Rock music is bad for health. Why hard rock is life-threatening


We understand that this material can cause a storm of indignation among fans of heavy rock and skepticism among other music lovers, but we bring to your attention very curious facts that prove that hard rock is life-threatening.

In the 90s, Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted a series of studies to find out how words, prayers, music and the environment can physically affect the crystalline structure of water. Emoto hired photographers to photograph the water after exposure to various variables and then froze it to form crystalline structures. The results were just incredible.

Photo of water after the phrase: "I will kill you" Photo of water after playing hard rock

The structure of water after the word: "Thank you" Photo after playing the blues

As you can see, the structure of water is completely different.

A few decades earlier, in 1970, researcher Olga Kurtis published an article entitled "Music that kills plants." It described the experiments of the scientist Dorothy Retallack. The researcher conducted experiments on plants, the purpose of which was to establish a reaction to music.

Dorothy Retallack placed plants in front of a tape recorder, from which different music sounded. The results shocked her.

From classical music, prayer chants and pleasant music, the plants grew beautifully, and the sick recovered within a few weeks.

When the researcher turned on dark music, including hard rock, the plants immediately turned away, and a few days later, they died.

Why all this?

It has been proven that the human body is 70% water. How do you think the body behaves when listening to hard rock, is the structure of water very different from the samples studied by Masaru Emoto? No. They are absolutely identical.

Among other things, modern hard rock sounds at frequencies that affect the human brain in a very peculiar way. The combination of ultra-low frequencies - 15-30 hertz and ultra-high - up to 80,000 hertz, put people into a state akin to drug intoxication. And if a person listens to such music for a long time, then the brain is seriously injured. The media periodically slips the news that at rock concerts people go deaf, pass out and get sonic burns (yes, these also exist).

Why do you think there are so many inadequate people at rock festivals? Moreover, in ordinary life they can be completely non-conflict and peaceful, but at such events they seem to go crazy. Do they just allow themselves to "go away"? Not at all. This is all the impact of hard rock.

Another important point: hard rock is usually listened to and played at the maximum sound. Most favorably, our ear is able to perceive only 55-60 decibels of sound. Do you know how many decibels are loud at concerts? 160! For comparison, the roar of the turbine is only 120 decibels.

The body at this moment is experiencing powerful stress, so much adrenaline is released that a person literally falls into a state of passion, and can remember absolutely nothing about what he did and how he behaved.

Of course, every person has the right to decide what kind of music to listen to. We're not advocating for total abandonment of enjoying your favorite bands. But still remember that hard rock is life-threatening. Especially in large doses.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about music of different directions, but it is extremely rare to meet heated, but intelligent disputes about the dangers and benefits of a particular type of music. Here is a good example of a peaceful discussion of the problem of the dangers of rock.
A certain doctor by the name of Uglov, an ace in medicine and a recognized author of articles on medical topics, having decided that he was an ace not only in texts like “the Ministry of Health warns”, decided to educate citizens that, they say, listening to rock is harmful to health. And a heated argument broke out between those who agreed and those who disagreed with this statement.

If you are also interested in how the matter ended, digress from the urgent - job search, and instead of " Kashir's work" Type "about the dangers of rock" in the search engine.

What's wrong with rock? Indeed, in the history of "rock around the clock" there are many groups and performers who are not inferior in vocals to opera singers, and sometimes their work (opera singers) is even used in rock compositions. In addition, rock just differs from many other pop genres in the meaningfulness of the lyrics. Usually rock songs are story-driven, finished performances that have a theme, a main character, and a meaning.

Many people who do not accept a particular style find it harmful. But then all directions of music can be considered harmful: in the classics there are minors, and this is depression; pop music blunts the brain, there is a lot of jargon in rap, club music is generally beyond comprehension. It's not about rock, it's about human preference. Often these people have not heard the songs, someone told them, and they draw their conclusions based on the story.

Composing music and words to it is not just creative work, but difficult, not tolerating hack work. You can’t become a rock musician through an ad, try to search the Internet for “rock musician jobs”, like others are looking for “librarian jobs”!

It is said that it is not the style of music that harms health, but its rhythm. If the rhythm exceeds the rhythm of the heartbeat, such music is harmful. Classical music is played approximately in the rhythm of the heart (60 beats per minute), while rock - from 100 beats per minute. The Ministry of Health warns, but there is no person who has given up alcohol or cigarettes thanks to such warnings. And it is unlikely that a fan of rock music will be able to give up rock music in order to suddenly become healthy.

