Rare and beautiful names for boys. modern names for boys


After the birth of a child or even before birth, the parents face the question of how to name the baby. With the help of a beautiful name, mothers and fathers seek to direct the child's life on the path of good luck and prosperity, designate his personality and preserve certain family traditions.

How to choose a beautiful name for a newborn boy?

Harmony and prudence are the main principles that should be followed when naming a newborn. A correctly chosen name should be combined with a patronymic and surname, not be overly pretentious and difficult to pronounce.

The baby should be named according to cultural and religious traditions. For example, it is better not to call a Russian boy Said or Domenik, which may cause ridicule in the future.

Before naming a boy, you should familiarize yourself with a few rules:

  1. Maintaining individuality. You should not name the baby in honor of the father, other close relatives or great figures. Giving preference to such names, mom and dad often have high hopes for their son, which he will not always be able to justify. In the future, this often leads to conflicts between parents and the child.
  2. Preference for "male" names. Naming the baby Zhenya, Sasha, Valya, you can provoke mockery of the boy in the future. Together with an indeclinable surname, such a naming can cause strangers to take him for a girl.
  3. Respect for tradition. Despite the mixing of cultures and world integration, you should not call the baby a name from another tradition, which will be out of harmony with the Russian patronymic and surname.

Beautiful male names according to the church calendar

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Believing parents adhere to the method of naming their sons according to church canons. Often babies are named after saints. Being mediators between God and people, even after death they give their parishioners the faith that allows them to endure the hardships of fate. It is believed that with their help you can protect the baby from evil.

You can name your son according to the calendar, and if it is impossible to make a choice, consult with a spiritual mentor on your own. Today, most often they are guided not by a calendar, but by a list of saints revered by the church. The most popular names are

  • Nicholas;
  • Vladimir;
  • Basil;
  • Andrey;
  • Michael;
  • Mark;
  • Konstantin;
  • Kirill and others

Name selection by horoscope

This ancient tradition is to name the baby by date of birth. The method involves the compilation of a natal chart, which accurately determines the appropriate name. This method has long remained the exclusive prerogative of the wealthy aristocracy. Today, anyone can use it, having received the advice of a specialist.

To determine the name by horoscope, it is not necessary to contact an astrologer. You can choose it from a list of names that are most suitable for a particular zodiac sign.

For naming boys, such beautiful names are often used:

  • Aries - Alexander, Alexei, Artem, Yegor, Nikolai, Yaroslav;
  • calf - Anton, Bogdan, Daniel, Ilya, Maxim, Nikita;
  • twins - Heinrich, Eugene, Igor, Konstantin, Sergey;
  • cancer - Andrey, Vitaly, Stanislav;
  • lion - Alexander, Artem, Ivan, Cyril, Mark;
  • maiden - Vsevolod, Gennady, Gleb, Denis, Rostislav, Stepan;
  • scales - Anatoly, Anton, Vitaly, Leonid, Mikhail, Oleg, Plato;
  • scorpion - Arseny, Rodion, Ruslan, Fedor, Yuri;
  • Sagittarius - Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Peter, Roman, Jan, Yaroslav;
  • Capricorn - Arthur, Vadim, Gleb, Denis, Yegor, Nikolai;
  • Aquarius - Leonid, Gennady, Oleg, Ruslan, Svyatoslav;
  • fish - Bogdan, Valery, Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Roman.

Fashionable vintage names

In recent years, children have been actively called by old names. This trend is connected with the interest of society in history and native culture. Naming their sons in the old manner, parents tend to turn them to their national roots. Often the name is chosen under the influence of the fashion and mentality prevailing in society.

The most popular old names are:

  1. Matthew. Differs in diligence and perseverance, but at the same time isolation. Often chooses a profession that requires concentration and method - surgery, sports, banking. It has natural insecurity, and therefore it is necessary to encourage Matvey's initiative from early childhood so that he succeeds.
  2. Zakhar. Despite some severity of sound, this name means a sentimental and good-natured person. He is distinguished by a caring and complaisant character, which largely determines his future profession. He is not attracted to office work. Most often, he connects his life with a technical or agricultural specialty.
  3. Vsevolod. Rarely finds himself in unpleasant situations, which is associated with discretion, the ability to nip dangerous moments in the bud with the help of humor and diplomacy. He has the gift of persuasion and the ability to get along with others, for which he is respected by people. Vsevolod is stubborn, firm and diligent, but does not always strive for victory. It can give way to a more worthy, in his opinion, person.
  4. Proud. Differs peacefulness and optimism. With outward modesty, he has inner strength and vigor. He is an interesting storyteller and an attentive listener.
  5. Luke. Despite the similarity with the verb "dissemble", this name denotes an honest person. Purposefulness of his character is combined with impulsiveness. He thinks carefully about the solution to the problem and perseveres along the path to achieve results. In defending his interests, he can show uncompromising and impulsiveness.

Beautiful Russian names for a child

When parents want to name their son in accordance with Russian tradition, they often mistakenly prefer ancient names that look somewhat pretentious today - Svyatogor, Varlaam, Dobrynya, Ostromir are not very suitable for modern children and are accepted by society for the extravagance of parents. The top 10 Russian names that are most relevant today include:

  • Elisha;
  • Plato;
  • Nicholas;
  • Michael;
  • Paul;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Vladislav;
  • Denis;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Andrey.

Popular foreign names for boys: English and American

In English-speaking countries, the tradition of naming children by two names is popular: personal and middle. The first is the distinctive name of the baby and is used in everyday life. The second is most often given in honor of a close relative, and in official documents it is indicated between the main name and surname.

