Drawings for drawing with crayons on asphalt. "I draw on asphalt..."


About the prevention of influenza and SARS

In the Russian Federation, the epidemic season of influenza and SARS continues, which is typical for this time of year.

The causative agents of influenza and SARS are transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets and are quite contagious (contagious).

With ARVI - acute respiratory viral infections of non-influenza etiology, the disease develops gradually, most often begins with fatigue and a runny nose, dry cough, which then turns into a wet one.

With influenza, there is a sharp deterioration in the condition - an increase in body temperature (in some cases up to 40.5 degrees), headache, "ache" in muscles and joints, sensitivity to light. The most active phase falls on the 3rd-5th day of the disease, recovery on the 8th-10th day. The flu affects the blood vessels, so bleeding of the gums and nasal mucosa is possible. After suffering the flu, the body becomes extremely susceptible to various infections, which leads to severe infectious complications.

SARS and influenza are especially severe in young children, the elderly, people with chronic pathologies and diseases of the immune system.


Be healthy!

The best protection against the flu is immunization. However, the vaccine does not protect against other SARS.

In order to prevent disease, it is necessary to strengthen and harden your body. Get enough sleep, observe the regime of work and rest, try to be in the fresh air more. Going for a walk, dress for the weather, try not to get cold when you are outside. If you get your feet wet, you need to steam them as soon as you return home.

Proper nutrition contributes to strengthening the body. Include in the diet foods containing vitamins A, C, zinc and calcium: citrus fruits, kiwi, sweet peppers, dairy and sour-milk products, hard cheeses, boiled fish, beef, carrots with sour cream, raisins or dried apricots, etc.

When planning to visit public places, take a medical mask with you: if you sneeze and cough in a public place, cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask or handkerchief - this will help prevent infection.

Any viral disease transferred “on the legs” can lead to undesirable consequences and complications in the future. In addition, a sick person infects others.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease.

For more information on how to protect yourself and loved ones from getting the flu and SARS, seein a special section on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

Be healthy!

Wrote on March 4th, 2015

In this post I will talk about the principles of creating 3d drawings on asphalt and not only on it. The word asphalt means a horizontal plane on which we walk every day, it can be concrete and a wooden base, glass and even sand, yes, yes, now there is such 3d drawing on the sand. It just so happened that we began to call it "on the pavement", apparently because in childhood we said: "Drawing with chalk on asphalt", although they were often painted more on concrete, it is possible that the word concrete does not sound. Abroad in literal translation- 3d street painting in English. 3d street painting.

Many of you who are reading this article are already familiar with this kind of street art from photographs that were found on the Internet, or maybe even one of you saw 3d drawings live, and maybe even tried to create it with his own hands, and for sure the majority wondered, but how street artists seek 3d effect?
I am sure that some of you have already exclaimed: "Chu, what's the secret here!? ... This is an elementary projection of an image onto a plane!" And they will be right. I would clarify that this is a projection + perspective, although of course the concept projections cannot be separated from perspectives are interacting concepts.

So where does work start? 3d pattern? And the work begins, like with all artists, with the definition of the plot and the development of a sketch, which depends on the size of the site on which it will be performed drawing. You ask how the plot depends on the size of the site?

To do this, you need to understand that the drawing on the pavement is a projection onto a plane that is at an angle to us and has its own perspective contraction, and if you decide to depict an object that is larger than human growth, suppose an adult bear attacking a person, which will be the person being photographed, then such drawing we will stretch for many meters, this is provided that the height at the point of inspection, from which a person looks at the drawing, is equal to the average height of a person. Therefore, sometimes artists can use a combination of a plane under their feet and a wall, or even two walls, in which three and four planes (floor, ceiling and two walls) are involved - the corner part of the room.

In this image, you can see how the image dimensions change during projection onto a plane by the line of sight. And the sharper the angle of the line of sight to the asphalt plane, the more elongated the drawing will be.
Yes, we knew all this without you, let's move on!

