Remarque Erich Maria audiobooks. Erich Maria Remarque


Mar 03 2017

Name: All Quiet on the Western Front
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 160 kbps
Executor: Maxim Pinsker
Playing time: 08:37:04
Description: Once upon a time they were young men learning to live and think. They were torn out of their usual lives and thrown into the bloody mud of war. Now they are cannon fodder. Soldiers. And they learn to survive and not to think. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS will forever lie down on the fields of the First World War… Thousands of thousands of those who returned will still regret that they did not lie down with the dead…

Posted by at 21:08 Tagged with:

Mar 03 2017

Name: Return
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Yuri Zaborovsky
Playing time: 12:38:30
Description: Years of war hammered into them the concepts of honor, heroism, mutual assistance and survival. Yes, they are heroes - yesterday's schoolchildren, who became armed from school to defend the interests of the German nation. In one of the German military units on the Western Front, they learn about the revolution in Berlin. Councils of Soldiers' Deputies begin to form, but the main characters of the novel, ordinary soldiers - Ernst Birkholz, Jupp, Ferdinand Kosole, Adolf Bethke, Valentin Lager, Wesling, Tjaden, Willy, and even Lieutenant Ludwig Breyer - are alien to politics. They just want to go home to their families.

Posted by at 21:01 Tagged with:

Nov 19 2016

Name: Promised land
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 96 kbps
Executor: Egeny Ternovsky
Playing time: 11:12:17
Description: The last novel of the famous German anti-fascist writer, participant in the First World War, classic of world literature Erich Maria Remarque. Possibly the largest. Possibly the strongest. Perhaps - the most tragic ... "Perhaps" - because the novel was not finished: Remarque's death in 1970 interrupted work on it. A workbook called The Promised Land remained in the writer's archive.

Posted by at 12:20 Tagged with:

Jul 03 2016

Name: Shelter of dreams
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Playing time: 06:02:44
Description:"Shelter of Dreams" is a hospitable house of the artist in a provincial German town, its inhabitants are young people whose souls are beautiful and open, thoughts are pure, and hearts are full of hope. Having fallen in love for the first time, they will survive parting and betrayal, return to their loved ones again, and the old artist, leaving this world, bequeaths to them his love for life and art. They are so far from the ruined and humiliated Germany of the twenties.

Posted by at 12:43 Tagged with:

Jun 26 2016

Name: Gam
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Irina Erisanova
Playing time: 07:05:02
Description: The eternal search for oneself, the struggle with loneliness, the improvement of the soul - these are the goals that Remarque pursues, so successfully embodying his plans in the main character. She is a socialite who can drive mad and instantly turn the head of any man in any status. This gift was given to her by nature and she skillfully uses it to obtain material benefits.

Posted by at 13:38 Tagged with:

Apr 28 2016

Name: A time to live and a time to die
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Maxim Sergeev
Playing time: 12:49:55
Description:“And everything is blooming in front of us, everything is burning behind us ... No need to think, the one who will decide everything for us is with us!”
But what do you do if you can't stop thinking? What if you are not capable of becoming a miserable cog in a monstrous war machine?
Behind is the hell of scorched countries. Ahead - the dirt and blood of the Second World War. "Time to die" seems to have no end. How many will crawl to the “time to live”? ..

Posted by at 12:50 Tagged with:

Apr 03 2016

Name: life on loan
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Konstantin Karasik
Playing time: 09:45:01
Description: Race car driver Clairfe came to Switzerland to visit an old friend. Here he introduces Lillian, who is mortally ill. Life is on loan, when you do not regret anything, because, in essence, there is nothing to lose. This is love on the verge of doom. This is luxury on the verge of ruin. The future is not. Death is not a word.

Posted by at 23:23 Tagged with:

Apr 03 2016

Name: Shadows in Paradise
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 64 kbps
Executor: Valery Saberov
Playing time: 19:57:48
Description: They entered the American paradise like shadows. People burned by the fires of World War II. Fugitives from all over Europe who have lost their past. A neurotic beauty fashion model and a cynical, hard-drinking writer. Stupid actress and brilliant surgeon. A desperate hero of the Resistance and a poignantly optimistic businessman. What can be common for such different people? The fragility of the ridiculous emigrant life. And the holy hope of someday returning home ...

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The book is a great power.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

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Many thousands of years ago, in the hands of the best representatives of mankind, the book became one of the main weapons of their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this weapon that gave these people terrible strength.

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The book is a tool. But not only. It introduces people to the life and struggle of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

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Those who were not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

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Books are the spiritual testament of one generation to another, the advice of a dying old man to a young man who begins to live, an order transmitted by sentries going on vacation to sentries who take his place.

Without books, human life is empty. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

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The book is a powerful tool of communication, labor, struggle. It equips man with the experience of the life and struggle of mankind, expands his horizon, gives him knowledge with which he can make the forces of nature serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet teacher and innovator.

