The novel warns us about what. "We" E


“Utopias look much more feasible than previously believed.
And now we are faced with a question that torments us with its other way:
how to avoid their final implementation?”
ON THE. Berdyaev

  1. To deepen the established idea of ​​the dystopian genre, to understand the problems of the novel, to get acquainted with the biography of the writer.
  2. By means of ICT, develop imaginative thinking, creative imagination, influence the emotions and feelings of children.
  3. Teach them to think logically, to highlight the main thing.
  4. Develop student speech.
  5. Cultivate patriotism.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

  1. The presence of a chronological table for the work of E. Zamyatin.
  2. Write out oxymorons from the text of the novel.

II. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Purpose: “To deepen the established idea of ​​the dystopia genre, to understand the problems of the novel, to get acquainted with the biography of the writer. By means of ICT, develop imaginative thinking, creative imagination, influence the emotions and feelings of children. Teach them to think logically, to highlight the main thing. Develop student speech. Cultivate patriotism.”

teacher's word (on the board: utopia, dystopia)

Let's write an epigraph.

Now let's remember what is Utopia?

(On the desk) Utopia(other Greek. ου - no and τοπος - a place, that is, literally: a place that does not exist) - a genre characterized by a detailed description of the public, state and private life of an imaginary country that meets one or another ideal of social harmony. Utopia is a dream.

To the question why the philosopher N. Berdyaev warns against the realization of utopia, we will answer at the end of the lesson, when we get acquainted with the novel “We” by E. Zamyatin.

The novel "We" was written in 1921-1922. In 1924 it was published in New York in English. It was first published in Russian in the same place in 1952. In our country, it was first published in 1988 in the Znamya magazine. The history of the novel is dramatic, as is the life story of its author.

– What do you know about Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin? (1884–1937)

This is one of the writers who accepted the revolution as the real fate of the fatherland, but remained free in his work, in the artistic assessment of events. The fate of E.I. Zamyatin and Boris Pilnyak anticipated the tragedy of Pasternak, the shameful trial of Joseph Brodsky, and the expulsion of A. Solzhenitsyn.

Zamyatin was born in the Tambov province in the family of a priest, later became a shipbuilder.

The spirit of contradiction led Zamyatin to the Bolshevik Party, and from 1905 he participated in illegal work, for which he was arrested. During the First World War, he leaves for England as an expert in the construction of icebreakers for the Russian fleet, but in September 1917 he returns to Russia.

In 1922, he publishes stories in which revolutionary events appear as a rampant element that destroys the existing existence.

Zamyatin did not join the ranks of the opposition, but argued with the Bolsheviks, always remaining honest. He wrote: “I have a very uncomfortable habit of saying not what is profitable at the moment, but what seems to me to be true.” They stopped printing him, and in 1931 he left his homeland, writing a personal letter to Stalin asking for extradition.

From 1931 to 1937 he lives in Paris, where he dies.

- What is the subject of the image by E. Zamyatin in the novel "We"?

The distant future, the 26th century, would seem to be a utopian state, where all people are happy with universal, “mathematical infallible happiness”. Numbers live in a single state of civilization, technological progress, highly developed science. He tells about his life in the form of diary entries, number D-503. He is in love with I-330, but she is one of those who want to launch the Integral to other worlds so that this way of life does not spread. The rebellion is suppressed, the numbers were burned with a piece of the brain that is responsible for fantasy.

Why is this distant future depicted?

E. Zamyatin is interested in the problems of the relationship between the individual and the state, individuality and the team. He predicts the development of human society. “We” is not a dream, but a test of the viability of a dream, not a utopia, but dystopia.

Dystopia is a depiction of the dangerous, pernicious consequences of various kinds of social experiments related to the construction of a society that corresponds to one or another ideal.

The dystopia genre acquires the status of a forecast, a “novel-warning”.

III. Work on the content and analysis of the novel.

- Why can we call E. Zamyatin's novel a dystopia, a novel - a warning?

The historical path of mankind is not straightforward, it is difficult to grasp its true direction. Zamyatin tried to trace the path of history after 1917, which leads to the One State. And instead of a humane, happy society, which generations dreamed of, he discovers a soulless, barracks system in which the impersonal “numbers” are “integrated” into an obedient and passive “we”, into a well-coordinated inanimate mechanism.

How do you understand the title of the novel?