After you have decided on the sketch, you need to transfer it to the plane in our case, asphalt. How to do it?
Some of you have already exclaimed, yes, with the help of a projector! Yes, I will answer, it is possible with the help of a projector, but there is one small condition,drawingyou need to complete within one light day, as this can happen, suppose onfestival, in which the process of using the projector becomes impossible - the projected image is simply not visible in bright light. So how!?...

To do this, I will introduce you a little bit into the course of the subject. perspective and the method of constructing geometric objects in space architect's method. Why geometric? Because first we will need to build a grid in space. This method is more familiar artists and architects relevant educational institutions, although someone came across the basics in the subject of drawing.

From the point of view 3d drawing should look exactly like your sketch.

At the same time, on asphalt, the drawing of an apple will look like this (top view). You can see how the pattern is deformed on a plane, so on 3d drawing or whatever else they call it anamorphic Drawing, not to be confused with amorphous! :) you need to look only from one point.
The diagram shows the field of view in humans is approx. 120° .

The point of view for the viewer is indicated by such a sign (which I use) or by any other sign that makes it clear to the person that you need to be and shoot exactly here and in this direction. So you need to look for such a sign for a high-quality photo.

A couple of photos to understand how the picture changes in size.
On this photo through the camera lens from the designated viewing point.

That's how drawing transforming (rear view)
The drawn sewer manhole, which looks from the point of view (where the tripod stands) as a round lying pancake, the width of which is almost twice as long, actually has the shape of an oval elongated in length, which has opposite values ​​- the length is greater than the width.

An example of using two planes for 3d drawing

What does the deformation look like? drawing and from another vantage point.

First you need to set the size of the rectangular area that will capture yourdrawing on asphalt and define perspective scale, namely length and width scale. To do this, on a piece of paper you need to outline the horizon and draw a line H , parallel to the horizon, this line is the edge of the picture plane in our drawing, which we will still reach, on asphalt, this line is the edge of a rectangular grid, which will be divided into squares 50x50 cm in size.

This size is set by the artist arbitrarily, depending on the complexity of the image, according to the principle, the more details, the smaller the squares - for a more accurate determination of the position of the lines in the figure.
We all remember that the horizon passes at the level of a person's eyes, provided that the line of sight of a person looking at this figure is at the same height, that is, roughly speaking, if these figures are of the same height. And of course, if someone is higher or lower, our horizon line changes.

Thus, knowing the height of a person (let's take an average height of 170 cm), we can set the footage on the picture plane, i.e. on the line H.
Next, we draw the center line, which is at an angle of 90° to the edge of the picture plane, in this case to the line H.

For convenience, I break the meter segments into floors and connect them with a point P on the horizon , thus obtainingvanishing point Pand the scale of the length of the segments, which we have equal to 50 cm.

Now the main thing we need to define width scale or can you say more depth scale piece 50cm long. Simply put, we need to determine how visually we will shrink the grid in perspective, laid on the asphalt. I recommend that you initially stock up on a larger paper format for the drawing.

Set the distance to the main viewing point (from which the public will take pictures3d drawing) i.e. to the edge of your drawing (or rather, to the edge of your future grid on asphalt) I set 2 meters, the artist arbitrarily sets the distance that he needs, but I don’t think that it makes sense to make it less than 1.5 meters.
On the center line of our drawing, from the edge of the picture plane, what is the line H , set aside a distance of 2 meters, as a result, getting a segment C N. This very point N for the further construction of the drawing does not play a role.

Next we need to get the distance point D1 on the horizon, from which the beam will cross the picture plane at an angle of 45 °, at the point c, this will help us determine the vertex of the square. To do this, we set the distance twice the height of the human figure, since the figure is the object from which we are measuring. Why 2 times from the picture plane? The reason is in the device of the human eye, the capture angle in width is greater than in height. For more or less normal, not distorted perception, we need to be at a distance from the object twice its height)

Thus we get a point Q(we won't need it on the site). From main vanishing point P set aside (you can use a compass) a segment equal to PQ on the horizon line, thus obtaining a point D1 And D2, most often it will go beyond a sheet of paper, so the segment PQ divided by 2 to get a point and by four for the dot . Passing a ray through points D1,C we get a straight line that intersects the plane of the picture at an angle of 45° in perspective.

