Summary: Functions and main activities of the class teacher. Cheat sheet: The main areas of work of the class teacher





Class leadership as an independent pedagogical phenomenon in our country has a short (slightly more than 70 years), but rich history. The most fruitful for the development of class leadership were the 50-80s. 20th century It was during this period that such brilliant scientists as N.I. Boldyrev, O.S. Bogdanova, A.I. Dulov, I.S. Maryenko and others, developed and tested a holistic theory of class management. The ideas of these outstanding teachers remain in demand at the present time; they are developed, improved, corrected from today's positions.

The essence, tasks and content of the work of the class teacher changed depending on the social order. So, in the “Regulations on the class teacher”, approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR in 1947, it is written: “The main task of the class teacher is to unite the students of the class into a friendly, purposeful, hard-working student team in order to successfully solve the educational and educational tasks assigned to the school ". The Pedagogical Dictionary of 1960 states that “a class teacher is a teacher of a Soviet school who, along with teaching, carries out general work on organizing and educating a student team of a certain class.”

In the post-Soviet period, the essence of the activity of the class teacher is changing: "The class teacher in the general education school of the Russian Federation is a teacher who organizes, coordinates and conducts extracurricular educational work." In the 90s. 20th century experiments and scientific research are being carried out to find various options for organizing the work of a class teacher in a modern school (Waldorf, free options, etc.). Of particular importance are the studies and publications of N.E. Shchurkova.

To the fundamentally important developments of N.E. Shchurkova can be attributed to the definition of the content of education (in accordance with the program of education of schoolchildren), a new vision of the place and role of the class teacher in the educational process (the class teacher as the “central person of the educational process”), consideration of the technology of his activity.

The theoretical value of the work lies in the fact that this work expands and deepens the existing ideas about the objects under study.

Target research - the organization of a holistic pedagogical process and the implementation of its management.

Item research - tracking the results, prospects for the development of the pedagogical process.

An object research - the class teacher as the organizer of the pedagogical process and the concept of education.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Analysis of the literature on the organization of the pedagogical process and its management.

2. Planning, selection and development of methods and diagnostics of the classroom management.

3. The tasks of the educational - educational process in the class team.

4. Processing of research results.

The following methods were used during the study:



- practical,

- conversation,

- testing.

1. Activities of the class teacher

educational class teacher

Implementation of the model of the class teacher of the XXI century. involves the implementation of certain tasks, goals and content of the activity of the class teacher.

The purpose of the activity of the class teacher is the organization of a holistic pedagogical process and the implementation of its leadership.

The defining component of the pedagogical process is the goal as an ideal, mental anticipation of the results of activity, which is concretized in certain historical conditions. We regard the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality as an ideal. However, from the point of view of the reality of the goal, we put forward the versatile development of the personality as the basic goal. This goal is specified and concretized in the general task of the staff of the educational institution. At the same time, it is aimed at the integrity of the individual, achieved through the implementation of the functions of a holistic pedagogical process.

Based on the general goal of upbringing and education and the general task of the collective of the educational institution, the teacher puts forward a specific task, the setting of which is influenced by the personality of the student or the team (through the level of upbringing, education, development) and the environment (through the microenvironment). It is precisely with the formulation of a specific task that the cycle-impulse of the pedagogical process begins.

The setting of the task is followed by the corresponding activity of the teacher, which is built (in accordance with the situation) as direct and indirect, direct and indirect influences using various forms, means and methods. The activity of the teacher is directed directly to the personality of the student (educate), to the organization of the activity of the educated person, to relationships and communication, to circumstances and conditions, to organizing the life of students as a whole.

All external influences affect the inner world of the individual, in which there is a certain struggle between old stereotypes and the new influences of the teacher. A modern child, exposed to the influences of the environment, often does not understand the good and important intentions of an adult towards him and considers them as an encroachment on his freedom and independence, on his interests. Only when the goals, objectives, meaning and values ​​of the life of an adult and a child coincide, achieved by the skillful influence of the teacher, does an adequate reaction of the educated person to the actions of the teacher take place: the goal (tasks) of his own activity is formed. The goal, certain motives generate (excite) action. In activity, the development of the personality takes place, according to the actions of the educated person, we judge the degree of implementation of the specific task set. It should be noted that the reaction to the effects exerted occurs primarily in the field of feelings (one or another relationship is detected). The situation is more complicated with the formation of consciousness and behavior. In each case of non-compliance with the expected results, the teacher establishes the reasons for the deviation from the plan and makes adjustments to his activities, creates conditions for the child's activities in order to obtain the desired result. The main thing at the same time is the spiritual community of the teacher and student (educator and pupil, adult and child), “in which it is forgotten that the teacher is a leader and mentor. If the teacher has become a friend of the child, if this friendship is illuminated by a noble passion, an impulse towards something bright, reasonable, evil will never appear in the heart of the child ... Education without friendship with the child, without spiritual communion with him can be compared with wandering in the dark.

Many cycles-impulses, organized in the pedagogical process on the basis of mutual respect, mutual exactingness, mutual responsibility, lead to the realization of the goal.

According to M.A. Polovtseva, the basis of the activity of the class teacher is the approach of "meeting - interpenetration - interaction" of traditional and innovative (old and new, time-tested and created today). Its essence, in our opinion, lies in the fact that, by changing the present, not to “cross out”, not to deny positive experience, but to organically integrate it with the new, vital, necessary, dictated by the demands of modern society. Only ensuring unity between the past and the future creates a solid foundation for the realization of the goal (tasks) of a holistic pedagogical process. This approach will largely resolve the problems of "fathers and children", the contradictions between traditional teachers and teachers seeking to introduce elements of the new into their activities, the problems of teaching and educating children from different social strata, values ​​and ideals, etc.

The essence of the activity of the class teacher lies in the coordination of external influences exerted on a particular student, as well as in the organization of upbringing, educational, developing extracurricular activities in the classroom. Hence, there are four main functions of the class teacher: coordinating, educational, developing and educational.

The areas of work of the class teacher are education in the learning process; extracurricular educational activities at school; out-of-school educational activities through interaction with the student's family, children's and youth organizations and associations, institutions of additional education.

At the same time, in each type of activity, the class teacher focuses primarily on the formation, adjustment (if necessary), development of relations that develop among the participants in a holistic pedagogical process. It is the relationships that make up the content of education and are the focus of the teacher's pedagogical activity, it is the degree of formed relationships that serves as the leading indicator of the effectiveness of his educational efforts.

The system of educational work of the class teacher this is a set of his successive actions, arranged in a certain way during the school year and adequate to the goal.

In my opinion, the conditions for the success of the class teacher are:

- a qualitatively new level of professional readiness, which implies the presence of co-adaptation skills, research competence, professional mobility, competitiveness, sociability (in the aspect of business communication);

- motivation of his activity, focused on the result, and not on the process;

- the possibility of independence and creativity;

- the need to build (design) and implement the system of work of the class teacher;

- performance appraisal.

1.1 Functions of the class teacher

The teacher, as the head of the class team, implements his functions in relation to the entire class as a whole and to each student individually. The class teacher solves the educational tasks in accordance with the age of the children and the relationships within the class, while taking into account the individual characteristics of each student.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the class teacher is to promote the self-development of the individual, the realization of creative abilities, the provision of social protection, the creation of the necessary conditions for intensifying the efforts of children to solve their own problems.

The range of functional duties of the class teacher at the school includes:

1. Analytic function

– Analysis and evaluation of the student's personality.

– Analysis and assessment of the level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

– Study and analysis of the state and conditions of family education.

– Study and analysis of the formation and formation of a classroom team, adolescent groups, associations that ensure the socialization of each child.

– Study and analysis of the educational influences of the environment of students in a class, group, association.

2. Predictive function

- Presentation of the image of the desired result of educational activities

– Predicting the levels of individual development of the child.

– Building a model of an educational subsystem that takes into account the mission of an educational institution, accepted values, an educational concept, and resource opportunities.

- Building a hierarchy of near and far goals for the activities of the children's community and individual students.

3. Organizational and coordinating function

– Ensuring communication between the educational institution and the family, establishing contacts with parents (legal representatives of students), providing assistance to them (personally, through a psychologist, social pedagogue, teacher of additional education).

– Conducting consultations, conversations with parents (legal representatives) of students.

- Interaction with teachers working in the classroom, the implementation of educational activities through the holding of "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic meetings.

- Stimulation and consideration of the various activities of students, including in the system of additional education for children.

- Keeping documentation (class journal, personal files of students, work plan, observation diaries).

4. Communicative function

– Regulation of interpersonal relationships between children

– Establishing an optimal teacher-student relationship,

promotion of a general favorable climate in the team.

- Helping students build relationships with others.

– Joint correction of the behavior of socially maladjusted children and adolescents with a social pedagogue and psychologist.

1.2 Main activities

Working with students

The activity of the class teacher usually begins with studying the class and each student individually.

The success of the educational activity of the class teacher largely depends on his deep penetration into the inner world of children, on understanding their experiences and motives for behavior. To study how a student lives, what are his interests and inclinations, especially his will and character traits, means finding the right path to his heart, using the most appropriate methods of pedagogical influence.

N.K. Krupskaya, in her article “On Educational Work,” wrote that teachers often forget the basic provisions of pedagogy: in order to educate a child, one must know the children very well in general and those children whom one educates in particular. Without such knowledge of the children, it is impossible to truly organize not only educational, but also educational work; without the knowledge of the children, it is easy to slip into the path of a template, leveling in the approach to children.

Knowing the characteristics of students, their interests and inclinations, their level of upbringing, it is easier to draw up a purposeful and effective plan for educational work.

Sometimes class teachers mistakenly believe that an individual approach is required in relation to difficult students, to violators of the rules of conduct. Undoubtedly, they need special attention. But the rest should not be forgotten. Behind external well-being sometimes negative traits are hidden. It is necessary to promote the full development of positive qualities in all students.

A.S. Makarenko, being a consistent supporter of the education of the individual, in and through the team, at the same time pointed out the need to take into account the individual characteristics of the pupils. In the article "The Purpose of Education" he wrote: "No matter how whole a person appears to us in the order of a broad abstraction, people are still very diverse material for education ...".

The study of students achieves its goal and gives the desired results, provided that it meets a number of requirements:

1. The study of students serves to improve the quality of their education and training. On the basis of systematic study, one can creatively approach the choice of the most effective forms and methods of educational influence on the primary team and on its individual members. It is important to organize educational work with students, taking into account their characteristics.

2. The study of students is combined with the educational impact on them. The class teacher “projects” the development of positive qualities and overcoming negative traits in the character and behavior of schoolchildren.

3. The study is carried out systematically and systematically.

4. The study of students is carried out in the natural conditions of their life and work.

5. When studying, the class teacher uses a variety of methods and techniques. It is important, on the basis of the study, to outline ways to overcome negative qualities and consolidate positive traits in the character and behavior of the student.

6. The study involves familiarization with the conditions of life and life.

7. It is necessary to study not individual traits, but the personality as a whole.

8. When studying, attention should be focused on positive, and not on negative traits of character and behavior.

Thus, compliance with these requirements will significantly increase the effectiveness of studying students.

Realizing their functions, the class teacher selects the forms of work with children. It is possible to distinguish between forms by type of activity - educational, labor, sports, artistic; according to the method of influence - direct and indirect.

By the time of the form can be divided into:

– short-term (from several minutes to several hours);

– long-term (from several days to several weeks);

- traditional (regularly repeated).

By the time of preparation, we can talk about the forms of work carried out with students without including them in the preliminary work, the preparation of students.

According to the subject of the organization, the classification of forms can be as follows:

– organizers of children are teachers, parents and other adults;

– activities are organized on the basis of cooperation;

- the initiative and its implementation belongs to the children.

According to the result, all forms can be divided into the following groups:

– result – information exchange;

- result - development of a common solution;

- the result is a socially significant product.

According to the number of participants, the forms can be:

- individual (educator - pupil);

- group (teacher - a group of children);

- mass (educator - several groups, classes).

