The role of military registration and enlistment offices in the military-historical education of youth. Socio-pedagogical foundations of the activities of military commissariats to improve the pre-conscription training of young people Mukhamadeev Marat Masgutovich


Chapter I. Historiography and characteristics of the sources of the problem.

§ 1. Historiography of the problem.

§ 2. Characteristics of the source base of the study.

Chapter II. Formation and development of domestic military museums as cultural and educational institutions in the period from 1918 to 1991

§ 1. Military museums in the system of education of military personnel.

§ 2. Creation and development of the legal foundations of military museums.

§ 3. Activities of state and military administration bodies to improve the organizational structure of the military museum network.

Chapter III. Cultural and educational work of military museums in the period under study.

§ 1. Activity of military museums on excursion service of visitors.

§ 2. Stationary and mobile exhibitions as a form of cultural and educational work of military museums.

§ 3. Organization of social-mass and search work.

Chapter IV. Popularization and publishing work of military museums in the period from 1918 to 1991.

§ 1. The work of military museums to promote their funds and collections.

§ 2. The role of the publishing work of military museums in the cultural service of military personnel.

Dissertation Introduction 2009, abstract on history, Kuznetsov, Andrey Mikhailovich

At present, state and military authorities face a serious task - strengthening the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The practice of educational work has developed many directions, forms and methods for its solution, however, skillful and professional use of the possibilities of the centuries-old culture of the country, the armed forces, especially its material component, stands apart. The material component of culture is a set of tangible objects that express the uniqueness and originality of a particular culture that has existed in human history. These can be tools, samples of household utensils, clothing, architectural structures and, importantly for a military audience, items of military activity. Already at the dawn of their history, people began to collect and pass on to their descendants the most significant and valuable objects of material culture, which served as the basis for the continuity of the traditions of a particular people. To ensure the safety of objects, the possibility of displaying them, special premises began to be created, which later became known as museums. With the development of civilization, museum work improved, acquired new features and began to develop in certain directions. This is how historical museums appeared that specialize in collecting, studying and displaying various objects of the history of a particular state, art museums that collect and promote art objects, technical museums that tell about the development of technology, etc. A special place among them began to be occupied by museums that collected and stored objects of the "material history" of the military practice of mankind.

The history of the creation, formation, development and functioning of domestic military museums testifies to the fact that they carried and carry a huge educational and cultural potential aimed at instilling in the Russian army a feeling of love for their homeland, the armed forces, devotion to the best military traditions.

The study of the historical experience of the activities of domestic military museums at various stages of its development will expand the practical possibilities in organizing the leisure of military personnel, will contribute to the education of personnel on the examples of the heroic past of our Motherland.

One of the most significant periods in the development of domestic military museums was the period from 1918 to 1991. At this stage, the military museum network was practically re-created by the state and military authorities, legal documents were developed that formed the basis of its work.

The activities of military museums in the Soviet period have repeatedly passed the test of time. The events of the Civil War and foreign military intervention, the interwar period, the Great Patriotic War, the post-war period, the period of the 1960s and early 1980s, perestroika showed that the work of preserving, accumulating and using objects of military history in educational and cultural and educational work with military personnel was quite effective. In this regard, for military historians it is of particular interest to study the experience of the functioning of domestic military museums in the Soviet period, the activities of cultural services for military personnel and their families, which can be in demand in the practice of educational work and socio-cultural activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The relevance of the study of this problem is determined by the following circumstances.

Firstly, its insufficient development, the absence of major generalizing scientific works on this topic, revealing the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991. and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel.

Secondly, the study of the activities of military museums during this period meets the requirements of the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", orders of the Minister of Defense

RF No. 265 of June 10, 2001 "On military history work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" and No. 79 of February 28, 2005 "On the improvement of educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Order No. 265 dated June 10*, 2001, in particular, states: “The use of military historical knowledge in the education of military personnel is carried out in order to develop their abilities to realize and deeply understand their military duty and personal responsibility for defending the Fatherland. It is carried out within the framework of the performance of official duties by the relevant commanders (chiefs) together with the educational work of the Armed Forces in the course of studying the military history of the Fatherland in the system of public and state training, as well as carrying out activities to promote it by popularizing the heroic deeds of Russian soldiers, the activities of outstanding commanders and warlords" 1.

Historical items in the funds and expositions of military museums are the material basis for conducting military history work and contribute to a more substantive formation of patriotism among Russian soldiers.

Order No. 79 dated February 28, 2005 notes that cultural and leisure activities are part of the complex of educational work organized by the RF Armed Forces. One of the forms of cultural and leisure activities is visiting museums by military personnel on weekends and holidays.

In addition, the order contains a provision that commanders of all levels must take measures to develop and update the expositions of military museums, museum-type formations, rooms of military glory. Appropriate councils must be elected for their effective operation2.

In order to put these provisions into practice, it is necessary to closely study the relevant experience of the activities of the military administration bodies, the military museum network, accumulated in the period from 1918 to 1991.

1 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 265 dated June 10, 2001 “On Military Historical Work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”. - M., 2001. - S. 3-4.

2 See: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 79 dated February 28, 2005 “On the improvement of educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”. - M., 2005. - S. 15-16.

Thirdly, by increasing the role of military museums in the upbringing, education and cultural services for servicemen and their families.

Fourthly, the need to improve the activities of state and military administration bodies, educational structures in the field of cultural services for the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces based on the experience accumulated by domestic military museums.

Fifthly, the growing attention of the public to the objects of material culture of military activity and everyday life of the domestic armed forces, stored in military museums, and the possibility of their use in the patriotic education of the younger generation.

The relevance, insufficient degree of development of the problem determined the choice of the topic, determined the object, subject, scientific problem, chronological framework, purpose and objectives of this dissertation research.

The object of the study is domestic military museums in the period 1918-1991. The author considers it necessary to note that under military museums only those institutions that were under the jurisdiction of the military department will be considered. Museums of other ministries, which kept, among others, objects of military activity and everyday life (culture, internal affairs, state security, etc.), were not included in the object of study.

The subject of the study is the activity of state and military administration bodies, museum management in the formation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review.

Substantiation of the chronological framework of the study.

The events of October 1917 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of domestic statehood, which was associated with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, who oriented the country towards building the world's first socialist state. For its armed protection, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on January 15 (28), 1918 adopted a decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on January 29 (February 11), 1918 - on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF) . From that moment on, the military museums of the Soviet Republic were focused on working with the military personnel of the Red Army and the Red Army.

On December 8, 1991, the heads of the republics of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, in an agreement signed by them, announced the termination of the existence of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Along with the collapse of the Soviet Union, its Armed Forces and the military museum network ceased to exist, the activities of which, first of all, were aimed at the education and cultural service of the military personnel of the Soviet army and navy.

The scientific problem of the dissertation research is to comprehensively investigate and summarize the historical experience of the activities of state and military bodies, the museum guide to the formation and development of the network of military museums in the country, the organization of their work on the cultural service of military personnel in the period from 1918 to 1991, to identify characteristic features and trends, formulate scientific conclusions, historical lessons and practical recommendations.

The purpose of the work is to carry out a systematic and comprehensive study of the activities of state and military authorities, museum management on the creation and development of a network of military museums, the organization of their cultural and educational work with military personnel in the period under review, to draw scientifically based conclusions, to formulate historical lessons, practical recommendations and trends in the development of military museums in the Russian Federation.

To achieve this goal, the dissertation formulated the following main objectives of the study.

1. Assess the degree of development of the problem and characterize the source base of the study.

2. Determine the role of Soviet military museums in the education of military personnel, taking into account the previous experience of the military museum network of Imperial Russia.

3. To study the activities of state and military administration bodies in creating and improving the legal and organizational foundations of military museums in the period under review.

4. To reveal the work of military museums for the cultural service of the personnel of the army and navy in the period from 1918 to 1991.

5. To analyze the popularizing and publishing work of military museums in the period under study.

6. Make scientifically based conclusions, formulate historical lessons arising from the activities of domestic military museums in 1918-1991, practical recommendations for further study and use of the results of dissertation research, development trends of military museums in the Russian Federation.

The dissertation proposes the following research concept.

The revolutionary events of October 1917 and the creation in January 1918 of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and then the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet determined the new content of the activities of military museums and served as the starting point of the Soviet stage in the development of military museums.

During the years of the Civil War and foreign military intervention (1917-1920), the state and military authorities made efforts to preserve the rich historical and cultural heritage stored in military museums, as well as to create a fundamentally new military museum network, which should was to become at the service of education and cultural service of command and rank and file in the spirit of the new ideology.

In the interwar years (1921-June 1941) the foundations of the legal and organizational development of the Soviet military museum network were laid, the tasks and directions of its development were determined. During this period, the material base of the existing military museums was significantly strengthened, and the construction of new ones began. These processes took place under the control of the organs of the party, state and military administration.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 became a test of the strength of the established Soviet military museum network. The experience of military museums in solving the tasks assigned to them confirmed the correctness of the proposition that their role in the educational and cultural-educational work with soldiers of the army and navy was very significant.

The functioning of military museums in the USSR in the postwar years was closely linked to the need to collect and preserve documents and materials showing the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the improvement of the legal and organizational structure, material and technical base, and the construction of new museums.

With the development of the country, the quantitative and qualitative changes in the Soviet Armed Forces, the organs of state and military administration adjusted the tasks of military museums in the field of education of soldiers. The main directions were the education of the personnel of high discipline, the desire to master weapons and military equipment, fidelity to the military oath, respect for their history and the heroic traditions of the Armed Forces.

Late 1980s-early 1990s were marked by turbulent processes that took place in national history. During this period, there were two trends in the development of military museums. On the one hand, the lifting of bans for ideological reasons, publicity, accessibility to previously unknown sources made it possible to expand the exposition complexes of military history museums, “saturate” them with new museum items.

On the other hand, the transition to market economic relations, the lack of proper attention from the state led to the fact that many military museums became unprofitable enterprises. The consequence of this was the deteriorating material fund, the departure of qualified employees, the leasing of their premises to commercial organizations, the transformation of military museums in some cases into warehouses, hostels, etc.

Military museums of the Soviet period carried out active cultural and educational work among military personnel and members of their families. It was aimed at promoting moral and aesthetic education, establishing glorious military traditions in military teams, raising the cultural level, and participating in the organization of full-fledged leisure for military personnel.

The generalized experience of the work of military museums of the Soviet period in the education and cultural services of military personnel can be used in the practice of the modern military museum network.

The structure of the dissertation includes an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and references, and applications.

Conclusion of scientific work dissertation on the topic "Military museums and their role in cultural and educational work with military personnel"

Chapter Conclusions

In the period from 1918 to 1991, domestic military museums carried out popularization and publishing work, which to a large extent had an impact on the quality of cultural services for visitors.

Popularizing work focused on those people who had insufficient knowledge about a particular museum and its work. Its main goal was to provide primary information about the museum, its objects and collections and to attract as many visitors as possible to the museum halls. The publishing work, in turn, was aimed at a trained audience, which sought to obtain additional information about the museum and its activities. Its goal was to systematize, expand and deepen knowledge about various aspects of museum activities, exchange experience in museum work.

The first provisions concerning the conduct of popularization and publishing work by military museums were reflected in legal documents that regulated the activities of the military museum network in the 1920s-1930s.

The work of military museums to popularize their funds and collections in the 1920s-1930s. was quite specific and meaningful. A large place in it was given to the cooperation of museum teams with representatives of the media. This made it possible to expand the possibilities for information support of various activities of museums, cultural events.

Starting from the 1950s-1960s, military museums began to actively use the possibilities of cinema in their promotional work, which involved, firstly, cooperation with the country's central film studios in the production of information and educational products, and, secondly, the creation of these purposes own film studios.