If in the post-Soviet environment naming is of Greek, Latin, Old Russian origin, then authentic names are predominantly popular in English culture:

  • today in the UK boys are often referred to as Pauls, Davids, Georges, Jacobs, Alans, Marks;
  • in the United States, sons are named Richard, William, Noah, Robert, Aaron.

How to choose a beautiful Muslim name?

In Muslim culture, the method of naming children in accordance with ancient documents is especially popular. The wrong choice of a name for a boy can cause him bad luck, poverty, illness, laziness in the future, which pushes his parents to name him in honor of the saints: Muhammad, Abdul, Idris, Kadir, Rahim, etc.

Muslim culture is characterized by the same meaning for several names that differ in sound. For example, Hasan and Elmir mean beauty, while Zabir, Kavi and Ali characterize a strong and powerful person. It is noteworthy that there are no negative names, which explains the desire of parents to provide their children with a better fate.

Muslim traditions are replete with names denoting beauty. You can call the boy Anwar (bright, bright), Jamil (handsome), Dilyair (soulful), Ihsan (merciful), Ramil (magical), Fazil (talented). If parents cannot resolve the issue of naming their son on their own, they can turn to the imam.

Before the revolution, it was common for Muslims to use two names on the territory of the Russian Empire. The child received the first naming as a talisman. To protect the son from the evil eye, this name was hidden from strangers. The second was of less importance and was used in everyday life. In Soviet times, this tradition died out, but today there is a return to it.

Unusual and rare names

Calling sons unusual names, parents tend to endow them with a bright personality. Such children may deviate from public opinion, and sometimes go against it. Wishing to achieve any success despite the influence of external factors, they can only rely on their perseverance and fortitude.

Parents sometimes make the mistake of calling their son a rare name in order to endow him with the qualities of a fighter. If for one part of the boys it becomes an impetus for the formation of a bright personality, with the help of which they achieve success under any circumstances, then for the other it becomes a cause of constant psychological discomfort.

For thoughtful, calm children, a non-standard name is an annoying factor that attracts unnecessary attention. Naming the baby Oscar, Azat, Mikel or Radislav, the parents endow him not with the power to defend his beliefs, but with a source of internal conflict. He is expected to constantly prove his own worth, while he needs solitude for the development of his personality.

A rare name should be combined with the child's surname and patronymic. Combinations such as Petrova Madonna Alekseevna or Kozlov Marcel Ivanovich sound disharmonious.

Naming the baby, they take into account the national and cultural characteristics of the mentality prevailing in society. For example, names such as Arkhip, Bronislav, Borislav, Lavrenty go well with surnames of Slavic origin.

Choosing a name depending on the time of year

When choosing a name, parents are traditionally guided by the month of their son's birth. There is an opinion about the relationship between the seasons and certain character traits of the baby.

It is believed that children born in winter are stubborn and domineering. To mitigate these features, sons are called names containing soft sounds:

  • Alexei;
  • Leonid;
  • Nikita;
  • Paul;
  • Basil.

Babies born in the spring are distinguished by a romantic and sublime temperament. It is recommended to call them by traditional male names to balance the subtle nature, give them courage and strength:

  • Konstantin;
  • Stepan;
  • Bogdan;
  • Egor;
  • Sergey.

Children born in summer have a bold and kind-hearted character. To enhance these qualities, it is recommended to choose sonorous names:

  • Elizar;
  • Philip;
  • Denis;
  • Yuri;
  • Vitaly.

"Autumn" children are often distinguished by distrust and some egocentrism. To give the baby sociability and friendliness, choose simple sonorous names:

  • Anton;
  • Nazar;
  • Jacob;
  • Nahum;
  • Tikhon;
  • Semyon.

Rating of the most popular modern names

Today there is a decline in interest in foreign names. Less and less children are called in the old Russian manner. In 2018, boys often began to be called neutral names: Lions, Alexanders, Ivans, Maxims, Romans, Rodions and Kirills. The TOP of popular names also includes Daniil, Vladislav, Gleb and Mark.

The choice of a name is no less important moment in the formation of a child's personality than his further upbringing. In an effort to name their son unusually, parents sometimes forget about correctness and appropriateness in resolving this issue. The task of naming is to designate the individuality of the boy and direct his fate to a prosperous path, and not pretentiousness and expressing the tastes of moms and dads.

Hooray! Ultrasound showed who lives under the mother's heart. "Son," you chuckle. “Heir!”, - the future father rejoices. This is the moment when a woman begins to turn to her stomach quite specifically, which means it's time to call the "bubbler". And although it’s not the name that makes a person beautiful, often disputes from the series “Vladlen, Dionysus or Vanya” lead to the fact that the baby remains a “baby” until the very moment the birth certificate is received. It is right in such a situation to gather for a family council. And you need to go there, armed with information about what rare and beautiful names for boys are.

Our ancestors believed that the name determines the fate, the character of a person. For example, when naming their son Lazarus, adults believed that God himself would help him in life. And Fadeev's parents expected that their children would become successful and deserve praise in everything. Protection was expected from Alexei, and courage from Brave.

Name - protection and basis for personal development

In Indian tribes, it was customary to give a person two names. One of them is false. It became public and was determined when growing up, when the child showed any of his special qualities, skills. For example, "Sharp Eye".

And the other was true and secret. It was carefully hidden, especially from strangers. It was believed that the enemy, who learned the secret of your name, would gain power over your fate, life and death.

In Christian families today, during the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a second name, which is recommended not to be advertised in front of outsiders. His clergyman determines according to the church calendar, taking into account the date of birth of the baby and the Orthodox name book. So, the child is called according to the saints. That is, in honor of a certain saint, whose day coincides with the day the child was born or falls on the eighth, fortieth days from birth.

