Summary: The image of the road in the poem n. Gogol "dead souls



Introduction Chapter I. Theoretical material on the symbolism of the word "road"

1.1 Etymology of the word "road" pp. 4-5

1.2 Synonyms of the word p.5-6

1.3 Vehicles of the heroes of the poem. page 6

2.1 The road as a means of communication p.7

2.2 Metaphorical image of the road as a life path of a person p.7

2.3 Meaning of specific time p.7-8

2.4 The road as a person's age development p.8

2.5 The road as a way of human development page 8

2.6 Artist's creative path p.8

2.7 The road of life on which the writer meets his heroes p.8

2. 8 The High Symbolic Significance of the Path of the Motherland p8.

2.9 Irrepressible forward movement, the greatness of Russia p.8

2.10 The road as a compositional device of the writer p.9-10

Chapter III

Conclusion pp.13-14

Bibliography page 14

Application No. 1

Application №2


Roads. Country roads. Winter roads in blinding snow haze Blurred in autumn, dusty in summer. Spring - similar to rivers, the sound of rain, wind, the creak of a cart, the ringing of bells, the clatter of hooves. Listen - this is the music of the rain. Roads of eternal wanderers, roads of eternal travelers. On the road! On the road! In the life of every person there are such moments when you want to go out into the open and go to the beautiful far away, when the road to unknown distances suddenly beckons you.

How strange, and alluring, and bearing, and wonderful in the word: road! And how wonderful she herself is, this road: a clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... And the night! Heavenly powers! What a night is made in the sky! And the air, and the sky, distant, high, there, in its inaccessible depths, spread so vastly, sonorously and clearly! ... God! How good you are sometimes, distant, distant road! How many times, like one who is dying and drowning, have I clutched at you, and every time you generously endured me and saved me! And the ideas, poetic dreams, how many wondrous impressions were felt!

Very moving lines! After all, Gogol himself deeply loved the road, so selflessly clutching at it in the difficult days of his life. The image of the road permeates the entire poem, revealing various facets. Different facets of Gogol's road.

A special place in the work "Dead Souls" is occupied by the theme of the road. The main character travels from city to city in search of "sellers" of dead souls. It is through the movement of the protagonist along the roads that a broad picture of life in Rus' is formed.

The poem begins with "dear" and ends with the same. However, if at first Chichikov enters the city with hopes of a quick enrichment, then at the end he runs away from it in order to save his reputation. The theme of the road is extremely important in the work. For the author, the road is the personification of life, movement and internal development. The road along which the main character travels smoothly turns into the road of life.

But the truth is, how bewitching the path is and what a wonderful state it brings the soul of the traveler. But in N.V. Gogolyam's poem, the motive of the road is manifested not only in the real image of Chichikov's path with its bumps, bumps, and mud. In this work, this image is many-valued and symbolic.

Theme of the presented work “The image of the road, expressed in the word” (based on the poem by N. V. Gogol “Dead Souls”)

Relevance of this work is determined by the need to trace which path the main character P. I. Chichikov prefers when he travels across the expanses of the Motherland in search of his own path.

That is whypurpose of the study is the desire to find out in what meanings the word "road" is used in the poem "Dead Souls"

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the followingtasks :

1. To study the semantics, etymology, phraseological, stylistic, communicative and other properties of a given word.

2. Find out how many meanings the word "road" has in the poem

3. Find out how many meanings of this word are familiar to 9th grade students

4. Create a booklet of the meaning of this word in the poem.

Scientific novelty The work lies in the fact that the literature does not provide a complete study of this word in all the meanings used by the author.

Hypothesis: if we consider the meanings in which the word “road” is used, then we can see that readers do not always understand the symbolic meaning of this word and its impact on the development of events, then we can change the attitude towards words and increase the culture of reading the work.

This research work contains the following research stages: choosing a topic, setting goals and objectives, collecting material, summarizing the data obtained, identifying patterns, summarizing the work, creating applications.

Speaking ofpractical the significance of the work, it should be noted that it is quite large, since the conclusions can help not only a better understanding of the poem "Dead Souls", but also an understanding of other works that will be studied by us in the future.

In my work, I will focus on the study of the ambiguity of the word, which will undoubtedly help to better understand the work, comprehend the skill and talent of the writer.