Individual forms permeate all extracurricular activities, communication between teachers and children. They operate in group and collective forms and ultimately determine the success of all other forms. These include: conversation, intimate conversation, consultation, exchange of views, implementation of a joint assignment, individual assistance in specific work, joint search for a solution to a problem, task. These forms can be used individually, but most often they accompany each other. Teachers in individual forms of work face one of the most important tasks: to unravel the student, to discover his talents, to discover everything valuable that is inherent in his character, aspirations, and everything that prevents him from expressing himself. Each needs to be interacted with differently, each needs its own specific, individualized style of relationship. There are great educational opportunities in individual forms of work. A heart-to-heart conversation can be more useful for a child than a few collective activities.

Group forms of work include business councils, creative groups, self-government bodies. In these forms, the teacher manifests himself as an ordinary participant or as an organizer. Its main task is, on the one hand, to help everyone express themselves, and on the other hand, to create conditions for obtaining a tangible positive result in the group, significant for all members of the team, other people. The influence of teachers in group forms is also aimed at the development of humane relationships between children, the formation of their communication skills. In this regard, an important tool is an example of a democratic, respectful, tactful attitude towards the children of the teacher himself.

The collective forms of work of teachers with schoolchildren include, first of all, various cases, competitions, performances, concerts and others. Depending on the age of students and a number of other conditions in these forms, teachers can play a different role: a leading participant, an organizer, an ordinary participant in an activity influencing children by personal example, a novice participant influencing schoolchildren by a personal example of mastering the experience of more knowledgeable people, an adviser, assistant to children in the organization of activities.

When attempting to classify the forms of educational work, one should also keep in mind that there is such a phenomenon as the mutual transition of forms from one type to another. Thus, those considered more often as events can become a collective creative activity if these forms are developed and carried out by the children themselves.

Some teachers get satisfaction by working according to other people's scenarios. At the same time, the use of a ready-made script is in most cases not only useless, but also harmful. In this situation, the teacher (organizer) imposes on the participants of the work an event invented by someone, oriented towards someone. At the same time, he becomes the object of other people's intentions, puts the participants in the work being done in the same objective position, which hinders the manifestation and development of creative abilities, independence, deprives them of the opportunity to manifest and satisfy their needs.

For a humanist teacher, it is obvious that it is not advisable to build work with children according to other people's scenarios. However, one cannot deny the possibility of using descriptions of forms of educational work that have already been created and tested in practice. This is especially necessary for novice organizers of educational work, both for teachers and for the children themselves, who, getting acquainted with the experience of others, can choose ideas and ways of organizing activities for themselves. In such a search, a new form can be created that reflects the interests and needs of teachers and children. Only this can justify the publication of developments and scenarios of various events in the pedagogical literature.

You can borrow ideas, individual elements of the forms used in practice, but for each specific case, its own, quite specific, form of work is built. Since each child and children's association is unique, therefore, the forms of work are unique in their content and construction.

Interaction of the class teacher with subject teachers.

The class teacher and subject teachers ensure the integrity, purposefulness of the pedagogical process in the classroom. In working with the student team and individual students, all teachers solve common educational and upbringing tasks: the development of cognitive activity, creativity, independence, responsibility, etc.

The effectiveness of this work largely depends on the coordination of actions of teachers working with students of a particular class.

Each teacher is interested in professional and educational results, which can be improved by combining or coordinating their efforts with the actions of colleagues. The center of this coordination and organization of the educational process is the class teacher, who, in cooperation with subject teachers, solves the following tasks:

- the study of the personal characteristics of teachers, their capabilities in organizing educational work with children;

- study of the features of the teaching activity of the teacher of his contacts, relations with children;

- regulation of relations between class teachers, between teachers and children, between teachers and parents;

- definition of common goals, organization of joint activities to achieve them;

- pedagogically expedient use of the capabilities of teachers in organizing educational work with children and parents.

The class teacher organizes the work of all teachers to substantiate the general goals and objectives in working with student collective and individual students, determine the ways, the main pedagogical means to achieve the intended, involve class teachers in extracurricular educational work, coordinate the actions of teachers in conducting training sessions, in work with groups and individual students.

The basis of interaction between the class teacher and class teachers is:

- mutual awareness of children, their relationships, organization and results of the educational process;

- mutual assistance, mutual support in solving complex problems;

– interest in the successful work of the class and each student;

- joint search for ways to solve pedagogical problems, joint efforts, joint work on the implementation of the planned tasks;

- a joint analysis of the work done, the pedagogical problems being solved, the results obtained;

- joint determination of prospects in the work of the class team, individual students.

At first glance, the implementation of all these joint actions may seem unrealistic, but a lot is done by the class teacher and teachers in everyday communication and requires the most time, which pays off with a significant increase in the quality of pedagogical work. At the same time, both sides, helping each other, help themselves.

The class teacher organizes the study of students of their educational opportunities, learning ability, upbringing. Together with teachers, he can draw up and draw up various diagnostic cards. Evaluation of a number of educational abilities in children is carried out by parents, children and teachers. In this case, it is important to compare, analyze various data, and familiarize teachers with the results. On the one hand, the class teacher uses various information that he receives about children from teachers in his activities, takes it into account when organizing educational work; on the other hand, it enriches teachers' ideas about the child, offering them unknown data that can regulate the actions of the teacher, his methods of working with the student.

It is advisable to involve teachers in the selection of methods for studying children and the team, the effectiveness of the educational process, since teachers can supplement their content, having their own problems in working with the class. It would be right to coordinate with teachers the entire process of pedagogical diagnostics, especially since some issues can and should relate to the educational process, increasing its effectiveness by teachers and their relationship with children, and teaching certain subjects.

The class teacher acquaints teachers with the results of studying children and the class team, involving both the class team and teachers working in the class to discuss the program of pedagogical assistance to the child and his family. He organizes, together with subject teachers, the search for means, ways to ensure the success of the child in educational activities, his self-realization in the classroom and after school hours.

The class teacher systematically informs teachers about the dynamics of the child's development, his difficulties and achievements, about changes in the situation in the family. In case of difficulties associated with learning, seeks to involve teachers in a discussion of ways to overcome these difficulties and helps teachers to correct their actions. It is necessary to acquaint teachers with the peculiarities of the mental development of children with developmental disabilities, with the special abilities of pedagogical influence on them.

The class teacher regulates the relationship between teachers and parents of the child. He informs teachers about the state of the pupil, the characteristics of the family, organizes meetings of parents with subject teachers in order to exchange information, assist parents in organizing homework with students.

One of the forms of interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers, which ensure unity of action and contribute to the development of common approaches to raising a child, is a pedagogical council. Here a comprehensive view of the child is formed. Everyone who works with a student receives information about his mental, physical, mental development, his individual abilities, opportunities and difficulties. Teachers analyze the results of observations of the student, exchange information, agree on ways to solve problems that arise, distribute functions in working with the child. So, for example, in a number of schools, at the end of the quarter, a pedagogical council is held with the participation of all teachers to provide pedagogical support to students who experience difficulties in learning to communicate with peers; an analysis of these difficulties is carried out, ways of correcting the activities of teachers in relation to each student are determined, a program of action for the rehabilitation of adolescents is outlined, the role of each teacher is determined, especially those who have a special personal influence on the child.

It is useful to organize visits to classes, followed by a discussion of the actions of teachers in relation to a particular child and ways of interaction between teachers and the team.

The main form of work with subject teachers is individual conversations. They should be planned so as not to miss an important stage in the organization of the teacher's work with the child and to prevent possible difficulties and conflicts. It is important to conduct such conversations as joint reflection, a joint search for a solution to a particular problem. In some cases, it may be necessary to organize individual consultations between teachers and specialists.

Forms of interaction between the class teacher and teachers can be very diverse. Much depends on personal contacts, interest in the success of both interacting parties.

Working with parents and the public

In order for the work with parents to have the greatest effect, it is necessary to use various forms of communication with them. For some class teachers, this connection is limited to holding parent-teacher meetings at the end of the academic quarter based on the results of academic performance and calling the parents of underachieving or unruly students to school. In this case, class teachers do not know well the home conditions of their students and do not always act in concert with their parents.

An important part of the practical activity of the class teacher in maintaining contact with the family is regular personal visits to students at home. This is the most common and effective form of individual work with parents. The class teacher visits the families of his pupils, studying on the spot not only living conditions, but also the nature of the organization of family education. An experienced mentor can tell a lot about the atmosphere at home, the relationship between family members. It is extremely important to observe the following rules when visiting a student at home:

- do not go uninvited, try to get invitations from your parents by any means;

- show high tact in a conversation with parents, always start with praise and compliments;

- eliminate complaints about the student, talk about problems, suggest ways to solve them;

- talk in the presence of students, only in exceptional cases require a confidential meeting;

- do not make claims to parents;

- in every possible way emphasize your interest in the fate of the pupil;

- put forward joint projects, agree on specific joint cases.

Unfortunately, it is unprofessional work with parents that most often undermines the authority of the teacher and the school. Parents will strive for cooperation and subsequent contacts, only seeing the interest of the class teacher in the fate of their children.

L. Kamil very successfully touched upon the topics of the relationship between the family and the school. “When something wrong happens to the guys and they start looking for the reasons for this, some argue: it’s the school’s fault, it should take care of everything, it has the main role in education. And others, on the contrary, believe that the school basically still teaches, and the family should educate. I think both of them are wrong. Speaking figuratively, the family and the school are the shore and the sea. On the shore, the child takes his first steps, receives the first lessons of life, and then an boundless sea of ​​knowledge opens before him, and the school lays the course in this sea. This does not mean that he should completely break away from the shore - after all, long-distance sailors always return to shore, and every sailor knows how much he owes the shore.

The family provides the child, as it were, with primary equipment, primary preparation for life, which the school still cannot provide, because direct contact with the world of loved ones is necessary, to which the child from the very first years gets used and with which he takes into account. And only then a certain sense of independence is born, which the school should not suppress, but support.

Every family is a big and complex world. Each of them has its own habits, traditions, their relationship. All this must be well understood, to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the upbringing of children. The study of intra-family relations, of course, is a complicated matter, but necessary. Without this, it is difficult to give specific advice to parents.

By regularly visiting the student's family, the class teacher accumulates valuable material, studies the relationship between children and parents. At the same time, he strives for parents to become the closest assistants to the school in shaping the moral qualities of students. Unfortunately, they do not always support the requirements of the school, the class teacher.

Usually class teachers write down in their diary the date of visiting the family, the content of the conversation with the parents, indicate what advice was given.

When they visit again or when meeting with parents at school, they find out how these tips are carried out, what changes have occurred in the behavior of students.

However, the class teacher cannot always visit the family. Then parents invited to the school for a conversation. Such meetings allow us to resolve together many complex issues of upbringing and education. During individual conversations with parents, the teacher finds out the living and working conditions of schoolchildren, discusses specific cases of their behavior, outlines ways to eliminate shortcomings in educational activities.

Parents should be invited not only after the student has violated discipline or began to study poorly. Sometimes he behaves well, studies well, but the class teacher needs to agree on the organization of extracurricular reading, on involving him in some kind of socially useful work.

Some schools regularly hold open days or parent-teacher days. On these days, parents will be able to come to school and talk about the progress and behavior of their children. The class teacher gives pedagogical advice on family upbringing, helps to create a more rational mode for the student, and recommends pedagogical literature.

The class teacher needs to inform parents not only about the educational affairs of children, but also about relationships in the class team. It is important, together with parents, to look for ways to consolidate positive qualities in schoolchildren and overcome shortcomings in their behavior. Some class teachers also use this form of communication with the family, like texting with parents. It allows them to inform them about the progress and behavior of schoolchildren. This form of communication with the family is usually practiced in rural schools, where parents live at a great distance from the school and it is difficult to maintain direct contact with them. However, even in urban schools, correspondence helps to better understand the conditions of life and homework of schoolchildren and facilitates educational work with them.

A student diary is also used for correspondence with parents. Class teachers make brief notes in it about the student's attitude to educational and social duties, about violations of discipline and order. Parents review and sign the diary.

A very important form of communication between the class teacher and the family is - great parent meetings. They are held at the beginning of the school year and at the end of the academic quarter to familiarize parents with the tasks and state of educational work in the classroom. They discuss the most important issues of raising children at school and in the family. A well-prepared and skillfully conducted meeting helps to better organize the education of children. It is important to acquaint parents with the best practices of family education, to help them understand the complex issues of raising children.

The class teacher, having scheduled the day of the meeting, visits some families and, in preliminary conversations with parents, outlines questions that interest them.

