Section studying the norms of literary pronunciation. What is orthoepy and orthoepic norms


Fundamentals of Russian literary pronunciation.

1. The concept of orthoepy as a section of linguistics

Orthoepy (from the Greek orthos - direct, correct, epos - speech) is a section of linguistics that studies a set of rules that determine the norms of literary pronunciation.

Orthoepy studies variants of the pronunciation norms of the literary language and develops orthoepic recommendations, rules for the use of these variants. Therefore, what is stable in pronunciation for orthoepy is of no interest (stunning voiced at the end of a word - there are no hesitation, therefore, it is studied by phonetics).

Deviation from the norms of literary pronunciation occurs under the influence

    native dialect of the speaker (grass, but in [o] yes - Vologda, Kostroma)

    spelling words (of course, what, scrambled eggs).

    the sound system of the native language most often serves as a source of errors for non-Russians. Imperfect mastery of orthoepic norms leads to an accent (introduction of native language norms into Russian speech).

2. Historical foundations of modern Russian literary pronunciation.

Pronunciation norms, together with other RLA norms, took shape in the 14th - 17th centuries. based on the Moscow dialect, which belongs to the Central Russian dialects, in which the sharpest dialectal features of the northern and southern dialects are smoothed out. This happened because Moscow already from the 14th century. became the center of the Russian state. Old Moscow norms of pronunciation as the national language developed and strengthened in the 19th century. acquired the character of all-Russian national forms. This stable rule included:

    obligatory mitigation of consonants before soft consonants ([s '] vet, [z '] believe, [s '] fur, [t '] hard, [d '] believe).

    adjectives na -gy, -ky, -hy were necessarily pronounced with solid [g, k, x] (strong [ghy], thin [ghy], great [ky], vet [hy], ty [hyy])

    in all words with a reflexive particle -sya (-s), the sound from was pronounced firmly (returned [s], collected [s])

    pronunciation of the words pe [r '] vyy, four [r '] g, ve [r '] x, those [r '] pete with soft. (Now this pronunciation can only be heard among the older generation and in the theater - in the productions of plays by Russian classics).

Old Moscow pronunciation is called traditional norm. It still forms the basis of orthoepic norms. However, it should be noted that these norms have changed somewhat during the twentieth century. After the October Revolution, not only the new intelligentsia, but also the whole people, strove to use the literary language, which could not but affect the correct literary pronunciation: some old norms were forgotten, gave way to new ones, pronunciation variants appeared, orthoepic norms fluctuated, the influence of writing increased on pronunciation.

3. Pronunciation of vowels.

    The main feature is akanye, i.e. pronouncing a sound close to A in unstressed syllables in place of spelling O[wada].

    In modern LA, hiccups dominate - the coincidence of all vowel phonemes except [y, s] in the first pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants in the sound [and] (visna, misnoy, lead) LA was dominated by ekanye, which is still found in lit. pronunciation (coincidence in the same position of non-high vowels in the sound [e and]).

    In accordance with ekan, vowel phonemes [e, o, a] after hard consonants [zh, sh, ts] in the first pre-stressed syllable were realized in the 19th - early 20th century. in sound [e s]. Under the influence of hiccups, pronunciation in place [e, a, oh,] pronunciation [s] spread: w[s] on, f[s] fly, w[s] stop, f[s] ket ..

    In accordance with the norm, [E] should be pronounced with the preceding soft consonant in the following words: athlete, scam, being, icy, grenadier, fishing line, wandering, led, modern, perfect (attached), generous, backbone, helmet.[O] should be pronounced in words: bile, sparkles, faded, life, ice, mockery, denominated, nominal, brought, stitch, wool, lye.

4. Pronunciation of consonant sounds.

    Previously, in the PR, for the majority of consonants, the law was in effect: a consonant before a soft consonant must also be soft. Then there was a tendency to harden the first consonant. This pattern currently captures all new consonant groups. According to the old norms, most dental pronunciations are pronounced before soft dental [with '] tena, toa[h '] thread,pa [h '] div. For some words, both options are acceptable (labial and dental before soft labials): door, drive in, beast. Labials before soft posterior lingual are pronounced firmly straps, rags, lafki. The old pattern persists longer in the most frequent words: ra [h ’] ve, [in ’] me [s ’] those.

