The role of culture in human life and society. The problem of the influence of social culture on a person



2. Ethno-cultural component

4. Musical education of children

5. Realization of musical abilities in different cultures

6. Identification, development and improvement of young talents

7. Genes - carriers of information

8. Diagnostics of the creative abilities of children

9. Cultural analysis of modern education

10. Reforms of creative education of children in various ethno-cultural formations


The social development of mankind has been well studied, and its laws have been formulated by historical materialism. Spontaneous development of social forms through socio-economic formations is inherent only to a person who is in a team, and is in no way connected with his biological structure. Outside the ethnos there is not a single person on Earth. Ethnicity in the human mind is a universal phenomenon.

The norms and values ​​of individual groups or microcultures are called ethnic models that affect many areas of life, including the sphere of education, including creative.

Ethnicity identification is the process of identifying yourself and others with ethnic labels. For example, subjective attributes reflect a person's ethnic self-identification. An objective definition of ethnicity is based on sociocultural criteria.

The goal facing us in this work is to consider the ethno-cultural component as an opportunity to realize the child's creative abilities in musical education.

The tasks of the work are to study the problem of the influence of the social environment on a person; consider what the ethno-cultural component is and how it affects the development of the child's creative abilities.

1. The problem of the influence of social culture on a person

One of the first researchers who drew attention to the influence of culture and emphasized its importance was B. Simon in 1958. B. Simon especially sharply emphasized that the assessments of the subjects that the researcher receives, first of all, do not reflect their true capabilities, but the social conditions in which they were born and grew up. As an example, a number of verbal tests are given using words, the meaning of which the child must know in order to answer the test questions well. The words used in the tests are better known to some children, worse to others, and to others they are not known at all. Thus, children who did not have the opportunity to read much or develop spoken language were at a disadvantage.

B. Simon's study refers only to English children, that is, children brought up in one national culture, despite all its diversity. Naturally, these properties of tests become brighter when representatives of various ethnic groups, different national cultures, as well as persons of a different social environment become the objects of diagnostics. In recent years, diagnostic studies have expanded to cover children and adults who were brought up and formed in conditions that differ from those generally referred to as European culture, for example, representatives of certain African ethnic groups.

The formation of individual psychological differences between people is influenced by socio-economic and cultural factors. The role of heredity is also not excluded. The revealed features of people are considered as a product of the joint action of the environment and heredity.

Now let's take a closer look at how social culture affects a person and his development.

I must say that culture includes both abstract and material elements. Let's look at their differences. Abstract elements are understood as values, beliefs, ideas, personality types, religious ideas. Material components include books, computers, tools, buildings, and so on.

Culture gives a person an awareness of himself as a person and an understanding of acceptable behavior patterns. The most important worldview and behavioral aspects that are formed under the influence of culture are:

Awareness of oneself and the world;

Communication and language;

Clothing and appearance;

food culture;

Ideas about time;


Values ​​and norms;

Faith and beliefs;

Thought processes and learning;

Work habits.

Values ​​are beliefs or social norms that unite individuals. Norms are rules of conduct developed by a group based on the consent of all its members.

Culture is transmitted from generation to generation, primarily by such social institutions as family, school, religion. Previous experiences and interactions with peers are also sources of cultural values. So, three institutions - family, religion and school - make a huge contribution to the transmission and assimilation of traditional values ​​and pave the way for a harmonious perception of new realities.

2. Ethno-cultural component

People constitute a separate ethnic group, depending on how common the members of the ethnic group are the features of the worldview and worldview, which are different from the views of other ethnic groups. Just as human behavior is conditioned by culture, social environment, it is also determined by the sense of one's own ethnicity.

In the concept of an ethno-cultural component, such cultures are distinguished, such as, for example, the culture of the indigenous inhabitants of a country; culture of national groups; culture of religious-ethnic groups. And there are also multicultural societies, such as the US, Russia and Singapore, where cultural diversity and equality are highly valued.

Microcultures are formed around nationality, religion, geographic location. Some ethnic groups contribute more to the cultural diversity of any country than others, but the variables that are important for success tend to be the same for everyone, regardless of nationality.

The influence of the ethno-cultural component on the development of people's creative abilities is enormous. Each ethnic group has its own cultural characteristics and creative achievements in art, literature, and music.

Since the purpose of this work is to consider the ethno-cultural component as an opportunity to realize creative abilities in the musical education of a child, the relationship between the ethno-cultural component and the psychology of the child's creative education should be considered.

3. Children's creativity

Sometimes the creativity of children borders on genius, especially if they provide an opportunity to get ahead of their time and comprehend new areas of knowledge and experience.

If we take a point of view that has a pronounced social connotation and agree that talent is not a happy gift given by nature, but the result of special optimal conditions for learning, diligence and curiosity, then the assertion that an individual who has not received an education cannot be considered talented, far from being true. It has long been and repeatedly proven that even in the most democratic society, people are not born with the same abilities.

The main question that interests us in this work is the question of whether the environment can have a serious impact on the development of a child's creative abilities? There is a lot of controversy in psychology today about this. Many scientists believe that the environment and the external environment are important only for the disclosure and application of natural talent.

Others, on the contrary, are convinced that every child is influenced by his environment and, accordingly, is a product of his environment. Consequently, creative abilities are formed under the influence of psychodynamic influences, that is, under the influence of an environment that can be friendly or hostile to him.

It should be said that the practical implementation of our innate inclinations increases the functionality of the body, and the beneficial influence of the environment makes this process more productive.

The development of innate abilities is possible only if there is an environment conducive to their development, and the environment helps the development of abilities only if there is a good hereditary basis. If there is no such foundation, then the environment is also powerless. If the environment does not have its beneficial effects, then the best inclinations may be unclaimed.

With the interaction of good hereditary material and the favorable influence of the environment, optimal conditions are created for the development of creative abilities.

As for the influence of the ethno-cultural component on the development of the creative abilities of children, numerous studies have shown that in terms of development and talent, all people of different ethnic groups are equal.

Let us give an example of such an equality. The young violinist comes to the fore. Behind her is one of the most famous symphony orchestras in the world. At the age of 12, she already enjoys well-deserved prestige among musicians and critics, who highly appreciate her performing skills. When the famous American conductor first heard the young talent play, she impressed him so much that he invited the girl to be the soloist in the concert of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. With her performance of Paganini's Concerto No. 1, she delighted the audience. The name of this violinist is Sarah Chang, she was born in America in a family of Korean immigrants. The public, having learned about the Asian-American origin of Sarah Chung, was very surprised. Since many psychologists have proved that the level of intelligence and creativity is lower than that of whites.


2. Ethno-cultural component

7. Genes - carriers of information




Man is a social being. Our behavior is dictated by genetic predisposition, environment, or some one-of-a-kind combination of many factors.

Culture refers to the set of values, ideas, artifacts, and other meaningful symbols that help individuals communicate and interpret and evaluate each other as members of society.

The social development of mankind has been well studied, and its laws have been formulated by historical materialism. Spontaneous development of social forms through socio-economic formations is inherent only to a person who is in a team, and is in no way connected with his biological structure. Outside the ethnos there is not a single person on Earth. Ethnicity in the human mind is a universal phenomenon.

The norms and values ​​of individual groups or microcultures are called ethnic models that affect many areas of life, including the sphere of education, including creative.

Ethnicity identification is the process of identifying yourself and others with ethnic labels. For example, subjective attributes reflect a person's ethnic self-identification. An objective definition of ethnicity is based on sociocultural criteria.

The goal facing us in this work is to consider the ethno-cultural component as an opportunity to realize the child's creative abilities in musical education.

The tasks of the work are to study the problem of the influence of the social environment on a person; consider what the ethno-cultural component is and how it affects the development of the child's creative abilities.

1. The problem of the influence of social culture on a person

One of the first researchers who drew attention to the influence of culture and emphasized its importance was B. Simon in 1958. B. Simon especially sharply emphasized that the assessments of the subjects that the researcher receives, first of all, do not reflect their true capabilities, but the social conditions in which they were born and grew up. As an example, a number of verbal tests are given using words, the meaning of which the child must know in order to answer the test questions well. The words used in the tests are better known to some children, worse to others, and to others they are not known at all. Thus, children who did not have the opportunity to read much or develop spoken language were at a disadvantage.

B. Simon's study refers only to English children, that is, children brought up in one national culture, despite all its diversity. Naturally, these properties of tests become brighter when representatives of various ethnic groups, different national cultures, as well as persons of a different social environment become the objects of diagnostics. In recent years, diagnostic studies have expanded to cover children and adults who were brought up and formed in conditions that differ from those generally referred to as European culture, for example, representatives of certain African ethnic groups.

The formation of individual psychological differences between people is influenced by socio-economic and cultural factors. The role of heredity is also not excluded. The revealed features of people are considered as a product of the joint action of the environment and heredity.

Now let's take a closer look at how social culture affects a person and his development.

I must say that culture includes both abstract and material elements. Let's look at their differences. Abstract elements are understood as values, beliefs, ideas, personality types, religious ideas. Material components include books, computers, tools, buildings, and so on.

Culture gives a person an awareness of himself as a person and an understanding of acceptable behavior patterns. The most important worldview and behavioral aspects that are formed under the influence of culture are:

Awareness of oneself and the world;

Communication and language;

Clothing and appearance;

food culture;

Ideas about time;


Values ​​and norms;

Faith and beliefs;

Thought processes and learning;

Work habits.

Values ​​are beliefs or social norms that unite individuals. Norms are rules of conduct developed by a group based on the consent of all its members.

Culture is transmitted from generation to generation, primarily by such social institutions as family, school, religion. Previous experiences and interactions with peers are also sources of cultural values. So, three institutions - family, religion and school - make a huge contribution to the transmission and assimilation of traditional values ​​and pave the way for a harmonious perception of new realities.

2. Ethno-cultural component

People constitute a separate ethnic group, depending on how common the members of the ethnic group are the features of the worldview and worldview, which are different from the views of other ethnic groups. Just as human behavior is conditioned by culture, social environment, it is also determined by the sense of one's own ethnicity.

In the concept of an ethno-cultural component, such cultures are distinguished, such as, for example, the culture of the indigenous inhabitants of a country; culture of national groups; culture of religious-ethnic groups. And there are also multicultural societies, such as the US, Russia and Singapore, where cultural diversity and equality are highly valued.

Microcultures are formed around nationality, religion, geographic location. Some ethnic groups contribute more to the cultural diversity of any country than others, but the variables that are important for success tend to be the same for everyone, regardless of nationality.

The influence of the ethno-cultural component on the development of people's creative abilities is enormous. Each ethnic group has its own cultural characteristics and creative achievements in art, literature, and music.

Since the purpose of this work is to consider the ethno-cultural component as an opportunity to realize creative abilities in the musical education of a child, the relationship between the ethno-cultural component and the psychology of the child's creative education should be considered.

3. Children's creativity

Sometimes the creativity of children borders on genius, especially if they provide an opportunity to get ahead of their time and comprehend new areas of knowledge and experience.

If we take a point of view that has a pronounced social connotation and agree that talent is not a happy gift given by nature, but the result of special optimal conditions for learning, diligence and curiosity, then the assertion that an individual who has not received an education cannot be considered talented, far from being true. It has long been and repeatedly proven that even in the most democratic society, people are not born with the same abilities.

The main question that interests us in this work is the question of whether the environment can have a serious impact on the development of a child's creative abilities? There is a lot of controversy in psychology today about this. Many scientists believe that the environment and the external environment are important only for the disclosure and application of natural talent.

Others, on the contrary, are convinced that every child is influenced by his environment and, accordingly, is a product of his environment. Consequently, creative abilities are formed under the influence of psychodynamic influences, that is, under the influence of an environment that can be friendly or hostile to him.

It should be said that the practical implementation of our innate inclinations increases the functionality of the body, and the beneficial influence of the environment makes this process more productive.

The development of innate abilities is possible only if there is an environment conducive to their development, and the environment helps the development of abilities only if there is a good hereditary basis. If there is no such foundation, then the environment is also powerless. If the environment does not have its beneficial effects, then the best inclinations may be unclaimed.