Not every composition is in the spirit of every rock fan. And it is unlikely, by the way, listening to the opera at full power, especially with headphones, will be useful in the same way. Everything has some measure, any fan should be objective; there must be an invisible barrier in front of any debater - state only what you are 100% sure of!

Material prepared

Scientifically substantiated is the fact that not every direction in music has a beneficial effect on the human body. As an example of a negative impact on the psyche, modern rock music is often cited. This popular style has its own special distinctive features, namely a hard rhythm, monotonous repetitions, loudness, super frequencies, light effect. They are just not the best way to affect our body.

Rhythm is generally the strongest means of influencing a person. Even in ancient times, shamans could, with the help of certain musical rhythms, which they played on their instruments, put a person into a trance or achieve a state of ecstasy in him.

Why is this happening?

This is due to the functions of our hearing aid. Rhythm captures the motor center of the brain, stimulates certain functions of the endocrine system. But the most powerful blow falls on the areas of the brain associated with the sexual functions of a person. The drum rumble, for example, was used to drive oneself into a frenzy. Rhythm is able to influence the ability to analyze, reason, logic. You can even achieve that they will be completely neutralized.

In modern rock music, frequencies are used that have a special effect on the brain. The rhythm acquires narcotic properties, as it is combined with ultra-low frequencies of 15-30 hertz and ultra-high frequencies up to 80,000 hertz.
A rhythm that is a multiple of one and a half beats per second, accompanied by ultra-low frequencies, can cause ecstasy. A rhythm equal to two beats per second at the same frequency introduces a person into a kind of dance trance. Enumeration of both high and low frequencies injures the brain. There have been cases of concussions, sound burns, hearing loss and even memory loss at rock concerts.

Rock music, despite all its strength and power, belongs to the category of monotonous, motor-like sounds, perceiving which listeners can fall into a passive state. And the more often it is tapped, the greater this ability to quickly turn off and achieve a state of passivity.

Next, the loudness factor. Our ear best perceives sound at 55-60 decibels. A loud sound is 70 decibels. And on the site where the equipment and speakers are installed during rock concerts, the volume is 120 decibels, and in the middle of the site it is 160 decibels (it must be said that 120 dB is the volume of the roar of a jet plane taking off!). What happens to the body in this case? The adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone adrenaline. But since the exposure to the stimulus does not stop, the production of adrenaline does not stop either. And he, adrenaline, erases part of the information imprinted in the brain. A person forgets what happened to him or what he ever studied, that is, mentally degenerates.

Far from harmless is such an indispensable attribute of rock concerts as the light effect - those rays that from time to time penetrate the darkness in different directions and have a different configuration. For everyone - it's just a decoration of the concert. What is it really? A certain alternation of light and darkness to loud music significantly weakens visual orientation, and reaction speed decreases. Flashes of light, which follow one another in accordance with the rhythm of the music, stimulate the mechanisms associated with hallucinations, dizziness, and nausea.

For a long time, doctors, psychologists, scientists have been telling us that the rhythm of rock music, the frequency of sound, the alternation of light and darkness - all this destroys a human being, perverts him. However, today few people have not fallen under the influence of the elements of rock music.

Rock music imposes its own patterns of worldview, indicates how to dress, how to think... People limply live according to these patterns from morning to evening... This music affects the motor center, emotional, intellectual, sexual spheres of a person's life.

As a result of research, it has been established that as a result of prolonged exposure to rock music, the following conditions are possible:

  • aggressiveness;
  • rage;
  • anger;
  • depression;
  • fear;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • unnatural, forced sex;
  • involuntary muscle movement;
  • lack of concentration and ability to make decisions clearly;
  • the desire for a constant sound of rock music;
  • social alienation.

Of course, no one says that if a person passionately loves rock, then he has the whole set of these qualities. No, he is simply the most predisposed to them, and when appropriate combinations of other factors appear, he will certainly be subjected to their destructive influence.

Excerpt from a book


Son, don't go to the disco every day, you'll go deaf!

Thank you Mom, I already had lunch!

An example of amazing mutual understanding

The conclusions of psychiatrists, expert studies, almost the conclusions of pathologists - all this is considered sufficient reason to consider rock music a phenomenon that adversely affects the body. From listening to it regularly, it’s as if the heart is fooling around, and the joints ache, and the teeth capitulate to caries. Not a single direction in music has been subjected to such obsessive scolding by fans of a healthy lifestyle. But the opinion that rock music somehow has a particularly negative effect on the human body is a delusion.

