Speech development in the preparatory group. "Reading the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"


Summary of GCD on familiarization with fiction in the middle group
Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"
Purpose: To promote the development of coherent monologue speech. Expand children's understanding of the properties of water and ice. Learn to establish elementary cause-and-effect relationships: snow melts in warmth, turns into water, water freezes in the cold and turns into ice.
1. Educational area "Communication".
Exercise in the ability to retell a fairy tale based on a series of plot pictures.
2. Educational area "Cognition".
Fix ideas about the seasons.
3. Educational area "Reading fiction".
Exercise children in the ability to guess riddles, introduce them to the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".
4. Educational area "Socialization".
Cultivate a sense of empathy, mutual assistance.
Experimental activity with snow
Equipment: Scene pictures for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden", silhouettes of the Snow Maiden.
Educator: I brought a lump of snow to the group, what is it called?
Children. A lump of snow is called a snowball.
Educator. That's right, touch the snow, how does it feel to the touch?
Children. Cold.
Educator. Let's leave the snowball in the jar and see what happens to it.
Snow, snow, white snow
Spins, falls on everyone
We made a lump of snow
The arms and legs are glued on.
- Guys, what do you think, who turned out, who was fashioned from the snow?
Children. Snowman.
Educator. Do you want to hear a fairy tale about a girl who was molded from the snow and named - Snegurochka?
(The teacher reads a fairy tale)
Educator. Did you like the fairy tale? Do you want to listen to it again?
(Rereading the story).
Educator. Guys, what is this story about?
Children. This story is about the Snow Maiden.
Educator. Why was she named that?
Children. Because it was fashioned from snow.
(The teacher exposes plot pictures for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden")
Educator. Tell the story by looking at the pictures.
(2-3 children retell the tale based on pictures)
Educator. Guys, what time of year does the fairy tale begin?
Children. The story begins in winter.
Educator. Why do you think so?
Children. Because the Snow Maiden was fashioned from snow, snow falls in winter.
Educator. What else can be molded from the snow?
Children. Snowman, fortress, different animals.
Educator. Let's see what happened to the snowball we left in the jar.
Children. It melted because the snow melts in warmth.
Educator. What does snow turn into when it melts?
Children. In water.
Educator. Let's take a break.
"We're walking on snowdrifts."
(physical education minute)
We walk through the snowdrifts, Through the steep-browed snowdrifts. Raise your leg higher, Pave the way for others. We walked for a very long time, Our legs are tired. We'll find a clearing.
And let's get some rest.
Educator. And now let's pour water into a plastic cup and put it in the cold. You have leaflets with the silhouette of the Snow Maiden on your tables. We need to color the Snow Maiden's clothes. What do you think is the Snow Maiden's favorite color?
Children. Blue, blue.
Educator. Here in these colors and paint the outfit of the Snow Maiden.
(Children color the silhouette of the Snow Maiden)
Educator. While you were painting the Snow Maiden's clothes, I brought in our water, which we put out in the cold. Look what happened to her.
Children. She froze, turned to ice.
Educator. Tell us what transformations took place with our snowball.
Children. The snowball in the heat turned into water, it melted. In the cold, the water froze and turned into ice.
Educator. And what happened to the Snow Maiden at the end of the fairy tale?
Children. She melted, turned into a cloud, because she jumped over the fire.
Educator. Do you like how the fairy tale ends?
Children. No, the tale ends sadly.
Educator. Let's come up with our own ending to the story.
(Children offer their own options for ending the tale)
Educator. Well done guys, you are very kind and smart. You did well today. Let's clap for each other.

goal: To promote the development of coherent monologue speech.

Tasks :

1. Educational area "Communication".

Exercise in the ability to retell a fairy tale based on a series of plot pictures.

To enrich the vocabulary of children with related words to the word "snow", by extracting from the context; words-signs, by selecting signs for objects. Develop writing skills.

2. Educational area "Cognition".

Fix ideas about the seasons.

3. Educational area "Reading fiction".

Exercise children in the ability to guess riddles, introduce them to the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".

4. Educational area "Physical culture".

To develop general motor skills, the ability to perform coordinated movements, combining with an artistic word, movement.

5. Educational area "Music".

Develop the ability to listen to musical works, to perceive them emotionally.

6. Educational area "Socialization".

Cultivate a sense of empathy, mutual assistance.

Equipment: Story pictures:

The old man and the old woman are sculpting a Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden is a house helper.

