Russian literature of the 18th century table. Russian literature of the 18th century methodological development in literature (grade 9) on the topic


And all the achievements of the Renaissance. Societies were greatly influenced by the literature of the 18th century, which made its invaluable contribution to world culture. The Enlightenment gave impetus to the French Revolution, which completely changed Europe.

The literature of the 18th century performed mainly educational functions; great philosophers and writers became its heralds. They themselves had an incredible store of knowledge, sometimes encyclopedic, and not without reason believed that only an enlightened person could change this world. They carried their humanistic ideas through literature, which consisted mainly of philosophical treatises. These works were written for a fairly wide circle of readers capable of thinking and reasoning. The authors hoped in this way to be heard by a large number of people.

The period from 1720 to 1730 is called enlightenment classicism. Its main content was that the writers ridiculed based on examples of ancient literature and art. In these works, one can feel pathos and heroism, which are aimed at the idea of ​​creating a state-paradise.

Foreign literature of the 18th century did a lot. She was able to show the heroes who are real patriots. For this category of people, Equality, Fraternity and Freedom are the top priority. True, it should be noted that these heroes are completely devoid of individuality, characterization, they are possessed only by lofty passions.

Enlightenment classicism is being replaced by enlightenment realism, which brings literature closer to concepts that are closer to people. Foreign literature of the 18th century receives a new direction, more realistic and democratic. Writers turn to face the person, describe his life, talk about his suffering and torment. In the language of novels and poems, writers urge their readers to mercy and compassion. The 18th century is beginning to read the works of Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Montesquieu, Lessing, Fielding and Defoe. The main characters are ordinary people who cannot resist public morality, are very vulnerable and often weak-willed. The authors of these works are still very far from the realistic literary images of the heroes of the 19th and 20th centuries, but a significant shift towards the description of more vital characters is already noticeable.

Russian literature of the 18th century originates from the transformations of Peter I, gradually changing the position of enlightened classicism to realism. Prominent representatives of this period were such authors as Trediakovsky and Sumarokov. They created fertile ground on Russian soil for the development of literary talents. Fonvizin, Derzhavin, Radishchev and Karamzin are indisputable. We still admire their talents and citizenship.

English literature of the 18th century was distinguished by the formation of several different directions at once. The English pioneered such genres as social and family novels, which showed the talents of Richardson, Smollett, Stevenson, and, no doubt, Swift, Defoe and Fielding. The writers of England were among the first to criticize not the bourgeois system, but the bourgeois themselves, their moral and truth. Jonathan Swift, in his irony, swung at the bourgeois system itself, showing in his works its most negative sides. English literature of the 18th century is also represented by a phenomenon called sentimentalism. It is filled with pessimism, disbelief in ideals and is aimed only at feelings, usually of a love content.

The material reveals the features of Russian literature of the 18th century, the concept of "classicism", developments based on the work of J.B. Molière and analysis of the features of the poetics of the comedy "The tradesman in the nobility", the work of D.I. Fonvizin, a series of developments on the analysis of the comedy "Undergrowth", life and to the work of M.V. Lomonosov, analysis of the ode "On the day of the ascension ...", analysis of the traditions and innovations of the ode "Felitsa" by G.R. Derzhavin, poems "To the Rulers and Judges", "Monument", the concept of sentimentalism, material on Karamzin N.M. - a writer and historian, analysis of the topic "assertion of universal values ​​in N.M. Karamzin's story "Poor Liza"



Lesson 4

Features of the development of Russian literature of the XVIII century. Classicism in Russian and world art.

Purpose - a general overview of the "Features of the development of Russian literature of the XVIII century", the introduction of the concept of "classicism"

It was that troubled time

When Russia is young

In the struggles of strength, straining,

Husband with the genius of Peter

A. Pushkin

1Introductory speech, repetition and generalization of what has been covered. Conversation

Features of the development of Russian literature of the XVIII century.

How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph?

(the formation of statehood and the secularization of culture is associated with Peter I)

18th century – the time of the turning point and the epoch of accumulation. In literature, the time of the formation of new Russian literature, which

Becomes secular

Fiction is recognized as one of the leading structure-forming factors of a work of art (this happened in the second third of the 18th century)

What are the features of the manifestation of the category "fiction" in DRL?

(Practically none, it corresponded to some genres and served the purpose of creating an image, for example, in the hagiographic genre, in miracles)

A new system of genres is being created.

Russian literature of the 18th century preserved and multiplied the best qualities of the literature of the previous period.


(patriotism, connection with UNT, interest in the human person)

Brought to a new level accusatory orientation against social vices, satirical ridicule of human and social vices

The main feature is an inextricable link with time. Reflecting the main stages in the formation of the Russian nation and statehood, it intervened in the solution of pressing political and social issues and became a powerful tool for the further growth of the national culture and self-consciousness of the Russian people, the most important factor in the moral impact on society.

Hence the main task of literature is to educate the contemporary socially and morally.

The main regularity of the development of the literature of this time is the process of its steady democratization. Instead of an educated monk, a wise prince, the author of the works becomes "a literate person who writes by order or directly" by order "of the king." The hero has also changed - now he is a smart, cunning, resourceful person who achieves success. regardless of social status

A variety of fiction is especially popular


Kheraskov "Useful Entertainment", "Free Hours", "Good Intention"

Novikov - "Drone", "Infernal Mail" (Emin), "Riddle"

Catherine II - "All sorts of things"

Newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti"

At the same time, the role of the literature of the 18th century in preparing the brilliant achievements of our literature in the next "golden age" is great.

2 Working with Art. in the textbook and compiling the table "Russian literature of the 18th century" p. 35-41


Character traits


Late 17th – early decades of the 18th century Literature of Petrovsky time

The demand of time is to subordinate the activity of a citizen to the “public good”

Transitional character, intensive process of "secularization", the formation of secular literature

Feofan Prokopovich

1730 - 1750

Formation of classicism. The rise of the ode genre. Implementation of the poetic reform - syllabotonic versification

A.D. Kantemir


M.V. Lomonosov

A.P. Sumarokov

1760 - the first half of the 1770s.

The evolution of classicism. Rise of satire. The emergence of prerequisites for the emergence of sentimentalism. Poetry gives way to prose.

V.I. Maikov

M.D. Chulkov

N.I. Novikov


M.M. Kheraskov

Last quarter of a century

The beginning of the crisis of classicism, the design of sentimentalism, the desire for a realistic depiction of reality. Enlightenment ideas, the fight against social vices



A.N. Radishchev

I.A. Krylov

N.M. Karamzin

I.I. Dmitriev

Definition of the concept of classicism.

3 Writing in a notebook. Work with Art. in the textbook "Classicism" p. 39

The origins are France, Italy of the 17th-18th centuries, in the views of the playwrights Corneille and Moliere and the literary theorist N. Boileau in the treatise "Poetic Art"

The main property is an appeal to samples of antiquity, normative poetics

At the heart of aesthetics is the principle of rationalism and "imitation of nature", everything is subject to strict regulation, rules

Character traits

A) cult of reason

B) a work of art is organized as an artificial, logically constructed whole

C) strict plot-compositional organization, schematism

D) life phenomena are transformed in such a way as to reveal and capture their generic, essential features and properties

E) human characters are outlined straightforwardly (speaking names), positive and negative characters are opposed

E) idealization of heroes, utopianism, absolutization of ideas

Emphasized objectivity of the narrative

Active appeal to public, civic issues

Classical plays are characterized by

The system of roles - character types that pass from play to play (ideal heroine, hero-lover)

The plot is usually based on a love triangle.

Vice is always punished, virtue triumphs

The principle of three unities

A) time - the action develops no more than a day

C) actions - one storyline, the number of actors is limited, there are no side characters


A) 4 acts - in 3 - the culmination, in 4 - the denouement

The secondary characters are introduced to the main characters.

Hierarchy of genres

Features of classicism in Russia

The formation of Russian classicism was due to the emergence and development of a new type of social consciousness. Russian classicism was characterized by typological features of European (primarily French) classicism

Normativity and genre regulation

Recognition of rationalism as the leading aesthetic category, and reason as the supreme judge over the surrounding world

A sharp division into positive and negative characters

Lack of dynamics in images, abstraction when creating an image

Requirements from the art of verisimilitude, which is narrowly understood and expressed in the principle of three unities

However, the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place later than in European countries, although under relatively similar conditions for the strengthening of absolutism), when enlightenment replaced rationalism.

Features of Russian classicism

Orientation to the essential issues of Russian life, it is characterized by public, civil pathos

accusatory focus

The demand to develop education, to establish firm laws, to recognize the natural equality of people, the extra-evil value of a person

Connection with national tradition and UNT

(A.P. Sumarokov “Epistole on poetry)

Classicism in Russian and world art.

Classicism in Russia

Late 18th - 19th centuries - the era of classicism in Russian architecture, which left a bright mark on the architectural appearance of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities.

Classicism is a European cultural and historical trend that focused on ancient art, ancient literature and mythology. In the middle of the XVIII century. Petersburg was a city of solitary masterpieces, then regular building of the city began along straight avenues, rays diverging from the Admiralty. St. Petersburg classicism is the architecture of entire ensembles that amaze with their unity and harmony. In 1806-1823. the building of the Admiralty was built according to the project of A.D. Zakharov. In a huge building, the architect emphasized the central tower. The Admiralty is crowned by a gilded needle with a ship rapidly flying up.

Speaking about the sculpture of the 18th century, it should be recognized that it is a combination, a fusion of features of baroque and classicism. Only at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Shchedrin and Martos provide examples of clear harmony, pure classicism, so to speak.

The "Bronze Horseman" on Senate Square was erected under Catherine II by the sculptor E. Falcone, installed on a solid granite rock. The horse seems to take off on a wave, trampling a snake with its hooves - a symbol of treason. Peter himself is also in Roman attire.

The sculpture of the Summer Garden is a round, monumental and pectoral sculptural portrait. Plots are allegorical figures that personify such concepts as Navigation, Architecture, World, etc. In general, the traditions of classicism with elements of baroque art are traced.

In 1714, the foundation was laid for the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera - the first natural science museum in Russia, and the Botanical Garden was also founded in St. Petersburg.

The development of scientific knowledge prepared the conditions for the creation of the highest scientific center of Russia - the Academy of Sciences, the opening of which took place after the death of Peter at the end of 1725.

A significant event in the cultural and educational field was the opening at the beginning of 1755 of Moscow University. The idea of ​​creating this higher educational institution belonged to the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. There were 2 gymnasiums at the university - one for the nobility, the other for non-serfs. Training sessions were held at three faculties: medical, philosophical, legal. Unlike foreign ones, Moscow University did not have a theological faculty. A printing house worked at the university (N.I. Novikov became the director). The first public newspaper in Russia, Moskovskie Vedomosti, was published.

1757 - opening of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In Russia, its own principles of fine arts are being formed and established - academic classicism.

Karl Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii" and Alexander Ivanov "The Appearance of Christ to the People" were associated with the Academy with all their creative work.

Before Peter the Great, there was no public theater in Russia. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the court theater operated, but this did not last long. Peter himself, who loved the theater, ordered the construction of a "comedy temple" on Red Square in Moscow. Since 1704, performances began to be given here. The actors were originally foreigners, then they began to recruit Russian troupes.

Along with the amateur theater, professional theatrical art began to develop - drama, opera, ballet.

An extremely important role in the development of the Russian professional theater was played by F.G. Volkov, called "the father of the Russian theater". He opened his own theater in Yaroslavl in 1750, which Catherine demanded to be transferred to the capital; his brilliant theater was also a success on the banks of the Neva.

Domestic composers and performers of music appeared. "Russian Stradivarius" was considered by contemporaries of the violin maker I.A. Batov, the works of D.S. Bortnyansky, V.N. Fomin.

At the beginning of the 19th century, some landowners became entrepreneurs. In such theaters, serfs played (M.S. Shchepkin was a serf until the age of 33, P.S. Mochalov grew up in the family of a serf actor) and civilian actors, such theaters became public.

The second half of the 18th century is the heyday of literature. Lomonosov and Derzhavin stood out among the authors, Novikov's satirical magazines ("Truten", "Painter") were read all over Russia, Catherine II herself was involved in writing.

Russian culture was gaining strength, reinforcing national identity, patriotic traditional peoples, Russia was moving into the 19th century.

Classicism in France:

"King of the Sun" creates a high culture, represented by three masterpieces.

Versailles is a work of architectural art, a symbol of French statehood, architect Andre Le Nôtre. The metaphor of the sun is embedded in the image of Versailles: the alleys of the park diverged from one point-center like rays. In the park itself, sculptures of Apollo and Helios are placed. The palace is built in the shape of the letter "P", inside there are huge windows and mirrors, arranged symmetrically.

There was a royal court theater in Versailles, whose director Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, who worked under the pseudonym Molière, wrote plays. Molière thought in terms of classicism, although he included rude humor in his works, for example, "Tartuffe, or the Deceiver", "The tradesman in the nobility".

The third peak was the work of Nicolas Poussin. This artist in his aesthetic views is a typical classicist.

"Jerusalem Liberated" - the main theme is the conflict between love and death, which later becomes the main theme of creativity.

"Tancred and Erminia" - Erminia is depicted in a fit between hatred for the enemy and sympathy for the person. She raised a knife to cut off the hair and bandage the wounds of the crusader youth.

"The Arcadian Shepherds" is a problem of life and death. A young man and a girl, walking in the park, see a tombstone with the inscription: “And I was in Arcadia”, which means “And I was happy”, because. the country of Arcadia for Poussin and the classicists is a symbol of happiness.

"Landscape with Polyphemus" - Polyphemus is associated with destructive power - this is a giant tamed by love for the nymph of the sea Galatea. Polyphemus is depicted sitting on a rock and playing the flute.

At the end of his life, Nicolas Poussin suffers from paresis, but continues to paint, tying his hands to his hands, he creates the famous "Seasons". The most famous picture of this cycle is "Winter". A flood is depicted - trees and rocks are depicted in the abyss of water, a woman in a boat passes a child to a man who has climbed a rock. A snake is crawling in the rock - a symbol of eternity, which is an ominous contrast.

DZ Retelling of Art. about classicism

Reading the comedy "The tradesman in the nobility"

Individual task "Essay on life and creativity"

Lesson 5

J.-B. Molière. Essay on life and creativity.

