Roman and Greek nose in men and women: appearance, character description. What you need to know about Greek men


The men of Greece are known throughout the world for their mesmerizing voices and bodies of ancient gods. The iodine-filled sea air of this country with an abundance of seafood was reflected in the temperament of Greek men. Lovers of Hellas have repeatedly occupied the first places in the ratings of male sexuality.


The mentality of the Greeks inherited features that are clearly manifested in the legendary myths of ancient Greece. They are romantic, conquering and open.

Since Greece lives off the tourism business, it is full of Russian travelers. A frequently observed picture is how, among flirting Greek men, cold women from the Russian north, underestimated by their compatriots, are revealed, discovering seductresses and insidious beauties in themselves.


There are also similarities with the Russian mentality. Representatives of this country are mostly Orthodox Christians and treat Russians warmly, they are hospitable and friendly. They are distinguished by a simple worldview, they enjoy everything no matter what they do. Their peculiarity is the ability to live "here and now", to abstract from everything that causes despondency and melancholy. Even a recently laid-off, bankrupt Greek man can go out and have fun with a noisy crowd, and that's par for the course here.

The rampant laziness in this country is pure myth. In their free time from the holidays, the heirs of Hellas are hardworking. A lot of workdays start at 5am. Greek men often support the whole family themselves, taking on all the traditional male duties, their wives do not work. This is especially true for high-status men - they always have non-working wives who take care of the house and children.

The situation with the crisis situation in the country has changed somewhat. Then the female part of the population went to work in the most difficult periods of time.

A separate point stands out the emotionality of any Greek. Sometimes you can see two men quarreling not for life, but for death, but in fact they are just peacefully discussing the weather. With a heightened emotional intelligence due to the constant expression of their own feelings, the Greeks are very attentive interlocutors. Being in harmony with their own inner world, they have the ability to subtly feel the people around them and their emotions. So, in a conversation with them, it may seem that they are listening so carefully, as if with their whole body. The eye of the Greek will only turn to the side if something extremely wrong is going on. Well, either an interesting representative of the opposite sex passes by. The immersion in their own inner world of fishermen from Greece was sung and became legendary. This is not surprising: only people with such a developed emotional sphere can go into such deep attractive thoughtfulness with the same dedication with which they indulge in all sorts of feelings.

Key to the heart

At the deepest levels of his subconscious, every Greek considers himself the heir of the gods and the rightful owner of the planet. At least the owner of blocks of shares in it. Therefore, a characteristic male trait - the need to be a patron - is especially strongly developed among Greek men. At the genetic level, he seeks to teach, and his spirit comes to life when he is given such an opportunity. Conversely, he feels unhappy when he feels that no one needs his experience.

The Greek man aspires to become a mentor, and something mastery often slips into his address. This is manifested in the relationship with the entire surrounding world. He can begin to teach the interlocutor anything, even if he does not understand this. And since the male sex of this nation simply adores women and communication with them at any age, this happens very, very often. Even a gray-haired Greek will not miss the opportunity to see off any representative of the fair sex with a long look, smacking her lips after her. And you need to be ready for this, you need to understand what is really behind it. This feature hides a curious key to the male heart of any Greek. After all, he can suddenly find a woman, next to whom Zeus, the patron of the whole world, will wake up in him.


The Greeks do not always keep their promises. A certain carelessness in this matter is a characteristic feature of an entire nation. These people simply live for today and are distinguished by carelessness in matters of the future. They are serene and philosophically calm in matters of life.

Nevertheless, the Greek nation loves prosperity. Any vacation goes in a big way. It is considered normal to blow all your income for a month for one party. A Greek man will feed the entire bar at his own expense, will order wine and a sea of ​​​​appetizers, and nothing that will wake up tomorrow with empty pockets. After all, his generosity will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. And the Greek will never take his head when remembering the money spent, the past and the future are not as important for him as a specific moment, the emotions from which will warm him for some more time.

Going to restaurants is almost the main expense item in the life of any representative of this nation. Dozens of taverns are open in each settlement. Sometimes it seems that there are thousands of them, and this is a clear overkill per capita of the local population. However, they are all full in the evening. Greeks do not like to gather at home as much as in taverns. Stuffy establishments often turn out to be literally packed, but this does not bother anyone. An unaccustomed person will probably not understand where in such conditions a place to rest. However, such evenings, flowing in an atmosphere of emotional friendly communication, are a favorite place for the Greeks to hide from current problems. Greeks never spare money for food. However, until recently, average salaries allowed regular visits to taverns with tables full of delicious snacks.

