Painting in watercolor and salt. Salt painting


Introducing children to art, it is necessary to show them a variety of techniques. This is especially true for kids, because they are so interested in everything new. And the more diverse the techniques, as well as the materials used for this, the more intensively the child's creative abilities develop.

Today we will talk about an interesting and unusual technique - watercolor painting on salt. But before we start, let's prepare everything you need, namely:

. Cardboard, colored paper (the darker, the better the drawings look)
. glue (preferably in a tube with a thin nose)
. salt
. tinted with paints (watercolors, food paint) water
. pipette (you can use a brush)

We put a drawing on the cardboard, which we will paint. This can be done manually (and it can be any abstraction) or transferred using a carbon copy of a finished stencil.

Advice: when working with bulk materials, start doing everything immediately in deep containers, for example, in a baking dish. This will help maintain order in the apartment.

Swipe straight from the tube of glue along the outline of the pattern and pour salt on top of it. There is no need to feel sorry for her. The entire drawing should be abundantly covered with it. You can pour salt directly from the package, but it is better to give the child the opportunity to do it manually. Thus, you will further develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Advice: make sure that the child does not have scratches on his hands, otherwise the salt will get into the wounds and instead of pleasure, the baby will experience discomfort.

After the glue dries a little, shake off the excess salt. And now the most interesting and magical begins!

Wetting the brush abundantly in tinted water, apply it to the salt with dotted movements: the salt itself will begin to absorb the paint, and you will observe how the paint gradually spreads over it. In this case, by the way, it is more appropriate to use a pipette. The most interesting thing is not to completely paint over the drawing, but to leave gaps between the “dots”. And then watch the magic!

MB preschool educational institution "TsRR - kindergarten No. 99", Chita

the project "Drawing with colored salt" was prepared by Krugovaya Svetlana Vadimovna

Goal setting:

If an adult does not encourage the creativity of the child, does not believe in his fantasies, does not know the peculiarities of thinking, he prevents him from discovering the world. Visual activity, as you know, develops a child's sensory feelings of color, shape, composition, and contributes to the transfer of learned methods of work into free independent activity. If a child is taught to draw a beautiful tree in class, he will be happy to draw it more than once in his free time, but, as often happens, the trees will always be the same. Therefore, it is important not only to equip children with knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to maximize their creative potential, to teach them to see the magic in the most unusual. Acquaintance of children with unusual ways of image will expand the horizons of the child, his fantasy and imagination.

Developing children's creativity through non-traditional methods of salt painting.

· Introduction of atr-therapeutic technologies in work with children of preschool age, through work with salt.

· Continue the use of health-saving technologies when working with salt.

· Introduce children to the properties of salt as a material for artistic creativity.

To form an idea of ​​different ways of depicting objects and phenomena.

· Arouse interest in the image in a new way of drawing.

Learn to color salt with colored chalk and gouache.

Expand children's ideas in using several materials in the image of the picture (glue, salt, paints).

· Develop creativity.


In our kindergarten, health-saving technologies are relevant. The use of salt lamps, the use of salt paths as a way of healing has a beneficial effect on the health of children.

The use of salt as a means for creative development prompted us to develop a project on CTD within the framework of circle activities.

A child by nature is a creator - a researcher. The unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, the constant desire of children to observe and experiment with success is manifested both in search and in artistic and creative activities. In our preschool institution for several years, project activities with children have been used in the educational process with the active participation of the parents of the pupils of the group.

In my opinion, the main advantage of the design method (this was also manifested in the implementation of the “Drawing with Colored Salt” project by children) is that children are given the opportunity on their own or with a little help from adults:

· Get ​​acquainted with the properties of salt as a food product, as well as learn how to use salt as a means for creativity.

Learn how to color salt in different ways.

· Apply different drawing methods in one work.

· Unleash creativity through the knowledge of a new way of displaying the world, its beauty and uniqueness.

The formation of creative activity, in addition to program classes in fine arts, is beneficially influenced by additional classes in the circle "The World of the Color of the Rainbow". This is a work on non-traditional methods of drawing, in various ways, materials. In all their diversity, we wanted to find a material that is affordable, easy to use, environmentally friendly, health-saving, and most importantly, capable of waking up the child’s imagination to the maximum. And we found! Salt, drawing with salt. How many sweet moments a little artist can experience, scattering salt to create his masterpiece!

Drawing with salt, along with the development of the artistic and creative activity of children, their fantasies improves fine motor skills of the hands, stimulates the development of speech, and gives a colossal art-therapeutic effect.

This method has several directions:

Going beyond stereotyped thinking in the color perception of the surrounding world (snow can be pink and the sky yellow), in the transfer of form, image (to revive the inanimate and invent non-existent) contributes to the development of fantasy and imagination

· In one creative drawing, different techniques are combined. Drawing with salt can be embossed, then the graphics acquire a picturesque character - the lines when working with salt are peculiar in width, depth, and shape.