The goal is to get acquainted with the biography and essay on the work of J.B. Molière

1Repetition of what has been passed in the form of a written test

Distinctive features of the literature of the XVIII century (list)

The main trends in literature and art of the XVIII century

What is the reason for the emergence of classicism in Europe and Russia? (where and when did it appear?)

Define classicism as a literary movement

The main features of European classicism (thesis list)

Describe in detail what is the principle of "three unities"?

What is the theory of genre division?

2 Introductory remarks on Molière

Moliere is an artist of the word, organically absorbing the features of classicism and baroque. He is the creator of a new word in art. He creates a special theater with a special world, in which there is a play of passion and reason, where "quite often a situation, conjecture, unbridled fantasy and emotions prevail over a purely rationalistic approach to life." He exalted the comedy genre. The tragic and the comic, the sublime poetic and the low prose are in a bizarre connection. This is a kind of "laughter through tears." The poetics of Molière, his theater is difficult to describe in one concept. He was an innovator from the very first steps on the stage, he never closed himself within the framework of one direction - the dominant classicism.

3 Individual report “J.-B. Molière. Essay on life and creativity.

4 Thesis notes

Real name J. - B. Poquelin (1621-1673), son of a royal upholsterer

Education at Clermont (Law) College

January 1, 1644 - the opening of the Brilliant Theater, among its creators are the names of Molière, the Bejart family. In the autumn of 1645 - the ruin of the theater

The first Parisian period of his theatrical career was inglorious and lasted about a year.

Debt prison, provincial tour (1645-1658)

The goal is to change the status and meaning of your craft

Commedia dell'arte - the theater of improvisation, Moliere began to vary the plots, sketch out the roles - he becomes a playwright. The most outstanding works are "Don Giovanni", "The tradesman in the nobility" (1670), "Tartuffe" and "Mesanthrope"

The creator of a comedy-character, where the main role was played not by the action, but by the moral and psychological state of the hero

He died on stage during the presentation of his own comedy "The Imaginary Sick"

DZ Does Molière's comedy comply with the requirements of classicism?

Support your observations with text

Lesson 6

Features of the poetics of comedy J.-B. Molière "The Bourgeoisie in the Nobility"

Purpose - to consider the features of the poetics of the theater of Molière on the example of the play "The tradesman in the nobility"

1 Comedy in the system of genres of classicism

Image of everyday life, human vices

Conditional plot, comedy scheme

The task of "make laugh and use laughter"

Setting to spoken language

happy ending

5 actions

Reasoner hero - a character who does not take active action in the development of the plot, designed to denounce other heroes, to express moralizing judgments from the author's positions

2 Theme of the work

What is Jourdain aiming for?

(to be an aristocrat)

What is the comedy of situations and characters?

(all the heroes, except for the wife, use Jourdain's desire for their own purposes - Dorant - borrows, teachers and tailors take orders, Dorimena accepts expensive gifts, the fiance of Cleont's daughter and his servant Koviel, dressed in the sultan and his retinue, come up with a way to receive a blessing on marriage, M. Jourdain is also ridiculous in his aspirations for education, clothes, just to be closer to his dream. Thus, the comic arises from a comparison of the claims of an ignorant and rude person for refinement of manners and his real vulgarity and stupidity)

What moments reveal the discrepancy between Jourdain's desire to occupy a high position and his inner capabilities, mental and spiritual development, and taste?

(lack of taste - bathrobe, suit, street songs, Nicole can also pronounce the sound U, does not know that there are poems and prose ...)

How do his wife and maid evaluate his actions?

(they take pity on him, his wife tries to open his eyes, to prove that what he is striving for is ridiculous, they scold him)

Who are the aristocrats who conquered Jourdain?

(laugh at him, use him for their own purposes, despise him)

In what words and what character is the vowel thought of the play expressed?

3 idea

The value of the human personality is not determined by the affiliation

4 Signs of classicism and a departure from them in comedy (checking the DZ)

Heroes are carriers of one trait

Didactic in nature, but solves a serious and urgent problem in a comedy-farce manner with gaiety and grace

The main character is a satire

Vocabulary - drama, comedy, satire, irony

Lesson 7

"Satyrs of the brave ruler, Fonvizin shone, friend of freedom"

Fonvizin (1745 - 1792)

The goal is to get acquainted with the personality of Fonvizin and the origins of his work.

Writers ... have ... a duty to raise their loud voice

Against abuses and prejudices that harm the Fatherland,

So a man with a gift can, in his room with a pen in his hand,

To be a useful adviser to the sovereign, and sometimes a savior

Fellow citizens and the Fatherland


1 Essay on life and origins of creativity

Born on April 3, 1745. A descendant of a knight of the sword, taken prisoner during the Livonian War under Ivan the Terrible. For a long time, his surname was spelled differently Fon-Vizin, Fon-Visen, Fon-Vizen, etc.

A nobleman by birth, F. ten years old entered the gymnasium at Moscow University. A student of the philosophical department has established himself as a translator (translation from the German "Fables of moralizing with the explanations of Mr. Golberg"). Excellent knowledge of languages ​​allowed him to serve in the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. In St. Petersburg, he met Derzhavin, Kheraskov, Knyaznin, here he saw Lomonosov, "But nothing in St. Petersburg delighted me as much as the theater." Lived in Moscow, France., Resigned. 1774 married Ekaterina Ivanovna Khlopova. Died 1792 December 1

Literary activity begins in the 60s. An inquisitive and witty man, he was created in order to become a satirist. And there were more than enough reasons for his bitter laughter in the Russian reality of that time. He joined the noble-aristocratic opposition, whose members criticized the despotic regime of Empress Catherine II and the arbitrariness of her favorites. There is an opinion that in the image of the Prostakovs in the comedy "Undergrowth" you can see the features of the Empress, and in the image of the Prostakovs' estate - all of Russia.

The first satirical comedy - "The Brigadier" ("The first comedy is in our manners." N.I. Panin), "Undergrowth (1781), continued to develop the genre of satire in his works -" General Court Grammar "," Questions "and others, conceived to publish the satirical magazine “Starodum, or a friend of honest people, but the empress did not allow it.

2 Dictionary of literary terms

Satire - genre of fiction

The task of which is ridicule or denunciation of the negative phenomena of reality in order to correct them

Originated in ancient Greece in the 7th century. BC. - Horace, Juvenal, Petronius. In modern times, Swift, Moliere, Voltaire, Boileau, Sumarokov, Kantemir and others successfully worked in this genre.

A) Cantemir's satires were distinguished by their educational orientation and anti-clerical character

B) Sumarokov - a new type of plotless satire, compact in volume, sharp in ideological content, which is characterized by abstract and aphoristic speech, simplicity and accuracy of language

C) Lomonosov introduced elements of democratic thinking and style

D) I.I. Khemnitser - installation on the figurativeness and dramatization of the narrative, the convergence of satire with various genres

E) Fonvizin turned to the development of a small plot satire, brought the dialogue to perfection, began to use the fable beginning and fable verse in satire

According to the theory of classicism, he did not belong to high genres - he turned to socially significant topics, but used a reduced style.

Satire does not directly correlate with any literary genre - from the epic it borrows the breadth of coverage of events, from the lyrics - emotional intensity, from the drama - theatrics.

By subject they were divided into descriptive and socio-political

According to the object of the image - satires on the face or satires on the vice

The composition was usually three-part - an introduction with a definition of the problematic and thematic orientation of the work, the main part, which revealed the content, and a conclusion, where the author summed up and did an edification to the reader.

The leading methods of creating the image were - direct author's description, indirect obenka given to the character by other persons, showing the hero in action, depicting the inner world of a person, speech characteristics, portrait, artistic detail

At the end of the XVIII century. lost its leading position in literature and transformed into the genres of epigrams, fables, satirical songs, etc.

Comedy - a kind of dramatic work filled with humorous or satirical pathos

Formed in ancient Greece in the 5th century. BC. Classics of the genre can be considered Aristophanes, Plautus, Shakespeare, Molière, Beaumarchais, Sumarokov, Lukin, Plavilshchikov

From the point of view of typology, comedies are distinguished

A) by the nature of the laughter beginning - entertaining and accusatory

B) depending on the characteristics of the conflict - a comedy of characters, a comedy of situations

C) depending on the characteristics of the ideological and thematic content (love, domestic, educational, socio-political)

D) according to the specifics of linguistic expression - prose and poetry

In the mid 70s. XVIII century in Russian comedyography there are 2 directions

A) protective, in which Catherine II, D.V. Volkov, A.D. Kopiev worked, tried to justify the domestic and foreign policy of the state

B) accusatory (Sumarokov, Fonvizin, Kapnist, Krylov). Among the main problems, comedians singled out the peasant question, the gallomania of the nobility, judicial and bureaucratic arbitrariness, problems of love and marriage, education and upbringing of nobles.

Features of Russian comedy of the 60-90s.

Classical type of 5-act comedy

Heroes - nobles or philistines

They were divided into “the best” (thinking about the good of the state and caring for the common good) and “worst” (caring about their own well-being)

The principle of pairing in the organization of the figurative system

Comedy images are one-linear (the embodiment of one virtue or vice, qualities are often exaggerated)

Form of verbal expression - dialogue and polylogue

The use of two leading stylistic layers - colloquial and everyday and book and literary

Drama - one of the genres of literature, intended to be performed on stage, from the Greek. - "action"

The speech of the characters is accompanied by remarks - the author's instructions about the setting of the action, about the internal state of the characters, their movements, etc.

The art of the word is complemented by the director's interpretation, acting performance and stage setting.

The main types of dramatic works are tragedy, drama (as a genre) and comedy.

Irony - 1 hidden but easily spotted taunt

2 kind of trail when what is said takes on the opposite meaning

3 Debriefing

What facts known to us speak of Fonvizin as a satirist?

Is satire characteristic of the traditional comedy of classicism?

What are the sources of satire in the comedy "Undergrowth"?

From this point of view funny in Fonvizin's comedy did not fit into the formula of classicism "to laugh and use laughter." The subject of his criticism was "difficult events and internal abuses." Therefore, the artistic development of the conflict and characters went beyond the comedy basis, entered the field of satire. The “diseases” of society depicted in the comedy were, according to Gogol, “exhibited by the merciless force of irony in evidence that is amazing.”

DZ Describe (in writing) the work according to the analysis plan

Lesson 8

The problem of traditions and innovation in D.I. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth"

The goal is to analyze the comedy in terms of compliance with the classic comedy

Russian comedy began long before Fonvizin,

But it started only in Fonvizina

V.G. Belinsky

1 Conversation to identify the level of primary reader's perception

What is unusual about the beginning of the play?

What characters appear in the first episodes?

What do we learn about them along the way?

What problems are posed from the very first lines?

2 Working with the text of the work, the teacher's comments on the related provisions

In 1782, Fonvizin completed work on the comedy, which became the pinnacle of Russian drama in the 18th century. He worked on it for about 3 years and created, according to Gogol, "a truly social comedy."

A) "Undergrowth" is a multi-dark, multi-problem and innovative work. This is the first socio-political comedy on the Russian stage, the main problems reflected in it are the problems of state power, serfdom, upbringing and education, data inextricably linked

satirical focus

- area of ​​depicted reality- provincial nobility, middle class. Private life with all specific problems enhances the voice of topicality in their sound, allows you to show and ridicule exactly what the author cares about and requires immediate correction - rudeness, vulgarity, ignorance and lack of culture - the vices of modern Fonvizin society

The specificity of the depicted event correspondsthe language of the work- prose, frequent use of live colloquial speech, even vernacular

Heroes are divided into positive and negative (4 * 4). Book speech forms the basis of the language of positive characters

Complied rule of three unities. The plot is the struggle for the hand of Sophia. The action takes place in Prostakova's house. The author introduces small statements of characters, which allows the reader and the viewer to expand the picture of what is happening (Starodum's story about the service). Fonvizin paid the main attention to action and the dialogue was closely connected with the event side of the work. The time of action is within 1 day, but the author does not give any instructions. Unity of action - one storyline, no extra characters, i.e. those that do not correspond to the disclosure of the author's idea.

B) However , originality and innovation of the song are striking with the very first scene , we will conditionally call which "Trishkin's caftan". Instead of a lengthy remark, long introductions of the reader and the viewer to the essence of the events, we are faced with a clear plot of the main storyline. The action begins with a small scandal in the house of Prostakova, we immediately get an idea of ​​​​her as a despotic hostess, but a loving mother. The caftan is a household detail, it helps to get the first characteristics of the characters, to understand the order established in her house and the relationship between the characters. Then, when Pravdin appears in the fourth apparition, we receive his assessments, but they are not new to us. From the very first words of the comedy, the author poses the problem of education, or rather, general ignorance (Trishka as a tailor), by generalizing Fonvizin goes further in his reasoning to the problem of poorly organized state affairs.

D) in the final there is also a deviation from the classic rules. Comedy consists of five acts, as expected by the theory of classicism. The finale puts everything in its place and gives everyone what they deserve

Teachers Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin released, Vralman returned to work as a coachman

Civil servant Pravdin, following the order, takes the estate under guardianship

Sophia and Milon intend to get married

But suddenly there is a tragic sound

Why do Starodum, Milon and Sofya forgive Prostakov, and Pravdin decides to punish her?

What was the last crime she committed?

Name the punishments she suffered, highlight the most severe among them.

Prostakova is exposed and rejected by her only and beloved son. She faints from despair and pain, and not from pretense, as happens in comedies. She lost her power and her son.

Therefore, it happens mixing styles tragic and comic. This leads to a breach of purity.genre systemtragedy, with its age-old problems and civic ideal, intrudes into the lot of the comic.

The path to trouble accompanies and ends with the author's thought, expressed by the words of Starodum "Here are worthy fruits of malevolence!"

D) The same phrase violatesunity of action, bringing the issue of "Undergrowth" far beyond the question of true and false education, stated in the title

E) This violation entails the following

Arguing about the problems of state power and the problems of the nobility leads to the growth of the ranks of actors - along with the middle class, there appears inferior - serfs and serfs (Eremeevna, Trishka, Tsyfirkin). The principle of one-dimensionality of heroes is also violated, which is emphasizedindividualization of their language

What does the speech of the characters testify to, what are the features of the speech of each of the characters

Does the speech of the characters change depending on the situations in which the characters find themselves

"Undergrowth" is rightly considered the pinnacle of Fonvizin's work and all domestic dramaturgy of the 18th century. Keeping a connection with the previous literary tradition, formally largely following the norms prescribed by the laws of classicism, the comedy turns out to be a deeply innovative work. This is the first tragicomedy. The satirical bias was defeated in Fonvizin by a lively attention to a person, a desire to first understand, and then denounce.