Such slanders are erected, as a rule, against the background of a comparison that is very unfavorable for rock. At the same time, classical music is presented with accusations against the latter as a panacea for many ills. Having pumped up "to the eyeballs" with classics, the blind begin to see, the legless - to walk, and the deaf - to hear. To increase potency or get rid of hemorrhoids is also not a problem. Of course, I am somewhat exaggerating, but the results of such studies are really similar to the reports on the Kashpirovsky show. Naturally, rock sessions bring very different results. The “guinea pigs” have an increased heart rate, a vague anxiety, a fear of open spaces, blood vessels are almost on the verge of destruction. Crippled by Ozzy Osbourne are healed by Franz Schubert. Light pop music, by the way, is considered neutral by specialists who are extremely concerned about our health: it is not only useful, but not particularly harmful either. Touching and at the same time annoying in these "progressive" studies are two things.

Firstly, for some reason it is never specified what are the tastes and preferences in the music of those who are experimented on. If someone is sick of hard rock or thrash from the very beginning, there is no certainty that after half an hour of forcible listening to such material, all the hair will fall out of the person or the liver will not be affected. The following fact remains in the shade: the same can happen to those who cannot stand Tchaikovsky or Glinka, but will be forced to listen to them. Regarding the light stage, it is worth noting that the fans and those who hate the "Backstreet Boys" reaction - which will certainly manifest itself on the mental and physiological levels - can be anything, but not neutral.

Secondly, again: for some reason, the most calm and harmonious works of it are almost always taken as material from the classics, and from rock music, preference is given to things that are heavier and even extreme. Naturally, with this approach to the “casting” of material, the stereotypes that have been hammered into the heads of the public for decades begin to work most effectively (there is no doubt that the experimental individuals have a complete set of these stereotypes): classics from the first to the last note elevate and enrich spiritually, and rock music only awakens dark instincts and cultivates aggression. The fact that, say, the caprices of Paganini, some works by Arnold Schoenberg and Dmitri Shostakovich are excellent means for destroying mental balance and forming paranoid habits, somehow remains aside. Existing within rock music almost innocent new age (new age - 1) the style of modern music, which is distinguished by deliberate harmony and emotional balance; the pallor and formlessness of New Age melodies have led to it being sometimes referred to as an "empty cocktail", an applied relaxation tool; 2) the religious-social movement ("New Age"), known for its stormy, but superficial interest in all kinds of forms of the occult sciences.) and ambient (Ambient is a style of modern electronic music, the founder of which is Brian Eno. Works in the ambient style are distinguished by a slow tempo, soft rhythms, the use of nature sounds in them and, as a rule, a long duration.) researchers are also ignored.

Both points, of course, discredit the results obtained. It turns out that the conclusions that are made on the basis of experiments with people are much less reliable than the conclusions about the reaction of animals to forced musical sessions. The cows that are most often subjected to such tests, after all, do not have any stereotypes. This gives relative purity to the experiments. And what do we get? Yes, Mozart is undoubtedly accepted by the horned ones with a bang, and the Slayer group contributes to the symptoms of mad cow disease. At the same time, Wolfgang Amadeus with his opuses makes the creatures almost walk with joy on their hind legs and give milk in unrealistic volumes, and the kings of trash cause depression in animals and reduce milk yield. Even assuming that a normal cow walks on four legs and produces as much milk as nature requires, and not the plans of the agricultural industry, it is extremely difficult to refute these data: they are too official. But there are precedents. One Scottish farmer, to the accompaniment of a variety of music, looked after his own cows. Carefully fixing and systematizing the levels of the same notorious milk yields and the reaction of his pets to the sound, he came to the conclusion that cows feel best and are more abundantly milked under Duran Duran. In connection with the same animals, another case comes to mind, which took place in Germany. The owner of a large vegetable plantation suffered for a long time from the invasion of wild pigs, which destroyed the fruits of his labor. Having tried various ways to get rid of the impudent invaders and not getting the desired results, he decided to scare them with loud music. Do you think they "broke" under "Rammstein"? No matter how. It was possible to put the pigs to flight only by putting Britney Spears on them.

