273 17 88/14 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles.
41.03.01 Foreign Regional Studies 1. Scientific foundations of socio-economic policy and management practice
2. Economic management system: formation and development

4. Main problems of regional studies;

8. Shadow economy
7 48 2 8/14 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
41.03.04 Political science Socio-political processes, crises, conflicts 16 11 12 12/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
41.03.05 International relationships 1. History and theory of international relations
2. European, Latin American, American, Eurasian studies
3. Studying the problems of nationalism
4. Geopolitics, World environmental policy
5. International integration
6. Problems of countering terrorism and extremism
11 104 0 12/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles

4. Advertising history

6. Media Relations
7. Genres and forms of texts in CO
8. Socio-psychological aspects of work in SO
18 27 5 10/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
42.03.02 Journalism

19 9 5 7/2 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
42.03.03 Publishing

12 people 20 0 8/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
42.03.04 A television 1. History, theory and practice of television
2. History, theory and practice of radio
3. Foreign electronic media
6 12 0 7/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
43.03.02 Tourism 1. Assessment of tourist and recreational resources of the Central Black Earth region
2. Tourism and recreation design and project management
11 0 1 17/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles

11 26 5 6/4 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
45.03.01 Philology
Domestic philology
1. Literature and languages ​​of the peoples of the world, their interaction. The problem of international communications.
2. Comparative study of Germanic, Romance, Slavic languages ​​and cultures
52 120 7 24 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
45.03.02 Linguistics 1. Germanic languages
2. Romance languages
3. Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages
4. Comparative and contrastive linguistics
5. Theory of language
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197.2 thousand rubles
45.03.03 Fundamental and Applied Linguistics 1. Theory of language
2. Comparative and contrastive linguistics
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197.2 thousand rubles
46.03.01 Story 8 44 12 5/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
22 123 12 30/3 0/0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
46.03.02 Documentation and archiving Management Documentation 3 5 12 0/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
47.03.01 Philosophy Problems of logic and methodology of natural, technical and social sciences and humanities 29 69 1 27/4 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
51.03.01 Culturology Management in the socio-cultural sphere 5 10 0 3/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
58.03.01 Oriental and African studies Socio-political processes, crises, conflicts 5 15 12 0/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
01.04.01 Mathematics
2. Function theory and functional analysis.
20 35 0 32/12 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 1. Real, complex and functional analysis
2. Governance in social and economic systems
3. System analysis, management and information processing
54 129 1 48/3 6/0 6/0 197.2 thousand rubles
01.04.03 Mechanics and mathematical modeling 1. Mechanics of a deformable rigid body
2. Mathematical physics
10 10 0 2/0 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
02.04.01 Mathematics and Computer Science 1. Analytical, geometric and numerical methods for studying differential equations.
2. Mathematical modeling, software and information support, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in the natural sciences.
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
02.04.02 Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology

Theoretical foundations of computer science

9 28 0 4/2 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
02.04.03 Mathematical support and administration of information systems Management in social and economic systems 18 25 0 3/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
03.04.02 Physics 1. Physics of the nucleus and elementary particles
2. Physics of nanosystems
3. Optics and nanophotonics
4. Physics of atoms and molecules
5. Medical physics
57 17 81/67 2/0 197.2 thousand rubles
03.04.03 Radiophysics 1. Statistical radiophysics
2. Information processes and systems
3. Computer radiophysics
38 13 32/15 1/0 197.2 thousand rubles
04.04.01 Chemistry 1. Synthesis and study of water-soluble polymers and their dispersions with the properties of complexing agents for their use in modern technologies
2. Surface phenomena, colloidal and nanoparticles.
3. Directed synthesis and isolation of chemical compounds with physiologically active properties and special-purpose substances. Biologically active synthetic and natural compounds and low molecular weight bioregulators.
4. Catalysis, phase equilibrium, physical and chemical processes in solutions, melts, solids; Surface phenomena, colloidal and nanoparticles, clusters
5. Targeted synthesis and isolation of chemical compounds with physiologically active properties and special-purpose substances. Biologically active synthetic and natural compounds and low molecular weight bioregulators
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
04.04.02 Chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials 1. Creation of functional thin-film materials and coatings by vacuum technologies, study of their structure and properties
2. Synthesis of crystals and heterostructures of multicomponent semiconductors
3. Chemostimulated oxidation of semiconductor crystals
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
Geology Deep structure of the earth's crust, geodynamics, magma formation and conditions for the formation of deposits in the Precambrian and sedimentary basins of platforms and folded belts 18 4 1 10/0 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
05.04.02 Geography 1. Landscape and ecological assessment and optimization of landscapes
2. Analysis and forecasting of regional development: socio-economic-geographical approach
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
05.04.06 Ecology and nature management 1. Medical-geographical assessment of the state of the environment in regions of intensive technogenic development
2. Ecogeochemistry and bioindication of natural and technogenic landscapes
3. Geoinformation mapping and remote monitoring of the state of natural resources
4. Comprehensive assessment of the state, hydroecological safety of use and management of water and land resources of the Russian Plain in the modern climatic and economic period
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
09.04.02 Information systems and technologies 1. Analysis and synthesis of information systems, Communication technologies
2. Security of information systems
3. Information technology in management
4. Technologies for the development of information systems
197.2 thousand rubles
11.04.04 Electronics and nanoelectronics 1. Nanoelectronics
2. Physics of nanosystems
3. Nanotechnologies in electronics
21 9 32/19 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
37.04.01 Psychology 1. Psychology of the group subject
2. Family psychology and perinatal psychology
3. Psychology of addiction, cybervictimism and deviant behavior
4. Psychology of reflexivity
12 58 2 11/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.01 Economy 1. Scientific foundations of socio-economic policy and management practice
2. Economic management system: formation and development
3. Theory, methodology and methods of accounting, analysis and control of the activities of economic entities
41 397 9 44/7 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.02 Management 25 123 4 33/4 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.03 Personnel Management 3 35 1 2/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.04 State and municipal administration 5 46 2 10/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.08 Finance and credit 3 63 0 5/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.01 Economy Corporate and business strategies of companies in emerging markets 8 13 1 3/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.02 Management 1. Customs regulation and customs control in the implementation of foreign economic activity
2. The place and role of Russia in the system of modern international economic relations
10 22 1 6/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.04.05 Business Informatics Management in social and economic systems 13 5 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
41.04.01 Foreign Regional Studies 1. Scientific foundations of socio-economic policy and management practice
2. Economic management system: formation and development
3. Socio-political processes, crises, conflicts
4. Main problems of regional studies
5. Migration processes in the world
6. Political processes and institutions
7. Nationalism and identity in the modern world
8. Shadow economy
7 15 2 8/14 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
41.04.04 Political science Socio-political processes, crises, conflicts 13 7 12 12/3 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
41.04.05 International relationships 1. Actual problems of international relations
2. History and theory of international relations
3. European, Latin American, American, Oriental, Eurasian studies
4. Studying the problems of nationalism
5. World environmental policy
6. International integration
7. International protection of human rights
10 41 0 12/3 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
42.04.01 Advertising and public relations 1. Advertising in the marketing communications system
2. Creative aspects of advertising communication
3. Sociology and psychology of advertising
4. Advertising history
5. Public relations in the system of social institutions
6. Media Relations. 7. Socio-psychological aspects of work in SO
14 14 5 10/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
42.04.02 Journalism 1. Concepts, types and types of journalism
2. Genre and typological diversity of journalism
3. Marketing and management in journalism
4. History of domestic and foreign journalism
5. Language arsenal of journalism
16 10 5 7/2 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
42.04.03 Publishing 1. History, theory and practice of functioning of mass media
2. Problems of book publishing in the new information paradigm
3. Literature and languages ​​of the peoples of the world, their interaction
11 10 0 8/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
43.04.02 Tourism Assessment of tourist and recreational resources of the Central Black Earth region. Tourism and recreation design and project management 11 0 1 17/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
44.04.01 Teacher Education 1. Professional training of a teacher of higher education
2. Psychology and pedagogy of creativity
3. Psychological aspects of education
4. Reflective culture of the teacher
5. Development of the self-concept of the subjects of the educational process
11 9 5 6/4 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
6. Teaching foreign languages ​​using online technologies 7 17 1 5/1 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
44.04.02 Psychological and pedagogical education 1. Professional training of a teacher of higher education
2. Psychology and pedagogy of creativity
3. Psychological aspects of education
4. Reflective culture of the teacher
5. Development of the self-concept of the subjects of the educational process
11 13 5 6/4 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
45.04.01 Philology Comparative study of Germanic, Romance, Slavic languages ​​and cultures 30 40 7 23 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles

2. Germanic languages
3. Romance languages
197.2 thousand rubles
Literature and languages ​​of the peoples of the world, their interaction. The problem of international communications 7 7 0 0 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
46.04.01 46.04.01 1. Archeology and ethnography of the Central Chernozem region 8 8 12 5/0 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
22 14 12 30/3 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
47.04.01 Philosophy 1. Fundamental ontological and epistemological knowledge in modern social practices 18 14 1 20/3 0/0 0/0 197.2 thousand rubles
01.05.01 Fundamental mathematics and mechanics 1. Analytical, geometric and numerical methods for studying differential equations
2. Theory of functions and functional analysis
3. Mathematical modeling, software and information support, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in the natural sciences
39 25 0 70/15 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
04.05.01 Fundamental and Applied Chemistry 1. Synthesis and study of water-soluble polymers and their dispersions with the properties of complexing agents for their use in modern technologies
2. Surface phenomena, colloidal and nanoparticles
3. Directed synthesis and isolation of chemical compounds with physiologically active properties and special-purpose substances. Biologically active synthetic and natural compounds and low molecular weight bioregulators
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197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
10.05.01 Computer security Security analysis of computer systems 17 18 0 7/5 0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
10.05.04 Information and analytical security systems 1. Mathematical modeling, software and information support, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in the natural sciences 20 20 0 36/8 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
33.05.01 Pharmacy 1. Development of the composition, manufacturing technology, standardization methods and biopharmaceutical studies of new dosage forms with nootropic, antidiabetic, antiherpetic and antibacterial activity
2. Obtaining and standardization of immobilized forms of drugs of various groups
3. Phytochemical and pharmacognostic study of Knotweed herb and Aronia chokeberry fruits.
5. Study of the bioequivalence of generic drugs using the "Biowaiver" procedure and the "Dissolution" test
6. Standardization of medicinal plant raw materials and pharmaceutical vegetable oils derived from them
7. Standardization and study of the antioxidant effect of phytopreparations obtained from fresh and dried plant materials
8. Study of the features of marketing and management in the implementation of pharmaceutical activities
9. Analysis of the drug market
10. Study of the problems of professional training and rational use of pharmaceutical personnel
11. Development of problems of pharmacoeconomics
12. Research on the effectiveness of drug procurement
13. Studying the patterns of action of drugs in organic lesions of the central nervous system in children
14. Preclinical study of the safety and efficacy of new analgesic, anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, antiarrhythmic and immunotropic drugs based on polymers, amino acids, carbohydrates and derivatives of 2-aminobenzoimidazoles
15. Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of medicinal substances by the method of functional diagnostics
30 56 3 56/3 10 /0 0 /0
37.05.01 Psychology of official activity 1. Psychology of the group subject
2. Extreme psychology
3. Security psychology
4. Military psychology
12 9 1 11/1 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.05.01 economic security 1. Scientific foundations of socio-economic policy and management practice
2. Economic management system: formation and development
3. Theory, methodology and methods of accounting, analysis and control of the activities of economic entities
12 57 0 16/6 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
45.05.01 Translation and translation studies 1. Comparative and contrastive linguistics
2. Germanic languages
3. Romance languages
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197.2 thousand rubles
01.06.01 Mathematics and mechanics 1. Analytical, geometric and numerical methods for studying differential equations