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexei Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Don't forget that the most colossal tool of all-round education is reading.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading there is no real education, there is not and cannot be any taste, or a word, or a multilateral breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to the whole university. Reading man survives centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

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11/24/2014 admin

"The Return" is an audiobook based on the novel by the German classic writer Erich Maria Remarque.
In the novel "Return" Remarque again refers to the theme of the fate of the "lost generation". Old, old song: "When you get home, soldier..." And then what? And then the country is in ruins. And then - crisis, poverty, despair of some - and frenzied, hysterical fun of others. And money, money. Where to get money? Love? Are you kidding me! Decency? Outdated word! Every man for himself. Everyone survives alone... Erich Maria Remarque's audiobook "Return" was voiced by Yuri Zaborovsky.

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11/30/2013 Admin

Station on the Horizon is an audiobook based on the 1927 novel by German classical writer Erich Maria Remarque.
The main theme of the novel “Station on the Horizon” is races and competitions, but the aristocratic stately life and love flirting serve as a backdrop for them. Racing drivers are the idols of secular beauties. Men who live on adrenaline, who earn big money and risk their lives. But in reality, behind the helmets of the “kings of racing” are the tired faces of the classic representatives of the “lost generation”, who never managed to recover from the nightmare of the First World War. “Station on the Horizon” is an early novel by Erich Maria Remarque, in which the writer only gropes for the main themes that have become key in his work.

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11/30/2013 Admin

Gam is an audiobook based on the 1924 novel by German classic writer Erich Maria Remarque.
In her most exotic novel (set in Paris, Singapore, Vietnam, and Luxor), Erich Maria Remarque describes in detail social receptions and luxurious interiors. But they are just a backdrop for the eternal "Remarque" themes: loneliness, the search for meaning and the unquenchable spark of life. “Gam” is a beautiful young woman who drives any man crazy with just a look or gesture, be it an Austrian count, a Parisian clerk or a rich Creole. Beautiful and free, she appears in different parts of the world, hoping to find the only wealth that is inaccessible to her - love ...

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11/30/2013 Admin

“Love thy neighbor” is an audiobook based on the novel by the German classical writer Erich Maria Remarque.
The novel “Love thy neighbor” tells about German emigrants who were forced to wander around pre-war Europe. They are hiding, starving, secretly crossing borders, many of them have relatives and friends in concentration camps. Having lost their homeland, having lost their usual way of life and being exposed to mortal danger, Remarque's heroes still find the strength for compassion, love and hope.

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04/12/2013 Admin

“Three Comrades” is an audiobook based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque, one of the most famous works about friendship, love and the beauty of human relationships, published in 1936.
Thirty-year-old Robert Lokamp and his front-line friends Gottfried Lenz and Otto Kester own a small car repair shop. Joint business brings them a small income, which is quite enough for a comfortable existence. In their free time, devoted friends also do not part with each other, they sit over a portion of rum in their favorite bar, trying together to cope with obsessive memories of the war they experienced. This continues until Robbie meets the stunning girl Patricia Holman (Pat)...

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04/11/2013 Admin

The Black Obelisk is an audiobook based on the novel by the talented German writer Erich Maria Remarque, published in 1956.
The novel “The Black Obelisk” continues the theme of the “lost generation” - soldiers who returned from the First World War, begun by Remarque in the novels “All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Return”, “Three Comrades”.
The protagonist of the novel, Ludwig Bodmer, returning home from the front, is trying to find his place in civilian life - so unusual and difficult for a former soldier. This is a difficult period between the two world wars, the period of the birth of fascism. There is a crisis in the country, hyperinflation reigns. What will help you survive in this terrible time? Of course, friendship, love, irony, and ... work. Even if you work for a company that manufactures and sells tombstones…

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04/11/2013 Admin

The Spark of Life is an audiobook based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque, published in 1952.
The action of the novel “Spark of Life” takes place in the Nazi concentration camp “Mellern”, where prisoners die of hunger, bullying and exhaustion. Those who remained alive did not have the slightest hope of liberation, constant torment and torture deprived them of the chances for a future life. But many of them still believe in a miracle, a small spark of life still glimmers in them - very weak, but inextinguishable. A spark of life that gives them the strength to smile at the threshold of death. A spark of light in pitch darkness...
Erich Maria Remarque dedicated the novel “Spark of Life” to his sister Elfriede, who was executed by the Nazis in 1943.

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04/11/2013 Admin

“Arc de Triomphe” is an audiobook based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque, which was published in the USA in 1945 and quickly became a bestseller.
Paris, 1939 The protagonist of the novel “Arc de Triomphe” is a refugee from Germany, a talented surgeon Ravik (his pseudonym), as well as many other emigrants, found refuge in a foreign and inhospitable, but still safe France. He has neither documents nor a work permit, but after all the horrors of the concentration camp he experienced, his current life seems quite tolerable to him, he feels he has enough strength to overcome difficulties. One night, he accidentally meets a young actress, Joan Madu...


