Russian academy of natural sciences (rayon): address, phone, reviews. members of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation


Our country has given the world a lot of scientists who have made the most important scientific discoveries, which in many ways have changed the life not only of their country, but of all mankind. The scientific potential of Russia is great, which has been repeatedly noted by the Nobel Committee and other prestigious international awards (read about the Russian Nobel Prize winners in our article). The Russian Academy of Sciences has existed for nearly 300 years and unites under its wing thousands of scientists who work for the benefit of people and make our life more comfortable, safe and interesting. How much do we know about RAS? How, when and by whom was the Russian Academy of Sciences created?

Like many other grandiose events in Russia, the foundation of the scientific academy is associated with the name Peter I, and he approached this issue with all his scrupulousness, meticulousness, "greed for knowledge" and thirst for change.

At that time, many scientific societies in Europe were called "academies". I must say that then already existed: the Italian Academy dei Lincei (Accademia dei Lincei); academies in Turin and Bologna; the French Academy, which dealt with problems of language and literature; the German Society of Naturalists, which laid the foundation for the modern National Academy of Sciences "Leopoldine"; in London and Oxford, the greatest scientists of England founded the "invisible college", which became in 1660 the Royal Society of London (The Royal Society of London); the Royal Academy of Sciences (Académie des Sciences) was opened in Paris, etc. The plan for the creation of the Academy of Sciences was formed by Peter I during his travels abroad. During his trip to France in May-June 1717, he visited the Cabinet (library) of the king in the Tuileries, the Royal Printing House, the observatory, the Sorbonne, the Academy of Writing and Literature, and even took part in a meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris.

Six months after this trip, for participation in the compilation of a detailed map of the Caspian Sea and its coast, members of the French Royal Academy of Sciences unanimously elect Peter I a foreign member of their academy, and its permanent secretary, Bernard Boyer de Fontenelle, writes a letter to the tsar asking his consent to accept this membership. . In his response, Peter I wrote: “We want nothing more than to bring science to the best color through the diligence that we will apply, to show ourselves as a worthy member of your company.”

Map of the Caspian Sea and its coasts, for which Peter I received the status of a foreign member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of France in 1717.

Meanwhile, Peter visits the Royal Society of London, Greenwich, and Oxford, numerous museums and laboratories. Coming to Holland, he closely communicates with Dutch thinkers and other prominent foreign philosophers. What he sees and hears makes a big impression on him. After such meetings and trips, the idea of ​​organizing scientific and educational centers in Russia, similar to the universities and academies of Western Europe, never leaves the tsar.

Pyotr Alekseevich Romanov, 05/30/1672 - 01/28/1725, founder of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the last Tsar of All Rus' and the first All-Russian Emperor

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 06/21/1646 - 11/14/1716 Saxon philosopher, logician, mathematician, mechanic, physicist, lawyer, historian, diplomat, inventor and linguist

A special place among the Western European philosophers who influenced the activities of Peter was occupied by the great German philosopher, mathematician, organizer of science Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Peter met Leibniz in 1711 during his stay in Germany, they met several times. And since Leibniz showed a very great interest in Russia and in the greatest possibilities of its scientific progress, in 1712 the tsar appointed him a secret legal adviser, instructing him to patronize science. It was on the advice of Leibniz that Peter began to create an academy and, on his advice, invited prominent foreign scientists to work in it. Leibniz was the author of the draft of the first Charter of the Academy. Thus, the idea of ​​the need to "establish sciences" in Russia was not only accepted by the Russian monarch, but also received the most qualified intellectual support from leading European scientists.

In accordance with the project, the Russian Academy of Sciences was to differ significantly in its structure from Western European academies.

Firstly, it actually formed an inseparable unity with the Academic University and the gymnasium, which were created under it. Formally, these were separate institutions, but both the members of the academy and the teaching staff of the university included the same people (that is, the new academy was supposed to combine the functions of scientific research and teaching). Each academician had to draw up a study guide for the benefit of the student and each day to engage in public teaching of his subject for an hour. The academician had to train one or two pupils who could eventually take his place, and Peter expressed the desire "that such people be elected from the Slavic people, so that they could teach Russians more conveniently."

In the definitions of the Academy and the University, Peter I made a clear distinction:

“The university is a collection of learned people who teach high sciences, like feology and jurisprudence (rights to art), medicine, philosophy, in other words, to what state they have now reached, they teach young people.
The Academy is a collection of scientists and skilled people who not only know these sciences in their own way, in the degree in which they are now acquired, but also strive to complete and increase them through new inventories (publications), and there is no care for the teachings of others Dont Have".

Secondly, the academy was a state institution (unlike private and public Western European ones), which was financed from the state treasury, and its members, receiving a salary, were supposed to provide scientific and technical services to the state. The duties assigned to academicians (professors) were varied: follow the scientific literature and compile summaries of scientific results in their specialty, participate in weekly meetings and annual public meetings of the Academy, give scientific references and check new discoveries proposed by the Academy, compile courses for students on his science, as well as to lecture.

