Drawing a tank in stages for children 5 years old. How to draw a tank in stages with a pencil


The image of military equipment for boys is one of the favorite activities. So why not teach them how to draw a tank? Its design is quite complex compared to other examples of military equipment. A tracked vehicle is called a tank, the main properties of which are firepower, protection and mobility. Its main elements include a caterpillar, a hull and a turret. The most difficult task is the image of the body, the front of which is built at an angle to reflect enemy projectiles. But the kids like the tank because of the tracks. After all, they have not yet ridden on this type of transport. And if you manage to fulfill your dream, it will not be soon. Let's move on to how to draw a tank in stages with a pencil.

Direct work

The tank belongs to heavy and complex military equipment. Therefore, many people admire him. Let's find out first how to draw a tank with a pencil. All parts of the machine under consideration are in the form of geometric figures, so that it is not difficult for a mathematician to depict them. We will take a hexagon as a basis. It is inside it that the caterpillars will be located. To make all the elements of this part of the tank the same, it is recommended to draw a vertical line in the hexagon.

Then we move on to the body shape. From the caterpillars we draw two trapeziums upwards. Do not forget that the drawing is three-dimensional, so we do not see all the elements at right angles. Accordingly, they need to be depicted. The front armor of the tank was specially designed at an angle so that shells that hit along a tangent trajectory could not break through it.

Then we start the image of the tank turret. It will be a rectangle, only its edges need to be rounded. Let's not forget the gun. For her, we finish the pipe to the tower. The next step will be the image of the tracks and mudguards above them. When they are ready, add a gas tank to the tank, finish drawing the hatch and steps to it. Then the bottom line rises slightly between the two tracks. Now we draw the tower. First, we divide it into two sections. We draw a circle around the base of the cannon and make it a little thinner. Then we add hoops and draw in detail the hatch, namely its cover. The main form of the car is ready. The drawing already really looks like a tank. It turns out that the task is doable.

The image of small details of the tank remains. In order to improve the tracks of the car, we add protectors to them and draw each wheel. We depict the pin for the axis and the inner shell. The outer wheels have teeth. With their help, caterpillars are pulled. Without them, the tank will not budge. We draw the body in detail.

Military vehicle details

During the war, tankers attached an additional fuel tank to the hull. It can also be pictured. In principle, we have already figured out how to draw a tank. It remains only to apply hatching where necessary and darken individual details. It all depends on which side of your drawing the light falls on. We got a tank, without which the Soviet Union would not have won the Great Patriotic War.

Children's way

Young children, for example, preschoolers, do not need to be explained how to draw a tank in detail. You can get by with a children's version. And when the child learns to portray a simple tank, you can already move on to a detailed image of a military vehicle.

The easy way

How to draw a tank beautifully for a beginner artist? Consider the algorithm of actions. We start the drawing with a regular square. We add two isosceles triangles to it on the sides. It turns out that the extreme sides of the square are also part of the triangles. Then follow our advice step by step. We make the bases of triangles in the form of arcs. Thus, we got a blank for the caterpillar. Just remember to round the corners. We will get a figure that looks like an oval. What's next? Inside it we draw the same figure, only a little less, so that the distance between their contours is about half a centimeter. Now you need to depict the wheels in the caterpillar. They must be the same. The wheel is in the shape of a circle. And in the middle of it is another small figure - the axis. Then we erase all extra lines.

We draw the body of the tank. This is another rectangle above the caterpillar. On top of the body we depict a tower in the form of a trapezoid. Draw a long rectangle to it at an angle - this is a cannon. We depict her muzzle. The tank is ready. Here is an example for beginners on how to draw a tank step by step. It is easy to work with a pencil, as you can remove all unnecessary strokes. If the tank turned out to be not too big, and the child did not like the drawing, then explain to him that by reducing the size of the vehicle, its maneuverability increases. That is, the smaller the military equipment, the harder it is to detect it in battle and even more difficult to hit it. Moreover, such a tank will be able to overcome the path in any terrain.

For beginners who do not feel confident in painting, tips on how to draw a tank without problems will be useful. The first step is to estimate the size of the paper on which you plan to create. The picture should be centered and occupy the entire main part of the sheet. This is provided that you depict only a tank. There shouldn't be any extra space. When sketching, do not press hard on the pencil. The first time you don’t get a perfect drawing, and if you erase the mistakes, a trace will remain. The picture will be dirty.

