FSS registration number according to inn. Do I need an IP registration number in the FSS


When registering a new legal entity, the tax service sends information about it to various institutions, including the Social Insurance Fund. This structure without fail assigns to the enterprise a special code, or registration number.

In the event that for some reason the number is unknown after registration, you can find it out yourself using several methods.

The registration number in the FSS is a unique combination of numbers that is assigned to each policyholder upon registration. Usually this happens simultaneously with the procedure for registering a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

The number itself is made up of several different combinations and generally includes 15 digits. Each of the combinations has its own meaning:

  • the first 4 digits are encoded data about the region in which the policyholder is located;
  • the fifth digit stands separately and means which particular entity is registered - an individual entrepreneur or an LLC;
  • the next four digits (from six to nine) is the code of the territorial branch of the FSS;
  • the last part of the number (6 digits) is TIN of the insured.

It is with the help of the last code that you can find out the full registration number.

What is the number for?

With the help of this code, the Fund controls the work of the insured and how conscientiously he fulfills his obligations. In particular, this includes:

  • preparation and timely delivery of all necessary reports;
  • payment of contributions to be made by the entrepreneur.

As for the entrepreneur (or organization), they indicate this number in the appropriate column when filling out sheets for temporary disability, as well as various forms and reporting.

How to get a number

The number is obtained automatically upon registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Moreover, the latter do not need to take any action - the tax office sends information about the subject to the Fund, and it assigns this code on its own.

After that, information about the assigned number should be sent to the entrepreneur (or organization) by mail to that one. However, often the notification does not reach or this process takes too much time, therefore, it is possible for the economic entity to independently determine its number.

Sole proprietors will only receive a number if they are going to employ hired employees. In other cases, obtaining such a number is optional. However, if desired, this can be done, no prohibitions are set in this case.

If the individual entrepreneur worked alone, and then decided to hire workers, then he will need to independently submit an application for registration as an insurer to the FSS. And this is done even if only one employee is hired. At the same time, the requirements for the deadlines for registration are also established - it is 10 days after the signing of the employment contract.

Failure to comply with this requirement may result in penalties. Their size depends on the number of days of delay and the type of contract concluded with employees.

If the entrepreneur is a woman, then, subject to registration, she can apply for payment for vacations in the B&R and child care.

The code for a specific entrepreneur or legal entity is assigned only once and does not change in the future, regardless of whether changes occur in any performance indicators.

In the event that an individual entrepreneur decides to terminate his activities, he must deregister in the Fund. To do this, you need to provide to the Fund within three days some documents:

  • evidence that all employees have been fired: relevant orders, copies of employees' work books (they must contain records of dismissal);
  • a certificate from the department of the Federal Tax Service confirming the absence of tax debts;
  • copies (certified) of deregistration.

The deregistration procedure takes about two weeks on average.

Where can I find the reg. FSS number according to TIN

  • using the Internet (the procedure is free, but lasts a day);
  • by contacting the department.

The extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP will necessarily contain this code.

At the end it should be noted that:

  • The presence of a code is a prerequisite for the operation of any enterprise, since it is with its help that the FSS controls the fulfillment of obligations to pay insurance premiums.
  • The procedure for obtaining the code occurs automatically during the registration of the enterprise; no independent actions are required for this.
  • 3. You can find out the code yourself, for this you just need to know the value of your TIN.

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Let's determine how to clarify it by TIN in 2019. What methods are available? Let's give an algorithm of actions.

All business entities, regardless of which taxation system they use (STS or others), must register with the regional branch of the FSS at the location of their executive body.

Employees of social insurance assign unique registration numbers to policyholders. After registration with the authorized body, the company receives a certificate.

Such a document will contain a registration number. So, when searching for certain information, it is worth knowing what data is presented in this form of a document.

If such a document is not available in the company, then questions may arise - how to find out the registration number in the FSS by TIN.

Important Aspects

Registration numbers in the FSS should be received only by companies with the status of a legal entity, as well as individual entrepreneurs who have employees.

When carrying out activities, a company or individual entrepreneur must independently bother about the registration process at the FSS branch and make contributions to the fund.

