"Rodnovery" - an American project? Rodnoverie is an American project.


Rodnovery - a special US project to divide the Russian people

On the website of the official representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Luxembourg, a pseudo-scientific “letter letter” from the neo-pagan film “Games of the Gods”, which is based on the inventions of the “magi” Akhinevich-Trekhlebov, has been published, the group in the VK “Scientists against pseudoscience” reports (see. The story of a former Satanist and neo-pagan: Everything neo-pagans said about Christianity is a lie (VIDEO)).

“The 7 by 7 table, which Dolboslavs call the “true Russian” alphabet, contains publications of the same letters as “i” and “ï”, or “ouk” and “UK” - also different spellings of the same letter “u "Cyrillic," say "Scientists against pseudoscience". - The last "izh" is taken from another alphabet - the Glagolitic alphabet, the letter "gerv" (similar to the Ukrainian aspirated "g" sound) - is found only in the Serbian alphabet. "Is" (even the outline of which is doubtful) is generally taken from nowhere (apparently to supplement the matrix, because the authors' imagination has dried up).

New "original" names were invented for the letters in order to show the depth of the idea.

Administrators of neo-pagan groups refer to this official site when you prove to them that the table is not a Slavic alphabet at all, but nonsense sucked out of your finger. A site of such a high level is simply obliged to check the published information, at least not to look stupid.”

The situation was commented on by an Orthodox lawyer, member of the Public Chamber of the Sakhalin Region, head of the Youth Department of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Kuril diocese, Archpriest Viktor Gorbach:

Now we can say with confidence that neo-paganism is a project being implemented in our country not without the participation of foreign states. The sad experience of Ukraine, where neo-paganism was successfully spread and imposed, resulted in the events on the Maidan and the civil war. By the way, it is not at all accidental that in the punitive detachments and divisions of the so-called. There are so many neo-pagans in the Ukrainian National Guard.

In this situation, Orthodoxy, as the ideal and spiritual core of the Russian people, is completely unsuitable as an ideological basis for those who are planning a fratricidal war in Russia. Whatever one may say, Orthodoxy cannot be a destructive force, justify a civil war and the murder of neighbors. And this, so to speak, “ideological basis” was the project of neo-paganism, which sets itself the goal of splitting the Russian people into the so-called Rodnovers and Orthodox.

If you delve into the essence of the speeches of all kinds of ideologues and members of the Ukrainian punitive battalions, you can easily determine one thing: they don’t even consider their compatriots to be human beings, thereby ideologically justifying murders and punitive operations.

The separation plan has been tested in a neighboring country, now our enemies have prepared an identical plan for Russia. The project of neo-paganism is well suited for the implementation of this plan, because neo-pagans put the main emphasis on the fight against the Orthodox Church. For, having destroyed the Church and Christianity in the mind, a person will cease to be Russian. This is beneficial to our enemies in the implementation of the anti-Russian project.

Neo-paganism today has little relation to ancient paganism, being only a project and a certain staging, a kind of decoration. Neo-pagans will seek justifications for their existence by any means, invent all sorts of fables, the refutation of which takes a lot of effort and time.

For example, the myth of the forced Baptism of Rus' has been introduced into the consciousness of our population since Soviet times, and now it is one of the ideological justifications for the existence of neo-pagans. Of course, this myth has nothing to do with the real story. It is known that the Christian community existed in Kyiv after Askold's baptism of Rus', long before Prince Vladimir. The grandmother of the future Baptist, Princess Olga, went to Ilyinsky Church. Now the grave of Prince Askold has been found on the territory of the temple. It is known that he was baptized with the name Nicholas, and Askold's grave was found in Kyiv, on the territory of the church in honor of St. Nicholas.

Thus, it can be firmly stated that even before Vladimir's Baptism of Rus', a Christian community existed in Kyiv. In addition, in Kievan Rus there were no borders and border points. Therefore, if people did not accept Orthodoxy, they could easily leave Kyiv and go to Lithuania, where all sorts of pagan cults were preserved until the 14th century.

The failure in the field of knowledge of history that occurred in the 90s is still making itself felt: this problem has not been solved in any way, and this is one of the main reasons for the spread of neo-pagan cults (mainly in law enforcement agencies, right-wing radical movements, as well as among working youth).

