President's last call speech. Congratulations in your own words on the last call


Giving a farewell speech after graduation from high school is a difficult but interesting task that brings pleasure not only to the audience, but also to the speaker himself. The purpose of such a performance is to say words of gratitude to their teachers, once again remind everyone about the end of school and cheer up. In addition to words of farewell to teachers, your speech should include inspiring parting words. Fitting all this into one short speech is a rather difficult task for the speaker. However, you will make a great speech if you plan and prepare ahead of time.


Part 1

Plan your speech

    Read other graduation speeches. One of the best ways to prepare for what you need to do is to find people who have already done it. Ask your classmates to read their graduation speeches to you, listen to how these speeches sound, what jokes they use. There is no need to copy these speeches, just find something interesting in each speech, some ideas and themes that you can use for your speech.

    Find a topic for your speech. Your speech should be built around something that you are trying to convey to your classmates and teachers. Once you find a topic, you can build your speech around that main idea. The topic makes it easy to understand which phrases and sentences to include in your speech.

    Make a sketch. Before you sit down and start writing a moving speech, sketch it out. Find a big topic, write down everything you want to include in the speech. Mention a few jokes or funny stories in your speech. Such a plan will help you navigate when writing a speech and not forget any of the points. In addition, this way you can estimate how long your speech will turn out. It is possible that some aspects will have to be reduced.

    Talk to other students. This ceremony is arranged not only for you, but for all other graduates, so everyone's opinion about this event will be different. Talk to other students, not just your friends, but those with whom you don't interact much. Find out what their school time was like, what memories they had.

    Be mindful of your audience. This speech is not only for you, it is also for your classmates and teachers. Therefore, it would be a good idea to thank your teachers and parents for giving you an education. Remember that the main focus should be on you and your classmates. First of all, your speech should be dedicated to graduates.

    Try not to drag out your speech. If your performance is part of some kind of solemn ceremony, most likely the guests are not in the mood to listen for half an hour about nature, friendship and the universe. Try to speak clearly and to the point. Also, if you are shy about public speaking, a short speech will make you feel more confident.

    Leave the most important for last. Most likely, your viewers will not listen to every word. Therefore, the most important idea for which you prepared this speech should be said at the end of the speech, even if it is just a paraphrase of the thought that you already said at the beginning of the speech. The last sentence of your speech that the audience hears is likely to be the one they remember the most.

    Part 2

    Include important points in your speech
    1. Express gratitude to people. Even if you were writing a graduation speech, take a few minutes to thank the people who helped you get your education. You can make a list of the names of those who need to be thanked. Include the names of your parents, teachers, friends. Do not drag out your speech, briefly thank your family and go back to the main part of the speech.

      • One way to end the words of thanks is to remind the rest of the graduates to also thank their families and teachers.
    2. Add some humor and jokes. A few funny stories or jokes are needed to cheer up and relieve tension. In addition, humor is needed to dilute your speech so as not to strain the audience after a serious topic. Of course, you don't have to act like a clown to make your listeners smile. Just relax and be confident, even if the audience doesn't laugh at your joke, act like nothing happened and keep talking.

      Think about the past. Pay tribute to your shared past with your classmates and the different things you did together at school. Graduation is the time to remember everything that connects you with the school, up to the day of graduation.

      • You need to mention your accomplishments in your speech. Think of sports competitions, awards, charitable events - everything in which you or your classmates took an active part. The more school-related events you can remember, the better. It is important to celebrate the achievements of your entire class, not just your own.
    3. Talk about what's next. Graduation is a time to look into the future. Talk about what you can expect after graduation. You don't know for sure what will happen to you in the future, so this part of the speech can be vague and dreamy. Think positively and think that there are many good things ahead of you.

      • Perhaps after graduation you will go to college. It's unlikely that all of your classmates will do this, so be sure to mention other possible paths others might take to get an education and a job. If you don't know what your classmates plan to do after graduation, talk to them about it.
    4. Tell some story. This is a good way to expand on the topic of the speech and connect your story with real events that happened within the walls of your school. Think about what happened to you at school, what lessons you learned for yourself, how they relate to your topic. If this topic concerns not only you, but also your friends and other acquaintances, it will be even more interesting. This is a good way to open up a topic and tell your classmates about something interesting that happened at school.

