Recipe for air whites with meat. Dough for whites - lush meat pies in a few minutes


And hot whites. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to be sure of their quality and taste on store shelves. Therefore, I prefer to cook these dishes on my own at home. Today we are preparing belyashi with meat - a very tasty homemade recipe that always works out well.

The dough for belyashi turns out to be soft and airy, and the filling is juicy and very tasty. Of course, whites with meat are quite a high-calorie dish, but sometimes you can treat yourself and your family, especially since these whites with meat in a pan are just delicious!

Ingredients for the dough for belyashi:

  • 1 kg wheat flour
  • 250 ml milk
  • 250 ml water
  • 10 g dry yeast
  • 60 g margarine or butter
  • 2 yolks
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 50 ml sunflower oil per dough
  • 500 ml vegetable oil for frying

Minced meat for whites:

  • 250 g beef
  • 250 g pork
  • 5 bulbs
  • 3 art. l. kefir
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper

How to cook belyashi with meat in a pan:

In a deep bowl, mix milk and room water. Add salt and granulated sugar to the liquid, thanks to which the yeast is activated. Add instant dry yeast and mix everything with a whisk.

Then add a glass of flour to the mixture. Be sure to sift it first to enrich it with oxygen.

Melt a piece of butter or margarine and cool to room temperature. If desired, a vegetable-cream mixture can be added to the dough for belyashi with meat.

Separate the whites from the yolks. We add only yolks to the dough, they will make it especially tender and airy.

Then pour in the melted butter.

Thoroughly mix the dough with a whisk so that all the ingredients are combined, as required by the recipe for whites with meat in a pan.

Now we will gradually add the sifted flour, mixing the dough each time until smooth. When it becomes thick, transfer it to a floured work surface and continue to knead it with your hands.

More than one kilogram of flour should not be added to the dough, even if it still sticks to your hands. Otherwise, it will turn out too steep and the whites will not be airy.

Now, in several steps, mix in the odorless vegetable oil into the dough. Then put it in a greased dish, cover with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Peel and cut the onion as small as possible, salt and mix. Thanks to this, we will get very juicy belyashi with meat.

We wash the meat, clean it and chop it in a meat grinder. Add chopped onion, ground black pepper and a little salt to the minced meat. For juiciness, pour three tablespoons of kefir into minced meat with meat and mix.

Divide the dough into small balls the size of an egg. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil and stretch the dough into a cake. Place a tablespoon of filling in the middle.

We pinch the edges of the dough, leaving a small hole in the middle, as in the photo.

We will form the rest of the products in this way. Let's give them 10 minutes.

Fragrant meat whites are certainly an indispensable dish on any table. Their dough is much softer than the same pies, and the aroma of the meat filling inside, which seeps through a small hole on top, cannot be confused with something else. Any housewife can cook lush whites in a pan, but not everyone knows all the tricks of this simple recipe.

Lush whites in a pan: a classic recipe

Fried dough and juicy, meat filling - this is definitely what distinguishes belyashi from other dishes.

To make the most delicious, crispy yeast dough you will need:

  • water at room temperature - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 30-40 gr.;
  • flour - 700 grams of flour or more;
  • yeast - 30 gr. (if dry - 1.5 tsp);
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • butter / margarine - 100 gr.;
  • salt - a pinch.


  • minced meat (pork, beef, veal) - 400 gr.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • loaf - 50 gr;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Yeast dough is prepared in a sponge method. To do this, mix water, sugar, salt and yeast well until the yeast is completely dissolved. Then add a little less than half the mass of flour. The consistency of the dough should be quite thick, like very fatty sour cream. In a warm place, leave the dough to ferment. It usually takes about an hour. During this time, the dough triples, bubbles are visible on the surface.

While the dough is rising, separate the yolks from the whites of the chicken eggs. Whisk the egg whites into a firm foam. After that, the rest of the ingredients are added to the dough: melted butter, yolks and the rest of the flour. Then add separately whipped proteins and gently mix the lush dough, which is left in a warm place for another one and a half, periodically kneading every half an hour.