M.I.Makhaev, G.A.Kachalov. Copper engraving "Prospect down the Neva River between the Winter House of Her Imperial Majesty and the Academy of Sciences" St. Petersburg. 1753

The first house in which the Russian Academy of Sciences settled, then called the Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg, was the building of the Kunstkamera on Vasilyevsky Island. This building is known to everyone who has ever visited this beautiful city on the Neva. Its design and construction began in 1718, first for the exhibits of the museum, and then for the Academy of Sciences and its library.

As you know, without a book there is no science. Peter I understood this like no one else. The tsar's idea to form the Library was formed, apparently, spontaneously, based on the experience of his own training and what he saw abroad, as well as from communication with scientists and statesmen. However, one thing was clear - the new royal library had to belong, as before, to the sovereign and at the same time be public. Attaching great importance to the role of the Library in the enlightenment of the country, Peter I sought to open its doors to visitors. When Peter was asked to set an entrance fee to the Library and the Kunstkamera, he declared that no one would go there for money. " I still order, said Peter, not only to let everyone in here for nothing, but if someone comes with company to look at rarities, then treat them at my expense with a cup of coffee, a glass of wine or vodka, or something else, in these very rooms". In pursuance of the order of the king, the librarian was given 400 rubles annually to treat visitors.

The significance of this fact, even today, can hardly be overestimated. From a small announcement in the St. Petersburg newspaper "Vedomosti" dated November 26, 1728, the most important rule of library work is fixed in Russia - ensuring the public accessibility of the national book depository for all readers.

Built on the banks of the Neva in the Peter the Great Baroque style, this building housed the Kunstkamera, the Academy of Sciences and its library and was adjacent to the most important buildings of the capital - the house of the Twelve Colleges, the Stock Exchange, the palaces of the closest associates and members of the royal family. The Kunstkamera is considered to be one of the earliest museum buildings in the world.

The building of the Kunstkamera is still the symbol and logo of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Modern logo of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Academy was founded on January 28 (February 8), 1724 in St. Petersburg by decree of Emperor Peter I, and its grand opening took place on December 27, 1725 (January 7, 1726) - unfortunately, after his death. The creation of the Academy had a very important political significance: it demonstrated Russia's desire to meet the European level not only in the military-technical field, but also in the field of education. The Academy was opened under the presidency of Lavrenty Lavrentievich Blumentrost.

The first president of the Academy of Sciences, Lavrenty Blumentrost, was born in Moscow in 1692. His initial education was given by his father, Lavrenty Alferovich Blumentrost, a leading specialist in medicine of the pre-Petrine era, a reformer and organizer of the Pharmaceutical Order. His father taught him Greek and Latin. Then he honed his knowledge of foreign languages ​​from German professors who lived and practiced in Russia. He graduated from school, showing outstanding abilities, so that at the age of 15 he listened to medical lectures in Halle and Oxford. Then Blumentrost went to Holland, where, under the guidance of the famous Dutch scientist Hermann Boerhaave, he defended his dissertation and received a doctorate in medicine. Peter the Great appointed him a life physician at the court, and he was also entrusted with the management of the Imperial Library and the Kunstkamera.

Christian von Wolf (1679-1754) - German encyclopedic scientist, philosopher, lawyer and mathematician, founder of the language of German philosophy.

The role of science in Russian history was described in detail in the Charter of the Academy of 1803, approved by the Russian Tsar Alexander I, in which he outlined the main milestones of its creation.

“The main duties of the Academy follow from the very purpose of its appointment, which is common with all academies and learned societies: to expand the limits of human knowledge, to improve the sciences, to enrich them with new discoveries, to spread enlightenment, to direct, as far as possible, knowledge for the common good, adapting theory to the practical use of and useful consequences of experiments and observations; her in brief the book of her duties.”

More than two centuries have passed since the utterance of these words, and their relevance has not faded to this day. During its long history of existence, the Academy has known ups and downs, successes and failures, but despite various political, economic and social changes in the country, the Academy of Sciences remains the main scientific center in Russia and one of the leading centers in world science.

The names that the academy has had throughout the history of its existence:

1724 - Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg;
1747 - Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg;
1803 - Imperial Academy of Sciences (IAN);
1836 - Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences;
1917 - Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS);
Since July 25, 1925 - the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN USSR);
Since November 21, 1991 - Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).

Inna Syrus

Linguist, specialist in intercultural communication. Because of her love for her hometown and her annual participation in international projects, she loves to show Moscow to foreigners, talk about Russian culture, traditions, cuisine and the broad Russian soul. He likes to gather friends at the dacha and treat him to jam, which he tirelessly brews every autumn.

The idea of ​​creating the Russian Academy of Sciences belonged to Peter I.
The example of the Paris Academy, the conversation of Peter I with many scientists abroad, the advice of Leibniz, the repeated representations of many foreigners, Peter's associates in his reforms, convinced the emperor of the need to establish an academy of sciences in Russia as well. This was also facilitated by the fact that the Paris Academy of Sciences elected him a member.

