Rosneft looks forward to "big oil" in the Arctic. Khatanga will become a new oil production center


The President of Russia today ordered the start of drilling of the first well on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic, which, of course, will become a new historical stage in the development of hydrocarbon fields in the Russian Federation. In the global oil industry, great hopes are pinned on the Russian Arctic.

Oil pioneers

The scale of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation corresponds to the scale of the largest country in the world. The area of ​​the Arctic shelf within the boundaries established by international agreements is 4.1 million square kilometers. For comparison, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe countries included in is 4.3 million square kilometers. After the UK leaves the EU, its area will become less than the area of ​​the Arctic shelf of Russia.

The Arctic region of Russia is divided into two parts according to the degree of development: western and eastern. They are comparable in area, but the Eastern Arctic is still larger. The border between them is the Yenisei and its continuation in the Arctic Ocean.

The western Arctic region of Russia is much better developed than the eastern one. If cities such as Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Salekhard and others are located along the coast of the Western Arctic, then in the Eastern Arctic there is only Norilsk. To the east from Taimyr to Chukotka itself, on the territory of more than 3 million square kilometers, including islands and the shelf, about 2 thousand people live. The Eastern Arctic is undeveloped and deserted, like Antarctica. Here is the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth - Oymyakon, and the development of this part of the planet is comparable in complexity to the development of the Moon or Mars. Do you lack adrenaline and need borderline romance? Then you are in the Eastern Arctic! I am convinced that the Arctic project can become Russia's national idea, just as the development of the West Indies once became such an idea for Great Britain, and the expansion of pioneers to the west for the United States.

The land of the Eastern Arctic is gradually being developed. They mine diamonds, gradually restore and build support bases for the Northern Sea Route (NSR). In the coming years, it is the NSR that will be the backbone of the economy of the Eastern Arctic. But ships need fuel, and ship bunkering is the most profitable business in the oil industry. Only after the provision of the NSR and new cities - the bases for industrial production and servicing of the NSR - will it be possible to export oil and gas from the region.

For the development of the Arctic, Russia needs a scientific, technological and industrial base. This base is being created "on the basis of the Zvezda shipyards near Vladivostok and Roslyakovo near Murmansk. However, the research and production base is only a means, and the goal of Rosneft is the development of the oil and gas business.

Shelf development leader

Of the 4.1 million square kilometers of the Russian Arctic shelf, only 2 million square kilometers are now considered promising in terms of oil and gas production. Licenses for prospecting, exploration and development of oil and gas fields have been issued for this entire territory. Licenses for 78 percent of this territory belong to Rosneft.

In 2014-2016, Rosneft studied 0.8 million square kilometers of the Arctic shelf using seismic surveys. On the shelf of the Kara Sea, in the Western Arctic, a new oil and gas condensate field Pobeda was discovered. It's time for the Eastern Arctic.

The first "test site" in the Eastern Arctic was the Laptev Sea. At the beginning of Rosneft's seismic exploration, 28 promising structures in terms of oil and gas were identified here. Now their number has increased to 114.

Khatanga landfill

To drill the first well on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic, the Khatanga license block was chosen, which overlaps the water area of ​​the Khatanga Bay in the Laptev Sea. The site area is 18,709 square kilometers, the sea depth is up to 32 meters. This is an ideal "paddling pool" for testing new technologies and equipment designed for the exploration and development of oil and gas fields on the Arctic shelf.

The industrial oil and gas potential of the Khatanga Bay region has long been proven. However, no one has yet conducted any exploration work for oil and gas on the shelf of the Khatanga Bay.

The license for the Khatanga block was obtained by Rosneft at the end of 2015. At the beginning of 2016, on the coast of the Khatanga Bay, on the Khara-Tumus peninsula, a year-round scientific base of Rosneft was created. In less than a year and a half, Rosneft conducted exploration of the Khatanga area and selected the Tsentralno-Olginskaya prospective structure for drilling the first exploratory well.

No one lives in the Khatanga Bay area and there is no infrastructure. Therefore, during the navigation period of 2016, which lasted a little more than two months, over eight thousand tons of cargo was delivered to the drilling site. I had to import absolutely everything that is required for life and work in the harsh conditions of the Eastern Arctic: a modular residential complex, a drilling rig, fuel, consumables, and much more. All this was brought from Arkhangelsk, 3,600 kilometers away.

The Tsentralno-Olginskaya structure is located on the shelf of the Khatanga Bay, but the Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1 well will be laid on land, on the coast of the Khara-Tumus peninsula. The design depth of the well is up to 5,000 meters, followed by a horizontal lateral tie-in, which will pass under the waters of the Laptev Sea and open the Triassic deposits of the Central Olginskaya structure, which may contain oil. This technology is used by Rosneft, the world leader in its application, to develop part of Sakhalin's offshore fields.

The development of the Khatanga block on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic began earlier with the technically simpler development of the pre-shelf East Taimyr block, a license for which was received at the end of 2015 by a private company. However, there is nothing surprising in this: after all, Lukoil, as you know, is not set up to implement strategic national projects, preferring to invest in production assets abroad, and it develops Russian fields only formally, putting them on its balance sheet and thus increasing capitalization.

In the face of falling oil prices, all the world's largest oil companies curtailed offshore operations. During this difficult period, Rosneft maintained and expanded its investment program on the Arctic shelf, which confirmed Russia as a world leader in the development of the Arctic region.

Russia's strategic task for the coming years is to complete the development of the Northern Sea Route. It is necessary to provide the bases of the Northern Sea Route and passing vessels with fuel and energy. Then the stage of development of the Arctic fields for the export of oil, gas and oil products will begin.

Drilling the first well on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic is an important step in the development of a huge and yet untouched region of Russia. Perhaps this will be a step towards understanding the development of the Arctic as a national idea of ​​Russia. After all, it has already happened: let us remember the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route and its leaders and Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin.