Received point B1 segment BPis the vertex of the square, the segmentB,B1-side 50 cm long in perspective.

As I said above, the remote point D1 goes beyond a sheet of paper, for convenience, a cut D1,P divided into four parts and get a point
Using remote point keep in mind that in this case the rays intersect the side of the square B1,C1 at a different angle (this in prbl. 75° ) to the picture plane. And to find the point of intersection, the segment BC is divided into four equal parts like any other segment on the line of the picture plane, a straight line is drawn from the intersection point to the vanishing point P, from V WITH- intersection point and will determine the side B1,C1 how does a ray drawn from D1 V WITH.

In such a cunning way, at the intersections of rays from a distant point with rays of contractionsAP, BP, CP, DP, EPwe get a grid measuring 2 by 2 meters in perspective reduction with a size of square sections of 50x50 cm. Voila!

The height of the figure of a person in the picture and the height of the viewer at the viewing point is 170 cm, the distance to the viewing point is 2 meters.
As you can see in the photo below, placing our apple sketch on the resulting grid, 3d drawing from the point of view on the site, it should look exactly the same as on the sketch, i.e. without distortions and deformations.

Now we need to draw a grid without distortion, this is our projection sketch, with which we will work on the site and transfer the image to the asphalt.
Our grid is built on the edge of the picture plane, which is our straight line H, the grid will be parallel to the picture plane and perpendicular to the plane of the base, i.e. "asphalt". The size of the grid squares is still the same - 50 cm, in the drawing, of course, you have it in the scale you have chosen.

Next, watch your hands... Let's number the squares for convenience. Run a beam, I called it " projection beam", from the point of view N, at the point of any intersection of our drawing with the grid that lies in our perspective, I chose the edge of the apple leaf - it is on the line of our grid in perspective (the base of the square C2). Crossing our usual grid, which is parallel to us, the projection beam beats off a point, which is the edge of our apple leaf.

In such a tricky way, we find all the intersection points on our grid. The points that fall on the center line are found by the method of proportional calculation.
To achieve a more accurate result of building parts and lines 3d drawing, the grid is given by a smaller cell step.
We connect all the points with a smooth line, as it was once in kindergarten...
3d drawing in the projection sketch is ready!
As you can see from the result, the sketch turned out to be deformed. Now it remains to transfer it to the asphalt in kind, where you have already drawn the grid, sit and wait.

By the same principle, the image is built on the walls and ceilings. This is where the fairy tale ends.
And don't forget that 3d drawing this is primarily a drawing that requires skills in drawing, color and composition, otherwise the work may not turn out spectacular.

Although 3d drawing is called a drawing, it can also be done with paint, where, logically, it would be more correct to call it 3d painting on asphalt, but it so happened that we began to call it a drawing, let me remind you that abroad it is most often called 3d street painting - 3d street painting, although sometimes you can see the term 3d drawings like we have.

Taken from Maksiov The secret to creating a 3D drawing. Part 1 and the secret to creating a 3D drawing Part 2

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If you have a boring, inconspicuous paved area in your yard, then these ideas are for you! This may be a wide area near the house or in front of the entrance to it, or a wide path in the yard. There are many such sites in schools and kindergartens. If you want to make the life of children even brighter, diversify their game, then this post is for you!

Arm yourself with colorful paint, rollers and brushes and turn boring asphalt into a fun playground! To do this, you just need to come up with, draw and draw a game on the pavement.

What can be drawn:

  • of course, first of all, the classics;
  • twister;
  • chessboard;
  • the playing field of your favorite board game, where the children themselves will play the chips;
  • labyrinths;
  • track for driving cars or bicycles.