Three Comrades (Erich Maria Remarque)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Erich Maria Remarque
Release year: 2005
Genre: World Classics
Publisher: Soyuz Publishing House. Moscow
Artist: Maxim Pinsker
Duration: 16:50:05
Description: The novel "Three Comrades" by Erich Maria Remarque, published in 1937, is the final part of the trilogy, which the author dedicated to the First World War and the theme of the "lost generation" - the fate of soldiers who went through the war (the first two books: "All Quiet on the Western Front", "Return". The main characters of all three novels, having returned from the war, are trying, each in their own way, to solve the problem of finding themselves among the political and economic devastation of post-war Germany. Remarque considers the war and its consequences as a life catastrophe not only for individuals, but for everything people in general, trying to find answers to the age-old questions of mankind about life and death, good and evil, love and friendship.
Add. Information: Translation from German: Isaac Schreiber.
The novel was read without abbreviations.
In distribution there are all 2 disks.


Three Comrades (Erich Maria Remarque)

Author: Erich Maria Remarque
Release year: 2014

Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Igor Petrov
Duration: 17:27:39
Description: The novel "Three Comrades" by the famous German writer, classic of world literature E.M. Remarque (1898 - 1970) tells about the tragic fate of German soldiers who returned from the fields of the First World War, about the so-called "lost generation", disappointed in bourgeois values ​​and striving to find support in front-line camaraderie, strong male friendship and true love. In the novel, the last of...


Three comrades (Remarque Erich Maria)

Format: audiobook, AAC, 128 Kbps
Author: Remarque Erich Maria
Release year: 2005
Genre: Romance
Publisher: "SOYUZ"
Artist: Maxim Pinsker
Duration: 16:50:05
Description: Germany after World War I. Economic crisis. The crippled destinies of people and their souls. As one of the heroes of the novel says, "we live in an era of despair."
Add. Information: Breakdown into parts: yes Breakdown into chapters: yes
Embroidered covers: yes
Musical accompaniment: no MP3 version: Overview | Information | Chapters


Three Comrades (Erich Maria Remarque)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Erich Maria Remarque
Release year: 2013
Genre: Classical prose, novel
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 18:19:06
Description: Thirty-year-old Robbie Lokamp and his front-line friends Lenz and Kester run a small car repair shop. A joint business brings a small income, which, however, is quite enough for a comfortable existence. In their free time, friends also do not part with each other, trying together to cope with the memories of the war they experienced. Most often, they are helped in this by a good ...


Three Comrades (Erich Maria Remarque)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Erich Maria Remarque
Release year: 2003
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Snegiri
Artist: Vladimir Antonik
Duration: 16:15:00
Description: The novel "Three Comrades" by Erich Maria Remarque, published in 1937, is the final part of the trilogy, which the author dedicated to the First World War and the theme of the "lost generation" - the fate of the soldiers who went through the war (the first two books: "All Quiet on the Western Front "- the original name is "Im Westen nichts Neues"; "Return" - "Der Weg zurück"). The main characters of all three novels, returning from the war, try, each ...


Three comrades (Remarque Erich Maria)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Remarque Erich Maria
Release year: 2014
Genre: foreign prose
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Ilya Zmeev
Duration: 17:41:31
Description: Thirty-year-old Robbie Lokamp and his front-line friends Lenz and Kester run a small car repair shop. A joint business brings a small income, which, however, is quite enough for a comfortable existence. In their free time, friends also do not part with each other, trying together to cope with the memories of the war they experienced. Most often, a good portion helps them in this ...


Three comrades (Remarque Erich Maria)

Release year: 2006
Genre: Audio performance
Publisher: LLC “BusinessSoft”
Artist: I. Vernik, Yu. Vasiliev, R. Kozak, A. Kamenkova, V. Innocent, R. Dubinsky, F. Mokeev, I. Zolotovitsky.
Duration: 03:06:00
Description: Thirty-year-old Robbie Lokamp and his front-line friends Lenz and Kester run a small car repair shop. A joint business brings a small income, which, however, is quite enough for a comfortable existence. In their free time, friends also do not part with each other, trying together to cope with the memories of the war they experienced. Most of the time you help...


Erich Maria Remarque - Three Comrades

Type: audiobook
Genre: novel
Author: Erich Maria Remarque
Artist: Vladimir Antonik
Playing time: 16 hours 15 minutes
Publisher: abooks
Release year: 2003
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 156
Description: The novel "Three Comrades" is dated 1938. This is one of Remarque's most famous novels, beloved by more than one generation of young people included in the Golden Fund of World Literature of the 20th century. The book tells about the so-called "lost generation", disillusioned with bourgeois values. The main characters are trying to survive, to establish themselves in the cruel world of pre-fascist Germany and find support in strong male friendship, and that's right...


