Register of national names: A list of approved names for children has appeared in Tajikistan. Register of national names: A list of permitted names for children has appeared in Tajikistan A register of permitted names has been published in Tajikistan


The Ministry of Culture of Tajikistan has published a “Register of national names” that children are allowed to call, Reed reports citing Interfax. The collection is published “with the aim of reviving cultural and historical values,” they say in the Tajik Ministry of Culture.

In total, the collection contains about 3,000 national names, and also provides forms of their spelling in English and Russian.

Now children in the country should be given names only “in accordance with culture, national traditions and the Register of Tajik National Names,” approved by the government of the republic. However, representatives of national minorities in Tajikistan retain the right to name their children according to the national traditions of these national minorities.

Amendments to the law regulating the procedure for recording last names, first names and patronymics were introduced in March 2016.

“It is prohibited to give a child a name that is alien to the Tajik national culture, the names of things, goods, animals and birds, as well as offensive names and phrases that humiliate the honor and dignity of a person, and divide people into castes.

Adding to the names of persons the pseudonyms “mullo”, “khalifa”, “tura”, “khoja”, “khuja”, “sheikh”, “vali”, “okhun”, “amir”, “sufi” and the like, which contribute to dissent among people is prohibited,” the law says.

The amended law states that a surname, according to Tajik national traditions, can be formed from the name of the father or from the root of his surname with the suffixes forming the surname -i, -zod, -zoda, -on, -yon, -yen, -yor, -niyo , - headlights The surname can also be formed from the father's given name or from the root of the father's or mother's surname without adding suffixes that form surnames.

Let us remind you that this is not the first such initiative of the Tajik authorities. In 2016, an official ban on surnames and patronymics with “Russian” endings came into force in Tajikistan. The country's authorities promised to hold explanatory conversations with those parents who want to leave such endings in their children's surnames.

“If the situation does not change, then in 10 years our children will be divided into two groups, one will be proud of their Tajik names, the other will bear foreign ones,” said then deputy head of the Civil Registration Department under the Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan Jaloliddin Rakhimov.

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The murder occurred in 2014 in the village of Terehovo in the Khimki urban district. Kolesnikov strangled a 43-year-old woman who worked as a manager at Rosneft in her home. He also killed her 12-year-old son and set fire to the house, as a result of which two more children died. Kolesnikov, together with his partner Daria Pereverzeva, intended to take possession of the victim’s money and property and thought out the plan in advance. The killer’s accomplice fled the investigation in Thailand, but in 2016 she herself appeared to testify at the trial, where she was detained.

A “Register of national names” has been published in Tajikistan, which can be used to call children, Interfax reports with reference to The collection includes over three thousand national Tajik names. The publication also provides the spelling of names in Russian and English.

© AiF A “Register of National Names” has been released in Tajikistan, which can be used to call children, Interfax reports with reference to the Ministry of Culture of the republic.

The collection includes over three thousand national Tajik names. The publication also provides the spelling of names in Russian and English. The ministry notes that the register was published with the aim of reviving the cultural and historical values ​​of Tajikistan. The collection was published on the recommendation of the government of the country. Amendments to the law regulating the procedure for recording last names, first names and patronymics were introduced in March 2016.

At the elections of deputies of the city council held on April 2, the president’s son received 84.8% of the votes. People’s deputies approved his powers as chairman of Dushanbe, as well as the decree of the President of Tajikistan dated April 4 on the appointment of Rustam Emomali as head of the city. The eldest son of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in mid-January was appointed acting. Chairman of the capital of the republic. This happened after the head of state dismissed mayor Makhmadsaid Ubaidulloev. Previously, Rustam Emomali headed the country’s Agency for Financial Control and Anti-Corruption.

Tajikistan has published a “Register of national names”, which are allowed to call children, Interfax reports. The collection contains more than 3000 samples of national Tajik names. The publication also provides the form of their writing in Russian and English.

In Tajikistan, a “Register of national names” has been published, which are allowed to call children, reports the Ministry of Culture of the republic. Now, in order to obtain a child’s birth certificate from the registry office, parents will choose a name from the proposed catalog.

In particular, the government approves the procedure and rules for assigning names in accordance with the Register of National Names.

The amended law states that a surname, according to Tajik national traditions, can be formed from the name of the father or from the root of his surname with the suffixes forming the surname -i, -zod, -zoda, -on, -yon, -yen, -yor, -niyo , - headlights The surname can also be formed from the father's given name or from the root of the father's or mother's surname without adding suffixes that form surnames.

At the same time, it is forbidden to give a child a name that is alien to Tajik culture, as well as denoting things, goods, animals, birds, insults that humiliate the honor and dignity of a person, dividing people into classes.

“Adding to the names of persons the pseudonyms “mullo”, “khalifa”, “tura”, “khoja”, “khuja”, “sheikh”, “vali”, “okhun”, “amir”, “sufi” and the like, which promote dissent among people is prohibited,” the law says.

