Drawing in the preparatory group my city in the evening. Thematic week "My city" in the preparatory group


Efremova Oksana Vyacheslavovna

"Night city" - scratching.

IN preparatory group

When children are learning draw and know that there are special techniques that can be used to resolve difficulties in drawing, the joy of creativity becomes more accessible.

So I decided to show and tell about this unconventional technique " scratching"to their pupils.

"I'm about grattage tell you,

He is of interest.

You're like a magician with a scratch

You draw a whole world of wonders. "

1. The guys actively decorate with colored wax crayons on thick paper.

2. Rub the background with a candle

3. Cover the sheet with black gouache, where dishwashing liquid was added.

When the work has dried up, the children scratch with a wooden skewer or a pen rod.

In their work, children show knowledge about how they portray in the foreground and how draw in the distance.

This children technique brought a lot of joy, watching with surprise how bright lines and strokes appear on a graphite-black background, the required strong pressure on the visual tool. In the works you can see what was the pressure when scratching.

Outcome works:

It instills in the child a sense of consistency, attention, perseverance.

Feel more relaxed and bolder.

Creates a cheerful, working mood in children.

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Today I introduced my children to non-traditional drawing techniques. Complicated word GRATTAZH, they have not yet remembered, but this is a matter of time.

Hello dear colleagues! We have many competitions of visual activity in our garden, we always try to participate and surprise.

Non-traditional drawing technique - drawing with napkins Non-traditional drawing allows you not to limit the manifestation of creative abilities.

Currently, the so-called non-traditional or non-classical technique is very popular among children, parents and teachers.









Speech development


(a conversation on a patriotic theme with children

preparatory group)

Tasks: familiarizing children with such concepts as "Russia", "Motherland", "Fatherland"; an overview of the symbols and the Anthem of Russia; consolidating the information received (drawing, application, game)

Conversation on the topic "My house, my

family” p. 49, N.V. LOBODINA

Hood-esthete development


Drawing according to the plan on the theme "Native country". Tasks. To form the ability to draw according to one’s own plan, independently think over the content, composition of the drawing, select material for drawing, bring the plan to the end

"Where does the Motherland begin"

Komarov "Artistic creativity"; c105

Topic: "City (village) in the evening" p. 151, T, S, KOMAROVA

Lykova, p.40

Social comm development

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "My small Motherland"

Tasks: to expand the knowledge of children about their native city, its sights, to instill interest in the history of their native land, to cultivate love for their small Motherland, a sense of pride, an understanding of the word "Motherland"


Theme: "My Fatherland-Russia"

O.V. Dybina

Cognitive development (famp)


"Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The system of work in the kindergarten group preparatory to school"

(p.) I.A. Pomoraeva

V.A. Pozina


Development (expansion of horizons)

Presentation "The house in which I live"

Whose names are our streets.

Consolidate children's knowledge about the city; Introduce children to the history of Murmansk streets;

To instill love for your city, a sense of pride in your countrymen.


Watching videos, photos.


Hood-esthete development (sculpting)

Theme: "Doll in national costume"

p.144, T.S. Komarova

Hood-esthete development (appl/constr)

Lesson - fantasy on the theme "My city in the future"

Invite children to build a city of the future with its beautiful buildings, avenues. Clarify ideas about the building material, about the methods of connection. To promote the development of creativity, independence, initiative, constructive skills. Improve the ability to reason, draw independent conclusions, find appropriate solutions. Develop the ability to work in harmony.

Project activity "My home"

Theme: Buildings from construction


Page 5, L.V. Kutsakova

Literacy education

Lesson No. 2 Source: Zhurova L. E

Program content.(application)

Literacy education. Mastering the sound analysis of words. Development

ideas about vowel sounds. P. 59. N.S. Varentsova



Motor activity in the air.

Tasks. Exercise in slow running, walking with a stop, in balance and jumping; repeat game exercises with the ball.

1 hour Walking with stops, running at a slow pace; walking with stepping over the bars.

2h Game exercises "Ball against the wall", "Catch the ball", "Do not hurt"

3h. Mobile game "Mousetrap"; game of low mobility "Guess by voice".

Literature. Penzulaev "Phys. classes ....", p41

Hood esthete (music

According to the plan of the music worker

Application Preparatory group topic: "My home, my city, my country, my planet"

Finger game: "Who lives in my apartment

One two three four,

(clap hands)

Who lives in my apartment?


One two three four five,

(hands to the side)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

(bend fingers one on each hand)

My goldfinch, cricket and me:

That's my whole family.

(clench and unclench fists)
Finger game: "New house"
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

(Hit fist on fist.)

Take the hammer my friend!

We'll build a new house

(figurine "house")

There is a window in the house.

(figurine "window")

There is one more, higher

(figurine "window" higher)

There is a pipe at the top of the roof.

(figurine “house”, little finger set aside - pipe.)

The house is ready, we invite guests:

"Come quickly!"
Finger games: “It is important for us to know our area”

We taught cities:

(Bend - unbend the fingers of both hands.

We bend the fingers on both hands one at a time, starting with the big one.)

