Russian stars and charity. Are there rich people in Russia involved in charity?


Nowadays, in society, charity is becoming an important unit of mutual exchange of material savings and spiritual wealth between the needy and the having people. In order to find out what people involved in charity are called, it is important for us to understand what motives this phenomenon comes from and how it manifests itself in society.

Why do people give to charity

What pushes a person to such a high cause as charity? Why do some people do charity work and others don't? Psychologists have identified some factors that motivate a person to help others.

Saving others instead of yourself. Having experienced traumatic events in childhood, such as war, famine, violence, orphanhood, a person forever remembers this event as some kind of inner pain. Saving other people in similar situations helps him imagine that he is free of that pain for a while and provides temporary relief. So do people who "made themselves", "got out of the mud" and, having become famous, they provide support to those who need it, as they needed before.

Help others to hide the fact that I need help. This is the motive of "strong" people who do not allow themselves to be weak.

Rise above others. Charity gives these people the opportunity to feel like a patron, significant, important in the eyes of others. It comes from an attempt to find in the adult world that love that was not received in childhood.

Tribute to fashion and imitation. A person can do charity work, because it has developed in society or because his idol does it. Most of the time this help is superficial.

Feeling guilty about your worth.

Speaking of external reasons, they can be such as the desire to receive tax benefits, the ability to expand their social capital, making their contribution to the development of society.

People doing charity work in Russia

The vast majority of people involved in charity work in Russia are big businessmen and show business stars.

Lev Ambinder founded the "Russian Help Fund", which provided assistance to sick children with a total amount of more than 40 million dollars over 14 years of existence.

The fund of the same name of the Russian entrepreneur Vladimir Potanin has been operating since 1999. The fund's annual payments reach up to 300 million rubles. Target programs, grants and internships abroad stimulate the development and support of education and culture in Russia.

The well-known fund "Give them life!" was founded by actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. Operating since 2006, the charitable organization has been supporting the treatment of seriously ill children, mainly in the field of hematology and oncology. year.

Maria Sharapova is a UN Goodwill Ambassador and is responsible for AIDS programs. In addition, Maria organized her own fund to help children affected by the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, since the tennis player herself comes from these places.

Ordinary Russians also make their contribution to the development of charity. According to a study by Dobro Mail.Ru and VTsIOM, the majority of Russian Internet users (76%) have ever been involved in charity work.

True, the percentage of donations most often amounts to no more than 3% of monthly earnings.

Forms of charitable activity

Charity can be expressed in many ways and not always these ways require monetary contributions. Each person can choose for himself an activity to his liking, if he is determined to help those in need.

Selfless transfer of knowledge and skills that will help you adapt to the present environment, learning new skills to get the opportunity to improve your existence.

Provision of food, clothing, medicines, basic necessities.

Providing social assistance to vulnerable segments of the population (minors, the elderly, the disabled).

Free provision of services, performance of work, possibly of a legal nature. The so-called "pro bono" activity.

And other ways to support.

What is the difference between a patron and a philanthropist

Philanthropy literally translated from Greek means love for people. So if we take this term literally, then a philanthropist is a person who loves people. Often this term is perceived as "a person involved in charity." Most often this is true, a philanthropist helps those in need, often providing not only material support, but also direct physical or mental assistance. The most famous philanthropist can be called Mother Teresa. She devoted her whole life to serving humanity, helping the sick, the poor, the orphans and the needy.

Patronage - patronage of science and art. The philanthropist provides assistance not to specific people, but to all of humanity as a whole, sponsoring the development of culture or art. This option of assistance can also be attributed to charity, since this is done, as a rule, free of charge.

Video about people doing charity work

If you really want to help, you should include not only the heart, but also the head. For starters, you should not give money to people on the street, in the subway and at train stations. It would seem that the transfer of money personally into the hands should be as effective as possible, only in this case the money goes to the mafia of scammers, and not to those people who need money. Before you donate money, you should make sure that they go to their intended destination.

You should not start a charity with a large transfer of money: start with some easy amount, and at the same time look at how the organization reports on the distribution of funds. In the future, it will be possible to set up automatic debiting of the amount from your account in favor of the charitable foundation so that it can better plan its work.

Most people start doing charity work by helping children, while the most vulnerable segment of the population is seriously ill adults. We conducted a study together with FOM and found out why people are not inclined to help adults: people have stereotypes about the financial solvency of adults and the attitude “children are our future”. Pay attention to the funds for helping adults: "Zhivoi", ORBI, the Leukemia Fund and others. Also, people often ignore organizations that help orphans get a profession or are engaged in the prevention of social orphanhood - they help families in crisis situations and make sure that the child is not taken away. Such programs are in dire need of support.

