Draw anime step by step with a pen. How to draw yourself in anime style? detailed lesson


Each time you draw a head, you need to start with a circle and intersecting lines through the center. This part is always the same, and the rest of the face is built depending on the desired type (style). Next, we'll take a look at a few different face types in anime.

In all these drawings, it's not just that "the eyes get bigger." They get bigger, of course, but the nose and mouth don't change either.

realistic type

This type of facial construction is so close to true human anatomy that it almost doesn't look like an anime style. On a real human face, the eyes are much smaller, and the nose and mouth are much more prominent. The ears are at eye level.

cartoon type

We reach the extreme range here, but do not exceed the limit. This style is more suited to the genre of romance (shojo), where expressive eyes are what you need. If you look closely at the sketch on the left, you will find that the eyebrows are very high on this head.

Very cartoon type

With this approach, the enlarged eyes lead to a different relationship with the rest of the facial features, and the ears are now aligned with the nose.I can't express in words how important it is to repeat this balance if you want to paint in this style. Anime and manga fans are a picky bunch. If you draw the proportions wrong, they will see it and let you know!

a little cartoony

You can see this facial construction in the manga when the hero is action oriented. The eyes become larger, while the nose and mouth become less detailed. However, the distance between the eyes and the tip of the nose is still quite close to real anatomy.

Almost everyone knows what anime is, but not all people know how to draw anime. We will help you to realize your plan, and you can learn how to draw any anime character. so what is the best place to start. We advise you to tidy up your workplace.

The better to draw anime.

A well-maintained workplace is half the battle. It is also worth deciding what you are going to draw. I would like to note right away that you can draw anime with both a simple pencil and paints. That is why you should decide right away. Since you are drawing for the first time, it is better to give preference to a simple pencil. This will make it easier for you to capture proportions and symmetry. So, after you have prepared a simple pencil and eraser for work, you can start drawing. You need to decide on the anime character you want to portray. To date, there are a large number of Japanese cartoons.

If you like sailor moon or sakura, then you can choose someone from this cartoon, if you are not particularly fond of cartoons, but you like the anime style, you can draw a cat or another animal in anime style. I would also like to note that if you are drawing for the first time, you should first find a picture and draw from it. This is the easiest option. Drawing is the first step. in the future, you will become a more experienced artist and be able to create on your own. We will teach you how to draw anime step by step.

Who better to portray in anime style.

Especially for you, we have compiled detailed instructions that will help you easily portray any hero from the anime. In order to withstand the anime style, you need to know a number of features. In this style of animation, it is customary to depict people, and in some cases animals with fairly large eyes. In Japan, almost every anime character has big eyes. This is the hallmark of this style. You must take it into account otherwise you will not be able to realistically depict the anime character. Where to start portraying an anime character. The answer will not surprise you - from the head. The head of such heroes is almost always out of proportion.

You must understand that the head is a constituent element of the entire drawing and figure of the hero. It is also worth noting that the head is drawn as follows. You will learn how to draw anime with a pencil right now. It is quite simple to do if you take a special scheme as the basis for your drawing. It is important to understand that any drawing begins with sketches. These are the first lines that help define the boundaries. We have already noted that it is better to start drawing anime from the head. The head of Japanese cartoon characters is usually angular and the cheekbones are pronounced. Pay attention to the hairstyle, it should be extraordinary. If you are drawing a specific character, then we recommend that you follow exactly the image that you have previously prepared. To make the head really symmetrical, we recommend that you find the center. To do this, you need to draw two perpendicular lines and the place of their intersection will become the center of the face. Drawing a head is not the most difficult thing. The really difficult task will be to draw facial features. You need to understand that anime characters always have a small mouth and nose. You must take this into account. There are a few more features you should consider. How to draw an anime girl, this question worries many.

How to draw an anime face.

We have already noted that the face of anime characters is quite specific. If we talk about the structure of the body, especially girls, then it has several features. First of all, it is the chest. Almost always it is large and stands out in comparison with the limbs. As for the legs, they are always long and slender. Pay attention to clothing as well. It may be different. Usually it is a skirt and a blouse. Sometimes anime girls are shown wearing pants. It is important to understand that the anime style must be displayed in full. You should try and make every effort to ensure that your drawing resembles a frame from a cartoon. We are ready to reveal to you a few secrets that will help you create a real masterpiece.