"We" - a single state, two scales: on one - the state, on the other - the individual. “We” is the United State, a new state system, a new order of life, created on other grounds.

What is the essence of this world order?

  1. In this state, “we” and “I” are on different scales, they are opposed to each other.
  2. The state owns the rights, and "I" - duties. The state, "we" - the goal, "I", the person - a means to strengthen the goal.
  3. Such relationships lead to the complete destruction of the personality: a gram cannot balance a ton, so you need to feel like a millionth part of a ton, dissolve in the state. Therefore, there are no people in the book, there are “numbers”.

– How did it happen that the state and the individual become antagonists in their relationship?

The new world order began with two hundred years of war between the state and its people, city and countryside. And 0.2 of the population survived.

- On what idea was born a new world order?

On the idea of ​​violence, destruction, extermination. At its origins is the civil war.

- What is the development of this idea of ​​violence, which is the basis of the United State, received in the novel?

This idea of ​​violence was developed in the system of artistic images. It is on violence that the policy of the Benefactor, who is at the head of the state, is built. The Guardians Bureau is a police system. The Tablet of Hours is “the heart and pulse of a single state”. The Green Wall is an unbreakable border.

The heavy hand, the great hand of the Benefactor.

– What else emphasizes the unnaturalness of relations between people and the state?

The unnaturalness, artificiality of relations is emphasized by the oxymorons used in the novel:

- a wild state of freedom,
- a beneficent yoke of reason,
- mathematically unmistakable happiness,
– our duty is to make them happy,
- faces unclouded by madness thoughts,
- the most difficult and highest love is cruelty,
– inspiration – an unknown form of epilepsy,
- the soul is a serious disease.

– Which episode shows the power of the Benefactor?

D-503 talks about the Day of Unanimity - the election of the Benefactor. A ritual - the result of which is known to everyone, but everyone comes to demonstrate unanimity.

– What is the image of the Benefactor? What is the personification of the world order?

Bureau of Guardians D-503 compares with the Inquisition of the ancients. They have an operating room with the famous gas bell (instrument of torture). Perfection is the operation to cauterize the part of the brain responsible for fantasies. The Bureau of Guardians is a powerful and repressive apparatus that allows you to keep the power of the Benefactor.

– The State Newspaper, as any means of propaganda, forms:

1) New ideology.

  1. ideology of ideal lack of freedom, our lack of freedom is our happiness

2) New morality.

  1. Everyone lives in glass houses (you can close the curtains for 2 hours), no right to belong to yourself.
  2. The basis of the relationship between the “numbers” is espionage, denunciation, betrayal, a system of supervision and surveillance.
  3. Love is only a physiological function, there is no family, to give birth to a child you need permission from the State, then the child is given to the state for upbringing.
  4. “Numer” D-503 has two feelings: gratitude to the One State and superiority over everything that is the One State.

3) A new understanding of beauty, a new perception of art.

  1. In music, the march expresses ideal non-freedom.
  2. In painting, architecture, graphics - a straight line.
  3. In poetry, these are not nightingale trills, but a service (it is ordered to write essays about the beauty and greatness of the One State to everyone)

- What is the plot based on? On what conflict is the development of action based?

The clash of the One State, its interests with man, with the world and his interests. United State and numbers.

The main character is D-503. In the beginning, we see the flesh of the flesh of the One State, he sings of a new world order, another life is unthinkable for him, he never ceases to admire the wisdom of those who created him. But he falls in love and changes happen to him. At first, he does not understand what happened and is forced to go to the doctor, who says that D-503 has formed a soul. And the hero himself feels that from a number he turns into a person, becomes a man.

What was the source of these changes?

Love. According to E. Zamyatin, love is able to make each of us a person, therefore it becomes clear that sexual freedom is a crisis of life, state, personality, spiritual ties, family, degeneration of a person. Love revived memory, which, according to Zamyatin, is capable of reviving a person.

Compare two scenes in the novel:

  1. Visiting the Ancient House: annoyed, in love, now the world has changed, the hero saw the sun and grass.
  2. I-330 leads the hero behind a green wall where wild people live. Looking at them, the hero pays attention to his hands and understands that he is part of wildlife. Through love and memory, an image of a mother arises that would be dear as a piece of her own human function.

- How does E. Zamyatin show the process of awakening a person?

The process is painful, but the hero does not evade it. “I don't want to be saved,” D-503 will say. For him, this is the only chance to become a man and experience all the torments and joys of human existence.