The Snow Maiden is sad in the spring.

The Snow Maiden goes to the forest with her friends.

The Snow Maiden turns into a cloud and flies away.

Spring costume (for a teacher), Snow Maiden costume (for a child 6-7 years old), Snow Maiden silhouettes for hatching.

Record player. Audio recording of melodies: "Spring noises", "Winter cold".

linguistic material: Words: snow, Snow Maiden, snowflake, snowfall, snowballs, snowy, etc.

The text of the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".

Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden" with a teacher.

GCD progress.

1 part. Organizing time.

(The audio recording of the melody “Spring Noises” turns on)

Speech therapist: Hello children! Now I will give you a riddle. Listen carefully and try to guess it.

Loose snow melts in the sun,

The wind plays in the branches

So, we have come...

Children: Spring.

Speech therapist: Well done, the time of the year has come - spring, now the second spring month is coming ...

Children: April.

Speech therapist: Look closely at the screen. Here it is April.

Speech therapist: What time of year was it before spring?

Children: Winter.

Speech therapist: Let's remember what winter months you know.

Children: December January February.

Speech therapist: Well done, right, they named the winter months.

Now I will read you a short text, as soon as you hear words related to the word snow in it, clap your hands.

Be careful.

"It's coming snow. Huge snowy the flakes swirl in the air and fall to the ground. Real in the yard snowfall. Sanya and Sonya sculpt snowman. Fluffy fell on Sonya's mitten snowflake. Kolya and Petya are playing snowballs».

Speech therapist: Children, what words did you hear words related to the word "snow"? Say them.

2 part. Main part.

(The audio recording of the melody "Winter Cold" turns on).

(There is a knock on the door, a girl from the group preparatory to school, dressed in the costume of the Snow Maiden, enters, greets the children).

Speech therapist: Who has come to visit us?

Children: This is the Snow Maiden.

Speech therapist: Right. Hello, Snow Maiden. She came to us to tell you a Russian folk tale about herself, which is called "The Snow Maiden". Sit down, Snow Maiden, tell a story, please the guys. Listen carefully, try to remember the story. Then we will retell it. (Annex 1).

Speech therapist: Guys, who is the main character of the fairy tale?

Children: Snow Maiden.

Speech therapist: Why is the fairy tale called "The Snow Maiden"?

Children: Because the girl was made of snow and named "Snow Maiden".

Speech therapist: Why did the Old Man and the old woman begin to sculpt the Snow Maiden?

Children: They had no children, they wanted a daughter, so they decided to make her out of snow.

Speech therapist: What did the old man and the old woman rejoice at?

Children: The Snow Maiden came to life and began to live and grow with them.

Speech therapist: What was the Snow Maiden?

Children: The Snow Maiden was smart, smart, cheerful, hardworking.

Speech therapist: What did the Snow Maiden become in spring?

Children: The Snow Maiden became sad, sad.

Speech therapist: Why did the Snow Maiden become sad in the spring?

Children: She missed the winter, because she was made of snow.

Speech therapist: Where did the Snow Maiden go with her friends?

Children: The Snow Maiden went for a walk in the forest, sang songs, led round dances, and danced around the fire.

Speech therapist: What happened to her in the forest?

Children: She began to jump over the fire, jumped and melted.

Speech therapist: Why did she melt?

Children: Because it was made of snow.

Speech therapist Q: Is this story funny or sad?

Children: Cheerful at first, sad at the end.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you like the fairy tale "Snow Maiden?".

Children: Yes.

3 part. Dynamic pause

(Children go to the palace and stand in a circle)

Speech therapist: Guys, let's tell and show how nature wakes up in April.

Speech therapist: Look what a beautiful snowdrop we have bloomed.

Continuation of the main part

Speech therapist: Well done, sit down. We continue the lesson.

Now we will look at the pictures for the fairy tale and remember the fairy tale itself.

Speech therapist: Pictures will appear on the screen. You will need to remember passages from the fairy tale that match the pictures.

What is shown in this picture?

Children: The old man and the old woman sit sad.

Speech therapist: Remember, pick up an excerpt from a fairy tale to this picture.

Children: The old man and the old woman had grief: they had no children.

Speech therapist: What is in this picture?

Children: The old man and the old woman are sculpting a girl.

Speech therapist: Do you remember how it is said in the fairy tale?

Children: The old man says to the old woman:

And let's old woman, we blind our daughter from the snow?

