Rapper Seryoga: "Black Boomer" wrote on the bet. The famous Russian rapper Seryoga, having lost weight and pumped up, has changed beyond recognition Seryoga instagram

Sergey Parkhomenko, better known to the general public as rapper Seryoga, was born in the Republic of Belarus on October 8, 1976. Seryoga spent his childhood and school years in his hometown Gomel. After school, Sergei entered the university, where he studied for almost two years, after which he went to Germany for further education.

In Germany, Seryoga devoted five years of study to the study of such disciplines as economics and political science. In parallel with his studies, he was fond of writing songs and music. Such a hobby led to the fact that Sergey began to look for like-minded people among his friends and acquaintances to create a joint creative musical union.

Creativity Seryoga

In Germany, Sergey's first rap track was recorded together with the German artist Azad. After graduating from his studies, Sergey returned to his homeland with the conviction to continue the path of a rap artist. Already in 2003, a rather well-known song was recorded in the musical arsenal of Sergei Parkhomenko - “Ruined Lyalya”. In the winter of 2004, Seryoga first appears on Ukrainian television. In the same year, Seryoga released an album called “My Yard: Weddings and Funerals”, which very quickly conquered the Ukrainian and Belarusian music markets, and soon appeared in Russia under the slightly changed name “My Yard. Sports ditties.

The famous "Black Boomer"

The year 2004 in the life of the singer Seryoga became significant due to such an event as the creation of the famous hit "Black Boomer", which was not heard except by the deaf, and the recording of a video clip for this musical composition in Kiev.

The song "Black Boomer" with its appearance on radio stations and music channels produced the effect of an exploding bomb, its popularity was so great that it was quickly nominated for the MTV Russian Music Awards in two categories at once. In 2006, one of the well-known musical compositions of rapper Seryoga appeared on TV channels and radio stations under the name "Chalk of Destiny" ("Tamerlane's Song"), which was recorded for the movie "Day Watch", which was very popular in those years. Seryoga is known not only to people who are interested in musical novelties and rap compositions, but also to a large number of fans of the GTA 4 computer game, in which Seryoga's songs such as Liberty City: The Invasion and King Ring were performed. In 2010, Sergey first tried himself as a jury member in the well-known TV project "X-factor Ukraine", where he also happened to take on the duties of producer of the musical team "Collectives", in 2011 the team "Over twenty-five", in 2012 - the team "Guys", and in 2013 a team called "Girls". Over the long years of his creative musical journey, Seryoga managed to work with quite famous performers, such as Bianca, St1m, Satsura, Max Lawrence and some others. In his musical career, significant changes are currently taking place regarding the style of performance and the image of the singer himself. Seryoga's texts become more mature and meaningful than at the beginning of the singer's career.

Internal changes in Seryoga have also received their external reflection - the singer is gradually changing the style of clothing, removing some tattoos and is seriously interested in sports. After the creative crisis of 2012-2013, Seryoga returns to the music industry again to prove to the fans of his work that he does not intend to give up and is full of strength for new victories and creating new musical masterpieces. In early autumn 2014, Seryoga plans to release an album called "50 SHADES OF GRAY", which will contain songs with a specific emotional background and a special deep meaning from the "reborn" Seryoga. In addition to the career of a rap artist, Seryoga also tries himself as a movie actor. Almost simultaneously with the release of the musical album "50 SHADES OF GRAY", viewers will be able to get acquainted with the film "Gaggio" (in gypsy "alien"), where Seryoga will play the main role.

Seryoga's personal life

At the moment, the performer Seryoga is officially in the status of “not married”, but behind him there is one unfinished marriage with the famous model Daimy Morales. The fact that Seryoga is not married does not prevent him from being a happy father of two sons Mark (born in 2009) and Plato (born in 2011) from his Ukrainian girlfriend Polina.

All residents of Russia at least once in their lives heard the once fashionable track of the Belarusian rapper Seryoga "Black Boomer" and probably remember how the cheerful artist looked. After the fame that came to him, the 37-year-old Seryoga, whose real name is Sergey Parkhomenko, disappeared from the stage for some time and returned in a new unrecognizable image: the artist lost a lot of weight, pumped up his muscles and, oddly enough, began to look gloomy and aged. By the way, now his pseudonym sounds like Seryoga.