It is said that the name of the ship determines the success of its voyage. Therefore, parents often name the baby, taking into account the possible energy influence of the Universe.

From the point of view of psychology, the name is one of the main indicators of personality. So the child can realize his gender, isolate himself from other people and enter the path of independent development. Even new generations remember their ancestors, focusing on their names.

How to name a son: 5 rules

All talk about the influence of a person's name on his fate can not be taken seriously. But when choosing a beautiful and unusual name for a baby, you still need to take into account certain, quite mundane, nuances. There are five basic rules that you should follow when naming your son.

  1. Full name consonance. Agree, the name "Romeo Emelyanovich Sisev" will always attract undue attention to the child. "Gremislav Abdelkhakimovich Eldarkhanov" not even every teacher will pronounce. And Prince Mikhailovich Zhuk, quite likely, having matured, will want to change his name. Therefore, if the family surname is not distinguished by elegance, it is better to find a simple, simple name for the baby. For example, "Vadim Mikhailovich Zhuk" will look much more advantageous.
  2. Compatibility with patronymic. There are several recommendations here. First you need to take into account the nationality of the father. For example, if the father is Armenian Gegham, then it is better to name the boy accordingly. Agree, the combination "Avetis Gegamovich" sounds strong in comparison with the combination "Vasily Gegamovich". Another tip: focus on the length of the patronymic. For bulky patronymics, short names are better suited, and vice versa. For example, "Lev Konstantinovich" sounds more melodic than "Innokenty Konstantinovich". Also, do not give the baby a "name" ending with the letter that begins the father's name. For example, "Vadim Maksimovich". Also think about how to avoid the accumulation of vowels and consonants at the junction of the name and patronymic. Since there is a high probability that in a conversation people will involuntarily distort them. An example of a not entirely successful combination: "Peter Vladimirovich." But combinations play well when there are beautiful sound coincidences or names begin with the same letter: “Andrey Alekseevich”, “Elisey Evgenievich”.
  3. Correspondence to time and place. No one condemns the love of parents for popular television products, but it is unlikely that Batman or Nolik will feel comfortable in the village of Michurino. Edward and Barak in the Slavic environment will also look special. And Tyrrion or Mason in puberty will not collect autographs, but take bruises home. Therefore, think carefully about your decision before calling the boy too unusual a name.
  4. Transformation. Almost all names have derived variations. They are transformed into diminutive forms or into nicknames. And the latter can be offensive. This must be taken into account so that the child is not teased later. Please note that mom will be able to call Maxim "Maksyusha or Masya", and friends - "Max" or "Maksyukha". Gleb is more difficult. Parents will address him: "Glebushka". And peers will immediately twist: “Bread”.
  5. Unisex names. Psychologists recommend to parents: "When naming your son, avoid options with a vague sexual reference." For example, these are the names Zhenya or Valya, which are suitable for both girls and boys. This is especially important if the child's surname is not inclined. For example, surnames like "Viligura" or "Katz" do not give an idea of ​​who their bearer is - a guy or a girl. Therefore, "Sasha Shuvalov" is still an acceptable option, but "Sasha Koval" - alas. Such a combination can provoke problems with the child's self-identification, suppress exceptional masculine traits in character.

In Russia, the tradition of naming a child after relatives is preserved. For example, like a great-grandfather. This custom is the subject of debate. Some of the young parents are against him, because they believe that the baby can absorb the negative experience of the ancestors and repeat their fate. And other mothers and fathers insist: naming according to the generic principle is an additional protection.

It is better not to name a son in honor of a relative who was overtaken by a brazen, painful death or who had problems with the law. Psychologists also advise not to take the name of the father. Otherwise, little San Sanych may grow up not as a loving son and helper, but as an irritable and insecure eternal paternal competitor.

In pursuit of fashion: how Icarus and Mason live

Parents want their son to have a rare, energetically strong and fashionable name. But when considering unusual names for boys, it is important not to go too far. Fashion is a changeable thing. It is enough to turn to history. Remember how, based on the events of 1917, the boys were named October, Revo, Vladlen.

During the Soviets, Perkosrak (in honor of the launch of the first space rocket), Dazdraperma (in honor of May Day) were popular.

Later, after the collapse of the USSR, there was a wave of naming children based on TV shows. Registered and Enrique, and Mason, and Cruz, and Rogelio, and Guillermo.

But practice shows that all tricky options after a few years not only lose their relevance, but even look ridiculous. But the names traditional in our culture like Nikolai, Vladimir, Oleg and Alexei always sound worthy.

Today there is a tendency to return to use the Old Slavonic names. And among them there are unusually beautiful names of boys. For example, in 1990, only seven Platons were registered throughout Russia. And in 2015, this male name has already entered the top ten most popular in the country.

What are men called: interesting facts

Male names are divided into soft and hard. In the first case, the boys grow up calm and flexible. In the second - stubborn and strong.

The soft ones include those in which there are many vowels, as well as quiet sonants - d, p, l, m, n. This is Ilya, Benjamin, Michael.

But in hard voiced paired consonants prevail in the company with a growling letter "P". Yegor, Grigory, Dmitry have such names.

There are also neutral options that endow their owner with moderate determination and wisdom. This applies to Arkady, Andrei, Pavel.

Novels are born in February, and Stamps are born in July

If parents can’t come to a common decision on how to name their son, then you can resort to the help of a calendar. Observations of old-timers show that completely different options are suitable for children born at different times of the year.

It is better to name winter boys, choosing from the following list: Roman, Anatoly, Peter, Semyon, Arseny, Ivan.

Spring children are comfortable if their names are Danila, Styopa, Nikita or David. For summer, good options are Sergey, Kostya, Nazar, Mark, Matvey or Pasha.

