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The village called Vasilki was full of flowers and greenery. In this village lived a sweet, pretty lady named Vika. She was a brunette with curly locks, emerald green eyes, a slender figure and bright, kind thoughts about life. Most recently, she graduated from high school, and it is time to think about her future life. As befits any village girl, she helped her parents with the housework and even enjoyed it. She milked the cows, gardened, fed the chickens.

It was a clear sunny day. As usual, Vika went into the barn to feed her favorite hens:

- Chick, chick, chick! - she said and poured grain on the ground.

Suddenly, she noticed a grown woman who was looking at her with longing, almost crying.

- Well, daughter? Have you already decided everything? Will you change your mind? Nadezhda Petrovna went up to her daughter.

- No, Mom. Yes, everything will be fine. I’ll go to college, I’ll come to you, and then I’ll pick you up too,” she reassured and stroked her mother.

- So, to Moscow? The mother looked into her daughter's eyes.

“To Moscow,” she said decisively. - Don't worry, my friend Lizka is there, and she won't let me hurt you. Do you remember her? I will stay with her for a while, and then I will act and live in a hostel.

- Yes, I remember her, such a crazy girl! Hey Vika! Moscow is treacherous and dangerous. Be careful, daughter!

“Everything will be fine,” Vika smiled and hugged her mother.

“All right, I’ll go and collect pickles and jams for your journey,” said Nadezhda Petrovna and left.

After collecting her things and saying goodbye to her parents, Vika got on the train and went to Moscow.

Moscow met the girl with a large flow of people, cars and the unusual architecture of the metropolis. She had never seen this city in her life, and now she was in the capital. In the capital of our country.

Vika got off the train and, breathing in the capital air with her chest, went with a smile, dragging a suitcase and a bag of groceries behind her.

- Vika! - the red-haired girl smiled happily and screamed and rushed to hug the guest. - Long time no see! Well, how are you? How did you get there?

“Liza, everything is fine,” she smiled, freeing herself from the hugs.

- Well, have you come to conquer the capital? she asked with interest.

“I came to medical school. You yourself understand that in Vasilki this is difficult, but, of course, I would have stayed there.

“Well, one does not interfere with the other,” Lisa grinned and led her friend to the car. - So I left these Vasilkov, and now I live for my own pleasure. Get in the car! she commanded.

- Yours? Vika was surprised, looking at the shiny red foreign car.

“Yeah,” she smiled.

Vika got into the car, and all the way while they were driving to Lisa's place of residence, she looked at the large skyscrapers of this great city. The beauty and grandeur of this city was breathtaking.

Reaching the apartment, Vika gasped. Lisa rented a two-room apartment in the very center of Moscow. Chic furniture, a large TV, and even on the wall. Vika was simply stunned when she saw all this. Then she went to the bathroom. Spacious bathroom, and seeing the bidet, she looked inquiringly at Lisa.

"It's a bidet, idiot!" I'll tell you everything later.

Vika washed her hands and went to the kitchen.

The kitchen has been modernly furnished with new appliances.

“This is a slow cooker, a juicer, a food processor,” Lisa said and showed each thing.

– Why all this? she wondered.

“Here, you fool!” So that there is less cooking and more time for yourself.

- We have a stove at home. Russian stove, from which such delicious shanezhki are obtained. By the way, I brought them, and not only them, but also pickles, jam, - Vika said with pleasure and took out glass jars from her bag.

“Well, you give, I thought that you brought clothes with you, but here there are only cans and pies,” Lisa said skeptically, looking at Vika.

Suddenly the phone rang. Lisa went to the phone.

– Hello! Ah, Lesha, hello! meet? Yes, it probably won't work. You see, my friend came to visit me. What? Are you with Max? Okay, this is an idea! Well, that's all, wait for us in an hour in a cafe, - Lisa hung up and went up to Vika:

“Come on, drop your jars and we’ll go meet my friends.”

- Friends? Vika was surprised. “Maybe I can take care of it?” Exams are coming soon, you need to prepare, - Vika denied the meeting.

- Listen, did you come to Moscow or where? Here everyone is trying to somehow stay in Moscow, but you don’t understand this. These are my classmates - good guys. You look, in Moscow you will find a groom for yourself, - Liza smiled.

Lisa glanced appraisingly at her friend. She was wearing a gray sweater and a skirt just below her knees:

- My God! What are you wearing? No. It won't work like that, - she opened the closet and began to look for a dress for Vicki.

Having found a suitable dark blue short, tight dress, Lisa handed it to Vika.

- Here. Go get changed! she said in a commanding tone.

- And what? I look so bad? - Not understanding Lisa's behavior, Vika said guiltily.

- Go, come on already! The guys are waiting for us in the cafe.

Vika silently took the dress and after a while appeared in all its glory.

“In my opinion, it is too short,” Vika said and straightened the dress, which was much higher than the knees.

- Just right. Here are the shoes, put them on! She handed her black high heels.

“Maybe I’m better in ballet flats?” Vika asked her, but, seeing Lisa's menacing look, she dutifully put on her shoes. - They pinch me.

- Nothing. Beauty requires sacrifice. Will you? – said Lisa, tinting her lips with red lipstick.

- No thanks. I'll manage.

“Well, let’s go then,” Lisa said with a smile.

Vika, hobbling in high heels, followed Lisa.

After driving a little and stopping near a sushi bar, the girls got out of the car and went inside.

- Hello! Lisa smiled at the two tall brunettes. – Get acquainted! This is Vika. Vika is Lesha and Maxim. My classmates.

“Vika,” Vika held out her hand, smiling.

The young brunette squeezed her small hand and, looking into her emerald eyes, said:

- Lesha. Very nice.

The young man was dressed in the latest fashion and radiated the chic and splendor of a rich life. Alexey belonged to the golden youth. His father was a banker. From life he got everything he wanted.

“Maxim,” another young man approached the brunette and, smiling, looked at her. "That's her! She! I have never seen such a sweet and charming girl. I want to look into her emerald eyes forever.

"It is he! He! Like a prince from a fairy tale. God! How beautiful he is! I am lost in his gaze.

Maxim did not belong to the golden youth. He tried to achieve everything in life himself. He himself went to college, worked part-time in the evenings and helped his parents. He could only rely on himself in life.

Eyes to eyes. Hearts pounded wildly in unison, and the handshake dragged on.

- Well? Shall we go to the table? Lesha smiled, watching the long handshake.

The guys sat down at the table. They brought a plate of sushi and served the sauce.

- Vika, can I say "you"? Lesha broke the silence.

- Certainly.

– Tell us about yourself. Where are you from and what fate do we have in Moscow? Lesha said, looking at the girl appraisingly.

- I'm from Vasilkov.

- Where? Lesha chuckled.

“Vasilki is a village in the Urals,” Vika explained.

Lesha whistled in surprise.

“I came here to go to medical school. Lisa is my friend. She agreed to take me in. We are compatriots!

Vika looked at the plate and chopsticks that were near her. What is it and how is it? She had no idea. She looked at Maxim, who habitually opened a package of sticks, and decided to follow his actions.

- Lisa? So you are also from Vasilkov? Alex was surprised. - I wouldn't think so.

- It was a long time ago. I haven’t been there for a hundred years,” Lisa said angrily.

- But in vain! We know how good it is! Such fresh air! Milk is so delicious! Can't compare to city. And in the evenings we are the whole village ... - Vika said with rapture.

- Vika, let's go to the ladies' room! - Lisa took her friend and stepping aside, roughly taking her by the elbow, threatened: - Shut up! This is Moscow. Forget cornflowers. Don't disgrace me! All clear?

Vika nodded.

The girls returned to the table again.

- And what do you have in the evenings in Vasilki? Maxim asked Vika with interest.

Vika looked apprehensively at Lisa and said softly:

- We have nothing. Everything is as usual.

She lowered her eyes to the plate and, looking at Maxim, who deftly wielded chopsticks, also took the chopsticks and tried to adapt to them. Hands were trembling. Picking up one roll with an awkward movement, she began to reach for the sauce. Her hands did not obey, and the roll ended up in Maxim's plate, and the sticks fell out of her hands and ended up on the floor.

- Oh, I'm sorry! Vika hesitated, blushing.

- It's OK. I’m returning it,” he said with a smile and put the Vicki roll on a plate. - Yes, well, these sticks! - Maxim said and, taking a fork, began to dip the roll in the sauce. - Try!

Vika also decided to take a fork and, picking up a roll on it, tried it. This strange taste that made her feel sick and wanted to drink it as soon as possible. Finding nothing on the table, she saw a small plate of sauce beside her, so she began to drink it.

- Vika! What are you? It's the same sauce! - Lisa burst out laughing, and then Lyosha supported the laughter of a classmate.

Vika felt even worse from drinking the sauce in one gulp, and she immediately ran to the toilet.

- You have a wicked friend! Lesha laughed.

- Enough for you! Maxim suddenly screamed. All this time, he was the only one who did not laugh at the girl's act. I don't like your rolls either. A person is in Moscow for the first time, and you are mocking her like that, - Maxim angrily pushed aside a plate of rolls.

Pale Vika returned to the table again.

Lesha looked at the poor girl and suggested:

Listen, I have an idea! Let's all go to the countryside together. I think Vic will like it. There we will have a picnic.

- Country house? - Vika was surprised - Ah ...

“It’s like a village, Vika,” Lisa explained.

- Is it true? A smile appeared on the girl's face.

Her stomach was already beginning to ache with hunger. She remembered her beloved Vasilki and was delighted to hear this proposal.

The four went to the dacha to Lesha's parents. The dacha was located on Rublyovka. Big houses, beautiful hedges. Vika has never seen such villages. She was amazed at everything she saw.

Together they drove up to a comfortable brick house, with a cozy gazebo and a small fountain in the yard.

Is this true, village? - Vika was surprised when she saw all the luxury of the courtyard and the summer garden.

“This is a rich village,” Lesha said, escorting her to the house.

They entered the house. A fireplace, gilded furniture, a large room, figurines, a wooden staircase that led to the second floor. Vika kept looking around and could not see enough of all this magnificence.

- Well? Shall we celebrate acquaintance? - Lesha said and, looking into the bar, he took out strong drinks and put them on the table in front of the guys. - Yes, and here's a snack ... Max, let's go, let's go for groceries? Lesha called Max.

- Lyosha, why go? You must have a garden here. Let's dig up potatoes, pick cucumbers, tomatoes, - Vika suggested happily.

“Wait, are you suggesting that I dig potatoes myself?” - Lesha, the son of a banker, was indignant. “Actually, there is another person for this, but she is now on her day off. I pass. Better go to the store.

I am also against this idea. I just haven’t harvested yet, ”Lisa said and, crossing her legs, took out a cigarette.

“I can help dig it out,” Maxim offered.

Vika looked at Maxim with a smile. She was pleased that this man volunteered to help.

Vika and Maxim went together to harvest. They looked into the garage, took out a shovel, took a bucket and went in search of crops. Having gathered the harvest together, they walked towards the house and talked:

- Maxim, can I take off my shoes? Would you mind? I am in Vasilki, I like to walk barefoot on the grass.

- Certainly. And I’ll take it off too,” he smiled, looking at such a sweet funny girl, and took off his shoes.

Vika, leaning on Maxim, took off her shoes and walked barefoot across the grass.

- You know how good it is in Vasilki. Masha must be missing me.

- And who is Masha?

- My cow. I milked her, talked to her. Do you know how delicious her milk is? In the morning you get up from the roosters, then you go to the river, and in the evenings Uncle Kolya gathers the whole village. He is our harmonist. We all go out into the yard and dance, and we also play dominoes with the whole village,” Vika said enthusiastically. - Oh, I'm sorry! I'm all about mine. You probably don't care? Vika asked, realizing that such a metropolitan guy does not care about some village there.

- Very interesting! I would even like to visit these Vasilki myself.

- Is it true? So come! We are all very hospitable and friendly. We raised money for Uncle Misha with the whole village for an operation to restore vision, and now he sees, - Vika said admiringly.

- What a wonderful place you have! Just some kind of paradise! And we have vanity, dust, and no one cares about human problems, - Maxim said sadly.

He looked into her eyes and thought that he had never met such a sweet, naive girl with clear, green eyes. She was special, unusual for him. The girl of his dreams.

Meanwhile, Lesha and Lisa were drinking alcohol and talking:

- You have an interesting friend! Does she have a boyfriend? - Lesha asked while sipping whiskey.

– What are you? What kind of boyfriend is this fool? Lisa laughed.

- Well, I thought so. I won’t be surprised if she didn’t have anyone at all,” Alexey looked thoughtfully out the window. “I want this provincial to be mine.

- What? Lisa was surprised and put down her glass of drink. She jumped off the couch and began, nervously, shouting: - Why do you need her? She's a naive, stupid redneck!

That's exactly why I need her. Exclusive, you know? She is the unopened flower that I want to open first. It is as if from another world, unspoiled by metropolitan life. You know I had a lot of girls, but this was not. - Lyosha came close to Lisa and, removing a strand of golden hair from her face, turned her towards him: - Help me, Lisa! I want her to be mine. I want to be her first.

“You only need her for this?” Lisa said, swallowing.

- Certainly. I need new sensations. You are her friend. You can influence her. Will you help your friend?

Lisa lowered her eyes silently. It was hard for her. Do they do this for friendship? Again, again and again, watch his relationship with another girl. Now it is not only to observe, but also to help him achieve his goal. But why does he notice all the girls? Only she has simply remained a true friend for him for several years now.

- Of course, Lesha. I'll do anything for you," Lisa said stifledly.

Thanks, Lizka. You are a real, true friend! he said happily and patted her cheek.

In order not to burst into tears from these words, Lisa looked out the window:

- Look, as if your friend is not ahead of you.

Lesha looked out the window. He saw how Max and Vika were talking, laughing, and shaking his finger at Lisa, he said:

- I'll be her first. Remember it! - Lesha minted and ran out of the house.

Vika laughed out loud at Maxim's story, and Maxim was riveted to the girl's gaze. He was fascinated by her.

“Flowers for a beautiful lady,” Vika heard and saw Lesha hand her a bouquet of white lilies.

“Thank you,” she said modestly, and accepted the bouquet.

Lyosha looked at Vika and said in surprise:

- Vika, why are you barefoot? You got your feet dirty. There is a bath right there. Go there, I'll help you put yourself in order.

Vika went in the direction of the place indicated by Lesha.

- Listen to me carefully. Vika is mine! If you want, take Lizka for yourself, but this provincial is mine, ”Lesha said menacingly, approaching Maxim.

- Maybe the girl herself decides with whom she should be? - said Maxim, looking at the leaving Vika.

- No. She is mine. Are you my friend? Friend. Give in to a friend.

- Lech, I can't understand why you need it? You have a different taste.

- I need her. She is like an unopened flower that I want to pick.

Maxim did not understand the words and intentions of Alexei. Alexey quickly caught up with Vika and took her in his arms.

- Opa! Let me carry you to the right place and take care of you.

Vika was embarrassed by Lesha's assertiveness. She never had a boyfriend, and she didn't even know what to do in such situations. She simply trusted Lesha's smile and did not answer.

Maxim at this time watched as his best friend takes the girl of his dreams away from him.

Chapter 2

Alexei led the girl into the bathhouse and, seating her on a bench, brought a basin of water. He carefully began to wash Vika's legs and say:

What soft, smooth skin you have!