You partially know how to draw anime with a pencil in stages. You, as an inexperienced artist, can make a few mistakes that can ruin the whole composition. The first thing to notice is that you should not take in too complex a composition. You need to properly distribute your forces. Do not take on a picture in which there are too many complex and small elements that require detailed drawing. Drawn anime pictures are on the Internet.

You can choose one of them. We would also like to recommend that you think through the whole composition at once. The most difficult thing you have to do is learn how to properly distribute light spots. It is important to understand that playing with hues and light is a key art skill. It is also worth noting that today you can learn how to control light spots using a simple but high-quality eraser. So, we advise you to make a few main accents in your drawing. It is very important. Then your character will seem more realistic, and you will be able to portray him correctly.

How to draw anime character legs.

Drawn anime pictures can be an excellent model for drawing. With their help, you can easily learn how to hone your skills and develop concentration. It is also worth considering that when you draw you need to be in one place. So your attention will be concentrated, and will not be scattered. Drawing anime is not difficult if you take into account all the nuances and are willing to spend time on this activity. It is difficult to draw a beautiful drawing in anime style very quickly. You already know how to draw an anime girl in stages. It remains only to point out a few points.

It is also worth noting that anime is a special niche not only for animation, but also for art in general. You must take this into account. It can also be noted that when depicting an anime character, his mood and character are often taken into account. Anger and love should be correctly reflected on his face. it is also worth noting that the eyes should be drawn very clearly. Only in this case you will be able to fully complete the task. Now you know exactly how to draw an anime girl with a pencil. We have revealed to you all the secrets of drawing with a simple pencil, and now you can easily draw any anime character. We wish you success in your work.

Now many young people are interested in drawing in anime style. Let's try to figure it out together - what is it and how to draw it all right?

Step 1

Draw the chin and cheeks. Focus on drawing them on both sides the same. Although it may look simple, even the slightest mistake can make the drawing unattractive.

Step 2

Draw the neck. Notice how thin it is.

Step 3

Draw the nose and mouth. Most anime artists draw the nose and mouth VERY small. However, some do not, so decide for yourself.

Step 4

Add eyes. Notice how far apart and how close to the nose they are.

Step 5

Add eyebrows. Notice how much longer they are relative to the eyes.

Step 6

Add ears and you have created a face. Note that I have added a hairline. Big head...
Please note: the corner of the ear is directed towards the eye.

View in 3/4.
About the average head size (for anime). She doesn't look very attractive until you add hair. Hair takes up such a large section in anime that it needs a separate tutorial.

The structure of the guy's face is different (in most cases). The guys' faces are usually more elongated, the chin is more pronounced.

When drawing a guy's neck, you can draw it similar to a woman's neck (but usually only for young boys, including teenagers). Or, as shown, you can draw it more developed.

Side view
Man and woman - style 1
More realistic and more pronounced. Their noses do not end sharply. Their eyes are smaller. The chin of guys is more protruding than that of girls.

Man and woman - style 2
Their head is more round. Their eyes are bigger.
You can draw an almost straight line from the tip of the nose to the chin. (i.e. lips and chin are weakly expressed - approx. per.)

Common Facial Shading Methods
There are many ways to shade the face, here are a few.
Try to leave some space between the shadow and the nose.
Sometimes there are highlights above the cheek and on the lip.

eye drawing
Simple eye drawing
Step 1.

Draw a shape like this to make the white base of the eye.
It will only serve as a guide and you will erase it when you are done.

Step 2

From each corner, draw a line pointing outward, then connect them with an arc.

Step 3

After creating the arcs, paint over the resulting shapes.

Step 4

Add the shapes shown.

Step 5

Color in these shapes and sketch in the iris.
Erase the guide lines and you are done. Now you have a simple eye.

Drawing more complex eyes
Step 6

Continue from step 5, draw some eyelashes from the upper left corner of the eye.

Step 7

Creation of "soft" eyelashes.

