Painting in watercolor with salt and glue. Drawing with salt in kindergarten (from experience in the use of non-traditional techniques of visual activity)


Salt painting is an amazing activity. Really AMAZING!

We've done this so many times over the years, going back to when Maria and her friends in the toddler art group were still in diapers. And now, at 11, she still enjoys it (and so do I, even though I'm 39!).

If you haven't tried salt painting yet, this is your chance! First I will share a video where you can see the whole process, then I will give you a step by step explanation for this fun activity.


  • Cardstock (heavy paper) (Any solid surface will do. We used cardstock, marker board, cardboard, watercolor paper, paper plates, and styrofoam
  • PVA glue
  • Table salt
  • Liquid watercolor (this is ideal. If you do not have, you can dilute food additives)
  • Paint brushes or pipette

How to draw with salt?

1) Squeeze out the picture with glue or cardstock design.

2) Sprinkle it with salt until all the glue is hidden. Shake the surface lightly to remove excess salt.

3) Dip the brush into liquid paint, then gently touch to the adhesive lines covered with salt. Watch the paint, "magically" spreading in different directions!

If desired, you can use a pipette. But it seems to me that in this way a lot of paint will spill at a time. Yet many people like this method.

4) Let the picture dry thoroughly. This may take a day or two.

Once everything is ready, show it off!

Making pictures with salt is a favorite activity in our house (along with the technique of marbling, 3D painting with Puffy paints in the microwave and splashing paints), as well as all the children I know.

You can use this technique and write names or other words...

Draw a rainbow or valentine ...

...and also depict a landscape, squiggles and scribbles, a face and a bunch of other things!

What about you? Have you already tried to make a picture using this technique with your children?

More and more original ways of creating paintings are being invented by inventors together with children. Salt painting is a new type of creativity based on the ability of salt to absorb color pigments.

Drawing with children from two years old

Drawing with watercolor and salt and glue for children from two years old is a very interesting and creative activity. If you properly prepare for work, then after such a lesson your child will always ask to repeat this miracle.

For work you will need:

  • a pack of table salt;
  • cardboard;
  • stationery glue;
  • watercolor (preferably liquid)
  • tassel.


  1. For such a creative drawing, you do not need to make stencils in advance, although if you wish, you can print any sketch with simple shapes.
  2. Draw a pattern on the cardboard with glue, such as a flower or a vase.
  3. Put it in a baking dish and sprinkle well with salt. The shape is needed so as not to scatter salt everywhere.
  4. After the glue has hardened, shake off any excess grains.
  5. Dip the brush in the desired color. Gently touch the salt line and see how the color spreads along the contour.
  6. Use different colors in different parts of the drawing, they will blend very nicely in transitions.
  7. Fill in all glued lines with color and leave to dry. It may take one to two days for it to dry completely.

Such paintings can be on any topic, for example, painting with salt and watercolors "Winter" will be a wonderful gift for the New Year to relatives from a young talent.

Volumetric paint for children from 1.5 years

Salt painting is suitable for all ages, even the little ones. From the age of 1.5 you can make your child a volumetric paint, which he can pour directly from the bottle.

To create such a miracle of paint you will need:

  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • multi-colored gouache or watercolor;
  • cardboard;
  • a plastic bottle for squeezing out paint (you can take it from under the ketchup).

Now mix salt, flour and water, pour the resulting liquid into three containers and add the desired color to each. Reviews say that little children really like to squeeze such a mass onto cardboard, creating shimmering drawings.

Option using wax pencils

This master class "Draw with watercolors with salt" implies additional use. Suitable for older children, and if you choose a complex sketch, then an adult will like this work.


  • white wax pencil;
  • watercolor paints;
  • thick A4 sheet;
  • water;
  • rock salt;
  • coloring.

Having prepared all the necessary material, you can start drawing with salt and watercolors:

  1. Print the picture or draw a sketch yourself. For example, take a fox in winter.
  2. With a wax pencil, draw snowflakes and the outline of a fox on white paper.
  3. Wet the sheet and fill in the sky, moon, clouds with watercolor. You can use different shades to make the picture richer.
  4. Before the painting is completely dry, sprinkle the sheet with salt, which will absorb the paint and sparkle.
  5. Let the work dry, then shake off excess salt.

Thanks to the wax contour, the snowflakes and the fox did not blend into the background, while the salt added a fabulous sheen to the landscape. This work can be done as a postcard. It is not at all necessary to take a fox, you can sparkle any winter landscape with salt.

Master class for kindergarten

Educators in kindergarten most often ask themselves how to diversify the creative activities of children, which are aimed at developing perseverance and attention. So, drawing with salt and watercolors is perfect for different age groups of pupils.

For crafts you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • white paper (thick) A4;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue stick;
  • watercolor paints and brushes;
  • water container.

For the background, it is better to use colored paper in warm colors. Let's get to work:

  1. We take white paper and fold it four times and on one folded half we make the outline of a vase.
  2. Cut it out and paste it on the background.
  3. We give the children stencils so that they independently cut out three circles - the cores of the flowers.
  4. Glue them on the sheet so that there is room for the stems and petals.
  5. Now works with PVA glue. We draw stems and petals for them, as well as leaves for flowers.
  6. Then we draw a vase with glue. To do this, first we draw a contour, then we make a "mesh" against the general background of the vase.
  7. Sprinkle the pattern generously with salt, wait for it to dry and shake off excess salt.
  8. When the salt and glue dry, we proceed to coloring. To make the picture bright, use different colors. Let the children imagine at this stage.

Salt solution with glue absorbs paint well, so the colors will turn out bright.