      Avoid templates. Of course, the theme of the speech is a wonderful thing, but try not to use clichés like “the real world,” “the future belongs to us,” or “today is not the end of our education, but only the beginning.” Such phrases and sentences sound beautiful, but are used so often that they already seem meaningless to us. If the audience hears a few of these phrases, they may lose interest in your speech, and you definitely do not want this.

    Part 3

    Present your speech

      Practice speaking. Before graduation, you should read your speech aloud several times. You can practice in front of a mirror or in front of friends. In this way, you will understand how long your speech takes (for example, it may be too long), as well as evaluate how it sounds when you speak it out loud.

    1. Take a copy of your speech with you. Even if you do a great job rehearsing in front of a mirror or friends, prom will make it harder for you to focus. Therefore, a copy of the speech as a reminder will not bother you.
    2. Warnings

    • Try not to get distracted while performing. This means that you need to turn off your phone, take out noisy key chains and coins from your pocket, and do not chew gum during the performance. It will be difficult for people to understand you if they do not listen to you carefully.
    • Many schools will check your speech first to make sure it is on topic and does not touch on controversial issues. Therefore, rehearsing one speech and delivering another is not a good idea.
    • Avoid plagiarism. It should be your speech, not someone else's speech. Your speech must be original and unique. Keep in mind that there are many different speeches to be found on the Internet, and it can be tempting to just copy one for yourself, but remember that people will easily be able to expose your deceit.

Congratulations graduation party, last call, farewell to the school and the end of the school year.

The Last Bell holiday is painted for graduates, on the one hand, with joy - they are finishing school and a new life is ahead, full of all kinds of surprises and discoveries, and on the other hand, with sadness: after all, from this day the last days begin their report, in which graduates live their usual lives, communicate with his school friends and teachers who have already become family.

In this article, we offer some preparations and recommendations for holding this celebration. We understand that different schools have different opportunities, so it’s rather difficult to come up with one universal holiday scheme. But we tried to embrace the immensity and hope that our recommendations will help make your holiday an unusual, memorable and bright event.

The holiday begins with a solemn line, at which the headmaster, class teachers and some teachers congratulate the graduates.

Dear Guys! Today is a very solemn day in your life, because all roads open before you. From this day on, you are considered adults, and this is a very responsible thing. You will have to make decisions on your own, and your future life will depend only on you. You are the young generation that is coming to replace us, and the life of the whole society will depend on how you build your life. From now on you are responsible for the future. We want to wish you a smooth life path, good friends, good luck and the easiest trials! Be confident in yourself and your knowledge. Once again, good luck and be happy!

Today is your first prom, there will be others ahead, but this one is the most important and expensive. Remember it. We want to wish you that your further studies become an interesting voyage along the river of knowledge for you, so that you get only good grades, so that new subjects will carry you into the world of knowledge! Crossing this threshold, believe that the most interesting is ahead of you! Good luck to you!

Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! The day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. You have already taken the first step towards future achievements and success - and now you are on the verge of serious responsible decisions about choosing your future professional and life path. Great prospects are open before you. School years gave you a lot of new and interesting things - joy, comprehension of various sciences, fidelity of friends, first love and first disappointments. But along with you, teachers also studied, your parents gained experience and wisdom. And let only the brightest and warmest memories of school remain in your memory, and let today be the start to a new adult and interesting, eventful life.

Here it sounded last call passed the last exams. And came up prom. You are in 9th grade. Some of you will stay at school, for them the main graduation is still ahead. Well, for those who wanted to get a profession in another institution, this evening will be farewell to the school, with friends - classmates. And classmates. I heartily congratulate all the ninth graders on their graduation. This event for each person is one of the most significant. The day of graduation will forever remain in your memory. It is exciting for you, your teachers and parents. You are entering adulthood. Behind childhood, school years, filled not only with educational worries and problems, but also with the joy of knowing the world, making friends. Ahead is the choice of a further path, the adoption of important and responsible decisions. Never lose your youthful enthusiasm, do not allow yourself to stop in front of difficulties and under no circumstances stop learning - replenish your luggage with new achievements. Remember: only thorough knowledge will help you adequately meet the challenges of our demanding times. The independent life that you are entering today will teach you in its own way, but by closing the doors of the school, take the wisdom of your teachers, the shoulder of classmates and that optimism into your life path. I would like to advise graduates, having left the walls of the school, not to stop improving, not to rest on their laurels, You can not do without good luck in life. May you be lucky to find smart, worthy colleagues and true friends! I want to wish that always, wherever and whatever you do, you are confident in yourself and your knowledge. I wish you success, once again congratulations on the end of the school year. Good luck to you! Be happy!

