Drawing on the theme of winter in the preparatory group. Drawing lesson in the preparatory group "Winter Landscape


Tasks: To develop in children an emotional, joyful attitude to the artistic depiction of winter nature; to develop the ability to feel and respond to the mood conveyed by the artist, the desire to communicate about what he saw. Bring children to the vision that with the help of cold tones (color combinations) the artist conveys joyful, upbeat, etc. mood. Bring the children to the fact that the artist depicts what he sees, what surprised him, pleased him, that you can convey your feelings in the language of painting.

Lesson progress

Children, together with the teacher, examine reproductions of paintings on the theme "Winter".

Educator. What time of year is shown in the pictures? - Winter.

Educator. What winter months do you know? - Answers of children.

Educator. What do you see in the pictures? – Trees, bushes, snow, etc.

Educator. How can one word describe what is depicted in the pictures? - Nature.

Educator. And who remembers the names of the paintings that depict nature?

If you see in the picture

A river is drawn, or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds, or a snowy plain,

Or a field and a hut

Be sure the picture is called "Landscape"!

Educator. Children, how does the artist talk about the beauty of winter? What are the main means of expression he uses? - Paints, color.

Educator. What primary colors did the artist use? – White, blue, blue, grey, etc.

Educator. How else can you name the colors used by the artist? - Cold.

Educator. What a charm, these landscapes! What do you feel when you look at them? What mood do you get? – Sad, joyful, quiet, calm.

Educator. Or maybe one of you knows a poem about winter-winter?

Children recite poetry.

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, spinning.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird.

And fell asleep under her

Strongly unawakening.

God's days are short.

The sun shines a little

Here comes the frost.

And winter has come.

Educator. Wonderful poems about winter! Really guys?

Physical education minute.

We look at the pictures, you can through the window. We compare items. Trees that are close are large, bright, clear; trees that grow far away are small, fuzzy.

Educator. Children, let us become artists too. Let's close our eyes and say the magic words, and then open them sharply - cribli-crabli-boom. Repeat 2-3 times.

Educator. Now we have become artists. Let's paint our landscapes and make an exhibition.

Sat at the tables.

Finger gymnastics.

While drawing, I pay attention to the posture of children.

We draw to the music "Seasons".

Educator. What beautiful landscapes you have turned out, elegant, festive.

Educator. What do you like most about the pictures? - Answers of children.

Educator. What good fellows you are! We'll post these landscapes on the walls for your moms and dads to look at.

MA DOU No. 35 "Nightingale"

Abstract of the OOD on artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group No. 6

drawing using non-traditional techniques on the topic:

"Winter forest"

Prepared by: teacher

Chuburina O.A.

Naberezhnye Chelny 2016

2. Drawing on the topic:"Winter forest"

3. Purpose: Develop children's creative imagination.

4. Program content:

To improve the ability to draw a winter landscape, using various visual materials and drawing techniques to create an expressive image (dry hard brush, cotton buds, foam rubber, wrinkled paper print, leaf printing).

Expand and clarify children's ideas about the features of winter: fabulous, magical, fluffy, frosty, snowy, harsh, joyful. Activate the words in the speech of children - landscape, landscape painter.

Stimulate the manifestation of aesthetic and emotional feelings in the perception of the artistic word, musical works.

To develop independence, initiative, individuality, a sense of rhythm and composition, to activate the creative manifestations of children.

Cultivate love for nature, the ability to see its beauty.

5. Integration areas: artistic and aesthetic development;

speech development;

cognitive development;

social - communicative development;

physical development.

6. Vocabulary work: landscape, landscape painter, fringe.

7. Preliminary work: conversations about winter, viewing illustrations, reproductions on the topic “Winter” (I.I. Shishkin “Winter”, I.E. Grabar “February Blue”), listening to musical works (P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”

8. Material and equipment: musical recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", a snowflake with a riddle, small snowflakes, drawings - diagrams, tinted sheets of A4 paper, white gouache, watercolors, jars of water, brushes No. 2.5, hard brush, cotton buds, pieces of paper, foam rubber, dry leaves, napkins.

9. Stroke ood:

Children stand in a semicircle.

Guys, today a snowflake flew into our group. Not a simple snowflake, but with a riddle. Here listen:

I covered everything around

Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.

Autumn, best friend,

I sent it south.

I am frosty and white

And came to you for a long time. (Winter)

Right. How do you know it's winter? (Swept up, blizzards, frosty, white).

Zimushka - the winter of each person fascinates with its beauty. Poets, artists, composers often like to tell us about winter in their works.