An important event that influenced the expansion of the geography of the popularizing work of military museums was the entry of the USSR into

International Council of Museums (ICOM) in 1957. This made it possible to establish a mutual exchange of experience in this area with their foreign colleagues.

In the second half of the 1980s. changing political4 and socio-economic conditions have made changes in the work of military museums to popularize their objects and collections. This was expressed, on the one hand, in strengthening the technical base for its implementation, acquiring the right for museum groups to independently choose the forms and methods of popularizing work, and, on the other hand, in reducing state funding, which led to a decrease in its effectiveness.

The publishing work of military museums in the period under review was a set of measures for the production of printed materials, which reflected important issues of museum activity. The direction of its development was the transition from the publication of small-circulation literature of one or two types (guides, catalogs) to the publication of literature of large volumes and many types (catalogues, guides, booklets, brochures, own periodicals, etc.).

During its organization in the first years after the October Revolution of 1917, military museums adopted the relevant experience of the military museum network of Imperial Russia.

Despite the fact that the issues of publishing work of military museums were reflected in the legal documents that appeared in the 1920s-1930s, in practice it developed at an insufficient pace. The reasons for this were the weak material and technical base of military museums, the lack of qualified personnel, and the lack of due attention to publishing work on the part of the museum management.

In the 1940s-1960s. there was an increase in the volume of publishing work of military museums, which was associated with the creation of editorial and publishing groups in their states. Their main task was the preparation and release of printed materials corresponding to the profile of the museum and activities. One of the types of printed publications that came out during this period were guides to military museums, which played a big role in educational and cultural work with military personnel.

In the 1950s the largest Soviet military museums began to prepare and publish their own printed periodicals, which became a platform for discussing the most important issues of museum activity. A significant place on the pages of publications was given to the coverage of various aspects of cultural and educational work with visitors.

In the 1970s-1980s. Orders of the USSR Ministry of Defense were issued, which adjusted the goals and objectives of publishing work in accordance with the realities of the time. In addition, major military museums issued a number of internal documents that specified the procedure for preparing and publishing printed materials.

Significant changes in the publishing work of military museums took place in the second half of the 1980s. The weakening of military censorship, the acquisition of high-quality printing equipment and technology, the expansion of the independence of military museums in planning and issuing printed materials should have brought the publishing work of military museums to a qualitatively new level. However, this was prevented by the collapse of the Soviet Union and its military museum network.

The place and role of military museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory in the system of social and cultural activities of the RF Armed Forces

Today, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are undergoing a complex process of development and reform. The main goal of the reforms is for the Russian army to become a reliable defender of state integrity and a strong instrument in international politics. This requires the restructuring of the entire system of the Armed Forces in such a way that each of its institutions and elements meets modern requirements. As a result, new models of weapons are being introduced, old ones are being modernized, new manuals and charters are being issued, new specialties in the field of high technologies and computer technology are emerging. There is a complication and increase in the requirements for the training of specialists of all qualifications, the moral and psychological burden on servicemen is increasing.

These processes are reflected in socio-cultural activities. Modern socio-cultural activity is a specific professional work. It permeates such areas as education, professional art, folk art, mass physical culture, social work, rehabilitation and intercultural communication.

Socio-cultural activity today is undergoing a serious transformation, changing functionally, meaningfully and organizationally. The current state and prospects for the development of socio-cultural activities are due to the processes of its further self-determination in the new socio-economic conditions, humanization and technologization. This is closely related to the state of affairs in the sphere of culture of modern Russian society.

At present, the country has created a legislative framework in the field of culture, a system of interaction between subjects of cultural policy is functioning: government bodies, local governments, professional creative unions and other public organizations. The Ministry of Culture of Russia has developed a set of tools for conducting state cultural policy in the form of federal target programs for the development and preservation of culture and art.

Russian culture has the richest potential and significant infrastructure in the field of museum work. There are 2113 museums in the country, the museum funds include more than 55 million items.

“Stagnation is simply unbearable,” said Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin - in such a lively, dynamic, multifaceted business as information, propaganda, artistic creativity and amateur performances, the work of clubs and theaters, libraries and museums - the entire sphere of ideological-political and labor, moral and atheistic education "http: / / The Ministry of Culture also made high demands on the activities of museums. The All-Russian Conference emphasized that modern perestroika is impossible without the full activation of the intellectual and spiritual potential of Russian society.

Now, when under the leadership of the State Duma an evolutionary restructuring is being carried out in all spheres, including the spiritual one, the enduring importance of the ideological and theoretical heritage on the fundamental issues of democratic education, the use of advanced culture of the past for this purpose, is confirmed with renewed vigor.

Already in November 1917, immediately after the victory of the October Revolution, V. I. Lenin instructed the People's Commissar of Education: “... make every effort so that the main pillars of our culture do not fall, because the proletariat will not forgive us for this. "... We must first of all take care that museums that store enormous values ​​do not fall apart ...". Shortly thereafter, in January 1918, the III Congress of Soviets adopted a resolution on the development of museum work in the country. In accordance with the Leninist concept of the cultural revolution, the resolution emphasized the need to turn cultural historical values ​​into museums for public use and make them a source of education.

To this end, in the first year of Soviet power alone, more than twenty decrees and orders were adopted on the preservation of cultural and historical heritage. Despite the incredible employment, V. I. Lenin showed concern for the creation and development of museums. On May 25, 1919, after accepting the parade, he visited a museum exhibition on Red Square dedicated to the Red Army. On April 6, 1920, Vladimir Ilyich wrote to V. V. Adoratsky in Kazan: “... can you collect materials for the history of the Civil War and the history of the Soviet Republic? Is it possible to collect these materials in Kazan at all? Can I help?"

As a result of the implementation of the Leninist course, a unified state museum network was created in the country. This contributed to its rapid growth, the emergence of museums of new profiles, primarily historical and revolutionary. The main ones were the Central Museum of V. I. Lenin, the Central Museum of the Revolution of the USSR in Moscow and the State Museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Leningrad. And if before the revolution in Russia there were only about 150 museums (without military and church-archaeological ones), then in 1974 their number increased to 1230. And now there are more than 2130 state museums in Russia (together with branches).

Military history museums, like the Red Army, were born of the revolution and served the cause of defending the gains of victory. Along with the liquidation of the old army, the disbandment of regiments and military educational institutions, more than 300 museums ceased to exist, which were a means of indoctrination of soldiers in a religious-monarchical spirit. The museum objects that were in them were accepted for state storage according to the acts. The Soviet government carefully preserved those of the pre-revolutionary museums and memorial monuments that immortalized the heroic past of the Russian people.

A notable feature of the current stage in the development of military history museums is that this process is taking place under the conditions of reform. It covered all areas of the country's domestic and foreign policy, military construction and the very activities of museums, and further expansion of the museum network.

The basic composition of the cultural and leisure institutions of the Armed Forces of Russia until now included: 5 central military cultural institutions; 244 district, naval and garrison officers' houses; 119 garrison officers' clubs; 1263 clubs of military units; 6 drama theaters; 17 song and dance ensembles and concert ensembles; 123 museums and museum formations with a large volume of the museum fund, equal to 3.5 million items. As of January 1, 1988, there were more than 100 military history museums in our country. Forty-four of them are full-time military history museums. These are: 2 central museums, 12 museums of types of the Armed Forces and military branches. Each military district, each group of troops and fleet had its own museum.

The largest military history museums in Russia are part of the International Association of Museums of Military History and Weapons, which exists under UNESCO. They maintain a particularly close relationship and exchange of experience with the military history museums of countries friendly to Russia.

The list of Russian military history museums is opened by the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Order of the Red Star (TsMVS).

It was created in accordance with the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic on December 23, 1919. Now, according to the position, the TsMVS is the head political, educational, research institution. Its funds contain more than 700 thousand military-historical monuments, which are widely represented in expositions. These are weapons and military equipment, awards to the heroes of the front and rear, photographs, documents and other museum items related to military history, with the activities of the outstanding commanders M. V. Frunze, G. K. Zhukov, K. K. Rokossovsky, A M. Vasilevsky, I. S. Konev and many other Soviet military leaders. More than 20 thousand Battle Banners make up the museum's collection, which, in terms of its significance and uniqueness, is the only one not only in Russia, but also in the world. The priceless relics of the museum vividly and convincingly reflect the heroic path and the current stage of development of the Russian Army and Navy.

The oldest and one of the most popular museums in the country and the largest maritime museums in the world is the Central Order of the Red Star Naval Museum in St. Petersburg, which has existed since 1709. Its exposition vividly reflects the entire history of our fleet. Numerous relics testify to the heroism, courage and steadfastness of sailors during the Great Patriotic War. The museum clearly shows the activities of state authorities to strengthen the defense might of our Motherland, to transform our Navy into a mighty ocean fleet. Among the four branches of this museum is a wonderful ship museum on the immortal historical monument of the early 20th century, the Red Banner cruiser Avrora.

The richest collection of samples of weapons and equipment, banners, orders and medals, canvases of battle painting, military-historical documents is stored in the Military History Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps. This museum is also one of the oldest unique, widely known museums in our country. For a great contribution to the military-patriotic education of workers, Russian soldiers, the museum was awarded government awards.

The only aviation museum in the country, whose exposition is based on authentic aircraft: balloons and airplanes, airplanes and helicopters, gliders and other aviation equipment, is the Central Museum of the Air Force in Monino.

A place of honor here is occupied by combat vehicles of the period of the Great Patriotic War, the aircraft on which the USSR pilot-cosmonauts took to the skies, and many famous test pilots. The museum contains numerous relics of the combat prowess of Soviet aviators.

In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of Russia was born - a research and educational institution that has no analogues in the country. Its exposition reflects the history of domestic military medicine, the constant concern of the government for the health of soldiers and all Russian people. The museum contains many priceless relics testifying to the mass heroism of medical workers in the battles for the Motherland. Its archives contain more than 30 million case histories of wounded soldiers and officers. The museum provides great assistance to war veterans and their families, answering hundreds of thousands of letters every year.

The museum of the history of the airborne troops in Ryazan, established in 1972, quickly gained popularity. It has received wide recognition from Russian soldiers, young people, workers of many republics, territories and regions of the country. The exposition of this museum is figuratively called the anthem of the courage of the paratroopers.

The museums of the history of the troops of the military districts worked brightly and fruitfully, widely using the experience accumulated over the almost half-century history of their existence. However, the legal status of these museums has been changed. Today they are no longer a structural subdivision of the districts. The former district museums are now structural divisions of the district officers' houses with the faceless name "military history hall". A fact that, unfortunately, rather indicates the curtailment, rather than expansion, of the museum network of the RF Armed Forces. In the future, using a specific example, the author will try to explain what such a decision can lead to.

But the largest group of military history museums are military museums and military glory rooms. They are created in regiments and on ships, in formations and military educational institutions, at enterprises and in institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Their expositions on specific examples, on documentary material reflect the unforgettable pages of the history of the unit, the ship, the school, the military academy, the exploits of fellow soldiers, many fearless heroes, living and fallen, without whom it is impossible to imagine our path to victory.

At one time, a prominent politician M. I. Kalinin advised to build educational work in the unit so that “every recruit, having come to the regiment, knew not only his number, but his entire military history, all his heroes and military awards, all his victories in competitions and maneuvers, so that he is proud of his regiment and defends his honor everywhere. Museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory of formations, units and ships are called upon to fulfill this task. Unlike regular military history museums, these institutions operate, as a rule, on a voluntary basis.

In many military units and formations, next to museums and rooms of military glory, impressive memorial complexes dedicated to the heroes of fellow soldiers were built. Here is the Eternal Flame. A visit to these memorials ends the excursions held in museums.