Required terms

The FSS is an organization that was created by government agencies. It bears for the implementation of a number of payments to working citizens:

The formation of the budget of this fund is carried out at the expense of mandatory contributions, which are paid from the earnings of the personnel of enterprises.

To maintain correct and prompt records of all receipts to the FSS, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have employees should receive special numbers.

The registration number of the FSS is a specific combination of numbers. The standard code looks like this - AAAA-A-AAAA-AAAAAA.

Let's decipher:

Why is it needed

By registration number, you can track all the activities of a legal entity or entrepreneur.

That is, using this number, they evaluate how the institution fulfills its obligations to the Social Insurance Fund.

According to the individual registration number of the FSS, the taxpayer pays insurance premiums for his employees.

This means that if you know such a number, it is easier to control how the employer fulfills its obligations.

We list in which certificates the registration number is used:

Legal framework

The requirement for registration with the FSS is stated in.

In this case, it is important to take into account the provisions prescribed in.

How to find out the registration number in the FSS by the TIN of the organization

When the company registers at the FSS branch, it will receive a letter indicating the corresponding assigned code.

Such a combination of numbers is given once, and does not change during the implementation of the activity. But if for some reason you do not know the number, you can find it out by.

What data will be needed

Usually, the owner of the number receives a memo explaining how insurance premiums are calculated, when to pay them and submit reports.

But such a document does not say anything about what to do in case of loss of the number. But it may be urgently needed.

When restoring lost information, it is necessary to refer to the data specified in the certificate, which will confirm registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Such a document contains a TIN, which is assigned to each taxpayer. With his help, they form a number in the PF of Russia and in the FSS for payment and making other mandatory payments and appointments.

The number received during registration is indicated in the payment documentation so that payments are credited specifically in favor of the payer. So you will avoid misunderstandings with the FSS.

Where to go

After assigning a number to the insured, the FSS enters the relevant data into or. The number will not be changed even after changing the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur or the place of registration of the legal entity.

To find out the registration number:

  • request an extract from the FSS office;
  • call the department of this body;
  • use an online resource.

How to view the insurance number online

To do this, follow this procedure:

  1. Go to the main page of the official FSS portal.
  2. Look for the "Help" link at the top next to the "Analytics" link.
  3. Find the item "Insured registration number by TIN".
  4. Enter the TIN and or only the TIN of the company or entrepreneur in the appropriate field.
  5. Click "Search".

If the company was registered with the FSS, then in a few seconds information about the number will appear.

To identify the branch of the Fund in which the person was registered, it is also worth using the website of the FSS of Russia.

On the portal, find the "Regional offices" tab. So you can open a large list of all available branches.

At the bottom of the page there is a window in which you need to enter. Next, click "Find". The required information will appear on the screen.

If you know the phone number or address of the social security office, look up the name of the authority on the list (this will take longer).

There are other sites besides the FSS portal where you can find the code. Basically they are all free. But there are also portals that offer services at certain rates.

If you decide to use the Contour Focus website to find out the FSS regnum by TIN, then you need to act like this:

If you go to the My Business Bureau website, then the scheme of actions will be as follows:

Let's present an example of a check on the SKRIN@ASTRAL portal. This service is suitable for those who have already registered on it and paid for access, since there is no demo version.

When clarifying the FSS number by TIN, you should go to the portal, click on the "Legal entities" tab. In the search engine, enter the TIN of the company. It would be enough. Click Find.

For example:

Information about companies that have ever been registered and had such a number will be reflected. The parent company will be first on the list. You can view details about it.

A symbolic traffic light will appear, indicating the reliability of the company. If the firm has questionable information, then the color will be yellow or red.

The first page does not contain information on registration with the FSS, but it can be found from the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Click on the required link or revise the existing one (Word format).

Quality information is also included.

If you are unable to obtain information on the TIN through some site, then use the following algorithm of actions:

If they answer you that there is a binding, then the fault is in software failures or the TIN was entered incorrectly.

Nuances for IP

Individual entrepreneurs apply to the FSS to obtain a registration number immediately after they conclude the first labor agreement with the employee.

If this obligation is ignored, sanctions will be applied. The fine increases every year.