One of the main strategic directions of Rosneft's development is the development of hydrocarbon resources of the continental shelf. Today, when the main large oil and gas fields on land are practically discovered and developed, when technology is being developed and shale oil is being extracted at a rapid pace, the fact that the future of world oil production is located on the continental shelf of the World Ocean is indisputable. The Russian shelf has the largest area in the world - over 6 million km, and Rosneft is the largest holder of licenses for areas of the continental shelf and, annually increasing volumes, actively carries out a full range of exploration work in the waters of the Arctic, Far Eastern and southern seas of the Russian Federation.

Today, the Company is the largest subsoil user on the Russian shelf: as of January 01, 2018, PJSC NK Rosneft owns 55 licenses for areas in the waters of the Arctic, Far Eastern and southern seas of Russia. As of July 1, 2018, hydrocarbon resources in these areas are estimated at 41.7 billion tons of oil equivalent. The Company also implements a project in the Black Sea off the coast of the Republic of Abkhazia, explores and produces hydrocarbons offshore in Vietnam and Egypt, and participates in offshore projects in Norway, Mozambique and Venezuela.

The main regions of the location of the license areas of PJSC NK Rosneft in the Russian Federation:

As of 01/01/2018, the Company is carrying out geological exploration of the subsoil at 45 licensed areas located on the shelf of the Russian Federation and inland seas of Russia. 10 licenses were issued for the exploration and production of oil and gas, including 7 sites for hydrocarbon production. Licensing obligations are fulfilled in full.

Rosneft's main oil and gas production projects on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation today are " Sakhalin-1 », And Odoptu-sea "Northern dome» and Lebedinsky field.

Outstanding achievements in the implementation of offshore oil and gas projects in 2014-2017 were:

  • commissioning of the Berkut platform, which made it possible to start developing the Arkutun-Dagi field as part of the Sakhalin-1 project;
  • start of production at the northern tip of the Chayvo field by drilling from the shore with the Yastreb drilling rig five horizontal directional wells with a borehole length of 10-11 thousand meters;
  • drilling the longest wells in the world at the Chayvo field of the Sakhalin-1 project.

At the end of 2017, oil and gas production at the Company's offshore fields exceeded 8 mmtoe.

The strategic direction for the development of Rosneft's offshore projects is the development of the continental shelf of the Arctic seas. In terms of their total oil and gas potential, the sedimentary basins of the Russian Arctic shelf are comparable to the largest oil and gas bearing regions of the world. According to experts, by 2050 the Arctic shelf will provide from 20 to 30 percent of all Russian oil production.

The history of strategic international partnership on the shelf began in 1995 with the development of offshore areas of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - the Sakhalin-1 projects in cooperation with ExxonMobil, ONGC and Sodeco, Sakhalin-3 (Veninsky block) - in cooperation with Sinopec and Zapadno -Kamchatsky section - in cooperation with KNOC. As a result of an extensive program of geological exploration, the North-Veninskoye gas condensate field, the Kaigansko-Vasyukanskoye oil and gas condensate field and the Novo-Veninskoye field were discovered.

The second stage of international cooperation on the shelf of the Russian Federation began in 2011, when the Russian company signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with ExxonMobil for licensed areas on the shelf of the Kara and Black Seas.

In February 2013, Rosneft and ExxonMobil expanded their strategic cooperation by additionally including seven licensed blocks in the Arctic with a total area of ​​about 600,000 sq. m. km in the Chukchi Sea, the Laptev Sea and the Kara Sea, and in June the companies announced the completion of several stages of work, including the creation of joint ventures for the implementation of projects in the Kara and Black Seas, the coordination of the framework for the implementation of joint ventures under seven additional licenses in the Russian Arctic zone .

In addition, Rosneft and Statoil entered into an agreement providing for the development of licensed areas on the Russian shelf in the Barents and Okhotsk Seas. Also PJSC NK Rosneft and Eni S.p.A. signed an agreement on cooperation on projects on the shelf of the Barents and Black Seas.

In order to strengthen its positions and confirm the status of a strategic operator of offshore projects in the Arctic, in December 2012 Rosneft initiated the signing of a quadripartite Declaration with key partners (ExxonMobil, Eni, Statoil). The Declaration consolidates existing obligations under international agreements, conventions, declarations, and also unifies the established practice of companies in the field of environmental protection and biodiversity conservation.

Rosneft gave a practical start to large-scale work on the development of the Arctic and Far Eastern shelf in August 2012, when the Company's specialists began field work in the Kara, Pechora and Okhotsk seas. Starting from 2012, the Company has been increasing the volume of exploration work every year. In the field season of 2017, Rosneft performed an unprecedented amount of 2D seismic survey ahead of the terms of its license obligations. A total of 46,348 linear meters were carried out at 11 licensed areas. km of 2D seismic surveys (taking into account the rollover volumes of 2016 for the East Siberian-1 block), including 36,598 linear meters. km in 10 areas of the Arctic shelf and 9,750 linear meters. km on the shelf of the Far East.

In order to clarify the geological structure of prospective structures and plan exploratory drilling on selected structures in eight licensed areas of the Arctic and Far Eastern shelf in 2017, 5,822 sq. km of 3D seismic surveys, including on the Arctic shelf - 3,671 sq. km. km and on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan - 2,151 sq. km. The company has drilled 8 exploration wells in the Okhotsk, Caspian, Azov and Kara Seas. As a result of the geological exploration work carried out, about 1 million square meters were covered by research. km of the Arctic shelf, which makes up a quarter of the promising water areas, the structure of more than 130 local promising structures was clarified, including more than 10 new objects identified and 11 structures prepared for exploration drilling.

