Gouache painting step by step. swan fidelity


Hello reader. If you have not yet watched my previous lessons about birds, then I advise you to look at the lessons about and. In today's lesson, I'll show you how draw a swan with a pencil step by step. The swan is a symbol of love, fidelity and all the good that is in the relationship between men and women. Lovers often come to the lake to feed the swans and just admire their beauty. Even lonely people love to look at these birds. I suppose that white swans are associated with the image of angels. Watch this bird on the pond: it enchants with its graceful and smooth movement on the water, the majestic and royal bend of its long neck. And for good reason, we meet the swan princess in Pushkin's fairy tale. I think the writer also noticed a special beauty and splendor in this bird.

How to draw a Swan with a pencil step by step

So, let's start drawing. Step one.
Draw a circle in the center of the sheet. Below we place a symmetrical figure similar in shape to an egg. And now we need to connect them with a neatly curved line - we get the torso. You need to draw carefully. Step two. From above, draw a small circle for the swan's head. And connect it to the body with lines.
Step three. The line will show the level of the eyes and add the swan's beak. Shown in yellow.
Step four. On the top of the swan's beak, there is a special coloring of the beak. Let's make it black. Let's add a round eye. Only one eye is visible.
We draw the head. First, the beak: elongated and not very sharp. Circle the top of the head several times, leaving a small Step Five. We circle the sketch along the contours - you get a good sketch of the swan drawing. The wavy lines below show that it is on the water.
Step six. Let's make him a ponytail. All birds have a tail that is about the same, with the exception of some exotic ones. These are feathers sticking out of the ass.
Step seven. On the neck we make hatching in the form of the letter double W, this will create the effect of the plumage of a swan. Draw waves around the bird.
Step eight. Let's take the background. Usually reeds grow in reservoirs.
Step nine. In addition to vegetation, you can also draw clouds for realism. Shade the backside of the background and trace the contours of the body of the swan so that it stands out from the background.
Step ten. Final stage:
It was a lesson about how to draw a swan with a pencil step by step. I wish you success! More interesting lessons.


The beauty of nature is perfect. And although much passes by our eyes unnoticed, something is sure to enchant for a long time. But there are also wonderful phenomena that remain in our memory and heart forever. Today we will learn how to draw a swan, a bird symbol of fidelity, tenderness and purity.

Swans are very beautiful and graceful birds, their body consists of graceful curves and smooth shapes. Clean, white plumage gives their image a special noble charm. The very word "swan" has meanings: white, brilliant, sparkling. The image of a swan is well recognizable in different parts of the world.

Compound forms

In order to draw a swan with a pencil correctly, it is important, while observing proportions, to emphasize the simple forms of its body.

The main distinguishing feature of this bird from others is its long neck, which is much longer than that of ducks.

Let's look at the bird and try to determine the main forms of which its body consists. Everything is simple here: head, neck, torso, wings. The legs are very short in relation to the fairly large body, and in most cases very hard to see, so we'll leave them out.

Ovals and beautiful curves will help us schematically depict this bird.

  • head - oval,
  • neck - two elongated curves,
  • the body is a large oval,
  • wings - triangles or trapezoids with smooth lines and rounded edges

Draw a fish

In a calm position, on the water, these creatures resemble bright white clouds.


The main details in the appearance of this bird are in the head area. More precisely, it is a bright beak and eyes. Since there are several varieties of these birds in nature, the shape and color of their beaks are different.

The head of all species is a simple oval shape, only in some the hump above the beak is more pronounced, while in others it is less.


Most often, the head of swans is drawn in profile, so we will start from this angle.

The illustration below shows how to draw a swan's head in different positions (on an extended and curved neck).

Draw an apple and other fruits

Nose eye and ear

In all birds, the nostrils, eyes and ear (a small strip concave inward near the eye) are on the same line. This is very important to create a believable drawing. In the illustration below you can see what we are talking about. A straight line is drawn from the nostril to the center of the eye and further to the ear of the bird, and only then all the details are drawn.

Let's pay a little attention to the eye of the swan, since it is well developed here. The eye is black, framed by thin eyelids, which are slightly lighter in tone.

This picture shows what types of beaks swans have.


It is a little more difficult to draw a full face, since it is unusual to look at these birds from this angle.

How to draw a bouquet of lilacs


There are seven types of swans in the world, therefore, there are some slight differences between them, the most noticeable is the color: white - black. They also differ in size. In some species, the neck is longer and thinner, in others, on the contrary, a thicker neck, and a decent weight of up to 15 kg. Despite the habitat, color and size, the swan is always easy to recognize, it gives out a long neck.

The length of the neck is approximately four heads (the beak is not taken into account). In some positions, it seems to be shorter. For example, when it is curved like a question mark, part of it is hidden in the body and among the magnificent plumage. On the contrary, when the bird takes off rapidly, and just in flight, the neck seems to be longer than usual. Consider these features.

How to draw an owl bird

Bird in motion

Drawing a swan with folded wings is easy, since its body has a simple oval shape, for plausibility it will be enough to outline the feathers with a few strokes and draw out a small tail.

It is a little more difficult to draw a bird with spread wings, as they are very large and powerful and reach 2 meters in span.

In flight

We draw a parrot

Standing on my feet

One of the characteristic positions in which these birds are sometimes depicted is in profile with wings spread and deflected back.

  • In order to draw a bird in this position, you need a curve to show the curve of his body from head to tail. We build shapes around the curve: head, neck, torso, we also need to designate the shape of the wings.
  • At the second stage, we refine all the shapes, draw the beak, eye, tail and legs.