Chelyabinsk, Miass, Zlatoust and Kasli,

Ozersk, Satka, Plast, Chebarkul, Kartaly

It is important for us to know our area!

Visit her once!
Finger games: "Our country"

The sky is blue in Russia

The rivers are blue in Russia.

Cornflowers and forget-me-nots

Blooms are nowhere prettier.

There are maples and oaks,

And what are the mushrooms!

They also bake in the oven.

Here are such kalachi!

(Movement according to the text)
Phys. minute "solar system"

1 child - the Sun, 9 children - planets. In the center stands a child - the Sun. The rest of the planets take their places. (white canvas with drawn orbits) music sounds.
During the game, the teacher reinforces the word orbit.
Play 2-3 times. Children sit on chairs.
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "My small Motherland"

Tasks: to expand children's knowledge about their native city, its sights, to instill interest in the history of their native land, to cultivate love for their small Motherland, a sense of pride, an understanding of the word "Motherland"

Equipment and materials: recording of the song "Morning of a New Day", pictures with sights, cities, photos, children's drawings, city map, globe.

Lesson progress

Q. Guys, tell me, what country do we live in? (children's answers - Russia)
Russia is the largest country in the world (children show the territory of Russia on the globe).
There are many wonderful countries on Earth, but Russia is an extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. Many different nations live in Russia, and each nation has its own culture and speaks its own language.
What do you think homeland is? (children's answers). Homeland means native, like mother and father. Every person has a place where he was born. Where were you born? (in Lukhovitsy).
This is the place where our house stands, where dad and mom, close relatives, friends are next to us, where we are warm and comfortable. Lukhovitsy is our hometown, our small Motherland.
Small Motherland - an island of land
Currants under the window, cherries blossomed
And a white birch, and under it a bench
My affectionate little homeland.
It's good when people love their homeland. From this love, she becomes richer, stronger. And here is how the Russian people in proverbs speak of love for the Motherland.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland.
A person has one mother, one and the Motherland.
Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.
For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
All of them teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies.
What do you think it means to love the Motherland? (children's answers)
To love the Motherland means to try to do everything for her to make her feel good, to do as we do for those we love.
What can people do for their country? (Studies well, work to make the city even better)
You children, what can you do to make our city more beautiful. (Do not litter on the street, do not break trees, bushes, do not trample lawns. And most importantly - love your loved ones, be friends with the guys in kindergarten, study well at school).
And now I propose to go on a trip to the photo exhibition of our city and remember the sights. Ready. Do you know the rules of behavior in public places? Well done. (listen carefully, do not interrupt, do not push).
Before us is a globe, a map. Let's try to find our city on the globe. Here we can roughly mark its location (near Moscow). On the map we see the whole city.

Physical education "Our city"

We get up early in the morning (hands up, lower through the sides)
The city is visible outside the window (hands show the window)
He woke up, he lives (hands on his belt, spring)
Calls us to the street (hotba on the spot)
We live, we grow up in our native city (get up on your toes, hands up)
For someone small (with hands show a small object)
And for us it’s huge (circular motion with hands)
Let it grow, let it bloom (springs)
Our modest town (hands to the sides).

Guys, listen to the story of how our city arose.
Several centuries ago there was the village of Glukhovichi. The places were swampy, deaf. Residents collected honey from forest bees, cleared the forest and plowed up glades, hunted animals, and fished. They were engaged in trade. Gradually, on the site of the village of Glukhovichi, the city of Lukhovitsy grew.
At our exhibition there are photographs of the city, its streets, lanes.
What sights of the city do you know? Children show their photos against the background of sights and talk about them with questions.
- What is the name of the monument?
- Where is?
- What does it matter?

The game "Lukhovitsky riddles"
I will talk about some place in the city, and you guess.
- This building stands on Gorky Street. It is large, beautiful with many windows. Every morning, parents bring their children to play and study (kindergarten "Rodnichok").
- This is a place in the city on Zhukovsky Street, where cultural events are held, where the townspeople have a rest, where there are playgrounds (Vorobiev Park).
- And this place is located near the river Chernaya. On May 9, residents of the city, guests come here to honor the memory, lay flowers (a monument to fallen soldiers).

Summary of the lesson

Well done guys, you know your city. This is our small Motherland, the dearest place on Earth. We are residents. It depends on us what our city will be like in the future. Let's try to keep the city clean and beautiful.
Love your homeland - big and small. Try to learn more about its history, take care of nature, keep its customs and traditions, live and work for its benefit.
Children read poems about the Motherland.
What do we call motherland?
The house where we grow up
And birches along which
Let's go hand in hand.

What do we call motherland?
Sun in the blue sky
And fragrant golden
Bread at the festive table.

(recording of the song "Morning of a New Day").

MY MOTHERLAND - RUSSIA (a conversation on a patriotic theme with the children of the preparatory group)
Purpose: to instill in children of this age a sense of patriotism, respect for their homeland.

Tasks: familiarization of children with such concepts as "Russia", "Motherland", "Fatherland"; an overview of the symbols and the Anthem of Russia; consolidation of the information received (drawing, application, game).