Create"soft" eyelashes on both ends of the upper eyelid. See instructions above. (Instruction: draw lines very close together. At the end of each stroke, reduce pressure on your pencil (or XD tablet) to get soft ends.)
Step 8

Add small eyelashes to the lower eyelid.

Step 9

Add creases above the eyes and you've made the eyelids.

Remember that the eyelids are usually very thick and do not have a lot of eyelashes raised up like a real eye.
Drawing the iris and pupil
If you have a tablet, sketch out the iris (as in the eye above) and take advantage of your graphics program to create some really adorable anime eyes.
Since not everyone has a tablet, I will draw the iris and pupil as if with a pencil.
Step 1

Draw the base of the pupil half.

Step 2

Paint over, moving from a darker shade to a lighter one (along the gradient).

Step 3

Add shadows at the top and at the bottom.

Step 4

Some artists add a second ring.

Step 5

Add lots of highlights and you are done.
When observing in the galleries of professional anime artists, I noticed that almost all anime artists draw them from similar angles.

On a face looking straight at you, the eyes are sometimes placed at an angle (the arrows illustrate this angle).

A common misconception is that the more the face goes into a 3/4 turn, the further that eye will move towards the edge of the face. It is not right!
See the shapes that define the area with the eyes? Let me say that these lines are guidelines.
The larger the angle of rotation in relation to you, the smaller and narrower the guide lines will be (at the far end of the figure - approx. per.), But they do not change their position.

This is one of the few angles where you have to draw the eye on the edge of the face.

Drawing closed eyes.
If the eyes curve downward (like a U), then the character is sleeping, meditating (thinking), or in a peaceful state.
If the eyes are arched upward, then the character is very happy or smiling.

different eyes
Remember, you should not draw eyes "strictly according to the template". Get creative, mix and match different ways to create your own unique eyes.
Many anime-style eyes have a sloped upper lid:

Round eyes:

Cat or snake eyes:

Eyes used for zombies or hypnotized characters:

When drawing eyes with tears, make the drops big and draw the highlights/reflections in the eye more than you would normally do.

Side view of the eye.
Keep your distance. Pay attention to how far the eye is removed (from the bridge of the nose - approx. Per.).

Drawing noses and mouths
Mouths and noses (in anime) are usually quite small compared to the rest of the face. In anime-style pictures, the main focus is usually on the eyes.

drawing anime ears
Almost every anime artist draws ears in their own way. Draw creatively! Ears can be anything for different characters, so have fun.

Bangs drawing.
There are many ways to draw anime bangs.
This lesson divides bangs into two categories: bangs with a certain organization of the strands (hereinafter, for brevity, I will call them combed bangs - translator's note) and messy bangs.
Combed bangs.
Combed bangs are bangs that cover the entire forehead, and perhaps most commonly drawn bangs. However, there may be certain quirks when drawing them, as they are not straight.
Point and Guide Method.
Step 1.

This helps in creating the first guide lines. Create a dot or circle directly above the face.

Step 2

Create a guide curve. Outline the boundaries of the large strands of bangs. Note that all lines are directed towards the point.
Each strand of hair will follow the same curve as the guide.

Step 3

Start sketching each strand.
Remember to keep the sequence of bends and draw strands in the direction of the point.

Step 4

Finish sketching the bangs.
Note that the middle strand serves as a way to mark the middle. Strands of bangs on both sides of the middle strand are bent in different directions.

Step 5

Clean up your sketch or outline the strands.

You can also add more bangs.

The point and guide method used above was also used for this illustration. The point was placed much higher to make the strands less curved.

Side view
Step 1.

This is the same guiding principle used in the Point and Guide Method. The only difference is that it is rotated.

Step 2

Start sketching each strand. Draw curves where the guide line bends, and make the end of the strand where the guide stops.

Step 3

Erase the guides and lines that shouldn't be visible. Remember to adapt the guide and change it to suit your character's personality.

If you draw strands by picking a point on another strand and going from there, your bangs will probably look like this. The strands are likely to be deformed and further separated, and will give the same effect as shown in the picture on the right. Drawing in this manner is best used for spiky hair.

By drawing the strands in their entirety and then going back and erasing so that they aren't visible, you can get straight strands that look brushed up as shown here.

