Drawing a still life of autumn fruits. Beautiful and warm autumn still life


Translated into Russian, the word "still life" means "dead nature." To put it simply, such a picture depicts inanimate objects in a certain color scheme and with a characteristic fall of light and shadows. It is very difficult to depict a visible composition with the help of pencils and paints, to convey all the shades, mood and spirit. Therefore, to simplify the task, conditional artists began to divide compositions into categories. They may depend on the season, on the colors and on the objects that are depicted. Now we will consider an autumn still life, get acquainted with its colors, style and other features.

Features of autumn still life

Sometimes it seems that drawing pictures of autumn is the most exciting activity. They contain a huge number of shades, but they are all in the same color scheme - warm, red-yellow. Autumn still life can be dark, saturated or light, transparent, but in both cases the colors will be bright and expressive. The background can catch the eye, for example, the painted objects are on the window, and a bright blue sky is visible behind the glass. In a similar way, objects located in the foreground of the picture can attract attention.

As a rule, autumn still life shows us the gifts of this season, its features, which are not only in colors. These can be pictures of the harvest (apples, pumpkins, grapes), images (asters, chrysanthemums), which are certainly combined with household items - vases, pots, chests, etc. Among the artists who painted such masterpieces, Eduard Panov, our contemporary, takes pride of place. In his work there are floral motifs and other autumn attributes.

Different pictures of autumn

It is worth noting that in many there is autumn as art, it has come a long way from antiquity to the 21st century, and for centuries people have depicted everything that surrounded them, including pictures of autumn. They became most plausible in the 19th century, when the trends that followed them became relevant. Among the masterpieces of that time, A. Gerasimov's painting "Gifts of Autumn" deserves attention. The name of the canvas speaks for itself - it shows the golden time in all its glory.

Examples in painting

Josef Lauer captured this season with a touch of romanticism in his painting Peaches, Plums, Grapes, Melon and Autumn Flowers. This autumn still life has retained all the warm tones that are characteristic of the golden age, which is why it is considered one of the standards of autumn painting.

But Henri Fantin-Latour managed to depict autumn in a non-standard way in his painting “Flowers, Fruits and Pumpkin”. The canvas is written in red, saturated colors, as if passed through a gradient. The style is somewhere between romanticism, realism and primitivism. The painting is rightfully considered a masterpiece of painting.

With the help of modern technology, you can also make a unique autumn still life. A photo of objects in which every shade, every shadow and reflection is captured - a work of art of the new century. Such paintings are more than realistic, but still depend on the mood of the master who made them.

Synopsis for children of the senior group

"Autumn still life"

Additional teacher education Rudometkina N.P.

Target: arouse in children an active interest, an emotional response to works of art, a desire to look at a still life, admire the beauty of objects, their unusual shape, color, and combination of objects.
Continue to acquaint children with the genre of fine art - still life.
To consolidate children's knowledge about non-traditional types of fine arts (blowing paint with a tube, printing with fingers, cotton swabs, a leaf from a tree, stamps).
Continue to acquaint children with the means of expression in artistic activity: color, material, composition.

Develop technical skills in drawing, working with different materials and methods.

Develop creative thinking, speech activity, communication skills, attention, memory.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands, mouth muscles, train breathing.

Cultivate respect for household items.

Arouse the desire of children to preserve the beauty of objects in paintings.

Lesson material: album sheets, watercolor, gouache, brushes, tubes, a glass of water, a napkin, cotton buds, stamps, tree leaves.
Reproductions of paintings by I. Mashkov "Rose in a Crystal Vase"; I. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”, “Still Life with Mushrooms”, P. Konchalovsky “Lilac” and others.

Vocabulary work: still life, inanimate objects, France, mountain ash, bunch of mountain ash, color contrast, composition.

Educational areas: communication, health, cognition, socialization, reading fiction, music.

Lesson progress:


"It's getting darker every day,

It dawns later.
Summer leaves turn yellow
Yellow - fly off.

