How to draw a winter landscape in watercolor step by step for beginners. Painting winter with watercolors


The New Year and Christmas set us up for a creative spirit and a thirst for change. All the salads are eaten, all the programs are revised, even all the jokes are told by friends. There are still a few holiday free days, let's try a gift for ourselves and our family.

Firstly, you will have a great time, even if you are too critical of your picture, while still working, you can still be visited by that very Inspiration. This wonderful very deep feeling will be remembered by you. Secondly, the result of your labors will be a sign of tenderness and special attention for the person to whom you hand it over.

How to draw winter in watercolor step by step for beginners

We will paint a winter landscape. This option is suitable for people with different skill levels. Watercolor will give the work more touching and charm. All the details that will help to perfectly paint this picture in this master class.

You can easily recognize all the necessary art materials in the photo. It is advisable to purchase watercolor paper in advance that does not blur from moisture. And also we will definitely need white paint, you can absolutely any, even silver gouache. It will give freshness, festivity and sophistication.

The main thing is to make a proportional schematic drawing with a pencil. Indeed, this can be the most time-consuming part of the evening. Relax, immerse yourself in the world that is written in the sample picture. Pay attention to the main shades and bright details. Applying the initial drawing, use a ruler. Even professional artists do not neglect this tool or turn to the grid.

With a large brush (size 4), boldly cover the sky and mountains with blue and spruce dark green. Take a cardboard or saucer to leave the rest of the water from the brush on the surface and then touch the paper.

To make it easier and faster to use the paint, carefully fill the desired cells with a few drops of water. It is better to use soft natural brushes, the smaller one is size 2.

Vertical movements of the brush will only be needed in buildings. Enjoy strokes and unique distribution of color in strokes. Coloring in red and green elements. We impose snow and stars, highlight the space with white paint.

Here is our long awaited result. Take a photo of your work. Perhaps in a year you will want to repeat this particular landscape. And you will notice what progress and style you have acquired in a year.

Good afternoon

In this video master class, I tell you step by step how to draw a winter landscape in watercolor.

We will need watercolor, brushes, watercolor paper or A4 drawing paper, a rag or napkin, water. Beginners can use a simple pencil and eraser to outline the drawing. If you want to dry your work faster, you can use a hair dryer.

The video shows step by step how to draw the main contours, mix paints on the palette, how to depict the sky at dawn (wet), the forest in the background, the reflection in the river, how to draw trees, bushes and snow in the foreground.

When painting with watercolor, paint should always be mixed with water. The role of white paint is played by paper. The more water we add, the lighter the paint.

In bright places we add warm shades (yellow, ocher, orange), in the shadows we introduce cold colors (blue, purple, cyan).

The painting can be a wonderful gift for the New Year or Christmas, which you can do yourself. Thanks to detailed explanations, parents can draw together with their children.

It is very useful to periodically step back and look at your work, analyze whether you want to change something, add some detail or some color.

Let's paint this calm snowy landscape using various watercolor techniques.

The fluffy snow cut changes the look of the landscape, softening the outlines of objects and completely changing the color scheme. Especially strong contrasts arise on a sunny winter day, when the silhouettes of naked trees begin to clearly appear against the background of dazzling white snow.

When painting a winter landscape in watercolor, according to the laws of logic, one should move from light tones to darker ones, while keeping large areas of paper clean. In the finished picture, they will depict the snow cover. In order to write small details - for example, drifts of snow on the railing of the bridge - use masking fluid.

In winter landscapes, contrasts of warm and cold tones are especially noticeable. Shadows in the melting landscape are, as a rule, blue-lilac. These expressive shadows were very fond of the Impressionists because they contrast brightly with the yellowish-orange tones of sunlight reflected from the surface of the snow. In our case, the contrast is created by the warm brown and orange tones of the trees and the cold blue shadows stretching on the snow.

For the watercolor lesson you will need:
Stretched sheet of thick watercolor paper
adhesive tape
Pencil 2B
Round brushes №№4,7 and 10
Camouflage liquid
old brush
9 watercolors: yellow ocher, windsor blue, burnt umber, ultramarine, cadmium orange, cadmium red, raw umber, raw sienna, sepia

1 Draw landscape elements

To frame the finished picture with a white frame, paste over a sheet of paper around the perimeter with strips of adhesive tape. Take a 2B pencil and outline the main elements of the landscape. Do not touch the snowy areas - they will be created by the white surface of the paper itself. Lightly outline the background of the picture, and then sketch out the outlines of the bridge and the tree in the foreground. At this stage of work, do not get carried away with details.

