Drawing dear mother. How we draw mom so that she recognizes herself


Aphorisms, quotes, statements about mother. Mother's Day drawings

October 20th, 2015 admin

The mother's heart is the deepest abyss, at the bottom of which you will inevitably find forgiveness (O. de Balzac). Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her. Aren't these "golden" words? And these: “Not a single gift to mom will be equal to the gift she gave us - life!”?
I bring to your attention beautiful quotes, sayings and aphorisms about mom.

The art of motherhood is to teach a child the art of life (E. Heffner).
God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers (Jewish proverb).
I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights (T. Guillemets).

There is only one most beautiful child in the world, and every mother has one (Chinese proverb).
Mom is the person who, seeing 4 slices of pie for 5 eaters, will say that she never wanted it (T. Jordan).
Mom will always make us feel like people of a higher class than we really are (J. L. Spalding).

Funny sayings about MOM

The hardest thing for a mom is to accept that other moms have the best kids too.
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For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are one and the same. With the same success one could say that one and the same thing is to have a piano and to be a pianist. (S. Harris)
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You can't stop being a kid as long as you have a mom (S. Jayet)
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If evolution really works, then why do moms still have two arms? (M. Burley)
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Deciding to have a baby is no easy task. It means deciding that your heart will now and forever roam outside your body. (E. Stone)
At first she could not object that the child was not born nervous, then - that the milk did not dry up. Well, then she got used to it. (E. Meek)
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Caring is when you think about others. For example, one woman shot her husband with a bow in order not to wake the children. (I. Ipohorskaya)
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The Milky Way of our life originates from the mother's breast. (L. Sukhorukov)
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One day your daughter will follow your example, not your advice.

Philosophical thoughts, quotes, statements about MOM

The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (D. Brower)
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Children are the anchors that keep a mother alive. (Sophocles)
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The greatest right of a woman is to be a mother. (L. Yutang)
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Mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time disinterested. She doesn't depend on anything. (T. Dreiser)
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Women are so unhappy on the slope of their beauty only because they forget that beauty is replaced by the happiness of motherhood. (P. Lacretel)

And now interesting sayings about children

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (O. Wilde)
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Children are holy and pure. You can not make them a toy of your mood. (A.P. Chekhov)
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Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. (J.Labruyère)
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There is no more solemn anthem on earth than the babble of children's lips. (V. Hugo)
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A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do, and to insist on your own. (P. Coelho)
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A child needs your love the most just when he least deserves it. (E. Bombek)
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The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society. (R. Orben)
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The child who endures less abuse grows up to be a more self-conscious person. (N. Chernyshevsky)
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Young children have much in common with intellectuals. Their noise is annoying; their silence is suspicious. (G. Laub)
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If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Mother's Day drawings

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What can please a beloved mother a child? Any do-it-yourself craft will warm your mother's heart and replenish the piggy bank of pleasant little things that every mother carefully keeps. At the same time, it is not necessary to create masterpieces from expensive and hard-to-reach materials for creativity.

A drawing can also be presented as a gift, especially if it is unusual to arrange it.

Every child and teenager wants to give a beautiful drawing for Mother's Day to his mother. Of these paintings, exhibitions are often held, competitions are created at school and kindergarten. Trying your hand and learning how to draw original paintings with your own hands for novice artists is now as easy as shelling pears. From the proposed master classes with photos, video tips, you can create a real work of art. You can draw images with paints or pencils. How to draw a picture for mom on Mother's Day is described in stages in the proposed master classes for kids, students in grades 3-5 and high school.

Beautiful drawing for Mother's Day with a pencil - step by step with photos and videos for beginners

Making an original Mother's Day pencil drawing for beginners is usually difficult. Therefore, the simplest solution would be to redraw the photo. It is necessary to prepare a beautiful image of a bouquet, including diverse elements. It is easier to depict them without first applying the "framework" with a simple pencil, the work is carried out using only colored pencils.

Materials for the master class "Beautiful bouquet": drawing for Mother's Day for beginners

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • a set of colored pencils for 18 colors;
  • bouquet photo.

Step by Step Pencil Drawing "Beautiful Bouquet" for Mother's Day for Beginners

This master class will tell you how to draw a rose with a simple pencil and how to add shadows correctly in stages:

Step by Step Drawing for Mother's Day - Draw a Card with Flowers Step by Step (For High School)

An original drawing for Mother's Day with paints can be turned into an unusual postcard. For example, draw flowers on the inside spread, and put a beautiful signature on the outside. Such a craft can also be put up for a drawing competition for Mother's Day: an unusual work will help you win.