And the autumn baby will be in harmony with the name Timothy, Herman, Fedor or Anton. There are even special layouts, where options suitable for naming are scheduled by month.

Naming by number and horoscope

Even adults resort to the help of numerology. To do this, the date of birth of the baby is calculated and a name corresponding to this number is selected in the special literature. Also, adults often pay attention to the comparability with the baby's zodiac sign. And they even look at the combination with the names of the parents themselves in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings at the energy level.

The most common name on the planet, with more than 300 million men, is Muhammad. In Muslim culture, it is customary to call all the first-born. But in Moscow, according to the Moscow Department of Civil Registry, since 1991, Alexander has been invariably in the lead. In 2015, Muscovites also often registered boys as Maxims, Artems, Mikhails, and Daniels.

Top 30 trendy boy names

Today there are special thematic sites where you can find an unusual name for a boy, find out its meaning and see how children are called in different countries.

Based on the statistics of attendance of such resources, you can compile a list of the most popular modern male names. The top 30 trendy boy names of 2017 are listed below.

  1. Diaz. This is the Spanish version of the more familiar biblical name Jacob in our environment. It translates as "walking on the heels."
  2. Matthew. From Hebrew it is translated as "bestowed by the Lord."
  3. Artem. In Greek it means "healthy" or "intact".
  4. Janis. Greek version of the Russian name Ivan. Means - "God's grace" or "God pardoned."
  5. Maksim . From Latin - "greatest".
  6. Dmitriy . From Greek - "dedicated to the goddess of fertility and agriculture Demeter."
  7. Timothy. From Greek - "worshiping God."
  8. Daniel. It translates from Hebrew as "God is my judge."
  9. Novel . From Latin - "Roman".
  10. Arseny. It comes from the Greek - Arsenios. The meaning is "courageous", "mature".
  11. Egor . Russian transformation of the Greek name George. The meaning is "farmer".
  12. Kirill . From ancient Greek - "lord", "master".
  13. Mark. From Latin - "hammer". However, from French - "marquis". There are also versions that the name is dedicated to the god of war Mars.
  14. Andrey . From ancient Greek - "brave", "courageous".
  15. Nikita. From Greek - "winner".
  16. Ivan. It comes from the ancient Jewish John - "God has mercy."
  17. Alexei . From ancient Greek - "preserving", "protector".
  18. Bogdan. The Slavs interpreted this name as "God's gift."
  19. Ilya. The transformation of the Hebrew name Eliyahu is "believer" or "power of God."
  20. Yaroslav . Has Slavic roots. In different sources it is translated as "bright", "glorious", "strong".
  21. Timur. Varieties of the names Damir and Tamerlane. Translated from Mongolian as "iron".
  22. Michael. From the ancient Hebrew - "like God."
  23. Vladislav. In Slavic culture - "owning glory." The Polish variant is "good ruler".
  24. Alexander . From Greek - "protector".
  25. Sergey . From Latin - "noble".
  26. Gleb. In Scandinavian culture - "the favorite of the Gods." The Slavic version of the origin compares this name with the words "lump" and "pole".
  27. Demid. Has Greek roots. It means "advice of Zeus". Zeus in mythology is the heavenly ruler, the world ruler.
  28. Denis. Derived from the ancient Greek - Dionysios. It is interpreted as a "reveler", "merry fellow".
  29. Ruslan. From Turkic - "lion".
  30. Paul . From Latin - "baby".

When a person is called, for him it is the most pleasant sound. To make it happen with your baby, you need to take this task responsibly. Everything in this world is named, the essence itself is formed around the name. Therefore, it is impossible to deny the great influence of a few specific letters on the self-perception and worldview of a person.

Some argue that the name can even change fate. If you approach the matter not with such fatalistic views, the question still remains, how to choose the right name for the boy.

Indeed, in ancient times people were called, both in honor of heroes and gods, and in words with an impartial meaning that could express belonging to a particular genus or type of activity.

Now parents are used to relying on sound or fashion. But it is especially important not to make a mistake when using Old Slavonic names. Because the true meaning can be very different from what is commonly understood now by this word.

Choosing a name for a child boy: approaches

There are several methods for making a decision in this case. Sometimes even a whole family council gathers. To come to a consensus, you need to understand what strategy you will follow. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A man is the head and successor of the family. But all the foundations are laid in childhood. Even the character begins to form from the name. The baby hears it even in the womb, if it is chosen in advance. A person will never forget or confuse this name with some other. Remember when at an early age bullies wanted to offend, they changed names. Because there is nothing more personal, undividedly belonging to the future man. Therefore, before sorting through the options in your head, pay attention to these key points:

  • Think about the future. The name of the boy in the future should become a harmonious patronymic for his children.
  • Don't make fun of the kids. Funny, self-invented or borrowed names from the series are not the best way to express your love. Since the baby will simply be bullied at school or in kindergarten. Thus, you seek to express your individuality, but the child will suffer from this, who will become uncomfortable in society. This brings particular inconvenience in childhood, when the direct guys say everything they think, or in youth - the time of the first loves and romantic experiences.
  • Don't name after your father. The continuity of generations is a plus, but not in this case. According to psychologists, due to the coincidence in sound, it is more difficult for a boy to identify himself as a separate person. He begins to feel like a shadow of his father, which leads to depression, neurosis, loss of a sense of his originality.

Remember that there is no wrong choice, because everything is unique and largely determined by taste. The name can be considered a gift from parents to a child. It is the very first and most important, so that the little person will later fully appreciate all its value, take these rules into account.


