Ranking of universities of foreign languages. Linguistic universities in Russia


Despite the seeming unattractiveness of a purely humanitarian direction, education in the specialty "Linguistics" is in incredibly high demand. So, for example, in the ranking of the quality of admission to Russian state universities, the direction "Theoretical and Applied Linguistics" consistently falls into the top ten with an average USE score above 70. First of all, this situation is due to the fact that in this direction, as a rule, the best universities in Russia are preparing, studying in which is prestigious in itself.

Which linguistic universities in Moscow should be preferred to excellent students?

We have compiled a list of universities in Moscow (TOP-3), which you should try to enter if the results of the Unified State Examination are envious. A linguist diploma issued by such an educational institution will always be in price, and a good job will not be long in coming.

Best of the Best: Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

At Moscow State University, one can study as a linguist at two faculties: at the Faculty of Philology in the direction of "fundamental and applied linguistics" and at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies in the direction of "Linguistics" (at the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication).

Please note that the required USE results differ for these faculties of Moscow State University. If at the Faculty of Philology for the results of the Unified State Examination in Russian and a foreign language, the applicant is asked for results in mathematics (!), But at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, good results in history will come in handy, which can be much easier for "pure humanities". An additional entrance test, mandatory for all faculties of Moscow State University, is a written exam in a specialized foreign language.

However, the competition at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is much higher - 374 points out of 400 possible. Whereas at the Faculty of Philology for admission in 2011 to "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" it was necessary to score "only" 348 points out of 400 (on average, 200-300 applications are submitted for 20 budget places). A little higher was the competition for "Foreign Philology" - 353 points.

The prices for contract studies in the direction of "Linguistics" at Moscow State University are almost the same: at the Faculty of Philology, you will have to pay 270,500 rubles a year, and at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​- 275,000 rubles.

Fashionable: Russian State University for the Humanities

The diploma of a linguist, issued by the Russian State University for the Humanities, can also be called very prestigious. In addition, this linguistic university in Moscow trains both in the direction of "Linguistics" (5 budget places), and in the direction of "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" (12 budget places). The only problem, as it was easy to see, was the number of budget places and the resulting competition. In order to study at the RSUH as a linguist in 2011, applicants had to score 330 points out of 400 possible, and in the direction of "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" - 231 points.

However, education at the RSUH is much cheaper than at Moscow State University - 179,800 rubles a year, and if necessary, save money, you can try your hand at "Philology", where training, depending on the profile, costs from 123,200 to 139,200 rubles a year . In addition, the competition for "Philology" in this linguistic institute in Moscow is also much smaller: in order to enroll in one of the 42 state-funded places, an applicant in 2011 needed to score at least 222 points.

Profile: Moscow State Linguistic University

The most popular university in Russia, in which they "teach languages", for many years has been and remains the Moscow State Linguistic University - the leader in linguistic education in Russia. The quality of training specialists at this linguistic institute in Moscow has been tested for years, and the choice of language specialties and languages ​​proper will satisfy even the most demanding needs of a future linguist. So, for example, only within the framework of the "Linguistics" direction one can get many specializations: translation and translation studies, theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, theoretical and applied linguistics, etc.

The only problem is that it is not much easier to enter the Moscow State Linguistic University than to the Moscow State University - the average passing score of the Unified State Examination for faculties is 79.4. In the direction of "Linguistics" in total, 285 budget places were allocated by faculties in 2011 (average competition 8.61 people per place), and in the direction "Translation and Translation Studies" - 54 budget places (average competition 7.46 people per place) . The cost of training per year is 244,750 rubles.

The average passing score for various faculties of MSLU in the direction of "Linguistics" differs slightly:

Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez - 298 points

International Institute of Languages ​​of the CIS - 307 points

Faculty of Translation - 307 points

Faculty of Humanities and Applied Sciences - 282 points

For admission to MSLU in the Linguistics direction, an applicant will have to present excellent USE results in three subjects: Russian, a foreign language and history, as well as pass an additional test in English, German, French or Spanish (depending on the chosen direction). With rare exceptions, MSLU does not conduct additional tests for other areas, and you can be enrolled in the number of students directly based on the results of the Unified State Examination. But those who enter the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" will have to pass an assessment of the level of physical fitness - to pull themselves up and run for different distances.

What to do if the results of the Unified State Examination do not allow you to enter the TOP-3 linguistic universities in Moscow?

You can study as a linguist or philologist in less prestigious universities. For example, at the Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov, Moscow State Pedagogical University or Moscow State Regional University. At MRSU, students in the direction of "Linguistics" are taught at the Faculty of Linguistics and the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages. Here you can qualify as a teacher (English, German or French) or an interpreter (only English).

The competition and the passing score at MRSU are noticeably lower than at more eminent educational institutions (from 143 points in the Unified State Examination out of 300 possible for a German teacher to 231 for a translator). In addition, the applicant will not have to pass additional entrance tests: admission to the Moscow State Educational University is based on the results of the Unified State Examination in three subjects - Russian, history and a specialized foreign language. Paid training costs about 50,000 rubles a year.

What to do with a linguist diploma?

A diploma from a prestigious linguistic university in Moscow opens many doors for a graduate. Excellent Russian language and knowledge of at least two foreign languages, as well as deep knowledge of world culture and history, make such a specialist truly indispensable in many areas of activity.

Few remain in science, since it is much more profitable to use an impeccable knowledge of languages ​​in business. Connoisseurs of rare languages ​​are waiting for the position of representatives and managers for external activities in international companies. Graduates of linguistic universities with more common languages ​​become translators, teach in language centers or work as guides for foreign tourists. Even a beginner linguist with excellent knowledge of two foreign languages ​​can count on 70,000 rubles a month. Starting from the third or fourth year, many students of linguistics earn extra money as tutors. The income of students who have gained clientele can also approach 70,000 rubles per month.