The authorities of Tajikistan have published a catalog with national names, the purpose of which is to preserve the national traditions and cultural values ​​of Tajiks. It contains more than 3 thousand names. Previously, a law was passed prohibiting calling children names alien to the national culture. The Ministry of Culture of Tajikistan reports that the new collection includes more than 3 thousand names with variants of their spelling in Tajik, Russian and English. The total circulation of the publication was 10 thousand copies.

The Ministry of Culture of Tajikistan has published a “Register of national names”, which are allowed to call children, reports Reed. Let us remind you that this is not the first such initiative of the Tajik authorities. In 2016, the official

Published: April 18, 2017 A list of approved names for children has been published in Tajikistan. A “Register of National Names” has been released in Tajikistan, which can be used to call children, Interfax reports with reference to the Ministry of Culture of the republic.

Charlie Hebdo mocked the age difference between French presidential candidate Macron and his wife.
Artists of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo published a cartoon depicting French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte. In the foreground is the politician's wife saying, "Put on your K-Way rain jacket, my kitten." The image also contains the inscription: "Macron is the favorite. Rain of support votes." The media have been discussing Macron’s wife, who is 25 years older than the presidential candidate, for several days now. They met when Macron was still a schoolboy - Brigitte was his teacher. The couple has no children together, but Macron adopted three children from his wife’s first marriage.

Good mood to you all!
Two questions.
We're going to St. Petersburg with a friend for three nights. The question arose - either Sapsan or a regular train (the ride takes 8 hours instead of 4 hours), Sapsan is of course fast, but you go sitting down, the regular one left at 12 o'clock at night and arrived at 9 in the morning, but you sleep - you lie down. Again, savings.
The second question is hotel/apartment, my husband says something like hotel-convenient-cleaning-breakfast-location. The apartment is more convenient, check-in whenever you want, again the cost.
Again, I'm waiting for specific advice)
Don’t judge strictly, this will be my first time in St. Petersburg (from Moscow).



Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts!
I immediately ask you not to read any further to all opponents of gadgets!
We are planning to buy a new tablet for a 5-year-old boy in the near future and we really need advice from parents experienced in this matter! Share, what tablet do your children use? What are the pros and cons of it?
Thanks in advance for your answers!



While we were in the hospital, doubts arose - maybe I wasn’t feeding enough (my daughter wasn’t eating enough).
Because compared to other children, mine has no appetite at all.
Breakfast is especially confusing. My, if you eat 3-4 teaspoons of porridge, it will be a victory. Plus milk.
How do your children eat? Are you forcing? I was always against being forced to eat. But I ate well until I was 3 years old, and then I began to choose, this is what I will do, this is not what I will do..
Maybe tastes change at 4 years old?



Until this year, there had never been any problems with the treasurer, everything was clear, she reported super-regularly (to every family meeting she brought an updated report, with checks attached). The problems began in the winter: members of the family committee purchased what they needed, as usual they sent her photos of receipts, but she began to transfer the money to the card untimely, she had to write again and remind her. The thing is that the treasurer changed her job. And simply, there was not enough time. And so, 2 weeks ago, one of the parents (who is in charge of the printer in the class) wrote that we need to buy a new drum. I, as the chairman of the family committee, sent my money to this dad for efficiency. I wrote to the treasurer. And silence. She doesn’t transfer it to me (arguing that not everyone donated money, there isn’t enough money). After this, many parents replenished the family fund (it is customary to unsubscribe in the group). But the treasurer never transfers money to me. After that, I spent money again (we bought small gifts for sponsored veterans). Dropped her checks. I wrote to her: I asked what happened? The answer is silence. I don't want to swear. After all, for how many years everything was clear...



Hello everyone. The child is one year old, I am feeding him. We found a kitten in the basement, all dirty, brought it home, scratched him. He is about 2 weeks old, he is not eating. They pulled him out from behind a closed basement door and forced a locksmith to open it.

Perhaps he has toxoplasma. Is the scratch dangerous for me?
Can it be transmitted through milk?
What should we do with him next? Can the vet clean him? There is pus and dirt in his eyes.



The day before yesterday my husband felt ill (he was at work), vomited several times and had constant diarrhea. I drank stopdiar. In the morning I went to the hospital, they were dripping for half a day. In the evening I didn’t feel very well, but there was no more vomiting or diarrhea, so I drank Stopdiar again. Today he feels good and works. These days he did not come to us, he was with his parents.
We are going on a long trip in 5 days. I can keep my husband with my parents for another day, then we need to go on business together. I am very afraid that I or the child may become infected if it was, after all, a rotavirus. We have never encountered this infection. Tell me how to protect yourself and your child, how long will your husband be contagious? And is our situation similar to rotavirus?
P.S. The day before, my husband ate at work, but did not wash his hands first, i.e. he ate with dirty hands. I swear at him for this, I hope this situation will be a lesson for him.


In Tajikistan, a “Register of National Names” has been published, which are allowed to call children, reports the Ministry of Culture of the republic. Now, in order to obtain a child’s birth certificate from the registry office, parents will choose a name from the proposed catalog. Although this is not a requirement.