Materials for a master class on drawing on a postcard "Poppies and daisies"

  • thick paper or double-sided white cardboard;
  • acrylic white, ivory;
  • spatula brush, thin brush;
  • regular pencil;
  • watercolor paints;
  • thin marker.

Bright postcard "Poppies and daisies" for Mother's Day to school in stages

A simple do-it-yourself drawing for Mother's Day with a photo - for students in grades 3-5

The standard theme for Mother's Day is floral arrangements. But for students in grades 3-5, creating a large image is a challenge. Therefore, a small flower branch will be a great alternative to a lush bouquet. Such work can be used for an exhibition of drawings for Mother's Day or for presenting to your beloved mother for her holiday.

DIY materials for the master class "Red Flowers"

  • thick paper A4;
  • mother-of-pearl acrylic paints: green and red;
  • thin brush.

Unusual drawing "Red flowers" for Mother's Day with your own hands - step by step with a photo

Beautiful flowers can be painted with paint in another master class. The attached video allows you to draw bright poppies in just 10 minutes:

Irina Evgenievna Parieva

Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is MOM! This is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world! Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more our love for mother, the more joyful and brighter life.

mother's day across the country

Today they celebrate

One thing in the world is clear to everyone -

We love mom!

And our guys, of course, are also preparing for this holiday, they have prepared for mommies gifts, learned poems, songs, dances.

And, of course, every child drew a portrait of my mother!

We suggest you look at one of the options for creating such portrait.

Before draw mom, ask the children to take a picture of her from home. Let the child look at the photo, highlight the main ones that are characteristic only for his mother traits: face shape, eye, hair color, lipstick color, etc.

Stage 1. Choose colors. Help the children choose the right face paint colors. It's not as easy as it seems! Most often, the desired shade is not included in the set of colors. We mix a shade of ocher, red and white.

Stage 2. Draw a face.

We draw an oval - it must be placed in the center of the sheet. We draw the neck and ears with the same paint. draw details: pupils of the eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, lips.

Stage 3. We draw clothes.

Take a different color and draw a blouse or Mom's favorite dress.

Stage 4. We create a hairstyle.

Let's remember what mom has hair: What color are they. what length, straight or wavy. We select the paper of the right color and the right size (it depends on the size of our drawing and the length of mom's hair). Paper is best to take double-sided.

Cut it into long thin strips (but not completely). With a utility knife, we make an incision in the shape of the head, insert the whole end of the paper and fix it on the back of our drawing. Here's what we have happened:

And now - either leave the strips straight, or twist them with scissors, make the desired length, form the bangs, that is, we convey the features of my mother's hairstyle.

Stage 4. The final touch to mom portrait.

Can draw mom's favorite earrings or beads(or make them from any other material).

We did it by trimming.

Optionally, you can place portrait in such a beautiful frame colors:

Portrait ready! Great gift for mom!

The word "mom" .... Ma-ma ... Mom ... This is the very first word of a little person. Mom is the beloved, the only, unique, most tender, kind and affectionate mother on Earth. This is my mother - every child thinks so. Mom opens this world for us. Her caring hands, her soothing voice, her everyday, invisible, but so necessary for all housework. And how delicious my mom can cook! Just lick your fingers! Mom is always on time. And how does she do it? And we love our mother, simply because she is and she is our mother. Now in this lesson we want to teach you how to draw a mother with a child in her arms in stages with a pencil. The drawing is not easy, in order to get it right, you have to try.

Stage 1. Here we will draw the initial sketch - the primary lines of our future drawing. We draw the lines of the head of both mother and child: ovals of faces, in which we make both vertical lines in the middle and horizontal ones at the level of the eyes and mouth. Then we will show the mother's body with contours: the lines of the back, chest and arms hugging the child by the waist. And for the child, we draw the line of the back and the hand placed on the mother’s shoulder.

Stage 2. Let's start with faces. With a gentle oval we circle the face of the mother and the child. Let's draw an ear for the child.

Stage 3. Now let's draw mom's hair. On top of the forehead we make a parting line and from it on both sides with wavy lines we draw curls that fall on the face and shoulders. In a child (in our case, this is a boy), we also draw hair on the head with a bang. His hair is ear-length.

Stage 4. Let's start with the eyes. On the upper horizontal outline the contours of the eyes, the upper and lower eyelids and detail the cilia.

Stage 6. Now we draw the lines of the noses along the verticals. On the lower horizontal - the lines of the mouth: the upper and lower lips in a smile.

Stage 7. Let's draw the boy's body. He is wearing a shirt. Outline the lines of the shoulder, back, chest and sleeves. Then from the sleeve we draw a line of ruik with fingers. He hugs his mother's shoulder.