How do you understand the ending of the novel?

The United State has again triumphed over the people:
The rebels are tortured, they perform operations, including D-503. He again turned into a number and indifferently watches how some beautiful woman is being tortured, without experiencing any emotions and feelings.

- What did the novel reveal to you?

– How does this novel relate to the present?

- How relevant is E. Zamyatin's warning today?

It is no coincidence that the novel “We” is still relevant today. There can always be a danger of a return to a totalitarian regime. We must remember where this can lead.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Write conclusions in a notebook:

  1. That world order, the principle that E. Zamyatin saw in the twenties, is estimated as a totalitarian regime based on violence, destruction, complete subordination. He predicted that it would be very difficult to fight this system.
  2. The writer argued that there are always forces that can resist. They are not broken, although they were defeated, and this gives hope.
  3. People live behind the Green Wall, go there and O-90, taking away in themselves a child who will be born from a person, because at that time D-503 was him.

The inevitability of opposition inspires hope in the reader that life goes on, indestructibly human in man, and affirms the reader in the main thing: totalitarianism and life, totalitarianism and man are incompatible.

V. Homework.

Answer the questions:

  1. Why does N. Berdyaev warn against the realization of a utopia?
  2. Compare the city from the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna (the novel “What is to be done?” by A.G. Chernyshevsky) and the city from the novel “We” by E. Zamyatin. Make drawings.
  3. What is "guessed" by E. Zamyatin in the novel?
  4. Why did E. Zamyatin choose the form of a hero's diary for his novel?
  5. Why did the dystopia genre become popular in the 20th century?
  6. How did other poets and writers during the years of the creation of the novel “We” raise the question of the individual and the collective? (A. Blok, V. Mayakovsky and others)
  7. Is it possible to agree with D. Furmanov that "zamyatinstvo is a dangerous phenomenon"?

1 option

Real literature can exist only where it is produced not by dutiful and trustworthy, but by insane heretics...

E. Zamyatin

The name of Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin became famous in literary Russia as early as 1912, when his first work, the story "Uyezdnoye", was published. Then everyone started talking about the young writer at once as a new, great talent. Why did we get the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of E. Zamyatin only in the mid-80s?

Any real talent does not accept restrictions, strives for freedom, openness. This honesty in expressing his thoughts was the reason for the literary isolation of the writer after the publication of his anti-utopia "We", written in 1919. It was not in vain that Zamyatin considered his novel "a warning about the double danger threatening humanity: the hypertrophied power of machines and the hypertrophied power of the state." In both the first and second cases, the most valuable thing that makes a person a person, his personality, is threatened.

In the city-state, created by the writer's vivid imagination, people are turned into components and rapidly replaceable parts of a gigantic and terrible state machine, they are only "wheels and cogs in a single state mechanism." All differences between individuals are leveled as much as possible: a rigid, up to a second scheduled regime (violation of which is very severely punished), collective work and rest, suppression of any independent thoughts, feelings, desires do not allow the development of a human personality. The citizens of this strange state do not even have names, but there are numbers by which they could be identified if necessary.

Universal equality, houses with transparent walls (firstly, people have nothing to hide from each other, and secondly, it is easier to observe them, looking for violators), life on call, walks in orderly rows in their free time, even a regulated number of chewing movements for every piece of oil food - all this serves as an indispensable foundation for human happiness. The authorities of the united state in the person of the Benefactor are concerned about the easy, serene life of the townspeople - and at the same time about the convenience and inviolability of their position. And people, surprisingly, are happy: they have no time to think, nothing to compare with, they are deprived of the opportunity to assess reality, because any manifestations of individuality, personality in the One State are equated, at best, with a disease that needs to be immediately cure, at worst - to a crime punishable by death: "freedom and crime are as inextricably linked as movement and speed ...".

It seems that everything is taken into account in this utopian world in order to erase the differences between people, even love is elevated to the rank of a state duty, because "every number has the right to another number as a sexual object." One has only to get the coveted pink ticket - and you have the right to an hour-long session, you can even lower the curtains ...

But the whole point is that no matter how gray and homogeneous the human mass may be, it consists of individual people: with their own character, abilities, rhythm of life. The human in a person can be suppressed, crushed, but it is impossible to completely destroy it. The sprouts of a previously unknown love in the heart of the builder of Integral D-503 caused both "blasphemous" thoughts, and "criminal" feelings, and forbidden desires. D-503, brought up in the conditions of the United State from childhood, perceives the impossibility of living the old life, the personal revival as a catastrophe, which the doctor toughens, stating the disease and making a terrible diagnosis: “Your business is bad! Apparently, you have formed a soul.