With the interaction of good hereditary material and the favorable influence of the environment, optimal conditions are created for the development of creative abilities.

As for the influence of the ethno-cultural component on the development of the creative abilities of children, numerous studies have shown that in terms of development and talent, all people of different ethnic groups are equal.

Let us give an example of such an equality. The young violinist comes to the fore. Behind her is one of the most famous symphony orchestras in the world. At the age of 12, she already enjoys well-deserved prestige among musicians and critics, who highly appreciate her performing skills. When the famous American conductor first heard the young talent play, she impressed him so much that he invited the girl to be the soloist in the concert of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. With her performance of Paganini's Concerto No. 1, she delighted the audience. The name of this violinist is Sarah Chang, she was born in America in a family of Korean immigrants. The public, having learned about the Asian-American origin of Sarah Chung, was very surprised. Since many psychologists have proved that the level of intelligence and creativity is lower than that of whites.

Let's say again that people experience a weak or, conversely, a serious influence of ethnic models of the microculture in which they were brought up. Each person is subject to these influences to varying degrees. In addition, an individual may belong to several ethnic groups at the same time, the level of influence of which is not the same.

4. Musical education of children

In no area of ​​creative activity, nature has endowed a person with such generous talents as in music, which is explained by the properties of music itself, which conveys the deepest emotional states of a person. The ability to turn notes into rhythmically organized sounds is common to many of us. Otherwise, there would not have been so many wonderful orchestras and instrumental ensembles, there would not have been bright soloists-musicians playing various instruments.

Due to the complexity of the musical art, the abilities of musically gifted children begin to develop and manifest themselves under the guidance of experienced teachers. Parents are usually the first teachers.

What is the main thing in the musical education of the child and the development of his creative abilities in this area. Let us give some examples in the musical development of famous musicians of different eras and the influence of the environment and the ethno-cultural component on their abilities.

I must say that the ancestors of many gifted musicians were peasants, artisans, small handicraftsmen, which was typical for those times.

Being the son of a French emigrant, F. Chopin loved Poland very much and considered it his homeland. As a child, he was particularly interested in the history of Poland's struggle for independence. Chopin tried to express the freedom-loving mood of the Polish people in music.

F. Mendelssohn was born in Berlin in the family of a Jewish banker. His father, by adopting Christianity, "secured himself access to European culture." F. Mendelssohn began to study music at the age of 7, music was the boy's passion.

Musically gifted children must throughout their lives confirm their abilities, demonstrating the ability to feel and understand the performed work.

Can't say. That the realization of creative abilities in music is something unknowable. The creative process in music is realized in complex winding ways. The process of educating young musicians is so different for different teachers, the role of transient things is great in it.

Music, as they used to say, is the art of time. This expression implies the fact that in the performance and perception of music, its interpreter, as well as the listener, experiences the process of erecting a musical work. Recently, the problems of creative education of the individual in science are increasingly being pushed to the forefront of psychology. The process of musical education is an extremely complex and multifaceted area. However, it is in musicology that education is particularly acute.

However, no matter what aspects of musical education are discussed, the main condition is the main one: any, even the most private and narrow problem, should be solved based on the fullest possible implementation of the creative process of a given teacher.

5. Realization of musical abilities in different cultures

The historical certainty of the existence of not a single and common culture for all nations and peoples, classes and social groups, but a multitude of peculiar cultures with their subcultures deprives of any scientific significance the position that representatives of diverse cultures allegedly have equal opportunities when they realize their creative abilities. It took a lot of economic, ideological and political upheavals for the role of national cultures to be recognized and taken into account. Features of culture penetrate not only the psychological content of the methods of creative education, culture also affects the very procedure for realizing a person's creative potential.

The values ​​and norms of ethnic microculture are in conflict with the values ​​of macroculture.

Consider the features of the national culture of France. Since we are interested in musical culture within the framework of this work, we will proceed from the fact that French songs are very diverse. They are narrative, lyrical, sad, humorous, descriptive, gallant. The variety of manifestations of the French "chanson" is characteristic. These melodies are distinguished by their brightness, freshness, and memorability. They are, as a rule, more or less related to folk songs. The musical basis of folk song genres in France is highly heterogeneous. As a development of the creative potential of the French, national self-consciousness, deep feelings of patriotism for their native country serve.

Spain has put forward a large number of musical figures. The work of the outstanding composers of Spain was based on folk song and dance. Precisely because the musical art of Spain was created by the people, it received great strength and was able, thanks to this, to go beyond the borders of the country and spread to other countries.

As for the realization of creative abilities in the musical education of children, vocal polyphony is developed in Spain. But most of all, folk art and realism are valuable.

Culture of America. In a certain sense, the authentic American culture is the culture of the Native Americans, although many ethnographers and psychologists see them as one of the ethnic minorities that are part of the culture of the majority.

The term African-American or "black" culture refers not to skin color, but to shared cultural heritage. Its roots are in the history of America, which began with slavery, discrimination and suffering, restrictions on many rights, exclusion from many areas of cultural life. The poverty of schools and, accordingly, the low level of education hinders the disclosure of creative potential. Since the school does not provide enough skills to develop the creative abilities of African American children, they get them on the street. Today we know the music of "blacks" - rap, or street music.

Asian culture is traditionally hardworking, strong family ties, deep respect for education, and other values ​​that become the key to success in any field of science and art.

As for the Germans, the German people are one of the most musical peoples in the world. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Germany produced a whole galaxy of classics, whose art played a huge role in the subsequent development of German and world culture. A lot of tunes that sounded on a campaign, in battle, on vacation were borrowed from folk art, entrenched in the musical life of the general population of the village and city and poured fresh intonations into the German musical life.

6. Identification, development and improvement of young talents

In recent years, the task of identifying and developing talented children has been defined as a priority, although it is too early to talk about success. In Germany, for example, this is due to special reasons. Even in the recent past, under Nazism, the theory of race inequality, of “elitism”, a special historical mission of the German race, designed to command other, “lower” races, was intensively propagated in Germany.

Under these conditions, the education of a "strong personality", a true Aryan, was the main goal of all educational institutions.

If we proceed from the Marxist teaching, according to which “man was created by labor”, then the personality of a young person should accordingly be formed in the process of study. Under Stalin, all intelligence tests were strictly prohibited. Georg Lukacs, one of the most educated and sensible Marxist philosophers, was critical of all attempts by the Stalinists to prove the reasonableness and justice of the egalitarian approach. He, without hiding the irony, said that "talent is already a deviation from the norm." The changes that took place in the life of society after Stalin's death could not but affect the system of public education. Schools for especially gifted children began to open in the Soviet Union and other socialist countries.

Each talent is unique and therefore requires especially careful and delicate handling. A talented person is more prone to introspection and self-esteem.

After tracing the life path of many famous people, the American scientist Benjamin Blum came to the conclusion that their talent was developed and improved with the caring participation of parents and teachers. However, neither parents nor teachers should ever forget that a talented child is just a child who is particularly vulnerable and influenced by the adult world. It is worth saying a few words about the general abilities of children, not only musical ones. Abilities, according to a far from complete classification, without taking into account some transitional forms, can be divided into four types:

The artistic ability lies in the fact that a brilliant musician, for example, can, however, also be a brilliant mathematician;

Psychomotor abilities, that is, the ability to control their body, children with such abilities become athletes and dancers;

Abilities of a social nature - this refers to the ability to quickly find contact with people of various types, characters, inclinations; children with such abilities become psychologists, salesmen, managers, conductors;

Intellectual abilities of a general nature, which are realized in various spheres of human activity.

I must say that when a child's abilities are underestimated, his behavior pattern changes dramatically. He becomes demanding, aggressive, irritable, may suddenly stop communicating with everyone or react violently even to the most harmless remark.

To work with gifted children, in addition to special knowledge, tact, patience, and special delicacy are necessary. Special tests are being developed to help parents and teachers. The accuracy of assessing a child's abilities largely depends on how attentive and observant parents and teachers are.

How can the family and school contribute to the creative development of the child? In a family where books and newspapers are read, political and other problems are discussed, the child develops faster than according to specially designed programs.

As for the musical development of a child in a family, it is necessary to create an appropriate microclimate for development. The child should grow up in a calm, friendly environment, feel protected. Music lessons contribute to the development of the child's senses.

After the parental home, the school occupies an important place in the development and upbringing of the child. A wise, experienced, attentive teacher will definitely help a talented child in his development. The development of a child's abilities is also possible within the framework of a general education school, provided that extracurricular extracurricular activities are organized. Gifted children who are placed in special classes and schools may find themselves isolated from other children. If for some reason a capable child has to leave a special school and go to a general education school, then this usually causes him severe mental suffering, which can lead to depression and even mental illness.

Intelligence is the power that helps to penetrate into the depths of things. The main task of a society of any type of culture is not only the formation of a highly moral personality, but also to reveal the creative abilities of each child.

7. Genes - carriers of information

Previously, the outstanding abilities of gifted children aroused only general surprise and admiration, they were written about, but they did not try to study, scientifically explain this phenomenon.

A gifted child, according to scientists, is a direct “hit of genes on target”. In some families, talent in a certain area is passed down from generation to generation. In particular, in the families of actors, children show acting abilities early, and they follow in the footsteps of their parents. Musical talent in the Bach family, German musicians from Thuringia, has been inherited by several generations for over 200 years. The great-grandfather Johann Bach, a famous musician, had three sons who were gifted with brilliant musical abilities, and several grandchildren who perfectly played the organ, harpsichord, and cello. Great-grandson Johann Sebastian Bach, whose talent was especially brightly revealed in his mature years, already at the age of 6 he was composing pieces of music.

The inheritance of musical abilities testifies to the genetic nature of talent. Researcher Revezh noted that 85% of musically gifted children had parents who also had musical abilities. Musical talent was usually inherited from the father. Bach, Beethoven, Bellini, Bizet, Vivaldi, Weber, Liszt, Mozart inherited talent from their father. And only Gounod, Grieg, Mendelssohn and Rubinstein are from their mother.

Scientists do not yet have enough scientific data to explain why musical talent is more often inherited through the paternal line and why mathematical talent is often inherited after musical talent.

Heredity refers to the ability of an organism to reproduce certain parental traits in subsequent generations. However, not ready-made qualities and properties are inherited, but only prerequisites, inclinations to them. How these inclinations develop will largely depend on the environment, on whether it will contribute to their development or hinder it.

From the point of view of genetics, the secret of early giftedness no longer seems so mysterious. Very important is the information that is embedded in the genes, or, to put it better, the gene commands that control the development of the brain.

This ensures the mental activity of a person, increases the level of his intellect, which in turn allows us to judge the degree of his talent.

Here are some examples of musical talents. One of the most striking examples of early - in childhood - manifestations of musical genius was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He was a musician of universal talent. The life and work of this great composer reflected in its entirety the brilliance and poverty of a musical genius. Much of what Mozart had to experience fell to the lot of other great composers, perhaps in a milder or somewhat different form.

As for the ethno-cultural component as the source of Mozart's musical talent, his ancestors lived in the Bavarian part of Swabia. Mozart's father, a strict and reticent man, had a great sense of responsibility and peasant ingenuity. Little Mozart had a phenomenal ear for music and a rare musical memory. At the age of four, a boy could tell a professional musician that his violin was out of tune by a quarter tone. Mozart's music outlived its creator for centuries. His music has become part of the divine world, primeval nature. The rigor and precision of construction are surprisingly combined in it with melodiousness and melody. Mozart's work is genius in the true sense of the word.

8. Diagnostics of the creative abilities of children

In modern conditions, the creation of psychodiagnostic methods that make it possible to identify and evaluate various aspects of the child's psyche is of particular importance. In various types of creative activity, among the important qualities are such features of the psyche as selectivity of perception, observation, working memory, flexibility of thinking, speed of generalization and assessment of the situation, decision-making.