Dear teachers! You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, led our graduates through the years of childhood and adolescence, invested in each of them knowledge, a particle of your heart, gave them your human warmth, your love. That is why they are all so kind, sympathetic and open. Thank you so much for our guys. And low bow to you.

After that, the word is given to the students. Not only graduates, but also primary school students can perform. Each speech can be ended with a small poem - congratulations.

Congratulations, graduates - it doesn’t have to be solemn at all, comic wishes and congratulations will bring some touch of fun and defuse the tension and excitement that is obligatory on this holiday. The so-called altered songs are very fun in schools. Here are some examples of this kind of congratulations:

Congratulations to primary school students
(on the motif of a ditty)

We came to you today
Prick up your ears
Clap your hands louder
We will sing ditties.

You are now graduates
And we are first graders
Let's turn back the days
Let's talk about your life.

In the first class - beauty,
Just great!
Just learn to write - This is a must!

Well, in the second class
Sheer torment!
Remember everything like a bad dream
Multiplication table.

Backpacks are heavy
More textbooks
In the third grade, all the guys
Learn diligently.

In the fifth grade - that's the trouble,
Problems started:
Everyone sits and waits
There will come a change.

A year has passed, and the sixth grade
Worn around school
All teachers suffer
From such grief.

Grade seven and physics:
They introduced a new science.
According to the laws of acceleration
The class runs to the cafeteria.

Eighth class. Not before learning -
Everyone is falling in love!
Nothing, no matter how you learn
Not remembered.

In the ninth grade they grew wiser,
A whole year of teaching
How did the exams go?
Everyone immediately forgot.

In the tenth grade - what a misfortune!
Everyone is changing their image.
You can faint
How do you see the students?

The last class is graduation,
Parting soon.
We wish you not to forget
Your own school!

Congratulations from the tenth graders
(sing to the motive of the song "Song of a good mood")

In a year, we will stand in your place,
Let's worry just like now.
We sincerely wish you good luck
And please listen to our advice.

And a smile, no doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

If you get a lousy ticket,
Even if you are not ready at all
Anyway, with a smile, you take a ticket,
Anyway, you will go home with a mark.

If someone is immediately caught with a spur,
For an act, this "deuce" threatens you.
Remember how many good teachers
And hope for indulgence at this moment.

school principal
(to the motive of any march:)

Aty-baty, we have come
Everything is like a parade
And, of course, our director
We are terribly happy.
Dear Ivan Ivanovich!
We must admit
What to students and school
You are very needed.
He is always in business, worries
In the morning...
To our director
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Russian language and literature teacher
(to the motive of the song "Electric Train" by A. Alina)

To improve your culture
Back to literature
Pushkin, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky... Alas,
You gave us lessons back
And we did not read, we did not read,
What should we do, because we must answer?

How can we write an essay now?
Hands tremble more and more with excitement,
It's just terrible, what a torment,
Perhaps, all of a sudden, it will be possible to write off?
How can I remember what I forgot and do not know
Maybe I'll get lucky and guess the plot
What kind of literature is this!
No luck ... So, deuce again!

Math teacher
(to the motive of the song "Oh, viburnum blooms")

Here I am standing again in the classroom at the blackboard,
In grief and sadness, I cry from longing.

How am I going to solve the equation, oh!
How can I find this cunning X?
I understand: you need to learn the formulas,
Only reluctance. How should I be now?
Where can I get stronger teeth for a boy,

Where can I get stronger teeth for a boy,.
To gnaw science - mathematics.

physical education teacher
(to the motive of the song "Over the Four Seas" by the group "Brilliant", the girls sing)

Remember, you promised the "five",
I just don't have the strength to run.
We will not forget forever we are a gym
And the words that you told us:

Gotta run fast
You have to jump higher
And then we can win the competition
Dexterity and skill
Will and patience...
And now everywhere we repeat like a spell:
Gotta run fast
You have to jump higher
Do not moan, do not whimper, and then victory awaits us!
Forever remember
We are your lessons
Dear teacher, we wish you a lot of happiness!