In order to prepare the filling, it is necessary to pass the meat through a meat grinder along with peeled onions and garlic. If you bought already prepared minced meat, then onion and garlic should be crushed separately and added to it. The onion must be chopped, since it is he who gives the juice to the entire filling in the future. Separately, soak the loaf in milk and add to the rest of the meat mass. Season with salt, pepper and mix well, you can lightly beat off to saturate the filling with oxygen.

After both the dough and the filling are ready, you can start sculpting the whites: divide the dough into small lumps, roll it into a cake and put the minced meat in the middle, then close the edges of the cake on top, leaving a small hole. Or you can make whites of a triangular shape by pinching all the edges on three sides. Leave to stand for 5-10 minutes.

Pour a large amount of oil into a deep frying pan and let it warm up over medium heat. Dip the belyashi into the oil with the hole down and fry on both sides.

Keep in mind, when frying whites, you can turn them over only once, otherwise nothing will work!

Belyashi with meat on milk and yeast

Many argue that yeast dough is actually tasteless without the addition of milk. Well, when baked, milk really gives the dough a nice, sweetish milky flavor, which makes it nice to eat buns with a sweet filling. Fried yeast dough smells a little different, and some people don’t really like this smell, but milk only enhances it.

In the dough recipe above, you can add milk instead of water. Or, which is the best option, add both ingredients in equal proportions. That is, instead of 300 ml of water, you need 150 ml of milk and the same amount of water.

By the way, the filling can be made more liquid than usual - since the products will still be fried, this is permissible, since the liquid will quickly seize inside.

Tatar belyashi on kefir in a pan

Since belyashi is still a Tatar dish, then you need to cook it like the Tatars themselves. To get very lush and porous whites, the Tatars use fermented milk products - that is, kefir or fermented baked milk. Moreover, there are recipes where kefir is even included in the filling itself in order to make it more magnificent due to the fermentation of lactic acids.

So, for a yeast dough on kefir you will need:

  • fermented baked milk / kefir - 300 ml;
  • flour - 350 or more;
  • yeast - 15 gr.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 15 gr.;
  • salt - a pinch.

Stuffing with the addition of kefir:

  • beef (veal) - 400 gr.;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • loaf - 50 gr.;
  • milk - 100 ml; salt, pepper - to taste.
  • kefir - 70 ml. (one third of a glass).


There is nothing new and complicated in the preparation of the dough, especially since it can be prepared in a safe way: the presence of fermented milk products allows this. Yeast is dissolved in kefir at room temperature, sugar, a warm egg, salt, vegetable oil (can be replaced with butter) and flour are added. The dough is thoroughly kneaded and left to rise in a warm place for 2 hours, periodically kneading it.

You should pay attention to the fact that there is less flour in this recipe, since kefir and fermented baked milk themselves are quite thick and fatty.

There is nothing new to prepare the filling either: grind meat, onion and garlic together, add a long loaf soaked in milk, kefir, salt, pepper to them and mix everything thoroughly. It is important that initially the minced meat is thick without excess moisture, since milk and kefir can significantly thin the filling. It is better to add liquid to the filling carefully, and it is best to pre-squeeze the bread from excess milk.

Lush belyashi with meat and rice

What to do if there is too little meat, and quite a lot of dough came out? You can diversify the filling with various additives. To make it more satisfying, it is usually worth adding a little pre-cooked white rice.

For this you will need:

  • minced meat or meat - 400 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic (optional) - 2 cloves;
  • boiled rice - 150 gr;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Such a filling will turn out to be more “meaty” and less juicy due to the absence of additional ingredients, but at the same time it will be much more satisfying!

Greens will also help diversify the taste sensations from whites: parsley, dill, cilantro, green onions. It all depends on the recipe of a particular hostess.

The filling of buckwheat and minced meat is also considered very exotic, but in combination with spices such as thyme, coriander and black pepper, it is worth a try. The taste will be more delicate due to the taste of buckwheat and spicy due to unusual spices.

Contrary to popular belief, yeast-free dough can also turn out to be very lush and tasty. It also contains baking powder and dairy products, and in terms of its calorie content, it clearly wins compared to yeast. Unleavened dough is more crispy, and thin if desired.