One of the main events of 2017-2018. was the discovery of a deposit in the Khatanga area in the waters of the Laptev Sea. On April 3, 2017, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin launched the drilling of the Central-Olginskaya-1 well. The significance of the Rosneft project was emphasized by the President of Russia during a teleconference at the start of drilling: “In fact, work is beginning on an entire oil and gas province, which, even according to preliminary data, contains millions of tons of equivalent fuel. This is a complex, high-tech operation, the so-called horizontal drilling. This is only the first well. Huge work ahead. And I want to wish you good luck and express hope for the success of this undertaking,” the President said.

In the process of drilling the Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1 well from the coast of the Khara-Tumus Peninsula on the shelf of the Laptev Sea (Khatanga Bay), a core was taken from the first drilling object of the Lower Permian age, which showed signs of oil saturation with a predominance of light oily fractions. Later, based on the results of the review, the discovery of a field in the Khatanga block in the waters of the Laptev Sea with recoverable reserves (C1 + C2 categories) of more than 80 million tons of oil was confirmed.

The most important principle for the implementation of Rosneft's offshore projects is unconditional adherence to the requirements of Russian environmental legislation and international agreements at all stages of work, in compliance with all environmental and industrial safety standards. During the period of marine operations, constant monitoring of marine animals was carried out.

Identification and prevention of environmental risks are an obligatory part of any project of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC in the field of exploration and production. The Company has developed environmental safety standards, the fundamental direction of which is the use of technologies that reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Since 2012, the Company has been studying hydrometeorological, ice, engineering-geological and environmental conditions at licensed areas in the Arctic. In 2017, the Company, with the participation of specialists from LLC Arctic Science Center (ARC), organized comprehensive research expeditions, during which studies were carried out in the seas of the Arctic (Kara, Laptev, Chukchi).

Particular attention in the programs of expeditionary research was given to a comprehensive study of the ice situation, including the physical and mechanical properties of flat ice, hummocks, icebergs and producing glaciers. In addition, during the expeditions, ship-based meteorological observations, research on polar bears, as well as monitoring of marine mammals and birds were carried out. Leading Russian scientific organizations took part in the research.

During the 18th Arctic research expedition, "Kara-summer-2017", for the first time in the Russian Arctic, an iceberg weighing 1.1 million tons was towed in an ice field. Expeditionary work was carried out in the waters of the Barents and Kara Seas. 18 experiments were successfully carried out on the physical impact on icebergs, including the use of towing aids, propellers and a water gun.

The expedition carried out preventive maintenance of hydrometeorological equipment previously installed in the Kara Sea - automatic meteorological and submerged autonomous buoy stations. The specialists also received a five-year series of continuous observations of the parameters of the hydrometeorological regime in the Vostochno-Prinovozemelsky licensed areas, research in the waters of which began in 2012.

In addition, during the expedition, for the first time, the technology of operational remote tracking was applied. For these purposes, a Coastal Operations Center was organized on the basis of the Company's Arctic Research Center, equipped with the necessary computing power. The center received all the information from the icebreaker and the Company's infrastructure facilities previously installed in the Barents and Kara Seas in real time.

The complex of activities carried out during the expedition allowed Rosneft specialists to gain unique experience and competencies necessary to ensure the safety of geological exploration work on the shelf of the Arctic seas.

Since the summer season of 2016, year-round monitoring of natural and climatic conditions in the waters of the Khatanga Bay continues, the purpose of which is to collect primary data and develop a methodology for recalculating the strength properties of sea ice in various periods of its formation.

The Company pays special attention to the preservation of the environment and the ecological diversity of the Arctic region.

Works on office processing of data on polar bears on the territory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserve" Wrangel Island "as part of a study of the Chukchi-Alaska population of the polar bear were completed (the results of the work of camera traps installed as part of field work were summed up, mapping of lairs was carried out based on the results of the analysis of stock data of the reserve).

The development of a methodology for observing marine mammals during exploration on the shelf of the Arctic seas has been completed, taking into account the specifics of the water area. The developed methodology includes standard reporting forms and guidelines for observers on organizing observations of marine fauna, reporting, recording hydrometeorological conditions and ways to minimize the negative impact during the performance of work.

Work has been completed on the development of a methodology for mapping benthic communities using classical hydrobiological and remote geophysical methods. The developed methodology was tested in the course of environmental studies at the Severo-Karsky license area. The developed methodology makes it possible to obtain a qualitatively more detailed level of information in a shorter period of time and, accordingly, to reduce the economic costs for the implementation of the necessary set of environmental measures.

For the successful implementation of projects on the Arctic shelf, Rosneft has assessed the need for vessels to support and support drilling operations in the Company's licensed areas. The main types of vessels and offshore structures required for the implementation of the Company's offshore projects have been determined. Functional requirements have been developed for each type. Thanks to the launch of projects in the Arctic, Rosneft is forming an anchor order for the domestic industry and is interested in localizing new technologies and modern production facilities. Most of the orders for the construction of drilling platforms, pipes and other equipment are planned to be placed at Russian enterprises.

In the spring of 2014, PJSC NK Rosneft published equipment list and equipment that are required at various stages of the development of offshore oil and gas fields. Thus, the company has already announced to Russian manufacturers orders for more than 20 types of ships and aircraft, a request for Russian oilfield and drilling equipment - about 30 more items. Only in the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, as well as in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, more than 100 enterprises will be involved in fulfilling the orders of PJSC NK Rosneft. “As part of the implementation of offshore projects, it is planned to ensure the localization of up to 70% of the equipment. Thus, the development of the shelf will form from 300 to 400 thousand highly qualified jobs in various sectors of the Russian economy. This will contribute to the development of innovations and the development of high-tech products,” said Igor Sechin, Head of Rosneft Oil Company, at the International Investment Forum in Sochi.

In order to develop the Arctic shelf, Rosneft is actively working to create a unique production base for marine equipment. One of the areas of work to solve this problem will be the creation of an industrial and shipbuilding cluster in the Far East of Russia on the basis of the Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair OJSC, the core of which will be a new shipyard - the Zvezda shipbuilding complex in the city of Bolshoy Kamen.