The conversation is of an overview nature. Children will learn more about this topic in elementary school. In an accessible and understandable form for children, the educator introduces them to such concepts as "Motherland, Russia." These two words are inextricably linked. We all live in the largest country in the world - in Russia. Russia is our great Motherland. But each person there is also a small Motherland, the place where he was born (city, village, village) and lives (house, family).

The course of the conversation


1. What is the name of the city (village) where you live?

2. Tell me about your home and your family.

Educator. There are a lot of big and small towns, villages and villages in our country. All of them are beautiful in their own way. But the largest city is the city of Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. (The teacher shows illustrations with views of Moscow.)

People of various nationalities live in Russia (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Chuvashs, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Udmurts and many, many others), but most Russians are Russians.


1. Remember which cities in Russia you know, list them.

2. What is the name of people whose homeland is Russia? (Russians.)

Russia is also our Fatherland - the place where our ancestors and grandfathers lived, where our fathers live, where we also live. Every person should love and respect his Motherland. She brought up and brought up many great and world-famous people. (The teacher shows portraits of famous figures of science and art who left their mark on the history of our state.)

We should be proud that our compatriots were Lomonosov, a scientist whose discoveries and works brought much benefit to all mankind; Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer whose name the whole world knows. The first person to conquer space was Russian - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. These and many, many other people glorified our Fatherland with their deeds and exploits.

Each country in the world has its own symbols, that is, insignia - its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.

Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!

Hail country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar region

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! One you are -

Protected by God native land!

Wide scope for dreams and for life

The coming years open up to us.

Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength.

So it was, so it is, and so it will always be!
The words to the Russian anthem were written by a famous writer, poet - Sergei Mikhalkov. His works are known and loved by children because he dedicated almost all of his work to children.

The music for the anthem was written by a famous composer - A. Aleksandrov.

Many beautiful songs and poems are dedicated to Russia. They glorify our Motherland, its forests and fields, rivers, tell about love and pride for our country, small and large Motherland. The Russian people have many proverbs and sayings about this.

Proverbs and sayings

· A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Rus' is heroic.

· Where someone was born, there he came in handy.

· Native side - mother, stranger - stepmother.


1. Name the country where you live. (Russia.)

2. What is the name of the city (village) where you live?

3. What Russian river is called the great? (Volga.)

4. What cities of Russia do you know?

5. What is the name of the city, which is the capital of our country? (Moscow.)

Creative tasks:

1. Draw your small and large Motherland.

2. Application of the Russian flag. (To do this, you will need white, blue and red paper, cardboard, glue, scissors.)

3. Learn the song "This is for us."

Drawing. "Forests of our Motherland"
Program content
Learn to convey the characteristic features of different tree species, arrange the trees in the drawing in such a way that a picture of the forest is created.
Lesson methodology
Recall with the children what types of trees they saw in the forest, ask who wants to draw what, what features they noticed in different trees (thickness and height of trunks, their color, location of branches, color of foliage or needles). Offer to tell how certain trees grow in the forest - some often, close to each other (fir trees), others separately, at some distance (birches, oaks). Remember that there are clearings in the forest.
Offer to outline first tree trunks, find places where to place them "in the forest", then draw branches, crown and, finally, shrubs, flowers, grass. To say that the trunks must be outlined with a pencil, the rest should be drawn immediately with paints. As you complete the drawing, make sure that the entire sheet is filled out.
When the work is finished, invite the children to talk about their drawings.
Preparing for the lesson
Show children paintings by artists that depict various forests. Talk with children about the fact that our country is rich in forests, that various trees grow in the middle lane, in the south and in the north. Tell that forests are being protected, new, young forests are being planted. If possible, it is good to involve the experience of children, their observations.

