Native children of Pelagia. Pelagia biography

Singer Pelageya is a completely unique performer in the genre of folk songs and pop folk. Having become a real star of the Russian scene, this talented girl never tried to be “fashionable” and “relevant”. She always went her own way, and therefore she was always very close to ordinary listeners. She was a mentor in the show "Voice" and "Voice. Children ", as well as the jury in KVN.

Childhood and family

Our today's heroine, Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova, was born in distant and snowy Novosibirsk, in a family that was closely connected with the art of music. Pelageya's mother, Svetlana, was once a fairly well-known jazz singer. Having lost her voice after a protracted illness, the courageous woman did not break down and changed the musical scene to the theater. Throughout her subsequent career, Pelageya's mother worked as a director and taught acting in one of the Novosibirsk theaters.

In many ways, it was her mother who had the greatest influence on her daughter's work. Pelageya almost did not know her father, she was replaced by her stepfather, who not only raised her as her own daughter, but also gave her his last name - Khanova. As for the name of the singer, a rather interesting story is also connected with it. The thing is that when registering the baby, the registry office employees mistakenly considered the rare name that her mother chose in honor of her grandmother to be derived from the name Polina, and therefore Pelageya spent her childhood with a “fake” name in the birth certificate. Only upon receiving a passport, this error was corrected, and even then the promising artist finally officially became Pelageya.

However, let's not focus too much on questions of genealogy. Pelageya began her career at the age of four - it was at this age that she first appeared on stage during a play in kindergarten. That debut was successful. Fascinated by everyone's attention, the baby literally fell in love with the stage, and therefore was only glad when, at the age of 8, she was enrolled by her mother, who decided that her daughter should definitely connect her life with music, to the Novosibirsk Special Music School at the city conservatory.

However, Pelageya was talented in everything - she learned to read while still in diapers, at the age of three she mastered the first novel, Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais, and at ten she read The Master and Margarita avidly.

Bright performances on the stage of the Novosibirsk Conservatory attracted the attention of the famous musician Dmitry Revyakin (leader of the Kalinov Most group) to Pelageya. Hearing the performance of a 9-year-old girl, the artist invited her to try her luck at the Morning Star vocal project. As a result, the baby became a laureate of a prestigious competition and the owner of the title "Best Folk Song Performer in Russia in 1996".

Pelageya's reaction to her performance at the Morning Star

After that, there was a series of new achievements. The young artist successfully performed at the Young Talents of Siberia, New Names of the Planet competitions, and also appeared on the KVN stage (as part of the Novosibirsk State University team) and sang for three presidents at once at the trilateral summit of Russia, France and Germany.

Star Trek Pelagia

In 1999, 14-year-old Pelageya graduated from high school as an external student and entered the Russian Academy of Theater Arts in Moscow. In the same year, the singer became the soloist of the Pelageya group, with which she soon released her first single, Lyubo! Despite the very unusual musical style (or maybe because of it), the composition became very popular.

Pelageya - Love!

From that moment, Pelageya began her artistic life at her usual crazy pace: tours, performances, studio recordings, search for musical material and constant work on vocal abilities, because there is no limit to perfection.

In 2003, the young artist released her debut album - a retrospective of her best compositions over the years of her career, and also graduated with honors from the theater academy. The girl showed similar miracles of productivity in the future.

Pelageya in KVN (1997)

In 2006, an autobiographical film "Geeks" was shot about the life and work of one of the most famous singers in modern Russian history.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, she toured extensively in Russia and the CIS countries, in the middle of this period she presented to the public her first studio album, Girls' Songs. The disc includes 12 songs - mostly folk compositions, covered by Pelageya. However, there was also “Chubchik” - a duet with Garik Sukachev, the song “Under the caress of a plush blanket” to the verses of Marina Tsvetaeva, a cover of “Nyurka's Song” by Yanka Diaghileva. The album received mixed reviews. For example, the authoritative music magazine Rolling Stones rated Pelageya's disc 4 out of 5 possible, while some critics accused the Pelageya group of having "discolored and withered" folk songs in their performance.