In the 1990s, our history was spat on and shown invariably in a dark light. Thus, a person who implicitly sought support for himself in his national identity could not believe that the history of our people has always been so gloomy, and therefore he was looking for alternative knowledge.

While in the official media and in some historical textbooks it was said that “Russia is a prison of peoples”, and “The Russian people are a slave people”, a person saw a different semi-mythical story that inspired him with the knowledge that long ago long ago his ancestors were great, strong and powerful. Naturally, he liked such a story more: he began to rely on it and be proud of it.

It is no secret that history is often presented distortedly in order to show that the Russian people do not exist, that its history is a history of constant mistakes and crimes. Naturally, not wanting to put up with such an imposed "reality", people will look for alternative views on history. And today we need a serious, balanced, calm and truthful conversation about our history, culture, which could be the best prevention of such phenomena as neo-paganism. It is very important that the Church participate in this dialogue. It is no coincidence that His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is doing a lot of work aimed at educating the people in the field of literature and history. Questions about Russian identity are raised at meetings of the World Russian People's Council. Such education can help overcome the failure of the 1990s when we experienced a national crisis.

Now neo-pagans will try in every possible way to confuse people who do not understand terms, concepts, history. And we must clearly understand that neo-paganism, like the Ukrainian project, the so-called. Runvira, appeared precisely on the American continent and was used by the US special services against the Soviet Union in order to split a single state and divide the triune Russian people. The Americans are doing the same trick today in Russia. Therefore, it is extremely important to preserve our history and promote our traditional culture in every possible way. And in this case, all the efforts of enemies will come to naught.

Neo-paganism is being introduced into the patriotic environment, because patriots are ready to glorify everything that, one way or another, refers to Russia.
But if we truly love the Motherland and wish the people of Russia well, then it is very important to distinguish between truth and fiction. Neo-paganism is a fake that has nothing to do with our history, Orthodoxy and Russian culture. We must remember that a thousand years ago our ancestors made a conscious choice to serve God, parting with all sorts of pagan ideas. Our duty to our ancestors is to consciously continue their historical choice.

The official representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Luxembourg published a pseudo-scientific “letter letter” from the neo-pagan film “Games of the Gods”, which is based on the inventions of the “magi” Akhinevich-Trekhlebov, the group in the VK “Scientists against pseudoscience” reports.

“The 7 by 7 table, which Dolboslavs call the “true Russian” alphabet, contains publications of the same letters as “i” and “ï”, or “ouk” and “UK” - also different spellings of the same letter “u” Cyrillic, - say "Scientists against pseudoscience". - The last "Izha" is taken from another alphabet - the Glagolitic alphabet, the letter "Gerv" (similar to the Ukrainian aspirated "g" sound) - is found only in the Serbian alphabet. "Is" (even the outline of which is doubtful) is generally taken from nowhere (apparently, to supplement the matrix, because the authors' imagination has dried up). New "original" names were invented for the letters in order to show the depth of the idea.

Administrators of neo-pagan groups refer to this official site when you prove to them that the table is not a Slavic alphabet, but nonsense sucked out of your finger. A site of such a high level is simply obliged to check the published information, at least not to look stupid.”

The situation was commented on in an interview with Russian People's Line by an Orthodox lawyer, member of the Public Chamber of the Sakhalin Region, head of the Youth Department of the South Sakhalin and Kuril diocese :

Now we can say with confidence that neo-paganism is a project being implemented in our country not without the participation of foreign states. The sad experience of Ukraine, where neo-paganism was successfully spread and imposed, resulted in the events on the Maidan and the civil war. By the way, it is not at all accidental that in the punitive detachments and divisions of the so-called. There are so many neo-pagans in the Ukrainian National Guard.

In this situation, Orthodoxy, as the ideal and spiritual core of the Russian people, is completely unsuitable as an ideological basis for those who are planning a fratricidal war in Russia. Whatever one may say, Orthodoxy cannot be a destructive force, justify a civil war and the murder of neighbors. And this, so to speak, “ideological basis” was the project of neo-paganism, which sets itself the goal of splitting the Russian people into the so-called Rodnovers and Orthodox.

If you delve into the essence of the speeches of all kinds of ideologues and members of the Ukrainian punitive battalions, you can easily determine one thing: they don’t even consider their compatriots to be human beings, thereby ideologically justifying murders and punitive operations.