Documents for registration:

  • an application drawn up according to an approved model (FSS employees in the office will help to fill it out);
  • drawn up in accordance with the rules established by law;
  • a document received at the bank, which confirms the presence;
  • a sample certificate that confirms the statement in the tax authority as a tax payer;
  • certificate confirming registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • employees that are officially registered.

All certificates must be certified by a notary public. Otherwise, they will not be accepted, which means, again, they may impose a fine for the delay in obtaining the registration number.

The same number is put down in the report sheets that are submitted for employees every quarter to the Social Insurance Fund.

Video: how to find out the registration number in the PFR system by TIN

But when searching for a registration number on Internet resources, it may turn out that such a requisite is not in the information base of the state body.

The reason of that:

  1. The payer registration process has not yet been completed and the number has not yet been assigned, or the information base is being updated (which is extremely rare).
  2. The entrepreneur has no employees.

And an individual entrepreneur should receive a number in the FSS only if:

  • citizens work for him;
  • he wants to receive sick leave.

The Social Insurance Fund was created in Russia to protect the population, and, if possible, to engage in recovery in every sense. Each company is required to make certain contributions for its employees. This allows you to accumulate certain amounts of money. To pay contributions, each entrepreneur and manager indicates a personal one, his company is assigned by the FSS itself.

The main component in any number is the digital combination. This designation was no exception to the rule:

  • The first four digits indicate in which region the insured is located.
  • The next digit is a code indicating the reason for the registration, with what status. If this is a three, then the number has been assigned.
  • The next four numbers hide the designation of the regional branch itself, where the procedure took place.
  • The last six numbers hide numbers unique for each entrepreneur, assigned separately to each client for identification.

Typically, registration numbers are written in messages sent to policyholders by the service itself. The issue contains information about which class of production risks in a particular case became the basis for determining the base rate, at which contributions are calculated and paid.

The number of the insured in the FSS: how to find it

When submitting reports, one of the mandatory requirements is the indication of the registration number. The number is written in certain columns. Usually, policyholders remember and know their details after they have completed the procedure. But if the need arises, you can find out the designation using several methods:

  • The easiest option is to get a special one after contacting the tax service
  • You can call the service by phone so that the number is dictated through it
  • Find out information easily using modern specialized services

We use Internet services to solve the problem

For example, the site egrul.nalog.ru can become an indispensable assistant. It allows you to generate an extract in electronic form. To do this, it is enough to enter in a special form assigned to the organization during registration.

The number in the FSS can be found out if it is known in advance. The entrepreneur needs to visit the official website of the bailiff service. The TIN of the organization is entered into the search and monitoring system. The necessary data is issued after just a few minutes. Any user will understand the query window, it does not contain any unnecessary and additional elements.

On the same website of the FSS, it is possible to issue statements in electronic form. The service is provided free of charge, but it takes up to 24 hours to generate certificates.

What should I do if I cannot find information on the TIN?

Usually this is possible only in two situations:

  • In this particular office, the numbering procedure itself has not yet been completed, or the database is in the process of being updated
  • In the case of an application by entrepreneurs with the status of an individual entrepreneur, and in the absence of employees

An individual entrepreneur is generally exempted from issuing a registration number in the FSS. This information is needed by people with this status only if:

  1. The entrepreneur officially took shape as an employer.
  2. There is a desire to receive cash payments in connection with motherhood, or due to the fact that legal capacity is temporarily lost for other reasons.

If an individual entrepreneur has hired employees, he is obliged to apply to the FSS for registration a maximum of 30 days from the moment at least one was concluded. After the registration was successful, the entrepreneur will easily find out his number.

Some Features

The FSS policyholder code and the so-called subordination code can be indicated in documents with a paper or electronic form. The subordination code is needed by organizations and entrepreneurs to send through special information channels called gateways. The main thing is that the information and the files that contain it are encrypted accordingly. This is necessary for the organization of competent protection.

You can contact the employees of the Social Insurance Fund itself to tell them how to find out any numbers if necessary. The presence of errors is unacceptable, and it is better to take care in advance that they do not appear. If at least one document in the number is mistaken, the opportunity to submit declarations and other types of documents within the appropriate period will disappear.