Application. "New area of ​​the city"
Program content
To teach children to create a simple composition in the application. To consolidate the ability to arrange images of buildings in different ways in space. Learn to beautifully select the colors of images, complement the composition with characteristic details (trees, benches, etc.). Practice accurate cutting and pasting.
Lesson methodology
Talk to the children about what the new district of the city looks like, what buildings are there. Invite the children to think about how they will depict a new area, how high the houses will be, how to cut them out, how to arrange them on a sheet. Pick up paper for cutting out houses so that the work turns out to be beautiful in color. As you create a picture (cutting and pasting houses), remind what else can be in a new area (trees, benches, shops, cars); allow those who have time to cut and paste some additional items.
At the end of the lesson, put the work on the board, offer to choose the most interesting. Call the children, ask them to explain why they think that a new area has been drawn.
Those who do not have time to finish the picture are allowed to do it in their free time.
Preparing for the lesson
On walks and excursions, observe the construction of new buildings. Tell the children how many buildings are being built (in the city, in the village where children live), what a lot of construction is going on throughout our country. Pick up illustrations depicting modern buildings, a new district of the city, examine them with children, leave them for a while in a group room.
Prepare sets of colored paper in soft tones (for depicting houses) and brighter ones (for individual details); paper the size of two writing sheets, scissors, glue.
The lesson can be held as a collective, then the children cut and glue the details of individual images (for example, windows, doors and the roof of the house), and then all the buildings are placed on a large sheet, creating a collective composition. You can agree with the children who will carve residential buildings, and who will shop, kindergarten or cinema.
The task of the educator is also to consolidate the ability to participate in the creation of a collective composition, the ability to find a place for their work among others.
Application (collective). Decorative composition with flowers and birds
Program content
To teach children to cut out parts for teamwork, to find a place for their work in the overall composition, while taking into account the combination of colors, shape, size. To cultivate aesthetic perception, a sense of composition, color, artistic taste. s---
Methods for "a p~r of conducting a lesson
Consider various decorative compositions with the children, clarify the location of individual elements, possible options, agree on what composition the children will create, who will carve the birds, and who will cut out the flowers, leaves, etc. Explain that you need not only to cut out the main part, but also decorate the flower , cutting out the middle, individual petals, antennae, choosing the colors well, or stick slightly smaller, darker or lighter shades of the same color on large petals.
Cut out separate wings for birds, separate feathers for wings, tail, tuft of a different shade, etc. As the details are ready, invite children to stick, discuss with each place of his work in the overall composition, taking into account the size, shape and color of cut flowers, leaves, birds .
Preparing for the lesson
Prepare a large sheet of paper for the general composition, prototyping in advance in a light golden color (it is important that the sheet is evenly covered with color). To do this, you need to pin the sheet with buttons to a horizontal plane so that it does not curl, and with quick movements from top to bottom, to the end, cover the sheet with color with a large swab dipped in paint. The swab does not need to be wrung out, it must be saturated with paint; covering the sheet with a wrung swab will result in streaks.
Select for consideration folk decorative compositions consisting of flowers and birds (Ukrainian painting, Gorodets, etc.).
Cut out flowers and birds can be additionally painted (then small details are not glued), for example: apply plumage to the image of a bird, designate wings, tail, eyes, beak; on a smooth background of flowers, apply darker or lighter contours of the petals, light tendrils. It is better to do this before creating a collective composition, then it is easier to determine its color system: after all, the painting can change the original background either towards brightening or darkening parts of the composition. Children will not be able to cut and paint in one lesson, so two classes can be allocated for this work: in one lesson, children cut out one main part, in the second they paint it, and then stick it on a common sheet in their free time.
Drawing. "City (village) in the evening"
Program content
To teach children to convey a picture of the evening city, its color scheme: houses are lighter than the night sky, multi-colored lights glow in the windows.
To consolidate the ability to draw up an idea compositionally, placing the images on a piece of paper accordingly.
Lesson methodology
Invite the children to remember what the city is like in the evening, what the houses look like. Recall the diversity of houses in proportion and location.

At the end of the lesson, consider the drawings, discuss with the children why it is clear that the evening has come, which of the children did it more successfully.
Preparing for the lesson
Ask parents to show the children the evening city. Make this observation in the garden. Pick up and review with the children the appropriate illustrations; leave them for a while in the group room.
Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.
Sculpting decorative plates
Program content
To teach children to create decorative drawings on clay plates, to master a new work technique for them.
Lesson methodology
Show the children how to apply clay in a layer of 1-2 cm on a cardboard or board, smooth it by moistening a finger with water. Explain and show how to apply a drawing with a pointed stick stacks; the background around the picture can be compressed, then the picture will turn out to be convex. Explain that an unsuccessful drawing can be erased and a new one applied.
Those who have time to give the opportunity to make drawings on two plates. Lay out the finished plates on the tables and examine, select drawings that are different in content and location. Agree on their subsequent coloring.
Preparing for the lesson
Prepare cardboard or planks 10x15 cm in size, clay, stacks. Pick up photos of old tiles or other decorative compositions with simple images.
You can not spread clay, but make clay plates 3-4 cm thick, smooth the surface and apply a pattern on them in a stack; make holes in the upper corners of the plate so that the dried plate can be hung on the wall.
If the kindergarten has an oven for firing clay products (muffle), you need to burn the plates, and then paint them.
Drawing based on the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"
Program content
To teach children to convey in the drawing the content of an episode of a familiar fairy tale: the interaction of characters, the movement of figures, the environment. To consolidate the ability to arrange a drawing on a sheet in accordance with the content of this episode.
Lesson methodology
Recall with the children the main episodes of the fairy tale. Offer to think and quietly tell the teacher which episode from the fairy tale everyone would like to draw