This material can be used in the educational process at literature lessons, to expand one's knowledge about the Gogol era, in the preparation of messages, abstracts.

Methods Keywords: theoretical and scientific research, work with critical literature, analytical reading, observation of language

Object of study : poem by N.V. Gogol “Dead souls and facts obtained as a result of the analysis of the work.

Chapter I . Theoretical material about the word "road"

1.1 The word "road" is a key word in the literature of the 19th century .

Numerous examples of works can be cited in which the image of a person's life is comprehended as the passage of a certain path of the road. The most vivid metaphorical meaning of this concept is revealed in the poems of E. Baratynsky "The Road of Life" and A. Pushkin "The Cart of Life", in which movement along the road of life is accompanied by irretrievable losses and disappointments; acquiring life experience, a person parted with the dreams and seductions of youth, pays for it with his best hopes (“... and with us those travel runs of life we ​​pay”). Gogol in the poem "Dead Souls" continues the development of the universal meaning of "road", but at the same time enriches the semantic interpretation, features of embodiment, ambiguity, capacity.

1.2 Etymology of the word "road"

Road. A common Slavic word, unexpectedly related to words such as tree or sod, since it is formed from the same stem asdor - “cleared place”, but goes back to the verbshit - "tear" (cf. ).

Comes from Indo-European. *dorgh- (associated with twitch and means "a space torn in the forest"); from here, along with Russian.road : Russian-Church-Slav. podrag "edge", ukr.road , bulg. daroga, Serbian-Church-Slav. dredge "valley", Serbohorv. drag, Slovenian. drága "ravine, hollow", other Czech. draha "road ”, Polish. droga"road ", V.-puddle. droha "trace,road , street", n.-ludg. droga "street".

The lexical meaning of the word ROAD

1. A strip of land intended for movement, a communication route.Asphalt, highway, unpaved, country road. (dirt road between large or distant settlements; obsolete). Side of the road. On the road.

2. The place where you need to go or drive, the route.On the way to the house. To go astray (also figurative: the same as to go astray) To give way to someone. ( let pass, pass; (also figuratively: give someone the opportunity to grow, develop).open the way for someone somewhere (portable: enable one to grow, advance in somesome area). To stand on someone's road or stand across someone's road (figuratively: interfere, hinder someone in something).

3. Travel, stay on the road. There were many interesting things along the way. Tired from the road.

4. trans. Way of action, direction of activity. Labor is the road to success. To be on the good (bad, right) road.

Looking in the dictionary, you will find that the word "road" is almost an absolute synonym for the word "way". The difference lies only in subtle, barely perceptible shades. The path has a general abstract meaning. The road is more specific. In the description of Chichikov's travels, the author uses the subject meaning of the road in "Dead Souls" - the word is ambiguous. -

1.3 Word synonyms

Synonyms for ROAD

path(1) - road, track

journey(road, trip, path)

access(approach, approach, passage, move)

path, tract (outdated), freeway, highway


path (-road), pavement, path, path, footpath, highway, track, track, line; street, sidewalk, crossroads, crossroads, crossroads, clearing, alley, canvas, lane, outskirts; for what; way; track, steel track, steel highway, steel track, highway, stop, access, tram, tract, airlift, road pass, single track, expedition, horse tram, cast iron, highway, washboard, move, cruise, attack, trip, approach, wandering, black trope, highway, tour, approaches, concrete road, highway, letnik, passage, voyage, passage, highway, airlift, approach, artery, swimming, hike, highway, grader, narrow gauge railway, broad gauge railway, tarmakadam, way, path-road , winter road, lezhnevka, country road, rocade, journey, run, serpentine

Antonyms for the word ROAD


1. Absence or insufficient number of well-maintained, comfortable roads for driving. Because of the impassability, do not pass or drive.


1. The period of early spring or late autumn, when dirt roads become impassable due to melting snow, rain, etc. He set off on the road in the most muddy road.

2. The condition of the road at this time; off-road. Arrive at the crossroads.


1. Places overgrown with dense impenetrable forest. Deaf inaccessible area; wilderness. Forest jungle.

1. 3 Vehicles of the heroes of the poem.

In order to expand our understanding of the vehicles of the heroes, let's pay attention to what they travel on.