In 2009, Pelageya presented to the public a new album - a recording of a live performance at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg. The accompaniment of the Trans-Baikal Cossack choir gave the disc a special charm. This disc provided Pelageya with the first place in the "Chart Dozen" hit parade in the "Soloist" nomination. In the same year, she sang a duet with the late soloist of the Korol i Shut group, Mikhail Gorshenev, on the air of Our Radio.

In the same year, a popular artist appeared as a participant in the Two Stars project, where she performed with Daria Moroz. After that, Pelageya often became a frequent guest on TV, noting, in particular, on such projects as “Property of the Republic” with Yuri Nikolaev and Dmitry Shepelev.

Pelageya and Daria Moroz - Horse (2009, "Two Stars")

In 2012, the girl was invited to the Voice talent show as a mentor. Having taken the chair next to Dima Bilan, Alexander Gradsky and Leonid Agutin, she recruited a team of talented stars. And even though Dina Garipova, who was part of the Gradsky team, became the winner, her ward Elmira Kalimullina took second place - also a very solid result.

Pelageya occupied the chair of the Golos mentor for the first three seasons: in the second, Tina Kuznetsova from her team took fourth place, and in the third, her student Yaroslav Dronov received a silver prize.

In 2014, the girl became a mentor at the subsidiary project "Voices", in which young talents demonstrated their skills. Since her ward Ragda Khanieva (a native of Moscow, but an Ingush by blood) took second place in the project, the head of the Republic of Ingushetia, Yunus-bek Yevkurov, awarded Pelageya the title of Honored Worker of Culture.

Although Pelageya left the Voice after the third season, giving way to Polina Gagarina, the wards of the show Voice. Children "she took care of both in the second and third seasons. In both cases, she brought to the finals two girls, Saida Mukhametzyanova and Taisiya Podgornaya, who were awarded third places.

Pelageya is a popular folk singer, star and mentor of the Voice show, leader and soloist of the Pelageya group

Date of Birth: July 14, 1986
Place of Birth: Novosibirsk, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Cancer

“Now I draw my inspiration from my family. This is my source. And now I feel much stronger than when I had no family. Because, on the one hand, I have something to protect, but at the same time, I have become much calmer, peacefully disposed.

Biography of Pelagia

Pelageya Sergeevna Telegina (nee Khanova) is actually the name of the famous singer. Raising a daughter-star for Polya's mother - a jazz singer from Novosibirsk Svetlana Khanova (nee Smirnova) - was the main goal in life. She once wanted to be a star herself. But life decreed otherwise: Svetlana lost her voice. Then she received a special education and became a theater director.

Fields (in the birth certificate the girl was recorded as Polina, and when she received her passport she changed her name) was a very obedient child and almost always won first places in various amateur art competitions both in her native Novosibirsk and in the capitals.

The beginning of the way

As a baby, at the age of four, she took the stage. And at the age of eight she entered the Novosibirsk Special School at the Conservatory.

And already at the age of 9 she took part in the competition of young talents - in the program "Morning Star" and won it.

Soon the Poli family moved from Novosibirsk to the Ochakovo metropolitan area. Now the girl decided to conquer Moscow.

“If I didn’t have my mother, I’m not sure that I would be an artist. I do not think that I would have had the strength, perseverance, stubbornness. To come to Moscow… I don’t have this penetrating power.”

Pelageya became the brightest and youngest member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk University at that time.

Life in Moscow

More than twenty years ago, Pelageya's first single "Lubo" was released. And at the age of 12, the girl was invited to perform this song in front of the heads of Russia, France and Germany at the summit of three states. Pelageya even has a photo with Jacques Chirac, Boris Yeltsin and Helmut Kohl. And even then she was called a star.

In Moscow, Pelageya easily entered an elite gymnasium, and then GITIS (RATI) for an experimental course of pop artists. In order to become a certified artist faster, Pelagia externally passed the exams for grades 10 and 11.

In 2005, the Pelageya group was created, in which Svetlana Khanova is a producer, arranger, and administrator.

