The difference between fractions with different denominators. Subtraction of ordinary fractions: rules, examples, solutions


§ 87. Addition of fractions.

Adding fractions has many similarities to adding whole numbers. Addition of fractions is an action consisting in the fact that several given numbers (terms) are combined into one number (sum), which contains all units and fractions of units of terms.

We will consider three cases in turn:

1. Addition of fractions with the same denominators.
2. Addition of fractions with different denominators.
3. Addition of mixed numbers.

1. Addition of fractions with the same denominators.

Consider an example: 1 / 5 + 2 / 5 .

Take the segment AB (Fig. 17), take it as a unit and divide it into 5 equal parts, then the part AC of this segment will be equal to 1/5 of the segment AB, and the part of the same segment CD will be equal to 2/5 AB.

It can be seen from the drawing that if we take the segment AD, then it will be equal to 3/5 AB; but segment AD is precisely the sum of segments AC and CD. So, we can write:

1 / 5 + 2 / 5 = 3 / 5

Considering these terms and the resulting amount, we see that the numerator of the sum was obtained by adding the numerators of the terms, and the denominator remained unchanged.

From this we get the following rule: To add fractions with the same denominators, you must add their numerators and leave the same denominator.

Consider an example:

2. Addition of fractions with different denominators.

Let's add fractions: 3/4 + 3/8 First they need to be reduced to the lowest common denominator:

The intermediate link 6/8 + 3/8 could not have been written; we have written it here for greater clarity.

Thus, to add fractions with different denominators, you must first bring them to the lowest common denominator, add their numerators and sign the common denominator.

Consider an example (we will write additional factors over the corresponding fractions):

3. Addition of mixed numbers.

Let's add the numbers: 2 3 / 8 + 3 5 / 6.

Let us first bring the fractional parts of our numbers to a common denominator and rewrite them again:

Now add the integer and fractional parts in sequence:

§ 88. Subtraction of fractions.

Subtraction of fractions is defined in the same way as subtraction of whole numbers. This is an action by which, given the sum of two terms and one of them, another term is found. Let's consider three cases in turn:

1. Subtraction of fractions with the same denominators.
2. Subtraction of fractions with different denominators.
3. Subtraction of mixed numbers.

1. Subtraction of fractions with the same denominators.

Consider an example:

13 / 15 - 4 / 15

Let's take the segment AB (Fig. 18), take it as a unit and divide it into 15 equal parts; then the AC part of this segment will be 1/15 of AB, and the AD part of the same segment will correspond to 13/15 AB. Let's set aside another segment ED, equal to 4/15 AB.

We need to subtract 4/15 from 13/15. In the drawing, this means that the segment ED must be subtracted from the segment AD. As a result, segment AE will remain, which is 9/15 of segment AB. So we can write:

The example we made shows that the numerator of the difference was obtained by subtracting the numerators, and the denominator remained the same.

Therefore, in order to subtract fractions with the same denominators, you need to subtract the numerator of the subtrahend from the numerator of the minuend and leave the same denominator.

2. Subtraction of fractions with different denominators.

Example. 3/4 - 5/8

First, let's reduce these fractions to the smallest common denominator:

The intermediate link 6 / 8 - 5 / 8 is written here for clarity, but it can be skipped in the future.

Thus, in order to subtract a fraction from a fraction, you must first bring them to the smallest common denominator, then subtract the numerator of the subtrahend from the numerator of the minuend and sign the common denominator under their difference.

Consider an example:

3. Subtraction of mixed numbers.

Example. 10 3 / 4 - 7 2 / 3 .

Let's bring the fractional parts of the minuend and the subtrahend to the lowest common denominator:

We subtracted a whole from a whole and a fraction from a fraction. But there are cases when the fractional part of the subtrahend is greater than the fractional part of the minuend. In such cases, you need to take one unit from the integer part of the reduced, split it into those parts in which the fractional part is expressed, and add to the fractional part of the reduced. And then the subtraction will be performed in the same way as in the previous example:

§ 89. Multiplication of fractions.

When studying the multiplication of fractions, we will consider the following questions:

1. Multiplying a fraction by an integer.
2. Finding a fraction of a given number.
3. Multiplication of a whole number by a fraction.
4. Multiplying a fraction by a fraction.
5. Multiplication of mixed numbers.
6. The concept of interest.
7. Finding percentages of a given number. Let's consider them sequentially.

1. Multiplying a fraction by an integer.

Multiplying a fraction by an integer has the same meaning as multiplying an integer by an integer. Multiplying a fraction (multiplier) by an integer (multiplier) means composing the sum of identical terms, in which each term is equal to the multiplicand, and the number of terms is equal to the multiplier.

So, if you need to multiply 1/9 by 7, then this can be done like this:

We easily got the result, since the action was reduced to adding fractions with the same denominators. Hence,

Consideration of this action shows that multiplying a fraction by an integer is equivalent to increasing this fraction as many times as there are units in the integer. And since the increase in the fraction is achieved either by increasing its numerator

or by decreasing its denominator , then we can either multiply the numerator by the integer, or divide the denominator by it, if such a division is possible.

From here we get the rule:

To multiply a fraction by an integer, you need to multiply the numerator by this integer and leave the denominator the same, or, if possible, divide the denominator by this number, leaving the numerator unchanged.

When multiplying, abbreviations are possible, for example:

2. Finding a fraction of a given number. There are many problems in which you have to find, or calculate, a part of a given number. The difference between these tasks and others is that they give the number of some objects or units of measurement and you need to find a part of this number, which is also indicated here by a certain fraction. To facilitate understanding, we will first give examples of such problems, and then introduce the method of solving them.

Task 1. I had 60 rubles; 1 / 3 of this money I spent on the purchase of books. How much did the books cost?

Task 2. The train must cover the distance between cities A and B, equal to 300 km. He has already covered 2/3 of that distance. How many kilometers is this?

Task 3. There are 400 houses in the village, 3/4 of them are brick, the rest are wooden. How many brick houses are there?

Here are some of the many problems that we have to deal with to find a fraction of a given number. They are usually called problems for finding a fraction of a given number.

Solution of problem 1. From 60 rubles. I spent 1 / 3 on books; So, to find the cost of books, you need to divide the number 60 by 3:

Problem 2 solution. The meaning of the problem is that you need to find 2 / 3 of 300 km. Calculate first 1/3 of 300; this is achieved by dividing 300 km by 3:

300: 3 = 100 (that's 1/3 of 300).

To find two-thirds of 300, you need to double the resulting quotient, that is, multiply by 2:

100 x 2 = 200 (that's 2/3 of 300).