At the sacred relics, in a solemn atmosphere, young soldiers take the oath, a solemn ceremony of awarding decorations and awarding regular military ranks is held. All this expands the educational possibilities of the "museum-memorial" complexes, enhances their impact on the soldiers, on all visitors.

An important document, in accordance with which all the activities of our museums are based, is the Regulations on the military-historical museums of the Russian Army and Navy, dated 1997. The activity of museums, as noted in the Regulations, is an integral part of the ideological, political and educational work in the army and navy. It contributes to the fulfillment of the tasks that are solved by the Russian Armed Forces. Museums are called upon to provide active assistance to commanders, deputies for educational work, army and navy organizations in mobilizing personnel to perform tasks in combat and daily activities, increasing vigilance and constant, combat readiness to defend the Fatherland. Changing the status of district museums, and accordingly their staff, inevitably leads to a simplification of the tasks facing their teams, trying their best to match the status of a museum. This is understandable, museum visitors, who are not initiated into departmental secrets, demand museum services from the current "halls".

Undoubtedly, the staffs of military history museums are aware that at the present stage it is extremely necessary to update the forms and methods of their activities, to eliminate stagnation, to ensure a decisive improvement in the quality of all museum work and its effectiveness.

It is necessary to find more rational and efficient ways of using funds, where about 5 million museum items are kept in the vaults of regular museums alone without movement. Work in this direction is carried out by increasing the number of stationary and traveling exhibitions, organizing tours of the funds. However, even now the use of funds does not exceed 6 percent.

An important direction of perestroika is connected with new processes, and with the reform of the army, and with the processes taking place in historical science.

The exposition is a reflection by museum means of the history of the Russian Army and Navy. In the course of reforming in historical science, its periodization is specified, distortions and “blank spots” are eliminated. In accordance with this, the restructuring of the exhibition complexes of museums and the content of their propaganda work is being carried out.

Perestroika should also be accelerated in matters of reflecting the modern period in the development of the army and navy in museum expositions. This problem is not new, but it is being solved slowly. Perhaps it makes sense to develop a unified concept for building the exposition of this stage. In the report of the representative of the group of developers of the concept of the military history museum of Dresden at the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Armed Forces, an interesting idea was voiced about creating an exposition of modernity on the example of a young man called up for military service. This young man receives a summons, here he is at the recruiting office, he is on the way to the unit. Arrival at the unit, acquisition of combat training skills, sports, leisure, etc. and so on. Conscripts will compare what they see with the experience gained, officers can use the best in their activities, pre-conscripts will not be tormented by the uncertainty of a new stage in their lives, and younger visitors will be able to feel the romance of military service. And if you also use interactive forms of display, then it will become both more visual and more interesting. It seems that the experience of the German "museum workers" should take a closer look.

Fund work is the cornerstone of museum activity. Our museums continue to work on identifying and annotating relic photographs of participants in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. Museums of the history of the Moscow and Leningrad military districts made video recordings of memoirs of honored front-line soldiers, Heroes of the Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory. Many museums have collected impressive materials about the exploits of internationalist soldiers and participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.

Researchers from the sector of the Great Patriotic War did a thorough job at the Central Museum of Art, using hundreds of new materials during the re-exposition of their halls. In a number of units and formations, new museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory were opened. All this, taken together, significantly updated and expanded the exposition base, on which, as is known, mass propaganda work is built in museums.

With what excitement, representatives of all generations, young and veterans, listen to stories about the unprecedented trials that befell the defenders of the Motherland, and their mass heroism. Museum workers put a lot of work into propaganda, military and labor traditions.

Museums make their contribution to solving the problem of tolerance towards other peoples and religions, showing the importance of the friendship of peoples for strengthening the defense of our country and achieving victory in the Great Patriotic War. And this is confirmed by numerous exhibits that characterize the contribution of each of our republics, each people to the achievement of military and economic victory over enemies.

The exhibition complexes of museums have numerous documents, authentic materials, convincingly exposing the crimes of the fascist aggressors and their current followers, who are striving to conquer world domination.

At present, two main social functions of Russian museums have become especially clear. The first is the function of documentation (proof, confirmation). Military history museums document the most characteristic and significant events in military history, the development of military art, weapons, military equipment and equipment. Their second function is educational. It is expressed in the activities of museums in the purposeful transfer of military knowledge, the formation of a worldview, ideological and moral, military-patriotic, international and aesthetic education.

Depending on the stages of development of Russian society and the tasks facing museums, the first and then the second function each time came to the fore. But more often both of these functions operate simultaneously. At present, during the period of reform, military museums should use both functions to the maximum, with the greatest efficiency, achieving high final results.

Our time requires more energetic measures to use technical means, primarily audiovisual, in all types of museum work - research, fund, exposition and mass propaganda. However, the residual principle of inertia is present in the allocation of TSV to museums, which, in my opinion, hinders the effectiveness of their activities. Museums are not able to purchase large-format LCD TVs, they use outdated (decommissioned) computers, and museums lack the ability to connect to the Internet.

Weakened in the 90s, interest in museum values, in the XXI century again acquired its meaning and significance. This became especially evident on the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. And museums did not fail to take advantage of this. Stationary and mobile exhibitions are opened everywhere, thematic excursions are held. For example, the Museum of the History of the Troops of the Moscow Military District (military-historical hall of the House of Officers of the Moscow Military District) organized in April of this year the exhibition "The Long Echo of War", which, along with materials from the museum's funds, presents finds from the past war, obtained in as a result of search activities in the Smolensk, Tver and Kaluga regions.

Experience has shown that the people, soldiers of the army and navy love and appreciate their museums, their popularity is growing from year to year.

“Admiration for the exploits of fathers and grandfathers, appreciation of our true achievements,” said V.V. Putin, “will live forever, just like these feats and achievements themselves. And if today we look at our history sometimes with a critical eye, it is only because we want to better, more fully imagine the paths to the future. .

The growing interest in historical knowledge was also reflected in the fact that among the country's museums, historical and military history museums came out on top in terms of attendance. Their share in this indicator is now 45 percent (local history - 21 percent, art history - 20 percent).

The popularity of museums is also growing because now, when perestroika is underway in historical science, when the distortions and “blank spots” made before are eliminated, attention is growing to reliable knowledge, to documents and originals, to museum relics as material evidence confirming certain facts and historical events.

Of course, this thirst for knowledge can be satisfied in the library or in the archive. However, neither a book, nor an album, nor a TV show can replace that unique emotional impression that arises and remains in the memory for a long time from the perception of museum relics, from a skillfully created exposition.

Questions of the development of museum work in the country, the perpetuation of the feat of the Soviet people and their Armed Forces in the defense of the socialist Fatherland are the subject of constant attention of our people and state.

The government outlined a coherent program for the activities of museum institutions in the country, condemned the residual way of spending funds for their development, ranked social and cultural construction among the objects of priority funding. However, apparently, this principle is still popular in the Russian Armed Forces. Savings are made, first of all, due to the reduction of museums and their staff. And this is despite the fact that the Government of Russia adopted the Program of Patriotic Education for 2010-2015, already the third in a row. Museums in this program are given worthy attention. The program provides for a significant increase in the number of museums, a certain alignment in the provision of services to museum institutions in individual republics of the Russian Federation, strengthening the material and technical base of museums, and improving the management of the museum network. The primary importance of improving the quality indicators of its work is emphasized.

It seems that the increase in the number of museums, the improvement of their activities will increase the interest of the working people, the younger generation and Russian soldiers in these treasuries of memory of the heroic history of the Fatherland.

Much is being done now to strengthen the spiritual potential of our country. A weighty manifestation of the unrelenting concern of the people and the state for the preservation and enhancement of the spiritual values ​​of the people, for the further flourishing of social culture was the creation of such a public formation as the Russian Cultural Fund. The Foundation promotes the conservation of architectural, historical and cultural relics, the vast wealth of museum funds, state archives and libraries.

The government teaches that the desire for peace in the face of a real threat of military aggression must be combined with a readiness to stand up for oneself, to defend one's freedom and independence. “As long as the danger of war remains,” emphasizes V.V. Putin, “as long as social revenge remains the core of the strategy and militaristic programs of the West, we will continue to do everything necessary to maintain defense power at a level that excludes the military superiority of imperialism over the Russian Federation.

The military history museums see their task in that, together with the commanders and departments of educational work, ideologically ensure the strengthening of the defense of our country and the increase in the combat readiness of the Armed Forces. By decision of the State Duma and the Russian government in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, a monument of the Victory of the Soviet people over fascism, unique in its design and emotional impact, was created. There is a museum of the Great Patriotic War here. A decision was made to build the second phase of the TsMVS.

The Russian public is raising the question of creating a new military history museum, which would present our entire military history from ancient times to the present day, all of our heroic past. It is proposed to place the Museum of Military Glory in St. Petersburg in the Mikhailovsky Castle.

Collectives of military history museums consider it their duty to make a significant contribution to the solution of the tasks set by the program of the Government, the State Duma, the All-Russian Museum Conference, persistently improve their work, resolutely improve its quality, promote in every possible way the ideological tempering, military-patriotic education of soldiers Armed Forces of Russia, youth, all Russian people.

The main component of the scientific and educational activities of museums of any profile is excursion work. When preparing and conducting excursions, museums are guided by the principles of strict scientific character, which means a clear approach to assessing facts, events and phenomena from the standpoint of scientific instructions, presenting the content of excursions in accordance with historical science. In the context of a sharp ideological struggle in the international arena, it is extremely important to reasonably expose anti-Russian, pro-American fabrications, falsifiers of the history of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, and slander on the foreign policy of the state.

A creative approach to each excursion is very important. Considering the composition of the group, the guide seeks to deeply and interestingly, in a lively, figurative language, reveal the content of the exhibits, to influence the consciousness and feelings of the listeners as best as possible. “The art of every propagandist and every agitator,” noted V. I. Lenin, “is precisely to influence this audience in the best possible way, making for it the well-known truth as convincing as possible, as easily assimilated, perhaps more clearly and more firmly imprinted."

Excursions conducted in the museum are divided into overview, thematic and educational.

A sightseeing tour gives a general idea of ​​the museum, acquaints visitors with sections of the exposition that reveal the history of the creation and development of the Russian Armed Forces, the history of troops, a military district, a group of troops, a fleet, formations and units.

The expositions of many museums make it possible to conduct thematic excursions. The purpose of such excursions is to reveal a certain topic or problem more deeply and purposefully.

Thus, the following thematic excursions are organized in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces: “The activities of the government to create and strengthen the Armed Forces of Russia”, “The military alliance of the people of Russia in defense of the Fatherland”, “Cultural and mass work in the Russian Armed Forces at the main stages of their history ”, “Combat traditions of the Armed Forces of Russia”, “Russian Armed Forces on guard of peace and security of Russia”, “Russian soldier is a patriot of his country”. The Museum of the History of the Troops of the Moscow Military District (military-historical hall of the House of Officers of the Moscow Military District) conducts tours on the topics: "Moscow is behind us!" (on the participation of the district troops in the battle for Moscow"), "Literature and Life" (about the district soldiers who served as prototypes of literary works), "In the Rays of Truth" (an interactive excursion-game for younger schoolchildren), "Lefortovo through the prism of military history" (a comprehensive tour of the memorable places of military glory in the Lefortovo region with a visit to the museum), etc.

Actually, each military history museum determines its subject of excursions in accordance with the content of the exposition. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features of the branches of the Russian Armed Forces and branches of service, the history of military districts, groups of troops and fleets, the history that is directly reflected in this museum. Determining the theme of excursions, museums are guided by the tasks that Russian soldiers perform at the present stage.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the excursion is determined by its quality, ideological and patriotic orientation. The program of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, adopted at the general meeting, states: “Military-patriotic education, the formation of readiness to defend one’s Fatherland, to give it all one’s strength, and if necessary, one’s life, remains an important task of educational work.” This provision of the program is decisive when conducting any excursion in museums of military history, especially for young people.