In rural schools, where children from different villages study, meetings are held at the place of residence of the parents.

1. The goal must be clearly formulated (“If you don’t know where to sail, then no wind will be fair.” Seneca).

2. It is advisable to invite a specialist: a psychologist, a social pedagogue, a narcologist.

3. You should be introduced to the literature on the topic of the meeting.

4. It is necessary to think over the preparatory stage (before the meeting, propose questions for discussion, conduct a questionnaire for a class hour, parent meeting, etc.).

5. Forms of work should be active (“involve me and I will understand”): group work, business games, etc.

6. Think over the organization of reflection (formulate questions; phrases that need to be completed).

7. The room must be ventilated, think about how it is more convenient to place the meeting participants, how to arrange delivery; Get your pencil and paper ready.

8. Remember that at such a meeting you can not talk about the progress and behavior of individual students, create a trusting, not accusatory atmosphere.

9. Remember that parents should definitely learn something good about children.

10. Don't forget to thank everyone at the meeting.

It is useful for adults to hear the opinion of children, to see their growth, and it is important for children to be heard (at home they can brush it aside). The meeting is a common thing. Therefore, there are topics for joint conversation and discussion. Recall the Japanese proverb: “A bad owner grows weeds, a good one grows rice. The wise man cultivates the soil, the far-sighted educates the worker.” It seems to me that at parent-teacher meetings held together with students, we educate future parents. Students see different options for adult behavior, have the opportunity to choose their own style of behavior. It is good if the topic of the meeting is prompted by parents and children.

In order to promote pedagogical knowledge, talks and lectures for parents on pedagogical topics. Their content depends on the requests and interests of parents, on the specific tasks of education and training.

Conversations and lectures achieve their goal, provided that they are held regularly and according to a specific program. Currently, this form of work is not practiced by class teachers.

Communicating with parents, the class teacher outlines an asset that provides him with daily assistance in the upbringing and education of schoolchildren. Many parents often visit the school, take an active part in holding parent meetings, conferences on the exchange of experience in family education. From them, the parent asset gradually develops.

Relying on the assets of parents, class teachers conduct educational work with families that need pedagogical assistance. Activist parents can have a social impact on fathers and mothers who are irresponsible in raising children.

Most authors of various publications note only the negative role of contradictions between teachers and parents. These contradictions are considered as a factor preventing the full cooperation of the school and the family in the education of students. But Litarova and Aksyuchenko consider them as the leading driving force for the development of active interaction between the teacher and parents in the interests of shaping the child's personality.

Relations "teacher - parents" can exist and be formed in a certain way and without direct contacts of their participants, i.e. indirectly. The link in this case is the child. However, the lack of contacts is fraught with a number of negative consequences, namely:

- in the absence of any contacts between the teacher and the parents, their actions become fragmented and inconsistent, which is detrimental to the education and upbringing of the child;

- the ideas of the teacher and parents about each other in this case are formed only from the words of the student, and therefore often become distorted;

- there are feelings of mutual or one-sided dissatisfaction, neglect, hostility, which leads to conflicts.

Differences in the views, actions of the teacher and parents are generated by different reasons. Some contradictions are due to the difficulties and complexities of the process of education and training. Other contradictions in the system of relations "teacher - parents" can be caused by the cultivation of various types of relationships with children in the family and school. So, it happens that the relationship between family members is based on purely human feelings, and the relationship between teacher and student, teacher and parents is purely official, businesslike.

The next group of contradictions is related to the different levels of pedagogical training of the parties. The pedagogical activity of a teacher is of a professional nature, and the educational activity of parents is determined on the basis of their worldly ideas. This contradiction highlights the task of equalizing the level of pedagogical knowledge of the teacher and parents. It may help to solve it:

- organization of pedagogical general education (pedagogical academies for parents, workshops);

- conducting surveys, testing, surveys;

- exchange of positive experience of raising children in the family;

– analysis of pedagogical situations;

- Inclusion of parents in the real life of the class.

The following contradictions in the system of relations "teacher - parents" can be caused by differences in the awareness of the parties about the child. Their resolution through direct contacts enables both the teacher and the family to take a fresh look at the developing personality of the student, to find new ways of interacting with the child.

To avoid these contradictions, the teacher will be helped by a survey on the following moral standards:

- a sense of responsibility to the parents of students for the education and upbringing of their children, for their psychological and pedagogical competence;

- active and constant search for pedagogical contacts with parents (rather than turning to them only in cases where their help is needed);

- respect for parental feelings, avoidance of careless and unreasonable assessment of the abilities of children and their behavior;

- tact and reasonableness when presenting the necessary requirements to the parents of students (at the same time, it is important not to shift your responsibilities to them);

- patience when receiving critical comments from parents addressed to them, taking them into account in the process of professional self-development.

It is fundamentally important that the initiative and choice of the algorithm for resolving emerging contradictions should belong to the teacher as a more professionally trained subject of the pedagogical process.

The work of the class teacher with the public is an important direction in his activity.

It is important to take care of the proper organization and activities of children as early as possible. A.S. Makarenko, addressing his parents, said: “What a person will be, mainly depends on how you make him by the 5th year of his life. If you don’t educate properly before the age of 5, then you will have to re-educate. And the re-education of children is a more complicated and more difficult matter than their upbringing. Therefore, from the first years of children's lives, it is important to form positive qualities in them, accustom them to work, and comprehensively develop their abilities.

Public organizations can provide serious assistance in this. They help to use their free time correctly, to overcome the neglect of schoolchildren who are left without the supervision of their elders after school. The class teacher, with the help of the public, can conduct excursions and other events, equip rooms for preparing homework in club rooms or house administrations. Thus, under the public(social) upbringing is understood as upbringing carried out in the system "man - man", i.e. through direct human relations, as well as public funds, organizations, societies, associations, etc., specially established for this purpose.

The most important areas of public work in raising children are monitoring the behavior of schoolchildren outside school hours, involving them in a variety of socially useful activities, individual assistance in the successful completion of homework, helping families in eliminating the causes of pedagogical neglect of schoolchildren, assisting in the upbringing and re-education difficult teenagers, organization of sports and cultural work at the place of residence.

Class teachers need to maintain close contact with public organizations and seek their assistance and support as often as possible.

The class teacher helps organize trips to theaters, museums, excursions to enterprises, where students get acquainted with different professions, see the environment in which people of a particular profession work.

The class teacher also involves the active parents in the public upbringing of their children.

Thus, by involving the public in the upbringing of children, the class teacher significantly expands the scope of his educational influence. He finds many allies and helpers in a difficult and responsible business - in raising children.

Working with teachers within the framework of the method association

The next direction in the work of the class teacher is work with teachers in the framework of the methodological association of class teachers.

Methodological associations are created if three or more teachers of this profile work at a school, and they are subject-based, for primary school teachers, after-school teachers, class teachers, and leaders of club associations. Note that the issues of educational work in grades 1-4 are considered at meetings of methodological associations of primary school teachers; problems of increasing the educational effectiveness of lessons - at meetings of subject methodological associations.

All class teachers (tutors) of grades 5-11 are members of the method association of class teachers (tutors). If the school has a sufficiently large number of classes-sets, 2 methods of combining class teachers can be created: middle and senior levels. Meetings of methodological associations are held 4 times a year, sometimes more often, but not more than once a month.

At the head of the methodological association is its chairman, elected by the members of the association for a period of 1 year and approved by the school's teachers' council and the order of its director. The chairman should be an experienced teacher: most often one of the class teachers becomes the chairman, sometimes the deputy director for educational work. The duties of the head of the methodological association include: drawing up a work plan for the year (together with the members of the association and the deputy director), holding meetings, interacting with other methodological associations, organizing exhibitions, summing up the work, maintaining documentation.

The activities of the methodological association of class teachers are diverse, but all of its content is subordinated to solving the problems of improving educational work with children. At the meetings of the association, issues of increasing the theoretical and methodological levels of the organization of educational work are considered, modern concepts, advanced pedagogical experience, and regulatory documents are studied. On the basis of a diagnostic study, the state of educational work in the school as a whole, in separate classes, parallels, the level of upbringing of children is discussed. Class teachers get acquainted with the methods of analysis, goal-setting, planning the activities of the class team. There is an exchange of experience, the development of methodological recommendations for certain areas of activity of class teachers.

It is obvious that the activity of the methodological association is not limited to holding its meetings. During the year, open extracurricular activities and affairs are organized; members of the association meet with their colleagues from other schools, together with all the teachers of the school participate in discussions on the problems of education. The closer the content of the work of the method of association is to the specific conditions of a given school, the more diverse the forms of organization of its activities, the greater the effectiveness should be expected.

Documentation work

Along with working with students, parents, subject teachers and the public, the class teacher maintains psychological and pedagogical documentation.

The work of the class teacher begins with the study of the class team. To do this, he explores various techniques. After the class teacher uses diagnostic methods for studying students and the entire team, he must draw up a document - a characteristic of the student.

The scheme of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student's personality is:


student _______ class _______ school _______ city _______

1. General information about the student:

- age, physical development, health status;

- living conditions and life in the family, family composition, parents' occupations;

- the most important facts of the biography that could affect the development of the student.

- the general orientation of the personality (personal, public, business);

- the moral development of the student, views and beliefs, aspirations, dreams.

3. Character, temperament, features of the emotional-volitional sphere:

- strong-willed character traits;

- manifestation of the prevailing character traits in various activities.

4. Abilities and features of cognitive activity:

– teaching and activities;

- features of the perception of the attention of the student, observation;

- the development of figurative and abstract thinking.

6. Analysis of family relationships.

In addition to compiling the characteristics of a particular student, the class teacher compiles a description of the entire class:

- how many excellent students;

- who is included in the class asset;

- how many children are in the main group, and how many in the special;

- Are there children from incomplete families;

– general assessment of the class (strong, medium, weak).

It is also the duty of the class teacher to check the diaries of students.

Scheme for studying student diaries:

1. The appearance of the diaries (the correctness of filling out the passport and other details of the diaries, the culture of keeping a diary, cleanliness and accuracy, literacy of entries in the diaries.).

2. Completeness of homework records for all students in all subjects.

3. Efficiency of grading in the diary of students for written work, oral answers.

4. Correspondence of grades in the class journal and in the diaries of students.

5. Accounting and registration in the diaries of absenteeism and lateness of students.

The next document that the class teacher works with is the class journal.

Scheme of studying the class magazine:

- external design, culture and correctness of journaling. Filling in all details of the journal;

– implementation of the practical part of the program: excursions, subject lessons, creative, laboratory and practical work, demonstrations, experiments, etc.

– a system of written works and grading;

– accounting of attendance of lessons, classes;

- the volume, nature, differentiation of homework;

- a system for testing students' knowledge (current accounting of knowledge, skills, thematic accounting, accumulation of grades; control over the knowledge of underachievers, repeaters);

- the correctness of the design of entries in the journal about the lesson passed.

The main task of the class teacher is to draw up a plan of educational work. It contains the following items:

1. Characteristics of the class.

2. Educational tasks for a certain period, corresponding to the age and characteristics of this class.

3. Work with the student team (calendar of the main educational events recorded in the matrix).

4. Work with subject teachers working in the classroom, with a school psychologist, possibly with a social pedagogue.

5. Work with parents of students.

The class teacher, in my opinion, is the leading, key figure in organizing a holistic pedagogical process in a particular class. He is its leader and coordinates the actions of all objects - subjects participating in it. Hence the purpose of the activity of the class teacher is the organization and management of a holistic pedagogical process.

The methodological basis of the activity of the class teacher is the approach of "meeting - interpenetration - interaction" of the old and the new, traditional and innovative.

The main functions of the class teacher's activity - coordinating, educational, developing and educational - are implemented through such types of work as pedagogical monitoring, design, organizational and gnostic activities.

The implementation of these activities is considered through the prism of business, professional (possibly personal) relationships with students, subject teachers, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, a counselor (if any), with parents of students, with employees of institutions of additional education, with leaders of children's and youth organizations and associations.