wat. Suggest that the children start drawing, and when they finish and put the drawings on the board, it will be necessary to guess who depicted what. Remind them that paper should be taken depending on what episode they will be drawing. During the lesson, encourage children to more fully reflect the selected episode of the fairy tale, offering to recall some details (for example, a tent that stands on the shore, where Ivanushka is waiting for the princess, etc.). Follow the drawing technique.
Preparing for the lesson
Pick up books with illustrations for fairy tales, a picture of a whale.
On the eve of the lesson, it is necessary to remember the content of the fairy tale, individual episodes that children can depict, re-read them (for example, a mare flies over the forests, over the mountains with Ivanushka on her back; or Ivanushka is about to jump into the cauldron, and everyone is standing and watching; or Ivanushka grabs Fry a bird by the tail; or a miracle-yudo fish-whale lies across the sea, on its back at home; or a whale releases ships from its mouth, etc.).
Invite the children to think about who wants to draw what, write down the episodes that the children will name. Then talk with some of the children individually about how they draw their ideas. Help them isolate what can complement the drawing well.
Prepare watercolor paints, whitewash, gouache, a simple graphite pencil, soft colored paper.
Such work is expedient in all cases when drawing (or modeling) is offered according to fairy tales and the children themselves determine the content of the drawing (modeling). The stories of children according to their drawings can be transferred to a lesson on the development of speech.
Drawing with colored pencils on the theme "Our dear army"
Program content
To consolidate the ability to reflect in the drawing the impressions of the surrounding life, using the images of the poem. Exercise in the ability to convey the figures of people in motion, the features of clothing in accordance with belonging to certain branches of the military. Learn to think over the composition of the picture and the sequence of its execution. To cultivate respect and love for the soldiers of the Soviet Army.
Lesson methodology
Ask the children what holiday our country will soon celebrate (Soviet Army Day), what children know about our army, what kind of troops they are, what they are characterized by, invite the children to tell what the Soviet Army is doing in peace days. Recall poems with children, ask two or three children to read them. Clarify what they say. Invite the children to draw a picture about the Soviet Army, about one kind of troops (who wants what, knows more about). Remind children what to do first

Think about where and what everyone will draw, where to start. In the course of the lesson, remind about the techniques of drawing with a simple pencil (do not press hard on it, do not draw small details with it, do not paint over with it), about the techniques for carefully painting with colored pencils. Direct attention to a more accurate description of the images in the drawing: the transfer of movements, the clothes of soldiers, sailors, etc.
At the end, put all the drawings on the board and consider. You can invite the children to talk about their drawings by calling 5-6 people to the board for this.
Preparing for the lesson
In their native language classes, children learn poems about the Soviet Army, listen to stories about parades, about how young soldiers learn to defend our Motherland. The educator in the conversation emphasizes that our state strives for world peace.
Prepare white paper, colored pencils, simple graphite Karl Yidash.
Drawing with paints. "Colors of rainbow"
Program content
To consolidate the ability to create pictures of the surrounding life in a drawing, to express in color the nature of a particular phenomenon based on the poetic images of a poem. To learn how to select paper for a drawing of the desired format and size in accordance with the plan, to think over the sequence of drawing.
Lesson methodology
One of the children, at the direction of the teacher, gets up and reads the first stanza of the poem "Colors of the Rainbow"; the second one stands behind him and reads the second stanza, etc., until the end of the poem. Then everyone starts drawing. The content of the drawing is chosen by everyone and thought out in advance. Children perform the drawing on their own, but if anyone has a question or doubt, he consults with the teacher; sometimes the educator, bypassing the group, can advise without the request of the child. But it is best to give children the opportunity to draw on their own, think, remember, evaluate their work in the process of doing it. Whoever considers that he has finished the drawing raises his hand. The teacher advises something to supplement, improve or put the drawing on the stand.
When all the children have finished drawing, again several children (not those who read poetry at the beginning of the lesson) go to the stand and say stanzas of the poem one after another, pointing to the drawings of one color or another.
Preparing for the lesson
This activity is preceded by a number of others, in which children get acquainted with the colors of the rainbow and draw them. Then the children learn V. Tovarkov's poem "Colors of the Rainbow" (from the book "Deer"). The first two stanzas are omitted (they are good to use when children learn the order of the colors in the rainbow).
Children learn and read the following lines in class one by one:

The standard-bearer is red, There is no brighter color in the world. This is the May dawn, These are the flags of October.
The color orange is fire, Do not touch this color with your hand!
Yellow is his neighbor
This is a vintage color.
The color green is the color of spring, He is the favorite color of plants.
If there are no clouds in the sky,
The sky is blue.
In blue we can see Height and depth.
Violet color Ridges of mountains in the hours of dawn. White is the outfit of winter, On white paper we painted with a thin brush Our sky, Our distances.
In speech development classes, when children get acquainted with poems and learn them by heart, the teacher talks about their content: finds out whether everything is clear to the children, whether they clearly imagine everything, talks about how to convey the harvest in a drawing, what is blue depth , explains to the children that clouds are purple before a thunderstorm, and not just mountain ridges. It is good if the teacher selects and shows the children reproductions from paintings and illustrations in which the children clearly see the color images and feel them.
Each child is invited to choose what color he will draw about and tell what and how he intends to depict. On small pieces of paper, children can outline what they will draw where. By drawing, children should have clear ideas and a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawing that everyone will complete. You can also think about the size and shape of the paper in advance to prepare them for the lesson. It is good to discuss with the children in what order they will complete the drawing.
Children themselves prepare watercolors and everything they need for drawing in the lesson.
After such preparation, the lesson is successful: the children are busy from the first minute, they know what they have to do, they are calm, organized, collected, they draw with pleasure. Colorful drawings bring them joy. This kind of lengthy preparation for the lesson can be practiced from time to time in the pre-school group.
Drawing with paints "All year round"
Program content
Independently find content for depicting the characteristic features of a particular month (optional), select suitable colors, arrange images well on a sheet, use various techniques in working with paints.