The main character's chaise is very important. Chichikov is the hero of the journey, and the chaise is his home. This substantive detail, being one of the means of Chichikov's image, plays a large plot role: there are many episodes and plot twists in the poem, which are motivated just by the chaise. Not only does Chichikov travel in it, that is, thanks to her, the plot of the journey is possible; the britzka also motivates the appearance of the characters of Selifan and three horses; thanks to her, she manages to escape from Nozdrev (that is, the chaise rescues Chichikov); The chaise collides with the carriage of the governor's daughter and thus a lyrical motif is introduced, and at the end of the poem Chichikov even appears as the kidnapper of the governor's daughter. The britchka is a living character: she is endowed with her own will and sometimes does not obey Chichikov and Selifan, goes her own way and finally dumps the rider into the impassable mud - so the hero, against his will, gets to Korobochka, who meets him with affectionate words: “Oh, father my, but you, like a boar, have mud all over your back and side! Where did you deign to get salty?, In addition, the chaise, as it were, determines the ring composition of the first volume: the poem opens with a conversation between two men about how strong the wheel of the chaise is, and ends with the breakdown of that very wheel, which is why Chichikov has to linger in the city.

It is no coincidence that the governor's daughter rides in a carriage. The carriage is a large covered four-wheeled carriage on springs.

A traffic accident - a collision of carriages, the first meeting with the governor's daughter:

“Everyone, not excluding the coachman himself, came to their senses and woke up only when theygalloped a carriage with six horses, and almost over their heads came the cry of the ladies sitting in the carriage, the abuse and threats of a strange coachman ... ... and again remainedroad, cart, troika horses familiar to the reader, Selifan, Chichikov, smoothness and emptiness of the surrounding fields.

Chichikov travels around the city in the prosecutor's droshky - from a ball at the governor's to the hotel: “Chichikov himself realized that he had already begun to get too loose, asked for a carriage and took advantage of the prosecutor's droshky ... Thus, already on the prosecutor's droshky he drove to his hotel. ..”

The box arrives in the city:

“... in the remote streets and back streets of the city, a very strange carriage rattled, suggesting bewilderment about its name ... the horses kept falling on their front knees, because they were not shod, and, moreover, apparently, the late city pavement was not enough for them familiar. Kolymaga, having made several turns from street to street, finally turned into a dark lane past the small parish church of St. Nicholas on Nedotychki and stopped in front of the gates of Protopopsha's house. What a magnificent description of the landowner Korobochka!

A pleasant lady goes with news to a lady pleasant in every way.

The footman immediately slammed the door on the lady, threw it on the steps and, grabbing the straps at the back of the carriage, shouted to the coachman: “Let’s go!” ... Every minute she looked out of the window and saw, to inexpressible annoyance, that there was still half the road. The image of the chaise creates a frame for the entire first volume.

- The chaise appears on the very first page:

At the gates of the hotel in the provincial city of NN, a rather beautiful spring-loaded small britzka, in which bachelors ride ... - At the end of Volume I, the image is transformed into a metaphorical "troika bird":

The horses stirred and carried a light britzka like fluff ... The troika either flew up to the hillock, then rushed in spirit from the hillock ... "

Chapter II. The image of the road, expressed in the word

2.1 The road as a way of communication

One of the meanings of the word “road” is a way of communication: Chichikov rides in his cart along the main country roads: “To the right,” said the peasant. - This will be your way to Manilovka; and there is no lure. She is called that, that is, her nickname is Manilovka, and Zamanilovka is not here at all. There, right on the mountain, you will see a house, stone, two stories high, the master's house, in which, that is, the master himself lives. This is what Manilovka is for you, and there is no Zamanilovka at all here and never was.

Let's go look for Manilovka. Having traveled two versts, they met a turn onto a country road, but already two, and three, and four versts, it seems, had been made, and the stone house on two floors was still not visible. Here Chichikov remembered that if a friend invites him to his village fifteen miles away, it means that there are sure thirty.

« But Selifan could not remember whether he had driven two or three turns. Realizing and remembering the road somewhat, he guessed that there were many turns that he missed all by ”; a narrow strip of land intended for movement: “And Chichikov, in a contented mood, sat in his britzka, which had long been rolling along the high road”; the view of the terrain that opened up to the gaze of the passer-by: "... he took up only one road, looked only to the right and left ..."