For test:

  • flour - 500 gr or more;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter / margarine - 50 gr;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 1 tsp


  • minced meat - 500 gr.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • garlic - optional.


Mix sour cream together with butter, salt, eggs and sugar until smooth. You can add half a teaspoon of soda slaked with vinegar for "porosity" in the dough. Add flour and quickly knead the dough. Next - leave the dough in a cold place to infuse for 30-40 minutes. Unlike yeast, which needs heat, unleavened dough, on the contrary, needs cold, because in this case all chemical processes proceed better in it and the dough loosens more evenly.

The next step is to prepare the stuffing. Any filling can be wrapped in unleavened dough: from very juicy to dry meat, but the last option is best, since this dough is still thinner than yeast, although much denser.

Roll out cakes from dough balls, put minced meat in the middle and wrap in any convenient way, then fry seam-side down in a deep frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Let the ready whites drain from the oil on a napkin, and then take a meal.

Tasty and lush dough in whites, of course, will not be superfluous. But without a juicy filling, this dish will lose all its peculiarity and, as a result, an impressive share of admirers. Therefore, in each recipe there are recommendations on how to make minced meat for whites more juicy and tasty, as well as keep this juiciness until the end of the cooking process, in order to get real pleasure from eating this seemingly simple, but so beloved by many snacks.

We offer a selection of the most effective tips to increase the juiciness of minced meat for whites, which we will discuss in the next recipe.

How to cook juicy minced meat for belyash with meat?

  • minced meat - 650 g;
  • onion - 320 g;
  • crushed ice or ice milk - 100 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

For belyashi, it is better not to buy ready-made minced meat, but to cook it yourself, taking equal amounts of fatty pork and beef. We dry the washed meat and grind it in a meat grinder with a fine grate. If desired, if there is a need to get a more delicate structure of the filling, twist the meat twice. When adding onions, we take into account that there should be quite a lot of it in minced meat, about half as much as meat. We clean it and chop it into cubes as small as possible, but you should not twist the vegetable along with the meat in a meat grinder, this will not play in favor of juiciness, rather the opposite.

Next, another tip for juiciness. It is necessary to add a little chilled milk to the minced meat, preferably with an admixture of ice crystals or just frozen water. But in this case, after the products are turned over to the second barrel, we continue to cook them under a lid over moderate heat so that the filling has time to fry, because ice still slows down the process.

Season the minced meat with ground pepper and, if desired, with your favorite spices and let it brew for some time. We salt the mass immediately before the formation of products, which will also make the filling more juicy.

Many advise not to leave a hole when sculpting whites in order to keep the juiciness to the maximum. But an authentic version of the classic dish suggests a different way out. When starting to fry the products, we certainly immerse them in well-heated oil and always with the hole down. Thus, the filling is sealed and all the juices remain inside. At the same time, we observe the only condition: the whites can be turned over only once and fry to the end with the hole up, so the oil temperature should not be too high at this moment so that the filling has time to fry and the dough does not burn. At the same time, after turning over, you can pour a spoonful of boiling oil into the hole to the filling, which will somewhat speed up the frying process and additionally add juiciness.

minced belyashi recipe juicy and tasty

How tasty the belyashi will turn out depends not only on the dough, but also on the minced meat. Minced meat for whites, of course, should be liquid in consistency. Thanks to this, the finished dish will be juicy.

- 300 grams of fatty pork,

- a small amount of milk

- 70 grams of onions,

- ground black pepper.

1. Thoroughly and gently rinse fatty pork under running water.

2. Dry the washed meat with a cotton towel or clean paper towels.

3. Cut the pork into medium-sized pieces with a sharp knife.

4. Peel the onion from the husk and cut it into slices.

5. Scroll both pork and onions through a meat grinder.

6. Salt the resulting minced meat and add black ground pepper to it. Thoroughly knead the minced meat with a spoon.

7. Add a small amount of clean boiled water or milk to the prepared minced meat. Mix well again. Milk or water will make the minced meat more liquid and give it juiciness.