Conservative families are very reluctant to change the established way of life. Therefore, they are reluctant to experiment. But if you are in doubt about how best to name a baby boy in an unusual or familiar way. This technique has its advantages, because if a child wants to know the history of his name, he will understand that the choice has deep roots. So baby:

  • perceives the experience of generations;
  • learns to appreciate and respect their past;
  • represents the fate and life of his relatives;
  • keeps important facts about his family and passes them on to his children.

To make the stories more visual, pick up a family photo album. Such a family book will pass through the years if it has a strong body. The Russian House of Genealogy will help with this.

Heraldry specialists will be able to design a family coat of arms and place it on the cover of a family book or album. The history of the life of relatives, the intricacies of their destinies will come to life before the eyes of the baby.

Flipping through the pages, he will study these facts against the backdrop of the developments in the country's past. Thus, a person learns to fit his life into the general context, thanks to which a responsible and honest family man, a patriot of his Motherland and a conscientious specialist is brought up. People of this type of character are highly valued in society. And the beginning of a brilliant path begins with a name.

According to the church calendar

Previously, there was no question of how to name the child, since there was a codified name. This collection showed how to name a boy according to the church calendar. Until now, many believers believe this approach is the only true one. By naming a child in honor of an archangel or a saint, one can hope for good health and a happy life for a toddler. Some are confused by the archaic sound of these options, others think that the possibilities in this regard are rather limited.

But the list for each month is very large. Moreover, it is not necessary to call it the way it was pronounced several centuries ago. John is replaced by Ivan, Alexy by Alexei. But you can be absolutely sure that none of the names carries negative meanings.

Many meanings are associated with God, so if you believe that the name can become a talisman and protection for a boy, you will not find a better option.

So the beautiful name Jeremiah (transformed into Eremey-Yerema-Yermiy) is understood as "exalted by God." Also, when a child is baptized, there will be no difficulties: a worldly name will not need to be translated into a church one.

Sometimes help comes from an unexpected direction and you may hear the right option in a conversation with a friend or colleagues. But it is better to choose what name it is better to call a newly born boy in a close family circle. After all, only relatives can take into account such important points as:

  • Nationality. There are interethnic marriages, then the husband and wife need to use all their diplomatic abilities. But, if both of you have eastern roots, or vice versa, are primordially Russian, then it is better not to conflict with national traditions. Otherwise, the name of the child will be in sharp contrast with his appearance, lifestyle and traditions.
  • Place of residence. In a big city, where there is a high level of agglomeration and people of different views, religions, and origins live in the same territory, unusual names are not so surprising. But if in a small town or settlement you name a young city dweller Alfred or Marseille, this will arouse great interest.
  • Diminutive forms. You must consider the possibility of transforming the name. When you want to express your tenderness and call the child in a different way, it should not be too difficult to pronounce or hurt your ear.

These rules will help not to make a mistake with the choice even to close people, and will also affect the avoidance of disputes.

By harmony

In everyday communication, we pay special attention to sound. Therefore, when deciding which name to choose for a boy, say it several times, change it, decline it. Pay attention to how it is perceived by ear in combination with the surname and, most importantly, with the patronymic. There are a few rules to help you decide:

  • Uniformity. The name should reflect the traditions of naming one nation. Since not only does Thomas Ivanovich or Bruce Pavlovich sound ridiculous, but the foreign names themselves do not have the opportunity to become a patronymic later. Combinations Evgeny Dzhekovich or Semyon Dzhonovich are incorrect and not allowed.
  • The length of the components. Combinations acquire special beauty if the name is short, and the patronymic has a long duration, and also if they consist of approximately the same number of letters. For example: Miron Pavlovich, Igor Stepanovich, Lev Nikolaevich, Yuri Alexandrovich.
  • End-beginning. Pay attention to the juncture of words. The best option is if the first of them ends in a vowel, and the next one begins with a consonant: Danila Timofeevich, Nikita Romanovich. The reverse combination is also acceptable: Semyon Alekseevich, Artem Igorevich. Consider also alliteration: the name should be melodious, melodic. Avoid rough, grinding sounds and similar combinations (gr, mx, skr).

This moment is very important, because when the young man grows up and becomes a man, subordinates, unfamiliar and officials will address him in this way.

By time of year

If you do not take into account astrology, but take into account the natural cycles of nature, then each season affects the character and psychophysical characteristics in the development of the baby. How beautiful is it to name an already born boy according to the seasonal calendar?

  • Winter. A strong and decisive character is guaranteed for a small man. It is in the first months that hardening for the future life takes place. For fearless frost fighters, such names as Pavel, Alexei, Semyon, Valentin, Stepan, Arseny, Elisha, Luka are suitable. Such melodic options will help soften the stubborn disposition.
  • Spring. Nature itself disposes to lyrics and it is not by chance that future poets, directors, actors and musicians are born at this time. Be able to consider the subtle mental organization of the first-born, but for a happy journey, award one of these names: Rodion, Nathan, Timur, Ruslan, Bogdan, Vlas, Valery.
  • Summer. Bright, lively personalities. The energy in them boils and calm names will not be to their liking, they will feel like they are in someone else's clothes. Take a closer look at these options: Lev, Gleb, Gordey, Vladislav, Trofim, Rostislav, Makar, Igor, Naum.
  • Autumn. Such people are most prone to analysis, reflection. They make sensitive, talented psychologists. Therefore, the name should reflect all the dignity of this person: Dmitry, David, Mikhail, Oleg, Prokhor, Roman.

Having picked up the right combination, walk around with this thought. Simulate life situations, imagine whether the boy will be comfortable if you name him that way.

List of beautiful names

The process of selecting combinations is quite complicated, so do not try to solve everything at once. Write down the options you like the most, get distracted, then return to them again. So you should eliminate more assumptions. To decide what to name a child, find a ready-made list of beautiful names for boys. This could be a church calendar, an alphabetical index, or a personalized list.