A characteristic is a description of a living person and character, that is, the stable features of a person, depending on his upbringing, circumstances and lifestyle and manifested in his actions and deeds

It is necessary to give general information about the character, provide evidence and illustrate thoughts in order. Proof, generalization and transition to the next thought should be consistent, logical and interconnected

DZ Written description of any character

Vocabulary work - education, upbringing

Lesson 9

Statement and solution of the problem of upbringing and education in the comedy "Undergrowth"

Purpose - analysis of the problem of upbringing and education in the "enlightened age" of Catherine (interdisciplinary links with the history of the Fatherland and culture)

Everything in this comedy seems like a monstrous caricature of everything Russian.

Meanwhile, there is nothing caricature in it: everything is taken alive from nature.

N.V. Gogol

1 Repetition of the past. Filling in the table

What is the traditional comedy "Undergrowth"

In what way does Fonvizin deviate from the traditions of classicism

5 actions

Heroes are divided into positive and negative (4*4)

Speaking surnames

speech characteristic

Colloquial speech

The principle of "three unities" is mainly observed

In the end, vice is punished, virtue triumphs

Heroes are introduced immediately without lengthy explanations

Problems are posed at the beginning of the play

The finale is a mixture of comic and tragic

Not all heroes are the same

The first socio-political comedy, tragicomedy

The unity of a) action is violated - the problem is wider than stated in the title, it introduces heroes from the lower class

B) time - there is no definite time, the action is timeless

Individualization of characters' speech

2 Checking remote control. Talk about characters, listening to characteristics

3 Thesis notes on the main features of the images

Mitrofan Terentievich Prostakov

Undergrowth, son of landowners, 15 years old (undergrowth - a noble son who did not grow up to enter the service (under Peter - up to 15 years old, from 1736 - from 20 years old). The concept of "undergrowth" after the comedy became ironic. It carried a negative semantics

The name Mitrofan means "similar to his mother." It has become a household word, denoting a stupid and ignorant mother's son

“The hour of my will has come. I don't want to study, I want to get married"

Exam (ignorant Prostakova could not assess her son's literacy and teachers' efforts)

- “Yes, get rid of it, mother, as it was imposed”

- "According to me, where they tell"

Starodum “Well, what can come out of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for whom ignorant parents also pay money to ignorant teachers? How many noble fathers who entrust the moral upbringing of their son to their serf slave! After 15 years, instead of one worker, two work, an old uncle and a young master come out.

Domestic tyrant, lives for himself, rudeness of soul, laziness (“An ignoramus without a soul is a beast” Starodum)


The surname indicates simplicity, ignorance, ignorance, gets into a mess

At the beginning - at the pinnacle of power, in the end loses power

The purpose of life is the hunt for prey - the legacy of Sophia

Keeps the house on brute force, except for the attitude towards Mitrofan and Vralman

- “A mixture of arrogance and baseness, cowardice and malice, vile inhumanity towards everyone and tenderness, equally vile, to the son, for all that ignorance, from which, like from a muddy source, all these properties flow, are coordinated in her character by a sharp-witted and observant painter » - P.A. Vyazemsky

- "Master of interpreting decrees" (Starodum)

- "on the boundary of comedy and tragedy" (P.A. Vyazemsky)

Different speech in different situations, rude expressions, zoologization technique


The name means "wisdom", but not of the mind, but of the soul, heart, feelings

A marriageable girl, the heiress of Uncle Starodum, the bride of Milon

Reads French

The girl is worthy of meekness and obedience to elders.

The choice of the groom depends on her heart

Shades of sentimental romance in speech


Sophia's mother's brother

Surname - the bearer of the principles of the Petrine era, distorted under Catherine

Father "he served Peter the Great", "my father constantly told me the same thing: have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times"

Severe disposition “whoever he loves, he will love so directly”, “And whoever he dislikes, he himself is a bad person”

Does not tolerate flattery, servility

His mission is to help Sophia

He was perceived by his contemporaries as a teacher of life. Fonvizin “I must confess that for the success of my comedy “Undergrowth” I am indebted to your person. From your conversations with Pravdin, Milon and Sophia, I made up whole phenomena, which the public listens to with pleasure.

book speech

That. heroes are divided into positive and negative depending on the level of education and upbringing, as well as civic position

4 Statement and solution of the problem of education and upbringing

A) introductory remarks

Since the time of Peter the Great, enlightenment in Russia has taken on an increasingly clear secular character, a more definite practical orientation. At the same time, the traditional form of "learning to read and write" by deacons by reading the book of hours was massive and ubiquitous. For noble children, many closed educational institutions, private boarding schools are open, but there was also home schooling. In the XVIII century. Invitation of teachers - foreigners becomes fashionable, this hobby reached its extreme forms by the end of the century.

We were surprised and saddened to learn

That many noble gentlemen have fugitives, bankrupts,

Fornicators and many women of the same kind, who,

By the local predilection for the French,

They were engaged in the education of children of significant persons.

And especially ... in the wide Russian wilderness ...

Member of the French Legation Mr. Messelier

Catherine II had a reputation as an "enlightened" empress, corresponded with Voltaire, and participated in literary and journalistic polemics, but this was an appearance. Its main task was to strengthen the autocratic power, while the enlightened nobility tried to limit this power. She surrounds herself with favorites who actually run the country and issues several decrees that improve the position of noble circles.

1762 "On the granting of liberty and freedom to all Russian nobility" ("We intend to keep the landowners inviolably on their estates and possessions, and keep the peasants in due obedience"). The landowners were allowed to send the peasants to Siberia, and the nobles could only be punished by church repentance. Under these conditions, the further formation and development of Russian society took place. The problem of education and upbringing was put in the title by Fonvizin and is one of the main ones. How does D.I. Fonvizin solve it?

B) Work in groups on cards (find answers in the characters' remarks)

Group 1

Group 2

A) “In French, he is taught all the sciences by the German Adam Adamych Vralman. This is three hundred rubles a year ... He does not captivate a robin, ”a former coachman

B) retired soldier Tsyfirkin "a little arithmetic passion fruit"

C) half-educated seminarian Kuteikin

Is he stupid?

How does he feel about teaching?

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Ancient, pre-Petrine, or vice versa, too new (Prostakova)

We weren't taught anything

Prostakova’s father “I’ll curse a baby boy who learns something from the infidels, if it wasn’t for Skotinin, who wants to learn something”

Her ideal is spiritual stagnation

- "you at least learn for the sake of it"

- "Master of interpreting decrees"

Petrovskoe (Starodum), progressive

Education is the enlightenment of the soul

A person is obliged to follow virtuous feelings

Happiness is not only wealth and nobility, but also signs of state and civil status

Opponent of selfish happiness

For a girl - light is dangerous with temptations

In the world, the first step is important, the ability to put yourself and recommend

Friendship should be made with those who deserve it.

Evil comes from those who themselves are worthy of contempt, but envy the virtues of their neighbor

In the husband - the power of the mind is needed, in the wife - virtue

For a nobleman

Idleness is unworthy of a nobleman

The main thing is to return to the nobility its true content - honor and nobility.

Patriotic call to serve the Fatherland

B) summarizing

The idea of ​​raising an enlightened nobleman was not new at the time of Fonvizin. Peter I, Lomonosov, and many great people of the 18th century spoke about the need for enlightenment. But Fonvizin was not so simple. He understands that enlightenment alone is not enough. “Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil,” says Starodum. - ...First, you need to cultivate virtue, take care of the soul, and only then - about the mind "

How to do it?

“We need such a law so that virtue becomes profitable ... But there is no such law ... And it’s not Prostakova and Skotinin who are to blame for their malevolence and ignorance, but those who establish laws. And the sovereign approves them. That's who Fonvizin was aiming at!

DZ Biography of Lomonosov

Lomonosov's discoveries in the field of science (individual tasks)

Answers to questions 1-4 s. 49

Group 1

Are Prostakova and Skotinin literate?

What was the attitude towards education in their family?

Why (= the purpose of education for him) is Mitrofan studying?

Group 2

What and how does Mitrofan study?

Is he stupid?

How does he feel about teaching?

(find answers in the characters' lines, use homework materials)

Group 3

What kind of teachers teach Mitrofan?

What are they and what can they teach?

How are they treated in the Prostakov family?

(find answers in the characters' lines, use homework materials)

Group 4

What is education, what is its purpose?

What is education, what is its purpose?

What is more important - education or upbringing?

(find answers in the characters' lines, use homework materials)

Group 5

Compare the views on the education of Prostakova and Starodum

On whom and why is the main concern for the upbringing of a true citizen entrusted?

Why does Fonvizin raise issues of upbringing and education?

(find answers in the characters' lines, use homework materials)

Lesson 10

"Peter the Great of Russian Literature"

M.V. Lomonosov (1711 - 1765)

The goal is to study general information about Lomonosov as a reformer in various fields of knowledge

This famous scientist

He was a type of Russian person, both in his encyclopedism,

So, according to the sharpness of your understanding

A.I. Herzen

Convinced and original associate of education

A.S. Pushkin

1 Check remote control. Talk about Lomonosov. Listening and discussion of reports

A) Biography

8 (19) On November 1711, he was born in the village of Mishaninskaya, Kholmogorovsky district, Arkhangelsk province, in a Pomor family

1730 - went to study in Moscow, studied at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, at the Kyiv Theological Academy and at the university at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences

1736 - 41 was abroad, studying the natural sciences

1742 - appointed professor of chemistry at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences

1755 - opening of Moscow University

1760 - elected a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences

1764 - honorary member of the Bologna Academy

On April 4 (15), 1765, he died in St. Petersburg, was buried in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra

B) Discoveries

The range of the scientist's research is unusually wide - chemistry, physics, navigation, navigation, astronomy, history, law, philology. There is, perhaps, no such field of knowledge, where the bright mind of Lomonosov would not penetrate. A.S. Pushkin called it the first Russian university.

1743 - "A short guide to rhetoric"

1748 - work "Experience in the theory of elasticity of air" - the structure of the atom

1754 - the creation of a mosaic portrait of Peter in the Hermitage, the revival of the art of mosaics and the production of smalt

1755 - "Russian grammar"

1756 - the law of conservation of matter (experiments on burning metals in a closed vessel)

1760 - "A short Russian chronicler with a genealogy"

1761 - established that Venus is surrounded by an atmosphere, designed an accurate telescope

1763 - work "On the layers of the earth"

1766 - "Ancient Russian History"

The purpose of life is the approval of sciences in the Fatherland, which he considered the key to the prosperity of his Motherland

C) Literary activity - teacher's comments

The same pathos pervaded his philological and literary activities.

Our literature begins with Lomonosov

He was her father, her Peter the Great"

V.G. Belinsky

The scientist sought to penetrate the secrets of the language and the mysteries of poetry. Back in 1736, he acquired a treatise by the theoretician of Russian verse VK Trediakovsky "A new and short way to compose Russian verses." In Germany, he writes an objection to Trediakovsky and sends it to St. Petersburg along with the ode "On the Capture of Khotin" as a report on his studies. In the Letter on the Rules of Russian Poetry (1739), he boldly extended the tonic principle to all Russian versification. The goal is to give freedom to Russian verse.

1757 writes a preface to the collected works "On the Usefulness of Church Books in the Russian Language", where he sets out the famous story of three calms



Syllabic system

Use only two-foot verse (trochee)

Women's rhymes

Focused on the language of a fair company

Syllabo-tonic system (a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line)

Two-foot and three-foot verses (iambic and trochee)

Male and female rhymes

He put forward the national language as the basis of the literary language

Divided the words according to stylistic coloring, associating it with the “three kinds of sayings”

A) Church Slavonic and Russian vocabulary (high style - ode, tragedy, heroic poem)

B) familiar from books and understandable Church Slavonic words (middle - drama, satire)

C) words of live speech that are not in church books (low - comedy, fable, epigram)

The main theme of poetry- service to the Motherland, its glorification. The image of the Motherland is often associated with the image of Peter, Lomonosov's favorite hero. Poetry is not an immersion in the private world of a person, but a patriotic civic activity.

Basic lyric tone - solemn. It expressed the self-consciousness of a young nation that had just entered the world arena, and in this sense, the territory of which is vast, and the possibilities are unlimited.

most suitable genre to loudly express the feeling of national pride of the sons of Russia, who defended the independence of their homeland from external enemies and, in the ensuing peace, striving for enlightenment, there was a solemn ode. He wrote the tragedies "Tamira and Selim", the heroic poems "Peter the Great", the idylls "Polydor", but it was the ode that became the main genre in his work. Odes were written for some solemn dates - the birthday of the Empress, the victory of Russian soldiers.

There are two types of Lomonosov's odes - commendable and spiritual. Commendable usually written for solemn occasions of court life. They praised the empresses, especially Elizabeth, during whose reign his literary activity mainly proceeded. However, the traditional, legalized form of praise did not prevent the poet from developing his favorite themes - the glorification of Russia and Peter as an enlightened monarch. The ode has ceased to be a laudatory genre. It is not the merits of Elizabeth that excite Lomonosov, but the fate of Russia. The poet speaks on behalf of all of Russia. Its task is to capture the grandiose prospects for the development of the country. The poet acted as the main character of the ode, he delivered a eulogy to the champions of enlightenment or smashed enemies. In this he followed the art of eloquence. Hence the stylistic features - verbal abundance, unexpected turns of thought, vivid comparisons, sharp antitheses, hyperbolism of feelings, abstract allegorism, play on the meanings of words, deliberate metaphor. Lomonosov chooses high words - Slavicisms, mythological and biblical names. The ode is not a continuous lyrical monologue, along with the author of the right voice, both historical and mythological faces have. Thanks to such poetic principles, the ode acquires solemnity, monumentality, pomp and splendor. Lomonosov does not strive to convey the event; he is not interested in the objectivity of the image, but in the feeling it evokes. spiritual odes written as philosophical works. In them, the poet transcribed the Psalter, in those scenes that were close to his feelings. Lomonosov used the plots of the Psalms to express thoughts and feelings of a philosophical and personal nature. The main themes are the imperfection of human society, the loneliness of the poet and man in general in a world hostile to him, the greatness of nature.

vocabulary work - genre of ode

individual task - expressive reading of the ode "Evening reflection on God's majesty, in the case of the great northern lights"

Lesson 11

Genre of the ode and its development in Russian literature of the 18th century. Ode "On the Day of Ascension..."