When drawing, make sure you maintain the proportion of the object. Remember that all the details of the tank are similar to geometric shapes. If something does not work out, then it is simply necessary to depict a square, a triangle, a trapezoid, and then modify the figure to the proper shape. An effective way to check the correctness of the drawing is to evaluate it in the mirror. If the display is distorted, then it means that you made a mistake. And an important tip: not just an abstract tank will look better, but with the addition of scenery and objects (other vehicles, soldiers, shots). This will give the picture realism. Such nuances will definitely help you in deciding how to draw a tank step by step.


Do not think that the image of a tank is a completely useless exercise. From it you can make a postcard for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Or it can be a gift in honor of Victory Day for a brother, dad or grandfather. They will not remain indifferent after such a surprise. Drawing a tank is even done in art classes at school. And the elements of the device of a combat vehicle are interesting and necessary information for every boy.


Then, on top of the resulting figure, you need to draw another long trapezoid, smaller in size.

It should depict a third figure, again a trapezoid, only already small.

Now the bottom, longest, figure must be filled with several circles. The two extreme ones should turn out a little less than the rest.

Now it's time to draw the tank's caterpillar. It consists of round wheels and a chain that combines them into one figure.

The part, which is the underside of the middle part of the tank hull, should be thickened.

The upper and middle trapezoid must be connected with two straight short lines.

On the trapezoid (tank body) located in the middle, you need to draw a couple of small rectangular parts (lids). They block access to the complex mechanisms of the tank. In front, you should add a small rounded one, and on the box located on the right side of the tank, you need to draw belts. The drawing is ready.


Now you will learn how to draw a tank. Step 1. Let's start drawing a tank with a caterpillar. Draw a square, and triangles with rounded sides on the sides. Step 2 Now let's smooth out our corners. Step 3 Draw similar lines inside. They must be parallel. Step 4. Draw the wheels. Draw two circles, left and right, and small circles inside them.

Helpful advice

How to draw a tank with a pencil. STEP 1. So, we start by outlining the shape of the tank, for this you can use the help of a ruler. Let's draw a hatch that helps the soldiers get out of the tank. (In the last lesson, we already drew a soldier, a helicopter and an AK-47, for those who like to draw military equipment I recommend it!) STEP 3. Next, we make a drawing of the projectile fired by the tank.


  • draw tanks

Drawing a tank is not as easy as it seems not at first glance. First of all, this is due to its structure - the colossus is a body with a tower attached on top, rotating 360˚, tracks and a muzzle. But by understanding how these basic elements are drawn, you will be able to cope with the task.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser.


Sketch the tank with the muzzle pointing to the side. Draw a horizontal line, slightly curved in the middle. Draw two more straight lines under it, intersecting in a place located under the bending point of the top. Connect these places with a vertical line. Also draw the outer boundary points of the two lines with verticals. Then draw a prism located on the main part of the tank's hull, which will symbolize the tank's turret.

Draw boundaries. Draw two lines of the lower part of the body with small arcs. On the inside, add two more lines depicting the width of the tracks. Draw a horizontal line - divide the caterpillars in half. Under it draw the wheels located in the middle of the tracks. To do this, divide the wheel line into equal segments, each of which will be the center line of one wheel. The dimensions of the wheels should not be the same - those that are located closer to the front, draw larger than the wheels located at the rear of the tank.

Draw the muzzle of the tank. Draw a straight line at the top, and mark another one below it. Closer to the base of the barrel, draw several rings placed at some distance from each other.

Draw details. From the base of the muzzle down to the midline of the tracks, draw two parallel lines. Draw the shields that cover the tracks. Draw one of them along the entire length of the tank, and draw the second one as a small visible part of it, which peeks out from behind the tank hull. Small details should be drawn with a hard type for a clearer drawing.

Darken the interior near the wheels. Draw horizontal lines across the entire width of the tracks to depict their relief. Please note that the dimensions of the tracks should be approximately 2 times less than the height of the entire tank.

A cannon is a type of artillery weapon. In past centuries, this weapon was used quite often. It was also installed on ships, where it was simply irreplaceable. But what about such a tool?

You will need

  • - landscape sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser.


Make general sketches of the gun. First, in the middle of the sheet, draw a long narrow oval, located diagonally, with the left edge up. This will be the muzzle of the gun. Under it at some distance, draw a straight line parallel to the oval.

Connect the line to the muzzle with smooth lines located at both ends of the straight line. Thus depict a carriage - a stand for weapons. Attach visible wheels - draw circles so that the lower border of the carriage would cut them almost in half.