After his return, the singer released several clips for new songs at once, which are not distinguished by their former cheerfulness.

"Sorry. I suddenly realized today that I owe you. I owe it to those who love me. Just like that, not for something, but because. I owe you. Tem. Invisible, nameless, anonymous, who sincerely desired my return. To those who sent me rays of warmth every day all this time. People on the street. To those who came up to me and said: when will you return, Grey? Forgive me for being different. I understand that an artist should entertain. I can't. I only write songs when it hurts. Don't listen to new songs. I just don't know how else to get rid of the pain. That's how songs are written. Your C, ”Sergey turned to his fans with a frank message.

On his Instagram, the rapper shares new pictures that clearly demonstrate that not only Seryoga's work has changed, but also his appearance. The artist lost weight, pumped up and began to look much older.

Rapper Serega literally disappeared from the field of view of journalists. Meanwhile, it turned out that the artist was close. took care of his appearance. changed beyond recognition, and broke up with his wife. The once popular performer of the hit "Black Boomer" admitted in an interview that he left his family in Kyiv and moved to Moscow.

Sergei Parkhomenko (real name Seryoga) today is not only a songwriter and performer, but also a successful businessman, whose office is located on the 61st floor of one of the Moscow City towers. After several years of being in the shadows, the singer appeared in the starry sky under the new pseudonym Polygraph SharikOFF. Sergey's stage image has been updated: now this is not a simple kid from the district in a cap, but a pumped-up brutal man with a piercing look.


However, the artist himself does not hide that he still has something to work on. Serega has a problem with controlling his own anger. " I have a hard time controlling my anger and this is a real problem.. My relationships with women would have been better if I hadn't been so direct and blunt. And in this sense, honestly, really envy the henpecked! Sometimes it’s worth not noticing female stupidity, not responding to an offensive word, to forgive the lack of attention and unwillingness to understand you. But I can't be different. And it probably never will. I hope that the sons in this sense did not go to me, "the artist expressed hope.

Perhaps it was precisely because of incontinence that Seryoga broke up with his wife Polina. Serega himself said that the relationship did not work out due to mutual misunderstanding. " We rubbed each other for a long time, tried to somehow get along, but then we realized that we are different people, and now we live not just in different houses - in different countries. I see my children regularly, but not as often as I would like. They are more comfortable living with their mother in Kyiv, and my whole life is now mainly concentrated in Moscow," Telenedelya quotes Seryoga.

Despite many kilometers of distance, the rapper tries to take an active part in raising his sons: six-year-old Mark and five-year-old Plato. Serega believes that children should develop diversified. Therefore, Mark and Plato go to kindergarten with in-depth study of the English language, in addition, they are actively involved in sports. " Swimming, chess and boxing are three pillars on which, in my opinion, the sports education of boys should be based. They learned to swim and continue to go to the pool, we already play chess with them, but it's too early for boxing. Although I sometimes show the guys some separate tricks, strikes and I see that they are interested in it," said Parkhomenko.

In the early 2000s, this hit sounded from every stall. Now there is not even a “shabby golden tooth” left of the “boy in a fashionable cap”. The frail performer has turned into a brutal fitness trainer, helping the participants in the reality show "Weighted People" on the STS channel to lose weight. The artist told "SV" about how the fate of that very "boomer" turned out, about a radical change in work and why sugar is more harmful than alcohol

Such a kid once, "smiling, started the engine," and now he himself has turned into a "sports car." Photo: Larisa Kudryavtseva.


We sit down at the cafe table. Sergey orders two cappuccinos and, looking with bright blue eyes, says: “Let's start! I have a plane to Sochi in a couple of hours.” They shoot "Weighted People". Let's start the conversation. Carefully! I was warned that the character of the hero is explosive. An awkward question - and either he will send him to distant distances, or he will get up and leave.