And the old woman answered:

Let's have some fun, grandfather, make a snow girl for ourselves, let's call her the Snow Maiden. They went out into the yard, and began to sculpt the girl. They rolled up a snowball, arms, legs, and fixed their heads. The old man fashioned his nose, mouth and eyes - okay, he got a face.

Speech therapist: And here is the next picture, what is shown on it?

Children: The Snow Maiden helps the old man with the old woman, brings them water.

Speech therapist: And who remembers how this is said in a fairy tale?

Children: The Snow Maiden grows up smart and smart, cheerful and hardworking - everything she does not undertake, argues in the rivers, and starts a song - you will listen. Household First Helper.
Speech therapist: What do you see in the next picture?

Children: The Snow Maiden sits and is sad in the spring.

Speech therapist: How is it described in the story?

Children: So winter has come to an end, the spring sun has warmed the earth, and the Snow Maiden is sad every day, nothing pleases her.

Speech therapist: In the next picture you see how the girlfriends call the Snow Maiden into the forest. How is this event described in the story?

Children: Once the girls gathered in the forest, but they called the Snow Maiden:

Let's go with us the Snow Maiden to walk in the forest, sing songs, dance round dances, and dance around the fire! The reluctance of the Snow Maiden to go to the forest. And then the grandfather and grandmother ordered: - Go, go Snow Maiden, have fun with your girlfriends.
The Snow Maiden agreed to go with her friends, they ran to sing songs, dance round dances.

Speech therapist Q: What do you see in this picture?

Children: The Snow Maiden jumps over the fire.

Speech therapist: Do you remember what the story says about this?

Children: When the sun hid behind the forests, they lit a fire of brushwood, let's take turns jumping and jumping through the fire, and make wishes. The last turn came to the Snow Maiden. The reluctance to jump the Snow Maiden, but the girlfriends pestered: - Jump, jump, Snow Maiden! The Snow Maiden ran up and jumped.

Speech therapist: And in this picture we see that the Snow Maiden turned into a cloud. How does the story tell about this event?

Children: Turned into a white cloud and sailed away into the sky. The Snow Maiden melted.

Speech therapist: Well done guys, they just remembered phrases from a fairy tale.

Now let's all together try to tell a fairy tale, looking at the screen. I will help you, try, be careful.

"Lived once …"

Children: an old man with an old woman.

Speech therapist: Everything went well for them, and they lived ...

Children: friendly.

Speech therapist: Everything would be fine, but one grief ...

Children: God did not give children.

(Thus, with the help of finishing the phrases started by the speech therapist, the children retell the tale).

Speech therapist: Well done. Who will go and tell us a fairy tale, you can look and rely on the pictures.

(The speech therapist offers to retell the tale to 2-3 children. If necessary, provides assistance: suggesting the right words, phrases)

Guys, did you like how Sasha retold the tale?

Children: Yes, Sasha retold the tale in great detail, but forgot to say what the Snow Maiden turned into when she jumped over the fire.

Speech therapist: You are very attentive, remind Sasha what the Snow Maiden has become?

Children: Became a white cloud and floated away into the sky.

(The speech therapist involves children in the analysis of each retelling. Children tactfully learn to note the merits and errors of retellings.)

Speech therapist: Well done guys, I really liked how you retold the tale. You tried to retell close to the text, using beautiful (figurative) expressions described in the text of the tale. Did you like the Snow Maiden as the guys retell the tale?

Snow Maiden: I liked it very much.

Speech therapist: Guys, what kind of related word to the word snow could you name. After getting acquainted with the fairy tale "Snow Maiden?"

Children: Snow Maiden!

Speech therapist: That's right, you are very attentive.

Part 3: Summary.

Speech therapist:-Guys, what fairy tale did you learn to retell in class today?

Children: Today in class we learned to retell the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".

Speech therapist: Right. In memory of meeting you, the Snow Maiden wants to give each of you a silhouette of the Snow Maiden, which will need to be painted at home.

(The Snow Maiden distributes the silhouettes of the Snow Maidens to the children, if they wish, invites the children to color them).

Snow Maiden: And now it's time for me to go to the forest, see you guys!

(Children say goodbye to the Snow Maiden).

Speech therapist: Do not forget to retell your favorite fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" to your parents and friends at home.

Now let's smile and clap each other.

