Recipes for moonshine from wheat at home. How to make alcohol at home from various raw materials? Expiry date and quality check


Wheat home-brew is distinguished by its delicate aroma, strength and purity. For cooking, it is recommended to use only pure and natural raw materials. Wheat must be chosen especially carefully: the quality of the mash depends on it.

How to choose grain for moonshine

The main selection criterion is viability. It is better to give preference to sowing or food wheat - fodder can be treated with chemicals to increase shelf life and disinfection. Such a seed will be impossible to germinate.

Making sure that the raw materials are clean and not chemically treated is simple: soak a handful of wheat in hot water and smell it. The treated raw material will have a characteristic and unpleasant odor.

The size of the grain indicates its maturity: fine grain will not give good germination, as it is not ripe enough. The surface is also important: it should be smooth and even, golden, without wrinkles and foreign inclusions. If there are dark spots, chips, wrinkling - these are signs of poor quality raw materials, infection with fungus and mold.

When choosing wheat, you should pay attention to the amount of impurities in the bag. If the grain is dusty, with a large amount of weed seeds or sand, with crushed grains or other inclusions, this is a forage material. Do not buy grain immediately after threshing. It has not yet completed all the ripening processes and it will not give good germination and fermentation. At least wheat should lie down for 2-3 months. Buying raw materials older than 18 months is also not worth it: long-term storage negatively affects germination.

If grain for mash on wheat is bought for the first time or from a new seller, it is better to take a little for trial soaking.

Even visually high-quality wheat can be spoiled. It is recommended to buy 250-450 g, soak, control the percentage of floating (empty) grain and the purity of the water, as well as subsequent germination. And only if the wheat meets all the requirements - buy the required amount.

Ways to make homemade moonshine

Moonshine is not prohibited in Russia. Recipes differ in the way grains are germinated, the use of wort or sourdough, ingredients, and fermentation times. Making moonshine can be for its further use, or making homemade cognac, whiskey, tinctures, gin and even rum. In pure moonshine from wheat, to improve the taste, you can add oak bark or cinnamon, saffron, a few sprigs of cloves, chili or vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg, birch buds or lilac buds, ginger root or lemon zest.

rustic recipe

This moonshine on wheat with yeast and sugar is popular due to the rapid maturation of the mash. The fermentation process takes about a day. To prepare it you need:

  • 4 wheat loaves (can be replaced with flour or rolled grain);
  • 5 kg of fine white granulated sugar;
  • 25 medium potato tubers;
  • 0.5 kg of fresh yeast;
  • 3 glasses of fresh milk;
  • 25 liters of water.

It is better to use spring or well water. If ordinary tap water is taken, it must be checked for the content of chlorine and heavy metals, and allowed to stand. Boiling water is not recommended - the percentage of oxygen in boiled water is insufficient for the life of yeast.

Sugar is stirred in water at room temperature along with yeast until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Peeled potatoes and milk, peeled and rolled through a meat grinder, are added to the resulting syrup. Everything is well mixed. Sliced ​​bread is added last. If grain is used, the fermentation period may increase by 6-10 hours. Bread does not have to be fresh: it is better if the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces lie in the open air for 4-8 hours. The bottle with mash is mixed again and placed for a day in a dark place.

Moonshine from dough

Village moonshine from wheat can be prepared by another method. They take a kilogram of wheat grains, about 15 liters of water, 1.5 kilograms of fresh yeast dough and 100 g of dry yeast. Wheat is boiled soft, poured into a fermentation tank and poured with warm water. Add yeast and dough. Mix everything well, install a water seal and put in a warm place for a week. After the allotted time, filter the mash and send it for distillation.

Ready wheat moonshine is diluted with clean water to the desired strength, and before use, it must be allowed to stand for 1-2 days in a dark and cool place.

wild sam

This recipe for moonshine from wheat requires 20 liters of water and 4 kg of sugar and grain. Wheat is poured into a bulk container and washed. Do not use detergents or disinfectants: they kill beneficial bacteria. Water is changed several times - it must be clean, and on the surface - without floating empty grains and contaminants.

Pure grain is poured into a fermentation bottle. Syrup is prepared separately: 800 g of sugar are taken for 4 liters of water. They pour grain and leave confusion for 3-4 days. It is not necessary to close the grain tightly - it must breathe. From dust ingress, you can tie the neck with gauze. The water level is checked daily. If the grain has absorbed some of the liquid, add fresh. The water should cover the wheat by 1-1.5 cm. On the 4th-5th day, the remaining sugar dissolved in 16 liters of water is added. The bottle is closed with a water seal. The fermentation process can take up to three weeks, and the optimum temperature in the room where the bottle stands is about 28 ° C.