Master class "Butterfly"

You can also draw with salt and watercolors in a different way. The master class will help you make a beautiful butterfly. It will be carried out according to the same principle as a vase. Only the stencil needs to be cut in the shape of a butterfly.

Creativity progress:

  1. Paste the butterfly on the background.
  2. Draw the contour and pattern on the butterfly with PVA glue.
  3. Apply a layer of glue.
  4. When dry, paint.

Let the guys express themselves and let them make any pattern for a beautiful butterfly, do not forget to draw the antennae.

Effects of different types of salt

When you sprinkle salt on wet watercolor, it picks up water and repels the pigment. Therefore, a different effect can be obtained from (reviews confirm this).

If you use the "extra" fine salt option, you will get small dots that look like fine snow or fog. The main thing in this technique is to catch the moment when the drawing is not completely wet, so as not to dissolve the crystals, but not dry, otherwise nothing will come of it.

You can even use coarse sea salt. With its help, you can create various curls. Well suited for, for example, if you want to draw a blizzard.

The use of this technique is very wide, it all depends on your imagination. Suitable for almost all watercolor painting options.

Watercolor painting techniques

If you like to experiment in your work, then we offer you to see how the technique of painting with watercolors can produce real masterpieces.

The very first way to apply paint is with brushes. It is common and everyone knows it from early childhood.

The second option, which is like a miracle, parents show us is the use of wax chalk. First, a sketch is drawn in crayon on paper, and then the background is filled. The property of wax is to repel moisture, so white stripes will remain in place of the stencil.

Another interesting option is paint bleaching. To do this, after applying the background, blot in the right places with a napkin or toilet paper. Since the paint has not yet had time to be absorbed, this way you can, for example, draw Christmas trees.

There are many techniques for painting with watercolor (spraying, applying with a sponge, and others). We have considered only a part of them, and also saw what wonderful effects can be achieved using ordinary salt. Reviews say that such unusual tricks are very popular with children.

An interesting technique of painting with salt will not leave your baby indifferent. This is a very interesting and creative activity.

This lesson contributes to the development of fine motor skills of hands, perseverance, helps to develop fantasy, creative thinking and imagination, the child develops the ability to draw.

For the lesson you will need:

Colored cardboard (you can draw a picture with a pencil);

PVA glue;

It can be useful:

Colored salt.

Making paintings using salt

Previously, on the selected background, we draw a composition or print it on a printer.

The drawing can be anything. For winter, it is better to draw Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a forest, snowdrifts, bunnies, bears, trees wrapped in snow.

The child applies PVA glue with a brush along the drawing office (glue should not be spared). If the child knows how to draw on his own, then you can not use the background image, but immediately apply PVA glue, depending on the child's idea.

The child takes salt and sprinkles the drawing with it.

When all the cardboard is covered with salt, you need to carefully tilt the picture and pour off the excess salt. As a result, it will remain only where it was intended, and will indicate the details of the drawing.

The drawing, depending on the idea, can be left snow-white, or it can be painted.

In order to paint a picture from salt, it is necessary to dilute the paints in water, and then gently saturate the drawing with a brush or pipette.

In addition, you can initially make colored salt and “draw” it.

Colored salt can be made in several ways:

Method 1:

We take crayons (colored, lime or pastel). Sprinkle salt on a large sheet of paper and roll the crayon over it.

Method 2:

1. Pour fine salt into a container (in a bag).

2. Dilute gouache in the form of liquid "sour cream" and pour into salt.

3. Mix well.

4. “Knead” the salt with your fingers until a uniform color.

5. Dry the salt (you can use several methods).

5.1. On the battery. Put salt on it and leave it to dry completely.

5.2. In the microwave. Dry for three to ten minutes on the highest setting. The exact time depends on the characteristics of the microwave, so check the condition of the salt periodically.

5.3. In the oven. Heat it up to one hundred degrees, put a baking sheet with salt. Dry for approximately one hour.

Svetlana Pozdeeva

From work experience

When introducing children to art, it is necessary to use various non-traditional drawing techniques. There are many among them that give the most unexpected, unpredictable options for artistic representation and a tremendous impetus to children's imagination and fantasies.

The more diverse the conditions in which visual activity takes place, the content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they act, the more intensively children's artistic abilities will develop.

The advantage of salt painting is that there is no age limit for children.

Safety precautions for working with salt: pay attention so that children do not have cuts on their hands!

To begin with, gently sprinkle salt over the entire surface of the dark background tray. And let's start painting on salt. We just let our imagination run wild.

Drawing occurs directly with fingers on salt, which contributes to the development of sensory sensations, liberates and harmonizes.

By manipulating bulk materials, the child gets rid of negative emotions, relieves stress, internal clamps, while drawing, the child experiences a feeling of joy and inspiration from the resulting drawing, because the drawings are varied and unpredictable. Thus, coordination, imagination develop, memory and all thought processes improve.

Also, salt has a healing and disinfecting effect, when drawing, inhaling salt vapor, there is a prevention of diseases of the nasopharynx.

There are two more ways that I use in working with children.

First way

Apply glue along the outline of the drawing, and then, sprinkle it with salt, let it dry and shake off excess salt. It turns out a three-dimensional drawing that can be painted. Double flowers or stars in the night sky, trees with multi-colored autumn crowns look magical!

Second way

Run the drawing in watercolor on wet, and then sprinkle with salt. Salt - will give the picture the desired texture. (salt absorbs paint). What is this? winter snowy forest will look like a real one! Now you need to let your work dry a little. The last step will be drawing the contours. To do this, you can use a black marker or a black felt-tip pen. It remains to shake off excess salt. Your drawing is ready .. It all depends on your imagination and the imagination of your pupils.

Fantasy has no limits!

These are the ones that the children got from work!

Winter forest

Snow Queen Castle

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