Intersensory synesthesia is carried out: different sensory sensations are combined - you can draw smell, sound, taste ...

· A state of psychological comfort is achieved, a feeling of freedom arises, since there is an opportunity at any time to correct, change one's work, there is no fear of a mistake.

Project participants:

Children of the preparatory group No. 5 visiting the circle "The World of the Color of the Rainbow", educator Stebenkova Anna Vladimirovna, parents of the group, educator of the Fine Arts Krugovaya Svetlana Vadimovna.

Methods and techniques used in the work on the project:

  • analysis of cognitive literature
  • experimental activity,
  • creative - research activity,
  • observation,
  • productive activity
  • game activity.

Project stages:

project development situations


introductory stage

Conversation with children "What do we know about salt?" (September)

Contribute to the creation of a problem situation for further creative research activities.

Problem Definition


ISO Circular SV

Project development. (September). Definition of the problem, purpose and objectives of the project.

Creation of conditions for project implementation.

Educator of fine arts

Circular SW

Formation of a creative project group of children and parents "Drawing with colored salt" (October)

Creative design team

Educator of fine arts

Circular SW

Selection of cognitive, scientific and methodical literature. Research of Internet resources. (September)

Analysis of the literature to organize the implementation of the study

Creation of a mini museum "Drawing Salt"

Children, group teacher, parents, art teacher

Circular SW

Second stage: Project implementation.

Thematic plan for October 2014

Development and preparation of a thematic lesson plan, consultations for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions, preparation of material for work.

the date of the

Introductory lesson. Introduction to salt staining

"Colorful sun"

To introduce children to the method of painting with salt. Learn to paint in different ways, to achieve different shades.

autumn tree

Learn to work with glue and salt of different shades, correlate colors with the season. Compositionally arrange a plot on a sheet of paper

Still life "Harvest"

Continue to introduce still life. Learn to work with glue and salt of different shades, correlate colors with the season. Compositionally arrange vegetables and fruits on a sheet of paper.

Still life "Vase with flowers"

Continue to introduce still life. Learn to make a still life, work with glue and salt of different shades. Compositionally place a vase of flowers on a sheet of paper

Landscape "Sunset"

Continue to acquaint with the genre of painting - landscape. Learn to work with glue and salt of different shades. Compositionally arrange a landscape on a sheet.

Landscape "Mountains"

Continue to acquaint with the genre of painting - landscape. Learn to work with glue and salt of different shades. Compositionally arrange a mountain landscape on a sheet.

"Funny people"

Continue to teach children to depict the human body. Show imagination, creativity in choosing colors.


Invite children to use glue, paints and salt to tint a sheet of cardboard

Open class for parents

"Drawing with colored salt on a template"

Material support:

Paints, gouache, colored pencils, plasticine, wax, charcoal, salt, cardboard, colored paper;

Cereals, salt, chalk, PVA glue

Jars for water, simple pencils, brushes, eraser.

Albums for drawing, palette.


Reproductions of paintings by famous artists

Mini-museum of arts and crafts.

Computer for viewing presentations, interactive whiteboard, tape recorder.

Expected result:

Advice for teachers and parents.

Open views for parents

preparatory group №5

Presentation of the opening of the exhibition of children's works: "Painting salt".

Exhibition of children's works in the lobby of the kindergarten.

Children just squeak with delight, how exciting this activity is! And the results will inspire further achievements.

So, for creativity you will need
- water tinted in different colors with children's paints (or food coloring)
- brush
- white glue in a tube with a narrow spout
- salt
- paper (colored as an option, bright colors look very good on black)

On a piece of paper, use glue to draw whatever your child likes (a drawing or just an abstract intricate pattern).
Then generously sprinkle the sheet with the pattern drawn with glue with salt. Don't skimp on the salt! It should cover all areas of the adhesive. Then shake off the excess into a prepared vessel (a baking tray works very well for this).
Now the fun begins! Dip the brush in the prepared, tinted in different colors paint, and apply it to the drawing.

At the same time, you don’t need to try to paint over all areas of salt, just drop it in some places and then enjoy the miracle that is happening! The paint will begin to spread itself along the salt lines.

If you are using water tinted with food coloring, you can replace the brush with a pipette. In such drawing, the process is very exciting. Although the result is very bright and colorful. Children are mesmerized watching the travels of paint along the lines of salt.

At this point, it is very interesting to speculate about how long the paint will "move" and whether it will eventually meet with another color. And if you meet, then what will come of it.

Did you know that salt can be used for painting? We offer several options for creativity with children using this product. Show your kids these techniques and they won't be interested in painting with plain paint anymore! Enter with drawings and win a prize.

Photo © MIF.Childhood

Salty watercolor

Watch with the children how the paint spreads over the glue sprinkled with salt. When the glue dries, such drawings will become bright and shiny.

For children from 2 years old.