Bangs don't always have to be V-shaped. By changing the look of the tips, you can get completely different images.

Step 1. Draw a straight line and give it a curve near the tip.
Step 2. Draw a straight line (or it can have a curve that suits you).
Step 3 Add some thin strands here and there.

Step 1. Draw two lines.
Step 2. Make additions that look like two ends or strands, then connect them.
Step 3 Add some thinner bangs to give it more variety.

V-shape Hair. Eyes.
Hair can become a problem when it obscures important features of a character, especially the eyes. Although the following methods are not realistic, they are often used as alternatives.
Method 1

Finish the bangs before they start to fit over the eyes. This is the most common of the commonly used techniques.

Method 2

Draw the eyes over the hair.

Method 3

Draw the hair over the eyes, but make the outlines of the eyes visible.

messy bangs
Messy bangs... well... messy. They may or may not follow a particular pattern, and they are usually divided into sections that may point in completely different directions.
Guide points Guide points (like the point in the Point and Guide Method) should help you keep your bangs under control.
STEP 1 There are countless options, but it helps to try different bangs and hairstyles.

Drawing hair attached to the head above the forehead

Wedges on the hairline should be aligned with the line of facial symmetry.

Remember that the hair is not glued to the head. They have volume even when pulled back.
Hair detailing isn't just about how many lines you add or how many strands of bangs you add to capture the character's personality. Many details can be added with shadows and highlights.

First, let's get a little acquainted with the drawing style itself.

Where do you think the first anime was filmed? I think most of you guessed it, it's naturally Japan (1917). It is clear that at first they were quite far from those we are looking at now.

How to draw anime?

The first thing that catches your eye is this is anime drawing style. Emotions are quite expressive, since there are many ways, gestures, to convey the character and mood of the characters.

In order to learn how to draw anime, you have to understand what features they have and how they are characteristic.

Features of Drawing Anime Characters

1. Eyes- this is the first dignity of the characters from the anime. Large, very bright, with detailed highlights, there are even several levels and types of highlights. And closed eyes can be drawn quite simply, with just a few lines.

2. Face- nose and mouth, cheekbones are not given much attention. They are drawn with very thin lines of small size.

3. fantasies- in anime, characters can not always be realistic, hair of different colors is possible in them (up to red, green, blue, etc.), cat ears and much more.

4. Building a body- since there is no concept of realism in anime, choose the standards and proportions of the character yourself. When drawing a tiny "" (such a cute little anime character) use the simplest drawing technique. This style is suitable for beginners and we will analyze it a little later.

Although personally I saw very traced and detailed drawings of Chibi.

5. Draw a face- which is based on an oval. We will discuss this topic a little later, since at the moment I, alas, have not prepared it yet. The face is characterized by large eyes. Draw anime lips and mouth, usually the mouth is small (depending on emotions). The face is based on an oval and it’s worth starting to draw just from the oval.

6. Draw hair- hair should not be drawn in small sections, but it is advisable to outline the whole mass at once, but do not forget that they do not go in a piece, but in strands!

7. Draw clothes- there is already no limit to fantasy. Anything can be: from a simple school uniform to a costume, for example, a cat.

Section topics:

Japan is a highly developed country whose technology is ahead of its time. The hallmark of Japan, in addition to reliable cars and advanced technologies, is anime. This type of animation is popular in Asia and other regions of the planet. It is not surprising that many are interested in how to learn how to draw anime from scratch.

If you want to learn this lesson, pay attention to my article. It contains useful tips and step-by-step recommendations to make it easier to create drawings in the anime style. If you have not attended art school, after showing perseverance and patience, master this technique.