2. Analysis of the educational work of the class teacher

In accordance with the goal of educating students of school No. 6, formulated in the program documents of the school, in the 2008-2009 academic year, the following tasks were set for educational work with students in grade 5:

IN areas of moral education: the formation of a system of values ​​for each of the students, which would serve as a guideline in solving specific moral problems; increasing the tolerance of students; formation in schoolchildren of an objective approach to themselves and to others; development of independence and responsibility of students for their actions;

strengthening the civic position of schoolchildren; the formation of cultural norms in the field of interaction between people of different sexes, ages,

nationalities and social groups:

- in the field of intellectual education: increasing the prestige of intellectual activity; the formation of schoolchildren's ability to use in practice the existing subject, over-subject and organizational skills in changing conditions;

- in the field of aesthetic education: formation of criteria for aesthetic evaluation of works of art among schoolchildren; activation of students' activities in the field of literary creativity; expanding the communicative space by including children in the discussion of works of art;

V areas of physical culture: active involvement of students in the sports and recreational activities of the school, ensuring high performance and minimizing missed lessons due to illness.

To solve the tasks set during the year, the main forms of work were used:

1.Cool hours and parent meetings: “Charter of the school. The culture of behavior at school”, “The laws by which we live”, “These days the glory will not cease”, “Day of consent and reconciliation”, “I” in the world of people. People who are nearby”, “Let's talk about friendship”. “Friends of my child. Who are they, what are they?”, “How to develop a child’s efficiency?”, “Bad habits of a child. How to resist them?

2. Preparation and holding of class holidays by the children themselves: “Birthday of the class”, “New Year's light”, “April 1. Day of all laughs.

3. Participation of children in school-wide and extracurricular activities: a concert for Teacher's Day, work at the school site, "Young Talents of the School", subject weeks, congratulations to veterans, poster competition.

4. Individual conversations with children and parents: “Hour of Revelations” for children and “Hour of Communication” for parents.

5. Carrying out and participation in children's cognitive and intellectual games "Around the World", "Golden Fleece".

6. Trips to a circus, a zoo, a visit to a museum, a children's library.

7. Tourist walk around the favorite places of our city.

The most effective forms of work with children turned out to be: students' reports, interview method, mini-film, class print edition, holidays, KVN, photo exhibition. During class hours, it was possible to organize not only a discussion, but also a frank exchange of views on the problems that arise in the classroom. Sharp discussions arose, during which the schoolchildren participating in them were forced to clearly formulate their ethical and aesthetic positions, thus clarifying them for themselves. Difficulties are also connected with the fact that schoolchildren do not have enough life experience to understand many serious problems.

It is necessary to provide for such means of organizing further work that will allow children to take an active part in it.

a) Forms of interaction with parents. The following forms of work with parents were used: parent meetings, individual consultations, holidays together with children, the Crazy Hands contest. It was proposed to help the class in collecting information about their city, about the professions of moms and dads, and drawing up a pedigree.

b) A very important point is the creation class traditions. Such a tradition is the "Birthday of the class", which is celebrated on September 1 (the children themselves chose this date). The first congratulations from the parents, the class teacher.

First gifts: holiday treat from parents. Competition for the best emblem, class motto, "Scenes from school life" and gifts from children to the class (drawings, poems, photos in a class album.).

The New Year is traditionally celebrated.

The competition program was fun and provocative.

Educational tasks and activities arising from them for the 2009-2010 academic year.

1. To acquaint students with the experience and traditions of previous generations to preserve the health of the nation; to form in students a culture of maintaining and improving their own health.

2. Create conditions for the advancement of students in intellectual development.

3. To form a culture of communication among students in the "Teacher - Student" system,

"Student-Student", "Adult - Child".

4. To form in students an adequate moral attitude towards people around them; inculcate an awareness of the value of human life.

5. Use non-standard creative forms of extracurricular activities, taking into account the age characteristics of students; to study the individual interests and needs of students in extracurricular activities; constantly demonstrate the achievements, results, abilities of students in leisure activities to parents, teachers, peers; instill interest in art, develop aesthetic perception; develop the ability to adequately assess their results and be fair in relation to other people's achievements; use active forms of extracurricular activities based on the age characteristics of students.

6. To form tolerance among students, to form a humanistic worldview, awareness of their rights and the rights of other people; develop patriotic feelings; form a civic position; to cultivate respect for their homeland, culture, traditions.

7. Organization and joint leisure activities for children and parents; organization of psychological and pedagogical education of parents through a system of parent meetings, thematic and individual consultations, conversations; creating conditions for favorable interaction, overcoming conflict situations among private participants in the educational process of teachers, children and parents; organization of purposeful education of parents on the issues of upbringing.

8. Study the group of students, use active forms of educational activities, cooperate with the school psychologist; create a favorable atmosphere for communication.

2.1 Parent meeting. Let's talk about friendship

Friends are known in trouble, true friends are known in joy.

folk wisdom

Friendship is the consonance of souls in the unity of destinies.

Eastern wisdom

Meeting tasks:

1. To form in parents an understanding of the importance of friendship in the life of a child.

2. Contribute to the formation of parents' interest in class affairs and relationships in the children's team.

Conduct form: fire of friendship.

This parent meeting is appropriate to coincide with the spring break, when you can go out into the countryside. A clearing and a place for a fire are prepared in advance. The glade can be decorated with colorful flags that children can make from colored paper. On the flags, you can write various wishes to your friends. At the end of the meeting, you can offer to give flags with wishes to your friends.

If there is no opportunity to meet all together in nature, this meeting can be held in the classroom or in the assembly hall of the school. But the form of the meeting must be preserved.

To do this, a simulated fire is created on the stage, and everyone sits down in a circle.

Preparatory work for the meeting:

1. Questioning of children and parents.

Student survey1 .

Do you have friends?

Who do you consider your best friend?

Why do you consider this person your best friend?

Do your parents know who your best friend is?

– Do they know him?

Does your friend visit you at home?

How often do you see him?

- How do your parents feel about your meetings?

Do your parents have good friends?

Are you familiar with them?

What is your opinion about them?

Questioning students №2.

Continue the offer:

1. A friend is someone who…

2. The best friend is the one who…

3. I worry when my friend…

4. I rejoice when my friend…

5. I am pleased when my friend ...

6. I feel bad when my friend…

7. I would like my friend to…

8. I would not like my friend ...

9. When I grow up, I want my friend…

10. When I grow up, I do not want my friend ...

Questioning of parents №1.

Do you know your son or daughter's friends?

How long have they been friends?

Are you satisfied with this friendship?

Do you consider this friendship equal?

: - Does your child's friend visit you at home?

What do you think about it?

Does your child know your friends?

How does he feel about them?

- What would you like to change in your child's communication with his friends?

Questionnaire for parents №2

Continue the offer

1. We know that our child's friends are…

2. If our child's friends come to our house, then ...

3. If our child asks for a meeting with friends, then we ...

4. If our child invites his friend to spend time with us, then we ...

5. If we don't like our child's friend, then we...

2. Exhibition of essays "My friend" or competition of students' stories "The story of our friendship"

There is a competition of essays and stories about the friendship of children in the class. All the children's works are drawn up in a large book called "Non-Fictional Stories of Friendship". This book is published and at the meeting all the guys who have written their work receive this book as a gift.

3. Preparation of surprises "Gift for a friend."

The guys prepare surprises for their friends, they take into account their interests, desires, hobbies.

4. Competition of proverbs and sayings about friendship.

For the assembly, the guys prepare proverbs and sayings about friendship. They look for them in dictionaries, books. The collected materials will remain in the elementary school as a teaching aid for the teacher's work.

5. "Pantry of friendship." Photo collage telling about family friends.

The guys are preparing a photo - a collage that tells about the friends of their parents, about friends of their family.

Proceedings of the meeting

While everyone is seated, the song "About Friendship" sounds.

I. Opening speech of the class teacher

It's great that we are all here today. It's great that we all got together again - moms and dads, girls and boys. The topic of our conversation today is about friendship.

What does the word "friendship" mean? (The guys give their explanations of the word friendship).

Then the class teacher suggests recalling proverbs and sayings about friendship.

- And what unites all the proverbs and sayings about friendship? (The guys name the arguments: the ability to be needed, useful, disinterested, etc.)

The song of V. Vysotsky from the movie "Vertical" sounds.

Who can be called your friend? (Children give arguments and read out their essays about friends.)

P. Survey analysis The class teacher continues his speech and gives examples of the opinion of the guys about friendship (based on the materials of the survey).

Do your family, your parents have many friends? (The guys answer the question and do it with their collages.)

Why does folk wisdom say: A friend is known in trouble, a best friend in joy? (Children and parents express their opinion. They give examples from life to support this statement.)

The class teacher tells the children and parents a parable and asks to confirm it with a proverb that is often used in speech.

“A long time ago there lived a rich man in the mountains. He had a huge flock of sheep and as many friends.

One day, trouble came to his house. Thieves broke into his sheepfold one night and stole all the sheep. When the next morning the owner came to the sheepfold to drive his flock to pasture, not a single sheep was there. The owner of the sheepfold sighed heavily and began to cry. All his many years of work was in vain, and the family became impoverished overnight.

Soon the whole district knew about the misfortune that had befallen the owner of the sheepfold. Another day passed and at dawn the owner saw a cloud of dust on the road. It kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he could see the people in the dust cloud. These were his friends. Each of his friends did not go empty-handed, but led a small flock of sheep. When they all entered his courtyard, he realized that his friends had come to help him. Since then, his herd has become several times larger than before. Every morning when he went to drive out his herd, he remembered the eyes of his friends who saved the life of his family.”

Question to the class: What proverb was mentioned at the beginning of the parable? (Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends).

Question to parents: Can you give examples of this kind in order to confirm that this is exactly what happens in life? (Parents tell interesting stories from their own friendship).

Question to the class: What can kill a friendship? (Children answer the question and give their arguments.)

III. Analysis of poems by S. Mikhalkov "Good friends"

The children read poems by roles, play them in the form of small scenes.

Boy Misha toils -

Misha stutters.

Like others - pure, clear,

He cannot speak.

And asking him in vain

Repeat what he says.

It's not easy for him

All words starting with the letter "ka"

But the guys don't laugh

Friendship is great.

- You, Mishutka, do not get lost!

Take an example from others!

Just take heart

And speak bolder!

Misha spoke a word

And you can't see another...

But my friends are ready

If necessary, wait!

How to save friendship? (Parents and children jointly develop rules for maintaining friendship and write them down on a large scroll prepared in advance.)

IV. Meeting results

Giving souvenirs to friends.

V. Reflection of the meeting

2.2 Class hour. "Memory can be developed"

Target: expansion of students' ideas about the possibilities of human memory and methods of rational memorization. Tasks:

1. Equipping students with heuristic and practically significant information about the mechanisms of memory.

2. The study of rational memorization techniques.

3. Identification by schoolchildren of their own problems that hinder the mastery of these techniques.

Conduct form: oral journal. Preparation stage

1. Collection and synthesis by the teacher, students and parents of extensive information on the topic of the meeting.

2.Search for training exercises to develop rational memorization skills.

3.Material support of the class hour:

"Pages" of the oral journal. They are performed on a sheet (or sheets) of drawing paper. On each of them is the name of the logical stage of the discussion and symbolic drawings that emotionally “color” its content.

Page 1. Isn't human memory a miracle!

Page 2. Memory and talent.

Page 3. Learning to remember.

Page 4. Let's sum it up.

Implementation stage

Classroom teacher: It happens to hear from you: "I have a bad memory" or even: "I have no memory." Of course, this is an exaggeration. But imagine for a moment a man who has indeed lost his memory. What would he lose by doing so? Absolutely everything! Suppose the memory loss occurred on the street when he was walking to school. First of all, such a person would not reach the goal of his path, and if he were led there, he would not know what to do there. He would forget himself, what his name is, where he lives. I would forget my native language and would not say a word. Moreover, I could not make a single movement, take a step, stretch my hand for a glass of water, as the memory of movements would disappear.

Why do you think having a good memory is important? (judgment guys)

That's right, a good memory reduces the preparation of "lessons and frees up a lot of time. So, today we'll talk about the possibilities of human memory. Our meeting was prepared by many guys (names names), their parents, and all of you helped them. The first page of the oral journal opens (last name, student's name).

Page 1. “Isn't human memory a miracle!”

First student: The greatest miracle in the world is the human brain with its amazing resources, and among them is the ability to remember what you see and hear. Human memory is a door open to a person's past, yesterday and far away. “Remembrance silently develops its long scroll in front of me,” wrote A.S. Pushkin.