Ready minced meat intended for cooking belyashi is not recommended to be stored for a long time. It begins to darken within a few hours due to the presence of onions in it. It is necessary to use minced meat in the first hours after its preparation.

Secrets of cooking juicy whites

Belyashi is a hearty and at the same time simple dish of Tatar cuisine. Round (in the shape of a cheesecake) or triangular with a hole, pies made of tender dough with juicy fragrant meat filling, fried in oil until crispy. They are loved by adults and children. Buying belyashi in stores is not always safe for your health, so we suggest you cook them right at home. It's completely easy and very tasty. You can verify this by reading our article!

To simplify the process of preparing whites as much as possible, the dough can be bought. It can be the usual pie yeast dough.

In order for the belyashi to be juicy, they take two types of minced meat: beef and fatty pork or lamb. But even with lean beef filling, you can get juicy belyash. To do this, before sculpting whites, you need to add crushed ice to the minced meat. The main thing is to do everything very quickly so that the ice in the filling begins to melt only during the frying process. The secret lies in the fact that when melted, the ice will absorb all the seasonings of the minced meat and make the filling of the belyash juicy and fragrant.

In the process of frying, the whites will not absorb a lot of oil if you pour 1 tablespoon of alcohol into the pan.


Roasting whites should last about 5 minutes on each side. Oil for frying should be added so much that it covers half of the belyash. It is very important to place the whites so that they do not touch each other.

In the process of frying, the belyash should be laid out first on the side where the hole is located. Thus, it will be well fried and retain all the juices inside.


After frying in boiling oil on both sides, fold the whites on a paper towel, so all excess fat will go away.

To make the whites soft after cooking, you can put them in a preheated oven for 15 minutes, and then put them in a saucepan and cover with a lid or towel.

Home whites

  • Milk, 250 ml
  • Egg, 1 pc.
  • Salt, to taste
  • Sugar, 1 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil, 2 tbsp.
  • Yeast, 30 gr.
  • Mayonnaise, 1 tbsp
  • Flour, 500 gr.
  • Minced meat, 500 gr.
  • Onion, 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper, to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add sugar and salt, mix until completely dissolved.
  2. Beat the egg with mayonnaise, add flour and knead the dough. At the end of the batch, pour in vegetable oil and knead well again.
  3. Cover the dough with a towel and put in a warm place to increase volume. When the dough is ready, it will need to be divided into small balls, and each thinly rolled into a cake.
  1. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  2. Combine minced meat with onion, salt and pepper to taste and knead well.
  3. Put the filling in the middle of the cake, press it with the palm of your hand. Gather the edge of the dough in a circle towards the middle, carefully pinch, leaving a hole in the center.

Fry the belyashi in boiling oil on both sides for 5 minutes over low heat. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs and vegetables.

A step-by-step recipe for cooking belyash in a pan with a photo

Cooking whites at home is a simple matter. You just need to make yeast dough and good minced meat. Then you get juicy whites with a crispy crust. This dish will be appreciated by all men. The name of this pastry comes from the Tatar word "belish", which means a big baked pie.

Kitchenware: a frying pan in which the whites will be fried, a rolling pin for rolling out the dough and a knife.


  • Yeast (fresh) - 50 g.
  • Flour - 2.5 cups.
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Bulb - 1 piece.
  • Minced meat - 300 g.

How to choose the right stuffing

If you have such an opportunity, then buy good meat (preferably pork) and make the minced meat yourself. If you still buy minced meat, then pay attention to my tips for choosing it:

  1. Minced meat can be frozen and chilled. It is best to choose chilled, it cannot be stored for too long. But frozen minced meat, on the contrary, can be stored indefinitely. And it is very difficult to check how long it has been on the counter. Moreover, supermarkets often practice regluing the expiration date to a later one.
  2. Also, the quality of minced meat can be determined by the juice that is released when it is defrosted. If there is no juice at all, then most likely this product contains moisture-retaining additives. Fresh minced meat should have pink juice. If the juice is dark, cloudy, besides with an unpleasant odor, then the product is stale.
  3. Always pay attention to the labeling of minced meat. There should be a detailed composition of the product. Its energy value, shelf life. If minced meat is wrapped in a simple film, without any information about it, then such a product should not be bought.
  4. Minced meat should not have foreign odors. High-quality product of uniform bright color without dark blotches.