Please note that the fashion for foreign or fictitious names is a thing of the past. Now more and more people are turning their attention to family and national traditions. In order to have something to rely on, it is necessary now to think about their preservation. The Russian House of Genealogy will make durable and exquisite family books, where significant family mascots will be collected - photos, movie tickets from the first trip together with the baby, the first drawings of the young painter.

To make it easy and happy for the baby to go through life, pay attention to the forgotten, but beautiful names:

  • Arkady, Adrian, Athanasius;
  • Boris, Boyan;
  • Veniamin, Vladlen, Vsevolod;
  • German, Gordey, Gabriel;
  • Demid, Demyan;
  • Efim, Evstigney;
  • Ignat, Ilya;
  • Konstantin, Kuzma, Cornelius;
  • Lubomir, Leonid, Lukyan;
  • Martin, Matthew, Mark.

Once you have decided, look at the value. It will either confirm your choice, or make you think more.

As a conclusion

What name you can call the boy is up to you, but you should not ignore simple rules that will facilitate this process and save you from disappointments later. Remember that the baby must go through all the stages with complete comfort and self-love - from the cradle to old age.

The Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. However, many Russian names are not originally Russian by their origin. They are borrowed from the Greek language along with the Christian religion. Before that, Russians had names that reflected the various characteristics and qualities of people, their physical disabilities, names that reflected the birth order of children in the family. There were common names such as Wolf, Cat, Sparrow, Birch, First, Tretyak, Big, Small, Zhdan. The reflection of these names is observed in modern Russian surnames Tretyakov, Nezhdanov, Menshov, etc.

With the introduction of Christianity in Rus', all the old Russian names were gradually supplanted by church names that came to Rus' from Byzantium. Among them, in addition to proper Greek names, were ancient Roman, Hebrew, Syrian, Egyptian names, each of which reflected a certain meaning in its native language, but when borrowed it was used only as a proper name, and not as a word denoting something.

By the 18-19 centuries, Old Russian names were already completely forgotten, and Christian names largely changed their appearance, adapting to the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation. So, the name Diomede was transformed into the name Demid, Jeremiah - Yeremey, etc.

After the October Socialist Revolution, names associated with the new ideology became widespread: Revmira (peace revolution), Diamara (dialectical materialism); names reflecting the first stages of industrialization: Electrina, Elevator, Diesel, Ram, (revolution, electrification, mechanization); names read in foreign novels: Alfred, Rudolf, Arnold; names by flower names: Lily, Rose, Astra.

Since the 1930s, such familiar to us Russian names like Masha, Vladimir, Seryozha, i.e. the names closest to the Russian people are used. But this return to the old names does not at all mean a return to all the names of the church calendar, most of which have remained unaccepted by the Russian nation.

On this page, not only old (Russian calendar, Old Russian and Slavic), but also new male names.

Russian male names starting with the letter A:

August (old) - summer

Augustine (old) - summer

Avenir (old) - from the French. avenir - coming, future

Auxentius (old) - alien "xenos"

Auror / Avrory (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adam (old) - "from red clay"

Adonis (old) - lord

Alevtin (new) - alien to evil

Alexander (old) - protector of people

Alexey (old) - defender

Albert (new) - wise

Albin (new) - "white"

Alfred (new) - good adviser

Anastasy (old) - resurrected

Anatoly (old) - eastern

Andrey (old) - a man and a defender

Anis / Anisius (old) - sweet-smelling

Anton / Anthony (old) - entering the battle

Antonin (old) - kind

Antoine (new) - a foreign reading of Anton

Apollinaris (old) - son of the sun

Apollo (old) - god of the sun

Argent (new) - from the French. argent - silver

Aristarkh (old) - head of the best

Arkady (old) - shepherd or "Inhabitant of Arcadia"

Arsen (new) - courageous

Arseny (old) - courageous

Artyom / Artemy (old) - unharmed

Arthur (new) - big as a bear

Atheist (new) - non-believer

Athanasius (old) - immortal

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Bazhen (other Russian) - saint

Benedict (old) - blessed

Bogdan (glory) - given by God

Boeslav (glor.) - famous in battle

Boleslav (glory) - more glorious

Borimir (glor.) - fighting for peace

Boris (old) - "wrestler"

Borislav (glor.) - fighting for glory

Bronislav (glor.) - a glorious defender

Budimir (other Russian) - peace-loving

Bulat (new) - "strong"

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Vadim (old) - sowing confusion

Valentine (old) - healthy

Valery (old) - strong

Walter (new) - manager of people

Vasily (old) - royal

Vasilko (nar. from Vasily) - prince

Velimir (glory) - the ruler of the world

Velislav (glory) - famous

Velor / Velorius (new) - wealthy

Benedict (old) - a different reading of Benedict

Benjamin (old) - Hebrew. "Jr"

Victor (old) - winner

Vilen (new) - short for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) - forest man

Vitaly (old) - vital

Witold (glor.) - forest ruler

Vlad (glory) - owning

Vladilen (new) - similar to VLADIMIR LENIN

Vladimir (old, famous) - owning the world

Vladislav (old, slav.) - owning glory

Vladlen (new) - similar to VLADIMIR LENIN

Warrior (other Russian) - "warrior"

Vojislav (glor.) - "glorified in the war"

Volodar (Staroslav) - "Lord"

Voldemar / Valdemar (new) - famous ruler

Volmir / Volemir (glory) - the ruler of the world

Vsevolod (old, other Russian) - the ruler of the whole people

Vsemil (Slavv.) - dear to everyone

Vyacheslav (old, slav.) - famous more than once

Russian male names starting with the letter G:

Gabriel / Gavrila / Gavrilo / Gavril (old) - divine warrior

Galaction (old) - stellar

Harry / Harry (new) - tolerant

Helian / Helium (new) - solar

Genius (new) - "genius"

Gennady (old) - well-born

George (old) - farmer

German (old) - native

Gertrud (new) - HERO OF LABOR

Gleb (old, other Russian) - big, tall

Gordey / Gordy (glor.) - proud

Gorimir (glor.) - "bright world"

Gorislav (glor.) - "bright glory"

Granite (new) - "hard"

Gregory (old) - not sleeping

Russian male names starting with the letter D:

Davyd / David (old) - beloved

Damir (new) - peaceful

Dan (old) - god of the moon

Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) - "God's judgment"

Gift (new) - "gift"

December (new) - winter

Denis (nar. from old. Dionysius) - the god of the vital forces of nature

Gerald (new) - a different reading of Harald

Joseph (new) - a different reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip

John (new) - a different reading of Ivan

Dionysius / Dionysus (old) - god of vegetation

Dmitry / Dimitri (old) - the god of fertility

Dobrynya (other Russian) - good fellow

Donalt (old) - the ruler of the world

Donat (old) - strong

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Eugene (old) - noble

Evdokim (old) - well-known

Egor (nar. from George, Egoriy) - farmer

Eruslan (other Russian) - "lion"

Efim (old) - pious

Russian male names starting with the letter Zh:

Zhdan (other Russian) - waiting

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zakhar (old) - "God's memory"

Zinovy ​​(old) - "Zeus's power"

Zoriy (new) - morning

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Ibrahim (new) - a different reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom

Ivan (nar. from John) - "God's gift"

Ignatius / Ignatius (old) - unknown

Igor (old, other Russian) - protector of God

Isidore / Sidor (old) - patron of fertility

July (new) - summer

Russian male names starting with the letter K:

Casimir (glor.) - announcing peace

Carl (new) - bold

Kasyan (nar. from old Cassian) - empty

Kim (new) - Communist International of the World.

Cyprian (old) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Cyrus (old) - lord

Cyril (old) - Bishop

Claudius (old) - lame or from the clan of Claudius

Clement (old) - gracious

Clement / Klim (old) - condescending

Clement / Clement (n. from Clement) - meek

Columbia (new) - "dove"

Kuzma / Kozma (nar. from old Cosmas) - decorated

Kupriyan (nar. from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian male names starting with the letter L:

Laurel (old) - famous

Lawrence (old) - crowned with laurels

Lazar (old) - "God's help"

Larion (nar. from Hilarion) - joyful

Leo (old) - "lion"

Leonard (new) - strong

Leonid (old) - the son of a lion

Leonty (old) - lion

Luke (old) - "happiness"

Lukyan / Lukyan (old) - happy

Love (other Russian) - handsome

Lubomir (glor.) - the favorite of the world

Luxen / Lucian (new) - light

Russian male names starting with the letter M:

Mauritius (old) - black

May (new) - warm heart

Mayslav / Maeslav (new) - famous in May

Makar / Macarius (old) - happy

Max (new) - majestic

Maxim (old) - majestic

Maximilian / Maximilian (old) - majestic

Mily (old) - cute

Miloneg (glor.) - cute

Miloslav (glor.) - glory is sweet

World (new) - "peace"

Miron (old) - kind

Miroslav (famous) - winner

Mikhail / Mikhailo (old) - equal to God

Modest (old) - modest

Moses (old) - taken out of the water

Monolith (new) - unshakable

Russian male names starting with the letter N:

Nazar / Nazarius (old) - dedicated to God

Nathan (old) - bestowed

Nahum (old) - consolation

Neon (old) - shining

Neonil (old) - principled

Nestor / Nester (old) - returned to his homeland

Nikandr (old) - winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian male names starting with the letter O:

Ovid (old) - savior

Odysseus (new) - angry

Octavian (old) - (Roman) - eighth

Oktyabrin (new) - autumn

October (new) - autumn

Oleg (old, other Russian) - saint

Orestes (old) - savage

Osip (nar. from Joseph) - multiplied

Oscar (old) - "God's Spear"

Russian male names starting with the letter P:

Pavel (old) - small

Palladium (old) - dedicated to Pallas Athena

Panteleimon / Panteley (old)

Panfil (old) - loving everyone

Peresvet (other Russian) - light

Peter (old) - "rock" or "stone"

Prokhor (old) - head of the choir

Russian male names starting with the letter R:

Radium (new) - "radium"

Radim (glor.) - native

Radislav (glor.) - glad to glory

Radomir (glor.) - glad to the world

Russian male names starting with the letter C:

Savva / Sava (old) - desired

Savely (old) - desired

Light (new) - "light"

Svetlan (glor.) - bright

Svetozar (glor.) - bright as the dawn

Svetoslav (glor.) - "glory is bright"

Svyatogor (ancient Russian) - "holy mountain"

Svyatopolk (other Russian) - "holy regiment"

Svyatoslav (glor.) - "glory is holy"

North (old) - "north"

Severin (old) - cold

Severian / Severian (old) - northern

Severyan (new) - northern

Semyon (nar. from old. Simeon) - heard by God in prayer

Seraphim (old) - fiery

Sergey (old) - highly esteemed

Sigismund (new) - ...

Steel / Steel (new) - hard

Stanislav (glory) - will become glorious

Stepan / Stefan (old) - "wreath"

Russian male names starting with the letter T:

Taras (old) - restless

Teimuraz (new) - an analogue of Timur

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) - pampered

Trofim (old) - pet

Russian male names starting with the letter F:

Fadey / Thaddeus (old) - "praise"

February (new) - winter

Fedor (old) - God's gift

Fedor (old) - God's gift

Felix (old) - prosperous

Filimon (old) - beloved

Philip (old) - loving horses

Phlegont (old) - ...

