Ancestral settlement Ark. Ecovillage ark


"The ark"

Videos about life in ecovillages

Nika-TV report about the ecovillage "Ark" (rather old ~2005)

Clip about eco-village "Ark", made in January 2006

Clip about the meeting of representatives of operating ecovillages on December 17, 2005

A report about the ecovillage "Grishino" (made by visiting foreigners on slides)

Silent about ecovillages - or "Welcome to the Future!"

I have been to many
ecological settlements and communities of the world.
In 1993 he found his place and now with his family
I live in the ecovillage Grishino.
I'm talking about the obvious here.
but most of us don't think about it.

What is an "eco-village"? The word "ecology" in Greek means "the science of the home." Under the house was understood not only housing, but also the entire space where a person lived. Thus, in short, we can say that an “ecological settlement” is a place favorable for life.

Ecovillages began to appear in different countries in the 60s of the 20th century, and the global ecovillage movement was formed in the mid-90s as a response to the pressure of modern civilization on nature and man. What happens to a person when he lives in a city? He sees artificial light and objects, inhales artificial smells, hears artificial sounds, touches and touches synthetics, eats artificial food, walks on asphalt, sleeps in a reinforced concrete apartment, drinks lifeless water. As a result, he does not receive that divine energy that nature is filled with and begins to feel unhappy. Therefore, I would not call today's megacities and small towns a place favorable for life. Yes, and I would not call modern "civilization" with such a word, so I will call it the word "system". Can you call human civilization that which pollutes water, air, soil, cuts down forests, destroys more and more species of animals, destroys not only nature, but also man himself. It looks like degradation, not civilization. People who are aware of their destiny on Earth today settle in ecological settlements to create a world that is fertile for man and nature, to give birth and raise healthy children, to create together with Nature and God.

In ecovillages, not only a clean natural environment, there is a friendly human atmosphere. Here, children and adults feel safe and comfortable, like in a big family. This is how our ancestors used to live. It was Veche - the consent of all with each other. When the villagers gathered at the Veche, everyone's voice was heard. This voice was respected and accepted by all. Thus, justice was done and a decision was made that satisfies every one. Everyone then was responsible for such a decision, gave him his support and energy. Today, many ecovillages and communities around the world are once again reviving this way of living together, when common decisions are made by consensus (unanimously). Sometimes this is not easy and requires a lot of inner work and awareness, which allows you to reach the level when you hear and understand the other as yourself, and you feel yourself a part of a larger social organism. It is a process of growth for each and every community.

Once I was visiting my friend in America. We were sitting in the living room of his new house. He cryptically said to me: “Do you know, Vasudeva, that you are richer than me?” "Is that how it is?" - I asked puzzled and looked at the two cars standing in the yard for a family of three. "Do you have any debts?" he continued. “Yes, I borrowed $500 - not enough for the trip. Upon arrival in Russia, I will return it. “You see, you have a debt of $500, and I have $500,000. So which one of us is richer? Then he explained to me that he had bought a house on credit for $250,000 and that he had to repay the Bank with interest of $500,000 in 25 years. At the same time, every month he must pay a certain amount, and if he does not do this on time, the house will be taken away from him, as happened with the previous owners. Now he lives in fear of being homeless. This weighs heavily, and he must constantly work and work to feed the Bank - the "system" to which he will end up giving another such house. It turns out that this is how most Americans live.

It is estimated that in different countries people work for the "system" (whether capitalist or communist) from 80 to 95% of their working time and only 5-20% for themselves. At first glance, this seems strange. Here they are, earned money in my pocket. We think that they belong to us, but the owner of the money is depicted on the banknote, for example, "Bank of Russia". Those. money belongs to the "system" and every time we use it, we feed and increase the energy of this "system". The Gospel tells how 2000 years ago people complained to Jesus about the unbearable exactions of tax collectors, and he answered them: “Give Caesar what is Caesar’s,” pointing to the portrait on the coins. Indeed, the coins belonged to Caesar, and he took them back. In the modern "system" everything is more elegant - plastic cards, for example, but the essence remains the same.

Already today in ecovillages it is possible to work for yourself 80-95% of the time. Many settlements of the world try to use ordinary money to a minimum and introduce their own systems of the equivalent of the exchange of labor and products, both within and between settlements. They do it consciously so as not to support the "system" that has a detrimental effect on our planet.