The separation plan has been tested in a neighboring country, now our enemies have prepared an identical plan for Russia. The project of neo-paganism is well suited for the implementation of this plan, because neo-pagans put the main emphasis on the fight against the Orthodox Church. For, having destroyed the Church and Christianity in the mind, a person will cease to be Russian. This is beneficial to our enemies in the implementation of the anti-Russian project.

Neo-paganism today has little relation to ancient paganism, being only a project and a certain staging, a kind of decoration. Neo-pagans will seek justifications for their existence by any means, invent all sorts of fables, the refutation of which takes a lot of effort and time.

For example, the myth of the forced Baptism of Rus' has been introduced into the consciousness of our population since Soviet times, and now it is one of the ideological justifications for the existence of neo-pagans. Of course, this myth has nothing to do with the real story. It is known that the Christian community existed in Kyiv after Askold's baptism of Rus', long before Prince Vladimir. The grandmother of the future Baptist, Princess Olga, went to Ilyinsky Church. Now the grave of Prince Askold has been found on the territory of the temple. It is known that he was baptized with the name Nicholas, and Askold's grave was found in Kyiv, on the territory of the church in honor of St. Nicholas.

Thus, it can be firmly stated that even before Vladimir's Baptism of Rus', a Christian community existed in Kyiv. In addition, in Kievan Rus there were no borders and border points. Therefore, if people did not accept Orthodoxy, they could easily leave Kyiv and go to Lithuania, where all sorts of pagan cults were preserved until the 14th century.

The failure in the field of knowledge of history that occurred in the 90s is still making itself felt: this problem has not been solved in any way, and this is one of the main reasons for the spread of neo-pagan cults (mainly in law enforcement agencies, right-wing radical movements, as well as among working youth).

In the 1990s, our history was spat on and shown invariably in a dark light. Thus, a person who implicitly sought support for himself in his national identity could not believe that the history of our people has always been so gloomy, and therefore he was looking for alternative knowledge.

While in the official media and in some historical textbooks it was said that “Russia is a prison of peoples”, and “The Russian people are a slave people”, a person saw a different semi-mythical story that inspired him with the knowledge that long ago long ago his ancestors were great, strong and powerful. Naturally, he liked such a story more: he began to rely on it and be proud of it.

It is no secret that history is often presented distortedly in order to show that the Russian people do not exist, that its history is a history of constant mistakes and crimes. Naturally, not wanting to put up with such an imposed "reality", people will look for alternative views on history. And today we need a serious, balanced, calm and truthful conversation about our history, culture, which could be the best prevention of such phenomena as neo-paganism. It is very important that the Church participate in this dialogue. It is no coincidence that His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is doing a lot of work aimed at educating the people in the field of literature and history. Questions about Russian identity are raised at meetings of the World Russian People's Council. Such education can help overcome the failure of the 1990s when we experienced a national crisis.

Now neo-pagans will try in every possible way to confuse people who do not understand terms, concepts, history. And we must clearly understand that neo-paganism, like the Ukrainian project, the so-called. Runvira, appeared precisely on the American continent and was used by the US special services against the Soviet Union in order to split a single state and divide the triune Russian people. The Americans are doing the same trick today in Russia. Therefore, it is extremely important to preserve our history and promote our traditional culture in every possible way. And in this case, all the efforts of enemies will come to naught.

Neo-paganism is being introduced into the patriotic environment, because patriots are ready to glorify everything that, one way or another, refers to Russia. But if we truly love the Motherland and wish the people of Russia well, then it is very important to distinguish between truth and fiction. Neo-paganism is a fake that has nothing to do with our history, Orthodoxy and Russian culture. We must remember that a thousand years ago our ancestors made a conscious choice to serve God, parting with all sorts of pagan ideas. Our duty to our ancestors is to consciously continue their historical choice.

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On the website of the official representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Luxembourg, a pseudo-scientific “letter letter” from the neo-pagan film “Games of the Gods”, which is based on the inventions of the “magi” Akhinevich-Trekhlebov, has been published, the group in the VK “Scientists against pseudoscience” reports.