It is possible that such national traits led to a huge default in Greece. The Greeks simply continued to live, allowing themselves things beyond their means, without thinking about important steps to level the economy. And at the same time, how they appreciate every moment cannot but draw attention to these people who love life.

Sexual relations

The Greek people are sensual. Even people of high status have only apparent restraint. This is not surprising, given that since childhood, everyone in the country was brought up not on classic cartoons, but on very adulterous myths.

Hence the desire in communication to touch on the most intimate topics. Shameless stories, when and how much, are embellished with expressive details. One should not be surprised at the prevalence of such intimate conversations in Greek circles. They were never Puritans.

Attempts by married handsome Greek men to seduce any of the fair sex are common. Often fleeting novels are twisted. Unlike the situation in our country, this usually does not lead to a split in relations with wives. Husbands, entering into fleeting relationships, add spice to everyday life, but they do not divorce their wives. Greek wives are usually quite confident, like queens in a beehive. They will only casually dismiss adultery and say that a poor husband is not capable of saying no to a cat.

And often wives behave like there are sayings in Greek society in the style of "Put your husband's horns and do not resort to witchcraft and potions." This is often the Greek scenario of a happy, well-being family. Usually, the more a wife is prone to infidelity, the less her husband suspects her of infidelity.

Since ancient times, Greek society, even in the patriarchal foundations, observed the relative equality of the sexes. The entire female population of Hellas received an education. Reading and writing were equally taught to girls and boys in the same schools.

Attitude towards sex

The approach of the southerners is very different from the inhabitants of the northern latitudes in this area. This fully extended to the emotional Greeks. They treat the sphere of human sexuality in a special way. Strict concepts of sin have not reached here, and sex is not considered forbidden, immoral. The Greeks say: "If God wanted people not to make love without the goal of procreation, he would make their physiology similar to animals - estrus is strictly once a year." None of the moralizing of the church has been able to suppress their healthy attitude towards their own body and the natural relationship of the sexes.

Sinfulness generally failed to take deep roots in the culture of Hellas. They never had such "living in sin" concepts. So, female representatives do not change their last names at the wedding. It is up to the children to choose any surname. Do not immediately understand whether the couple is painted. Regardless of marital status, a man and a woman are called "husband" and "wife". In Greek, these words have the same meaning.

Greek appearance

The Greek faces of men have large features characteristic of the nation with a wide bone. The Greeks are stocky, their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness, swarthyness.

All representatives of the nation are distinguished by the depth of planting eyes and thick hair. The typical Greek appearance of a man is broad-shouldered, stocky, with increased sexuality and knows his own worth. All Greeks are proud of their origin, each considers himself almost a direct descendant of Zeus himself.

The reference Greek profile of the men of this country deserves special attention. The classical understanding of beauty is associated precisely with the national traits of the Greeks. The reference Greek nose for men is absolutely straight, with a smooth line running from the forehead. There is practically no depression on the bridge of the nose, there is only a barely noticeable bend. The world famous Greek nose in men is reflected in all ancient frescoes and sculptures. Such features of appearance, as it was then believed, were possessed by the gods.

Greek style in clothes for men

Design motifs from ancient Hellas, the land of the gods of Olympus, still echo in the latest collections of fashion designers. The Greek nation from ancient times sang the beauty of the human body. There was a real cult of good physical shape. The clothes of this country emphasized the exciting curves of the figure of both sexes, although bright colors were not characteristic of it.

The silhouette-lengthening robes often resembled majestic white temples with their strict outlines. The Greek clothes of men were spacious - these were capes, raincoats, and under them - loose trousers with shirts. However, these days no one else wears such things, they are uncomfortable and impractical. Modern Greek men wear European-style clothing. Although many wear national costumes for ancient Greek festivities.

Even with the hot climate inherent in the country, they have always been multi-layered and voluminous. They always had a lot of folds where edged weapons were hidden. The Greeks have been in constant war throughout their history, instantly transforming from peaceful peasants into brave armed partisans.

The most handsome Greek men

Men of this nationality are recognized all over the world as the most beautiful on the planet. Italians and Latin Americans gave their laurels of superiority to their male beauty. They are the most sought after in the male modeling business. It is enough to look at the photos of Greek men with the reference appearance of this ancient nation to see for yourself the validity of such judgments.