Draw the details of the muzzle of the gun. Narrow the top end a little, and widen the bottom end a little. Draw an end in the wide part - draw a circle, half of which is the extreme border of the oval. Now attach the implement handle.

Draw rings that are placed in several places on the muzzle of the weapon. Draw curved lines, with bulges facing the upper end of the muzzle and with borders protruding beyond the oval. Draw a place for the wick. Designate it with a small circle placed on the top platform of the muzzle.

Draw the details of the gun carriage. Draw the top and side borders of the visible wall with a double line, symbolizing the thickness of the board. In the upper part, draw two bolts - small ovals separated by curved lines for volume. Draw the continuation of the fastening.

Draw the bottom of the carriage: to the extreme part of the side wall, draw a line located almost at a right angle to it. Again, depict the thickness of the board by drawing a second straight line parallel to the first. Go over all the visible parts of the carriage with short strokes to give the appearance of the structure of the tree.

Draw the wheels in detail. Draw ovals diagonally in the same direction as the cannon. Separate them with raised lines, separating the visible side from the top, which is an indication of the thickness of the wheel. In the middle of the wheels draw the mounts.

Draw the details of the gun. Depict props under the wheels, first depicting them as a cube. Also draw the cannon cores - small circles, the diameter of which should not exceed the size of the thinnest part of the muzzle.

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The simplest tank can be drawn as shown in the figure. To do this, you first need to draw the hull of the tank, then I sing, then everything so that it looks like these are rollers. Of course, draw a gun. When everything is drawn the most important thing, then you can already start decorating the tank.

Helpful advice

Let's draw more details for the tank turret. Now we need to split the tank turret into two parts. To do this, draw a round line near the gun. Next, we'll make the tank's cannon a little thinner, and add a few hoops to its beginning. How to draw an airplane Drawing an airplane is not so difficult. In order to draw an airplane, you only need to know some of the features of its structure.

Features of drawing a tank for beginners, children. Examples of finished drawings.

The boys are fond of drawing technology. Cars are the most popular among them, but tanks are in second place.

To draw them as similar as possible to real ones, you should draw both parts of them:

  • frame
  • cannon

The more detailed your drawing, the more interesting it is. After all, with a tank made in pencil, a boy can brag to his peers or participate in a competition, get a high assessment of his abilities and take a worthy place.

Let's talk in more detail about the technique and secrets of creating tanks with an ordinary pencil.

How to draw a tank with a pencil in stages for beginners and children?

Since there are a huge number of types of tanks and each differs in its characteristic details, the answer to the question of the section consists of a number of features:

  • decide on the model of equipment, look at real photos of its structure,
  • orientation in space, in other words, how do you plan to portray the tank - in profile, top view, half-side,
  • prepare the necessary drawing tools. In addition to paper, pencil and eraser, you will need a ruler, compass, template,
  • memorize and mark all the details of a particular tank model.

In the process of drawing, give preference to a consistent image of the hull and turret with a gun.

The enlarged stages of the image of the tank with a pencil for beginners look like this:

  • mark with thin lines the main details - the tower, the gun, the middle part, the hull,
  • start detailing the zones from top to bottom. Draw the junction of the cannon with the turret, the difference in the thickness of the first along the entire length. Add a hatch, the volume of this part of the tank,
  • go to the middle zone. A fuel tank, a headlight, an antenna, steps for tankers are appropriate here. Keep the lines smooth
  • work most scrupulously on the hull with the caterpillar and wheels. The more clearly you draw the little things, the more realistic the drawing will turn out.

As an example, we add a photo instruction for a step-by-step image of a tank with a pencil.

How to draw a tank with an IS-7 pencil?

This tank model differs from others by the protruding front part of the hull. For this, the car received the nickname "Pike".

Interesting angles for drawing - a half-turn of the tank on the right or left.

  • Mark 2 rectangles connected at an acute angle. This will be the body
  • slightly detail it with the contours of the caterpillars,
  • add a tower trapezoid and a cannon line,
  • give them volume with additional lines,
  • behind the hatch on the tower, draw the outline of the machine, in the caterpillar zone, put markings for the image of the wheels,
  • go to the detailing of the drawing, for example, first the components of the body - tracks, mudguards, 2 rows of wheels, a protruding part of the front, similar to the nose, headlights, a porthole, a decent tank, other additional details, then the tower,
  • shade the finished drawing with a simple pencil so as to convey the play of the shadow and the steel origin of the tank. "Ground" the tank by adding strokes from the shadow of a standing car on the ground.