Vika silently looked at him and blushed, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly the door opened and Maxim came in:

I need to wash my feet too. Your shoes. You forgot them, - Maxim put the shoes near her feet.

“Thank you,” she said modestly.

“Come on, I’ll help you put them on,” said Lyosha, and Vika’s legs were already in shoes. - Let's go to?

Lesha took Vika by the hand, and they left this place, leaving Maxim alone.

After everyone gathered, the picnic began with snacks and drinks. As soon as Vika refused to drink, no matter how Lesha persuaded her, because she had to submit documents tomorrow and prepare for admission.

Soon Vika asked me to take her home. The boys took the girls home.

Midnight. Vika sat with a book on anatomy and tried to delve into this complex subject, but before the lines in the book, the image of Maxim arose. His gray eyes, buzz cut and his pleasant voice.

Liza at that time was sitting on the bed and undermining her nails:

- Vika! Tell me which boy do you like? Lisa suddenly asked her.

- Liza, I came here to do, and not to think about boys, - Vika tried to say as seriously as possible.

“Well, anyway, which one of them did you like?” Just be honest, - Lisa did not lag behind Vicki.

“To be honest, Maxim,” Vika smiled mysteriously, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

- Maksim? Lisa raised her eyebrows in surprise. On the one hand, she was glad that Vika did not fall in love with Lesha, but on the other hand ... - she remembered the agreement with Lesha. She needed to give Vika to Alexei as soon as possible, so that he would quickly play enough with her and lose interest in her.

Yes, Maxim. He is so responsive, good, and it's so easy for me to be with him, and at the same time, when I'm with him, I just get lost. Even when I talk about him, I have such excitement, - Vika was embarrassed.

- Vika, why do you need this Maxim? Lesha is your lucky ticket. His father is the owner of a large bank. He has so much money, so many connections! And what to take from Maxim? He lives with his parents in the “Khrushchev”, in the evenings he earns some money somewhere. He doesn't even have a car. Rides the subway. Ladies, as a friend, you have advice: Lesha is your chance to get settled in Moscow. Don't miss it! Besides, he liked you. He didn't leave your side all evening.

- No. Lesha and I are somehow different. He doesn't understand me. He constantly touches me. I'm embarrassed, it's hard for me to deal with him. Liza, I'm from the village myself, and, therefore, why do I need a rich guy? Vika said with a smile.

Lisa grunted displeasedly and decided on a lie:

“Anyway, you and Max can’t be together. He has a girlfriend.

- Yes. A beautiful, leggy blonde and he loves her very much.

“But it seemed to me ...” Vika objected.

- No, he is so courteous to everyone. He is a shirt guy. Always help and forgive. So my advice to you: pay attention to Lesha, - Lisa insistently told her friend.

Vika, thinking over everything that Liza had said to her, said rashly:

“You know what, Liza, I came here to act, and not to have affairs with boys,” Vika angrily buried herself in the book.

Lisa chuckled and shrugged her shoulders and went to sleep in her room.

Night has fallen on the city. The young man sat on the windowsill in his room and looked mysteriously at the moon, remembering the green eyes of the provincial girl, her smile, her shy, naive look. His heart was pounding with fond memories. I wanted only one thing: to see her again.

Sunny morning lit up Moscow, and Vika, nervous and worried, went to the institute. She submitted the documents, wrote down the dates for the exams, and then sat until the evening in the library of the institute. When her eyes were already sticking together from many hours of reading books, Vika decided to go to Lisa.

She left the institute. Near the large columns, she suddenly saw Maxim, who was shifting from foot to foot, and behind his back he was hiding something from her eyes.

– Max? Vika was surprised. - Hello! she smiled, and he saw a gleam in her eyes.

- Hello! Maxim said happily. - How are you?

- I submitted the documents. Exams coming soon, how about you?

Maxim did not have time to answer, as Vika was surrounded by Lisa and Lesha.

- Hello! This is for you! - said Lesha and handed her a large bouquet of red roses and kissed Vika on the cheek, and then looked at Maxim in surprise. – What are you doing here? Stop cramming! Let's go to rest. Let's go bowling with us, - said Lesha and took Vika by the hand.

- Actually, I wanted to see the sights of Moscow.

- On the way, you will see everything. We’ll tell you everything, ”Lesha said and hurried the girl.

Max, are you coming with us? Vika asked with hope in her voice.

- No. I have other plans, - Maxim said gloomily, seeing Lesha, beaming like a nickel.

- Everyone, let's go! - said Lesha and put the girl in the car.

The car drove off, and Maxim looked longingly at the bouquet of daisies that he held in his hands, but he could not give it to Vika, because his daisies are nothing compared to the chic bouquet of roses from Lesha. Maxim threw away the bouquet and crushed the movie tickets in his hands. It was in the cinema that he wanted to invite her, but it did not work out.

“Who am I and who is Lesha? This girl deserves more than chamomile, going to the cinema and taking the subway, ”Maxim thought sadly and went to his home.

He walked to his home, and the rain drizzled without ceasing, bringing with it one disappointment and sadness.

Bowling in the center of the capital. Cozy tables, music, a lot of people. Vika was sitting at the table with Lisa, while Lesha was enthusiastically playing bowling.

- It's all kind of strange, I saw Maxim near the institute. Why did he come, I wonder? - Vika said, thoughtfully pulling the tube in a glass of cocktail.

- He has a girlfriend there. That's why he was there, - Lisa lied without thinking twice.

“Girl,” Vika said disappointedly.

“Well, of course, girl, and I was such a fool to think that he was waiting for me. No, Lisa is right, I have to put him out of my head. Who am I compared to this blond, beautiful girl? Vika was disappointed.

Suddenly, a happy Alexei came up to their table:

- Do you want to try? - he took Vika by the hand and, giving a large ball, led her to the place of the game: - Come on, throw it!

Vika, sighing heavily and looking around, threw the ball. After a while, she jumped happily and clapped her hands:

- Happened! All the skittles are in place,” Vika beamed.

Lesha could hardly restrain himself from laughing:

- Stupid! It is necessary, on the contrary, to knock down all the pins.

Vika again felt out of place and depressed.

“Don’t worry, let me teach you,” he approached her, gave her the ball again, and covered Vicky’s hands with his warm hands, helping her cope with this task.

They tossed the ball together and knocked down all the pins.

- Lesha! It worked, it worked! Vika rejoiced with joy. From overflowing joy, she hugged Lesha. Lesha regarded this impulse of Vika as a sign to something more. He held her fragile body in his arms and, looking into Vicki's frightened eyes, he touched her lips and kissed them greedily.

A sharp prickly gaze was directed towards this kissing couple. Lisa sat at the table and watched her beloved Lesha kiss her friend. The pain hurt her heart, and she, unable to withstand this difficult moment, turned away, reassuring herself that it would not be for long.

“This will soon pass,” Lisa thought to herself, gulping down a glass of strong cocktail.

Werewolves in uniform. 2015-2018 Northwestern District of Moscow

Investigator Yu. I. Vyatkina

Vyatkina Yulia Igorevna, born February 8, 1989, was born in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, but moved to Moscow. Werewolf in uniform, Art. lieutenant of justice; in 2012 - an investigator, and in 2014 - a senior investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kurkino district of Moscow.

In 2012-2014, along with investigator Kaziev R.R. one of the main executors of the fabrication of the criminal case against Vishnevsky AND.The. under article robbery; was engaged in falsification of materials of the criminal case under the leadership of Zhuravlev S.A.
11.12.2012 interrogated her countryman Agaev T.D., then together with him copied, i.e. falsified the interrogation protocol, but did not take into account that the original interrogation protocol remained in the archives of the Tushinsky District Court, where she applied for a search. She returned to Agayev for “responsible” storage the warranty card he had fabricated for the watch allegedly stolen from Agayev, subsequently giving Agayev the opportunity to destroy this material evidence.
12.12.2012 elected in relation to Vishnevsky AND.The. a measure of restraint on not leaving without charge, which she was obliged to cancel after 10 days; but canceled only in April 2014, having learned about the court, without waiting for the court session.
19.12.2012 applied to the court with a request to search the apartment of Vishnevsky IV, ignoring his constitutional right to the inviolability of the home. Considered petitions of lawyers Vishnevsky AND.The. within a month and only after complaints to the prosecutor's office, creating irremovable obstacles to the right to defense.
04/03/2013 issued an illegal referral to Vishnevsky AND.The. for a psychological and psychiatric examination to decide whether he can go to jail.
04/08/2013 falsified the grounds for the arrest of Vishnevsky I.V., Agaev about the threats allegedly received against him. I was going to show Vishnevsky AND.The. charge of robbery and arrest him on April 15, 2014 (then go), however, the case was withdrawn from its proceedings as a result of several complaints to the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow.
25.03.2014, having received the case back into its proceedings, fabricated the conditions for the declaration of Vishnevsky AND.The. in federal, again prepared Vishnevsky I.V., but again miscalculated, since Vishnevsky I.V., finding out the location of his case, recorded all conversations with Vyatkina, in which she did not report that she was looking for him.

Conversation with Vyatkina dated 03/27/2014
conversation with Vyatkina dated 03/31/2014
conversation with Vyatkina dated 04/04/2014

Vika lives in the village and dreams of becoming a doctor. After graduation, she goes to Moscow to follow her dream. Will she do it? What awaits her in Moscow? How will her life in the capital turn out? Can she tell true love from fake? What will win: wealth or love?



Chapter 1

The village called Vasilki was full of flowers and greenery. In this village lived a sweet, pretty lady named Vika. She was a brunette with curly locks, emerald green eyes, a slender figure and bright, kind thoughts about life. Most recently, she graduated from high school, and it is time to think about her future life. As befits any village girl, she helped her parents with the housework and even enjoyed it. She milked the cows, gardened, fed the chickens.

It was a clear sunny day. As usual, Vika went into the barn to feed her favorite hens:

- Chick, chick, chick! - she said and poured grain on the ground.

Suddenly, she noticed a grown woman who was looking at her with longing, almost crying.

- Well, daughter? Have you already decided everything? Will you change your mind? Nadezhda Petrovna went up to her daughter.

- No, Mom. Yes, everything will be fine. I’ll go to college, I’ll come to you, and then I’ll pick you up too,” she reassured and stroked her mother.

- So, to Moscow? The mother looked into her daughter's eyes.

“To Moscow,” she said decisively. - Don't worry, my friend Lizka is there, and she won't let me hurt you. Do you remember her? I will stay with her for a while, and then I will act and live in a hostel.

- Yes, I remember her, such a crazy girl! Hey Vika! Moscow is treacherous and dangerous. Be careful, daughter!

“Everything will be fine,” Vika smiled and hugged her mother.

“All right, I’ll go and collect pickles and jams for your journey,” said Nadezhda Petrovna and left.

After collecting her things and saying goodbye to her parents, Vika got on the train and went to Moscow.

Moscow met the girl with a large flow of people, cars and the unusual architecture of the metropolis. She had never seen this city in her life, and now she was in the capital. In the capital of our country.

Vika got off the train and, breathing in the capital air with her chest, went with a smile, dragging a suitcase and a bag of groceries behind her.

- Vika! - the red-haired girl smiled happily and screamed and rushed to hug the guest. - Long time no see! Well, how are you? How did you get there?

“Liza, everything is fine,” she smiled, freeing herself from the hugs.

- Well, have you come to conquer the capital? she asked with interest.

“I came to medical school. You yourself understand that in Vasilki this is difficult, but, of course, I would have stayed there.

“Well, one does not interfere with the other,” Lisa grinned and led her friend to the car. - So I left these Vasilkov, and now I live for my own pleasure. Get in the car! she commanded.

- Yours? Vika was surprised, looking at the shiny red foreign car.

“Yeah,” she smiled.

Vika got into the car, and all the way while they were driving to Lisa's place of residence, she looked at the large skyscrapers of this great city. The beauty and grandeur of this city was breathtaking.

Reaching the apartment, Vika gasped. Lisa rented a two-room apartment in the very center of Moscow. Chic furniture, a large TV, and even on the wall. Vika was simply stunned when she saw all this. Then she went to the bathroom. Spacious bathroom, and seeing the bidet, she looked inquiringly at Lisa.

"It's a bidet, idiot!" I'll tell you everything later.

Vika washed her hands and went to the kitchen.

The kitchen has been modernly furnished with new appliances.

“This is a slow cooker, a juicer, a food processor,” Lisa said and showed each thing.

– Why all this? she wondered.

“Here, you fool!” So that there is less cooking and more time for yourself.

- We have a stove at home. Russian stove, from which such delicious shanezhki are obtained. By the way, I brought them, and not only them, but also pickles, jam, - Vika said with pleasure and took out glass jars from her bag.

“Well, you give, I thought that you brought clothes with you, but here there are only cans and pies,” Lisa said skeptically, looking at Vika.

Suddenly the phone rang. Lisa went to the phone.

– Hello! Ah, Lesha, hello! meet? Yes, it probably won't work. You see, my friend came to visit me. What? Are you with Max? Okay, this is an idea! Well, that's all, wait for us in an hour in a cafe, - Lisa hung up and went up to Vika:

“Come on, drop your jars and we’ll go meet my friends.”

- Friends? Vika was surprised. “Maybe I can take care of it?” Exams are coming soon, you need to prepare, - Vika denied the meeting.

- Listen, did you come to Moscow or where? Here everyone is trying to somehow stay in Moscow, but you don’t understand this. These are my classmates - good guys. You look, in Moscow you will find a groom for yourself, - Liza smiled.

Lisa glanced appraisingly at her friend. She was wearing a gray sweater and a skirt just below her knees:

- My God! What are you wearing? No. It won't work like that, - she opened the closet and began to look for a dress for Vicki.

Having found a suitable dark blue short, tight dress, Lisa handed it to Vika.

- Here. Go get changed! she said in a commanding tone.

- And what? I look so bad? - Not understanding Lisa's behavior, Vika said guiltily.

- Go, come on already! The guys are waiting for us in the cafe.

Vika silently took the dress and after a while appeared in all its glory.

“In my opinion, it is too short,” Vika said and straightened the dress, which was much higher than the knees.

- Just right. Here are the shoes, put them on! She handed her black high heels.

“Maybe I’m better in ballet flats?” Vika asked her, but, seeing Lisa's menacing look, she dutifully put on her shoes. - They pinch me.

- Nothing. Beauty requires sacrifice. Will you? – said Lisa, tinting her lips with red lipstick.

- No thanks. I'll manage.

“Well, let’s go then,” Lisa said with a smile.

Vika, hobbling in high heels, followed Lisa.

After driving a little and stopping near a sushi bar, the girls got out of the car and went inside.

- Hello! Lisa smiled at the two tall brunettes. – Get acquainted! This is Vika. Vika is Lesha and Maxim. My classmates.

“Vika,” Vika held out her hand, smiling.

The young brunette squeezed her small hand and, looking into her emerald eyes, said:

- Lesha. Very nice.

The young man was dressed in the latest fashion and radiated the chic and splendor of a rich life. Alexey belonged to the golden youth. His father was a banker. From life he got everything he wanted.

“Maxim,” another young man approached the brunette and, smiling, looked at her. "That's her! She! I have never seen such a sweet and charming girl. I want to look into her emerald eyes forever.

"It is he! He! Like a prince from a fairy tale. God! How beautiful he is! I am lost in his gaze.

Maxim did not belong to the golden youth. He tried to achieve everything in life himself. He himself went to college, worked part-time in the evenings and helped his parents. He could only rely on himself in life.