Solution of problem 3. Here you need to determine the number of brick houses, which are 3/4 of 400. Let's first find 1/4 of 400,

400: 4 = 100 (that's 1/4 of 400).

To calculate three quarters of 400, the resulting quotient must be tripled, that is, multiplied by 3:

100 x 3 = 300 (that's 3/4 of 400).

Based on the solution of these problems, we can derive the following rule:

To find the value of a fraction of a given number, you need to divide this number by the denominator of the fraction and multiply the resulting quotient by its numerator.

3. Multiplication of a whole number by a fraction.

Earlier (§ 26) it was established that the multiplication of integers should be understood as the addition of identical terms (5 x 4 \u003d 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 \u003d 20). In this paragraph (paragraph 1) it was established that multiplying a fraction by an integer means finding the sum of identical terms equal to this fraction.

In both cases, the multiplication consisted in finding the sum of identical terms.

Now we move on to multiplying a whole number by a fraction. Here we will meet with such, for example, multiplication: 9 2 / 3. It is quite obvious that the previous definition of multiplication does not apply to this case. This is evident from the fact that we cannot replace such multiplication by adding equal numbers.

Because of this, we will have to give a new definition of multiplication, i.e., in other words, to answer the question of what should be understood by multiplication by a fraction, how this action should be understood.

The meaning of multiplying an integer by a fraction is clear from the following definition: to multiply an integer (multiplier) by a fraction (multiplier) means to find this fraction of the multiplier.

Namely, multiplying 9 by 2/3 means finding 2/3 of nine units. In the previous paragraph, such problems were solved; so it's easy to figure out that we end up with 6.

But now an interesting and important question arises: why such seemingly different actions as finding the sum of equal numbers and finding the fraction of a number are called the same word “multiplication” in arithmetic?

This happens because the previous action (repeating the number with terms several times) and the new action (finding the fraction of a number) give an answer to homogeneous questions. This means that we proceed here from the considerations that homogeneous questions or tasks are solved by one and the same action.

To understand this, consider the following problem: “1 m of cloth costs 50 rubles. How much will 4 m of such cloth cost?

This problem is solved by multiplying the number of rubles (50) by the number of meters (4), i.e. 50 x 4 = 200 (rubles).

Let's take the same problem, but in it the amount of cloth will be expressed as a fractional number: “1 m of cloth costs 50 rubles. How much will 3 / 4 m of such a cloth cost?

This problem also needs to be solved by multiplying the number of rubles (50) by the number of meters (3/4).

You can also change the numbers in it several times without changing the meaning of the problem, for example, take 9/10 m or 2 3/10 m, etc.

Since these problems have the same content and differ only in numbers, we call the actions used in solving them the same word - multiplication.

How is a whole number multiplied by a fraction?

Let's take the numbers encountered in the last problem:

According to the definition, we must find 3 / 4 of 50. First we find 1 / 4 of 50, and then 3 / 4.

1/4 of 50 is 50/4;

3/4 of 50 is .


Consider another example: 12 5 / 8 = ?

1/8 of 12 is 12/8,

5/8 of the number 12 is .


From here we get the rule:

To multiply an integer by a fraction, you need to multiply the integer by the numerator of the fraction and make this product the numerator, and sign the denominator of the given fraction as the denominator.

We write this rule using letters:

To make this rule perfectly clear, it should be remembered that a fraction can be considered as a quotient. Therefore, it is useful to compare the found rule with the rule for multiplying a number by a quotient, which was set out in § 38

It must be remembered that before performing multiplication, you should do (if possible) cuts, For example:

4. Multiplying a fraction by a fraction. Multiplying a fraction by a fraction has the same meaning as multiplying an integer by a fraction, that is, when multiplying a fraction by a fraction, you need to find the fraction in the multiplier from the first fraction (multiplier).

Namely, multiplying 3/4 by 1/2 (half) means finding half of 3/4.

How do you multiply a fraction by a fraction?

Let's take an example: 3/4 times 5/7. This means that you need to find 5 / 7 from 3 / 4 . Find first 1/7 of 3/4 and then 5/7

1/7 of 3/4 would be expressed like this:

5 / 7 numbers 3 / 4 will be expressed as follows:


Another example: 5/8 times 4/9.

1/9 of 5/8 is ,

4/9 numbers 5/8 are .


From these examples, the following rule can be deduced:

To multiply a fraction by a fraction, you need to multiply the numerator by the numerator, and the denominator by the denominator and make the first product the numerator and the second product the denominator of the product.

This rule can be written in general as follows:

When multiplying, it is necessary to make (if possible) reductions. Consider examples:

5. Multiplication of mixed numbers. Since mixed numbers can easily be replaced by improper fractions, this circumstance is usually used when multiplying mixed numbers. This means that in those cases where the multiplicand, or the multiplier, or both factors are expressed as mixed numbers, then they are replaced by improper fractions. Multiply, for example, mixed numbers: 2 1/2 and 3 1/5. We turn each of them into an improper fraction and then we will multiply the resulting fractions according to the rule of multiplying a fraction by a fraction:

Rule. To multiply mixed numbers, you must first convert them to improper fractions and then multiply according to the rule of multiplying a fraction by a fraction.

Note. If one of the factors is an integer, then the multiplication can be performed based on the distribution law as follows:

6. The concept of interest. When solving problems and when performing various practical calculations, we use all kinds of fractions. But one must keep in mind that many quantities admit not any, but natural subdivisions for them. For example, you can take one hundredth (1/100) of a ruble, it will be a penny, two hundredths is 2 kopecks, three hundredths is 3 kopecks. You can take 1/10 of the ruble, it will be "10 kopecks, or a dime. You can take a quarter of the ruble, i.e. 25 kopecks, half a ruble, i.e. 50 kopecks (fifty kopecks). But they practically don’t take, for example , 2/7 rubles because the ruble is not divided into sevenths.

The unit of weight measurement, i.e., the kilogram, primarily allows decimal subdivisions, for example, 1/10 kg, or 100 g. And such fractions of a kilogram as 1/6, 1/11, 1/13 are uncommon.

In general our (metric) measures are decimal and allow decimal subdivisions.

However, it should be noted that it is extremely useful and convenient in a wide variety of cases to use the same (uniform) method of subdividing quantities. Many years of experience have shown that such a well-justified division is the "hundredths" division. Let's consider a few examples related to the most diverse areas of human practice.

1. The price of books has decreased by 12/100 of the previous price.

Example. The previous price of the book is 10 rubles. She went down by 1 ruble. 20 kop.

2. Savings banks pay out during the year to depositors 2/100 of the amount that is put into savings.

Example. 500 rubles are put into the cash desk, the income from this amount for the year is 10 rubles.