People who want to help someone are divided into three groups. It is enough for the representatives of the first to simply say: “Oh, trouble,” and they rush to solve the problem in any way, especially by reposting. They cannot be forced to verify the information they pass on. They believe that good intentions can justify any imprudent act. This group is a breeding ground for online fraud under the guise of charity, it is impossible to change them, and I try not to judge them. Representatives of the second group are more cautious and rely solely on personal recommendations from acquaintances. A third group of people are just good friends with Google: when they are invited to donate funds to an organization, they check its history and look at progress reports.

You have no idea how much banal hooliganism happens on the Internet when people, without any consideration of personal gain, try to start a chain reaction in the form of reposts. In Runet, for example, calls are still circulating to write to the hospital to the boy who composed the fairy tale about the moonbeam, although the boy died long ago.

At the same time, one should not be afraid that behind a photograph of a sick child on the Internet there will be one of the charitable organizations that are established by officials to launder funds - they do not engage in public actions. These people start their laundering "heaps" already with an understanding of what funds and offerings from businessmen they will arrange their "fund". A state official collects for a mansion in the department in which he serves, and does not climb into the public field.

Rule one: charity must be honest. This means that you need to understand to whom and for what you are going to give money. If strange people with strange boxes come up to you on the street, then they are most likely dishonest. If the fund has an address, a landline phone and some history, then it is engaged in honest charity. But that doesn't always mean she's smart.

Hence follows the second rule of charity: it must be reasonable. Sending a child for millions of dollars for rehabilitation in Germany is like sending a person to the best sports club for two weeks: he will not become an Olympic champion from this. There is evidence-based medicine, based on the fact that the effectiveness of certain methods is proved by multiclinical, blind and randomized studies, the results of which are published in a peer-reviewed scientific press. Everything that does not apply to the above is palmistry and obscurantism. You can raise money for a child to travel to a healing spring in which the mother of the child believes that it will be an honest but unreasonable charity.

People should not be forbidden to engage in unreasonable charity, because people often want to do some touching stupidity. Among my wards there is a girl with cerebral palsy who dreamed of having figure skates. But she can't walk, so she couldn't ride them. However, one woman gave them to her for her birthday. Spending money in this way is unwise, but forbidding it is like forbidding people to give flowers to loved ones that will wither tomorrow.

The third rule: charity must be effective. There is such a disease - aspergillosis, which affects people with low immunity, for example, cancer patients, and the usual mold growing on the walls becomes deadly for them. An aspergillosis drug for one child costs $26,000. In this case, the fungus mainly enters the body through injections. Therefore, if you use modern and high-quality consumables for droppers - catheters, adapters, and more, you can avoid getting fungus. $100,000 can buy enough proper IV materials to last the whole country for a year. That is, for the same amount, you can save four children if you buy medicine for those who are already sick, or save two thousand children with cancer from it. It is much more difficult, albeit more effective, to motivate people to chip in for droppers, adapters and catheters for everyone than to donate money to save one. It is much more effective to build good ventilation in hospitals so that molds do not start and the infection does not spread, but we have not yet reached the point where people give money to build ventilation for everyone, and not to save one child who dies due to poor ventilation.

Roman Belousov, founder of the private animal shelter 50 Pets:

In the case of animals, sometimes promoting a stray dog ​​on social networks is more useful than transferring money to her for food - this way she will quickly find the owner. Who you should beware of is people in multi-colored vests who walk on trains with puppies in their arms and talk about helping animals, asking for help and making them hysterical. When you type in the name of their organization into a search engine, you realize that they don’t even have a website, and next to the mention of the name some legal entity is spinning, and the proceeds from this “fund” go, respectively, to the salary of the head of this legal entity and several volunteers. The shelter should have a website, and the website or social media pages of the shelter should have photos that show the stories of the animals being adopted, and not just a set of pictures from the Internet.

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    in rimmchik I always throw money at the cash register

    if it can be called charity, then yes.
    1. I feed stray cats
    2. I donate old things to social assistance
    3. once a year I donate toys (+pencils, sketchbooks, paints...) to the house for about 20 lats

    Let's just say that if the program is free and I like it (Movienizer, for example) - I will not hesitate to send a couple of dollars for development.
    The rest may well earn their own mind.

    Yes, no smotrja chto dlja tabja blagotvoriteljnostj

    well, prices for clothes, and stylish slippers

  • Gave money. But hardly anyone threw 50 lats! For those pennies that we throw into the hands of those who ask, they will buy themselves expired bread, salt, and drinks, such as mineral water. How long do you think such a person will last on such a diet? I don't think that many of us, having seen some old woman who asks for money for food, will throw her 50 lats. Maximum lat. And that's not everyone. For me, it's better to buy a bag of food yourself, at least for 10 lats, and give it to the hungry. That's what I think is good, or charity. But if you give money and suddenly this person simply drinks it away, what good is that then??