“The 7 by 7 table, which Dolboslavs call the “true Russian” alphabet, contains publications of the same letters as “i” and “ï”, or “ouk” and “UK” - also different spellings of the same letter “u” Cyrillic, - say "Scientists against pseudoscience". – The last “izh” is taken from another alphabet – the Glagolitic alphabet, the letter “gerv” (similar to the Ukrainian aspirated “g” sound) is found only in the Serbian alphabet. “Is” (even the outline of which is doubtful) is generally taken from nowhere (apparently, to supplement the matrix, because the authors' imagination has dried up). New “original” names have been invented for the letters in order to show the depth of the idea.

Administrators of neo-pagan groups refer to this official site when you prove to them that the table is not a Slavic alphabet at all, but nonsense sucked out of your finger. A site of such a high level is simply obliged to check the published information, at least not to look stupid.”

The situation was commented on in an interview with Russian People's Line by an Orthodox lawyer, member of the Public Chamber of the Sakhalin Region, head of the Youth Department of the South Sakhalin and Kuril diocese Archpriest Viktor Gorbach:

Now we can say with confidence that neo-paganism is a project being implemented in our country not without the participation of foreign states. The sad experience of Ukraine, where neo-paganism was successfully spread and imposed, resulted in the events on the Maidan and the civil war. By the way, it is not at all accidental that in the punitive detachments and divisions of the so-called. There are so many neo-pagans in the Ukrainian National Guard.

In this situation, Orthodoxy, as the ideal and spiritual core of the Russian people, is completely unsuitable as an ideological basis for those who are planning a fratricidal war in Russia. Whatever one may say, Orthodoxy cannot be a destructive force, justify a civil war and the murder of neighbors. And this, so to speak, “ideological basis” was the project of neo-paganism, which sets itself the goal of splitting the Russian people into the so-called Rodnovers and Orthodox.

If you delve into the essence of the speeches of all kinds of ideologues and members of the Ukrainian punitive battalions, you can easily determine one thing: they don’t even consider their compatriots to be human beings, thereby ideologically justifying murders and punitive operations.

The separation plan has been tested in a neighboring country, now our enemies have prepared an identical plan for Russia. The project of neo-paganism is well suited for the implementation of this plan, because neo-pagans put the main emphasis on the fight against the Orthodox Church. For, having destroyed the Church and Christianity in the mind, a person will cease to be Russian. This is beneficial to our enemies in the implementation of the anti-Russian project.

Neo-paganism today has little relation to ancient paganism, being only a project and a certain staging, a kind of decoration. Neo-pagans will seek justifications for their existence by any means, invent all sorts of fables, the refutation of which takes a lot of effort and time.

For example, the myth of the forced Baptism of Rus' has been introduced into the consciousness of our population since Soviet times, and now it is one of the ideological justifications for the existence of neo-pagans. Of course, this myth has nothing to do with the real story. It is known that the Christian community existed in Kyiv after Askold's baptism of Rus', long before Prince Vladimir. The grandmother of the future Baptist, Princess Olga, went to Ilyinsky Church. Now the grave of Prince Askold has been found on the territory of the temple. It is known that he was baptized with the name Nicholas, and Askold's grave was found in Kyiv, on the territory of the church in honor of St. Nicholas.

Thus, it can be firmly stated that even before Vladimir's Baptism of Rus', a Christian community existed in Kyiv. In addition, in Kievan Rus there were no borders and border points. Therefore, if people did not accept Orthodoxy, they could easily leave Kyiv and go to Lithuania, where all sorts of pagan cults were preserved until the 14th century.

The failure in the field of knowledge of history that occurred in the 90s is still making itself felt: this problem has not been solved in any way, and this is one of the main reasons for the spread of neo-pagan cults (mainly in law enforcement agencies, right-wing radical movements, as well as among working youth).

In the 1990s, our history was spat on and shown invariably in a dark light. Thus, a person who implicitly sought support for himself in his national identity could not believe that the history of our people has always been so gloomy, and therefore he was looking for alternative knowledge.

While in the official media and in some historical textbooks it was said that “Russia is a prison of peoples”, and “The Russian people are a slave people”, a person saw a different semi-mythical story that inspired him with the knowledge that long ago long ago his ancestors were great, strong and powerful. Naturally, he liked such a story more: he began to rely on it and be proud of it.