  • Pick up a tool. We are talking about leads and pencils of various hardness. You will need three different leads, which are sold either in wood frames or in the form of rods designed for mechanical instruments.
  • Alternatively, buy a set of graphite sticks coated with a special layer. With their help, make quick sketches and easily shade large surfaces.
  • You can't do without a good eraser. Better soft model. Otherwise, during operation, the upper layers of the paper will be damaged and “injured”. To minimize the risk of such an event, it is recommended to draw contours with thin lines.
  • Draw anime with sharpened pencils and leads. Be sure to buy a good sharpener. After gaining experience, learn how to sharpen a tool with a knife.
  • Proper hatching involves the use of a hollow sharpened tool. This speeds up and makes the task easier. Honestly, don't focus too much on this one. A beginner is allowed to do what is convenient and easier.
  • Start mastering art by drawing outline drawings. To start, do some work linearly, applying light shadows in certain places. Get a kind of quick sketch. Over time, hand movements will become confident, and you will be able to pay more attention to the black and white elaboration of the drawing.
  • Hatching is much more difficult to master. Draw the elements as close to each other as possible. Otherwise, the integrity of the object will be violated and the impression of striping will appear. At first, you can rub the traces of a pencil with a soft piece of paper or a finger.
  • In the process of hatching a drawing, be sure to ensure that the distance between individual strokes is minimal. You can not use lines crossed at a large angle.
  • Newbies make mistakes. Fortunately, the pencil is easily erased, only with extreme care. Otherwise, the paper will be severely damaged or a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work will turn out to be smeared. Remember, putting a new layer of graphite on a damaged surface is difficult.
  • If you want to remove a large amount of shading or slightly weaken the tone, use a special mass that resembles plasticine. It is characterized by the ability to easily absorb excess graphite. If it is not at hand, take a lump of bread.

You got the first idea how to learn how to draw anime from scratch. If you really like to draw, the lesson will become a hobby. Experts advise starting learning with simple projects, gradually increasing the complexity. Varieties of the plot play a secondary role.

Beginners are not recommended to use complex motifs consisting of a large number of elements. First, practice on simple objects and compositions. We are talking about fruits, vegetables and objects of a simple form. Watch the video below for a visual representation.

Video training and step-by-step lessons

Over time, switch to more complex subjects and learn how to draw animals, buildings and vehicles. Lastly, start drawing people. Drawing a human face is not easy, and depicting human emotions is a very difficult task.

Secrets of drawing anime with a pencil

Japanese cartoons, whose popularity can hardly be overestimated, have always been famous for a good plot, active development of events and bright characters. After watching such an animated film, many people have a desire to master the art of drawing.

In this part of the article I will tell you how to learn how to draw anime with a pencil. Following my algorithm, draw beautiful drawings with a piece of paper and a few pencils at hand. As an example, I will give a technique for drawing a boy, consisting of several stages.

Before we look at the step-by-step instructions, I note that Japanese drawings have certain technical nuances. In particular, anime drawing is characterized by a technique that differs from other genres in drawing the face, eyes, nose and mouth. Since the outlines of the face are roughly shaped and complemented by large eyes, drawing them is not difficult.

  1. Initial contours . Correctly place the contours of the drawing, and only then draw the main contours of the little boy. To facilitate the stage, make the primary contour from rectangular figures. The main thing is that they correspond to the size of body parts.
  2. Head. Draw a rectangle for the head, and below that draw another rectangle for the neck. Starting from the neck, draw two arcs representing the shoulders. Then draw lines for the hands and place circles in their center, which are destined to become elbows. Hands are easier to draw with rectangles and lines.
  3. Draw an oval face . In the anime genre, it resembles a regular rectangle connected to a triangle. Draw these geometric shapes together, and then delete the connecting line. The result is a Japanese-style face characterized by a narrow and pointed chin. It remains to add a few elements of a fashionable suit.
  4. Elements. The next step involves adding various elements to the drawing. Use the eraser to remove unnecessary contours and lines and start detailing the picture. Give the face its final shape using the initial lines. Above your head, apply an arcuate visor along with the base for the cap. Also draw the contours of the hair and ears.
  5. Get started with your hands . Using the initial contours, carefully outline the hands. Then draw the collar and outline the legs. If within this stage you can achieve the correct proportions, then you were able to successfully complete this difficult process.
  6. Main details . As part of the final stage, pay special attention to the main details of the drawing. It's about the eyes and the face. The eyes should have large sizes and large resinous pupils. Add a small nose and a small mouth resembling an inverted triangle.
  7. Cloth. Pay attention to the boy's clothes, providing them with buttons and pockets. Further work on the T-shirt, draw the gloves and finish the triangular hair.
  8. Coloring . At the end, color the drawing, making it bright and contrasting. Since we are drawing anime with a pencil, it is enough to shade the drawing by adding bright shadows.

