Drawing Puss in boots and a white kitty. How to draw Puss in Boots from Shrek


Hi all! I made today's lesson at the request of our reader Alina Kolmagorova. As you already guessed by the name, we will learn how to draw a Puss in Boots step by step. Before starting, I want to remind you that you can also write to me what lesson to prepare (unless, of course, we don’t have one yet, or you haven’t found it). You can do it here. Let's draw such a handsome man now: Let's get started, sir.

How to draw a puss in boots with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's start with the frame. With simple lines we outline the head, arms, legs and future hat. Step two. We turn to the outline of all the details. Let's start with the head: draw the eyes and nose. Remember that he should look cartoonish, because this is a fairy-tale character, like Luntik. And here it will look like this: Let's move on, step three. Now let's add a feather and a hat. We draw a round tummy and outline the future location of the arms and legs (or paws?). Step four. Further we draw a tail, boots and a real sword! Well, in the final stage, we erase the auxiliary lines, and outline the contours. Here is my Puss in Boots drawing: (if you click on the drawing, it will enlarge!) I also recommend showing.

The miller had three sons, and, dying, he left them only a mill, a donkey and a cat.
The brothers divided their father's property among themselves without a judge and a notary, who would have quickly swallowed all their poor inheritance.
The eldest got the mill. Middle - donkey. And the youngest had to take a cat.

The poor fellow could not console himself for a long time, having received such a miserable share of the inheritance.
“Brothers,” he said, “can honestly earn their living if they only stick together. And what will happen to me after I eat my cat and make a muff out of his skin? Just starve to death!
The cat heard these words, but did not show it, but said calmly and judiciously:
- Do not be sad, master. Give me a bag and order a pair of boots to make it easier to wander through the bushes, and you will see for yourself that you have not been offended as much as you now think.
The owner of the cat himself did not know whether to believe it or not, but he well remembered what tricks the cat used when he hunted rats and mice, how cleverly he pretended to be dead, either hanging on his hind legs, or burrowing almost headlong into flour. Who knows, maybe he really will help in some way in trouble!
As soon as the cat got everything he needed, he quickly put on his shoes, valiantly stamped his feet, threw the bag over his shoulder and, holding it by the laces with his front paws, walked into the reserved forest, where there were many rabbits. And in the bag he had bran and rabbit cabbage.

Stretched out on the grass and pretending to be dead, he began to wait until some inexperienced rabbit, who had not yet had time to experience in his own skin how evil and insidious the world was, would climb into the bag to feast on the treats reserved for him.
He did not have to wait long: some young, trusting simpleton rabbit immediately jumped into his bag. Without thinking twice, the cat tightened the shoelaces, and the stupid rabbit was trapped.
After that, proud of his prey, the cat went straight to the palace and asked to be welcomed by the king. He was taken into the royal chambers.
He gave his majesty a respectful bow and said:
- Your Majesty, here is a rabbit from the forests of the Marquis de Carabas (he invented such a name for his master). My master ordered me to present you with this modest gift.

Thank your master, said the king, and tell him that he has given me great pleasure.
A few days later, the cat went to the field and there, hiding among the ears, again opened his bag.
This time two partridges fell into his trap. He quickly tightened the laces and carried both to the king.
The king willingly accepted this gift and ordered to give the cat for tea.
So two or three months passed. The cat now and then brought game to the king, as if hunted by his master, the Marquis de Carabas.
And then one day the cat found out that the king, together with his daughter, the most beautiful princess in the world, was going to take a carriage ride along the river bank.
The cat immediately ran to his marquis:
Are you willing to take my advice? he asked his master. - In this case, happiness is in our hands. All that is required of you is to go swimming in the river, where I will show you. Leave the rest to me.
The Marquis de Carabas obediently did everything that the cat advised him, although he had no idea what it was for.
While he was bathing, the cat hid the master's dress under a large stone.
Soon the royal carriage drove out to the river bank.
The cat rushed with all his might and screamed at the top of his lungs:
- Here, here! Help! The Marquis de Carabas is drowning!

The king heard this cry, opened the door of the carriage ajar, and, recognizing the cat that had so many times brought him game as a gift, immediately sent his guards to rescue the Marquis de Carabas.
While the poor marquis was being pulled out of the water, the cat managed to tell the king that thieves stole everything from the master while bathing.