An important criterion for the quality of an excursion is its methodological level. For a museum tour, the sequence of presentation of the material, the validity of the statement and conclusions, the logical connection of the main topic of the tour with separate subtexts and questions, the emotional mood, the high culture of speech of the guide, his close contact with the group are necessary.

The success of the excursion largely depends on a clear understanding of its cognitive and educational goals. The guide should know for what purpose a group of tourists came to the museum: whether it is a general acquaintance with the materials of the museum of a group of tourists or foreign guests, or a more in-depth study of a particular topic, or is it a study tour for schoolchildren and students. In any case, the excursion is called upon to fulfill its task and to be part of that great educational process that is carried out by the museum as an ideological institution.

The guide uses various methodological techniques. The method of showing and telling is generally accepted in the practice of excursion business. And although they are conducted almost simultaneously, at some point the show should be ahead of the story, that is, the guide in presenting the material goes from show to story, because visual impressions are the most vivid. Showing the exhibit, the guide takes the right position both in relation to the displayed object and in relation to the audience. The exhibit must be visible to everyone. Sometimes the guide pauses in his story to allow all visitors to see the object of the story.

The interactive method of conducting excursions is becoming increasingly popular at the present stage. The method by which the museum visitor is most fully immersed in the atmosphere of past eras, while remaining not an outside observer, but a direct participant in certain events. So, for example, in the Museum of the History of the Troops of the Moscow Military District (military-historical hall of the House of Officers of the Moscow Military District), during the tour for younger students, home-made dolls are used, such as their peers played at the turn of the times. The scenario of the impromptu performance is based on a real leaflet of the Political Department of the Red Army, exhibited right there, in one of the halls of the museum. "Fighters of the political department" (revealed during the excursion) "agitate" the peasants to join the Red Army. And there has never been a single case of children refusing to serve in the Red Army. Still would! After all, this army was created to fight for the Truth. Protect the weak, protect your Earth! The best of the best are given the honor to take a place in the cart, behind the machine gun. And for older schoolchildren there is an excursion "Called by the Fatherland", where "the oath is taken" and possible scenarios of fate are considered in refraction to the personalities of the visitors. By the way, the opportunity to sit on the cart is also considered for adult visitors.

Many museums in their activities actively use documentaries about the birth of the Red Army, the Great Patriotic War and its individual operations, amateur films about the modern army. It is recommended to include sound recordings of speeches by prominent figures of the government and state, military leaders, sound recordings of messages from the Soviet Information Bureau, and military-patriotic songs and marches in the exposition sections. In scientific and methodological developments on conducting excursions, it is necessary to indicate which visual and sound illustrations can be used in order to fully reveal a particular topic.

But in order for the excursion to be successful in all respects, it is necessary to carefully and comprehensively prepare for it. First of all, the choice of topic and the definition of the purpose of the excursion are important. The possibility and expediency of preparing a certain excursion are dictated by the profile of the museum, its specificity, the presence of relevant sections in the museum exposition and a sufficient amount of materials to cover this topic. Having determined the topic, it is necessary to study the relevant literature: monographs, publications on the history of the Russian Armed Forces, memoirs and works of art.

The development of the text of the excursion requires the guide to have a deep knowledge of both the history of the country and its Armed Forces of Russia, and the exposition of this museum. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the exposition and those military-historical monuments that are presented on it. Museums of the types of the Armed Forces, branches of service, districts, groups of troops and fleets have both the full text of the excursion and its short version.

Experience shows that in addition to the texts of overview and thematic excursions existing in the museum, it becomes necessary to develop scientific and methodological recommendations in order to help guides organically link the content of excursions with new major events in the domestic and international life of the country and the Russian state, major anniversaries and significant dates, urgent tasks, facing the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. It is very important that the excursions promptly reflect current political events, keep pace with the present, and be topical.

During the preparation of excursions, extensive reference material is accumulated, which can be used in the future work of the guide. It is advisable to put this material on cards, it will be convenient to use them in the subsequent development of excursion topics.

Particular attention should be paid to employees preparing their first excursion. The time of its preparation is determined depending on the volume of the museum exposition. So, for example, two months are allotted for preparing a sightseeing tour of the Central Museum of Military Art of Russia, which has 25 exhibition halls. This period is set on the basis that one or two days are allocated for studying the exposition of the hall and checking its knowledge. As you explore one hall after another, the guide retells its contents to the methodologist or representative of the scientific and exposition department. After the guide conducts a prepared excursion several times, it is accepted by a specially created commission.

The composition of the commission is determined by the order of the head of the museum. According to the experience of the work of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, this commission is headed by the deputy head of the museum for scientific work. The commission, as a rule, includes the head or deputy of the scientific and exposition department, the head of the mass propaganda department, the methodologist, and the head of the excursion and lecture bureau.

It is recommended to have a book of protocols of the selection committee, which records the discussion and acceptance of the excursion. During the discussion, we advise you to be guided by pre-established criteria for evaluating the excursion, which will help determine the quality of the accepted excursion. The wishes and recommendations expressed by the members of the commission during the discussion will help the novice guide to improve his excursion activities.

Employees with sufficient experience in excursion work can help a novice guide with their knowledge, advice, and recommendations. Experience is transferred in the form of conversations and classes and during mutual listening to excursions.

After a positive decision made by the selection committee on the listened excursion, an order is issued by the head of the museum on the admission of a researcher to conduct excursions.

Systematically carried out quality control of excursions (important for museums where several guides work) contributes to an increase in their ideological, political and methodological level, and an increase in the skill of guides. It is carried out by listening and discussing excursions according to annual and current plans. Control can also be unscheduled, carried out in order to determine the level of the museum’s excursion work and the skill of each guide. Listening to excursions is carried out in accordance with the order of the head of the museum or his deputy, for which the composition of the members of the commission is determined in advance and a schedule of its work is drawn up.

The Central Museum of the Armed Forces has a permanent commission to provide methodological assistance to researchers and to control the quality of their excursions. It consists of the deputy head of the museum for the scientific part (chairman of the commission), the heads of the propaganda department and the scientific and exposition department, the secretary of the committee, the methodologists of the propaganda department, the head of the excursion and lecture bureau. At the beginning of the year, the museum management draws up and approves the work schedule of the commission, as well as the work schedule of the methodologists. When drawing up schedules, it is envisaged that the commission listens to all scientific employees leading excursions once a year, and methodologists listen to the guides of the propaganda department twice, employees of other departments, once a year. In order to exchange the experience of the guides, mutual listening is also practiced.

Tours are held not only in the main exposition, but also in stationary and mobile exhibitions. The texts of the latter, as a rule, are developed by the authors of the exhibitions. Considering that stationary exhibitions are usually an addition to the main museum exposition, the texts of excursions on them, as well as the excursions themselves, should be short and expressive.

The mobile exhibition is, as it were, a branch of the museum and operates independently. Its exposition is deployed in military units, enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions. Therefore, it is recommended to have a detailed text of the tour of the exhibition. The text of the excursion should include brief information on the history of the museum, as well as an appeal to visitors with a request to replenish the museum's funds with new acquisitions.

The business training plan includes meetings with exhibitors - veterans of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, advanced soldiers of the army and navy of today, including heroes who performed their international duty in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

In a number of museums, it is practiced at the beginning of the working day to inform guides about the most important events in the domestic and international life of the country in order to promptly reflect them in excursions. It is also advisable to hold scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the most important decisions of the government, historical events, and anniversaries.

It is useful to conduct internships for guides in other museums.

It is expedient for military history museums with a small staff to take part, if possible, in the classes conducted by the CMVS.

There is a practice of attracting freelance guides from among the participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the unit, advanced commanders, educational departments, company activists, excellent students of combat and public-state training to the excursion work. It is important that freelance guides are invited to classes to improve the business skills of guides.

Previously, the museums of the history of the types of the Armed Forces, branches of service, districts, groups of troops and fleets were the main ones in relation to the military museums, they provided them with scientific and methodological assistance, including in improving the business skills of their employees. Today, when the estimates of the Houses of Officers do not provide for travel expenses, the connection between the district museums and military museums is almost lost. Real help is possible through the distribution of methodological manuals developed by the district museum (military history hall of the ODO) and sent to the destination. For example, the methodological manual "Some Aspects of Using the Interactive Method When Conducting Excursions in Military Historical Museums", developed by T.P. competition "Golden Falcon", distributed among the troops by the methodological department of the RF Armed Forces Command Center.

And yet, military museums and rooms of military glory of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation occupy a special and important place in the system of social and cultural activities. This is due to a number of factors:

firstly, in military museums and rooms of military glory, the history of a unit, formation, type, type of troops is reflected, which cannot be considered in isolation from the events that took place at that time in the country;

secondly, military museums and rooms of military glory have exhibits of historical and cultural value, which contribute to the study and understanding of history by new generations of not only military personnel, but also citizens of Russia;

thirdly, military museums and rooms of military glory accumulate and preserve objects, photographs and things that reflect the development of a modern state and will store them for the study and development of historical sciences;

fourthly, the huge potential of military museums and rooms of military glory is used in state programs of patriotic education of citizens and the formation of pride in the history of Russia.

Military museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory went through the process of formation and development in close connection with the Armed Forces. Their funds contain many museum items, the importance of which reaches international levels. These materials are of great importance for the study and development of domestic historical science, and first of all, military history. Weapons, ammunition, elements of clothing, life and leisure of our ancestors must be preserved and conveyed to subsequent generations of citizens of the Russian Federation. Military museums and rooms of military glory are coping with this task and will continue to do so successfully.

Military history museums are historical museums whose collections document military history, the development of military art, weapons, military equipment and equipment. They are divided into museums of general military history (for example, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces in Moscow); museums of certain branches of military affairs (artillery, naval, aviation, etc.); museums of the history of military units; museums dedicated to significant military events and outstanding commanders, including memorial museums and monuments.

Cultural work is understood as one of the main areas of museum activity, in which the educational function of the museum is realized and multifaceted and varied work is carried out with various categories of visitors both in the museum itself and outside it. In the practice of museums, various forms of scientific and educational work have developed. Their improvement and development is the most important means of enhancing the role of museums in ideological and educational work.

Forms of scientific and educational work - types of organization of the work of museums with visitors. To date, the most common in the practice of museums are excursions and lectures. These forms are often combined into cycles. An effective form of work with regular visitors is the museum circle. Recently, complex forms of work have also been developed, such as theme evenings, clubs, and museum holidays. Wide circles of the museum community participate in their organization and conduct - representatives of the Council of Veterans, the Society for the Protection of Nature, the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, creative organizations, etc. The development of integrated forms of museum work is of great ideological and educational significance. The goals of scientific and educational work are educational and educational function and multifaceted work with various categories of visitors.

The tasks of scientific and educational work are to convey all the necessary information that is available in the museum with the help of visual materials, exhibits, and various multimedia tools.

According to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 343 of September 11, 1997, the scientific and educational work of military museums (museum formations) is carried out on the basis of museum materials, expositions and exhibitions, taking into account a differentiated approach to the audience and is implemented in various (including complex) educational events. educational, cultural and leisure content, as well as in advertising, summarizing and disseminating the experience of museum work.

The main forms of scientific and educational work of military museums (museum formations) include:

General educational and educational excursions to expositions and exhibitions, open storage of funds, non-museum monuments of history and culture, as well as lectures, reports and conversations (often combined into cycles) on topics corresponding to the profile of a military museum (museum education);

Military history readings, theoretical conferences, TV and radio reports on museum collections, oral journals, documentary film lectures, museum lessons;

Thematic evenings dedicated to the Battle Banner, public holidays, days of military glory and other significant dates in the history of the army and navy, type of the Armed Forces, district, fleet, type of troops, special troops and services, associations, formations, military units, honoring evenings and meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor and the Armed Forces, trips to places of military glory, lessons of courage;

Museum circles and clubs, open days, museum holidays;

Traveling exhibitions.