Obviously, the child's creative abilities should be manifested and developed in play and learning activities. An important role in the creative development of the child belongs to the school. In the process of assimilation of knowledge, skills, and development of children is carried out. Currently, the school puts forward one of the main tasks: the development of such personality traits of the child, which provide him with the opportunity to independently acquire new knowledge, flexibly, quickly use them in situations not directly given by training. The implementation of this task involves not only a special construction and organization of the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the purposeful formation of various aspects of the child's personality. And this is due to the need to determine the content and structure of creative development, to develop scientifically based methods for identifying and evaluating its various aspects for more effective formation in the learning process.

The complexity of the nature of creative formations, the variety of factors influencing their formation and development, determine many difficulties in the creation and use of techniques. The main core of creative development, as already mentioned, is the development of the child's intellect.

Emphasizing the special role of the intellect in the integral system of mental and creative development of a person, some researchers attributed it, along with social adaptation and working capacity, to the main resources of the individual. In the totality of a person's creative potential, intellectual development occupies a leading place, since it directly determines the degree of readiness for the assimilation and processing of knowledge and skills, provides the ability to adapt to new conditions, actively transform them, plan and evaluate one's actions, set goals and predict their intermediate and final results. to organize past experience into systems.

There are many different definitions of intelligence, among which the following three are most famous:

Ability to learn;

Ability to operate with abstract relations;

Adapting to a new situation.

In psychology, the problems of the creative development of the child are being worked out very intensively. In the study of this problem, psychologists proceed from general theoretical provisions relating to the development of the child as a whole. Various research schools and trends are trying to determine the content of this concept, to explore the formation of creative features and intelligence under the influence of the cultural component, its manifestation at various stages of age and individual development. Studies showing the enormous role of education in the creative and intellectual development of children have acquired a wide scope; various systems of educational influences have been identified; a close relationship was found between the level of development of the intellect and the content of education, which ensures the formation of theoretical generalizations of a truly scientific nature.

9. Cultural analysis of modern education

The sphere of pedagogy, psychology and education is, on the one hand, a specialized area of ​​culture that ensures the transmission of socially significant experience accumulated in society, on the other hand, it is a special, relatively independent subculture.

The realization of the idea of ​​education in organizational and other aspects leads to the formation of a social institution of education and the corresponding educational subculture. Their functioning and development are supported by a system of norms, governing bodies, a system for the reproduction of functional roles, and means of communication. In the culturally advanced countries of Germany, Russia, England, France, and the USA, the social institution of education took shape in the second half of the 19th century. Within the framework of this institute, the idea of ​​education was not only fully realized, but also further developed.

Research within the framework of the psychology of education, as well as innovative pedagogical practice, lead to a new image of a person. It is on the ideas and ideals of man that the concepts of education are ultimately based. The content and purpose of pedagogical activity is to introduce a young person into life, equipping him with all the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities.

The goal of education and upbringing in any ethno-cultural formation is the formation of creative activity in the child, which will open up the opportunity for the specialist to generate new ways and types of activities, to enter new professional areas for him, and will allow him to reorient the direction of his work in a short time. Today, this thesis is rethought as a requirement not just to transmit information, but to teach generalized methods of activity, thinking itself.

Culture is a combination of the existing material and spiritual conditions of people's lives, the established ways of their activities, customs, social institutions, including the education system itself, an aggregate that forms a kind of living organism, a balanced and at the same time dynamic system. Finally, culture is also a conscious, purposeful, creative activity of individuals and communities, the desire to maintain traditions, improve and streamline life, implement any changes, resist destructive, inhumane tendencies.

The new idea of ​​education should come not so much from the idea of ​​preparing a growing person for maturity, preparation that involves the assimilation of knowledge, but from the idea of ​​involving a person in an active process of discovery, mastering the world. The teacher should open up new realities for the student, help him enter them, share his own experience of immersion in these worlds of their development. Not so much to teach, but to charge with interest, to captivate, to help, to share experience. In turn, the student, discovering new worlds for himself, entering them, mastering them, must consider education as a fundamentally two-sided process. Not only directed to the world, but also turned to the student himself. Education involves work aimed at oneself, at one's own change. In the new idea of ​​education, the discovery and mastering of the world is inseparable from the discovery and mastery of oneself, the path to the world is at the same time the path to oneself, discovering oneself, “listening” to one’s nature and spirituality, growing new forces, abilities, sensations and experiences in oneself.

A necessary requirement of modern education is the ethical orientation of human development. An educated person is a person of culture, a well-bred person who contributes to the preservation of culture, strengthening it. An educated person is precisely a person, and not a specialist or a person, moreover, a cultured person, prepared for life. Prepared not only for a normal life and well-functioning production, but also for trials, for a change in lifestyle, for changes. It cannot be assumed that in the era of a general crisis of culture, the painful formation of elements of a new culture, global transformations and shifts, children will avoid changes, problems, painful metamorphoses. Just as the educational requirement associated with the ability to learn and relearn has become natural, the requirement for an educated person to be ready for trials, for repeated changes in their ideas, worldview, and attitude should become natural. In particular, therefore, the content of modern education cannot be reduced to knowledge and subjects, and the technology of education cannot be reduced to teaching knowledge and passive assimilation of it.

It is equally important to take into account the requirement arising from the very spirit of our time, namely: educational influences must be individual from a certain period, i.e. provide for the individual the freedom to choose an educational path. Starting from adolescence, a person’s personality develops, which is characterized by a desire for independent behavior, the formation of a self-concept, an individual worldview, a life path program, and a certain work on oneself. From this period, a person can no longer perceive education simply as something given to him from birth, like food, air or living conditions, he develops his own attitude towards it. Moreover, he can begin to educate himself. A similar step, which occurs earlier for some, later for others, marks the merging of education with self-education.

It is no less significant that the transition to self-education is associated with a different type of psychological change: education through self-education in this case is subject to the goals of personal growth and improvement, becomes a moment of a person’s mental activity, a form of his cultural being.

10. Reforms of creative education of children in various ethno-cultural formations

Perhaps the most impressive thing in the field of education at the present time is the permanent education reforms. We can even say that we live in an era of permanent pedagogical experiment. For example, it is known that the Russian classical school and gymnasium of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were replaced first by the proletarian school of the 1920s and 1930s, then by the Soviet classical school with a single program and a stable composition of subjects. But since the 70s, various experiments have been carried out at the school and the movement of innovative teachers is gaining strength, both new training programs and new organizational forms of the school are being offered. Today we are witnessing individual attempts on a new basis to revive the pre-revolutionary school.

Western pedagogy and schools naturally developed somewhat differently than Soviet ones, but a similar pattern can be traced here too: pedagogical reforms and experiments have been practically going on since the beginning of the century. Alternative pedagogy is also developing.

In most plans for the development of children, the problem arises of the feasibility of what was conceived and calculated. It is known that many reforms of creative education in our country and in Europe have not achieved their goals, although they had a certain impact on the development of education.

There is such a factor hindering the implementation of reforms as the inconsistency or inconsistency of the goals of the reform. If we bring together all the requirements for creative education made by the philosophy of education, then we have to admit that many of them are not coordinated with each other. Indeed, a number of these requirements are ideals formulated in a normative form, and their feasibility was not discussed, other requirements for education are installations for modernization, but the program and resources for such modernization, as a rule, are not set. In addition, it should be taken into account that different requirements for education are put forward by different subjects acting on behalf of different groups of the population, different spheres of culture and economy.

Today there is pluralism of cultures and heterogeneity of culture. As a result, there are many subjects and diverse requirements for creative education. At present, we are not dealing with a single practice of the child's creative development, on the contrary, as a response to a multicultural civilization and freedom of educational choice, different, significantly different types of pedagogical practices are being formed.

The ethno-cultural approach to the innovative creative activity of teachers has come a long way in many countries and ethnic groups.

For example, most of the cultural regions of the Earth have become a field for ethnographic research by American scientists. The first studies were carried out in order to study the cultures of the indigenous population of North America, then the interests of American researchers included Latin America, Africa, Oceania and Asia. A voluminous and unique material on the history of culture was collected and systematized, which served as a source for sociocultural analysis.

A feature of the American school of cultural and creative development of children, in addition to peaceful coexistence and mutual enrichment of various methodological approaches, is the use of the creative heritage of predecessors, which allows us to talk about the continuity of traditions in the American school of development.

Later in the American school there was a change in orientation from the study of non-Western, pre-literate cultures to the study of cultures of all types, including post-industrial society. One of the objects of careful study is the culture of the United States. The external habitual working conditions have changed - the field of ethnographic research has sharply narrowed with the disappearance of many local cultures from the face of the Earth.

It should be said about the emergence of a racial-cultural school of creative research. The main idea is the decisive influence of the racial factor on the development of the child's creative abilities. This school was formed in the conditions of the struggle for existence and natural selection, the dominance of the biological approach in sociology, the wide spread of all kinds of anthropometric measurements and attempts to biologically classify races. Of course, all this could not but affect the development of racial culture and the development of the creative abilities of children of this ethnic group.

A special place is occupied by the spiritual school of the creative development of children. The basis of this school was the consideration of stories of "experience" in musical works by many great composers. The types of "life" were considered as equal in value.

Let us say again that in psychology, culture is a sociological designation for learned behavior, that is, behavior that is not given to a person from birth, is not predetermined in its innate form, but must be assimilated by each new generation anew, by learning from adults.

The ethno-cultural component is the forms of habitual behavior common to a group, community or society. It consists of tangible and intangible elements.


In conclusion, we will conclude that culture in a broad ethnographic sense is composed in its entirety of knowledge, beliefs, art, morality, laws, customs and some other features, abilities and habits acquired by a person as a member of society.

It should be said that all studies of the creative development of children from an early age are associated with the general progress of scientific knowledge developing at the intersection of the sciences of man, his spiritual activity and creativity. In this paper, we have considered such issues as gifted or brilliant children, as well as the nature of talent.

In this work, we were faced with the goal - to consider the ethno-cultural component - as an opportunity to realize creative abilities in the musical education of a child. We looked at various examples of how the abilities of children of a certain ethno-cultural component are realized. On the examples of various well-known figures of musical art of the past and present. And also considered the origins of the genius of children in music. We studied the methods of work of various schools working to develop the creative potential of children. Thus, the goal set before us has been achieved.

In the process of work, we considered such concepts as culture, the ethno-cultural component and its influence on the creative abilities of children, studied the influence of the environment on the development of the child. Thus, we have achieved the tasks set before us at the beginning of the work.


1. Akimova M.K. Psychology. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2000. - 489s.

2. Kedrov B.M. Psychology. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2001. - 113s.

3. Kozlova V.T. Psychology and culture. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2001. - 612s.

4. Meisner T. Realized and unrealized abilities. - Moscow: Kron-press, 2000. - 289s.

5. Psychological diagnostics. Problems and research. Edited by Gurevich K.M. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2000. - 345s.

6. Psychology of the processes of artistic creation. Tutorial. Edited by Egorov A.A. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2000. - 531s.

7. Revezh G. Talent and genius. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2000. - 361s.

8. Rybakova G.I. Child education. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2001. - 301s.

9. Sukhareva A.I. Raise a genius. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2000. - 488s.

10. Yakimanskaya I.S. multicultural societies. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2003. - 385s.

Akimova M.K. Psychology. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2000. - With. 95

Psychological diagnostics. Problems and research. Edited by Gurevich K.M. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2000. – p.11

Kozlova V.T. Psychology and culture. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2001. - With. 411

Yakimanskaya I.S. multicultural societies. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2003. – p.191

Meisner T. Realized and unrealized abilities. - Moscow: Kron-press, 2000. – p.9

Rybakova G.I. Child education. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2001. – p.100

Psychology of the processes of artistic creation. Tutorial. Edited by Egorov A.A. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2000. – p.131

Kedrov B.M. Psychology. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2001. – p.12

Sukhareva A.I. Raise a genius. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2000. – p.335

Revezh G. Talent and genius. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2000. – p.242

« culture- a set of traditions, customs, social norms, rules that regulate the behavior of those who live now, and transmitted to those who will live tomorrow. (Dobrenkov V.I. Kravchenko A.I. Sociology. In 3 volumes. Moscow, Gaudemus).