Eyes to eyes. Hearts pounded wildly in unison, and the handshake dragged on.

- Well? Shall we go to the table? Lesha smiled, watching the long handshake.

The guys sat down at the table. They brought a plate of sushi and served the sauce.

- Vika, can I say "you"? Lesha broke the silence.

- Certainly.

– Tell us about yourself. Where are you from and what fate do we have in Moscow? Lesha said, looking at the girl appraisingly.

- I'm from Vasilkov.

- Where? Lesha chuckled.

“Vasilki is a village in the Urals,” Vika explained.

Lesha whistled in surprise.

“I came here to go to medical school. Lisa is my friend. She agreed to take me in. We are compatriots!

Vika looked at the plate and chopsticks that were near her. What is it and how is it? She had no idea. She looked at Maxim, who habitually opened a package of sticks, and decided to follow his actions.

- Lisa? So you are also from Vasilkov? Alex was surprised. - I wouldn't think so.

- It was a long time ago. I haven’t been there for a hundred years,” Lisa said angrily.

- But in vain! We know how good it is! Such fresh air! Milk is so delicious! Can't compare to city. And in the evenings we are the whole village ... - Vika said with rapture.

- Vika, let's go to the ladies' room! - Lisa took her friend and stepping aside, roughly taking her by the elbow, threatened: - Shut up! This is Moscow. Forget cornflowers. Don't disgrace me! All clear?

Vika nodded.

The girls returned to the table again.

- And what do you have in the evenings in Vasilki? Maxim asked Vika with interest.

Vika looked apprehensively at Lisa and said softly:

- We have nothing. Everything is as usual.

She lowered her eyes to the plate and, looking at Maxim, who deftly wielded chopsticks, also took the chopsticks and tried to adapt to them. Hands were trembling. Picking up one roll with an awkward movement, she began to reach for the sauce. Her hands did not obey, and the roll ended up in Maxim's plate, and the sticks fell out of her hands and ended up on the floor.

- Oh, I'm sorry! Vika hesitated, blushing.

- It's OK. I’m returning it,” he said with a smile and put the Vicki roll on a plate. - Yes, well, these sticks! - Maxim said and, taking a fork, began to dip the roll in the sauce. - Try!

Vika also decided to take a fork and, picking up a roll on it, tried it. This strange taste that made her feel sick and wanted to drink it as soon as possible. Finding nothing on the table, she saw a small plate of sauce beside her, so she began to drink it.

- Vika! What are you? It's the same sauce! - Lisa burst out laughing, and then Lyosha supported the laughter of a classmate.

Vika felt even worse from drinking the sauce in one gulp, and she immediately ran to the toilet.

- You have a wicked friend! Lesha laughed.

- Enough for you! Maxim suddenly screamed. All this time, he was the only one who did not laugh at the girl's act. I don't like your rolls either. A person is in Moscow for the first time, and you are mocking her like that, - Maxim angrily pushed aside a plate of rolls.

Pale Vika returned to the table again.

Lesha looked at the poor girl and suggested:

Listen, I have an idea! Let's all go to the countryside together. I think Vic will like it. There we will have a picnic.

- Country house? - Vika was surprised - Ah ...

“It’s like a village, Vika,” Lisa explained.

- Is it true? A smile appeared on the girl's face.

Her stomach was already beginning to ache with hunger. She remembered her beloved Vasilki and was delighted to hear this proposal.

The four went to the dacha to Lesha's parents. The dacha was located on Rublyovka. Big houses, beautiful hedges. Vika has never seen such villages. She was amazed at everything she saw.

Together they drove up to a comfortable brick house, with a cozy gazebo and a small fountain in the yard.

Is this true, village? - Vika was surprised when she saw all the luxury of the courtyard and the summer garden.

“This is a rich village,” Lesha said, escorting her to the house.

They entered the house. A fireplace, gilded furniture, a large room, figurines, a wooden staircase that led to the second floor. Vika kept looking around and could not see enough of all this magnificence.

- Well? Shall we celebrate acquaintance? - Lesha said and, looking into the bar, he took out strong drinks and put them on the table in front of the guys. - Yes, and here's a snack ... Max, let's go, let's go for groceries? Lesha called Max.

- Lyosha, why go? You must have a garden here. Let's dig up potatoes, pick cucumbers, tomatoes, - Vika suggested happily.

“Wait, are you suggesting that I dig potatoes myself?” - Lesha, the son of a banker, was indignant. “Actually, there is another person for this, but she is now on her day off. I pass. Better go to the store.

I am also against this idea. I just haven’t harvested yet, ”Lisa said and, crossing her legs, took out a cigarette.

“I can help dig it out,” Maxim offered.

Vika looked at Maxim with a smile. She was pleased that this man volunteered to help.

Vika and Maxim went together to harvest. They looked into the garage, took out a shovel, took a bucket and went in search of crops. Having gathered the harvest together, they walked towards the house and talked:

- Maxim, can I take off my shoes? Would you mind? I am in Vasilki, I like to walk barefoot on the grass.

- Certainly. And I’ll take it off too,” he smiled, looking at such a sweet funny girl, and took off his shoes.

Vika, leaning on Maxim, took off her shoes and walked barefoot across the grass.

- You know how good it is in Vasilki. Masha must be missing me.

- And who is Masha?

- My cow. I milked her, talked to her. Do you know how delicious her milk is? In the morning you get up from the roosters, then you go to the river, and in the evenings Uncle Kolya gathers the whole village. He is our harmonist. We all go out into the yard and dance, and we also play dominoes with the whole village,” Vika said enthusiastically. - Oh, I'm sorry! I'm all about mine. You probably don't care? Vika asked, realizing that such a metropolitan guy does not care about some village there.

- Very interesting! I would even like to visit these Vasilki myself.

- Is it true? So come! We are all very hospitable and friendly. We raised money for Uncle Misha with the whole village for an operation to restore vision, and now he sees, - Vika said admiringly.

- What a wonderful place you have! Just some kind of paradise! And we have vanity, dust, and no one cares about human problems, - Maxim said sadly.

He looked into her eyes and thought that he had never met such a sweet, naive girl with clear, green eyes. She was special, unusual for him. The girl of his dreams.

Meanwhile, Lesha and Lisa were drinking alcohol and talking:

- You have an interesting friend! Does she have a boyfriend? - Lesha asked while sipping whiskey.

– What are you? What kind of boyfriend is this fool? Lisa laughed.

- Well, I thought so. I won’t be surprised if she didn’t have anyone at all,” Alexey looked thoughtfully out the window. “I want this provincial to be mine.

- What? Lisa was surprised and put down her glass of drink. She jumped off the couch and began, nervously, shouting: - Why do you need her? She's a naive, stupid redneck!

That's exactly why I need her. Exclusive, you know? She is the unopened flower that I want to open first. It is as if from another world, unspoiled by metropolitan life. You know I had a lot of girls, but this was not. - Lyosha came close to Lisa and, removing a strand of golden hair from her face, turned her towards him: - Help me, Lisa! I want her to be mine. I want to be her first.

“You only need her for this?” Lisa said, swallowing.

- Certainly. I need new sensations. You are her friend. You can influence her. Will you help your friend?

Lisa lowered her eyes silently. It was hard for her. Do they do this for friendship? Again, again and again, watch his relationship with another girl. Now it is not only to observe, but also to help him achieve his goal. But why does he notice all the girls? Only she has simply remained a true friend for him for several years now.

- Of course, Lesha. I'll do anything for you," Lisa said stifledly.

Thanks, Lizka. You are a real, true friend! he said happily and patted her cheek.

In order not to burst into tears from these words, Lisa looked out the window:

- Look, as if your friend is not ahead of you.

Lesha looked out the window. He saw how Max and Vika were talking, laughing, and shaking his finger at Lisa, he said:

- I'll be her first. Remember it! - Lesha minted and ran out of the house.

Vika laughed out loud at Maxim's story, and Maxim was riveted to the girl's gaze. He was fascinated by her.

“Flowers for a beautiful lady,” Vika heard and saw Lesha hand her a bouquet of white lilies.

“Thank you,” she said modestly, and accepted the bouquet.

Lyosha looked at Vika and said in surprise:

- Vika, why are you barefoot? You got your feet dirty. There is a bath right there. Go there, I'll help you put yourself in order.

Vika went in the direction of the place indicated by Lesha.

- Listen to me carefully. Vika is mine! If you want, take Lizka for yourself, but this provincial is mine, ”Lesha said menacingly, approaching Maxim.

- Maybe the girl herself decides with whom she should be? - said Maxim, looking at the leaving Vika.

- No. She is mine. Are you my friend? Friend. Give in to a friend.

- Lech, I can't understand why you need it? You have a different taste.

- I need her. She is like an unopened flower that I want to pick.

Maxim did not understand the words and intentions of Alexei. Alexey quickly caught up with Vika and took her in his arms.

- Opa! Let me carry you to the right place and take care of you.

Vika was embarrassed by Lesha's assertiveness. She never had a boyfriend, and she didn't even know what to do in such situations. She simply trusted Lesha's smile and did not answer.

Maxim at this time watched as his best friend takes the girl of his dreams away from him.

Chapter 2

Alexei led the girl into the bathhouse and, seating her on a bench, brought a basin of water. He carefully began to wash Vika's legs and say:

What soft, smooth skin you have!

Vika silently looked at him and blushed, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly the door opened and Maxim came in:

I need to wash my feet too. Your shoes. You forgot them, - Maxim put the shoes near her feet.

“Thank you,” she said modestly.

“Come on, I’ll help you put them on,” said Lyosha, and Vika’s legs were already in shoes. - Let's go to?

Lesha took Vika by the hand, and they left this place, leaving Maxim alone.

After everyone gathered, the picnic began with snacks and drinks. As soon as Vika refused to drink, no matter how Lesha persuaded her, because she had to submit documents tomorrow and prepare for admission.

Soon Vika asked me to take her home. The boys took the girls home.

Midnight. Vika sat with a book on anatomy and tried to delve into this complex subject, but before the lines in the book, the image of Maxim arose. His gray eyes, buzz cut and his pleasant voice.

Liza at that time was sitting on the bed and undermining her nails:

- Vika! Tell me which boy do you like? Lisa suddenly asked her.

- Liza, I came here to do, and not to think about boys, - Vika tried to say as seriously as possible.

“Well, anyway, which one of them did you like?” Just be honest, - Lisa did not lag behind Vicki.

“To be honest, Maxim,” Vika smiled mysteriously, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

- Maksim? Lisa raised her eyebrows in surprise. On the one hand, she was glad that Vika did not fall in love with Lesha, but on the other hand ... - she remembered the agreement with Lesha. She needed to give Vika to Alexei as soon as possible, so that he would quickly play enough with her and lose interest in her.

Yes, Maxim. He is so responsive, good, and it's so easy for me to be with him, and at the same time, when I'm with him, I just get lost. Even when I talk about him, I have such excitement, - Vika was embarrassed.

- Vika, why do you need this Maxim? Lesha is your lucky ticket. His father is the owner of a large bank. He has so much money, so many connections! And what to take from Maxim? He lives with his parents in the “Khrushchev”, in the evenings he earns some money somewhere. He doesn't even have a car. Rides the subway. Ladies, as a friend, you have advice: Lesha is your chance to get settled in Moscow. Don't miss it! Besides, he liked you. He didn't leave your side all evening.

- No. Lesha and I are somehow different. He doesn't understand me. He constantly touches me. I'm embarrassed, it's hard for me to deal with him. Liza, I'm from the village myself, and, therefore, why do I need a rich guy? Vika said with a smile.

Lisa grunted displeasedly and decided on a lie:

“Anyway, you and Max can’t be together. He has a girlfriend.

- Yes. A beautiful, leggy blonde and he loves her very much.

“But it seemed to me ...” Vika objected.

- No, he is so courteous to everyone. He is a shirt guy. Always help and forgive. So my advice to you: pay attention to Lesha, - Lisa insistently told her friend.

Vika, thinking over everything that Liza had said to her, said rashly:

“You know what, Liza, I came here to act, and not to have affairs with boys,” Vika angrily buried herself in the book.

Lisa chuckled and shrugged her shoulders and went to sleep in her room.

Night has fallen on the city. The young man sat on the windowsill in his room and looked mysteriously at the moon, remembering the green eyes of the provincial girl, her smile, her shy, naive look. His heart was pounding with fond memories. I wanted only one thing: to see her again.

Sunny morning lit up Moscow, and Vika, nervous and worried, went to the institute. She submitted the documents, wrote down the dates for the exams, and then sat until the evening in the library of the institute. When her eyes were already sticking together from many hours of reading books, Vika decided to go to Lisa.

She left the institute. Near the large columns, she suddenly saw Maxim, who was shifting from foot to foot, and behind his back he was hiding something from her eyes.

– Max? Vika was surprised. - Hello! she smiled, and he saw a gleam in her eyes.

- Hello! Maxim said happily. - How are you?

- I submitted the documents. Exams coming soon, how about you?

Maxim did not have time to answer, as Vika was surrounded by Lisa and Lesha.

- Hello! This is for you! - said Lesha and handed her a large bouquet of red roses and kissed Vika on the cheek, and then looked at Maxim in surprise. – What are you doing here? Stop cramming! Let's go to rest. Let's go bowling with us, - said Lesha and took Vika by the hand.

- Actually, I wanted to see the sights of Moscow.

- On the way, you will see everything. We’ll tell you everything, ”Lesha said and hurried the girl.

Max, are you coming with us? Vika asked with hope in her voice.

- No. I have other plans, - Maxim said gloomily, seeing Lesha, beaming like a nickel.

- Everyone, let's go! - said Lesha and put the girl in the car.

The car drove off, and Maxim looked longingly at the bouquet of daisies that he held in his hands, but he could not give it to Vika, because his daisies are nothing compared to the chic bouquet of roses from Lesha. Maxim threw away the bouquet and crushed the movie tickets in his hands. It was in the cinema that he wanted to invite her, but it did not work out.

“Who am I and who is Lesha? This girl deserves more than chamomile, going to the cinema and taking the subway, ”Maxim thought sadly and went to his home.

He walked to his home, and the rain drizzled without ceasing, bringing with it one disappointment and sadness.

Bowling in the center of the capital. Cozy tables, music, a lot of people. Vika was sitting at the table with Lisa, while Lesha was enthusiastically playing bowling.

- It's all kind of strange, I saw Maxim near the institute. Why did he come, I wonder? - Vika said, thoughtfully pulling the tube in a glass of cocktail.

- He has a girlfriend there. That's why he was there, - Lisa lied without thinking twice.

“Girl,” Vika said disappointedly.

“Well, of course, girl, and I was such a fool to think that he was waiting for me. No, Lisa is right, I have to put him out of my head. Who am I compared to this blond, beautiful girl? Vika was disappointed.

Suddenly, a happy Alexei came up to their table:

- Do you want to try? - he took Vika by the hand and, giving a large ball, led her to the place of the game: - Come on, throw it!

Vika, sighing heavily and looking around, threw the ball. After a while, she jumped happily and clapped her hands:

- Happened! All the skittles are in place,” Vika beamed.

Lesha could hardly restrain himself from laughing:

- Stupid! It is necessary, on the contrary, to knock down all the pins.

Vika again felt out of place and depressed.

“Don’t worry, let me teach you,” he approached her, gave her the ball again, and covered Vicky’s hands with his warm hands, helping her cope with this task.