The scientific and educational work of military museums (museum formations) should contribute to the establishment of glorious military traditions in military teams, exert a mobilizing influence on the performance of combat training tasks by personnel, form in soldiers a constant readiness to fulfill their military duty to the Motherland, and contribute to raising the level of education and culture. , military, moral and aesthetic education, as well as the organization of cultural leisure for military personnel and other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Military museums (museum formations) keep records of educational work in the following areas:

registration of attendance of expositions, exhibitions and other museum events;

accounting for the number of events carried out (by their types);

accounting for the workload of each employee of the military museum (museum education) involved in the organization and conduct of events of an information and educational nature.

Information about the conducted information and educational activities is recorded daily in special journals (diaries) of the work of military museums (museum formations).

In addition, the documentation of the scientific and educational work of the military museum (museum education) includes:

methodological development of excursions and other forms of scientific and educational work;

thematic plans for excursions, lectures, talks, etc.;

plans (scenarios) of various information and educational events.


On the basis of archival materials, new data are introduced into scientific circulation that characterize the state of military-patriotic education of the population of Russia, which make it possible to realistically assess the level of military-patriotic education of young people achieved by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The work in a critical analysis shows the views of the military-political leadership on the issues of the military-patriotic...

Military-patriotic education and training of youth for the defense of the Fatherland in 1921-1941: Based on the materials of Petrograd-Leningrad and the Leningrad region (abstract, term paper, diploma, control)

The history of the development of military affairs since ancient times has repeatedly proved the exceptional role of patriotism in achieving victory over the enemy. Understanding this allowed statesmen and military leaders to find effective methods, methods and means of influencing their compatriots and soldiers in order to strengthen their morale in the fight against enemies. At the same time, the very problem of ensuring the high patriotism of military personnel has always remained one of the most important in the training of troops. It is no less acute today. The relevance and necessity of this study is caused by the following circumstances:

First, the situation in the Russian Armed Forces has deteriorated sharply recently. Having only a few years ago a huge combat potential and personifying the power of a world superpower, the army and navy have lost not only their former power, but also their high combat capability, the level of which in many respects no longer meets modern requirements.

The drama of what is happening is aggravated by the fact that the army was in a difficult position. True, the attitude of Russian society towards the Armed Forces has changed somewhat of late: notes of sympathy, concern and even anxiety about the state of the military are increasingly heard. However, real help and support is still very limited. It is especially bitter to realize that the army has practically lost the deepest and most powerful sources of its power, from which it always drew strength in difficult times for Russia.

One such source is patriotism. The feeling of the Motherland rallied Russian society together, turned the multinational population into

61−7 390 004 (2301×3444×2 tiff) 4 united people, created the atmosphere of social harmony, which allowed the country to come out renewed from the most difficult trials.

Today, in the public consciousness of our compatriots, especially young people, nihilism is widespread, a negative attitude towards those moral values ​​that until recently formed the basis of the upbringing of the younger generation, manifestations of spiritual and moral emptiness are intensifying, among young people there is an increase in drug addiction, alcoholism, venereal diseases and others. diseases due to social causes.

A direct reflection of this is the current state of affairs among conscripts and in the army. In 1999, citizens called up for military service in Russia accounted for 13.8% of the total number of conscripts1, in 2000 - 12.9%, and in St. Petersburg only 5.1%. The rest of the conscripts are either unfit for military service - 32.4% (that is, every third conscript in Russia!), Or has deferrals in accordance with applicable law, or evades conscription: during the autumn conscription of 1999, almost 38 thousand citizens, which is 18.6% of those called up for military service, in the fall of 2000 - 13%, and the "lion's" share of this is Moscow - 2956 people. and St. Petersburg - 2841 people4

At the same time, the quality indicators of the replenishment entering the troops are constantly declining: 67.4% of those called up in the fall of 2000 have restrictions on their fitness for military service for health reasons, which

Putilin V. "Results, conclusions, tasks." Military commissariats. News bulletin. 2000. No. 1. P. 12.

2 Volgushev V. "The plan is fulfilled, the problems remain." Military commissariats. News bulletin. 2001. No. 2/6. S. 6.

3 Putilin V. "Results, conclusions, tasks." Military commissariats. News bulletin. 2000. No. 1. P. 12−19.

4 Volgushev V. "The plan is fulfilled, the problems remain." Military commissariats. News bulletin. 2001. No. 2/6. S. 12

61−7 390 005 (2310 × 3450 × 2 S) 5 is 0.2% lower than in autumn 1999 - more than a quarter - 25.5% do not have secondary education, which is 1% more than in autumn 1999, and 36 of those called up are illiterate (against 22 people in the spring of 2000) - among the replenishment before the call, 48.8% did not work and did not study anywhere (in the fall of 1999 - 48.6%). Among those called up, 15.7%, and in St. Petersburg, 28.2% were brought up by one parent; , 4.7% of the replenishment were registered with the police (in the spring of 2000 - 3.9%)

Therefore, it is natural that among some of the military personnel there are abuses of official position, the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs, theft of weapons, the death and injury of personnel, desertion, unwillingness to serve in the Armed Forces.

It is no coincidence that in the conditions of modern, far from successful reforms, this problem from a purely scientific one becomes a number of practically necessary studies.

Its significance and relevance, first of all, is connected with the extreme importance of studying the historical experience of work on the military-patriotic education of youth, which is currently relegated to the background or substantially forgotten.

The realities of the development of our state leave no doubt about the expediency of forming a high patriotic consciousness among the youth of Russia as one of the most important factors in strengthening the moral and psychological readiness to serve the Fatherland in all spheres of public life and state activity.

In recent years, they have often only complained about the cooling of patriotic feelings among young people, but little has been done to educate them. After all, until now

Volgushev V. "The plan is fulfilled, the problems remain." Military commissariats. News bulletin. 2001. No. 2/6. pp. 10−11.

61−7 390 006 (2308 × 3449 × 2 SC) 6 pores of society, which manifests itself in almost everything: starting with a misunderstanding of the essence, the most important issues related to the spiritual revival of patriotism, as one of the main values ​​of our life, have not been resolved, and ending with lack of mechanisms of an organizational, legal nature, without which it is impossible to conduct effective work with young people.

Unfortunately, today in the public consciousness the concepts of Fatherland, patriotism, loyalty to heroic traditions, duty, honor, dignity, selflessness and others are largely distorted. Recently, the very idea of ​​the formation and development of the personality of a patriotic citizen, defender of the Fatherland, has been largely discredited.

Therefore, the persistent search for new, more effective ways, methods, forms and means of work to improve the patriotic education of young people is quite understandable. However, such a search can be effective only if it is based on continuity, on scientific and practical understanding of historical experience. Under these conditions, it becomes necessary to objectively and comprehensively study the experience of the formation after the revolutionary 1917 of a new state system of patriotic consciousness, based on the revival of the traditional sense of civic responsibility, readiness and ability to work for the good of the Fatherland, to protect its interests.

Secondly, the relevance of the study is caused by the depth, scale and complexity of the transformations taking place in Russian society and its Armed Forces. As in 1921-1941, at the present time the Russian army is faced with the task of reforming it in order to increase the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of the troops, and hence to strengthen the patriotic education of the army personnel and draft youth.

Thirdly, the study of this problem allows us to find out the role of the country's leadership in organizing work to strengthen patriotism.

61−7 390 007 (2303 × 3445 × 2 SC) 7 soldiers of the Red Army, and hence pre-conscription youth in the above period and develop on this basis proposals for improving the military policy of the state in modern conditions, including in the development of new conceptual views on the education of citizenship, patriotism and readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland.

Fourth, the contradictions in military-patriotic education in 1921-1941 still remain poorly studied. In the study of the history of this period, due to its complexity and ambiguity, there are still many distortions and "blank spots".

Fifthly, the relevance of the study lies in the fact that previously military-patriotic education was not only the task of the party, the state, and educational structures, public organizations, military registration and enlistment offices, commanders, political workers were responsible for its condition, but now these tasks are assigned to the first the queue for deputies for educational work and for commanders of all degrees. This fact also increases the interest in the historical experience of solving this problem in the state.

Thus, the choice of the research topic was determined by the insufficient degree of its study and development in domestic historical science. And the development of the accumulated experience of the military-patriotic education of youth allows you to better see tomorrow and make informed decisions aimed at improving the educational process of the younger generation.

As you can see, the designated problem is important today not only in military-historical and cognitive terms, but also in its practical manifestation, which also determines the relevance of the study.

61−7 390 008 (2306×3448×2 S) 8

The solution of this problem makes it possible to equip military cadres with concrete historical experience in order to increase the efficiency of work on the patriotic education of young people.

Historiography of the problem. Soviet and Russian historians conducted certain studies on the military-patriotic education of youth in different periods of time

After the end of the civil war, the first publications on the problem of interest to us appeared. These were small works, which reflected the issues of military-patriotic education of youth in those distant years. They mainly contained factual and statistical material1. These were the initial attempts to analyze at the scientific level the historical experience of the formation and development of the Armed Forces of the state and the education of their personnel.

In the second half of the 1920s and early 1930s, other works were published revealing the participation of young people in the defense of the country and in overcoming the devastation during the years of the recovery period. Some of them were written by prominent figures of the party and the state. 2 They were the first to consider the problems under study and set the tasks of comprehensive education of young people, and military-patriotic work acted as its integral part.

1 Gusev S. I. Lessons of the Civil War. Ed. 2nd, M. - 1921; Avinovitsky Ya. L. Soviet military educational institutions during the four years of the war. M.-1922; Mirotin A. Commanders of the Navy abroad (on the Aurora). M., 1924; Kasimenko

V.A. Komsomol and the Red Fleet. M., 1925; Frunze M. V. Defense of the country and the Komsomol. M., 1925; Petukhov M. Komsomol in the Red Army and Red Navy. M., 1925, etc.

2 Military work of the Komsomol. Digest of articles. M.-L., 1927; Nikolsky A. N. The Red Air Fleet and the Leninist Youth. M.-L., 1928; Postyshev P.P. About Komsomol. Kharkov, 1933; For the Bolshevik education of new Komsomol cadres. Tashkent, 1935; Kirov S. M. About youth. M., 1938; Voroshilov K. E. About youth. M., 1939, etc.

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In the post-war years, the historiography of the problem of interest to us was replenished with works that analyzed the activities of the party and public organizations in creating and strengthening the Red Army and Navy.1 However, they considered military-patriotic education in line with devotion to the ideas of the ruling party and its leaders, also contained significant factual material.

A contribution to the development of the problem of leadership in military-patriotic education was made by fundamental works that analyzed the economic and political situation in the country during the period under study, and provided specific information on the activities of state bodies to develop mass defense work among young people.2

Of considerable interest are works on the history of the Komsomol, which provide valuable documentary material that reveals the activities of the Komsomol organizations of the country in the military-patriotic education of youth, very important conclusions and generalizations are made.3

1 Lipatov A. Komsomol - chief of the Navy. M, 1947; Ozerov V. Lenin Komsomol. M., 1947; Lakhtikov I. N. The Soviet army - the army of brotherhood and friendship of peoples (1918 - 1948). Dis. cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1948; Iovlev A.M., Voropaev D.A. The struggle of the CPSU for the creation of military personnel (1918 - 1941). M., 1957; Berkhin L. B. Military reform in the USSR (1921 - 1925) M., 1958; Ganin N. I. The role of military commissars in the creation and strengthening of the Red Army (1918 - 1920). M., 1958; Konyukhovsky V.N. The struggle of the Communist Party for the strengthening of the Red Army during the years of peaceful socialist construction in 1921-1941. M., 1958; Kuzmin N. F. On guard of peaceful labor (1921 - 1940). Dis. cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1959.