3. The number of graduates of one school was 5/100 of the total number of students.

EXAMPLE Only 1,200 students studied at the school, 60 of them graduated from school.

The hundredth of a number is called a percentage..

The word "percent" is borrowed from the Latin language and its root "cent" means one hundred. Together with the preposition (pro centum), this word means "for a hundred." The meaning of this expression follows from the fact that initially in ancient Rome interest was the money that the debtor paid to the lender “for every hundred”. The word "cent" is heard in such familiar words: centner (one hundred kilograms), centimeter (they say centimeter).

For example, instead of saying that the plant produced 1/100 of all the products produced by it during the past month, we will say this: the plant produced one percent of the rejects during the past month. Instead of saying: the plant produced 4/100 more products than the established plan, we will say: the plant exceeded the plan by 4 percent.

The above examples can be expressed differently:

1. The price of books has decreased by 12 percent of the previous price.

2. Savings banks pay depositors 2 percent per year of the amount put into savings.

3. The number of graduates of one school was 5 percent of the number of all students in the school.

To shorten the letter, it is customary to write the% sign instead of the word "percentage".

However, it must be remembered that the % sign is usually not written in calculations, it can be written in the problem statement and in the final result. When performing calculations, you need to write a fraction with a denominator of 100 instead of an integer with this icon.

You need to be able to replace an integer with the specified icon with a fraction with a denominator of 100:

Conversely, you need to get used to writing an integer with the indicated icon instead of a fraction with a denominator of 100:

7. Finding percentages of a given number.

Task 1. The school received 200 cubic meters. m of firewood, with birch firewood accounting for 30%. How much birch wood was there?

The meaning of this problem is that birch firewood was only a part of the firewood that was delivered to the school, and this part is expressed as a fraction of 30 / 100. So, we are faced with the task of finding a fraction of a number. To solve it, we must multiply 200 by 30 / 100 (tasks for finding the fraction of a number are solved by multiplying a number by a fraction.).

So 30% of 200 equals 60.

The fraction 30 / 100 encountered in this problem can be reduced by 10. It would be possible to perform this reduction from the very beginning; the solution to the problem would not change.

Task 2. There were 300 children of various ages in the camp. Children aged 11 were 21%, children aged 12 were 61% and finally 13 year olds were 18%. How many children of each age were in the camp?

In this problem, you need to perform three calculations, that is, successively find the number of children 11 years old, then 12 years old, and finally 13 years old.

So, here it will be necessary to find a fraction of a number three times. Let's do it:

1) How many children were 11 years old?

2) How many children were 12 years old?

3) How many children were 13 years old?

After solving the problem, it is useful to add the numbers found; their sum should be 300:

63 + 183 + 54 = 300

You should also pay attention to the fact that the sum of the percentages given in the condition of the problem is 100:

21% + 61% + 18% = 100%

This suggests that the total number of children in the camp was taken as 100%.

3 a da cha 3. The worker received 1,200 rubles per month. Of these, he spent 65% on food, 6% on an apartment and heating, 4% on gas, electricity and radio, 10% on cultural needs and 15% he saved. How much money was spent on the needs indicated in the task?

To solve this problem, you need to find a fraction of the number 1,200 5 times. Let's do it.

1) How much money is spent on food? The task says that this expense is 65% of all earnings, i.e. 65 / 100 of the number 1,200. Let's do the calculation:

2) How much money was paid for an apartment with heating? Arguing like the previous one, we arrive at the following calculation:

3) How much money did you pay for gas, electricity and radio?

4) How much money is spent on cultural needs?

5) How much money did the worker save?

For verification, it is useful to add the numbers found in these 5 questions. The amount should be 1,200 rubles. All earnings are taken as 100%, which is easy to check by adding up the percentages given in the condition of the problem.

We have solved three problems. Despite the fact that these tasks were about different things (delivery of firewood for the school, the number of children of different ages, the expenses of the worker), they were solved in the same way. This happened because in all tasks it was necessary to find a few percent of the given numbers.

§ 90. Division of fractions.

When studying the division of fractions, we will consider the following questions:

1. Divide an integer by an integer.
2. Division of a fraction by an integer
3. Division of an integer by a fraction.
4. Division of a fraction by a fraction.
5. Division of mixed numbers.
6. Finding a number given its fraction.
7. Finding a number by its percentage.

Let's consider them sequentially.

1. Divide an integer by an integer.

As it was indicated in the section of integers, division is the action consisting in the fact that, given the product of two factors (the dividend) and one of these factors (the divisor), another factor is found.

The division of an integer by an integer we considered in the department of integers. We met there two cases of division: division without a remainder, or "entirely" (150: 10 = 15), and division with a remainder (100: 9 = 11 and 1 in the remainder). We can therefore say that in the realm of integers, exact division is not always possible, because the dividend is not always the product of the divisor and the integer. After the introduction of multiplication by a fraction, we can consider any case of division of integers as possible (only division by zero is excluded).

For example, dividing 7 by 12 means finding a number whose product times 12 would be 7. This number is the fraction 7/12 because 7/12 12 = 7. Another example: 14: 25 = 14/25 because 14/25 25 = 14.

Thus, to divide an integer by an integer, you need to make a fraction, the numerator of which is equal to the dividend, and the denominator is the divisor.

2. Division of a fraction by an integer.

Divide the fraction 6 / 7 by 3. According to the definition of division given above, we have here the product (6 / 7) and one of the factors (3); it is required to find such a second factor that, when multiplied by 3, would give the given product 6 / 7. Obviously, it should be three times smaller than this product. This means that the task set before us was to reduce the fraction 6 / 7 by 3 times.

We already know that the reduction of a fraction can be done either by decreasing its numerator or by increasing its denominator. Therefore, you can write:

In this case, the numerator 6 is divisible by 3, so the numerator should be reduced by 3 times.

Let's take another example: 5 / 8 divided by 2. Here the numerator 5 is not divisible by 2, which means that the denominator will have to be multiplied by this number:

Based on this, we can state the rule: To divide a fraction by an integer, you need to divide the numerator of the fraction by that integer(if possible), leaving the same denominator, or multiply the denominator of the fraction by this number, leaving the same numerator.

3. Division of an integer by a fraction.

Let it be required to divide 5 by 1 / 2, i.e. find a number that, after multiplying by 1 / 2, will give the product 5. Obviously, this number must be greater than 5, since 1 / 2 is a proper fraction, and when multiplying a number by a proper fraction, the product must be less than the multiplicand. To make it clearer, let's write our actions as follows: 5: 1 / 2 = X , so x 1 / 2 \u003d 5.

We must find such a number X , which, when multiplied by 1/2, would give 5. Since multiplying a certain number by 1/2 means finding 1/2 of this number, then, therefore, 1/2 of the unknown number X is 5, and the whole number X twice as much, i.e. 5 2 \u003d 10.