Stage 8. And now we show the lines of the mother's body: chest, back and round neckline of the sleeve of the dress.

Stage 9. Let's draw both hands: right and left. The lines of the hands close together at the waist of the baby.

Today we have to become portrait painters, and we will learn how to draw a mother. Yes, yes, exactly our beloved, dear, most beautiful and only person. Our goal will not only be to beautifully portray the mother's face, but also to make it as similar as possible to the original.

Where do we start? We will prepare everything you need to make a drawing for your beloved mother. And these are pencils, paper, a ruler and an eraser.

If you want to make a surprise, well, for example, to, then you can make a portrait, looking at the photo. But it is easier to copy from nature.

So let's take a closer look at Mommy first. Our darling has cheeks and lips, and ears, as well as eyes and beautiful hair. We will try to transfer all this to paper. How to draw a portrait of mom, we will now consider step by step:

  • We make a sketch of the face;
  • We divide the “face” into 3 equal parts;
  • We outline with children eyebrows, mouth, nose and eyes; we carry them out;
  • We work with chiaroscuro;
  • Let's color the picture.
We proceed to make a pencil drawing of my beloved mother in stages.

Making a face sketch

It's simple. Even a child will be able to make an oval, similar to an egg, so that it is narrowed down. The oval drawn by us is not even and accurate enough. But this is not scary. After all, the upper part of it will completely cover the hair.

The main thing is that we had a clearly drawn chin, that is, the lower part of the portrait. You can even circle the oval at the bottom to make the line more accurate.

How to draw a neck? It's easy even for kids. We make it with two curved lines. The neck should be narrower than the width of the oval.
I admit, I'm a little scared to start drawing my beloved mother. I want it not to seem too childish, and so that my dear little man recognizes himself on it.

That is why I act gradually and try to enjoy the process itself. In addition, I think that this is a great way to make a gift for mom and spend time with your baby.

We divide the "face" into three equal parts

First you need to draw one vertical line in the middle in the figure. Then divide 1 line by three perpendicular ones into equal parts.
As you can see, I hesitate for a long time, looking for "beauty". But then I remember that proportions are very important. And their accuracy depends on the reliability and how much the portrait of my mother in pencil will look like my beloved little man.

Confidently draw horizontal lines. It is important to take the time to explain this nuance to the children so that in the future they can correctly draw their mother with a pencil on their own.

We outline and complete the eyebrows, mouth, nose and eyes

If we have a photograph, it is easy to repeat everything we see from it. I draw a drawing of my beloved mother from memory, focusing on the fact that the “subject” is familiar to me.

Above the top line are the eyebrows. And you need to depict them a little wide, not in one stripe. Then they will look more natural. I am helped by my six-year-old kid, who recently went to 1st grade. I completely trust him to do eyebrows, I think his naive childish outlook on things and talent will not let you down.

I take my own lips. They are in the middle between the chin and the bottom line. The upper lip looks a bit like the letter "M", only slightly stretched. The lower one is like a wave: from above, from the point of contact of the lips, down, then again a little up, only smoothly, down and flies up towards the upper lip. The drawing of my beloved mother is already acquiring specific features.

The nostrils are just located on the bottom line. We make the lines of the wings of the nose (opening and closing brackets), then - the nostrils, they are like a wavy line.

The drawing can drag on for a day. But the result is important to us, so it's better not to rush. This is what our presentation looks like now.

To make the portraits of mothers especially believable, you should pay attention to the eyes. Below the top line, draw a line curved downward.

For accuracy, draw dotted lines from the nostrils to the eyebrows. So we find the distance from the eyes to the nose.

From this point we draw an arc over the curved axis, this is the upper eyelid of the eye.

We slightly correct both eyes in accordance with the original.

My assistant will do a great job with the next step! After all, he is a 1st grade student! He's up to it! He gently erases all auxiliary stripes and marks with an eraser.

Children's efforts were not in vain, the picture looks great. Now you need to do your hair. They cover part of the face. We draw a portrait of my mother, and her hair was always shoulder-length and curly.

We work with chiaroscuro

Eyebrows, eyes, lips, nose. We circle everything and make a shadow. So, our picture "comes to life".

The portrait is clearly similar, and now it’s not a bit of a pity that the drawing dragged on for a day.

Something, but in the 1st grade, my student can already cope with colored pencils. Therefore, the last stage - coloring - is completely on my baby. And he does a wonderful job with everything, however, he turns grandmother's brown hair into red. He says that his granny is now golden!

Mom's drawing for Mother's Day is ready. I am sure she will like the picture and she will appreciate our joint work with her beloved granddaughter!

Or other options:

More complex portrait.