They tossed the ball together and knocked down all the pins.

- Lesha! It worked, it worked! Vika rejoiced with joy. From overflowing joy, she hugged Lesha. Lesha regarded this impulse of Vika as a sign to something more. He held her fragile body in his arms and, looking into Vicki's frightened eyes, he touched her lips and kissed them greedily.

A sharp prickly gaze was directed towards this kissing couple. Lisa sat at the table and watched her beloved Lesha kiss her friend. The pain hurt her heart, and she, unable to withstand this difficult moment, turned away, reassuring herself that it would not be for long.

“This will soon pass,” Lisa thought to herself, gulping down a glass of strong cocktail.

Chapter 3

Lesha looked up from Vika's sweet lips, and she looked at him in surprise after the kiss:

- Why did you do that? she asked, giving him an offended look.

“Vic, I just like you. I fell in love with you at first sight and that's why I couldn't resist. Vika, be my girl! he said, touching her cheek.

"No," Vika backed away from him. “I think it’s better for us to remain friends, and then time will tell,” she said cryptically.

“I will be your best friend,” Alexei said with a sly smile. - Let's go to the club? I'll show you a wonderful club where we can have a nice time.

- And Lisa? Vika asked excitedly.

“We’ll take Lizka with us,” he took Vicky’s hand, and they approached Lisa, who was bored at the table.

Arriving at the club, Vika tasted the charm of club life. She tried cocktails, which quickly turned her head. Under the light of neon lights, she danced with Lesha and no longer resisted his hot touches and his hot kisses. Lisa had no choice but to watch all this action nearby, dancing with an inconspicuous boy.

When Vika could barely stand on her feet from numerous alcoholic libations, Lesha and Lisa took her home. They put her to bed, and Vika slept until morning.

In the morning, waking up from a headache that terribly squeezed her temples, Vika looked at her watch and, horrified, rushed to quickly get ready for a consultation at the institute.

Having run to the institute, she, with difficulty, but still managed to sit out for a consultation. It was not easy, the physical ailment affected her. The consultation ended, and the girl left the institute.

“Well, how?” Alexei stood on the porch, waiting for Vika.

“My head hurts,” Vika said exhaustedly.

Do you know what is the best medicine for a headache? Alex said with a smile.

- Tablet? Vika asked, expecting a banal answer to the question.

- No. This is it, - he said, pulling Vika to him, and kissing her on the lips.

- Lyosha, stop it! Vika kicked back from his hugs and kisses.

It was this scene, Lesha and Vika modestly kissing, that Maxim caught. He decided to once again meet Vika and invite her to take a walk in the park, show the sights of Moscow, but Alexei was ahead of him again. Now he didn’t see the point at all, to do something, he understood everything without words. Vika became Lesha's girlfriend in one evening.

Max, hi! – Vika was ready to fall through the ground. She was terribly ashamed that it was Maxim who caught them kissing.

- I didn't understand? Yesterday it was possible, today it is impossible. Are you using me or what? - Alexei did not let up and rolled up a scene for her in front of Max, forcing the girl to blush. - You agreed to be my girlfriend yesterday, I came for you and this is how you meet your boyfriend? Lesha scolded her.

Vika began to recall last night and fragments arose in her head, how they danced together, Lesha hugged her, kissed her, and then she heard this question and answered: “Yes!”

- Happy for you! Max said bitterly and turned around to leave.

- Hey, Max! And why did you come here? - finally drew attention to a friend Lesha.

- Yes, it is. I was just walking nearby and saw you, - Maxim said with a shrug.

Lyosha, grabbing Vika by the waist, said:

- Listen, we are going to the cinema, cafe, club. Let's go with us? Alex suggested.

“I won’t go to the club,” Vika said angrily and removed Lesha’s hand from her waist.

- No, guys! Somehow, without me, - Maxim said sadly and trudged home.

Vika looked longingly at the departing Maxim, and then, turning to Alexei, said sharply:

- Lyosha, you knew perfectly well what state I was in yesterday. I was out of my mind.

- Well, of course, I didn’t come out with a face and height, right? Alexei said offendedly and sat down on a bench. All girls are the same. First needed, then not needed. Why am I so unlucky? I’m ready to do everything for you, but you…” Alexei rolled his eyes theatrically.

Vika felt sorry for Lesha, and she, sitting next to him, took his hand:

- Lyosha, you are very good, but let's remain friends.

- Fool! I bought tickets to the cinema today,” Alexei said wistfully and defiantly showed them to the girl.

Vika became extremely uncomfortable, because this person spends money and time on her, and she pays him with such coldness.

- Lesh, let's go to the cinema, and in general you never showed me Moscow.

Lesha looked at the girl with a smile:

- If you want, I'm ready to be your guide.

Vika nodded happily.

A month has passed. During this month, a lot has changed in the lives of the heroes. Vika still went to preparatory courses at the institute and spent time with Alexei. During this time, he not only became her guide, but also a young man. Every time they visited museums, theaters, sights of Moscow together, Vika looked more and more into his eyes and gradually fell in love with these mysterious brown eyes. Lesha's casual hugs gradually began to please Vika pleasantly. She already liked the way he took her hand, wrapped around her waist. Vika's body shuddered at every touch of Lesha. Kisses before parting became not just friendly, but turned into romantic and desired kisses. Vika was in love. She, like a butterfly, soared through the streets of Moscow and was already looking forward to meeting Lesha.

Maxim never saw her again after that meeting with Vika. They met only once. On that day, he was upset, realizing that Vika was dating Lesha, and he walked tired and upset through the streets of Moscow, not noticing how he was soaked to the skin from heavy, torrential rain. Maxim went to the hospital with pneumonia.

Maxim was lying in the ward, unaware that the door would now open and he would see her - the girl of his dreams and his best friend, who entered his ward, holding hands together. After learning about what happened to Maxim, Lyosha and Vika decided to visit him. They brought him fruit and, sitting next to him, Lyosha began to talk about affairs at the institute, and Vika ... She was already different, Maxim noticed. She looked at only one person - Alexei. Eye to eye, hand in hand, her happy naive look.

Maxim watched her, and it became bitter and painful for him that in just a few weeks he had missed her. Now another Vika is sitting in front of him - in love with his best friend, fashionable and no longer like the girl who had just arrived in Moscow. Only her look remained the same - a kind, naive look from under dark eyelashes and modesty that reminded him of the girl he saw half a month ago.

Vika, with bated breath, listened to Lesha's words and so hoped that he would tell his friend the most important thing, what he had already been telling her for several days in a row - they would soon get married. Vika kept waiting, waiting, and Lesha kept silent and silent and talked about other topics with Max, but not about this.

Soon Maxim got tired of seeing these guests, and he told his friends:

“It’s time for me to go to the procedures,” he said dryly, and, looking at this couple in parting, he said: “Don’t come here anymore.” I will be released soon.

He lied to his friends just to avoid seeing this cooing cute couple. Thus ended the meeting.

Lesha brought Vika to Lisa after another trip to the exhibition. Vika went to take a shower, while Alexei stayed in the kitchen with Lisa. She poured tea into mugs and, sitting down not far from Lesha, noticed his gloomy look:

"Lesh, did something happen?" – as always in a friendly way she asked him, seeing his worried look.

Lesha always knew that it was impossible for him to hide anything from Lizka.

- Yes, - Lyosha took out a lighter and lit a cigarette, going to the window: - For a whole month now I have been taking her all over Moscow, and it doesn’t go beyond kissing.

- Lesh, you wanted Vika to become yours. She became your girlfriend. Maybe this tough nut is too tough for you? Leave her! Lisa pleaded.

No, I didn't get the most important thing. I did not endure all these theaters, museums, galleries, her whims, whims, in order to be left with nothing. No, the Baryshnikovs do not give up so easily. I already told her that I would marry her, but she still tells me: “Only after the wedding” and that’s it. Liz, tell me how you can influence her? You always understand me and give good advice.

If only he knew how difficult it was for her to give such advice. It is hard for her to watch that they are together, and she is just waiting for him to get tired of this Vika. Her heart breaks from the inside from excruciating pain and jealousy.

- There is one option. Tomorrow is your birthday, and on this day, girls usually fulfill the wishes of guys. Hint understood? Lisa asked coquettishly.

- Lizka! - Lyosha lifted it up and swirled it, joyfully exulting: - You are a genius! Genius! - Lyosha put Lisa on her feet. Lisa straightened her silk dressing gown: - That's it. Thank you. I'm going to get ready for the party. You also need to call Frost, well, and ours from the course. Till tomorrow!

Joyful Alexei, kissing Lisa on the cheek, disappeared behind the door.

Chapter 4

The party in the house on Rublyovka gathered all Lesha's friends and classmates. The table was full of dishes ordered from the restaurant. Vika sat next to Lesha and looked into his eyes, which shone with pleasure and happiness. He heard many beautiful speeches addressed to him. Self-esteem rose more and more. Vika now and then put salads on his plate and looked with a smile at the happy Lesha. Very close to them sat bored Max and Lisa, who reluctantly watched the whole idyll and poked around in the plates.

- Happy Birthday sweetheart! - Vika said, finishing the toast and kissing him, handed Lesha a festive box.

Lesha opened the box and took out a large scarf. Vika knitted this scarf herself, thinking about Lesha. She invested all the warmth and all her feelings for Alexei. Of course, it was not such a fashionable scarf that is sold in stores. And where did Vika get money from, if she was just studying, so she made a gift with her own hands. Lyosha, twisting the scarf, said on duty: “Thank you” and kissed Vika.

- Let's go dancing! - shouted Alexey and turned on the music to the fullest.

Lesha brought Vika in an evening blue dress into the hall and the guys began to dance.

Evening twilight descended on the city. The stars lit up the already beautiful sky, making this night magical.

Lesha and Vika danced to slow music. He pressed her fragile body with his hands, she looked into his eyes, not noticing anyone around.

Vic, can you help me? Rooms need to be prepared for guests.

“Of course, I will help you,” Vika smiled.

- Come with me! - Lyosha took Vika by the hand, and they climbed the wooden stairs to the second floor, leaving the guests alone.

Vika entered the room and looked around: a large double bed with dark blue silk linen, a wooden wardrobe, a dressing table with a mirror.

Suddenly, she heard the door being locked, she felt Lesha's hands on her, who hugged her body and the heat from hot kisses on her thin neck:

- Vika, finally we are alone! Alex whispered in her ear.

- Lesh, they can lose us. Who is this bedroom for?

- Everyone is busy with their own affairs. Nobody cares about us. This is our bedroom with you. Do you like it?

Vika nodded.

“But I thought I would sleep in the room with Lisa.

- Vika! - seated her on the bed, said Alex. How long can you torture me? I am a man. I can not do this anymore. I want you. I want us to be one with you.

- Leshenka, let's better after the wedding. I'm not ready for this now, - as usual, Vika answered this question to him.

- Vika, yes, we will have a wedding. What's the difference now it will be or after the wedding? Do you love me? He took her face in his hands.

- Of course, I love Leshenka! - she said meekly and began to hug him and kiss him tenderly.

Lesha pulled away from her kisses and returned to the topic of conversation again:

“So let’s really be together tonight.” Just you and me and no one around,” he said, kissing her hands.

- I can't. I'm sorry, - Vika said guiltily, lowering her head down.

All this began to anger Alexei, and he, looking angrily at her, went to the door and said:

- Can not? Then I have no other choice. I'll have to find a girl who can. Vika, I can't do this anymore. I am a man. It's hard for me to wait for you and it affects my health.

Vika gasped at his words. Most of all, she did not want to part with Lesha. Tears welled up from her eyes.

- Lesha! What are you saying? - she rushed to him and pressed her whole body against his back: - Do not leave, please! she pleaded with him.

Lyosha stood with his back to her and pretended that he did not hear her.

- Lesha! - again offended silence. - Fine. Let's try," she said softly.

From the spoken words of Vika, Alexei showed a poisonous smile on his lips, and he, turning to the girl, kissed her on alluring lips:

- Do not worry everything will be fine! he said to the trembling Vika.

He could not understand how Vika was shaking with fear, with hopelessness and unpreparedness for this moment. She was simply afraid of losing him, and he, like a beast, achieved his only goal.

Lesha, kissing Vika greedily, laid her on the bed, caressing her body, his hands slipped under the dress, feeling the delicate skin of Vika's thighs.

She was trembling and trembling all over, like an aspen leaf in the wind, anticipating an imminent pain, and gradually contracted with her whole body, resisting this moment.

“Lesh, maybe you shouldn’t,” she said.

Lesha did not want to hear her words, he was simply carried away by this process.

- Ai! Vika screamed loudly from the pain affecting her entire body and grabbed her little hands, squeezing the silk coverlet from excruciating pain, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

This cry was heard by Maxim, who at that time was smoking on the balcony on the second floor, not far from the bedroom where Vika and Lesha were. He understood everything and angrily squeezed an empty pack of cigarettes to a crunch in the bones. He was in excruciating pain from her scream. Angered, he slapped the railing of the mansion's balcony with all his might. Tearing the skin of his hands into blood, physical pain ran through his body, but this pain was nothing compared to the mental one.

Suddenly he caught the smell of women's perfume approaching him and the clatter of heels:

Do you still dream of being in his place? – Lisa asked drunk, coming closer to Max.

“In the same way as you on her?” he asked, puffing smoke into the street.

- You are right. You and I are quits, - Lizaveta stated the fact, and shivering slightly from the cool wind, she headed for the exit, but felt her hand roughly, tightly squeezed and pulled closer to her. Maxim, looking into Lisa's blue eyes, sharply dug into her lips and, taking the girl in his arms, carried her into one of the rooms. He threw Lisa on the bed, covering her with his body, still furiously continuing to kiss her on the lips.

Chapter 5

The bright rays of the sun crept into the bedroom, and the brunette opened her eyes. She smiled blissfully, stretched and saw a young man sleeping sweetly next to her. Vika gently ran her hand through Lesha's hair, and then, clinging to him, she began to lightly run her fingers along his courageous shoulders, thereby tickling his skin:

- Leshka! She whispered softly into his ear.

- What time is it now? - she answered with displeasure.

“Six in the morning,” Vika said as if nothing had happened.

Are you crazy to wake me up this early? - he was indignant and turned on the other side, covering himself with a blanket.

We in the village always get up at six in the morning.

“This is not a village for you. I want to sleep, and you go, do something, - Alexei said angrily and put a pillow on top of the blanket.

Vika, sighing heavily, put on a silk dressing gown and, putting her feet into slippers, went to the bathroom. Her body still ached with pain inside. Standing under the jets of water, she remembered last night. Thoughts furtively flashed through my head: did she do the right thing by spending the night with Lesha?

“Is this really the very bliss that everyone around is talking about and writing about?” thought Vika, standing by the mirror and combing her hair the color of dark chocolate.

She was in pain yesterday. One pain that is still tearing everything inside, and Lesha, after the pleasure received for him, simply turned away and fell asleep, even forgetting to ask her: is it good or bad, it hurts, it doesn’t hurt.

When she finished putting herself in order, she went down to the first floor, where a large table was waiting for her with dirty dishes left from yesterday's party. She immediately began to clean up and wash the dishes. Having cleaned the first floor, she decided to cook breakfast for everyone - fry pancakes.

The room reeked of tobacco. Lisa was lying in bed, sipping a cigarette.