In addition, paid linguistic education can be an excellent alternative to language courses, because with a reasonable choice of a linguistic university in Moscow, it can even be cheaper, and upon graduation, the student will receive not a certificate from some school, but a state diploma in linguist.

Veronica Gebrial

candidate of sociological sciences

The most important science in the world is linguistics, only she has no idea about it yet. There is nothing more important than language, because it is it that is the link between a person and the subtle world. In such processes as learning, creativity, thinking, feeling, the language our subconscious speaks to us largely determines the course and result of these processes.

Alexander Tikhomirov "Treatises"

Linguistic education in Russia has always been at the highest level - both during the Soviet era and in subsequent years. In Russia there are about 400 universities of a linguistic orientation. In terms of quality and level of education, linguistic universities are considered the best compared to others:

  • serious traditions of the Soviet school of teaching have been preserved;
  • linguistics is a stable science; in contrast to the technical sciences and the IT-sphere, the rules and teaching methods are updated quite rarely;
  • there is no need for a complex material and technical base.

We only then feel the charm of native speech,

when we hear it under strange skies.

Bernard Show

As is the case with other universities, the best education can be obtained in Moscow universities. But several regional universities also made it into the top ten. The first three places are occupied by the linguistic faculties of Moscow State University according to the ratings of the European Quality and 100 Best Russian Universities competitions.

Top 10 linguistic universities in Russia

  1. Higher School of Translation (Faculty of Moscow State University).
  2. Philological (Faculty of Moscow State University).
  3. Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies (Faculty of Moscow State University).
  4. Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Russian State University for the Humanities).
  5. Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic State University. Dobrolyubova.
  6. Institute of Language Communication and Philology, Siberian Federal University.
  7. Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University.
  8. Pyatigorsk Linguistic University.
  9. Irkutsk Linguistic University.
  10. Moscow Linguistic University.

The new Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) has defined as a mandatory 4-year study under the bachelor's program in the following areas of training:

  • translation studies and translation;
  • theory and methodological foundations of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures;
  • theory of the studied foreign language (or several languages);
  • theory of communication between different cultures;
  • learning foreign languages ​​and cultures of the countries in which they are native;
  • application of linguistics in electronic information systems.

Educational programs are regularly updated in terms of new information about the cultures of countries and changes in innovative technologies.

Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle hobby from nothing to do, but an urgent need.

A.I. Kuprin

The Russian language, history and philosophy are the basic subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle. Languages ​​and cultures of ancient peoples are variable. The basis of the natural science cycle is the linguistics of information technology. The basic subjects of the professional cycle are the same for all areas and are represented by the basics of linguistics, the study of one foreign language (the second is chosen by the student).

Linguistic professions have not lost their popularity, but have changed due to the requirements of the time and the development of IT technologies. New trends have emerged:

  • intelligent systems in linguistics;
  • applied linguistics.

Linguistic professions are extremely in demand in many areas: business, tourism, politics, economics, PR-industry. Linguistic education can be called universal. Linguists work in various fields: as teachers at school and university, translators in diplomatic missions and joint ventures, journalists, editors, writers, linguists in archaeological expeditions. World famous linguists discovered ancient civilizations: Maya - by Yuri Knorozov, Egyptian - by Jean Champollion.

Charles V, the emperor of Rome, used to say that it was proper to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with enemies, Italian with women. But if he knew the Russian language, then, of course, he would add that it is decent for them to speak with everyone, since he would find in him the splendor of Spanish, and the liveliness of French, and the strength of German, and the tenderness of Italian, and wealth, and strong depiction. Latin and Greek.

M.V. Lomonosov

The income of linguists is very high. In addition, there is such a nice bonus as traveling around the world as part of the profession.

MSLU - Moscow State Linguistic University(linguanet.ru)
(as part of MSLU)

IGUMO - Institute for Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies(igumo.ru)
Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​IGUMO
Training is conducted in the specialties: "Teacher", "Specialist in Intercultural Communication" and "Translator". Our main language is English, the most demanded in the current conditions; from the second year students study French or German by choice; from the third year - Spanish.

Foreign languages ​​at IGUMO are taught according to the classical scheme of a language university. Students receive knowledge in the field of linguistics and translation (oral and written, literary and technical).

Institute of Tourism, Moscow(intur.ru)
Faculty of Foreign Languages

Not to be confused with the former traditional Inyaz named after Maurice Thorez! They stole the name, but it's a pity!

MAI - Moscow Aviation Institute(mai.ru)
Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​MAI (mai.ru/colleges/ffl/)
created in 1998 as a response to new challenges of the global market environment of the Russian aerospace industry (fli.mai.ru)

MGTA - Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy(mgta.ru)
Faculty of Foreign Languages, Moscow State Technical University

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov(ffl.msu.ru)
Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies, Moscow State University

RosKnow - Russian New University(rosnou.ru/humanities/)
The Faculty of Humanitarian Technologies and Foreign Languages ​​was established at the end of 2007 on the basis of the faculties of the GMT and IYaIMKK

Training of specialists in five specialties (public relations, social work, teaching foreign languages, Russian language and literature, etc.):

  • Russian language and literature. Specializations: "Russian as a foreign language", "Practical journalism". Graduate qualification - teacher of Russian language and literature.
  • Translation and translation studies. Specializations: "Written translation", "Interpretation". Graduate qualification - linguist, translator.
  • Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures. Graduate qualification - linguist, teacher.

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