How to draw a mother with a child? Step by step guides for toddlers and older kids.

Mom is the main person in the life of every child, and the drawing “about mom” is almost the first drawing of every kid. Probably, it has always been like this, and even in those days when people lived in caves, children led themselves and their mother out with a stick in the sand. Modern kids are also sometimes engaged in “rock painting”, displaying scribbles dear to the heart on the wallpaper. But in this article, we will only describe how to draw a portrait for Mother's Day on paper with pencils.

“Mom, dad, me” is one of the pictures that kids love to draw very much.

How to draw a mother and a child in full growth with a pencil?

The complexity of this task is that everyone's mothers are different, which means that they need to be drawn in different ways. Therefore, we will provide two simple tutorials that explain how to depict people using construction lines. And you, by slightly changing their size and adding details, you can draw yourself and your mother, similar to the real ones.

Drawing mother and daughter in full growth

  • We start drawing with the ovals of the face. Place them in the top third of the paper. On each oval, draw a vertical line - it will indicate the middle of the face and the axis of symmetry. Then draw three more horizontal lines, the first one will be the line of the eyes, the second one will be the line of the tip of the nose, and the third one will be the line of the lips.

  • Start drawing the torsos using geometric shapes. Please note that the mother's body and knees are higher than the daughter's, and the girl's hands end lower than her mother's. It is necessary to draw all these elements exactly as in the sketch, so that the correct proportions are obtained in the final drawing.

  • Create with smooth lines the contours of the arms, legs and the whole body.

  • Start drawing faces. Mom in our drawing has a small forehead, so we draw her eyes above the top line, her nose is also small and short, which means it will end above the second line.

  • We also draw the girl's face. Pay attention to how the facial features of our drawn heroines are located differently relative to the markup.

  • Now it's time to draw the clothes and shoes of mom and daughter. In addition, we still have unfinished hands, we will draw fingers and lines on them.

  • Now it remains to carefully erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser, and the drawing can be decorated.

Drawing "Mom and daughter" is ready!

Children are so unique and ingenious in the visual arts that they can draw their mothers without even relying on complex drawing techniques. Each drawing of a kid is filled with love for his mother, and maybe a little genius does not need adult tips for such creativity.

And here is the mother, who is busy all day working and taking care of the children. Children subtly feel the mother's mood, see how the mother tries to give all her strength for the good of the family and draw a mother who has not two, but many hands.

No need to demand from the kids the perfect observance of the proportions of the body in the figure. After all, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the baby was able to convey his thoughts about his mother on paper.

Queen mother and her children - princess and prince

How to teach a child to draw mom

The following technique is suitable for teaching drawing to the smallest. The kids will surely be able to draw such a picture.

First, draw a mother according to the scheme, as in the figure.

Then we draw a boy.

Parents carefully keep the first drawings of babies “about mother” and years later show these masterpieces to their grown children. Sometimes a whole folder of such drawings is typed, and the more interesting it is to sort through and examine these images on quiet family evenings.

The first drawing "about mom"

How to draw a portrait of mother and child with a pencil?

Those who are good at drawing will be able to draw a variety of portraits of mothers and babies.

And to draw a face with photographic accuracy, we suggest applying the method of redrawing from a photograph to paper. For this:

1. Take a photo and a blank sheet of paper, attach them to each other and hold them up to the light, so that the outlines of the face are visible on the paper.

2. Outline the facial features.

3. We finish the portrait, adding clarity to the lines and applying shadows.

It is easier to draw a mother's face using the diagram in the figure below.

Moms are rarely upset if there is no photographic similarity between the portrait and the mother's face. After all, a portrait made with love and small inaccuracies invariably pleases all mothers who received such a drawing as a gift.

Drawings for children on the theme of mom for sketching

  • Try to draw a slender and beautiful mother and daughter, as in the picture below. Faces will need to be painted.

  • Mothers and children are engaged in a lot of interesting things, for example, playing patties. To draw this, copy the drawing below. If you try a little, finishing the faces and clothes, you can make them look like you.

Drawing for Mother's Day: mother and child play patties
  • What to do if you can’t draw people beautifully so that they look like real people? Stylize your drawing! You can, for example, draw a picture for your mother in the spirit of Japanese anime or the way comics draw.

  • To make your drawing look like Japanese cartoons, draw very large eyes, and make all the lines a little angular.

  • Such drawings with mothers, as in the picture below, also look very beautiful, it seems that their heroes are cartoon characters.

  • Moms often do interesting and not very interesting things: they wash dishes, cook in the kitchen, make something. And in the picture you can depict a mother for some of these cases.

And it will be easier for the smallest to draw a simple picture with few objects.

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