Florence (old) - blooming

Florence (new) - blooming

Florin (new) - blooming

Frol (nar. from old. Flor) - blooming

Russian male names starting with the letter X:

Khariton (old) - benefactor

Brave (other Russian) - brave

Christoph (old) - (Christopher) - carrying Christ

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Edward (new) - taking care of property

Electron (new) - amber

Elbrus (new) - "mountain"

Energy (new) - energetic

Ernest / Ernst (new) - serious

Juvenal (old from Juvenal) - young

Eugene (new) - noble

Julian (old from Julian) - curly

Julius (old from Julius) - fluffy

Jupiter (new) - "Jupiter"

Yuri (old, people from George) - farmer

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Jacob (old from Jacob) - imitating God

Yang (new) - "God of the Sun"

Januarius (old from Iannuarii) - January

Jaromir (old, Slavic) - "sunny world"

Yaropolk (old, Slavic) - "sunny"

Yaroslav (old, slav.) - "burning glory" or glorifying Yarila, the ancient Slavic god

Often, parents call babies unusual and extravagant names that do not always fit well into that social environment. For example, sending a boy named Zeus to kindergarten, where he will be among the usual Nastya, Mish and Oleg. And imagine, Zeus Pavlovich. Yes, it stands out well, but is it really necessary and what will the child be like?

In choosing a name, you can and should resort to something original, most importantly - without fanaticism. The collection of Russian names is so extensive that it has quite a number of powerful meanings. Well, a sonorous name that stores a strong property gives a stunning, in a good way, effect.

For example, Arseny is courageous, a boy with that name will be a support for the family and a faithful companion to close people, whom it is always possible to rely on and trust. Giving an exact answer to this question is quite difficult, because there are many aspects to consider, including your own attitude. But it's safe to say - a person with a strong spirit has a wonderful big future. Of course, there will be obstacles, but due to the peculiarities of character, they will not become global problems and will be successfully overcome.

Advantages and disadvantages

Absolutely any living being and inanimate object has pluses and minuses, this does not bypass Russian names. Calling the future man a strong name, be prepared that the child will definitely have his own point of view on this or that situation, but in case of a wrong outcome, he will calmly accept defeat and apologize if necessary.

Positive fundamental features for strong names are steadfastness in views, perseverance, mental balance and purposefulness, also a sober assessment of one's abilities becomes a pleasant property, but this does not come immediately.

Of the negative qualities, there is a share of selfishness, so do not consider that you have complete influence over the child. In adolescence, the guy will be highly susceptible to the inherent maximalism. Characteristic upholding and disagreement with others will lead to numerous disputes and conflict situations.


  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • responsibility;
  • quick adaptation to changing conditions;
  • perseverance.


  • selfishness;
  • reassessment of one's own abilities;
  • often able to be conceited.

Don't limit your child's independence. If he makes a mistake, he will remember this for a long time, which will serve as a lesson for the future. But do not forget to control some processes. Follow the rules and avoid overprotection.

The coolest and most courageous - list

Remember that each name is saturated with its own energy, on which the behavior and character of a person depends. For example, Vadim - sows confusion and discord, so we can conclude that the boy is not against mischief. And another name, Michael - equal to God, on the contrary, will be distinguished by a calm character and non-conflict. In order to simplify your search, we have compiled a detailed list of Russian names with favorable meanings that contribute to success in the life of a boy.


  • Alexander - human protection;
  • Alexey - protection;
  • Andrew - brave;
  • Anton - entering the battle;
  • Arseny - masculinity;
  • Artem / Artemy - healthy, unharmed.
  • Boris - fighting, not giving up;
  • Bogdan - given by God;
  • Bulat is strong.
  • Valentine - strong, healthy;
  • Valery is strong;
  • Victor is the winner;
  • Vitaly - vital;
  • Vladimir - who owns the world;
  • Vladislav - owns fame.
  • George is a farmer;
  • German - native;
  • Gerasim - respected, respected;
  • Gleb is big, tall.
  • Daniel / Danil / Danila - the judgment of God;
  • Demyan - conquering;
  • Denis - a surge of strength;
  • Dimitri / Dmitry - fertile;
  • Dobrynya is a good fellow;
  • Dorotheus is a gift from the Lord.


  • Eugene - nobility;
  • Elizar - God helps him;
  • Elisha - saved by the Lord, protected;
  • Efim - a good honor;
  • Ephraim is prolific.

Zhdan - waiting.

Zakhar is the memory of God.

  • Elijah / Elijah - the fortress of God;
  • Innocent - innocent, not discrediting;
  • Joseph is the reward of the Lord;
  • Heraclius - glorified as a hero.
  • Cyril is the lord;
  • Klementy - gracious lord;
  • Constantine is constancy.
  • Lawrence - showered with laurels;
  • Lazar - God's help;
  • Leo - lion power;
  • Leonid - the son of a lion;
  • Luke is happiness.


  • May is a warm heart;
  • Maxim is great;
  • Mark is a hammer;
  • Matthew is a man of God;
  • Myron - kindness;
  • Michael is equal to the Lord.
  • Nazar - connected with God;
  • Nikita - he wins;
  • Nikolai - people's victory.
  • Oleg is a saint;
  • Oscar is a spear to God;
  • Ostap is persistent.
  • Pankrat - omnipotent;
  • Peter is a stone, a rock.
  • Radomir - rejoices in the world;
  • Ratmir - world defender;
  • Ruslan - lion's strength;
  • Rodion - a song to the lord.

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