The distant ancestors of the modern representatives of this nation gave the world many sonorous names. Until now, ancient traditions are preserved in the country. Thus, sons are never named after their father. However, very often children are named after grandmothers, uncles, and so on. The classic names of Greek men, and now common throughout Greece, will be very familiar to the Russian ear.

Older generation

Representatives of the Greek nation generally respect old age. There are much more pensioners in the country than in Russia. Their faces are usually overflowing with serene calm and peace so that it becomes clear that they are getting a well-deserved rest. Life expectancy in Greece is also large - it reaches 80 years. Having a mediterranean climate, healthy food, sun and an easy attitude to life obviously does the trick. They have a lot to learn.

The mother has the main indisputable authority in the family; she actually personifies Hera along with Athena. Family ties are very strong. So, weekly dinners with mothers are traditional. Sons are devoted to them all their lives, fulfill all their requests, listen to advice. It is clear that the search for a bride is carried out by the Greeks with a focus on the qualities that the mother demonstrated. Most often, families are created at the age of 30 years. The Greeks do not deny themselves the pleasure of living a happy free youth and having fun.

As for the differences in the appearance of the ancient and modern Greeks, the following stereotype is popular:

the Greeks supposedly used to be all fair, with regular features. So in general in ancient Greek poems it is said. And the fact that now they are completely different is the consequences of the Turkish conquest.

"Recent genetic studies of Greek populations have provided evidence of statistically significant continuity between ancient and modern Greeks." (Wikipedia).

As for the myth of fair-haired people, it is very well explained in the Greek forum:

Thanks to user Olga R.:

"The Greeks were never a" homogeneous "ethnos. Since ancient times, they were divided into two tribal groups: Ionians (Achaeans) and Dorians (there were subgroups within these groups, but this is not relevant to the subject of our conversation). These tribes differed from each other friend not only in culture, but also in appearance. The Ionians were short, black-haired and swarthy, and the Dorians were tall, fair-haired and fair-skinned. The Ionians and Dorians were at enmity with each other, and both tribal groups completely mixed only in Byzantine times. Although the word "completely" here it is not entirely appropriate: in geographically isolated areas - for example, on some islands - one can still find a relatively pure Ionic or Doric type.

The Greeks of the Black Sea region (Ponti-Romeans, Azov Rumeians, Urums, etc.), like the rest of the Greeks, are also very heterogeneous: among them there are both pure Ionians and Dorians, as well as a mixed type (the Black Sea region was settled for many centuries, people from different regions of Greece). Therefore, some Greeks of Ukraine may well differ from some Greeks of Greece - but, of course, not all and not from all. For example, if you go to Crete, you will find there as many "white and curly" Greeks as you like (most Cretans retained the Doric type of appearance)."

"- Then where did such a" classical "Greek image come from and get fixed?

Thanks to "Western European artists of the 17th-19th centuries. They portrayed the ancient Greeks like themselves, loved ones - that is, Germans, Dutch and other Western Europeans. Hence the" stereotype "(not based on historical data.

"White-haired blondes are also, of course, called "ξανθοι" (and what else to call them?) But if you hear or read this word in relation to the Greek, then it means light chestnut hair."

"Homer describes Odysseus as a typical Ionian: swarthy and black-haired."

"... The fact is that the appearance of the ancient Greek gods was, as it were, a symbol of their essence - that is, it did not depend on how the worshipers of these gods looked, but on the "properties" of the gods themselves. So, Apollo's golden hair is a symbol Athena's "gray" eyes are actually not gray, but "owl": A8hna glaukwphs (the interpretation of this word as "gray" appeared because the ancient Greek word glaux - "owl" - translators of modern times confused with the word glaukos - "gray" or "blue"). The owl was a symbol and one of the incarnations of the goddess Athena; many scholars believe that Athena was originally the goddess of death and was revered in the form of an owl (a typical Neolithic image of death and burial). By the way, there are images Athens with the head of an owl."

But what is it? Where did the sculptures with "Greek profiles" (i.e., with the absence of the bridge of the nose) come from? Where did the descriptions of the golden-haired come from? Let's even assume that blondes were mentioned. Well, the gods can do anything! They must be different from mere mortals by definition. The absence of the bridge of the nose, as it were, hinted at such an origin. On the contrary, villains, commoners were portrayed with prominent eyebrows. It's a matter of symbols. Greek art was not realistic in everything.