The subordination code itself is a designation consisting of five digits. This code is also assigned when a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur is registered. This designation will help you find out why exactly this or that insured was registered, and where it is located, in which the state registration procedure took place.

Write your question in the form below

All firms and individual entrepreneurs that make payments to individuals must have a registration number from the FSS. By TIN, it can be recognized in several ways. We will consider these methods, and also provide you with a convenient service for obtaining information about the number.

The registration number in the FSS is required when compiling the RSV and 4-FSS. It is indicated in the upper left corner of the forms. Our online services will automatically complete these reports. Try it for free.

To whom and how is the FSS registration number assigned

The legislation obliges employers who make payments to their employees to transfer contributions to the Fund for social pension and compulsory medical insurance (Article 2.3 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

To do this, the company must submit the necessary documents to the territorial division of the Fund no later than 3 working days from the date of making the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

For separate subdivisions, the deadline for submitting documents is no more than 30 calendar days from the moment they were created.

An individual entrepreneur is registered starting from the moment the contract (labor or GPC) is concluded with an individual, but no later than 30 calendar days.

During the registration procedure, the FSS registration number is assigned.

In table 1, we list the persons who may need the FSS number for the TIN.

Who pays

From what payments


  • Russian;
  • foreign, which are created in accordance with the legislation of their states;
  • international, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign and international, which are established on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • under agreements on the alienation of the exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity.

Individuals must be insured in accordance with the legislation on specific types of compulsory social insurance

Individual entrepreneurs (in particular, heads of peasant farms) lawyers, notaries

Individuals who are not recognized as entrepreneurs

  • produced within the framework of labor relations;
  • under GPC agreements, according to which individuals perform work or provide services.

In addition to payments to entrepreneurs, lawyers and notaries

Notaries, lawyers and other private practitioners, as well as heads of peasant farms

Paying dues for themselves

Find out the registration number in the FSS from the notification

Documentary confirmation of the registration of a company or individual entrepreneur in the Fund is a notification. It is issued without fail. The notification contains a number in the FSS:

Find out the FSS registration number by TIN online

The easiest way to find out the FSS registration number by TIN is to use a special online service from the Fund:

It is located at http://portal.fss.ru/. On the page, you need to open the "Help" tab and select "Reg. TIN number of the insured. Next, in the field that appears, enter the TIN and click "Search"

Apply for a registration number in the FSS

There is a situation when a company or individual entrepreneur for some reason has lost a notification or cannot find out the FSS registration number by TIN online. The absence of a number can be possible in two cases:

  • the registration procedure with the Fund has not yet ended or the database of policyholders is being updated;
  • when the individual entrepreneur did not at first have an employment relationship with individuals, did business on his own and was late with registration after concluding contracts with individuals.

In these cases, a paper request should be submitted to the territorial division of the Fund.

The request shall indicate the name of the policyholder, TIN, address of the policyholder and bring to the attention of the Fund the need to obtain a duplicate notice of registration or provide the FSS registration number.

The request can be sent by mail or courier service.

To reduce the time required to find out the registration number in the FSS, you can contact the branch in person or send a trusted person there. In the second case, the power of attorney must be signed by the director of the insured company.

After registering a company (organization) as a legal entity and registering with the tax authority, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure as an insurer in the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

Usually this procedure is performed automatically.

The tax organization, having completed the procedure for registering a legal entity as a taxpayer, sends all the necessary information about it to the social insurance fund, where the future insured is assigned an individual FSS registration number.

Assignment of the FSS registration number

The registration (identification) number of the FSS is used in order to make it more convenient to control how the employer performs his duties:

  • for the preparation and submission of reports to the tax authorities, the FIU, the Social Insurance Fund, etc.,
  • payment of assessed contributions to these funds.

The identification number must be indicated when filling out the forms of reporting documents manually and in electronic form in the appropriate column.

The registration number of the person paying insurance premiums is indicated when the employer fills out sheets of temporary disability (sick leave) before transferring them to the FSS for payment.

An identification number is required when making insurance payments to women who go on maternity leave, as well as those on parental leave.

Usually, only legal entities are registered with the FSS.

An individual entrepreneur who carries out his labor activity alone does not need to register and make contributions from his income to the social insurance fund, since he is not responsible for the life and health of other people.