The Zvezda shipbuilding complex was created on the basis of the Zvezda Far East Shipyard by the Consortium of JSC Rosneftegaz, PJSC NK Rosneft and JSC Gazprombank. The project of the complex involves the construction of a heavy outfitting slipway, a dry dock and full-cycle production workshops. The Zvezda shipbuilding complex will produce large-capacity vessels, elements of offshore platforms, ice-class vessels, special vessels and other types of marine equipment.

In September 2017, the keel-laying ceremony for four reinforced ice-class multifunctional supply vessels took place at SSK Zvezda LLC. The ships will be put into operation in 2019-2020. and will provide offshore drilling operations in the company's Arctic license areas. The vessel operator will be Rosnefteflot LLC.

In October 2017, Rosnefteflot JSC, a subsidiary of Rosneft Oil Company, signed contracts with SSK Zvezda LLC for the construction of ten Arctic shuttle tankers with a deadweight of 42,000 tons each. Tankers of reinforced ice class ARC7 are designed to operate in ice up to 1.8 m thick at ambient temperatures down to minus 45 degrees. The implementation of the project will contribute to the development of the shipbuilding and industrial cluster and the localization of the production of ship equipment in the Russian Far East, ensuring the possibility of designing Arctic shuttle tankers in the Russian Federation, and forming an optimal order portfolio for loading the Zvezda shipbuilding complex.

Within the framework of the XXI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, with the support of PJSC NK Rosneft, the Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex signed a memorandum of understanding with the French engineering company Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT) on the design and construction of cargo systems for LNG (liquefied natural gas) carrier ships ).

The document provides for the development of technologies unique for the Russian Federation for the construction of gas carriers. The construction of gas carriers is one of the priority areas of the production program of the Zvezda shipyard.

Within the framework of cooperation, the parties also intend to evaluate the possibilities of building LNG storage systems at the shipyard that meet GTT standards and choose the most appropriate technology for creating such systems.

In addition, the memorandum provides for the training of personnel responsible for the implementation of this project, as well as the supply of necessary materials.

Gas carrier ships may be in demand in the implementation of a number of projects for the development of offshore fields, as well as for the transportation of natural gas produced in the Russian Federation.

On March 24, 2014, Rosneft and Siemens AG entered into a Cooperation Agreement, which includes, among other things, an assessment of the potential for joint activities in the field of innovative solutions for shipbuilding. In 2017, at the XXI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, an agreement was signed extending the terms of the previous agreements until 2020. We are talking about the possibility of implementing the concept of a "digital" shipyard, as well as projects to create underwater power systems and floating complexes for oil production, storage and offloading (FPSO).

Western Arctic

general information

On the continental shelf of the seas of the Western Arctic, Rosneft owns licenses for 19 license areas. This:

  • 7 sites in the Barents Sea - Fedynsky, Central Barents, Perseevsky, Albanovsky, Varneksky, Zapadno-Prinovozemelsky and Gusinozemelsky;
  • 8 sites in the Pechora Sea - Russian, South Russian, South Prinovozemelsky, West Matveevsky, North Pomorsky-1, 2, Pomorsky and Medynsko-Varandeysky;
  • 4 sites in the Kara Sea - Vostochno-Prinovozemelsky-1, 2, 3 and Severo-Kara.

in the seas of the Western Arctic And

The total recoverable oil and gas resources of the sites, according to the results of the audit performed by DeGolyer and McNaughton as of December 31, 2017, are estimated at 16.3 billion toe.

Five fields have been discovered on the territory of the sites (Pobeda in the Kara Sea, Severo-Gulyaevskoye, Medynskoye-Sea, Varandey-Sea and Pomorskoye in the Pechora Sea). Total recoverable reserves of С1+С2 categories of the indicated fields in the share of PJSC NK Rosneft
on 01.01. 2018 are:

  • oil + condensate - 203.3 million tons
  • gas - 359.5 billion m3

In 2017, the Company completed about 8.5 thousand linear meters. km of 2D seismic exploration, and more than 3.6 thousand sq. km. 3D seismic, conducted engineering and geological surveys at 3 sites for drilling prospecting and exploration wells, organized an engineering and geophysical expedition in the Pechora Sea. In order to monitor the ecological state, the mouths of previously drilled wells were surveyed in the waters of the Pechora, Barents, and Kara Seas.

In 2014, in the license area Vostochno-Prinovozemelsky-1 at 74° north latitude, within the shortest possible time of the short summer field season, the northernmost Arctic well Universitetskaya-1 was drilled in the waters of the Kara Sea, which confirmed the presence of hydrocarbon deposits in a promising oil and gas region. Based on the results of drilling the Universitetskaya-1 well, the Pobeda oil and gas field was discovered.

In the license areas of the shelf of the Western Arctic seas, PJSC OC Rosneft fulfills its license obligations ahead of the established deadlines and significantly exceeds the scope of work under licenses.

Eastern Arctic

general information

On the continental shelf of the seas of the Eastern Arctic, PJSC NK Rosneft owns licenses for 9 areas, which were obtained in 2013-2015. This:

  • 5 sites in the Laptev Sea - Ust-Oleneksky, Ust-Lensky, Anisinsko-Novosibirsky, Khatanga and Pritaymyrsky;
  • 1 site in the East Siberian Sea - East Siberian-1;
  • 3 sites in the Chukchi Sea - Severo-Vrangelevsky-1,2 and South Chukchi.

As of December 31, 2017, the recoverable hydrocarbon resources in the Eastern Arctic sea shelf areas, according to the results of the audit performed by DeGolyer and McNaughton, amount to more than 13.7 billion toe, excluding the resources of the East Siberian-1 and Khatanga, estimated by PJSC NK Rosneft in the amount of 4.6 billion toe.