Our memory is also a mystery to ourselves: why do we remember one thing and forget the other; why, it would seem, a trifling event crashes into our brain and persists for a long time, while another, undoubtedly important, evaporates from memory.

Question to the guys: What, in your opinion, interferes with quick memorization? (Answers guys).

Second student: The success of memorization largely depends on the concentration and attention of a person. No wonder they say: "Attention is the cutter of memory: the sharper it is, the deeper the traces." One of the reasons that a person has forgotten some facts, words or thoughts is inattention to them at the moment when he perceived them, spoke about them or thought.

I suggest you focus on the table (comes to the board), it contains tips for developing attention (simultaneously voices):

Advice on developing each quality of attention

Do not overload your attention while doing large amounts of

items on the table

Work "blocks": 20 - 30 minutes of classes and a short rest

Diversify the types of tasks

Practice: Speak and write at the same time

Do not abuse the TV, computer.

And now I propose mindfulness exercise, which you can successfully repeat at home, with a friend, parents, brother, sister. If there are several of you, you can compete.

Now I will open a row of ten pictures on the board (options: geometric shapes, numbers, letters, symbols) arranged in a certain order. You have the same tables on your tables, but they lie in random order. I open the row hidden on the board for 10 seconds, and then close it again. Your task is to reproduce it in the same sequence. (Performing the exercise. Good result - 7 - 8 figures).

Page 2. Memory and talent

Third student: According to contemporaries, the generals J. Caesar and A. Macedonian knew by sight and by name all their soldiers - up to 30 thousand people! The philosopher Seneca was able to repeat 2,000 unrelated words heard only once. The great physician, philosopher and mathematician Ibn Sina (Avicenna) spent several years in his youth reading books from the huge library of the Bukhara ruler. When it burned down a few years later during the war, the scientist dejectedly repeated that, unfortunately, he managed to read only 10 thousand volumes and besides them he could not restore anything from memory. In Khorezm, Avicenna received 40 scribes from the shah to help, and each began to dictate the text of the lost book. Thus, the priceless treasures of the library were restored.

Does a talented person always have a good memory? Not at all. Among the greats there were people with a weak memory. For example, the physicist Michael Faraday could not do without notes and notes. Conversely, many people with unique memory abilities were otherwise no different. But all scientists agree that memory can and should be developed.

Page 3

Classroom teacher:“Rather, the brain rusts from disuse than from overload,” one of the greats wittily remarked. It turns out that each of us is able to assimilate the information contained in millions of volumes of the Russian State Library. How to develop this ability, because sometimes it is difficult for us to learn even a short poem?

Fourth student: First, scientists say that the real "mother of learning" is not repetition, but application. It is better to read a text twice and repeat it twice than to read it eight times without repeating it.

Secondly, it is important to make information interesting. If the material is boring, but you still need to remember it, wit can come to the rescue. For example, you can draw comic illustrations to the text.

Thirdly, if the text is "long", then it should be divided into parts and study each part separately. The plan for the text is very helpful.

Fourth, starting to study the topic, you should not immediately read the textbook. It is better to first remember everything that is already known, albeit with errors and omissions.

Teacher: And the main thing in memorization is to understand the meaning of what should be learned. I offer you an exercise that will show you how accustomed you are to doing this. The essence of the exercise is as follows, now I will read the text, you will listen to it carefully. Then, from the list of proverbs written on the cards that are on each table, you will choose the one that, in your opinion, reflects the main meaning of what you read. So, we started.

The lion found a sleeping hare and was about to devour it, when he suddenly saw that a deer was running past. The lion left the hare and chased the deer, and the hare woke up from the noise and ran away. The lion chased the deer for a long time, but could not catch it and returned to the hare: but he saw that there was none, he said: “It serves me right: I released the prey that was already in my hands, and chased with empty hope.”

The dog remembers who feeds it.

You chase after the edge - you will lose the loaf.

The hare is afraid of himself.

If you chase big, you won't see small.

A hen cackles in one place and lays eggs in another.

The lion is scary, the monkey is funny.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Teacher: I would like to ask, dear guys, do you have your own secrets of quick memorization, what helps you? (Children make judgments)

Teacher: But the guys in the comic plot have the following memorization secrets (A group of students comes to the blackboard).

Scene "Repetitionmother of learning"

First student: My friends, all this is, of course, good, but there is one problem that occupies me all the time. For example, everyone knows that there is always not enough time for the exam.

Second student: There is not enough money.

Third: Exactly! Have you thought about this problem too?

First: Of course! And they came up with something! In general, there is one way ... If you know it, there will definitely be enough time!

Third: How is it? What is this method?

First: You need to study two subjects at the same time!

Third: Two? Is it possible?

First: Of course! You just need to do both! And learn at the same time. Aloud. Let's say I'm literature, and he's geometry. Then each one learns one subject with his eyes, and another with his ears!

Third: Well, well ... Can't you learn anything with your feet?

Second: Are you laughing? Now look! I took geometry. (To the first) Take your literature.

First: “Gogol's immortal comedy Dead Souls gives us a whole gallery of satirical images. Chichikov and Manilov, Korobochka and Sobakevich - all this ... "

Second: “... geometric shapes. Triangles, squares, rhombuses, trapezoids…”

First: “They all make us laugh. We find it funny when we…”

Second: "We draw a circle of large diameter, and we get ..."

First: “Sobakevich! We laugh heartily at Plyushkin. After all, Plyushkin is ... "

Second: "... a perpendicular dropped from the top of the triangle to its base"

Third: Plyushkin - perpendicular? Hee… (Ironically) Don't you think that you are too modest: in your wonderful way, you can learn not two, but many more subjects! Let me try it with you. (Picks up a textbook.) What is this - "Zoology"? Great! Let's continue with your method...

First: “But Gogol not only laughs - he exposes. Here is the same Sobakevich. In fact, it is…”

Third: "Elephant. Representative of the family of mammals, proboscis order. He lives…"

Second: “... at an angle of thirty degrees. Figures are not only flat, but also voluminous. For example…"

First: "Box. A box is not a nickname, it is a surname ... "

Second: “To calculate the volume of this figure, you need to know its height and width. Let's multiply them and get ... "

The first “Portrait of Manilov. Gogol's Manilov is outwardly even handsome ... "

Third: "Huge ears, trunk, tusks ..."

First: “But Manilov is a contemplative, he does nothing, but…”

Third: "Easily tamed by a man and can carry stones and other burdens ..."

First: “And Plyushkin? This is the embodiment of greed…”

Third: “It feeds on hay, branches, bran. He loves brooms very much ... "

First: “And now, Chichikov wants to be like such people. The fact of low origin gnaws at him.

Third: "His progenitor was a mammoth ..."

Second: I listened - was Chichikov's dad a mammoth? No, this is mom - a mammoth, and dad - papont, probably ... Some kind of nonsense ...

Third: Exactly - nonsense. And remember, friends, in only one case will it take little time to prepare for exams if you study all year not in order to pass the exam and forget, but in order to apply your knowledge all your life.

Page 4. Let's sum it up.

Classroom teacher: The possibilities of human memory are truly endless. But, as we have seen today, we need to work on it, overcoming laziness and passivity. It's not easy, but how do you start to respect yourself! It is from such small victories that character is formed. So, we conclude the meeting, and I propose an "open microphone" for an exchange of impressions. A "chain" of judgments of the guys follows. Reflection on what was heard allows the teacher to assess how productive the dialogue was.


And so, we traced the main directions of the work of the class teacher and proved how great his role is in the life of every student. It depends on the effectiveness of the work of the class teacher how the student will be able to solve the problems that have arisen before him, what attitude he will have towards life, etc. Therefore, a properly organized educational activity of a class teacher is the basis for achieving the highest results in the education of a cultural and moral personality.

But time is changing. The requirements for the school, students and teachers are becoming different. However, the importance of the role of the class teacher is not reduced. Today it performs 3 functions: organizes a variety of activities in the classroom, takes care of the development of each child, helps children in solving problems.

In contrast to the school of the 1970s and 1980s, when education was mainly associated with outside influence, the position of class teachers is currently changing. Most of them understand education as the creation of conditions for the development of the internal potential of the child. Hence the change in the system of work.

Individual work with children, affecting the foundations of the physical and mental development of each child, is becoming more and more priority. There is a shift in emphasis in the work of the class as a whole. First of all, attention is paid to the emotional support of groups within the class, the creation of a positive psychological climate in the classroom, the development of self-government, the creation of conditions that allow each child to reveal himself in relation to others, and the inclusion of students in a system of real relationships.

Many class teachers talk about expanding the range of their current activities at school. This was a consequence of the destruction of the activities of children's organizations, the fragility of family ties, the alienation of children and adults, as well as the fact that most children's out-of-school institutions became paid and for many children, especially from low-income families, they became inaccessible.

In most cases, the vacuum that has arisen can be filled only by the work of the class teacher. Moreover, not only kids and teenagers require attention, but also older students who are on the verge of an independent life.

Despite this, becoming a good class teacher is not easy. But every teacher can become one, subject to hard work on himself and a conscientious, loving attitude to the task assigned, in the presence of high moral qualities. In the memory of schoolchildren, labor affairs, exciting excursions and trips, school evenings and merry New Year trees, vivid reports and heated debates on exciting issues often come up. Heart-to-heart conversations with the class teacher, his friendly support in difficult times are not forgotten either. Many students do not cut ties with their favorite class teacher after graduation. They write letters to him, ask him for advice, share their joys, their achievements and successes in work, in their personal lives.

Thus, not all class teachers are pessimistic about their activities.


1. Boldyrev N.I. Classroom teacher. - M., 1978. - 271 p.

2. Boldyrev N.I. Methods of work of the class teacher: a manual on a special course for students of ped. institutes. - M., 1984. - 271 p.

3. Druzhinin I.N. The cares and joys of the class teacher. - M., 1978. - 262 p.

4. Stefanovskaya T.A. Classroom teacher. - M., 2006. - 11–14 p.

5. Krupskaya N.K. Selected pedagogical works. Ped. soch., volume 3. - M., 1965. - 312 p.

7. Kassil L.N. Towards each other // See the future. - M., 1985.

8. Class teacher. Teaching aid / Ed. M.I. Rozhkov. - M., 2001. - 256 p.

9. Litavarova N. Vnuchenko V. Contradictions in the process of cooperation between teachers and parents and the main ways to resolve them and educate schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 1.

10. Makarenko A.S. Methodology for organizing the educational process. Op. Volume V. - M., 1978. - 265 p.

11. Makarenko A.S. The problem of school Soviet education. Op. Volume VI. - M., 1982. - 280 p.

12. Stefanovskaya T.A. Classroom teacher. - M., 2006. - 3 p.

13. Salyakhova L.I. Handbook of the class teacher - M. 2007. - 22 p.

14. Stepanov E. Form, structure and content of the plan of educational work // Education of schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 7.

15. Timofeeva I. School council // Education of schoolchildren. - 2002. - No. 2.

16. Shakurov R.Kh. Socio-psychological foundations of management: Leader and teaching staff. - M., 1990. - 287 p.

The class teacher has the right to conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic (to develop an author's program in his subject, if he is also a subject teacher) and educational (to develop a program of educational work) activities.

The activity of a teacher, for example, in an elementary school is very specific. The teacher works both as a teacher and as a class teacher. From his work largely depends on how successfully the child's life at school will proceed. Here, it is especially important to know the age characteristics of children: due to neglect of them, the intellectual, moral, and creative powers of the child are not fully realized; quite “prosperous” children can become “difficult”. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the specifics of this age.

In children of this age it is very important to educate cognitive interests and needs. If the teacher forms in children the ability and ability to work purposefully, their voluntary attention intensively develops. This is closely related to the formation of responsibility for the assimilation of knowledge; younger students can quite force themselves to carefully complete any task.

Adolescence (puberty) is traditionally considered difficult. It is called a transitional, difficult, dangerous age. In these names, its main feature is fixed - the transition from childhood to adulthood. The teacher must try to find a common contact with the child, not to cause irritation.

Youth is closely connected with the system of interaction between age strata. In adolescence, there is an increase in the tendency to communicate with adults. This circumstance must be taken into account by the class teacher in educational work with children of this age.