Lesson methodology
The lesson begins with reading Marshak's poem "January" from the book "All the Year Round". Then, on the call of the teacher, the children name the months in order, one after the other, along the way, recall the corresponding verses. Everyone chooses which month he wants to draw about, remembers what the poem says about him. When conducting a conversation with children, it is necessary to ask what kind of agricultural work is typical for a particular month. So, in April, plowing begins in the middle lane, sowing, in July - haymaking, in August the harvesting of grain is completed, and in September - the collection of vegetables and fruits. All this children can reflect in their drawings. Before starting work, the teacher says: “Think about where you will start and in what sequence you will draw, what shade of paper you need (children choose the one they need from the one laid out on the table), what paints you will need first of all.” Then he recalls how to cover large surfaces with liquid diluted paint: sky, grass, earth.
Upon completion, all drawings are placed on the stand in the order of the months of the year and are considered. Their discussion should be short, as the children have done difficult work, they are tired, and the lesson can be delayed. You should pay attention only to the selection of colors, to the filling of the sheet, the overall expressiveness of the picture. A detailed discussion of what is depicted is best transferred to a lesson on the development of speech and acquaintance with others.
Preparing for the lesson
Throughout the year, children get acquainted with various natural phenomena, with the sequence of months in a year, their names and main features, and also learn poems about the seasons and months. With children, observations are organized to observe changes in nature. A few days before drawing, a final conversation should be held, clarifying the characteristic features of each month and its typical agricultural work, recalling poems about the months. At the end of the conversation, you need to invite everyone to think about which month he will draw and what he wants to depict.
Prepare large sheets of colored paper in soft shades (for the background), watercolor, gouache white, brushes of two sizes.
Conversation with children based on the paintings "Forest in Winter"
Program content
To acquaint children with the image of a winter forest in various paintings and illustrations and with a description of the same phenomena in verse. To bring children to an understanding of the various ways of depiction and means of expression.
Lesson methodology
Pictures are placed one by one in front of the children on an easel. For a few seconds, the children examine them in silence, then the teacher reads poetry and conducts a conversation.
The first picture is shown from the book "Native Pictures", drawings by P. Basmanov.
The teacher reads I. Surikov's poems:
White snow, fluffy, And in the morning snow
The field turns white in the air,
And on the ground it's quiet Like a veil
Falling, laying down. All dressed him up.
A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat And fell asleep under it Strongly, soundly ...
“Let's see,” she addresses the children, “what did the artist depict?” Children say that a field and a forest are drawn, it's winter. “Everything is covered in snow,” the teacher clarifies, “and here it is close, in the clearing, and far away is all snow, snow and snow. And what is seen in the distance? The children say it's a forest. “He is covered in snow and barely visible. Now look at the sky: how bright it is, a little blue. Silence. Everything seems to be sleeping. And who did you notice in this picture, who is not sleeping? Children answer: "Bunny, magpie." The teacher continues: “The artist showed that life goes on in the forest even in winter. Look carefully: the snow is drawn only in white? Children find that the snow is painted bluish. “What other colors are there in this picture?”—“Light yellow, light purple, greenish, gray, white.”—“You see, all colors are light. And the magpie stands out sharply with its dark plumage on white snow.
The second picture from the book by V. Bianchi "Tales of the Trapper", drawings by A. Ry-lov.
“In the first picture, we were with you in a clearing, and the forest could be seen in the distance. And in this picture we are in the forest. Who can say anything about this picture? Children see Christmas trees in the snow and snow on the ground; a fox ran out onto the road, and a squirrel sits on a log. “The road goes into the depths of the forest,” says the teacher, “and the forest is dark, dense. What color did they eat in winter? - "Dark green, dark brown." - "And the sky is yellow, and the tops of the trees in the distance are lilac-pink. Dark blue shadows on the snow. Evening will probably come soon, - the teacher clarifies, - therefore the sky is yellowish, and the shadows on the snow are dark. Look closely: did the artist draw all the trees in full?” Children notice that the artist did not draw the tops of the trees. They are so big that they don't fit.
The third picture from the book "Snow and Snow", drawings by G. Nikolsky.
The teacher reads the poems of S. Yesenin:
Bewitched by the invisible, The horse gallops, there is a lot of space,
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep. The snow is falling, and the shawl is spreading.
Like a white scarf Endless road
A pine tree has tied up ... Runs away into the distance with a ribbon.