The Russian school of ballet, painting, theater are recognized all over the world, and Russian art has many ardent admirers abroad. Russia has the richest cultural heritage: the best museums, extensive art collections, etc. Of course, our task is to preserve and develop our Heritage. However, time dictates a slightly different understanding of culture.

Relevant at the moment is the understanding of the term "culture" as a method of forming a worldview, that is, through which it is possible to formulate values, goals and objectives that will be accepted by citizens today and tomorrow. Culture allows you to form a picture of the world, a picture of how reality is understood and in what key it should develop and, thereby - shape a lifestyle Russians.

Russian culture is now perceived, on the one hand, as “vodka, herring and unwillingness to work”, but, on the other hand, as scientific “breakthroughs” and “revolutions”, “great achievements” and records, creations of great talents. Obviously, ideas about the people and the people about themselves are formed due to the images embodied in culture, both official and not. In this vein, the issue of cultural development is a matter of strategic development of the country. Russian philosopher L.P. Karsavin, in his discourses on the nation and its unity, wrote that " the idea of ​​culture determines statehood».

If we, as a people and as a country, want to live better tomorrow, then today we need to create attractive and successful images of our tomorrow's life and place them in captivating scenarios. And already in them to lay systems of values, socially desirable actions and decisions. Under the influence of these images, then the desired attitudes and behavior will be formed.

It is important not only to create images, but also to provide the widest possible access for people to them, that is, to use the most effective forms and channels for broadcasting information. For example, in the first half of the 20th century, cinema was such a channel. I wanted to bring the images created on the screen to life. The authorities of various countries quickly appreciated the power of this resource: this is how Hollywood appeared, the domestic film industry was created. Hollywood, like a dream factory, is still working uninterruptedly to create the necessary meanings and images, and quite successfully.

However, the monopoly of cinema was not eternal. Today, the most important and most intensively developing resource is the Internet, which provides more and more extensive opportunities. It is important for us to start working with the Internet in earnest. How? You can start with simple things, for example, make the main museums and galleries more accessible, that is, open virtual museums with virtual tours and guides, promote the development of virtual libraries, etc.

Culture as a resource. Creative industries

The concept of "creative industries" appeared in the 1990s. in the UK and quickly spread around the world.

Its meaning is that culture becomes not only a costly area, but also the engine of the economy. Innovative business ventures that use culture as a resource are the fastest growing economic sectors in a number of countries. In addition to traditional cultural institutions, creative industries also include design, fashion, publishing, sound recording, multimedia technologies, etc.

All these areas belong to the sphere of commercial culture and are not perceived in Russia either as an independent integral sector of the economy, or as a subject of any kind of politics. Meanwhile, as international experience shows, an innovative "creative economy" is today an alternative to the development of heavy industry and a resource-based economy, one of the main directions of post-industrial development.

Patriotism. Legal culture as the main way to fight corruption

One of the main factors contributing to the formation of civic patriotic convictions is a universal, purposeful, effective propaganda aimed at developing a legal and socially responsible consciousness, a legal culture, which President D. Medvedev so often mentions. Propaganda both through the state and through society. During the Soviet era, the favorite accusation of the West, the United States against the USSR was that in our country everything is very ideological, that propaganda “maliciously manages” the public consciousness of the masses, processing it in the direction it needs. Yes, of course, Soviet propaganda also imposed on people some very dubious political beliefs, dogmas, often justified the facts of social injustice, etc. But at the same time, it was also aimed at instilling in people a sense of respect for the law, love and respect for their state, responsibility for their actions, and preached high moral qualities. Remember at least one feature or documentary Soviet film in which a criminal, a person who harms the state, a bribe-taker, a grabber and the like are heroized? They just didn't exist. But in the cinema, in the press, in books, at state and public events, at exhibitions, honesty, service to society and the state, contempt for criminals, traitors, and immoral people were preached everywhere.

Today, the topic of deceiving the state by any means, admiration for wealth earned on bribes, the chic life of corrupt officials, the “nobility” of gangster brigades, etc., etc., are almost the main plots of many media, works of art. Remarkable in this regard are the data of representative sociological studies conducted relatively recently by the Department of Civil Service and Personnel Policy of the RAGS: almost 30 percent of respondents (especially those aged 20 to 40) believe that “circumvention of the law is not a crime, but a matter of honor and intelligence” , slightly less than 40 percent, although they personally are not going to do it, but do not condemn others for such things.

D. Medvedev: “We are talking about the atmosphere in society: we must create an anti-corruption standard of conduct. Without this, nothing will come of it. It is necessary to pay special attention to the assessment of corruption by society. Mass media and public organizations should be involved in legal education.”

Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the state is to promote the creation of civil society institutions, the accessibility of culture for the population. It is also necessary to form a state order for the creation of patriotic films, holding seminars, conferences, drawing into the discussion of cultural problems in Russia the widest possible strata of the population. In this regard, it is planned to carry out a set of measures aimed at ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to access to cultural values, use cultural institutions and create conditions for improving the quality of life of the population.

Funding for the cultural sector

“The problems in the sphere of culture accumulated during the economic downturn significantly exceed the state's ability to solve them. The industry traditionally focused on state financial support turned out to be the least prepared for a market economy. The rate of depreciation of especially valuable immovable objects of cultural heritage continues to lag behind the rate of their restoration. A similar situation develops with museum funds. In fact, today the process of gradual loss of the country's national heritage (both material and spiritual), accumulated by previous generations, continues. ( From the FTP "Culture of Russia" (2006 - 2010))

The financial factor affects both the material and production base of the sphere of culture, and its content side, its quality. Now it is especially visible. Our society is filled with not the best examples of mass culture, while domestic cadres teach the whole world choreography, opera and theatrical art, directing, performing skills, etc. And this is generally recognized. The best specialists leave to work abroad, not least because of the low wages in our country. The tendency to travel abroad is becoming dangerous, as the outflow of qualified specialists, cultural and art workers not only abroad, but also in other areas of activity has reached an alarming level. Due to the fact that citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to freely travel abroad, there are no quantitative data on the leakage of professionals in the field of high culture from the country. The leaving teaching and performing staff, being the bearer of high culture, reproduces it in a different environment, thereby bleeding us, the citizens of Russia. The culture of Russia, its spiritual potential - this is its qualitative difference from other nations, peoples.

Losing our inner quality, we thereby lose the core that structures the entire social fabric of Russian society.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that at this stage culture is funded on a residual basis, and this is not acceptable in the age of competition of images and meanings. Before distributing funding, it is necessary to understand the goals and objectives that we set for ourselves. In our opinion, it is necessary to put emphasis and make financial injections consciously. It is important to come to understand that it is possible to invest in culture, and not just give state subsidies for its preservation. It is necessary to invest in those cultural images and in those cultural forms that the state needs.

The state policy in the field of culture, the approach to cultural institutions should be built taking into account the fact that the following areas should be prioritized in the field of culture:

  • development of ties between traditional cultural institutions and the sphere of modern communication technologies - the main task of the integral development of the sphere of culture;
  • preservation of cultural traditions peoples of Russia, cultural diversity;
  • creating conditions for the development and reproduction of the creative potential of society;
  • formation of a system of positive values, uniting society for the further implementation of tactical and strategic goals in the development of the country, including the formation of a state order for the creation of patriotic cinema;
  • equality of opportunity and universal accessibility of culture;
  • connection of the course of economic modernization countries with a certain degree of conservatism (preservation of traditions significant for Russia) in the field of spiritual values ​​and national culture;
  • development of the most effective indicators, reflecting the state of culture in Russia, as well as allowing to adequately correlate it (culture) with the situation in the world.

Concrete steps for the near future:

  • holding seminars, conferences, drawing into the discussion of the problems of culture in Russia the widest possible strata of the population;
  • formation of state orders for the creation of patriotic films, educational programs, etc.;
  • stimulating the use of modern telecommunication technologies in the field of culture - for example, the creation of virtual libraries, the implementation of virtual tours of museums, etc.


Correlation of concepts

CULTURE(lat. cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education) - a system of historically developing supra-biological programs of human activity, behavior and communication, acting as a condition for the reproduction and change of social life in all its main manifestations. ( "The Newest Philosophical Dictionary")

CULTURE- a branch of the social sphere of the economy, including museums, theaters, cinema, art, various types of cultural and educational activities, art. ( "Modern Economic Dictionary")

In one case, we can say that culture (in the philosophical sense) is a complex systemic phenomenon of human life that affects all aspects of society. At the same time, culture is also perceived as a certain branch of the economy (which is important from the point of view of organizing the economic life of society).

Culture stores, transmits (transmits from generation to generation) and generates programs of activity, behavior and communication of people. In the life of society, they play approximately the same role as hereditary information (DNA, RNA) in a cell or a complex organism; they ensure the reproduction of the diversity of forms of social life, types of activities characteristic of a certain type of society, its inherent objective environment, its social connections and types of personalities - everything that makes up the real fabric of social life at a certain stage of its historical development.

No major social change is possible without changes in culture. As a social individual, man is a creation of culture. He becomes a person only through the assimilation of the social experience transmitted in the culture.

LIFESTYLE- a collective concept, thanks to which it is possible to characterize the most diverse aspects of a person's life, a social group, society as a whole. Modern sociologists generally agree that the concept of culture is much broader than the concept of "way of life". What are the similarities and differences between these concepts?

Indeed, traditions, customs, norms of behavior, mores and values ​​form the basis of both culture and way of life. The only difference is that the concept culture expresses the sublime, spiritual side of this set of elements, and Lifestyle- everyday, material and practical side.

Lifestyle is a routine or way of life: the habit of getting up early or going to bed late, smoking on an empty stomach, dressing at home in everything old, buying products in the wholesale market, and not in the store, running into the forest on weekends or doing exercises every day, reading before sleep and more.

Culture and lifestyle are so intertwined with each other that sometimes it is impossible to separate them. Experts argue that the roots of culture lie in the everyday experience of people, which is based on collective habits, rules and norms of behavior. The latter, figuratively speaking, are the building blocks of both culture and way of life.

It can be argued that the concept of "way of life" is only part of the scope of the concept of "culture", namely that part of it that refers to the present time, which characterizes the way people live "now". The way of life does not accumulate from generation to generation, does not form a semblance of cultural heritage. Lifestyle symbolizes the dynamic side of culture.

The components that leave the lifestyle are: language, beliefs, attitudes, values, manners, dress code, quality of housing, working conditions, pastime, customs, mores, etiquette, norms and other elements of culture.

Culture: folk, elite, mass

folk culture- the sphere of non-professional cultural activity, which exists according to the folklore type in the past and present, passed down from generation to generation in the process of direct interaction between people. The elements that make it up include: values, norms, meanings, ideas, rites, rituals, ideas, knowledge, beliefs, lifestyle, artistic creativity, etc. The traditional folk culture of the past and its modern forms fill the closest and most familiar cultural space.

Elite culture is formed within the privileged in any area (in politics, commerce, art) layers, communities and includes, like folk culture, values, norms, ideas, ideas, knowledge, lifestyle, etc. Some researchers tend to see in elite culture only a subculture of privileged groups of society, distinguished by its fundamental closeness, spiritual aristocracy and value-semantic self-sufficiency. The individual-personal character of the elite culture is its specific quality. In contrast to popular culture, not anonymity, but personal authorship becomes the goal.

Mass culture- a specific kind of spiritual production, focused on the "average" consumer and suggesting the possibility of a wide replication of the original product. Mass culture is a product of the industrial and post-industrial era, associated with the formation of a mass society. Mass culture creates modern mythology by constructing its own world, which is often perceived by its consumers as more real than their own everyday existence. An essential aspect of mass culture is the exact choice of the addressee-consumer (age, social and national groups), which determines the choice of appropriate artistic and technical techniques and, if successful, brings significant income. Mass culture is traditionally opposed to elite culture, capable of creating products of unique artistic value that require certain intellectual efforts and initial cultural baggage for their perception. The element of innovation in mass culture is insignificant, since its creators are mainly engaged in the creation of simplified versions of the achievements of "high" culture adapted for the mass consciousness.