In 2017, the Company completed more than 28.1 thousand linear meters. km of 2D seismic surveys (taking into account the carry-over volumes of 2016 for the East Siberian-1 section), organized a geological expedition in East Taimyr.

In December 2015, Rosneft received a license to develop the Khatanga block, located in the Khatanga Bay in the southwestern part of the Laptev Sea in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the shortest possible time, dictated by severe climatic restrictions, the drilling equipment was mobilized and prepared. On April 3, 2017, at the command of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Rosneft started drilling the northernmost prospecting well in the Eastern Arctic shelf, Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1. In the process of drilling the Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1 well from the coast of the Khara-Tumus Peninsula on the shelf of the Laptev Sea (Khatanga Bay), a core was taken from the first drilling object of the Lower Permian age, which showed signs of oil saturation with a predominance of light oily fractions. Later, based on the results of the review, the discovery of a field in the Khatanga block in the waters of the Laptev Sea with recoverable reserves (C1 + C2 categories) of more than 80 million tons of oil was confirmed.

License areas of PJSC NK Rosneft
in the seas of the Eastern Arctic

Russian Far East

general information

On the continental shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan in the Far Eastern Federal District, PJSC NK Rosneft is a participant in the Sakhalin-1 project for the development of the Chayvo, Odoptu-more, and Arkutun-Dagi fields under PSA conditions and, together with its subsidiaries, owns another 17 licenses for plots, namely:

  • 12 sites on the shelf of Sakhalin Island - the Northern Dome of the Odoptu-Sea field, the northern tip of the Chayvo field, the Lebedinskoye oil and gas condensate field, the Kaigansko-Vasyukanskoye Sea field, Deryuginsky, the Astrakhan Sea - Nekrasovsky, the North-Veninskoye gas condensate field, Vostochno-Pribrezhny, Amur-Limansky, East Kaiganskoye field, Central Tatarsky, Bogatinsky;
  • 5 sites on the Magadan shelf - Magadan-1,2,3, Lisyansky, Kashevarovsky.

Recoverable hydrocarbon resources in the offshore areas of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, according to the results of the audit performed by DeGolyer and McNaughton as of December 31, 2017, amount to more than 3.5 billion toe, excluding the resources of the Amur-Limansky, Bogatinsky and Central- Tatarsky, estimated by PJSC NK Rosneft in the amount of 651 mmtoe

Eight fields have been discovered on the territory of the sites (Lebedinskoye, Odoptu more Northern dome, Chayvo, Arkutun-Dagi, Odoptu-more, Kaigansko-Vasyukanskoye, Severo-Veninskoye, Vostochno-Kaganskoye).

106.7 million tons of oil and condensate and 181.1 billion m3 of gas.

Map of license areas of PJSC NK Rosneft
in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Two time periods can be distinguished in the Company's exploration work on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk: the first from 1996 to 2011 and the second from 2012 to 2015. During the first period, exploration work was carried out mainly in offshore areas near Sakhalin Island under the Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-3 (Veninsky block), Sakhalin-4 and Sakhalin-5 projects, Lebedinsky and Zapadno- Kamchatka area in the north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. During this time, more than 24.5 thousand linear meters were completed. km of 2D seismic surveys, more than 14.2 thousand sq. km of 3D seismic surveys, about 0.7 thousand linear meters. km of electrical exploration, 19 exploration wells were drilled and 3 fields were discovered - the Kaigansko-Vasyukanskoye Sea in 2006, Novo-Veninskoye and Severo-Veninskoye in 2009.

During the second period from 2012 to 2017, Rosneft received new licenses for 5 blocks of the continental shelf in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Magadan-1,2,3, Kashevarovsky, Lisyansky) and 3 blocks off Sakhalin Island (Vostochno- Coastal, Amur-Limansky, Deryuginsky). In 2016, a license was obtained for the Central Tatarsky area on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Japan.

During this period, PJSC NK Rosneft significantly increased the volume of seismic surveys in licensed areas. For 6 years, more than 26 thousand linear meters were completed. km of 2D seismic surveys, more than 5.7 thousand sq. km of 3D seismic surveys, more than 1.7 thousand linear meters km of electrical exploration, engineering and geological surveys were carried out at 4 sites of promising areas to determine the drilling points for exploration wells, 5 exploration wells were drilled. The bulk of the exploration work was carried out in the licensed areas of the Magadan shelf ahead of the deadlines set by the license obligations.

Northern tip of the Chayvo field

general information

In 2011, Rosneft received a license for geological survey, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the license area "Northern tip of the Chayvo field", which is located within the shallow part of the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island. The initial reserves of oil and condensate at the field are over 15 million tons; gas - about 13 billion cubic meters.

In May 2014, Rosneft launched a large-scale project to drill the first production well in the licensed area, which includes the northern tip of the Chayvo field, and in September 2014 began putting the site into operation. The field development model implies the use of innovative technologies for drilling horizontal wells and developing the field from the shore. The work is carried out with the help of a unique Yastreb drilling rig.

At the end of 2014, construction was completed and production started from two wells. In 2015, the third production well was drilled and put into operation, drilling of the fourth production well was started. In 2016, with the acceleration of the schedule, the fourth and fifth oil wells with a hole depth of 10,496 m and 11,163 m, respectively, were put into operation.

The wells in the northern tip of the Chayvo field are unique in their ERD complexity. The wells use innovative high-tech completion systems with inflow control devices to limit gas breakthroughs and ensure maximum cumulative production.

The actual oil production for 2017 amounted to 1.4 million tons. The total volume of gas supplied to consumers in 2017 amounted to 200.411 million m3.

In April 2017, Rosneft Oil Company PJSC has produced five million tons of oil at the northern tip of the Chayvo field since the start of field development.