Peter wrote: “Make an academy, and now look for Russians who are learned and have an inclination for that, and also start translating books of jurisprudence.”

I. Nikitin "Portrait of Peter I"

In fact, all the prerequisites for the creation of the Academy were: there was no need to think about personal funds, since there was already experience in attracting foreigners for state administration affairs - these could also be obtained for the Academy staff. Funds - it was assumed - could also be allocated from the state treasury, and some supplies for the academy already existed; from the books obtained during the conquest of the Ostsee region in the form of booty, a library was already compiled, supplemented under Peter by the purchase of books abroad, and from the various collections received by Peter during his travels abroad, a cabinet of curiosities was formed.

Each academician was to compile a study guide for youth and to engage in public teaching of his subject for an hour each day. The academician had to prepare one or two pupils who could eventually take his place, and Peter expressed his wish, “ so that such people should be chosen from the Slavic people, so that they can teach Russians more conveniently.

But the academicians who arrived from abroad did not find Emperor Peter I alive, and the Academy was opened only under Catherine I. The first meeting was on November 12, 1725, and on December 27 of the same year a solemn meeting took place in the presence of the Empress.

J.-M. Natya "Portrait of Catherine I"

The Empress gave special patronage to the Academy; in addition to the staff appointed by Peter, she assigned premises, often attended meetings of the Academy. But since there was no Charter in the Academy, arbitrariness and theft reigned there, especially in the economic part. When, after the death of the Empress, the highest state administration of Peter II was transferred to Moscow, where the president of the Academy Blumentrost went, the position of the academicians, who did not receive maintenance and were under the yoke and arbitrariness of the indispensable secretary Schumacher, was sometimes desperate. The opening of a printing house at the Academy, various workshops, engraving and drawing chambers absorbed almost all the regular amounts of the Academy and formed a constant, growing deficit. The new president of the Academy, Baron Korf, stated that " if the ambulance academy does not receive and is not brought into a proper and definite state, then it will undoubtedly collapse, and so many thousands, together with the honor that the academy received from foreigners, will disappear without any benefit.

M.V. Lomonosov at the Academy of Sciences

Lomonosov's academic achievements were astonishing. And in 1735, at the request of the President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Baron Korf, Lomonosov, along with other twelve students “worthy in the sciences,” was sent to St. Petersburg as a student at a university organized at the Academy of Sciences. At the university, Lomonosov tried to accumulate as many impressions as possible, to "test" the laws of science in their direct manifestation, to find out the root causes of phenomena.

He often stayed up late in academic workshops, laboratories, and libraries. This rare capacity for work of the pupil was noticed, and when the opportunity arose to send three of the most prepared students abroad to specialize in chemistry, metallurgy and mining, the president of the academy accepted Lomonosov's candidacy without hesitation. Mikhail Vasilievich's life abroad lasted almost 5 years.

This time was spent at the University of Marburg in Germany. Students listened to lectures on mechanics, hydraulics, theoretical physics and logic, studied theoretical chemistry, attended laboratory classes in experimental chemistry, learned to set up experiments, generalize analyzes, draw scientifically based conclusions and conclusions. By the middle of the 18th century, chemistry was becoming perhaps the most influential and promising science.

Chemistry seemed like a science of real magic, it was rushed, generously funded. In 1741 Lomonosov returned to Russia. Six months after returning to St. Petersburg, the 30-year-old scientist was appointed adjunct of the Academy in the physics class. Lomonosov chose chemistry as the main direction in his scientific work. The importance of this discipline in connection with the development of industrial production increased every year.

But for the introduction of chemical experiments, an experimental base, a laboratory, was needed. Lomonosov developed a project for the laboratory and in January 1742 submitted it to the Academy for consideration. And only six years later, after his repeated requests and protests, the leadership of the St. Petersburg Academy agreed to build a chemical laboratory. It was built and opened thanks to the efforts of Lomonosov in 1748.

The chemical laboratory became the place where Mikhail Vasilyevich in the 50s enthusiastically took up a completely new and very peculiar business - mosaics. This task was quite suited to Lomonosov's character and tastes: it intertwined fine art with the chemistry of colored glass, optics and technology. He had to perform many thousands of test melts for the manufacture of different types of colored glass.

It is very sad that the descendants were not able to save to our time neither the chemical laboratory, nor the house on the Moika, where the home laboratory was located, nor the numerous instruments made by Lomonosov himself. Only the wonderful laboratory diary "Chemical and Optical Records" remained, which reveals a huge experimental work covering a wide variety of scientific, instrumental and technical problems.

M. Lomonosov "Poltava battle" (mosaic fragment)

New Charter of the Academy of Sciences

The new Statute of the Academy with a new staff appeared under Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in 1747.

Charles van Loo "Portrait of Elizabeth Petrovna"

According to the regulations of 1747, it was called, from 1803 - Imperial Academy of Sciences, since 1836 - Imperial Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, from May 1917 - The Russian Academy of Sciences.