– Can you not smoke in the room? - He was annoyed when the girls smoked. The brunet silently put on trousers, a shirt and, without even looking at the girl, went to the exit, but stopped and decided to talk about what happened yesterday.

“Listen,” he said heavily, trying to find the right words, “what happened yesterday…

“I know,” she continued for him, putting out her cigarette. “It was all emotional. We did it out of desperation. Max, don't worry. You're not my type. It was the first and last time.

- I'm glad that we understood each other, - it became easy in my soul, as if a stone had fallen from my shoulders, and Maxim left the bedroom.

Vika, putting pancakes on plates and putting them on the table, heard someone quickly descending the stairs. It was Maxim. Seeing him, she said with a smile:

- Good morning, Maxim! I made pancakes. Shall we go have breakfast?

Maxim, seeing the beaming Vika, remembered last night and, looking at her with a ferocious look from top to bottom, muttered through his teeth:

“I don’t want your pancakes, understand? Stupid! I thought you were different, but you are the same as everyone else - it was harsh, rude and screaming. He ran upstairs again to avoid meeting her gaze.

Vika was simply stunned when she heard such a tone and these words.

"Why are you insulting me so?" What did I do to you? she called after him.

This question remained unanswered, Maxim disappeared from sight. At that moment, Lisa appeared:

– What is the noise, but there is no fight? – with curiosity asked descending Liza.

“I suggested breakfast to Max, and he looked at me like a wolf, insulted me and ran away,” said Vika, confused.

“Don’t worry, most likely he has a hangover, but I won’t refuse breakfast,” Lisa said with a smile.

The girls went to the dining room and began to have breakfast:

- Cool you lit yesterday with Lesha, - Lizaveta said with malice, thereby driving Vika into the red.

“Honestly, I didn’t think it would happen so soon,” Vika said, pouring freshly brewed coffee into cups.

“You know, Max and I also lit it yesterday,” Lisa said smiling, twisting a golden strand of hair.

Hearing these words, Vika almost dropped the sugar bowl from her hands and asked in a broken voice:

- So how?

We spent the night together last night, just like you.

Vika walked around the table and could not find a place for herself:

Lisa, how could you? He also has a girlfriend.

The red-haired girl laughed.

- He doesn't have a girlfriend. They broke up.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?"

- What for? You have Lesha, you are happy with him. Plus, Max wouldn't date you if he knew you were his best friend's girlfriend.

Vika clutched her head in impotence:

“It still feels wrong somehow. You are my friend and yesterday you were...

- Am I supposed to ask your permission? Lisa asked displeased.

No, but how could you? Vika said and ran to her bedroom.

For some reason, having learned that Lisa was with Max, Vika was so hurt, hurt. She herself did not understand what was happening to her, why tears mercilessly run down her cheeks, and in her soul there is such anger from injustice and resentment.

- Lesha! - she pushed the sleeping Alexei.

- Yes, what happened then? he finally woke up.

“You have to kick Max and Lisa out,” she said, sobbing in annoyance. - He insulted me, shouted and did not want to have breakfast with me.

- Nonsense! So you brought him up,” he said calmly and began to dress.

- And in general they turn your house into a brothel. They slept together last night.

- And what is it? What makes you angry? Why are you crying? - Alexei did not understand Vika's behavior in any way.

I don't want to see them together.

- What a morning! he grumbled as he left the room. “I’m sure they’ll pack up and leave on their own.”

Lesha left the room and after a while returned to Vika again:

Like I said, they're already leaving. Are you going to say goodbye?

“No,” she said offended.

- Okay, I'll tell you that your head hurts.

Lesha disappeared behind the door. Vika immediately rushed to the window. She watched from the window how Maxim was standing in the courtyard of the house and saying goodbye to his friends, suddenly he met her gaze, at the same second she closed the window with a curtain and sat down on the bed again, waiting for her young man.

- OK it's all over Now! Problem solved.” The brunette plopped down on the bed and wrapped his arms around the girl, and then kissed her passionately.

“Lesha,” she said, breaking away from the kiss. - Did they go together?

- No. He went to his house, and Lizka went shopping. I wouldn't say they are together. Most likely, the alcohol went to the head, so they spent the night together.

Vika was very pleased with this. A smile appeared on his face.

- I have news for you. The ancestors went on vacation and left me an apartment for three weeks. Imagine, you and I are together in a large Moscow apartment for three weeks. I will show you night Moscow. How do you like this idea?

- Leshka! This is cool! Vika squealed, and her eyes sparkled with happiness.

- Come to me! - he pulled her to him and laid her on the bed, untying the belt on her dressing gown.

Chapter 6

Two weeks passed.

During these two weeks, Vika saw the whole nightlife of Moscow thanks to Lesha. They traveled all the clubs, bowling alleys, visited the casino. Every evening after classes they disappeared in some club, and in the morning Vika, not getting enough sleep, went to the courses and took exams. Studying was difficult for her.

After nightly parties, he silently took her body when he wanted, Vika obeyed and expected that soon she would be overtaken by the peak of pleasure, which she had been dreaming of for so long, but she still did not feel anything.

The third week has come, at the end of which his parents should return from vacation and Vika will again return from Alexei's luxurious apartment to Liza.

Lesha returned from school and found Vika sleeping on the couch with a book on her chest.

- So, I don’t understand, are we going to the club today or not? he wondered. - Vika, are you like a sleepy fly?

She opened her eyes and sat up from the couch.

- Leshenka, let's not today. I have my last exam tomorrow and I don't feel well.

Recently, she really did not feel well: she was constantly sleepy, there were pains in her stomach. She attributed all this to lack of sleep and anxiety before the exam.

- What do you want me to do? I want to hang out, go for walks. You have been sitting at home for the second day already, - Aleksey walked around the room with displeasure, waving his arms.

- Lesh, will you go with Lisa? Vika suggested suddenly. - I really can not. I need to learn tickets.

- Yah you! He freaked out and left, slamming the door.

It was three o'clock in the morning, she did not hear the door open and Alexei, drunk and barely standing, came into the room, followed by a laughing Liza:

- Stop sleeping! he shouted, seeing again the sleeping Vika, and began to pull her legs.

Vika woke up instantly:

Lisa nodded.

"Come with us and have a drink!" he said and sat down at the table.

- Lesh, I won't drink. I'm sick.

It was hard for Vika, and these smells of tobacco and alcohol aggravated her physical ailment even more.

You don't want to, but we do. Bring us a drink, a snack and live! - Lyosha liked to command and show his power.

Vika went to the kitchen in the middle of the night to prepare drinks and snacks. Having laid the table, she sat down on the sofa and began to read the book again. The lines blurred, and she fell asleep again. She fell asleep again, ignoring Lisa's laughter and Lesha's loud voice. She woke up, feeling Alexei's hands on her, which wandered over her body, his kisses and hot breathing:

- Vika, I want you! he whispered, unbuttoning her blouse.

- Where is Lisa? - Vika was surprised when she woke up when she saw a dark room.

- She's in the other room. She went to bed, - everything, also kissing her body, he said. - I'm bored.

– Lesh, maybe we’ll just sleep tonight? she suggested timidly.

- How long can you sleep? I brought you here so that you could just sleep, or what? - Lesha was indignant. - Go to the doctor tomorrow. I'm tired of your ailments, - he snorted and climbed into bed.

“Darling, I’m sure I’ll pass the exam tomorrow, get in and get better right away. We will go with you to the club again, - Vika said with confidence, tightly clinging to him.

Lyosha was already asleep and did not hear Vicki's speeches. Seeing that he fell asleep, she carefully made her way to the kitchen, and reopening the textbook, delved into the study of the material, overcoming the weakness and sleep that rolled over her.

Morning came and Vika, not sleeping all night, went to the institute to pass the last most important exam for her. Excitement covered her from head to toe. Fingers of hands trembled, taking the ticket. Luckily for her, she got a ticket, one that she knew very well. With confidence, she looked at the ticket, and then at the people from the admissions office:

- Vasilyeva, answer the question! - the gray-haired professor looked at the girl over his glasses.

Suddenly, her head swam sharply, her consciousness became foggy, and then darkness.

The girl fainted right before the commission, she was never able to answer the ticket.

The unpleasant smell of ammonia woke her up.

- Where I am? she asked tiredly, lying on the couch, seeing the white ceiling, and a middle-aged woman in a medical gown, who was spinning around her.

- At the infirmary. You fainted and ended up here.

Vika remembered that just recently she was on the exam and quickly jumped off the couch:

- I have to go. I have an exam.

- The exam is over. The admissions office is gone.

- How? What to do? Panic gripped her, and tears welled up in her eyes.

- If you got good marks in the last exams, then maybe you will do it.

Vika pursed her lip in annoyance and remembered how she passed those exams with a stretch and really hoped that passing the last exam would pay for everything.

- My head hurts? Be sick? the doctor asked seriously.

“I’m sick,” Vika admitted.

The doctor has seen a lot in her life and the signs were all on her face, holding out a sheet to the girl, she suggested:

“I’ll tell you what, you need to see a gynecologist. This direction, go.

Before going to the doctor, Vika in the hall saw the lists of those who entered the institute, among which her name did not appear. She ran out of the institute in tears, realizing that she had missed this chance. Only a year later, she will be able to be within these walls again and try her luck. What will she tell her parents now? She didn't know that.

She did not remember how she came to the doctor and after the examination she heard another piece of news:

- Congratulations! You will become a mother! the doctor said happily.

- What? It can't be! Vika was shocked by this news.

She was going to enter, but it turned out that in such a short period of her eighteen years she would become a mother. In her head, this information now did not fit. She didn't know whether to cry at this news or to rejoice. She had mixed feelings at that moment.

In such a shocked state, she came home to Lesha and began to cook dinner and wait for his return. Leshka came even earlier than usual. He found Vika sitting frozen in the kitchen, who looked thoughtfully out the window and thought that all this was not happening to her now.

- Vika, are we going to have lunch? His hugs and voice brought her out of her coma.

She automatically took out the plates and began to fill them with soup.

“Now let’s eat and go to the clubhouse,” he said, savoring the hodgepodge with appetite.

“We're not going to the club,” Vika finally said. “I have two news for you. I don't even know whether to cry or be happy. I didn’t go to college,” she said, lowering her head.

“Just think about it,” he grinned and put her on his lap. It didn't work this year, but it will work next year.

- And the second piece of news, - Vika smiled enigmatically, hugging him tightly. “We will have a baby,” with these words she put his hand on her stomach. – Are you happy?

- What? - The spoon fell out of his hands, he abruptly removed Vika from his knees. - Are you crazy? What children? Pills! Haven't you been taking pills? He was literally shaking at the news. He just tore and metal.

- What pills? Lesha, you yourself told me that we would get married and have children. Yes, it happened before - before the wedding. What to do, we can play the wedding early, - suggested Vika.

- What wedding? I am young. I don't want to get married, let alone become a father. I'm early, you know? Alexei shouted angrily. I don't need such problems.

He walked around the room looking for a solution to this problem. He was shaking and shaking all over. With trembling hands, he poured himself a glass of whiskey from the bar. Having drained the glass, he began to desperately think that in general he had started any relationship with her in vain. If he had only known where this would lead, he would have stayed as far away from her as possible.

- What to do? I can’t go back to Vasilki, they’ll disgrace me,” Vika sobbed, sitting on the sofa.

“Here,” he took out a large wad of money from his wallet and threw it into her hands. - Have an abortion - this is the only way out of this situation.

- Lyosha, I'm afraid. Our aunt Katya had an abortion, and now she cannot have children, what if the same thing happens to me? We dreamed about children. This is your child. Change your mind! Vika wept bitterly.

- Why are you listening to all aunts Katya and others? So, until you solve this problem, you can not come back here, - he said decisively and opened the closet, taking out a suitcase from there.

- What are you doing? Your parents haven't arrived yet, - Vika was surprised, seeing how all her clothes from the closet flew head over heels into the suitcase.

- Everyone, go away! I said everything, - he handed her a suitcase and pushed the crying girl to the exit from the apartment. - Come on, come on! I am a respected person and I do not need such problems. As soon as you do everything, everything will return to normal, - he threw a jacket over her shoulders, and, without even letting her dress properly, pushed the poor girl out the door, like an unnecessary kitten that had been thrown out into the street to the mercy of fate. The door slammed shut. Standing near the door, she wept bitterly, left alone with this little "problem". She buttoned up her jacket, left the entrance and wheeled her suitcase along these strange streets of Moscow.

Chapter 7

The trill heard from the doorbell did not give rest, the girl quickly opened the door:

- Hello! - Lisa said, crossing her arms on her chest, seeing the tear-stained face of her friend, noticing a lonely suitcase next to her. - Come on.

Vika followed Liza into the kitchen, sat down and looked for a long time at the standing mug of hot tea for her.

“Liza… I didn’t go to college,” Vika cried.

Hmm, great loss. Then you do. This is all? Lisa was waiting for the main news.

“I'm pregnant,” Vika said and, crying, lowered her head down.

- What? This cannot be, - from this news, everything collapsed in Liza's soul. She would never have thought that it was her girlfriend who would get ahead of her and would be expecting a child from her beloved boyfriend. – What are you talking about? – no longer able to restrain herself, Lisa asked her with a cry.

- Lyosha told me to have an abortion. Liz, can I stay with you until he changes his mind? - a little hope still lurked in Vika's soul.

- No. This is out of the question. You must have an abortion, Lisa insisted and seethed with injustice. “And if you breed like a cat, will I have to endure it?” In addition, you and I agreed that you would stay with me until admission and you have to pay for the apartment. What will you pay?

- I'll find a job. Here, this is enough for a while, - she handed a large bundle of bills to Lisa.

The girlfriend immediately realized where the money came from and immediately returned it to Vika:

- Lesha gave it to you for an abortion, so go to the hospital, and then you can return to me again.

Lisa, I'm scared.

- It was necessary to think about the consequences before going to bed with Lesha. Do you have any idea how to have children at that age? You don't know anything. This is such a big problem: sleepless nights, crying baby, diapers. No, I didn't sign up for that when I took you in. Everyone, let's go! - Lisa began to see her friend out the door. - Get rid of this problem and you can return to me again.

- Lisa, please! Vika begged her.

The door slammed shut on her again. This is the second person to leave her in trouble. There was only one way out - to listen to the advice of her "friends".

A light knock sounded on the door, and at the same moment it opened and the head of a smiling youth appeared.

- Hello! He approached a dark-haired middle-aged woman in a white medical coat and kissed her on the cheek.

- Maksim! she said with a smile. Maria was always glad to see her son. She sat at the table in the office and filled out a medical record. The woman occupied the office of a pediatrician and loved her profession.

- Did you call? Maxim asked, reminding her of the call.

- Oh yes! she said bewildered. - Son, I have so many sick children today that my head is spinning.

- Yes, I saw in the hall, the little ones want to get to Aunt Masha.

- I have a request. Could you go to Dasha's apartment with Andrey today? In the same place, Barsik needs to be fed and the flowers watered, and I'll be free late.

- And what about the sister and her husband drove off somewhere again?

- Yes. To the clinic for treatment,” Maria sighed heavily.

“Poor Dasha,” he said thoughtfully.

- Let's hope everything goes well. After so many years of waiting, we will become grandparents, and you will be an uncle.

“I would be happy for them. Dasha dreams about it so much,” he said sadly. - I'll go, your lunch is already over. Give me the keys!

Masha gave the keys to her son, and Maxim began to leave the children's department.

