Motherland NIU Belgorod State National Research University. Belgorod State National Research University

Student of this university: Perhaps this review will be useful to those who doubt whether to enter a regional university or cannot decide to go to another city. I study at the Institute of Economics of the National Research University "BelSU". Initially, she planned another specialty, but her parents insisted on a classical education. In general, the educational process, relationships with teachers, classmates, student life and social infrastructure suit me. As with everything, there are some problems, but they can all be solved with perseverance. Do not expect that in this university they will chew you up and put all the knowledge - you will have to learn a lot on your own. As a plus, there are strong teachers who will not force you to study an uninteresting abstract, but will offer a cool project work, but there are also those who will dictate to you 20 sheets of lectures on a non-core subject, and then they will also force you to reproduce all this at the seminar. It all depends on how you will show yourself and your abilities. No one will demand the impossible. In addition, there are good benefits for research, participation in all sorts of competitions and events (thanks to participation in the public life of the university, when I just got a job in my 4th year, my scholarship was more than my salary!).
For those who love action, there are plenty of activities here: student council, volunteering, media, sports, etc. Student associations are really dofiga, and if you don’t want to spend the bright years of your life at a computer and notes, then there is simply unrealistic scope for activity for you.
Regarding housing and infrastructure: there are 7 dorms, soon there will be 9, but there will not be enough places for everyone, priority is given to distant regions. We rent an apartment for three for 12 thousand. It turns out not very stressful. In the canteen in the building on Studencheskaya you can normally eat up to 100 rubles, in the building on Pobedy, of course, prices are an order of magnitude higher, but the interior of the canteen is much cooler.
I like to go to the swimming pool, sections are free for students. There are also many sports. The only thing is that the schedule of sections is not always convenient, but if you don’t even have time for a section, then the price of a pool or a gym is 30-50 rubles, for Belgorod it’s generally for nothing.
In short, if you are considering Belgorod for admission, then pay attention to BelSU. By the way, there will be no problems with work (again, if you don’t sit in one place and wait for a good uncle to offer you a job), here you can agree on a free visit and not go to couples to work, or personally with teachers talk, then bring an essay or tasks for credit, and you will be set normally. Exams are more difficult, but learning 50 tickets, especially if you work in your specialty and have something to tell, is garbage. Of course, the salary is not always happy, but I did it :)
Now I work not in my specialty, but in the future I plan to develop in marketing. All the best))

Belgorod State National Research University- one of the oldest universities in Belgorod, the largest university in the Belgorod region.

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    The history of the Belgorod State National Research University is closely connected with the history of teacher education in Russia. The reforms of the 60s of the XIX century contributed to the acceleration of the development of the economy, trade, military affairs and led to an increase in the number of educational institutions. Since 1872, secondary specialized educational institutions - teacher's institutes - began to be created.

    In September 1876, in the county town of Belgorod, by order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, a teacher's institute was opened - the ninth in a row in Russia. From this moment begins a difficult but interesting path of the university.

    From a teacher's institute in 1919, during the reorganization, it was transformed into a pedagogical one, then again becomes a teacher's one.

    In 1923, a decision was made to transform it into a pedagogical technical school.

    In 1939 it was transformed into the Belgorod Teachers' Institute.

    The 140-year history of the Belgorod State National Research University is inextricably linked with a whole era in Russian education. The reforms of the 60s of the 19th century contributed to the development of the entire education system in Russia. On May 31, 1872, the "Regulations on Teachers' Institutes" signed by Alexander II was published. And in the seventies, the first teacher's institutes began to open in different cities of the country.

    The Belgorod Teachers' Institute, which opened in 1876, became the ninth teacher's institute in our country.

    Symbols of BelSU


    On the site of another educational and social complex, there are classrooms, scientific laboratories, a distance learning center, five dormitories, the Burevestnik sports complex, the Center for preclinical and clinical studies, and the BelSU polyclinic. The educational buildings of this complex are intended mainly for those who have decided to connect their lives with the school (teachers of Russian and foreign languages, physics and mathematics, history, primary school and fine arts, physical education teachers, speech therapists, psychologists). But students are also trained in "academic" options for specialties.

    Today, 25 thousand students from 85 regions of Russia and 76 countries of the world study at BelSU. The university trains specialists, bachelors and masters in 180 areas of training and specialties, and also conducts training in 26 areas of training and 80 postgraduate and doctoral educational programs. NRU "BelSU" has 12 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses. Fundamental and applied research is being carried out in 50 areas. The university has 9 educational and scientific innovative complexes; 50 research centers and laboratories, including:

    At the Youth Cultural Center of the National Research University "BelSU" there are 16 student groups of amateur performances.
    The corporate library system of NRU "BelSU" is 11 reading rooms (including three rooms with open access to the fund), 9 subscriptions, more than 1.23 million copies in the fund.

    The university has 9 museums (Museum of the History of the National Research University "BelSU"; forensic science, zoological, forensic medical examination, the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of International Studies, the library-museum of N. Strakhov, geological and mineralogical); Polyclinic of NRU "BelGU"; equestrian school; Botanical Garden; health-improving complex "Nezhegol".
    The Botanical Garden is a unique educational, scientific, sociocultural and natural object. The garden collection includes over 2.5 thousand species and varieties. The area of ​​the garden is 71 hectares.

    Educational and sports complex of BelSU Svetlana Khorkina. The building of the complex with a total area of ​​36.7 thousand square meters houses: a 50-meter swimming pool with springboards and towers (up to 10 meters high), an athletics arena, a universal game room, a chess club led by grandmaster Alexander Ivanov, gyms, gyms, halls for table tennis, choreography and aerobics. On the site at st. Student sports complex "Petrel" is located.