- Sergey, why did you suddenly turn from a rapper into a fitness trainer?

It's all nonsense. I am no coach. For example, in the “Weighted People” project, I am a senior friend, guide, mentor - anyone, but not a coach.

- What's wrong with the usual name of the profession?

I'll tell you what I mean. I have so much energy that it is looking for an outlet in different forms. All my roles exist in parallel. And there are many. Most people just don't see it or don't want to see it. For the last two or three years, I have been actively reading scientific literature, getting myself and others in shape, learning to eat right, developing personal training, and at the same time songs, albums, and videos were born.

What does Seryoga look like now. Photo: vk.com/seryogamusic

- Participants of the "Weighted people" call you none other than Prometheus. Why?

Do not take everything I say as the ravings of an urban madman, but for many centuries we have strived to be like Prometheus. The same cousin of Zeus, who stole fire from the gods from Olympus and transferred it to people. In the show, I was given this nickname because I don't divide people into weak and strong. If you set tasks correctly and distribute the load, the weak can become strong and reach the goal faster than they think. If you give him the very "divine fire".

- Did someone help you from a spark to kindle a flame?

- Creative individuals themselves look for this fire in themselves, processing any experience into songs, drawings, poems ...

And they find it when they create great creations. But after the creations appear to the world, the divine remains divine, and man again becomes man. And his consciousness sits on a painful twine. You need to come to terms with the fact that on the one hand you are great, you can do a lot, on the other hand, you are insignificant and weak. You need to eat, admit to yourself that you are getting old. I felt this Prometheus drama firsthand after I wrote Black Boomer.


- It was a cool car. I wonder where that “black boomer” from the clip is now?

Seems to have rotted away somewhere in a landfill. This is a '91 car, and it's unlikely to run.

- Why did you decide to dedicate a song to her?

We were sitting in the kitchen with the wonderful Belarusian musician Stanislav Satsura (he, by the way, like me, from Gomel) and we had, so to speak, an act of creativity.

- Sergey, children read us!

It's about something else! Something came out of nothing. In that year, the film of the wonderful director Pyotr Buslov "Boomer" was released, and the waves from it diverged everywhere. I felt them. There was an idea that you can come up with an appropriate song, and it will bring success. He said to Stas: “I bet I’ll write a song, it will be called“ Black Boomer ”and will blow everyone up!” And so it happened.

- Well, did you drive a Boomer? The film featured the "seven" BMW, if I'm not mistaken.

No. But there was another model - BMW-850. And now I have an Aston Martin. Always gravitated towards the British classics. In everything. They have the best sense of style.

At first there was a simple Seryoga, then it became SERYOGA, then you got tired of solo swimming and you organized the Gnu Shoes group. But most of all questions are raised by another image of yours - Polygraph SharikOFF. Do you identify yourself with the character of Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog"?

Are you surprised? And do you know that I would have been if I had not been so deep and serious (winks). Polygraph SharikOFF - this one has never been a rap. This is a different genre. These are funny songs to the accordion, chanson, urban romance - in general, there is music that the parents of those who listen to rap love.

Small homeland


- Let's return to "Weighted people". The heaviest of them is in your team. He weighs 250 kilograms. Is it much more difficult for him than for others?

Yes. At this weight, it is generally dangerous to live. The metabolism is not active. It hurts to walk, breathe, urinate. This guy might wake up one day, get out of bed and hurt himself. There is practically no chance of surviving to forty years.

- Passions what! Is there a product that can completely ruin it?

Any nutritionist will say that sweets are not allowed, but I will answer: you can. True, we need to understand what we mean by this concept. Sugar does not equal sweet. Sugar was invented by man. This is a product of industrial production, which is not absorbed by the body. Cause of disease, aging, early care. Sugar is much more harmful than alcohol. Eat fruits, natural honey, and they will provide you with that sweet taste that leads to the release of dopamine, endorphin or serotonin. Clean water, of course, should be drunk. I recommend at least two liters a day. Apart from food. On the other hand, ask yourself the question: are you happy? If so, then no matter how harmful you live, do not change anything in your life! “Whoever is happy is right,” said Leo Tolstoy. Let's trust the classics.