And a streak of fog
Reaching out lazily

To beautiful forests

Sad but beautiful"

What season is this poem about? (poem about autumn)
Many poems have been written about autumn.
And who of you knows poems about autumn? (Children recite poems).
D / and "Wonderful bag"

Autumn brings us many gifts, and these gifts are hidden in my wonderful bag. Do you want to know what is hidden there? But first you need to guess by touch what kind of object it is, say what shape it is,
color, and only then get it out of the bag.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the picture, where the artist depicts all these objects? (this painting is called still life)

But what a poem the artist came up with about a still life:

"If you see in the picture

A cup of coffee on the table

Or juice in a large decanter,

Or a rose in crystal

Or a bronze vase

Or a pear, or a cake,

Or all items at once -

Know it's a still life"

And what does this word mean? (non-living things)

Let's look at the works of artists who painted still lifes. What is painted on them?

What do you think the artist wanted to tell us about in this picture? (the teacher points to the desired picture with a pointer) What mood do you get when you look at this picture? What colors did the artist use? (bright, warm, cold)

Why did the artist want to draw these objects? (The artist painted these objects because he wanted to show what a rich harvest people had.)

We saw different still lifes. They depict flowers and fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, dishes, etc. In life, sometimes you do not notice the beauty of objects, and artists are very attentive people. Each item in the picture, as it were, says how beautiful it is. Picked fruits and berries will be eaten by people, and those drawn by the artist will live forever.

D / game "Guess the object"
I suggest you come to this table and carefully look at the cards that are here. Hold up one card with an object that can be depicted in a still life. (Children raise cards with flowers, vegetables, fruits.)

Why didn't they show a card with the image of birds, people, a tree? (If a person is depicted in the picture, it is a portrait, if a tree is a landscape.)

Rowan (physical education)

There is a mountain ash on the hill,

Keeps straight, straight back. (Sipping - hands up.)

It's not easy for her to live in the world -

The wind turns, the wind turns. (Rotation of the body to the right and left.)

But the mountain ash only bends,

Not sad - laughing. (Tilts to the side.)

Free wind blows menacingly

For a young mountain ash. (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.)

Practical work.

I suggest you sit down at the table.
On the tables: album sheets, watercolor, gouache, brushes, tubes, a glass of water, a napkin, cotton buds, stamps, leaves from trees.
Exercise: draw an autumn still life in a vase.

The order of the still life:
1. Tinted the album sheet with wax crayons using cold-colored crayons.
2. Draw the outline of the vase.
We dip the brush into the diluted paint (ink) and draw two branches in a vase.

4. We take a tube and blow through it on the paint, getting twigs in different directions. (For the branches to be in different directions, you need to turn the sheet of paper)

5. While our branches are drying up, it will be necessary to decorate the vases with watercolors or wax crayons.

D / game "Compose a still life"
Look at the tables. Here you see different items. Which? (Children list fruits, vegetables, vases, plates, flowers).

3 people make up a still life of fruits, 3 people make up of vegetables.

Moving away from the table, they admire their work. They talk about their still life, come up with a name for it.

6. The branches have dried up. Now we need to draw autumn leaves or berries. We will draw them using the printing method: printing with a finger, a cotton swab, inflating paint with a tube, a stamp - your choice. (We consider drawings made by different printing methods)

The children continue to work.

At the end of the lesson, the children come up with a name for their still life, tell what they drew, why.

We give works to parents.

Every autumn, nature gives us the opportunity to be creative. Everything we need for this lies right under our feet. Autumn leaves are the most popular source of creativity. For our today's crafts, you will need a little, just rowan leaves and, of course, inspiration.

20 minutes

about 50 rub.



To make our autumn still life, we need:

  1. A4 watercolor paper
  2. Vase template (download here)
  3. Freshly picked rowan leaves
  4. Paper tape
  5. Gouache
  6. Synthetic brush №18
  7. Palette
  8. Sponges

First we must prepare the background for our autumn still life. To do this, we moisten the paper and apply dots of yellow gouache paint on it from the top edge of the paper, and apply rare emerald dots closer to the middle. Then we connect all these points with the help of whitewash. And we get a uniform background.

We are waiting for the background to dry completely.

When the background is complete. We prepare the necessary material, namely rowan leaves and proceed to creativity.