    Rating of universities of the CIS countries, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia by the Interfax information group with the participation of the British company QS and the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation position 40+ among 405 universities (2014)

    Webometric ranking of Russian universities by the Cybermetrics research group, position 19 among 1197 universities of the Russian Federation and position 1766 among 15,000 universities in the world (2014)
    Rating of the best universities in Russia by the Interfax information group in the direction of Life Sciences / Life Sciences (2014) position 10 in terms of conditions for technological entrepreneurship; position 17 for scientific research

    The university took 34th place in the ranking of one hundred Russian universities that provide the best training for journalists in the country. The list was prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The rating was based on a survey of employers - managers of more than 110 leading Russian media. The selection of universities for inclusion in the list was made on the basis of the average USE score of students enrolled in the relevant specialties in 2014. The indicator of NRU "BelSU" was 20.4 points. For comparison, the maximum results at the Lomonosov Moscow State University - 90.7 points, St. Petersburg University - 69.5 and - 56.1 points. If we evaluate the nearest alternatives, then Voronezh State University took 18th place (27.3 points), Yelets State University - 38th (19.5), and Kursk State University - 72nd (15.2).

    Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov

    The Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov is one of the oldest university libraries in the Belgorod region. The history of the library began with the opening of the Teachers' Institute in 1876.

    The library is the central library of the University's Corporate Library System. Today, the fund of the University's Corporate Library System has more than 1.23 million items. The service system includes 11 reading rooms (including 3 rooms for open access to the fund), 9 subscriptions.

    Since 2002, the Scientific Library has been a member of the Russian Library Association (RBA) Russian Library Association.

    Since 2003, the library has been a member of the Non-Commercial Partnership "Association of Regional Library Consortiums" (ARBICON) and a member of the Border Belarusian-Russian-Ukrainian University Consortium.

    In 2008, the "Belgorod Declaration on open access to scientific knowledge and cultural heritage in the university space of the border regions of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine" and an action plan for its implementation were adopted. The Belgorod Declaration ranks among other international initiatives for open access to scientific and humanitarian knowledge (Budapest Initiative, Berlin Declaration, etc.).

    In 2009, an open-access electronic archive of scientific publications of university scientists was created - the third among Russian universities.

    In 2009, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov, a Russian philosopher, literary critic, translator and publisher, librarian of the Imperial Public Library, a native of Belgorod, was opened.

    In 2010, with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, an electronic collection "Archive of the Epoch" was formed, reflecting the activities of N. N. Strakhov. In 2011, following the results of the implementation of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art, by the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the library was named after Nikolay Nikolaevich Strakhov.

    In 2013, the ISSN International Center assigned an international standard number for periodicals to the open access electronic archive (ISSN: 2310-7529) as a continuously growing database among the first six Russian academic open access repositories.

    In 2014, the electronic reading room of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library was opened.

    At the beginning of 2015, the NRU "BelSU" open access electronic archive took second place among 21 Russian academic open access repositories in the Webometrics international university ranking.

    The library conducts humanitarian and educational activities aimed at the spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, cultural and aesthetic education of young people, legal education, and the formation of readers' attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.

    Faculties and institutes of NRU "BelSU"

      • legal institute
      • Pedagogical Institute
        • Faculty of Physical Education
        • Faculty of Early Childhood, Primary and Special Education
        • Faculty of History and Philology
        • Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education
        • Faculty of Foreign Languages
        • Psychology faculty
      • Medical Institute
        • Medical College
        • Center for Additional Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education
      • Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations
        • Faculty preparatory
      • Institute of Management
        • Graduate School of Management
      • Institute of Economics
      • Institute of Engineering Technology and Natural Sciences
      • Faculty of Mining and Nature Management
      • Faculty of Journalism
      • Faculty of socio-theological

    BelSU Medical College

    BelSU Medical College - one of the oldest colleges in Russia - traces its history back to 1932, when a medical college was opened in Belgorod by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars. It was located in a pre-revolutionary merchant's house on the site of a modern building [ ] . In 1935, the technical school was reorganized into a feldsher-obstetric school. In 1954, by order of the Minister of Health of the USSR, the feldsher-obstetric school was transformed into a medical school. In 1992, the school received the status of a medical college. In 1997, the college became a structural subdivision of the Belgorod State University.

    Students study in the following specialties: General Medicine, Obstetrics, Nursing, Preventive Dentistry, Pharmacy, Laboratory Diagnostics.


    Alekseevsky branch of BelSU (now Alekseevsky branch of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "Belgorod State National Research University" (AF NRU "BelSU")) in the city of Alekseyevka, Belgorod Region, was opened in 1999 in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation Federation. The branch in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region, was established in 1999 by the Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. It is the successor of the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1866-1917), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1917-1941), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical University (1941-1954), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1954-1999)

    Scientific divisions

    In 2004 BelSU announced a competition for the formation of new scientific divisions of the university. As a result of the competition, a project of a scientific group headed by Professor Yu. R. Kolobov from the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tomsk) was supported to create a Center for Nanostructural Materials and Nanotechnologies (NSMN Center) of BelSU. In 2005, a scientific group of 9 people, by agreement between the leaders of the academic and university organizations (in order of transfer), began work at Belgorod State University.