2. Theory of functions and functional analysis
3. Mathematical modeling, software and information support, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in the natural sciences.
47 21 0 102/37 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
03.06.01 Physics and astronomy 1. Optics
2. Physics of the condensed state
3. Physics of semiconductors
4. Theoretical physics
5. Radiophysics
35 50 - 33/22 2/0 - /- 197.2 thousand rubles
04.06.01 Chemical Sciences 1. Synthesis and study of water-soluble polymers and their dispersions with the properties of complexing agents for their use in modern technologies
2. Surface phenomena, colloidal and nanoparticles
3. Targeted synthesis and isolation of chemical compounds with physiologically active properties and special-purpose substances
4. Catalysis, phase equilibrium, physical and chemical processes in solutions, melts, solids; Surface phenomena, colloidal and nanoparticles, clusters
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197.2 thousand rubles
05.06.01 Earth sciences (geological and mineralogical) Deep structure of the earth's crust, geodynamics, magma formation and conditions for the formation of deposits in the Precambrian and sedimentary basins of platforms and folded belts 18 10 1 21/2 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
05.06.01 Earth sciences (geographical sciences) 1. Landscape and ecological assessment and optimization of landscapes
2. Analysis and forecasting of regional development: socio-economic-geographical approach
3. Ecogeochemistry and bioindication of natural and technogenic landscapes
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197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
197.2 thousand rubles
09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering 1. Mathematical modeling, software and information support, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in the natural sciences. 17 0 0 10/6 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
11.06.01 Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems 12 2 22/12 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
37.06.01 Psychological sciences 1. Psychology of the group subject
2. Social psychology of health
3. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of education
8 7 5 4/4 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
38.06.01 Economy 1. Scientific foundations of socio-economic policy and management practice
2. Economic management system: formation and development
3. Theory, methodology and methods of accounting, analysis and control of the activities of economic entities
20 31 2 31/7 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
40.06.01 Jurisprudence
41.06.01 Political sciences and regional studies Socio-political processes, crises, conflicts 9 3 12 12/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
44.06.01 Education and Pedagogical Sciences 1. Pedagogy of vocational education
2. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of education
3. Pedagogy of higher education
6 12 5 6/4 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
Journalism Profile
1. Communication and journalism
2. Marketing and management in journalism
3. History of domestic and foreign journalism
4. History, theory and practice of television and radio broadcasting
5. Media Relations
6. Advertising in the media
9 18 7 31/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
45.06.01 Linguistics and literary criticism
Faculty of Philology
45.06.01 Linguistics and literary criticism 1. Germanic languages
2. Romance languages
3. Theory of language
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0 /0
197.2 thousand rubles
46.06.01 Historical sciences and archeology 1. Archeology and ethnography of the Central Chernozem region 6 3 12 5/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
2. History of Russia and European countries 12 13 12 30/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
47.06.01 Philosophy, ethics and religious studies Man as a subject of social changes: social, humanitarian and psychological problems 10 6 1 12/3 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles
51.06.01 Culturology Theory and history of culture 2 4 0 1/0 0 /0 0 /0 197.2 thousand rubles