Particular attention will have to be paid to magnificent wings. At the tips of the wing are long and strong primary feathers, above them the coverts are whiter, short and rounded. The closer the feather is to the wing body, the smaller it is.

spread wings

In order to draw a bird swimming at us with spread wings, you need:

How to draw beautiful eyes

Video tutorial

Watch the video tutorial on how to draw a swan in stages with a pencil:

Works for inspiration

I am sure that you will find a huge number of stories for inspiration on the net. Here are the ones I especially liked:

Coles Phillips, early 19th century

A. A. Rylov, 1918 "In the Blue Space"

Adults, like children, love to depict their emotions, experiences, fears on a piece of paper. Already a one-year-old baby makes the first attempts at drawing with a pencil, felt-tip pen or crayon. And this is not surprising, because fine art is a great way to express yourself. It perfectly develops imagination and anything, starting with a butterfly, ending with complex compositions.

A child will be very interested in drawing a swan. and a very beautiful bird, which is a symbol of purity, fidelity. But not everyone knows how to draw a swan? This will be discussed further. It will not be difficult for a child to depict this object. Thanks to this, he will have a keen interest in the creative process. So, to answer the question of how to draw a swan, it is enough to follow a few simple steps. But first you need to stock up on a simple pencil, a piece of paper and an eraser.

We draw a circle on a previously prepared sheet of paper, to which an arc of a sufficiently long size is attached. Its shape should resemble the letter S. It is necessary to maintain proportions and symmetry.

Below we draw 2 more circles. As a result, we get something that looks like a snowman - this is the basis of the future swan. Next, we'll look at these three circles.

Now let's draw the neck of a graceful bird. It is important that its thickness to the middle is the same. Further, the distance between the lines gradually increases. Thus, a smooth transition from the head to the body is obtained.

Drawing the necessary details. We start with circles. They should be connected with smooth lines. We add three small triangles to the lower circle (one is a tail, the other two are paws). The lower body can be depicted with a bend. This will draw a bird floating on the water.

After we depict the wing in the foreground of the picture. To do this, we use several smooth lines. If you add strokes on the bird's body, you will be able to depict plumage, the swan will look more natural and beautiful.

Add a beak to the top circle. It is arched at the top and straight at the bottom. It should be emphasized that the beak ends directly at the forehead line and has a rather small size.

Let's not forget about the eyes. In swans, they are small, oval in shape. Next, draw the pupils.

We remove the extra lines left after the first step.

The final stage is adding colors to the drawing of this graceful bird. There are no restrictions here. The swan can be black and white or bright, like from a fairy tale.

Here, perhaps, we answered the question: “How to draw a swan?” Step by step following this instruction, you will notice how this beautiful and graceful bird will get better and better every time. The image of a swan is not only a great experience, but also a great way to have a good time, as the sight of this amazing bird is soothing and delightful.

I hope you managed to learn enough from this article about how to draw a swan. Agree, everything is not so difficult.

In this lesson we will draw with you the most beautiful, faithful and gentle bird in the world. In people, the swan bird is associated with romance, beauty, purity, nobility and wisdom. And all this because of their elegance, and the ability to fly and swim beautifully.

So, let's start drawing a beautiful swan:

Stage 1. Let's start drawing our beautiful swan by drawing the frame. Our auxiliary frame should consist of three auxiliary circles and one curved line. Draw the frame as shown below:

Stage 2. Let's start drawing the swan itself. First we need to draw its thin, delicate neck and swan's beak. In the picture below, everything that needs to be drawn at this stage is highlighted in red.

Stage 4. Now we need to draw only the contours of the wings of our beautiful swan for now, then in the next steps we will draw some small parts of the swan's wings. In the meantime, we draw two wings for our cute bird.

Stage 5. We draw a muzzle to our swan. We draw eyes, and also we draw its beak.

Stage 6. Perhaps the most difficult thing in our drawing is drawing some small elements of the swan's body to make it more realistic. Everything that needs to be drawn at this stage is highlighted in red. Just look at the picture below and carefully draw these elements.

Stage 7. Now let's draw the environment. We need to draw the water on which our swan is located.

Stage 8. And the final stage of our drawing will be the coloring of the resulting swan as follows:

In this lesson we will look at how to draw the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" with a pencil in stages. How to draw swan geese flying with a brother in stages with a pencil. The swan geese is a Russian folk tale where swan geese kidnap brother Ivanushka, because he played alone in the yard, and his sister was far away from him and could not resist this. And she was far away because she did not obey her mother and father, she had to not go outside the courtyard of the house, but she played too much and forgot about her brother. The end of the story is good.

We will draw the moment when the swan geese fly away with their brother. Let's draw only geese.

We have 4 swan geese, in the figure we denote them with 4 lines, on each line we mark the length of the body and neck with dashes, they are approximately the same.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Let's start drawing from the left side of the sheet, this is convenient for right-handers, if you are left-handed, then you better start drawing from the right side of the sheet. We do this so that later we don’t overwrite the already drawn objects with our own hands. That's it, note. Draw the body, neck, beak and small eye of the bird.

Click to enlarge

Draw the tail and wings.

Click to enlarge

Draw feathers on the wings of the extreme bird and proceed to the second according to the same scenario, i.e. draw the body, neck, beak and eye.

Click to enlarge

We draw wings and a tail at the second bird.

Draw feathers for the 2nd bird, and start drawing the third one, which is on top.

Draw the wings of the 3rd bird, following the same principle as the 2nd.

We draw brother Ivanushka on the top bird from the whole flock of swan geese, then we draw the last bird, which is in the foreground. Erase all the auxiliary lines and the drawing on the theme of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" is ready.

You can also show that they are flying high in the sky, for this you will need to draw a horizon, a setting sun, a river or a country road.

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