Tnm, if you look at the busts of philosophers, and imagine them in natural color. And even easier - check out the pictures of everyday life, which depict simple collective farmers - on a red-figure vase painting. Or even like gods, but in the clothes of mere mortals:

Classic mediterranean style! Curly swarthy hair. And the profile, at first stylized as a canon, becomes more and more realistic in the future.

The Italians, who never knew the Turkish occupation, look the same. They have a different theme: the earliest Romans looked like the northern French of today. And then the blood of slaves from the Middle East was added. Well, perhaps. But this does not deprive them of their classification among the "true Aryans":

Moreover, the southern Italians (i.e., the inhabitants of Naples and Sicily) are in many ways the descendants of the Greek colonists.

This is what the inhabitants of these areas looked like in ancient times:

And most importantly, look closely at these faces. They can be swarthy, brown-eyed. But the common origin, one way or another, is felt. Here is Despina Vandi for example:

And here is a Greek collective farmer from the movie "The Day All the Fish Came to Surface" Why not an ancient Greek bust of a philosopher?):

yes, how many did not look at all sorts of Greek mosaics, vases, frescoes - all curly.

Why were the Achaeans and Dorians at enmity? How was it expressed? Ancient Greece, after all, is in fact a bunch of policies, city-states that were at war and cooperating, the population in them was homogeneous and consisted of one type or not?

Why is it that fair hair is a cool sign (as far as I know, most of the gods were just fair-haired), but large brow ridges are not?


Sorry for not replying right away. Pre-holiday chores-c)

In fact, there is a common story here, when a nation is formed, over time, gradually from different ethnic groups, closely related, and sometimes not so much. The fragmentation of a single civilization at different stages is also natural. Achaeans in the II millennium BC created the Mycenaean civilization. The fight with Crete, where the evil Minotaur is, and the war with Troy are from that era. The Dorians, although they spoke a similar language, lived to the west for a long time, and compared to the Achaeans, they almost climbed trees.

The "Catastrophe of the Bronze Age" has arrived. Due to difficult conditions, the Dorians invaded the borders of the said power. Part of the Achaeans had to be evacuated, where they joined the "peoples of the sea" who were pirating in the Mediterranean.

At first it looked almost like an invasion of barbarians in animal skins. But during the Greek "Dark Ages", the conquerors adopted some of the achievements of the conquered, mixed with them, and, coupled with their progressive energy, and the achievements of the coming Iron Age, eventually gave life to what, in our understanding, is classical Ancient Greece.

In total, four branches played a role in the formation of the ancient Greek ethnos: Achaeans, Dorits, Ionians, and Aeolians.

On the ground, some kind of memory was preserved. The Athenians remembered that they used to have a great civilization and that they were mostly descendants of the Achaeans. The Spartans were Dorians in their purest form. The Ionians ended up in the east - in Asia Minor, and on the adjacent islands. There, apparently, ties with the already existing local population turned out to be very significant. Because of the mixing with which, the Ionians, presumably, acquired a characteristic southern appearance.

Of course, there were local differences. Even in our time, for example, we distinguish between northern and southern Russians. There are different dialects. In Greece to this day, depending on the region, either the Dorian or the Ionian type prevails. According to the records of one knowledgeable man known on the network, known simply as the Greek (he even starred in one of the "Dinner Party" programs), the indigenous population of the country is now, for the most part, of the European type, but repatriates from the CIS countries are usually Ionians.


Holidays in Greece ‹ More about Greece ‹ Character of the Greeks

Character of the Greeks

The character of the Greeks, even in the time of Homer, is best described as schizophrenic.
Neither education, nor upbringing, nor wealth creates a man in Greece, and their absence does not give rise to a scoundrel.
In different strata of society, you can meet both Alexander the Great - noble, courageous, intelligent, open-minded, sincere, warm-hearted and generous, and Karagyoz - low, treacherous, selfish, talkative, conceited, lazy, envious and greedy, - often in one and the same person.


Individualism is the main feature that characterizes the Greeks, which makes impossible any attempt to sort them into categories and label the Greeks as a nation.
They cherish their over-inflated egos, which makes any collective initiative completely impossible until they come face to face with a national catastrophe, and then they rally in a rare manifestation of national unity. The Greeks also show an extreme passion for freedom of choice - which makes them completely immune to understanding the words "discipline", "coordination" or "system".
"I" is the favorite word of the Greeks. When a Greek asks the rhetorical question "Do you know who I am?" he clearly sees himself as the center of the universe. As one old man from Delphi explained, everything is very simple: "Earth is the center of the Universe, Greece is the heart of the Earth, Delphi is the center of Greece and, therefore, the navel of the Earth, I am the head of Delphi, therefore I am the center of the Universe."