The academy was divided into two establishments: the academy itself and the university. The academy itself should be made up of ten academicians and each of them an adjunct and ten honorary members working outside the academy. The academy's adjuncts must all be Russians. A president was appointed to directly manage the affairs of the Academy and supervise over the academicians, and in order to “ensure that the meetings of the academicians were decent” and to keep a journal of the meeting, a conference secretary was appointed.

At the beginning of each year, the Academy is instructed to propose a problem in one branch of science. Academicians must present the best latest essays to the president, who orders them to be translated into Russian and printed. The Charter also expresses the obligation for academicians to fulfill the instructions of government bodies that require special knowledge. The university is directly separated from academic affairs, for which the president of the academy is instructed to select thirty trained students and place them as students at the academy.

In order to train such students, a gymnasium should be established at the academy. The former accessories, not only the library and the cabinet of curiosities, but also the printing houses, the bookshop and the former workshop chambers, have been preserved at the Academy. At the same time, 53,298 rubles were assigned by the state for the maintenance of the Academy, together with the gymnasium and with all the accessories. The gymnasiums and the university at the Academy operated according to this charter until 1766.

Academy of Sciences under Catherine II

F. Rokotov "Catherine the Great"

The government wished that the scientific works of the Academy were directly aimed at benefiting the state. On this basis, Empress Catherine II put the Academy of Sciences under her direct jurisdiction, establishing for this purpose a special commission at the academy under the presidency of Count Orlov, which was instructed, among other things, to put in order the very fallen economic part of the Academy.

In particular, this idea that the Academy of Sciences should act for the benefit of the people and state administration was expressed in the legislation of Alexander I. agriculture, translate them into Russian and publish with public journals and in academic journals to place the latest news about discoveries in the sciences.

Academics continued to be invited from abroad throughout the 18th century, but soon scientists educated at the Academy of Sciences themselves took the lead. Already by 1731, 5 professors from the adjuncts were appointed, including L. Euler, who arrived in 1727 as a 20-year-old adjunct and became a famous mathematician at the Academy of Sciences, and the future explorer of Siberia, I. G. Gmelin.

The first Russian adjunct - V. E. Adodurov (since 1733), the first professor from the natives of Russia - G. V. Richman (since 1741, adjunct since 1740), the first Russian professors (since 1745) - M. V Lomonosov (student since 1735, adjunct since 1742) and poet VK Trediakovsky. In the 2nd half of the XVIII century. Russian academicians came to the fore: naturalists and travelers S. P. Krasheninnikov, I. I. Lepekhin, N. Ya. Ozeretskovsky, V. F. Zuev, mathematician S. K. Kotelnikov, astronomers N. I. Popov, S. Ya. Rumovsky , P. B. Inohodtsev, chemist Ya. D. Zakharov, mineralogist V. M. Severgin and others. with practical tasks.

The main achievements of the XVIII century. belong to the field of physical, mathematical and natural sciences and are associated primarily with the names of Euler and Lomonosov, as well as the astronomers J. N. Delisle and Rumovsky, the physicists Richmann and F. W. T. Aepinus, and the physiologist K. F. Wolf. In the Geographic Department, headed by Delisle, the Atlas of Russia (1745) was prepared - the first collection of maps that had an astronomical and mathematical basis. Expeditions were organized on a vast territory - from the western borders to Kamchatka, as a result of which geographical maps were refined, natural resources, flora and fauna, life and culture of peoples were studied. At the initiative of Lomonosov, the Academy of Sciences organized the collection of economic and geographical information (by sending out questionnaires) and the collection of ore samples from the field. Significant are the works of the Academy in the collection and publication of sources on the history of Russia and in the study of the countries of the East. Lomonosov laid the foundation for Russian philology. In 1783, the Russian Academy was established to study the problems of the Russian language and literature. The Academy of Sciences published annual collections. 1-2 times a year, public meetings were held in which members of the Academy of Sciences made speeches; speeches were published. Relations were maintained with foreign scientists and scientific institutions. There was a lively correspondence with them. Euler, Delisle, Lomonosov and others were members of the foreign Academy of Sciences, and members of the Russian Academy were H. Wolf, I. Bernoulli, R. A. Réaumur, Voltaire, D. Diderot, J. L. L. Buffon, J. L. Lagrange, B. Franklin and others; Since 1749, international competitions on topical problems of science have been announced annually with prizes awarded.

Since the end of the 18th century, with the emergence and development of universities and other higher educational institutions, scientific societies, the original functions of the Academy of Sciences have narrowed. The academic university and gymnasium were closed; geological, cartographic, translation and other applied works were transferred to other departments. The efforts of members of the Academy of Sciences began to focus primarily on theoretical research.