In 2012-2014, she was a mentor in the most popular show among the people "Voice", "Voice of Children" (2014-2016, 2018). In 2018, she became a mentor at Voice 60+.

Today, the singer does not have her own hit, and her songs are almost never heard on the radio, but Pelageya has one hundred percent recognition. She is loved by the people, but at the same time remains the most closed Russian star. A minimum of comments about her personal life, there are practically no photos of Taisiya's daughter on the Internet, and joint public appearances with her husband, the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin, are very rare.

In 2005, the TV series Yesenin was released on Channel One, where Sergei Bezrukov played the title role, he was also the producer of the film. He invited Pelageya to play a small role. Sergey was not stopped by the fact that the girl had absolutely no filming.

“She has a cosmic range. She is so charming, open and sincere. This sincerity is very captivating.”

True, Pelageya herself believes that her first acting experience was unsuccessful.

Personal life

Pelageya's first husband is Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich, but the couple were married for only two years from 2010 to 2012.

When Pelageya met hockey player Ivan Telegin (they were introduced by mutual friends), she had no idea that she would become his wife. They started talking, and the singer discovered that their concepts of family, life, and home are very similar. In 2016, they got married and not a word about the ceremony to reporters.

Pelageya also told only her closest relatives about the birth of her daughter Taisiya in January 2017.

“The birth of a daughter is the happiest day of my life. I woke up, watched hockey and went to give birth!”


1999 - "Lubo!"
2003/1012 - "Pelageya"
2004 - "REPA (Rehearsal)"
2006 - "Single"
2007 - "Girls' Songs"
2008-2010 - Siberian Drive
2010 - "Trails"

Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova was born in Novosibirsk in a family that was closely associated with the art of music. Pelageya's mother, Svetlana, was a fairly well-known jazz singer. Having lost her voice after a protracted illness, the courageous woman did not break down and changed the musical scene to the theater. Throughout her subsequent career, Pelageya's mother worked as a director and taught acting at one of the local theaters.

The creative biography of the singer began before school. It happened in St. Petersburg. Mom took her four-year-old daughter to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. There she fell in love with the stage forever.

At the age of 8, Khanova entered the special music school in Novosibirsk, which operated at the conservatory. Pelageya turned out to be the first vocalist in the history of the institution. It was here that the leader of the Kalinov Most musical group, Dmitry Revyakin, heard her for the first time. The musician suggested that the parents bring their daughter to the capital, where the girl could participate in the Morning Star contest.

Revyakin's advice turned out to be correct: Pelageya received the title of "Best Folk Song Performer in Russia in 1996." After that, a series of new achievements began. The young artist successfully performed at the Young Talents of Siberia, New Names of the Planet competitions, and also appeared on the KVN stage (as part of the Novosibirsk State University team) and sang for three presidents at once at the trilateral summit of Russia, France and Germany.


14-year-old Pelageya graduated from high school externally and entered the Russian Academy of Theater Arts in Moscow. Later, the singer became a soloist of the Pelageya group, with which she soon released her first single, “Lubo!”. Despite the very unusual musical style, the composition became very popular.

In 2006, an autobiographical film "Geeks" was shot about the life and work of one of the most famous singers in modern Russian history.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, she toured extensively in Russia and the CIS countries, in the middle of this period she presented to the public her first studio album, Girls' Songs. The disc includes 12 songs - mostly folk compositions, covered by Pelageya.

In 2009, Pelageya released an Internet release, and a year later, on a carrier, a new double album, Paths, which included Russian folk, Cossack and author's songs. Two discs contain famous songs performed by Pelageya: “Oh, it’s not evening”, “Roses”, “Midnight Rider”, “Bylinka”, “Steppe”, “Werewolf Prince” and others. The band's first performance took place at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and was warmly received by the audience.

In 2012, the girl was invited to the Voice talent show as a mentor. And two years later, the singer became a coach-mentor in the show “Voice. Children".

Personal life

In 2010, the folk singer married Dmitry Efimovich, director of the Comedy Woman project. It is noteworthy that Pelageya met him when she was only 11 years old - at a KVN performance in 1997.

