Ruslan Bely makes an offer to Yulia Akhmedova. Star of the Stand Up show on TNT Yulia Akhmedova: I tell the whole truth about myself


Yesterday, March 15, in the Event-hall concert hall (Grad City Park), our fellow countryman Ruslan Bely performed his stand-up show. Ruslan gathered a full hall, 2000 people came to watch the performance of the host and participant of the popular Stand Up project on TNT. “I don’t really believe in my career,” Ruslan admitted from the stage, “I think it’s a lottery, and I won something. I honestly don’t understand what you are doing here when you could download something in a torrent at home. For free!".

It was allowed to take pictures at the concert, but Ruslan categorically forbade filming it on video. “I will specifically search for the hashtag on Instagram, and if I see at least one video, I will track it down and rape you, I promise you! And then let them call me to “Let them talk!”, I don’t care, ”he threatened in his usual comic manner, hinting at the story with Diana Shurygina.

Of course, in his monologue, Ruslan could not help but recall the recent petition that Lipetsk wedding host Alexander Chernikov wrote in the name of Governor Alexei Gordeev. Recall that the essence of the claims was reduced to the TNT screensaver, where Bely says that if he is not taken to the shooting of the Bachelor show, he promises to marry Akhmedova. Recall, by the way, that Yulia is also from Voronezh, she studied at VGASU and played in the KVN team "25th". In his petition, Alexander Chernikov demanded that Bely's concert be canceled, since he did not keep his promise, and the institution of the family, they say, is not very respected in our country. And all this happens, including because of the actions of public people, such as Ruslan Bely.

Do you understand? I'm practically Hitler! - Ruslan ironically from the stage, - He demanded that my concert be canceled until I apologize to the fans, or make an offer to Akhmedova. The funny thing is that no one asks Yulka anything. Type: you're a man, gave his word. And what's the baba? Come on ... We are a Christian country, but in relation to women, we are almost Muslims. Also, I don't want this theme to be used later. Here they ask Gordeev: “Why are the roads so bad?” And he: “I dealt with your White!” You know, if a petition gets 100,000 votes on the Internet, it will be considered in Parliament. Mine scored 123, 122 to be exact, I also voted. It would be cool if my concert was in parliament.

By the way, Ruslan promised to make a whole concert dedicated to the theme of his marriage:

I am 37 years old and still single. This is my cross. The main question that I hear in my address is: “When are you getting married?” Do you think I forget about it and you remind me in this way? I'm like, "Yo! Exactly! Flew out of the head, planned for Tuesday!” I think about it all the time anyway. I keep trying to write a concerto, dump it all on you. Yes, from the outside I live well: they show me on TV, I have an apartment, a car, some kind of success, but I hate being alone with myself. Yes, I have a one-room apartment in Moscow. I recently paid off my mortgage. If there are lonely dudes in the hall: never buy one-room apartments, or at least take them so that there is a kitchen and a room. Because I have a studio. It's disgusting. There should be different rooms: you have to eat somewhere, and suffer somewhere. It is impossible to do it at the same time: to eat and suffer. I have a large mirror at home, and I can see myself from everywhere, from any angle. And I'm usually naked at home, and this is not the best picture ...

Ruslan Bely. Young, popular, fun. His personal life is unknown, but his talent attracts the attention of many people, mostly young people. He often tours, never stopping anywhere for a long time. He is loved and expected in the most remote corners of the vast country that is the Russian Federation.

His life path is unusual. Having become a military man, Ruslan abandoned everything for the sake of the desire to bring joy to people. He still considers this activity important, which helps him not only brighten up people's leisure time, raising their spirits, but also humorously tell about everything that surrounds him.

He is also a very good actor who has starred in a number of popular films that have been popular with the audience for several years now.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ruslan Bely

Recently, the younger generation of the Russian Federation is very fond of watching the performances of Ruslan Bely. They are interesting and unforgettable, so young people want to know everything about the famous humorist. They search for information by asking the question: Height, weight, age. How old is Ruslan Bely?

At the moment, among the actors of the comic role, Ruslan Bely is distinguished by high growth. He is 182 cm. In addition, the comedian weighs 82. Which, with his height, looks perfect.