The goal is to study the themes of Lomonosov's work on the example of the genre of ode

In the ode, the poet is disinterested: he is not an insignificant event

He rejoices in his own life, he does not complain about them,

He broadcasts Prada and the court of Washed,

Triumphs about the greatness of the native land,

Mezhuet peruny vsupostatov,

Blesses the righteous, curses the monster


1 Conversation on remote sensing "The Genre of Ode and Its Development in Russian Literature of the 18th Century"

Define the genre of ode

Where and when did the genre of ode originate?

What are its thematic, compositional and stylistic features?

Ode - a poetic genre dedicated to the glorification of important events in the life of states and famous historical figures, is distinguished by an upbeat character and high civic content.

The ode originated in Ancient Greece as a chant in honor of the heroes and winners of the Olympic Games. Of the ancient poets-odists, Pindar, Horace, Anacreon are known, whose names are associated with the formation of civil, commendable and Anacreontic varieties of the ode. The ode especially spread and developed in the era of classicism. In France, the theory of the ode was developed by N. Boileau, in Russia - by Sumarokov, Trediakovsky, Derzhavin, Lomonosov.

The subject of the image in the ode was

A) the most important social events

B) the lyrical state of a citizen, for whom there was an inextricable link between the personal and the public

The narrator in the ode is the bearer of public consciousness, the spokesman for the ideals of the era

2 Teacher comments

Patriotic odeevolvedfrom Trediakovsky's own praiseworthy ode to publicistic Lomonosov, critical Sumarokov, satirical Derzhavin and tyrannical Radishchev

Among the Russian ode painters were the defenders of the monarchy (Petrov, Lomonosov), supporters of civil and political freedom (Radishchev and Ryleev)

Classification of the genre According to the thematic principle - spiritual, calling, victorious-patriotic, philosophical, training

In relation to the literary school - Lomonosov, Sumarokov

A) The "ornate", or Lomonosov, direction, which cultivated a laudable and victorious-patriotic ode, distinguished by the priority of imagery and beauty of the syllable over meaning, an abundance of rhetorical figures and tropes, oratorical intonations. V. Petrov, Derzhavin, A. Radishchev belonged to this direction.

B) The rationalistic, or Sumarokovian, school of ode painters developed the forms of laudatory and anancreontic ode, strove for simplicity, clarity of content, internal consistency of composition and stylistic solutions. These are odes by V. Maikov, M. Kheraskov, V. Kapnist

In relation to the literary tradition - Pindaric, Horatian. Anancreontic

In terms of socio-political orientation - laudatory, addressed to the monarch, tyrannical

Russian ode, as a rule, shied away from pure forms

The ode genre was closely connected with the aesthetic categories of the beautiful, the sublime and the heroic.

The macrostructure of the ode was usually three-part (introduction, main part, conclusion), the microstructure depended on the content and genre variety of the work.

Most of the odes are structured like a monologue

The system of images was built on the basis of antithesis using various groups of characters: real-historical, allegorical, symbolic

The genre fell into decline by the end of the 18th century, but continued to exist along with others, sentimentalists and romantics parodied the ode.

3 Analysis of the "Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna", November 25, 1747"

What is the main idea of ​​the ode?

Why does the poet glorify Elizabeth and what does the poet hope for?

A) written for the occasionthe fifth anniversary of the accession to the throne of Elizabeth, daughter of Peter. The reading of the odes used to be part of the ceremonial, so the rulers ordered them. The poet went beyond the court speech, raising the most important questions:

The need for the development of science and education

Development and prosperity of the state

Peter as a model for the reigning empress

The Importance of Elizabeth's Peace Policy

B) belongs to the genre solemn ode - to prove

B) Composition - ordinary, strict

1-2 stanzas - beginning with a traditional appeal to the empress, glorifying the beauty, greatness of the universe and the empress herself

3-6 stanzas - the deeds of Elizabeth Petrovna are glorified

7-11 stanzas - with admiration, the poet recalls Peter the Reformer, the ideal of the Russian monarch

From stanza 12 - again admiration for the merits of the "Great Peter's daughter". At the same time, he describes the wealth, beauty and immensity of the expanses of the state. The description ends with a call for the development of yet unexploited natural resources and the development of science in connection with this.

22-23 stanzas - the famous appeal to compatriots whom Lomonosov convinces of the benefits of doing science

24 stanza - the final glorification of the empress and the blessing of her wise, peaceful reign

D) Idea strengthening and development of the state on educational foundations

E) Artistic originality

Does the work conform to the odic canon?

a) solemn style

b) heroes of ancient mythology, historical figures

c) Slavism

d) an abundance of rhetorical questions, exclamations, appeals

e) comparisons, metaphors, personifications

4 Compare with the spiritual ode "Evening reflection on God's majesty, in case of the great northern lights"

Expressive reading of the ode

What are spiritual odes and what are their features?

A) Does not have a biblical source, inspired by scientific studies in physics and astronomy. This is the experience of creating a scientific picture of the world by means of poetry.

B) Puts forward a scientific hypothesis about the electrical nature of the northern lights

C) In the center - the image of a human explorer, like a titan-discoverer, who questions the Creator

That. faith in the human mind, the desire to know the "secrets of many worlds" are combined with admiration for the infinite creative power of the Creator

E) Emotional dissonance strikes in the ode. On the one hand, delight before the feeling of divine harmony in the universe, on the other hand, anxiety before the unknowability of the world.

E) This is a hymn and an elegy (a poem about life and death, the problems of being) at the same time

DZ Read Art. Biography of Derzhavin - pp. 59-62, 65 (up to and including Belinsky)

reading the ode "Felitsa"

learn an excerpt from Lomonosov's ode

Lesson 12

G.R. Derzhavin in the assessment of figures of Russian culture. Traditions and innovative nature of the ode "Felitsa". G.R. Derzhavin (1743-1816)

The goal is to evaluate Derzhavin's work as innovative. Analysis of the ode "Felitsa"

Derzhavin was proud "not that he discovered the virtues of Catherine,

And the fact that the first one spoke in a "funny Russian style."

He understood that his ode was the first artistic embodiment

Russian way of life, that she is the germ of our novel.


1 Conversation on DZ with teacher's comments

A) biographies

Poet, translator, playwright. Born on July 3 (14), 1743 in the Kazan province in the impoverished noble family of the noble Tatar Murza Bagrim, who owned 10 serfs

He served in the Preobrazhensky Regiment as a private, took part in the palace coup of 1762, which elevated Catherine II to the throne. Participated in the war against Pugachev, was awarded three hundred souls in Belarus and dismissed from the army.

The first literary experiments date back to 1773, but he became famous only in 1782, when the ode "Felitsa" was published without his knowledge.

The Empress appoints him governor of the Olonets province, then he is transferred to Tambov. He served as the personal secretary of the Empress, a senator, and in 1802 Alexander II appointed him to the post of Minister of Justice. Supporter of enlightened absolutism. In October 1803, having not reconciled himself with lawlessness and hypocrisy, he retired, settled in his estate Zvanka, Novgorod province, where he died on July 8 (20), 1816. He was buried in his beloved Khutynsky monastery. In 1957, his ashes were transferred to Novgorod and buried near the western wall of St. Sophia Cathedral.

B) Literary activity

He began to print in 1776. At first he followed the traditions of Lomonosov, later he created his own original style. Combining high and low calms, he included elements of topical satire in the ode genre, as well as intimate lyrical motifs (“Felitsa”, “Vision of Murza”, “Nobleman”), introduced realistic motifs into landscape lyrics. His poetry reflected the dual perception of the world - the tragedy of death, the instability of fate ("On the Death of Prince Meshchersky", "Waterfall") and the enjoyment of life ("Invitation to Dinner", "Eugene. Life of Zvanskaya"). Religious and philosophical ideas were reflected in the ode "God". Among his works are laudatory, victorious ("On the capture of Ishmael"), satirical and philosophical odes. Being the last representative of late Russian classicism, Derzhavin simultaneously destroyed the principles of classicism, paving the way for K.N. Batyushkov’s “light poetry” and A.S. Pushkin’s early lyrics. Neodic poetry of Derzhavin is full of landscape sketches and portrait descriptions of historical figures. His work is characterized by a special autobiography, a synthesis of style and a variety of verse metrics.

1804 - a collection of poems "Anancreontic songs"

1805 - "Notes on the contents of Derzhavin"

1806 - drama "Pozharsky, or the liberation of Moscow

1807 - the tragedy "Herod and Mariamne", on his initiative literary evenings began to be held - the society "Conversations of lovers of Russian literature"

1808 - preparations are underway for the publication of collected works (parts 1-4)

1809 - 10 - Explanations on the literary works of Derzhavin "(literary autobiography)

1811 - 15 - "Discourse on lyric poetry, or on the ode"

1812 - comic opera "The fool is smarter than the smart"

1816 - 5th part of collected works

2 Analysis of the features of Derzhavin's poetry based on the ode "Felitsa"

- “Ode to the wise Kyrgyz-Kaisak princess Felitsa, written by Tatarsky Murza, who has long settled in Moscow, and lives on business in St. Petersburg. Translation from Arabic. The reason for writing was the fairy tale of the Empress "The Tale of Tsarevich Chlorus", which told about the adventures of the prince in search of a "rose without thorns" (virtue), where under the name Felitsa ("happiness") the image of the empress herself was displayed. Derzhavin uses the name, glorifying the empress in his work and satirically showing her entourage - endless favorites. The title also referred the reader to numerous works of oriental themes.

Derzhavin's friends, V. Kapnist and N. Lvov, warned that the ode should not be printed. A year later, the poet Osip Kozodavlev asked to read it and distributed it without the knowledge of Derzhavin throughout St. Petersburg. The President of the Russian Academy, E.R. Dashkova, published it in the journal Interlocutor of Russian Literature Lovers. The Empress is said to have wept when she read it. She presented the poet with a gold snuffbox with diamonds with the inscription “From Orenburg from the Kyrgyz princess to Murza Derzhavin” and 500 chervonets. From that day on, literary fame came to Derzhavin, he became close to the court.

- "Felitsa" - an innovative work in content and form

What are the canonical features of the ode genre and how does the poet deviate from them?

The peculiarity of the ode genre in the era of classicism (repetition)

High style - Old Slavonicisms, epithets, rhetorical questions, exclamations

Lyrical beginning

epic start

Expression by the poet of feelings caused by a grandiose event. Civil position of the author

The lyrical hero expresses feelings in monologues, saying not “I”, but “We”

The story of the event and its description


Composition: introduction, reasoning, conclusion. Approach to public speaking

The landscape is rhetorically conditional

Positive images - monarchs, generals,

Means of creation - hyperbolization, mythologization, depersonalization, typicality

Violation of normative aesthetics is manifested in the fact that

A) high odic and low satirical beginnings interact in the work

B) within the framework of one work, different genre and stylistic layers are combined

C) a departure from the one-dimensional construction of the image of the hero

D) introduction of autobiographical material into the ode

In this work, 2 most important Topics Russian description - national-historical (Catherine as a statesman of the era) and moral-didactic ("man on the throne"). The poet includes in the ode a rowgenre formations. It brings the ode closer to the genre of a friendly message, a laudatory word, poetic satire (about manners during the reign of Anna Ioannovna), verbal still life (description of the feasts of Prince Potemkin), epiigram and anecdote (in the depiction of favorites G. Potemkin, A. Vyazemsky, A. and G . Orlovs), pastorals (landscape sketches).

The ode has a tripartite macrostructure:

Introduction (1-2 stanzas), - main part (3-25), - conclusion (26)

The introduction is two-part - in the first stanza the problems are defined and a typological connection with the tale of Prince Chlorus is established, the odic beginning dominates, in the second stanza ironic and satirical notes appear.

The main part, in which the laudatory and accusatory lines find their development, falls into three ideological and thematic blocks. In the complimentary conclusion, made in the style of an oriental prayer, there are 2 themes: the poet and the "god-like queen" glorified by him. The basis of the ode is plotless, but it contains3 plot-organized fragments- a story about the day of the life of the Russian Empress, about the entertainment of nobles and fun at the court of Anna Ioannovna.

Before Derzhavin, the image of the empress was built according to the canons defined by Lomonosov: the monarch was portrayed as an earthly deity, a collection of virtues and a source of mercy. The image of Catherine is devoid of static and one-dimensionality, it changes depending on the ideological and artistic task of the author - to create a full-blooded and multifaceted image of an outstanding person of her time. In the first part - an earthly woman in a circle of worries and activities (walk, lunch, business). The poet contrasts the collective image of her entourage with the Empress. In the second part - Catherine - a statesman, her antipode - Anna Ioannovna.

Before Derzhavin, in odic poetry there was a conventional image of the author, the image of a singer who argued with earthly gods on behalf of the Russian people. Derzhavin abandons the traditional scheme of the image, filling it with autobiographical features - a story about the poet's family and hobbies. The image of Murza led to the transformation of the content and image of the ode.

Thus, two narration plans can be distinguished in the ode: individual-author's and genre. The author's one appears brighter in part 1, and the genre-stylistic odic tradition - in parts 2 and 3

The innovative nature of the ode was appreciated by Derzhavin's contemporaries and his fellow writers. Derzhavin himself noted that such an ode "has never been in our language yet."

3 G.R. Derzhavin in the assessment of figures of Russian culture.

Working with an article in the textbook "G.R. Derzhavin's Creative Laboratory" p. 65

DZ Prepare an expressive reading of Art. "To Rulers and Judges", "Monument"

Answer orally to question 1, 3, 5, 6 p. 67

Lesson 13

Poems by G. Derzhavin "To Rulers and Judges". "Monument".

The first true lyricist of Russia

1 Repetition of what has been passed in the form of a written test:

Define the genre of ode

Prove that "Ode on the day of the ascension ..." by M.V. Lomonosov was created according to the canons of the classic ode genre

What is the innovative nature of the genre of ode in the work of G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa"

2 Analysis of the ode to "Lords and Judges"

A) Introductory remarks by the teacher

Derzhavin's unusually courageous, resolute and independent character manifested itself in everything, incl. and in creativity. One of his poems almost became the cause of disgrace and exile. This is an ode to "Lords and Judges", written in 1787, which he called "an angry ode." The reason for the anger was Derzhavin's conviction that the laws were not observed, and that evil dignitaries were doing things.