The marriage did not last long, and the couple divorced after two years.

In 2016, the press became aware of the affair between Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin. Rumors and gossip fueled the joint appearances of the couple in public. The singer was noticed at the 2016 World Hockey Championship in Russia among the wives and girlfriends of the hockey team.

Pelageya is a famous Russian folk singer, known for her unique deep voice and wide repertoire of romances, folk and author's songs.

Childhood and youth

The singer with an amazing voice Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova is a native Siberian. She was born in the summer of 1986 in Novosibirsk. Together with her birth, a bright star flared up in the sky of Russian culture, amazing and unlike all others.

In this girl, everything was initially unusual: the name, the rapid maturation, the amazing timbre of her voice. At first, Pelageya received the name Polina. So decided the registry office employees, who considered that Polina is a derivative of the “outdated” name Pelageya. Later, when it came time to get a passport, Pelageya corrected the mistake. She values ​​her old name very much, because that was the name of her grandmother. And the surname Khanova came from her stepfather, the girl does not remember her own father.

Pelageya Khanova inherited her musical abilities and amazing voice from her mother, a jazz singer. Meanwhile, the mother, whose singing career was tragic (Svetlana Khanova lost her voice after a long illness), put her whole soul into her daughter. Seeing that the girl from the cradle began to show extraordinary musical abilities, the woman did her best to develop her talent.

Already in infancy, Pelageya tried to repeat whole musical phrases after her mother, who sang her a lullaby. At the age of 3, the girl surprised everyone around her by the fact that she already knew how to read. Her first book read was the satirical novel Gargantua and Pantagruel.

The creative biography of the singer began before school. Pelageya Khanova met the stage at the age of 4. It happened in Petersburg. Mom took her little daughter to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. The debut made an impression on all those present, including the young singer. She fell in love with the stage forever. Performances continued in the kindergarten of her native Novosibirsk, where little Polina regularly gave "concerts" at all matinees.

At the age of 8, Khanova entered the special music school in Novosibirsk, which operated at the conservatory. Pelageya turned out to be the first vocalist in the history of the institution. Here the 9-year-old star was first heard by the leader of the musical group "Kalinov Most" Dmitry Revyakin. The musician suggested that the parents bring their daughter to the capital, where the girl could participate in the Morning Star contest.

Revyakin's advice turned out to be correct: Pelageya received the title of "Best Folk Song Performer in Russia in 1996." Participation in the "Morning Star" was a turning point in the life of a little performer. From that moment on, Pelageya Khanova made a rapid career take-off. Soon the unique voice of the Siberian woman was heard not only by her compatriots. called the young songstress "Russian". Pelageya applauded, and, shedding tears, called her "a symbol of a resurgent Russia."

Pelageya and Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II

At the age of 9, Pelageya Khanova was a scholarship holder of the Young Talents of Siberia Foundation. The singer participates in the UN International Program "New Names of the Planet". Russian romances performed by Siberian women are applauded in the Kremlin Palace and the Rossiya state concert hall. During a speech in the Kremlin, Pelageya met the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II and received his blessing for further work. Many Russian performers could only dream of such a thing. The young singer gets acquainted with, and many others.

In 1997, an 11-year-old girl appeared on the stage of KVN. Pelageya played for the team of Novosibirsk State University and made a splash. Pelageya becomes not only a performer of musical numbers, but also a full member of the team. We can safely say that for the audience an asterisk named Pelageya was opened by KVN.

Pelageya in KVN (NSU 1997)

At the same time, Pelageya signed a contract for the release of several albums with the Fili recording studio, which is known for its collaboration with the Tekkila Jazz, Chaif, Hummingbird groups. Among Fili's projects is a tribute album by the British band Depeche for Depeche Mode, for which Pelageya performs the track Home. According to the authoritative FUZZ magazine and the Depeche Mode members themselves, the cover was recognized as the best musical composition of the album.