Of course, true liberation in this case is far away, but even water, drop by drop, hollows out a stone. A state incapable of development, a “thing in itself”, is doomed to perish, since in life the absence of movement means death. And for the movement and development of the state mechanism, people are needed - not “cogs” and “wheels”, but living, thinking individuals with a pronounced individuality, who have the right to choose, who are not afraid to argue and are able to create not universal happiness , and happiness for everyone in separateness. The writer wanted to warn the whole world (and especially his country) against terrible mistakes, but the machine of the new totalitarian state had already begun to move, and Zamyatin had to answer for "criminal slander" against the victory of the revolution and socialism...

Option 2

The worst thing about utopias is that they come true...

N. Berdyaev

For many millennia, a naive belief has been living in the hearts of people that it is possible to build or find a world in which everyone will be equally happy. Reality, however, has always been not so perfect that there were no dissatisfied with life, and the desire for harmony and perfection gave rise to the genre of utopia in literature.

Observing the difficult formation of the young Land of Soviets, foreseeing the cruel consequences of its many mistakes, perhaps inevitable when creating everything new, E. Zamyatin created his dystopian novel “We”, in which back in 1919 he wanted to warn people about the dangers that threaten humanity when allowing the hypertrophied power of machines and the state to the detriment of a free individual. Why dystopia? Because the world created in the novel is harmonious only in form, in fact, we are presented with a perfect picture of legalized slavery, when slaves are also charged with the duty to be proud of their position.

E. Zamyatin's novel "We" is a formidable warning to all who dream of a mechanical remake of the world, a far-sighted prediction of future cataclysms in a society striving for unanimity, suppressing personality and individual differences between people.

In the guise of the One State, which appears before us on the pages of the novel, it is easy to recognize two future great empires that made an attempt to create an ideal state - the USSR and the Third Reich. The desire to forcibly reshape citizens, their consciousness, moral and moral values, an attempt to change people in accordance with the ideas of those in power about what they should be and what they need for happiness, turned out to be a real tragedy for many.

In the United State, everything is calibrated: transparent houses, oil food that solved the problem of hunger, uniforms, a rigidly regulated daily routine. It seems that inaccuracies, accidents, omissions have no place here. All the little things are taken into account, all people are equal, because they are equally not free. Yes, yes, in this State, freedom is equated with a crime, and the presence of a soul (that is, one’s own thoughts, feelings, desires) is equated with a disease. And they are strenuously fighting with both, explaining this by the desire to ensure universal happiness. It is not in vain that the Benefactor of the United State asks: “What have people, from the very cradle, prayed for, dreamed about, tormented about? About someone telling them once and for all what happiness is - and then chaining them to this happiness on a chain. Violence against a person is masked under the guise of caring for people.

However, objective life experience and examples of history, with which the turbulent 20th century was especially rich, showed that states built according to such principles are doomed to destruction, because freedom is necessary for any development: thought, choice, action. Where, instead of freedom, there are only restrictions, where the independence of individuals is oppressed in the desire to ensure universal happiness, nothing new can arise, and stopping the movement here means death.

There is another topic raised by Zamyatin at the beginning of the 20th century, which is especially consonant with our current environmental problems. The state in the novel "We" brings the death of the harmony of life, isolating a person from nature. The image of the Green Wall, which tightly separated the "machine, perfect world - from the unreasonable world of trees, birds, animals," is one of the most depressing and sinister in the work.

Thus, the writer prophetically managed to warn us about the problems and dangers that threaten humanity with its mistakes and delusions. Today, the world of people is already experienced enough to be able to independently assess the consequences of their actions, but we see that in reality a person often does not want to think about the future, deriving the maximum benefit from the present. And sometimes I get scared from our carelessness and short-sightedness, leading to disaster.

"We" E. I. Zamyatina novel. For many millennia, a naive belief has been living in the hearts of people that it is possible to build or find a world in which everyone will be equally happy. Reality, on the other hand, has always been not so perfect that there were no dissatisfied with life, and the desire for harmony and perfection gave rise to the genre of utopia in literature.