    Щ is pronounced in Russian as [sh’sh’] or [sh’ch’]. The same sounds are pronounced at the place of combinations of phonemes [sch, sch, stch, zdch, zhch, shch] - pike, happiness, cabbie, defector, freckled, tougher, furrowed. The ratio of these options is not the same in different positions: Within the morphemes, the variant [Sh'Sh'] prevails: [s's']ka, [s's']astie, at the junction of the root and the suffix [Sh's'] - in [s 'sh'] ik, different [sh'sh'] ik, at the junction of the prefix and the root - [Sh'h'] - without [sh'h'] numeral, at the junction of the preposition and the significant word [Sh'h'] - and [sh'h'] ainika.

    [G] - explosive, excl: yeah, hoo, ege, gop, accountant, when stunning - [k]: suggestion [k], BUT bo [x], soft [x] cue, light [x] cue, dress [ x]chit.

    Soft labials are pronounced softly at the end of the word: golu [p '], cro [f '], sy [n '], se [m '] b, fix [f '] those (save before - those and - sya)

5. Pronunciation of groups of consonants.

    Combination ch can be pronounced as [ch] - that [ch] th al [ch] th is different [ch] o; pronounced like [shn] in the following words : boring, on purpose, of course, scrambled eggs, birdhouse, trifling, mustard plaster, laundry, in female patronymics on -ichna - Fominichna, in stable expressions: friend of the heart and hat acquaintance. Some words are pronounced twice: bakery, creamy, decent, candlestick, shopkeeper, dairy. Moreover, the option [ch] displaces [shn]. The usual rule is to pronounce [ch] in accordance with the spelling: eternal, precise, excellent, tape. This also applies to all new words: streaming, filming, arched, pretty, canned. The same word in different phrases can be pronounced differently: a heart attack - a friend of the heart [shn] th, a hat workshop - a hat [shn] acquaintance. In a word What and derivatives from it - [shn], excl. - word something.

    Pronunciation of silent consonants

According to traditional norms, [t] and [d] should not be pronounced. But in some words, the pronunciation with [t] and [d] also arises: ZDN by [zn] o, pra [zn] ik - but without [zn] a / without [zdn] a; STL happy [sl] ive, dependent [sl] ive, uch [sl] ive - but ko[stl] clear

6. Pronunciation of foreign words.

    In some foreign words, the pronunciation of unstressed o is allowed: adagio, boa, bolero, cocoa, solfeggio, trio. Often [o] is pronounced in proper names - Borneo. In most borrowed words, [o] is realized in accordance with Russian phonetic norms - suit, volleyball, piano.

    In the place of the phoneme [e] in an unstressed position, various sounds are pronounced, depending on the degree of mastery of the word by the Russian language.

    in words that retain a literary character, at the beginning of the word and after a solid consonant, [e] is pronounced: Evenk, embryo, equipment, extract, cord [e] ballet, t [e] der, andant [e];

    in words fully mastered by the Russian language, at the beginning of the word, the pronunciation [and e] is possible: [and e] economics, [and e] tazh;

    in Russian, there is a pattern before the front vowel [e], there can only be soft consonants (except Zh, Shch, Ts). This feature distinguishes the Russian language from Western European and some Slavic languages ​​(including Belarusian).

There is no single rule for pronunciation of borrowed words. In well-mastered RL borrowed words before [e], hard consonants were replaced by paired soft ones (museum, theme, physician, comet, prospectus). However, in many borrowed words (not only new, but also in fairly old borrowings) only hard consonants are pronounced: antenna, business, delta, cabaret, codex, model, hotel, pastel, requiem, dash, brown-haired, eczema, etc. In some words, a double pronunciation is permissible: deduction, dean, congress, terrorist.

    When combining identical consonants at the junction of morphemes, a double long consonant is usually pronounced: provoked, import, push. Inside the morpheme, in accordance with the spelling of two identical consonants, both a long consonant and a short one can be pronounced. Long - in words: bonna, gross, bath, cashier, madonna, manna, mass, sum, ton, etc. Short - in words: certificate, pool, grammar, training, illusion, short story, director, effect.

ORTHOEPY(from Greek orthos "correct" and epos "speech"), correct pronunciation (cf. orthography correct spelling). The word orthoepy is used in two meanings: 1) a system of uniform pronunciation norms in the literary language; and 2) the science (a branch of phonetics) dealing with pronunciation norms, their substantiation and establishment.

Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. the language spoken and written by cultured people. The literary language unites all Russian speakers, it is needed to overcome the linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other language differences, interfere with people's communication, shifting their attention from what is being said to how it is being said.