When the fermentation process is completed, the mash is drained and sent for distillation. The must can be reused (up to 4 times). The second and third times it wins back faster and gives a stronger drink. It is impossible to keep the mash that has won back for a long time. The mash is distilled twice, and between stages it is diluted with water to the desired strength.

Wild Sam should be infused for 3-4 days before tasting.

Recipe for homemade moonshine with wild yeast

Making moonshine with wild wheat yeast is not easy, but the resulting drink will have a noble and pure taste. You can drink it in its pure form and use it to prepare noble spirits and fruit tinctures.

For the recipe, an equal amount of grain and sugar is taken, and for each kilogram of raw materials - 3 liters of water. Wheat is divided into two parts (1:4). The sourdough will be prepared from the smaller one, and the larger one will go to the mash itself. A smaller part of the grain is laid out in an even layer in containers with low walls and poured with warm water. Its level should cover wheat by 4-6 cm. To make moonshine from wheat without foreign odors, it is better to use soft bottled water. The container with wheat is left for a day in a warm place. Every 4-5 hours the grain must be stirred.

The next stage in the production of wheat moonshine is sprouting. The water is drained, and the grain is transferred to a pallet or to a basin. It is recommended to drill several holes in the bottom so that excess water leaves and does not provoke souring. The grain is left for 7-9 hours without water, and every 2 hours it is mixed with hands. This is necessary to saturate the embryos with oxygen. Next, the grain is covered with a damp cloth. To avoid souring, the wheat is stirred 3-4 times a day, and the fabric is sprayed with water. The germination process lasts from 4 to 11 days: the duration depends on the quality of the grain, temperature, softness of the water. The raw material is ready for further processing when the roots have reached a length of 15-20 mm, and the sprouts - 6-9 mm.

Wheat sourdough for moonshine

Malted milk is needed to make the starter culture. It is made from a mixture of malt (sprouted grain) and water. You need a process to extract the beneficial enzymes into the liquid. Malt can be wheat only or mixed with barley, oats or rye. The germinated grain must be crushed (for this you can use a blender) and pour warm water. About 2 liters of liquid is needed per kilogram of malt.

For sourdough, the germinated grain is also crushed and poured with hot water. To prevent the mixture from sticking together, it is constantly stirred. For a kilogram of crushed grain, 4 liters of water are needed. The container is put on fire and brought to a temperature of 60 ° C. Boil for 15 minutes, after which add 150-200 ml of malted milk. The temperature is raised another 5 degrees and boiled again for 12-15 minutes. Bring the sourdough to a boil. Close the lid and leave for 1-2 hours. The time depends on the quality of the grain and the degree of grinding.

After the allotted time, the fire is turned off and the sourdough is cooled to 65 ° C, malted milk is poured in (at the rate of 1 to 5). Mix well. The container is closed, wrapped in a blanket and left for saccharification. The process takes about 2 hours. Stir the mixture every 15 minutes.

The finished saccharified mass is quickly cooled. Pour into a fermentation bottle, add the required amount of sugar and close with a water seal. The bottle is removed in a warm place for fermentation. On average, the mash plays for about 5 days, and readiness is determined by the cessation of carbon dioxide release from the shutter.

The last stage of preparation is filtration and distillation. After distillation, you can further refine the drink with milk. To do this, 100 ml of pasteurized skimmed milk is taken for 10 liters of milk. Close the container with gauze and leave for cleaning for 5-7 days. The bottle must be shaken well every day. After the allotted time, the drink is filtered through gauze and cotton wool.

Moonshine made according to this recipe turns out to be soft and sweet, with characteristic notes of wheat in taste.

The quality of moonshine from wheat grain depends not only on the production technology, but also on the subsequent distillation. It is recommended to drive moonshine twice. Re-distillation is needed to remove impurities from the drink, improve the quality and taste of moonshine.

During distillation, the mash is decomposed into a “body”, “head” and “tails”. The “head” is what comes out first from the moonshine still. It consists of a large amount of acetone, and the "tails" contain fusel oils. Between the "head" and "tails" raw alcohol is obtained. You can distinguish parts of moonshine with a thermometer: "heads" stand out at a temperature of 56.5 ° C, "tails" - at a temperature of 80 ° C.