The registration (identification) number of the FSS will be required if an individual entrepreneur decides to use the labor of hired workers.

Having concluded an agreement with the first of the employees, an individual entrepreneur must personally appear at the territorial (district) branch of the FSS with an application for registration.

An application for registration is also submitted if the individual entrepreneur concludes a civil law contract with an employee for the provision of services and the performance of seasonal work.

According to the FSS registration number, the employer pays contributions for life and health insurance of people working for him

Thus, it protects them from financial losses in the event of accidents during the performance of a production task.

Features of registration in the FSS of an individual entrepreneur

Unlike a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, hiring even just one employee, must, within ten days from the date of signing an employment contract with him, register and receive an FSS identification number.

This is regulated by the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation under No. 1054n, published on October 29, 2011.

The employer fills out a special application form (according to the approved form).

The following documents must be attached to it:

  1. A photocopy of the tax registration certificate;
  2. A photocopy of the certificate confirming the registration of an individual enterprise;
  3. Photocopies of work books of employees;
  4. Properly executed employment contracts with employees, in which there is a column "Insurance against accidents at work";
  5. Bank statement on opening a current account.

All submitted photocopies of documents must be notarized

If registration with the FSS was not made within the specified period, penalties are imposed on the employer:

  • when hiring workers under an employment contract - a fine of up to 20,000 rubles;
  • when drawing up a contract in a civil law form, for a delay in registration of up to 90 days, a fine in the amount of five thousand rubles is charged from the employer;
  • for a delay of more than 90 days, the employer is obliged to pay a fine in the amount of 10,000 or more rubles.

An individual entrepreneur who does not use hired labor in his work can voluntarily register with the social insurance fund and receive an FSS registration number.

At the same time, he will independently pay insurance premiums in case of temporary disability due to illness.

A woman - an individual entrepreneur, having an identification number of the FSS, and paying insurance premiums in a timely manner, can count on payment of maternity leave and parental leave.

The amount of the insurance premium for an individual entrepreneur in this case is calculated by the formula:

B \u003d 2.9% x (minimum wage) x12 (number of months in a year)

When changing the place of residence, it is necessary to visit the FSS branch at the new place of residence, having a passport with a new residence permit and a card with the registration number of the FSS, and apply for a transfer.

If an individual entrepreneur ceased his labor activity and deregistered from the tax register, he can go through the procedure for deregistration with the FSS.

To do this, you must submit the following documents within three days:

  1. A statement drawn up in a standard form;
  2. Certified photocopies of tax deregistration documents, work books of employees with a mark of dismissal, orders for the dismissal of employees, terminated employment contracts;
  3. A certificate from the tax office confirming that the entrepreneur has no tax arrears.

A maximum of 14 days is allotted for the deregistration procedure.

FSS registration number decoding

The FSS identification number consists of a certain combination of numbers:


  1. The first four digits (ХХХХ) are the code of subordination, denoting the region (subject of the federation) in which the insured lives.
  2. The next digit (3) contains the registration reason code. The number 3 means that an individual entrepreneur is registered.
  3. The next four digits (ХХХХ) designate the territorial (district) branch of the social insurance fund.
  4. The combination of the last six digits is the unique identification number of the policyholder.

The assigned FSS identification number is indicated in the notice, which is sent to the insured by mail.

It also contains information about the class of industrial risks, on the basis of which the tariff is determined for calculating the amount of the insurance premium for insurance against occupational diseases and accidents at the workplace.

The identification number is assigned once. It is not subject to change.

How to find out the identification number of the FSS by TIN?

If for any reason the policyholder has forgotten the FSS identification number, he can find it out at the local branch of the social insurance fund by calling there by phone or by contacting in person.

To do this, you must specify the checkpoint of the organization (code of the reason for tax registration) and the TIN number.

You can also find it out via the Internet by going to the FSS website and entering the TIN number in the search box

The identification number of the FSS can also be obtained by ordering an extract from the USRIP or USRLE.

In order to do this, it is not at all necessary to go to the registration authorities. To do this, just go to one of the sites involved in the provision of services of this kind. In most cases, extracts are provided free of charge. This takes a maximum of a day.

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