The comedian is in good physical shape, working out daily in the gym. He runs about 2 km daily, believing that this can keep his health for many years to please the public. In addition, Ruslan adheres to a healthy diet, believing that you can refuse junk food if you want to live happily ever after.

Biography of Ruslan Bely

He was born in Prague, lived there until the 5th grade, since his father served in a military unit, then moved to his father's new place of service - the city of Legnica (Poland). After a 4-year period, they arrived in the city of Bobrov, Voronezh region (RF). Ruslan had problems with his studies due to multiple changes of residence, but our hero graduated from school with excellent marks, receiving a silver medal. At the request of his father, Ruslan entered a military school, where he began to participate in KVN. He is a member of the Seventh Heaven team, which won the Vocal KiViN at one of the festivals held in Jurmala.

After graduating from the Military Aviation Engineering University, Ruslan became a contract military man. For 5 years he became a senior lieutenant, then a captain, he was awarded the medal "For Distinction in Military Service". Deciding that the army was not his vocation, Ruslan entered the Voronezh State Agrarian University. Emperor Peter I.

He was a resident of the Voronezh Comedy Club, participated in the TV show "Laughter without rules", but only when he was invited for the third time. After a prize for 1st place of 700,000 rubles, he purchased an apartment in Voronezh.

The biography of Ruslan Bely becomes popular after filming in the television series Happy Together. After that, he began acting in a number of films, the most famous of which is the role of the TV series Univer. New hostel.

Since 2013, his own show "Stand Up" has been successfully operating. Ruslan Bely is now engaged in new projects, which, according to him, the inhabitants of Russia will soon be able to find out. These new projects will present the comedian from a new side, from which the general public does not yet know him. Ruslan Bely dreams of playing a tragic role, but so far no one has offered it to him.

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

The personal life of Ruslan Bely is shrouded in a veil of secrecy. No one knows the details of the personal life of our hero. Everyone knows nothing about romantic relationships in his younger years, and even now everything is veiled with a halo of mystery. Ruslan Bely does not answer this question in any way, joking that his chosen one has not yet been born. That's when she grows up, then he will meet her.

Ruslan Bely is credited with an affair with his colleague on the TV show "Stand Up" Yulia Akhmedova. Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova deny this fact, saying that they are only friends. Everyone is interested in this question, since neither Ruslan nor Yulia got married. Julia says that she has not yet met her only one, and she considers Ruslan to be her brother, so she cannot have a personal relationship with him. She is grateful to her friend for helping to achieve heights in show business.

Ruslan Bely explains his freedom from marriage by terrible employment at work. He says that he has known Yulia for a long time, she is an interesting girlfriend, but nothing more.

Therefore, if you are interested in the question of Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova, do they really meet, then you cannot find an answer to it. But rumors about the relationship of comedians continue to arise.

Family of Ruslan Bely

The family of Ruslan Bely is his friends on TV projects. Our hero is especially friends with Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya. They act together, fooling around. Ruslan often comes to visit his guests, visiting them and their children. He says that the family of his friends is also his family, so our hero considers himself responsible for the good mood of his friends.

Ruslan Bely considers members of the club of the popular KVN game to be his family. He says that without them he is nothing. Ruslan, as soon as possible, comes to the games, preferring to watch the performance in the hall, and not on TV.

Everyone knows that Ruslan Bely has a father, mother and younger brother. My father was a military man all his life, believing that it was a military specialty that suits a real man. Ruslan Bely hides further details about his family, believing that his close people should not be responsible for his popularity with their calmness.

Children of Ruslan Bely

The children of Ruslan Bely have not yet been born, since he has not yet met the chosen one who will give him a child. Ruslan believes that you should build your life in such a way that it is subordinated to the interests of the child, but he is not yet ready to change everything abruptly.

The hero considers the children of his friends, whom he loves and pampers, as his children. He believes that he will someday become a good father, as his friends are convinced.

Ruslan Bely often gives charitable performances, giving the collected funds to the fund for helping sick children and children in difficult life situations.

Ruslan Bely's wife

The wife of Ruslan Bely is Yulia Akhmedova, such information can be found in some publishing houses. But, based on official information, the comedian is free today, although his age is over 30. Some media claim that Ruslan and Yulia formalized their relationship, but hide it from the public. Journalists say that Yulia and Ruslan have not yet met anyone else, they can be found in the company of each other and friends in Standup. Rumors were fueled by the fact that Yulia Akhmedova is also free.