    The main directions of applied research of the Center:

    • development of technological processes and equipment for obtaining bulk metallic nanostructured materials for use in medicine and technology.
    • development in clinical practice of bioinert and bioactive implants for use in traumatology, orthopedics, dentistry and cardiac surgery.
    • development of a technological process and equipment for the synthesis of nano-hydroxylapatite for use in therapeutic and prophylactic preparations in dentistry and for applying biactive coatings to surgical, dental and orthopedic implants.

    In 2007, BelSU became one of the winning universities in the competitive selection of educational institutions of higher professional education that implement innovative educational programs. This victory allowed the university to take the position of a regional center for innovative development in the field of materials science and nanotechnology, increase the research activity of university scientists and bring their developments to the industrial level. Among the priority areas of science at the university are: nanotechnologies, geoinformation systems, information and telecommunication technologies, distance learning technologies and health care. Scientists who returned to Russia from Japan, Germany, and Poland work in the scientific divisions of BelSU.

    equestrian school

    The equestrian school is a structural subdivision of the NRU "BelSU". Its activities are inextricably linked with the development of equestrian sports in the Belgorod region, with the popularization of horse riding, with work aimed at implementing programs for equestrian tourism, cultural leisure activities, rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled children, health promotion, development and formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality . Today, the complex has two modern stables for 40 horses, garages for vehicles and warehouses with a total area of ​​700m², a hangar for storing feed. Pets KSSh, horses - graceful handsome men of different breeds: Trakehner, Hanoverian, Terek, thoroughbred riding, Arabian, Oryol and Russian trotting, Ukrainian, Akhal-Teke, Russian riding and crossbreeds work in tandem with both beginners and already professional riders.

    (in the direction of "Nanotechnology"). The essence of the project is to create a single Eurasian educational space that unites the universities of China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

    BelSU is included in the number of universities participating in the Presidential Program for the promotion and dissemination of the Russian language in the Ibero-American region.

    Currently, BelSU cooperates within the framework of bilateral agreements with 170 foreign universities and scientific organizations in Germany, the USA, Italy, Finland, China, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

    There are 16 joint educational programs with leading universities in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the United States, including programs that provide for obtaining two diplomas.

    Joint research programs are being implemented with leading foreign universities and research centers. Foreign teachers teach at the university. Scientists of NRU "BelSU" conduct scientific and teaching activities abroad.

    Irina Kurbaevskaya 07/09/2013 19:25

    To begin with, I entered my university the second time. In the first year, I was not lucky. in schools there was a double graduation and, as a result, twice as many applicants, the passing score for my faculty was very high. I will say in my defense that I lacked only three points. The second time was successful. There were much fewer applicants and the passing score was lowered.

    And now I am a student of Belgorod State University. There were twenty of us in the group. Eighteen girls and only two boys, but by the end of the first year there were only twelve of us left, and yes, only one guy. Our university is large - ten thousand students. I will not say that the university is particularly popular, in recent years there have been fewer and fewer applicants. However, our university has one big plus - these are specialties that are unique in their kind, i.е. only our university trains specialists in this direction.

    The organization of the educational process was quite acceptable. Couples started at nine in the morning, a maximum of four couples. The couple lasted an hour and twenty, without a break, which I think is much more convenient. I would especially like to note our dining room. for the student, the canteen is the main place in the university. They fed us excellently, the choice is like in a restaurant, and the prices are infinitely pleasing.

    The teaching staff was terrible. All the teachers were immediately hostile, they tried to force us to pick up the documents, and one person almost threw books at us. For a first year student, it was terrible. There were tears, and screams, and tantrums.

    There was no student life as such. We were not lucky, our faculty was far from the main building, and we never attended the holidays and events organized by the student activists. In our building there was always silence and no movement. We learned about all the events, concerts, seminars only after a week. It was hell for me, I felt like I was turning into a vegetable.

    In defense of my university, I want to say that we have no corruption. No one has ever taken bribes. I heard that they offered, but our teachers firmly held the defense and did not agree.

    In my specialty, I have to work because. I studied at the expense of the budget, but I hate my job and dream of escaping as soon as possible. I realized that after the first failure, I had to choose another university and another specialty.

    And finally, I want to give advice to future students. Guys, please, choose your future profession consciously, yourself, choose what you really want to do, do not listen to anyone, not friends, not relatives, only yourself.

    Sergey Maslov 19.05.2013 22:25

    National Research University Belgorod State University - Research Institute BelSU Belgorod

    Surprisingly, BelSU, especially the so-called. the new building is popular among the townsfolk - a lot of money was invested in the improvement, so the university itself and the surrounding area turned out to be the main and most beautiful sight of the city, where it is very pleasant to spend time. BelSU as a place of study is very popular in the region, although recently it has had quite a lot of competition from branches of nonresident universities, including Moscow ones. The Technological Academy is also in serious competition. I heard such an opinion that the quality of education there is higher. studied only at BelSU.

    Entering a prestigious faculty "without blat" is quite difficult, but real. I entered although of course I had to sweat and cram.

    The competition for a place is different - depending on the faculty - it’s getting harder to get to the fashionable ones, especially to the free department every year, while others, on the contrary, are barely recruiting and even trying to lure applicants and students from other faculties.

    For a regional university, the university has a very large building scattered over several districts of the city, and still there are a lot of students, most of them are visitors, including students from distant countries in the area near the university dormitories, you can meet students of various nationalities.

    In groups, on average, 25-35 people, depending on the faculty. The university buildings themselves are big people, but the organization was approached correctly and there are almost no flea markets and traffic jams. True, at first, confusion in the many corridors is inevitable. As for the organization of the educational process, there is still work to be done. Teachers, mostly of 2 generations, are young only because of their desks or those who will not be retired in any way, there are pluses in this, but there are more minuses, since the average training of teachers suffers. Often, instead of teachers, lectures are given by senior students, at best, graduate students, and they do this almost illegally. Teaching hours go to professors and others.