2 Apply a graduated wash

Flip the painting 180 degrees and tilt it slightly. Wet the area of ​​the sky in the painting with a #10 brush dipped in clean water. Draw a line of liquid diluted yellow ocher just above the horizon. Then paint the sky with streaks of Windsor Blue Liquid Wash. In this case, the yellow and blue paints will mix together along the edge.

3 Denoting the trees in the background

While the paint is still wet, draw the outlines of the trees in the background. Paint darker woods with a mixture of burnt umber and ultramarine. For lighter trees, dilute red and orange cadmium. The paints should spread slightly and form shapes with soft edges. Let the drawing dry before continuing.

4 Add Dark Trees

Paint another row of trees in the background with a more intense mixture of the same colors. Paint the darkest areas of the forest in the background with Windsor blue mixed with burnt umber or cadmium orange using the wet-on-wet technique. While the paint is still wet, add a few small strokes of Windsor blue mixed with ultramarine on the edge of the forest. Continue working only when the paints are completely dry.

5 Apply masking liquid

Before you start applying masking fluid to the plants on the left, cover the adjacent areas of the picture with sheets of paper. Dip an old brush into the masking fluid and tap it with your finger to splatter the specks of masking fluid onto the paper. Wait for the masking fluid to dry

Having decided on the main sections of the composition, you can move on to the details. Gray ruts will make the coloring of the picture cooler and at the same time help create a subtle contrast with the overcast sky. In addition, the proximity to gray tones will visually add brightness and expressiveness to green tones.

6 Masking the Bridge

Coat the bridge and the horizontal surface of the bottom rails of the bridge with a layer of masking fluid. Add narrow strips of masking fluid to the horizontal surfaces of both railings. Wait until the masking fluid is completely dry.

7 Writing shadows in the snow

Moisten the paper with clean water in the places where you are going to draw the shadows. Take the #7 brush and apply a very light, almost sheer, wash of cadmium orange to the right where the snow is lit by the sun. Before the paper is dry, prepare a light wash of ultramarine and apply to those areas of the picture where the shadows cast by objects will be visible. The orange and blue colors will blend gently around the edges. Dry the painting.

8 We paint a stream and shadows from trees

Thin out the Windsor blue and paint the stream with a #7 brush. While the blue paint has not yet dried, depict the reflections in the water of the trees standing on the shore. To do this, apply a little burnt umber to the surface of the stream on the right. Randomly scatter specks of orange cadmium on the water.

How to draw winter trees
In order to draw a naked winter i, you need to think carefully about the shape of its trunk and the pattern of branches. The thick branches of the tree taper towards the end. To show this, start drawing a branch from the trunk and gradually lift the tip of the brush. In this case, the line you have drawn will narrow towards the end. Thin small branches should be written with the very tip of the brush

9 Adding Background Details

Mix some Windsor blue into the raw umber. Take a brush number 4 and outline the trunks and main branches on the distant trees with light strokes. Write smaller branches with the very tip of the brush.

10 Adding Foreground Details

Paint the hedge on the right side of the painting with a mixture of burnt umber and orange cadmium. Moisten the paper on the left side of the foreground of the picture and paint dry plants sticking out from under the snow with the tip of the brush. Add some Windsor blue and ultramarine to the mixture and finish painting the plants. Scatter small specks of raw sienna here and there. Dry the painting.

11 Draw the bridge

Go back to brush #4 and paint a sepia bridge. This building is the focal point of our composition. At the same time, the clear geometric forms of the bridge contrast sharply with the soft forms of all other details of this picture. Before continuing to work, dry the picture.

12 Draw trees

Gently use your finger to wipe off the masking fluid from the bridge and surrounding trees. Load a #4 sepia brush and paint on the trees near the bridge. These trees should be darker and their outlines more distinct than the trees in the background. This will help you create the illusion of depth in the painting.

Now our picture is almost ready and conveys the atmosphere of a cold winter day well. This effect is achieved due to the contrast between the warm reflections of the sun's rays on the snow and the cold blue shadows stretching across the snow cover. It remains to work a little more on the texture of the foreground.

13 Add shadows

Take the brush number 4 and paint with an ultramarine wash the shadows lying on the path trodden in the snow in the foreground of the picture. Paint with the same wash the clear shadows that the railing of the bridge casts on the snow.