In 1996, ecovillages around the world united in the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN). For convenience, this network consists of three sectors: GEN-Europe unites the ecovillages of Europe and Africa, ENA (Ecovillage Network of Americas) unites the settlements of North and South America, and GENOA (GEN Oceania and Asia) - the settlements of Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and Asia . Every year, representatives of all ecovillages of the GEN-Europe network meet at their assembly in one of the ecovillages - each time in a different one. Such meetings are mostly informal in nature - there is an active exchange of information and experience, new connections and joint projects arise. The office of the GEN-Europe network, which performs an informational and coordinating role, moves from settlement to settlement. My like-minded people in the GEN network, realizing the impasse of modern destructive civilization and seeing the emergence of a new sustainable world order in ecovillages, decorated the emblem of the global network of ecovillages with the inscription: “Welcome to the Future!” Here is (abbreviated) how the GEN network defines ecovillages:

“Eco-villages are the settlements of people striving to create a model of sustainable living. These can be new settlements or revived villages. They are an example of a development model that combines several basic principles: a high quality of life, the conservation of natural resources, the promotion of a holistic (holistic) approach to life and a person, which, in turn, implies the ecology of human housing, the involvement of all members of the settlement in the adoption common solutions, the use of environmental technologies. Ecovillages are communities in which people feel supported by others and are responsible for those around them. They provide a deep sense of belonging to a group, and are small enough for everyone to feel empowered, seen and heard, and open to successful interaction with their neighbors. They emerge and act according to the cultural and geographic characteristics of their bio-regions and typically span four dimensions: social, environmental, cultural and spiritual, combined into a systemic, holistic approach that promotes personal development.”

Ecovillages around the world are actively sharing eco-technologies with each other. There really is something to learn from our "Western" sisters and brothers. Back in the early 90s, I visited the Center for Alternative Technologies in Wales in England. This community has collected the advanced eco-technologies of the world. For example, all the electricity consumed by the community is generated from wind, water and solar energy, and in such quantity that a significant part of it is sold outside. Already today, modern technologies allow mankind to live on Earth without polluting nature and without emitting such an amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Due to human activity, the content of CO2 in the planet's atmosphere is now several times higher than the maximum over a period of 160,000 years, which leads to the greenhouse effect and, as a result, to global natural disasters. But the inhuman "system" does not care.

In Germany, for example, in the ZEGG eco-village, for several years diesel cars were driven on rapeseed oil, which is much cheaper than diesel fuel and at the same time absolutely environmentally friendly - it smells like fried potatoes from the exhaust pipe! But the “system” didn’t like it, and such a tax on rapeseed oil was introduced that it became impossible to use it in the future. And in Argentina, a whole fleet of scheduled buses began to run on alcohol, which in those places is several times cheaper than gasoline and environmentally friendly. But American corporations have threatened economic sanctions and forced Argentina to abandon alternative fuels. And there are many such examples.

Ecofootprint Most people do not think about what it costs the Earth, how they live and what they consume. In the mid-90s, environmentalists calculated that for every person on our planet there are 1.8 hectares of land, if it is divided equally among all its inhabitants. Then they introduced the concept of “human ecological footprint” and calculated how many resources, on average, a person takes from the Earth in each individual country. By consuming natural resources, products, energy, things, using transport, etc. we take away from nature a certain area on which all this is produced. What do you think, how much does the average resident of Moscow or St. Petersburg take away from the Earth? It turns out to be 2.5 times more than it is for one earthling, i.e. 5 hectares of land - land where birds, animals can no longer live freely, trees and flowers can no longer grow. For example, you go to the supermarket and buy an apple there. The apple came from New Zealand. What did this apple cost the Earth? Even if it was environmentally friendly and not pollinated with pesticides, bugs and birds lived in that garden. But how much the airport and roads took from the land, which built the aircraft and the fuel-producing factories, the factories that built the equipment that built the supermarket, I'm not talking about the whole apparatus that taxes it all ... Here's an apple for you! Or you can just go out and pick an apple in your own garden. Even if it is sourer than New Zealand, but a hundred times more useful. And the Earth will not be a burden, but a joy!

The population of, for example, Holland takes away from the Earth an area 5 times larger than the area of ​​Holland itself. This is how the dairy industry in this country works: Dutch farmers buy feed for their cows in Africa, because it is very cheap. African farmers are freeing up large areas for themselves by driving locals off their indigenous lands, often through brute force. On these lands they sow fodder crops, which are intensively treated with pesticides, otherwise African insects would quickly restore the ecological balance. It is much more profitable for farmers to sell the received feed to Holland than to the local population. At the same time, a significant part of the local population (especially children) is starving and even dying of hunger. And in Holland, thanks to cheap African feed, they get cheap milk, butter, condensed milk, cheese, which are profitably sold for export, including to Russia. At the same time, an environmental problem arose in Holland due to the huge piles of manure from these farms. Heaps of manure take up more and more space and there is nowhere to put them. "Why don't you use them in the fields as fertilizer?" I asked the Dutch. “This manure is unsuitable,” they answered, “there are too many pesticides in it ...” Therefore, I do not recommend eating Dutch dairy products - they cost the Earth dearly, and are not good for health either.

In ecovillages, people are aware of their impact on nature and strive to reduce the level of consumption in all areas to a minimum. There was even such a term - conscious minimalism. In many of the communities I have visited, settlers use one car for several families, which makes it easier to maintain a car and reduce pressure on the environment. By living in an eco-village, a person can reduce their eco-footprint to 1 hectare or less, thus leaving a place for wildlife.