Primary distillation does not allow you to get pure alcohol: it still contains harmful impurities. From them it is necessary to clean the raw: for this it is necessary to expel the body and dilute it with clean water to the desired strength (no more than 40%). Too strong raw alcohol can ignite the moonshine still. It is recommended to purify alcohol by adding kefir, manganese or coal.

The mash is re-distilled after cleaning and filtering. The first 10% are cut off - they contain acetone residues. The body of moonshine is the next 80%. The last 10% contain fusel oils. Re-cleaning with kefir or coal can improve the taste of the drink.

And how do you choose grain for moonshine and what recipe do you use for making homemade strong drink? Share your secrets in the comments - our readers will be interested in your experience!

Wheat? ideal raw material for making homemade vodka. Properly prepared, expelled and purified wheat moonshine turns out to be soft, easy to drink without a fusel smell and taste of yeast.

How to close up mash on wheat grain

Recipe for mash with wild yeast:

What do you need:

  • sugar -10 kg;
  • water - 35 liters;
  • wheat? 6 kg.

Is it better to take unrefined sugar? yellow? it has more sweetness than refined. Water to defend 2-3 days. Use wheat grains of the highest grade. It is better to take one container for mash, but a large volume. Instead of part of the sugar, you can use part of the jam, resulting in moonshine with a different taste.

  1. Rinse the grains well. Pick up trash. For convenience, you can use gauze, laying it under the product.
  2. Scatter the wheat in a thin layer up to 5 cm along the bottom of a wide container. You can use a 10 liter bottle by laying it on its side. Pour the grain with cold settled water to cover the top layer by 2-4 cm.
  3. Put in a dark place for germination, shaking the container daily so that the swelling grain is evenly wetted with water.
  4. Germination should be stopped when the green wheat sprouts reach a length of 0.5? 1 cm
  5. Mix the sourdough with 2 kg of sugar, add some water and leave for 7-10 days in a warm place for fermentation.
  6. Then add all the ingredients, heating the water to a temperature of 20-24°C, which is most suitable for the fermentation process.
  7. The signal that it is time to drive moonshine is the settling of germinated wheat grains to the bottom.
  8. It is recommended to carefully drain the mash from the sediment with wheat, which can be used 3-4 more times, adding water and adding sugar.
  9. When embedding a new portion, the wheat grain rises to the surface and settles when the mash is ready.

Preparing a drink with yeast

Moonshine made from wheat with the addition of yeast is prepared in the same way, skipping the sourdough preparation process. Sprouted grain can be used 3-4 times without adding yeast.

You can make an excellent alcoholic drink from whole wheat flour without adding sugar, on the basis that 1 kg of wheat corresponds to 800-900 ml of moonshine, with a strength of at least 40 °.

Divide the cooked grain in a ratio of 1:9, from one
parts of which it is necessary to prepare malt milk, and grind coarse flour from the remaining part. You can crank the raw material through a meat grinder.

Making malt at home

How to make milk from malt:

  1. germinate wheat until the formation of sprouts and roots from 1.5 to 2 cm;
  2. thoroughly rinse the grain with sprouts and dry in the oven, maintaining the temperature no higher than 40 ° C, with the door open;
  3. grind malt in a meat grinder or coffee grinder;
  4. for 150-200 g of dry malt, do you need to add 0.5 liters of hot? 50-60°C? water in 2 doses with an interval of 2 hours.

How to make mash from flour

Braga from flour:

  1. prepare a solution of flour with water based on 1 kg of flour? 1.5 liters of water. Stir with a construction mixer until smooth. Filling water temperature? 40-45°C;
  2. heat the mixture to a temperature of 50-55°C, and after waiting 20 minutes, continue heating to 70-75°C, at which the starch is saccharified. After the process, the liquid acquires a brownish color, a sweetish taste and a bread smell;
  3. add the same amount of water to the mash, cool it to 20-24 ° C, hold, covering the container with a warm blanket, for 3 days and add yeast? 50 g for each 1 kg of flour;
  4. the end of fermentation can be checked with a burning match, which will continue burning at the very surface of the liquid;
  5. carefully drain the mash from the sediment and overtake in the apparatus twice to remove the unpleasant odor.