B) Reading a poem

C) Analysis of primary perception

What is the pathos of the work? (accusatory, angry)

This poem is a bold poetic development of the 81st psalm - the so-called biblical chants that make up the Pastel - one of the books of the Old Testament, the authorship of the songs is attributed to King David of the Old Testament. The theme of the psalm is consonant with the spirit of Derzhavin's time. It is no coincidence that during the French Revolution, Psalm 81 was paraphrased by the Jacobins, he began to express indignation at King Louis XVI, who was subsequently executed. Catherine, having read the works of Derzhavin, became furious, and one of the dignitaries said to the poet: “What are you, brother: are you writing Jacobin poems?” The poem was cut out from an already printed issue of the St. Petersburg Bulletin magazine.

The appeal to the Psalms as a model text has its own history. The origin and development of Russian poetry is connected with Pasteltyr. This kind of poetry appeared in Lomonosov, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov, Derzhavin and other poets, not disappearing until the 30-40s of the century. Among the reasons for Derzhavin's appeal to this text are:

Traditional appeal for Russian poetry

Works of spiritual themes allowed in allegorical form to touch on the problems of contemporary public life for the poet.

Introduction to the treasury of world literature

What is the theme of the piece?

The modern life of the state, where the poet sees the violation of laws, the identity of evil and injustice.

The idea is the necessity of subordinating everyone to the law of the highest truth and justice, he affirms the inevitability of punishment for the "evil" rulers. The point is that an unrighteous power cannot be lasting, it will inevitably face the wrath of God.

Solemn style, oratorical sound

Derzhavin, a former monarchist, openly protested against the vices of autocracy, discovered one of the most important trends in Russian literature, which Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and others would later continue.

3 Analysis of the poem "Monument"

Derzhavin's poem was written in 1795, refers to the mature period of creativity - the time of the behavior of the results of life and the comprehension of one's heritage. Derzhavin translates Horace's poem "To Melpomene". Before him, Lomonosov turned to translation, his translation was so accurate that subsequent poets turned to the text not of the original, but of Lomonosov.

According to formal features, the poems of Lomonosov and Derzhavin are odes. But. A special genre variety of the ode, which takes its origins from the work of Horace, gets the name"monument".

Horace reflects on the glory that came to him, on the further fate of his work, raises the theme of the poet and poetic immortality. Melpomene is one of the 9 muses, the patroness of tragedy.

The originality of Derzhavin's work

The theme is the glorification of true poetry, the affirmation of the high purpose of poetry. This is the anthem of poetry. Creativity is a monument to its creator. This idea is a continuation of the Horatian image.

Horace sees the guarantee of poetic immortality in the power and immortality of Rome, Derzhavin - in respect for his Fatherland

Horace takes credit for becoming a reformer of verse; for Derzhavin, the problem of the relationship between the poet and the authorities is important, although he reflects his innovation in the field of poetic language and genres - he made the Russian style "funny", i.e. sharp, cheerful, simple; dared to talk about the Empress kk about a simple person.

Thus, Derzhavin approved the genre canon of the “monument” poem, relying on the common European cultural tradition, he creates an original poem. This genre was later interpreted by Pushkin, Fet and others.

4 Debriefing

How can you comment on 2 points of view of A.S. Pushkin on the work of G.R. Derzhavin?

1) We know that the young Pushkin picked up Derzhavin's poetic baton, developing in his work the line of "poetry of reality" that appeared in the poems of his great predecessor. “Old man Derzhavin noticed us and, descending into the coffin, blessed us,” Pushkin himself said with a lute. But in the history of literature it often happens that the new makes its way in a creative duel with the old, not only absorbing its achievements, but also starting from what seems to have already outlived its age. So, along with the above words, Pushkin, in a letter to his friend the poet Delvig, left somewhat different evidence of his attitude to Derzhavin's poetry: “After your departure, I reread Derzhavin's everything, and here is my final opinion. This eccentric did not know either Russian literacy or the spirit of the Russian language (that is why he is lower than Lomonosov). He had no idea about the style, or harmony - not even about the rules of versification. That is why he should infuriate every discerning ear. He not only cannot stand the ode, but also cannot stand the stanzas ... What is in him? Thoughts, pictures and movements are truly poetic; reading it, one seems to be reading a bad free translation from some marvelous original. By God, his genius thought in Tatar, and he did not know Russian letters due to lack of time. Derzhavin, translated over time, will amaze Europe, and out of national pride we will not say everything that we know about him (not to mention his ministry) ... His genius can be compared with the genius of Suvorov ... "

Answer in writing to questions 1,5,7 p.103

definition "Sentimentalism" p.84

individual messages Karamzin - historian "History of the Russian State", publicist "Letters of a Russian Traveler", writer

Lesson 14

N.M. Karamzin is a writer and historian. The concept of sentimentalism

N.M. Karamzin (1766-1826)

The goal is to study the biographies of Karamzin, evaluate his talent, study the concept of "sentimentalism"

Whatever you turn to in our literature is the beginning of everything

It is necessary for Karamzin: journalism, criticism, story-novel,

Tale of historical, publicism, the study of history

V.G. Belinsky

Karamzin is our first historian and last chronicler

A.S. Pushkin

1 Conversation on remote sensing

A) Biography

Born December 1, 1766 in the family of a Simbirsk nobleman. Studied at home, then at the boarding school in Simbirsk, then at the boarding house of a professor at the Moscow University of Shaden

Since 1783 - military service, retirement

Meeting with Ivan Turgenev, who brings him to Moscow

Circle of N.I. Novikov, edited the children's magazine "Children's Reading for the Mind and Heart"

Aesthetic views are formed under the influence of 2 systems: freemasonry and enlightenment

1803 - begins a multi-volume study on the history of Russia, death interrupted work on volume 12, which outlined the events of the Time of Troubles (the story reached 1611)

B) The creative path began with translations. Then his own works appeared in the style of sentimentalism - "The Russian True Tale: Eugene and Julia", "Poor Lisa", "Natalia, Boyar's Daughter", "Marfa the Posadnitsa"

Karamzin as a philologist, according to V.V. Vinogradov, managed to “form a single language accessible to a wide readership “for books and for society” in order to “write as they say and speak as they write”. Karamzin transformed, brought together the literary and colloquial language. It was he who introduced the words into the Russian language: public and generally useful

2 Listening and discussing individual messages

3 DZ conversation with teacher's comments

B) sentimentalism from eng. Sentimental - sensitive; feeling becomes the central aesthetic category of this trend. In this respect, the feeling of the sentimentalists is opposed to the reason of the classicists.

main idea – peaceful, idyllic human life in the bosom of nature

The village (the focus of natural life, moral purity) is opposed to the city (a symbol of evil, vanity)

New heroes "villagers and villagers"

The landscape is idyllic, sentimental

Representatives of sentimentalism Lawrence Stern "Sentimental Journey", Richardson "Clarissa Harlow", J.-J. Rousseau "Julia, or New Eloise"

Appeared in Russia in the 60-70s. 18th century (M.N. Muravyov, N.M. Karamzin, V.V. Kapnist, N.A. Lvov, young V.A. Zhukovsky)

The main theme is love

Main genres - sentimental story, journey, epistolary genre, in lyrics - idyll, or pastoral

Ideological basis - protest against the corruption of aristocratic society

Main property - the desire to represent the human personality in the movements of the soul, thoughts, feelings, aspirations

Aesthetics is based on imitation of nature, idealization of patriarchal life, pastoral moods


a) departure from the straightforwardness of classicism in the depiction of characters and their assessment

b) emphasized subjectivity of the approach to the world

c) the cult of nature, feelings, innate moral purity and integrity

d) approves the rich inner world of representatives of the lower classes

Features of Russian sentimentalism

Strong didactic focus

Pronounced enlightening character

Active improvement of the literary language through the introduction of colloquial forms into it

4 Debriefing

The work of Karamzin played an outstanding role in the history of Russian literature. A.P. Pushkin, who from an early age appreciated and distinguished from all other writers, said: "The pure, high glory of Karamzin belongs to Russia ...".

How do you understand these words?

Orally answer all questions. by number 2 p.103,

In writing: - describe the image of Lisa and Erast,

How are the features of sentimentalism manifested in the story?

(explaining DZ, open page 103 and show to students)

Lesson 15

Affirmation of universal values ​​in N.M. Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa"

The goal is to analyze the story as a work of sentimentalism

1 Repetition and generalization of material

2 Analysis of the story

Target stories - an image of the rich spiritual world of a Russian peasant woman and the destructiveness of the power of money

The symbolism of the name - sympathetic attitude towards Lisa Narrator, an indication of the socio-economic aspect of solving the problem (Lisa is poor) and moral and philosophical (the hero is an unfortunate person)

The title contains conflict - love (the history of the relationship between Lisa and Erast, the tragic death of Lisa) is the leading one, the social beginning of the conflict (the love of a nobleman and a peasant woman) associated with class prejudices and economic circumstances (the ruin of Erast and the need to marry a rich bride)

How does Karamzin show the development of feelings between Lisa and Erast?

What was the feeling that flared up for Lisa and for Erast, who had time to taste the “social amusements”?

When and why did Erast's attitude towards Lisa change?

- Features of sentimentalism

A) poetization of feelings, changeable and contradictory

B) close attention to the intimate world of a private person

C) the specifics of creating an image - a psychological portrait, a detail, a gesture, a speech characteristic of the characters, a characteristic of the Narrator and other heroes

D) Macrostructure

Introduction on behalf of the Narrator with a description of Moscow, Danilov and Simonov monasteries

The main part tells the story of Lisa

Conclusion, where the Narrator tells about the tragic fate of the rest of the heroes of the work

D) conversational household speech educated part of the nobility

Features of pre-romanticism

A) crime story and tragic ending

B) the internal discord of the heroes - the inconsistency of the ideal with reality (dreams of being a wife and mother, forced to put up with the role of a mistress), Erast's love not only does not injure his soul, but, on the contrary, destroys the world of his illusions

C) psychologism of images

3 Characteristic images (conversation on remote sensing)

Image system -images of Lisa and Erast, supplemented by the characters of their environment (the widow, Erast's friends, the valet, Liza's mother, the shepherd boy, Anyuta).

Refers to the poetics of the "speaking name" - Lisa (meek, quiet) surpasses Erast in the talent to love, Erast (loving).

In addition, the name Lisa is associated with a love theme in comedy-vaudeville works, in which the heroine is frivolous and far from innocence and naivety.

- “And peasant women know how to love”

What do we see the heroine in the parental home?

What epithets does Karamzin give her?

What does the reader learn about Erast before meeting Lisa?

The image of the Narrator, learns the story from Erast

An image of Nature, Nature empathizes with Lisa's grief. It is both the scene of action (river bank, pond, grove) and the emotional background of the work. Only Lisa and the Narrator have the right to communicate with the natural world. Erast is far from understanding the language of nature, he is a “civilized” person, Lisa is “natural”

4 DZ Preparation for the final test on the section "Russian literature of the XVIII century"

Ticket 1. General characteristics and periodization.

18th century is a turning point. There was a change in relation to the human personality. At the turn of the 17th-18th centuries there was a change in cultural landmarks and sources of influence. Ch. cult. Western Europe has become a reference point, but Europeanization is a conditional term. The process of Europeanization began in the middle of the 17th century, the key event was cultural reforms. In the 17th century Kyiv elders arrived in Moscow, the first Russian Westernizers. Having carried out the reform of books, thanks to them, poetry and dramaturgy appeared in Russia. All R. On the 17th century, by Polish order, translations of European novels began in Moscow. Europeanization began with St. Polish Fr. German liters.

The process of sanctification Zap-Heb. cult. M / b is called transplantation (Likhachev). The development of Western culture was more painful than Byzantine. Russian cult. forgot per. apprenticeship. Most of the 18th century went to apprenticeship.1 transpl. It happened evenly and purposefully. In Peter. The era of transpl. is spontaneous, therefore, the pr-I beg. 18 in - chaotic. Hebrew set. Pr-th. Eurolpeiz. was denied. Visa. Cult. I didn't want to give up my position. At 18 in the national brine passed. Liters. Other Russian lit. Did not die with Russia. Chit other Russian texts were dem. Bottoms. There was a secularization of the Russian cult. It was expressed in the change of genre systems. Came a verse of satire, odes, drama genres, comedies, tragedies, elegies, idylls. In the 18th century, the poet and drama genres dominate. In the 18th century, an idea of ​​the very nature of TV-va, about the author's relation to literary work. Individualization of auto consciousness. The professionalization of writers is gradually taking place, mass literature appears. Russian literature is developing rapidly, what the Hebrew literature survived in 250 years, Rus Lit - in 100 years. The 18th century AD. Lit of the Russian Renaissance.

Stage 1 90s 17th -20s 18th century Peter's era. Continuation of other Russian baroque. The era of translation. Rus pr-th och little. 1) verse-poetry syllabic.

2) school drama. Writers Stepan Yavorsky, dm Rostovsky, Feofan Prokopovich, Andrey and Semyon Denisov.

Stage 2 30-50s of the 18th century The period of formation of Russian classicism. Change of genres.1) verse. Satire, 2) ode 3) class room 4) tragedy. going on

ref rus yaz, russ versification. Syllabic. Sist syllabo tonic. (ref Trediakovsky-LOMONOSOV). Kantemir. Trediac, Lomon, Sumarok

3 period 60-90 Catherine's era. The heyday of creative writers. Ek spent lib. Ref. The heyday of journalism begins: an essay, a journey. The leading direction is classicism, it will acquire a civil character, sentimentalism of the 1990s, pre-romanticism appears, prose returns to literature. Genre of short story and novel. This era is called the era of enlightenment. Fonvizin, Derzhavin, Karamzin, Radishchev. Krylov.

Ticket 2. Petrine era in Russian literature, the work of Rostov and Yavorsky.

This is the most non-literary era. The state was reformed, there was a suspension of lit. P1 was a man of action, not aesthetic pleasure, this is the era of the people and things. A fleet was created, reg. army, synod, St. Petersburg as an antipode to Moscow. 650 books were created, P1 required the book to be useful, these were in the main. textbooks, almost all translations. In 1722 a table of ranks was created. Stepan Yavorsky and DM Rostovsky were invited by Peter from Ukraine to promote reforms. Stefan - Ryazan Metropolitan, Rector of the SGL Academy, head of the Holy Synod. Syllabic verses and polemical works. Dmitry Rostovsky was appointed Metropolitan of Rostov

Both did not like the wild life of P and from time to time they tried to set him on the right path. This forced P to bring F Prokopovich closer to him.

Ticket 3. Baroque style in Russian literature, Disputes about the boundaries of Russian Baroque.