The sad girl sat near the office and waited for her turn. Her eyes were fixed on the floor, as if she was trying to consider her future:

"God! Give me a sign, what should I do? Do not leave me! Please! she pleaded to herself, almost crying.

She looked up and saw a beaming boy in front of her. He recognized her immediately. This brunette is impossible to forget.

– Max! she smiled slightly. She was glad to meet a familiar person.

Vicki, please excuse me. I hurt you last time. I don't know what came over me.

- Yes, it's all in the past - her eyes became sad and sad again.

- How are you? How is Leha? You probably did, so you came for a medical examination? Maxim bombarded her with questions.

“I didn’t get in.” She lowered her head, and tears welled up in her eyes.

- Dont worry. You'll definitely do it next year, I'm sure. That's why you're so sad, right? he asked excitedly, taking her hands in his. - My mother works here, so I went to her, and what are you doing here?

- And I ... I ... - Vika stammered, blushing, and did not know how to tell him about it.

The door swung open and a woman in a white coat came out, who said in a harsh tone:

- Vasilyeva, for the operation!

- What operation? he asked in syllables.

Vika was silent, tears rolled down her cheeks, and Maxim still held her hands and looked into her eyes, waiting for an answer.

- He himself forced the girl to go for an abortion, and now you are pretending to be a fool. Unscrupulous! the doctor said angrily.

- What? - Maxim became ill, from everything he heard. There was silence.

“Max, I have to go,” Vika said barely audibly through tears, slipping out of his warm hands.

- No! - he said decisively, and, seizing her suitcase, led her to the exit.

A young couple sat on a bench in thought and fed the pigeons. Yellow leaves rustled underfoot.

“You shouldn't be doing this. A child is a gift - although it was not easy and painful for him to realize everything, he tried to dissuade her from this act.

“If I don’t do this, then I will lose Lyosha and be disgraced throughout the village. I have no choice.

- You know, after everything you've said, Lesha doesn't need you, even with a child or without. What a bastard he is! - Maxim's hands clenched into fists from hatred.

- Do not say that! He loves me. We were going to marry him. I will do what Lesha asks for, and we will be together again.

Vika was still blind and still believed in Alexei's feelings. Maxim, unable to stand it, got up from the bench, squatted down in front of her and spoke with a plea in his voice:

- Vika, don't kill him! He grabbed her hands again. - My sister and her husband have not been able to have children for many years. They go to clinics, to church, to grandmothers and nothing helps. They are waiting for this miracle, but it was given to you from above and you want to get rid of it. Do not do that!

She was surprised by his reaction and, having heard such a family secret, she had no choice but to say:

“Okay, I’ll think about it,” Vika said, swallowing. “But I have nowhere to go.

“Don't worry about it. I have an idea. Come with me!

Vika obediently went after Max.

Chapter 8

Maxim opened the doors of the apartment in front of the girl, and she dutifully entered. He helped her undress.

- Come on! Barsik, meet the guests!

The black cat went out into the corridor and, purring, began to rub against Vicki's legs. She happily took the fluffy household in her arms.

“Actually, he doesn’t like strangers, but he liked you,” Maxim said with a smile and went to the kitchen.

Vika went into the room and began to examine the apartment with interest. Sofa, vase of flowers, TV. Everything is like everyone else. Not the luxurious apartment she lived in before. With curiosity, she took the photo frame, from which she looked, smiling, a pretty young blonde, and next to her hugged a dark-haired guy.

"A beautiful couple!" Vika thought to herself.

- Whose apartment is this?

“My sister and her husband. They left and asked to look after the apartment. You can live here. All you have to do is water the flowers and look after Barsik, ”a voice came from the kitchen.

- Thank you. I will pay for accommodation.

- You don't need any money.

Having finished looking at the housing, Vika took out a phone from her purse and dialed a number she knew:

- Hello, Lesha!

- Like who? I am Vika, she reminded the young man of her existence.

- Oh, Vika! Did you do what I asked you to?

"Then why are you calling me?" shouted a ferocious voice into the receiver, and beeps were heard.

Tears flooded the girl again, and she, sobbing, rushed into the corridor to get dressed.

“Vic, would you like tea or coffee?” Although, what I'm asking, of course, is tea, ”he said, leaving the kitchen, and found Vika in the corridor. – And where are we going?

Max, thank you very much for everything. I will go.

– What are you thinking? Sensing something unkind, he asked.

“I have to do this,” she admitted.

- You promised.

- I said I'd think about it. I don't understand why you care so much about this child? He's not yours.

These words hurt Max's feelings.

- Yes you are right. He is not mine,” he said bitterly. But I won't let you do stupid things. So, you won’t go anywhere, but you will sit here until I return,” he said sternly, leading her back into the room.

How can I not go anywhere? Vika was surprised. “You have no right to keep me here.

- Dinner is on the table. I'm at the institute. I'll be right back,” he said before slamming the door.

- Let me out now! She rushed to the door and started banging on the door with her fists.

The girl was locked in a strange apartment for her.

Having passed several metro stations, Maxim got off at the usual stop and entered the Institute building. He walked into the auditorium and saw the person he was going to talk to.

Lesha enthusiastically told a fellow student about the opening of a new club:

- Falcon! Today we are lucky, couples are cancelled. The teacher fell ill, Lech said, smiling.

“Listen, I once took three hundred dollars from you,” Maxim said seriously and put the money on the table. - Here, count!

- Well, maybe he did. Yes, everything is in order! - He took the money.

"So we're in the balance." And this is for Vika, - there was a blow to the jaw.

– What are you doing? – he was shocked behavior Max.

- What a scoundrel you are! Threw a pregnant girl, she loves you!

“Oh, I already complained. If I were you, I'd be happy. The path is clear, Romeo. You've been drying on her for a long time. Do you think I needed this provincial? No. I needed her innocence. I was her first. I got everything I wanted and intended to leave her after my parents arrived, but this fool became pregnant, and our breakup happened earlier, - Alexey said smiling, revealing all his cards.

- What a bastard you are! You ruined her whole life. Nothing! - Maxim seethed with anger and rushed at his friend with his fists.

- Guys! Settle down! - were pulled apart by fellow students, fighting guys. - You are friends!

“He’s not my friend after all that he did,” Max shouted towards Lesha.

“I offer you an option: you ask me for forgiveness, we go to a bar, get drunk and forget about what just happened,” Alexei said, wiping the blood dripping from his broken nose. “Come on, is it really because of this girl that we will break our long-term friendship?” Lesha asked, approaching Max, holding out his hand to him.

Max looked sharply at Alexei.

“I'm not going to ask for forgiveness. From this day forward, you are no longer my friend! - he said sharply and left the audience.

- Well, you roll! shouted his former friend angrily.

He knew where he could go, but he didn't know how to tell this sweet green-eyed girl that no one needed her right now. She was just a toy in the hands of the man who now ruined her life. It still didn’t fit in his head, how could his best friend do this to this little man? Overnight, he ruined her life: failing her exams, an unexpected pregnancy, and breaking up a relationship. How will she survive this? Will they believe him? These questions were constantly spinning in his head.

Maxim opened the apartment door.

- Vika! Silence answered. She was not in the living room, only the wind walked throughout the apartment, bringing frosty freshness.

Sensing something unkind, he went into the bedroom and saw her. She stood on the windowsill in front of the open window:

- What are you doing, stupid? - Grasping her by the waist, he rushed to lower her from the windowsill. At that moment, fear washed over his skin. - You could have crashed.

- Let me go! Vika shouted, jerking her legs and escaping from his tenacious hands. - In the village, I constantly climbed into the attic and up the tree. I wanted to run away, but you prevented me. I have to get rid of him. You have no right to keep me here. I'll tell Lesha everything. I won't stay here.

He sat her on the couch, took the keys from the drawer and locked the window.

- Calm down! he shouted at her to bring her to her senses. Vicky, I need to talk to you. I saw Lesha and talked to him.

- Lesha! Vika exclaimed happily. Did he ask about me? What did he say? When will he come for me?

“Never,” Maxim said heavily.

- That is? Why?

“Because he doesn’t love you and never has. All he needed was that he did not know how to choose words and fell silent. - In general, he wanted to be your first, so he was with you. I'm sorry.

– No, it can't be. Lyosha - he is not like that! Vika shook her head, and tears rolled from her eyes.

“It’s hard for me to realize that he did this to you, too. Today I lost a friend. Vika, he doesn't need you. We fought with him even because of this. He confessed everything to me,” Maxim said sadly.

Vika noticed Maxim's swollen face:

- Did you beat him? How dare you? How is he? Vika shook him indignantly.

- Calm down, you! Everything is fine with him. He deserves more. He used you, you understand that! Max tried to get through to her mind.

- No. You're lying! she cried out through her tears. - I do not believe you. You are just jealous of him.

This is the reaction he did not expect from Vicki:

- What to envy?

- His position in society. He is a rich, successful man. And what have you achieved? You think you'll be successful by holding a girl by force, right? Vika puffed out indignantly. - Where are you going?

It was hard for him to listen to these eulogies about Lesha, and so he went to the exit from the room.

- How blind are you! I think it's better for you to be alone. Good dreams, Vika! - Maxim sighed heavily, closing it in the bedroom.

- Let me out! Vika knocked on the door with her fists and feet.

She cried, suffered from impotence and beat against the closed door. It was hard for him to hear her sobs, screams outside the door, but he believed that he was doing the right thing. Although it is cruel, he will not let her make a mistake that she will regret all her life.

Listen to music, it's good for you! - he said and turned on the classical music louder in order to hear less of her crying, which so disturbed his soul.

- Give me the phone. I have to call Lyosha, - Vika shouted with her last strength, knocking the found slippers on the door.

Tired of knocking on the door and realizing that no one would let her out today, Vika lay down on the bed, and, huddled into a ball, wept bitterly.

The knocking stopped and silence reigned. Maxim turned off the music and carefully opened the door. He saw the sleeping angel, who was now sleeping peacefully, curled up on a pillow. Seeing this picture, a smile touched his lips, and, taking a warm blanket, he carefully covered her, stroking the strands of her dark hair. Turning off the lights in the room, he walked out the door.

Night covered the city, taking with it a difficult day.

Chapter 9

With the sunrise and the morning rays that appeared, a black foreign car stopped near a multi-storey building in the center of Moscow. A man of mature age got out of the car in shiny shoes and an expensive formal suit. He opened the car door and offered his hand to a middle-aged blond lady with a chiseled figure dressed in haute couture. She gracefully walked arm in arm with this man, heading slowly towards the house:

- Still, Petya, Lesha should have been warned in advance about our arrival. Suddenly he is not alone, with a girl? she sighed heavily.

- Lena, stop it! Even if that's the case, he's sleeping in his room right now. Why should we wake him up? We will go to our room, sleep, and then we will talk.

They opened the door of the apartment with a key, went into the room and were stunned by what they saw in the room: empty bottles of strong drinks and scattered clothes lay everywhere on the floor. There was a pungent smell in the room, and Elena immediately began to open the windows.

- What is this? Where is Lesha? Lena asked frightened when she saw her husband, puzzled by the discovery of a white powder on the table.

- Damn it! Puppy! Pyotr Baryshnikov cursed, realizing what this white substance left on the table meant.

Lena wearily went to her bedroom. After a moment there was a screech and a cry from a woman:

- What it is? Get out of our bed now! - shouted and drove away half-naked girls of an easy nature.

- Mother? - Alexei asked in surprise, barely opening his eyes, and instantly jumped out of bed.

- How dare you put these depraved girls on our bed with my father? Lena was crying in annoyance. “You can't be left alone.

- Lena, calm down! - the husband stroked the head of the sobbing woman. - We will call the maid, she will put things in order here and everything will be the same. Sit down on the sofa.

After reassuring his wife, Peter, taking his son by the ear, directed him to the exit:

- With you, son, let's go and talk! he said in a harsh tone.

They went down to the living room.

- What is this? - shouted the furious father, showing a slide on the table.

“I just tried it, that’s all,” Lesha said quickly, rolling his eyes.

- So, I'm tired of you leading a lifestyle where you get away with everything. You don't know any problems. In the evenings you disappear in clubs. You are in your last year. You don't think about anything. It's time to grow up, my boy. The cup of my patience has burst. From this day on, you begin to live in a new way. I'm blocking all your bank cards, I'm taking the car. You will hand over all your “tails” yourself, you will earn money yourself.

“Father, what are you talking about?” You can't take everything from me. Are you suggesting I take the subway? he asked fearfully.

“Yes, yes,” Peter said firmly. “As long as you are free, you have neither a wife nor a child, I will not help you with anything. You will rely only on yourself. Are you clear? Peter looked menacingly at his son.

- Yes, - Alexei dejectedly gave the credit cards to his father and the keys to the car.

He left the house and walked to the bar.

The sun's rays woke up Victoria, and she opened her eyes to see a breakfast tray and a serious Maxim in front of her.

- Good morning! I'm sorry this happened yesterday. Here is breakfast and fruit. You need to eat a lot of fruit, I read it yesterday.

Vika looked at him with an offended look.

“Are you going to keep me locked up here for nine months?”

- No. Vika, I have an offer for you. Give birth to this child.

She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes.

“Wait, listen first,” he said, feeling Vicki's ardor. “Give birth to this child for my sister.

She opened her mouth in surprise.

- Of course, Lesha told me that you were odd, but not to the same extent. How do you imagine it? Why does your sister need someone else's child? Lesha won't wait for me for nine months.

“Vika,” he pleaded, “you see, you yourself are not sure of him. I will provide you with everything you need. I'll go to a second job, pay for your housing, food, vitamins - anything, just don't do it. When you give birth, and if you do not change your mind, my sister will take care of this child. Please think about it.

- Is this like a "surrogate mother"? Watched a movie like this.

- You can understand it this way. By the way, here is your phone,” he handed her a cell phone. - So you agree?

Vika looked at him thoughtfully and heard the call melody.

“You see, Lyoshka is calling, and you said that he doesn’t need me,” she pointed with dignity at her phone display. – Hello! Lesha!

- Vika, where are you? - was heard in the receiver.

Vika immediately gave the address and, putting down the phone, said to Maxim with a smile on her face:

“He said that he would come for me and take me away from here,” she said in a joyful tone.

This phrase touched Maxim's nerve.

- What are you standing? Turn around, I need to change clothes,” she said to the frozen Maxim.

– But, how is it? He told me yesterday that he doesn't need you. Did you believe him? Are you worried about his sudden change towards you? - Maxim could not come to his senses, leaving the room.

“Let's just say he just needed to grasp the news,” she said as she put on her dress.

The doorbell rang and a satisfied Alexei appeared on the threshold with a bouquet of flowers:

- Healthy! Do you have her? - he asked.

At that moment, he saw the shining Vika and, holding out a bouquet of flowers, said:

- Vikulya! Forgive me for such a fool. Tell me, did you have an abortion? he asked tensely.

- Lesh, no. I couldn't," she said, pursing her lips.

It seemed that these words made him even happier and, embracing her, said:

- Well done! He kissed her on the forehead. - Clever! Vikul! Are you willing to marry me? he asked, and was already putting a precious ring on her ring finger.

- Leshka, of course, yes! she cried with joy, while he struggled to put the ring on her finger.

Breaking away from hugs and kisses, they saw Maxim approaching. Vika showed him a pen with a ring on it, and proudly said:

- Max, Lesha and I will get married.

Yes, isn't it too fast? Yesterday you said that it is not needed, today it suddenly became necessary? Why such a sudden change? - Maxim puffed from injustice.