2.2 The metaphorical image of the road as a person's life path

The road in "Dead Souls" is a polysemantic word. But in relation to the active character, it has a specific meaning, used to indicate the distance that he overcomes and thereby approaches more and more towards his goal. Chichikov experienced pleasant moments before each trip. Such sensations are familiar to those whose usual activities are not related to roads and crossings. The author emphasizes that the upcoming trip inspires the hero-adventurer. He sees that the road is hard and bumpy, but he is ready to overcome it, like other obstacles on his life path. - The image of the road, tangled, lying in the wilderness, leading nowhere, only circling the traveler, is a symbol of the deceitful path, the unrighteous goals of the protagonist Chichikov's road, which passed through different corners and nooks and crannies of the N province, as if emphasizes his vain and false life path.

2.3 The meaning of a specific time.

The image of the road takes on a metaphorical meaning. It is equivalent to the life path of a person. After all, having lived a life, a person becomes different. He pays for life experience with his best hopes. The author warns the young: “Everything looks like the truth, everything can happen to a person:Take with you on your journey, emerging from your soft youthful years into a stern, hardening courage, take with you all human movements, do not leave them on the road: you will not lift them up later! Terrible, terrible is the coming old age ahead, and gives nothing back and back! The grave is more merciful than it, it will be written on the grave: a man is buried here! but you can’t read anything in cold, insensitive featuresinhuman old age. All the best things in life are connected precisely with youth and we should not forget about it, as the heroes did. They lost the human and could not find it later

2.4 The road as a theme of the Russian people-bogatyr

The image of the people is connected with the image of the road.

What does this vast expanse prophesy? Is it not here, in you, that an infinite thought is born, when you yourself are without end? Is it not possible for a hero to be here when there is a place where he can turn around and walk around?

"Oh, threesome! bird troika, who invented you? to know that you could only be born among a lively people in that land that does not like to joke, but spread out half the world with an even smoothness, and go and count the miles until it fills your eyes ... hastily alive, with one ax and a chisel, You were equipped and assembled by a smart Yaroslavl man. The coachman is not in German boots: a beard and mittens, and the devil knows what he sits on; but he got up, but swung, and dragged on a song - the horses whirlwind, the spokes in the wheels mixed into one smooth circle, only the road trembled, and the stopped pedestrian screamed in fright! and there she rushed, rushed, rushed! .. "

2.5 The road as a way of human development.

« Evasion from the truth, from the direct path - this is another twist on the topic. The “straight” and “curved” roads in Gogol’s artistic consciousness are an antithesis that defines the moral coordinates with which he will correlate the actual and ideal path of both one person and all of humanity: “What twisted, deaf, narrow, impassable, bringing into mankind chose the side of the road, striving to reach the eternal truth, while a straight path was open before it... ask each other: where is the exit? Where is the road?

2.6 The artist's creative path The author's reasoning about different types of writers

But the road is not only a “human life”, but also a process of creativity, a call for tireless writing work.

Gogol precedes the lyrical discussion about two types of writers with a comparison connected with the image of the road.Gogol compares two paths chosen by writers. One chooses the beaten path, on which glory, honors, and applause await him. “They call him the great world poet, soaring high above all the geniuses of the world ...“ But “fate has no mercy” for those writers who have chosen a completely different path: they dared to bring out everything “that is every minute before the eyes and that the indifferent do not see eyes, - all the terrible, amazing mire of trifles that have entangled our lives, all the depths of cold, fragmented, everyday characters that our earthly, sometimes bitter and boring road is teeming with ... "The harsh field of such a writer, because he is not understood by an indifferent crowd, he is doomed to loneliness. Gogol believes that the work of just such a writer is noble, honest, high. And he himself is ready to go hand in hand with such writers, “to look around at the whole enormously rushing life, look at it through laughter visible to the world and invisible, unknown to him tears.

2.7 The road of life on which the writer meets the heroes of his works

The image of the road helps to reveal the characters of the landowners.