What to replace sugar

Moonshine from cereals can be made with the addition of jam, replacing some of the sugar with it. It should be borne in mind that a slightly fermented sweet product contains yeast, the amount of which must be reduced in the main recipe. It also increases the rate of fermentation, the wort can quickly pick up acid, which affects the taste of the final product.

Moonshine after distillation acquires the aroma of berries or fruits, which are part of the jam.

The finished drink can be sweetened, improving its taste, with the help of jam, which is added to the finished product.

Purification of homemade vodka

Moonshine is cleaned in several stages:

  1. In the process of distillation, a watering can is placed on the jar with a piece of cotton wool on the drain, which is recommended to be changed as it gets dirty.
  2. Cleaning with activated carbon is recommended when the moonshine is completely driven out. The dose is calculated: 1 table is used for 1 liter of alcoholic beverage. a spoonful of coal
  3. In the process of moonshine production, the first and last part, the most contaminated with fusel oils, is selected.
  4. The second and third, if necessary, distillation significantly improves the quality and taste of homemade vodka.

At home, you can use any products that can be fermented. Instead of sugar, cereals, flour, starch, jam are used.

To create tinctures, vodkas, liqueurs, the best alcoholic component is.

Moonshine, even purified, is not so suitable, purchased vodka is low-grade.

Consider how alcohol can be made at home and what raw materials are suitable for this.

However, we immediately note that only moonshine can be obtained on a conventional distiller, and for our purpose a distillation column is needed, which is not difficult to purchase.

It is impossible to obtain pure alcohol from impurities from poor raw materials. Therefore, immediately forget about processing rotten apples or moldy jam.

There will be a way out, but this product can hardly be called high-quality. And since we still drive for ourselves, we will not lose the mark.

How to do at home?

It's time to study popular recipes and strictly follow them.

Getting from wheat

You can find a lot of wheat recipes, but we will give a simple and effective one. To implement it, you will need:

  • 10 kg of crushed wheat (cereals), for which you can use a crusher or other available method;
  • 40 liters of water;
  • dry yeast (preferably alcoholic) - 50 g or 750 g pressed;
  • enzymes (can be bought in special stores, on the Internet) 25 g each of A-Amilosubtilin and G-Glucavamorin.

Peculiarities. Enzymes can be replaced with dry ground brewing malt. This amount of water and wheat will require 2.5 kg of malt.

Attention. If you use malt instead of enzymes, then skip step 2, immediately cool the wort to 63-65 ° C, and add malt.

Braga distilled twice:

  • first time - in distillation mode, without separation into fractions, almost to the water. The total strength of the resulting distillate will not exceed 30-35 °;
  • secondarily - using a distillation column, with obligatory separation into fractions to obtain alcohol.

Note. A pure product with a strength of 96 ° C at home can only be obtained in a column with a height of at least 120 cm (counting the height above the cube).

In ordinary household columns - 45-60 cm in height - the final fortress rarely exceeds 80 ° C.

From potatoes

A cheap and affordable raw material for the production of alcohol is the familiar potato, which contains a large amount of starch.

In turn, starch under the influence of enzymes and turns into sugar. You can achieve this with the help of malt which one to buy is not a problem.

You can grow green malt yourself. To do this, rinse and soak the wheat well. After three for, sprouts will appear, this is green malt.

To prepare the mash you will need:

  • green malt - 150 g;
  • peeled potatoes - 1 kg;
  • pressed yeast (it is better to take alcohol) - 50 g;
  • water - 2 liters.

Potatoes need to be rubbed on a fine grater, it is not a sin to also use a food processor.

We shift the grated potatoes into a saucepan and stir, pour hot water (80 ° C). In order not to be mistaken, it is easy to measure the temperature with a bimetallic, or even better, with an electronic thermometer that your moonshine is equipped with.

We pass the malt through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender bowl.

Cool the potato mixture to 62°C and add malt. Mix well again, cover with a lid and wrap in a blanket for 10 hours.

After infusion, we filter the resulting mixture, squeeze it and send it to the fermentation tank.

We dilute the yeast in a small amount of water and pour it into a fermentation container, on which we put on a glove or put a water seal.

Advice. Considering that the mash will turn out a little, you can use a plastic bottle of water with a volume of 6-9 liters as a fermentation tank.

Fermentation lasts 10 days (see:). The first 3-4 days it is stormy, then it gradually subsides and on the 10th day the glove is completely blown away, indicating that the mash is ripe. The remaining starch will settle to the bottom, the liquid will clear.