Observing the difficult formation of the young Land of Soviets, foreseeing the cruel consequences of her many mistakes, perhaps inevitable when creating everything new, E. Zamyatin created his dystopian novel “We”, in which back in 1919 he wanted to warn people about the dangers that threaten humanity under the assumption of hypertrophied power of machines and the state to the detriment of a free individual. Why dystopia? Because the world created in the novel is harmonious only in form, in fact, we are presented with a perfect picture of legalized slavery, when slaves are also charged with the obligation to be proud of their position.

E. Zamyatina's novel "We" is a formidable warning to all who dream of a mechanical remake of the world, a far-sighted prediction of future cataclysms in a society striving for unanimity, suppressing personality and individual differences between people.

In the guise of the One State, which appears before us on the pages of the novel, it is easy to recognize two future great empires that made an attempt to create an ideal state - the USSR and the Third Reich. The desire to forcibly reshape citizens, their consciousness, moral and moral values, an attempt to change people in accordance with the ideas of those in power about what they should be and what they need for happiness, turned out to be a real tragedy for many.

In the United State, everything is calibrated: transparent houses, oil food that solved the problem of hunger, uniforms, a rigidly regulated daily routine. It seems that inaccuracies, accidents, omissions have no place here. All the little things are taken into account, all people are equal, because they are equally not free. Yes, yes, in this State, freedom is equated with a crime, and the presence of a soul (that is, one's own thoughts, feelings, desires) is equated with a disease. And they are strenuously fighting with both, explaining this by the desire to ensure universal happiness. It is not for nothing that the Benefactor of the United State asks: “What did people - from the very cradle - pray, dream, suffer about? About someone telling them once and for all what happiness is - and then chaining them to this happiness on a chain. Violence against a person is masked under the guise of caring for people.

However, objective life experience and examples of history, with which the turbulent 20th century was especially rich, showed that states built according to such principles are doomed to destruction, because freedom is necessary for any development: thought, choice, action. Where, instead of freedom, there are only restrictions, where the independence of individuals is oppressed in an effort to ensure universal happiness, nothing new can arise there, and stopping the movement here means death.

There is another topic raised by Zamyatin at the beginning of the 20th century, which is especially consonant with our current environmental problems. The state in the novel "We" brings the death of the harmony of life, isolating a person from nature. The image of the Green Wall, which tightly separated the "machine, perfect world - from the unreasonable ...

the world of trees, birds, animals, ”is one of the most depressing and sinister in the work.

Thus, the writer prophetically managed to warn us about the problems and dangers that threaten humanity with its mistakes and delusions. Today, the world of people is already experienced enough to be able to independently assess the consequences of their actions, but we see that in reality a person often does not want to think about the future, deriving the maximum benefit from the present. And sometimes I get scared from our carelessness and short-sightedness, leading to disaster.

Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" was written in the last years of the Civil War, when it was already clear that power would remain in the hands of the Bolsheviks. At that time, society was worried about the question of what future awaits Russia, and many writers and public figures tried to give their answer to it.

Among them was Yevgeny Zamyatin, who presented his own view of the problem in his dystopian novel We. He expressed doubts about the possibility of building an ideal society by interfering with the natural course of life and subordinating it to any theory. Zamyatin showed the reader the society of the future, which was the result of such actions, where a person is only a cog in the soulless machine of the United State, deprived of freedom, soul, and even a name; where theories are proclaimed that “non-freedom” is true “happiness”, a natural state for a person who has lost his “I” and is an insignificant and insignificant part of the all-encompassing impersonal “we”. The whole life of the citizens of the United State is strictly regulated and open to the public, which was done to ensure the effectiveness of state security. So, before us is a totalitarian state, unfortunately not far from real examples that have taken place in world practice. The fact is that Zamyatin was not mistaken in his predictions: something similar was actually built in the Soviet Union, which was characterized by the primacy of the state over the individual, forced collectivism and the suppression of the legal activities of the opposition. Another example is fascist Germany, in which the voluntary conscious activity of a person was reduced to the satisfaction of animal instincts.

Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" was a warning to his contemporaries and their descendants, a warning of the impending danger of state intervention in all spheres of civil society, which can be ensured through strict regulation of "mathematical perfect life", universal informing and perfect technology.