The oil produced at the field belongs to the SOKOL brand and is of excellent quality. The oil has a very low sulfur content - 0.25% and a density of 0.825-0.826 kg per cubic meter (36.8 degrees API). All produced oil is shipped by oil tankers from the De-Kastri terminal in the Khabarovsk Territory to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Associated petroleum gas is sold on the domestic market to consumers in the Far East.

"Lebedinskoye field"

Oil production at the Lebedinskoye field (offshore of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk) has been carried out since 2014. Operator - RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz LLC. Production is carried out by four production wells. The oil produced at the Lebedinsky field is close in quality to Sokol oil.

The actual oil production at the field in 2017 amounted to 332.3 thousand tons; gas - about 25 million m3.

In 2017, the Company carried out work to change the boundaries of the Lebedinsky block in terms of area, as a result of which the resource base of the field was increased. In addition, as part of improving the reliability of production operations, the Lebedinskoye - Odoptu-Sea oil pipeline was put into operation.

"Odoptu-Sea Field (Northern Dome)"

The Odoptu-Sea (Northern Dome) field is the first offshore field in Russia, where oil production began in 1998. The oil and gas production operator at the field is OOO RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz.

Oil production is carried out from horizontal wells from the coast of the island. 40 production wells were drilled with a significant deviation from the vertical (up to 5-8 km). The operating well stock as of 01/01/2018 is 28 oil production and 7 injection wells.

The actual oil production for 2017 amounted to 371 thousand tons; gas - 128 million m3.

South Region

general information

PJSC NK Rosneft owns licenses for 7 blocks in the Russian waters of the Black, Caspian and Azov Seas: the Temryuksko-Akhtarsky block and the Novoye field in the Sea of ​​Azov, the North Caspian block and the Zapadno-Rakushechnoye field in the Caspian Sea, the Tuapse trough, the West Chernomorskaya area and Yuzhno-Chernomorsky area on the Black Sea shelf. In addition, the Company has a license for the Gudauta block in the Abkhaz sector of the Black Sea.

The resource potential of the sites is estimated at 2.7 billion tons (oil + condensate) and 59 billion cubic meters. m (gas).

Recoverable reserves in the share of PJSC NK Rosneft are:

  • oil + condensate - 7.2 million tons
  • gas - 1.7 billion m3

In 2017, the Company completed engineering and geological surveys at 1 site, in order to reduce geological risks due to the presence of elements of oil and gas systems (source rocks, reservoir rocks and seals) in the licensed areas of the Black Sea bottom, a field geological expedition was organized on the adjacent land.

The main investment projects of PJSC NK Rosneft on the shelf of the southern seas of Russia are projects for the development of licensed areas in the Black Sea. These areas have a huge resource potential, however, the search and exploration of oil and gas accumulations in their subsoil areas require significant investments due to the large depths of the seabed (up to 2.2 km) and the need to use special equipment that is resistant to sea water with a high content of hydrogen sulfide.

In the license areas of the Black Sea, Rosneft independently and jointly with partners performed a large amount of exploration work, namely:

  • 6 040 linear km of 2D seismic surveys;
  • 13,780 sq. km of 3D seismic surveys.

As a result of exploration work, several dozen promising structures were identified, and 6 engineering and geological surveys were carried out on the largest of them to select the location of well drilling points.

Map of license areas of PJSC NK Rosneft
in the southern region

At the Temryuksko-Akhtarsky license area in the Sea of ​​Azov, PJSC NK Rosneft, together with Lukoil, has been carrying out exploration work since 2003. From the date of receipt of the license to the present, 2649 linear meters have been completed on the site. km of seismic surveys 2D, 1356 linear meters km of electrical exploration, 3 exploratory wells were drilled in 2007, 2009 and 2015. As a result of the work carried out, the Novoye field was discovered with recoverable reserves of 2.4 million tons of oil and 0.9 billion cubic meters. m of gas. In 2013, a license was obtained to develop the Novoe deposit.

Production at the Novoye field began in September 2016 from the reactivated Novaya-1 well. At the end of 2017, 37.7 thousand tons of oil were produced (19.2 thousand tons of oil in the Company's share). Preparations are underway for drilling a second production well.

In 2007, PJSC NK Rosneft acquired a stake in the project for the development of the licensed area of ​​the North Caspian area. To date, the following types of exploration work have been completed at the site: more than 5 thousand linear meters. km of 2D seismic exploration, over 100 sq. km of seismic exploration 3D and 882 lin. km of electrical exploration. Geotechnical surveys were carried out on promising structures and 3 exploratory wells were drilled (in 2008, 2010, and 2014). As a result of drilling an exploratory well at the Zapadno-Rakushechnaya structure, an oil field of the same name was discovered with recoverable reserves in the C1 + C2 category of 11 million tons of oil and 0.6 billion cubic meters. m of gas. The license to develop the Zapadno-Rakushechnoye field was obtained in 2013.

In March 2018, Rosneft completed drilling of the first ultra-deep-water exploration and appraisal well Maria-1 in the Zapadno-Chernomorskaya area license area on the Black Sea shelf. The sea depth at the drilling point is 2109 meters, the actual depth of the well is 5265 meters. Drilling was carried out using a Scarabeo-9 semi-submersible drilling rig. As a result of the work, a unique carbonate structure with a thickness of more than 300 meters was discovered, which is a fractured reservoir, which contains hydrocarbons with a high probability. The company intends to carry out geological processing of the obtained materials and continue exploration work in the licensed areas.

The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy, told reporters on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum that by the end of 2017 it is planned to announce an auction for two oil and gas blocks in Khatanga - Khara-Tumus and Begichevsky.

“It is planned that the auction will be held on general terms, without any additional rules… We plan to announce it at the end of this year,” the minister said.

Important area for everyone

The press secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Gudkov, said in an interview with NiK that these subsoil plots do not have federal significance, so almost any company can take part in the auction.