History teacher
(to the motive of the song "What were you ..." From the movie "Kuban Cossacks")

Everybody knows how hard you tried
History to teach us
And we tried to learn history,
But they tried to forget everything.
And you do not take offense at us,
The lessons were not in vain!
Always beautiful, stay kind!
We wish you with all our hearts!

Chemistry teacher
(to the motive of the song "If you don't have an aunt" from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath")

If you have an apartment
That may not be her
If you mix the reagents
And blow everything up, and blow everything up,
And blow everything up.
If you don't have soap
Then it can be boiled
And to know the components,
Chemistry is necessary, chemistry is necessary,
Chemistry must be taught.

The orchestra rumbles
Chemistry means to be.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself
To teach or not to teach
To teach or not to teach!

Physics teacher
(to the tune of Alsou's song "Sometimes")

Where has it been seen, who invented it,
That you definitely need to learn physics,
To know at least a little the laws of life.
What is saved? How is it accelerating?
For some reason I don't remember
I'm completely frozen to absolute zero.

Sometimes I wait for her
Sometimes I love her
And then it seems to me
What control can solve.
Sometimes I suffer
Sometimes I get confused
You know, with this physics
It's not easy to live at all.

Geography teacher
(to the motive of "The Song of the Little Red Riding Hood")

If long, long, long
Explore the seas and mountains
Rivers, countries, continents
And capitals of states
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
That, of course, that of course
You can become the smartest!

Ah, we sing a song about geography,
Ah, we learn it both at night and during the day.
Ah, we say "thank you" to you,
Ah, our dear teacher,
Ah, our dear teacher!

foreign language teacher
(to the motive of the song by V. Mar-sin “I see a shadow obliquely”)

If our life is like a film strip
Scroll back ten years
Let's remember how we learned English
Every day ten times in a row.
Every student is accustomed
Express yourself in English.
Foreign difficult language
Became almost family and friends.

We have given only some examples of playful congratulations of teachers by graduates. Beautiful congratulations for the teacher can always be changed or supplemented. But in any case, it is necessary to end the holiday on a solemn note. Perhaps it will be the school's anthem or, if the school doesn't have one, it may be an appropriate song. It is best to perform it all together - students and teachers. And, of course, it's up to you to decide when the last bell will ring before or after the song. The solemnity of the moment will help to give balloons, which the graduates will release into the sky at the end. Such a finale of the holiday is very beautiful.

We wish you an unforgettable celebration.

Our dear graduates, congratulations on your graduation! You are already quite adults - 11 years of hard study are now behind you, and you can safely move forward to higher knowledge, developing your qualities on your own. At such a young age, you are already big personalities. May each of you be truly happy in life and achieve everything you want. We wish you not to lose confidence in achieving your goals, to go easy through life with a ray of luck behind your back. I wish you great accomplishments, true knowledge, iron will and success ahead.

Our children! We live and breathe you.
You have graduation, 11th grade!
And even though you are taller than your parents,
You are still children for us.

We wish you everything in life,
Choose the path that leads to happiness
So that we, children, can be proud of you,
Watching your success and your flight!

In these walls you comprehended a lot of knowledge,
The school path, sadly, is over,
And thank you, and bow to our teachers,
Your nerves here spent wagon!

Congratulations on such a significant event in your life as graduation from school. The first step is behind, and bright moments, exciting adventures, interesting real life await you ahead. Be wise, be careful, be happy. Stay always responsive and good people. Good luck dear!

We will never forget how small you were. It seems that just recently we were collecting you in the first class, and today we were already collecting you in the last one. I remember your first meeting with the school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to the first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today, not only you have matured, but we have grown up along with you. Our dear ones, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely succeed and make all your dreams come true!

Today with tears in our eyes: we are seeing our children off into adulthood and I would like to say a special thank you to all the teachers who have invested their love, knowledge in our children for many years and helped them make choices. I would like to wish our wonderful children to preserve their childish spontaneity, boldly enter the future and its hardships and be immensely happy!

School years passed unnoticed,
We, looking at you, see adults.
Realization of cherished dreams
We wish you children. Dream bold!