It must be removed from the sediment with a tube and poured into a distillation cube. Please note that potato mash has a sharp unpleasant odor, from which a slight aroma may remain after rectification.

As in the example with wheat mash, the distillation is done twice: the first one is in the distillation mode without fraction selection. It is better to select about 750 ml of raw alcohol. It will be above 40° fortress. You can take even higher, but the result of the second run can be a little disappointing, since the tails are subjected to worse cleaning.

We dilute the distillate with water up to 25-30 degrees and distill again in the rectification mode. We select 45 ml of heads, then we select the body. The result will be 250 ml of 75 degree alcohol.

To obtain potato vodka, alcohol can be diluted with water up to 40 ° and left for a couple of days so that the ingredients are qualitatively combined.

In the smell of vodka created from potato alcohol, a bready smell may be slightly felt due to the presence of wheat malt in the mash. The taste is not sharp, but peculiar, you cannot call it too refined. As they say - for an amateur. However, it is worth noting that in Belarus, potato moonshine is driven everywhere and drunk in villages and cities.

From an earthen pear

Jerusalem artichoke is almost a weed plant, it can grow without any care. With a large yield, part can be distilled into alcohol. Take:

  • 10 kg of washed Jerusalem artichoke tubers;
  • dry yeast - 25 g, if pressed - 300 g;
  • optional - 1-2 kg of sugar. It is possible without it, but sugar will increase the yield;
  • water 5-10 liters plus 4 liters for each kilogram of sugar. The juicier the ground pear, the less water is required, therefore the approximate amount is indicated;
  • citric acid - 5 g for each liter of water added.

To prepare the wort, Jerusalem artichoke must be grated on a fine grater, put in a saucepan, pour in half the water and boil for an hour and a half, stirring occasionally. Ready porridge is thick, with the smell of baked apples. Water is added to it, sugar, citric acid are added.

When the temperature reaches 28-30°C, yeast is added. The must matures for 3-10 days under a water seal. The finished mash is distilled twice, as in previous recipes.

Carefully. There is a statement that alcohol from Jerusalem artichoke contains a lot of methylene.

Therefore, before ingestion, check its quality by Lang test(the method is described at the end of the article).

From flour

We have a popular budget method for distilling alcohol from flour. Take:

  • 19 liters of water;
  • 4 kg of rye, wheat (or mixed) flour;
  • 100 g yeast.

Bring 8 liters of water to a boil and pour 2 liters of cold water into it. In this hot water with constant stirring, you need to dissolve the flour. Leave the "dough" for 1.5 hours, covering the pan. Then add 3 liters of cold water to the mixture.

Stir and let thicken for another 3 hours. Then add the remaining water, pour in the yeast diluted according to the instructions. You don’t need to put it under a water seal, just cover the container (you can with a cloth). After 4 days of being warm, the mash is ready for distillation.

From sugar beet

Raw materials for producing sugar are also suitable for making homemade alcohol. And in order to make it suitable for drinking, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology:

  1. Grind 5 kg of sugar beets (other types are not suitable!) into puree in a way convenient for you. Can be grated, chopped and twisted into a meat grinder, etc.
  2. Transfer to a large saucepan, finish off with 7 liters of water and cook for an hour.
  3. Cover with a lid and wait for self-cooling.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth, carefully squeeze out the sediment.
  5. Put the resulting juice back on the fire and boil until the mass becomes thick.
  6. When it cools down, pour into a fermentation tank and add the same amount of water, that is - 1: 1.
  7. Dilute 50 g of dry yeast (250 g pressed) and add to the wort, mix.
  8. A water seal is installed, left warm without sunlight for 7-10 days, until fermentation stops.

Attention. Water according to this recipe will need 10-15 liters.

Important. Beetroot mash has a sharp unpleasant odor. To completely get rid of it and not feel it in the final product, you need to clean moonshine after the first distillation with coal or milk, dilute with water 1:1, and only after that overtake through a distillation column with the selection of heads and tails.

From fruits and berries

From fruits - apples, plums, cherries, pears, cherry plums, etc., as well as grapes and berries, a pleasant-tasting moonshine is obtained while preserving the taste of fruits. But you can also make alcohol.

Often, even after rectification at home, a light aroma of the feedstock remains. Braga is put both with yeast and without it (using wild yeast on fruits). Distilled twice.

From bread

It can be prepared with yeast, using enzymes, and also with mold. Let's talk about the last option.