Listen to the wonderful words Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev says about winter:

Enchantress Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive
Magically enchanted by sleep
All entangled, all bound
Light chain down…

Who does the author call winter? (sorceress) How can you say otherwise? What has winter done to the forest? (bewitched) What do you think the poet calls a snowy fringe, a light downy chain? Why is the fringe motionless and mute? (it is quiet in the forest, there is no wind)

We will also talk about winter. I suggest you play snowballs. I throw a snowball, and you have to say in one word what winter is like? (fabulous, magical, fluffy, frosty, snowy, harsh, joyful)

Artists have painted many pictures about winter, winter landscapes. Guys, do you know what a landscape is? (picture depicting nature). Who is a landscape painter? (A landscape painter is an artist who paints landscapes).

Guys, do you like winter? Do you want to be a landscape painter today? Today you will create your own winter forest, learn how to convey the mood in the drawing, like artists. To begin with, we will visit the winter forest.

(Physical minute "Winter Forest")

We came to the winter forest (walking in place)

How many miracles are around here! (spread arms out to sides)

On the right is a birch in a fur coat, (hands are taken in the indicated direction and look)

On the left, the tree is looking at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky, (take their hands away and follow with their eyes)

And they lay down beautifully on the ground. (movement "flashlights" and look up)

(Children sit on the carpet.)

And now you all close your eyes, and while P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “December” is playing, each of you will imagine your own landscape with a fabulously beautiful winter forest. I say the magic words: “Strong blizzards circle us. Take us to the kingdom of winter"(Children listen to music and imagine their winter forest.) “Strong blizzards circle us. Bring us back to kindergarten."

Open your eyes, what winter forest did you see?

How do we start work? What will we draw first? What then? In what ways? What material will we use? (We specify the sequence, execution technique, fix according to the scheme).

(Children draw, music sounds)

What did we draw today?

What mood do you convey in your work?

Did you get the landscape? How did you draw?

Walk, look at the landscapes of other children. Tell me, who got the densest forest? Who has the highest drifts? Who has the snowiest job?

You each have one snowflake on the table, put a snowflake at the work that you like the most. Why did you choose this particular job?

Drawing master class for children 5-7 years old with a step-by-step photo "Snowfall"

Name:"Snowfall" Drawing with children 5-7 years old.

Author: Gordeeva Anna Gennadievna, educator for fine arts activities of MBDOU "CRR-kindergarten No. 172", Ivanovo
Description: a master class with a step-by-step photo "Snowfall" will be useful for preschool teachers, primary school teachers, as well as parents. The work can be done with preschoolers 5-7 years old, elementary school students.
Target: drawing a picturesque landscape "Snowfall"
Learn to draw a winter landscape; consolidate the ability to draw trees; consolidate the ability to mix colors in the palette; improve the ability to use non-traditional drawing tools (cotton buds)
Develop aesthetic taste, sense of color, compositional skills, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
To cultivate interest in changes in nature, accuracy, attentiveness, perseverance.
Materials and equipment:
Sheet A4
Brushes #6, #3
simple pencil
cotton swab

December ... The beginning of winter ... I so want to wake up in the morning to see a white blanket of snow outside the window. Even if the firmament is still dark and the air is damp, but still there is hope for a miracle - the first miracle of winter - snowfall!
He is always expected at all times. They compose poems and songs about him, paint pictures.

A.Plastov "First snow"

It was snowing all over the world.
Went where the eyes look -
That will turn into the village,
It will pass through the city.
And then, then into the woods,
On the coastal beach, sand,
To the hills, to the hills,
On trees and bushes...
On the roads, on the paths,
He carried his snowflakes to everyone.
Carried and carried easily, lightly.
Everything became white - white.
Everything shone with a gentle light,
And the night turned into dawn.
Snowfall walked, walked
And a little tired!
He got tired and stopped.
He handed out all the snowflakes!
Let him rest a little
He will come back later!
O. Shalimova

So, let's start drawing.
1. We draw the horizon line with a simple pencil.

2. Put white and black paint into the palette. Mixing them, we get a gray color. Remember that we first take the white color, and mix a little black with it.

3. Take a thick brush and paint over the sky with gray paint to the horizon line. The lower part of the sheet is left unpainted. This is the land covered with snow.

4. Now we lighten the sky at the horizon line for the image of space. To do this, add a little white paint to the gray color to get a light gray tint.

5. At the horizon line, draw a strip in light gray.

6. We take a thin brush and paint trees and shrubs with black paint. Remember that by depicting trees, you can show not only the type of tree, but also its age and character.