2 History of the Second World War 1939−1945: in 12 vols. M., 1973−1982. T.3,4 - History of the Second World War. T.1. M., 1974; History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941−1945. T. 1−6. M., 1960; Petrov VV Patriotism. Fatherland. Russia. SPb., 1994 and others.

3 Atsarkin A. Proletarian revolution and youth: The birth of the Komsomol. M., 1981; CPSU about the Komsomol and the tasks of the communist education of youth in modern conditions. M., 1974; Solovyov I. Ya. Combat detachment VZhSM. M., 1978; To the heirs of the revolution: Party documents on the Komsomol and youth. M., 1969; Essays on the history of the Leningrad organization of the Komsomol. L., 1969.

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But due to the diversity of research, the issues of leadership in military-patriotic work among young people in these works did not receive proper coverage. Among these works, one should single out "Essays on the history of the Leningrad organization of the Komsomol", where the authors show the active work of the Komsomol in the patriotic education of youth, its participation in the military-technical training of boys and girls, in the development of physical culture and sports, give a thorough analysis of the literature on the Komsomol, but less pay attention to the problem under study.

A significant contribution to the development of the youth leadership problem was made by Leningrad scientists V. A. Zubkov, V. V. Privalov, S. A. Pedan.1 Their work has become a significant contribution to the study of the youth problem. It is no coincidence that the book "Lenin and Youth" went through three editions.

The authors focused their attention mainly on studying the activities of the Komsomol and youth organizations at various stages of their development. These books were prepared in line with the existing ideological guidelines. The topic of military-patriotic education of youth is reflected in them only fragmentarily.

Some aspects of the activities of the Komsomol in the military training of youth are considered in the works of L. Borisov, N. Morkovin and others. The authors provide interesting material on the study of military affairs by Komsomol members and non-allied youth, reveal individual

1 Zubkov V. A., Privalov V. V. Lenin and youth. L, 1981; Zubkov V. A. Komsomol and communist education of youth. Historiographical essay (1918−1941). L, 1978; Zubkov V. A. Leningrad Komsomol organization during the period of restoration of the national economy (1921−1925). L., 1968; Pedan S. A. Party and Komsomol. Historiographical essay (1918−1945) L, 1979.

Borisov L. Komsomol and Osoaviakhim "Call Signs of History". Issue 1 M., 1969; Defense-mass work of Osoaviakhim (1927−1941). Military-political magazine. No. 8. 1967; Morkovin N. Osoaviakhim is a powerful reserve of the Red Army. M., 1959, etc.

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11 methods of military-patriotic work show the participation of young people in the development of military affairs, but do not use generalized data on this subject, for reasons beyond their control.

The problems of mass defense work and the military-patriotic education of young people in the first two decades of Soviet power were later studied in a number of candidate and doctoral dissertations.1 Based on the analysis of sources and literature, the authors showed the role of party organizations in preparing the Soviet people for the defense of the Motherland, which manifested itself during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War.

However, the authors of these dissertations did not aim to generalize the accumulated experience in the military-patriotic education of youth in 19,211,941. It should be noted that in the works of the 1960s and 1970s, the problems associated with improving military-patriotic education were considered in a general setting. Their authors, by virtue of the approaches generally accepted at that time, somewhat one-sidedly disclosed the processes that took place in society, the army in the period and region under study and, in fact, kept silent about shortcomings and miscalculations. Most of these works clearly lack critical analysis.

1 Baranchikov Z.M. The party was the organizer of military-patriotic work among the working people during the first five-year plan. Dis. cand. ist. Sciences, L., 1970; Kovalev I. Ya. Leninsky Komsomol - an active assistant to the Communist Party in military-patriotic work among young people (1926; June 1941). Dis. doc. ist. Sciences. Kyiv, 1979; Krivoruchenko V.K. Komsomol - combat assistant to the party for military-patriotic education. Dis. cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1974.

61−7390012 (2286×3434×2 tiff)

For the study of military-patriotic work during the years of the first five-year plans, candidate dissertations by N.E. Khanicheva, O.E. Gera.1

In the dissertation of N. E. Khanichev, the basic principles, forms and methods of the mass defense work of the Komsomol, the preparation of pre-conscription and draft youth for service in the army and navy were revealed.

The author considers the content, the main directions of the activity of the Komsomol in educating the youth of ideological conviction, readiness to defend their Fatherland with weapons in their hands, analyzes its activities in the deployment and improvement of defense organizations. However, the entire variety of forms and methods of leadership in military-patriotic education and mass defense work of Komsomol organizations, as well as the issue of moral-political and military-physical training of young people, did not receive deep coverage in the dissertation.

In the work of O.E. Gera, in view of the narrowness of the problem solved by the author, the tasks of military-patriotic education in all their diversity were not considered.

In these and other works, in the course of rethinking the problems of military-patriotic education, as well as the entire history of the country on the basis of new documents, the conclusions are very contradictory. The boom that unfolded with publicity to clarify the "blank spots" of Russian history has not yet been forgotten in memory. In this phenomenon, not only professional historians, but also many honest people noticed the manifestation of an alarming trend.

1 Khanichev N. E. Komsomol was an active assistant to the Communist Party in organizing and conducting mass defense work during the years of socialist construction. (1929−1941) M., 1973; Ger O.E. The role of the Komsomol of military educational institutions in the training of command personnel of the Red Army and Navy during the organization and implementation of the military reform of the 1920s. L., 1990.

61−7 390 013 (2286×3434×2 Щ throwing from one extreme to another, from the shameful varnishing of history, the suppression of its tragic pages to the unrestrained denigration of everything and everything.

A characteristic feature of the works of the 80s - early 90s was the desire of their authors to consider issues related to the content and organization of education among military personnel and draft youth, various moral and combat qualities in the prewar years. The dissertations of V. Terekhov and V. Shelekhan are devoted to this issue.1 However, these studies did not set the task of a comprehensive study of patriotic education in the period under review, all of them were carried out within the framework of party requirements.

The falsification of our history also consisted in the fact that if there was no “tireless activity” of the ruling party in the text, then there was nothing to count on the publication of this or that study, especially if it was about the ongoing party political work and its real impact on the moral and psychological state of Komsomol members and youth, all soldiers.

In recent years, in the context of expanding publicity, scientific works have appeared that analyze with greater objectivity the social processes in society and in the army that took place in the prewar years. The dissertations of M. Koshlakov and I. Yuvchenko are of considerable value for this study. However, their content is based

1 Terekhov V.F. The activities of the Communist Party in the patriotic education of the soldiers of the Red Army (1921−1941). Historiography of the study. Dis. cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1990; Shelekhan V. T. Activities of the Communist Party in the ideological and political education of the personnel of the Red Army during the pre-war five-year plans (1928; June 1941). Dis. cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1982.

Koshlakov M.P. Party-political work to increase the combat readiness of air defense formations and units (1928; June 1941). Dis. cand. ist. Sciences M., 1986; Yuvchenko IV Strengthening the moral and psychological state of the Red Army on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. Dis. .cand. ist. Sciences. St. Petersburg, 1994.

61−7 390 014 (2281 × 3431 × 2 SC on the materials of the Air Defense Forces. Both works contain significant documentary material, generalizations and conclusions. But they are made from the position of communist ideology.

It should also be noted that the establishment of Marxism-Leninism in Soviet historical science as a single theoretical and methodological basis significantly affected the structure of scientific research institutions, their problems and essential orientation. As a result, individual works were limited only to fixing what has been achieved, proving the complete solution of the tasks discussed, to declaring or commenting on party decisions. This did not bypass the historiography of military-patriotic education in 1921-1941.

Thus, the analysis of publications and dissertations on the chosen topic allows us to conclude that the problem of military-patriotic education of youth in Petrograd-Leningrad and the region of the period 1921-1941 has not yet been the subject of an independent dissertation research and does not have a comprehensive and systematic disclosure , which predetermined her choice in this capacity.

Purpose of the study. On the basis of specific historical materials, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, from the standpoint of modern requirements, on the basis of a critical analysis of archival documents, scientific literature and periodicals, to comprehensively study the history of the creation and functioning of the system of military-patriotic education in the period 1921-1941. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the role and significance of the propaganda-mass and political-educational work of party and Komsomol organizations, as well as various public organizations (Osoaviakhim, Avtodor, Red Cross, etc.) in the military-patriotic education of youth in the pre-war period, to identify and summarize its positive experience and shortcomings.

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Based on the stated goal, the dissertation student sets himself the following tasks:

To study and summarize the decisions of state and public bodies and organizations on the creation and improvement of the system of military-patriotic education and mass defense work with youth in the largest region of the country-

To study the mechanism, the specifics of the preparation of the draft generation for the defense of the Motherland during the formation of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union and changes in the recruitment system for the army and navy -

Determine and disclose the priority areas of work of all state structures for the military-patriotic education of youth in the period under review of the designated region -

To generalize the problem of patriotic education in the system of the military policy of the state, as extremely important in maintaining its defense capability at the proper level and to reveal it more fully-

On the basis of the study, to make a generalization and conclusions, to formulate some recommendations on the use of the positive experience of the work of state and public organizations in improving the military-patriotic education of the younger generation in modern conditions. The methodological basis of the research is the principles of objectivity and historicism. The dissertation student sought to take into account the specific historical features and contradictions of the life of the country, avoiding subjective conclusions and assessments. Methods of problem-chronological, periodization and synthesis were used. The statistical method was widely used.

The scientific novelty of the thesis is that:

It is devoted to an insufficiently studied problem, which occupies an important place in the history of Russia, as well as an attempt to comprehensively

61−7 390 016 (2281 × 3431 × 2 Shch of the study of the content, the essence of the military-patriotic education of youth in the period (1921-1941). Based on the involvement of numerous historical sources, an attempt was made to generalize the experience of military-patriotic education of youth, to analyze the forms and methods, features of youth education.

On the basis of archival materials, new data are introduced into scientific circulation that characterize the state of military-patriotic education of the population of Russia, which make it possible to realistically assess the level of military-patriotic education of young people achieved by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In the work, in a critical analysis, the views of the military-political leadership on the issues of military-patriotic education of youth are shown.

The designated problem within the given region and within the specified chronological framework has not been previously studied.

In the formulated conclusions and practical proposals arising from the historical experience of work on the military-patriotic education of youth, which, in the author's opinion, is of great importance for solving this problem at the present time.

The practical significance of the dissertation lies in the opening up opportunities for using the positive experience of military-patriotic education of the Russian population based on the rich traditions of the army and the people in the transition period. The actual material of the dissertation, the conclusions and proposals set forth in it, can be involved in the work of regional structures of the Russian Defense Sports and Technical Organization, educational institutions, military registration and enlistment offices and public organizations.

61−7 390 017 (2275 × 3427 × 2 SC associated with loyalty to the Motherland and the ability, if necessary, to armed defense of the Fatherland.

Source base of the study.

The basis of the factual material of the dissertation is documents and materials extracted by the author from 35 funds, 8 central and local archives.

The specific data contained in the documents of the archives testify to the significant work of state and public structures in preparing pre-conscripts and young soldiers for military service in the period between the civil and Great Patriotic wars.

So, in the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documents of St. Petersburg (TsGAIPD SP-b), F-25, the transcripts of the meetings of the bureau of the Leningrad City Committee, were studied. F-24 - meetings of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU (b). F-K-598 of the Leningrad Regional and City Committee of the Komsomol. The author studied and widely used the funds of the Leningrad regional and Leningrad city committees of the Komsomol, the funds of the district committees of the party and Komsomol, city committees and district committees of the region, a total of 79 cases.