The demand and constant participation in concerts and competitions become the reason for the resettlement of Pelageya to the capital. The girl moves to Moscow with her mother. Here they rent an apartment. Khanova goes to study at the music school at the Gnessin College. At this time, Pelageya is recording her debut music album, “Lubo!”.

Pelageya in the program "Old TV"

The girl's mother is engaged in vocals. An amazing range of 4 octaves turns out to be an obstacle even for eminent teachers: teachers are afraid to deal with young talent, so as not to spoil Pelagia's unique natural abilities. Under the guidance of Svetlana Khanova, the young singer mastered complex belkant singing.

Living in the capital, Pelageya Khanova becomes a regular participant in official events. The songs of the young singer are applauded at the Nika and Golden Mask awards ceremony, at the Easter in the Kremlin concert and at the summit of the heads of France, Germany and Russia. It is noteworthy that at the last event of national importance, Pelageya's solo concert was the only cultural event provided for by the protocol.

With the participation of Pelagia, a concert was held on Red Square on the occasion of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, directed by him. Performance of a young star and the Kuban Cossack choir with the song "Love, brothers, love!" seen by the inhabitants of the entire planet thanks to the international broadcast by the BBC.

In the spring of 1998, the release of "Anthropology" was aired with the participation of Pelageya. The girl was then 11 years old. And the following year, the singer participated in the prestigious music festival in Evian, Switzerland. The girl received an invitation to the festival from herself. did not stint on praises of the Russian star, calling the young singer "the future of the world opera stage."

Pelageya on the transfer of Dmitry Dibrov "Anthropology"

In the same 1999, Pelageya Khanova sang at the international folklore festival in Scotland, striking the sophisticated audience of Edinburgh. The singer's performances were broadcast on a huge screen in a London park. The tour of the artist was an incredible success, there were 18 concerts with a full house. The girl received an offer to record a new album in Switzerland and met the legendary manager. The manager invited Khanova to participate in the world premiere of the opera singer in 2000, Pelageya accepted the offer.

At the age of 14, Pelageya Khanova becomes a student at RATI. During her studies in 2003, the singer released a retrospective album "Pelageya". It includes the popular songs of the performer, with which the girl has performed since the age of ten: “Cossack”, “Vanya was sitting on the sofa”, “Party” and others.

Pelageya - "I was going home"

In 2005, Pelageya graduated from the pop department and received a red diploma. In the same year, the Siberian performer founded her own musical group, which was named Pelageya. According to the musicians of the group, they used ethno-rock as a genre of music and relied on the ideas of Inna Zhelannaya, Angela Manukyan, Sergey Starostin, and the Kalinov Most group. Together with her colleagues, Pelageya strives to recreate authentic Russian songs and introduce elements of modern rock music into them.

Pelageya - "Cossack"

In 2009, Pelageya released an Internet release, and a year later, on a physical medium, a new double album, Paths, which included Russian folk, Cossack and author's songs. Two discs contain famous songs performed by Pelageya: “Oh, it’s not evening”, “Roses”, “Midnight Rider”, “Bylinka”, “Steppe”, “Werewolf Prince” and others. Performed by the singer, these works became real hits, which are still becoming an integral part of the artist's concerts. The band's first performance took place at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and was warmly received by the audience.

To date, Pelageya has recorded 6 albums. The performer is working on the 7th, which will be called "The Cherry Orchard". In addition, the singer's repertoire includes dozens of popular romances and folk songs that Pelageya performed only from the stage, without recording them on discs. Among these compositions: “Spring will not come for me”, “In the upper room”, “Horse”, “Black Raven”, “Under the Green Rocket” and other compositions loved by the inhabitants of the country for generations.

Pelageya - "In the Upper Room"

In 2004, the girl made her debut as an actress in the TV series Yesenin, and since 2009 she became a participant in the 3rd season of the popular show Two Stars, where she sang in a duet with. Then there was a misunderstanding between the project management and Pelageya, which was discussed in the media.

According to the organizers of the show, the singer for no reason refused to go on stage after several programs, allegedly "failing Daria and the project." Pelageya replied that, in fact, a temporary contract was concluded for a couple of releases due to health problems, but after the Pelageya-Moroz pair became the leader, the organizers decided to leave the singer in the project, but the performer was not ready.