Young comedians say that they have been friends for a long time, and they do not want to destroy friendly relations with marriage. Marriage is something more than friendship, but Yulia assures that she is so used to Ruslan that she sees in him only a brother from the time when they performed as part of the same KVN team. In addition, Ruslan, as Yulia assures, does not show any interest in her, since he has other taste preferences that she does not fit. The girl does not want to develop a relationship with her Stand-up partner, as she is very embarrassed by office romances.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ruslan Bely

Ruslan Bely tours cities a lot. On the pages on Instagram and Wikipedia of Ruslan Bely, information is often updated, even during the day. He tells here which city he visited, shares his impressions about the public, tells humorous incidents that happened to him, as well as incidents that happened to other participants.

Photos of posters are also posted here and upcoming performances in any city are announced. This is necessary for him so that the subscribers evaluate his creative activity.

On the page on Instagram, you can get acquainted with the numerous comments of subscribers, of which there are extremely many. Subscribers thank the comedian for his wonderful and positive performances, which cheer up, and also invite you to visit their city again.

Ruslan often maintains a page, although his status says that Instagram is the best thing that mankind has invented, but everyone who uses it will go to hell, where they will experience torment depending on how many people subscribe to the page.

Little is known about the personal life of the popular comedian and the only girl in the Stand Up show, Yulia Akhmedova. It seems that the image of an eternally lonely girl, passionately desiring to get married, which has been fixed for her in the program, is haunting the former KVNshitsui in reality. Yulia herself practically does not comment on questions regarding relationships with the opposite sex, joking that she, like her stand-up heroine, is forever alone. But lately, the Russian-language information space has been filled with news that Yulia Akhmedova will soon marry her "colleague" Ruslan Bely. Allegedly, the girl is pregnant and Ruslan, like a real gentleman, has already proposed to her right on the air of the Stand Up program (video below). These rumors are so true, as well as the latest news from the life of Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely, including photos from the Instagram of comedians, find out further.

Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely: how are the relationships between popular stand-up comedians in 2017/2018

The first hints that there is a close relationship between popular comedians Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely appeared long before the winter of 2017/2018. While still members of different KVN teams, Yulia and Ruslan knew each other well. According to the guys, their friendship has more than 11 years and all this time they maintained warm friendly relations. In the end, the friendship grew into a creative tandem that spawned one of the best comedy shows in Russia today. Thanks to this joint work, which implies even closer communication, rumors appeared that Ruslan and Yulia had become a couple.

What are the relations between popular comedians Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely in 2017/2018

At first, young people in every possible way denied the information that they were dating. Julia has repeatedly said in her interviews that she treats Ruslan as an older brother and mentor. The girl mentioned the fact of their many years of friendship, which is similar to the relationship of blood relatives. But the journalists decided that strong love feelings were probably hidden behind such a zealous protest, which the couple simply decided not to advertise. And for the appearance of such suspicions there was one weighty reason - these two spend too much time in close communication. And given that Bely is a very charismatic young man, and Akhmedova is a prominent and intelligent girl, then such close communication should simply lead to a love relationship between them.

Video where Ruslan Bely makes an offer to Yulia Akhmedova - a hoax or truth?

A new wave of rumors about the relationship of popular stand-up artists rose after a video appeared on the network where Ruslan Bely proposes to Yulia Akhmedova. Fans of the show "Stand Up" immediately guessed that this video was a promo video for the new season of the program. But then the question arose of whether this was true or a cunning PR move by the producers. The fact is that the participants of the show themselves have repeatedly stated that the main difference between “Stand Up” and other humorous programs lies in its veracity. Like, the jokes that the guys voice from the stage concern them personally. These can be funny stories from life, stories about their complexes, experiences, discussion of difficulties in their personal lives, and the like. For example, Yulia Akhmedova says that her character "a lonely girl after 30 years old who wants to get married" was written from her personally.

Is it true that Ruslan Bely made a real proposal to Yulia Akhmedova, video

So, before the video with the proposal appeared, Yulia Akhmedova had a speech in which the girl admitted that she had a boyfriend. In a sarcastic form inherent in a comedian, the girl shared her experiences, which seemed personal to the audience. Julia mentioned that she and her boyfriend did not want to advertise their relationship yet. Of course, regular viewers of the Stand Up show immediately suspected Yulia of having an affair with Ruslan. Perhaps, in the wake of these rumors, young people decided to release a provocative video with a proposal that went on the air, which will appear in the new season.

Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely: details from their personal lives and when the wedding will be

It is difficult to talk about any details from the personal life of Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova, especially when their wedding will be. Since young people deny literally all the rumors about their relationship, fans of their work can only guess. Spectators and journalists get the main information from the monologues of stand-up comedians, in which there is always a lot of personal information. In addition, the followers of Bely and Akhmedova on social networks track the publications of comedians in the hope of finding evidence of their love relationship.

When Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova get married - details from the couple's personal life

And although the network is full of joint videos and photographs of Yulia and Ruslan, there is no direct evidence that these two are in love. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about their possible wedding, and even more so about the specific dates for it. Perhaps, after the release of the new season of the show "Stand Up" on TNT, in the promo video for which Ruslan's proposal was on stage, the love situation between him and Yulia will become clearer.

Is it true that Yulia Akhmedova is pregnant from comedian Ruslan Bely, photo

Another scandalous situation that arose against the background of rumors about the offer of comedian Ruslan Bely concerns the pregnancy of Yulia Akhmedova. After a video with an offer appeared on the network, fans began to put forward theories about what made Ruslan make him on the air of the program. Some of them suggested that the reason for this act lies in the pregnancy of Akhmedova, which will soon become apparent. Moreover, among the last speeches of Yulia, a monologue about an unexpected pregnancy appeared.

Yulia Akhmedova is pregnant (photo) - comedian Ruslan Bely will become a father?

In favor of this theory, one of the photographs of Yulia Akhmedova “shot” in which the girl clearly has a small tummy. Yulia's followers immediately rushed to congratulate the girl on her pregnancy, at the same time trying to find out who the future father of the child was. In the end, Akhmedova could not stand the onslaught and posted a post on Instagram, which she jokingly commented: “Well, nooo! I'm giving up eating! STOMACH! ROUNDED! SHOWN!" Fans immediately rushed to reassure the girl with messages that she did not need to lose weight and she looked great.

Julia Akhmedova in the magazine "Maxim" - erotic photos for the popular gloss

In addition to rumors about pregnancy and an imminent wedding with Ruslan Bely, many fans of Yulia Akhmedova on the network are interested in erotic photos of the girl for the popular Maxim magazine. Many of them are sure that the young stand-up girl has all the data to appear on the pages of this gloss. Undoubtedly, Yulia is a girl with a bright attractive appearance, for which she needs Azerbaijani roots to thank. But not everyone knows that Yulia grew up in strictness - her dad is a military man, which was reflected in the rules for raising the Akhmedov sisters. The girl herself in her speeches often touches on this topic, suggesting that it is precisely strict upbringing that prevents her from meeting everyone in a row. And since there are few worthy applicants, the heroine of Yulia suffers from constant loneliness.

Why Yulia Akhmedova did not take erotic photos for the popular Maxim magazine

Based on this information, it becomes clear that Yulia Akhmedova does not have an erotic photo shoot for the popular Maxim magazine. Who knows, perhaps she will have a similar experience in the future if Yulia wants to cross this forbidden line and thus increase the number of her male fans.

Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely: latest news and photos from Instagram of comedians

While the personal life of Yulia Akhmedova remains "a mystery shrouded in darkness," you can follow the latest news in her relationship with Ruslan Bely on social networks. For example, both comedians on Instagram have their own pages where young people share interesting events from their creative and personal lives.

A selection of photos and latest news from the Instagram of comedians Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely

The image of a girl with an unsettled personal life in the framework of the StandUp humorous project belongs to Yulia Akhmedova, whose personal life and photos have been a topic of discussion for several years now. The girl skillfully speculates with her position and has earned recognition for her comic talent among young people.

She easily converges with people due to her openness. This is noted not only by close friends of Yulia, but also by journalists who are interested in the growing popularity of the only girl in the TV project.

The heroine was born in 1982 on November 28 in the Kyrgyz city of Kant. Yulia got an unusual patronymic for Russia Oktaevna. In addition to the fact that Yulia's father is an Azerbaijani by birth, born in Baku, he is also a military man. Therefore, the Akhmedov sisters lived in austerity. But this did not stop Julia from choosing an original profession. Parents did not argue with her and supported the girl in all her endeavors.