So 5: 1 / 2 = 5 2 = 10

Let's check:

Let's consider one more example. Let it be required to divide 6 by 2 / 3 . Let's first try to find the desired result using the drawing (Fig. 19).


Draw a segment AB, equal to 6 of some units, and divide each unit into 3 equal parts. In each unit, three-thirds (3 / 3) in the entire segment AB is 6 times larger, i.e. e. 18/3. We connect with the help of small brackets 18 obtained segments of 2; There will be only 9 segments. This means that the fraction 2/3 is contained in b units 9 times, or, in other words, the fraction 2/3 is 9 times less than 6 integer units. Hence,

How to get this result without a drawing using only calculations? We will argue as follows: it is required to divide 6 by 2 / 3, i.e., it is required to answer the question, how many times 2 / 3 is contained in 6. Let's find out first: how many times is 1 / 3 contained in 6? In a whole unit - 3 thirds, and in 6 units - 6 times more, i.e. 18 thirds; to find this number, we must multiply 6 by 3. Hence, 1/3 is contained in b units 18 times, and 2/3 is contained in b units not 18 times, but half as many times, i.e. 18: 2 = 9. Therefore , when dividing 6 by 2 / 3 we did the following:

From here we get the rule for dividing an integer by a fraction. To divide an integer by a fraction, you need to multiply this integer by the denominator of the given fraction and, making this product the numerator, divide it by the numerator of the given fraction.

We write the rule using letters:

To make this rule perfectly clear, it should be remembered that a fraction can be considered as a quotient. Therefore, it is useful to compare the found rule with the rule for dividing a number by a quotient, which was set out in § 38. Note that the same formula was obtained there.

When dividing, abbreviations are possible, for example:

4. Division of a fraction by a fraction.

Let it be required to divide 3/4 by 3/8. What will denote the number that will be obtained as a result of division? It will answer the question how many times the fraction 3/8 is contained in the fraction 3/4. To understand this issue, let's make a drawing (Fig. 20).

Take the segment AB, take it as a unit, divide it into 4 equal parts and mark 3 such parts. Segment AC will be equal to 3/4 of segment AB. Let us now divide each of the four initial segments in half, then the segment AB will be divided into 8 equal parts and each such part will be equal to 1/8 of the segment AB. We connect 3 such segments with arcs, then each of the segments AD and DC will be equal to 3/8 of the segment AB. The drawing shows that the segment equal to 3/8 is contained in the segment equal to 3/4 exactly 2 times; So the result of the division can be written like this:

3 / 4: 3 / 8 = 2

Let's consider one more example. Let it be required to divide 15/16 by 3/32:

We can reason like this: we need to find a number that, after being multiplied by 3 / 32, will give a product equal to 15 / 16. Let's write the calculations like this:

15 / 16: 3 / 32 = X

3 / 32 X = 15 / 16

3/32 unknown number X make up 15 / 16

1/32 unknown number X is ,

32 / 32 numbers X make up .


Thus, to divide a fraction by a fraction, you need to multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second, and multiply the denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second and make the first product the numerator and the second the denominator.

Let's write the rule using letters:

When dividing, abbreviations are possible, for example:

5. Division of mixed numbers.

When dividing mixed numbers, they must first be converted into improper fractions, and then the resulting fractions should be divided according to the rules for dividing fractional numbers. Consider an example:

Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions:

Now let's split:

Thus, to divide mixed numbers, you need to convert them to improper fractions and then divide according to the rule for dividing fractions.

6. Finding a number given its fraction.

Among the various tasks on fractions, there are sometimes those in which the value of some fraction of an unknown number is given and it is required to find this number. This type of problem will be inverse to the problem of finding a fraction of a given number; there a number was given and it was required to find some fraction of this number, here a fraction of a number is given and it is required to find this number itself. This idea will become even clearer if we turn to the solution of this type of problem.

Task 1. On the first day, the glaziers glazed 50 windows, which is 1/3 of all the windows of the built house. How many windows are in this house?

Solution. The problem says that 50 glazed windows make up 1/3 of all the windows of the house, which means that there are 3 times more windows in total, i.e.

The house had 150 windows.

Task 2. The shop sold 1,500 kg of flour, which is 3/8 of the total stock of flour in the shop. What was the store's initial supply of flour?

Solution. It can be seen from the condition of the problem that the sold 1,500 kg of flour make up 3/8 of the total stock; this means that 1/8 of this stock will be 3 times less, i.e., to calculate it, you need to reduce 1500 by 3 times:

1,500: 3 = 500 (this is 1/8 of the stock).

Obviously, the entire stock will be 8 times larger. Hence,

500 8 \u003d 4,000 (kg).

The initial supply of flour in the store was 4,000 kg.

From the consideration of this problem, the following rule can be deduced.

To find a number by a given value of its fraction, it is enough to divide this value by the numerator of the fraction and multiply the result by the denominator of the fraction.

We solved two problems on finding a number given its fraction. Such problems, as is especially well seen from the last one, are solved by two actions: division (when one part is found) and multiplication (when the whole number is found).

However, after we have studied the division of fractions, the above problems can be solved in one action, namely: division by a fraction.

For example, the last task can be solved in one action like this:

In the future, we will solve the problem of finding a number by its fraction in one action - division.

7. Finding a number by its percentage.

In these tasks, you will need to find a number, knowing a few percent of this number.

Task 1. At the beginning of this year, I received 60 rubles from the savings bank. income from the amount I put into savings a year ago. How much money did I put in the savings bank? (Cash offices give depositors 2% of income per year.)

The meaning of the problem is that a certain amount of money was put by me in a savings bank and lay there for a year. After a year, I received 60 rubles from her. income, which is 2/100 of the money I put in. How much money did I deposit?

Therefore, knowing the part of this money, expressed in two ways (in rubles and in fractions), we must find the entire, as yet unknown, amount. This is an ordinary problem of finding a number given its fraction. The following tasks are solved by division:

So, 3,000 rubles were put into the savings bank.

Task 2. In two weeks, fishermen fulfilled the monthly plan by 64%, having prepared 512 tons of fish. What was their plan?

From the condition of the problem, it is known that the fishermen completed part of the plan. This part is equal to 512 tons, which is 64% of the plan. How many tons of fish need to be harvested according to the plan, we do not know. The solution of the problem will consist in finding this number.

Such tasks are solved by dividing:

So, according to the plan, you need to prepare 800 tons of fish.

Task 3. The train went from Riga to Moscow. When he passed the 276th kilometer, one of the passengers asked the passing conductor how much of the journey they had already traveled. To this the conductor replied: “We have already covered 30% of the entire journey.” What is the distance from Riga to Moscow?