Take 2 loaves of bread and cut into cubes with a side of 1.5-2 cm. Fold in a plastic bag, tie and leave at room conditions. After a week or two (it is difficult to predict), the entire volume will be abundantly covered with mold.

The mass is transferred to a bottle, 7-8 liters of water are poured and under a water congestion (glove). After a week, you can overtake. Twice, with intermediate cleaning.

From sugar

We put the classic sugar mash: for 30 liters of water - 6 kg of sugar and 0.5 kg of pressed yeast, after ripening we rectify through a column.

From jam

Braga is not particularly different from the previous one, only you need to correctly calculate the amount of sugar in the jam. If it's not too sweet, add sugar.

from apples

You can put yeast mash with the addition of sugar and yeast for quick maturation. For homemade alcohol - that's it. For 15 kg of crushed apples, you need to take 10 liters of water, 2 kg of sugar and 20 g of dry yeast.

From dried fruits

Dried fruits are suitable for mash: apples, pears, plums, cherries. Proportions:

  • 2 kg of dried fruits (one type or assorted);
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 40 g dry (350 g pressed) yeast.

Boil dried fruits, invert sugar, add diluted yeast to the mixture cooled to 28-30 ° C.

From plums

If you have enough ripe juicy sweet plums, you can make mash without sugar and yeast from them.

Do not wash the plums, mash them into a puree, add a little water so that the wort is quite liquid and put a water seal. After a week, you can overtake.

From wild pears

You will need:

  • 12 kg of wild pears;
  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • 16 liters of soft water;
  • 100 g pressed or 20 g dry active yeast.

Cut out seeds and stems from pears. We grind. Mix with sugar (you can - syrup), water, diluted yeast. We put under a water seal until ripening (about a week), distill twice.

Rules and shelf life

The resulting alcohol must be stored in a sealed container made of glass or food grade stainless steel not in the light, at a temperature not exceeding +20°C. Plastic bottles are a bad option. It happened that alcohol even burned through such containers, not to mention the chemical compounds that arise there.

Under favorable conditions, pure alcohol can be safely stored for up to 10 years, with additives - at least 3 years.

How to check the quality of alcohol at home?

Having received alcohol at home, you can check it for impurities by conducting a Lang test. Need:

  • 3 fractions of one alcohol - heads, body and tails;
  • 3 flasks (clean jars will also do);
  • a strong solution of potassium permanganate (for 50 ml of distilled water - 0.1 g of potassium permanganate);
  • graduated pipette (syringe).

It is done like this:

  1. 0.4 ml of potassium permanganate is added to each of the three jars and 20 ml of alcohol fractions are added: heads in the first jar, bodies in the second, and tail fractions in the third.
  2. Literally within a minute, reactions occur: the heads become light yellow, the body remains pink, the tails are brown.
  3. Immediately after breeding, time is recorded and after what time the sample with the “body” will acquire the color of salmon:
  • 10 minutes - alcohol of the first grade, not very high quality;
  • 15 minutes - the highest grade;
  • 20 - "Basis";
  • 22 - "Lux".

If alcohol acquired the color of salmon earlier than after 10 minutes, it is dangerous to use it inside.

The easiest way is to put it on your hand and rub it. An unpleasant pungent odor indicates that alcohol is unsuitable for ingestion.

Moonshine from wheat appeared in ancient Rus'. It was one of the most beloved and widespread merry drinks, without which no merry Russian holiday could do. Thanks to natural raw materials and excellent taste, the preparation of moonshine from wheat has come down to our times; many distillers make it at home. It's no secret that grain moonshine, properly made, tastes better than distillate made from sugar mash. To make wheat moonshine, you need to spend more time and effort, but in the end you get delicious homemade alcohol. Moonshine from wheat is easy to drink, it is very soft with a sweetish taste.

Raw materials for wheat mash should be used only of very good quality, it is advisable to take the highest grade grain. Spoiled grains can spoil the taste of the drink, give it bitterness and an unpleasant odor. There are quite a few recipes for making moonshine from wheat, the simplest recipes for cereal mash are described below, which are easy to repeat at home. You will learn how to germinate wheat for moonshine. how much water to use for this, what proportions and watch the video. The process of obtaining moonshine is divided into several points: the preparation of raw materials, the manufacture of home brew, distillation and purification of moonshine. Ready-made moonshine can be used both in its pure form and used in the preparation of tinctures, liqueurs and cocktails.