Modern Western society is called the "consumer society". The Russian media and politicians today keep their alignment with the West and convince us that our well-being lies in raising the “standard of living”, i.e. the amount of money we spend. But our "ecofootprint" is directly proportional to our "standard of living". For example, for all people to live like the average American, it would take 5 more planets like the Earth. Modern civilization already consumes 20% more from the Earth than it can recover. What do we leave to our descendants? .

In ecovillages, with a rather low "standard of living", people have a high "quality of life". This is the quality of food, housing, air, social environment, etc. It is this kind of life that I would call a good state, i.e. welfare. It turns out that a person does not consume so much material when he is happy and healthy. .

Unfortunately, some Western ecological settlements consider only the ecological impact of man on nature, trying to minimize it and consuming as little energy as possible. But at the same time, they completely forget about the man himself ... Man is also a part of nature. I had a chance to live in such an “ecological” house in an eco-settlement in Europe (I won’t name which one so that they would not be offended). The house really consumed a minimum of energy. On the grassy roof, there are solar collectors made in the settlement itself. Collectors even in cloudy winter weather heated water up to + 80 gr. C and provided the whole house with hot water and heating. Quite environmentally friendly. But in the room I was just suffocating, and the open window did not help. Then I asked, "What are the walls made of?" I was told that behind the inner wooden sheathing there was a layer of plastic, then a synthetic heat insulator, again plastic and outside again wood sheathing - excellent thermal and waterproofing - emphasized to me. I was amazed! Over the years of living in a wooden frame in my Grishino, I was so unaccustomed to synthetics that my body simply suffocated in non-breathing walls. So much for ecology – an environment conducive to life!

But I want to immediately give a positive example. She stayed with us in Grishino Sandy from Colorado and talked about her eco-house. He intrigued me very much, and I ended up in her settlement on a return visit. It was winter, - 17 gr. C, Sandy's house was located quite high in the mountains in the former gold prospecting village. When I entered the house, I felt warm and comfortable. There was a small potbelly stove in the living room, but it was not heated. I did not find any other heating devices. “And how often do you drown your potbelly stove?” I asked Sandy. “I don’t drown at all - I heard the answer - this is it, just in case it’s standing here.” “But how is the house heated?” I asked. And then Sandy began to talk about the design of her self-heating eco-house. It turns out that at first a foundation pit was dug on the site of the house, which was thermally insulated and covered with soil, through which pipes were laid - air ducts. A greenhouse is attached to the south side of the house, in which vegetables and herbs grow all year round. The beginning and end of this long air duct are led into the greenhouse. When in summer the temperature in the greenhouse exceeds + 30 gr. C, the thermostat turns on the fan, which drives hot air through the duct under the house, warming the soil there. At night or in winter, when the temperature in the greenhouse drops below + 30, the thermostat turns off the fan, and when it drops below + 24, it turns it on again, and the warm air is now flowing from under the house into the greenhouse. Thus, over the summer, a large amount of heat is accumulated in the thickness of the soil under the house, which is enough to heat the house and the greenhouse throughout the winter. Thanks to the warm soil under the house, the floor in the house is also warm. Sandy built her house piece by piece, just like the Indians do. She first built one part of the house, living in which she built the next part, and so on. I used only natural materials. I have never seen a more environmentally friendly home!

Building houses from improvised natural material is one of the principles of the ecovillage movement. So, I was impressed by the houses that I saw in the Kutumba ecovillage in South Africa. They are built from a mixture of clay and straw, which is built up on woven wicker frames. This is a traditional African building technique. True, traditional houses in Africa are round in shape, but here the variety of shapes simply had no limits! Creativity flourished - writhing walls were decorated with smeared shells and pieces of ceramics!

Organic farming and permaculture are actively used in ecovillages- the science of how to grow plants in co-creation with Nature. At the same time, a person performs a minimum of work and interference in nature, and receives a maximum return. This science was founded by Bill Mollison, an Australian scientist who was inspired by the observation of the Indians of South America: they went into the jungle, planted beans there, and then returned there to harvest. One of the principles of permaculture is not to dig up the soil, which preserves and even increases its fertility. So we in Grishino have been planting potatoes in hay for many years - the old grandfather's "permaculture" method. At the same time, you don’t need to dig, or hill, or weed, or dig out ... In the spring you put potatoes in the ground (if it is virgin soil and turf - even better), or rather on the ground, and cover with hay. When she hatched, you report another layer of hay - “spud”. In the autumn he took off the hay with his fingers - there are potatoes, as in a nest. The turf under the hay is rotted and next year carrots or any other crop can be planted in this land without any digging.