Photo © MIF.Childhood

You will need:

- A pack of regular table salt

– Cardboard or thick watercolor paper

- A bottle of stationery glue

- Watercolor (liquid watercolor is best, but gouache can also be diluted with water)

— Tassel


1. Use glue to draw something on the cardboard.

2. Put this carton into a baking dish. Sprinkle the glue pattern with salt.

3. Remove the sheet and shake off excess salt. Repeat until the glue lines are completely covered with salt.

4. Dip the brush into the paint and gently touch the salt-coated adhesive line. The paint will run over it.

5. Try different colors in different parts of the drawing until the whole image is completely colored.

6. Dry (the process may take two to three days).

Since children's work with bulk products threatens long cleaning after class, it is best to put cardboard or paper in a baking dish, pan or other container with sides.
Even if you explain that all you need to do is touch the glue pattern with the brush, young children can still make thick lines or smudge the glue, salt, and paint. This is absolutely normal. If you repeat this exercise periodically, over time they will do everything right and watch in fascination how the paint spreads from the light touch of the brush.

fluffy paint

Children love to squeeze paint straight out of the bottle and paint with it. The paint dries and forms shiny raised lines.

For children from 1.5 years.

Photo © MIF.Childhood

You will need:

- 1 glass of salt

- 1 cup flour

- 1 glass of water

— Gouache of four colors

— Cardboard

- Plastic bottles for squeezing paint (old ketchup and mustard bottles are suitable, as well as shampoo and detergent bottles)


1. Mix salt, flour and water.

2. Distribute the mixture among three or four bottles.

3. Add a tablespoon of gouache to each bottle. Close the caps on the bottles and shake or shake them to mix everything.

4. By squeezing paint onto cardboard, create any patterns. The smallest children will most likely just make huge puddles, older children may try to draw something.

5. Dry the cardboard (this will take two to three days).

Children enjoy the process of creating this paint as much as the drawing itself. The remaining paint will keep for another two to three days in the refrigerator in a closed container. If the neck of the bottle is too narrow, you may need to make a larger hole.

From book "Creative Education"

Article provided publishing house "MIF.Childhood"

Hal Wan`t "Creative Education"

To buy in

One of the most accessible and uncomplicated is the technique of painting with watercolor and salt, but when working with it, you need to know a few nuances so that the effect manifests itself with the greatest force. It is precisely because of non-observance of the key rules that beginners at first often fail to understand the “secret” of this technique. Today we will paint with salt and watercolor in stages, while answering frequently asked questions.

Where can this technique be used?

In fact, its use is very wide and much depends on your imagination. Often it is used to show falling snow or a blizzard, sometimes it is used to convey the bumpy surface of the earth, or the feeling of the softness of flowers. It can also lighten dark areas.

Watercolor and salt can be used to create a complete painting, or used as an additional painterly effect.

The tools we need:

  • Watercolor paper. Rougher paper (cold-pressed) is more commonly used, but smoother paper (hot-pressed) can also be used.
  • Watercolor.
  • Tassels.
  • Table or sea salt.
    The question is, is there a difference between ordinary, table and sea salt? In fact, the effect itself is the same, however, due to the fact that sea salt is larger, it will leave larger specks. It also differs from table salt in that it can be poured onto a wetter surface (the instructions for working with table salt will be described in more detail in the instructions).
  • Soft brush (for removing salt).


Before starting work, it would be nice to conduct an experiment on a draft to see the reaction of salt to your paint. With each pigment, salt can behave differently, so if you want to know exactly what you will get, then it is better to take time in the beginning.

  1. We start painting with watercolors. If you want the effect of the salt to appear as brightly as possible, then use more paint. At this stage, the drawing should be very wet.
  2. You need to wait for the moment when the drawing dries out a little and the shine becomes less bright, but the sheet will still be wet. This will take about half a minute from the start of drying.
    Important If you put salt on a leaf that is too wet or almost dry, then there will be little sense from it. The main thing in this technique is to catch the moment when the drawing is not completely wet, so as not to dissolve the crystals, but not dry, otherwise the effect will be very weak.
  3. Now let's prepare the salt. Do not sprinkle it too high, otherwise it will bounce. The optimal distance is a few centimeters from the sheet. You can sprinkle unevenly, changing the amount of salt to create a more interesting effect. After that, the salt will begin to stain, absorbing the pigment and water.
  4. The drawing, sprinkled with salt, must be left to dry completely. Because of the salt, it dries longer than usual, so you have to wait about 20-30 minutes. You can dry the work with a hair dryer at a distance. This stage is really important, because if the work does not dry, the effect will be very weak!
  5. After drying, we can shake off the salt crystals. Some of them may stick to the paper, it is better to wipe them off with a soft brush, a wide brush or a piece of cloth so as not to touch the paint layer. Better not to push too hard.
  6. Next, we continue to work. You can safely write the details on top of the spots left from the salt - watercolor is easily superimposed on top of them.

As we can see, the technique of painting with salt and watercolor is not so complicated, the most difficult thing in it is to wait for the moment when you need to sprinkle salt and wait for the work to dry completely.

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