Pronunciation norms are determined by the phonetic system of the language. Each language has its own phonetic laws, according to which words are pronounced. For example, in Russian, the stressed sound [o] in an unstressed position changes to [a] ( V[O] do in[A] Yes,T[O] cheat t[A] read); after soft consonants, stressed vowels [o, a, e] change to unstressed sound [i] ( m[I] co – m[And] sleep, V[yo] l – V[And] la, l[e] h – ow[And] zat); at the end of words, voiced consonants change to deaf (du [b] s du[P], moro[h] s – moro[With]). The same change of voiced to deaf occurs before deaf consonants ( RU[b] it – RU[P] ka, how h it – how[With] to), and deaf consonants before voiced change to voiced ( to[With] it – to h bba, molo[T] it – molo[e] bba). Phonetics is the study of these laws. Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options if the phonetic system in this case allows several possibilities. So, in words of foreign origin, in principle, the consonant before the letter e can be pronounced both hard and soft, while the orthoepic norm sometimes requires a hard pronunciation (for example, [de] kada, [te] mp), sometimes soft (for example [d "e] declaration, [t "e] temperament, mu[h "e] th). The phonetic system of the Russian language allows both the combination [shn] and the combination [ch "n], cf. bulo[h "n] and I And bulo[sn] and I, but the orthoepic norm prescribes to speak horse[sn] O, but not horse[h "n] O. Orthoepy also includes stress norms: pronounce correctly document, but not document,start, but not beginning,call, A Not ringing, alphabet, but not alphabet).

The basis of the Russian literary language, and hence the literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect. It happened historically: it was Moscow that became the unifier of the Russian lands, the center of the Russian state. Therefore, the phonetic features of the Moscow dialect formed the basis of orthoepic norms. If the capital of the Russian state were not Moscow, but, say, Novgorod or Vladimir, then the literary norm would be “okane” (i.e., we would now pronounce V[O] Yes, but not V[A] Yes), and if Ryazan became the capital “yakane” (i.e. we would say V[l "a] su, but not V[l "and] su).

Orthoepic rules prevent a mistake in pronunciation, cut off unacceptable options. Variants of pronunciation, recognized as incorrect, non-literary, may appear under the influence of the phonetics of other language systems territorial dialects, urban vernacular or closely related languages, mainly Ukrainian. We know that not all Russian speakers have the same pronunciation. In the north of Russia they “okayut” and “ekayut”: they pronounce V[O] Yes, G[O] V[O] rit, n[e] su), in the south “akyut” and “yakyut” (they say V[A] Yes, n[I] su), there are other phonetic differences.

A person who has not mastered the literary language since childhood, but consciously mastering literary pronunciation, may encounter pronunciation features in his speech that are characteristic of the local dialect that he learned in childhood. For example, people from the south of Russia often retain a special pronunciation of the sound [r] they pronounce a voiced [x] in its place (a sound denoted by the sign in transcription). It is important to understand that such pronunciation features are a violation of the norms only in the system of the literary language, and in the system of territorial dialects they are normal and correct and correspond to the phonetic laws of these dialects.

There are other sources of non-literary pronunciation. If a person first encountered a word in a written language, in fiction or other literature, and before that he had never heard how it was pronounced, he may read it incorrectly, voice it: the literal appearance of the word may affect pronunciation. It was under the influence of spelling that, for example, the pronunciation of the word appeared chu[f] stvo instead of correct chu[With] yours, [h] That instead of [w] That, pomo[sch] Nick instead of pomo[w] Nick.

The orthoepic norm does not always affirm only one of the pronunciation options as the only correct one, rejecting the other as erroneous. In some cases, it allows for variations in pronunciation. Literary, correct is considered as a pronunciation e[w"w"] at, in and[w"w"] at with a soft long sound [zh "], and e[lj] at, in and[lj] at with solid debt; right and before[w"w"] And, And before[wa] And, And ra[w"w"] istit And ra[w "h"] istit, and [d] believe and [d"] believe, And P[O] Asia And P[A] Asia. Thus, unlike spelling norms that offer one option and forbid others, orthoepic norms allow options that are either evaluated as equal, or one option is considered desirable and the other acceptable. For example, Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language edited by R.I. Avanesov (M., 1997) the word pool allows you to pronounce with both soft and hard [s], i.e. And ba[s "e] yin And ba[se] yin; this dictionary suggests pronouncing maneuvers, glider, but pronunciation is also allowed maneuvers, glider.