“Look, do you think the weather is calm or windy?” the teacher asks. Children say that you can see from the bending trees how strong the wind is blowing and driving snow, this is a blizzard. A man is riding a horse. It is difficult for him to ride: wind and snow interfere. “Did you notice how dark the sky is?” “The whole sky is in clouds.”
The fourth picture from the book "Forest Rustles", drawings by Y. Krestovsky. “Now look at this picture. What is drawn here? What is this dark? Children say that the stumps covered with snow are painted like big hats. “They also look like mushrooms with thick legs. Here it is snowing. And look, - the teacher continues, - what bright blue shadows in the snow. Do you think the artist painted on a sunny day or on an overcast one? The children answer that it is sunny: the snow glitters, it is bright white, so the shadows are so bright, blue. “Do you think the artist painted from afar or did he see everything up close?” “He came close and even saw footprints in the snow. It was some kind of animal running.”— “Why else can you guess that the artist painted at close range?” “From the tall trees, he could see only the lower parts of the trunks.”
The fifth picture from the book by E. Trutneva "Winter, spring, summer, autumn", drawings by S. Kupriyanov.
The teacher shows the picture and asks: “Who can tell me about this picture?” Lucy: "Winter. Forest. Everything is covered with snow. There was a heavy snowfall recently. Each branch has a thick layer of snow. Everything is lit by the sun. This can be seen because the sunlight lies on the snow, on the birch trunk. The sky is bright, where it is yellow, where it is blue, where it is purple. Trees are both thick, so that the tops are not visible, and thin. There are fir trees in the distance, and birches ahead.
In conclusion, the teacher says: “We looked at paintings by different artists. Each of them depicted the forest in his own way: one painted it in the distance (remember the first picture?), and the other just entered the forest and saw animals there; the third artist painted only their footprints. In some pictures the weather is fine, the sun is shining, while in others there are clouds and it is snowing. We will also draw a forest in winter. Everyone can think what he will draw, what he will tell about in his picture.
Conversation on paintings (reproductions from paintings by artists) on the topic "Early spring"
Program content
To teach children to carefully examine the paintings, talk about their content, see and understand the means of expression used by the artist, feel the beauty of the work of art.
Lesson methodology
Children are shown reproductions from A. Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" and from I. Levitan's painting "Spring - Big Water". A conversation is held: “Children, tell me, what season is depicted in these paintings?” - "Spring." - "Early or late spring?" - "Early." - "Let's look at this picture. How did the artist show early spring in his painting? - “The snow is dirty, thawed. The rooks have arrived.” — “Yes, the rooks arrive at the end of March. How did the artist draw the rooks, what are they doing? - "Rooks repair old nests and build new ones." - "On what trees do rooks like to build nests?" - "On the birches." - "That's right. The artist painted a group of birches. On their tops there are rook nests. And what sky did the artist paint? - "Blue and a little yellowish." - "The artist Savrasov painted a spring day in the town. The whole picture is filled with the fresh breath of spring. We see darkened snow with thawed patches. Light shadows slither across the ground. Restless rooks bustle around their nests. What is the name of this painting? - "Spring. Early spring. There were thaws. The snow is melting.”— “The artist Savrasov called his painting “The Rooks Have Arrived.” Did he name well? - "Good." - "And here is a picture of another artist - Levitan. He called it "Spring - big water." Why did he call her that? “Because the birch trees are standing in the water, the river has overflowed. The water flooded the shores.”— “That's right, Levitan depicted a spill. What is the weather like in the picture? - "Sunny day." - "And why do you think that the day is sunny?" - "The artist painted the sky blue-blue, light clouds are floating on it, and the water is also blue and transparent: all the trees are visible in it." - "The picture shows a bright, sunny day. The blue sky is reflected in the water, and therefore it appears blue. And the trees from the sunlight turned golden. They cast shadows.
You have seen today how artists have shown signs of early spring in their paintings in different ways. And now let's remember the poem of the poet A. Pleshcheev about spring:
The snow is already melting, streams are running, Spring breezes through the window... Nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
The azure sky is clear, The sun has become warmer and brighter, The time for evil blizzards and storms has passed again for a long time.
Take a close look at the pictures again and think about how you would paint an early spring.”
When the children draw on the theme “Spring has come”, they need to be reminded that they looked at the paintings of artists on this topic, to emphasize that the artists reflected spring in different ways, beautifully, everyone found some interesting moment. Invite the children to think about what they will draw. Finished drawings should be displayed in a group, examined, noted for their diversity, interesting finds, aesthetic qualities: color scheme, composition. After that, again consider reproductions from the paintings of artists, the expressive means they used to convey the image of spring.