Here are some tips before drawing:

  1. Before applying the pattern, the asphalt should be washed with water from a hose.
  2. Think of a plan on paper. Do it together with your children to make the game really interesting for them.
  3. Take special paint, for external work. Think of clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Do not forget to take a tape measure, tape, chalk with you.
  4. Make a small but noticeable fence around the painting so that no one climbs where the paint is not yet dry.

What does the word tell you "Street Peyting"(from English. street paiting)? That's right - it's "street painting"(from English. streetStreet; paitingpainting, drawing). There are several types of street painting art in the world, and Street paiting (it is also called Madonnari) is a type of street art. There is also graffiti and wall painting, but these types of painting can be discussed separately and much.

In this article, we will focus on 3D street painting- drawing in a three-dimensional image, the pictures of which you can not only admire, but also directly participate in them. And let's also focus on talented artists in this type of painting.

In general, the art of drawing on asphalt came from the 16th century. Madonnari became the birthplace of painting Italy. At that time, street artists who traveled the cities drew scenes from the bible on the streets, but especially liked to depict the Madonna, which led to such a nickname for street art lovers. Artists used sand, flowers, charcoal, chalk in drawing, but the drawing did not last long. At the first bad weather, the rain washed away their creativity. By the way, thanks to the popularity of street painting, since 1972 they began to organize Madonnari festivals where all comers gather to excel each other in art. Even today you can visit major festivals in Santa Barbara And Grazie di Curtanone(Italy).

Modern street painting artists use only colored crayons, which is why the drawings are still short-lived. But they remain for a long time in the captured photographs of the crowd that is present at every painting process. And the artists themselves collect photo and video collections. And realistic and voluminous pictures are obtained thanks to the technique of tilt and distortion. A side view of the painting will turn out to be just a drawing on the pavement, and a front view will reveal a three-dimensional image. Sometimes becoming or crouching successfully, you will become the hero of the picture.

The world knows so far madonnari from Europe. Here are some of them Kurt Wenner, Julian Beaver, Edgar Muller and Manfred Stader, Tracey Lee Stam and etc.

Kurt Wenner. He learned about street art by accident, one day he saw a drawing artist on the street. His painting impressed Kurt so much that he began to ask the artist about art unknown to him until now. But the artist only briefly spoke about the origin of this type of painting, which made Kurt turn to history and start learning all the nuances of street painting. Kurt soon became famous for his work and in 1991 was invited to create a painting dedicated to the visit of Pope John Paul II to Mantua (Italy), who was delighted with the work of the artist. Now Kurt mainly portrays the history of the Renaissance. His anamorphic paintings are striking in their realism. Perhaps because Kurt uses pastel crayons. “I used to draw with ordinary crayons,” says Kurt, “but they quickly crumbled, and the picture did not look realistic. Now I make my own crayons, even though it's expensive for me."

Here are examples of the work of Kurt Wenner.

Julian Beaver. Julian is considered one of the contemporary street painting artists. Since 1988 he has been painting contemporary paintings. Often there are portraits and self-portraits among his works, which he photographs with his camera from the right angle. But sometimes the completion of the work is hindered by bad weather, and even more rarely by the authorities. Both the first and the second wash off the unfinished work, not wanting for some reason to let the crowd enjoy the result of the drawing. Julian studied painting in England, which is probably why he uses English crayons. But he develops the drawing technique himself. “My art is open to anyone who doesn't like going to galleries. I get creative inspiration from the crowd who admire my work. And I will do this as long as I am interested in my work, ”says Julian.

And this is the work of Julian Venus.

Edgar Müller and Manfred Stader. Edgar started drawing at the age of 16. At the age of 19, he won a street art competition for the first time. Edgar was looking for a way to make his paintings more realistic for a long time, because before the three-dimensional image, he painted two-dimensional works. Edgar Muller was even awarded the title of "Maestro Madonnari". With Manfred Stader, who also learned this art form early, he has been working for the last few years. Once, together in four days, they depicted a part of the city with skyscrapers, a helicopter and cars on the roadway. In general, they are perceived as a team, they are never spoken about separately.