Each of his meetings with the landowner is preceded by a description of the road, the estate. For example, this is how Gogol describes the way to Manilovka: “Having traveled two versts, we met a turn onto a country road, but already two, and three, and four versts, it seems, were done, but the stone house with two floors was still not visible. Here Chichikov remembered that if a friend invites you to a village fifteen miles away, it means that there are thirty miles to it. The road in the village of Plyushkin directly characterizes the landowner: “He (Chichikov) did not notice how he drove into the middle of a vast village with many huts and streets. Soon, however, he noticed this remarkable jolt, produced by a log pavement, in front of which the city stone was nothing. These logs, like piano keys, rose up and down, and the careless rider acquired either a bump on the back of his head, or a blue spot on his forehead ... He noticed some special dilapidation on all village buildings ... "

2. 8 The high symbolic meaning of the path of the motherland

The theme of the road in this work is inextricably linked with the fate of Russia. It is no coincidence that at the end of the first volume, instead of Chichikov's rushing britzka, a symbolic image of the "troika bird" suddenly appears, which personifies the path of development of Rus' on a global scale. Its swift flight is contrasted with the monotonous whirling of Chichikov's britzka from landowner to landowner. The author calls the “troika bird” lively, “unbeatable”, rushing forward, because he sees this as the formation of Rus' at the international level. The image of a troika bird rushing forward expressed the writer's love for the Motherland and faith in its inexhaustible strength.

2.9 Unstoppable forward movement, the greatness of Russia

In the last chapter of the first volume, the author speaks about the fate of the motherland. He compares Rus' with a lively trio, which is impossible to overtake. Under it the road smokes and the bridges rumble, and other nations, looking sideways, shun it and let it pass...

“RUS-TROIKA Oh, troika! bird troika, who invented you? to know that you could only be born among a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, but scattered halfway across the world, and go and count the miles until it sparkles in your eyes three are you rushing? The road smokes under you, the bridges rumble, everything lags behind and is left behind. Oh, horses, horses, what horses! Are whirlwinds sitting in your manes? Does a sensitive ear burn in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once strained their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into only elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes! .. Rus', where are you rushing to? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on the earth flies past, and, looking askance, step aside and give it the way other peoples and states.

2.10 The road as a compositional technique, linking together the chapters of the work.

The road is one of the spatial forms connecting the text. All heroes are divided into those belonging to the road, striving, having a goal, moving and aimless. Man is alive only when he moves forward. Secondly, the image of the road performs the function of characterizing the images of the landowners whom Chichikov visits one after another. Each of his meetings with the landowner is preceded by a description of the road, the estate. For example, this is how Gogol describes the way to Manilovka: “Having traveled two versts, we met a turn onto a country road, but already two, and three, and four versts, it seems, were done, but the stone house with two floors was still not visible. The road in the village of Plyushkin directly characterizes the landowner: “He (Chichikov) did not notice how he drove into the middle of a vast village with many huts and streets. Soon, however, he noticed this remarkable jolt, produced by a log pavement, in front of which the city stone was nothing. These logs, like piano keys, rose up and down, and the careless rider acquired either a bump on the back of his head, or a blue spot on his forehead ... He noticed some special dilapidation on all village buildings ... "

The road in the plot composition of the poem is the core, the main canvas. And characters, things, and events play a role in creating her image. Life goes on as long as the road goes on. And the author will tell his story along the way.

2. 11 The main linguistic means of expression, characteristic of the poetic language in the description of the road.

Let's introduce some of them:

1. Poetic syntax;

a) rhetorical questions:

“And what Russian doesn’t like to drive fast?”

“But what incomprehensible, secret force attracts you?”

b) rhetorical exclamations :

“Oh, horses, horses, what horses!”

c) appeals:

"Rus, where are you going?"

d) anaphora:

“Miles are flying, merchants are flying towards them on the rays of their wagons, a forest is flying on both sides with dark formations of firs and pines, with a clumsy knock and a crow’s cry, the whole road is flying to God knows where into the disappearing distance ...”

e) repetitions :

“Does his soul, seeking to spin, take a walk, sometimes say: “Damn it all!” - Is it possible for his soul not to love her? Not to love her when something enthusiastic and wonderful is heard in her? ”It seems that an unknown force has taken you on a wing to itself, and you fly yourself, and everything flies: miles fly, merchants fly towards you on the rays of their wagons, flies from both sides a forest with dark formations of firs and pines, with a clumsy knock and a crow's cry, the whole road flies ...

f) rows of homogeneous members:

“And again, on both sides of the high road, versts, stationmasters, wells, carts, gray villages with samovars, women and a lively bearded owner began to write again ....”