“Now Rosneft is operating in the shelf zone of this region, and LUKOIL is operating in the land zone,” Gudkov noted. As for the reserves, according to the press secretary of the ministry, the sites are still classified as resources, exploration is still underway.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the Arctic is very promising in terms of mining, including hydrocarbons. Back in Soviet times, experts predicted a great future for Khatanga, assuming that this particular territory would become the resource base of the Russian North. Khatanga land contains ore occurrences of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, oil, gas, salt, coal. In 2012, the world's largest impact diamond deposit was discovered near Khatanga.

For oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation, this territory is important because active oil exploration is being carried out on the adjacent shelf of the Laptev Sea; already now, scientists believe that they are one step away from discovering a large or super-large deposit. In particular, in the summer of 2017, the chief executive officer of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, informed the President of Russia about the discovery of colossal oil deposits on the Khatanga shelf, which, according to preliminary estimates, could reach 9.5 billion tons. At this meeting, Igor Sechin showed Vladimir Putin a rock sample extracted from a depth of 2.3 thousand meters from the Central Olginskaya-1 well on the Khara-Tumus peninsula.

“This is a unique core for our fields in terms of high saturation with hydrocarbons, as well as in terms of the height of the productive formation,” the head of Rosneft explained.

According to him, the sample indicates that geologists are on the verge of discovering an unusually large deposit. To confirm preliminary estimates, it is necessary to drill a well to a depth of 5,000 meters, Sechin said. He also asked to hold auctions for sites located near the Khatanga region, which is owned by the company.

It is worth noting that Rosneft owns licenses for nine areas on the continental shelf of the Eastern Arctic. In particular, five sites have been identified in the Laptev Sea: Ust-Oleneksky, Ust-Lensky, Anisinsko-Novosibirsky, Khatanga and Pritaymyrsky; one site in the East Siberian Sea: East Siberian-1, three more sites in the Chukchi Sea: Severo-Vrangelevsky-1,2 and South Chukotsky. The company's plans for 2017-2020 include geological exploration at four sites in the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea. Rosneft will carry out 2D and 3D seismic surveys, electrical surveys, geochemical surveys and a number of other auxiliary studies in the offshore areas.

Drilling has started at the northernmost well on the Russian Arctic shelf. And he gave it Russian President Vladimir Putin via teleconference with head of the oil company Rosneft Igor Sechin located on the shores of the Khatanga Bay.

“For the first time in history, drilling will be carried out on the continental shelf of the Eastern Arctic. The resource potential of the Laptev Sea alone, according to experts, is 9.5 billion tons of oil equivalent, the head of Rosneft reported to the President of the country. “According to the results of seismic surveys in the Laptev Sea, four times more promising structures have been identified than previously thought: 114 versus 28.” The company expects that drilling in the Khatanga area will be no less successful than in the Kara Sea in 2014, where the new Kara oil and gas province was discovered, which then became the main event in the global oil and gas industry. “Investments in the extraction of hydrocarbons in the Arctic, the creation of appropriate infrastructure will have a huge multiplier effect both for the development of the Arctic region and the Northern Sea Route as the most important global transport artery,” Igor Sechin noted.

Vladimir Putin emphasized the importance of the development of the Arctic by state-owned companies: “We have a huge amount of undiscovered reserves on the Arctic shelf in the sea. And based on the enormous value and importance of these hydrocarbon reserves, it is the companies with the predominant participation of the state that are allowed to carry out the relevant work. Rosneft, of course, should use these advantages in the best possible way.”

History of the place

The Khatanga license area is located in the Khatanga Bay of the Laptev Sea in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In terms of area, this site occupies 18,709 km, the sea depth here is 32 m.

Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1 is the first well to be drilled under the Laptev Sea. Drilling is carried out from the coast of the Khara-Tumus peninsula. And this, according to experts and representatives of the company, will help to save on the construction of the well. According to the project, its depth should be up to 5000 meters. Drilling offshore wells from land is a modern Russian technology pioneered by Rosneft in Sakhalin. Now the technologies possessed by Rosneft make it possible to drill offshore wells from land with a vertical reach of up to 15 km. According to Igor Sechin, this saves significant funds and minimizes environmental risks, which is especially important in the Arctic. Drilling work is carried out by RN-Burenie's own service division.

It is worth considering the fact that the drilling of the well takes place in difficult climatic conditions: there are abnormally low temperatures, permafrost, there are no roads and other infrastructure. After all, even the nearest settlement from the drilling site - the village of Khatanga - is located 350 km away.

There are no seaports near the peninsula, and the navigation period itself lasts no more than 2 months per year. But during this time, preparations were carried out actively - during the summer navigation in 2016, more than 8,000 tons of cargo were delivered here from the seaport of Arkhangelsk. Including a drilling rig, equipment and various materials necessary for drilling, fuels and lubricants, special equipment and even a modular residential complex.

Before starting work, the company completed the entire necessary set of studies, both geological and geophysical, which took place in the difficult conditions of the Arctic.

In record time, a parametric well was drilled, as well as an airborne gravity magnetic survey in the amount of 20,000 linear km and a 2D seismic survey in the amount of 83 linear km. The results of the work of the company's first year-round scientific base in the Arctic region, which was opened in 2016 in the Khatanga Bay, will also be used to implement the project.

Shelf development

Rosneft now owns 28 licensed areas on the Arctic shelf, the total resources are 34 billion tons of oil equivalent.

Rosneft is actively developing offshore projects. Since 2012, about 100 billion rubles have been invested in the development of the Arctic shelf. And the oil giant does not intend to reduce the pace of its work - the volume of investments in the next 5 years will grow to 250 billion rubles. Until 2021, Rosneft plans to drill 4 prospecting and exploration wells in the Eastern Arctic on the shelf of the Laptev Sea and 8 wells in the most promising structures of the Western Arctic — in the Kara and Barents Seas.