It is no secret that history is often presented distortedly in order to show that the Russian people do not exist, that its history is a history of constant mistakes and crimes. Naturally, not wanting to put up with such an imposed "reality", people will look for alternative views on history. And today we need a serious, balanced, calm and truthful conversation about our history, culture, which could be the best prevention of such phenomena as neo-paganism. It is very important that the Church participate in this dialogue. It is no coincidence that His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is doing a lot of work aimed at educating the people in the field of literature and history. Questions about Russian identity are raised at meetings of the World Russian People's Council. Such education can help overcome the failure of the 1990s when we experienced a national crisis.

Now neo-pagans will try in every possible way to confuse people who do not understand terms, concepts, history. And we must clearly understand that neo-paganism, like the Ukrainian project, the so-called. Runvira, appeared precisely on the American continent and was used by the US special services against the Soviet Union in order to split a single state and divide the triune Russian people. The Americans are doing the same trick today in Russia. Therefore, it is extremely important to preserve our history and promote our traditional culture in every possible way. And in this case, all the efforts of enemies will come to naught.

Neo-paganism is being introduced into the patriotic environment, because patriots are ready to glorify everything that, one way or another, refers to Russia. But if we truly love the Motherland and wish the people of Russia well, then it is very important to distinguish between truth and fiction. Neo-paganism is a fake that has nothing to do with our history, Orthodoxy and Russian culture. We must remember that a thousand years ago our ancestors made a conscious choice to serve God, parting with all sorts of pagan ideas. Our duty to our ancestors is to consciously continue their historical choice.

There is such a “teaching” - it is called Rodnoverie. In appearance, the “teaching” is very funny: fanatical guys of different age categories dress in supposedly Slavic caftans, talk some nonsense about the origins of all words from an alleged metalanguage, worship whoever and whatever, but they worship passionately, with all their might , with elements of ecstasy and hysteria. In appearance - just funny and funny fools. But this is only in appearance. The amusingness of this teaching is only apparent, only imaginary. If we take a closer look at the backbone components of this, so to speak, "faith", it becomes clear that the plans of the globalists, implemented through the native faith, are, perhaps, much worse than jihad. Pokhlesche both in technological and actually misanthropic plans.

Where and when did native faith originate? How did it evolve? What are the "sacred texts" of this "teaching"? How does this "teaching" see the state and social structure? What is the native faith concept regarding the universe as a whole? With what degree of tolerance does Rodnovery relate to world religions, as well as to any religions and moral and ethical concepts? What are the technologies for promoting Rodnovery to the masses - and, importantly, to which masses? Finally, what are the biographies of the greatest Rodnovers of the past and present? So, let's start the subject matter ...

Rodnoverie, as befits a "true Slavic" doctrine, originated in San Francisco in the early 1950s, at the height of the Cold War, as well as during the dominance of the Protestant-Mormon ideology of "freedoms" in their strictly physiological aspect, and continued to develop and thrive in California until the mid-2000s. In the early 1950s, white emigre "researchers" published the so-called " Veles book”, supposedly indefinitely ancient, supposedly describing our entire ancient history (directly from and to), but in fact clumsily imitating the Proto-Slavic language and in structure representing a voluminous propaganda sheet, moreover, drawn up rather crookedly and kurguzo. " Veles book” describes our history as a series of constant captures of us by the Germans and constant liberation of us from the Germans, and this is carefully emphasized. Of course, no references - just "ancient knowledge" and an interlinear, explaining either well-known terms, or absolutely demon-related words and formulas that the authors, apparently, came up with hastily and on the go. Naturally, white émigrés also took up the promotion of this absurdity, and, I must say, they are still doing it. Of course, this FALSE was exposed almost immediately, but this does not bother the Rodnovers in the least and does not stop them from turning to this “great” book even today.