Of course, personal contact with the soil and the plants you grow is also important. For example, some residents of the Findhorn community in Northern Scotland have the ability to communicate with plant spirits. Plants talk in detail about what they love, how they would like to be looked after, where they planted, how they combined with each other, etc. The settlers try to fulfill all these wishes. As a result, they grow such vegetables that agricultural experts simply do not believe their eyes and the fact that such fertility is possible in northern latitudes ...!

Eco-villages - the movement "back to the future". As it was with our ancestors, as it was preserved among the indigenous peoples, so in today's ecovillages the attitude towards the Earth as a living being is being revived. Now there is even such a science - “deep ecology”, which helps a person to feel the wholeness of all living things, to realize his place in this, as the Indians say, “The Sacred Circle of Life”. Our ancestors not only lived in the cosmic natural rhythm of the Sun, Moon, planets and constellations, harmoniously weaving their will and actions into a single dance of Creation, they treated the surrounding Nature with great awe and respect as a creation of God. So the American Indians still perceive Nature as a living Book through which the "Great Spirit" communicates with them. From childhood, they are accustomed to perceive everything that happens in it as symbols sent to them by the Spirit.

So in Rus', for generations, people developed relationships with one or another natural place. And the place actively interacted with the person, responding to his actions and requests. For example, there were "charmed groves" where you could hide from the enemy with a whole village, and the enemy could not find anyone in them.

Living in an ecovillage, on earth, you especially feel how the place responds to your attitude towards it. Sometimes it gives you pleasant surprises. So in the autumn in Grishino, I thought that I would like to transplant wild sorrel from the field to one of the beds on my site, and plant wild currants from the forest among the pines near the house. Walking through my garden in the spring, I found that one of the beds was completely overgrown with wild sorrel, and wild red currant itself grew between the pines ... I was very pleased! You didn’t even need to pick up a shovel, nature did everything by itself!

And another example: a girl from Italy wanted to come to Grishino in winter. After describing our winter to her, we persuaded her to come in the summer. As it turned out, she aspired to us in the winter in order to see the Northern Lights. And now, apparently, especially for her in the middle of the summer in Grishino, Nature staged a real performance - she rolled such Northern Lights, which you rarely see even in winter. The girl went home with a sense of satisfaction and gratitude to Nature for the fulfillment of her desire.

But today on the planet we see how people unceremoniously invade nature and, naturally, meet similar hostility in response. Andrei Tarkovsky clearly demonstrated this principle in the film "Stalker". But the “zone” is our entire Earth. Nature is sensitive not only to our physical actions, but even more strongly reacts to our thoughts, feelings and vibrations - that which we radiate. The pollutants that humanity throws into Nature on the astral plane would stun any ecologist if he saw them. For many, it is no secret that these pollutions are the cause of hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics and other cataclysms. Therefore, today, more than ever, the Earth needs happy people who radiate vibrations of joy, kindness, love, inspiration that heal the planet. The Indians say: "stand with your feet on the ground, reach the stars with your head and make your dream come true." The more people now follow this advice of our red-skinned brothers, the faster we will embody the “beautiful far away” on our Mother Earth.

Vasudeva Vladislav Kirbyatiev

Kaluga region
Ecovillage KOVCHEG (NP)

Kaluga region (border with the Moscow region), Maloyaroslavetsky district, 130 km south of Moscow (just over 2 hours from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kyiv / Kaluga / Warsaw highway), 25 km from the city of Maloyaroslavets. From the highway about 10 km of concrete, pretty battered. There is a common house. Two rivers - a small one 0.5 km. and the largest one is 4 km. You can swim in both rivers and both ponds (large common and small private). On both sides of the forest, springs. Strawberries, nuts, mushrooms in abundance.

In Maloyaroslavets, the Non-Commercial Partnership "ARK" was registered with the main statutory goal - the organization of an ecovillage.

Ark website

The latest hot news from the "Ark" is the creation of a settlement!
Look here:

Seminars held in the settlement "Ark" (Kaluga region).

The science of imagery and accentuated awareness of spiritual processes.

Discovery of A.V. Boyarshinov.

Host: Aleksey Gornaev (Ecological settlement of NP "Ark")

The science of imagery and the tradition of Russian and world culture. The discovery of the phenomenon of accentuated awareness A.V. Boyarshinov. Art and religion, since their inception, consciously and unconsciously used the process of creating and translating images. An image is a brightly colored emotionally powerfully concentrated thought. This art reached its greatest flourishing in the European cultural tradition in the activities of the outstanding reformer and theatrical figure K.S. Stanislavsky. The art of the Stanislavsky theater shocked the whole world (even when people attended performances without knowing the language). The successor of the tradition of creating truthful and creative images in art was Alexei Vasilievich Boyarshinov, who brought the mechanism of creating images to a new conscious level and scientifically substantiated their influence on the psyche, health and all activities of the human community.

Practical experience in implementing a discovery in an ecovillage.