It can be seen from the condition of the problem that 30% of the journey from Riga to Moscow is 276 km. We need to find the entire distance between these cities, i.e., for this part, find the whole:

§ 91. Reciprocal numbers. Replacing division with multiplication.

Take the fraction 2/3 and rearrange the numerator to the place of the denominator, we get 3/2. We got a fraction, the reciprocal of this one.

In order to get a fraction reciprocal of a given one, you need to put its numerator in the place of the denominator, and the denominator in the place of the numerator. In this way, we can get a fraction that is the reciprocal of any fraction. For example:

3 / 4 , reverse 4 / 3 ; 5 / 6 , reverse 6 / 5

Two fractions that have the property that the numerator of the first is the denominator of the second and the denominator of the first is the numerator of the second are called mutually inverse.

Now let's think about what fraction will be the reciprocal of 1/2. Obviously, it will be 2 / 1, or just 2. Looking for the reciprocal of this, we got an integer. And this case is not isolated; on the contrary, for all fractions with a numerator of 1 (one), the reciprocals will be integers, for example:

1 / 3, inverse 3; 1 / 5, reverse 5

Since when finding reciprocals we also met with integers, in the future we will not talk about reciprocals, but about reciprocals.

Let's figure out how to write the reciprocal of a whole number. For fractions, this is solved simply: you need to put the denominator in the place of the numerator. In the same way, you can get the reciprocal of an integer, since any integer can have a denominator of 1. Therefore, the reciprocal of 7 will be 1 / 7, because 7 \u003d 7 / 1; for the number 10 the reverse is 1 / 10 since 10 = 10 / 1

This idea can be expressed in another way: the reciprocal of a given number is obtained by dividing one by the given number. This statement is true not only for integers, but also for fractions. Indeed, if you want to write a number that is the reciprocal of the fraction 5 / 9, then we can take 1 and divide it by 5 / 9, i.e.

Now let's point out one property mutually reciprocal numbers, which will be useful to us: the product of mutually reciprocal numbers is equal to one. Indeed:

Using this property, we can find reciprocals in the following way. Let's find the reciprocal of 8.

Let's denote it with the letter X , then 8 X = 1, hence X = 1 / 8 . Let's find another number, the inverse of 7/12, denote it by a letter X , then 7 / 12 X = 1, hence X = 1:7 / 12 or X = 12 / 7 .

We introduced here the concept of reciprocal numbers in order to slightly supplement information about the division of fractions.

When we divide the number 6 by 3 / 5, then we do the following:

Pay special attention to the expression and compare it with the given one: .

If we take the expression separately, without connection with the previous one, then it is impossible to solve the question of where it came from: from dividing 6 by 3/5 or from multiplying 6 by 5/3. In both cases the result is the same. So we can say that dividing one number by another can be replaced by multiplying the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.

The examples that we give below fully confirm this conclusion.

One of the most important sciences, the application of which can be seen in disciplines such as chemistry, physics and even biology, is mathematics. The study of this science allows you to develop some mental qualities, improve the ability to concentrate. One of the topics that deserve special attention in the course "Mathematics" is the addition and subtraction of fractions. Many students find it difficult to study. Perhaps our article will help to better understand this topic.

How to subtract fractions whose denominators are the same

Fractions are the same numbers with which you can perform various actions. Their difference from integers lies in the presence of a denominator. That is why when performing actions with fractions, you need to study some of their features and rules. The simplest case is the subtraction of ordinary fractions, the denominators of which are represented as the same number. It will not be difficult to perform this action if you know a simple rule:

  • In order to subtract a second fraction from one, it is necessary to subtract the numerator of the fraction to be subtracted from the numerator of the reduced fraction. We write this number into the numerator of the difference, and leave the denominator the same: k / m - b / m = (k-b) / m.

Examples of subtracting fractions whose denominators are the same

7/19 - 3/19 = (7 - 3)/19 = 4/19.

From the numerator of the reduced fraction "7" subtract the numerator of the subtracted fraction "3", we get "4". We write this number in the numerator of the answer, and put in the denominator the same number that was in the denominators of the first and second fractions - "19".

The picture below shows a few more such examples.

Consider a more complex example where fractions with the same denominators are subtracted:

29/47 - 3/47 - 8/47 - 2/47 - 7/47 = (29 - 3 - 8 - 2 - 7)/47 = 9/47.

From the numerator of the reduced fraction "29" by subtracting in turn the numerators of all subsequent fractions - "3", "8", "2", "7". As a result, we get the result "9", which we write in the numerator of the answer, and in the denominator we write the number that is in the denominators of all these fractions - "47".

Adding fractions with the same denominator

Addition and subtraction of ordinary fractions is carried out according to the same principle.

  • To add fractions with the same denominators, you need to add the numerators. The resulting number is the numerator of the sum, and the denominator remains the same: k/m + b/m = (k + b)/m.

Let's see how it looks like in an example:

1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4.

To the numerator of the first term of the fraction - "1" - we add the numerator of the second term of the fraction - "2". The result - "3" - is written in the numerator of the amount, and the denominator is left the same as that was present in the fractions - "4".

Fractions with different denominators and their subtraction

We have already considered the action with fractions that have the same denominator. As you can see, knowing simple rules, solving such examples is quite easy. But what if you need to perform an action with fractions that have different denominators? Many high school students are confused by such examples. But even here, if you know the principle of the solution, the examples will no longer be difficult for you. There is also a rule here, without which the solution of such fractions is simply impossible.

    To subtract fractions with different denominators, they must be reduced to the same smallest denominator.

    We will talk in more detail about how to do this.

    Fraction property

    In order to reduce several fractions to the same denominator, you need to use the main property of the fraction in the solution: after dividing or multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number, you get a fraction equal to the given one.

    So, for example, the fraction 2/3 can have denominators such as "6", "9", "12", etc., that is, it can look like any number that is a multiple of "3". After we multiply the numerator and denominator by "2", we get a fraction of 4/6. After we multiply the numerator and denominator of the original fraction by "3", we get 6/9, and if we perform a similar action with the number "4", we get 8/12. In one equation, this can be written as:

    2/3 = 4/6 = 6/9 = 8/12…

    How to bring multiple fractions to the same denominator

    Consider how to reduce several fractions to the same denominator. For example, take the fractions shown in the picture below. First you need to determine what number can become the denominator for all of them. To make it easier, let's decompose the available denominators into factors.