Since 1841, the Academy of Sciences consisted of 3 departments: physical and mathematical sciences; Russian language and literature; historical sciences and philology. Active members of the Academy of Sciences were divided into 3 classes: adjunct, extraordinary academician, ordinary academician (from 1912 a single title was introduced - academician). There were those who were not part of the staff and did not have scientific obligations to the Academy of Sciences honorary members and corresponding members(Russian and foreign). The full members of the Academy of Sciences were, as a rule, the largest domestic scientists - mathematicians M. V. Ostrogradsky, V. Ya. Bunyakovsky, P. L. Chebyshev, A. A. Markov, A. M. Lyapunov, physicists V. V. Petrov, E. Kh. Lenz, B. S. Yakobi, B. B. Golitsyn, chemists N. N. Zinin, A. M. Butlerov, N. N. Beketov, N. S. Kurnakov, astronomers V. Ya. Struve, A. A. Belopolsky, F. A. Bredikhin, biologists K. M. Baer, ​​A. O. Kovalevsky, physiologist I. P. Pavlov, mineralogist N. I. Koksharov, geologist A. P. Karpinsky, philologist A. Kh Vostokov, literary critic A. N. Veselovsky, historian S. M. Solovyov, etc. But many prominent scientists remained outside the Academy. Progressive members of the Academy of Sciences tried to involve them in their work, using the right to confer the titles of honorary members (mathematician F. G. Minding, researchers of Central and Central Asia N. M. Przhevalsky, P. P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, linguist V. I. Dal , fleet historian F. F. Veselago, doctor G. A. Zakharyin, etc.) and corresponding members (mathematician S. V. Kovalevskaya, mechanic N. E. Zhukovsky, philologist A. A. Potebnya, historians V. S. Ikonnikov, N. I. Kostomarov, biologists I. I. Mechnikov, I. M. Sechenov, K. A. Timiryazev, chemists D. I. Mendeleev, A. A. Voskresensky and others). V. G. Korolenko, A. P. Chekhov, L. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Stasov and others were elected honorary academicians in the category of fine literature.

Management of the Academy of Sciences E. Dashkova

D. Levitsky "Portrait of Ekaterina Dashkova"

By decree of January 24, 1783, Empress Catherine II appointed Dashkova to the post of director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences under the presidency of Count K. G. Razumovsky, which she held until November 12, 1796.

Ekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova became the first woman in the world to manage the Academy of Sciences. At her suggestion, the Imperial Russian Academy was also established on September 30, 1783, which had one of the main goals of the study of the Russian language, and Dashkova became its director. The main subject of the Russian Academy was the purification and enrichment of the Russian language, the approval of the general use of words, ornateness and poetry characteristic of the Russian language, and the means to achieve the goal were supposed to be the composition - by the works of the new academy - of Russian grammar, Russian vocabulary, rhetoric and rules of versification. At the initiative of Dashkova, the magazine "Interlocutor of Lovers of the Russian Word" was founded, which was published in 1783 and 1784 (16 books) and was of a satirical and journalistic nature. The best literary forces participated in it: Derzhavin, Kheraskov, Kapnist, Fonvizin, Bogdanovich, Knyaznin. Here were placed "Notes on Russian History" by Empress Catherine, her own "There were also fables", answers to questions from Fonvizin, "Felitsa" by Derzhavin. The main scientific enterprise of the Russian Academy was the publication of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. In this collective work, Dashkova owns the collection of words for the letters Ts, Sh, Sh, additions to many other letters; she also worked hard to explain words (mostly denoting moral qualities). On November 29, 1783, at a meeting of the Russian Academy, Dashkova proposed using the printed letter "Yo". At an academic meeting, Ekaterina Romanovna asked Derzhavin, Fonvizin, Knyazhin and others present whether it was legal to write “iolka” and whether it would be more reasonable to replace the digraph “io” with one letter “ё”.

Dashkova wrote poetry in Russian and French, translated from English and French, delivered several academic speeches, wrote comedies and dramas for the theater, and was the author of memoirs about the era of Catherine II. Empress Dashkova brought new displeasure with the publication in the Russian Theater (published at the Academy) of Knyazhnin's tragedy Vadim (1795). This tragedy was withdrawn from circulation. In the same 1795, she left St. Petersburg and lived in Moscow and her village near Moscow. In 1796, upon accession to the throne, Emperor Pavel removed Dashkova from all her posts.

In the XIX - early XX centuries. new scientific institutions were organized: Asian (founded in 1818), Egyptian (1825), Zoological (1832) and Botanical (1823) museums; Pulkovo Observatory (1839), Physiological Laboratory (1864), Plant Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (1889), Pushkin House (1905), Commission for the Study of Russia's Natural Productive Forces (KEPS, 1915) and etc.

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The oldest and largest scientific institution in Russia. D operates in order to organize and conduct fundamental research aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society, man and contributing to the technological, economic, social and spiritual development of Russia.

The Russian Academy of Sciences was established by order of Emperor Peter I by decree of the ruling Senate of January 28 (February 8), 1724. It was recreated by the Russian Academy of Sciences by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 21, 1991.

Structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences before the 2013 reform

It was a self-governing non-profit organization with state status. The RAS was built according to the scientific-branch and territorial principle and included 11 branches of the RAS in the fields of science, 3 regional branches of the RAS, as well as 15 regional scientific centers of the RAS.