A story about Boyarshinov's work and the practical application of his work in the ecovillage (Aleksey Gornaev, a student of A.V. Boyarshinov, 25 years of experience in this field). Many of the tasks that the ecovillage sets itself are very effectively and harmoniously solved with the help of the practical study of this science.

In our settlement, four practical courses were held, six lessons each. Classes serve to develop a sustainable creative worldview of a person personally and create a benevolent climate of relationships.

Beekeeping. Experience of conventional and alternative beekeeping in modern Russia.

Hosts: Alexey Gornaev and Fyodor Lazutin.

The seminar is divided into three parts:

1. A brief digression into history. Beekeeping, keeping bees in decks, traditions, customs, laws associated with this. The invention and implementation of a frame structure, the fundamental differences between a deck (board) and a frame hive (Lazutin Fedor, Alexey Gornaev).

2. Common modern beekeeping.
Dadanovsky hive, sunbed, multi-hull hive as the most common hive designs in Russia and beekeeping features associated with these designs.
A story about my personal experience of many years of keeping bees in the Dadan hive, a review of the experience of several familiar beekeepers.
Pros and cons of these systems (Gornaev Alexey).

3. Alternative, as yet underdeveloped systems for keeping bees.
- The experience of the inhabitants of the ecovillage "ARK" and our friends in keeping bees in logs. How we make decks - designs and manufacturing methods;
- Experience in keeping bees in non-traditional frame hives. A story about similar hives and corresponding frame designs;
- Personal experience of keeping bees in a sunbed - a deck on a high frame;
- Criticism of modern beekeeping and the generally accepted design of the frame as the main element of the hive (Lazutin Fedor).

Since the workshop is held in an auditorium, showing real hives with their inhabitants seems to be difficult. Therefore, photographs, episodes of video filming, as well as real frames with honeycombs and built-up honeycombs will be used as demonstration material.

Experience of natural childbirth and the first years of children's life in the space of the family homestead.

Hosts: Elena Katkova, Anna Chumachenko

The history of the development of home births in our country (since the 80s).

Creation of clubs, schools for preparation for childbirth, positive experience of giving birth to a very large number of children in apartments with the help of a future father, sometimes a visiting midwife (Elena Katkova).

A story about the personal experience of home birth (Katkova Elena, four children born at home).

The great importance of this experience for the transition to a new level - the bearing and birth of children in the family estate.

The role of the family estate in the formation of the unborn child and the preparation of the mother for childbirth. New opportunities for the birth and development of perfect, healthy, developed children.

Our experience. Over the past three years, six children have been born in the ecovillage "ARK", in addition, five more children were born at home (in apartments) to parents who have estates with us, but do not yet live in them.

All parents are very happy with the fact that their children were not born in a maternity hospital.

A story about this, as well as about my personal experience of having children at home and in the family estate (Anna Chumachenko)

Write [email protected]

A balalaika musician, a businessman, an actor, a programmer, a professor of philology, a fashion model, an assistant to a deputy… 79 families moved to the dense forests of the Kaluga region to run a subsistence economy, raise children and, according to their own laws, build their own world on an area of ​​one hundred hectares.


There are no fences in the Kovcheg eco-village, there is a lot of free space, not a single house is like the neighboring one: log cabins, houses (made of clay and straw) and panel houses ... The territory already occupies 80 hectares (one hectare for each family). Residents recall how surprised the officials who came here to check: winter, snow, snowdrifts to the waist - and across the empty field, singing, a girl rolls a stroller.

The Ark connects civilization only with electricity, carried out only two years ago. Birdhouse toilets instead of sewers, water from springs or recently dug wells, heat from stoves. Almost everyone has the Internet, but no TVs: a satellite dish allows, but why?

The city decides everything for the person, - says one of the founders of the village, Fyodor Lazutin, - they give you a warm, bright house, doctors take care of your health, schools take care of the education of your children. You become dependent on the city. By moving to, you return responsibility for your life, home, children, for what you will eat and how you will live. The life that civilization offers us does not suit us. We must start with the basics: housing, food, children.

The former townspeople decided to return to the childhood of civilization. Virtually no one had ever worked on the land before. “I am a northerner,” Fedor laughs, “it was generally strange for me that apples grow on trees.”

Settler Oleg from his youth wanted to land. Once I came to my grandfather, a peasant: I stay, they say, to live with you. “Yes, get out of here,” the grandfather was indignant. “I brought your father to the people, I did not move to the city so that you would return here.”

The average age of adult residents of the "Ark" is 35 years. Most are Muscovites, half continue to earn money in the city: programmers - on the Internet, many - leaving to work, some rent city apartments. But someone has already quit their old job, earning money by building houses, selling honey. The settlers believe that a hectare of land is enough to feed a family and even sell the excess. Garden, apiary, around - a forest with mushrooms, berries and deadwood for firewood. In the future, it will be possible to grow flax and weave clothes, establish pastures and raise cows.