    The denominator of the fraction 1/2 and the fraction 2/3 cannot be factored. The denominator of 7/9 has two factors 7/9 = 7/(3 x 3), the denominator of the fraction 5/6 = 5/(2 x 3). Now you need to determine which factors will be the smallest for all these four fractions. Since the first fraction has the number “2” in the denominator, it means that it must be present in all denominators, in the fraction 7/9 there are two triples, which means that they must also be present in the denominator. Given the above, we determine that the denominator consists of three factors: 3, 2, 3 and is equal to 3 x 2 x 3 = 18.

    Consider the first fraction - 1/2. Its denominator contains "2", but there is not a single "3", but there should be two. To do this, we multiply the denominator by two triples, but, according to the property of the fraction, we must multiply the numerator by two triples:
    1/2 = (1 x 3 x 3)/(2 x 3 x 3) = 9/18.

    Similarly, we perform actions with the remaining fractions.

    • 2/3 - one three and one two are missing in the denominator:
      2/3 = (2 x 3 x 2)/(3 x 3 x 2) = 12/18.
    • 7/9 or 7/(3 x 3) - the denominator is missing two:
      7/9 = (7 x 2)/(9 x 2) = 14/18.
    • 5/6 or 5/(2 x 3) - the denominator is missing a triple:
      5/6 = (5 x 3)/(6 x 3) = 15/18.

    All together it looks like this:

    How to subtract and add fractions with different denominators

    As mentioned above, in order to add or subtract fractions with different denominators, they must be reduced to the same denominator, and then use the rules for subtracting fractions with the same denominator, which has already been discussed.

    Consider this with an example: 4/18 - 3/15.

    Finding multiples of 18 and 15:

    • The number 18 consists of 3 x 2 x 3.
    • The number 15 consists of 5 x 3.
    • The common multiple will consist of the following factors 5 x 3 x 3 x 2 = 90.

    After the denominator is found, it is necessary to calculate a factor that will be different for each fraction, that is, the number by which it will be necessary to multiply not only the denominator, but also the numerator. To do this, we divide the number that we found (common multiple) by the denominator of the fraction for which additional factors need to be determined.

    • 90 divided by 15. The resulting number "6" will be a multiplier for 3/15.
    • 90 divided by 18. The resulting number "5" will be a multiplier for 4/18.

    The next step in our solution is to bring each fraction to the denominator "90".

    We have already discussed how this is done. Let's see how this is written in an example:

    (4 x 5) / (18 x 5) - (3 x 6) / (15 x 6) = 20/90 - 18/90 = 2/90 = 1/45.

    If fractions with small numbers, then you can determine the common denominator, as in the example shown in the picture below.

    Similarly produced and having different denominators.

    Subtraction and having integer parts

    Subtraction of fractions and their addition, we have already analyzed in detail. But how to subtract if the fraction has an integer part? Again, let's use a few rules:

    • Convert all fractions that have an integer part to improper ones. In simple words, remove the whole part. To do this, the number of the integer part is multiplied by the denominator of the fraction, the resulting product is added to the numerator. The number that will be obtained after these actions is the numerator of an improper fraction. The denominator remains unchanged.
    • If fractions have different denominators, they should be reduced to the same.
    • Perform addition or subtraction with the same denominators.
    • When receiving an improper fraction, select the whole part.

    There is another way by which you can add and subtract fractions with integer parts. For this, actions are performed separately with integer parts, and separately with fractions, and the results are recorded together.

    The above example consists of fractions that have the same denominator. In the case when the denominators are different, they must be reduced to the same, and then follow the steps as shown in the example.

    Subtracting fractions from a whole number

    Another of the varieties of actions with fractions is the case when the fraction must be subtracted from At first glance, such an example seems difficult to solve. However, everything is quite simple here. To solve it, it is necessary to convert an integer into a fraction, and with such a denominator, which is in the fraction to be subtracted. Next, we perform a subtraction similar to subtraction with the same denominators. For example, it looks like this:

    7 - 4/9 = (7 x 9)/9 - 4/9 = 53/9 - 4/9 = 49/9.

    The subtraction of fractions given in this article (Grade 6) is the basis for solving more complex examples, which are considered in subsequent classes. Knowledge of this topic is used subsequently to solve functions, derivatives, and so on. Therefore, it is very important to understand and understand the actions with fractions discussed above.

The rules for adding fractions with different denominators are very simple.

Consider the rules for adding fractions with different denominators in steps:

1. Find the LCM (least common multiple) of the denominators. The resulting LCM will be the common denominator of the fractions;

2. Bring fractions to a common denominator;

3. Add fractions reduced to a common denominator.

Using a simple example, we will learn how to apply the rules for adding fractions with different denominators.


An example of adding fractions with different denominators.

Add fractions with different denominators:

1 + 5
6 12

Let's decide step by step.

1. Find the LCM (least common multiple) of the denominators.

The number 12 is divisible by 6.

From this we conclude that 12 is the least common multiple of the numbers 6 and 12.

Answer: the nok of the numbers 6 and 12 is 12:

LCM(6, 12) = 12

The resulting NOC will be the common denominator of the two fractions 1/6 and 5/12.

2. Bring fractions to a common denominator.

In our example, only the first fraction needs to be reduced to a common denominator of 12, because the second fraction already has a denominator of 12.

Divide the common denominator of 12 by the denominator of the first fraction:

2 has an additional multiplier.

Multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction (1/6) by an additional factor of 2.

You can perform various actions with fractions, for example, adding fractions. Addition of fractions can be divided into several types. Each type of addition of fractions has its own rules and algorithm of actions. Let's take a closer look at each type of addition.

Adding fractions with the same denominators.

For example, let's see how to add fractions with a common denominator.

The hikers went on a hike from point A to point E. On the first day, they walked from point A to B, or \(\frac(1)(5)\) all the way. On the second day they went from point B to D or \(\frac(2)(5)\) the whole way. How far did they travel from the beginning of the journey to point D?

To find the distance from point A to point D, add the fractions \(\frac(1)(5) + \frac(2)(5)\).

Adding fractions with the same denominators is that you need to add the numerators of these fractions, and the denominator will remain the same.

\(\frac(1)(5) + \frac(2)(5) = \frac(1 + 2)(5) = \frac(3)(5)\)

In literal form, the sum of fractions with the same denominators will look like this:

\(\bf \frac(a)(c) + \frac(b)(c) = \frac(a + b)(c)\)

Answer: the tourists traveled \(\frac(3)(5)\) all the way.

Adding fractions with different denominators.

Consider an example:

Add two fractions \(\frac(3)(4)\) and \(\frac(2)(7)\).

To add fractions with different denominators, you must first find, and then use the rule for adding fractions with the same denominators.

For denominators 4 and 7, the common denominator is 28. The first fraction \(\frac(3)(4)\) must be multiplied by 7. The second fraction \(\frac(2)(7)\) must be multiplied by 4.