The protagonist of the novel, D-503, on whose behalf the story is being told, considers the life of the society of the United State to be completely normal, and himself to be an absolutely happy person. He is working on the construction of a giant spaceship "Integral", designed to subordinate the "beneficial yoke of the mind" to the inhabitants of neighboring planets, who are in a "wild state of freedom." But there were people who were dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs and who wanted to fight against the order established in the One State. They create a plot to take over the spaceship, for which they decide to use the capabilities of the D-503. At this time, the protagonist meets a woman, for whom he soon begins to experience an unusual, extraordinary feeling that he did not know before. His distant ancestors would call this feeling love. His love is a woman "number. I-330 is not just a “number”, ordinary human feelings, naturalness and individuality are preserved in it. For D-503, this is so new, unexpected and unfamiliar that he does not know how to proceed further in this situation. Together with his beloved woman, he visits the Ancient House, sees wildlife beyond the Wall. All this leads to the fact that D-503 falls ill with the most dangerous disease in the United State - he has a soul. As a result, the conspiracy is suppressed, I-330 dies in the Bell, and the protagonist, after the operation to remove the fantasy, gets back the lost peace and "happiness".

In his novel, Evgeny Zamyatin raises a number of the most important problems for humanity. The most important of them is the content of happiness and ways to achieve it. The author believes that artificially built happiness is imperfect and is only an illusion. From my point of view, the most important characteristic of human happiness is the correspondence of desires and possibilities to the real conditions of life. If we proceed from this, then artificial happiness is theoretically possible, but it will not be universal, since the interests of people are different, and the deeper the intervention in the fantasy of the life of society from the outside is carried out, the wider the gap between satisfied and dissatisfied with the existing situation will be, which usually leads to social explosion. Thus, society must be self-organizing, while building universal happiness in an unnatural way is not only impossible, but even destructive.

Another major problem addressed in the novel is the relationship between power and religion. For the citizens of the United State, their ruler - the Benefactor - is also a god. This is typical for many totalitarian states. Theocracy was present in a modified form both in the Soviet Union and in fascist Germany: religion was replaced by official ideology and dogma. The fusion of power and religion is a condition for the stability of the state, but it excludes any possibility of freedom in society.

Thus, Evgeny Zamyatin in his novel showed the future of the totalitarian state, which began its development in Russia in the twenties, as he saw it through the prism of his thoughts about the problems that worried humanity for millennia, which makes this work relevant to this day. . Unfortunately, further events that took place in Russia and in the world showed that the writer's fears were true: the Soviet people survived both Stalinist repressions, the Cold War era, and stagnation ... It remains to be hoped that the cruel lesson of the past will be perceived correctly and the situation , described by E. Zamyatin in the novel "We", will have no analogues in the future.


E. I. Zamyatin wrote his dystopian novel “We” in 1920. In the center of the work is a description of the state that has achieved the utopian idea of ​​communism and socialism. All the inhabitants of this society have only "numbers" instead of names.

The protagonist of the novel is D-503. It is on his behalf that the story is told about the life of the society of the distant future. D-503 writes a diary, thanks to his notes the reader can imagine how he lives, thinks, feels an ordinary representative of the society of the future.

It turns out that in the new society everything is brought to automatism. People don't look like people anymore. They are more like machines acting strictly on command. At the basis of all their behavior are the instructions of the great Tablet. They wake up, fall asleep, eat, drink, walk only on command at strictly defined hours. The intimate life of the residents occurs only according to the schedule and only with the person who is recorded specifically for him. Only during an hour of intimate contact are these people allowed to lower the curtains in their see-through glass houses.

The state tries to completely control the life of its citizens. They must think right, feel right. Naturally, it is easy to assume that any free-thinking is simply unacceptable here.

But Zamyatin's "numbers" are still living people, born by a father and mother and only brought up by the state. When dealing with living people, the United State cannot rely only on slavish obedience. The happiness of "numbers" is ugly, but the feeling of happiness must be true. Consequently, the task of the totalitarian system is not to completely destroy the personality, but to limit it from all sides: movements - by the Green Wall, lifestyle - by the Tablet, intellectual search - by the Unified State Science, which never makes mistakes.

From the very beginning of the novel, we are not talking about people, but about “numbers” - this is extremely immoral and cruel. But there is an explanation for this in the United State: “There is nothing happier than numbers living according to the harmonious eternal laws of the multiplication table. Neither hesitation nor delusions". Everything bright and good is denied, including love. From the point of view of the United State, love is a disease.