- Max, your conversation just affected me, and your fists gained strength. Thank you for this. Thank you for looking after her and not letting her do something stupid. Well, world? Will you be a witness at our wedding? Lech asked, holding out his hand to him.

- No. I do not believe you. Something is wrong here,” Maxim shook his head as a sign of refusal.

"It's up to you," Alexei said irritably. - Vika, get ready, I'm waiting for you outside. We have so many things ahead of us. We need to go to the registry office, to my parents, to yours and prepare for the wedding. Alexei quickly left the apartment.

Vika hurriedly began to get ready, singing the tune of a cheerful song as she walked, while Maxim silently stood at the window. It was terribly hard on his soul, because the girl could not see that this imminent marriage was not without reason. She will never love him. She now became not just a friend's girlfriend, but now also someone else's bride, and later a wife. Hopelessness.

“Maxim,” she distracted him from his thoughts, forcing him to turn to her and see again those green eyes that would not let him rest at night. - I will go. Thank you for everything. Thanks to you, Leshenka and I will have a full-fledged family with a baby. Max, can you be our bridesmaid at the wedding, please? - this plaintive tone and sad look tormented his soul.

She hurts him without knowing it. If only she knew how hard it was for him at that moment, but he plunged headlong into the pool of her emerald eyes, and could only tell her, mentally thinking before that, “What are you doing to me?”:

"Okay, I agree," he said heavily.

- Maksim! she exclaimed with joy. You will be the best witness! Thank you, you are a true friend! - she said and touched his cheek, leaving a light kiss that made him shudder and excite his whole body. She left, leaving behind a light scent of perfume and unbearable pain that settled in his soul from loneliness.

Chapter 10

Having visited the registry office, and having successfully submitted an application, Lesha brought the girl to his home:

- Mom, dad! This is Vika, my fiancee. We love each other and applied today, and we're also having a baby.

Silent scene. Elena and Peter looked at each other and looked with interest at the smiling happy girl with a strange accent.

– Hello! Vika said smiling.

“Very nice,” the hesitant parents said in syllables.

The apartment smelled of burning, which made the frozen parents come to their senses:

- Kate! Yelena screamed and wailed at her maid. Have you ruined the cake again? Are we going to miss dinner tonight?

- Oh, sorry, Elena Vladimirovna! The pie failed again, - Katerina jumped out - a girl with a pale face.

- Elena Vladimirovna! How about I help you with dinner? - at the same moment Vika volunteered to help.

A few hours later, the whole Baryshnikov family was sitting at the table and with pleasure ate pie, salad and chicken from the oven.

- Yes, you were lucky with the bride, son. Smart, beautiful and she cooks superbly! Katerina, I hope you received a master class from Vicki. Well, Vikulya, for you! - said Peter and raised up a glass of red wine. - I can’t even believe that I will soon become a grandfather. I'm happy! I am sure that now my son will become smarter and take over the company, and Elena and I will help you. What a blessing that you met such an angel! - the future father-in-law looked at the daughter-in-law with undisguised pleasure.

In just a few hours, Vika was able to win the heart of Lesha's parents with her naivety, thriftiness and kindness.

“Well, we have to go,” said Alexei. - We still need to go to Vika's parents. We have a train.

- Lyosha, where are you in such a hurry? Elena was worried. - Stay with us, you'll go tomorrow. Moreover, in Vika's position, you need to be careful, there is no need to rush.

- No, we have to go! Lesha said insistently. “Vika, you can go, and I will catch up,” he escorted the girl out the door and returned to her parents.

- How do you like it? Alexei asked with an undisguised smile.

“Good, even too good for you. I hope you will now take hold of your head and neither Vika nor we will see what we saw this morning, - the father said in a serious tone.

- Dad, Vika and I just quarreled, so I messed up.

- Hope. I will return the bank cards and the car to you. You can live on Rublyovka and you will work in my company. Yes, every month I will pay you an allowance. I don’t feel sorry for anything for my future grandson,” the father shed tears and hugged his son tightly.

- Thanks, dad! The son patted his father on the shoulder.

Peter went to his office, and Alex went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water:

- Poor girl! Elena said sadly, sitting at the table in the kitchen.

Why is she poor? - Lesha was surprised, putting the glass back.

Because you don't love her. You can't fool a mother's heart. You don't need her. I can see. Lesha, leave her! Don’t break the girl’s life, the son’s mother pleaded.

- Mom, stop it! Where did you get it from? We love each other and we will have a child,” the son said irritably.

“Do you even believe in it yourself?” Marriage without love does not bring happiness, - Elena finally said to her son.

Lesha just grunted and left the Baryshnikovs' apartment.

Early in the morning, the bus stopped near the Vasilki stop and a young couple got off the bus. The young man walked, rolling his suitcase, and inhaled the unfamiliar air of freshly cut grass, looked around with displeasure at the passing cows, geese, goats and people he did not know. All this was so alien to him and did not bring any joy. The girl who walked with him literally jumped with happiness and with pleasure inhaled this familiar air with full breasts, touched all the passing living creatures and talked to every person from the village, saying: “This is Lesha - my fiancé!”. She was happy.

The brunette, having gone to her parents, introduced her fiancé and, after talking a little with her parents, went into the room to collect things.

- Okay, I'll go and dig potatoes. We have a garden. There is no mercenary force, - said the father of the bride and left the table, leaving the gloomy groom.

The groom remained in his place, not deigning to help the future father-in-law.

- Daughter! Do you even love him? Well, quickly everything is somehow with you. We've known each other for a few months and we're already married. You should at least take a closer look at him, ”the mother said, helping her daughter to pack things.

“Perhaps this is love,” the brunette said enigmatically, smiling mysteriously.

“All right, I’ll go and heat up a bath for you,” said Nadezhda Pavlovna, hugging her daughter.

- Mom, don't. Lesha said that we need to go. We came to invite you to the wedding and we are leaving today.

- As today? We didn't really get to know him. Why are you so eager to go to your Moscow and can't be with your parents? - Doomed mother said, almost crying. You have changed, my daughter. Another became.

“Mom,” she began to hug the saddened woman and stroke her hair with her hand.

“Vic, are you coming soon?” We need to go, - Lesha went into the room, interrupting the conversation of two women.

- Lyosha, can we stay another day? Vika said. - I missed my parents.

He had no desire to stay in this village. He wanted to leave this uncivilized society as soon as possible.

- No, what are you? We have so many things to do in Moscow. I need to keep up to date with my father's company, and my parents will come to our wedding. That's where you'll see. Everyone, let's go! - he said quickly, snatching the bag from her hands, and directing the girl to the exit.

Vika could not say anything to Lesha, she only followed him, noticing the reproachful look of her mother and father on herself, who did not even really say goodbye to their daughter.

- That's it, Vikulenka left us! Nadezhda Pavlovna wept bitterly on her husband's shoulder.

A beautiful bride sat in front of a mirror in a snow-white dress, while her friend Lisa attached a veil to her:

- Hey, Lisa! It hurts! - Vika screamed in pain and touched the top of her head - Look, I even started bleeding.

Vika showed her palm, on which there were drops of blood.

– What did you want? - seething with anger Lisa, standing in an evening dress. - If you want to be a beautiful bride, be patient. In general, you were lucky, you didn’t have time to come to Moscow, you snatched off such a groom for yourself. You will be a rich wife, live happily ever after on Rublyovka. You are just like Cinderella. She took such a bite. Not everyone can do this,” Lisa said with resentment in her voice.

- Yes, I was lucky with Lesha. I myself did not think that it would turn out like this, - Vika said modestly, smiling.

The horn of an approaching car rang out, and Lizka, recollecting herself, ran to the exit:

- Everybody, they're coming! Run, I'm a witness. I won't give you up without ransom.

Having redeemed the bride, everyone went to the registry office, and under the march of Mendelssohn, Vika and Lesha said the coveted “Yes” and, exchanging wedding rings, began to dance their first joint dance.

How long do you think their marriage will last? Lisa whispered, turning to the witness.

“I have no idea,” Maxim said wearily.

“By the way, I’m surprised you volunteered to be a witness. In my opinion, you are not friends with Lesha now.

“Vika asked, I couldn’t refuse,” he said dryly, watching the beautiful bride whirl in the dance. - And you?

“Lesha persuaded me,” Lisa admitted.

After a walk around Moscow, everyone went to an expensive restaurant, where they continued to celebrate the celebration. A chic restaurant, gourmet dishes, drinks, soap bubbles, light music, which shimmered with multi-colored lights of the young. The celebration went great. There were cries of "Bitter!", dancing, entertainment, cake. The holiday was coming to an end. Vika and Lyosha merged together in the dance and sincerely talked to each other. At one point, Vika out of the corner of her eye noticed how Maxim left the table and began to get ready to leave the restaurant:

- Lyosha, it seems that Maxim is leaving there, - she spoke worriedly. - Let's go see him?

- Well, he leaves, and he leaves. Think about it. If you want, see me off, but I won’t go, ”said Alexei, tipsy.

Vika sighed tiredly and ran to the exit.

- Maksim! she said, out of breath, catching up with him at the door. - Leaving so soon?

- Yes, I have to go. We sold the cake, the bouquet was thrown, I caught the garter,” he said, smiling, twirling her lace garter with a pink ribbon, which had recently been removed from her slender leg, on his finger. “My role as a witness is over,” he said with a certain degree of sadness, looking into her so alluring eyes. He had never seen such a beautiful bride, and it was hard for him to be a witness to this feast.

- Maxim, thank you! You know, I've seen so many weddings, but you can't find a witness like you. You coped with this role by five with a plus! she beamed with happiness, looking into the gray haze of his eyes.

There was silence. A light breeze touched her shoulders, and it was time to part.

- Well, I'll go. You are already cold, probably, and the guests are waiting, - he awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, he said. Then he took her by the hand and lightly touched her thin, cool fingers with his lips. - Be happy, Vika! Goodbye! he said bitterly, and left her in a slight turmoil.

He was leaving, and she looked after him and waited for him to turn around, but he did not turn around.

The rain drummed on the roofs. Opening the door with the key, the man silently entered the apartment, staggering from the dose of alcohol taken inside. Without turning on the light, he sat down on the floor, leaning on the couch next to him, and closed his eyes, trying to forget about today. In his hands he had a bottle of strong drink, which warmed his soul at least a little and brought a little salvation until tomorrow morning. Suddenly, footsteps were heard, and a dark-haired woman sat down next to him.

- Maxim, what happened? Why are you like this? - worried, his mother asked, looking at her downcast son.

She had never seen Maxim so pretty drunk and dreary.

- Mother! I love her! - staring at one point, he said. Tell me what's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?

Maxim, you are wonderful! Who is she? Who are you speaking about? - the mother tried to find out the truth from such a secretive son.

- Vika. Mom, I fell in love with someone else's bride. Today I was at her wedding. Do you know who I was? Witness,” Maxim barked. - I helped to buy her, went with them in a limousine, shouted to them "Bitter!" loudest of all, made toasts, lit with might and main. How can I get her out of my heart? His voice broke, and he covered his face with his hands, hiding his tears from the excruciating pain.

“Maxim,” she pressed him to her, “you need to go through this. Not all that glitters is gold. A lot of girls don't notice nice guys like you. They are bought for a beautiful shell, not paying attention to what is inside. I am sure you will find your happiness. You will still have a girlfriend. You will forget this Vika and be happy, but now you need to sleep, comprehend everything and survive this evening.

"Yes, you're right," he said wearily. - All the worst is over. The wedding has been played. Excuse me for waking you up. Don't worry, I'll sit a little longer and go to my room.

Maria nodded and, kissing her son, said as she left:

- Good night, son!

He was alone again. Alone with my sadness, sadness and memories of a provincial.

Somewhere on Rublyovka, to the sound of rain, a girl in a chic snow-white wedding dress was sitting on a large bed and looked longingly at her newly-born husband, who was sleeping sweetly from a large amount of alcohol drunk at his own wedding, and did not even bother to undress on the marriage bed. Around her were rose petals, lit candles, fruit, champagne - everything to make this night unforgettable, but this wedding night did not take place. The wedding night left the bride alone.

Chapter 11

Six months have passed.

Spring came into its own and warmed the frozen nature from the icy winter with the sun. A thaw has come, but not in the lives of our heroes.

During these six months, Vika has tasted all the delights of a rich, beautiful life that people can only dream of. She and Lesha still lived in a luxurious mansion on Rublyovka. Lesha became his father's deputy in the bank's management. His business developed and expanded. Every month his father gave him an allowance, so long as Vika did not need anything with the baby. He dreamed about his grandson so much that he was ready to write a will and leave all his fortune to an unborn baby.

And how did Vika live in marriage at that time? For the first month, she enjoyed a carefree life. She went to boutiques, while away the time until Lesha came home from work.

The second month she spent in the preparation of culinary dishes. Every day she prepared some culinary delights, but Alexey came home late and most often refused everything. He used to dine in restaurants.

The third month of living together brought alienation. Vika began to notice that Lesha was becoming uninteresting and undesirable, like a woman. He just came home drunk and fell asleep. No kisses, no affection, no warmth. Nothing helped her: exquisite linen, candlelit dinner. It was all for nothing. Every day he touched her less and less, desired her. She felt and understood it.

In the fourth month, Vika gained weight, after all, pregnancy affects the figure. Now she already considered herself guilty of everything. She tried to save the marriage as best she could, but each time less and less succeeded.

She spent her fifth month reading books. She read the entire library in the house from painful loneliness. She looked longingly at the people who walked in pairs, and she suffered from loneliness day and night. Loneliness burned her from the inside. The neighbors who were on Rublyovka did not understand her, but she did not understand them. Behind the glossy photos from the magazine and beautiful interviews about a happy family life, scandals, screams, betrayals were hidden. Lesha said that everyone lives like this, and she willingly believed him and believed that this was a happy marriage, which she tried to save in every possible way.

The sixth month is a complete alienation and misunderstanding of each other. Alexey and Victoria realized that they are completely different. So different that they could not find common topics for conversation. Vika more and more often remembered her Vasilki and yearned for her parents, and Lesha more and more often left home from an unloved woman, with whom he simply had to exist next to. He started intrigues, often came home drunk, became rude, could yell at her, but Vika endured everything and was afraid to admit to herself that the marriage had failed and was bursting at the seams. From the outside, she looked like a meek servant who dutifully listens to her husband.

Evening. Vika ironed Lesha's shirt, and her husband at that time was completely immersed in the laptop.

Lesh, do you know what day tomorrow is? she asked meekly.

Vic, don't speak in riddles. Which? he asked irritably.

He was annoyed by her Ural dialect.

“Tomorrow is my birthday,” she said, pursing her lips.

- Exactly! Let's have a party: Tolik, Lekha, Dimon, - he chattered enthusiastically.

Wait, what about my parents? Leshenka, can my parents come to us? I haven't seen them since the wedding.

- No! This is out of the question - he did not want to see her parents, because they could open her eyes that people do not live like that - this is an unhappy marriage. His plans were to hold out until the birth of a child, and then get a divorce and give the baby to his parents.

“Well, then, let me go to them, please,” Vika pleaded.

- Are you out of your mind? he shouted at her. - You are the wife of a rich man, you will travel around the villages. No, period! he said harshly.

- But why? I miss my parents. I'm lonely in this big house. I haven't seen anyone there in such a long time. Manechka is my cow, Vika sobbed.