Baroque is a pan-European style, especially manifested in Spain, Italy, France, falls on the 16th century. This is a tragic style. The authors consider life tragic, this is walking through a maze, a person is lonely. Law of the pendulum. Intermediate place m / y revival and classicism. Baroque pearl of irregular shape, everything is based on disharmony. This is the most 1litar, for example, in Russia, the brightest. writer-Simeon of Polotsk. Russian baroque has the noun ex, this combination is incompatible.

Christ-in and language images

Comic and tragic

Natur-zm and fantasy

Poems and prose

United Arts

1 item pic w/w 2

Baroque art of allegory addressed to highly educated people. A very complex claim in terms of language. Main syllabic verse genres: sermon (church and solemn) and school drama.

Ticket 4. Russian theater, school drama.

The theater appeared in Russia in the 1770s, it was the theater of 1 spectator - the king, the court theater of Alexei Mikhailovich.

The plays were written by a German pastor on biblical themes, the performances ran for 8-10 hours. With n1, the theater develops, 3 types of theater:

1 public

2 courtier

3 school

A public theater was organized in 1702, German actors, a humiliation for Moscow, a theater on Red Square, 15 plays, closed in 1707, the repertoire was secular, and modern, and the Renaissance (Molière), and ancient history. The theater showed that human life can be an object of art. Court theater 1707-1717 It was created in Preobrazhensk. Several Russian plays were written:

Plays of secular content, sources - chivalric novels.

Lives of the saints, they were called either acts or comedies. The school theater existed at educational institutions. The plays were written by teachers of rhetoric and piitika. The actors were children. School theater performed educational functions. The plots were historical. The theater tried to develop intonation, diction. The very first school theater was the theater of the SGL Academy in 1702. Theaters in the provinces existed until the 19th century, the plays of the school theater are divided into 3 groups:

Plays of religious content - MORALITE, the plot was the Bible and the lives of the saints.

Historical and panegyric content. Plots from historical events.

Dialogues and recitations.

The poetics of the school theater is purely baroque. We are talking about a turning point in the fate of the hero: From happiness to misfortune and vice versa.

Ticket 5. Manuscript stories 1/3 18th c.

At 18, 2 branches of literature developed separately:

1 High literature

2 Democratic Literature.

On dem. influenced zap-evr. fiction.

"The story of the Russian sailor Vasily Koriotsky", "the story of the brave cavalier Alexander." The author of these works is unknown, most likely they were created in a democratic environment. Researchers compare these stories with PLDR. Their common m / y:



Entertaining and applied character.

The main hero is said to be a person who is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his friends. They have even more history with Jewish novels, this is 1 attempt to create a Russian adventure novel. They are related to Jewish novels:


Battles for the lady of the heart

Travel by sea

"... about Vasily ..."

A bizarre interweaving of novelty and antiquity, written in other Russian language and has a student character.

“…. About Cavalier Alexander..»

The story is remarkable in 2 aspects: 1) this is 1 encyclopedia about love, because Dr Rus lit rejected love.

2) the story experienced baroque phenomena.

The wandering of the main hero

The structure and composition of the story.

Insert novels

A mixture of verse and prose

A mixture of church words and barbarisms, the effect of comedy.

Ticket 6. Old Believer literature 1/3 of the 18th century

The Old Believer literature arose in the middle of the 17th century in connection with the past schism. At 17, the leader of the st / obr movement was Archpriest Avvakum. 1658-1682 there was a Pustozero center. In 1682, the st / arr were burned, so the 1st stage of the st / arr ended.

Stage 1 - Vygoleksinsky monastery, it was founded in 1694 on the river Vyg. Founders: Daniil Vikulin, Andrey Denisov, the future abbot of the monastery. M lasted until 1856. In 18 VL the monastery was the center of st / abr of culture. The heyday came in 1/3 of the 18th century.

Singing school, foundry, icon painting.

VL st / arr went to a dispute with the authorities, P issued a decree that they pay a double capitation salary, and must work for prom. enterprises, they must also wear yellow collars. Famous writers: Andrei and Semyon Denisov, Ivan Denisov-historian. Essays are divided into 2 groups: - business nature (statutes).

literary works

Vygovtsy abandoned cultural confrontation, in high literature there were the same genres as in the Baroque, except for drama. "The Tale of the Siege of the Solovetsky Monastery" by Semyon Denisov in the 20s of the 18th century was also printed in the old printing houses. Pr0e m / b is called historical, because. describes the events of the 17th century.

The story is written in 2 genres: hagiography and historical story. Martyrius-hagiographic pr-e about the witnesses - martyrs, the cat accept a violent death at the hands of the Gentiles, confessing Christ. The author introduces a lot of realistic scenes, which was not there before. The baroque nature of the story is evidenced by a number of cross-cutting metaphors, the image of a grape garden-1 from the stable emblems of the baroque literature. The author uses the theme of metamorphosis: the garden dies, everything turns into the opposite. The image of Troy is a cross-cutting metaphor. Her death is mentioned at the very beginning of the story. Denisov is trying to compete with Homer in poetic skill. Other features of the Baroque: a combination of verse and prose. The author introduces new words, plays with the contrast of the past and the present.

Ticket 7. Creativity of Feofan Prokopovich.

Came from Ukraine in 1715, studied at the Kiev-Mogilev Academy, also studied in Poland. Became a court writer P1, in Lila Prokopovich, Russ Lit found a new type of writer-employee. After Peter's death, he was instructed to write a word for the burial. The word is a work of author's art, the author uses rhetorical questions, exclamations and appeals, compositionally the word consists of 3 parts:

1 lament for Peter

2 glorification of Peter

3 praise E1 to the widow. The combination of praise and lamentation is a feature of the baroque, in part 2 F use the poetics of reflection, called P-Japheth and Moses (biblical characters), Solomon. Plays with the contrast of the past and present, leads to the etymologization of the name. Peter the stone. The language is very high, replete with church words, rhetorical figures. (chiasmus)

"Spiritual regulation"20 years.

"The New Charter on Monks".

Nesk ist pr-th.

"Sermon for the burial of Peter".

"Vladimir". The play was staged at the Kiev-Monilev Academy. It belongs to panegyric plays. Old Testament teacher. The cat takes you to school. The New Testament is the true teacher of Christianity.

Ticket 8. Classicism. Sumarokov, Lomonosov.

Peter's successors had little interest in continuing the reforms. From 1725-1762 - the era of stagnation

This is the time of palace coups, the throne was replaced by E2, P3, Anna Ioannovna, John Antonovich, Elizabeth, Pyotr Fedorovich.

Under Elizabeth, Moscow State University was founded in 1755; Theater, its director was Sumarokov. In 1757, the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, 30-50, a new lit direction, classicism in literature, was approved. Along with this genre came comedy, tragedy, ode, satire, genres characteristic of the literature of the 30s and 40s.

Classicism, a pan-European trend, originated in France in the 1 1/2 17th century. The ancestor was Malerbe odopisets. The change of genres occurred due to the change of cultural landmarks, the essence of Peter's reforms was laid in secularization, which brought its own shifts. The dominant theme was the relationship of man with the state and society.

Classicism is a literary glorification of the state and statehood. The dilemma of a person and the state is resolved in favor of the state, people must obey the laws of the state and be a patriot.

1) rational nature-mind

2) passionary nature is the element of human feelings and passions.

These 2 natures are opposite in essence. The main idea is to subordinate the element of passion to reason. Antiquity served as an image for the literature of classicism. Principles of anti-claim: 1) simplicity

2) symmetry

3) harmony

4) clarity

According to the classicists, beauty is something unchanging. It is based on ODA principles, which are comprehended in a rational way. Writer-scientist, comprehending beauty.

Poet and scientist

Poet and craftsman

poetic blacksmith

Comparison of the poet's TV with other works.

An important feature of the class-tv personality was not given its original significance.

For example, in a dispute between Trediakovsky and Lomonosov, the main thing is not the personality of the poet, but the poetic meter.


St. Lomonosov about the benefits of church books in Russian. Installed 4 levels


lexical level-speech

Style-combination of sayings

3) genre-ode, comelia, etc.

4) object-matter (what it is about).


The words c / sl lang, the cat came into use, god, hand

The words c / sl yayaz, reproduced as archaisms, but also known to everyone, planted, Lord.

The words rus yaz, kot are not in the liturgical books, so far, only

Lomonosov distinguishes 3 pins: - high


High arr by sayings 1 and 2 gr, medium-1,2,3 gr

Low-by combining 1 and 3g Each group has its own system of genres. To the high - heroic, solemn, commendable, philosophical, Genres:

heroic poem

Oda, a sermon.

To the middle rel: tenderness, condemnation, ridicule, history and teaching.

Poetic satire

Elegy and eclogue

Textbooks, - ist op.

Low Rel comic, entertainment, everyday, Genres:


Amuse the epigram

Song, friend. letters.

Tragedy occupies an intermediate position between the high and medium styles, there is also the heroic, but there is also tenderness. Any work must have moral value, the genre should be. clean, should not allow the penetration of other genres, i.e. their mixtures.

Ticket 9. Satires of Cantemir.

The creative heritage of Cantemir is small, he was mainly engaged in translations of satires by French writer Boileau. He also created a Russian / French dictionary, indexes to the psalter, an unfinished "Petriad", in total he wrote 9 satires.

He wrote 5 satires in London, and 4 in Russia, they were published in Russian in 1762 at E 2.

Published by Ivan Barkov. In the literature of the Hebrews, the class of satire came from anti-tradition. Juvenal, Horace, at Euro-Boileau.

Satire on Concrete pamphlet face

A satire on vices is written in concrete vice, condemning stupidity and stinginess, most often the characters were endowed with Greek names.

Satire is written in def. type with many hints. The subject of claims-va classicism yavl. not dependent., satire should heal society. Later satires were written mainly on a common vice. Poetic satire was built from a chain of monologues neg. heroes. The author evaluates the characters directly in the text, sometimes the satire is built as a dialogue of m / y gender and neg. hero. Of greatest interest are 1, 2 and 9 satires. 8 not saved in manuscripts. The choice of satire verse was dictated by those obst. in which the writer lived Reforms P wanted to revise, Cantemir tried to defend the transformation of Peter. 1 2 9 are devoted to the facts of Russian reality. 1 was written in 1729. Cantemir uses the method of self-exposing the hero, not actually direct speech, into which the words of the author are inserted., Cantemir also introduces the method of objectification of the hero.

Real fame came to Cantemir after death,

Cantemir 1 writer who completed the syllabic tradition.

Ticket 10. Creativity Trediakovsky.1703-1769.

In Russian literature 18 one of the brightest personalities, he is often called a Russian nugget, his fate is extraordinary, he rose from the very bottom, was born in the family of a priest in Astrakhan, showed interest in other cultures. He studied in Moscow at the SGL Academy. Then the teacher in Holland, from where he walked to Paris. Uch. at the Sorbonne University. T was a polyglot. He returned to Moscow in 1730. “Riding to the island of love - 1 love story, cat. made an impression on the Russians. public. Opinions were divided: condemned, praised. Anna Ioannovna brought T closer to her in the 30s of 18. T was a famous poet at court. In 1740 he wrote and read poems for a wedding in an ice house. After the death of T, his celebrity decreased, he died in poverty and obscurity. T was ok. int. people, a secret oppositionist and a freethinker. He was considered an atheist." a solemn ode on the surrender of the city of Gdansk "- 1 of his pr-e in Russian. T was a theorist and reformer, he tried to reform versification. His later pr-i-steps back, tk. he uses st / sl-zma. He was a prolific writer. Translations: ride to the island of love, telemachid, and many others.

In poetry, two things should be noted: matter and deed, cat. prompted the poet to write.

Longitude and cr. syllables in Russian lang. ex. from Greek, tam-tonic. Theroic Russian verse consists of 13 syllables and 6 stops. 1 chorea, or most of it, is bad, the cat consists of iambs, the middle one, the cat consists of some pyrrhic and spondei. The new verse was composed only of two-syllable feet. The heroic verse should be divided into 2 half-lines 1-7, 2-6 syllables. A heroic verse should not transfer an unfinished thought to another part. - A hexameter can have neither more nor less than 13 syllables.

The property of our poems is that they always require an emphasis on rhyme.

The poetry of our people has led to all this.

Almost all names are French.

Ticket 11. Creativity Lomonosov.

The role of Lomonosov in history is connected with the reform of the Russian language. Theory 3 calms. The Lomonosov language was written before Karamzin's reform. Lomonosov-Peter the Great in Literature (Belinsky). True geniuses 3: Lomonosov, Pushkin, partly Gogol. (Dostoevsky).

Pushkin also spoke very warmly about Lomonosov. At the age of 20, he went on foot to Moscow. At home he received a good education by those standards. L called the gates of learning 3 books: Arithmetic of Magnitsky, Grammar of Smotrytsky, Psalter from Polotsky. L entered the SGL academy. In 1731 he was sent to Germany, Malburg. In 1740 he returned to Russia. Lit Lomonosov-Russian revival., He wrote in different genres. In particular, continued tr satyr Cantemir.

"Hymn to the beard" of 1750, Russian ignorance is denounced. Heroic poem about P1, drama "Tamira and Selim". The main genre of TV-wa-inscriptions., L was a court poet at the court of E2 and d.b. write inscriptions for palace festivities.

L is the largest ode writer in Russia, 1 ode 1739 was written in Germany, the last one in 1763 was dedicated to Anna I.

An ode is a genre of ancient literature. Horace, Pindar - wrote mainly solemn odes., in Europe Malerbe, Gunther.

European classicism narrowed the genre framework of the ode. 2 diff:

Solemn, praiseworthy - a purely secular genre, where a person or event is glorified.

Philosophical (spiritual) -pr-e Christian lyrics. The faces of sacred biblical history are glorified.

Lomonosov wrote 20 commendable odes, 11 spiritual ones.

Praiseworthy6 on the day of the ascension, on the capture of Khotin.

PAREMIA style. 2 traditions:

Old Russian eloquence (sloao) - appeals

East flashback

wide spaces

Comparison of man with the universe.

The tradition of European and Russian baroque. Disputes about the belonging of L to any style. There is a poetic disorder that is not characteristic of a classicist.

Associative links m / y with individual images = baroque tradition. For Lomonosov, it was important to connect the incompatible.

L made science a poetic subject.

transcription of the psalms.

Ticket 12. The genre of tragedy in Russian classicism.