The emergence of many orthoepic variants is associated with the development of the literary language. The pronunciation is gradually changing. At the beginning of the 20th century spoke A[n"] gel, tse[R"] cow, ve[p "x], ne[R"] out. And even now in the speech of older people you can often find such a pronunciation. Very quickly, the solid pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle - Xia (camping) (dared[With] A, met[With]). At the beginning of the 20th century this was the norm of the literary language, as well as hard sounds [g, k, x] in adjectives on - cue, -gyi, -hi and in verbs on - nod, -gyrate, -cheat. Words high, strict, dilapidated, jump, bounce, shake off pronounced as if it were written strict, dilapidated, jump up, bounce. Then the norm began to allow both options old and new: and dared[With] A And dared[with "] i, and strict[G] uy strict[G"] uy. As a result of changes in literary pronunciation, variants appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others of the younger.

Orthoepic norms are established by scientists specialists in the field of phonetics. On the basis of what do linguists decide which option should be rejected and which one should be approved? Orthoepy codifiers weigh all the pros and cons of each of the options encountered, while taking into account various factors: the prevalence of the pronunciation option, its compliance with the objective laws of language development (i.e., they look at which option is doomed and which has a future ). They establish the relative strength of each argument per pronunciation. For example, the prevalence of a variant is important, but this is not the strongest argument in its favor: there are common mistakes. In addition, orthoepy specialists are in no hurry to approve a new version, adhering to reasonable conservatism: literary pronunciation should not change too quickly, it must be stable, because the literary language connects generations, unites people not only in space, but also in time. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend the traditional, but living norm, even if it was not the most common.

LITERATURE Panov M.V. About Russian orthoepy. Russian language in the national school, 1971, No. 3
Avanesov R.I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1984
Panov M.V. History of Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1990
Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms. S.N. Borunova, V.L. Vorontsova, N.A. Eskova; Ed. R.I. Avanesova. 6th ed. M., 1997
Kalenchuk M.L., Kasatkina R.F. Dictionary of Russian pronunciation difficulties. M., 1997

Orthoepy(Greek orthopeia, from orthus - correct and йpos - speech). The term “orthoepy” has two main meanings: 1) “a set of norms of the literary language associated with the sound design of significant units: morphemes, words, sentences. Among these norms, there are pronunciation norms (the composition of phonemes, their implementation in different positions, the phonemic composition of individual phonemes) and the norms of supersegmental phonetics (stress and intonation)”; 2) a section of linguistics that studies the rules of oral speech.

The scope of the concept of “orthoepy” is not completely established: some linguists understand orthoepy narrowly - as a set of not only specific norms of oral speech (i.e. norms of pronunciation and stress), but also the rules for the formation of grammatical forms of a word: candles - candles, swaying - swaying, harder - harder. In our manual, in accordance with the definition given at the beginning of this paragraph, orthoepy is understood as a set of pronunciation and stress rules. The formation of grammatical forms is considered only if the form-distinguishing function is performed by stress.

Orthoepy is closely related to phonetics: the rules of pronunciation cover the phonetic system of the language, i.e. the composition of phonemes distinguished in a given language, their quality, changes in various phonetic conditions. The subject of orthoepy is the norms of pronunciation. Orthoepic norm- this is the only possible or preferred language option that corresponds to the pronunciation system and the basic laws of language development.

Orthoepy includes the following sections.

1. Orthoepic norms in the field of vowels and consonants.

2. Features of the pronunciation of borrowed words.

3. Features of the pronunciation of individual grammatical forms.

4. The concept of pronunciation styles. Their features.

Orthoepic norms

Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. the language spoken and written by cultured people. The literary language unites all Russian speakers, it is needed to overcome the linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical - norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other language differences, interfere with people's communication, shifting their attention from what is being said to how it is being said.

Pronunciation norms are determined by the phonetic system of the language. Each language has its own phonetic laws, according to which words are pronounced. For example, in Russian, the stressed sound [o] in an unstressed position changes to [a] ( V[O] du - in[A] Yes,T[O] chit - t[A] read); after soft consonants, stressed vowels [o, a, e] change to unstressed sound [i] ( m[I] co - m[And] sleep, V[yo] l - V[And] la, l[e] h - ow[And] zat); at the end of words, voiced consonants change to deaf (du [b] s - du[P], moro[h] s - moro[With]). The same change of voiced to deaf occurs before deaf consonants ( RU[b] it - RU[P] ka, how h it - how[With] to), and deaf consonants before voiced change to voiced ( to[With] it - to h bba, molo[T] it - molo[e] bba). Phonetics is the study of these laws. Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options - if the phonetic system in this case allows several possibilities. So, in words of foreign origin, in principle, the consonant before the letter e can be pronounced both hard and soft, while the orthoepic norm sometimes requires a hard pronunciation (for example, [de] kada, [te] mp), sometimes - soft (for example [d "e] declaration, [t "e] temperament, mu[h "e] th). The phonetic system of the Russian language allows both the combination [shn] and the combination [ch "n], cf. bulo[h "n] and I And bulo[sn] and I, but the orthoepic norm prescribes to speak horse[sn] O, but not horse[h "n] O. Orthoepy also includes stress norms: pronounce correctly document, but not document,began, but not started,ringing, A Not ringing, alphabet, but not alphabet).