Rodnoverie has evolved from the 1950s to the present day in about no way. Some ideological leaps took place, but it was due only to the difference in the intellect of the "preachers". Well, let's say " khinevich"more stupid - and he poured out all his sabotage insanity cynically and almost openly (the most sophisticated trick in his performance consisted in a clumsy attempt to drag Stalinist patriots into his sect). And here, for example," Levashov"- that one is much "smarter", that one, one might say, is an "intellectual" of Rodnovery (if the concept of "intellectuality" is applicable to Rodnovery in principle). As a consequence of the presence of " levashova"Intellectuality", this sabotage thinker actively exploited Hindu, Buddhist, Kabbalistic and even transhumanistic motives, in an extremely specific, even pathological, combination and refraction. Moreover, " Levashov"even encroached on the creation of a single and internally consistent (or at least minimally internally contradictory) ideological concept based on occult paganism - partly invented by him, and partly borrowed from the eclecticism of the above-mentioned motives. But these are just particulars, mainly relating to differences on the technology of brainwashing and oskotinization of the population.

There was and remains one vector for Rodnoverie - the denationalization of our society, its relegation from the rank of state-organized to the rank of organized according to the tribal principle (at the same time, even the ideas of incest are methodically, rigorously and persistently introduced into the minds of the victims of ideological Rodnoverie pressure). Actually, all this was not shy and does not hesitate to persistently repeat the Rodnovers themselves.

The Rodnoverie model of the universe is built accordingly. A lot of some "gods", "god-like" creatures, spirits that interact with each other absolutely chaotically, and sometimes perpendicularly. Thus, from the point of view of Rodnovery, the functioning of the macrocosm is carried out: no unity, only continuous conflicts and a permanently chaotic, seething state. Naturally, any Rodnover, even a cosmically stupid one, has a natural question: what about us, Rodnover, what is worse? And from this metaphysical question follows the obvious answer for any orthodox Rodnover: nothing! In turn, from this answer naturally follows the desire to arrange a similar chaos in society, and the manic nature of this desire is rigorously fueled, supported by the “preachers” of Rodnoverie through a system of psychotechnics and indoctrination.

As for " sacred texts", That Rodnovery, declaring itself as a religion (and not just as a religion, but as a great-religion), they are simply does not have. At all. Rodnovers constantly refer to the above-mentioned " Veles book» and on « Slavic-Aryan Vedas". Well, and numerous works " levashova"- as far as one can judge, their unconditional " prophet number 1". In the first of the above folios, as already mentioned, the Rodnovers' vision of Slavic history is described as a series of enslavements and liberations, and in the second it is said that our whole world originated from the Sun. And that's it. So this is very conceptual and fundamentally new. In the texts levashova"a truly phenomenal, but obviously unhealthy, fantasy of the author is manifested, literally on the go giving birth to various freaks and monsters (well, and the author's versatile erudition - it's even better, probably, to say" versatile author's training ").

“Holiness” in all these texts does not smell just by definition. Any sacred text is characterized by the presence of one or another concept of the universe, designed to build individual and collective behavior in a strictly constructive way. This requires not only a single ontological picture, but also the presence of commandments (paramitas, pillars, mitzvahs, etc.), in accordance with which constructive social interaction and mutual understanding are built. Rodnovers have nothing of the sort. Their goal is to flaunt the imaginary universal chaos and the imaginary Slavic insignificance, which consists in an allegedly permanent slave state.

Rodnoverie is a "religion" without ontology and without ethics - but what's there: even without aesthetics. This is a “religion” that screams about proto-Slavism, but in fact it fiercely hates everything Slavic.

The “preachers” of the Rodnoverie shouted and shouted at the top of their voices that their “teaching” is tolerant and peaceful to the fullest (in contrast, of course, from all other teachings, and from Orthodox Christianity in particular). In fact this current not only unbearable, it is, without exaggeration, terrorist, and in a buffoonish terrorist way. As a recent representative example, one can cite the eccentric antics of the famous mixed martial arts fighter Vyacheslav Datsik - in fact, with impunity and not stopping for many years.

Previously Rodnovers staged bloody actions against Orthodox Christians in 2008 and 2014.

The “sermons” of the ideologues of the Rodnoverie are also far from any kind of tolerance: those who do not want to listen to the Rodnoverie nonsense are declared narrow-minded people, agents and sectarians - in a word, they are accused of everything that is organically inherent in the followers and conductors of the Rodnoverie themselves. At the same time, the "preachers" of Rodnovery always choose not the smartest, not the happiest, but extremely energetic and excited people as their audience - in a word, ideal fighting material. Apparently, the "preachers" have a truly bestial instinct for this kind of people.