- What kind of nonsense is it? Alex scolded. He was annoyed when she talked about her roots. What if you give birth there? Completely brainwashed?

- Lesh, because Baba Katya can give birth there, - Vika said sincerely.

- Don't piss me off! I said, "No," so no! Alexei yelled. - Did you iron your shirt?

“Here,” she handed him the shirt.

- Leshenka, maybe we'll go somewhere, huh? She looked into his eyes, but found only his aloof, cold gaze.

- Where can we go with your belly? To the club, casino, where? he shouted.

Vika covered her big belly with her hand and timidly suggested:

We can just take a walk.

There was a sigh and the rustle of banknotes was heard.

“Here, go to the store and buy something for yourself.” Relax, have fun, and I'm tired of plowing on the three of us.

- I do not need money. I have everything. I need your attention.

You need attention, and I need rest. I plow like damned every day, while you are sitting at home, and in the evenings you meet me with tantrums about your Berezhki, Vasilki, whatever. You are well settled down, you have nothing to do, and I have to work like an ox.

Alexei got dressed and went to the front door.

- Where are you going? I baked a cake, stay, - she rushed to him.

"Go to work," he muttered unhappily.

“But you just got here, it’s already late,” she pleaded.

“What do you want, my dear?” Do you want a beautiful life and want me to always be there? It doesn't happen. You always have to choose. In this case, you have money, but without the attention of your husband. It's time for you to come to terms with this, everyone lives like this.

- You don't love me anymore? she asked in a barely audible voice, looking at him with sad eyes.

“Vika,” he sighed heavily, “what a fool you are! No love. It is in the first months, and we have already passed this stage. Love turns into mutual respect. I’ll be late,” he kissed his petrified wife on the cheek. By the way, let's get ready for tomorrow's party.

- Lesh, - she held him at the door, - it's my birthday and I would like not only yours, but also my friends to come to the party.

- Who is this? he asked.

– Lisa and Maxim are the people I know in Moscow.

- Okay, you got it. If you want, invite.

Lesha disappeared behind the door, and Vika began to dial the phone numbers of her friends.

The young man came home late: study, work. All this took him time and energy. Tired, he went to the kitchen, where his mother was. She was looking at some magazine and, seeing her son, smiled:

- Returned. Now let's have dinner, - she got up from the table and began to warm up dinner. - Your classmate Alexei has a beautiful wife, and their love is like in a fairy tale.

Maxim's face changed:

- Where did you get it?

“Yes, everything is written here,” she handed him the magazine.

On the spread of the magazine, a couple flaunted in an embrace with happy smiles and the inscription: “We found each other and are happy!”

He recognized her, this dark-haired brunette was impossible to forget. Maxim picked up the magazine and began to read every line of the interview. His heart was beating wildly, and his soul did not want to believe all these beautiful words about the immense happiness of the spouses. After reading the article, he tossed the magazine on the table, trying to get rid of the reminder of the girl he hadn't been able to forget all this time. He silently went to his room, clenching his fists in annoyance.

- Maxim, where are you? What about dinner? Maria called after him.

He hated himself for not being able to tear her out of his heart. In vain were acquaintances with new girls, in each of the girls he looked for her: such a sweet, naive, kind Vika. He was looking for her eyes, her smile, but his heart was silent and waiting for a meeting with the brunette, and he was again left alone with his thoughts and unrequited feelings for the provincial.

His thoughts were interrupted by a call, and the display showed: "Vika". He stared for a long time at the vibrating phone, which was on the edge of the table and choked, while the owner thought about the importance of a phone call. His strength could not stand it, and, taking the phone, he said in a casual tone:

Chapter 12

The spring day was marked for Maxim by vanity and haste. Of course, he could not refuse Vika and again agreed to see her and come to her birthday. He ironed his suit, polished his shoes to a shine, so as not to fall into the dirt on his face in front of these rich people. With excitement and trembling he waited for this meeting. Entering the flower shop, Maxim chose not roses, but marvelous, spring tulips. Mentally, he was ready for the manifestation of Vika and Lesha's feelings in front of him, the refined atmosphere, but when he rang the doorbell of the house, he saw a completely different picture.

Noon. Alexei opened the door and was amazed:

- Oh, what people! - he said in a barely coherent language from the alcohol taken on his chest. - Come on!

His appearance was rumpled: half-open shirt, stubble.

Having entered the house, Maxim noticed a large set table, at which unknown guys were sitting at him, as soon as he could recognize Lisa, and the birthday girl was not visible.

- Where is Vika? Maxim asked.

- Vika, in the kitchen. Where else could she be? - Alexei said ironically and shouted. - Vika! How long can you wait? Why are you crawling like a turtle?

At the same moment, Vika appeared. She went to the table and, putting another dish on the table, suddenly saw Maxim:

- Hello! she said with a mysterious smile.

He expected a graceful lady to come down the stairs in front of him, but the same sweet brunette with wavy curls in a loose dress, from under which a rounded big tummy peeped out, came out.

“This is for you,” Maxim shyly handed her a bouquet of flowers.

- Thank you.

She modestly accepted his flowers and inhaled their spring scent.

Maxim sat down at the table, and Vika soon joined. He couldn't take his eyes off her. It would seem that such a joyful day, and her eyes are shrouded in inexplicable sadness.

- Friends! Alex shouted and got up from the table. We are meeting today...

There was a pause.

- Why are we here? Lesha tried to remember.

Vika looked at Lyosha with resentment and, seeing the emptiness in his eyes, hiding tears from everyone present, ran out from the table and headed towards the kitchen.

- Vika, you ran to the kitchen anyway, grab a bottle of tequila.

- Idiot! She has a birthday, and you, - Maxim hissed in anger, taking Lyokha by the breasts.

- Take it easy. You are a guest after all, do not forget!

Maxim threw his former friend aside and went to the kitchen.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she couldn't believe he couldn't remember that today was her birthday. From the very morning he appeared before her drunk with his friends and did not say a word about her birthday. It is good that many do not know her, excluding Lisa and Maxim, you will have to blush less. Hearing someone's footsteps, she turned on the cold water faucet and quickly wiped away her tears so as not to show her sad look to anyone.

The steps got closer. And, opening the refrigerator, she felt a man's breath behind her back:

“Lesha, he asked for tequila,” she said, hesitated, taking a bottle from the freezer.

Maxim grabbed an ice bottle from her hands and looked at her reproachfully:

- So interviews, photographs are one thing, but in reality it’s completely different, right?

“Everyone lives like this here,” Vika admitted.

- And what do you like to live like this with an alcoholic husband who considers you a servant? he asked her seriously.

- Don't you dare say that! Vika exploded. - Lyosha, he works hard, day and night, and therefore he forgot about my birthday.

"Didn't you think he was cheating on you?" It is impossible to work for days and not pay attention to your wife.

- Stop it, stop it! Lesha is not like that, - Vika justified herself, - anyway, there is no love, as he says, we have passed this stage and now there is mutual respect between us.

- What? What the hell did he give you? - he was amazed by Vika's words, he grabbed the girl by the shoulders with his hands and turned her towards him: - Vika, there is love. She exists. Come with me, I'll show you another life. A new, happy life,” he took her face in his hands and looked intently into her green, frightened eyes. Vika, I...

He did not understand that his behavior at that moment was crossing the line between friendship and something more. He touched her desired body with his hands, ran his knuckles over her delicate face, inhaled the apple scent of her wavy hair, and more and more he could not restrain his assertive ardor. His heart began to beat faster, Vika froze, and his lips were already a few millimeters from her parted lips. The girl, recollecting herself, abruptly turned away and gave him a slap in the face, thereby cooling his ardor:

- What do you allow yourself? - breathing heavily, she asked, stuttering, - I ... I ... A married girl and expecting a child, and you unceremoniously touch me. Lesha is my husband, don't forget about it.

Vic, I'm sorry! I just haven’t seen you for a long time, I got bored and went a little beyond what was permitted, - Maxim clutched his head, trying to find an excuse for his act.

“I hope this doesn’t happen again, and you keep yourself in control,” she said worriedly.

Maxim nodded.

Vic, I wanted to give you a present.

“Dari,” she said, blushing. She was embarrassed to look him in the eyes after what had happened. - No hands.

- Fine. Happy birthday! He put the velvet box on the table and headed for the exit.

Vika opened the box and saw a chain with a cute pendant in the shape of an angel. She smiled like a child, her eyes shone, and turning to the departing Maxim, she said:

Thanks, Maxim.

For some reason, she was so pleased that he came, gave her this cute gift, touched her. Again these thoughts made her blush and her body tremble with delight. The girl put on the pendant with a smile and went to the table.

Meanwhile, the guests also did not get bored. Alexei was in the gazebo and smoking a cigarette, and Liza, who was standing not far from him, kept him company:

- Well, you settled down, Leshenka: money, fame, free servants. Interestingly, does Vika know that every month you receive a monetary reward for living with her?

- What? How did you know that? - Lesha's eyes widened, he immediately roughly grabbed her hand: - You won't say a word to her, understand?

“You told me about it yourself at the wedding. What will happen to me for my silence? How do you think her fate would have turned out if I had not lied to her about Max then? Just imagine, if I tell her about everything, about why you live with her, she will leave you and you - my dear, will be left with nothing, - Liza grinned maliciously and cried out: - Vika!

- Shut up! What do you want: money, rags? What? – tore and threw Alex.

- Leshechka, not everything is sold and bought, - she ran her fingers along his neck. - I need you. I want us to spend this night with you together.

- What? Are you crazy? I can't sleep with you, you are my friend.

Remember, there is no friendship between a man and a woman. I always liked you, and what did I get? Stories about your adventures, or even worse, I had to give you to this fool - Vika.

– Listen, Lisa, do you want me to cheat on Vika? I can't, - this blackmail of Lisa did not fit in my head.

- Don't act like a good family man. You are cheating on her right and left, I know this very well. Maybe you'll like it too? Choose: either I tell her everything now, or you will be mine tonight,” she insisted.

“Okay, I agree,” Alexei sighed heavily. He didn’t really want to sleep with his best friend. Or rather, he could not imagine how it could be. But he didn't want to lose money either. If Vika leaves him, he will lose everything: house, car, money. No, he decided to go for this scam. - Well, you and the devil! The house is full of people, how do you imagine it?

- Don't boil. I do not require this right now from you. At night, when everyone is asleep, we will meet in the dressing room, - she said with an undisguised smile, looking at the discouraged Alexei.

Lisa, did you call me? Vika suddenly approached them.

- Oh yes! I wanted to ask you for a salad recipe. Liked it very much! Lisa chirped sweetly, taking her friend into the house.

Lyosha quickly put out his cigarette and went to the guests.

Chapter 13

Late evening covered the house on Rublyovka with sparkling stars. The holiday was slowly coming to an end, and Vika was preparing rooms for guests.

She heard someone's footsteps again, and turned around sharply, finishing making the bed.

- I made a bed for you here, - she hesitated, lowering her head, meeting Maxim's gaze.

He cautiously walked into the room, letting the girl out the door.

Vic, tell me: are you happy? - this question caught her before leaving the room and took her by surprise.

She herself could not answer this question, because she imagined family life completely different. The only thoughts that warmed her soul were: soon she would give birth to a baby, restore her former figure and Lesha would look at her as he had once before.

"I don't have to answer that question for you," she said dryly.

“So no. Why are you afraid to admit to yourself that this marriage was a mistake? Maxim didn't let up.

His words hit her to the core. Why does he ask such questions that she drives away from herself? She was afraid that he was the only person who could read her "secret thoughts". Sensing danger, she began to defend herself.

“Who are you that I should report to you?” You are nobody to me! How dare you ask me such questions? - She became nervous and walked in circles around the room, seething with anger. “Actually, you know what, leave here tomorrow so that I don’t see you here,” she shouted rashly.

“What about tomorrow, Victoria?” I can even now, - Maxim panted, gathering himself.

“It’s not worth it now, it’s already late,” she felt a double feeling for him. On the one hand, she was pleased with his company, and on the other hand, this tactlessness and straightforwardness of his led her into a stupor.

- No, really, you first figure out your attitude towards me, then you beg me to come, now you are persecuting me. How can I understand you? Maxim didn't let up.

She couldn't understand herself either. There was only one way out: end this conversation as soon as possible and leave this room.

- Max, you tired me today. Don't forget, I'm pregnant and I shouldn't worry. Good night! Till tomorrow! - putting her hand to her rounded tummy and looking at him with emerald mysterious eyes, she hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her.

He was defeated again, and, leaning his forehead against the door, he said softly, with an agonizing pain in his voice:

- Vika, how can you not understand, because I love you!

These words he strenuously concealed from her, hiding behind the mask of a cold, tactless man.

Midnight. It became quiet in the house on Rublyovka. Lights were out everywhere. Everyone was in their own bed and had their own dreams. The brunette heavily turned over to the other side and said in surprise, feeling unkind:

- Lesha! There was silence in response, although they had recently gone to bed together.

Alexei was not in the room. Vika quickly put on a dressing gown, threw a warm stole over her shoulders and, putting her feet in slippers, went to look for her husband.

The starry sky brought the young man one way: to leave this house as soon as possible. It was too hard and painful for him to be near her. He could not forget her even six months later. He reproached himself, blamed, but he could not cope with his feelings. If she only knew, if she only felt what he felt for her, but no, her eyes were cold, her brain is still clouded by Lesha. Neither time nor distance helped. Nothing helped.

“Yes, it all went!” - Max thought rashly, and put out his cigarette in the courtyard of the house.

Suddenly, in the silence of the night, he heard a woman's scream, and then a small rumble. He went to the sounds that resounded nearby. These sounds led him to the doors of the bathhouse. Opening the door, he was amazed to see Lyokha and Lizka kissing passionately, wrapped in one sheet:

- Well, you're a bastard! Maxim hissed.

The couple broke away from each other, and looked frightened at Maxim who entered.

- That's it, I've had enough! I’m telling Vika everything right now and taking her out of this house, ”Max maliciously minted and headed for the exit.

- Stop! I don't think she'll be able to love you after she loses her baby because of you. She will hate you,” Alexei said quickly, out of breath, dressing as he went.

- What? – petrified said Max, standing near the door.

- Yes, Vika's pregnancy is not going well, and she can lose her baby at any moment. Max, wait until the baby is born, and then I'll divorce her. She will be yours. I promise you. It’s just that you can’t worry her now, ”Alexey said in a friendly way.

Max looked at his once former friend with contempt and shuddered when he heard a familiar voice nearby:

- Lyosha, where are you? Are you here? - she walked around the yard and looked for her beloved husband.

Max went to the door and, grabbing the handle, began to open it resolutely:

“Max, do it for her,” Alexei said cowardly near the threshold.

- Scum! Max yelled, barely able to contain himself.

He walked out the door and once again their eyes met each other. She was surprised to see him in the quiet of the night:

- You again? Why do not you sleep? she asked indignantly.

- Why, something can’t sleep, - he said, trying to recover from what he saw and heard earlier. - Why are you not sleeping?

- I can't find Lesha. Max, do you know where he is? she asked excitedly.

- Your Lyosha ... - he said, clutching his head and trying to make the right decision. Despite the piercing cold, he was sweating all over, thinking what to say. - He…

Chapter 14

He looked at her and saw such a defenseless, sweet girl with a rounded tummy, and her eyes begged for help. He could not resist, and taking a deep breath, he made up his mind and said:

End of introductory segment.

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