\(\frac(3)(4) + \frac(2)(7) = \frac(3 \times \color(red) (7) + 2 \times \color(red) (4))(4 \ times \color(red) (7)) = \frac(21 + 8)(28) = \frac(29)(28) = 1\frac(1)(28)\)

In literal form, we get the following formula:

\(\bf \frac(a)(b) + \frac(c)(d) = \frac(a \times d + c \times b)(b \times d)\)

Addition of mixed numbers or mixed fractions.

Addition occurs according to the law of addition.

For mixed fractions, add the integer parts to the integer parts and the fractional parts to the fractional parts.

If the fractional parts of mixed numbers have the same denominators, then add the numerators, and the denominator remains the same.

Add mixed numbers \(3\frac(6)(11)\) and \(1\frac(3)(11)\).

\(3\frac(6)(11) + 1\frac(3)(11) = (\color(red) (3) + \color(blue) (\frac(6)(11))) + ( \color(red) (1) + \color(blue) (\frac(3)(11))) = (\color(red) (3) + \color(red) (1)) + (\color( blue) (\frac(6)(11)) + \color(blue) (\frac(3)(11))) = \color(red)(4) + (\color(blue) (\frac(6 + 3)(11))) = \color(red)(4) + \color(blue) (\frac(9)(11)) = \color(red)(4) \color(blue) (\frac (9)(11))\)

If the fractional parts of mixed numbers have different denominators, then we find a common denominator.

Let's add mixed numbers \(7\frac(1)(8)\) and \(2\frac(1)(6)\).

The denominator is different, so you need to find a common denominator, it is equal to 24. Multiply the first fraction \(7\frac(1)(8)\) by an additional factor of 3, and the second fraction \(2\frac(1)(6)\) on 4.

\(7\frac(1)(8) + 2\frac(1)(6) = 7\frac(1 \times \color(red) (3))(8 \times \color(red) (3) ) = 2\frac(1 \times \color(red) (4))(6 \times \color(red) (4)) =7\frac(3)(24) + 2\frac(4)(24 ) = 9\frac(7)(24)\)

Related questions:
How to add fractions?
Answer: first you need to decide what type the expression belongs to: fractions have the same denominators, different denominators or mixed fractions. Depending on the type of expression, we proceed to the solution algorithm.

How to solve fractions with different denominators?
Answer: you need to find a common denominator, and then follow the rule of adding fractions with the same denominators.

How to solve mixed fractions?
Answer: Add integer parts to integer parts and fractional parts to fractional parts.

Example #1:
Can the sum of two result in a proper fraction? Wrong fraction? Give examples.

\(\frac(2)(7) + \frac(3)(7) = \frac(2 + 3)(7) = \frac(5)(7)\)

The fraction \(\frac(5)(7)\) is a proper fraction, it is the result of the sum of two proper fractions \(\frac(2)(7)\) and \(\frac(3)(7)\).

\(\frac(2)(5) + \frac(8)(9) = \frac(2 \times 9 + 8 \times 5)(5 \times 9) =\frac(18 + 40)(45) = \frac(58)(45)\)

The fraction \(\frac(58)(45)\) is an improper fraction, it is the result of the sum of the proper fractions \(\frac(2)(5)\) and \(\frac(8)(9)\).

Answer: The answer is yes to both questions.

Example #2:
Add fractions: a) \(\frac(3)(11) + \frac(5)(11)\) b) \(\frac(1)(3) + \frac(2)(9)\).

a) \(\frac(3)(11) + \frac(5)(11) = \frac(3 + 5)(11) = \frac(8)(11)\)

b) \(\frac(1)(3) + \frac(2)(9) = \frac(1 \times \color(red) (3))(3 \times \color(red) (3)) + \frac(2)(9) = \frac(3)(9) + \frac(2)(9) = \frac(5)(9)\)

Example #3:
Write the mixed fraction as the sum of a natural number and a proper fraction: a) \(1\frac(9)(47)\) b) \(5\frac(1)(3)\)

a) \(1\frac(9)(47) = 1 + \frac(9)(47)\)

b) \(5\frac(1)(3) = 5 + \frac(1)(3)\)

Example #4:
Calculate the sum: a) \(8\frac(5)(7) + 2\frac(1)(7)\) b) \(2\frac(9)(13) + \frac(2)(13) \) c) \(7\frac(2)(5) + 3\frac(4)(15)\)

a) \(8\frac(5)(7) + 2\frac(1)(7) = (8 + 2) + (\frac(5)(7) + \frac(1)(7)) = 10 + \frac(6)(7) = 10\frac(6)(7)\)

b) \(2\frac(9)(13) + \frac(2)(13) = 2 + (\frac(9)(13) + \frac(2)(13)) = 2\frac(11 )(13) \)

c) \(7\frac(2)(5) + 3\frac(4)(15) = 7\frac(2 \times 3)(5 \times 3) + 3\frac(4)(15) = 7\frac(6)(15) + 3\frac(4)(15) = (7 + 3)+(\frac(6)(15) + \frac(4)(15)) = 10 + \frac (10)(15) = 10\frac(10)(15) = 10\frac(2)(3)\)

Task #1:
At dinner they ate \(\frac(8)(11)\) of the cake, and in the evening at dinner they ate \(\frac(3)(11)\). Do you think the cake was completely eaten or not?

The denominator of the fraction is 11, it indicates how many parts the cake was divided into. At lunch, we ate 8 pieces of cake out of 11. At dinner, we ate 3 pieces of cake out of 11. Let's add 8 + 3 = 11, we ate pieces of cake out of 11, that is, the whole cake.

\(\frac(8)(11) + \frac(3)(11) = \frac(11)(11) = 1\)

Answer: They ate the whole cake.

The next action that can be performed with ordinary fractions is subtraction. As part of this material, we will consider how to correctly calculate the difference between fractions with the same and different denominators, how to subtract a fraction from a natural number and vice versa. All examples will be illustrated with tasks. We clarify in advance that we will analyze only cases where the difference of fractions results in a positive number.

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How to find the difference between fractions with the same denominator

Let's start right away with an illustrative example: let's say we have an apple that has been divided into eight parts. Let's leave five parts on the plate and take two of them. This action can be written like this:

We end up with 3 eighths because 5 − 2 = 3 . It turns out that 5 8 - 2 8 = 3 8 .

With this simple example, we have seen exactly how the subtraction rule works for fractions with the same denominators. Let's formulate it.

Definition 1

To find the difference between fractions with the same denominators, you need to subtract the numerator of one from the numerator of the other, and leave the denominator the same. This rule can be written as a b - c b = a - c b .

We will use this formula in what follows.