Moonshine recipe on wheat without yeast

To make high-quality moonshine, on sprouted wheat, it is advisable to put mash without yeast. The normal yeast needed to turn sugar into alcohol will replace the wild wheat yeast. Braga for moonshine with wild yeast is prepared for one to two weeks, depending on the activity of the yeast. Moonshine on such a starter turns out to be soft and does not have a pronounced fusel smell of ordinary yeast.


  • Wheat - 4 kg;
  • Sugar - 4 kg;
  • Water - 30 liters.


  1. Rinse the wheat, separate the floating debris and grain.
  2. Pour 1 kg of washed grain into a plastic barrel, level it at the bottom and fill it with water by 2-3 cm. Close the lid and leave for a day - two to soak.
  3. Pour 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to the sprouted wheat and mix the contents thoroughly. Cover the can with a cloth and put in heat for 7-10 days. Stir the mass once or twice a day so that it does not sour. During this time, you will get a sourdough on wild wheat yeast.
  4. Pour the remaining sugar and grain into the resulting sourdough. Pour warm water at a temperature of 25 ° C., install a water seal and put the container to ferment in a warm place for a week.
  5. At the end of fermentation, carefully drain the mash from the sediment, filter through a sieve. Braga is ready to move. The remaining germinated wheat in the barrel is still suitable for preparing the next mash. Pour 4 kg of sugar into the sourdough, add water and ferment again, so you can make three or four servings of mash on wild yeast without spoiling the quality of moonshine.
  6. The finished mash is poured into a cube and distilled on a moonshine still to a fortress of 5-10 degrees.
  7. If necessary, clean raw wheat mash using charcoal.
  8. Dilute moonshine with water up to 20 degrees and again, fractionally drive the raw material with the selection of head fractions. Heads are selected with the calculation of 5-10% of absolute alcohol, that is, approximately 30 ml per liter of raw. Then select the "body" up to 40-50 degrees in the jet.
  9. Dilute the resulting double-distilled wheat sam with water to a strength of 40-45 °. Let the drink "rest" for two or three days. If desired, you can ennoble moonshine from wheat by insisting it on oak chips or aging in an oak barrel.

Step-by-step video recipe for making wheat mash

Moonshine recipe from wheat with green malt

According to this recipe, wheat mash is prepared with yeast, but without sugar. At the beginning of the process, it is necessary to weld grain raw materials. It is then saccharified with green malt, you can use commercially available brewing malt or make it at home. Also in the recipe, you can use the grain of rye, barley, corn.


  • Wheat - 6 kg;
  • Water 25l;
  • Dry yeast - 25g.


  1. We prepare green malt, for this 1 kg of wheat, rinse with clean running water, remove debris and floating grains. Fill with water for 5-6 cm and leave to soak for 6-8 hours. Rinse the soaked wheat and pour a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. After treatment with potassium permanganate, rinse the wheat again and sprinkle it on a pallet from the grate.
  2. Rinse the grain abundantly with warm water 2-3 times a day, also turn it over twice a day. When the sprout grows the size of the grain itself, then we can assume that the malt is ready. On average, wheat and rye germinate in 2-4 days. It is important to soak the germinated grains again in potassium permanganate, dissolving 0.2-0.3 grams per liter of water, this will prevent infection of the future wort. Rinse the malt after 15-20 minutes. Grind in an electric meat grinder or blender. It is advisable to use it immediately.
  3. Crush the rest of the wheat (5 kg) in a grain crusher. Pour it into the mash tank, pour hot water over it and boil it for 10-15 minutes. At a temperature of 63-65°C, add malt, stir the mixture thoroughly. Wrap the container with a warm blanket and leave to sugar for 2-3 hours. The wort should become sweet, in order to make sure of saccharification, you can do an iodine test. If the iodine does not change color, then everything is fine.
  4. Quickly cool the wort to a temperature of 25 °, it is most convenient to do this using a chiller, or put the container in cold water with ice.
  5. Pour the chilled wort into a fermentation tank, add the yeast diluted according to the instructions. Close the container, install a water seal and put in a warm place with a temperature of 25-28 ° for fermentation for 4-6 days.
  6. When fermentation takes place, the mash on wheat will partially lighten, it will be bitter and the emission of gases will stop, it must be filtered through a gauze filter. If it is planned to distill the mash on a steam-water boiler or using a steam generator, then it is possible to carry out a selection together with the pellets.
  7. Overtake the mash twice. The first distillation without fractionation, the second time with the separation of heads and tails, as described in the first recipe. Make the strength of the drink 40-45 degrees. Keep the grain moonshine in glass for several days and you can start tasting the bread distillate.