    Gatherings of trade unions and so on are mostly forcibly ostentatious in the best Soviet traditions; instead of classes, students are "driven" to various kinds of extras and conferences. But we must pay tribute to there are health facilities and vouchers, including abroad, but of course there are not enough of them for everyone, you understand.

    A lot of window dressing, however, we have it everywhere.

    Unfortunately, the business of “selling tickets” for a test (exam) is flourishing and some teachers are so insolent that they demand that all students donate “on books”, “on paper” or even “on a teapot” for the department, regardless of whether the student knows subject or not. Plus, a legal tax on all students “purchasing university products” - if you think that a research institution publishes and forcibly sells books in order to increase the education of students, then you are mistaken professors and associate professors distribute sweets, T-shirts, caps and other consumer goods with the alma logo mater.

    They help to find a job after graduation, but not for everyone and in different ways - they can offer a deliberately unacceptable vacancy in Tmutarakan. A lot of people who have received a diploma do not work in their specialty, but at best in a related field, and even then this is a rarity, a diploma of higher education is often required for show. Well, in this case, the checkmark will be bold. The university, despite its shortcomings, is still prestigious in our region.

    Elizabeth Borovenskaya 04/29/2013 14:52

    I am a student of the Belgorod National Research University (NRU BelGU) in the city of Belgorod. This is one of the largest universities in Russia, where more than 30 thousand people study. It also ranks 64th in the Top 100 Russian Universities. We have quite a lot of international students. Before entering BelSU, I was very worried that they would not accept me, but, as it turned out, in vain. In 2009, when I entered, there was a shortage of students in almost all faculties, so everyone was accepted on a paid basis. If we talk about studying on a budgetary basis, then the competition was on average 5 people per place when I entered. More up-to-date data can be found on the official website of the university. NRU BelGU is one of the two largest universities in the city. He constantly competes with the Belgorod State Technological University. Shukhov. Of course, if it comes to technical specialties, then at BSTU. Shukhov is better trained, but there are no humanitarian specialties. Bribes at NRU BelGU are monitored very strictly. In many faculties, it is impossible to buy an exam. Although, as they say, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Business and Service, and the Faculty of Physical Education are the exception. At the same time, for example, at the Faculty of Medicine, at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology, one should not try to bribe a teacher. It is difficult to judge the teaching staff. Of course, as elsewhere, there are favorite teachers, and not so much. As for student life at the university, we organize competitions of KVN teams between faculties, Miss BelGu is chosen every year, in May the entire university goes to the Nezhigol natural park for one day, where all students celebrate health day.

    Belgorod State National Research University- one of the oldest universities in Belgorod, the largest university in the Belgorod region.


    In September 1876 in the county town of Belgorod, by order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, a teacher's institute was opened, the ninth in Russia.

    June 4 1919 he became the Belgorod Pedagogical Institute, and in 1920 - the Belgorod Institute of Public Education.

    IN 1923 a decision was made to transform it into a pedagogical college.

    IN 1939 The technical school again became the Belgorod Teachers' Institute.

    IN 1941 The Institute temporarily ceased its activities due to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In 1944, when the Nazi invaders were expelled from the territory of the USSR, the institute resumed its work in the city of Stary Oskol, since Belgorod was destroyed.

    21st of June 1954 The Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute was reorganized into the Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute.

    IN 1957 the university returns to Belgorod and is located in a building on the street. Communist (today it is the building of the socio-theological faculty, Preobrazhenskaya St., 78).

    IN 1966 Institute transferred to a new educational complex on the street. Zhdanov (Studencheskaya St., 14).

    IN 1994 Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute was transformed into a Pedagogical University.

    In July 1996, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the university becomes Belgorod State University.

    The logo of NRU "BelSU" includes the emblem of the university and the name of the university in Russian and English.

    University today

    NRU "BelSU" is a university with a developed infrastructure:

    • about 23 thousand students from all regions of Russia;
    • more than 2.8 thousand foreign students from 91 countries of the world;
    • over 5 thousand graduates annually;
    • 20 joint educational programs with leading universities in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region;
    • 6 educational programs for the training of specialists and masters are implemented in English;
    • more than 160 agreements on interuniversity cooperation;
    • 14 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
    • about 1100 doctors and candidates of sciences,
    • 7 institutes and 3 faculties that are not part of the institutes, 2 colleges, Starooskolsky branch;
    • more than 600 enterprises that are practice bases;
    • 105 departments, 24 of which are basic;
    • 180 areas of training for bachelor's, master's and specialist's degrees;
    • about 300 additional professional advanced training and retraining programs
    • 3 educational programs have the European quality mark EUR-ACE® (Accreditation of European Engineering Programs);
    • The quality management system of NRU "BelSU" is recognized as partners of 55 IQNet countries (USA, France, Belgium, Portugal, China, Germany, Korea, Austria, etc.)
    • 19 dissertation councils in 12 branches of science;
    • 54 scientific areas of fundamental and applied research, of which:
      • 24 areas of social and humanitarian profile,
      • 30 - technical and natural science profile;
    • 2 officially registered scientific schools;
    • 55 scientific centers and laboratories;
    • 2 centers for collective use of high-tech equipment;
    • Technopark "High Technologies" of BelSU with a business incubator;
    • regional center of intellectual property;
    • Regional Microbiological Center of National Research University "BelSU";
    • Research Institute of Pharmacology of Living Systems
    • Engineering Center with Engineering School;
    • 44 small innovative enterprises;
    • 25 areas of training in 66 programs for training highly qualified personnel (postgraduate studies);
    • Students' Union, uniting 22 student associations;
    • Youth Cultural Center, which includes 17 student groups of amateur performances;
    • Corporate library system of National Research University "BelSU":
      • 10 reading rooms,
      • 8 subscriptions,
      • 1.324 million copies in the fund;
    • over 4,000 computers, 72 computer classes (BelSU with a branch and a medical college);
    • 22 educational buildings with a total area of ​​242,601 sq.m., taking into account the branch;
    • 7 student hostels;
    • University Church of the Archangel Gabriel;
    • Polyclinic of NRU "BelGU";
    • Pharmacy with production;
    • Publishing house "Belgorod";
    • Health complex "Nezhegol";
    • 4 museums (Museum of the History of the University, Zoological Museum, Geological and Mineralogical Museum, Library-Museum of N.N. Strakhov);
    • equestrian school;
    • Educational and sports complex of Svetlana Khorkina.