Stormy emotions

When the Greek is awake, his lively temperament blooms riotously, unrestricted by any conventions. Perhaps this is what led the ancient sages to carve on the portals of the temple of the Delphic oracle the sayings "Nothing beyond measure" and "Know thyself" in a vain attempt to convince fellow citizens to restrain emotions.
They did not heed that call then, and they do not heed it now. From Achilles, whose anger caused such a massacre under the walls of Troy, to Admiral Miaoulis, who in the 19th century was so angry with the government that he set fire to the Greek fleet, the Greeks give full vent to their emotions, and ... do not care about the consequences!
Self-control, although invented by the ancient Spartans, is not only unknown to modern Greeks, but also completely incomprehensible. They do everything with passion - they have fun and are sad. They scream, yell, rant, rant, vehemently curse fate in the same way over important and unimportant circumstances. No feeling is considered too personal to be left unexpressed. Their passion knows no bounds.
Such bubbling intemperance often results in a burning need to express oneself in some physical form.
All over the world people dance when they are happy. The Greeks, on the other hand, tend to pour out the deepest pain and heartache in a heart-rending, majestic dance rhythm.
“The devil lives in me,” explains the Greek Zorba in the novel of the same name by Nikos Kazantzakis. “Every time my heart is ready to burst, he orders me:“ Dance! ”- and I dance. And my pain goes away.”


With the incandescence of the Greek temperament, the ice of the well-known indifference of the Greeks to everything that is connected with the improvement of social life or any worthy cause is organically combined.
In colloquial language, the Greeks still call themselves "Romans", as the Greco-Byzantine Eastern Roman Empire lasted another thousand years after the collapse of the Western. The widespread expression "Forget it, brother! I will not risk my neck to save the Roman nation!" indicates the stubborn reluctance of most Greeks to take an active interest in anything that lies outside their immediate environment or that will not bring them personal benefit.
There is even a song on this score that ends with the chorus: "And we are all sitting in a coffee shop - cigars, coffee and cards, and let it be what will be, brother!"

The nose is the architectural center of the face, as it occupies the central area. The most difficult thing is to find a woman who will consider her nose absolutely perfect, basically, most are always unhappy with their nose and therefore they are very complex about it. There are about fifteen groups in total, according to which this area is classified, each of which carries five main parameters - this is the root, the shape of the back, the direction of the base, the tip and the length. All this is the basic features that affect the shape of this body.

In Rome, as well as Ancient Greece, in addition to a beautiful body, women valued noses, as they clarified the “correct form”, apparently the concept of Greek and Roman noses came from this.

This so-called standard of female beauty can be seen on the oldest sculptures that reflect the beauty of women in that era.

Roman profile

If you look at the Roman shape of the nose in profile, you can notice and emphasize in it a feature such as a kind of elongated nose with a slightly curved tip.

If you have this profile, then you must be very courageous people who can attack and repulse an opponent or enemy.

The appearance of the modern Greek people does not often coincide with the standard of beauty, even the traditional, classical shape of the nose very rarely flickers among the crowd. This fact pushes us to think that the Greek nose was the most perfect of all, which was characterized as a symbol of divine beauty, if you look at ancient statues or photographs in profile.

The female nose of the Greek shape is very closely related to the character-defining hairstyle, which emphasized the low forehead and rather beautiful nose. The difference between a male nose and a female one is only in size, so the female nose is more beautiful and rather thin.

By the shape of the Greek nose, you can determine the nature of the person, find out his emotional characteristics and mental abilities, which include:

If a person has a Greek-shaped nose by nature, then this person is usually very restrained, never panics, thinks logically quickly enough, and can also cope with his emotions perfectly.

Admiral Nelson was awarded such a nose by nature.

If you look among modern famous personalities who never changed or, on the contrary, resorted to nose correction - Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, Angelina Jolie, Monica Bellucci.

Greek profile- a special interpretation of the profile of a human face, which is part of the canon of ancient Greek sculpture of the classical and Hellenistic eras. It is one of the most important characteristics of the beauty of that period. In this sense, it was perceived by the artists of the New Time, who were guided in the visual arts by Ancient Greece.