100 hectares per world

Yes, you do not be afraid, my bees do not bite, the breed is like that. Here in the neighboring area - so there are some kind of bull terriers, not bees - quickly walking along the path between the hives, says Fedor Lazutin, a molecular biologist and businessman in the past, director of the non-profit partnership "Ark" and author of a book on beekeeping in the present. The bees buzz indignantly around my head, clearly about to ruin their reputation.

The Ark began with Fedor, although he denies this. Seven years ago, four families who were planning to move to the land met on the Internet (others are looking for girls there) and together they found an empty plot in the Kaluga region. There, the future settlers were allocated 120 hectares of abandoned agricultural land to create a world arranged according to its own rules.

The same laws apply on the territory of the village as in the country, plus a ban on alcohol, smoking, killing animals (although not all vegetarians in the settlement), the use of chemical fertilizers and hazardous industries.

The issue of land ownership was posed as harshly as possible: everything is owned by a non-profit partnership consisting of 79 people (one from each family). If a person decides to leave, he will not be able to sell his land, but will receive money for the house built on it. This is how the settlement protects itself from strangers and bad neighbors: if a person does not fit, he can be expelled, but this almost never happened. For example, one of the residents prevented everyone from using the road through the village, claiming that there was a “place of power” on it. Several people left on their own.

The main criterion for selecting new settlers for the inhabitants of the "Ark": do you want to see this person as a neighbor? Additional - the ratio of words and deeds (too many are ready to move only in words) and the willingness to do something for the village, nature and the world.

Ecovillage is an example of democracy. There is no single leader. We wanted personalities to come to us, they say in the Ark, and not those who need to be led. All decisions are taken by a general vote of representatives of each family. For example, in order for a newcomer to be taken to the village, it is necessary that 75% vote for him. Most of the competition does not pass, and almost all the sites are already filled.


God created man in his own image and likeness. It means that God created man as a creator, - says the programmer Sergey. - The position of a person who returned to earth is the position of God, who begins to create his own world.

Sergei eco-settlement (as they say here) at the same time as Fedor. Over the years, he learned to build houses, breed bees and play the harp, married Katya, a lonely eco-village, and delivered himself.

It is impossible to find a common denominator for the settlers. Everyone is too different: someone plays the balalaika and wears linen shirts, someone philosophizes, someone sits in the lotus position. Some live in tents, others have installed a jacuzzi in the house. Arguing in favor of rural life, some talk about biofields and connection with space, others talk about children who are sick in the city. Many came after reading books by Vladimir Megre about the taiga hermit Anastasia, calling for natural life, some have not read them until now.

According to the settlers, the majority in a past life made good money and made a career. “If a person runs away from something, he will not stay here,” says Fedor. - We take those who come "to" and not "from". If a person, explaining why he came to us, says “I don’t want ...”, he will not stay: we cannot give him what he does not want.”

Oleg Malakhov, an actor from the School of Dramatic Art, and his wife Lena came to the Ark six years ago and received a field with four pegs. “After all our hostels, rooms, moving, we see all this space and understand: it is ours,” says Lena.

In the dressing room of the theater, Oleg often tells how he digs and plants potatoes to tease his colleagues. But he doesn’t call for a visit: “My house is too big a part of me to let strangers into it.”

... The bright red-haired fashion model Anya was the face of a cosmetic brand, she was filmed for the Channel One screensaver. After the birth of her daughter, she was given four months to get back in shape and return to work. Instead, Anya and her husband Anatoly, a former big businessman, went to the forests and gave birth to their second daughter. “A kid in the city gets hysterical,” she explains.

... There is no door in Nina's house. Sunday morning, in the rain, ankle-deep in soaked earth, I wander around the log house of thick logs, feeling the extreme absurdity of the situation.

Here! - Nina's head appears from the hole under the house. - We haven't cut the door yet, otherwise the logs will go. That's how we live.

The music teacher, domrist Nina and her son live in the Ark all the time, her husband, balalaika player Andrey, goes to Moscow to earn money.

It’s good for me when friends are around, when my son grows up independent, when you can do what you love not for the sake of earning money, - says Nina. - City friends ask: how do you like it in the countryside? Hammock, swimming pool, flower beds? No, I say, gardens, construction and a bath once every ten days. But here I can sit for hours in the kitchen, chatting, looking out the window. And it seems that everything necessary and important is happening to me. And in the city, even if I run errands, it always seems that time passes in vain.

Sects please do not worry

Three years ago, there was an empty field here, and in the Common House (the center of the village) people lived with burning eyes, in euphoria from what they want to do, - recalls eco-settler Sasha. - Now the emotions have subsided, people really look at things.

Over the past 20 years, several thousand settlements have been removed from the register in the Kaluga Region. Only one new one appeared, under the Kitezh orphanage. If you're lucky, the "Ark" will be the second.

All seven years, Fedor has been collecting documents so that the "Ark" is officially recognized as a village. The other day they were handed over to the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region.