Tragedy as a genre was formed in the literature of other Greece. According to Aristotle's definition, a tragic hero is a person with a contradictory character, in which the general moral dignity is combined with a tragic mistake, or guilt. He evokes sympathy from the viewer, and his guilt will cause his tragic death at the end. As a rule, he is an archaist, connected with the idea of ​​the past, this also leads him to death, because. the past is doomed not care. The source of the contradiction that forms the conflict of the tragedy lies in the character of the hero, in his mistake, forcing him to break the laws. The second side of the conflict in the tragedy is fate, the moral law. thus, in tragedy, the individual truth of the individual and the truth of the personal force collide, which cannot exist simultaneously, otherwise the tragedy would not evoke compassion. In total, Sumarokov wrote 9 tragedies. Signs of classicism: 5 acts, unity of time, place and action. Creation of a new genre model - typology of plot composition 7 are written on the theme of Russian history. But the Russian plot is only an external sign of the national originality of the genre model of Sum tragedy. Most of all, it was expressed in the features of the poetics and structure of the genre, clearly oriented towards the Russian literary tradition. All tragedies C are poetic and written in high meter - Alexandrian verse (6-st iambic with a paired rhyme). This is following the French class scheme.

Tragedy "Khorev". 1747 The conflict situation showed a trend towards a bifurcation of the levels of conflict. Khorev - a sense of duty and love conflict. Osnelda too: love, or obey your father. The cue is to do good to the subjects, or to rule (with the Otalverkh conspiracy). All 3 characters are on the verge of choice, but for each the choice is imaginary. It consists only of pov, kind of layer. As a result, ch becomes an ideal conflict. With the overall tragic sound of the finale, the action clearly gravitates toward a comedic development scheme. Instead of 1 complex hero, there is a moral antagonism. The concept of power becomes the main tragic hero.

In the tragedy Dm the Pretender in 1770, the signs of the genre of early Russian tragedy found their ultimate embodiment. The tyrant needs Sum to turn the tragedy into an ideological dispute about the nature of power. h of duty. The heroes of the protagonists openly oppose themselves to the antagonist Dm. Instead of a man, Sumy has power, a cat analyzes himself.

Ticket 13. The era of enlightenment in Russian lit.

1760-1790 the number of writers increased. The dem lit was born, the cat was created by philistines, soldiers and other commoners, this is not shameful now. Writes even E2. Journalism begins to develop, satirical magazines appear. Reading becomes a common activity. Lit 60-90 years, motley in their directions, classicism, dramaturgy, acute civil classicism, is being formed, a new lit. sentimentalism is being approved .. At this time, bookselling, bookstores, shops. The reason for the rise was the activity of E2 itself, it was the 2nd ref after P1, the successor of its activity. The number of its reforms is also great, but they are not so well known. Klyuchevsky: P made a roar of morals, and E - a roar of minds. E was interested in the East. In 1767, along with the beginning of reforms, Russian liberalism was born. She assembled a commission on the composition of the new code and wanted the people to come up with their own laws. -1 Russian experience of parliamentarism. E2 wrote the "instruction"-principles for the development of laws. Ye called for a reduction in autocracy, for the creation of bodies to control the emperor's activities. E2 believed that the people only needed to show the way, but she was wrong.

E2 corresponded with FR enlighteners Voltaire and Rousseau, Montesquieu was the main source of the “mandate”

About spiritual laws. She spoke about the dangers of autocracy, the need for freedom of speech, the principle of religious tolerance, forbade enlighteners to be called slaves, wanted to abolish serfdom, but the environment was against it.

The consequences were twofold:

A huge enthusiasm of some nobles, a general opinion began to take shape in Russia, freedom of speech appears, reforms contributed to the development of literature.

Ref led to mass unrest, the peasant war became the epicenter.

1762 - decree on the freedom of the nobility.

Russian Voliterianism was born in the noble environment, it was expressed in atheism - the rejection of everything national.

Gallomania - admiration for everything foreign.

E2 was afraid of the peasant war, and most of all of the revolution, and towards the end of her reign, her policy became tougher.

Ticket. 13 Comedy genre in Russian class.

Comedy as a genre of forms in other groups, like tragicomedy, has a common set of structural features. It is the antonym of tragedy. In comedy, the hero has a contradictory character, breaking down into simple components. In the center of the plot, as a rule, there are 2 heroes: the protagonist, the embodiment of virtue, and the antagonist. - vice and evil. Kom is the hero-protagonist, an innovator, he is connected with the future and ahead of his time. This is obst. motivation for victory, because the future is sure to come. The source of the conflict is the opposition of characters. it stems from the morals and social conventions of people, but is more mundane. In solving the confl, the games of chance and acquisition play a large role. The comedy did not have much success with Sumarokov. Researchers vyd 2 water class com: - light, - high (social).

Sumarokov wrote light lumps in haste. The purpose is to correct the temper with a mockery. Com not entertainment, she d.b. instructive. mockery of passions. The characters have gov names. Crazy flaws properties of people at all times, com. unhistorical. Special - pamphlet. With clearly a decree on the modern (Thread). Sumarokov wrote 12 comedies, he wrote comedies for 30 years, from 50-70s the genre model of comedy underwent an ism: 50 gravitate towards pamphlet, 60 - the category of intrigue and character is being developed. 70s-comedies arr. genre signs of morals. In relation to tragedy, his comedy emerged as a junior genre. Sumarokov created his own comedies not in order to create an example of a new genre, but to ridicule the enemy.

"Tristosinus" is a light comedy modeled on the Molières. It does not reflect Russian action.

Ticket 16. Novikov's satirical magazines.

E2 itself was the initiator of the creation. magazine satire. In 1769, she began to publish the magazine "Vskhodyaschina". Novikov-1 is one of the loudest names of the Ek era. 69-74 he published 4 magazines: "Drone", "Painter", "Purse", "Riddle".

"Truten" 69-70g Weekly magazine shooting gallery 1000 copies. "Painter"72-73

Trutnya published pr-I in the genre of letters sent by readers. The vices of the yard society-va. Researchers have a problem of authorship. All published under pseudonyms. Moral descriptive essays, letters from their readers, travels, a sataric lexicon. Moral descriptive essays: allegorical characters are carriers of a / l vice. Traditions of Kantemirovskaya satire.

An excerpt from the journey to *** was published in The Painter in 72, possibly by Radishchev. Bright anti-serfdom pr-e, op. from the face of a nobleman. "Letters to Falatey" 4 letters, m / w to the pen of Fonvizin. 1 of the Persian mother Falateya very much reminds Mr. Prostakov.

We learn how the provincial nobles spent their time.

DISCUSSION: E2 and H defended their opinions in magazines. Subject: what is and what should be satire.

"Letter of Afinogen Perochin". Most people's flaws are weaknesses, not vices. Indulgence and Humanism. It is necessary not to denounce weakness, but to oppose them with virtue. .Position E2.

Novikov's position in Drone's "Letter of truth-seekers". It is impossible to distinguish between weaknesses and vices. Satire should be sharp and accusatory. Conflict. E2 was obviously losing to N. She closed her magazine and everything else too. At the end of the 70s, in the worldview of n. shifts occurred: he became disillusioned with satire. Not exposure, but the treatment of vices. But how?

N begins to get involved in Freemasonry, he became one of the leaders of Moscow Freemasons, worked in Moscow Universities and was the director of a printing house, publishes a lot of spiritual literature, and is engaged in active educational work.

Ticket 19. Comic opera. 70-80s The playwright Lukin introduces the notion of “inclination to Russian manners” into literature.

He believed that no one would write a better comedy, so you need to imitate, but by imitating, incline everything to Russian customs. He reproached Sum,

That in comedies there is not a single Russian name. The genre of comic opera belongs to low genres. In comp op, the action usually takes place in the bosom of nature, in the village, and all the actions are peasants. Prose monologues op. with arias of heroes. For example, Ablesimov "Melnik the sorcerer ...". The style is low, there are a lot of vernacular. Among the crosses in Knyazhnin's opera, there are also landowners - the Firyulina spouses, who despise Russian customs and yearn for Paris and everything French.

Ticket 20. Political tragedy.

1786 E2 wrote the drama "From the Life of Rurik". She turned to the annalistic plot, describing the rebellion of Vadim against Rurik. She gave all her sympathy to Rurik.

Knyaznin rethought this plot and entered into a debate with E2, shifted the focus.

Knyazhnin raises acute political issues. Rurik is not shown here as a tyrant, the author reflects on what system of government suits the Russian people, agrees with E2 that this is autocracy, the people are not free, they choose the world, but become a slave.

Knyazhnin did not give preference to either P or B, these are = values. At the end of sympathy on side B, because he died.

The play reflects tyrannical motives. The actors are real and imaginary persons. Knyazhnin in the polemic with E2 sees the saving role of the autocracy in the face of Rurik.

In his tragedy, Knyazhnin develops the image of a consistent fighter against autocracy, a supporter of republican rule. In the tragedy, Knyazhnin refuses the reconciliation proposed by Rurik and prefers to part with his life rather than live as his slave. Rethinking the image of Vadim, naming the tragedy after the fighter against autocracy, raising the question of the tyrannical essence of monarchical power, all this had a significant impact on the formation of a progressive worldview in Russia end of the 18th century.

Ticket 21. Democratic prose.

The fate of fiction in the 18th century is unenviable, it tries on the periphery of lit. Literature d.b. useful, and novels, apart from inciting passions and damaging morals, bring nothing. At 2 ½ 18 the situation changes, this is the era of prose. This litera is a book market. The book market is taking shape, printing houses and entrepreneurship have appeared. Har-ny int to nat ist. Fiction arr to prose genre known from other Russian literature. Writers: Chulkov, Levshin, Popov, Novikov, Kurganov, Emmin. Aesthetic heritage is available for the plot and style. The plot is entertaining and twisty, it has many plot lines, rich color language, folk expressions. East - wandering plots, other Russian story, folk tale and epics, Arabic folk, Middle prose.

4 genres: - Lit an anecdote, - A picaresque novel, - Magical heroic story, social life story (satire story).

Ticket 22. Social comedy in literature.

The political struggle against the autocrats also manifested itself in comedy. At the beginning of the 1780s, there were a number of works of this genre that sharply criticized the sides of the Ek regime, and sometimes the entire regime as a whole. There is a lot of criticism about the Undergrowth: A vivid image of vice is recognized as more inferior than a pale virtue. From this follow doubts about the ability of F to build a drama action. In this approach of the writer - the fundamental basis of the poetics of the great comedy, it no longer coincides with the pure theory of drama (extra characters, scenes, intermittent action without unity). Solvl has 2 functions: - description of the world of physical flesh. - oratory.

Ticket 23. This genre was represented in the work of 3 writers: Chulkov sb "mockingbird" in 4t 1766-68 Collection of stories "the story of Siloslav". Popov Sat "Slavensk Antiquities" 3h end of the 70s. "Ancient curiosities". -Levshin "Russian fairy tales". 10 hours 80s. This genre was created under the influence of 2 tr.

This is an attempt to combine the Russian epic and the Jewish ryts of the novel. The heroes were given the features of Europ knights. It was these authors who were the first Russian folklorists. Chulkov collected famous myths: "ABVGA" of Russian superstitions. They also collected nar songs, the birth of folk. The main action of the person is Russian heroes. Events take place in battles with monsters, the liberation of the beauty. Russian epics were primarily building a mat. Dobrynya was portrayed as a noble, brave and unmarried man, which contradicted Russian epics. These fairy-god stories are an innovative reference to Russian history. Epics - historical pr-I, a combination of history with fables. These stories have undergone the influence of Eastern fairy tales.

Ticket 22. A picaresque novel.

This genre of Europ lit 17 was especially brightly presented in Spain. this is a novel about the adventures of a rogue, and / or his servant PICARO. Such a novel allowed touching on social problems.

Charming rogue, chit to sympathize with him. P.R. is a genre of humanistic literature. The author tries to justify him, but he is not free to his fate. The first experience of the rogue novel after "The Tale of Frol Skobeev." Chulkov "The Adventures of a Depraved Woman", Komarov "The Adventures of Vanka Cain". The interest in the picaresque novel is not accidental. The discovery of the private individual, the very epoch of the 18th century contributed to this interest. "Poh cook." This novel is interesting for the character of the heroine, he has drawn a sinner, makes her guilty without guilt. H was able to show the fate of the hero, due to the external situation - you. "The Adventures of Vanka Cain". 1775, 1779 published and published, the novel even entered the manuscript tradition. It's called a crime novel. VK is a real person. He lived during the time of Eliz Petrovna. He was arrested and sent to prison. our name is Ivan Osipov, he wrote an autobiographical story. Matvey Komarov decided to edit it stylistically, he was personally acquainted with Osipov, he served in the detective parish and participated in interrogations. Compositionally, the novel is divided into 3 parts: - About different adventures. - A change in fate, he becomes a detective. - Lyrical songs (either about Cain himself, or an entry into the repertoire of Cain's gang). The very arr of Cain is folklore, a clever thief, for K. theft is primarily an art. His interest is the very spirit of adventure. The novel is a whole kaleidoscope of small stories. The author changed the form of the narration, writes about K. in the 3rd person, the sympathy of the author is felt in this.

Ticket 24. Social household, or sat story.

Its value is very large in Russian lit. They are close to the realistic masterpiece of Russian classics. Action heroes are simple lyuli. These stories are satirical and accusatory: - Bribery

Embezzlement, - Slavery.

Such stories are reminiscent of Novikov's satire journal. These are thrillingly entertaining works, they are close to a picaresque novel, but here the rogue person is clearly condemned. These stories were written by the same authors. Chapter 3 of the work: Chulkov "Mockingbird" - Precious pike

Gingerbread coin - A bitter fate.

Levshin 1: "Annoying Awakening"

In these stories, wandering plots are used.

SIGNIFICANCE: Fiction 60 x g contributes to overcoming the classicist direction. Russian fiction testifies to the democratization of Russian literature, which is heavily influenced by folklore. The works are written in a simple accessible language, this is a humanistic literature, the image of a little man.

Ticket 27. A playful poem.

It is characterized by: occupied by the plot, - sharp intrigue, - democracy (the heroes are a coachman, or a soldier), - folklorism. Ironic comic poem. - the main type of humorous poem. there are 2 traditions here: - high (heroic), low. When they are combined, a comic effect is born. Reception with a cat is high, the plot is described in low language called burlesque. The genre of the ironic comic poem is the genre of the lit. In Rus lit. 18 this genre in 2 varieties was legalized by Skmarokov.