Step by step recipe

First step

  1. Heat the milk a little so that it is warm, but not hot.
  • Add yeast, salt, sugar and sifted flour there. We knead the dough.
  • As usual, the main requirement for the dough is that it does not stick to the hands, but it is not too tight either.
  • Let the dough rise.

  • Second step

    1. Cut the onion into small cubes and add to the minced meat. Don't be afraid to put in a lot of onions. To make minced meat for belyashi with meat juicy, you need to take almost as much onion as meat.

    Third step

    1. Divide the dough into 8 parts.
  • Roll out each piece into a patty shape.
  • Put a filling on each cake and pinch so that a hole is left on top.

  • Fourth step

    1. Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that most of the pies are hidden. This is necessary so that they are well fried.
    2. You need to fry with the hole down first.
  • Then you need to turn the belyash and fry it, adding hot vegetable oil from the pan inside the pie. So the filling will not be raw.
  • Video recipe for whites in a pan

    I invite you to watch this video. This easy-to-follow recipe will help you prepare delicious steaks the right way.

    Sometimes belyashi is cooked with meat and potatoes, and sometimes even with millet or rice. These are traditional recipes. If you change the filling and shape, you get a regular pie. Belyash makes belyash precisely the meat filling and a peculiar shape. Belyashi is served as an independent dish. This is a very satisfying and quite fatty pastry.

    I also recommend baking belyashi in the oven, they are no less tasty than in a pan. Or belyashi on kefir, they have a very tasty and tender dough. I also want to bring to your attention two more recipes. This is a meat pie and a fish pie.

    Belyashi with Meat - Delicious, Homemade Recipe, Juicy and Tender. Thanks to this recipe, whites are very tender. And the meat filling is generally beyond praise - juicy and fragrant.

    • cow's milk - 125 milliliters;
    • water - 125 milliliters;
    • dry yeast - 5 grams;
    • wheat flour - 400 grams;
    • salt - one teaspoon;
    • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.
    • minced beef - 400 grams;
    • minced pork - 400 grams;
    • onions - 2 pieces;
    • salt, pepper to taste;
    • water in minced meat - 15 milliliters.