Examples of work by Edgar Müller and Manfred Stader.

Tracey Lee Stam. Truly one of the talented and best street painting artists. To grow artistically, Tracy traveled around Europe, participating in all kinds of festivals. In 2006, her work was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest street painting ever painted. Tracy's work is devoted to biblical themes.

Check out the work of Tracey Lee Stam.

Artists of street painting, which I would like to tell a lot. But they have one goal - art for the people. For money, artists paint only by order of megacities and corporations. And for the soul and for the people, they paint for free, giving society the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and the possible future of painting. And even if such paintings are short-lived, people appreciate and remember that this is creativity for the people.

MBDOU Temnikovsky kindergarten of the combined type "Golden Cockerel"

Drawing with chalk on asphalt.

Prepared and conducted

Tutor Isheeva Lyudmila Vadimovna

"It's true, well, what's there to hide,

Children love, love to draw on paper,

On the pavement, on the wall ... "

On June 1, in our kindergarten, a competition of drawings on asphalt “The long-awaited summer has come” was held.

unconventional drawingis the development of thinking, logic, imagination, memory, attention, speech, fine motor skills, creativity, skills of successful interaction with peers and adults, and, of course, a good mood.

Drawing relieves stress. In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity for full communication with children. Various materials can be used. In the summer we use crayons. Asphalt paths provide unlimited possibilities.

The chalk spoke boastfully:

I wouldn't have been able to!

Not straight, not oval, -

I would draw pictures!

“It’s true, well, what is there to hide, children love, love to draw on paper, on asphalt, on the wall ...”

Who among us did not draw with chalk on asphalt in childhood? Such amazing traces appeared on a gray uneven surface. And so the crayon magically disappeared, leaving only a small colored "stub" in the hand. And the asphalt bloomed with amazing colors, and the yellow sun shone with uneven rays, and a balloon with some strange creatures on board hovered in the blue sky ...

Drawing on the pavement is not only a fun activity while walking. This is both creativity and knowledge of the world around the child. After all, drawing with asphalt crayons is not at all the same as drawing on paper with a pencil or brush. It's a completely different feeling here. But for preschoolers, creativity is not so much a result as a process. And it is not so important, in fact, what pattern will eventually appear on the pavement.

The younger the child, the thicker and longer the crayons should be. It will be convenient for the kid to squeeze a thick chalk in a fist, and he will not hurt the pen on the asphalt. And older children will be more comfortable drawing with small crayons. It is clear that the more colors in the set, the better. So what to draw?

The younger children of our kindergarten drew flowers, butterflies, learned to display dandelion petals and stems. Everyone had their own sun, someone carefully drew a rainbow-arc, and one of the guys “crawled out” a good ladybug to warm up. Here a goldfish is splashing in a puddle, a blue ball is flying in the sky, and your favorite Barbie doll is walking on the street. Even though at first the butterfly or flower turned out to be not quite beautiful, it is important that the child approaches tasks creatively, invents images and is not afraid that he will fail.

For insecure children, I drew various geometric shapes and suggested that they be completed so that they turn into something familiar. For example, a circle. It can be a ball, a ball, a sun, an apple, a wheel, etc.

Older children drew space, nature, still lifes, fairy-tale characters. racing cars, dinosaurs - in a word, what is most attractive to a child at the moment. They felt confident creating their art.

Some children circled different molds for sand, stencils (fruits, animals). This results in beautiful silhouettes that can then be painted over or shaded. This is a great exercise for developing fine motor skills. Such work contributes to the development of creative imagination and imagination of children.

Then everyone looked with interest at the drawings, which, by magic, appeared on the pavement here and there. The children worked very hard to color their drawings neatly. No one was bored, was busy with creativity.And finally, everyone circled his pen and "gave" his greetings to the sun.

When the golden autumn came, the children of our garden collected beautiful leaves that had fallen from various trees, circled them with chalk on the pavement and colored the resulting drawings.

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