Charity or philanthropy, love for people is the activity of an individual or a group of people, through which resources are voluntarily and free of charge transferred to needy people.

Charity is aimed both at a specific person, solving a personal problem that concerns everyone, and at society in the narrow and broad sense of the word.


Charitable activities contribute to solving the problems of society and improving the conditions of social life.

A person who does charity does it voluntarily. He himself chooses the time, the place of help and the resource that he will share disinterestedly.

Charity resources include:

  • cash, finance,
  • material resources,
  • abilities, skills,
  • knowledge, intellectual and moral resources,
  • work for good, services,
  • other support.

Charity is sometimes associated with almsgiving, but these are different phenomena. The main difference between charity and charity is that it is organized and planned.

Giving alms, a person helps one specific individual and does not know how he uses the help received as a gift.

A person engaged in charity is aware of the social significance of the goal of his activity.

Charity is organized according to a plan or program. The goals of assistance go beyond the family or friends of the benefactor, are not forced upon him, are disinterested, without malicious intent.

Money for charity goes to shelters, boarding schools, canteens, hospitals, and other social state and non-state institutions.

Charity forms

It is difficult to determine the forms of charity; there is no clear classification. There is humanitarian, social assistance, volunteering. There is help "pro bono" - free services of a professional, a qualified specialist.

Charity finds expression in the form:

  1. personal participation of a citizen,
  2. help institutions, companies,
  3. activities of a public organization, a relief fund,
  4. church assistance based on the dogmas of one or another religion.
  5. Government support (for example, benefits).

The charity of wealthy people is more often expressed in the creation of organizations that carry out charitable activities on their behalf. This is a popular form of helping society in our time. Sometimes it is criticized and ridiculed, questioned unreasonably. Sometimes he really convicts "philanthropists" and "philanthropists" of dishonesty, of linking charity to politics, advertising, business, and so on.

A charitable organization is a non-profit, non-state structure designed to provide assistance, charity through activities in the interests of society or certain categories of citizens.

Foundations receive money for charity in the form of:

  • donations from individuals and legal entities,
  • grants, targeted funding from other funds,
  • investments from investments, deposits,
  • profits from permissible, legally regulated commercial activities.

Charity is designed not only to eliminate negative social phenomena and trends, but also to develop positive ones.

Funds are being created to support young artists, writers, scientists and other talented people.

There are prizes and awards that people of art and culture receive in order to be able to develop and move civilization forward, to ensure the progress of mankind.

Reasons for giving

Selfless help and charity is carried out because a person has:

  • The desire to help people, to contribute to the development of society. Human, compassion, . By doing good, he feels happy. A true philanthropist makes life more harmonious, restores justice and order.
  • Internal installation, the principle of helping those who need it. This is an attitude instilled from childhood. Such an inner willingness to help speaks of the culture and morality of a person. He is used to helping people, he considers this the norm of behavior.
  • Due to the position, status, position, the duty to help. The powerful of this world at all times receive the glory of a benefactor. From the height of their own greatness, they help others to become even higher in the eyes of society.

  • The desire to gain respect and approval, authority in the eyes of the environment. In charity, a person is looking for an opportunity to acquire importance and significance as a person, to assert himself.
  • Imitation of others. The involvement of people around in charity acts as an infectious, "fashionable" trend. As soon as the fashion for generosity and philanthropy leaves or you do not boast of it, a person will lose interest in charity.
  • Wine for well-being. In this case, charity is a way to solve internal psychological problems. Charity of rich people, conditional - a way to make amends for past mistakes related to the failure to provide assistance to a person in need or to compensate for excessive greed, stinginess.
  • Compensation for psychological trauma. A person wants to help another individual if he has been in the same difficult life situation. People who have experienced misfortune or grief are more likely to help a person in a difficult situation than those who have not known misfortunes. Helping another, a person copes with his mental trauma.

The world seems cruel and cynical, but there are many kind and generous people in every country and culture. Helping another, a person helps everyone on Earth.

One of the pioneering philanthropists, Andrew Carnegie, once said, "No one can become truly rich without giving their wealth to those in need." According to him, a man who dies rich dies dishonest. Many millionaires and billionaires and just generous people around the world have followed his example, donating millions to various charitable campaigns.

Here's a list of the world's most generous people, ranked by how much money each gave in total. In total, 106 billion dollars were donated from the bank accounts of these noble people to charity.

Dietmar Hopp

One of the largest German entrepreneurs, Dietmar Hopp founded the SAP IT company, a software manufacturer for large companies and corporations. Twenty years ago, this German billionaire founded a charitable foundation to support education, sports and healthcare.