The author studied the activities of the Leningrad regional and city committees of the party and the Komsomol, as well as city committees and district committees of the region and the city. Transcripts of party and Komsomol conferences, plenums, meetings of assets, meetings, memorandums, certificates and other documents made it possible to study in depth their work to improve the effectiveness of the moral-political, military-technical and physical training of young people. The resolutions of the bureau of the regional and city committees of the Komsomol contain information about the participation of the Komsomol in the preparation of young people for service in the Red Army and Navy.

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The dissertation examined documents and materials from 33 cases of 8 funds of the Central State Archive of St. Petersburg, in particular, decisions and resolutions of the regional congresses of Soviets, materials on the work of the military section of the Leningrad City Executive Committee, the Leningrad regional and city military commissariats, regional councils of public organizations. Their orders, decisions, and correspondence on issues of military-patriotic training of youth contain specific data on the state of this work in the districts of the city and region, at individual enterprises.

Many documents on the participation of the Komsomol organization of Leningrad and the Leningrad region in the restructuring of the mass defense and military sports work were first introduced into research circulation.

In preparing the dissertation, materials from the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History were used: fund 17 - Central Committee of the RCP (b): 2 files - fund 4426, - Union of Societies for the Promotion of Motorization and Improvement of Roads of the USSR (Avtodor): 9 files - fund 8355, - Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction of the USSR (Osoaviakhim): 7 files - fund 3341 - Russian Red Cross Society (ROKK): 4 files - fund 7710 - Central Bureau of Physical Culture of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions: 11 files.

In the Russian State Archives of the Navy, the R-7 fund, op.1, d.388 - Regulations on the scientific and technical circle of the Naval Engineering School, d.381 - Order for the Navy and the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs on the preparation of educational , political and administrative activities in educational institutions and minutes of meetings at the headquarters of the RKKF.

In the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO RF), f.62, inventory 1, d. Correspondence with the Central Committee and MK

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RKP (b) and RKSM about political and educational and agitation and propaganda work in universities, etc.

In preparing and writing the dissertation, materials from seven funds of the RGVA were used.

In the archives of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps, fund 52 was studied - a collection of documents received from the military history department of the Artillery Historical Museum, largely related to the problem under study.

Memoirs and memoirs of former party, Soviet and Komsomol leaders played a certain role in revealing the topic. While not strictly documentary sources, they are nonetheless important, because help to more clearly and more fully present the situation that developed during the period under study, citing examples of popular care to strengthen the country's defense. The authors adhere to a single point of view that the basis for the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War was laid back in the years of socialist construction.

Based on the archival sources, scientific papers and publications, diverse in nature and generally rich in content, and also taking into account the objectives of the study, the structure of the dissertation is determined, which consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, a list of sources and references, and eight appendices.


The author's attempt to investigate the history of the activities of state bodies and public organizations in military-patriotic education aims to restore historical truth, objective coverage of real events in this area that took place in 1921-1941. The research took place in several directions. Firstly, the study of the organization system for the formation of moral and patriotic feelings among young people; secondly, the study of military affairs by young people in mass defense organizations; thirdly, the development of a mass physical culture movement and the introduction of military-applied sports among young people.

The study of the content, forms and methods of the military-patriotic education of young people in the prewar years showed that the military-political leadership of the country attached special importance to this problem. The importance of solving this problem was determined by the complication of the military-political situation in the world (especially in the 30s) and the need to strengthen combat capability of the troops. And the work carried out by the Komsomol was a definite contribution to the strengthening of the ranks of the Red Army. The generation of Soviet people, who received knowledge of military affairs and a great moral and political potential in voluntary societies, at pre-conscription points, in the army and navy, took on the brunt of the fight against enemies during the Great Patriotic War.

Therefore, despite the denigration and slander of certain political forces against our Soviet youth, the experience of the Komsomol is an invaluable heritage of history and there is no doubt that its experience must be used in modern conditions to prepare young people to defend their Fatherland.

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Many glorious pages in the history of the Komsomol are connected with the work of youth, a number of its patriotic undertakings: patronage of the fleet and aviation, creation and active participation in voluntary defense mass societies, holding "days" and "weeks" to strengthen the army and navy, voluntary donations, financial assistance, etc.

One of the central directions of the work of the Komsomol was the military-patriotic education of young people and their comprehensive preparation for military service.

Strengthening the military-patriotic education of young people has found its manifestation in the increased desire to serve in the army and navy.

The Komsomol solved the tasks of military training in close cooperation with Osoaviakhim, Avtodor, ODR and other public organizations. In circles, at pre-conscription points, in Komsomol clubs, in military corners and at shooting ranges, young people acquired knowledge of military affairs. Thanks to the help of the Komsomol, young people already possessing certain military knowledge went to the army and navy, aviation and military schools, which was of great importance not only in 1921-1941, but also in subsequent years.

The pre-war experience in the military-patriotic education of youth requires practical analysis, both in terms of content, and in terms of method and organization, which allows us to draw lessons for the modern period and offer some recommendations for improving work aimed at strengthening the military-patriotic education of youth.

1. During the years of intervention and the civil war, experience was accumulated in military-patriotic education, especially at the fronts. During the years of the first five-year plan, there was a search and improvement of the most effective forms and methods of work to prepare young people for protection

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151 Socialist Fatherland. In the years of the second five-year plan, this work assumed a wide scale.

Work on the military-patriotic education of youth had a number of specific features, determined by the conditions of location, economic and socio-political development of the country's regions. The specific conditions of life and activity of the working people of cities and villages carried an obligatory necessity and concreteness. For example, Leningrad was one of the country's largest industrial centers of great defense importance.

In the context of the transition from war to peace, the political leadership developed fundamental provisions on the place and role of the Komsomol in the defense of the socialist Fatherland, determined the main directions of military work, and also aimed at improving the military-patriotic education of young people.

Analyzing the system of military-patriotic work of the Leningrad Komsomol, and under the system that was established at that time as a whole in the country, three main areas can be distinguished:

Formation of moral, political and psychological qualities of youth

Studying the basics of military affairs and the formation of combat qualities

Physical education.

An exceptionally large role in this system belongs to the first direction - the formation of moral, political and psychological qualities. It formed the basis of the military-patriotic work of the Komsomol. In its implementation, two relatively independent and at the same time closely related groups of elements are distinguished.

The first of these provides moral, political and psychological preparation, which has a leading place in the entire process of ideological hardening of the youth. In the course of its implementation, young people formed

61−7 390 152 (2343×3472×2Sch moral and political qualities of an armed defender of the Motherland, readiness to defend their Fatherland with weapons in their hands. Psychological training carried out on the basis of high moral and psychological qualities and involving the formation of such mental personality traits as endure the hardships and hardships of military service, severe trials, moral and physical stress, the ability to show mental stability, self-control in the most difficult and dangerous combat situations.

The second direction of the military-patriotic work of the Komsomol was the study of military affairs and the formation of fighting qualities. First of all, these are military knowledge, combat skills, discipline and organization, military partnership, strict compliance with the requirements of the military oath and regulations, orders and orders of commanders and superiors.

The third direction was the physical education of young people, their preparation for the defense of the Fatherland. It was carried out in the classroom for physical, initial military training, in the course of mass defense and sports work and was aimed at developing physical endurance in young people, the ability to endure great physical exertion.

2. An analysis of the documents of the pre-war period allows us to conclude that great importance was attached to the preparation of young people for the defense of the country. It has been the subject of business discussions in the regional committees and city committees of the VZhSM more than once. Komsomol committees checked it in the grass-roots organizations and provided them with practical assistance in improving it. This led to the use in the practice of the work of Komsomol organizations a variety of forms and methods of its implementation.

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During the period under study, the ties between the working people and the soldiers of the army and navy, the military and labor exploits of the working people were of great importance for the education and training of young people.

The experience gained during the period under study in preparing young people for the defense of the Fatherland teaches, and history confirms that it must be approached as a task of national and national importance.

3. The main areas of mass defense work were: assistance in the technical re-equipment of the army and navy; participation in the training of military personnel; military patronage work; pre-conscription training of young people; active participation in air defense and anti-chemical protection; , TRP, GSO, etc.

4. In the prewar years, the military-political leadership of the country relied on the solution of many international problems with the help of military force, as one of the most important tasks put forward the formation of moral and political feelings and the strengthening of the military-patriotic education of young people and soldiers of the Red Army.

The essence of the concept of strengthening the morale and military-patriotic education of the youth was the formation of moral and combat qualities in young people that would ensure the fulfillment of any tasks assigned to them.

To this end, the Soviet people, including young people, formed a feeling of deep devotion to the leader of the state, the leading party, constantly exaggerating ideas about the strength and invincibility of the Red Army, about an easy victory over the enemy. The concept of class solidarity and proletarian internationalism was introduced into the consciousness of the youth, etc.

Military circles, clubs, schools, various courses, formations of Osoaviakhim, military-patriotic camps were created for young people.

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It was practiced to conduct mass defense events - campaigns, training camps, paramilitary competitions, training alerts, military technical evenings, defense days and decades, etc.

The main result of the work carried out during the period under study is that by the mid-1930s a fairly well-organized system of preparing young people for the defense of the Motherland had developed, and the main forms and methods of military-patriotic work were further developed. As a result, already in peacetime, young people were instilled with a sense of personal responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland, and a readiness to defend the Motherland was developed. The history of the Great Patriotic War is evidence of this. From the first days of the war, thousands of applications began to come to the military registration and enlistment offices and Komsomol organizations, with a request to be sent to the front. So, for example, in Leningrad and the region, 10 divisions of the people's militia and 14 separate artillery and machine-gun battalions were created with a total strength of over 135 thousand people. Subsequently, 7 of these divisions, having received combat experience, became personnel formations of the Red Army.

The fact that in this war the youth showed steadfastness, military skill, heroism - all this was to a large extent the result of a great military-patriotic work carried out in the prewar years. This experience should, at its core, be applied in practical work at the present time.

Based on the generalization and study of the historical experience of conducting mass defense work, educating young people, the author highlights the main provisions that formed its basis.

History shows that military-patriotic education and mass defense work is a complex problem in which moral-patriotic, military-technical and physical training are inextricably linked.

61−7 390 155 (2291 × 3437 × 2 tiff) youth, and therefore it should be dealt with by state and public structures as intended.

To further improve the military-patriotic education of the young generation of Russia, it is necessary in the country to have a clear program for its implementation using the recommendations and proposals of scientists, public organizations, labor collectives, etc.

Life urgently requires further improvement of the forms and methods of this work, its complex research by specialists.

One of the most important tasks facing the leadership of the Armed Forces of modern Russia is the formation and maintenance of youth moral and psychological readiness to defend the Fatherland, fidelity to the constitutional and military duty to ensure the security of the country, patriotism and discipline, pride and responsibility for belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation . And some work is being done in this direction. According to sociological research, the number of civic active youth has increased by 20% in recent years. This is the merit of the Committee on Youth Policy, thanks to its perseverance in the budget of St. Petersburg for 2002, the amount of funding under the item expenditure on the education of citizenship and patriotism has been increased 5 times.1 And this is commendable.

However, many difficulties and contradictions associated with fundamental changes in the political, economic, social, spiritual spheres of the life of our society are facing the Russian officer and soldier today. Therefore, almost the paramount condition for the fulfillment of all combat training tasks, whether it be planned training, combat duty, guard duty, a long trip or the performance of peacekeeping functions in "hot" spots, is the education of patriotism, which means courage, and stamina, and valor and courage of our warriors. great at it

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In this difficult but rewarding work, the educational role played by the glorious military traditions of the Russian, Soviet and Russian Army accumulated over the centuries, the richest experience of the pre-war years and the experience of the Great Patriotic War.