Synopsis of the organized educational activities of children in the preparatory group on the topic "The Fairy Tale" Snow Maiden ""

Prokhodskaya Vera Pavlovna, musical director of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6 in Agryz", Agryz municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Description of work: I offer you a summary of organized educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic "The Fairy Tale" Snow Maiden "". This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group, music directors and speech therapists. This is a summary of a cognitive lesson aimed at developing coherent speech and musical abilities in older preschoolers.

Synopsis of the organized educational activities of children in the preparatory group on the topic "The Fairy Tale" Snow Maiden "".

Integration of educational areas"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Target: To teach children how to retell a fairy tale, to develop musical abilities through the perception of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

Educational: To activate in the speech of children: the name of fairy tales, the names of fairy-tale heroes; To form a desire for active participation in various types of musical activities. ; Consolidation of the assimilation of the form of the genitive case.
Developing: Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills, activate the articulatory apparatus with the help of rhythmic recitation.
Educational: To cultivate kindness, goodwill, emotional responsiveness to music; develop the ability to listen to the teacher and answer questions correctly. Cultivate love and interest in fairy tales.

Demo material:
Slides on the fairy tales "Snow Maiden"; musical instruments metallophone, maracas, music center, snowflake templates (for each child).

Maracas, snowflake templates, scissors.

Methodical methods:
Game situation, conversation, viewing slides and telling children about them, rhythmic recitation "Snowflake", dance-improvisation "Waltz of snow flakes", problem situation, productive activity, analysis, reflection.

The course of organized educational activities:
Introductory part: The music sounds "If there was no winter ...".
Educator: Guys, what season is it now? (winter)
What would happen if there was no winter? (no snow...)
- That's right, guys. If there was no winter, there would be no snow, no New Year, and we would not be able to build snow buildings, we would not be able to sled and skate, we would not play snowballs, we would not jump into snowdrifts, we would not know fairy tales about winter .
Main part:
Educator: What winter fairy tales do you know? ("Morozko", "The Snow Queen" ...)
-Guys, what holiday will we have soon? (New Year)
- Who comes to us in the New Year? (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, fairy-tale characters)
Who does Santa Claus come with? (with the Snow Maiden)
Educator: Guys, do you want to know how it appeared? Let's remember together and tell the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" (children retell the fairy tale on slides).

Breathing exercise "Let's blow on a snowflake."
- Guys, snowflakes are light and airy, and let's blow on snowflakes, put your palms up.
- A large snowflake lies on the palm (hold a snowflake on the palm)
Let's blow a little on this snowflake.
They blew softly - the snowflake lies, (they blow slowly)
Blow harder - a snowflake flies (they blow hard).

Problematic situation.
Educator: Do you remember how the fairy tale ended? (The Snow Maiden melted.)
- How can we help the Snow Maiden? (Sculpt it again).
Educator: We can fashion a Snow Maiden with you. We'll need a lot of snow. And let's call the snowflakes.
Rhythmic recitation about snowflakes (conducted by the music director).
- Snowflakes fall from the sky
Like white fluff
Covering everything around
Soft, velvet carpet. (They mark the rhythm with claps, stomps, clicks, springs ...)
- Let's call the snowflakes in a round dance (playing the maracas).
Sounds "Waltz of snow flakes" P.I. Tchaikovsky, the boys play the maracas, the girls dance freely, then the girls play, and the boys dance (conducted by the music director).

Work with stencils at the tables.
Educator: Look, stencils of snowflakes appeared on the tables. Let's circle them and cut them out to make a Snow Maiden.
(Children circle the snowflakes at the tables, P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" sounds).
And now we will lay out a snow maiden from our snowflakes (they are laid out on the floor).
- Guys, look at the Snow Maiden, how wonderful she is! Let's give our Snow Maiden compliments
Children: Beautiful, cheerful, graceful, kind, fabulous, sweet.
- Guys, who did we help? (We helped the Snow Maiden.)
- Now you know that if there was no winter, there would be no snow buildings, Snow Maiden.
Who are you going to tell this story to? (I will tell this story... to my father, mother, grandmother...)
- And now we will go for a walk and fashion the Snow Maiden from the snow. (Hooray!!!)

Presentation on the topic: Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"


organized learning activities

Age group: older

Educational area:"Communication"

Chapter: Fiction

Subject: Reading the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden". Content conversation.

Target: To teach children to listen carefully to a work of art, to answer the teacher's questions on the content of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden". Learn to agree nouns with adjectives in gender and number. Develop logical thinking, memory. Cultivate love for Russian folk tales.