7. We try to draw some trees far away, while others are close.

8. Optionally, with a thin brush, draw flying birds, birds (cat, dog) on ​​the ground.

9. While the trees are drying up, carefully, with a light touch
with a cotton swab we draw a snowfall, and then we draw snow on trees and bushes with a thin brush.

10. With a cotton swab in light gray (it remained in the palette), we depict a path of footprints in the snow or traces of a bird (animal).

11. Our landscape is ready.

Theme: "Zimushka - winter"
(filling - semolina + decorative gloss)

 Continue to form children's ideas about the landscape
 Teach children to do work on the same topic in different ways - using different techniques
 Introduce the “filling” technique using glue and semolina.
 Continue to learn to convey perspective in the drawing - the horizon line, tall, large trees in the foreground, small ones in the background
 Cultivate a sense of beauty, the ability to see, notice the unusual in the ordinary

 Album sheets pre-tinted in dark colors
 wallpaper glue + PVA, diluted to the consistency of sour cream
- glue brushes
 dry semolina + decorative color glitter
 children's work from previous classes, made in various image techniques.
 three easels with children's works made in different techniques

white gouache, poke


Lesson progress:
Children on the carpet, in a circle. An audio recording of the dynamic pause “Frost” sounds, the children perform movements, accompanying them with text.
Then the teacher makes riddles:

No bucket, no brush, no hands,
and whitewash all the roofs around

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking. When does it happen?

That's right folks, it's winter!!! We have already painted winter landscapes several times in different techniques. And who will tell me - what is a "landscape"? Tell us how we drew him on these drawings, but on these? There are three easels in the group - on one, drawings of children with a winter landscape, made with plasticine, on the other in the "scratch" technique, on the third - with white gouache on a dark background, using a "poke" foam swab. In winter it is very beautiful! Especially when all the trees are covered with frost, hoarfrost. Many poets sang the beauty of winter in their poems. Here, listen to S. Yesenin's poem, which Dasha prepared for us:

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

Today we will draw a winter landscape again. And how we will draw it, and with what, I will tell you now. Take your seats.
Guys, do you like semolina porridge? And today I suggest you draw a winter landscape with exactly .... semolina porridge !!! Not the porridge itself, of course, but semolina! After all, semolina is surprisingly similar to grains of snow! After all, it’s not for nothing that people say - “manna from heaven is pouring”, and they say “cereals” on the snow. I added a little bit of multi-colored shine to the semolina - after all, the snow sparkles so beautifully, so that our work would turn out just magical!
We will draw the landscape itself with glue - dip the brush in glue, and, like paint, draw the whole picture - / the teacher draws on the easel, accompanying his drawing with an explanation / horizon line, tree trunks - from top to bottom, in the foreground the trees are large, tall, in the distance small, tree crowns, you can add Christmas trees, snowdrifts, paths, falling snow. You need to draw quickly - so that the glue does not have time to dry, because now that everything is drawn, we will take a pinch of semolina, and, like real winter helpers, pour it on the glue - semolina grains with sparkles will remain on the sheet exactly where they were glue. Gently shake off the excess cereal on the newspaper. Our winter landscape is ready!
And now let's get to work. Grab your brushes and start painting. Do not forget that you need to draw quickly so that the glue does not have time to dry. Remember how you drew trees, branches, tree crowns in previous lessons. Is your drawing ready? Take the semolina and pour the "snow" We will put the finished work on the board. Look how fabulous it turned out! The snow on our winter landscapes sparkles and shimmers - like a real one!!! I think it's time to call Zimushka - Zima here - let her admire our landscapes. Let's call loudly - Zimushka - Winter !!! Come!!!
The group includes "Winter"
- Hello guys! Did you call me?
V-l: Yes, Zimushka - winter, they called! Our guys have learned to draw wonderful winter landscapes, and we want to show them to you - look!
Z. – How beautiful!!! Guys, what good fellows you are! /looks at children's work/ I really like it! And how did you draw it? And what is this? And my artists - frosts only know how to draw on glass ... And you, such good fellows! I really liked the works with plasticine, and in the technique of scratching, and with white gouache, and the works made by semolina are so beautiful, real! and the "snow" on them will never melt!!! I think I need to feed you! Here I have a magic snowball, and in it for you lollipops !!! Help yourself! See you soon! Winter leaves.
This concludes our lesson.