g) gradation :

“What a strange, and alluring, and bearing, and wonderful in the word: road! How wonderful she herself is, this road: a clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... "

They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once strained their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into only elongated lines flying through the air, and everything inspired by God rushes!

h) inversion :

"Rus! Rus! I see you from my wonderful, beautiful distance, I see you ... "

G) Parceling: Eh, troika! bird troika, who invented you? to know that you could only be born among a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, but spread out to half the world with equal smoothness, and go and count miles until it fills your eyes. Oh, horses, horses, what horses! Are whirlwinds sitting in your manes? Does a sensitive ear burn in every vein of yours? The contemplator, struck by God's miracle, stopped: is it not lightning thrown from the sky? what does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power lies in these horses unknown to the light?

2. Trails:

personification The author refers to the road as to a living being: “How many times I, the perishing one, clutched at you, and every time you generously saved me!”,a soul seeking to spin, take a walk, say sometimes; the whole road flies;

epithets metaphorical epithets: unknown force; inspired by God; air torn to pieces; strained copper breasts; clumsy knock and crow's cry,

Amplifying epithets , which indicate the sign contained in the word being defined: “Isn’t it true that you, Rus, are rushing along with a lively, unbeaten troika?” (M.D.) - the epithet brisk is also reinforced by the epithet undefeated

Metaphors : How seductively drowsiness creeps ... What a night is made in the sky ... nothing will seduce the eye ...


“Is there not to be a hero when there is a place where to turn around and walk for him?”

Comparison : roads crawled like caught crayfish

3. Lexical means:

vernacular : To know, you could only be born among a lively people ...; not cunning, it seems, a road projectile; spread out evenly

Synonyms: spin around, take a walk; brisk, irrepressible; falls behind and stays behind; ringing - song;

Antonyms : sits - rushed; stopped - rushes; contemplative - coachman.

rushes, rushes, flies, flickers.

Antithesis "Straight" and "curved" road

Phraseologism: trio bird

Chapter III

Research results

"Rus, where are you going?" - this is the question that bothered the writer, because in his soul lived an unlimited love for Russia. He believed in Russia, in its bright future.

Each meaning of the road in Gogol serves a specific plan of the great master. It is diverse and multifunctional, which allows you to achieve the desired effect. Gogol the artist did the impossible in his poem. He made time and man move forward, the road has a number of meanings in the poem. Few writers have been able to do this. It is no coincidence that he used this word 237 times in the poem.

The road is something sublime permeated with Gogol's patriotism, admiration for the salt of Rus' - the people. Roads are also a question of the future. The path is reality, this is what Chichikov went through, and what he has to go through. This is how much the image of the road meant to the author of Dead Souls. It not only permeates the entire poem, revealing its various facets, but also passes from a work of art into real life, in order to then return from reality to the world of fiction.

The road is an artistic image and part of Gogol's biography.

The road is a source of change, life and help in difficult times.

The road is both the ability to be creative, and the ability to know the true (“direct”) path of a person and all mankind, and the hope that such a path will be opened to contemporaries. Hope, which Gogol passionately strove to keep until the end of his life.

Here is such a comprehensive word - "road"


Based on the study, we have compiled a diagram

among 9th grade students to identify the symbolic meaning of the word "road" in the poem and came to the conclusion presented in the diagram.

The purpose of the study was to present the meaning of the use of the word "road" in the poem "Dead Souls". The goal can be considered achieved, since the tasks set are achieved:

2) the text was analyzed from the point of view of the ambiguity of the word

1. The semantics, etymology, and other properties of this word have been studied.

2. A guide to the meaning of this word in the poem has been created and presented in the booklet appendix.

The means of expression are analyzed to convey different facets of the polysemy of the word "road".

Thus, the study of the author's meaning of the word "road", which permeates the entire artistic text of the poem "Dead Souls", showed various aspects of the topic and suggests other, new, perhaps deeper and more subtle interpretations in the future. The practical significance is seen in the fact that the results can be applied in the classroom at school in the Russian language and literature.


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« What a strange, and enticing, and bearing, and wonderful in the word: the road "

Just think how many

Meanings of the word road

The motif of the road, path, movement appears more than once on the pages of the poem. This image is multi-layered and highly symbolic. The movement of the protagonist in space, his journey along the roads of Russia, meetings with landowners, officials, peasants and city dwellers add up to us in a broad picture of the life of Rus'.