    In 2009, BelSU became the base university of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the direction of "nanotechnology".

    In 2010, BelSU, the only university not only in the Belgorod region, but also in the entire Central Federal District (with the exception of metropolitan universities), received the status of a National Research University.

    In 2012, NRU "BelSU" entered the top 30 universities of the country as a result of a study of 103 state universities in Russia and about 500 branches.

    In June 2012, the university rose to 13th position (from 51st in 2011) in the ranking of 60 universities participating in the Federal Scholarship Program of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation.

    In 2013, the number of new scientific laboratories of NRU "BelSU", created, including under the guidance or with the participation of academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, reached 10.

    In 2013, the 6th dormitory of the National Research University "BelSU" was built for 1000 places.

    In 2014, NRU "BelSU" entered the international ranking of universities in the BRICS countries together with QS in the TOP-200 (151 positions).

    In 2015, NRU "BelSU" entered the top 150 universities in developing Europe and Central Asia in the ranking of the British company QS Quacquarelli Symonds: position 141-150 (QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia -2015), in the webometric ranking of the Spanish company Cybermetrics (Webometrics Ranking of World Universities) NRU "BelSU" is among the top 2000 universities in the world: 1757 position among 15000 international participants and 18 position among 1531 Russian universities and scientific organizations.

    In 2016, NRU "BelSU" entered the TOP-20 of the National University Ranking prepared by the international group "Interfax", taking 19th place among the best Russian universities, in 2017 NRU "BelSU" rose to 18th position in this ranking.

    In 2017, the university formed the fourth priority scientific direction of the humanitarian profile (PNR 4) "Man, Society, Science: Problems and Development Prospects". NRU "BelSU" joined the consortium of Russian education exporting universities, which aims to provide a single innovative Russian platform to increase the growth rate of education exports. BelSU was included in the list of 19 universities and four scientific organizations that have the right to independently award candidate and doctoral degrees, as well as create dissertation councils and establish their powers. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2017 No. 1206 "On Federal Innovation Sites", NRU "BelSU" was included in the list of FIP on the subject of the project: "Formation of a new quality of training highly qualified personnel in the context of implementing the development strategy of the university as a center of innovative, technological and social development region".


    Main building of Belgorod State University

    Belgorod State University in winter

    In 2017, BelSU took the position of 76-100 in one of the main world rankings - the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ARWU) in the subject category - "Metallurgy" in the "Physical Sciences" section. The university was immediately among the four Russian universities included in the TOP-100 of this ranking. “Metallurgy” is one of 52 subject categories, up to 500 universities are ranked in it, but only 200 entered the final ranking. In addition to BelSU, this includes MISIS, Tomsk State University, Ufa Aviation Technical University and Moscow State University. The best universities are determined based on five criteria: the productivity of scientific activity, citation index, international cooperation, the number of publications in the best journals, the presence of international awards and prizes. In total, 1409 universities of the world made it to the final part of the ranking. 12 Russian universities entered this ranking in 2017 for the first time. Among them is National Research University "BelSU".

    In 2016, BelSU was ranked 19th among 238 Russian universities in the National Ranking of Universities (NRU) by the Interfax International Information Group, 17th in the “Research” direction and 21st in the “Educational activity” direction.

    In 2017, according to the results of the VIII annual National University Ranking (NRU) of the Interfax International Information Group, BelSU entered the TOP-20 best universities in Russia, taking 19th position among 265 leading universities in Russia.

    In the "Expert RA" rating in 2016, the university took 59th and 37th among the best universities in Russia with a high reputation in the field of "Economic and managerial areas". In 2017, NRU "BelSU" retained the 59th position in this rating.

    In 2017 NRU "BelSU" entered the TOP-100 of one of the main world rankings - the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ARWU), taking 76-100 position in the subject category "Metallurgy" in the "Physical Sciences" section.

    At the end of 2017 According to the results of monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of the universities subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science, NRU "BelSU" entered the top 20 universities in Russia.

    New building of Belgorod State University. year 2009.

    Faculties and institutes of NRU "BelSU"

    BelSU is a multidisciplinary scientific and educational complex, which includes 7 institutes and 4 separate faculties, a Medical College and 1 branch.