The basis of the Russian literary language, and hence the literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect. It happened historically: it was Moscow that became the unifier of the Russian lands, the center of the Russian state. Therefore, the phonetic features of the Moscow dialect formed the basis of orthoepic norms. If the capital of the Russian state were not Moscow, but, say, Novgorod or Vladimir, then the literary norm would be “okane” (i.e. we would now pronounce V[O] Yes, but not V[A] Yes), and if Ryazan became the capital - “yakane” (i.e. we would say V[l "a] su, but not V[l "and] su).

Orthoepic rules prevent a mistake in pronunciation, cut off unacceptable options. Pronunciation variants recognized as incorrect, non-literary, may appear under the influence of the phonetics of other language systems - territorial dialects, urban vernacular or closely related languages, mainly Ukrainian. We know that not all Russian speakers have the same pronunciation. In the north of Russia they “okayut” and “ekayut”: they pronounce V[O] Yes, G[O] V[O] rit, n[e] su), in the south - “kakayut” and “yakayut” (they say V[A] Yes, n[I] su), there are other phonetic differences.

A person who has not mastered the literary language since childhood, but consciously mastering literary pronunciation, may encounter pronunciation features in his speech that are characteristic of the local dialect that he learned in childhood. For example, people from the south of Russia often retain a special pronunciation of the sound [g] - they pronounce a voiced [x] in its place (a sound denoted by the sign [g] in transcription). It is important to understand that such pronunciation features are a violation of the norms only in the system of the literary language, and in the system of territorial dialects they are normal and correct and correspond to the phonetic laws of these dialects.

There are other sources of non-literary pronunciation. If a person first encountered a word in a written language, in fiction or other literature, and before that he had never heard how it was pronounced, he may read it incorrectly, voice it: the literal appearance of the word may affect pronunciation. It was under the influence of spelling that, for example, the pronunciation of the word appeared chu[f] stvo instead of correct chu[With] yours, [h] That instead of [w] That, pomo[sch] Nick instead of pomo[w] Nick.

The orthoepic norm does not always affirm only one of the pronunciation options as the only correct one, rejecting the other as erroneous. In some cases, it allows for variations in pronunciation. Literary, correct is considered as a pronunciation e[w"w"] at, in and[w"w"] at with a soft long sound [zh "], and e[lj] at, in and[lj] at- with a solid long; right and before[w"w"] And, And before[wa] And, And ra[w"w"] istit And ra[w "h"] istit, and [d] believe and [d"] believe, And P[O] Asia And P[A] Asia. Thus, unlike spelling norms that offer one option and forbid others, orthoepic norms allow options that are either evaluated as equal, or one option is considered desirable and the other acceptable. For example, Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language edited by R.I. Avanesov (M., 1997) the word pool allows you to pronounce with both soft and hard [s], i.e. And ba[s "e] yin And ba[se] yin; this dictionary suggests pronouncing maneuvers, glider, but pronunciation is also allowed maneuvers, plener.

The emergence of many orthoepic variants is associated with the development of the literary language. The pronunciation is gradually changing. At the beginning of the 20th century spoke A[n"] gel, tse[R"] cow, ve[p "x], ne[R"] out. And even now in the speech of older people you can often find such a pronunciation. Very quickly, the solid pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle - Xia (camping) (dared[With] A, met[With]). At the beginning of the 20th century this was the norm of the literary language, as well as hard sounds [g, k, x] in adjectives on - cue, -gyi, -hi and in verbs on - nod, -gyrate, -cheat. Words high, strict, dilapidated, jump, bounce, shake off pronounced as if it were written strict, dilapidated, jump up, bounce. Then the norm began to allow both options - the old and the new: and dared[With] A And dared[with "] i, and strict[G] uy strict[G"] uy. As a result of changes in literary pronunciation, variants appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others - of the younger.