Experts have already assessed the prospects of the Arctic shelf - according to their data, it will provide 20-30% of all Russian oil production by 2050.

According to some estimates, the development of the shelf will form from 300 to 400 thousand highly qualified jobs in various sectors of the Russian economy. This will lead to the development of innovation and the development of high-tech products. The company's activities in the development of the shelf will give a powerful impetus to the development of the entire Russian economy, science, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, electronics, aircraft construction, and infrastructure development.

In order to develop the Arctic shelf, Rosneft is actively working to create a unique production base for marine equipment. One of the areas of work to solve this problem will be the creation of an industrial and shipbuilding cluster in the Far East of Russia on the basis of the Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair OJSC, the core of which will be a new shipyard - the Zvezda shipbuilding complex in the city of Bolshoy Kamen. In September 2016, a solemn ceremony was held to launch the first stage of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. The basis of the first stage is the block of hull production and a heavy outfitting slipway, work on which is being carried out ahead of the previously approved schedule. The project has a significant multiplier effect, stimulates the development of related industries and is one of the key drivers of the region's development. As Vladimir Putin emphasized at the ceremony: “We have every reason to believe that the new enterprise will not only be the best in terms of labor productivity, but will be better in many respects than our main competitors in the world.”

Scientific activity

Last year, Rosneft opened the first year-round scientific base in the Arctic region, which is located in the Khatanga Bay of the Laptev Sea. This will allow scientists to solve the problems of conducting winter research expeditions within the Company's licensed areas in the Laptev Sea. During the rest of the year, the base will be used as a scientific testing ground for testing new Arctic technologies and materials, in particular ice management technologies. The base conducts year-round monitoring of meteorological, actinometric, hydrological and ice conditions of the Khatanga Bay. The scientific equipment includes a meteorological station, one of eight installed in the region as part of expeditionary research by Rosneft Oil Company. It should be noted that following the results of complex expeditions, the company has almost completely restored the system of meteorological observations in the Arctic.

Rosneft has already organized 12 research expeditions in the Arctic. During this time, it was possible to accumulate a huge layer of unique scientific data that is of particular value to the entire world of science. Rosneft is preparing such a solid scientific foundation for conducting environmentally safe further economic activities in the licensed areas of the Arctic shelf.

The company approaches the issue of environmental safety systematically and is aimed primarily at preventing emergency situations. The company has developed a set of measures aimed at preventing environmental threats in the Arctic. Rosneft together with Innopraktika implemented a project to create a microbial preparation for the northern seas (the preparation was developed by scientists from Moscow State University). Experts have identified about 100 microorganisms capable of decomposing oil and oil products at low, including negative, temperatures.

When implementing offshore projects, the Company plans to regularly assess the state of the environment in the waters of the northern seas and adjacent territories. Rosneft takes an active part in programs to monitor and study marine mammals and birds in the Arctic.

PJSC NK Rosneft, based on a comprehensive geological study, is drilling the northernmost exploration well on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic. In the process of drilling the Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1 well from the coast of the Khara-Tumus peninsula on the shelf of the Khatanga Bay of the Laptev Sea, three core samples were taken from depths from 2305 to 2363 meters, which showed high oil saturation with a predominance of light oily fractions. Already on the basis of primary studies, it can be concluded that a new oil field has been discovered, the volume of the resource potential of which increases as drilling continues. At the moment, core sampling continues.

The presence of hydrocarbons in the recovered core confirms the geological model developed by Rosneft specialists. The result of drilling at the Khatanga license area allows Rosneft to be considered a pioneer of fields on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic.

The license to develop the Khatanga block was obtained by Rosneft in November 2015. In the shortest possible time, dictated by severe climatic restrictions, the drilling equipment was mobilized and prepared. On April 3, at the command of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Rosneft began drilling the Central Olginskaya-1 well. The significance of the Rosneft project was emphasized by the President of the Russian Federation during a teleconference at the start of drilling: “In fact, work is beginning on an entire oil and gas province, which, even according to preliminary data, contains millions of tons of equivalent fuel. This is a complex, high-tech operation, the so-called horizontal drilling. This is only the first well. Huge work ahead. And I want to wish you good luck and express hope for the success of this undertaking,” the President of Russia said.

In April, the head of Rosneft reported to Vladimir Putin that preparations for drilling were carried out in record time: “A little over a year ago, with your support, the company got the opportunity to work at the Khatanga license area.”


Tsentralno-Olginskaya-1 is the first well to be drilled in the Laptev Sea.

The Khatanga license area is located in the Khatanga Bay of the Laptev Sea in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The plot area is 17,217.5 square meters. km, sea depth - up to 32 m.

Currently, Rosneft owns 28 license blocks on the Arctic shelf with total resources of 34 billion toe.

In the Laptev Sea, since 2014, the Company has carried out unprecedented exploration work: 21,000 linear kilometers of seismic surveys, which have identified about 114 oil and gas bearing prospects. The total resource potential of the Laptev Sea is, according to preliminary estimates, up to 9.5 billion tons in oil equivalent.

According to experts, by 2050 the Arctic shelf will provide from 20 to 30 percent of all Russian oil production.

Since 2012, Rosneft's investments in the development of the Arctic shelf have amounted to about 100 billion rubles. The company is not going to slow down the pace of work, and from 2017 to 2021, investment volumes will grow two and a half times - up to 250 billion rubles.

In 2016, Rosneft carried out an impressive amount of complex geological and geophysical studies in difficult arctic and subarctic conditions. More than 35.5 thousand linear meters were completed. km of 2D seismic surveys, which exceeded the requirements of license obligations by more than 2 times. The Company also carried out more than 5,000 km2 of 3D seismic surveys, which is 2.5 times higher than the license obligations. The volume of airborne geophysical studies amounted to 207 thousand km2. As a result of the geological exploration work, an area of ​​0.8 million km2 of the Arctic shelf of the Russian Federation was studied.

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