By the way, an outstanding domestic journalist and critic of "Orthodox obscurantism" "Mr. nevzorov" named " levashova"A wonderful Russian scientist." Anyone who does not get tired of spoiling Orthodoxy, allegedly because of the apparent unreality of a number of plots set forth in Scripture, for some reason recognizes clearly unhealthy and unstructured Levashovian fantasies as "wonderful" and "insanely interesting." Orthodoxy" this sounds more than biased and biased and testifies only to the organic solidarity of anti-Orthodox and immoral trends, movements and currents with occult-pagan practices and occult-pagan symbols. No wonder the "outstanding" public figure unobserved teaches horses to talk and read, kisses their hooves and proves the existence of a horse mind that is not inferior to the human mind, and even surpasses the human mind. And what he does is a pronounced and manic occult fetishism and no less pronounced and manic pagan animism.

As for the biographies of the ideologists of the Rodnoverie, they can be called marginal émigré-Atlantist. "peace lovers", "kurenkov", "forest", "Levashov"- all these guys acted abroad, strictly in the Anglo-Saxon paradigm(not only mentally, but also territorially), and had very little in common with the Slavs. In any case, they, without any hesitation, renounced not only the Slavs, but also their territorial belonging to Russia, having moved to the United States (" forest"- to Australia) and carrying out Rodnoverie work from there to chaotize our country and our state. " khinevich", the author of Rodnoverie "Ynglism", did not move to the United States for permanent residence, however, since the early 1990s, he has been in close contact with occult-esoteric-Native Faith centers in the United States, mainly in the territory of the "true Aryan" state of California. As you can see, adherents and guides of Rodnoverie - Slavs and Aryans to the marrow and bones.

Rodnoverie metastases are dangerous and are absolutely not illusory, even despite the fact that Rodnovery, with all the information and propaganda efforts, has not received wide distribution in general. Nevertheless, young people in the age group of "14-25 years old", especially greedy for adventures and mysticism, easily succumb to the outrageous "sermons" of all kinds of freaks, fall into a total mental dependence on them - and in the future become ideal tools in promoting native faith ideas of chaos, anarchy and incest. But the narrow-minded people of the older generation, especially, by the way, patriotic ones, are rather vulnerable in this respect: it is enough for them to say that all world religions are “Jewish” - and these unfortunate people will begin to profess the “primordially Slavic” “rodnovery” .

"Rodnoverie " - This not some kind of cute fun, but quite technically and cynically built overseas technology. This is a flywheel, untwisted with the aim of destroying, first of all, Christianity(and not only Orthodox, but also Catholic, Protestant, as well as derivatives from them), but also any other traditional conservative religions and moral and ethical teachings. This flywheel is gaining momentum in the literal sense of the word from year to year two million inhabitants of our country). Rotating more and more intensively and in different planes, he, this flywheel, seeks to subdue the largest number of mentally unstable fanatics, as well as crush any moral and ethical barriers in his path - of course, loudly and sobbingly declaring that it is this flywheel (and no one else) and know the true values.

It is impossible to fight against Rodnovery by means of logically verified argumentation, despite the clearly expressed stupidity of the “teaching”. The more arguments you present to the Rodnoverie, the more aggressively it will follow the Rodnoverie course, because in the confrontation between consciousness and the unconscious, the latter always wins, especially among mentally unstable and pliable people. To resist Rodnoverie, like any other ideological and sabotage enemy infection, is possible only by conveying to the broad masses the maximum truth about Rodnoverie and this “teaching”, as well as about its adherents and propagandists. No information war is needed - only the truth is needed, and nothing but the truth, and then the Rodnovers themselves will appear by themselves, that is, in an extremely miserable and miserable form, without any additional efforts. You should not be shy about bringing Rodnovers to justice, even criminal ones, in cases where these characters become so rabid that they begin to plant this Rodnovery by force, aggression and lies (and, apparently, they are constantly drawn to do this).

In no case should the vile elements be allowed to reshape the collective consciousness and the collective unconscious on their own degenerative initiative, under their own unhealthy consciousness - and in the interests of social and state chaos, in the interests of those who benefit from such chaos. People(at least ours) must learn to distinguish the ascetics from the subversive Western and pro-Western elements. Or, as it is with the Rodnovers, "a fool from a freak" - it seems so ...

Ilya Pozhidaev, Russian folk line

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