Orthoepic norms are established by scientists - specialists in the field of phonetics. On the basis of what do linguists decide which option should be rejected and which one should be approved? Orthoepy codifiers weigh all the pros and cons of each of the encountered options, while taking into account various factors: the prevalence of the pronunciation option, its compliance with the objective laws of language development (i.e., they look at which option is doomed and which has a future ). They establish the relative strength of each argument per pronunciation. For example, the prevalence of a variant is important, but this is not the strongest argument in its favor: there are common mistakes. In addition, orthoepy specialists are in no hurry to approve a new version, adhering to reasonable conservatism: literary pronunciation should not change too quickly, it must be stable, because the literary language connects generations, unites people not only in space, but also in time. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend the traditional, but living norm, even if it was not the most common

In the pronunciation of adjectives of the genitive singular of the middle and masculine gender, according to tradition, the consonant [r] is replaced by [v]: at the black [h "yaoґrnjv] stone, without the blue [s" yґn "bv] scarf.

In adjectives on - hy, -ky, -hy and in verbs on - nod, nod, nod the consonants G, K, X are pronounced softly, in contrast to the old Moscow pronunciation, which in these cases required a firm consonant:

Unstressed personal endings of verbs 1 and 2 of conjugation - ut, -yut, -at, -yat and suffixes of real participles of the present tense -usch-, -yusch-, -ash-, -yashch- in the language of our days are pronounced differently, their pronunciation is guided by spelling. The old Moscow norms required the pronunciation of these endings and suffixes only according to option 1 of the conjugation. Such pronunciations are now obsolete, but they can still be heard in the speech of the old intellectuals.

4. Pronunciation of postfixes -sya and -s in reflexive verbs. The old Moscow pronunciation was characterized by the pronunciation of solid [s] in these morphemes: fight [s], wash [s]. The only exceptions were gerunds in which a solid consonant was pronounced: fight [s "], knocking [s"]. In the modern language, it is recommended to pronounce [s "] in all cases, except for those when the postfix is ​​preceded by the sound [s]: carried [s], shaking [s], but: leave [s" b], washed [s" b] .


What does orthoepy study? What are the sections of orthoepy?

April 29, 2017

The concept of orthoepy is known to everyone from school. What is this branch of science? What does orthoepy study? The answers to these and other questions will be provided below.

The concept of orthoepy

The word "orthoepy" has Greek roots and means "the ability to speak correctly." However, not everyone realizes that the term has a double meaning. The first - as a set of norms of the language, the second - associated with one of the sections of linguistics, the purpose of which is to study the rules of oral speech.

The full scope of the concept of "orthoepy" has not been established so far. Many linguists define the presented concept too narrowly, and therefore confusion may arise in expert circles. As a rule, norms and definitions of oral speech, grammatical forms and rules can be embedded in the term. The norms of orthoepy establish, first of all, the correct pronunciation of certain words and the placement of stresses in words.

Sections of orthoepy

It is very important to note that orthoepy is a branch of phonetics - one of the departments of linguistics aimed at studying the sound construction of a language. At the same time, orthoepy covers almost the entire phonetic system of the language.

The subject of orthoepy is the norms of pronunciation of words and phrases. What is a "norm"? All experts and specialists in the field of linguistics agree that the only correct variant is called the norm of the language, which completely coincides with the basic laws of the Russian pronunciation system.

The following sections of orthoepy as a science can be distinguished:

  • pronunciation of words borrowed from other languages;
  • features of pronunciation styles;
  • features of the pronunciation of certain forms of grammar;
  • pronunciation of vowels or consonants in accordance with the norms.

A competent combination of all the presented sections just forms the concept of orthoepy.

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Orthoepic norms

Orthoepic norms, or, as they are also called, speech norms, form the entire modern literary language and are necessary just to serve a literate, classical Russian language. An educated and cultured person always uses literary norms in his speech. Thanks to certain rules for the pronunciation of certain sounds, high-quality communication between people is established.

It is also worth noting that along with orthoepic norms, there are grammatical and spelling norms. If people pronounce certain words differently, we would hardly be able to understand each other or transmit any important information. To analyze the speech of the interlocutor, to understand oral messages, one cannot do without orthoepic norms.

Of course, over time, people are increasingly moving away from the established rules of pronunciation. Only literate people with a really good education try not to deviate from orthoepic norms.

Goals, objectives and meaning of orthoepy

What does orthoepy study? The answer has already been provided above - the correct pronunciation of sounds and competent placement of stress. In principle, the same can be attributed to the main goal of the section of linguistics under consideration. Very often we hear the wrong pronunciation of words. For example, instead of the word "corridor", many say "kolidor", instead of "stool" - "tubaret", etc. The tasks of orthoepic science include teaching the classical, literate pronunciation of words.