The girl was always original and thought outside the box. For example, she dreamed of becoming a milkmaid and living in nature. At that time, she did not think about the career of a TV star. Julia was actively involved in sports: skiing and was fond of ballroom dancing.

After school in 1999, Akhmedova came to Voronezh and chose a construction and technological specialty at VGASU. In addition, the girl graduated from the magistracy. She was interested in the depletion of the planet's resources and the ecological situation. Soon the question arose whether to work in the specialty or engage in KVN. Humor won and Julia became a real KVNshitsa.

The heroine took her first steps in KVN as a student. Since the team of comedians at the university consisted only of men and girls, Yulia decided to assemble her own team. With a purely female composition, they became members of the student league. Here, an unusual team was noticed and recognized for the extraordinary humorous talent of its members.

In 2003, on the basis of the student team, the 25th team was created with Akhmedova as the captain. This was the starting point for the career growth of the heroine.

Yulia Akhmedova was the captain of the KVN team "25th"

In the very first serious tournament, the guys took the title of champions of the Voronezh Student League. In 2005, the team received second place in the Start league. "25th" confidently moved forward and conquered new heights.

The next victory was the title of vice-champion of the Krasnodar League, then there was the final of the First League and, finally, the team got into the Premier League. By that time, Julia had become the multiple owner of the title "KVN girl of the year".

Yulia Akhmedova on TV

Already at the stage of KVN, the personal life and nationality of Yulia Akhmedova began to interest fans of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Since 2008, the heroine has been actively collaborating with the TNT television channel. It all started when a talented girl was recruited to work on the script for the Univer sitcom. In 2012, Julia participated in the Comed ywoman TV project as a guest. After that, the organizers invited the humorist to become the creative producer of the show.

Yulia Akhmedova in the TV project "Comedy-wumen"

On the way to her stardom, the heroine met many interesting and useful people. In 2007, Ruslan Bely became one of them. At that time, he was just collaborating with her team. Much later, the young man became the initiator of the StandUp television project that later became successful. At first, the girl was the producer of the show, after which, at the insistence of Ruslan, she herself went on stage. After that, viewers began to follow the personal life and the latest news about Yulia Akhmedova until 2017.

It was interesting that the comedian first appeared on the stage of this project on the day of her thirtieth birthday. Her debut performance was successful, and Yulia became one of the residents of StandUp.

The topics of sparkling monologues were feminism, items of women's clothing, marriage, loneliness, the heroine's family and much more.

At a performance in the comedy show "Standup"

Yulia's speeches are attractive because the girl talks about the problems of her personal life, which in most cases are close to most girls and women. Since the personal life of Yulia Akhmedova remains unchanged in 2017, the source of inspiration is inexhaustible. The absence of a permanent reliable partner gives Julia new ideas for creativity.

The main recipe for the success of Akhmedova's performances and the entire TV show as a whole remains that all stories are taken from the lives of residents. Of course, the authors of monologues embellish reality and add amusing details to events, but, in fact, all stories are not fictional. Each viewer finds their own traits in the images chosen by the artists on the StandUp stage.

Yulia Akhmedova and other participants of "Standup"

Yulia says that in her speeches she, like other residents, talks about her big complexes and shortcomings. She touches on the most important issues of her life, otherwise the performances will lose their sincerity. In addition to the fact that Yulia is abandoned by men and she is prone to depression, she spoke about the divorce of her parents and other members of her family.

In one of the interviews, the humorist admitted that she plans to go to her father and explain to him that these are all jokes and sarcasm. But she still hasn't made up her mind to do so.

The TV show has already earned huge popularity. For four years, the audience of this project has been growing. The StandUp team went on tour to Prague, where they held the longest concert in this genre in the history of the Czech Republic.

Yulia Akhmedova on the jury of the Open Microphone program

Julia can often be seen in other TNT projects. She periodically appears on the jury for the participants of "Comedybattle". This year she became a mentor in the satirical TV show "Open Mic", where young talents from humor try themselves as stand-up comedians.