Information about the research base for the implementation of scientific (research) activities

Scientific activity at VSU is provided by a complex of subdivisions carrying out scientific research, subdivisions of support and scientific infrastructure, including 17 faculties, 5 research institutes (Research Institute of Mathematics, Research Institute of Physics, Research Institute of Geology, Research Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Institute of Socio-Political Research), 16 research laboratories subordinated to the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 educational, research and production centers with leading enterprises in the region, a technology park, a center for the collective use of scientific equipment, a botanical garden, a biological educational and scientific center "Venevitinovo", a nature reserve "Galichya Gora", etc. .

Research work at the university is carried out by more than 1200 teachers and researchers, graduate students and students of VSU, including:

  • 1 member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS);
  • 1 laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation;
  • over 250 doctors of sciences, professors;
  • more than 700 candidates of sciences;
  • 53 university scientists awarded the honorary titles "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Worker of Higher Education", etc.

Scientific research at the university is carried out in 28 main scientific areas, almost completely overlapping the range of activities of classical universities in the fields of science.

More than 40 scientific and pedagogical teams have been formed at the university, which have received recognition both in Russia and abroad.

Two scientific and pedagogical schools are recognized as leading in Russia:

  • in the field of physical chemistry and technology of thin-film materials and nanomaterials;
  • in the field of geodynamics, magmatism and metallogeny of the early Precambrian history of the Earth.

Every year more than 150 research works are carried out at the university with a total volume of over 250 million rubles.

Every year the university is the organizer of more than 80 international, all-Russian and regional conferences.

According to the research results of VSU scientists, about 6,000 scientific papers are published annually, more than 80 monographs, about 400 textbooks and manuals are published, about 40 patents of the Russian Federation are issued.

The university publishes 24 scientific journals covering all developing scientific areas. Among the published scientific journals, 15 are included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results must be published for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science.

Three journals of Voronezh State University are included in international databases. Journal “Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Geology” is included in the international database GeoRef. Two journals are included in the international Chemical Abstracts database:

Four scientific journals are included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) based on Web of Science:

  • “Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Geology";
  • “Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Geography. Geoecology";
  • "Condensed media and interphase boundaries";
  • "Sorption and chromatographic processes".

Postgraduate studies are carried out in 17 scientific areas. Approximately 600 students enroll in graduate school every year.

One of the main strategic partners of the university is the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific research is carried out in close cooperation with RAS institutes. The university has joint research laboratories with 16 research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Cooperation with many other partners - research centers is secured by cooperation agreements.

Among such partners: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Institute for Nuclear Research RAS, Institute for High Energy Physics RAS; as well as many foreign scientific centers, including: the Laboratory of Neutron Physics (France), the Center for Oceanography (USA), the Aragonese National Laboratory (USA), the Technical University of Berlin (Germany). The university's strategic partners are many leading enterprises in the region; the University has joint research and production (innovation) centers with ten enterprises, including JSC "Design Bureau of Chemical Automation" (Training and Research and Production Center for Space and Rocket Technology), JSC "Concern" Sozvezdie "(Educational and Scientific Innovation Center for Radio Engineering and Electronics). The strategic partners of the university are the leading universities of the country, including Moscow State University, Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology, St. Petersburg State University, Nizhny Novgorod State University. The university also has strategic partners among more than 100 foreign universities with which there are cooperation agreements.

The innovative activities of the university are provided by various departments, incl. technopark, innovative business incubator; a center for the collective use of scientific equipment, etc. The innovative infrastructure of VSU also includes 28 small innovative enterprises (SIEs) created with the participation of the university and aimed at the speedy implementation of the university's scientific developments, capitalization of the intellectual and creative potential.

Voronezh State University takes an active part in the innovative development of the city, region and region, cooperating with various business structures and investment organizations, implementing joint innovative projects. Among such partners: JSC Concern Sozvezdie, JSC Design Bureau of Chemical Automation, JSC Voronezhselmash, JSC Voronezh Plant of Semiconductor Devices-Assembly, JSC Plant Vodmashoborudovaniye, JSC Efirnoye, etc.


Information support of the VSU research process is provided by the unique Zonal Scientific Library. At the moment, its fund has more than 3 million copies of documents.

