The Russian singer is from Kabardino Balkaria. Zukhra Kabardokova: I dedicate the victory in the “Voice of the Caucasus” contest to KBR


Kabardian Sati Kazanova, who is criticized in the Caucasus for her overly sexy image, was again in the center, she said. At a press conference in Nalchik, she publicly insulted disabled children. True, she later apologized. But no one believed in the sincerity of the repentance of the pop star!

How honorary titles are “gifted” in the Caucasus

Confess about the existence of such a singer as Sati Casanova, the sophisticated viewer has long forgotten. In 2002, she was a member of the Star Factory TV project, then became a member of the Fabrika pop trio, which she left in 2010 and began her solo career. She tried to work in various fields: as a fashion model, TV presenter, and even as a popularizer of yoga and vegetarianism. Needless to say, Casanova is an oriental beautiful girl, she participated in dozens of candid photo shoots. For this, in her native Kabardino-Balkaria, the conservative part of society constantly criticized her for her rampant lifestyle, which does not fit in with the traditional image of a Muslim girl.

However, despite such criticism, in October 2009 Aslan Tkhakushinov awarded Sati Kazanova the title of "Honored Artist of Adygea" (this happened at a concert of the "Fabrika" group on the central square of Maikop, dedicated to the Day of the Republic). And exactly one year later, on the eve of the celebration of the Statehood Day of the KBR, the then head of the republic Arsen Kanokov awarded Sati Kazanova the title of "Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria".

Already after the singer left the Factory group, in June 2012, she received another state title: Rashid Temrezov on the eve of the Day of Karachay-Cherkessia, he “gave” Kazanova the third “deserved” title. The curtsy is beautiful, but it has nothing to do with the real creative achievements of the pop singer.

To popularize the culture of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia (Circassians live in all these three regions, and Casanova is a Circassian), the singer did absolutely nothing. Unless she sang a few songs in her native language.

150 thousand disgraced

The example of Sati Kazanova, on the other hand, demonstrates the ease with which honorary titles are given away in the North Caucasus to random people with dubious merit. On September 11, the singer arrived in Nalchik for a charity concert "Mir", which was also attended by other eminent natives of Kabardino-Balkaria - singers Dima Bilan, Katya Lel And Charim Nakhushev.

The concert was preceded by a press conference at which Sati Kazanova presented her charitable foundation "Culture and Life". She said that the foundation was created together with a group of like-minded people four years ago, but it really started working only this year.

When one of the local journalists asked Sati Casanova if she plans for her foundation to support disabled children. The singer replied verbatim the following: “This fund does not deal with sick, oblique, crooked, God forgive me, children. I mean, we are developing social and creative initiatives.”

A video with these words of Casanova appeared on YouTube a few days later and literally blew up social networks (the video was viewed by more than 160 thousand people). A huge number of criticisms and outright curses fell upon the singer. Most of all, of course, from her native Kabardino-Balkaria, and indeed from the regions of the North Caucasus.

Casanova remained silent for a couple of days, and then they recorded a video message to their fans, which they posted on Instagram. She apologized for her words about disabled children: “Without thinking, misphrasing, she blurted out what she said.”

From love to hate ... one "blunder"

Sati Casanova also came up with, as it seems to her, a plausible explanation: they say, she formulates her thoughts in the Kabardian language, but she speaks in Russian. Well, you have to think about it!

Naturally, few people were convinced of their sincerity by such “apologies”. And a stream of angry accusations of cynicism, tyranny, heartlessness continued to pour out on Sati Kazanova ...

Then the “star” on her Instagram gave birth to a lengthy response to her ill-wishers. “I will not let them trample and trample on my human and female dignity. I am bitter and ashamed for the people, and above all, for the countrymen, who kick the one who stumbles. And especially for men, Caucasian, who poured threats and curses. I feel pain for everyone who found great joy and profit in this public lynching,” writes Sati Casanova. But is she really embarrassed?

…Publicist Evgeny Dodolev, commenting on this situation, he formulated a capacious concept of the “Sati Kazanova effect”: far from the capital, in front of provincial journalists, a big “star” always says what he sincerely thinks. He thinks no one will know about it. And then - bam! - and becomes a YouTube star. Of course, in any Western country, after the abominations that she said at a press conference, Sati Kazanova would not have been invited to any public event. And in a good way, they would have stripped all the titles. But, alas, in Russia such "stars" will continue to stay afloat ...

What did the Mufti take offense at?

Bloggers (including those from the North Caucasus) and a video clip released by a 29-year-old Tatar performer are discussing smartly Reseda Ganiulina. She herself comes from Tatarstan, and sang a song in the Tatar language - it is called "Zhanym" ("Beloved"). Ganiulina in her video not only sings, but also dances a belly dance in a revealing outfit.

Moreover, against the backdrop of the oldest in the republic, the White Mosque in the city of Bolgar, sacred to Russian Muslims. Naturally, the appearance of the clip was sharply condemned by Muslims on social networks, including the Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil-khazrat Samigullin and Kazan imam Seyjagfar Lutfullin. The most conservative-minded believers even demanded ... to execute the singer, who, in their opinion, violated the norms of Islam.

The singer herself, of course, reacted to the rapidly inflated scandal by giving several interviews. According to her, she had long dreamed of making a video clip against the backdrop of the White Mosque. But, they say, if I had known about such a negative reaction, I would have asked permission from the clergy in advance.