The sin of incorrect pronunciation of words is mainly the elderly or villagers. It would seem, what could be the problem here? Unfortunately, the younger generation living in such families often adopts the manner of incorrect pronunciation of words. But wrong, distorted speech has never been in vogue. This is where the study of orthoepy in schools becomes necessary. Students acquire knowledge about the literary language, which today is practically indispensable anywhere: neither in politics, nor in business, nor in any other direction of work.

The value of orthoepy, therefore, is incredibly great: this branch of science corrects the dialect and helps to develop a literate, classical Russian language.

Orthoepic styles

Having dealt with the question of why you need to study orthoepy, it is worth moving on to no less important problems. They concern the stylization of the considered section of linguistics.

What can be said about the so-called styles of speech? Orthoepy is a very extensive science, constantly adapting to existing realities. She easily accepts the appearance of neologisms as a given, because there simply cannot be any rigid framework or dogmas here. That is why many experts try to be guided by a special classification, according to which orthoepic norms are divided into two main styles:

  • colloquial speech. If it is implemented in compliance with all the necessary rules, then its use is not prohibited, and even quite justified;
  • scientific speech. It is a very strict language, forbidding the use of many colloquial expressions. It is strictly verified, and its main feature is the clarity of pronunciation.

Many experts in the field of linguistics distinguish some other groups of styles.

Orthoepy rules

It is also worth mentioning some rules, without which the orthoepic section of science simply would not exist. In order to answer questions about what orthoepy studies, what sections of the language it is associated with, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of special rules.

All literary orthoepic norms are divided into two main types:

  • rules for pronunciation of consonants or vowels (“com[p] yuter”, “[t" e] rmin”, etc.);
  • stress rule (“call”, “oblige”, etc.).

What does orthoepy study, what are its features? For any orthoepic norm, the following features are characteristic:

  • variability;
  • stability;
  • general obligation;
  • compliance with linguistic traditions.

It is very important to note that the rules of pronunciation are established in the course of centuries of practice. They must comply with the traditions of the classical Russian language. Orthoepic norms are not invented by linguists. These scientists rather control them.

Pronunciation of consonants

Having dealt with what orthoepy studies, as well as with what this science is generally needed for, it is worth finally paying attention to something more specific. What can be said about the pronunciation of consonants in the orthoepic section of linguistics? For example, here are a few basic rules:

  • in the Russian language, there has long been a tendency for the sounds [ch] and [shn] to converge: of course, boring, on purpose, etc.;
  • pronunciation of solid [zh] instead of [zzh] - I drive, squeal, splash, etc .;
  • the sound [w] is often used in some words with the combination [th]: what, to, etc.

It is the rules presented that best illustrate the answer to the question of why orthoepy is needed. At the same time, many norms imply other rules for setting consonants. What about vowel sounds?

Vowel pronunciation

All norms in orthoepy are built, first of all, on the basis of phonetic patterns. In the case of vowel sounds, it is worth highlighting, for example, the rules for pronouncing [o] or [e] after soft consonants (we are talking about the unjustified pronunciation of the letter Y: ice, maneuvers, guardianship, sedentary, etc.), as well as difficulties with choosing a vowel sound after hard sibilants.

Thus, the question of why it is necessary to study orthoepy immediately disappears after illustrating the basic rules and examples of the pronunciation of certain words.

The concept of orthoepy is known to everyone from school. What is this branch of science? What does orthoepy study? The answers to these and other questions will be provided below.

The concept of orthoepy

The word "orthoepy" has Greek roots and means "the ability to speak correctly." However, not everyone realizes that the term has a double meaning. The first - as a set of norms of the language, the second - associated with one of the sections of linguistics, the purpose of which is to study the rules of oral speech.

The full scope of the concept of "orthoepy" has not been established so far. Many linguists define the presented concept too narrowly, and therefore confusion may arise in expert circles. As a rule, norms and definitions of oral speech, grammatical forms and rules can be embedded in the term. The norms of orthoepy establish, first of all, the correct pronunciation of certain words and the placement of stresses in words.

Sections of orthoepy

It is very important to note that orthoepy is a branch of phonetics - one of the departments of linguistics aimed at studying the sound construction of a language. At the same time, orthoepy covers almost the entire phonetic system of the language.

The subject of orthoepy is the norms of pronunciation of words and phrases. What is a "norm"? All experts and specialists in the field of linguistics agree that the only correct variant is called the norm of the language, which completely coincides with the basic laws of the Russian pronunciation system.

The following sections of orthoepy as a science can be distinguished:

  • pronunciation of words borrowed from other languages;
  • features of pronunciation styles;
  • features of the pronunciation of certain forms of grammar;
  • pronunciation of vowels or consonants in accordance with the norms.