Distinctive features are the line of the nose, directly passing into the forehead with little or no emphasis on the bridge of the nose. If the head is crowned with a helmet, then this line also merges with it. A relatively heavy chin is also noticeable.

In real life, it is extremely difficult to meet people with a similar appearance, including among modern Greeks. General type: rectangular face, narrow nasal region, rectangular eye sockets, high compact nose, developed cheekbones. The use of an expression in speech to describe someone's beauty in most cases is not true, since usually people really just intend to express admiration for the purity of the lines of the profile being described. "Greek Profile" also not synonymous "long nose"(common mistake).

The researchers note that the initial folding of this type of image is easiest to notice in Greek vase painting, where the Greek profile appears in the last stage of the archaic. In the paintings of red-figure ceramics of this period, the proportions of faces change: their general outline is leveled, the chin is shortened and heavier, and the forehead becomes lower and harder, while the nose is shortened and becomes more vertical. In sculpture, the principle appears somewhat later. Vipper explains that for the Greeks, the relationship of individual features in such a face is determined not by psychological, but by plastic expressiveness, which was caused by their special love for the naked human body in action and its deep understanding.

Hegel, analyzing the Greek profile, concludes that the “animal” features inherent in the head are maximally leveled in it: the mouth, chewing muscles, cheekbones, which are reminiscent of the physiology of a person, and, conversely, features denoting mental life are accentuated - this is, first of all beautiful forehead. In such a face, whose proportions are in absolute harmony, the forehead (usually not very high) receives an expression of hardness and stubborn mental concentration, which speak of the high merits of the depicted.

Images of gods and heroes were endowed with a similar profile, which became the ideal of beauty: according to the Greek concept of kalokagathia (beauty and virtue are equal to each other), these positive characters were supposed to be the most beautiful. At the same time, negative characters, even opposing them in one composition, were depicted with hooked "eagle" flattened "monkey" noses.

The Benaki Museum of Greek Civilization displays a photograph of the "Girl from Ipati", which has a classic Greek profile and facial features. The Greek nose is also found among modern Greeks, for example, the artist Sakis Rouvas, the singer Dimos Anastasiades. The Greek nose may have been a representation of the ideal beauty of the face, probably due to its rarity.

Greeks appearance
Greek profile - a special interpretation of the profile of a human face, which is part of the canon of ancient Greek sculpture of the classical and Hellenistic eras. Is one of the most important %BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C

Greek nose: what happened to the classic appearance of the Greeks?

Perhaps everyone has heard about the famous standard of beauty of the ancient Greeks - the Greek nose, all over the world it is with it that the concept of classical beauty is associated. If countries could be associated with parts of the body, then Greece would undoubtedly get a face along with the famous profile and the nose shape characteristic of the Greeks. For many years there have been debates about why these features were considered ideal, were they really inherent in all Greeks, and is it possible to meet people with a real Greek profile in Greece today?

If you believe the canonical interpretations of the Greek appearance, then the forehead of a typical Hellene smoothly passes into the line of the nose, and the bridge of the nose is almost not distinguished (except perhaps separated by a barely noticeable bend). The famous straight nose is perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Greek profile. Contrary to popular misconceptions, it is not synonymous with a big nose. But it seems that not all Greeks appreciate this: still, rhinoplasty remains the most popular procedure to improve the appearance in Greece. ??

It is not known who first identified such features of the Greek appearance. Some put forward the version that the Greeks themselves did this: the famous profile and nose are inherent in most ancient Greek frescoes and sculptures. Others argue that such an interpretation of the profile is simply an example of the ideal of beauty. This means that this type of appearance is more rooted in art than due to the physical characteristics of real people. Appearance, which for a long time determined the canons of beauty, was endowed with heroes and gods. But the negative characters were depicted with flattened, hooked and "eagle" noses.

The figurative vessel is the head of a maiden. Athens, 5th-6th century BC

The very first examples of a Greek profile can be seen on ancient Greek red-figure vases.

Female head, Idalion, 6th century BC

Since people and gods are drawn on them in profile, it will not be difficult to form an idea of ​​​​the appearance that was classic for that era: a forehead line that passes into the nose and a weakly pronounced chin. Moreover, the forehead was certainly portrayed as beautiful and large - so they reminded of the high mental abilities of the depicted and its merits.