The king immediately ordered his courtiers to bring for the Marquis de Carabas one of the best outfits of the royal wardrobe.
The outfit turned out to be both on time and to the face, and since the marquis was already small at least somewhere - handsome and stately, then, having dressed up, he, of course, became even better, and the royal daughter, looking at him, found that he just to her taste.
When the Marquis de Carabas cast two or three glances in her direction, very respectful and at the same time tender, she fell in love with him without memory.
Her father, the young Marquis, also fell in love. The king was very affectionate with him and even invited him to sit in a carriage and take part in a walk.
The cat was delighted that everything was going like clockwork, and merrily ran in front of the carriage.
On the way, he saw peasants cutting hay in the meadow.
“Hey, good people,” he shouted as he ran, “if you don’t tell the king that this meadow belongs to the Marquis de Carabas, you will all be chopped into pieces, like stuffing for a pie!” So know!
Just then the royal carriage drove up, and the king asked, looking out of the window:
- Whose meadow are you mowing?
- Marquis de Carabas! - the mowers answered in one voice, because the cat scared them to death with its threats.
- However, Marquis, you have a glorious estate here! - said the king.
“Yes, sir, this meadow produces excellent hay every year,” the marquis replied modestly.
Meanwhile, the cat ran on and on until he saw reapers working in the field along the way.
“Hey, good people,” he shouted, “if you don’t tell the king that all these breads belong to the Marquis de Carabas, then know that you will all be chopped into pieces, like stuffing for a pie!”
A minute later, the king drove up to the reapers and wanted to know whose fields they were reaping.
“Fields of the Marquis de Carabas,” answered the reapers.
And the king again rejoiced for the marquis.
And the cat kept running forward and ordered everyone who met him to say the same thing: “This is the house of the Marquis de Carabas”, “this is the mill of the Marquis de Carabas”, “this is the garden of the Marquis de Carabas”.
The king could not marvel at the wealth of the young marquis.
And finally, the cat ran to the gates of a beautiful castle. There lived a very rich man-eating giant. No one in the world has ever seen a giant richer than this. All the lands through which the royal carriage passed were in his possession.
The cat found out in advance what kind of giant it was, what his strength was, and asked to be allowed to see the owner. He, they say, cannot and does not want to pass by without paying his respects.
The ogre received him with all the courtesy that an ogre is capable of after a hearty meal, and offered to rest.

I was assured, - said the cat, - that you can turn into any animal. Well, for example, you seem to be able to turn into a lion or an elephant ...
- Can! - barked the giant. - And to prove it, I will immediately become a lion! Look!
The cat was so frightened when he saw a lion in front of him that in an instant he climbed up the drainpipe to the roof, although it was difficult and even dangerous, because it is not so easy to walk on the tiles in boots.
Only when the giant again assumed his former appearance, the cat descended from the roof and confessed to the owner that he almost died of fear.
- And they assured me, - he said, - but I just can’t believe that you seem to be able to turn into even the smallest animals. Well, for example, to become a rat or even a mouse. I must tell you the truth that I think it is absolutely impossible.
- Oh, that's how! Impossible? - asked the giant. - Well, look!
And at the same moment he turned into a mouse. The mouse nimbly ran across the floor, but the cat chased after it and swallowed it at once.

Meanwhile, the king, passing by, noticed a beautiful castle on the way and wished to enter there.
The cat heard the wheels of the royal carriage rattle on the drawbridge, and, running out to meet him, he said to the king:
- Welcome to the castle of the Marquis de Carabas, Your Majesty! Welcome!

How, Mr. Marquis?! exclaimed the king. Is this castle yours too? It is impossible to imagine anything more beautiful than this courtyard and the buildings around. Yes, this is a real palace! Let's see what it's like inside, if you don't mind.
The marquis extended his hand to the beautiful princess and led her after the king, who, as expected, was leading the way.

All three of them entered the great hall, where a magnificent supper was prepared.
Just on this day, the ogre invited his friends to his place, but they did not dare to come, having learned that the king was visiting the castle.
The king was fascinated by the virtues of Monsieur the Marquis de Carabas almost as much as his daughter, who was simply crazy about the Marquis.
In addition, his Majesty could not, of course, but appreciate the wonderful possessions of the marquis and, having drained five or six goblets, said:
- If you want to become my son-in-law, Monsieur Marquis, it depends only on you. And I agree.
The marquis thanked the king with a respectful bow for the honor done to him, and on the same day he married the princess.