Special attitude to mass culture in the USA. The American sociologist D. Burstin draws attention to the fact that, unlike Western Europe, where “high culture” is under the patronage of the state, in the United States, mass culture, reflecting the ideas standards and stereotypes of official state policy and business interests, introducing them into the minds of people. "We," says Boorstin, "are perhaps the first nation in history to subject to centralized control a mass-produced folk (mass) culture."

The phenomenon of mass culture is due to the commercialization of all social relations, the transformation into a commodity of the phenomena of spiritual culture, and, therefore, the obedience to the laws of commodity-industrial production. Money is invested in mass culture - as in enterprises, land plots - in the hope of making a profit. The purpose of such cultural production is to make money, not a measure of human well-being or the development of a mature consciousness. The measure in this case is exclusively "financial arshin".


1. Characteristics of the problem the Program is aimed at solving

In 2001-2005, political and economic stability was observed in the country. The institution of private property was strengthened, the process of reforming the budget and tax legislation was carried out. There are prerequisites for economic growth.

Society and the state again turned to the problems of culture. An important step was the adoption of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2001-2005)", thanks to the implementation of which it was possible to stop the decline in the sphere of culture, to increase the participation of the state in its support, and increase funding. This made it possible to prevent the loss of a number of cultural monuments, to strengthen interethnic and interregional ties.

At the same time, the problems in the sphere of culture accumulated during the economic downturn significantly exceed the state's ability to solve them. The industry traditionally focused on state financial support turned out to be the least prepared for a market economy. The rate of depreciation of especially valuable immovable objects of cultural heritage continues to lag behind the rate of their restoration. A similar situation develops with museum funds. In fact, today the process of gradual loss of the country's national heritage (both material and spiritual), accumulated by previous generations, continues. So far, there are no market criteria for evaluating both movable and immovable objects of cultural heritage.

As the role of culture in society increases, it ceases to be just one of the forms of satisfying needs. Bringing culture to a level that allows it to become an active participant in socio-economic processes requires certain efforts on the part of the state. State investment in culture means investment in "human capital".

Reforming in the sphere of culture is a direct consequence of the ongoing economic and political transformations. It is necessary to search for solutions that would, on the one hand, ensure the preservation of cultural values, and, on the other hand, create economic mechanisms that allow culture to develop effectively in the new market conditions.

An important factor contributing to the development of the industry is the creation of public-private partnership institutions, which

  • development of patronage and charity in the field of culture;
  • development of the cultural property market, joint participation of the state and business in the development of this market, as well as in cost-effective projects in the field of culture.

The development of the market for cultural property involves the solution of issues related to their evaluation and insurance.

The strengthening of the positions of Russian culture abroad, the formation of the image of Russia as a country of great cultural traditions is an integral part of the state strategy of integration into the system of international relations.

The close relationship between the processes taking place in the sphere of culture and the processes taking place in society makes the use of the program-target method a necessary condition for the further development of the industry.

A significant part of the costs associated with the implementation of the Program falls on the reconstruction, restoration and emergency response work at cultural heritage sites of federal significance. The program-target method makes it possible to concentrate financial resources on carrying out work on specific objects, to prevent their dispersion.

The use of the program-target method is also necessary in the implementation of other areas of the Program, covering all the main areas of cultural life: theater, music, modern and traditional art. The established practice provides for active participation in competitions and festivals of both regional and rural, as well as generally recognized groups and cultural figures.

Refusal to use the program-target method can lead to negative consequences, for example, to limiting the influence of the state on the conduct of cultural policy in the regions of the country.

The most serious risks include a reduction in funding and inefficient management of the Program, which, in turn, will entail:

  • the loss of a part of immovable objects of cultural heritage due to the outstripping rate of their wear and tear over the rate of their restoration and conservation;
  • financial losses from inefficient use of immovable objects of cultural heritage;
  • financial losses from the reduction in the use of the museum fund and archival documents, touring activities;
  • reduction in the share of national films on the Russian film market;
  • reducing the influence of the state on the formation of "human capital", the loss of qualified personnel in the industry;
  • violation of a single information and cultural space;
  • violation of the principle of equalization of access to cultural values ​​and information resources of various groups of citizens.

Early termination of the Program may occur when the social and economic situation in the country changes, new priorities are identified in solving national problems, and inefficient management of the Program. Achieving the goals of the Program under such conditions will be impossible.

2. The main goals and objectives of the Program with an indication of the timing and stages of its implementation, as well as target indicators and indicators

The choice of priority goals of the Program is based on the strategic goals of the development of society and an analysis of the prevailing trends in the field of culture in previous years, taking into account the evolution of the economic and legal environment for the functioning of cultural organizations.

Based on this, the goals of the Program are: the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation, the formation of a single cultural space, the creation of conditions for ensuring equal access to cultural values ​​and information resources of various groups of citizens, the creation of conditions for the preservation and development of the cultural potential of the nation, integration into the world cultural process, ensuring the adaptation of the cultural sphere to market conditions.

Preservation of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation

Russian culture has deep historical roots. On the one hand, it is based on the traditions of classical art, on the other hand, the traditions of the peoples inhabiting our multinational country. The various historical stages through which Russia passed have left their mark on the formation of its cultural heritage.

Achieving this goal within the framework of the Program involves:

  • carrying out work on the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage objects, museum valuables, archival documents, library funds;
  • maintenance and development of infrastructure that ensures the safety of these values ​​and guarantees citizens' access to them.

Formation of a single cultural space, creation of conditions for ensuring equalization of access to cultural values ​​and information resources of various groups of citizens

During the years of the formation of a market economy, the social stratification of society increased, interethnic and interregional ties weakened, which led to a reduction in established cultural ties, a weakening of traditions, and the replacement of social guidelines and values.

The implementation of this goal during the implementation of the Program means the creation of conditions under which the main range of public services in the field of culture and mass communications would be available to citizens living in different regions of the country and belonging to different social groups.

  • increase in the number of festivals, theatrical tours, exhibitions;
  • development, implementation and dissemination of new information products and technologies in the field of culture and mass communications;
  • development of the infrastructure of the industry, strengthening of its material and technical base.

Creation of conditions for the preservation and development of the cultural potential of the nation

The successful development of the industry is based on the human factor. In the sphere of culture, where the leading role is assigned to creativity, this factor is of particular importance.

Achieving this goal involves:

  • identification and support of young talents in the field of culture and mass communications;
  • support for promising creative projects in the industry;
  • overcoming the current trends in the outflow of talented cultural and art workers from Russia;
  • support for competitions, festivals and other cultural events.

Integration into the world cultural process

The expansion of our country's participation in the world cultural process is ensured by promoting the achievements of national culture abroad, bringing together the goals and objectives of Russian and world culture, borrowing the experience of foreign cultural organizations in solving the problems facing national culture.

Achieving this goal involves the exchange of cultural programs, holding international seminars and conferences.

Ensuring the adaptation of the cultural sector to market conditions

The implementation of this goal, on the one hand, should ensure the adaptation of the cultural sphere to new market conditions, on the other hand, protect it from harsh market influences and prevent the destruction of the industry in a competitive environment.

During the implementation of the Program, it is planned to form new economic mechanisms aimed at improving the functioning of the industry in the conditions of market relations. The proposed solutions should ensure the successful operation of cultural institutions in a market environment and provide for varying degrees of participation of the state and private capital in supporting culture.

Methodological foundations for the economic efficiency of various branches of culture will be developed.

Achieving this goal involves:

  • formation and regulation of the market of cultural values;
  • strengthening the role of the state in protecting the cultural values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

As a result, a new attitude of citizens to cultural heritage sites should be formed.

The main objectives of the Program are: ensuring the preservation of historical and cultural heritage; preservation and development of the system of art education, support for young talents; targeted support for professional art, literature and creativity; providing conditions for artistic creativity and innovation; ensuring cultural exchange; development and implementation of information products and technologies in the field of culture; support for domestic producers of cultural goods and their promotion to the world market; renewal of special equipment of organizations in the field of culture and mass communications; modernization of the TV and radio broadcasting network of the Russian Federation.

Ensuring the preservation of historical and cultural heritage

The solution to this problem is achieved by strengthening the targeting of protective measures based on the concentration of resources on especially significant movable and immovable objects of cultural heritage, which implies:

  • maintenance of cultural heritage sites in proper condition;
  • preservation of the federal part of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, unique book publications, archival documents, stocks of the film fund, insurance copying of especially valuable items of stock storage of archives, libraries, film funds;
  • ensuring the safety of storage of cultural property that is in federal ownership.

The main amount of funds allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of the Program is planned to be used to finance the reconstruction and restoration of cultural heritage sites of federal significance.

As part of the implementation of the Program, it is envisaged to improve the technical condition of cultural heritage objects (restoration), which will make it possible to return these monuments to the economic and cultural circulation.

Restoration of museum objects, unique and especially valuable documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation will be carried out.

The expected results of the implementation of this task are represented by indicators of the number of restored immovable cultural monuments and especially valuable stock storage units. When solving this problem, indicators 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are used according to Appendix No. 1.

Preservation and development of the system of art education, support for young talents

Of particular importance is the task of ensuring the continuity of the reproduction of creative potential, the preservation and development of the world-famous domestic system of art education, and the identification and support of young talents.

Within the framework of the Program, it is planned to carry out activities to support festivals, competitions, exhibitions and master classes for children and creative youth.

The expected results of the implementation of this task are represented by indicators of the number of festivals, competitions, exhibitions and master classes for children and creative youth. When solving this problem, indicators 11 and 12 are used, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Program.

Targeted support for professional art, literature and creativity

Targeted support for arts and literature is designed to provide additional opportunities for enhancing cultural exchange and increase the level of accessibility of arts and literature for the population of the country.

The state creates conditions for the development of competition and an increase in consumer demand for the results of activities in the field of culture through financial support for festivals, competitions and exhibitions of national, international and international significance and forming a single cultural space.

Provides support for creative figures working in the field of culture.

The expected results of the implementation of this task are represented by the indicator of the number of works of art created. When solving this problem, indicator 12 is used, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Program.

Ensuring conditions for artistic creativity and innovation

The development of culture and art remains relevant through the formation of an effective environment for experimentation and innovation, the introduction of new technologies.

The Program provides support for authors of new ideas and methods of creativity, creative debuts in the field of culture, expansion of opportunities for the search and implementation of innovative concepts for the development of art.

The expected results of the implementation of this task are represented by indicators of the number of creative debuts, innovative projects, as well as introduced new technologies in the field of culture. When solving this problem, indicator 12 is used, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Program.

Ensuring cultural exchange

The key task of the state policy in the field of culture in the context of expanding the rights of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation remains the preservation of a single cultural and information space, increasing the level of accessibility of cultural values ​​and reducing territorial differentiation in the provision of the population with cultural products.

The implementation of this task requires the support of touring and exhibition activities.

The expected results of the implementation of this task are represented by indicators of the number of touring performances, concerts, festivals and exhibitions. When solving this task, indicators 13, 14 and 16 are used, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Program.

Development and implementation of information products and technologies in the field of culture

In the conditions of informatization of society, the preservation of the competitiveness of culture largely depends on the acceleration of the formation of information networks in the field of culture.

As part of this task, it is necessary to take measures to change the structure of the industry's fixed assets based on the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies and the provision of modern equipment and software products to ensure cultural activities.

In the situation of the rapid spread of information and communication technologies, additional tasks arise related to the creation of virtual museums, electronic libraries and archives, as well as electronic catalogs and registers of cultural heritage, accessible to the widest sections of the population.

It is planned to transfer the information resources of museums, libraries, archives and film funds into digital form, develop information exchange systems using global computer networks, as well as create an electronic database containing information on immovable monuments of history and culture (40 thousand objects), a consolidated catalog of Russian libraries and the National Electronic Library.

The expected results of the implementation of this task are represented by indicators of the growth in the level of informatization: the number of entries in the consolidated catalog of Russian libraries, the database of the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, and other indicators. When solving this problem, indicators 9 and 10 are used, provided in Appendix No. 1 to the Program.