We are glad that the school has become dear to you,
And your second home will always be glad to you.
Live happily and know the world
Not knowing the problems and heavy losses.

You are our hope and pride for the school.
Do good, don't be stale.
Let our parental voice sound in our hearts:
We love and are very proud of you!

Today our children are leaving the walls of this school, today the very last bell will ring for them. We congratulate everyone on this event and sincerely thank all the teachers and staff of the school for giving our children the opportunity to learn many sciences, discover their talents and show themselves from all sides. May you have many diligent and diligent students, may you manage to get along with each of them. Dear children, may your paths lead you to success and prosperity, may you be able to find true happiness in this life.

And it seems like quite recently
You walked with a bouquet to first class.
Now we call it right
Graduates we guys are you.

You have done a great job
A serious life stage has passed.
All this time surrounded you with care
The teachers led by the hand.

After all, they taught you
Everything you know now
Share your love and warmth
And the door to the future has been opened to you.

So be thankful to them for that
And remember with a kind word sometimes.
Let them be filled with goodness and light
Memories of school for years.

How quickly time has flown by
How fast did you grow up?
And it seems, until recently,
We took you all to first grade.

You were so cute
They were afraid to let go.
Our dear children
Let's remember our childhood.

Today is your last call
You are graduates
And don't go to class
The school ball is waiting for you ahead!

Good luck, success, happiness!
And we will always be there.
We wish you not to know bad weather,
For us, you are the same kids!

Our dear children, behind 11 wonderful years of school carefree life. Today you have received your certificates and are ready to enter adulthood. We sincerely wish each of you to enter the university you want, to get the profession you dream of. May everything go smoothly in your life. Be happy. Dear teachers, thank you for giving our children a “ticket to life”, enduring their antics, putting a piece of their soul into each. Low bow to you!

More recently, you went to first grade. You were so small and shy that it seemed to me that you would not even speak. Usually small children make noise, but first graders sit intently because they do not understand what is happening. We just started talking to you, showing you our backpacks and briefcases, you shared pencils and pens with each other, and after that our long-term friendship began. I confess that at times I did not want to teach at all, but just wanted to sit and talk with you, because each of you is an incredibly interesting conversationalist. You yourself taught me a lot, so I want to wish you not to stop there. I have no doubt that you will achieve a lot in life, because you are capable and hardworking guys. So good luck and all the best.


Guys, you probably remember the day when you first went to school. Remember your feelings? Was it really unforgettable? You were even a little afraid, because you did not know what to do, to say how to behave. Many of you just got up and started walking around the classroom, but I accepted it all, because I understood that you need to put your energy somewhere. I confess that all of you have become for me family and friends with whom I would like to maintain friendly relations. But the most important thing is that you also maintain relationships with each other that have been built over the years. I know that at times it was very difficult for you, you did not want to go to classes, but it was friendship that saved you, because you helped each other out. My dears, today you are already standing in front of me not just as students, but as graduates. I am proud of you and I want you to succeed in everything in life.


The day that you have all been waiting for has arrived. My dears, I would like to wish you that you are not in a hurry to grow up. You still have time to grow up, it's better to enjoy the time that you have now. I want to congratulate you on the day of your last call! Today you just look great, you are all so smart and beautiful that I can’t even see enough. It seems to me that this is the only day when you all came to school, and even came in uniform. But now it's not about that, but about the fact that I want to wish you all good luck. You guys are capable, creative and creative, so I have no doubt that you will become real professionals and specialists, but luck will definitely not hurt you. Happy holiday to you, my dearest and most beloved graduates. Let everything in your life be the way you want it to be. I wish you success!


My children, my most beloved and dear graduates! I still cannot believe that this day has already come, because it seemed to me that I would have time to morally tune in to the fact that you are already such adults. Very soon you will have final exams, then admission to the university. This will be a difficult period, but incredibly interesting, which you will certainly cope with. I want to wish each of you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires. You are all great fellows, because you were able to withstand the real school of life. Don't forget what school taught you. And we are talking not only about formulas and rules, but also about how to behave in a given situation, how to communicate with people, make friends and get to know each other. You have become real individuals! I congratulate you on the holiday, my dear! Relax and have fun today, because this is only your day.