(VGU). It is known in almost all corners of Russia, because it is one of the leading and largest educational institutions in the country. The structure of the university has more than 15 faculties. One of the sought-after structural units is the Faculty of Economics of the Voronezh State University. Let's get to know him better.

History of the structural unit

The Faculty of Economics has been in the structure of Voronezh since 1960. It was then that he began to train economists to work in developing factories and enterprises. Until the 90s, he let out specialists from his walls. Much has changed since the collapse of the USSR. Firstly, the faculty updated the list of specialties, began to adjust them to the requirements of the time. Secondly, the structural subdivision switched to multi-level training of personnel. There are such levels of higher education as bachelor's and master's degrees.

After all the transformations, the Faculty of Economics developed rapidly and actively conducted international activities. Today it is a modern structural unit with a high-quality material and technical base. The classrooms of the faculty are equipped with computers, the necessary equipment that makes learning more visual and interesting.

Areas of training

The Faculty of Economics of the Voronezh State University is in demand because it offers specialties that are relevant to the modern world. Undergraduate students study:

  • economy;
  • management;
  • personnel management;
  • economic security;
  • economic security” (training and military center);
  • state and municipal administration.

At the bachelor's degree, the basic knowledge necessary for future practical activities is given. For those who want to expand their knowledge in the chosen field, become competitive specialists, gain an advantage over other graduates, there is a master's program at the Faculty of Economics at Voronezh State University. Education is conducted in the same areas as in the bachelor's degree (with the exception of "Economic Security"). Only one profile is added to the list of master's directions - "Finance and Credit".

Entrance tests

At the Faculty of Economics of the Voronezh State University, in all undergraduate specialties, except for “Economic Security” (a military training center), applicants take three exams. This is the Russian language, specialized mathematics and social science. At the "Economic Security" (training and military center), the list of these exams is expanded by the addition of physical training.

Upon admission after grade 11, it is required to take exams in general subjects in the form of the Unified State Examination. But when entering on the basis of secondary vocational education, the results of the USE are not needed. Applicants in the listed subjects are offered entrance examinations at the university.

Faculty of Economics at VSU: passing score

Applicants each year upon admission are interested in passing scores. It is useful to know them in order to imagine what the competitive situation may be in the current academic year.

So, let's look at the passing scores for the budget for 2016:

  • The lowest passing score was on "Economic security" (military training center). He scored 251 points.
  • A little more passing score was on "Management" - 254 points.
  • The highest passing score at the Faculty of Economics was in the direction of preparation "Economics". The indicator was 258 points.

Judging by the passing scores, it is very difficult to get into the budget of the Faculty of Economics of the Voronezh State University. To increase your chances, it is recommended to enroll at Voronezh State University for courses to prepare for passing the Unified State Examination or passing entrance examinations at the university.

Voronezh State University (VSU) is a classical university in Russia, in the city of Voronezh. It is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia and one of the leading centers of national science and culture. Founded May 18, 1918. Located in the historical center of the city of Voronezh.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

    ✪ Find yourself at VSU

    ✪ VSU - 100 years (film from TO Culture)

    ✪ Voronezh State Medical University

    ✪ VSU Open Day



Voronezh University includes 18 faculties. More than 20 thousand students study at the University.

For almost a century of existence, the university has trained more than 100 thousand specialists. Among the graduates of the university are the Nobel laureate P.A.Cherenkov, laureates of state prizes of the USSR and Russia, academicians, ministers, scientists and cultural figures. University graduates work in 90 countries of the world.