"Beatles" - "Helter Skelter" - 9 (especially dangerous)

"Deep Purple" - "Smoke on the Water" - 6 (dangerous)

"Rolling Stones" - "Sympathy for the Devil" - 4 (harmful)

"Ha-Ha" - "Estimate yes" - 4 (harmful)

Jimi Hendrix - "Purple Haze" - 3 (harmful)

Tatyana Bulanova - "My clear light" - 3 (harmful)

Alexander Buynov - "Empty Bamboo" - 2 (harmful)

"JethroTull" - "Aqualang" - 1 (neutral)

"Queen" - "We are the Champions" - + 1 (neutral)

Cabaret - duet "Academy" - "Infection" - + 1 (neutral)

Murat Nasyrov - "The boy wants to go to Tambov" - + 2 (favorable)

"Balagan Limited" - "What do you need" - + 6 (useful)

Elton John - "Don" t Let the Sun Go Down on Me" - + 7 (useful)

The data of the closest to the objective study that I met were published in several issues of the newspaper "Live Sound" in 1997. The editors turned to the Department of Acoustics of Moscow State University for help. Specialists were asked to study some songs for the benefit of their impact on the human body. The study was carried out not through mockery of people or animals, but with the help of one computer program that first “listened” to songs, decomposed them into frequencies, overtones, noises, etc., and then compared the obtained data with the properties of human body tissues in his normal condition. The subjective approach in this case was excluded: the machine did not care what it was listening to. The classics of rock music, as it turned out during the final summation of all indicators, can be harmful in the same way as the classics of pop music full of visible health (the marks are given on a 20-point system - from "10" to "-10"). In any case, the Rolling Stones turned out to be no more dangerous than the Na-Na.

Music, about the harmfulness of which any doctor and in general every sane person will tell you, is loud music. If the sound level is more than 90 decibels, the most useful recording turns into a potential threat to our health. On this occasion, it can be noted that opera chants often balance at the level of 90-110 decibels, and in the “up to 90” mode it is simply unrealistic to adequately perform not only death-metal masterpieces (death-metal is a direction in modern heavy music that arose from an alloy of thrash and heavy metal elements. It is characterized by luxurious melody of guitar parts and comparative complexity of rhythmic structures.), but also some works by Beethoven, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, and some other composers. In addition, none of our internal organs will thank us if we sit up next to powerful speakers turned on. And, I believe, for Mozart, the tormented spleen will not make exceptions and will cover him with strong expressions with the same zeal as "Corrosion of Metal".

Some types of rock music can not only bring a person into a "psychological stupor", but ... and drive him crazy.

Experts noticed that after listening to rock songs, young people become inadequate. Numerous studies by Belgian psychologists prove that such music can cause an acceleration of the heart rate and an increase in the content of adrenaline, as well as excitement in the genital area.

At one time, Soviet scientists did not stand aside either. Deciding to prove the negative impact of rock music, they went on a raid on the elite schools of the USSR. Arriving at the place, the experimenters gathered high school students in the assembly hall and “turned on” rock music for only ten minutes. At the end of the concert, the scientists asked the children three simple questions: "What is your name?", "Where are you?" and "What year is it now?". This is unthinkable... None of the respondents could answer all three questions! The conclusion was disappointing: rock music not only dulls our feelings, but ... and turns off the mind.

The Australian psychologist W. Reich added fuel to the fire. He proved that rock not only causes the production of stress hormones, but also leads to the erasure of information in our brain, and subsequently to mental degradation.

Swiss doctors also opposed such music. They found that after a rock concert, people's orientation in space worsens and their response to stimuli decreases. Something similar happens to the human body after taking a decent dose of hard drugs.

However, the harm of rock music does not end there. To specific rhythms, many musicians add another "zest" - defiant behavior and mystical rituals.

For example, Alice Cooper during concerts repeatedly brought a cauldron with animal entrails onto the stage and threw its contents into the audience.

Mick Jagger, lead singer of The Rolling Stones, calls himself the embodiment of Lucifer, and his favorite songs are "Sympathy for the Devil", "Their Satanic Majesties" and "Incantations of My Demon Brother".

Another danger that awaits listeners is the excessive power of sound, which is abused today by many musicians and music lovers. Experiments have shown that irreversible pathological changes occur in the brain of listeners from loud music.

Modern rock music uses frequencies that affect the brain in a special way. The rhythm acquires narcotic properties, as it is combined with ultra-low frequencies of 15-30 hertz and ultra-high frequencies up to 80,000 hertz. A rhythm that is a multiple of one and a half beats per second, accompanied by ultra-low frequencies, can cause ecstasy. A rhythm equal to two beats per second at the same frequency introduces a person into a kind of dance trance. Enumeration of both high and low frequencies injures the brain. There were cases when contusions, sound burns, hearing loss and even memory loss occurred at rock concerts.

Hard rock is a sonic poison that can drive people crazy and suicidal.

Ancient Greek manuscripts say: "Musical education is the most powerful weapon, since rhythm and harmony penetrate the innermost depths of the human soul."

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