With a brush, we apply gouache orange paint on the mountain ash leaf along its entire perimeter. Then we take this leaflet and apply it to the place where there will supposedly be a bouquet of leaves and carefully make an imprint there.

So we repeat with two more leaves and we have a small bunch.

We supplement our bouquet with green leaves, mixing two colors for this purpose, green and yellow gouache. We apply with a brush on a leaf and print as the previous ones.

When all the sheets are printed. Let's start drawing rowan berries. For this, we only need the index fingers on your hand. We dip our finger into red gouache and put dots in the place on our still life where you will have twigs with rowan berries.

Our rowan bouquet is almost ready. There are still a few touches left to do.

For our final touch, we need a vase template, which you can download here, a sponge, a palette and gouache. We put our template in the place where our vase will be. We take a sponge (you can use a sponge for washing dishes for these purposes) and apply paint on it - mix two colors for this - dark green and emerald green. Although it is not necessary to take only these colors. The vase can also be made in a classic brown color. We first apply paint along the edge of the vase, and then fill it all with a sponge.

When you fill the entire vase with paint. We are waiting for it to dry completely. Then we carefully remove our template.

Our autumn still life with stamps from autumn leaves is ready!

Purpose: to learn how to draw a still life.
- to introduce the art genre "still life", to teach to convey the beauty of autumn leaves, to observe proportions, to learn to select the desired color scheme, to use a palette;
- develop imagination, memory, hand motor skills, eye;
- foster respect for nature.

Materials and equipment:
Illustrations depicting autumn bouquets in a vase, sheets of paper, brushes, a palette, paints, jars of water, simple pencils, staging a vase with a sprig of autumn leaves.

Preliminary work:
Drawing autumn leaves in a wet way, observing autumn trees, reading works of art on the theme of the beauty of nature in autumn.

Lesson progress:

Guys, what time of year is it?
- autumn.
What happens in autumn?
- the leaves turn yellow, red, orange, fall off.
In the last lesson, we drew an autumn leaf with you. How did we convey the beauty of an autumn leaf?
- painted with different colors.
And how did they do it?
- until one paint was dry, another was added and they merged.
And today I propose to draw a still life.
Still life is a French word, translated as "dead nature".
Still life is a genre of fine art depicting a group of inanimate objects. A painting or photograph may contain flowers, fruits, dishes and other items arranged so that a harmonious composition is obtained. The traditional still life is painted in a realistic style from nature (looking at the original).

Look at these pictures

There is a discussion about these pictures.

And our still life will be called "Branch with autumn leaves."
Look, in front of you is a vase with an autumn branch.
Let's take a look at our setup.
What is the vase on?
What vase?
What form?
What shape are the leaves?
What color are the leaves?
Let's get to work. First, let's sketch in a simple pencil.
Let's outline the table, the height and the middle of the vase:

These are auxiliary lines for the vase, so we draw them thinly, without pressing hard on the pencil.
Now we draw a vase:

And now let's rest.

Physical education:

The autumn rain drizzles from the clouds,
(throws with relaxed hands)
The tree, having shed its leaves, stands
(hands up, fingers pointing up (tree branches))
The autumn wind shakes the branches
(slowly shake hands)
The wind drives the leaves under the tree.
(they sit down and “turn the leaves” under the tree, imitating their rustling: “sh-sh-sh-sh ...”)
The wind is blowing, blowing, blowing, blowing
(wave your hands towards yourself)
The yellow leaves are plucked from the tree
(circling in place)
and the leaves fly
Circling the path (tiptoe around)
Leaves fall right at our feet. (turning around in place, squat).

Now let's do our drawing in color. Let's draw the branches first. What color and brush do we need?
- Brown or black, with a thin brush.

Draw the leaves:

1 option: we cover the entire sheet with green paint, then, until the paint has dried, we apply yellow paint from the edge or in the middle. And vice versa.
Option 2: cover with red paint, then add yellow and vice versa.
3 option: cover with green paint, then add red and vice versa.
Let's get to work.
Now paint over the vase and the table. Our still life is ready.

Summary of the lesson:
Guys, tell me, what did we draw today? What was difficult and what was easy? Do you think we managed to be real artists? Your still lifes are so beautiful that I propose to arrange an exhibition.

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