“It’s not my fault that the dance costume looks like this and not otherwise! I didn't want to just show my belly button. These are Arabic dances. And the costumes were sewn according to Arabic sketches. I sing in the Tatar language, but the song has a lot of Middle Eastern themes,” says the Tatar singer.

According to her, 90% of the audience liked the video clip, but the remaining 10%, whom the video clip could offend, the singer publicly apologized. Nevertheless, Reseda Ganiulina deleted the scandalous video “Zhanym” from her personal page on the VKontakte social network (however, by that time it had been reposted on many other pages).

The Investigation Department for Tatarstan also reacted to the situation in a peculiar way, where a pre-investigation check was launched. “The actions of a woman may contain signs of a crime under Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion”),” said the senior assistant of the department Andrey Sheptytsky.

So, it is quite possible that the Kazan singer is facing a very real criminal prosecution. Ganiulina herself promised to reshoot the video so that the new version would not include the White Mosque. But she does not intend to completely abandon her dance and song creativity (which, according to her, promotes both Tatar and Arab culture).

- Zukhra, congratulations on your victory in the "Voice of the Caucasus" contest. Tell me how did you get there?

My appearance at the competition was completely accidental. I saw an ad on social media and was excited to take part. I would like to note the fact that I did not pursue the goal of winning the competition or asserting myself, it was just a purely professional interest in me.

- How long have you been making music?

I have been creative for 12 years. Since then, I have already managed to graduate from the College of Culture and Arts in Kabardino-Balkaria, after which I entered the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music. I am currently a 3rd year student.

- Who writes the words to your songs?

When I was in college, there were often cases when the muse visited me from time to time, and words fell from my pen, but with admission to the academy, the muse slowly began to leave me. I attribute this to the fact that there is no time to dream.

- Who noticed the makings of a future singer in you?

The predisposition to singing in me was revealed at school by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Galina Taukenova, who was my first teacher and, in fact, my second mother. I started performing at the age of 10 at various events. In addition to studying in college, I attended pop vocal lessons and graduated from seven piano classes, and also went to national dances. In general, in my childhood I did not have a single free minute, which I am very happy now and for which I am at the same time grateful to my parents.

- What are your priorities in music today?

Lately, I've been focusing on operatic works. This is due to the fact that I spend a lot of time studying, but this does not stop me from taking part in classical vocal concerts.

How did your parents react to your choice?

Sometimes in life it is difficult to achieve recognition and understanding from your parents, not to mention the listening audience. But I can say with confidence that I managed to get the approval of my parents, and I consider the second place in the “Voice of the Caucasus” competition to be my personal success and recognition from the audience. There was not a single moment when I lacked the attention of my parents, they are always there and support me, for which I am grateful to them.

- Tell us why you dedicated your victory to Kabardino-Balkaria.

Because Kabardino-Balkaria is my homeland. That's not all. I also want my republic not to forget its talents and be proud of our every victory.

- What are your feelings from the realization that you were in the top three?

People say: "The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation." Previously, I have not experienced so much joy and excitement mixed up as I experienced in this competition. There were a lot of interesting and talented guys around, from communication with whom I got nothing but pleasure.

- What kind of relationship do you have with the participants of the "Voice of the Caucasus-2013" contest?

The atmosphere that prevailed at the competition was more like a family atmosphere, where there was not even a hint of rivalry. Everyone cheered for each other, many even became friends during the competition. I am glad that I took part in such a bright event, where I was able to meet very nice, kind and talented people. I love being surrounded by professionals.

- What are your plans for the future?

Now the most important thing is to finish my studies, after which I want to go to Italy, where I could realize my dream - to be able to sing in the world's best opera houses.

Marina Dzamykhova

The festival is attended by "about 40 manufacturers of national blade products from Moscow, the Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria"...

CHERKESSK, February 23. /TASS/. Gunsmiths from four regions of Russia presented the Karachay-Balkarian knife at the festival of national blades in Karachay-Cherkessia (KCHR), which takes place on Defender of the Fatherland Day in the resort village of Dombay. This was reported to TASS on Friday by the organizing committee of the festival.

"About 40 manufacturers of national blade products from Moscow, the Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria participate in the Bichak (knife) festival. Here you can see different types of Karachay-Balkar knives made of damask steel, Damascus and alloyed steel"- said the source of the agency.

Master from Kabardino-Balkaria Mukhadin Karchaev, who has been making knives for about 25 years, brought to the festival all the main varieties of the Karachay-Balkar knife - "Dzhan kezlik" (a small knife that men wore on their belts from early years to old age), the main bull, most commonly used on the farm, and a large carving knife.

"The main feature of the national Karachay-Balkar knife is its functionality and simplicity. It is designed for household needs, it is very convenient to use and deservedly in demand among many peoples"- told TASS Karchaev. The master is also engaged in the manufacture of folding and tourist knives, souvenir daggers and checkers.

History of bichak

Varieties of the traditional knife of the peoples of the North Caucasus are rooted in the time of the ancestors of the Karachays and their kindred Balkars. The shape and design of the bichak, reminiscent of Scandinavian and Mongolian knives, have remained unchanged for many centuries. The blade of this knife is straight, about 140 mm long and about 25 mm wide.

Now the blades are made from modern carbon and alloy steels, as well as from Damascus and damask steel. The bichak does not have a guard, and a tree or a horn of a ram or a tour is used for the hilt, often the hilt was decorated with gold or silver. Modern versions of bichak are produced at the Kizlyar plant in the city of the same name in Dagestan, and are also made by folk craftsmen from Balkaria and Karachay.

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