“The collection contains more than 3,000 samples of national Tajik names. The publication also provides the form of their writing in Russian and English. The register of national Tajik names is published to revive cultural values ​​and preserve national traditions and history of the Tajik people,” the press service of the Ministry of Culture notes.

The catalog was published by order of the Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the amount of 10 thousand copies.

The ministry clarified that the publication of the register was recommended for publication by a decision of the government of Tajikistan dated July 27, 2016.

Amendments to the law “On State Registration of Acts of Civil Status”, regulating the procedure for recording last names, first names and patronymics, were introduced in March 2016.

According to the changes made, the assignment of names and their correct spelling in Tajikistan is carried out “in accordance with culture, national traditions and the Register of Tajik National Names,” approved by the government of the republic.

The surname of a person, according to Tajik national traditions, can be formed from the name of the father or from the root of his surname with suffixes forming the surnames -i, -zod, -zoda, -on, -yon, -yen, -yor, -niyo, -far. A person's surname can also be formed from the father's given name or from the root of the father's or mother's surname without adding suffixes that form surnames.

“It is prohibited to give a child a name that is alien to the Tajik national culture, the name of things, goods, animals and birds, as well as offensive names and phrases that humiliate the honor and dignity of a person and divide people into castes. Adding to the names of persons the pseudonyms “mullo”, “khalifa”, “tura”, “khoja”, “khuja”, “sheikh”, “vali”, “okhun”, “amir”, “sufi” and the like, which contribute to dissent among people is prohibited,” the law says.

At the same time, the law notes that the right of national minorities to a name in Tajikistan is guaranteed in accordance with their national traditions.

“Representatives of national minorities who are citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan can, at their own discretion, assign names to their children in accordance with the Register of Tajik National Names or their national traditions. The procedure for writing the surname, name and patronymic of citizens representing national minorities is carried out in accordance with the spelling rules of the corresponding language. The use of international legal acts related to the assignment of names is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan,” the law says.

Selecting a child's name from the compiled registry is not mandatory. As the head of the terminology regulation department of the Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government of Tajikistan, Abdurakhim Zulfoniyon, said in an interview with AP, citizens are given the right to a last name, first name and patronymic, justified by historical values ​​and Tajik national culture, but this does not mean that they need to choose a name for the child exactly from this catalogue.

“Citizens can name their children names with Tajik culture and national traditions that are not provided for in the Register. It is only prohibited to give a child a name that is alien to the Tajik national culture,” added the representative of the Language Committee.

In Tajikistan, a “Register of National Names” has been published, which are allowed to call children, reports the Ministry of Culture of the republic. Now, in order to obtain a child’s birth certificate from the registry office, parents will choose a name from the proposed catalog. Although this is not a requirement.

“The collection contains more than 3,000 samples of national Tajik names. The publication also provides the form of their writing in Russian and English. The register of national Tajik names is published to revive cultural values ​​and preserve national traditions and history of the Tajik people,” the press service of the Ministry of Culture notes.

The catalog was published by order of the Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the amount of 10 thousand copies.

The ministry clarified that the publication of the register was recommended for publication by a decision of the government of Tajikistan dated July 27, 2016.

Amendments to the law “On State Registration of Acts of Civil Status”, regulating the procedure for recording last names, first names and patronymics, were introduced in March 2016.

According to the changes made, the assignment of names and their correct spelling in Tajikistan is carried out “in accordance with culture, national traditions and the Register of Tajik National Names,” approved by the government of the republic.

The surname of a person, according to Tajik national traditions, can be formed from the name of the father or from the root of his surname with suffixes forming the surnames -i, -zod, -zoda, -on, -yon, -yen, -yor, -niyo, -far. A person's surname can also be formed from the father's given name or from the root of the father's or mother's surname without adding suffixes that form surnames.

“It is prohibited to give a child a name that is alien to the Tajik national culture, the name of things, goods, animals and birds, as well as offensive names and phrases that humiliate the honor and dignity of a person and divide people into castes. Adding to the names of persons the pseudonyms “mullo”, “khalifa”, “tura”, “khoja”, “khuja”, “sheikh”, “vali”, “okhun”, “amir”, “sufi” and the like, which contribute to dissent among people is prohibited,” the law says.

At the same time, the law notes that the right of national minorities to a name in Tajikistan is guaranteed in accordance with their national traditions.

“Representatives of national minorities who are citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan can, at their own discretion, assign names to their children in accordance with the Register of Tajik National Names or their national traditions. The procedure for writing the surname, name and patronymic of citizens representing national minorities is carried out in accordance with the spelling rules of the corresponding language. The use of international legal acts related to the assignment of names is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan,” the law says.

Selecting a child's name from the compiled registry is not mandatory. As the head of the terminology regulation department of the Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government of Tajikistan, Abdurakhim Zulfoniyon, said in an interview with AP, citizens are given the right to a last name, first name and patronymic, justified by historical values ​​and Tajik national culture, but this does not mean that they need to choose a name for the child exactly from this catalogue.

“Citizens can name their children names with Tajik culture and national traditions that are not provided for in the Register. It is only prohibited to give a child a name that is alien to the Tajik national culture,” added the representative of the Language Committee.

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