The main requirement of the class teacher is the education of a team of students. This is important because, leaving the school, the child will enter into various groups. His psychological comfort and success in any activity depend on how successful his adaptation in these teams will be. In the classroom, the child builds models and tests relationships in the adult world.

Business relations develop automatically in the classroom from the moment the team is organized. Organizationally, the class is formed to achieve certain educational goals. The class teacher must properly organize any relations in the class.

Joint activities outside of school hours (extracurricular work) can be very diverse. The class teacher must also fulfill it. The most effective activity is performed by the whole class. It can be a theater, a circle, etc. The class teacher should be able to interest children, involve them in the creative process.

In the choice of activities, the class teacher is practically unlimited. It is only necessary that it be focused on the emotional sphere of students. Positive emotional experiences have the most beneficial effect on the development of the personality of children, form and reinforce a positive stereotype of behavior.

2. Class teacher

Classroom teacher- a teacher who organizes educational work in the class assigned to him. One of the teachers is appointed as the class teacher, who is entrusted with special responsibility for the educational work in this class.

At present, the types of such educational institutions as gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. have been revived, and the activities of the general education school have changed. Accordingly, the institution of class leadership has changed.

Now there are several types of class guide:

1) a subject teacher who simultaneously performs the functions of a class teacher;

2) a class teacher teaching a separate school discipline, i.e., having a minimum teaching load. They are also called cool ladies, curators;

3) a class teacher who performs only educational functions (a released class teacher).

In some educational institutions, the position of a class teacher (a variant of the position of a released class teacher), as well as a tutor (from Latin “protector, patron, guardian”) has been introduced. The tutor may have a minimum teaching load.

Recently, the class teacher is increasingly called the class teacher.

The functions, rights and duties of the class teacher in all versions of the titles of this position are approximately the same.

Since the activities of the school are regulated by its Charter, the activities of the class teacher are also based on this document.

The class teacher performs several functions: analytical, organizational and coordinating, communicative.

The analytical function includes:

1) study and analysis of the individual characteristics of students with the help of a psychologist (as a rule, the type of personality, temperament, character accentuation is determined);

2) study and analysis of the group of students in its development.

The basis for this is the conversation of class leaders with elementary school teachers, and leaders of grades 10–11 with class teachers of a secondary school. As a result, teachers receive initial information about the team and students. It is better to entrust the study and analysis of relationships in the class team to a psychologist who will draw up a psychological map of the team. The class teacher himself can organize this work through observation, conversations with students, conducting special questionnaires, analyzing students’ creative work (an essay like “our class”), analyzing and evaluating students’ family education. If the family is dysfunctional, then the class teacher and the school administration have information.

For successful work, the class teacher must be able to identify the educational result, evaluate it and, taking into account the evaluation of the result, adjust professional activities.

The class teacher is a mentor who most closely monitors academic performance, discipline in the classroom and is responsible for this.

3. The main activities of the class teacher

For successful work, the class teacher must be able to identify the educational result, evaluate it and, taking into account the evaluation of the result, adjust professional activities. It is necessary to identify and evaluate the result at certain intervals: in primary and secondary schools - at the end of each quarter (trimester), in the senior school - after six months (or at the end of the trimester). Summing up and correcting activities - personal and class teachers - should be done with the help of a psychologist and teachers. The class teacher should combine these activities.

Organizational and coordinating function suggests:

1) establishing and maintaining a connection between the school and the family (personally, together with a social pedagogue);

2) organization of extracurricular activities of children (holding various events);

3) work with teachers of this class, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, leaders of circles, sports sections, for teachers of elementary school and grades 5–7 - with educators of an extended day group;

4) individual pedagogical work with each student and the team as a whole, taking into account the data of a psychologist, social worker and personal observations. Communicative function:

1) the formation of positive relationships between children, managing relationships in the classroom;

2) the formation of optimal relations in the "teacher-student" system.

Here the class teacher acts as an intermediary in the event of a conflict. Conflicts between teachers and students are protracted, when both sides cannot reach an agreement for a long time. Then the class teacher needs to be offered the so-called “Iggin compromise” - a third solution that suits both parties at least to a minimum degree (conflicts most often occur due to “unfair” assessment and violation of discipline in the classroom.

In teaching students to establish positive relationships with people.

The class teacher is an administrative person. He has the right:

1) receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

2) monitor the progress of each student;

3) control the attendance of classes by children, coordinate and direct the work of teachers of this class (as well as a psychologist and a social pedagogue) in a single direction;

4) organize educational work with students of the class through the holding of "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;

5) submit proposals agreed with the class staff for consideration by the administration, the School Council;

6) invite parents to the school, in agreement with the administration, contact the commission for minors, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and councils for family and school assistance at enterprises, resolving issues related to the upbringing and education of students;

7) receive assistance from the teaching staff of the school;

8) determine the individual mode of work with children, based on the specific situation;

9) refuse assignments that lie outside the scope of his work.

4. Basic requirements for a class teacher

The class teacher must be a professional in his field. It must be constantly improved, based on the experience of other class teachers.

The class teacher should know:

1) psychological and pedagogical foundations of education, features of age;

3) individual approach in educational work;

4) pedagogical guidance and cooperation with students, based on student self-government;

5) how to plan extracurricular educational work;

6) how to form interest in learning, develop the cognitive needs of students;

7) how to combine the work of a class teacher with teachers working in the classroom;

8) how interaction with parents;

9) to interact with the social environment.

If evaluated from the most positive point of view, then the activity of the class teacher is assessed as follows: he owns the principles of the modern psychological and pedagogical concept of education, uses them as the basis for his work. He also shows deep, versatile knowledge, freely navigates in the methodological literature on the problems of education, in regulatory documents, systematically studies the characteristics of students, maintains a table of the level of education, and carries out individual work with each pupil.

The style of a senior comrade in relationships with students, a rational structure of self-government. Collective creative activity as a basis in the organization of life. Taking into account the level of education, the goals and objectives of education are determined. Systematic work is planned taking into account interests. There is a system of work on the development of cognitive interests, the formation of a culture of mental work, self-education skills.

Close contact with teachers in studying the capabilities of students, their level of development in organizing the cognitive activity of pupils.

The class teacher knows families well, their educational opportunities, actively involves them in educational work, systematically conducts joint activities. He is well oriented and knows the educational opportunities of the immediate environment, uses them in educational work, communicates with the leaders of associations visited by students outside of school, and works with enthusiasm.

The class teacher must be able to organize the work in the class, that is, so that the students are involved in the life of the school, take an active part in it. The class teacher must attend the lessons of his class, learn about the behavior and progress of each of his wards. The responsibility of the class teacher in the school is very great. It is a very important thing to be a class teacher. He must be able to resolve conflicts, controversial situations. Must objectively assess situations and draw the right conclusions. The work of a class teacher is difficult, but interesting. If you establish contact with children, there will only be benefits for everyone.

5. Duties of the class teacher

The class teacher has the right to conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic and educational activities. The responsibilities of the class teacher are as follows:

1) organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school team;

2) assisting the student in solving acute problems (preferably personally, a psychologist can be involved);

3) establishing contacts with parents and assisting them in raising children (personally, without a psychologist, social pedagogue).

For a pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their duties, the class teacher needs to know well the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, to be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities. In particular, master the methods of education.

The class teacher must correctly and competently organize educational work in the class assigned to him. It also performs several important functions: analytical, organizational and coordinating, communicative.

Classroom teacher- this is a special mentor who should help other teachers in the class assigned to him, find contact with children, eliminate emerging conflict situations. The class teacher should pay great attention to his class. He must attend the rest of the lessons in this class (at least once a week), hold events, holidays. Schools often have competitions between classes. As a rule, class teachers conduct such competitions. This helps to find closer contact with children, to understand their inner world and feelings.

For the most part, parent-teacher meetings are also held by class teachers. The meeting is held approximately once every 2 months. The class teacher should know all the parents (or persons replacing them) personally, talk to each separately, help solve problems or try to find a common solution with the parents.

In schools, in addition to studying, there are a lot of organizational issues. For example, raising money to renovate a school. The duties of the class teacher include a detailed explanation to the parents of what this money will be used for, he must find an approach not only to the students, but also to their parents, to find a common language with everyone.

Extra-curricular activities held outside the school should also be organized by the class teacher. For example, children going to the circus or theater. For children, it will be a memory and an opportunity to socialize outside of school.

The class teacher is a kind of "guardian" over the class.

The activity of the class teacher is regulated by the Charter of the school. One of the teachers is appointed as the class teacher, who is entrusted with special responsibility for the educational work in this class. The class teacher must take full responsibility for his work.

6. Model of the ideal leader

The main thing in the work of the class teacher is the education of a team of students. This is important because, leaving the school, the child will enter into various groups. His psychological comfort and success in any activity depend on how successful his adaptation in these teams will be. In the classroom, the child builds models and tests relationships in the adult world.

Education of the team is impossible without the formation of interpersonal relationships in it. The relationship system consists of business and personal relationships that are closely related and mutually influencing.

The task of the “ideal” class teacher is to be able to organize the work of the team (class) so that each child feels comfortable in it. Then the child will begin to reach out to the team. Take an active part in the life of the team. The role of the class teacher here is huge. Business relations develop in the team automatically from the moment the class is organized. The class teacher immediately takes control into his own hands. First, he gets acquainted with the class, introduces the guys to each other. The leader looks at each student, draws certain conclusions for himself.

Ideal leaders do not exist. Since the team is large, each child has his own perception of the teacher and the situation. Some people may not like even a very good teacher. But you need to strive to become as good as possible, more literate, more educated. A good leader is one who has a good relationship with the class. When the teacher does not repeat the request several times, but when the students willingly do everything that the teacher asks. Establishing good relationships with students is not easy. Here one cannot only play on the fact that the teacher can underestimate grades (if the child has not done something at the request of the teacher), but here one must act by establishing good relationships with children.

Personal relationships of sympathy, indifference, hostility arise between people in conditions of spatial and temporal proximity as a result of interaction that has empathy, information exchange or the achievement of any goals in the course of joint actions. Positive interpersonal relationships are what the “ideal” leader should form. These are stable and meaningful contacts of class students that develop in the course of joint activities, in which each member of this team has as many friends as possible, and with the rest of his classmates he is connected by relations of mutual sympathy, trust, respect, as well as a sense of empathy. If these relationships are established, then this is a huge merit of the "ideal" leader.

A good leader always approaches any problem in detail, weighs everything in detail. The “ideal” leader or teacher close to him is always ready to help students, no matter what kind of problems they have. He responds to all requests, empathizes, sympathizes.

1. Studying students. The activity of the class teacher usually begins with studying the class and each student individually. Further, the study of schoolchildren is carried out continuously throughout the entire period of their education. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the following requirements: a) the study of students is not an end in itself; it should be subordinated to improving the quality of education and training and combined with the educational impact on students; b) the study should be carried out systematically and systematically; c) the study must be carried out in the natural conditions of life and activity; d) study is not limited to the walls of the school and involves familiarization with the living conditions and everyday life of students; e) it is necessary to study not individual traits, but the personality as a whole; at the same time, attention should be focused on positive, and not on negative traits of character and behavior (approach the student, in the words of A.S. Makarenko, with an “optimistic” hypothesis).

When studying, it is necessary to use a variety of methods and techniques: acquaintance with personal affairs; viewing the class magazine for the past year; conversations with a former class teacher (primary school teacher), subject teachers, a teacher-psychologist and a social pedagogue; conversations with students, with their parents, with class members; pedagogical supervision; diagnostic experiment; analysis of the results of students' activities (for example, essays, wall newspapers, crafts); questionnaires; survey of home conditions; generalization of independent characteristics; sociometric methods.

2. Coordination of the educational activities of teachers working in the classroom. It is impossible for the class teacher to solve all the problems of educational work alone. The class teacher studies the features of the teaching and educational work of teachers, gets acquainted with their requirements and relationships with students, exchanges views on the behavior of individual students, on methods of influencing them. The class teacher must establish normal relations with teachers working in this class, achieve the presentation and fulfillment of uniform requirements for students, involve them in holding separate events - labor affairs, hiking trips, reader conferences, disputes, evenings. It is important that students interact more with their teachers outside of school hours. In many schools, a valuable form of work is used - the "small teachers' council", or pedagogical council, that is, a meeting of teachers working in one class or a number of parallel classes.