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2 The motif of the road is central to the creation of the image of Rus'. This image is multi-layered and highly symbolic. The poem was conceived by N. V. Gogol by analogy with the Divine Comedy by Dante A. “On the road! on the road!..” How does Gogol end one of the most penetrating and philosophical lyrical digressions in the poem?

3 The movement of the protagonist of the poem along the roads of Russia add up to a broad picture of the life of Rus'. Almost all phenomena of Russian society pass before the eyes of Chichikov and the reader. The image of the road, tangled, lying in the wilderness, leading nowhere, only circling the traveler, is a symbol of a deceitful path, the unrighteous goals of the protagonist.

4 Another traveler is present next to Chichikov - this is the writer himself. Here are his remarks: “The hotel was ... of a certain kind ...”, “the city was in no way inferior to other provincial cities” ... With these words, Gogol not only emphasizes the typicality of the phenomena depicted, but also makes us understand that the invisible hero, the author, also well acquainted with them.

5 The miserable furnishings of the hotel, the receptions of city officials, lucrative deals with landowners are quite satisfactory for Chichikov, and the author causes undisguised irony. The reverse side of Gogol's satire is the lyrical beginning, the desire to see a person perfect, and the homeland - powerful and prosperous. Different heroes perceive the road differently.

6 Chichikov enjoys fast driving. “And what Russian doesn’t like fast driving?”… He can admire a beautiful stranger… But more often he notes the “throwing up force” of the pavement, enjoys a soft ride on a dirt road or dozes off. The magnificent landscapes that pass before his eyes do not cause him much thought.

7 The author is also not deceived by what he sees: “Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautiful far away I see you: poor, scattered and uncomfortable in you ... nothing will seduce and charm the eye. But at the same time, for him there is “some strange, and alluring, and bearing, and wonderful in the word: the road!” For N.V. Gogol, the road is something more. There are lyrical digressions in the poem expressing the author's poetry. Read them. What is the road for N. V. Gogol?

8 For N.V. Gogol, the whole Russian soul, all its scope and fullness of life, is on the “enthusiastic - wonderful” road. No matter how slavish nets fetter the Russian soul, it still remains spiritually free. Thus, the road for Gogol is Rus'. Where does the road lead, along which it rushes so that it can no longer be stopped: “Rus, where are you rushing”?

9 The real road that Chichikov travels turns into the path of life for the author. "As for the author, in no case should he quarrel with his hero: there is still a lot of way and the road they will have to go together hand in hand ..." By this Gogol points to the symbolic unity of the two approaches to the road, their mutual complement and mutual transformation .

10 Chichikov's road, which passed through different corners and nooks and crannies of the N province, as if emphasizes his vain and false life path. While the path of the author, which he makes together with Chichikov, symbolizes the harsh and thorny, but glorious path of the writer who preaches "love with a hostile word of denial." The real road in "Dead Souls", with its potholes, bumps, dirt, barriers, unrepaired bridges, grows into a symbol of "hugely rushing life", a symbol of Russia's historical path.

11 And now, instead of the Chichikov troika, a generalized image of the troika bird appears, which is replaced by the image of rushing, "God-inspired" Rus'. This time she is on the right path, which is why the filthy Chichikov carriage was transformed into a trio bird - a symbol of a free Russia that has found a living soul.

The image of the road in the poem "" is quite diverse and ambiguous. This is a symbolic image that denotes the journey of the protagonist from one landowner to another, this is the movement of life that develops in the expanses of Russian land.

Very often in the text of the poem we are faced with a confusing image of the road, it leads the traveler into the wilderness and only circles him and circles. What does this description of this image say? I think this emphasizes the unrighteous goals and desires of Chichikov, who wanted to cash in on buying dead souls.

While the protagonist travels around the neighborhood, the author of the work does it together with him. We read and think about Gogol's remarks and expressions, we notice that he is very familiar with these places.