Equipment and materials: illustrations for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden". Substitutes: three circles of different colors, a triangle - red, a rectangle - yellow.

Vocabulary work: Snow Maiden.

Bilingual component: snow-kar, spring-koktem.

Stages of activity

Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Reading a hint:

"Mother winter is coming,

Shut the gate.

March has come

The white snow has come down.

And then April

He opened the window and the door.

And how May came

Invite the sun in the tower.

Mother is coming - spring

Open the gates to the fairy tale ... "

Listen carefully and understand what is being said.

Organizational search

Reminds children that they already know a lot of fairy tales. He asks what Russian folk tales do children remember?

He informs that today he will introduce children to another Russian folk tale, which is called "The Snow Maiden".

Who do you think she is?

Tells the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden".

Talking to children about what they have read:

Who lived in the village?

With the onset of winter, what did the old man and the old woman make of the snow?

What was the snowman?

What happened when the snow began to melt?

At what time of the year did the girls gather in the forest for a walk?

What did the girls do in the forest?

What happened to the snowman?

As the girlfriends of the Snow Maiden called, repeat everything: “Ay, ay! Snow Maiden.


The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed

Wind hush, hush, hush

The tree is getting higher, higher, higher.

Invites children to compose a fairy tale using substitutes.(Distributes circles, triangles, rectangles - for each child).

Explains that grandfather is a blue circle; baba - green circle; Snow Maiden - white circle; girls - a yellow rectangle; the fire is a red triangle.

Conducts finger play:

"One two three four five!

We're going to look for fingers.

This finger went to the forest.

This finger mushroom found

This finger began to clean,

This finger ate everything

That's why he got fat."

List the stories they know.

They answer the question.

Listen carefully to the story.

They talk with the teacher about the content of the tale.

Perform a physical exercise.

They lay out geometric shapes that replace the characters of a fairy tale and tell a fairy tale based on visual material.(2 children).

Compose a fairy tale using nouns with adjectives in speech, agreeing on them in gender and number(... a white cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky ...).

Do the exercise while reading the poem.


He asks the children what fairy tale they met today, what they liked the most.

Answer the questions of the educator, share their opinions.

Expected Result:



. an idea of ​​fairy-tale characters, signs of the season - spring;

Be able to:

. listen carefully to the story, answer the teacher's questions; agree nouns with adjectives in gender and number.

Synopsis of nodes in fiction in the preparatory group "Reading a fairy tale - page No. 1/1

MADOU MO Nyagan "D / s No. 9" Snow White ".

Synopsis of GCD on fiction in the preparatory group

"Reading the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

Prepared by the teacher

group No. 10 Beduleva N.Yu.

Goals: to teach to perceive fiction and expand vocabulary through acquaintance with fairy-tale words and expressions.

Tasks: to acquaint with the work of the Russian people, to teach to characterize the characters of a fairy tale according to their actions, to expand the understanding of ancient Russian customs, to cultivate love for loved ones, to consolidate the ability to correctly draw a human figure, to evaluate their work, to independently choose paints for drawing, to cultivate the desire to bring the work begun to the end .

Planned results: the child expresses positive emotions (joy, interest) when reading the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden", actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers during a conversation about the fairy tale, is interested in children's fine arts.

Materials and equipment: an exhibition of collections of Russian folk tales, illustrations for the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden", a laptop, a projector, a CD-ROM recording an aria from the opera "The Snow Maiden", albums, brushes, paints, napkins.

Children, I have prepared a riddle for you. Guess her:

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun

Tears are shed, poor thing. ( Snow Maiden)

Who guessed what fairy tale the riddle is talking about? ( Russian fairy tale "Snow Maiden»).

Today I will show you how the famous artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov painted the Snow Maiden.

Display of the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden" (1899)

Now let's all sit down, where it is convenient for anyone and I will read this fairy tale to you. Listen carefully.

The teacher accompanies the reading of the fairy tale by showing illustrations by M. Malkus “The Snow Maiden

Children, you have heard the story. What episode do you remember the most? Why? Why did the Snow Maiden listen to her grandfather and grandmother and go with her friends to the forest? (She wanted to become like people). Name the main reason for the disappearance of the Snow Maiden: (She melted).

Game activity

- Come on guys, let's play a little with you. Now we are also making a snowman.


Let's take some snow

We make snowballs on the palm.

They left together,

Our hands stretched.

And now it's time to create

Sculpt a snow woman.

Whom after whom rolled,

hoisted on top of each other,

Above is the third small room.