Support for domestic producers of cultural goods and their promotion to the world market

To support domestic producers of cultural goods and their promotion to the world market, it is planned to implement the Program activities in the following areas:

  • state support for the production of Russian films;
  • state protectionism in promoting the products of Russian culture, art and literature to the world market.

The expected results of the implementation of the Program are represented by indicators of the number of films released, as well as international cultural events held. When solving this problem, indicators 1 and 15 are used, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Program.

Renovation of special equipment of organizations in the field of culture and mass communications

An important task of the Program is to update the special equipment of cultural organizations, the equipment of which lags far behind modern requirements.

The expected results of the implementation of this task are represented by indicators of the provision of the industry with unique specialized equipment and computer technology. When solving this problem, indicators 2, 3, 4 and 7 are used, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Program.

Modernization of the TV and radio broadcasting network of the Russian Federation

Modernization of the television and radio broadcasting network of the Russian Federation within the framework of this Program at the expense of capital investments involves the replacement of transceivers and the transition to digital television and radio broadcasting.

The scientific support of the Program is based on conducting scientific research on an objective assessment and analysis of the socio-cultural situation in the country. It is planned to carry out comprehensive studies of the capacity of the domestic market for the consumption of cultural services, the development and testing of new technologies for the creation, storage, distribution and consumption of cultural products.

The organizational support of the Program is based on a number of activities aimed at managing the Program, coordinating the actions of the customer-coordinator and government customers. The state customer-coordinator of the Program organizes the activities provided for in the section "Scientific, organizational and information support of the program" of the list of activities of the Program, with the participation of state customers.

The program provides for the achievement of strategic goals by the end of 2010. Since the activities of the Program are rolling over to the next year during the entire period of its implementation, it is advisable to consider the calendar year as separate stages of the implementation of the Program.

Federal Agency for Education and Science

Higher professional education

Tula State University

Department of Sociology and Political Science

TOurs work

on the topic: "The influence of culture on personality development"

Completed by: student gr.720871

Pugaeva Olesya Sergeevna

Tula 2008


1. Sociological analysis of the phenomenon of culture

1.1 The concept of culture

1.2 Functions and forms of culture

1.3 Culture as a systemic education

2. The role of culture in human life

2.1 Forms of manifestation of culture in human life

2.2 Personal socialization

2.3 Culture as one of the most important methods of personality socialization


List of used literature


The word "culture" comes from the Latin word cultura, which means to cultivate, or cultivate the soil. In the Middle Ages, this word began to denote a progressive method of cultivating grain, thus the term agriculture or the art of farming arose. But in the 18th and 19th centuries it began to be used in relation to people, therefore, if a person was distinguished by the elegance of manners and erudition, he was considered “cultured”. Then this term was applied mainly to aristocrats in order to separate them from the "uncivilized" common people. The German word Kultur also meant a high level of civilization. In our life today, the word "culture" is still associated with the opera house, excellent literature, good education. The modern scientific definition of culture has discarded the aristocratic shades of this concept. It symbolizes the beliefs, values, and expressions (used in literature and art) that are common to a group; they serve to streamline the experience and regulate the behavior of the members of that group. The beliefs and attitudes of a subgroup are often referred to as a subculture. The assimilation of culture is carried out with the help of teaching. Culture is created, culture is taught. Since it is not acquired biologically, each generation reproduces it and passes it on to the next generation. This process is the basis of socialization. As a result of the assimilation of values, beliefs, norms, rules and ideals, the formation of the child's personality and the regulation of his behavior take place. If the process of socialization were to stop on a massive scale, it would lead to the death of culture.

Culture forms the personalities of the members of society, thereby it largely regulates their behavior.

How important culture is for the functioning of the individual and society can be judged by the behavior of people who are not covered by socialization. The uncontrolled or infantile behavior of the so-called children of the jungle, who were completely deprived of human contact, indicates that without socialization, people are not able to adopt an orderly way of life, master the language and learn how to earn a livelihood. As a result of observing several “creatures that showed no interest in what was happening around, who rhythmically swayed back and forth like wild animals in a zoo,” an 18th-century Swedish naturalist. Carl Linnaeus concluded that they are representatives of a special species. Subsequently, scientists realized that these wild children did not have the development of personality, which requires communication with people. This communication would stimulate the development of their abilities and the formation of their "human" personalities. By this example, we proved the relevance of the given topic.

Target this work - to prove that culture really affects the development of the individual and society as a whole. To achieve this goal, the course work puts the following tasks:

· conduct a complete sociological analysis of the phenomenon of culture;

identify the various elements and components of culture;

determine how culture affects the socialization of the individual.

1. Sociological analysis of the phenomenon of culture

1.1 The concept of culture

The modern understanding of the word culture has four main meanings: 1) the general process of intellectual, spiritual, aesthetic development; 2) the state of society based on law, order, morality, coincides with the word "civilization"; 3) features of the way of life of any society, group of people, historical period; 4) forms and products of intellectual, and above all artistic activity, such as music, literature, painting, theater, cinema, television.

Culture is also studied by other sciences, for example, ethnography, history, anthropology, but sociology has its own specific aspect of research in culture. What is the specificity of the sociological analysis of culture, which is characteristic of the sociology of culture? A characteristic feature of the sociology of culture is that it discovers and analyzes the patterns of socio-cultural changes, studies the processes of the functioning of culture in connection with social structures and institutions.

From the point of view of sociology, culture is a social fact. It covers all ideas, ideas, worldviews, beliefs, beliefs that are actively shared by people, or are passively recognized and affect social behavior. Culture does not just passively “accompany” social phenomena that take place, as it were, outside and in addition to culture, objectively and independently of it. The specificity of culture lies in the fact that it represents in the minds of members of society all and any facts that mean something specifically for a given group, a given society. At the same time, at each stage of the life of society, the development of culture is associated with a struggle of ideas, with their discussion and active support, or passive recognition of one of them as objectively correct. Turning to the analysis of the essence of culture, it is necessary to take into account, firstly, that culture is what distinguishes man from animals, culture is a characteristic of human society; secondly, culture is not biologically inherited, but involves learning.

Due to the complexity, multi-layered, multi-faceted, multi-faceted concept of culture, there are several hundred of its definitions. We will use one of them: culture is a system of values, ideas about the world and rules of behavior common to people connected by a certain way of life.

1.2 Functions andforms of culture

Culture performs diverse and responsible social functions. First of all, according to N. Smelser, it structures social life, that is, it does the same thing as genetically programmed behavior in the life of animals. Culture is transmitted from one generation to another in the process of socialization. Because culture is not biologically transmitted, each generation reproduces it and passes it on to the next generation. This process is the basis of socialization. The child learns the values, beliefs, norms, rules and ideals of society, the personality of the child is formed. Personality formation is an important function of culture.

Another equally important function of culture is the regulation of individual behavior. If there were no norms, rules, human behavior would become practically uncontrollable, chaotic and meaningless. One can judge how important culture is for the life of a person and society, if we once again recall the human cubs described in the scientific literature, which by chance turned out to be completely deprived of communication with people and were “brought up” in a herd of animals, in the jungle. When they were found - after five or seven years and again came to people, these children of the jungle could not master the human language, they were not able to learn an orderly way of life, to live among people. These wild children did not have the development of personality, which requires communication with people. The spiritual and moral function of culture is closely connected with socialization. It reveals, systematizes, addresses, reproduces, preserves, develops and transmits eternal values ​​in society - goodness, beauty, truth. Values ​​exist as an integral system. The set of values ​​generally accepted in a particular social group, country, expressing their special vision of social reality, is called mentality. There are political, economic, aesthetic and other values. The dominant type of values ​​are moral values, which are the preferred options for relationships between people, their connections with each other and society. Culture also has a communicative function, which makes it possible to consolidate the connection between the individual and society, to see the connection of times, to establish the connection of progressive traditions, to establish mutual influence (mutual exchange), to select the most necessary and expedient for replication. You can also name such aspects of the purpose of culture as being a tool for the development of social activity, citizenship.

The complexity of understanding the phenomenon of culture also lies in the fact that in any culture there are its different layers, branches, sections.

In most European societies by the beginning of the 20th century. there are two forms of culture. Elite culture - fine arts, classical music and literature - was created and perceived by the elite.

Folk culture, which included fairy tales, folklore, songs and myths, belonged to the poor. The products of each of these cultures were intended for a specific audience, and this tradition was rarely broken. With the advent of the mass media (radio, mass print media, television, records, tape recorders), the distinctions between high and popular culture were blurred. This is how a mass culture emerged, which is not associated with religious or class subcultures. The media and popular culture are inextricably linked. A culture becomes "mass" when its products are standardized and distributed to the general public.

In all societies, there are many subgroups with different cultural values ​​and traditions. The system of norms and values ​​that distinguish a group from the majority of society is called a subculture.

A subculture is shaped by factors such as social class, ethnicity, religion, and location.

The values ​​of the subculture influence the formation of the personality of the members of the group.

The term "subculture" does not mean that this or that group opposes the culture that dominates the society. However, in many cases, the majority of society treats the subculture with disapproval or distrust. This problem can arise even in relation to respected subcultures of doctors or the military. But sometimes the group actively seeks to develop norms or values ​​that are in conflict with core aspects of the dominant culture. On the basis of such norms and values, a counterculture is formed. A well-known counterculture in Western society is Bohemia, and the most striking example in it is the hippies of the 60s.

Counterculture values ​​can be the cause of long-term and irresolvable conflicts in society. However, sometimes they penetrate the mainstream culture itself. Long hair, inventiveness in language and dress, and drug use characteristic of hippies have become widespread in American society, where, mainly through the media, as often happens, these values ​​​​have become less provocative, therefore attractive to the counterculture and, accordingly, less threatening to the dominant culture.

1.3 Culture as a systemic education

From the point of view of sociology, two main parts can be distinguished in culture - cultural statics and cultural dynamics. The first describes culture at rest, the second - in a state of movement. Cultural statics is the internal structure of culture, that is, the totality of the basic elements of culture. Cultural dynamics includes those means, mechanisms and processes that describe the transformation of culture, its change. Culture is born, spreads, collapses, is preserved, many different metamorphoses take place with it. Culture is a complex formation that is a multilateral and multifaceted system, all parts, all elements, all structural characteristics of this system constantly interact, are in endless connections and relationships with each other, constantly move one into another, permeate all spheres of society. If we imagine human culture as a complex system that was created by numerous previous generations of people, then individual elements (features) of culture can be attributed to either material or non-material types. The totality of the material elements of culture constitutes a special form of culture - material culture, which includes all objects, all objects that are created by human hands. These are machine tools, machines, power plants, buildings, temples, books, airfields, cultivated fields, clothing, and so on.

The totality of non-material elements of culture forms a spiritual culture. Norms, rules, samples, standards, laws, values, rituals, symbols, myths, knowledge, ideas, customs, traditions, language, literature, art are included in spiritual culture. Spiritual culture exists in our minds not only as an idea of ​​the norms of behavior, but also as a song, a fairy tale, an epic, a joke, a proverb, folk wisdom, a national color of life, mentality. In cultural statics, elements are delimited in time and space. The geographical area within which different cultures are similar in their main features is called the cultural area. At the same time, the boundaries of the cultural area may not coincide with the state or with the framework of a given society.

Part of the material and spiritual culture created by past generations, which has stood the test of time and is passed on to the next generations as something valuable and revered, constitutes the cultural heritage. Cultural heritage plays an extremely important role in times of crises and instability, acting as a factor in uniting the nation, a means of unification. Every nation, country, even some groups of society have their own culture, in which there may be a lot of features that do not coincide with a particular culture. There are many different cultures on earth. Nevertheless, sociologists identify common features common to all cultures - cultural universals.

More than a few dozen cultural universals are confidently named; elements of culture that are inherent in all cultures, regardless of geographical location, historical time and social structure of society. In cultural universals, it is possible to single out elements of culture that are connected in one way or another with the physical health of a person. These are age characteristics, sports, games, dancing, cleanliness, the prohibition of incest, obstetrics, treatment of pregnant women, postpartum care, weaning the child from the breast,

Cultural universals also include universal norms of morality: respect for elders, discrimination between good and evil, mercy, the obligation to come to the aid of the weak, in distress, respect for nature and all living things, care for babies and raising children, the custom of giving gifts, moral norms , culture of behavior.