Total donations: $1 billion

Current Status: $6.3 billion

Pierre Morad Omidyar

This billionaire has not yet reached the age of 50 and is already one of the richest entrepreneurs. The founder and chairman of the board of directors of eBay, Pierre and his wife Pamela founded a charitable foundation dedicated to the fight against the slave trade. He is also the founder of the philanthropic investment fund Omidyar's Network. From a fortune of $6 billion, Omidyar donated a billion to charity.

Michael Dell

The Chairman and CEO of Dell Computer Company has led the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation for 17 years. The Foundation is engaged in education, humanitarian and social assistance, as well as the development of culture and art. In 2015, the foundation announced plans to build a new $25 million hospital in Austin, Texas. Total donations: $1.1 billion out of a personal fortune of $19 billion.

James Simons

The founder and president of the world's most successful investment fund, Renaissance Technologies, has a fortune in excess of $12 billion, of which $1.2 billion has been given to his charitable foundation. Basically, the fund's money was used for educational purposes. A separate line is considered to be Simons' donations to the study of autism and to support those suffering from this deviation.

In 2015, the fortune of the founder of the CNN television channel amounted to two billion dollars. Throughout his career, Turner has donated half of that amount to charity. He leads the Turner Global Foundation, an international fund dedicated to environmental issues and protection. He is also a regular trustee of the United Nations Foundation. The entrepreneur is concerned about the problems of overpopulation, security and infant mortality.

John Huntsman Sr.

The founder of the HuntsmanCorporation, a chemical industry corporation, is worth $940 million. At the same time, the entrepreneur gave more than a billion dollars to fight cancer.

One of the richest and most powerful people in Asia, investor Li Ka-shing made a fortune of $26.6 billion. For more than 35 years, he has headed a charitable foundation in support of education, cultural development and healthcare. In total, Li Ka-shing donated one and a half billion dollars to various fund projects.

Mark Zuckerberg

The Facebook founder is one of the youngest billionaire entrepreneurs. His fortune totals 41 billion US dollars. In 2015, Zuckerberg pledged to donate more than half of his fortune to charity over the course of his life. To date, the education sector has received more than $1.5 billion from Mark and Priscilla.

The Microsoft co-founder and head of Vulcan, a private equity fund, has $17 billion. The Allen Family Foundation is engaged in various charitable projects, including public health, environmental protection and the study of Alzheimer's disease. In total, the fund received two billion dollars from Paul Allen.

The owner of a news agency and founder of media company Bloomberg is one of the world's most celebrated philanthropists. Of his total wealth of $40 billion, he gave away three to education, the environment, health, and community development.

Chairman of the board of directors of the financial corporation BOK, Kaiser is the owner of more than nine billion dollars, of which 3.3 billion were given to his family charitable foundation dealing with education, social development, religious tolerance and health care.

Through his charitable foundation, this $7 billion billionaire continues to invest in healthcare, education and the arts. To date, his contribution to global philanthropy has amounted to three and a half billion dollars.

One of the richest people on the planet, this Mexican billionaire is the head of the GrupoCarso holding. His fortune today is 27 billion, of which four entrepreneur gave to charity. He is engaged in the improvement of life in Mexico and the protection of the nature of this country.

Moore founded Intel in 1968 and has been active in charitable work ever since. During his long career, his own foundation has donated $5 billion to environmental protection and the advancement of science. Moore's financial assets today amount to six and a half billion dollars.

Suleiman bin Abdul Al Raji

In 1957, this Arab entrepreneur and his brothers founded the AlRajhi bank, which grew into one of the largest banks in the Arab world. His fortune is 590 million, while since 2013, Al Raji has donated almost six billion dollars to charity.

The founder of the Duty Free chain of stores, Charles Feeney, has been called a philanthropic genius. This merchant magnate decided to give all his fortune to the needs of society. Today, his modest wealth is $1.5 million, while his AtlanticPhilanthropies foundation has given away more than six billion of his fortune to charity.

Azim Premji

Azim Hashim Premji, the founder of IT company Wipro, is one of the two richest people in India. His capital is sixteen billion US dollars, of which Premji gave half to improve the educational system of India.

One of the most famous philanthropists in the world, the founder of a network of charitable foundations, Soros gave $ 8 billion to charity, which is 33% of his total capital. The Soros Foundation works around the world, helping to solve problems of social development, education and health care.

The world's largest investor and richest man, Buffett is also the most generous of all philanthropists. In 2006, he promised to give 85% of his money, which is more than 60 billion, to the Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation by the end of his life. To date, Buffett has donated more than $21 billion.

Known as the founder of Microsoft and the richest man on the planet, Bill Gates is now involved in philanthropy. His fund invests in various social projects around the world. Of the 85 billion dollars, the Gates spouses gave more than 30% to improve the world.

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