Artemis with a swan, Athens, c. 5th c. BC.

Over time, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal appearance has changed a bit - the chin began to be depicted as pronounced. Thus, the Greek profile is not just a straight nose shape, but a combination with a smooth forehead line and an implicit emphasis on the bridge of the nose.

In the Hellenistic era, realistic busts and sculptures began to be created. It was they who made me doubt the real existence of the so-called "Greek profile". The types of appearance depicted on realistic busts proved that the ancient Greeks were no different from their contemporaries. They had different noses and profiles, and were often far from ideal. From the 19th century, newspapers and scientific writings began to reflect on the topic “What became of the classical Greek profile?” and “Did perfect faces exist?” Many agreed that there were similar examples of appearance, but not all Greeks had such a profile.

Greek appearance - who is its typical representative? First of all, it is worth referring to the classic busts of heroes and gods. Hermes and Athena correspond to the ideal idea of ​​beauty. Excellent examples among the famous sculptures are Venus de Milo, reconstructions of Athena Lemnia, Venus Tauride, Diadumen.

(photo can be viewed enlarged)

As you can see in the photo above, the Greek nose for men and the Greek nose for women are not too different, except that they are slightly larger. The Greek nose with a hump is not quite the same, we don’t see a single such example in classical statues, and the Greeks themselves consider a straight nose to be the ideal.

But the image of Socrates does not at all correspond to the Hellenic ideas of beauty, and even more so does not correspond to the ideas of an ideal profile. The great philosopher had bulging eyes, an upturned and flattened nose with wide nostrils - in general, by ancient standards he was frankly ugly. According to the descriptions, he was incredibly similar to the Sileni - satyrs, who were often portrayed as drunk and who were characterized by demonic qualities.

Greek philosopher Socrates

The portrait of the orator Demosthenes also bears little resemblance to the classical ideal of beauty:

Greek speaker Demosthenes

Of the modern holders of the Greek profile, the most prominent representatives are actresses Irini Pappa (Irene Papas):

Greek actress Irene Papas

and unforgettable Ellie Lambety,

Greek actress Ellie Lambeti

singer Elena Paparizou.

Greek singer Elena Paparizou

Among men, the Greek nose, almost in its classical sense, has Sakis Rouvas.

Greek singer and artist Sakis Rouvas

In ordinary life, the Greek profile in Greece can be seen, although this happens extremely rarely. But the presence of striking examples confirms that such an appearance existed and exists. Another thing is that she was not "the only true one."

Have you met people with a Greek profile? Still, the Greek nose is found not only in Greece ...

Hello everyone! Our contest "Olive - my love" continues.

The film, in which the theme of Greek mythology is touched upon, will certainly be a success.

Dear readers, I continue our column "Friends and Guests". Today is yours.

Today we have a new topic on the site "My Greece" - hairstyles in Greek.

25 Responses to

Congratulations on the holiday of spring!
With all my heart we wish you
May your life be bright
Let it be strewn with roses
Your life path to the end.

We wish you truth, happiness, kindness
Extraordinary and come true dreams
We wish light, we wish stars
We wish you laughter and happy tears.

Thanks, Svetlana! And you with a spring holiday!

about noses of course cool! ALL LADIES WITH THE COMING HOLIDAY.

Thanks, Sergey!

Happy first spring holiday, dear women!

Michael, thanks for the congratulations! And for your story - a great addition to the article. And to that girl who has matured a long time ago, God bless!

The Greek nose can also be found in Russia, an interesting article. Happy Women's Day, Elena!

Interesting reflections on the Greek profile. We are really more accustomed to his historical portraits, but now I thought that in Russia, I probably met people with a Greek profile a little among my friends, I know one for sure, but in Bulgaria I met more such people. Perhaps the proximity of the countries influenced this??

Olya, of course - this is the Balkans, everything is mixed up here ...

Greek nose: what happened to the classic appearance of the Greeks?
What is the difference between the Greek nose and the Greek profile, the classic Greek nose of Ancient Greece and modernity

Greek people

Although they say that the people of Greece are the descendants of the Gods, that the most ancient man lived in Greece more than nine thousand years ago, and that it was the Greeks who founded the sciences and arts, they do not at all consider themselves great. Friendly? Yes! Do they love football? Yes! Admire women? Yes!

In Georgia, the Greeks are called “berdznebi” (“wise men”), and Greece is called “saberdzeneti”, that is, “the land of wise men”.