The image of the road is revealed in different ways in the perception of the heroes of the poem. The main character - Chichikov loves to drive on roads, loves fast driving, soft dirt road. The pictures of nature surrounding him are not pleasing to the eye and do not cause admiration. Everything around is scattered, poor and uncomfortable. But, with all this, it is the road that gives rise in the author's head to thoughts about the homeland, about something secretive and alluring. It is for the protagonist that the road can be compared with his life path. Traveling along the paths and back streets of the city of NN indicate a false and incorrectly chosen life path. At the same time, the author traveling nearby sees in the image of the road a difficult and thorny path to fame, the path of a writer.

If we analyze the real road, which is described in the text of the poem "Dead Souls", then it appears before us all in bumps and potholes, with mud, shaky bridges and barriers. It was with such roads that the entire territory of Russia at that time was lined.


Roads are difficult, but worse without roads...

The motif of the road in the poem is very multifaceted.

The image of the road is embodied in a direct, non-figurative meaning - this is a flat road along which Chichikov's spring cart gently rides ("The horses stirred and carried, like fluff, a light cart"), then bumpy country roads, or even impassable mud, in which Chichikov falls out , getting to Korobochka (“The dust lying on the road quickly kneaded into mud, and every minute it became harder for the horses to drag the britzka”). The road promises the traveler a variety of surprises: heading towards Sobakevich, Chichikov finds himself at Korobochka, and in front of the coachman Selifan "the roads spread in all directions, like caught crayfish ...".

This motif acquires a completely different meaning in the famous lyrical digression of the eleventh chapter: the road with a rushing chaise turns into the path along which Rus' flies, “and, looking sideways, step aside and give it way to other peoples and states.”

This motif contains the unknown paths of Russian national development: “Rus, where are you going, give me an answer? Doesn’t give an answer”, representing an opposition to the paths of other peoples: “What twisted, deaf, narrow, impassable, drifting roads mankind has chosen ...”. But it cannot be said that these are the very roads on which Chichikov got lost: those roads lead to Russian people, maybe in the backwoods, maybe in a hole where there are no moral principles, but still these roads make up Russia, Russia itself - and there is a big road leading a person into a vast space, absorbing a person, eating him all. Having turned off one road, you find yourself on another, you cannot follow all the paths of Rus', just as you cannot collect the caught crayfish back into the bag. It is symbolic that from the outback of Korobochka Chichikov is shown the way by an illiterate girl Pelageya, who does not know where the right is, where the left is. But, having got out of Korobochka, Chichikov gets to Nozdrev - the road does not lead Chichikov to where he wants, but he cannot resist it, although he is making some plans of his own for the further path.

The way of life of the hero is embodied in the image of the road (“but for all that, his road was difficult ...”), and the creative path of the author: “And for a long time it was determined by my wonderful power to go hand in hand with my strange heroes ...”

The road is also an assistant to Gogol in creating the composition of the poem, which then looks very rational: the exposition of the plot of the journey is given in the first chapter (Chichikov meets officials and some landowners, receives invitations from them), then five chapters follow, in which the landowners sit, and Chichikov travels from chapter to chapter in his britzka, buying up dead souls.

The main character's chaise is very important. Chichikov is the hero of the journey, and the chaise is his home. This substantive detail, being, undoubtedly, one of the means of creating the image of Chichikov, plays a large plot role: there are many episodes and plot twists in the poem that are motivated just by the britzka. Not only does Chichikov travel in it, that is, thanks to her, the plot of the journey becomes possible; the britzka also motivates the appearance of the characters of Selifan and three horses; thanks to her, she manages to escape from Nozdrev (that is, the chaise rescues Chichikov); The chaise collides with the carriage of the governor's daughter and thus a lyrical motif is introduced, and at the end of the poem Chichikov even appears as the kidnapper of the governor's daughter. The britchka is a living character: she is endowed with her own will and sometimes disobeys Chichikov and Selifan, goes her own way and finally dumps the rider into impassable mud - so the hero, against his will, gets to Korobochka, who greets him with affectionate words: “Oh, father my, but you, like a boar, have mud all over your back and side! Where so deigned to be salted? » In addition, the chaise, as it were, determines the ring composition of the first volume: the poem opens with a conversation between two men about how strong the wheel of the chaise is, and ends with the breakdown of that very wheel, which is why Chichikov has to stay in the city.

In creating the image of the road, not only the road itself plays a role, but also characters, things and events. The road is the main "outline" of the poem. Only all side plots are already sewn on top of it. As long as the road goes, life goes; while life goes on, there is a story about this life.

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