My dear graduates, I cannot believe that the day of your Last Call has come. You have been preparing for this day for a long time, because you decided to organize an interesting and memorable event. Do not even doubt that you will succeed. But before that, I want to say that each of you has become a dear person to me, and I am really very sad to say goodbye to you. But I know that a lot of interesting things await you ahead, and you yourself are striving to grow up as soon as possible. I would like to wish you all good luck, my dears. I have no doubt that each of you will succeed in one way or another. The most important thing is that you don’t forget about school later, because we will be waiting for you all at any time. Remember that we do not say goodbye to you because you are part of our big family. Happy holiday to you! May this day bring you a lot of pleasant impressions.


Well, my dears, the day has come for which we have been preparing for so long. You told me all the time that there was a lot of time, but before you even had time to blink an eye, the time flew by, and the day of your last call came. I don't want you to be sad or cry, because this occasion is not sad for you, because you so wanted to finish school as soon as possible. But today I am sad because I managed to become attached to each of you. I want you all to become real experts in your field, so that you achieve success and sometimes come to visit us, to school. My dears, do not forget that here you received not only compulsory knowledge, but also knowledge in the field of friendship, if I may say so, and even love. After all, you have made so many friends and acquaintances here. I hope you keep this connection for years to come. Good luck to you!


Well folks, the day we've been waiting for has arrived. I confess that I really wanted to delay the time, because I did not want to part with you, because you have become my family and friends. Believe me, I didn't treat you like the younger guys, because I knew that each of you is a person to talk to. You yourself have taught me a lot, for which I will always be grateful to you. I want you not to lose the connection that has been established between you over these long years. You are all very strong and purposeful guys, so I have no doubt that you will succeed. But promise that you will not forget about the school, about the teachers. We will all miss you, our beloved graduates. And let everything in your life develop as you yourself want. If you need support or assistance, please feel free to contact us.


My dear graduates, you may not believe it, but I remember the day when we first met you. Back then you were small, shy kids who didn't even know how to behave. But we quickly found a common language with you, and therefore became friends just as quickly. Now I am very sad, because I do not want to say goodbye to you, to the guys who themselves were able to teach me a lot. I am infinitely grateful to you for the fact that you were able to create a unique atmosphere in our team. I congratulate you on the day of your last call and want to wish you only the most positive and pleasant. Today is only your day, so you should rest and gain strength. I even allow you to forget about your lessons today, because they can wait a bit. And you should have fun, because such a holiday happens only once in a lifetime.


It seemed to me that we met only recently, but in fact you are already standing in front of me today in such beautiful outfits - real graduates. Of course, you will have a graduation party only in a month, but you can call graduates now. I want to wish each of you to pass all the exams perfectly. I do not even doubt you, because I know what a serious and difficult work you have done. Don't doubt yourself too, because you are great fellows, so just remember that. I would like to wish you more and success in admission and good luck. Well, in addition to all this ordinary, I want to wish you to maintain your solidarity and friendship. I want you to never lose this connection because it is unique. Well, do not forget about your native school, which is always ready to accept you, but already as former students.


My dear graduates, I look at you and cannot understand at what point I missed your growing up? More recently, I thought that there was so much time before the Last Bell that it was not even worth thinking about, and today you were already standing on the stage where graduates usually perform. This is all very touching and exciting, because today you are all incredibly beautiful and a little excited. But you were able to arrange a real holiday for everyone who was present in the hall. You touched us, made us laugh, made us happy and simply helped us to have a good time. We all want to wish you good health, as well as good luck and fulfillment of all desires. I hope that you will all remember your native school, which gave you so much knowledge. We are waiting for you at any time of the year and any day of the week. Let this day not only be remembered by you, but bring a lot of positive emotions.


I want to congratulate my incredible graduates who are one step closer to adulthood today. My dears, I would like to warn you that in adult life there are sometimes very difficult and incomprehensible situations that require endurance from you. Believe me, they are much more serious than a deuce in physical education. But you will definitely cope with each of these problems, because you are all wonderful and such capable guys. I want you to find your calling and your place in this life, but I don't even doubt you. You grew up before my eyes, so I became attached to you, and now I am very sad that you are already leaving. On the first of September of this year, you will no longer come to school, but go to your educational institutions. I'm proud of you my dear children. I have no doubt that you will achieve all the best in this life.

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