Braga from wheat for moonshine on koji

This recipe for making wheat mash without yeast, but using the recently popular Koji. The technology and production of cooking mash on koji is very simple and economical, but takes a long time.

Koji- These are yeasts created on the basis of fungi and mold. They allow raw materials to be processed from starch to sugar. Eliminating the traditional methods of saccharification with malt and enzymes and ferment these sugars.


  • Wheat groats - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 10 l;
  • Koji - 22 gr.


  1. Boil water, pour into wheat groats. Mix thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  2. Cool the porridge to room temperature.
  3. Pour out the required amount of koji, observing all precautions, and add to the mash.
  4. Install a water seal on the fermentation tank. Put on a warm battery.
  5. Koji mash usually ferments for 25-30 days. After the end of fermentation, strain the mash through cheesecloth.
  6. The haul of mash is normal. The first, without reinforcement, chases to the water. The second distillation of moonshine is fractional with the separation of head and tail fractions. In conclusion, dilute moonshine to the desired strength, keep in glass for 5-7 days.

The resulting distillate from wheat raw materials after a short exposure can be left as is, in the old days such a drink was called "or polugar. Now polugar is a very expensive alcohol and is an elite drink. The price of one bottle (500 ml) of polugar reaches 200 US dollars.

Wheat moonshine is an excellent base for various tinctures, caraway vodka or Borodino tincture with the smell of bread and coriander is good from it. If moonshine is kept in an oak barrel or insisted on, then you will get a great wheat whiskey, which also belongs to the elite brands of alcohol.

Experienced moonshiners know that grain moonshine is much better than regular sugar mash. But it will take more time and effort to prepare it. We will look at how to make moonshine from wheat or other grains (barley, oats, millet or corn) at home. The technology is not very complicated, anyone can repeat it.

First, let's deal with the taste of grain moonshine, it depends on the choice of culture. Wheat makes a soft drink. Strong and sharp moonshine can be driven out of rye, something like whiskey comes out of barley. The choice of raw materials is yours. Personally, I prefer wheat.


  • grain - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 25 liters;
  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • dry yeast - 100 grams (or 500 grams pressed);
  • fermented baked milk (kefir) of high fat content - 0.5 liters.

Before soaking, the grain should lie at least 2 months. It is better to use alcoholic yeast, rather than baker's yeast, then the fermentation will be more intense. Sugar increases yield without compromising quality.

Wheat Moonshine Recipe

1. Preparation of malt. Lay the wheat in a layer of no more than 2 cm on flat pallets, then soak in warm water. Water should only slightly cover the grain, otherwise it will not germinate. Place pallets in a warm (18-25°C) dark place.

On the second or third day after soaking, the first shoots will appear. If they are not there, then the grain is of poor quality and you will have to take another one. During germination, turn the wheat once a day so that it does not become moldy and sour.

When the sprouts reach 2 cm in length and begin to intertwine with each other, remove the grains from the water without separating.

Sprouting wheat

2. Cooking mash. Add warm water (50-60°C) and sugar to a 40 liter container. Mix well. Wait until the water cools down to 28-30°C. Then add the malt made in the previous step and the yeast diluted according to the instructions on the package. Stir again, then install a water seal on the container. During fermentation, the room temperature should be between 18-28°C.

3. Distillation. Strain the mash that has won back (it will taste bitter without sweetness) through a colander to filter the wheat. The collected grain can be used 2-3 more times. The quality of moonshine will not deteriorate.

Add 0.5 liters of kefir or other fermented milk product to the wheat mash to eliminate the fusel smell.

Overtake the mash on a moonshine still of any design, selecting the distillate, until the strength in the jet drops below 35 degrees.

4. Cleaning. An optional step, but many experienced moonshiners clean the moonshine with charcoal after distillation, even if it is not from sugar, but from cereals.

5. Redistillation. Improves the quality of wheat moonshine. Measure the strength, determine the amount of pure alcohol. Dilute the distillate with water up to 20% and overtake a second time. The first 8-15% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol is poured into a separate container. This is a harmful fraction that worsens the taste. When the strength in the jet falls below 40 degrees, complete the selection of the main fraction.

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