The Academy consisted of scientific councils, committees, commissions. The order in which they are organized was established by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences: draft law

At the end of June 2013, it became known that a draft law was introduced that would provide for a large-scale reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The bill caused indignation and protest from many respected scientists in Russia and the world, as well as many ordinary people who stand up for Russian science. Its provisions destroyed the RAS in its former form of an independent organization. According to the new law, the RAS became a public-state association endowed with the functions of a scientific advisory and expert body. The RAS was deprived of the right to dispose of its property and the property of subordinate organizations - this right was transferred to a specially created Agency. The title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences was abolished, and all of them automatically became academicians.

Protests by scientists, outraged by the new reform, took place throughout the country. The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences met with and conveyed to him the extreme concern of the scientific community about the reform in the version proposed by the government. By August, when the bill was supposed to go to the third reading in the State Duma, a special commission under the Board of Directors of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences created a list of fundamental amendments.

In September 2013, the law, in which some amendments were made, was adopted.

Reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the law in action

On September 27, 2013, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 735 "On the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations" and Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 253-FZ "On the Russian Academy of Sciences, reorganization of state academies of sciences and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" were adopted.

The full text of the RAS reform laws can be read at the links: Decree N 735 and Law N 253-FZ.

Short review

  • Now the RAS receives the status of a federal state budgetary institution. The right to dispose of the property of the RAS and its subordinate organizations is transferred to the newly formed Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO).
  • The RAS is vested with the powers of the founder and owner of the property of its regional branches in the manner and to the extent that are established.
  • The academy also remains the main manager of budget allocations to regional departments.
  • Such regional branches as the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been left with the status of legal entities, namely "federal state institutions".
  • The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAAS) lose their status as separate organizations and merge with the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Numerous RAS institutes are now under the jurisdiction of FASO. It will also approve state assignments for institutes to conduct scientific research, taking into account the proposals of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Scientific and educational organizations must annually submit to the RAS reports on research carried out at the expense of the federal budget and on the results obtained.

The Public Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was established in Moscow in August 1990. The abbreviation RANS has been adopted for the abbreviated name of the organization. Its address can be found in the article below. At the moment, the academy consists of 24 central sections, more than 100 thematic and regional departments, united in eight blocks of scientific centers.

Compared to the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences is characterized by an easier promotion of scientific work (there is its own register of discoveries, which are confirmed by their own diplomas). Under institutions, scientists often have to work, faced with problems in official science. RANS is also actively used to develop alternative directions that are not officially recognized by the world community. In particular, they include alternative medicine.


According to the Charter, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) is a creative scientific association of scientists in the humanities and natural scientists, designed to serve the development of science, culture and education.

The coat of arms of the organization contains a portrait of Vernadsky V.I., a well-known Russian and Soviet scientist. The Academy of Natural Sciences of the Federation has nothing to do with the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Founders, composition

  • A.M. Prokhorov, mathematician and physicist, creator of the laser, Nobel laureate;
  • IN AND. Gol'danskii, physicist and chemist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • D.S. Likhachev, philologist, academician;
  • A.L. Yanshin, geophysicist, academician, is the founder of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences;
  • G.N. Flerov, physicist, academician.

And also a number of scientific associations and societies, institutes, ministries and departments can be added to this list. The academy has up to 4 thousand members. Among them are Nobel laureates (21 people), members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (124 people), members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (30 people).


In accordance with Russian legislation and in accordance with the Charter of the organization, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences takes part in the coordination of scientific and scientific and technical research. The state may, on a voluntary basis, involve scientists in conducting examinations and preparing draft decisions. In addition, on the basis of competitions, they are involved in the development of scientific and scientific-technical projects and programs that are financed from the federal budget.


The first and its organizer (1990-1992) was a prominent Soviet scientist, geochemist and mineralogist D.A. Mineev. In 1997, an Armenian branch was organized. In 2002, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences received the authority of a non-governmental organization that has consultative status with the UN ECOSOC. This status provided access to UN documentation and participation in ECOSOC consultations and conferences. But its receipt did not imply the inclusion of the academy in the UN system. The members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the organization itself have not acquired the rights to any immunities or privileges. In 2003, the list of members of the Academy was up to 4 thousand people. In the same year, in the building of Moscow University. M.V. Lomonosov held a general meeting of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In 2010, its participants were received by the Column Hall of the House of the Unions.

The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences includes an autonomous non-profit organization "Research Institute of Atherosclerosis of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences", which at one time was severely criticized in a letter to the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, signed by 540 scientists.

The main printed organ of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This publication is included in the list of VAK journals under No. 107. It is registered with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Television and Radio Broadcasting, Press and Mass Communications. Since 2001, the publication has been published four times a year. Its circulation is 1 thousand copies.


President - O.L. Kuznetsov.