Below are two pencil drawings of the IS-7 tank from different angles.

How easy and beautiful to draw a T-34 tank with a pencil?

You need:

  • paper
  • pencil with rubber
  • ruler


  • mark the sheet into 8 sectors with light lines and draw a 6-angle for the body and 2 rectangles located at an acute angle to each other. The latter will make up the front parts of the body,
  • mark the tracks for the tracks on its frontal area. Mark them with parallel lines. Add markings in the caterpillar track, it should be strictly in the middle in the form of a vertical line,
  • draw a rectangle 2-3 mm above the body, the far side of which is beveled at an acute angle, and the near side is rounded. Connect with smooth lines to the body,
  • mark the length of the cannon with a ruler and draw the desired lines. Place the junction with the tower with smooth lines,
  • draw ovals for 5 large wheels and a small one for the sixth in the far corner of the caterpillar track. The latter serves to tension the tape,
  • draw a mudguard over the wheels. Add a fuel tank in the form of a tube, steps for tankers, a porthole for the driver, a headlight. All parts are located on the tank body,
  • pay attention to the tower, add volume and clarity to the lines of the junction with the cannon. Designate the closed hatch from above. Move the gun lines
  • detail the appearance of the wheels - protruding axles, front and rear rims, small wheels with teeth, as well as a track tape. Optionally draw a second fuel tank on the body,
  • erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser,
  • shade the tank with a simple pencil to convey the play of the shadow and the volume of the car.

Below is an instruction in pictures to the above and an alternative way of depicting without marking lines.

Drawings of tanks of the Second World War for a child with a pencil for February 23 and May 9 Victory Day

To inspire you and your child, let's add a series of ready-made drawings of tanks from the Second World War, which are worth repeating on a piece of paper.

So, we learned how to draw tanks from the Second World War with a pencil, took into account the features of their models and components.

If your son shows an increased interest in this technique, it's time for you to learn the basics of drawing it with an ordinary pencil.

Inspiration to you and a pleasant time with your child!

Video: how to draw an IS-7 tank in stages with a pencil?

Elena Shlyapina

Program content: To consolidate the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper, draw large; use skills drawing and painting the image. Expand knowledge about the types of troops. Develop imagination, independence, expand horizons. To expand the idea of ​​the Great Patriotic War, of the sacred Victory Day. To form patriotic feelings, interest in the past of Russia. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Materials and equipment: Album sheets, colored pencils, illustrations depicting tank, musical accompaniment (song of the war years "The armor is strong and our tanks are fast» ).

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys listen to a poem by V. Stepanov

"Our Army", Yegor will read it.

On the high mountains

In the steppe

Guards our

The homeland of the soldiers.

He takes off into the sky

He goes to sea

Not afraid of a defender

Rain and snowfall.

Birches rustle,

The birds are singing,

children grow up

At home country.

Soon I'll be on guard

I'll stand on the border

To only peaceful

People dreamed.

Guys, who is protecting our country?

Children's answers: (Soldiers).

caregiver: And how do soldiers defend our Motherland?

Children's answers: (They sail ships, fly planes, etc.)

caregiver: That's right, guys, the soldiers make sure that the enemy does not penetrate our territory.

And what else can soldiers move on, besides ships and planes?

Children's answers: (On tanks) .

caregiver: Guys, look what I brought you, this is a toy military equipment. This technique helped soldiers defeat enemies during the war. See what cars do you know?

Children's answers: (aircraft, tanks, trucks, helicopter).

caregiver: Guys, do you like these cars? (Yes)

– And how can one name what kind of cars these are? (military).

caregiver: Guys soon our country will celebrate a great holiday. Which one, who's to say?

caregiver: That's right, every year on May 9, our country celebrates Victory Day over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted from 1941 to 1945. On this day, participants of the war are congratulated - veterans who fought at the front and behind enemy lines (partisans, and those who created tanks and planes, shells and cartridges, bringing Victory Day closer in our rear. It's a holiday with tears on eyes: we rejoice at the Victory and mourn for the dead people.

76 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the German invaders attacked our country, they destroyed cities, burned villages, killed people. Enemy planes bombed our towns and villages. The Nazis wanted to destroy our Motherland, but they failed. People stood up to defend their country. Soviet soldiers showed heroism and courage, with the help of military equipment (which we have been considering) they won. The enemy has been defeated!

caregiver: Guys, listen to another poem, Ilnar will read it.