In 2012, fans of the talented singer saw Pelageya in the show "". Pelagia appeared as a mentor. Khanova worked as a mentor in three seasons of The Voice, the singer's performances were distinguished by amazing arrangements, costumes and depth of works. Fields, as the singer was called by her colleagues on the show, and, gained the love of millions of viewers, becoming one of the best and emotional mentors of the project. In 2014, the singer became a coach-mentor in the offshoot of the Voice project, the musical competition show Voice. Children".

Alisa Ignatieva, Pelageya - "White Snow"

In 2014, viewers noted that Pelageya, whose height is 163 cm, has lost weight. Some hardly recognized the 29-year-old folk singer, noting the unusual and somewhat sickly appearance of the performer. Khanova admitted that she really drastically reduced weight. But the singer did not disclose the exact numbers of her anthropometric data, so it is not known what specific figure the scales of the famous artist showed.

Group "Pelageya" - "Snow-white cherry"

Fans noted that along with the kilograms, the charm of the performer also left. After some time, Pelageya found "her" weight, gaining a couple of kg. The singer is not ready to change her appearance anymore. However, during the weight stabilization process, the artist studied all possible diets and revised her diet. Pelageya generously shared her experience with her fans. In addition to proper nutrition, the artist devoted time to sports activities, massage sessions and a visit to the bath. According to the singer, thanks to such an integrated approach, she managed to lose up to 7 kg per week.

Personal life

Pelageya openly shares her creative plans on the official website, which contains detailed posters of the singer, galleries with photos from concerts and videos: filming performances, fragments of concerts and presentations - and the latest news. There are no clips for songs performed by the singer on the site.

Pelageya in the show "Voice"

Pelageya rarely appears in studio videos, because this type of video is not very suitable for the folk song genre beloved by the musician. In addition, from the pages of the site, the singer reports that she does not have official accounts in social networks, except for " Instagram ».

Pelageya's personal life rarely becomes the subject of discussion in the press: the singer does not like scandals and never appears in them. In 2010, Pelageya Khanova got married. The director of "Comedy Woman" Dmitry Efimovich became the chosen one of Pelageya. The folk singer even took her husband's surname. But after 2 years this marriage broke up.

In 2016, the press became aware of the affair between Pelageya and the hockey player. Rumors and gossip fueled the joint appearances of the couple in public. The singer was noticed at the 2016 World Hockey Championship in Russia among the wives and girlfriends of the hockey team.

Note that Ivan Telegin broke up with his common-law wife, who gave him a son. Three months after the birth of the boy, the athlete left the family, giving vent to rumors about the role of Pelageya in the family drama.

June 16, 2016 Pelageya and Ivan Telegin in the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. The ceremony was attended only by relatives and friends of the couple. The wedding of Pelageya and Telegin was not advertised. The newlyweds went after the wedding to a restaurant, and then flew to Greece.

Pregnant Pelageya

The singer hid the pregnancy while there was such an opportunity. The fact that the family is waiting for replenishment, the fans found out when the singer went to the last stages. January 21, 2017 Ivan Telegin and Pelageya became parents. Singer Taisiya.

A year later, rumors of Pelagia's wife appeared in the media. The reporters' conjectures were based on pictures in which Ivan Telegin appeared in an embrace with an unfamiliar girl. But the couple denied the rumors by the joint appearance of the artists of the Cirque du Soleil at the performance. The couple Pelageya and Ivan arrived at the performance in excellent spirits, besides, the husband did not leave his beloved for a minute.

According to Pelageya, the daughter grows up as a "harsh" child. The singer suggests that with her seriousness, Taya went to her dad, who in childhood amazed others with discipline and responsibility. Parents try to devote all their free time to their daughter, but sometimes they leave the girl with a nanny or grandmothers.

Pelagia now

A month after being discharged from the maternity hospital, Pelageya took the stage, the singer appeared at the Crocus City Hall for the anniversary. Pelageya performed in a duet with the birthday boy. Also in 2017, Pelageya, together with, held a concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the Voice show.