- Do you miss your native Gomel?

I left there over twenty years ago. A lot has changed since then. Now Gomel is a children's country for me. Small, fabulous. It was a completely different person. He resembles me only in his eyes, but he lived and trembled differently. It's a memory that I can easily let go of, because during this time I have become a man of the world, for whom the planet is so small that cities seem like separate rooms and countries like corridors. My home is everywhere. I do not want to be attached to either the city or the country. Credit card, passport, that's all I need.


Sergey Parkhomenko was born in 1976 in Gomel in a family of engineers. He studied for two years at the Gomel State University named after Francysk Skaryna and went to study political science and economics in Germany. The first album "Ruined Lyalya" was released in 2003 in Russia and Belarus. The hit "Black Boomer" was released in 2004 and immediately became the leader of the charts. The songs "Near Your House" and "The Chalk of Destiny, or Tamerlane's Song" were included in the Day Watch soundtrack. He performed under the pseudonyms Seryoga, Seryoga and Polygraph SharikoOFF, as the leader of the Wildebeest Shoes project. He starred in the films "Election Day", "Give Youth!" and others. Three-time winner of the Golden Gramophone award. Was married three times. Two sons: 9-year-old Mark and 6-year-old Plato.

Performer Seryoga is a bright representative of the hip-hop industry. In the mid-2000s, his tracks were played at all school discos in the country, and the clips, one after another, fell into the rotation of leading music television channels. Sergey Vasilyevich Parkhomenko was born on October 8, 1976 in the Belarusian city of Gomel. Parkhomenko did not talk about childhood and family in any of the interviews. In fact, the rapper's biography is one big white spot.

It is only known for certain that the singer graduated from school with a silver medal and, in addition to secondary education, has an unfinished musical education in piano. After studying for two years at the Gomel State University named after Francysk Skorina, he went to study in Germany, where he studied economics and political science for five years, but failed to get a diploma.

His passion for rap prevented him from becoming a qualified specialist. It was in Germany that Parkhomenko, with the support of Azad, recorded his first track "2 Kaiser", for which a video was later shot. Sergey returned to his homeland with the conviction to continue the path of a hip-hop artist.


In the winter of 2004, Parkhomenko first appeared on the Ukrainian TV channel M-1. In the same year, the rapper released an album called "My Yard: Weddings and Funerals", which very quickly conquered the music market in Belarus and Ukraine. The same album with a slightly modified title (“My Yard: Sports Ditties”) was also published in Russia. Video clips were shot for the title tracks of the disc “Doll”, “Ruined Lyalya” and “Black Boomer”.

The song "Black Boomer" with its appearance on radio stations produced the effect of an exploding bomb. The track was nominated for the MTV Russian Music Awards in two categories at once: "Best Hip-Hop Project" and "Best Debut of the Year". The composition became the leader of the charts of music TV channels (Muz-TV, MTV) and radio stations (Dynamite FM, Russian Radio, Europe Plus).

In 2005, his no less successful album "Discomalaria" was released with the title track "Near Your House". It is authentically known that the track "Discomalaria" sounded in the movie "Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon", but the single is not in the official list of soundtracks. At the beginning of 2006, Seryoga's video "Chalk of Destiny" ("Song of Tamerlane") was released. The composition was written specifically for the film "Day Watch".

In 2007, under the pseudonym Ivanhoe, he released the disc “Not for Sale”, and in 2008 the albums “Chronicle of a Boy from the Gomel Streets” and “About Fashionable Girls and Unfashionable Boys”. The tracks "Kruzhim", "Aggrobabruisk" and "The show must go on" were especially loved by the listeners. Few people know, but Seryoga became the first artist to officially receive permission to borrow a sample of the song "The Show Must Go On" by Queen with vocals.

Parkhomenko is known both to fans of recitative and to fans of computer games. Grand Theft Auto IV featured the artist's songs "Liberty City: The Invasion" and "King Ring". In 2010, Sergei tried on the role of a jury member. In the musical show "X-factor (Ukraine)" he not only evaluated the performances, but also was the producer of the musical categories ("Teams", "Over twenty-five", "Guys", "Girls").