Grozny heavy armored tank

Stood up on the square

How many terrible battles did he go through

Led it tanker hero.

caregiver: Guys, and who controls tank?

Children's answers: The tank is driven by a tanker.

caregiver: Tankers go into battle in tanks protected by thick armour. tanks armed with cannons and machine guns.

caregiver: Guys, who is inside tank?

Children's answers: commander, shooter, mechanic.

caregiver: Today we will be with you draw TANK let's take a look at it.

Components tank? (hull, turret, cannon, tracks).

Let's do some exercise.

Physical education minute "Victory!"

We celebrate victory! They walk in place.

Firework! Firework! Firework! Raise your hands up, squeeze your fingers, unclench

Around spring flowers Hands on the belt, turns of the torso,

Bloom, bloom, bloom! Extend your arms to the sides.

All people are dancing, celebrating, Squatting with legs forward.

Sing, sing, sing!

Let there be different countries in the world Inhale, circular motion with hands, depicting

Live, live, live! Earth.

caregiver: Go to your seats, let's start paint. Remembering the Ingredients tank:

The tank consists of caterpillars, hulls and towers. What color tank(green, camouflage).

The teacher shows the sequence of drawing on the board.

First we draw the base, the caterpillars tank.

Then we draw the armor - draw lines that will connect it to the base tank.

Then add a pipe to the tower (muzzle) for the future gun tank.

Now we need draw wheels in caterpillars, there are six of them, but you can have more or less, it depends on the size of your drawing. tank.

You can decorate your tank - red star.

Independent work of children.

Well done boys! What beautiful pictures you have. Well done! Together with the children, to note that everyone tried very hard, drew neatly, with love.

caregiver: Guys, look, you did it tank, do you like it?


Let's show a friend, a friend what kind of drawings did you get?

GOOD FELLOWS! Everyone did their job.

It is worth noting that the skills of drawing a tank with a pencil may be necessary not only for boys, but also for girls who, for example, want to make a postcard and congratulate dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know step-by-step drawing in order to help children learn how to do it on their own. The image scheme itself is not very complicated, but it is important to learn how to highlight the details. It is important to note that the drawing of the tank can also be different. And the difference is not only in the model, but also in the complexity of the whole process. Parents should explain that the tank consists of three main parts, each of which must be given special attention and depict all the necessary details.

simple image

First you need to prepare a pencil, eraser and a blank sheet of paper. Remember that when drawing with children, you not only teach the practical skills of correctly depicting objects, but also engage in the comprehensive development of the baby. Therefore, before starting, it is appropriate to talk with the child on the topic of war and peace, military equipment, which children associate with just such a machine.

A simple drawing of a tank is designed for children 5-6 years old. We start drawing in stages by dividing the image into 3 main parts:

  • lower - caterpillars;
  • medium - tank body;
  • the top one is a tower with a muzzle.

We draw these three components, starting from the bottom. It is depicted as an inverted trapezium with rounded bottom edges. These will be the tracks of the tank. Above them, another trapezoid is drawn from above, which also has rounded corners and, on the one hand, is slightly smaller in size than the lower part. The upper part, which in the future will be a tower with a muzzle, is also the smallest in size and has the shape of a trapezoid with a narrower upper edge.

The next stage of drawing with a pencil is drawing details. Each part of the image has its own details, which make a tank out of our workpiece. When drawing details with a pencil, you can tell about the purpose of this or that element in the design of this military transport. For children, this information is very interesting.

The lower trapezoid is the caterpillars of the machine. They are drawn side by side in the form of small circles. Next, we make a hatch and a spare tank. The muzzle on the tower and small elements, for example, emblems, inscriptions or a flag, are drawn last. So the simplest image of this military equipment gradually appears.

More complex image

This drawing is intended more for older children. This is usually suitable for younger students. Such drawing requires from the child sufficient knowledge and skills in this area. The tank is more voluminous and realistic. The phased implementation of such an image with a pencil is a guarantee of a good result.

  • First, we draw the base in the form of two lines, which help us correctly distribute all the details that will make up our tank in the future: an oval at the top and two lines that will be the top points of the tracks in the future.
  • Based on these main details of the picture, large details (caterpillars, muzzle, cabin) are gradually drawn first, and then smaller ones, as shown in the figure.
  • The last step is shading with a pencil. After that, the tank becomes more voluminous. To do this, it is important to remember which places are drawn more darkened and tinted, and which ones should be left lightened. The drawing comes to life.

Drawing for children should be an interesting pastime. Such classes help to develop and learn the world correctly.

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