Postgraduate students and applicants should be advised to choose the study of historical experience in the military-patriotic education of young people as the topics of their research, especially in the modern period of the formation of Russia, when the Armed Forces are being reformed, when Russia has entered the 21st century.

The historical experience of improving military-patriotic work in Russia during the interwar period allows us to highlight a number of relevant lessons and make some practical recommendations and suggestions.

First. The absence of a stable state policy that finds support among the broad masses of the people had a negative impact on the military-professional reform of the army. As a result of the endless reforms in the Armed Forces, which mainly boiled down to a reduction in the number of personnel and the conversion of the military-industrial complex (MIC), huge damage was done to the country's defense capability, which naturally affected the lack of a unified approach to military-patriotic education.

Generally accepted norms of behavior have always existed in the Russian state. It was believed that a person cannot live without spiritual motives. In the field of military, spiritual impulses were expressed by the need to defend one's Fatherland, because the "vague values" of the spiritual and real world of a person complicate the conduct of military-patriotic education.

Second. The strengthening of the army and the defense of the Fatherland is facilitated by a unified approach to the organization and conduct of military-patriotic education in accordance with the state ideology. The army should not be the sphere of influence of various political movements and parties, because. absence

61−7 390 157 (2282 × 3432 × 2) The commonality of the worldview of military personnel undermines the combat capability of troops in carrying out tasks of national importance.

Third. Military training, including military-patriotic education, as a significant component of the combat and mobilization potential of Russia, should receive the status of an important and integral part of the nationwide program of civil education of the country's population, which would provide for a phased development.

Fourth. In conditions when socio-moral values ​​are interpreted arbitrarily, in order to conduct military-patriotic education, as the most important area of ​​activity for the formation and improvement of the personality of a citizen-defender of the Fatherland, it is necessary to develop and adopt a qualitatively new concept of military training of youth, based on respect for the law, generally accepted humanistic norms of human relations with mutual social and legal responsibility of the individual and the state and the priority education of highly qualified military specialists.

Fifth. In the new prevailing socio-political and economic conditions, in our opinion, it would be advisable to carefully analyze domestic experience and demand the most established and proven forms and methods of organizing and conducting military-patriotic education, drawing on the experience of educational work of the most progressive technologies of foreign armies.

Sixth. It is advisable to pay serious attention to the development of new psychological and pedagogical programs that take into account the specifics of the participation of military personnel in modern combat conditions and contribute to the mental stability of the soldier's personality.

Seventh. An urgent need is to immediately resolve the issue of organizing the training of personnel for military educators and

61−7 390 158 (2274×3426×2 tiff) humanities teachers for troops and military educational institutions at individual faculties of existing higher educational institutions. The sad experience of the liquidation of military-political universities has caused tangible damage to all educational work in the Russian Armed Forces.

Eighth. A significant role for the population of the country, especially for young people, is the revival of the traditions of the mass physical culture movement with the organization of appropriate centers in labor and educational teams, appropriate stimulation and control of their activities by the sports committees of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional administrations and local governments.

Ninth. The state program of military training of the population must have sustainable stable funding. In addition, it is possible to create additional public funds in order to promote the implementation of military policy, various military-patriotic associations on the basis of self-financing and payback.

Tenth. Of undeniable importance is the moral unity of the army and the people, which in our country is traditionally associated with the need to ensure the security of the Fatherland, respect and protect the existing state foundations based on the observance of public and personal interests. In the current conditions of the development of our state, it is necessary to take into account the historical lessons of the practice of military construction, the importance of morale and the conduct of military-patriotic education, both in the army and among the civilian population of the country.

The author believes that the Law on Alternative Service in the Russian Armed Forces, discussed in the State Duma in February 2002, with all the different approaches to its individual provisions and articles, must meet the strict requirement that the combat effectiveness of the state should not under any circumstances be reduced.

61−7390159 (2274×3426×2 tiff)

Section I. Military-patriotic education and mass defense work of youth.

§ 1. The activities of state bodies and public organizations in the formation of patriotism among young people.

§ 2. The contribution of youth to strengthening the defense capability of the state.

Section II. Preparing the younger generation for the defense of the Motherland.

§ 1. Activities of the Komsomol and other public organizations to prepare young people for military service.

§ 2. Creation of special preparatory military educational institutions and the results of their activities.


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Report of the Chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies, Archpriest Sergiy Privalov: “Pastorship and clergy in the troops. The role of the personality of a military clergyman in the spiritual and moral education of military personnel.

The service of the military clergy at the present stage of the development of the Armed Forces poses urgent questions for the Church in understanding the role of a clergyman in the troops, ways to improve spiritual and moral education and assess the effectiveness of pastoral work.

The Russian Orthodox Church is aware of its spiritual responsibility and strives to convey to every person the light of the Gospel Truth: “And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a vessel, but on a candlestick, and it shines on everyone in the house” (Matt. 5, 15).

At present, the close attention of society to the representatives of the Church is becoming not only obvious, but is the subject of a struggle for the souls of people. Opponents of Orthodoxy, looking for disorder and spiritual infirmity of a particular person ordained to the priesthood, are trying to discredit the entirety of the Church, which consists primarily of celestials - the angels of the Church, who have already acquired the right to incessantly glorify the Lord, as well as people who have embarked on the path of Christian good deeds but because of the weakness of the forces that stumble and rise up for further battle with the forces of wickedness in high places. The head of the Church is the Savior of the world - our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastoral service in the army is the service of a person who has dedicated himself to God. All the attention of the military personnel is directed to the military clergyman, not only because of his black cassock and cross, unusual for the military class, but primarily because of the unusual nature of his service, which is mysterious, not always clear, stands out from ordinary military life and those tasks which are carried out on a daily basis by military personnel.

A military priest is not just in front of everyone, they want to see Christ and holiness in him, to which they would like to aspire and find the meaning of their lives. If only believers gather in parish churches, then a military unit is a team of like-minded people who perform a single combat mission, but in their own worldview can belong to a variety of groups, currents of religious beliefs, stand at different levels of churching and participation in religious sacraments and rituals .

There is no need to talk about the highest level of responsibility of a military clergyman in observing the moral and ethical standards that should be inherent in any citizen of our state. We are talking about the manifestation of the qualities characteristic of the holy fathers of the Church and, first of all, about clergy.

A military priest should not only become a good shepherd who performs the established Divine Services, preaches correctly, conducts unceasing educational and spiritual and moral work, participates in social and patriotic events, helps the command in eradicating negative phenomena in the army environment, but first of all should be a prayer book - a confessor, whose sacred mission should be the spiritual core of a military formation.

We are talking about spiritual warfare or spiritual warfare that began even before the creation of the world with the fall of angels and has been going on here on earth throughout the entire existence of civilization. The struggle for the human soul, for its choice of movement towards God or towards the devil, never stops. There are big and small victories in it, temporary retreats and advances, but the result of everything is unity with God or retreat from Him. In this fight, the prayer of the priest-confessor for the child he is tending is the main work of the clergyman.

Invisible abuse, but clearly felt by the soul of a serviceman, for whom his relatives, parents, colleagues and priest-confessor are praying, is his real life. External events only replace the entourage of the struggle for the main thing - the acquisition of the spirit of the Holy God.

“Acquire the spirit of peace, and thousands around you will be saved,” said St. Seraphim of Sarov. This order of the holy elder should be considered the motto for the entire corps of the military clergy.

The role of the personality of the clergyman sometimes becomes a key element of pastoral service in the army. On the one hand, the authority of the shepherd, his spiritual qualities are an attractive force for military personnel. The desire to see in a priest a friend, a colleague, a kind interlocutor invites him to enter the sphere of relations poorly corresponding to his vocation - serving God. Priorities in shepherding are shifting to the spiritual, not the spiritual component. Prayer and inner work fade into the background. And this does not always happen at the will of the clergyman himself. The whole complex of tasks that have to be solved makes the military shepherd an administrator, organizer, builder, disciplined executor of the will of the command, shifting the emphasis in his activities towards socially significant events.

The initial stage of earning in a military collective ends, and questions arise that are not always easy to give unambiguous answers. What is the return on the efforts invested in the churching of military personnel, what percentage of the total number of personnel attends Divine services, lectures and conversations on Orthodox topics conducted by a clergyman? In what quantities can one measure the inner world in a team with the arrival of a clergyman? How many suicide incidents have been prevented by the efforts of the assistant commander for work with religious servicemen?

We, as specialists in the field of organizing the activities of the military clergy, will have to formulate general approaches to assessing pastoral work, but the conscience of the priest and God's judgment on our ministry will remain the highest measure. I would like the measure of our strength and capabilities to coincide with the providence of God about the ways of laying down the soul for one's friends.

It seems important in this audience to remind the representatives of the military command of the share of responsibility that is determined by God and those in power. Not only the fulfillment of assigned combat missions depends on the role of the commander - chief in the process of spiritual and moral education, but, first of all, the fate of a person who is at that age when everything good is still absorbed like a sponge, but everything bad is deposited in the soul for life through moral or immoral attitudes and formed stereotypes of behavior.

It is easy for us to remember our military youth, when copying the methods of action for managing cadet units was part of the style of behavior, flesh and blood for many years of life. It is good if the teachers were highly moral and spiritually mature commanders. You should learn these skills all your life, and taking responsibility for the fate of others, keep in mind not only the physical, but also the spiritual life of subordinates, which is many times more expensive. The life of the spirit is eternal, and everyone involved in the formation of a warrior of the Russian state should worry about it.

Spiritual and moral enlightenment is not a set of sayings from the texts of Holy Scripture, it is primarily a personal example of keeping the commandments of God and communion with the grace-filled gifts of the Church of Christ, which enlightens the soul and transforms the body. The path of all life is the path of knowing God within your heart. And in this field it is impossible to be alone, without the advice, guidance and prayer of the confessor.

Can a military priest be the confessor of the entire military team? How many spiritual children can he bring to God, protect from the corruption of this world? Is it possible to hope that 10 - 12 warriors who regularly communicate with the priest and participate in Divine services will turn out to be sufficient potential to become the "salt" of the military brotherhood?

The Lord likens His disciples to salt, which preserves the human race from moral decay: “You are the salt of the earth,” and adds: “If the salt loses its strength, then how will you make it salty?” (Matthew 5:13).

Fundamental theological questions require fundamental knowledge and pastoral experience. It cannot be obtained only in an educational institution. The growth of the spirit in a military priest should be a constant process, where humility, obedience and struggle with sinful passions produce spiritual fruit - a state of Divine love, which “suffers long, is merciful, does not envy, gets irritated, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never fails” (1 Cor. 13:4-8). It has its source in God Himself, who is Love (1 John 4:26).

What are the requirements of the time for the military clergy? There has never been such a favorable mission of the Church in the Army. On the one hand, the aggravation of all the contradictions of the modern soulless civilization, roughly focused not on raising a person to the image and likeness of God, but on reducing to a state of madness and consumption of everything that harms the soul. On the other hand, the question of the meaning of human life, the questions of good and evil, honesty and justice, Divine destiny and personal choice of the spiritual paradigm, is more and more obvious to the sane part of humanity. Where, if not in the Army, and even on the brink of a large-scale war, with a constant threat to life, a person should sober up and return to true spiritual values, rethink his life and behavior, uniting in prayer with God and consciously standing up for the defense of the Fatherland, which is being revived for service to God.

The Russian Army today is the second in the world after the United States in terms of military potential. And in terms of the justice of goals and objectives and the spiritual potential that restrains satanic aggression, of course, it is the first in the world. The military clergy at the present stage of development of the Armed Forces is increasingly asserting its potential. The development of military-church relations develops into cooperation, where the role of the priest-confessor will only increase. Our task is to prepare for serious and hard work and correspond to the mission that God has prepared for us.

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