    – Pedagogical Institute:

    Faculty of Physical Education

    Faculty of Early Childhood, Primary and Special Education

    Faculty of History and Philology

    Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education

    Faculty of Foreign Languages

    Psychology faculty

    – Law Institute

    – Medical Institute:

    Medical College

    Center for Additional Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education

    – Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations:

    Faculty preparatory

    - Institute of Management:

    Graduate School of Management

    – Institute of Economics

    – Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences

    Faculty of Mining and Nature Management

    Faculty of Journalism

    Socio-theological faculty named after Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov)

    Faculty of secondary vocational education

    BelSU Medical College

    BelSU Medical College - one of the oldest colleges in Russia - dates back to 1932, when a medical college was opened in Belgorod by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars. It was located in a pre-revolutionary merchant's house on the site of a modern building [[[Wikipedia:Links to sources| source unspecified 1983 days]]] . In 1935, the technical school was reorganized into a feldsher-obstetric school. In 1954, by order of the Minister of Health of the USSR, the feldsher-obstetric school was transformed into a medical school. In 1992, the school received the status of a medical college. In 1997, the college became a structural subdivision of the Belgorod State University. In 2017, the BelSU Medical College celebrated its 85th anniversary.

    Students study in the following areas: General Medicine, Obstetrics, Nursing, Preventive Dentistry, Orthopedic Dentistry, Pharmacy, Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical Massage.


    The Stary Oskol branch of the NRU BelSU is located in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region. It was the successor of the Stary Oskol Teachers' Institute (1866-1917), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1917-1941), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical University (1941-1954), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1954-1999).

    Scientific and innovative activity

    The most important activity of BelSU is science. The university has a powerful research and innovation infrastructure. This 55 research centers and laboratories, including 2 centers for the collective use of scientific equipment; Engineering center "Pharmaceutical and medical industry"; Regional microbiological center; Technopark "High Technologies of BelSU" with a business incubator; Center for preclinical and clinical research. 45 small innovative enterprises have been created. Scientists who returned to Russia from Japan, Germany, and Poland work in the scientific divisions of BelSU.

    University scientists conduct fundamental and applied research in 54 scientific areas: including physics, mathematics, IT technologies, photonics, mechatronics, materials science and nanotechnology, radiation physics, biotechnology and microbiology, chemistry, geology and mining, ecology, geography , geoecology, biology, medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology, molecular genetics, genomic selection, economics, law, history, linguistics, philology, journalism, theology, cultural studies, political science, sociology and social technologies, management, psychology, pedagogy, etc., and also in the field of interdisciplinary research.

    In partnership with high-tech companies, BelSU conducts developments in the field of vision systems, IT technologies, biocompatible coatings for medical applications, technologies for strengthening critical parts made of aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys, high vacuum equipment and others.

    Over the past 10 years, more than 5,000 research projects have been implemented at NRU "BelSU", including 5 projects under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 218, the annual volume of research and development work has doubled, the volume of contractual work - 4 times. Over the past three years, the total volume of R&D performed at the university amounted to about 3 billion rubles.

    The international cooperation

    NRU "BelSU" ranks 7th in Russia in terms of the number of foreign students, more than 2,500 students and postgraduates from 80 countries of the world study here.

    Being the base university of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization since 2009, BelSU develops relevant scientific areas. In 2017, five areas are being implemented: "Nanotechnologies"; "Regional studies"; "Ecology"; "Economy"; "Pedagogy".

    In 2015, the NRU "BelSU" hosted the IX week of education of the SCO member states "Education without Borders". In 2016-2017, the university hosted the International Youth Forums of SCO Universities.

    BelSU is included in the number of universities participating in the Presidential Program for the promotion and dissemination of the Russian language in the Ibero-American region.

    Currently, BelSU cooperates within the framework of bilateral agreements with 160 foreign universities and scientific organizations in Germany, the USA, Italy, Finland, China, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. There are 18 joint educational programs with leading universities in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, 10 of them provide for obtaining two diplomas. As part of academic exchange programs, students study at foreign partner universities (the Netherlands, Germany, France, Serbia, Poland, China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia). Educational programs of the specialist and magistracy are taught in English.

    National Research University "BelSU" - member of the Erasmus+ program with universities in the Netherlands, Germany and Bulgaria. Since 2016, BelSU has received the right to issue a pan-European Diploma Supplement, which ensures the recognition of the level of education and qualifications of NRU "BelSU" graduates by potential foreign educational institutions and employers. It is an official document developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.

    The university implements joint research programs with leading foreign universities and research centers. Foreign teachers teach at the university. Scientists of NRU "BelSU" conduct scientific and teaching activities abroad.

    Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov

    The Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov is one of the oldest university libraries in the Belgorod region. The history of the library began with the opening of the Teachers' Institute in 1876.

    The library is the central library of the University's Corporate Library System. Today, the fund of the University's Corporate Library System has more than 1.26 million items. The service system includes 10 reading rooms (including 3 rooms for open access to the fund), 8 subscriptions. In the reading rooms automated workplaces for persons with disabilities and disabled people are organized.

    Since 2002, the Scientific Library has been a member of the Russian Library Association (RBA) Russian Library Association.

    Since 2003, the library has been a member of the Non-Commercial Partnership "Association of Regional Library Consortiums" (ARBICON).

    In 2008, the Belgorod Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge and Cultural Heritage was adopted. The Belgorod Declaration is on a par with other international initiatives for open access to scientific and humanitarian knowledge (Budapest Initiative, Berlin Declaration, etc.).

    In 2009, an open-access electronic archive of scientific publications of university scientists was created - the third among Russian universities.

    In 2009, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov, a Russian philosopher, literary critic, translator and publisher, librarian of the Imperial Public Library, a native of Belgorod, was opened.