Personal life of the only girl in "StandUp"

At the moment, Yulia Akhmedova is not married. This fact is known to everyone who wants to know more about the personal life of Yulia Akhmedova and about the girl's future husband. The comedian does not hide that she wants a family and children. But a busy schedule does not allow you to fully surrender to building a close relationship with a potential spouse.

However, from this situation, the girl took out a lot of benefits. She actively exploits the image of a lonely pessimist on stage. Her upbringing and strong-willed character does not allow the artist to get along with the first comer. This factor becomes another reason why the heroine does not yet have a permanent life partner.

The layman may be surprised that, working in an exclusively male team, a pretty girl could not find a mate. She explains the situation simply: Julia is categorically against novels at work.

The network often comes across photos with Ruslan Bely, but the relationship between young people is working and friendly. Ruslan has long become a close friend for a comedian, and other relationships between them are simply impossible.

By the way, all the residents of StandUp are younger than Yulia. Despite the fact that the heroine is always in the center of male attention, her colleagues have no chance of reciprocity. Only Ruslan Bely is excluded from this list, since he is already 37 years old and older than Yulia. But the girl cannot call him otherwise than her elder brother.

The male team has another advantage. The actress does not have to share her purely feminine jokes with colleagues. Her performances can always remain unique, as no one from the team will claim topics that only a girl can brilliantly beat.

To date, for Yulia Akhmedova, personal life and children have faded into the background. She diligently works on her monologues and new images for the stage. The girl has the opportunity to prove herself both as an artist and as a producer. Therefore, the girl spends a lot of time on her work.

Do not think that the personal life of Yulia Akhmedova did not get off the ground in 2017 either. Periodically, she has novels. But a too serious attitude to the institution of marriage and the relationship of the two people who make up the family does not allow the girl to decide on a life partner. The ideal person has not yet appeared on the horizon.

Julia Akhmedova: Instagram, photo

You can find more photos in personal instagram Julia.

A resident of the Lipetsk region, Alexander Chernikov, asks to cancel the concert of comedian Ruslan Bely, which is to be held in Voronezh on March 15. The Lipchanian argues his proposal by the fact that Bely, they say, does not keep his word and in general "contributes to the moral decay of the younger generation." No more, no less.

The reason for such accusations was one of the screensavers of the TNT channel, in which Ruslan Bely starred. “If they don’t call me to shoot the next Bachelor, I promise I will marry Akhmedova,” the humorist says in the micro-video.

And since he was still “not invited” to the shooting, and there were no reports of the wedding of the former KVN players Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova, the Lipchan resident was indignant at this state of affairs and created an online petition.

“The number of marriage registrations in 2016 in the Voronezh region decreased by 20%. A frivolous attitude to the institution of family and marriage provokes young people not to formalize their relationship officially, and pushes them towards banal cohabitation. Famous people should support the prestige of the family by their example, but the behavior of Ruslan Viktorovich testifies to the opposite, ”the creator of the petition believes. And he proposes as an educational measure: “to ban the tour of Ruslan Viktorovich Bely throughout the Voronezh region, until the artist apologizes to his fans, publicly admits his lie, or makes a public offer to conclude a family union with Yulia Akhmedova.”

The Lipchan resident plans to send an appeal to the General Director of Comedy Club Production Andrey Levin and ... to the Governor of the Voronezh Region Alexei Gordeev.

The petition, by the way, is signed rather sourly: at the moment, the proposal was supported by 112 people from different cities of Russia - Yelets, Arkhangelsk, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Krasnoyarsk, Serpukhov, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Sochi, Kazan, Ulyanovsk and others. It should be noted that the Lipchanin has his own agency for organizing holidays and, apparently, the creator of the petition was going to promote himself in this way.

By the way, the statistics “protector of personal happiness Akhmedova” cited are almost correct: in 2016, the number of marriages in the Voronezh region decreased by 18%. However, the head of the regional Civil Registry Office, Marina Severgina, connects this with the fact that last year was a leap year, and the inhabitants of our region are very superstitious. In her opinion, it is impossible to wean couples to ignore May and leap year.

- We have a statistical curve for many years, and we know for sure that in a leap year there will be a decline in marriage registrations. Nothing but prejudice, not justified. And if this year there is a decline in marriages, then what will happen next year? That's right, a decline in the birth rate. It’s all predictable,” Severgina concluded.

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