Synopsis of directly educational activities

in the educational field "Artistic creativity"

in the preparatory group on the theme "Winter Forest"

Program content:

1. Continue to learn how to draw a winter landscape, using various visual materials and drawing techniques to create an expressive image (dry hard brush, foam sponge, crumpled paper, toothbrush, cotton swabs)

2. Expand and clarify children's ideas about the features of winter: fabulous, magical, fluffy, frosty, harsh, sonorous, blizzard, joyful.

3. Stimulate the manifestation of aesthetic and emotional feelings in the perception of the artistic word and musical works.

4. To develop independence, initiative, individuality, a sense of rhythm and composition, to activate the creative manifestations of children.

5. Cultivate love for the native land through reading poetry, listening to music, looking at pictures.

Preliminary work:

1. Cognitive conversations about the season - winter.

2. Consideration of illustrations, reproductions, photographs on the topic "Winter". ("Hoarfrost", "February Blue", "The Tale of Hoarfrost and the Rising Sun", "Winter")

4. Listening to musical works on the topic ("Seasons")

Material and equipment:

1. Exhibition of reproductions, illustrations, photographs depicting winter landscapes.

2. Gouache (white), watercolor, hard brushes, brushes No. 2, cotton buds, toothbrushes, a set of stoppers for printing, tinted sheets of A4 paper; water jars, napkins.

3. Tape recorder, disc with the record “Seasons. December". .

Guys, today a snowflake flew into our group. Not a simple snowflake, but with a riddle. Do you like to solve riddles? (Yes). Then listen:

I covered everything around

Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.

Autumn, best friend,

I sent it south.

I am frosty and white

And, for a long time came to you. (Winter)

Right. How do you know it's winter? (swept, blizzards, frosty, white)

Main part.

Zimushka-winter always captivates with its beauty and turns every person into a magician. And poets, artists and composers feel winter and its mood, and convey their admiration for winter to us: poets - in words, composers - in sounds, artists - in colors. Listen to what wonderful words the Russian poet F. Tyutchev says about winter:

Enchanted winter, the forest is bewitched.

And under the snowy fringe, motionless, mute

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched,

Not dead and not alive -

Magically enchanted by sleep

All entangled, all bound

Light downy chain.

Is the winter sun mosque

On him his ray oblique -

Nothing trembles in it

He will flare up and shine

Dazzling beauty.

- What can be said about the forest? What happened to him? What is a fringe? Why is she motionless and dumb? What time of the year would this be? What is winter like? Where does he live? What is the nature of winter? Do you love winter? What is your mood in winter? Is it always the same? Do you like it?

What other works do you know about winter? (children's answers)

Now look at the pictures, how the artists convey the impressions of winter ("Winter") What is shown in the picture? What is the winter like here? What is the artist trying to tell us? What captivated and surprised him? What is the mood of the picture? How is the other picture different? (“February Blue”) What is the mood of this picture? The kingdom of winter is majestic, fabulous, magical and mysterious.

Listen to what music is playing now. Wrote it, it's called "December". What is this music? What is the mood of the music? What did you imagine?

Guys, how much we now remembered about winter. Do you want to visit real wizards today? (yes) Today you will be magicians and create your own winter forest, learn to convey mood in drawings, as composers, poets, artists did.

First, we will reach the forest.

Fizminutka "Winter Forest"

We came to the winter forest (walking in place)

How many miracles are around here! (spread arms out to sides)

On the right is a birch in a fur coat, (hands are taken in the indicated direction and look.)

On the left, the tree looks at us

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky, (take their hands away and follow with their eyes)

And they lay down beautifully on the ground. (movement (flashlights) and look up).

But first, let's remember how to draw a winter forest so that it is truly magical? How will we draw snowdrifts? (hard brush, toothbrush or foam sponge) Snow? (hard brush, cotton buds, crumpled paper). Where do we start drawing? (from the horizon line) And then what? (trees) After the trees? (drifts) Why are some trees in my picture big and others small? (some closer, others farther)

What is the weather like in the forest? (frosty, snowy, windy, blizzard, blizzard)

And now you all close your eyes, and while the music is playing, each of you will imagine that he was in a winter forest. I utter the magic words: “Strong blizzards circle us. Take us to the kingdom of winter."

Open your eyes and about what kind of winter forest you saw, you show us how artists are. (music sounds, children draw).

2 part. Independent work of children. (Providing assistance in the process of drawing, praise, an individual approach to each child, suggesting ideas for drawing)

3 part. Work analysis:

Guys, look at what a winter forest each of you has! What interesting or unusual things did you notice in each other's drawings? Let's try to determine the mood of each picture?! What mood did you have after the lesson? With this mood, we will continue our day with you.

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