The snow was shaken off the hands afterwards.

Well done! This is the kind of snowman we made.

Guys. Not only artists painted pictures for fairy tales. Composers even composed music for them. Let's listen to classical music. (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: The Snow Maiden Opera. Chorus and Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, conductor K. Kondrashin. Recorded: 1946.

Artistic and creative activities of children

And now we will draw a Snow Maiden, such as we presented with you, after looking at the picture and listening to the music. (The teacher pays attention to how the children sat down, to the correct posture, whether they hold the brush (pinch) correctly, helps with advice (individually).

5. Reflection

We consider all the drawings together with the children, mark the most expressive ones, and hang them in the hall for parents.

6. Bibliographic list.

1. Lobodina, N.V. Comprehensive classes under the program "From birth to school" ed. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva / N.V. Lobodina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - S. 104, 147, 162.

  1. Lapteva, O.I. Dynamic minutes and physical culture pauses in kindergarten / O.I. Laptev. - Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.- P.28.
Fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

Every thing in the world is going on, everything is said in a fairy tale. There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had plenty of everything - a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children. They were very sad, they all grieved. Once in winter, white snow fell knee-deep. The neighbor's children poured out into the street - to ride on a sled, throw snowballs, and they began to sculpt a snowman. The grandfather looked at them from the window, looked and said to the woman: - What, wife, thoughtful, you sit, you look at other people's children, let's go and we will take a walk in old age, we will also blind a snow woman. And the old woman, it’s true, also had a merry hour. - Well, let's go, grandfather, to the street. But why should we sculpt a woman? Let's fashion the daughter of the Snow Maiden. No sooner said than done. The old people went to the garden and let's sculpt a snowy daughter. They fashioned a daughter, inserted two blue beads instead of eyes, made two dimples on her cheeks, and a mouth from a scarlet ribbon. How good is the snow daughter Snegurochka! Grandfather and woman look at her - they don’t see enough, they admire - they don’t stop admiring. And the Snow Maiden's mouth smiles, the hair curls.

The Snow Maiden moved her legs and arms, moved from her place and went through the garden to the hut. Grandfather and woman seemed to have lost their minds - they rooted to the place.
- Grandfather, - the woman screams, - yes, this is our living daughter, dear Snow Maiden! And she rushed into the hut ... That was some joy! The Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds. Every day - the Snow Maiden is more and more beautiful. Grandfather and woman will not see enough of her, will not breathe. And the Snow Maiden is like a white snowflake, her eyes are like blue beads, a blond braid to the waist. Only there is no blush on the Snow Maiden’s face, and there is not a blood in her lips. Oh, the Snow Maiden is so good!
Here came the spring-clear, the buds swelled, the bees flew into the field, the lark sang. All the guys are happy, welcome, the girls sing spring songs. But the Snow Maiden got bored, she became sad, she kept looking out the window, shedding tears. So the red summer has come, the flowers have bloomed in the gardens, the bread is ripening in the fields ... The Snow Maiden frowns more than ever, everything hides from the sun, everything would be in the shade and in the chill, and even better in the rain. Grandfather and woman all gasp: - Are you healthy, daughter? - I'm healthy, grandma. And she hides everything in a corner, she doesn’t want to go out into the street. Once the girls gathered in the forest for berries - for raspberries, blueberries, scarlet strawberries.
They began to call the Snow Maiden with them: - Let's go, let's go, Snow Maiden! .. - Let's go, let's go, girlfriend! And then the grandfather and the woman ordered: - Go, go, Snow Maiden, go, go, baby, have fun with your girlfriends.

The Snow Maiden took a box, went into the forest with her friends. Girlfriends walk through the forest, weave wreaths, dance round dances, sing songs. And the Snow Maiden found a cold stream, sits near it, looks into the water, wets her fingers in fast water, plays with drops, like pearls.

So the evening has come. The girls played out, put wreaths on their heads, kindled a fire of brushwood, and began to jump over the fire. The Snow Maiden is reluctant to jump ... Yes, her friends stuck to her. The Snow Maiden came up to the fire ... She stands, she trembles, there is not a blood in her face, her blond braid crumbled ... The girlfriends shouted: - Jump, jump, Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden ran up and jumped ... There was a rustle over the fire, a plaintive moan, and the Snow Maiden was gone. White steam stretched over the fire, twisted into a cloud, a cloud flew into the sky.

The Snow Maiden melted ... (Tolstoy A.)

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