Type: audiobook
Genre: Modern prose
Author: Erich Maria Remarque
Publisher: SOYUZ
Release year: 2005
Artist: Maxim Pinsker
Playing time: 16 hours 50 minutes.
Audio: MP3
Description: Thirty-year-old Robbie Lokamp and his front-line friends Lenz and Kester run a small car repair shop. A joint business brings a small income, which, however, is quite enough for a comfortable existence. In their free time, friends also do not part with each other, trying together to cope with the memories of the war they experienced. Most often, they are helped in this by a good portion of rum in their favorite ...


Two comrades. Hat (Vladimir Voinovich)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Author: Vladimir Voinovich
Release year: 2002
Genre: contemporary fiction, satire
Publisher: studio "ARDIS"
Artist: Alexey Rossoshansky
Duration: 08:39:00
Description: Voinovich's stories are only fragments of our life, but how bright they are!
Everything is here: joy and despair, love and separation, resentment and hope. And the author's trademark is an all-conquering satire. The story "Two Comrades" and the story "Hat" are a continuation of the best traditions of Russian satirical literature (Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Bulgakov), embodied in the style of modern social accusatory ...


Three lines about joy, three lines about sadness (Klimkovich Sergey)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Klimkovich Sergey
Release year: 2013
Genre: Love story
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Nenarokomova Tatiana
Duration: 20:42:47
Description: "He defines the genre of his books as "literature about life." Sergei believes that Belarusian readers are hungry for simple stories with a love canvas that is not filled with bloody intrigue. His works successfully combine detective story, melodrama, historical novel. But more precisely, perhaps, the definition of Klimkovich himself, given by him in the preface to the last novel “Three lines about joy ...

but I

Three meters above the sky 1. Three meters above the sky (Mocchia Federico)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Federico Moccia
Release year: 2018
Genre: Foreign prose
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Kitel Michael
Duration: 10:39:42
Description: Two people met on the street - Babi and Step. Babi is an excellent student, the girls of her circle wear Onyx and talk about the latest fashion trends. Step is a guy from a street gang, during the day he sits with his friends in a bar or presses weights in the gym, and in the evenings he rushes around the city on a motorcycle or chases balls in a billiard room. They are from different worlds, but they fell in love with each other. Now Babi's parents don't even recognize him, and Step suddenly discovers a quality in himself...


Three (Sarah Lotz)

ISBN: 978-5-9910-2868-4, 978-966-14-7040-7, 978-0-3162-4290-5
Format: FB2, EPUB, OCR without errors
Author: Sarah Lotz
Release year: 2014
Publisher: Book club "Club of family leisure". Kharkiv, Book Club "Family Leisure Club". Belgorod
Genre: Fantasy, Thriller
Russian language
Number of pages: 496
Description: January 12, 2012 was called Black Thursday for a reason. On this day, four passenger planes crashed one after another! Within a few hours, thousands of families lost loved ones. The causes of the accidents have not yet been established. It is amazing that in three crashes, three children were lucky enough to survive ...


Three sisters (A.P. Chekhov)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 128kbps
Author: A.P. Chekhov
Year of release: 1948
Genre: Play
Publisher: SiDiKom
Artist: Artists of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky (see below)
Duration: 02:49:50
Description: The Prozorov sisters (Olga, Masha and Irina) yearn in one of the provincial towns of the Russian province, where a military garrison is temporarily located. Against the backdrop of this immense provincial boredom, the relationship between the middle of the sisters - Masha and officer Vershinin, the youngest - Irina and Baron Tuzenbakh, unfolds. Masha will never find her happiness, Irina will lose her beloved forever. The regiment leaves the city. Ste...


Three days (Bernhard Schlink)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Bernhard Schlink
Release year: 2012
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Tfile Au-books
Artist: Mila Kun
Duration: 07:06:56
Description: A new novel by Bernhard Schlink - the author of the famous "Reader" - tells about the first three days at liberty of a German terrorist, one of the leaders of the ultra-left extremist organization "Red Army Faction" (RAF), which is on for almost three decades waged an "urban guerrilla war" against the state. First...


Three Old Women (Oleg Bogaev)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Bogaev Oleg
Release year: 2013
Genre: Cinema for the ears
Publisher: Lev Razboev iCompany
Artist: Lev Razboev iCompany
Duration: 01:54:47
Description: Bronze medalist of the New York International Festival of Radio Programs (New York Festivals World's Best Radio Programs™ 2014) Dedicated to Cinema Day, Radio Day and Victory Day... It's not scary at all.
Add. Info: The project was conceived and implemented with...

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