Officials are normal people and secretly hope that everything will work out for us, - says Fedor. Nevertheless, the status of the settlement is not yet clear, like many of the dozens of eco-villages throughout Russia, from the Moscow region to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, they are afraid of eco-villages. Oleg Malakhov recalls how he talked with a new actress in his theater:

We sit in the dressing room, and I chat: the house, the construction site, the beds. She begins to ask what kind of settlement, who lives, how they got there. And in her eyes there is an expression of pity, pity.

Gurus have been frequenting the Ark lately. Scientologists, Hare Krishnas, Hindus, Radnovers, followers of Norbekov, Sinelnikov, Sviyash... “Well, we listen to them: our people are all polite, they won’t drive them away,” the settlers say and explain: what unites us does not lie in the sphere of religion or spiritual practices. “We don't ask the new settlers what they believe,” says Fedor, “we just offer them a life on principles different from the generally accepted ones.”

At first, relations with local residents were not easy. “Sect,” they unanimously decided, seeing how people in urban clothes were coming to the “Ark”. The settlers created their own choir. With folk songs, they traveled around the surrounding metro stations. Somehow they had to perform in a military unit. The entrance was guarded by a soldier. He looked at the women in folk clothes, approached, whispered fearfully:

Are you Baptists? We have been warned.

And who are the Baptists? - asked Oleg.

I don’t know, - the soldier honestly confessed, - but they told us - they were not good.


For seven years, 12 children have already been born in the settlement (there are more than forty in total). Most are at home, without doctors. They also study in the settlement: lessons are held in the Common House all year round. Anya, originally from the Volga Germans, teaches German to children, Nina conducts music, Oleg - acting. School and universities prepare people for life in the city, they say here.

Somehow, workers arrived at the Ark and brought building materials. Stopped by the road, smoking, waiting for the owners. And all of a sudden, children start coming up from all sides. With apprehension they approach, silently get up, look. Workers also look around, nervous.

Check this out. Smoking uncles, one of the children finally exhales.

Some parents force their children to take exams in ordinary schools, as an external student. Others don't. “Children who study at home easily adapt to school,” says Nina. “For them, this is a game: sit in one place, sit down and get up on command ... They play it, and ordinary schoolchildren do not know what could be different.”

The settlers call their homes family homesteads. Whether the family will survive for at least two generations remains to be seen.

Common Home

Saturday evening in the Common House - a concert of Indian music: an old settler with an Orthodox beard and an Indian cap arrives in a Pobeda car, sits on a table, plays the sarod. About twenty listeners sedately doze on the floor. On the terrace - a list of concerts and seminars scheduled for the whole week. “People often ask me in the theater: what are you doing there in your village? - Oleg laughs. - Well, I explain: concerts, a choir, English and German courses, I myself lead a plastic group, a children's theater ... They don’t understand!

The common house was built first, when the settlement itself did not yet exist. They built not only to live on their own, but so that everyone could prove themselves and it became clear who would remain. “Own” was immediately visible: those who really wanted to eco-settlement “happily grabbed hammers.”

Ecovillage seems like a utopia. A world created by its own rules and only for its own. The “we”, which is more familiar to dystopias, sounds quite serious here: “If in the morning we gathered together to build a house, in the evening we can already cover the roof.”

“Leaving everything and leaving for an ordinary village is not for me,” says Nina. “And here I saw the people I was going to, and I knew that I was moving to my own.”


On July 8, a delegation of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region, headed by Vladimir Chigishchev, a member of the committee for the agro-industrial complex, visited the village of Ilyinskoye, Maloyaroslavets District. The reason for the trip of parliamentarians was the appeal of the rural Duma with a legislative initiative on the formation of a new settlement and giving it the name "Ark".

As the correspondent of REGIONS.RU was informed in the information and analytical department of the AP, the construction of the village began at the initiative of a group of citizens in the autumn of 2001 for the permanent residence of families adhering to a healthy lifestyle and preferring living in environmentally friendly conditions. The land plot for the location of the new settlement was allotted by the decisions of the District Assembly in 2001-2002.

Together with the manager of the administration of the Maloyaroslavetsky district Elena Mikhailenko and the head of the administration of the rural settlement Alexander Kashtalev, representatives of the regional parliament met with residents of the Kovcheg eco-village, headed by the director of the Non-Commercial Partnership of the same name Fyodor Lazutin. In the course of a detailed conversation, it turned out that today about 40 families live here - more than 100 people, including several dozen children. They came here not only from different regions of the country, including Moscow, but even from a number of neighboring countries. Each family lives in a separate house, built on its own and with personal funds. The main focus of the settlers is on personal subsidiary farming - gardening and beekeeping.

As a result of the meeting, it was decided to summarize and carefully analyze the information received in order to find the optimally acceptable solution in this situation. The question of the possible creation of a new settlement will be considered at a meeting of committees of the Legislative Assembly of the region.