    In 2010, with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, an electronic collection "Archive of the Epoch" was formed, reflecting the activities of N. N. Strakhov.

    In 2011, following the results of the implementation of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art, the library was named after Nikolay Nikolaevich Strakhov by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.

    In 2013, the ISSN International Center assigned an international standard number for periodicals to the open access electronic archive (ISSN: 2310-7529) as a continuously growing database among the first six Russian academic open access repositories.

    In 2014, the electronic reading room of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library was opened.

    In 2016, the Belgorod Declaration on open access to scientific knowledge and cultural heritage in the scientific and educational space was developed for Russian partner universities. At present, the heads of 23 Russian universities have signed the Declaration.

    On the basis of the reading room of scientific literature, the Center for Intercultural Communication was created, which helps to meet the information needs of students on issues of humanistic interethnic relations, ethnic tolerance, countering extremist activities.

    The library conducts humanitarian and educational activities aimed at the spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, cultural and aesthetic education of young people, legal education, and the formation of readers' attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.

    Library-Museum of N. N. Strakhov

    In 2009, on the initiative of scientists from the Belgorod State National Research University and with the active participation of the Scientific Library of the university, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov, a Russian philosopher, literary critic, translator and publisher, librarian of the Imperial Public Library, a native of Belgorod, was opened.

    In 2010, with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, an electronic collection "Archive of the Epoch" was formed, reflecting the activities of N. N. Strakhov. The collection consists of modern and rare editions of the works of N. N. Strakhov, his contemporaries, works of domestic and foreign researchers of the philosopher's work.

    In 2011, following the results of the implementation of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art, by the decision of the Academic Council of the National Research University "BelSU", the Scientific Library was named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov.

    In 2011, the Scientific Library named after. N. N. Strakhov National Research University "BelSU" together with Professor E. A. Antonov prepared and published a bibliographic index "Nikolai Nikolayevich Strakhov: Philosopher, Literary Critic, Translator" (about 800 sources).

    In 2016, with the participation of Professor E. A. Antonov, Professor P. A. Olkhov and Associate Professor E. N. Motovnikova, the second, supplemented, edition of the index “Nikolai Nikolayevich Strakhov: Philosopher, Literary Critic, Translator” was published. Today - this is the most complete list of published works of the outstanding Russian philosopher and literature about him (over 900 sources).

    NRU "BelSU" is the initiator of regular scientific conferences and Strahov readings dedicated to the work of N. N. Strakhov. For twenty years, university scientists have been actively engaged in research work in the field of studying the heritage of N. N. Strakhov. Successfully implemented grants from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RHF) have become a recognition of the relevance and form of effective support for the problems of research related to the legacy of N. N. Strakhov.

    Cooperation has been established with the national libraries of Russia (RSL, RNL), libraries of the Institute of World Literature (IMLI RAS), Institute of Philosophy (IPh RAS), scientific libraries of St. Petersburg State University, University of Brno (Czech Republic), Suzhou University (China).

    On the basis of the library-museum, the literary and philosophical club “On Wednesdays at Strakhov’s”, created on the initiative of the scientists of the National Research University “BelGU”, operates, excursions, exhibitions and other cultural and educational events are held. Students, teachers, cultural figures take an active part in the activities of the club. Currently, work is underway to organize a card index of N. N. Strakhov's personal library.

    The library-museum is located in a historic building of the 19th century. In 2016, a memorial plaque dedicated to N. N. Strakhov was placed on the building (sculptor - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation A. A. Shishkov).

    In 2017, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov was reconstructed, and the apartment-museum of N. N. Strakhov was opened. The library-museum acquired the appearance of the St. Petersburg apartment of N. N. Strakhov.

    At present, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov is the only one in Russia, internationally recognized, research and information and bibliographic center for studying the heritage of N. N. Strakhov, with a unique repository of electronic documents and memorial items.

    equestrian school

    The equestrian school is a structural subdivision of the NRU "BelSU". Its activities are inextricably linked with the development of equestrian sports in the Belgorod region, with the popularization of horse riding, with work aimed at implementing programs for equestrian tourism, cultural leisure activities, rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled children, health promotion, development and formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality . Today, the complex has two modern stables for 40 horses, garages for vehicles and warehouses with a total area of ​​700m², a hangar for storing feed. Pets KSSh, horses - graceful handsome men of different breeds: Trakehner, Hanoverian, Terek, thoroughbred riding, Arabian, Oryol and Russian trotting, Ukrainian, Akhal-Teke, Russian riding and crossbreeds work in tandem with both beginners and already professional riders.

    Educational and sports complex of BelSU Svetlana Khorkina

    The building of the complex with a total area of ​​36.7 thousand square meters houses: a 50-meter swimming pool with springboards and towers (up to 10 meters high), an athletics arena, a universal game room, a chess club led by grandmaster Alexander Ivanov, gyms, gyms, halls for table tennis, choreography and aerobics. On the site at st. Student sports complex "Petrel" is located.

    Polyclinic of NRU "BelSU"

    Polyclinic of NRU "BelSU" is a modern educational platform, which is a medical, practical and research base of the university. The structure of the polyclinic includes departments of general (family) practitioners and physiotherapy, a modern diagnostic center, a bacteriological laboratory and a unique department for clinical trials of drugs.

    The polyclinic is equipped with modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment. The Department of Computed Tomography performs diagnostics of all human organs and systems.

    Polyclinic specialists provide medical services in 15 specialties of therapeutic and surgical profile.