    Belyashi with meat. Step by step recipe

    1. Flour for cooking homemade whites with meat must be sifted through a sieve (it would be ideal if you sift the flour twice in a row).
    2. We combine milk and water in a deep bowl (it turns out 250 milliliters of liquid). Optionally, you can use either 250 milliliters of water or 250 milliliters of milk. But if you chose the latter option, then carefully follow the frying process: since whites in milk tend to burn.
    3. Dissolve 5 grams of dry yeast in a slightly warmed milk mixture.
    4. Pour out all the sugar and add 3-4 tablespoons of flour to activate the yeast fermentation process. Leave the dough in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.
    5. In the meantime, let's prepare our filling.
    6. The most delicious, in my opinion, belyashi are obtained with minced meat, which consists of 50% beef and 50% pork. In this recipe, I offer just such a proportion.
    7. Of course, you can use one type of meat for cooking minced meat: for example, lamb or pork. If you use only beef, then such minced meat turns out to be less fat and dryish. Therefore, try to cook belyashi with different types of minced meat: choose the one that will be the most delicious for you.
    8. We clean the onion of medium size from the husk and cut it very finely with a knife. You can grind it with a blender or in a meat grinder.
    9. Pour well-chopped onion into a bowl with minced meat, salt, add black pepper to taste. I prefer to use freshly ground pepper: it has a much stronger aroma and sharper taste.
    10. To keep our minced meat juicy during cooking, add a small amount of water to it and mix well.
    11. Now add salt to the dough, a little more than half a serving of flour and mix well with a spoon.
    12. Then sprinkle the remaining flour on the work surface and send the dough onto it.
    13. Mix the flour into the dough with your hands. The secret to a delicious dough for whites is that it is soft and slightly sticky to your hands.
    14. We give the dough the shape of a ball, put it in a deep bowl (previously sprinkle the bottom with flour), cover the bowl with a lid or a towel and give it time to proof. The dough should come up (increase in volume by 1.5 - 2 times).
    15. When the dough has increased, it must be besieged. Lightly dab your palms in vegetable oil and gently fold the dough down. Those. it needs to be mixed again.
    16. Now the finished dough must be divided into portioned pieces. To make whites beautiful and uniform in size, I advise you to use a kitchen scale to dare the same pieces of dough. In this recipe for whites with meat in a pan, I measure out pieces of dough 40 grams each.
    17. Do not forget to periodically lubricate your hands with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick and it is pleasant to work with it.
    18. Thus, we divide the whole dough into pieces (I give them the shape of balls) and lay them out, for convenience, on a board or on a plate. To prevent the dough from getting weathered, you can cover it with cling film.
    19. A similar procedure must be done with minced meat. For each belyash, there should be approximately 40-45 grams of minced meat. Using a kitchen scale, divide the minced meat into portioned balls and put them on a wide dish.
    20. We begin to sculpt belyashi with meat at home.
    21. We take a ball of dough, roll it out to a thickness of about 1 cm, into a small circle.
    22. Put a ball with minced meat in the middle of the circle and carefully pinch the edges so that a small hole remains in the middle.
    23. Now we give the whites a few minutes to rest, lightly press down on top and send to fry.
    24. Pour a large amount of vegetable oil into a deep frying pan. In the process of frying, the whites should float slightly in it, and not lie on the bottom.
    25. We lower the whites into a deep frying pan with well-heated sunflower oil, hole down.
    26. For convenience, I put no more than four whites in the pan. So they are well fried and do not stick to each other.
    27. Fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.
    28. We take out ready-made homemade whites on a dish, previously covered with paper kitchen towels. These towels will absorb excess oil and moisture from frying.
    29. A few minutes after frying, the whites become very soft and juicy, as if they are inviting you to taste their great taste as soon as possible.

    Belyashi is a delicious pastry of Bashkir and Tatar origin. Small round-shaped pies made of yeast dough are either fried in a large amount of oil in a pan, or baked in the oven. Then, cool and serve in this form on the table. Belyashi are baked with a variety of fillings, and, of course, preference is given to meat. Cooking, and most importantly, eating belyashi with meat is a pleasure.

    The two main components of belyashi are dough and meat. The dough for belyashi is most often made with yeast, the meat is ground into minced meat or finely chopped. What products do you need in order to cook delicious pies of Tatar culinary specialists.

    Homemade belyashi with meat

    • 500 grams of beef;
    • 3-4 cups flour;
    • 2-3 heads of onions;
    • 400 milliliters of milk;
    • 10 grams of dry yeast;
    • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 1 teaspoon of salt for the dough;
    • salt and pepper for the filling.

    Now you know what products you will need, then we will analyze the practical side of the issue of how to cook belyashi.

    Cooking belyashi with meat is quite simple if you follow all the instructions in the recipe. It is important to combine proportions, but there are times when you keep the amount of ingredients, but the dough, for example, still doesn’t work out.

    Do not be afraid to try and experiment, and in order for the dough not to be liquid or, on the contrary, too tight, add more flour or vegetable oil if necessary. You can also read this article before you start cooking whites. It reveals the secrets of delicious dough.