And the cat became a nobleman and since then hunted mice only occasionally - for his own pleasure.

This lesson fell into the category of easy, which means that in theory even a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw Puss in Boots. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw Puss in Boots, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing characters from movies, cartoons and stories is much easier than drawing real people and animals. There is no need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them according to special patterns, which must be repeated accurately enough. But if you want, when you draw Puss in Boots, you can always make the eyes a little bigger. This will make it more cartoony.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. that you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

The first thing I want to do now is draw the eyes! And then go to the mouth area and. Add the antennae and fill in the pupils.

Move up and draw the Cat's daring swashbuckling hat. Do not forget about the feather on the hat - this is a distinctive feature of his image. Once you've finished drawing the outlines, add the details as shown in the picture and move down.

Now let's draw the lines of the shoulders, left front paw, chest, waist and abdomen. On the right on the stomach, outline the lines of the right paw.

Draw the guard of the sword - in shape it looks like a saucer. Then draw the blade of the sword. Next, draw a belt with a buckle.

The youngest son of the miller inherited from his father only a cat. Everything else went to the brothers. There was something for the youngest to fall into despair, but only the cat turned out to be not simple, but an extremely enterprising fellow. Thanks to the business acumen and cunning of the cat, his owner got everything a young man could dream of: a title, respect for the king, a castle, wealth and the love of a beautiful princess.

Step 1. This lesson is very simple and each of you will be able to cope with it without much effort. Well then, let's get started! First things first, draw a small circle for the head and add some guide lines for the face, followed by some lines for the body, arms and legs.

Step 2 Now we will draw a fluffy tuft on the head, eyes, cheeks, some lines for the fingers and move on to the next step.

Step 3 So far there are no problems? Great! Then let's continue. Let's finish the ears started earlier and a hat with wide edges. After that, outline the shape of the boots and left hand.

Step 4. At the last stage, we will draw a sword, eyes, mustache, tail; draw boots. And, of course, do not forget to add claws to the right paw. After that, we will delete all the guide lines drawn by us in the first step.

Today we will talk about an interesting character from Shrek. Also, a separate film was dedicated to him. He is very cute, but at the same time extremely dangerous! As you may have guessed from the title, today we will learn how to draw a Puss in Boots.

We will look at three examples of varying difficulty: difficult, medium and easiest. Let's start with the hard one.


So, the first drawing method will show us how to draw a Puss in Boots with a pencil. Therefore, sharpen the rod and be sure to prepare an eraser, without it it will be very difficult.

Our cat will stand in a pose when his sword is extended forward and his free paw is pushed back. Let's sketch a simple sketch, from which we will build on in the future.

Okay, we have a sketch, now we will detail it. We draw a muzzle with eyes similar to the shape of a lemon.

We depict hands, everything is quite easy here. Without pressing hard on the pencil, we will draw auxiliary circles, and then, starting from them, we will depict the hands themselves. Also, at this stage we will draw a handkerchief on his neck.

On one of the hands, draw the pads of the paws and erase all auxiliary and extra lines so that the paws are one with the body.

We put on boots. They should have a lot of folds, so you will have to spend some time to draw them.

The drawing is almost ready and it remains to add small, but no less important, details. We paint on the tail, belt and cloak.

Apply shadows and our drawing is ready! Also, if you wish, you can color it with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Medium difficulty

The second example will show us how to draw a Puss in Boots step by step in seven steps. This drawing is something average in terms of complexity, it is simpler than the previous one, but a little more complicated than the next one.

Let's start with the head and draw its contours with the ears. In order to somehow display the wool, we will make uneven lines under the ears and on the cheeks.

The second step will be drawing the muzzle. Let's depict a broadly smiling mouth, a long mustache and a sharp beard. The eyes will be rendered in the standard way.

Now let's draw the paws raised up. In one of them he will keep his hat. A hat with a feather will probably be one of the most difficult elements to draw.

This step will be simple, draw a long torso. In a place where the contours are slightly uneven, a belt will hang.

We draw the belt and the handle of his sword. Please note that the wool is slightly collected above the belt.

We paint on the shoes and get the finished puss in boots!

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