3. Organization and education of the class team. This is the main focus of the class teacher. The class does not immediately become a team. It turns into it as the experience of joint activities is accumulated, an asset is created and grows, positive traditions are formed, comradely ties are strengthened, and correct relationships are established with the general school team.

4. Organization and conduct of educational activities. An educational event is a collective work organized by a teacher for the purpose of educational correction of the development of the personality of the student and the team. Most often, schoolchildren participate in such educational activities as information hour, class hour, ethical conversations, debates, lectures, conferences (for example, reader's, spectator), labor affairs, meetings with interesting people, excursions and hiking trips, participation in the celebration state (Victory Day, Independence Day, Constitution Day), city (district) and school holidays.

Let's take a closer look at the information hour. This is a form of educational work among students, aimed at educating the civil, legal, moral position of a young person, his social and political maturity, and at forming his horizons. Information hours should preferably be held weekly, on the same day. According to the breadth and depth of the discussion, they are divided into review and thematic.

Overview Information Hour this is a brief overview of the main political, cultural and sporting events that have taken place over a certain period of time in the country and abroad. Informing students is recommended to be carried out according to the following scheme: 1) internal state policy of the Republic of Belarus; 2) foreign state policy of the Republic of Belarus; 3) news from Russia and other CIS countries; 4) events in world politics and economics; 5) news of science, culture, education, healthcare, sports. The main sources of information are: periodicals, reference books and encyclopedias (in which students look for unfamiliar names, transcripts of abbreviations, information about countries), television programs, the Internet. It is important to accustom young people to systematically watch such TV programs as "Panorama", "Our News".

Thematic Information Hour is held with the aim of a deeper discussion of any one topical issue. It may take the form of a conversation or discussion. Questions concretizing the topic are developed in advance, literature is selected, and visual aids are prepared. Options for discussion at the thematic information hour: "Rights and obligations of youth in Belarus", "Chernobyl: yesterday, today, tomorrow", "All about AIDS", "Alternative service in the army: pros and cons", "International terrorism: where is there a way out?”, “Years and people” (biographies, achievements of politicians, scientists and cultural figures in our country and abroad).

Numerous scenarios of educational activities are published in the scientific and methodological journal "Class Teacher", the newspapers "Last Call", "Pedagogical Council", "Pedagogical Creativity" (Russia), the journals "Problems of Excretion", "Satsyalna-Pedagogical Work", "Narodnaya Asveta" (Belarus).

5. Cooperation with children's and youth public organizations. Without directly interfering in the work of amateur children's and youth organizations, without suppressing their initiatives, the teacher can help enrich their activities.

Firstly, students - members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and BRPO, other public associations can and should be relied upon as an asset. The class teacher involves these students in the organization of ideological and educational work (political information, conversations, reports and lectures, debates, themed evenings on socio-political topics, oral journals, evenings of questions and answers, conversations near the world map). In the struggle for deep and solid knowledge of schoolchildren, activists-pioneers and members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union act as assistant teachers, volunteer laboratory assistants, consultants, help overcome knowledge gaps among lagging students, organize mutual assistance in learning, evenings on various subjects, public reviews of knowledge.

Secondly, the class teacher should assist the cells of pioneers and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, other public associations in the organization of labor activity, in the selection and organization of feasible and necessary types of work. This may be the equipment of a sports ground, classroom, rooms for study groups, school workshops, collection of books to replenish the libraries of rural schools, cleaning the school yard and other self-service work, maintenance of school property, participation in labor associations. With the participation of pioneers and members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, various hobby groups, sports teams, playgrounds and sports grounds, pedagogical teams (they help difficult teenagers in a reasonable organization of free time; they are also called Makarenko teams) are created at the house administrations.

Thirdly, assistance in preparing and holding meetings. Meetings of pioneers and Belarusian Republican Youth Union are held in the class at least once a month. They discuss issues of ideological and labor hardening of the members of these organizations, improving the quality of knowledge, professional orientation, work with primary school students, and organizing leisure activities. The class teacher helps the pioneer activists and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union to think over the topic of the meeting, prepare well for it, prepare a draft decision, of course, with the active participation of students. The secretary and members of the bureau of the primary organization should not be replaced. It is important to teach students to check the implementation of the decisions made.

Fourthly, the cooperation of the class teacher and the organizing teacher (previously this position was called "senior counselor").

6. Work with parents of students. The main directions, forms and methods of working with parents of students were considered in the course "Pedagogy of childhood (modern school: theoretical aspect)". These are, first of all, cool parent meetings, visiting families, parent days (open days), joint events, holidays, excursions and weekend trips for children and their parents, conversations, lectures, consultations of specialists, evenings of questions and answers, conferences on exchange of upbringing experience, parent committees, work with parents' activists.

When organizing work with parents of students, you need to remember the following.

Firstly. You can’t shift your own failures onto your parents: “Your child is not studying well - take action!”, “Your son does not listen in class - take action!”. The formation of a pedagogically correct educational position of parents is possible if the requests and advice of the teacher are perceived by them as arising from the needs and interests of the children, the formation of their personality, character, development of abilities. Appeal to the feeling of parental love, its respect is the first principle of the class teacher.

Secondly. When characterizing children, one should not only “pour negativity”, complain about the student. When talking with the parents of an undisciplined student, it is necessary to agree with them on uniform requirements and pedagogically justified measures of influence.

Third. When talking with parents, you need to not only give advice, but also listen to their suggestions. It is impossible to allow an instructive tone, read notations. Parents need the qualified help of a teacher as a specialist in education, in a friendly council, and not in reproaches or lectures. A calm business conversation about reasonable measures of influence on the student will bring much more benefit. It is necessary to win over parents to yourself, to achieve trust and frankness.

Fourth. Communication with parents is important not only for elementary school students and teenagers, but also for high school students. It is necessary, for example, to come to the aid of parents in the formation and development of interest in professions that society needs.

The main activities of the class teacher in working with students and their parents.

The main task of the class teacher (shared with parents) is to create conditions for the free development of the physical and spiritual strengths of students, guided by the interests of children and their age needs, to protect them from all adverse factors that interfere with this.

The class teacher should be aware of the problems of the physical and mental health of students and do everything possible so that both parents and students are not afraid to talk about their problems.

First place in the work of the teacher are taken out students' physical health problems, since it is the quality of the child's health that determines academic success and the level of his development.

To ensure the normal physical health of schoolchildren, the class teacher works in the following areas:

1. Involving children under the Health program.

2. Involvement of physical education teachers and parents in this activity.

3. Preparation and holding of class events aimed at students' awareness of the intrinsic value of health.

4. Informing parents about the specifics of physical development, bringing issues of maintaining physical health to parent meetings, involving medical specialists in educational work with parents and the students themselves.

The second direction of activity of the class teacher is communication.

Communication - it is an influence that determines the maximum development of the child's personality, it is primarily an aesthetic impact aimed at the formation of universally recognized values. Three personal formations contribute to the success of the work of a class teacher: interest in life, interest in a person, interest in culture.

Solving the problem of communication leads children to an understanding of universal human values, they should become the norm for students.

1. The highest value is human life. Nobody has the right to encroach on it.

Interest in life is an indispensable condition for working with children, a condition for the effectiveness of education.

Education from these positions is aimed at the formation of the ability to be happy, which is based on the acceptance of life as a gift of nature.

2. Understanding and perception of a person as a person who has the right to understanding, who is able to improve, who has individual values ​​(family, close people, hobbies).

The class teacher should perceive children as carriers of an individual inner world and therefore be easy to communicate, kind in assessment, calm and unfussy in organizing the case.

3. Cultural values ​​of the world, their significance in the development and formation of a person, the formation of an understanding of their necessity and importance of life.

What universal values ​​can help in the educational process - in introducing the child into the context of modern culture? Their main role is to become a regulator of the norms of communication between people, criteria for evaluating a person's actions.

The task of the teacher is to help students understand that without accepting the cultural values ​​of the world, without mastering them, they will not be able to take place in adulthood.

The third area of ​​activity of the class teacher - This is the cognitive sphere of a child's life. Protecting students in this area means explaining to all subject teachers the individual characteristics of a student. At the same time, the class teacher protects not the student, but the person in him, approaching each child from an “optimistic” position (A.S. Makarenko).

To solve this problem, you need to pay attention to:

To develop, together with the family, a unified tactic in the development of the student's learning skills, his cognitive activity, his future professional definition;

On the implementation of activities that expand the horizons and cognitive interests of the student, stimulate curiosity, research thinking;

To conduct psychological and pedagogical consultations that develop programs for correcting the general educational skills of individual students and the entire class;

To organize classroom hours to improve students' learning skills and abilities, self-development.

The fourth area of ​​activity of the class teacher is family, in which the student grows, is formed, is brought up. The class teacher must remember that by educating a student, he primarily affects the educational potential of the family. The object of professional attention is not the family itself and not the parents of the child, but family education. It is within this framework that his interaction with his parents is considered.

The teacher needs to know what is the scope of the material existence of the child, what is the way of his life, what are the traditions and customs of the family. The following is needed here:

1. The study of the family atmosphere surrounding the student, his relationship with family members.

2. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents through a system of parent meetings, consultations, conversations.

3. Organization and joint spending of free time of children and parents.

4. Protection of the interests and rights of the child in the so-called difficult families.

Thus, the class teacher implements the function of parental education (information about the educational concept of the school, the pedagogical position of the class teacher, about the methods of education, about the goals and objectives of the personal development of schoolchildren for a given period, about the course of the spiritual development of the child, about the features of the student's school activities, about the relationship in a group, about the identified abilities in current affairs, etc.) and the correction of family education - exactly the moan that is related to the child (the art of loving children), the child's mode of life and activity, which also ensures the correction of the personality of the parents.

Forms of interaction between the teacher and parents of students.

In practical work with parents of students, the class teacher uses collective and individual forms of interaction. Moreover, in both cases, both traditional and non-traditional forms of work are implemented.

Traditional forms of work with parents.

1. Parent meetings.

2. All-school and public conferences.

3. Individual consultations of the teacher.

4. Home visiting.

1. The parents' meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2. The theme of the meetings should take into account the age characteristics of children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: case studies, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personality of students.

parent conferences.

They are of great importance in the system of educational work of the school. Parents' conferences should discuss the pressing problems of society, of which children will become active members.

Problems of conflicts between fathers and children and ways out of them, drugs, sexual education in the family - these are the topics of parent conferences. Parental conferences should be prepared very carefully, with the obligatory participation of a psychologist, social pedagogue, who work at the school.

Their task is to conduct sociological and psychological research on the problem of the conference and their analysis, as well as to familiarize the students of the conference with the results of the research. Parents themselves are active participants in the conference. They are preparing an analysis of the problem from the standpoint of their own experience.

A distinctive feature of the conference is that it makes certain decisions or outlines activities on the intended problem.

Individual consultations.

This is one of the most important forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family. It is especially necessary when the teacher is gaining a class. In order to overcome the anxiety of parents, the fear of talking about their child, it is necessary to conduct individual consultations-interviews with parents.

In preparation for the consultation, it is necessary to determine a number of questions, the answers to which will help the planning of educational work with the class.

Individual counseling should be exploratory in nature and help create good contact between parent and teacher. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to introduce the teacher to in an informal setting, and find out what is necessary for their professional work with the child:

1. Features of the child's health.

2. His hobbies, interests.

3. Preferences in communication in the family.

4. Behavioral reactions.

5. Features of character.

6. Motivation for learning.

7. Moral values ​​of the family.

During an individual consultation, you can use the "My child" questionnaire, which is filled out together with the parent:

1. When he was born, then ...

2. The most interesting thing in the first years of his life was ...

3. The following can be said about health ...

4. His attitude towards school was…etc.


Conversation in the educational arsenal of the class teacher is of great importance. The conversation is best used to prevent conflict situations between individual teachers and the family. It is necessary to use a conversation in working with parents in order to establish a trusting atmosphere, to identify difficult points of contact in conflict situations. The results of the conversation should not become public if one of the participants in the conversation does not want it. In a conversation, the class teacher should listen and hear more, and not get carried away with edifying advice.

Visiting a student at home.