A separate very important group is made up of cultural universals associated with the organization of the life of individuals: cooperation of labor and division of labor, community organization, cooking, solemn festivities, traditions, making fire, taboos on writing, games, greetings, hospitality, household, hygiene, the prohibition of incest. , government, police, punitive sanctions, law, property rights, inheritance, kinship groups, kinship nomenclature, language, magic, marriage, family obligations, meal times (breakfast, lunch, dinner), medicine, decency in the administration of natural necessities, mourning, number, personal name, propitiation of supernatural forces, customs associated with the onset of puberty, religious rituals, settlement rules, sexual restrictions, status differentiation, tool making, trade, visiting.

Among the cultural universals, one can single out a special group that reflects views on the world and spiritual culture: the doctrine of the world, time, calendar, the doctrine of the soul, mythology, divination, superstition, religion and various beliefs, belief in miraculous healings, interpretation of dreams, prophecy, weather observation, education, artistic creativity, folk crafts, folklore, folk songs, fairy tales, tales, legends, jokes.

Why do cultural universals arise? This is due to the fact that people, in whatever part of the world they live, are physically the same, they have the same biological needs and face common problems that life conditions pose for them.

Every culture has standards of "correct" behavior. In order to live in a society, people must be able to communicate and cooperate with each other, which means that they must have an idea of ​​​​how to act correctly in order to be understood and achieve concerted action. Therefore, society creates certain patterns of behavior, a system of norms - samples of correct or appropriate behavior. A cultural norm is a system of behavioral expectations, a way of how people should act. A normative culture is a system of social norms or standards of behavior that members of a society follow more or less exactly.

At the same time, the norms go through several stages in their development: they arise, receive approval and distribution in society, grow old, become synonymous with routine and inertness, and they are replaced by others that are more consistent with the changed conditions of life.

Some norms are not difficult to replace, for example, etiquette norms. Etiquette is the rules of courtesy, the rules of courtesy, which differ in every society and even in every class. Etiquette rules can be easily circumvented. So, if a guest invites you to a table on which there is only a fork near the plate, and there is no knife, you can do without a knife. But there are norms that are extremely difficult to change, because these rules regulate spheres of human activity that are important for society. These are state laws, religious traditions, etc. Let us consider the main types of norms in order of increasing their social significance.

Customs are a traditionally established order of behavior, a set of workable patterns, standards that allow members of a society to interact in the best possible way both with the environment and with each other. These are not individual, but collective habits, ways of life of the people, elements of everyday, everyday culture. New generations adopt customs through unconscious imitation or conscious learning. From childhood, a person is surrounded by many elements of everyday culture, since he constantly sees these rules in front of him, they become the only possible and acceptable ones for him. The child learns them and, becoming an adult, treats them as self-evident phenomena, without thinking about their origin.

Every people, even in the most primitive societies, has many customs. So, Slavic and Western peoples eat the second with a fork, taking it for granted to use a fork if they served a cutlet with rice, and the Chinese use special sticks for this purpose. The customs of hospitality, the celebration of Christmas, respect for elders and others are mass patterns of behavior approved by society, which are recommended to be followed. If people break customs, it causes public disapproval, censure, condemnation.

If habits and customs are passed from one generation to another, they become traditions. Originally, the word meant "tradition". Hoisting the national flag at a holiday, playing the national anthem during the celebration of the winner at the competition, meeting fellow soldiers on victory day, honoring labor veterans, etc. can become traditional.

In addition, each person has many individual habits: doing gymnastics and taking a shower in the evening, skiing on weekends, etc. Habits have developed as a result of repeated repetition, they express both the cultural level of a given person and his spiritual needs. , and the level of historical development of the society in which he lives. So, the Russian nobility was characterized by the habit of organizing dog hunting, playing cards, having a home theater, and so on.

Most habits are neither approved nor condemned by others. But there are also so-called bad habits (talking loudly, biting nails, eating with noise and champing, unceremoniously looking at the passenger on the bus and then commenting out loud about his appearance, etc.), they indicate bad manners.

Manners refer to etiquette, or rules of politeness. If habits are formed spontaneously, under the influence of living conditions, then good manners must be cultivated. In Soviet times, etiquette was not taught either at school or at the university, considering all this to be bourgeois nonsense, “harmful” to the people. There is no etiquette in the officially approved programs of universities and schools today. Therefore, rude manners have become the norm everywhere. Suffice it to say about the vulgar, disgusting manners of our so-called pop stars, which are replicated by television and perceived by millions of fans as a standard of behavior and a role model.

Can you learn good manners? Of course, for this you need to read books on etiquette, reflect on your behavior, apply the rules to yourself, which are described in publications. The everyday manners of a well-mannered person are to make sure that your presence does not create inconvenience to anyone, to be helpful, polite, to give way to elders, to give a coat to a girl in a wardrobe, not to talk loudly or gesticulate, not to be sullen and irritable, to have clean shoes, ironed trousers, neat hair - all this and some other habits can be quickly learned, and then communication with you will be easy and pleasant, which, by the way, will help you in life. A variety of customs are ceremony and ritual. A ceremony is a series of actions that have a symbolic meaning and are dedicated to the celebration of some important event for the group. For example, the solemn inauguration ceremony of the President of Russia, the ceremony (enthronement) of the enthronement of a newly elected pope or patriarch.

A ritual is a custom-made and strictly established procedure for doing something, which is designed to dramatize this event, to arouse reverent awe in the viewer. For example, ritual dances of shamans in the process of witchcraft, ritual dances of the tribe before the hunt. Moral norms are different from customs and habits.

If I do not brush my teeth, then I harm myself, if I do not know how to use a knife for eating, some will not notice my bad manners, while others will notice, but will not tell about it. But if a friend quit in a difficult moment, if a person borrowed money and promised to give it back, but does not give it back. In these cases, we are dealing with norms that affect the vital interests of people, are important for the well-being of the group or society. Moral or moral standards determine the relationship of people to each other based on the distinction between good and evil. People fulfill moral norms based on their own conscience, public opinion and the traditions of society.

Morals are mass patterns of action that are especially guarded and highly revered by society. Mores reflect the moral values ​​of society. Every society has its own mores, or morals. Nevertheless, respect for elders, honesty, nobility, caring for parents, the ability to come to the aid of the weak, etc. in many societies it is the norm, and insulting elders, mockery of the disabled, the desire to offend the weak is considered immoral.

A special form of mores is taboo. Taboo is an absolute prohibition of any action. In modern society, incest, cannibalism, desecration of graves or insulting the feeling of patriotism are taboo.

The set of rules of conduct associated with the concept of dignity of the individual constitutes the so-called code of honor.

If norms and customs begin to play a particularly important role in the life of society, then they become institutionalized and a social institution arises. These are economic institutions, banks, the army, etc. The norms and rules of conduct here are specially developed and drawn up in codes of conduct and are strictly observed.

Some of the norms are so important for the life of society that they are formalized as laws; the law is guarded by the state represented by its special power structures, such as the police, the court, the prosecutor's office, and the prison.

As a systemic education, culture and its norms are accepted by all members of society; it is the dominant, universal, dominating culture. But in every society, some groups of people stand out who do not accept the dominant culture, but form their own norms that differ from generally accepted patterns and even challenge it. This is the counterculture. The counterculture is in conflict with the mainstream culture. Prison customs, bandit standards, hippie groups are clear examples of the counterculture.

There may be other, less aggressive cultural norms in society that are not shared by all members of the society. Differences in people associated with age, nationality, occupation, gender, characteristics of the geographical environment, profession, lead to the emergence of specific cultural patterns that make up the subculture; “life of immigrants”, “life of northerners”, “army life”, “bohemia”, “life in a communal apartment”, “life in a hostel” are examples of the life of an individual within a certain subculture.

2. The role of culture in human life

2.1 Forms of manifestation of culture in human life

Culture plays a very controversial role in human life. On the one hand, it helps to consolidate the most valuable and useful patterns of behavior and pass them on to subsequent generations, as well as to other groups. Culture elevates a person above the animal world, creating a spiritual world, it promotes human communication. On the other hand, culture is able, with the help of moral norms, to consolidate injustice and superstition, inhuman behavior. In addition, everything created within the framework of culture to conquer nature can be used to destroy people. Therefore, it is important to study individual manifestations of culture in order to be able to reduce the tension in the interaction of a person with the culture generated by him.

Ethnocentrism. There is a well-known truth that for each person the earth's axis passes through the center of his native city or village. The American sociologist William Summer called ethnocentrism a view of society in which a certain group is considered central, and all other groups are measured and correlated with it.

Without a doubt, we admit that monogamous marriages are better than polygamous ones; that young people should choose partners themselves and that this is the best way to form married couples; that our art is the most humane and noble, while the art of another culture is defiant and tasteless. Ethnocentrism makes our culture the standard against which we measure all other cultures: in our opinion, they will be good or bad, high or low, right or wrong, but always in relation to our own culture. This is manifested in such positive expressions as "chosen people", "true teaching", "super race", and in negative ones - "backward peoples", "primitive culture", "rude art".

To some extent, ethnocentrism is inherent in all societies, and even backward peoples in some way feel superior to everyone else. They, for example, may consider the culture of highly developed countries stupid and absurd. Not only societies, but most social groups (if not all) in a society are ethnocentric. Numerous studies of organizations conducted by sociologists from different countries show that people tend to overestimate their own organizations and underestimate all others. Ethnocentrism is a universal human reaction affecting all groups in society and almost all individuals. True, there may be exceptions to this issue, for example: anti-Semitic Jews, revolutionary aristocrats, Negroes who oppose Negroes on the elimination of racism. It is obvious, however, that such phenomena can already be considered forms of deviant behavior.

A natural question arises: is ethnocentrism a negative or a positive phenomenon in the life of society? It is difficult to answer this question clearly and unambiguously. Let's try to determine the positive and negative aspects in such a complex cultural phenomenon as ethnocentrism. First of all, it should be noted that groups in which there are clearly expressed manifestations of ethnocentrism, as a rule, are more viable than groups that are completely tolerant of other cultures or subcultures. Ethnocentrism unites the group, justifies sacrifice and martyrdom in the name of its well-being; without it, the manifestation of patriotism is impossible. Ethnocentrism is a necessary condition for the emergence of national identity and even ordinary group loyalty. Of course, extreme manifestations of ethnocentrism are also possible, such as nationalism, contempt for the cultures of other societies. However, in most cases ethnocentrism appears in more tolerant forms, and its main message is that I prefer my customs, although I admit that some customs and mores of other cultures may be better in some ways. So, we encounter the phenomenon of ethnocentrism almost daily when we compare ourselves with people of a different gender, age, representatives of other organizations or other regions, in all cases where there are differences in the cultural patterns of representatives of social groups. Every time we put ourselves at the center of culture and consider its other manifestations, as if trying them on ourselves.

Ethnocentrism can be artificially reinforced in any group in order to oppose other groups in conflict interaction. The mere mention of a danger, for example, to the existence of an organization, unites its members, increases the level of group loyalty and ethnocentrism. Periods of tension in relations between nations or nationalities are always accompanied by an increase in the intensity of ethnocentric propaganda. Perhaps this is due to the preparation of the members of the group for the struggle, for the coming hardships and sacrifices.

Speaking about the significant role that ethnocentrism plays in the processes of group integration, in rallying group members around certain cultural patterns, its conservative role and negative impact on the development of culture should also be noted. Indeed, if our culture is the best in the world, then why do we need to improve, change, and even more so borrow from other cultures? Experience shows that such a point of view can significantly slow down the development processes that take place in a society with a very high level of ethnocentrism. An example is the experience of our country, when the high level of ethnocentrism in the pre-war period became a serious brake on the development of culture. Ethnocentrism can also be a tool against changes in the internal structure of society. Thus, privileged groups consider their society to be the best and fairest and seek to instill this in other groups, thereby raising the level of ethnocentrism. Even in ancient Rome, representatives of the poor strata cultivated the opinion that, despite poverty, they are still citizens of a great empire and therefore higher than other peoples. This opinion was specially created by the privileged strata of Roman society.