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Ark Village began back in 2001, when four families leased a 297-acre (120-hectare) plot of land from the government for 49 years for free.

It is located approximately 87 miles (140 km) southwest of Moscow, in the Kaluga region.

Each house is allocated one hectare (2.5 acres) of land to grow food, which is more than enough. At the moment, about 40 families (120 people) live in this village permanently and about 80 (200 people) in the summer. More than 15 children have already been born in the community, while others will be born soon.

The founder of this ecovillage was once a successful businessman from Moscow, who moved away from the city for the sake of the health and happiness of his child. Today he is a beekeeper and gardener. Among the rest of the inhabitants, we can also find a former wrestler, a former German model, a former opera singer and other people of a wide variety of professions and specialties. Most of them once had a fairly well-to-do and habitual residence in the city, but resolutely abandoned it in favor of living in harmony with nature.

Eco-settlement Kovcheg has a common house, a car repair shop, a school, a locksmith shop, a theater, sports grounds, land for agriculture, etc. A clean spring river flows near this village, which provides residents with good drinking water.

Children of eco-settlers learn to play musical instruments: balalaika, orchestral flute, violin, domra, piano, recorder and also learn vocals. Thanks to this, concerts in this village are held regularly. Also, this community from time to time holds various seminars, shares its experience and useful knowledge with people who are interested in their views and values.

In addition to the ecological lifestyle, the people of this community take care of the surrounding forests, clearing them, removing diseased trees and planting new ones. They also oppose illegal logging.

Of course, nature and everything connected with it is very important for these people. But they consider the most important value to be people united by common values ​​and views on life and God's commandments, which must, of course, be observed!

The initiative group of the settlement started its work in 2001 (8 years ago), the common house and the first houses were built in 2002 and the "oldest" settlers have been living on the earth for 7 years. In the settlement on 120 hectares, 79 plots per hectare have been allocated. Now about 40 families (more than 110 people with children) have moved to permanent residence, more than 90 houses and buildings have been roofed. Almost all houses (except for the ordered log cabins) were built by their settlers. We have accumulated experience in felling log cabins, building log houses, panel houses, frame houses, as well as frame houses made of light adobe. Since 2007, the ecovillage school has been operating. There is a large common house, workshops, a sawmill, more than a dozen baths operate, including a common one on a cold spring river. More than 16 estates keep bees. 11 wells and about 15 ponds have been dug. The eco-village is engaged in improving the biodiversity of the surrounding forests (oaks, lindens, cedars, etc. are planted), as well as cleaning up areas of barbarously carried out cuttings in the vicinity. Accumulated experience of stopping felling. Ecovillage hosts three-day seminars for those who wish with topics: construction, beekeeping and the experience of living in an ecovillage. Several films were filmed in the eco-village ("How to build a warm house out of clay and straw", "Building houses from timber...", "The third meeting of representatives of active settlements" and others), and a film "The Seminar of the eco-village Kovcheg in St. Petersburg" was also filmed at our performance ". More than 2 years ago, a choir was created in the ecovillage, in which only permanently residing settlers sing and which gives concerts that people remember. Three rounds of active settlements were held in the settlement: * First round in 2005 (12 settlements, ~6 active) * Third round in 2008 (17 settlements, 15 active) (movie available!) * Fourth round in 2009 (25 settlements) , 24 acting) (so far 80 minutes have been uploaded, there will be a big movie!) Attention! Since September 2008, the arrival of guests in the ecovillage is limited! Please come only for guest days (once a quarter), or at the invitation of a specific settler who can give you enough attention and answer all your questions.

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settlement wall

Free information

Status Developed settlement Positioning Eco-settlement consisting of family homesteads Updated on May 13, 2013 Online since April 21, 2009

Entry conditions

Join our team!

Strict. Details on the website.


Russia, Kaluga region,

Opportunity to arrive

No, it's forbidden!

How to get to the settlement?

Attention! Guest access to the settlement is limited! Please come only if you have an invitation from a specific settler who will answer all your questions. Free to come only on a guest day (follow the announcements on the site of the settlement -

Please, if you can not specify accurate settlement coordinates! Thank you so much in advance for your tact!

About team



Roads to the settlement

Roads within the settlement

Nearest settlements


Cellular connection Water available Public springs Gas pipeline Electricity Yes, most


The "Ark" has its own shop an hour a day (where everything is purchased at a wholesale base), significantly reducing the need to dangle into the city.

Common Home

There is a shared house

Educational institutions


Has its own school (established in 2007)

Distance to school


Plots with what forest cover are present

  • With individual woody plants up to 5-7 years old

Yes, significant

Forest types

  • coniferous forest
  • mixed forest


  • small hills

Reservoirs (less than an hour walk)

  • Shallow pond not suitable for swimming
  • A stream suitable for bathing people not in full growth

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