Adding a Shape
We have written a very calm, lyrical winter landscape. Now look at how the human figure introduced into the plot is surprisingly able to change the atmosphere of the picture. Seeing a man walking towards the bridge, we immediately involuntarily think: who is he, where does he come from and where is he going and why? In addition to the figure of a walking person, our artist has added another tree here on the left. This tree gives the composition additional dynamics and forms a counterpoint that helps to balance the human figure and lead the viewer's eye into the depth of the painting space.
Gently use your finger to wipe off the masking fluid from the bridge and the trees to the left of it. Load a #4 sepia brush and paint on the trees near the bridge. These trees should be darker and their outlines more distinct than the trees in the background. This will help you create the illusion of depth in the painting.

14 We apply a speckled texture

Cover the areas of the painting adjacent to the shore to the right of the bridge with sheets of paper. Dip the #4 brush into the ultramarine wash. Tapping the brush with your finger, apply a few specks of paint to the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe painting in the lower right corner. Repeat the same, loading the brush with a wash of raw sienna.

15 Draw dry grass

Dilute the raw umber and write with clear strokes of the tip of the brush No. 4 individual dry blades of grass sticking out from under the snow in the left part of the foreground of the picture

We draw winter with watercolors - the result of the lesson

A Snow white paper A
The snow in this painting depicts the clean, unpainted surface of a white sheet of paper, covered in places with a slight wash of yellow ocher and ultramarine.

B Cold shadows
The cool violet-blue shadows contrast sharply with the warm orange tones of the sunlight reflecting on the snow, and thus create the mood of the landscape.

In stark contrast
Dark, clearly visible against the background of snow, the bridge forms the focal point of the composition and helps to lead the viewer's eye into the depths of the painting.

Categories: February 29, 2012

Learning to draw a winter landscape.

Huge white snowdrifts, fluffy snowflakes, snow-covered trees - the beauty of the winter landscape inspires not only professional artists, but also amateurs to paint such a picture.
This article tells in detail how to depict a winter landscape on paper for a novice artist.

How to draw a beautiful winter landscape of nature with a pencil step by step for beginners?

First of all, we prepare:

  1. Colored pencils
  2. Eraser for erasing
  3. Simple pencil
  4. White paper for drawing

Let's get creative:

  • Making sketches of snowdrifts
  • Add the contour of a large oak, with sweeping branches

First step

  • Near the majestic tree, we draw three circles of different sizes, standing on top of each other as they decrease. Thus, we form the figure of the future snowman

Second step

  • We revive the snowman: draw his eyes, nose, mouth, handles
  • We decorate the head with a hat
  • Draw buttons on clothes

Third step

  • Let's draw a feeder
  • Let's put some birds in there.
  • Let's define another bullfinch on a branch

Fourth step

  • Let's draw the basis for the Christmas tree behind the snowman, in the form of a triangle

Fifth step

  • We will form beautiful branches on the Christmas tree
  • Add a bright bullfinch to the crown

sixth step

  • The background is filled with Christmas trees
  • Let's put a ruffled bullfinch in the foreground

seventh step

  • Erase the contour lines of the Christmas tree

eighth step

  • Coloring spruce branches with a green pencil
  • In blue we wrap the greens in a snowy coating

Ninth step

  • Removing extra outlines
  • Draw a tree trunk with a brown pencil
  • Snow is painted in blue and blue colors

tenth step

  • The background is filled with a blue-green palette.
  • Spruces are painted like an already painted Christmas tree

Eleventh step

  • Our oak will be brown, and we will highlight the veins in dark brown

Twelfth step

  • Painting the sky with a dark blue palette
  • Add volume with blue, lilac and purple shadows on snowdrifts and a snowman

Finishing touches

How to draw a beautiful winter landscape of nature with paints, watercolors, gouache in stages for beginners?

We prepare in advance:

  1. watercolor paper
  2. palette
  3. Squirrel brushes, sizes 4 and 9
  4. Any paint
  5. simple pencil
  6. Eraser

Let's start drawing:

  • With a simple pencil, we outline all the details of the landscape
  • On the trees we select spruce paws
  • Lines denote the horizon and mountain heights
  • The contours should be slightly visible. So that they do not shine through when coloring

  • Now we move on to the most important stage - coloring.
  • Dilute blue watercolor with water to a pale blue tint
  • Paint the sky with a brush
  • On the raw drawing, add pink and yellow shades in the sky
  • We get a smoothly passing, from one tone to another, sky background
  • Let the leaf dry a little.