I believe that the whole novel is one big warning to the zealous builders of communism. And not only communism. After all, any utopian idea is utopian because it is not capable of existing in reality. It is impossible to make everyone equal and happy. To do this, you need to kill everything human in people, destroy the soul. It turned out that Zamyatin's novel was also a very true prediction. Although the work was written in 1920, the author foresaw the terrible times of Stalin in Russia and Hitler in Germany. These rulers "built happiness" at the cost of human lives and freedom.

So in the work, the inhabitants of the city are building the Integral. It is a symbol of absolute happiness for everyone. This happiness consisted in "unbending a wild curve, straightening it along a tangent - an asymptote - along a straight line. Because the line of the United State is a straight line. The great, divine, precise, wise straight line is the wisest of lines ... ".

It becomes scary from the attitude “everyone should be happy”. And the "unhappy" will be forced: "If they do not understand that we are bringing them mathematically infallible happiness, our duty is to force them to be happy."

As the hero later found out, the system "won't let anyone out of its clutches." Dissenters will be punished, severely punished. They are either destroyed or subjected to the "Great Operation". The main character, who rebelled, did not want to hush up the truth and continue to obey the system, is placed on the operating table and "pulled out of his head some kind of splinter."

Zamyatin wanted to warn his contemporaries and descendants what life under the yoke of totalitarianism could lead to. The work was written in the first post-revolutionary years. But, unwittingly, Zamyatin turned out to be a visionary. Therefore, the novel "We" was originally written as a warning, but it also became visionary.

Other writings on this work

"without action there is no life..." VG Belinsky. (According to one of the works of Russian literature. - E.I. Zamyatin. "We".) “The great happiness of freedom should not be overshadowed by crimes against the individual, otherwise we will kill freedom with our own hands ...” (M. Gorky). (Based on one or more works of Russian literature of the 20th century.) "We" and they (E. Zamyatin) "Is happiness possible without freedom?" (based on the novel by E. I. Zamyatin "We") “We” is a dystopian novel by E. I. Zamyatin. "Society of the Future" and the Present in E. Zamyatin's Novel "We" Dystopia for anti-humanity (Based on the novel by E. I. Zamyatin "We") The future of humanity The protagonist of the dystopian novel by E. Zamyatin "We". The dramatic fate of the individual in a totalitarian social order (based on the novel "We" by E. Zamyatin) E.I. Zamyatin. "We". The ideological meaning of the novel by E. Zamyatin "We" The ideological meaning of Zamyatin's novel "We" Personality and totalitarianism (based on the novel by E. Zamyatin "We") Moral problems of modern prose. According to one of the works of your choice (E.I. Zamyatin "We"). Society of the future in the novel by E. I. Zamyatin "We" Why is E. Zamyatin's novel called "We"? Predictions in the works "Pit" by Platonov and "We" by Zamyatin Predictions and warnings of the works of Zamyatin and Platonov ("We" and "The Pit"). The problems of the novel by E. Zamyatin "We" The problems of the novel by E. I. Zamyatin "We" Roman "We" E. Zamyatina's novel "We" as a dystopian novel A dystopian novel by E. Zamyatin "We" The meaning of the title of the novel by E. I. Zamyatin "We" Social forecast in E. Zamyatin's novel "We" E. Zamyatin's social forecast and the reality of the 20th century (based on the novel "We") Composition based on the novel by E. Zamyatin "We" Happiness of the "number" and the happiness of a person (based on the novel "We" by E. Zamyatin) The theme of Stalinism in literature (based on the novels by Rybakov "Children of the Arbat" and Zamyatin "We") What brings together Zamyatin's novel "We" and Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel "The History of a City"? I-330 - characteristics of a literary hero D-503 (Second Option) - characterization of a literary hero O-90 - characterization of a literary hero The main motive of Zamyatin's novel "We" The central conflict, problems and the system of images in the novel "We" by E. I. Zamyatin "Personality and the State" in Zamyatin's work "We". A dystopian novel in Russian literature (based on the works of E. Zamyatin and A. Platonov) Unification, leveling, regulation in the novel "We" Happiness of "numbers" and happiness of a person (essay-miniature based on the novel "We" by E. Zamyatin) The diversity of the world and the artificial "formula of happiness" in the novel "We" Life in paradise? (the ideological subtext of the dystopian novel by E. Zamyatin "We") Reflections on the dystopia of Zamyatin Literary work by Evgeny Zamyatin "We" Dramatic fate of the individual in a totalitarian social order (based on the novel "We" by E. Zamyatin)

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