Let's take specific examples.

Example 1

Subtract from the fraction 24 15 the common fraction 17 15 .


We see that these fractions have the same denominators. So all we have to do is subtract 17 from 24. We get 7 and add a denominator to it, we get 7 15 .

Our calculations can be written like this: 24 15 - 17 15 \u003d 24 - 17 15 \u003d 7 15

If necessary, you can reduce a complex fraction or separate the whole part from an improper one to make it more convenient to count.

Example 2

Find the difference 37 12 - 15 12 .


Let's use the formula described above and calculate: 37 12 - 15 12 = 37 - 15 12 = 22 12

It is easy to see that the numerator and denominator can be divided by 2 (we already talked about this earlier when we analyzed the signs of divisibility). Reducing the answer, we get 11 6 . This is an improper fraction, from which we will select the whole part: 11 6 \u003d 1 5 6.

How to find the difference between fractions with different denominators

Such a mathematical operation can be reduced to what we have already described above. To do this, simply bring the desired fractions to the same denominator. Let's formulate the definition:

Definition 2

To find the difference between fractions that have different denominators, you need to bring them to the same denominator and find the difference between the numerators.

Let's look at an example of how this is done.

Example 3

Subtract 1 15 from 2 9 .


The denominators are different, and you need to reduce them to the smallest common value. In this case, the LCM is 45. For the first fraction, an additional factor of 5 is required, and for the second - 3.

Let's calculate: 2 9 = 2 5 9 5 = 10 45 1 15 = 1 3 15 3 = 3 45

We got two fractions with the same denominator, and now we can easily find their difference using the algorithm described earlier: 10 45 - 3 45 = 10 - 3 45 = 7 45

A brief record of the solution looks like this: 2 9 - 1 15 \u003d 10 45 - 3 45 \u003d 10 - 3 45 \u003d 7 45.

Do not neglect the reduction of the result or the selection of a whole part from it, if necessary. In this example, we do not need to do this.

Example 4

Find the difference 19 9 - 7 36 .


We bring the fractions indicated in the condition to the lowest common denominator 36 and obtain 76 9 and 7 36 respectively.

We consider the answer: 76 36 - 7 36 \u003d 76 - 7 36 \u003d 69 36

The result can be reduced by 3 to get 23 12 . The numerator is greater than the denominator, which means we can extract the whole part. The final answer is 1 11 12 .

The summary of the whole solution is 19 9 - 7 36 = 1 11 12 .

How to subtract a natural number from a common fraction

Such an action can also be easily reduced to a simple subtraction of ordinary fractions. This can be done by representing a natural number as a fraction. Let's show an example.

Example 5

Find the difference 83 21 - 3 .


3 is the same as 3 1 . Then you can calculate like this: 83 21 - 3 \u003d 20 21.

If in the condition it is necessary to subtract an integer from an improper fraction, it is more convenient to first extract the integer from it, writing it as a mixed number. Then the previous example can be solved differently.

From the fraction 83 21, when you select the integer part, you get 83 21 \u003d 3 20 21.

Now just subtract 3 from it: 3 20 21 - 3 = 20 21 .

How to subtract a fraction from a natural number

This action is done similarly to the previous one: we rewrite a natural number as a fraction, bring both to a common denominator and find the difference. Let's illustrate this with an example.

Example 6

Find the difference: 7 - 5 3 .


Let's make 7 a fraction 7 1 . We do the subtraction and transform the final result, extracting the integer part from it: 7 - 5 3 = 5 1 3 .

There is another way to make calculations. It has some advantages that can be used in cases where the numerators and denominators of the fractions in the problem are large numbers.

Definition 3

If the fraction to be subtracted is correct, then the natural number from which we are subtracting must be represented as the sum of two numbers, one of which is equal to 1. After that, you need to subtract the desired fraction from unity and get the answer.

Example 7

Calculate the difference 1 065 - 13 62 .


The fraction to be subtracted is correct, because its numerator is less than the denominator. Therefore, we need to subtract one from 1065 and subtract the desired fraction from it: 1065 - 13 62 \u003d (1064 + 1) - 13 62

Now we need to find the answer. Using the properties of subtraction, the resulting expression can be written as 1064 + 1 - 13 62 . Let's calculate the difference in brackets. To do this, we represent the unit as a fraction 1 1 .

It turns out that 1 - 13 62 \u003d 1 1 - 13 62 \u003d 62 62 - 13 62 \u003d 49 62.

Now let's remember about 1064 and formulate the answer: 1064 49 62 .

We use the old way to prove that it is less convenient. Here are the calculations we would get:

1065 - 13 62 = 1065 1 - 13 62 = 1065 62 1 62 - 13 62 = 66030 62 - 13 62 = = 66030 - 13 62 = 66017 62 = 1064 4 6

The answer is the same, but the calculations are obviously more cumbersome.

We considered the case when you need to subtract the correct fraction. If it's wrong, we replace it with a mixed number and subtract according to the familiar rules.

Example 8

Calculate the difference 644 - 73 5 .


The second fraction is improper, and the whole part must be separated from it.

Now we calculate similarly to the previous example: 630 - 3 5 = (629 + 1) - 3 5 = 629 + 1 - 3 5 = 629 + 2 5 = 629 2 5

Subtraction properties when working with fractions

The properties that the subtraction of natural numbers possesses also apply to the cases of subtracting ordinary fractions. Let's see how to use them when solving examples.

Example 9

Find the difference 24 4 - 3 2 - 5 6 .


We have already solved similar examples when we analyzed the subtraction of a sum from a number, so we act according to the already known algorithm. First, we calculate the difference 25 4 - 3 2, and then subtract the last fraction from it:

25 4 - 3 2 = 24 4 - 6 4 = 19 4 19 4 - 5 6 = 57 12 - 10 12 = 47 12

Let's transform the answer by extracting the integer part from it. The result is 3 11 12.

Brief summary of the whole solution:

25 4 - 3 2 - 5 6 = 25 4 - 3 2 - 5 6 = 25 4 - 6 4 - 5 6 = = 19 4 - 5 6 = 57 12 - 10 12 = 47 12 = 3 11 12

If the expression contains both fractions and natural numbers, it is recommended to group them by types when calculating.

Example 10

Find the difference 98 + 17 20 - 5 + 3 5 .


Knowing the basic properties of subtraction and addition, we can group numbers as follows: 98 + 17 20 - 5 + 3 5 = 98 + 17 20 - 5 - 3 5 = 98 - 5 + 17 20 - 3 5

Let's complete the calculations: 98 - 5 + 17 20 - 3 5 = 93 + 17 20 - 12 20 = 93 + 5 20 = 93 + 1 4 = 93 1 4

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