Vice Presidents:

  • V.Zh. Ahrens - head of the mining metallurgy section;
  • L.A. Gribov - head of the section of physics and natural sciences;
  • V.A. Zolotarev - head of the section "Nature, geomilitarism and society";
  • V.A. Zuev - editor-in-chief of the journal "Herald of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences", head of the editorial and publishing council;
  • L.V. Ivanitskaya - co-chairman of the coordinating council of the academy for work with the Federation Council, is also the first vice-president and chief scientific secretary;
  • V.Ch. Yek - head of the South Korean branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
  • E.A. Kozlovsky - head of the department of geological exploration;
  • A.V. Lagutkin - Head of the Department of Management Problems;
  • V.S. Novikov - Chairman of the Department of Education and Development of Science in St. Petersburg;
  • D.P. Ogurtsov - head of the linguo-energy direction;
  • Manfred Pal - Head of the Central European Academy of Natural Sciences;
  • IN AND. Pirumov - head of the security and geopolitics section;
  • V.A. Pomidorov - head of the department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences of Western Siberia;
  • Yu.A. Rakhmanin - head of the direction of medicine, biology, ecology, section of biomedicine;
  • A.N. Romanov - head of the department of scientific problems of the regions, as well as the section of sociology and economics;
  • VC. Senchagov - head of the section on problems of the social market economy and macroeconomics;
  • G.N. Fursey - chairman of the branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in St. Petersburg;
  • V.E. Tsoi - head of the coordinating council for innovation;
  • J. Chilingar - head of the American branch of the academy;
  • D.S. Chereshkin - head of the cybernetics and informatics section.

Full members of RANS

  • A.V. Brushlinsky is a psychologist.
  • Yu.K. Vasilchuk - glaciologist, engineer-geologist geocryologist.
  • EAT. Vechtomov - mathematician, head. cafe higher mathematics, professor of Vyatka State University.
  • A.G. Vishnevsky - editor of the information bulletin "Population and Society", demographer.
  • A.M. Gorodnitsky.
  • Yu.A. Dmitriev.
  • N.N. Drozdov.
  • I.R. Cantor.
  • V.Zh. Kelle.
  • A.S. Lileev.
  • G.G. Mayorov.
  • E.G. Martirosov - is the vice-president of the Sports Medicine Federation, professor of the Research Institute of Physical Education, anthropologist.
  • N.N. Marchuk - doctor of historical sciences, professor.
  • A.N. Nikitin - is among the leaders of the department of noospheric technologies and knowledge.
  • IN AND. Ovcharenko.
  • V.E. Prokh - the head of the administration of Dubna, in the past a communist party functionary, has nothing to do with scientific activity.
  • O.M. Rapov.
  • V.S. Revyakin is a geographer.
  • V.B. Sazhin - chemist-technologist, director of the Russian branch of the Scientific Perspective Foundation, professor.
  • YES. Sakharov.
  • S.N. Smirnov.
  • N.G. Sychev.
  • IN AND. Timoshenko.
  • G.E. Trapeznikov.
  • A.T. Fomenko.
  • Z.K. Tsereteli.
  • A.E. Chalykh.
  • S.V. Coachmen.

Honorary members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, corresponding members

These include:

  • R. H. Andres (England);
  • Michael Sulman (Sweden);
  • R. Kh. Kadyrov - President of the Chechen Republic.

Among the corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences:

  • N.I. Kozlov;
  • A.A. Igolkin;
  • I.A. Smykov.

European Academy

EAEN Natural Sciences) is one of the projects of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The public organization, established in 2002 in Hannover (Germany), has about 35 branches, including in the Russian Federation.

Every year, EAEN holds Euro-ECO and Euromedica conferences, in the words of their opponents, "positioned as scientific." They usually include 2 days of scientific presentations and a 3-day tourist bus ride. In addition, the organization is engaged in publishing activities, it issues patents and diplomas. A significant part of the EAEN staff is mercilessly criticized by various authoritative scientific organizations, in particular the Russian Academy of Sciences. They are classified as representatives of non-academic areas. Most of them are members of the RANS.

The President of the European Academy is Professor Tyminsky V.G., Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, one of the organizers and co-founders of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The Vice-President for Germany is Prof. H. Hahn, Director of the Institute of Immunology (Berlin). He also acts as the president of the medical society named after R. Koch. The vice-president for the CIS is R. G. Melik-Ogandzhanyan, professor, deputy editor of the IANPO magazine "Alternative Medicine", president of the Armenian branch of the academy.


The Academy of Natural Sciences of the Federation (RANS) is subjected to merciless criticism from a number of academicians and members of the RAS. So, Yu.N. Efremov, Yu.S. Osipov, V.L. Ginzburg believe that among the members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences there are people with insufficient education, who are far from science and who do not have officially recognized jobs. For example, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kruglyakov E.P. it is stated that the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation, "in addition to truly respected and honored scientists," contains "rogues" in its composition.

Academician and President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Osipov Yu.S. noted that some time ago, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences suggested that “its members”, who are members of “dubious academies”, leave them. But this call was ignored by many.

V.L. Ginzburg, academician and Nobel laureate, believed that the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences is "pseudoscience in its incarnation". The prominent scientist believed that those “who are not honored to be elected to the RAS” go to this “voluntary organization”.

RANS has also been criticized for instances where memberships are sold without a proper background check.