    The polyclinic provides services to students, employees, veterans of the National Research University "BelSU" and residents of the Belgorod region. Since 2015, the polyclinic has a day hospital department.

    Since 2005, pharmaceutical services have been provided by the complex “Pharmacy of the NRU “BelSU”. This structural subdivision of the Medical Institute is a developed educational and production base for training specialists in the direction of "Pharmacy". Scientific research is carried out on the basis of the pharmacy.

    Since 2015, a microbiological laboratory has been operating, which has no analogues in the Central Chernozem region. 60 thousand people a year visit the polyclinic.

    Health complex "Nezhegol"

    Founded in 2004. Located on six hectares in a magnificent mixed forest.

    Infrastructure of the complex: guest houses, cafes, gazebos for recreation, sports and playgrounds, bicycle paths and tennis courts, football field.

    Major university events are held here: the International Summer Language School, the Pegasus International School of Project Management, the School of Trade Union Activists.

    Botanical Garden of National Research University "BelSU"

    Founded in 1999 by order of the Governor of the Belgorod region E.S. Savchenko.

    Located in the South-Western region of Belgorod on an area of ​​over 70 hectares. In 2013, the Botanical Garden of the National Research University "BelGU" was included in the database of the Ministry of Education and Science as a unique infrastructure object of the Russian Federation.

    Over 2,700 species and varieties of plants have been collected on the territory of the botanical garden, including endemic, relict, rare and endangered species of the Red and Green Books of Russia.

    Since 2015, the Botanical Garden has been implementing a joint project of the National Research University "BelSU" and the Belgorod State Philharmonic Society "Non-Random Meetings". The best performers of classical, folk, jazz music perform at the concert venue, excursions by electric car are held, visitors are offered aromatic tea from herbs collected in the garden.

    Museums of NRU "BelSU"

    There are 9 museums at the university: Museum of History of National Research University "BelSU"; criminology, zoological, forensic medical examination, history faculty, pedagogical faculty, international faculty, library-museum of N. Strakhov, geological and mineralogical.

    Museum of History of National Research University "BelSU"

    The Museum of the History of the Belgorod State National Research University was established on October 22, 2002.

    The funds of the museum of the history of the university include 1,290 items of storage of the main fund and over 3,000 items of the scientific auxiliary fund. Among the unique exhibits are the medal of the pupil of the Belgorod Teachers' Institute "Worthy" (1880s), a student card of 1908, certificates of graduates of different years, rare printed editions of the early 20th century, reprints of educational publications of the directors of the Belgorod Teachers' Institute, household items of the late 19th century - the beginning of the XX century.

    In 2012, the Museum of History of the National Research University "BelSU" was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree following the results of the regional review competition of museums "Let's Preserve and Grow".

    Geological and Mineralogical Museum

    Created March 2, 2015. The structure of the museum has five halls and a depository. The exposition includes 150 showcases with samples of minerals, rocks, fossils, soil profiles, two interactive kiosks with a large-format TV panel. The museum has a library with more than 400 items (books, CDs). The museum's funds contain over one and a half thousand exhibits. Here are samples of the fossil resources of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Russia and the world. Thematic expositions are devoted to the Crimean geological range, the glow of minerals under the influence of UV rays; Exhibits from the collection of the Museum Terra Mineralia of the Freiberg Mining Academy are presented in a specialized photo exhibition.

    The constant replenishment of the collection is due to the participation of employees of the mining and processing enterprises of the Belgorod and Kursk regions, due to their own expedition fees, purchases and exchange of exhibits with geological museums in Russia and abroad, gifts from teachers, students, graduates of the National Research University "BelSU", individuals.

    Over 230 samples of minerals and ores, including the rare mineral tumasite and samples of valuable copper-nickel ores, which include precious metals - silver, gold, platinum and platinoids, were presented to the museum by the chief geologist of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine Vladimir Efimovich Kurilov.

    Zoo museum

    Founded in 1978. The museum carries out educational work with students, excursion and educational activities, scientific work on the study of the fauna of the Belgorod region and the creation of a fund collection of animals.

    The museum funds contain exhibits from field practices, collections donated to Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov and the University. A. I. Herzen; unique exhibits of animals from different parts of the world (200 stuffed birds and 50 stuffed mammals). The exposition of the museum includes collections of vertebrates and invertebrates and has a thousand specimens.

    Among the exhibits of the museum there are stuffed birds made by the famous Russian taxidermist F. K. Lorenz at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Spiritual and Educational Center named after Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov)

    In 2016 based on socio-theological faculty The Spiritual and Educational Center named after Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov) was opened. It was created with the blessing of Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Macarius. Conferences of regional, federal and international levels are held here. The permanent museum exposition of the center presents monuments to the life and work of Metropolitan Macarius, paintings and sculptures. On the basis of the Spiritual and Educational Center, the volunteer organization "At the call of the heart", the religious and philosophical club "Logos" and the "Young Family Club" work.

    Temple-chapel in the name of the Holy Monk Martyr Eugenia of Rome

    The temple-chapel in the name of the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome was recreated in 2016 on the basis of the socio-theological faculty named after Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov).

    The revival of the temple-chapel of the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome is the restoration of historical justice. The gymnasium house church was built in the building of the male gymnasium named after the Duke Alfred of Edinburgh at the end of the 19th century with donations from the Belgorod philanthropist Sofia Arseniyevna Mustyats. In 1886, divine services began in the temple, which continued for more than thirty years until the ban that followed the revolutionary events of 1917. The unique Belgorod church resumed its activities on its original territory on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the first divine service with the blessing of Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.

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