If you want to draw anime comics with a pencil and build a career in this industry, my instructions will help you get started. If you follow the news and learn, mastering various techniques, you will bring your skills to a new level.

Draw anime eyes - step by step instructions

People enjoy watching Japanese cartoons with great pleasure. Some people have a desire to draw something similar, plans and ideas appear. They draw their favorite characters in their free time, but in most cases the quality of the drawings remains low.

The hardest thing to draw is the eyes. Therefore, the question of how to learn how to draw anime eyes, I will pay special attention. I hope that with the help of my tips you will draw beautiful and expressive eyes, which will allow, for example, to prepare for the New Yearby creating interesting gifts.

  • Anime eyes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Draw the arches of the eyelids, and then draw two guide lines, which must intersect without fail. It is better to make the guide lines slightly curved and as thin as possible.
  • In most cases, the iris occupies a large part of the eye. Instead of a circle, feel free to draw an oval. When designating the pupil, remember that the size determines the feelings of the hero. If the pupil is small, the hero is scared. As part of the stage, it is not worth highlighting the pupil strongly. We will do this after drawing the highlights.
  • Most often, one flare is depicted. Alternatively, draw a few small highlights, placing them on different sides. Only after drawing the highlights, make the pupil bright.
  • In the anime, the number of eyelashes is small and in most cases does not exceed the mark of 7 pieces. Most often they are depicted with an arrow, be sure to highlight the line of the upper eyelid, due to which the eyes become voluminous and bulging.
  • Eyebrows do not draw in detail. However, they must be present without fail. Otherwise, you will not make the eyes of your cartoon character expressive.
  • Many beginners have questions regarding the shape of the eyes. In most cases, this is a semicircle. The upper part of the eye is represented by an almost straight line, and the lower part is a perfect semicircle.
  • Draw eyelashes with a common arrow, bending up or down. The direction of the bend determines the shape of the eye. If you depict several cilia, place large ones on the upper eyelid, and small ones, respectively, on the lower one.

To make anime eyes lively and expressive, you can use oval highlights by placing them at the edges. You can use vertical or horizontal highlights.

Video lesson

To emphasize the main highlight, use a triangular highlight with a corner extended to the center of the eye. Round highlights are often used, which are drawn as main or auxiliary ones. It depends on the style and preferences of the author.

Draw an anime body

Continuing the conversation about Japanese animation, let's figure out how to draw an anime body at home. At first glance, it seems that this is a difficult task. In reality, everything is different.

Japanese animation differs from cartoons created in other countries. It is aimed at both teenagers and adults. For this reason, animated films are rapidly gaining popularity, which has long been comparable to the popularity of the best New Year's films.

Drawing anime characters and the background on which events unfold is very different from cartoons in other countries. In most cases, anime is a multi-part television movie distributed through optical drives. Recently, Japanese cartoons have begun to appear more often on widescreen screens.

After watching a Japanese cartoon, many people have a desire to master anime drawing. We have considered the main points regarding art. It's time to talk about drawing the body.

  1. To achieve the goal, first of all, study the proportions of the body and familiarize yourself with the process of drawing it in the Japanese style. The Japanese like to distort proportions. Vivid proof are many cartoon characters in which certain parts of the body are disproportionate.
  2. The female figure of the anime master is depicted as elongated, complemented by thin legs and a wasp waist. The male figure is characterized by broad shoulders. However, the size of the head does not always correspond to the size of the body. Perhaps this is the secret of the attractiveness of the images.
  3. Mark the human figure with two dots connected by a vertical line that marks the center. Draw the bottom and top line, and vertically divide the central one into eight equal parts. This is easy to do with a ruler.
  4. Then draw an oval body, round pelvis, head and legs with arms. To enliven the drawing, place the parts of the body on a slightly curved arc. This will demonstrate that the character you are portraying is moving.

Only with time will it be possible to master the technique of drawing various parts of the body, which is used by Japanese animators.

Video instruction

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