  • Mountains and snowdrifts, on the left side, are illuminated by sunlight. To do this, mix yellow paint with water, and make a soft shade, as shown in the picture.

  • We paint the hills with blue paint, and partially the foreground
  • In blue we will tint the snow cover under the trees. After all, the winter rays of the sun cannot reach there.

  • With pale ocher and soft pink tones, we shade the snowballs on the Christmas trees, which are illuminated by the sun from the left side.
  • On the right side of the branches we will make cold blue shades.

  • Adding greenery to branches free of snow
  • We make darkened places in dark green, sunny ones - a tone lighter
  • With a thin brush, draw the details of the Christmas trees. To do this, take a delicate green palette.
  • In the foreground we draw thin branches of a bush. Do this with the tip of a thin brush
  • We darken the shadowy places under the tree with blue. In some places we add mixed green and black colors

  • Draw the outlines of the branches in dark green

  • Adding Thickness to Shrubs

  • We outline with a brush a muted, green mass of trees behind large fir trees
  • Shading it
  • Filling the clear sky with flying birds

Video: Draw a winter landscape with gouache

How to draw a light landscape in winter with a pencil for beginners?

Even preschool children can cope with these drawings.

  • We make sketches of snowy hills. Lines can be of arbitrary shape, because snowdrifts do not have strict boundaries

First touches

  • Duplicate the outlines of the snowdrifts with the second line to add volume

Adding airiness to the snow

  • We draw the contours of simple trees, along the snowy hills

We outline the main elements

  • We write fluffy heavenly clouds
  • With small strokes, in the foreground, we add splendor to the snow

Complementing the landscape

  • Erase extra lines
  • Outline clearly the contours of the picture
  • Coloring the drawing as you like

Give color pencils brightness

Video: How to draw a winter landscape with a pencil and a nag?

Simple and light and beautiful winter landscapes: drawings for sketching

If you have some drawing experience, take beautiful pictures as a basis and just copy them.


Light landscape paints

Starry sky in a forest village

  • Step by step drawing lessons make it possible to get the first skills without much difficulty.
  • With the help of simple drawings, you can create a postcard with your own hands and give it to your mother as a gift.
  • And if the drawing turned out to be very successful, then you can put it up for a competition.

Video: Winter landscape

Winter is a wonderful time of the year, differing from its counterparts with fabulous weather and active outdoor games. Building a snowman, sledding and skating, playing snowballs are just some of the things children love to do year after year. In addition, the end of the first winter month and the beginning of the second always symbolize two big holidays that are celebrated by almost all Russians. We are talking about the New Year 2019 and Christmas ... these days, all people take a break from work and study, enjoying communication with each other, mutual gifts, a festive TV program and fun walks. Great, isn't it?! So why not depict your vision, January or February vision on a white sheet. Drawings of winter in watercolor always look bright and bewitching, and most importantly, they can be used as a postcard, a painting on canvas, and even homework for art lessons to school.

Drawings of winter in watercolor, what can be depicted? Photo Ideas

You can draw everything related to the winter season. It is enough to turn on your imagination and be smart to understand which idea will serve as the basis for creating a drawing. Well, if there is not much time, but you want to do something worthwhile, not like standard solutions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ready-made ideas and photo examples that inspire both artists and beginners who are just learning the OZS of drawing.

15 most popular ideas:

1) ;
2) snowflakes;
3) the architecture of the city covered with fluffy snow;
4) animals and snow;
5) fairy-tale characters associated with the New Year (Father Frost, Snow Maiden, snowman and snowmen, deer, Santa Claus);
6) smart Christmas tree;
7) chimes;
8) gifts in a bright festive wrapper;
9) a fireplace with socks for sweets hung on carnations;
10) gingerbread house;
11) active outdoor recreation with children (sledding, skating and skiing, making a snowman and a snow woman);
12) bullfinches and mountain ash;
13) the window of the apartment from the outside and snow (a cat or a child can look into it);
14) fairy tale "Snow Queen";
15) festive fireworks or sparklers.

Master class: drawing winter in watercolor step by step on the photo

Below in the photo is a step-by-step instruction that helps to repeat the beautiful work in a short time. To reproduce it, you only need attentiveness, compliance with all requirements, and of course - tools that allow you to draw. We are talking about watercolors, a simple pencil and a white sheet of paper.

Ready-made drawings of winter in watercolor, photo:

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