Ivan Barkov - the publisher of the satires of Cantemir, composed erotic poems, many imitated him. Maikov: Elisha, or an irritated Bacchus. 1771, Bogdanovich "Darling". 1783 The Aeneid also served as a model for Maikov (a poem, for example, in the 17th century, many wrote parodies on the cat.).

He combines motives and Russian way of life remind him of a rogue novel. There are 2 plans in this poem: ant gods and russ life. Folikl motifs: public house as a monastery. The author was the writer of the Russian bottom Och bright yavl arr soothsayers, M. parodies Ridon, hinting at E2 a depraved German woman.

Ticket 28. The work of Bogdanovich "Darling".

1778-1 var It was a fairy tale in verse "Dushenka's Adventures", D = dr story in free verse., Spanish old story about the love of Cupid and Psyche according to the new "Metamorphoses of Apuleius" by La Fontaine, "Love of Psyche and Cupid" - Russian version. Russification of another plot and "D".

When writing, it was not about introducing the chit to a new plot, but rather about a creative competition in interpreting the plot. "D" is not a parody of the heroic epic. The first sign of the rejection of the burlesque tradition was the original meter, which does not belong to any genre. Burlesque in Bogdanovich's poem is predicted by the name he gave to his heroine. In Apuleius and Lafontaine, she is called Psyche, 1 Russian translator Laf slightly Russified this name - PSISHA, but having called his Ger Dushenka, he designated thus. partial Russification of the plot. And only in this connection did the burlesque discrepancy of the narrative plans close. B felt the folk nature of the myth of the plot and tried to reproduce the plot in the genre of a Russian fairy tale.

Ticket 25. Creativity Derzhavin.

Derzhavin wrote in various poetic genres

Elegies, idylls, love lyrics, comedies, odes. In Russian Lit voschel under the name of an odographer. He was an innovative writer, made everyday life a poetic subject, and he poeticized it, presented it in the best traditions, paid much attention to boyar life. At Derzh, many bring a philosophical character. The theme of the frailty of earthly existence. He paid attention to gastronomic fuss, perfectly described the Russian feast. D is not accepted to any, for example, occupies an intermediate position. According to his views, D was never an oppositionist, he believed that there should not be a conflict between a poet and a state. Very repugnant to Voltairianism. He was just a Russian master and loved the chorus life. 1779 there was a turning point in his mind, before that he tortured Lomonosov, but then he realized that it was not his. From those heights, he tried to descend to the ground. He got to the genre of ode early, expanded its genre of gr-tsy, returned to the ant understanding of this genre. Combination of high and low, introduced the comic into the ode. D himself enriched the ode with a funny Russian style. Destroyed the border m / y torzh and spirit ode. Often combined torzh and spirit ode. The celebration of the ode: “Felitsa” 1782, “Thanks to Felitsa” 1783, “Keeping Murza” 1784, “Image of Felitsa” 1789.

Satirich El-t-Murza-sob is a hero. Derzh managed to convey the essence of the East era.

The spirit of the ode: "On the death of Prince Meshchersky." 1779, "To the rulers and judges." 1795, "God" "Waterfall" 1794. The spirit of the ode is an arrangement of the hymnal (metaphrasis). Derzh refuses this tradition. “To the rulers and judges” is really the spirit of an ode to the arrangement of the psalm, but in it D has departed from the spirit of meaning, this is a civil, accusatory. An anecdotal case with Vyazemsky.

Lit direction originated at the turn of 50-60s of the 18th century. The heyday falls on the 90s, and the sunset on the 10th anniversary of the 19th century 1812 is the upper limit of sentimentalism. In the Ek era, 2 directions coexisted. At this time, classicism was experiencing an era of its decline, and Saint-birth.

Many writers of the Yek era started out as classicists and ended up as Sept. There are some common features m / y these areas: they both come from the solution of 1 problem-in-e of man and state-va, people and civilization. They solve this problem in exactly the opposite way. From the point of view of the class, people have a rac and passionar beginning, passions are destructive, people must learn to subordinate passions to their own mind by familiarizing themselves with culture and science (odes of Lomonosov). From the point of view of sentimentalists, the natural nature of man is all that is good in him, good, handsome people. Civilization destroys in man all his natural beginning. The principle of returning to nature. Zapadov: sentimentalism-classism inside out. Paul is a Saint-Chel hero who is kind and sensitive, able to sympathize and have fun with others. These are simple people. Writers: Kheraskov, Emin, Karamzin, Dmitriev.

Reasons for the emergence of sentimentalism: - a strong influence of evr sentimentalism. 20-30g 18c.

Evre Sent writers began to actively translate and imitate. Goethe, Richardson, Jung, Stern, Rousseau.

The national soil in Russia was prepared by ref E2, a private person was formed, this idea inspired not only sentimentalists, but also dem prose writers. Keep picture E as a private person. Rusint's disappointment in the ideals that inspired Lomonosov played a big role. Now the ideals of Epicureanism. Or opposition Sentimentalism began to take shape actively under the influence of Masonic ideals (build a church within yourself). -Ode, only now it is a lyrical verse of different, chamber content. -dramatic genres (comic opera). -Epistolary novel, - genre of travel, story.

“Our literature suddenly appeared in the 18th century,” wrote Pushkin, knowing full well that its origins go back to ancient times. With the word "suddenly" Pushkin emphasized the special, unparalleled nature of the dynamic development of Russia at that time. 18th century - this is the era of the rapid formation of new Russian literature. For several decades, Russian literature has made up for its backlog from Western literature. The literary phenomena of this period are so compressed in time that elements of sentimentalism appear already in the era of classicism; new syllabo-tonic versification(see more about this below) coexists with archaic verses. Speaking about the literature of the 18th century, we often come across phenomena that, while not of interest from an aesthetic, artistic point of view, are of great importance from the point of view of the historical and literary process. Poems by V.K. Trediakovsky is almost impossible to read, but he is the creator of modern versification. And none other than Pushkin stood up for Trediakovsky when I.I. Lazhechnikov, in his historical novel The Ice House, brought out the poet of the 18th century. in the form of an insignificant jester: “His philological and grammatical researches are very remarkable. He had the most extensive ideas about Russian versification ... In general, the study of Trediakovsky is more useful than the study of our other writers.

Periodization of Russian literature of the 18th century. traditionally relies on the leading stylistic trends in the artistic culture of that time. In general, it can be presented in the form of the following table:

1. Literature of the time of Peter the Great

First quarter of the 18th century was marked by major transformations in the economic, political and cultural life of Russia. Peter's reforms marked the beginning of the process of Europeanization of Russia, and this process also captured the field of literary creativity. The literature of the new time resolutely emerged from under the influence of the church, assimilated the European concept of enlightened absolutism, having before its eyes the living example of Peter I. Peter I, in turn, sought to use literature for state needs, to promote new ideas. The especially instructive, openly didactic character of Russian literature of the Petrine era will be preserved throughout the entire 18th century. and acquires a new quality in the Russian classics of the 19th century.

However, Russian literature of the first quarter of the 18th century in terms of its artistic capabilities, it clearly lagged behind the needs of the time, from the scope of Peter's reforms. It is not for nothing that the Petrine era is often called the most “non-literary era” in Russian history. Literature 1700-1720s is a strange picture of a mixture of old and new, it as a whole is still of a transitional nature. In the time of Peter the Great, the old handwritten tradition of Old Russian literature continues to exist and develop - it remains on the periphery of the general literary process in Russia until the end of the 18th century, and some of its phenomena survive to this day (Old Believer estachological writings and journalism).

The secularization of culture entailed the liberation of artistic creativity; another thing is that the writer often did not know how to dispose of this freedom. Literature under Peter not only serves practical purposes, it also entertains, masters new, once forbidden topics for it. Old Russian literature almost did not know the love theme (with rare exceptions, love is interpreted as an obsession of the devil; only conjugal love was recognized). In the era of Peter the Great, love lyrics (the so-called "cantes") spread, in which folklore images from folk poetry peacefully coexisted with ancient mythological motifs. Secular story with an exciting adventure story. These stories were distributed in manuscripts, were anonymous and were built according to the type popular in the late 17th - early 18th centuries. translated short stories and adventure novels. However, the hero of these stories was a young man, typical of the Petrine era. Usually humble, but educated, energetic and enterprising, he achieved fame, wealth, recognition solely due to his personal merits. Such is the "Story of the Russian sailor Vasily Koriotsky and Princess Heraclius of the Florentine land." The style of this story is distinguished by amazing eclecticism - along with the traditional gallant vocabulary of translated chivalric novels - barbarism and clericalism, dating back to the business writing of Peter the Great, the language of the Vedomosti and Chimes newspapers, and even the language of translated textbooks on natural science and exact sciences. These stories most clearly revealed the Achilles' heel of Peter's culture as a whole: the lack of a literary language that could adequately convey those new concepts in the field of culture, philosophy, and politics that the era of Peter's transformations brought with it. The task of creating a new literary Russian language was bequeathed by the writers of the Petrine era to a new generation of writers.

In Petrine literature, the traditions of school drama continued to develop. Here the emergence of a school theater within the walls of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy played a big role. Religious plots in this dramatic genre were supplanted by secular ones, telling about political topical events, containing panegyrics to Peter I and his associates. In the future, the journalistic and panegyric nature of dramaturgy is further enhanced. The genre of school drama occupied a central place in the work of Feofan Prokopovich (1681-1736), a brilliant orator, publicist, playwright and poet. The tragicomedy "Vladimir" (1705) occupies a central place in his work. Depicting in this play the events connected with the adoption of Christianity in Rus' under Vladimir, Feofan allegorically glorified the transformations of Peter and satirically ridiculed his opponents. The tragicomedy "Vladimir" carried the features of the future classicist dramaturgy: the conflict between passion and reason, the unity of action and time, the clarity and clarity of the composition.

There is a clear boundary between the creations of the first and second halves of the 18th century, and works created at the beginning of the century are very different from subsequent ones.

Large literary forms were already developing in the West and preparations were underway for the creation of the genre of the novel, while Russian authors were still copying the lives of saints and praising rulers in clumsy, unwieldy poems. Genre diversity in Russian literature is poorly represented; it lags behind European literature by about a century.

Among the genres of Russian literature of the early 18th century, it is worth mentioning:

  • hagiographic literature(sources - church literature),
  • panegyric literature(texts of praise),
  • Russian poems(the origins are Russian epics, composed in tonic versification).

Vasily Trediakovsky, the first professional Russian philologist who was educated at home and consolidated his language and style skills at the Sorbonne, is considered a reformer of Russian literature.

Firstly, Trediakovsky forced his contemporaries to read, and his followers to write prose - he created a mass of translations of ancient Greek myths and European literature created on this classical basis, throwing a theme for future works to contemporary writers.

Secondly, Trediakovsky revolutionary separated poetry from prose, developed the basic rules of syllabo-tonic Russian versification, based on the experience of French literature.

Genres of literature of the second half of the 18th century:

  • Drama (comedy, tragedy),
  • Prose (sentimental journey, sentimental story, sentimental letters),
  • Poetic forms (heroic and epic poems, odes, a huge variety of small lyrical forms)

Russian poets and writers of the 18th century

Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin occupies a significant place in Russian literature along with D.I. Fonvizin and M.V. Lomonosov. Together with these titans of Russian literature, he is included in the brilliant galaxy of the founders of Russian classical literature of the Enlightenment era, dating back to the second half of the 18th century. At this time, largely due to the personal participation of Catherine II, science and art were rapidly developing in Russia. This is the time of the appearance of the first Russian universities, libraries, theaters, public museums and a relatively independent press, though very relative and for a short period, which ended with the advent of A.P. Radishchev. By this time, as Famusov Griboedova called it, "the age of the golden Catherine", the most fruitful period of the poet's activity belongs.

Selected Poems:

Fonvizin's play is a classic example of a comedy in compliance with the traditional rules for creating plays:

  • The trinity of time, place and action,
  • Primitive typification of heroes (classicism assumed the lack of psychologism and depth of character of the hero, so they were all divided into either good and bad, or smart and stupid)

The comedy was written and staged in 1782. The progressiveness of Denis Fonvizin as a playwright lies in the fact that in a classical play he combined several problems (the problem of family and upbringing, the problem of education, the problem of social inequality) and created more than one conflict (love conflict and socio-political). Fonvizin's humor is not light, serving solely for entertainment, but sharp, aimed at ridiculing vices. Thus, the author brought realistic features to the classical work.


Selected work:

Time of creation - 1790, genre - travel diary, typical for French sentimental travelers. But the journey turned out to be filled not with bright impressions of the voyage, but with gloomy, tragic colors, despair and horror.

Alexander Radishchev published Journey in his home printing house, and the censor, apparently having read the title of the book, mistook it for another sentimental diary and released it without reading it. The book had the effect of an exploding bomb: in the form of scattered memories, the author described the nightmarish reality and the life of the people he met at each station along the way from one capital to another. Poverty, filth, extreme poverty, mockery of the strong over the weak and hopelessness - these were the realities of the modern state for Radishchev. The author received a long-term exile, and the story was banned.

Radishchev's story is not typical for a purely sentimental work - instead of tears of tenderness and charming travel memories, so generously scattered by French and English sentimentalisms, an absolutely real and merciless life picture is drawn here.

Selected work:

The story "Poor Lisa" is an adapted European plot on Russian soil. Created in 1792, the story has become a model of sentimental literature. The author sang the cult of sensitivity and sensual human nature, put "inner monologues" into the mouths of the characters, revealing their thoughts. Psychologism, subtle portrayal of characters, great attention to the inner world of heroes - a typical manifestation of sentimental traits.

The innovation of Nikolai Karamzin was manifested in the original resolution of the heroine's love conflict - the Russian reading public, accustomed mainly to the happy ending of the stories, for the first time received a blow in the form of the main character's suicide. And in this meeting with the bitter truth of life turned out to be one of the main advantages of the story.

Selected work:

On the Threshold of the Golden Age of Russian Literature

Europe went from classicism to realism in 200 years, Russia had to hurry up with the development of this material in 50-70 years, constantly catching up and learning from someone else's example. While Europe was already reading realistic stories, Russia had to master classicism and sentimentalism in order to move on to creating romantic works.

The golden age of Russian literature is the time of the development of romanticism and realism. Russian writers prepared for the appearance of these stages at an accelerated pace, but the most important thing that was learned by the writers of the 18th century was the opportunity to assign to literature not only an entertaining function, but also an educational, critical, moral-forming one.

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