As a result of the ease with which titles are awarded in the RANS, a chain reaction of reproduction of "Academies" has arisen, scientists note. So, in 2005, the Academy of Fundamental Sciences of Organisms was organized, most of the participants in which are academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The institution proclaimed the creation of a "new fundamental science" - organismics, which establishes the basic principle for constructing world objects and revises such modern key concepts as "matter", "energy", "mass". This science gives them a new meaning and endows them with new possibilities.

In the scientific world, it is believed that the efforts of members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences are discrediting the very title of "academician".


Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Velikhov E.P. the proposal to run for the RANS was rejected. They were given the condition that the academy should officially answer the question: does it consider it acceptable to support scientists trying to extract energy from a vacuum? According to Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.P. Kruglyakov, the question was not honored with an answer.

In 2006, the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Lagutkin A.V. was presented to Kadyrov R.A. (Deputy Prime Minister, and later the President of the Chechen Republic) a diploma of an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. For congratulations on being awarded the title "Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences", the scientist personally arrived in the city of Gudermes. In addition, the event was marked by the presentation of a commemorative silver badge to Kadyrov. In an interview with ESQUIRE magazine, Academician Ginzburg V.L. (now deceased) commented on the event, calling it "sad and funny".

Academician Kapitsa S.P. in a speech on Echo of Moscow, he also gave his comments, saying that he personally actively objected to the acceptance of R.A. Kadyrov. in RAN. He also said that, as far as he knows, this decision was made under great pressure.

In 2006, the medal of the Academy "For outstanding scientific achievements in the field of noospheric technologies" was awarded to the infamous charlatan N.V. Levashov.

Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: reviews

A number of authoritative sources emphasize that there are huge differences between the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences. They stipulate that with the similarity of the name, the difference between organizations may seem insignificant to some only at first glance. In fact, it is fundamental - this is the difference between public and scientific organizations.

On the Web, the “pseudo-scientific”, according to users, ideas of some members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences are sharply ridiculed:

  • Creation of the first torsion installation on a commercial basis (A. A. Akimov, G. I. Shipov).
  • Creation of the "occult" theory of the wave genome (P.P. Garyaev). Users who consider themselves involved in true science reproach its author for esoteric studies - he allegedly “eats up” in the field of healing.
  • Attempts to resurrect the dead (Grabovoi G.P.). The "scientist" is also known for being convicted of fraud and sentenced to imprisonment (8 years).
  • Attempts to assert that the inhabitants of the North American continent 80 thousand years ago knew the Russian spoken language and writing (Chudinov V.A.). The author of the idea managed to read the Russian inscriptions on the Moon, on the bottom of the ocean, on the Sun, on Mars, and even on the death mask of the great Pushkin. "Researcher", according to reviews, actively travels around with tours of universities and academies.
  • Attempts to create a panacea for all kinds of cancer (Kutushov M.V.).
  • Creation of an information-energetic teaching that allows mass miracle healing using portraits of a healer (Konovalov S.S.).
  • Creation of a pseudo-scientific astrological system of "structural horoscope", the assertion that astrology is a science (Kvasha G.S.).

There are statements on the Web that it is very easy to get the title of academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, therefore, among its members, according to the authors of the reviews, there are a large number of "obscurantists" who were not allowed into the Russian Academy of Sciences. In fairness, the authors of the reviews nevertheless specify that “decent scientists” are also members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. But mostly those who “do not hesitate to relate to any near-scientific get-together” join the organization. RANS is “a diagnosis,” some users say, and for a reputation in the scientific world, in their opinion, it’s better to “go to the janitors, wave a broom or collect bottles” than enroll in academicians of the RANS.

According to the authors of the reviews, some honorary members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences do not even suspect that they are members of this organization. They were introduced into the composition in absentia for advertising. The bad thing, some users believe, is that the majority of the population of the Russian Federation does not understand "all these academies." The RANS is often perceived as a decent scientific organization. Or in general, many confuse it with the RAS. Unfortunately, users write, this reduces the value of real science in the eyes of compatriots and undermines the authority of its representatives. Some netizens believe that the very existence of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences scandalizes Russian society. Many are opposed to calling this organization an academy, and its members enjoying the status of academicians, as this misleads people.

Their opponents object that in addition to authoritative state academies, public academies should also be created privately - this is world practice. Scientists have a right to this. And if in Russia they are not yet accustomed to this, this is not a reason to deny the right to be considered academicians to members of public academies of sciences. Many people emphasize that the RANS is not recognized as a pseudoscientific organization. The fact that the RAS recognized as pseudoscientific the works of some members of the scandalous academy is not a reason to consider the entire organization as pseudoscientific. The RANS, the authors of the reviews note, consists of academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as other branch state academies. This must be taken into account.

Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: address

Many people ask for the coordinates of the organization on the Web. For those who are interested in where the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences is located, the contacts of the institution:

  • address: Moscow, st. Warsaw highway, house 8.
  • Opening hours: weekdays from 10.00 to 18.00.

For those wishing to contact the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), organization phone: + 74959542611 (+74959547305).

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