One of the forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family is visiting the student at home. The teacher should warn about the proposed visit, indicating the purpose and day. Visits are only possible with parental permission. A teacher's visit to a family should leave a good impression on the family. To do this, you need to talk about abstract topics, ask about traditions, customs, joint affairs in the family, and only then discuss the reason for the arrival of the teacher in the family.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents.

1. Thematic consultations.

2. Parental readings.

3. Parental evenings.

Thematic consultations.

In each class there are students and families who are experiencing the same problem, experiencing identical personal and educational difficulties. Sometimes these problems are so confidential that they can be solved only in the circle of those people whom this problem unites, and understanding of the problem and each other is aimed at its joint solution.

In order for the thematic consultation to take place, parents must be convinced that this problem concerns them and requires an urgent solution. Parents are invited to participate in the thematic consultation with the help of special invitations. The thematic consultation should involve specialists who can help find the best solution to the problem. This is a social educator, psychologist, sexologist, law enforcement representative, etc. During the thematic consultation, parents receive recommendations on issues that concern them.

Approximate topics of consultations for parents.

1. The child does not want to study. How to help him?

2. Bad memory of the child. How to develop it?

3. The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.

4. Punishment of children. What should they be?

5. Anxiety in children. What can it lead to?

6. Shy child. Ways to overcome.

7. Rudeness and misunderstanding in the family.

8. Talented child in the family.

9. Children's friends - friends at home or enemies?

10. Three generations under one roof. Communication problems.

Parent Readings.

This is a very interesting form of work with parents, which makes it possible not only to listen to teachers' lectures, but also to study the literature on the problem and participate in its discussion. Parental readings can be organized as follows: at the first meeting at the beginning of the school year, parents determine the issues of pedagogy and psychology that concern them most. The teacher collects information and analyzes it. With the help of the school librarian and other specialists, books are determined with the help of which you can get an answer to the question posed. Parents read books and then use recommended literature in parent readings. A feature of parental readings is that, when analyzing the book, parents should state their own understanding of the issue and change their approaches to solving it after reading this book.

Parenting Evenings.

This is a form of work that perfectly unites the parent team.

Parent evenings are held in the classroom 2-3 times a year without the presence of children (it is possible with children).

The theme of parenting evenings can be very different. Most importantly, they must teach to listen and hear each other, themselves.

Approximate topics of parental evenings: “The first books of the child”, “Friends of my child”, “Holidays of our family”, “Songs that we sang and our children sing”, etc.

Methods for studying the student's family.

observation. The teacher observes the parents during family visits, at class meetings, in collective affairs. Observation of children can provide additional material for characterizing the family. For example, the teacher noticed that the student eschews collective affairs, does not go to events with the guys, and refuses public assignments. Such student behavior will alert the teacher and force him to get to know the family. You can use the included observation method, when the facts obtained by the teacher are supplemented by information obtained by the asset of parents or teachers of other classes.

Conversation. This method will help the teacher clarify certain provisions, find out the circumstances that explain or justify the child's behavior. The conversation helps to penetrate deep into the phenomenon, to expose the basis of the act, to find out its motives.

A collective conversation at a class meeting when solving pedagogical problems helps the teacher to find out the opinion of parents on certain issues of education.

Interview. It is used by the teacher when it is necessary to study the opinions of several parents on one or more issues at the same time. For example, when preparing a conference of parents on the daily routine, the teacher needs to know how much time it will take on average to teach younger students to independently control the distribution of time for the main activities. To this end, the teacher interviews parents from various families who require their children to strictly follow the daily routine.

Questioning. This research method allows the teacher to simultaneously obtain mass information. Analyzing the questionnaires, summarizing them, the teacher can draw a conclusion about how the issue of raising children in families is solved, compare the data obtained from previous years, and see the development trend.

But the survey may not give detailed results, since parents do not always give the true answer in the questionnaire. Sometimes these answers require clarification, then the teacher simultaneously gives a questionnaire to fill out for parents and children.

Works. The teacher uses this method of study when he wants to receive detailed, ambiguous answers to individual questions. For example, at one of the class meetings, you can ask parents to write an essay on a specific topic. (“How I would like to see my child after graduation”, “How we relax on the weekends”, etc.).

Method of generalization of independent characteristics. The method is used by the teacher when it is necessary to obtain the most complete knowledge about the family, the level of its spiritual development. To do this, the teacher talks with parents, with roommates, with representatives of public organizations, with members of the class parent committee. The generalized information will help the teacher to more thoroughly assess the level of spiritual development of the family and its influence on the upbringing of the student. But this method must be used very tactfully.

Diary of observations. To identify trends in the development of individual qualities of the child's personality, you can agree with the parents on keeping a diary of observations of the child. Parents keep this diary for a long time, when meeting with the teacher they discuss the results of observations, outline new perspectives and specific tasks for the near future.

So, the varied work of the teacher with the student's family requires the teacher to have certain skills and abilities:

Use the knowledge gained in a pedagogical educational institution in practical work with parents;

It is good to see the perspective of the development of each child and help the family to outline the ways of its realization;

Establish good relationships with the student's family, be able to maintain business contacts with parents, taking into account their age and individual differences;

Taking into account the specific living conditions of each family, help parents choose the right ways and means to achieve their goals;

Plan work with parents of students, draw up a plan based on the level of upbringing of students in their class;

To see parents as their assistants, to be able to mobilize them to help the teacher at school;

Success in the work of a teacher with a student's family will be when relations with parents are built on a high respect for the interests of the family, parental authority, on every possible assistance to the family in its spiritual enrichment and, thus, in its cultural and moral influence on children.

Features of the work of a teacher with a dysfunctional family.

In his work with a dysfunctional family, the teacher should rely on the provision on the exclusive influence of the family on the child.

By a severe dysfunctional family, we mean a family in which there is a social disorder of parents and, as a result of this, a constant psychological anguish, reinforced by alcohol, antisocial behavior, alienation from others, hooliganism, theft, etc.

As a rule, in such families, children, parents, grandparents went through severe pain, suffering, experienced physical or sexual abuse, neglect, cruelty and perceive their family's lifestyle as the only normal one.

Families in constant crisis are in a special state of suffering. Rather than becoming vulnerable and affected by change, at-risk families learn to defend themselves in their own way when faced with difficulties. The paradox lies in the fact that excitement, rage bring them a certain comfort, as proof that nothing can be done, and therefore their state is natural. This state of the family is supported by various means: alcohol, scandals, immoral, defiant behavior, hooliganism, etc.

One of the positive aspects of the crisis is that in this case, school teachers, social pedagogues, specialists from various centers, etc. are involved in the sphere of influence on a dysfunctional family. This fact is reassuring in itself; connecting to the situation in which the family finds itself, new forces exercising control, somewhat alleviates the state of loneliness of a dysfunctional family. Chronically crisis families strive in every possible way to ensure that their situation is under control from the outside. When they feel threatened by the loss of control, they resort to violence against others, exacerbate their antisocial behavior, which leads to increased control over them.

To an outsider who comes into contact with a dysfunctional family, it may seem that the family is mired in a quagmire of horror and shameful tragedy. But for the family itself, a series of these tragedies can be more than comfortable than real changes for the better or confronting the difficulties of life.

These families are characterized by the following behavioral traits:

- the agreement on a pre-planned meeting with a specialist is not respected; they do not show up for the meeting at the appointed time, but sometimes they call;

- they have no concept of time (day, month, week);

- friends and acquaintances are invited for an interview with a specialist;

- during a meeting with a specialist, they can watch TV or listen to the radio; may be engaged in cooking or doing other household work;

- unable to talk coherently about themselves or others;

- constantly change their place of residence;

- constantly quarreling, fighting with friends or relatives.

The characteristics of such families can be supplemented with the following manifestations: distrust, suspicion, denial of everything, impulsiveness, impatience, constant need for something, agitation, quick excitability, lack of knowledge and skills, impracticality, failure, a state of anger with fits of cruelty, violence, harm family.

The behavior of parents in such families resembles the behavior of young children who cannot find contact with adults. Often parents in such a family are people who are unsettled in life, who are in deep depression.

This state of adults makes it impossible for the family to form caring relationships between family members and emotional support. The lack of emotional support for children from parents has profound consequences, which are expressed, in particular, in a decrease in self-confidence in children and adolescents.

The lack of material resources often affects the nutrition of the family, which reduces the resistance of children to diseases, leads to a weakening of their body, exhaustion, etc. Social and psychological detachment turns into an apathetic attitude to life, family passivity, self-destruction of the family personality. A dysfunctional family loses all faith in self-change and continues its forward movement towards complete collapse.

It is possible to conditionally divide dysfunctional families into three groups:

1. Preventive - families in which problems have an insignificant manifestation and are at the initial stage of trouble.

2. Families in which social and other contradictions aggravate the relationship of family members with each other and the environment to a critical level.

3. Families that have lost any life perspective, inert in relation to their fate and the fate of their children.

The following classification of dysfunctional families is also possible:by number of parents - full, incomplete, guardian, adoptive, family of adoptive parents;by number of children - small, large, childless;for material well-being - low-income, medium-income, well-off;on parenting issues - a family of alcoholics, drug addicts, unemployed, criminogenic, deprived of parental rights, socially maladaptive. Families stand outpedagogically untenable ; most often they are found when they have children of adolescence.

The identification of a family in need of assistance and rehabilitation should take place as early as possible. For 10 years of living in a dysfunctional family, the child has time to gain a huge experience of antisocial behavior, to break down psychologically, to establish himself in such a variant of life self-determination, which is contrary to the norms of society.

A child from a dysfunctional family reveals himself by his appearance, clothing, manner of communication, a set of obscene expressions, mental imbalance, which is expressed in inadequate reactions, isolation, aggressiveness, anger, lack of interest in any kind of education. The behavior of the child and his appearance not only speak of his problems, but also cry for help. But instead of helping, the environment of the child often reacts to him with rejection, rupture of relations, suppression or oppression of him. The child is faced with a lack of understanding of others, rejection and, as a result, finds himself even more isolated.

The age of the child may be different, but the problems of such children are approximately the same. Attention should be focused on the problem of a particular child and ways to overcome it, and not on the age factor, which should also be taken into account, but not be the main one.

While working with such a family, the teacher first encounters primary reactions of opposition. This may be denial, accusation, the desire to stigmatize someone, the impulsiveness of parents, children, provocation, avoidance of meetings, rejection of help.

It is often difficult to determine the results of working with a family. Each category of dysfunctional families has its own results in moving to the level at which it could do without outside help.

Indicators for assessing the functioning of the family.

- Her standard of living has been brought to average levels (parents are trying to lead a normal life, got a job, take care of children, etc.).

- The contacts of the family with the environment have been restored, the child attends school.

- Decreased alcohol consumption.

- Resolved other family-specific issues.

Improvement of living conditions - a very important positive thing has become cleaner in the apartment - it is easier to build relationships, the door has become locked - safer for children and adults, etc.

It would be naive to believe that the implementation of correctional and rehabilitation activities can be carried out by only one class teacher. In providing assistance to a dysfunctional family, it is necessary to unite organizations of the city, district, village. Therefore, the issue of interagency cooperation between various institutions directly or indirectly related to helping a dysfunctional family is so acute. These are the Department of Education, the Department of Health, the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Social Protection of the Population, the KDN, the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs, the Employment Center, the Youth Policy Committee, socio-psychological and rehabilitation centers, narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries, etc. Their specialists: teachers, social pedagogues, psychologists, doctors, inspectors, teachers of additional education and other workers will be able to provide assistance and support to a dysfunctional family only when a clear agreement is established between them about who, what kind of assistance and when. Specialists should draw up a general plan for comprehensive support for a dysfunctional family, so as not to duplicate each other, but to complement and provide specific assistance.

Indicators of the negative impact of a dysfunctional family on a child.

1. Violation of behavior - in 50% of dysfunctional families.

- vagrancy.

- aggressiveness.

- hooliganism, theft.

- extortion.

- immoral forms of behavior.

- inadequate response to comments from adults.

2. Violation of the development of children - in 70% of dysfunctional families.

- avoidance of studies.

- low performance.

- neurasthenia.

- lack of personal hygiene skills.

- mental imbalance.

- teenage alcoholism.

- anxiety.

- diseases, malnutrition.

3. Violation of communication - in 45% of dysfunctional families.

- conflict with teachers, peers.

- aggressiveness with peers.

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