    Belyashi recipe with meat

    1. Pour dry yeast and granulated sugar into a small container, pour the amount of milk indicated in the recipe. Milk must be warm. Let the mixed ingredients stand for 10-15 minutes, during which time the dry yeast will activate.
    2. Sift the flour in a slide into a larger container, pour the diluted yeast into the flour, knead the dough, add salt and vegetable oil. Leave in a warm place (near the battery or gas burner) for 50-60 minutes in order for it to rise. As you can see, the dough recipe for whites is not at all complicated.
    • Start preparing the filling. In the recipe we took beef, but you can use any other meat.
    • Rinse the beef thoroughly and pat dry. Pass the beef through a meat grinder, put the resulting minced meat aside for a while.
    • Peel the onions, finely chop, you can skip it along with the meat through a meat grinder. Roll the beef twice for a tender filling. Salt the meat filling, add spices to it.
    • Divide the risen dough into eight to ten pieces. Sprinkle a thick layer of flour on the work surface of the table. Roll each ball of dough in flour, and then shape it into a flat cake.
    • Spread minced meat evenly in the center of each tortilla. Now you need to seal the edges of the pie. Evenly lift the edges of the dough up, form a bag and close it, leaving a small opening. Thanks to this hole, belyashi with meat filling are so juicy.
    • Leave the yeast pies for thirty minutes, during which time they should rise a little more.
    • Fry belyashi with meat in a pan in a large amount of vegetable oil. If you left a hole in the pies, then the preparation of whites should proceed as follows - bring the oil to a boil, fry the side with the hole, and then the other, the filling will not leak out in this case.
    • Give ready-made Tatar pies time to cool, and after 15-20 minutes they can be served with hot tea.
    • In order for baking to be really successful, it is recommended to take all the ingredients at approximately the same temperature.
    • The filling does not have to be meat, no less tasty belyashi with chicken, fish, sweet cottage cheese, apples.
    • If you make a lot of whites, try to periodically change the oil, as after prolonged heating it starts to taste bitter.

    Fried belyashi in a pan, cooked at home, will be an excellent alternative to purchased pastries, because a dish made for your household with all your heart and soul is always tastier. In addition, it is much more pleasant to eat pies with meat filling, knowing for sure what is included in their composition. We will look at how to cook belyashi on yeast dough, which we will make on our own. A juicy filling, coupled with a rich aroma and fried, ruddy dough, makes you hungry from the very first minutes of preparation, so don't be surprised if the finished dish instantly disappears from the plates!


    For test:

    • milk (fat content 3.5%) - 1 cup;
    • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • water (boiled) - ½ cup;
    • butter - 100 g;
    • flour - about 400 g (how much dough will take);
    • salt - 2 teaspoons;
    • sugar - 1 teaspoon.

    For filling:

    • minced meat - 500 g;
    • bulb - 1 pc. (large);
    • salt, ground pepper - to taste.

    For frying whites:

    • vegetable oil - 80-100 ml.

    Fried belyashi recipe with photo step by step in a pan

    How to cook dough for belyash yeast

    1. First, let's knead the yeast dough for whites. To do this, dissolve sugar and dry yeast in a container with warm water. We leave for 10 minutes.
    2. At this time, in a small saucepan over low heat, melt a piece of butter, cool slightly. We heat the milk to a warm state, pour it into a deep bowl, pour in the already liquid oil, add salt.
    3. Pour the yeast into the butter-milk mixture, and then begin to pour the flour, constantly stirring. When the yeast dough for whites becomes thick, spread the contents of the bowl on a floured surface of the table. Continue kneading by hand until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
    4. Lubricate the finished dough with vegetable oil and place in a deep bowl. Cover with a warm blanket and leave to "rest" for 2 hours.
    5. Let's prepare the filling. Minced meat, abundantly peppered and salted to taste, mixed with minced or chopped onion in a blender.
    6. From the “rested” and increased pliable dough, we form medium-sized balls. Lay out on a floured surface.
    7. Lightly press the balls with the palm of your hand, and then roll them out with a rolling pin. On the flour base lay out 1-2 tbsp. mince spoons.
    8. We form triangular or round whites. Regardless of the chosen form, a hole free from the dough must be left in the center so that the meat filling is well fried.
    9. We spread the whites with a hole down in a pan with a plentiful portion of hot oil. Fry until golden brown over moderate heat. Remember that the side with the hole must not be refried, otherwise all the juice will flow out of the meat filling!
    10. We turn the fried belyashi in the pan to the other side, we also stand until a rich ruddy shade is obtained. We transfer the finished products to a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. Serve fried belyashi on yeast dough hot for tea!

    The dough recipe for whites, which includes milk, can perhaps be called one of the best. This dough is incredibly soft and airy, and working with it is a pleasure! Our hearty meal is ready! Bon appetit!

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