In the same year, the creators of the music competition pleased the fans with the "golden composition" of the jury. The return to the project of Pelageya and Alexander Gradsky was met with enthusiasm by the audience. And a year later, the singer triumphantly returned to the judging chair of the project “Voice. Children". The finalist of the fifth season, Pelageya's ward took first place in the competition.

Now the Pelageya group continues touring, regularly visiting large cities of Russia with concerts. In the summer of 2018, the singer visited the Shukshin Days in Altai music festival, performing in the final of the gala event. The artist performed the tracks “Horse”, “Bird”, which the audience met with thunderous applause.

Pelyageya at the World of Siberia festival

At the end of spring 2018, Forbes magazine published a list of the 50 most famous pop stars and athletes, where Pelageya was on the 39th line thanks to an annual income of $ 1.7 million.


  • 1999 - "Lubo!" (single)
  • 2003 - "Pelageya"
  • 2006 - "Single" (single)
  • 2007 - "Girls' Songs"
  • 2009 - Siberian Drive
  • 2010 - "Trails"

Winning the competition

Many years ago, when she was nine years old, she met the vocalist of the Kalinov Most band, Dmitry Revyakin, who was impressed by her beautiful voice. He sent a recording of Pelageya's song to the capital for the Morning Star program, but at that time there was no folklore category there yet. But Yuri Nikolaev solved this problem simply: he invited the girl to take part in the competition of the project winners. As a result, she won the competition and was named "Best Folk Song Performer". She was also awarded a cash prize - they gave 1000 dollars.

The first hit and participation in the concert

Meanwhile, hastily recorded in her hometown and somehow found herself in the backpack of one riot policeman, Pelageya’s song “Love, brothers, love!” became incredibly popular in Chechnya. And soon the performer on behalf of the capital's Patriarchy was invited to participate in the Kremlin concert - she was supposed to be the host. There she met Alexy II, who blessed her and wished her good luck. Then the celebrity was very small. And now many people want to know how old the singer Pelageya is now. It's no secret to anyone - she's 27.

Participation in KVN and performance on Red Square

But what happened to the singer next? After some time, a nine-year-old girl from Novosibirsk acquired acquaintances with famous people, for example, Joseph Kobzon, Hillary Clinton, Nikita Mikhalkov, Naina Yeltsina. Before the singer had time to look back, 1997 came, which brought her many important events. The girl was accepted into the Novosibirsk KVN team, and she became the youngest member of the club of all time. Then the singer Pelageya received an invitation to perform at a large-scale performance at the 850th anniversary of the capital. It was sent to her by a famous director named Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. The girl who performed her famous song “Love, brothers, love!” attracted everyone's attention, her performance was filmed, after which it was watched by viewers in many countries of the world. From that moment on, the media began to call it the "Symbol of Perestroika", as well as the "National Treasure". Many at that time began to wonder what the name of the singer Pelageya was, not assuming that she had her real name.

Entering a music school and recording the first album

Soon, the performer, along with her mother, began to live in the capital, in a rented apartment. The young singer entered the music school at the piano department. After some time, her debut album was recorded, called "Lubo!".

Speech at the summit

In the early spring of 1998, Pelageya became a guest of the Anthropology program, hosted by Dmitry Dibrov. It was then that the President of Russia saw her and made her a very tempting offer. For the first time in many years, a summit was held in which the heads of several countries took part: Russia, Germany and France. And at this meeting a small cultural program was supposed, namely a concert of a young singer. After this speech, they trumpeted all over the countries: he compared the young celebrity with Edith Piaf, and the Russian president even burst into tears and called the girl "a symbol of a resurgent country"! People were surprised when they found out how old Pelageya was. The singer was only 12.