Mostly these people ate fish. Moreover, the fish, whose bones were found in the cave, was never found near the coast, which means that the ancients were not afraid to go out to the open sea and were well versed in navigation. As a result of searches in the cave, pottery and vessels for grain were also found, which confirmed the guesses of scientists that the ancients knew how to cultivate the land. Of particular interest were tools made of obsidian. The fact is that this material was present only on the island of Milos, located a hundred kilometers from the continent. Today, scientists are confident that Neanderthals inhabited Fraghti Cave, and perhaps a new study will answer the question of why Neanderthals disappeared and Homo sapiens survived.

State lottery draws weekly "make" one or two millionaires, and at the same time provide the state treasury with a good income. For many Greeks, buying a lottery ticket is a habit as common as buying a morning paper.

People in Greece are proud, which is typical of southern European peoples. But it should be noted that the Greeks have reason to be proud. The names of their ancestors alone are worth the great scientist and philosopher Aristotle, the father of mathematics Pythagoras, the great thinker Socrates, the father of chemistry Archimedes, the father of philosophy Plato, the father of medicine Hippocrates, the famous ancient sculptor Phidias, well, the great commander Alexander the Great and many others.

The Greeks are very proud that Greece still continued to fight in World War II against the Nazis at a time when all European countries had already capitulated. “Now we no longer say that Greek soldiers fight like heroes - we say that heroes fight like Greeks,” said Churchill.

Greece in Greek is Hellas, and the Greeks are Hellenes and Hellenids (as they call themselves). More than half of the population is employed in the tourism business: there are few industrial enterprises.

Every morning before the start of school, children read a prayer. On the first day of the school year, instead of the principal, the children are greeted by a priest, wishing them successful studies. In Greece, young people want to work as teachers. But a young specialist himself does not choose a place of work: he is sent to this or that city or village by the department of education, located in Athens. The teacher can only agree or not, or wait for other suggestions. In schools, half of the teachers are men. The profession of a teacher is budgetary, therefore, paid. And the teacher earns "no worse than other" state employees. In hospitals, there are also men behind the reception desk. And the shop assistants are men. Of course, women work too, it's just unusual to see men in a candy store packing cakes.

Handshakes among the Greeks are accepted only during the acquaintance. When friends meet, they say "Hello" ("Yia sou") to each other, and kiss on both cheeks. This greeting does not depend on gender or age. The Greeks reserve the kissing of hands for the clergy of the Orthodox Church of Greece.

Now about the Greeks themselves. Greek names are not particularly diverse. Grandfather, son and grandson have the same name. When you meet a Greek, you can be sure it is Yirgos, Giannis, Kostas or Dimitris. Among women, the names Panayot, Maria, Vasiliki are popular. Women themselves may forget their full name - all their lives they are called diminutives. In recent years, the fashion has come to be called in the English manner: Yorgos - George, Giannis - John.

Greeks love to communicate by cell phone. Thanks to the various offers of companies, they have the opportunity to talk for free for a long time. which they enjoy using. Basically, the Greeks are friendly and hospitable people, polite in communication: they will show the way, explain the incomprehensible. Greeks are not aggressive. There are almost no fights in bars. At most, they will shout and wave their hands, after a while they will calm down and will communicate, as if nothing had happened. Greeks love coffee. With ice. And without. They sit in a cafe for a long time, discussing the news and not hurrying home.

Even today, Greeks can read many ancient texts without any problems, thanks to the fact that the language has not changed significantly over thousands of years.

Greeks love folk music, which they listen to in buzukya. Usually musicians are invited to this party, they drink wine and dance folk dances. Favorite dance - no, not sirtaki, but zeybekiko, similar to the dance of a drunken sailor. It is usually performed by one man. The audience sits in a circle and applauds. Tired one, the next entered the circle.

The favorite food of the Greeks is souvlaki (like shawarma) with fried french fries. Both children and adults eat it, often and in large quantities. This is Greek fast food. They drink Coca-Cola. Favorite Greek saying: “When other peoples were still climbing trees and eating bananas, the Greeks were already suffering from cholesterol.” They drink little. They get drunk quickly. But they are behaving well. Greek men know how to appreciate female beauty: when they see a beautiful woman, they will definitely demonstrate their admiration in some way. Flirting in Greek is called kamaki. The Greeks "make kamaki" (flirt) with pleasure and often.

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