Voronezh State University was established in 1918 on the basis of the Imperial Yuryev University, which was evacuated from Yuryev (now Tartu): in 1918, as a result of the German intervention, Russian teachers and students were forcibly expelled from the university. Dorpat (later Yuryev) University in the city of Dorpat was founded in 1802 by decree of Alexander I. This educational institution was the second operating university in Russia after Moscow. Among the professors of Yuryev University who evacuated to Voronezh were:

The first rector of the university was the mathematician V. G. Alekseev, the head of its liquidation commission, mathematician V. E. Regel, who took over in Voronezh from the last rector of Yuryev University, who held this position until 1925. Training sessions began on November 12, 1918. At that time, the university included 4 faculties - medical, physics and mathematics, historical and philological and legal

Since 2007, VSU has been participating in the scholarship program of the Oxford Russia Foundation. About 130 students of the humanities faculties of the university annually receive a scholarship from the fund.

At present, the university is the leading center of education, science and culture of the Central Black Earth region of the country.

At the end of 2014, the university was included in the ranking of the top 100 universities of the BRICS member countries.

Faculties, institutes and branches

Faculty of Geology

The faculty provides training in full-time (daytime), part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education.

  • Located in the city of Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region;
    • Address: 397160, Voronezh region, Borisoglebsk, st. Narodnaya, 43.
  • The branch employs 81 people [ ] , including:
    • 6 professors,
    • 65 associate professors.

Library and museums

Scientific publications

  • Scientific journal "Bulletin of VSU"
  • Scientific journal "Condensed media and interphase boundaries" (founded in January 1999 by VSU and BelSU with the support of the N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issued 4 times a year)
  • Scientific journal "Sorption and chromatographic processes" (founded in December 2000. Published with the support of the Scientific Council for Adsorption and Chromatography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Voronezh Regional Public Organization of Science Workers, Higher Education and Students. Published 6 times a year)

Department of Science and Innovation VSU

The Department of Science and Innovation of the VSU unites the research departments of the university. The department includes:

  • 5 (mathematicians (NIIM), physics (NIIF), chemistry and pharmacy (NIIKhF), geology (NIIG) and the Interregional Institute of Social Sciences)
  • 16 research laboratories jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Center for the Industry of Nanosystems and Materials (CINM)
  • Technopark
  • Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment (TSKPO)
  • Botanical Garden
  • Reserve "Galichya Gora"
  • Technology Commercialization Center (TsComTech)
  • Center for Innovative Educational Programs (CIEP)
  • Department of Doctoral Studies and Postgraduate Studies (UDA)
  • Department of Informatization and Computer Technologies (UIiCT, including the University Internet Center and the Regional Center for New Information Technologies)
  • Innovation Center for New Technologies (ICNT)
  • Scientific and Educational Center "Wave Processes in Inhomogeneous and Nonlinear Media"
  • Biological Educational and Scientific Center "Venevitinovo"
  • Educational and Scientific Ecological Center
  • 10 educational and scientific industrial complexes and centers ("Geology"; space and rocket technology; radio engineering and electronics; "Polymer"; "Ecology and nature management"; geography, nature management and geoecology; "Human ecology"; "Chemical physics"; "Ceramics "; "Synthesis" and "Pharmacy")
  • Department of Scientific Research (UNIR, including the journal "Bulletin of the VSU")
  • Scientific and technical council.


Building No. 1 (Main)


  • Computer Science (FKN)
  • Intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists

Building No. 1b


  • Computer Science (FKN)
  • Geological
  • Research Institute of Geology of VSU (NIIG VSU)
  • Research Institute of Mathematics of VSU (NIIM VSU)
  • Gemological Center IGEM-VSU
  • UNPC "Prospecting Geochemistry"
  • Voronezh branch of Rosgeo

Building No. 2


  • Philological
  • Romano-Germanic Philology (RGF)

It also contains:

  • french center
  • Directorate of the Internet Center
  • platform No. 1 of the Internet Center
  • Reading rooms No. 2 and No. 4

Building No. 3


  • Philosophy and psychology
  • Military Education (Military Department, Military Training Center)

It also contains:

  • ZNB (zonal scientific library), its subscriptions and reading rooms (humanitarian literature)
  • Research Institute of Physics
  • Labor protection department

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