Performance in a rock club, recording a cover

Seven days later, Pelageya performed at a rock club, delighting guests and journalists with the performance of her hits. Together with her, the Va-Bank group appeared on stage. In the late autumn of 1998, Pelageya contributed to the recording of an album with cover versions of Depeche Mode compositions. The girl sang the song Home. Soon, FUZZ recognized her cover as the best. In the early summer of 1999, Mstislav Rostropovich invited the singer to participate in the prestigious Swiss music festival held in Evian.

Performance in Edinburgh

August 1999 was successful for Pelageya - she was lucky enough to take part in the Fringe Edinburgh Festival. The young singer went there together with another talented girl from Ukraine - Katya Chili, they united in a group and called themselves Prodigies, so they performed together. The Edinburgh audience liked their compositions very much.

Singer Pelageya, together with the musicians who arrived with her, performed in front of a foreign audience as many as 18 times.

Recording two songs

In 1999, in the fall, the performer recorded two new songs in the capital of Ukraine: Mary Magdalene's aria from the famous opera called "Jesus Christ the Superstar" and "Evening Sacrifice" (this is the name of the Orthodox prayer). The compositions, as one would expect, turned out to be excellent.

Performances in Israel

At the beginning of the winter of 2000, the anniversary of Christianity was celebrated, and the singer, along with the Osipov Orchestra and vocalists from the Bolshoi Theater, performed at the Theater of Nations, located in the capital of Israel. And then she sang in Bethlehem, in the square near the Cathedral of the Nativity. In addition to many fans, all Orthodox Patriarchs, including Alexy II, also heard it. Again, people began to look for information about the name of the singer Pelageya, and when they found out that this was her real name, they were glad that her parents called her so beautifully. The year 2000 was generally very fruitful for the singer. Having stopped recording songs for the album, she begins to prepare for the next performances. Only one thing was upsetting: the singer did not find a producer to realize her main creative goal - to determine a musical style that would help present authentic and well-known folk compositions to a wide range of listeners.

Team building

So, Pelageya recruited a group of young people who were not indifferent to music, like herself, whose age ranged from 16 to 20 years, and began to prepare a concert program.

Moreover, the singer did not puzzle over who she was designed for. The compositions turned out to be very light and sincere, the guys played acoustic guitars, percussion, button accordion and ethnic

Performances in clubs and concerts

Initially, the singer Pelageya planned to perform in various clubs, for example, in the Chinese Pilot Zhao Da. However, it was decided to perform some compositions from this program also at the combined Kremlin pop concerts. Of course, most of the singers there just opened their mouths to the soundtrack. And the team, which is now called "Pelageya", does not even want to hear anything about her - this is not their prerogative.

This acoustic program was included in the subsequent part of the album. It contains seven compositions and is notable for the concert sound, which is so loved by the singer's fans.

Performance at the Theater Olympics and the next summit, the release of an album with romances

In 2001, the Pelageya team performed excellently at the Theater Olympics, which was organized by V. Polunin. And at the end of the summer, the singer performed her compositions at another meeting of eleven presidents of the former republics of the Soviet Union. There she performed together with Alla Pugacheva. In the autumn of the same year, an album was released with romances performed by domestic singers. These compositions were to be used in the painting "Azazel". The media announced the two best singers: Pelageya and Grebenshchikov. At the end of autumn, he arrived in the capital by chance and heard Pelageya's composition and invited her to perform the soundtrack for her new picture.

Singer Pelageya: personal life

In 2010, the wedding of the performer and Dmitry, the guy with whom she performed together in KVN, took place. And after a couple of years, the couple decided to divorce. None of them commented on this in any way, however, there is an opinion that the reason was the singer's unwillingness to have a baby and her husband's betrayal.

Now, apparently, Pelageya has found a new guy. Recently, they began to notice her in the company of an unknown man. They constantly hold hands and shine with happiness.

Do you know that…

  • For many years the girl did not bear her name. The registry office workers were a little mistaken. They recorded a different name - Polina. Pelageya is not a secretive singer, and she told reporters this amazing story. Only at the age of 16, upon receiving a passport, the girl regained her real name.
  • In 2008, the singer was awarded the Triumph Prize - she was awarded it for her contribution to culture.
  • Pelagia - four and a half octaves.

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