Alesya Keshokova
Synopsis of open direct educational activity in drawing "Evening City"

Synopsis of open direct educational activities on drawing on the topic: « Evening city»

Author compiler: Keshokova Alesya Anzorovna MADOU MO Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 176" PENCIL "Applicable technology: monotype Target: introduce children to the concept "architectural landscape"; learn to convey in the drawing the impressions of the holiday - Day cities; to consolidate the ability to depict a salute, houses of different proportions; keep learning how to apply the method "monotype"; develop imagination and creativity. Material: a piece of dark-colored paper folded in half (street and river); gouache of different colors; water; brushes; napkins; prints for the image of stars, windows, lanterns, fireworks; illustrations depicting festive cities. Methods: conversation, visual method, monotype method (put a drawing on one half of the sheet, press the second to it, carefully smooth it in different directions and unfold it). preliminary Job: Participation in the celebration of the Day cities. Visiting a children's park, walking at the stadium with parents. Participation in competitions, observation of fireworks. Examination of books, albums, photo reproductions with the image evening village. Examination of paintings by F. Vasiliev "Rural Landscapes"; I. Levitan "Sloboda", "Village in Winter"; A. Savrasov "Sunset over the swamp", « Evening» .

Lesson progress: Music plays caregiver: Artistic word:

« Cities»

There is a special charm in the night cities -

Cities both great and small.

These are light squares on dark houses.

These are the headlights of belated cars.

It's the shining diamonds of the night lights,

Reflecting on the silk of the avenue -

Cities! You conquered me with your

The secret of the solar-lunar spectrum.

Guys, what a holiday we recently had in city, what is it called? Children: Holiday Day cities. caregiver: What do you remember most about the celebration of the Day cities? Children: Performances of dance ensembles. - Performances by children and adults on horseback. - Baby attractions: swings, roundabouts. - Trampoline. caregiver: Yes, the holiday left a lot of vivid impressions in the memory of everyone citizen. caregiver: Do you remember how the holiday ended? Children: salute, fireworks. caregiver: Yes, the holiday ended with fireworks, fireworks. What was the fireworks like? Children: On colorful balls, magic fountains. Glittering baths. Brilliant lights. caregiver: Have any of you watched the salute reflected in the water? Guys, water in a river and even in a puddle has an amazing ability to reflect nearby objects. At night, during fireworks, this can be observed in the best possible way. (The teacher invites the children to go to the art studio.) caregiver: Pay attention to how many paints, brushes, prints are in the studio.

We got into a miracle studio,

They took paints and prints.

We shall be together paint

AND decorate the city. caregiver: Guys, I suggest you draw memorable holiday. Drawing (half or part) drawn on a sheet of paper at the fold line. When folding the sheet in half, we get almost the same print on the other part of it. You can make such drawings on pre-tinted paper, and simply on a white sheet. Your drawing will be located at the top of the sheet. A wide variety of colors should be used. In the beginning, it is necessary to depict the streets cities and then home. To make the drawings beautiful, you can use prints in the form of an asterisk, snowflake, rectangle (at drawing house windows, fireworks). caregiver: Now let's play. And then we'll start paint. Gymnastics with movements» City in which we live"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

We walk down the street, Floors in houses believe:

One floor, two floors - Our two-story house.

We walk along the boulevard, Lindens with maples believe:

One, two, three, four, five... It's hard for us to count them.

Let's hurry, let's speed up, We'll come to the transition.

We approached the traffic light, the red light blinked us: "Wait!" Now the yellow light is out

Green - let us through.

Children sit down and draw to the quiet sound of festive music. caregiver: When the drawing is complete, carefully fold the piece of paper in half, slowly flatten it, and then open it. (The teacher, together with the children, examines the resulting drawings.) caregiver: Look like the image of the festive cities reflected in the water. Water is like a mirror, it reflects the stars and the moon, and trees and houses. Now we will expand our work in two rows. What do you think we did? Children: - We got it city. caregiver:- What can you say which city? Children: - Festive, beautiful, unusual, elegant. caregiver:- Really, the city turned out beautiful, festive. All houses, trees, fireworks, are made with love. unique architectural landscape opens before us when you look at the night city ​​from a distance. We will place your works on the stand. Let the holiday in the drawings please both adults and children. Let everyone know that our small Motherland is the best.

Reflection: Well done! You all did a great job and I'm sure that city peace and kindness will always reign. It is also necessary to note friendship and mutual assistance during work.

Related publications:

Summary of directly educational activities "Our city Volodarsk" (senior group) Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the native city, generalizing and expanding knowledge about it, to form love for the native city, interest in it, enrich.

Summary of directly educational activities in drawing "Snowflake" in the middle group Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development". Theme "Snowflake". Performed by the teacher of the MB DOU DS "Scarlet Flower" Knyazeva.

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group "We love our city." Purpose: to activate and generalize the accumulated knowledge of children about the sights.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the senior group "Our city is wonderful with you" Purpose: Formation in children of interest in their small homeland, about people of different professions who work for the benefit of the city, development of creative ones.

Summary of directly educational activities in the senior group "My city is my small Motherland" Purpose: to form elementary ideas of pupils about the small Motherland - the city of Samara. Tasks. 1. Expand children's understanding of the concept.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the senior group

Provided with abbreviations.

Software content.
To teach children to convey a picture of the evening city, its color scheme: houses are lighter than the night sky, multi-colored lights glow in the windows.
To consolidate the ability to draw up your idea compositionally, placing the images on a piece of paper accordingly.
The methodology of the lesson.
Invite the children to remember what the city is like in the evening, what the houses look like. Remind about the diversity of houses in proportions and location on the street.
At the end of the lesson, consider the drawings, discuss with the children why it is clear that the evening has come, which of the children did it more successfully.
Preparing for the lesson.
Ask parents to show the children the evening city. Make this observation in the garden. Pick up and review with the children the appropriate illustrations; leave them for a while in the group room.
Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.

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