At various times, a singer, TV presenter, journalist, singer, former member of the Pair of Normals and others also participated in this project.

Serega on the jury of the show "X-factor"

After the creative crisis of 2012-2013, the rapper returned to the musical Olympus and in the fall of 2014 released the disc "50 Shades of Grey", showing everyone that he was full of strength for new victories and achievements. Clips were shot for five tracks from the album (“Lut”, “Your Favorite Clown”, “My Rider”, “Killing Me Softly”, “50 Shades of Grey”). The internal changes of the performer are clearly visible in the album with the telling title "Phoenix" (2015).

In September 2015, Seryoga presented his new musical project "Polygraph SharikoOFF". The first singles "Charisma" and "White Cocoa" found a response in the hearts of the listeners, and the provocative clip "Only Sex", released on the eve of March 8, became viral in no time. In May 2016, a video clip was shot for the song "Roof", in which the performer of the hit "There were dances" took part. In September of the same year, "Polygraph SharikoOFF" revealed to the world its new creation - the song "Gelik Vani".

In April 2017, the singer shot a video for the song "Antifreeze", in which he criticized many representatives of the domestic hip-hop industry. The rapper saw references to his works in the composition. After the premiere of the video, Vasily Vakulenko published a post on his Twitter, in which he called Seryoga a “Belarusian broom” and harshly walked through his work.

In the social network "VKontakte" the performer of the hit "Black Boomer" left a message to the beatmaker. In it, a man offered a colleague to resolve the conflict at Versus Battle. Noggano ignored Parkhomenko's invitation and, in his usual manner, turned everything into a joke.

During his career, Serega managed to work with rappers ST, SD, Steam, singer Rea and Belarusian representatives of the R "n" B genre - Bianca, Stas Satsura and Max Lawrence.

Personal life

Sergei is extremely zealous about the topic of covering his personal life. Despite the fact that the artist was married twice, there is practically no information on the network regarding his relationship with the fairer sex. It is authentically known that, while living in Germany, the singer met for a short time with a girl named Michaela. Parkhomenko was also married to model Daimy Morales, who changed her place of residence for the sake of her husband, moving from Cuba to Kyiv.

As often happens, the marriage failed the test of fame. Due to the endless tours, Sergei did not have time to arrange family life. Dayami quickly realized that she and her husband had different priorities in life. Young people broke up without scandals, division of property and claims.

Sergey was not going to spend the rest of his days alone, and a couple of months after the divorce, he started an affair with his old friend Polina. Young people legalized the relationship, and in the spring of 2009, the beloved gave the rapper a son. The boy was named Mark. Three years later, Plato was born. For the first time, Seryoga showed his sons in the video for the song "Your Favorite Clown."

Seryoga before bodybuilding and after

The family idyll, which the rapper often demonstrated on his pages on social networks, also failed to be preserved. Despite the fact that now the beatmaker lives in two countries (Russia and Ukraine), the children do not feel a lack of attention from their father: every evening Parkhomenko calls up the guys on Skype. The artist is convinced that children should develop comprehensively from a very young age: the singer's sons, 8-year-old Mark and 5-year-old Plato, attend kindergarten with in-depth study of English, go swimming and go to chess.

At the moment, the performer gives himself entirely to music. The artist releases fresh singles and plans to finish work on a new album in the near future.

In your "Instagram" the singer uploads photos not only from concerts, but also from rest. The man who does not lose his agility plans to further expand the target audience of fans of his work.


  • 2004 - "My Yard: Weddings and Funerals"
  • 2004 - "My yard: Sports ditties"
  • 2005 - "Discomalaria"
  • 2007 - "Not for Sale"
  • 2008 - "Chronicle of a boy from the streets of Gomel"
  • 2008 - "About fashionable girls and unfashionable boys"
  • 2014 - "50 Shades of Grey"
  • 2015 - "Phoenix"

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