A competent combination of all the presented sections just forms the concept of orthoepy.

Orthoepic norms

Orthoepic norms, or, as they are also called, speech norms, form the entire modern literary language and are necessary just to serve a literate, classical Russian language. An educated and cultured person always uses literary norms in his speech. Thanks to certain rules for the pronunciation of certain sounds, high-quality communication between people is established.

It is also worth noting that along with orthoepic norms, there are grammatical and spelling norms. If people pronounce certain words differently, we would hardly be able to understand each other or transmit any important information. To analyze the speech of the interlocutor, to understand oral messages, one cannot do without orthoepic norms.

Of course, over time, people are increasingly moving away from the established rules of pronunciation. Only literate people with a really good education try not to deviate from orthoepic norms.

Goals, objectives and meaning of orthoepy

What does orthoepy study? The answer has already been provided above - sounds and competent placement of stress. In principle, the same can be attributed to the main goal of the section of linguistics under consideration. Very often we hear the wrong pronunciation of words. For example, instead of the word "corridor", many say "kolidor", instead of "stool" - "tubaret", etc. The tasks of orthoepic science include teaching the classical, literate pronunciation of words.

The sin of incorrect pronunciation of words is mainly the elderly or villagers. It would seem, what could be the problem here? Unfortunately, the younger generation living in such families often adopts the manner of incorrect pronunciation of words. But wrong, distorted speech has never been in vogue. This is where the study of orthoepy in schools becomes necessary. Students acquire knowledge about the literary language, which today is practically indispensable anywhere: neither in politics, nor in business, nor in any other direction of work.

The value of orthoepy, therefore, is incredibly great: this branch of science corrects the dialect and helps to develop a literate, classical Russian language.

Orthoepic styles

Having dealt with the question of why you need to study orthoepy, it is worth moving on to no less important problems. They concern the stylization of the considered section of linguistics.

What can be said about the so-called styles of speech? Orthoepy is a very extensive science, constantly adapting to existing realities. She easily accepts the appearance of neologisms as a given, because there simply cannot be any rigid framework or dogmas here. That is why many experts try to be guided by a special classification, according to which orthoepic norms are divided into two main styles:

  • colloquial speech. If it is implemented in compliance with all the necessary rules, then its use is not prohibited, and even quite justified;
  • scientific speech. It is a very strict language, forbidding the use of many colloquial expressions. It is strictly verified, and its main feature is the clarity of pronunciation.

Many experts in the field of linguistics distinguish some other groups of styles.

Orthoepy rules

It is also worth mentioning some rules, without which the orthoepic section of science simply would not exist. In order to answer questions about what orthoepy studies, what sections of the language it is associated with, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of special rules.

All literary orthoepic norms are divided into two main types:

  • rules for pronunciation of consonants or vowels (“com[p] yuter”, “[t" e] rmin”, etc.);
  • stress rule (“call”, “oblige”, etc.).

What does orthoepy study, what are its features? For any orthoepic norm, the following features are characteristic:

  • variability;
  • stability;
  • general obligation;
  • compliance with linguistic traditions.

It is very important to note that the rules of pronunciation are established in the course of centuries of practice. They must comply with the traditions of the classical Russian language. Orthoepic norms are not invented by linguists. These scientists rather control them.

Pronunciation of consonants

Having dealt with what orthoepy studies, as well as with what this science is generally needed for, it is worth finally paying attention to something more specific. What can be said about the pronunciation of consonants in the orthoepic section of linguistics? For example, here are a few basic rules:

  • in the Russian language, there has long been a tendency for the sounds [ch] and [shn] to converge: of course, boring, on purpose, etc.;
  • pronunciation of solid [zh] instead of [zzh] - I drive, squeal, splash, etc .;
  • the sound [w] is often used in some words with the combination [th]: what, to, etc.

It is the rules presented that best illustrate the answer to the question of why orthoepy is needed. At the same time, many norms imply other rules for setting consonants. What about vowel sounds?

Vowel pronunciation

All norms in orthoepy are built, first of all, on the basis of phonetic patterns. In the case of vowel sounds, it is worth highlighting, for example, the rules for pronouncing [o] or [e] after soft consonants (we are talking about the unjustified pronunciation of the letter Y: ice, maneuvers, guardianship, sedentary, etc.), as well as difficulties with choosing a vowel sound after hard sibilants.

Thus, the question of why it is necessary to study orthoepy immediately disappears after illustrating the basic rules and examples of the pronunciation of certain words.

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