Cultural relativism. If members of one social group consider the cultural customs and norms of other social groups only from the point of view of ethnocentrism, then it is very difficult to come to understanding and interaction. Therefore, there is an approach to other cultures that softens the effect of ethnocentrism and allows finding ways for cooperation and mutual enrichment of cultures of different groups. One such approach is cultural relativism. Its basis is the assertion that members of one social group cannot understand the motives and values ​​of other groups if they analyze these motives and values ​​in the light of their own culture. In order to achieve understanding, to understand another culture, it is necessary to connect its specific features with the situation and the characteristics of its development. Each cultural element must be related to the characteristics of the culture of which it is a part. The value and meaning of this element can only be considered in the context of a particular culture. Warm clothes are good in the Arctic, but ridiculous in the tropics. The same can be said about other, more complex cultural elements and the complexes they constitute. Cultural complexes concerning female beauty and the role of women in society are different in different cultures. It is only important to approach these differences not from the point of view of the dominance of "our" culture, but from the point of view of cultural relativism, i.e. recognizing for other cultures the possibility of other, different from "our" interpretations of cultural patterns and realizing the reasons for such modifications. This point of view, of course, is not ethnocentric, but helps the rapprochement and development of different cultures.

It is necessary to understand the basic position of cultural relativism, according to which certain elements of a particular cultural system are correct and generally accepted because they have proven themselves well in this particular system; others are considered wrong and unnecessary because their application would give rise to painful and conflicting consequences only in a given social group or only in a given society. The most rational way of development and perception of culture in society is a combination of features of both ethnocentrism and cultural relativism, when an individual, feeling pride in the culture of his group or society and expressing adherence to the main examples of this culture, is at the same time able to understand other cultures, the behavior of members other social groups, recognizing their right to exist.

2.2 Personality socialization

Personality is one of those phenomena that are rarely interpreted in the same way by two different authors. All definitions of personality are somehow conditioned by two opposing views on its development. From the point of view of some, each personality is formed and develops in accordance with its innate qualities and abilities, while the social environment plays a very insignificant role. Representatives of another point of view completely reject the innate internal traits and abilities of the individual, believing that the individual is a product that is completely formed in the course of social experience.

Methods of socialization of the individual in each culture are different. Turning to the history of culture, we will see that each society had its own idea of ​​education. Socrates believed that to educate a person means to help him "become a worthy citizen", while in Sparta the goal of education was considered to be the education of a strong brave warrior. According to Epicurus, the main thing is independence from the outside world, “serenity”. In modern times, Rousseau, trying to combine civic motives and spiritual purity in education, finally came to the conclusion that moral and political education are incompatible. The "study of the human condition" leads Rousseau to the conviction that it is possible to educate either "a man for himself" or a citizen who lives "for others." In the first case, he will be in conflict with social institutions, in the second - with his own nature, so you have to choose one of the two - to educate either a person or a citizen, because you cannot create both at the same time. Two centuries after Rousseau, existentialism, for its part, will develop his ideas about loneliness, about the “Others” who are opposed to the “I”, about a society where a person is in the slavery of norms, where everyone lives as it is customary to live.

Today, experts continue to argue about which factor is the main one for the process of personality formation. Apparently, all of them in a complex carry out the socialization of the individual, the education of a person as a representative of a given society, culture, social group. In accordance with modern concepts, the interaction of factors such as a person's physical features, environment, individual experience and culture creates a unique personality. To this should be added the role of self-education, that is, the individual's own efforts on the basis of an internal decision, one's own needs and requests, ambition, a strong-willed beginning - to form certain skills, abilities, and abilities in oneself. As practice shows, self-education is the most powerful tool in achieving a person's professional skills, career, and material well-being.

In our analysis, of course, we must take into account both the biological characteristics of the individual and his social experience. At the same time, practice shows that the social factors of personality formation are more significant. The definition of personality given by V. Yadov seems to be satisfactory: "Personality is the integrity of a person's social properties, a product of social development and - the inclusion of an individual in the system of social relations through vigorous activity and communication." According to this view, a person develops from a biological organism solely through various types of social cultural experience.

2.3 cultureas one of the most important methods of socialization of the individual

First of all, it should be noted that a certain cultural experience is common to all mankind and does not depend on what stage of development this or that society is at. Thus, each child receives nourishment from older children, learns to communicate through language, gains experience in the application of punishment and reward, and also masters some of the other most common cultural patterns. At the same time, each society provides practically all its members with some special experience, special cultural patterns, which other societies cannot offer. From the social experience that is common to all members of a given society, a characteristic personality configuration arises that is typical for many members of a given society. For example, a person who has been formed in the conditions of a Muslim culture will have different features than a person brought up in a Christian country.

The American researcher C. Dubois called a person who has features common to a given society "modal" (from the term "mode" taken from statistics, denoting a value that occurs most often in a series or series of object parameters). Under the modal personality, Duboys understood the most common type of personality, which has some features inherent in the culture of society as a whole. Thus, in every society one can find such personalities who embody the average generally accepted traits. They talk about modal personalities when they mention "average" Americans, Englishmen, or "true" Russians. The modal personality embodies all those general cultural values ​​that society instills in its members in the course of cultural experience. These values ​​are contained to a greater or lesser extent in every individual in a given society.

In other words, each society develops one or more basic personality types that fit the culture of that society. Such personal patterns are assimilated, as a rule, from childhood. Among the Plains Indians of South America, the socially approved personality type for an adult male was a strong, self-confident, combative person. He was admired, his behavior was rewarded, and boys always aspired to be like such men.

What can be a socially approved personality type for our society? Perhaps this is a sociable personality, i.e. easily going to social contacts, ready for cooperation and at the same time possessing some aggressive traits (that is, able to stand up for herself) and a practical mind. Many of these traits develop secretly, within us, and we feel uncomfortable if these traits are missing. Therefore, we teach our children to say "thank you" and "please" to elders, teach them not to be shy of an adult environment, to be able to stand up for themselves.

However, in complex societies it is very difficult to find a generally accepted type of personality due to the presence of a large number of subcultures in them. Our society has many structural divisions: regions, nationalities, occupations, age categories, etc. Each of these divisions tends to create its own subculture with certain personal patterns. These patterns are mixed with personality patterns inherent in individual individuals, and mixed personality types are created. To study the personality types of various subcultures, one should study each structural unit separately, and then take into account the influence of personality patterns of the dominant culture.


Summing up, it should be emphasized once again that culture is an integral part of human life. Culture organizes human life. In human life, culture to a large extent performs the same function that genetically programmed behavior performs in the life of animals.

Culture is a complex formation that is a multilateral and multifaceted system, all parts, all elements, all structural characteristics of this system constantly interact, are in endless connections and relationships with each other, constantly move one into another, permeate all spheres of society.

Among the many different definitions of this concept, the most common is the following: culture is a system of values, ideas about the world and rules of behavior that are common to people associated with a certain way of life.

Culture is transmitted from one generation to another in the process of socialization. The formation and development of personality is largely due to culture. It would not be an exaggeration to define culture as a measure of what is human in a person. Culture gives a person a sense of belonging to a community, brings up control over his behavior, determines the style of practical life. At the same time, culture is a decisive way of social interactions, integration of individuals into society.

List of used literature

1. Vitani I.N. Society. Culture. Sociology / I.N. Vitani - M., 1984 - pp. 9-15.

2. Dobrenkov V.I. Sociology./V.I. Dobrenkov, Yu.G. Volkov and others - M.: Thought, 2000 - p.52.

3. Ionin L.G. Sociology of culture: the path to the new millennium: Proc. allowance for university students. - 3rd ed., recut. and add./L.G. Ionin - M.: Logos, 2000 - p.19-24.

4. Kogan L. K. Sociology of culture. Yekaterinburg, 1992 - p.11-12.

5. Kon I.S. Sociology of personality / I.S.Kon - M., 1967 - p.113-116.

6. Leontiev A.N. On the theory of personality development / A.N. Leontiev - M., 1982 - p. 402.

7. Minyushev F.I. Sociology of Culture: Textbook for Universities F.I. Minyushev - M.: Academic project, 2004 - p. 34-38.

8. Sokolov E.V. Culture and Personality / E.V. Sokolov - L., 1972 - p.51.

9. Yadov V.A. Attitude to work and value orientations of the individual // Sociology in the USSR in 2 vols. - V.2 Zdravosmyslov A.G., Yadov V.A. - M., -1996-p.71.

10. Forms of knowledge and society: the essence and concept of the sociology of culture // Sociological journal, No. 1-2, 1999//

The vital activity of society is multi-sphere (labor, politics, economics, ethics, aesthetics, law, family, religion, etc.). Each of the spheres of society's life corresponds to a certain level of culture achieved by it as a qualitative characteristic of its life activity. Culture plays an important role in the life of a person and society, which consists, first of all, in the fact that culture acts as a means of accumulation, storage and transmission of human experience. It is culture that makes a person a person. An individual becomes a member of society, a person as socialization progresses, i.e. mastering the knowledge, language, symbols, values, norms, customs, traditions of their people, their social group and all of humanity. The level of culture of an individual is determined by its socialization - familiarization with the cultural heritage, as well as the degree of development of individual abilities. Personal culture is usually associated with developed creative abilities, erudition, understanding of works of art, fluency in native and foreign languages, accuracy, politeness, self-control, high morality, etc. All this is achieved in the process of upbringing and education.

Culture unites people, integrates them, ensures the integrity of the community. But by rallying some on the basis of some subculture, it opposes them to others, separating wider communities and communities. Within these broader communities and communities, cultural conflicts can arise. Thus, culture can and often performs a disintegrating function. During the socialization of values,

ideals, norms and patterns of behavior become part of the self-consciousness of the individual. They shape and regulate her behavior. We can say that culture as a whole determines the framework within which a person can and should act. Culture regulates human behavior in the family, at school, at work, at home, etc., putting forward a system of prescriptions and prohibitions. Violation of these prescriptions and prohibitions triggers certain sanctions that are established by the community and supported by the power of public opinion and various forms of institutional coercion. Culture, which is a complex sign system, transmits social experience from generation to generation, from era to era. In addition to culture, society has no other mechanisms for concentrating the entire wealth of experience that has been accumulated by people. Therefore, it is no coincidence that culture is considered the social memory of mankind.

Culture, concentrating the best social experience of many generations of people, acquires the ability to accumulate the richest knowledge about the world and thereby create favorable opportunities for its knowledge and development. It can be argued that a society is as intellectual as it fully uses the richest knowledge contained in the cultural gene pool of mankind. All types of society that live today on Earth differ significantly, primarily on this basis. In the sphere of work, life, interpersonal relations, one way or another, culture influences the behavior of people and regulates their actions, and even the choice of certain material and spiritual values. The regulatory function of culture is supported by such normative systems as morality and law.

Representing a certain sign system, culture implies knowledge, possession of it. It is impossible to master the achievements of culture without studying the corresponding sign systems. Thus, language (oral or written) is a means of communication between people. The literary language acts as the most important means of mastering the national culture. Specific languages ​​are needed for understanding the world of music, painting, theater. The natural sciences also have their own sign systems. Culture as a certain system of values ​​forms a person's well-defined value needs and orientations. By their level and quality, people most often judge the degree of culture of a person. Moral and intellectual content, as a rule, acts as a criterion for an appropriate assessment.

Thus, the system of culture is not only complex and diverse, but also very mobile. It is a living process, the living destiny of peoples, constantly moving, developing, changing. Culture is an indispensable component of the life of both society as a whole and its closely interconnected subjects: individuals, social communities, social institutions.


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  2. Arnoldov A.I. Introduction to cultural studies. - M., 1993.
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  4. Revskaya N.E. Culturology. Lecture notes. - M., 2001.
  5. Sokolov E.V. Culturology. - M.: Interpraks, 1994.

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